Fenofibratesimvastatin Fixed-Dose Combination in T

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Fenofibrate/simvastatin fixed-dose combination

in the treatment of mixed dyslipidemia: safety,
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efficacy, and place in therapy

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Vascular Health and Risk Management
16 February 2017
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Nicola Tarantino 1 Abstract: Lipids disorder is the principal cause of atherosclerosis and may present with several
Francesco Santoro 1,2 forms, according to blood lipoprotein prevalence. One of the most common forms is combined
Luisa De Gennaro 3 dyslipidemia, characterized by high levels of triglycerides and low level of high-density lipo-
Michele Correale 1 protein. Single lipid-lowering drugs may have very selective effect on lipoproteins; hence, the
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need to use multiple therapy against dyslipidemia. However, the risk of toxicity is a concerning
Francesca Guastafierro 1
issue. In this review, the effect and safety of an approved combination therapy with simvastatin
Antonio Gaglione 1
plus fenofibrate are described, with an analysis of pros and cons resulting from randomized
Matteo Di Biase 1
multicenter trials, meta-analyses, animal models, and case reports as well.
Natale Daniele Brunetti 1 Keywords: fibrates, simvastatin, fixed-dose combination, combined dyslipidemia, review
University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy;
Asklepios Klinik – St Georg,
Hamburg, Germany; 3Ospedale San Introduction
Paolo, Bari, Italy
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) represents the first cause of death and morbidity of the
western countries, despite the progress occurred in the treatment and prevention dur-
ing the last decades; its prevalence is foreseen to remain stable until 2020, as recent
projections illustrate,1 and is continuously increasing also in new developing countries,
probably on the basis of the bad influence of western lifestyle and poor awareness of
cardiovascular risk among people.1–4
The principal cause of CVD is atherosclerosis, whose development is largely
conditioned also by modifiable risk factors, such as smoke, impaired metabolism of
lipids and carbohydrates, hypertension, sedentary life, and obesity.2–8
The role of high levels of cholesterol in atherosclerosis pathogenesis is unques-
tioned5–8 and, while some of the aforementioned risk factors can be directly prevented
and treated, dyslipidemia (impaired metabolism of lipids) is hardly manageable for
two main reasons: 1) it could have a genetic/familiar component in its genesis and
2) many other extra-cardiac diseases at relatively high incidence and prevalence can
engender impairment in lipid control aside from alimentary intake (diabetes mellitus
[DM], hypothyroidism, HIV/AIDS, chronic kidney disease, Cushing syndrome, drugs,
and alcohol abuse).9,10
Even if the use of statins has been well established in clinical practice for primary
Correspondence: Natale Daniele Brunetti
Department of Cardiology, University of and secondary prevention,11,12 CVD risk still remains high in some populations. Fibrates
Foggia, Viale Pinto n.1, 71122 Foggia, Italy may therefore represent a further pharmacological tool against dyslipidemia. Current
Tel +39 3389 112 358
Fax +39 0881 745 424
international guidelines suggest lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) as the princi-
Email natale.brunetti@unifg.it pal goal of the therapy for primary and secondary prevention13,14 and non-high-density

