NEA v. COA (2002)

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Case Name vs.


Topic B. Executive Department – b. Control of Executive Departments

Case No. |
G.R. No. 143481 | February 15, 2002

Ponente J.Carpio

Jude Fanila

The case is an appeal by the National Electrifaction Administration against the Commission on Audits
decision that affirmed the disallowance of NEA’s accelerated implementatation of the salary increases for
government officials under Join Resolution No. 01 of Congress which were implemented by EO 389.

Doctrines involved Control of Executive Departments

Application of Doctrines (re: Outline/topic placement) Art. VII, Sec. 17 of the Constitution provides that
the president shall have control of all the executive
departments, bureaus and offices.
The Administrative Code has vested the President
with rule-making powers in the form of Executive
Orders, Administrative Orders, Memorandum
Orders, proclamations, etc.
Here, NEA implemented the last salary increase
authorized by Joint Resolution No. 01 of Congress
contrary to the procedure set by EO 389. Thus,
absolutely no legal basis.

1. Petitioner, the national Electrification Administration (NEA) a government owned & controlled
corporation created via PD 269 for the purposes of organizing, financing and regulating electric
cooperatives in the country.
a. On July 1, 1989 RA 6758 which provided a salary schedule for all government positions
(appointive and elective), including positions in government owned or controlled
corporations (So damay NEA dito).
2. On March 3, 1994 Congress enacted joint resolution No. 01 (Salary Standardization Law) which
urged the President to revise the compensation and position classification system in the
government, as initially set in RA 6758.
a. Note that the Joint Resolution provided that the new salary scheduled shall be implemented
within four years, starting from 1994.
3. Pursuant to this, Pres. Fidel V. Ramos approved the Joint Resolution on March 7 1994.
4. Thereafter, on December 28, 1996 he enacted EO 389 (see notes for relevant portions) which
implemented the fourth and final salary increase authorized by Joint Resolution No. 01.
a. EO 389 provided that the salary increases would come in two tranches(portions).
b. The DMB also issued the implement guidelines and regulations, reiterating the payment
schedule under EO 389.
5. However, on January 1997 NEA implemented the salary increase prescribed for 1997 in one
6. Because of this the Commission on Audit’s resident auditor in NEA issued a notice of suspension
of the payment, and requested a legal basis for the lump sum payment. The NEA then failed to
submit basis and as a result the COA issued several notices of disallowance of payment which were
contested by the petitioner. All appeals leading up to the COA en banc were denied.
7. Leading to current petition.

Petition for certiorari with prayer for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order
 The petitioner assails the May 2000 decision of the Commission on Audit en banc which
sustained the disallowance of payment to NEA staff.

 Petitioner’s Claims
 That the COA committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess or lack of
jurisdiction in disallowing the increased salaries of NEA’s officials and employees.
o 1. NEA’s accelerated implementation of SSL II is in accordance with law, Joint
Senate-House of Representatives Resolution No. 01 dated March 3, 1994, particularly
Section 10 thereof.
o 2. The fund to pay such increase had the "imprimatur" (license) of the DBM and was
included in the General Appropriations Act of 1997 (R.A. 8250)
o In other words, they were arguing that they could accelerate the implementation of
salary for 1997 because of the availability of funds in the GAA.

Respondent’s Reply:

Issue Ratio

W/N the NO. NEA’s accelerated implementation of salary is unlawful.

Commission ● NEA’s accelerated implementation of the salary standardization law II is
committed grave unlawful. While there were appropriations for NEA in the 1997, this does
abuse of discretion not serve as an authorization for NEA to spend the appropriation.
in disallowing the
o The itemization for Personal Services is done after the enactment
increased allowance
of the GAA and requires the approval of the President as provided
of the NEA officials
in the Administrative Code. Specifically, Book IV. Ch. 4, Sec. 23
and employees?
and Ch. 5, Sec. 34 of the same book. (see notes for provision)
▪ Note that the GAA itself requires the drafting of a
program of expenditure before the funds from it can be
released to the specified items.
o Furthermore, Book VI, Ch. 7, Sec. 60 of the Administrative Code
provides that no portion of the appropriations for the GAA shall
be used for payment of any salary increase or adjustment unless
specifically authorized by law.
● Furthermore, COA has authority to determine W/N NEA violated the
law. The case they cited was outdated, referring to the 1935 Constitution.
(Guevara v. Gimenez) the case and the 1935 Consti said that COA only
had authority to bring the matters to the proper administrative officer.
● Art. IX, Sec. 2 (D) of the 1987 Constitution vests the COA with the
authority to determine W/N government entities comply with laws and
regulations relating to disbursement of funds and to disallow the illegal or
irregular disbursement of such funds.

