History of Psychological Testing 2
History of Psychological Testing 2
History of Psychological Testing 2
Dr. John Manuel R. Kliatchko
University of Santo Tomas
Antiquity to the 19th century
• It is believed that tests and testing programs first came
into being in China as early as 2200 B.C. (Dubois, 1966,
1970, in Cohen and Swerdlik, 2009).
§ Testing was instituted as a means for selecting who, of
many applicants, would obtain government jobs.
§ In a culture where one’s position in society was largely
determined by the family into which he was born, the
fact that one could improve his lot by scoring high in
exams was a significant step forward.
Antiquity to the 19th century
•Ancient Greco-Roman writings indicative of attempts to
categorize people in terms of personality types (i.e.,
reference to abundance or deficiency in some bodily fluid
such as blood or phlegm).
Antiquity to the 19th century
• 19th Century: strong awakening of interest in the humane
treatment of mentally retarded and insane persons
§ It became necessary to distinguish between mentally
retarded and insane persons
Antiquity to the 19th century
1838: Esquirol
§ French physician whose two-volume work made the first
explicit distinction between mentally retarded and insane
§ More than 100 pages of his work devoted to “mental
§ Esquirol pointed out that there are many degrees of
mental retardation
§ The individual’s use of language provides the most
dependable criterion of his intellectual level
Antiquity to the 19th century
§ Another French physician
§ Pioneered in the training of mentally retarded persons
§ 1837: established the first school devoted to the
education of mentally retarded children
§ 1848: migrated to the USA, made suggestions regarding
the training of mentally retarded persons
§ Some of the procedures developed by Seguin were
eventually incorporated into performance or nonverbal
tests of intelligence
Antiquity to the 19th century
On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (1859)