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lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, mainly triglyceride (TG) and high risk of thrombosis.15,19 Non-HDL cholesterol rep-
levels, is set as a secondary target of prevention. Since statins resents the sum of IDL, LDL, and VLDL, and sd-LDL is a
contribute to TG decrease is limited, the co-administration of particular type of LDL characteristically linked to mixed dys-
fibrates can further reduce the CVD risk. Experts, however, lipidemia: the reduction in cholesterol esters and the increase
prudently recommend combined therapy in statin-resistant in TG reduce LDL diameter; atherogenic potential is elevated
patients (level of recommendation IIb; class C) because data since they are less affine to LDL receptor and the small size
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in favor of double-drug therapy efficacy compared to mono- increases the accessibility to subintimal space.20,21 Addition-
therapy are not conclusive. Among the many possible and ally, in type 2 DM (DM2) patients (a condition frequently
existing combinations, the most widely used is simvastatin associated with this phenotype),22 they are more prone to
plus fenofibrate. Nevertheless, the real and net benefit of this glycation, which further increases its atherogenic effect.23
specific pharmacological association is still debated. On the other hand, HDL in the same context of DM2 can
Other biomarkers (C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and be modified by oxidative stress, becoming less protective.24
homocysteine) strongly correlate with dyslipidemia and CV Epidemiologically, CD prevalence has been estimated to
risk, and the effect of these lipid-lowering drugs on such be present in one out of ten subjects in general population
biomarkers is also described in this review. and in 15% of statin-treated patients.17 The overlap with DM2
increases the incidence of CD to >50% and the CVD risk
Methods is three to four times compared to nondiabetic people and,
Until April 2016, an online search was carried out on PubMed moreover, many interracial difference exist.17,25
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using the following keywords in combination: “adverse The reduction in LDL only halves the CHD risk;
effects, cardiovascular disease, combined dyslipidemia, therefore, other lipoproteins are involved in the ongoing
diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, fenofibrate, fenofibric acid, atherosclerosis.15 Consequently, although LDL-C has been
fibrate, mixed dyslipidemia, lipid-lowering medications, controlled with optimal statin therapy and/or diet, patients
simvastatin, simvastatin and fenofibrate, statin, statin and with dysfunctional HDL and elevated TG and sd-LDL main-
fibrate.” After a thorough search, the most relevant random- tain a hidden CV risk, namely, the “residual CVD risk.”24
ized clinical trials and comments with regard to reviews,
original papers, and case reports were included. Simvastatin
Statins are the most efficacious lipid-lowering agents. Com-
Definition of combined petitive inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme
dyslipidemia (CD) A reductase, enzyme catalyzing the conversion of HMG-coA
Mixed dyslipidemia or CD is qualitatively defined as an to mevalonic acid, blocks a necessary step in the biosynthesis
impairment of lipid metabolism characterized by high levels of cholesterol thanks to a mevalonic-acid-like terminal. Low
of TG carried within very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) intra-hepatic levels of cholesterol increase LDL-C receptor
and intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), low levels of expression and therefore removal of this lipoprotein from
HDL and higher amount of small and dense LDL (sd-LDL) blood. Some studies indicate that hepatic VLDL production
than normal.15 TG-rich lipoproteins (included Lp-a) are also is also decreased due to cholesterol synthesis reduction,
named Apo-B fraction, since it is the prevalent apo-protein cholesterol being a basic component of VLDL; accordingly
expressed on its surface and constitutes a more accurate mea- statins lower TG contained in VLDL, perhaps through direct
surement of TG-rich lipoprotein because of stoichiometric activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
relation compared to whole LDL concentration.16,17 Further- (PPAR)-α, the same molecular target of fibrates.26,27
more, high values of Apo-B correlate with atherosclerosis Simvastatin was discovered in 1979 as semisynthetic
and coronary heart disease (CHD).18 fermentation product of Aspergillus terreus. It is administered
A quantitative definition of CD is missing because differ- as a prodrug, which is rapidly converted in the liver from
ent cutoff levels were used in studies that recruited people of inactive lactone to its acid form (Table 1). LDL reduction
different age and ethnicity. This disorder is related to a high ranges by 20%–48%, from the lowest (10 mg) to the highest
atherogenic risk profile (hence “atherogenic dyslipidemia”) dose (80 mg).28–31
and is usually associated with other dysmetabolic patterns Simvastatin reduces CV risk as confirmed in large trials.
such as insulin resistance or overt diabetes and obesity, whose Single study observation reports that simvastatin is able to
essential pathological features are endothelial dysfunction increase HDL more than atorvastatin.32 Statins are able to

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Table 1 Pharmacokinetic profile As described, simvastatin plays a chief role as lipid-

Simvastatin lowering medication in terms of primary and secondary
Absorption 61%–85% (not altered by food) prevention of the main clinical outcomes using mean dosages
First pass extraction >95% of administered dose
of 20–40 mg. These dosages are the same in combination
Bioavailability <5%
Metabolism CYP4503A4
therapy with fibrates.
Tmax 2.5–4 h Even though high dosages of the most potent statins,
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Half-life 2h including simvastatin, are related to an increased risk of new

