Cymbopogon: Journal T Opharm o Ogy, 12 (1984) 274-286
Cymbopogon: Journal T Opharm o Ogy, 12 (1984) 274-286
Cymbopogon: Journal T Opharm o Ogy, 12 (1984) 274-286
Similar studies by Gynae (1976) and Chiori et al. (1977) have shown the
antibacterial property of the essential oil from the leaves of Cymbopogon
citrutus. However, all these reports gave no detailed study of the antibacte-
rial components of the oil. This study was therefore carried out as part of
a programme to establish the main components of the oil of Cymbopogon
citratus that exhibit antibacterial activity.
1 A BC
Fig. 1. Gas liquid chromatogram of lemon grass oil run on a Varian 3’700 gas ehromato-
graph, FID detector, glass column packed with 3% SE-30 on gas chrom Q.
The test bacterial strains were prepared as follows: a loopful of cells from
the stock culture was inoculated into 100 ml nutrient broth contained in
250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks incubated on an orbital shaker at 37°C for 18 h.
The culture obtained was centrifuged in a refrigerated centrifuge at
10,000 X g for 15 min. The resulting pellet was resuspended in sterile cool
distilled water for washing and repeated centrifugation twice. After the
final washings the cells were carefully dispersed in sufficient cold sterile
distilled water to produce a homogenous suspension. This was then adjusted
to contain the desired number of organisms per millilitre using a previously
calibrated nephelometer. The suspension of organisms were adjusted to
contain 1 X 10’ organisms/ml and 0.1 ml of that suspension was spread on
over-dried agar plates.
The separated fractions of the lemon grass oil were put on filter paper
discs (Whatman No. 1) of 6 mm diameter. Approximately 20 ~1 was suf-
ficient to saturate each disc, These were left to dry before they were placed
on the surface of the seeded plates. A standard disc of streptomycin 25 pg
was also placed on each of the seeded plates. In order to facilitate diffusion
the plates were left for about 1 h at 4°C before incubation at 37°C for 24 h.
The diameters of zones of inhibition were then measured.
These were repeated for three replicate plates of each of the tested organ-
isms. Since Agarwal et al. (1980) and Zamureenko et al. (1981) have reported
on some of the major constituents of the oil, it was considered necessary to
test the analytical grade of some known standard constituents of the oil for
antibacterial activity using the same agar diffusion technique. The studies
were also extended to incorporate some mixtures of citral and other con-
stituents in such proportions as were reported to be found in the oil. In this
set of tests the reference standard antibiotic used was ampicillin 10 yg.
The cells were prepared as earlier stated for the inoculum used in the agar-
diffusion studies. The washed suspension of each of the organisms (0.2 ml)
was transferred to Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 ml of nutrient broth.
The nephelometer readings were taken for all flasks before placing them in
a reciprocal shaker adjusted to about 120 throws/min at 37°C. The effects
of linalool, myrcene and citral as well as lemon grass oil and combinations
1 2 3 L 5 1 2 3 1 5
Time Ihoursi. Tlme;hours).
Fig. 2. Nephelometric studies of the effects of known constituents of lemon grass oil
on the growth of E. coli and I?. subtilis cells respectively, in nutrient broth. o-3,
control; 01, lemon grass oil 0.05% (v/v); a-, citral 0.05% (v/v); A----A myrcene
0.05% (v/v); n - n, linalool 0.05% (v/v); x-n, citral 0.05% + myrcene 0.0’5%
(v/v); A----5, citral 0.05% + linalool 0.05% (v/v).
of the named components were studied using growing cells of E. codi and
B. subtilis in nutrient broth. In order to correct for any turbidity effect of
the concentrations of these compounds, the turbidity effects of three con-
centrations of lemon grass oil and the compounds in nutrient broth using
the nephelometer were determined. The values obtained in these readings
were used to correct the values from the experimental flasks. After 1 h
of growing the cells in nutrient broth, the compounds were introduced and
readings were taken. Triplicate flasks were used for each of the compounds/
mixtures. Readings were corrected appropriately. These were repeated at
intervals up to 5 h of groivth. The mean corrected nephelometer readings
were then graphed as shown in Fig. 2 for each of the organisms,
E. coli 15 6 15 12 15
B. su btilis 32 6 40 20 32
Staph. aureus 32 11 30 17 25
a Incorporating 6 mm diameter of disc (mean of 6 readings).
The results also suggest that the antibacterial activity resides mainly in the
(Y-and (3-citralcomponents of the oil. Myrcene, which is also a major con-
stituent of the oil, did not show any observable activity on its own. A
number of compounds known to be components of lemon grass oil were
also tested for their antibacterial activity (Table 2). Other substances or
components of the oil that showed no antibacterial activity were hepte-
none, dipentene limonene (+ ) and limonene (-). At 100% purity linalool,
Concentration of compounds
Lemon grassoil 11 64 32 - 7 22 12 - ‘7 16 11 -
Citral 13 48 20 - 7 15 9 - 7 11 9 -
Citronella1 7 13 10 - 7 12 9 - - 8 7 -
Citronellol 7 13 11 - 7 7 7- - ---
Dipentene ____--------
Myrcene --------
Heptenone _ _ _ _ - - -- - - --
Geraniol 9 14 12 - 7 7 7 - - - - -
Linalool 12 9 9 - a 7 8 - 7 - 7 -
Ljmonene(+) --------- ---
Limonene (-)
Ampicillin 1O~g 20 10 46 32 - - - - - - - -
growth of E. coli and B. subtilis were observed but total inhibition was
not achieved. Linalool did not appear to increase the activity of citral as
previously shown in Table 3. Generally the results confirm the inhibition
of growth by citral while combinations with other constituents did not
show increased activity against growing cells.
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