Amendment of The Corporate Charter
Amendment of The Corporate Charter
Amendment of The Corporate Charter
(b) In case of sale, lease, exchange, transfer, SEC. 136. Dissolution by Shortening
mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all or Corporate Term. – A voluntary dissolution may be
substantially all of the corporate property and effected by amending the articles of incorporation
assets as provided in this Code; to shorten the corporate term pursuant to the
provisions of this Code. A copy of the amended
(c) In case of merger or consolidation; and articles of incorporation shall be submitted to the
Commission in accordance with this Code.
(d) In case of investment of corporate funds for any
SPECIAL AMENDMENT: Shortening of the
purpose other than the primary purpose of the
corporate term with the effect of dissolution is a
special type of amendment covered and governed
by the special provisions of Sec. 36 of the Code.
Thus, while the general provision on amendment
under Sec. 15 allows ―written assent‖ in
determining the voting requirement for ordinary
amendments, sec. 36 mandates that the vote must
be cast at a duly constituted meeting.
2. Payment of Debt Obligations; That the petitioner made quite handsome profits is
3. To acquire additional assets such as clear from the records.
providing cars to employees to distribute
the goods; This court is convinced that the petitioner’s capital
*Nothing in law prohibits increase of capital stock reduction efforts were, to begin with, a subterfuge,
a deception as it were, to camouflage the fact that
REASONS FOR DECREASE: it had been making profits, and consequently, to
1. To reduce or wipe out existing deficit
justify the mass layoff in it employee ranks,
where no creditors would thereby by
affected; especially the union members. They were nothing
but a premature and plain distribution of corporate
2. When the capital is more than what is assets to obviate a just sharing to labor of the vast
necessary to procreate the business or profits obtained by its joint efforts with capital
reduction of capital surplus; through the years. Surely, we can neither
3. To write down the value of its fixed assets countenance nor condone this. It is an unfair labor
to reflect their present actual value in case
where there is a decline in the value of the
fixed assets of the corporation.
RCC Section 80 (formerly Section 81)- When the
TRUST FUND DOCTRINE: The subscriptions to Right of Appraisal May Be Exercised
capital stock of the corporation constitute a fund
which the creditors have a right to look up for the
satisfaction of their claims. Accordingly, if the 1. Investment of funds in another corporation
decrease would affect the rights of creditors, the or business or for any other purpose other
same would not be approved by the SEC. than its primary purpose as provided in
Sec. 41;
SCRA 355; June 30, 1987) – SEC. 41. Power to Invest Corporate
Funds in Another Corporation or
FACTS: The Madrigal Central Office Employees Business or for Any Other Purpose. –
Union sought for the renewal of its CBA, proposing Subject to the provisions of this Code, a
a P200 wage increase and an allowance of P100 a private corporation may invest its funds in
month. Petitioner company requested for the any other corporation, business, or for any
deferment of its negotiation. purpose other than the primary purpose
Meanwhile, the company effected two reductions of for which it was organized, when approved
its capital stock by issuing marketable securities by a majority of the board of directors or
owned by petitioner in exchange for shareholders’ trustees and ratified by the stockholders
shares. representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of
After the petitioner’s failure to sit down with the the outstanding capital stock, or by at
respondent union, the latter commenced a case least two thirds (2/3) of the members in
with the NLRC for unfair labor practice. In due time, the case of nonstock corporations, at a
petitioner filed its position paper, alleging operating meeting duly called for the purpose. Notice
losses. of the proposed investment and the time
The Labor Arbiter rendered a decision in favor of and place of the meeting shall be
respondent Union. addressed to each stockholder or member
at the place of residence as shown in the
ISSUE: WON the decrease in capital stock is valid books of the corporation and deposited to
and binding? the addressee in the post office with
postage prepaid, served personally, or
HELD: No. What clearly emerges from the recorded sent electronically in accordance with the
facts is that the petitioner, awash with profits from rules and regulations of the Commission
its business operations but confronted with the on the use of electronic data message,
demand of the union for wage increase, decided to when allowed by the bylaws or done with
evade its responsibility towards the employees by a the consent of the stockholders: Provided,
devised capital reduction. While the reduction in That any dissenting stockholder shall have
appraisal right as provided in this Code:
Provided, however, That where the
investment by the corporation is
reasonably necessary to accomplish its
primary purpose as stated in the articles of
incorporation, the approval of the
stockholders or members shall not be