Elimination Feces (58%); urine (13%)
onset diabetes, a meta-analysis concluded that the potential
Protein binding 94%–98%
Drug–drug interaction Gemfibrozil, Cyclosporine, Warfarin, Digoxin risk is outright balanced from the real clinical benefit of
Fenofibrate statins.41 Moreover, simvastatin, as typical of its class, is
Absorption Better in fed state for micronized characterized by several pleiotropic effects on different
particles (160 mg) organs and systems: according to some reports, simvastatin
Independent for nanoparticles (145 mg) might exhibit a superior antidepressant effect in post-CABG-
Bioavailability 60%
Metabolism Hepatic (glucuronidation)
treated patients compared to atorvastatin and be a promising
Tmax 3.5 h coadjuvant agent in oncology.42,43
Half-life 19–27 h
Protein binding
Feces (25%); urine (60%)
Drug–drug interaction Cyclosporine, Pravastatin, Simvastatin (?), Fenofibrate is a pro-drug transformed into its active form –
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Warfarin, Erythromycin fenofibric acid – in the liver. As agonists binding to PPAR-α,

fibrates regulate genetic expression of numerous enzymes
involved in lipids metabolism.44 Fenofibrate pharmacokinetic
stabilize atherosclerotic plaque, and simvastatin has provided profile is summarized in Table 1.
evidence of its important contribute.33,34 Furthermore it can, The increased synthesis of lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
independently from dosages, decrease hs-CRP levels in CHD enhances free fatty acids (FFA) oxidation from TG in adi-
patients35 and also prevent organ damage (cardiac remodeling pose tissue.44 Liver production of ApoC-III, a component of
after ischemic and nonischemic injury).36,37 VLDL and a LPL inhibitor, is reduced; therefore, first, less-
The 4S trial,38 a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, circulating VLDLs are released from hepatocellular com-
placebo-controlled study, showed that cardiovascular risk partment and, second, peripheral oxidation is facilitated.44–46
mortality was reduced by 42% because of the daily dosage Additionally, de novo FFA and VLDL production is reduced
of 20–40 mg of simvastatin over a 5-year long period and due to acetyl-CoA-carboxylase, fatty acids synthase, and
myocardial revascularization risk decreased by 37%. More- ApoB under-expression. Furthermore, fibrates, particularly
over, cerebrovascular events and acute myocardial infarction fenofibrate, reduce LDL and increase size and density of
risk were lowered to about a third. sd-LDL; also, Lp-PLA1 (lipoprotein – phospholipase A1)
The Heart Protection Study,39 a larger trial, demonstrated reduction diminishes LDL oxidation.44,45
the evident benefit of simvastatin 40 mg in high-risk popula- On the other hand, ApoA-I and ApoA-II overtranscription
tion (previous CV events, DM1 and DM2, hypertension): as increases HDL levels, and the same effect is achieved via a
primary endpoint mortality was reduced by 13%. Secondary decrease of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity,
endpoints were nonfatal myocardial infarction and stroke: reducing the transfer of cholesterol from HDL to VLDL.44–46
both resulted significantly improved (risk reduction was HDL, however, can even decrease for not completely clear
35% and 28%, respectively). Another relevant study aimed at reasons, if thiazolidinediones are co-administered.47
showing the reduction of coronary plaques through quantita- Eventually the net effect of fibrate is the reduction of TG-
tive coronary angiography, the Multicenter Anti-Atheroma rich lipoprotein and elevation of HDL; hence, its indication
Study, reported a significant decrease in number of new in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease treatment.48 LDL trend
lesions and an increase of mean lumen area compared to can show a paradoxical pattern: in fact in case of severe
previous angiograms, and, in addition, a slowed progression hypertriglyceridemia, catabolism of TG induced by fibrate
of CHD in the group treated with simvastatin 20 mg/day can convert VLDL to LDL rapidly, leading to initial LDL
compared to placebo recipients.40 elevation and shift to less-buoyant LDL particles.44

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Weak results were obtained in glucose control: in some placebo patients who were already on treatment with statins.
studies, fenofibrate improved insulin sensitivity and glucose Considering this bias, a successive analysis revealed an
level in metabolic syndrome, DM2 and CD patients.49–52 The improvement in the relative reduction of total CVD events to
underlying mechanism could be an increase of adiponectin 15% and a post hoc analysis reported that subgroups affected
(insulin sensitizer) in adipose tissue.53 by marked hypertriglyceridemia, CD, and metabolic syn-
Also, other studies showed antithrombotic and fibrinolytic drome experienced greater benefit of fenofibrate treatment.56
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properties of fenofibrate (decrease in PAI and fibrinogen),54 Unexpectedly, fenofibrate slowered glomerular filtration rate
neo-angiogenesis reduction, and, on the other side, increase (GFR) decline and reduced albuminuria rate.44
of flow-mediated dilation consistent with beneficial improve- The DAIS trial (Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention
ment of nitric oxide production, as proved in vitro.44 Study) was designed to demonstrate a slower CHD progres-
Last, markers of inflammation as CRP, interleukins sion in subjects treated with fenofibrate compared to placebo
(mostly interleukin-6 [IL-6] and tumor necrosis factor-α group.57 Although the ambitious endpoint was not satisfied,
[TNF-α]), adhesion molecules (VCAM and ICAM) and uric due to diffuse disease, minimum lumen diameter of focal
acid were reduced with the administration of fenofibrate in atherosclerosis appeared higher in fenofibrate recipients,
a high-risk group.52–54 however, similarly to FIELD, fenofibrate decreased albu-
On account of what stated, two main trials have been car- minuria rate.
ried out with regard to real clinical efficacy of lipid-lowering
effect of fenofibrate and both investigated the efficacy in DM2 Combination therapy
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population because of frequent incidence of CD with DM. Efficacy

The FIELD (Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lower- The ACCORD Lipid, a double-blind, randomized, open-
ing in Diabetes) study enrolled patients with well-controlled label trial, aimed to verify the superiority of fenofibrate plus
DM2, among which <40% had diagnosis of dyslipidemia and simvastatin versus placebo plus simvastatin in 5518 patients
about a fifth had previous diagnosis of CHD.55 The compari- with DM2 at high risk of CVD.58 The final results showed
son with placebo did not result in superiority of fenofibrate no significant variations between the two groups for primary
200 mg/day in terms of primary composite outcomes (CHD and secondary endpoints (Table 2). Beneficial effect on minor
events); however, while failed to present minor rates of CHD outcomes as renal disease progression, measured as micro
mortality significantly, fenofibrate-treated group showed a and macro-albuminuria, was instead confirmed.
reduction in nonfatal myocardial infarction (hazard ratio, HR: Lipid values were overall reduced; nevertheless, at sub-
0.76). Total mortality, total stroke, and total CVD mortality group analysis, the primary endpoint was reduced in the top
reduced nonsignificantly, whereas fenofibrate decreased the tertile of TG and in the lowest tertile of HDL patients (17%
incidence of coronary revascularization and first minor ampu- of total cohort), thus showing the major benefit in the highest
tation as well as delayed first treatment for any retinopathy risk CD population (relative risk reduction =31%).59,60 Slight
or maculopathy (present only in 8% of baseline sample). gender differences for primary endpoint were reported, as
Apparently, the lack of efficacy of fenofibrate compared to women were more protected than men (9.1% vs 11.2% in
placebo should be related to higher number of randomized combination therapy groups of respective gender).59 Part of

Table 2 ACCORD LIPID and EYE TRIAL outcomes58,60

Endpoint Simvastatin + fenofibrate (N) Simvastatin + placebo (N) Hazard ratio (p-value)
Primary Major CV event (nonfatal MI, nonfatal 291 310 0.92 (0.32)
outcomes stroke or death from CV cause)
Secondary Primary outcome plus revascularization 641 667 0.94 (0.3)
outcomes or hospitalization for CHD
Major CHD event 332 353 0.92 (0.26)
Nonfatal MI 173 186 0.91 (0.39)
Stroke 98 88 1.05 (0.8)
All-cause mortality 302 335 0.91 (0.33)
Fatal or nonfatal CHD 120 143 0.82 (0.1)
Other Progression of diabetic retinopathy 52 80 0.6 (0.006)
Moderate vision loss 227 233 0.95 (0.57)
Abbreviations: CV, cardiovascular; MI, myocardial infarction; CHD, coronary heart disease

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the subjects enrolled in ACCORD Lipid was recruited for the comparison with statin alone: HDL-C increased (+17.8% vs
ACCORD Eye trial, which assessed subjects with diabetic 7.2%) and TG decreased drastically (−37.4% vs −14.2%).
retinopathy.60 As previously demonstrated in the FIELD,55 Percentages approximately equivalent were found in fenofi-
fenofibrate in combination therapy showed its protective brate 135 mg plus simvastatin 40 mg.
effect with regard to this common complication with a The DIACOR (Diabetes and Combined Lipid Therapy
substantial relative risk reduction (40%). Furthermore, an Regimen) study compared the combination therapy with
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ancillary study,61 based on the observations that post-prandial both monotherapies: results showed that the supplemental
TGs are predictors of CHD,62,63 investigated the supposed advantage in HDL rise and TG decrease are derived merely
superiority of fenofibrate plus simvastatin in lowering non- from fenofibrate addition.67 Furthermore, an analysis from
fasting TG compared to placebo associated with simvastatin: DIACOR study confirmed positive modifications found dur-
the hypothesis was rejected, but, however, Apo-B48, marker ing SAFARI at expense of pro-atherogenic sd-LDL.68
of postprandial chylomicrons, was reduced in a greater extent Stefanutti et al reached consistent conclusions: all four
in subject with high fasting TG at the baseline. groups treated with different double-drug combinations (from
According to SAFARI trial (study of simvastatin plus simvastatin 10 mg to simvastatin 30 mg plus fenofibrate
fenofibrate for combined hyper-lipidemia), simvastatin 20 mg 200–300 mg) showed improvement in lipid profile, albeit the
plus fenofibrate 160 mg improved the overall lipid profile:64 more statistically significant overall benefit was obtained with
in particular, while HDL almost doubled, TGs were reduced simvastatin 20 mg/fenofibrate 200 mg, and no serious adverse
by 43% in the combination treatment group. Moreover, as reactions were noted in any group.69 If slight differences
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previously reported, the addition of fenofibrate caused a shift among various dose combinations might exist, no remark-
to larger, buoyant, and less dangerous LDL particles. able disparity was assessed between daily co-administration
In a post hoc analysis, the same investigators assessed a and alternate day use.70 Outstanding results can be obtained
correlation between non-HDL and Apo-B in the co-treated with a new fixed-dose combination with fenofibrate 145 mg
group and suggested a possible role of non-HDL cholesterol in a new nanotechnology formulation compared to single
as surrogate marker of Apo-B content, thus supporting its use medications.71 As observable from all the studies referred, the
as a secondary target of the lipid-lowering therapy.65 higher the baseline dyslipidemia level, the better the effect
In addition to SAFARI, smaller studies supported existing of combined drugs is.
data with regard to lipid profile: Mohiuddin et al66 used the Mean relative total cholesterol level reduction values are
lowest dose of fenofibrate than the other studies did (135 vs given in Table 3; meta-regression analysis of such studies is
160 mg in the SAFARI and 200 mg in the ACCORD) asso- plotted in Figure 1. Three months is generally required to
ciated with simvastatin 20 and obtained favorable results in achieve a substantial cholesterol reduction. A mild, direct,

Table 3 Mean relative reduction of total cholesterol levels by adding fibrates.

Study Patients treated Simvastatin Fibrate Follow-up duration Relative TC Reference
with fibrates dose (mg) dose (mg) (months) reduction (%)
ACCORD 2271* 20** 160§ 56 −14 58
Foucher et al 109 20 145 3 −4 71
110 40 145 3 −8
DIACOR 100 20 160 3 −27 67
Stefanutti et al 5 10 200 12 −18 69
26 20 200 12 −31
11 20 300 12 −24
3 30 200 12 −39
Krysiak et al 24 40 200 3 −14 75
SAFARI 374 20 160 −43 64
Shah et al 22 20 200 3 −7 72
Kayikcioglu et al§§ 32 10 250 6 −31 70
Mohiuddin et al 112 20 135 3 −24 66
111 40 135 3 −27
Notes: *Data refer to number of patients followed up to exit visit; **maximal statin daily dose was 40 mg but varied during the follow-up, based on lipid lowering response
and according to international guidelines (overall average dose was 22.3 mg in fenofibrate group); §fenofibrate 54 mg was administered in patients with baseline or incidental
eGFR <50 mL/min/1.73 m2; §§data refer to everyday administration group.
Abbreviation: TC, total cholesterol.

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100 150 200 250 300 350

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Relative TC reduction (%)



y = –0.0447x –13.949
R2 = 0.0311

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Fibrate dose (mg)

Figure 1 Mean relative reduction of total cholesterol levels by adding fibrates.

Abbreviation: TC, total cholesterol.

nonsignificant correlation between fenofibrate dosage and atherogenic cytokines (IL-1b, IL-6, IL-2, interferon [IFN]-γ,
total cholesterol reduction is also evident (linear weighted and TNF-α) and, hence hs-CRP, probably via the same cel-
regression analysis). lular pathways.52,75 Moreover, the effect was exactly more
Pleiotropic effects of both drugs act synergistically on prominent and statistically more significant in patients with
novel different biomarkers and risk factors. Combination overt CD.
therapy reduces fibrinogen after 3 months of treatment for
an acute coronary syndrome, and this is attributed mainly Safety
to fenofibrate addition.72,73 Nevertheless, clinical validations The most common adverse reactions characteristic of statins
are still expected. group are hepato- and myotoxicity, either clinically silent or
An analysis carried out on animals fed with high fat evident (Figure 2). The association with fibrate can increase
content diet and treated separately with simvastatin and the risk of serious adverse reaction for both pharmacody-
fenofibrate compared to untreated controls provided prelimi- namic and pharmacokinetic interaction.76
nary results with regard to metabolomic effects: aside from Statins can affect muscles through different mechanisms
cholesterol, levels of various small endogenous molecules (membrane integrity perturbation, apoptosis induction,
(aminoacids, fatty acids, carbohydrate, and catabolites) mythocondrial dysfunction, impairment in calcium homeo-
significantly changed, among which important markers stasis, or rarely autoimmune reaction); however, the incidence
involved in CVD genesis (ie, a precursor of vaso-protective according to a meta-analysis of 26 statins trials is 1: 10,000
prostaglandins, linoleic acid, increased, while creatinine, compared to placebo.77,78
renal damage marker, decreased).74 However, dosages in Liver injury is usually asymptomatic and apparently due
animals were different than those generally used in humans, to elevated membrane permeability, secondary to low cho-
and these data require further confirmations. lesterol production, which permits leakage of hepatocellular
Administered together, simvastatin and fenofibrate content, while autoimmune mechanism is quite uncommon.79
potentiate their own anti-inflammatory properties in DM2 Fibrate-related skeletal muscle damage is probably
patients, as proven by a decrease in a greater extent than ascribed to reactive oxygen species derived from β-oxidation
single monotherapy of monocyte and lymphocyte released and mitochondrial dysfunction induced by fibrate, as shown

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Dovepress Fenofibrate/simvastatin fixed-dose combination in treatment of mixed dyslipidemia

Fatal stroke 3.4%*58

Diabetic retinopathy
progression 6.5%**60
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Fatal myocardial
Pulmonary embolism infarction 5.9%*58


Any hepatitis 0.1%58,69
Pathologic ALT/AST
increase 0%–1.9%*58,64,66,72
albuminuria increase
Any event 0.3%58
Pathologic creatinine
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Deep vein thrombosis


Myalgia 0.2%–40.1%*58,67,70,73
Any pathologic CK increase
Rhabdomyolysis 0.1 %58

Figure 2 Principal side effects and clinical benefit of combination therapy.

Notes: Red squares report range of side effect percent resulted in clinical trials. Green squares contain data about clinical benefits. Yellow squares refer to major clinical
endpoint that resulted not statistically significant compared to controls (placebo or monotherapy). References are in the brackets. *No overall difference versus placebo or
statin monotherapy (depending on the study); **overall lower than in placebo groups.
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine amino transferase; AST, aspartate amino transferase; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; VLDL, very-low-density

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in animal models which were treated with both potent and no cases of acute renal failure were reported. Despite collat-
weak (fenofibrate) compounds;80,81 however, experimental eral homocysteine increase, any deep venous thrombosis or
doses are extremely higher than those used in humans. pulmonary embolism occurred, in contrast to data recorded
Similar origin for hepatotoxicity has been speculated, even in the FIELD study. Additionally, absolute number of deaths
if recent evidences suggest that PPAR-α agonist can directly was definitely comparable between the two groups (203 in
increase alanine amino transferase (ALT) and aspartate amino the fenofibrate plus simvastatin group vs 221 in placebo).
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transferase (AST) gene expression and can also shift hepatic Overall risk of myotoxicity was very low in combination
metabolism into a more ALT/AST-dependent one.82 On the therapy, including asymptomatic and occasional creatinine
contrary, PPAR activators likely protect against acetamino- phosphokinase (CPK) increment >5 or >10 times the upper
phen oxidative stress.83 As was observed in FIELD study, limit of normal (ULN, usually between 0.3% and 2.2%).58
fibrates increase cholelithiasis risk, altering cholesterol bili- Alanine amino transferase (ALT) is more sensitive in
ary efflux, and accordingly pancreatitis is significantly more case of liver injury compared to AST (present also in muscle
probable.84 Indeed, gallbladder disease is a contraindication tissues), and an increase of its value per three times the ULN
to the use of fibrates. should induce to analyze fractionated bilirubin level before
Pharmacokinetic interaction is univocal: fibrates can drug discontinuations, because bilirubin is a more reliable
generally increase statin half-life therefore augmenting the indicator of damage, as National Lipid Association’s (NLA)
risk of statin side effects. Gemfibrozil, but not fenofibrate, Liver Expert Panel recommends.87 In the ACCORD study,
inhibits OATP1B1 (organic anion-transporting polypeptide), ALT elevation occurred because of drug discontinuation in
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a cellular transporter from blood stream to hepatic cells, only four patients in combination therapy group and no dif-
increasing simvastatin concentration and its adverse effects; ference in gallbladder-related events occurred between the
thus this association should be avoided.85 two groups.58 However, gallbladder ultrasound should be
When combined, both in fixed dose and in staggered performed before initiating the therapy.
dose, fenofibrate decreases simvastatin AUC (area under the Minor drug adverse reactions (DAEs), such as allergy,
plasma concentration curve) by ~30%, as reported in two cataract, and interstitial lung disease, have been described
isolated studies, while simvastatin acid was not affected.86 in sporadic cases. Obviously, new onset diabetes related to
Many pharmacological mechanisms have been postulated; simvastatin could not be evaluated in these statistics because
however, since the intentional reduction of cholesterol is diabetes was a chief inclusion criterion.
unaltered with both dosing schedules and no life-threatening Finally, despite overall rarity of DAEs (mostly the serious
reactions occurred, the authors concluded that this unac- ones) and the net beneficial effect of lipid-lowering medica-
countable drug–drug interaction is clinically irrelevant, and tions in terms of primary and secondary CVD prevention as
risk of myopathy can be considered theoretic. Clinicians and confirmed by a recent meta-analysis, physicians should be
primary care physicians should also mind about other drugs aware of safety aspects and frequently monitor patients on
administration (ie, cyclosporine, an OATP1B1 inhibitor) and high dosage of statins and other toxic drugs whose interfer-
choose case by case which drug discontinuation provides the ences may be harmful (almost exclusively for simvastatin)
best benefit/risk ratio. or with preexisting risk factors (chronic kidney disease,
Also, in all the aforementioned trials, serious adverse hepatic insufficiency, muscular disease, age, and hypothy-
reactions were isolated cases: for instance in the SAFARI trial roidism).88 It is generally recommended to measure ALT and
(618 patients over 12 weeks), there was no significant differ- CPK at the baseline and after some weeks of treatment or at
ence of frequency of muscle symptoms between combined the first suspected symptoms in healthy subjects. Food and
therapy versus monotherapy (1.4% vs 1.5%) and no case Drug Administration suggests to test renal function periodi-
of rhabdomyolysis was recorded.64 In the ACCORD Lipid cally in elderly patients or those with renal insufficiency.89
study (with the longest follow-up and the highest number of Transaminases and CPK should be monitored periodically
patients enrolled), the incidence of myotoxicity (myopathy, in any case.
myositis, and rhabdomyolysis) in the treatment group was
equally balanced to placebo plus simvastatin recipients (0.1% Comparison of simvastatin with
for both).58 Although nephroprotective effect resulted in long other fibrates
term, fibrate co-administration caused transient creatinine Simvastatin plus gemfibrozil have an evidently high risk/
elevation (>1.3 mg/dL for women; >1.5 mg/dL for men), but benefit ratio because of clear pharmacological interactions,

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while, generally, the combination with gemfibrozil is associ- possible in case of creatinine clearance <50 mg/dL, according
ated with higher rates of DAEs compared to fenofibrate (ie, to the manufacturer.
15 vs 20.7/100,000 for rhabdomyolysis) as evaluated in a
retrospective analysis.90 Safety and efficacy about combina- Hypothyroidism
tion of bezafibrate with simvastatin, even if positive, are based Hypothyroidism is associated with mixed dyslipidemia and
only on two single experiences with poor sample sizes and abnormal CPK is correlated in >90% of cases; furthermore,
Vascular Health and Risk Management downloaded from https://www.dovepress.com/ by on 18-Feb-2017

brief follow-up.91,92 low thyroid function decreases GFR and renal clearance.100,101
The primary treatment of secondary dyslipidemia is restoring
Comparison of fenofibrate with hormones level, although, in case of preexisting or refractory
dyslipidemia, the addition of lipid-lowering medications
other statins
should be considered. Association therapy is not reported;
The addition of fenofibrate has been tested with other statins
nevertheless, simvastatin and fenofibrate alone have shown
(fluvastatin, atorvastatin, pravastatin, and rosuvastatin) in
to be useful.102,103 Since the risk of muscular toxicity is
comparison with monotherapy, with overall favorable results
increased and numerous isolated cases of rhabdomyolysis
and comparable safety profile among different associations
requiring hemodialysis have been reported,104 great caution
in regard of lipid levels.93–96 Rosuvastatin has alone been
should be paid not only in case of known hypothyroidism
demonstrated to be noninferior to combination.96 However, no
but also in case of occult hypothyroidism.102,103 Therefore, a
double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, and multicen-
screening of thyroid function before initiating double therapy
tre clinical trial, as large as ACCORD and SAFARI studies,
For personal use only.

is recommended.
with hundreds of patients enrolled, has been done, and, thus,
any head-to-head comparison is presently unreliable.
HIV infection is associated with atherogenic dyslipidemia:105
Special populations and conditions endogenous IFN-α inhibits hepatic and endothelial lipase,
DM and metabolic syndrome thus increasing TG concentrations.106 Moreover, CETP activ-
DM patients represent the target population of the ACCORD ity and HDL level are decreased.107 HAART therapy also
Lipid trial; therefore, such results are the basis for treatment causes dyslipidemia stimulating lipogenesis.108,109 Double
indications. Although not superior to placebo in reduc- therapy is a reliable option for dyslipidemia: indeed, feno-
ing major CV events, the addition of fenofibrate to lipid- fibrate is very effective also in HIV patients;110 however,
lowering therapy in DM2 patients has a series of healthy simvastatin is contraindicated in case of protease inhibitors
effects on endothelial function, inflammation, hemostasis, treatment, which could elevate simvastatin concentration by
and glycemic control,50,52,97 which could be the reason of the 10 times and increase the risk of overexposure via CYP3A4
improvement of microangiopathy and diabetic nephropathy. inhibition.111,112 Therefore, other combinations should be
In a small study, carried out by Vega et al, no impairment preferred.
of glucose levels occurred, and the low and theoretic risk to
develop DM2, mainly related to other preexisting conditions, Childhood with CD
should not refrain for initiating this vascular protective lipid- Acquired CD is a more prevalent form of dyslipidemia in
lowering therapy.98 Nevertheless, combination therapy should childhood.113 Diagnosis of familial combined hyperlipidemia
neither reciprocally interfere with antidiabetic medications (FH) requires the presence of increased Apo-B and sd-LDL
nor increase the risk of adverse effect (as myopathy risk in particles in the patient and in at least two family members
case of thiazolidinediones and fibrates).99 and one first-degree relative with the history of CHD. The
family history is usually unknown and CHD could be silent,
Chronic kidney disease thus few cases of CD can be classified as purely genetic and
Serum creatinine level ULN (>1.5 mg/dL) was an exclusion familial.113 Approximately 40% of obese adolescents have an
criteria in all great trials.58,64 However, mild-to-moderate atherogenic pattern typical of individuals with DM and meta-
renal insufficiency is more frequent in real practice; thus, bolic syndrome. Intervention of lifestyle change is primary;
precautionary laboratory and clinical monitoring should be however, if after 6 months lipid profile has not improved or
performed in such patients. Fenofibrate alone is contraindi- baseline LDL and TG are severely high, medication should
cated in IV-V KDOQI stage and dose should be the lowest be considered, preferentially in children aged >10 years.113

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