W/N EO 389 Sec. NO.

10 allows for an  Sec. 10 provides that only GOCCs (Govt. owned/controlled corps.)
exemption for with insufficient funds can partially implement the established rate.
government- Here, NEA’s ratio was to implement it because they did have the
owned/controlled funds.
corporations from
the two-tranche
payment model?

W/N the Nov. 7, NO.

1995 Memorandum  The Memorandum provides that GOCC’s can avail of the accelerated
from the President implementation only upon prior approval by the DBM. Approval is
authorized them to gained by submission of an application to the DBM. Here, they didn’t
accelerate the submit an application.
implementation of
o NEA was quoting a portion of the Memorandum that stated
the salaries?
that GOCCs can implement the remaining balance.
o The DBM’s approval of their budget was not an approval of
the accelerated implementation.

W/N EO 389 was a YES

valid exercise of the ● Joint Resolution No. 01 expressly acknowledges the authority of the
President’s power as President to revise the existing compensation and position classification
Chief Executive? under the standards it provides. Sec. 13 of the same resolution provides
that the DBM shall issue the guidelines for the implementation that is
consistent with the EO’s issued by the President.


WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit and the Decision of the
Commission on Audit dated May 16, 2000 is AFFIRMED in toto.

Antecedent FACTS
1. Interestingly, the funds authorized for disbursement under the GAA are usually still to be collected
during the fiscal year. This maybe explains why the COA are so uptight as NEA was spending
money that they didn’t even have yet.
2. NEA followed prior Executive Orders concerning the implementation of the Salary
Standardization law II (joint res 01).


1987 Constitution
Art. VII - "Sec. 17. The President shall have control of all the executive departments, bureaus and offices.
He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully executed."

Art. IX Sec. 2. - (1) The Commission on Audit shall have the power, authority and duty to examine,
audit, and settle all accounts pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, and expenditures or uses of funds
and property, owned or held in trust by, or pertaining to, the government, or any of its subdivisions,
agencies, or instrumentalities, including government-owned and controlled corporations with original
charters and on a post-audit basis: (a) constitutional bodies, commissions and offices that have been
granted fiscal autonomy under this Constitution; (b) autonomous state colleges and universities; (c) other
government-owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries; and (d) such non-governmental
entities receiving subsidy or equity, directly or indirectly, from or through the Government,
which are required by law or the granting institution to submit to such audit as a condition of
subsidy or equity. x x x.

(2) The Commission shall have exclusive authority, subject to the limitations in the Article, to
define the scope of its audit and examination, establish the techniques and methods required
therefor, and promulgate accounting and auditing rules and regulations, including those for the
prevention and disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or unconscionable
expenditures, or uses of government funds and properties."

EO 389

"SEC. 2. Full Implementation. The Department of Budget and Management is hereby directed to
implement in full in FY 1997 the remaining balance of said Salary Schedule after the partial
implementation made of the same in 1994, 1995 and 1996 to civilian and uniformed personnel, as

1. For Civilian Personnel

a. Effective January 1, 1997 = in accordance with the Fourth Interim Salary Schedule hereto attached
and marked as Annex A of this Order. The adjustment shall be to the designated salary step of the
employee in the salary grade allocation of his position as of December 31, 1996;
b. Effective November 1, 1997 = in accordance with the attached Salary Schedule marked as Annex B
of this Order. The adjustment shall be to the designated salary step of the employee in the salary grade
allocation of his position as of October 31, 1997.

Administrative Code

"SEC. 23. Content of the General Appropriations Act. – The General Appropriations Act shall be presented in
the form of budgetary programs and projects for each agency of the government, with the corresponding
appropriations for each program and project, including statutory provisions of specific agency or general
applicability. The General Appropriations Act shall not contain any itemization of personal
services, which shall be prepared by the Secretary after enactment of the General Appropriations
Act, for consideration and approval of the President."

"Sec. 34. Program of Expenditure - The Secretary of Budget shall recommend to the President the year’s
program of expenditure for each agency of the government on the basis of authorized appropriations.
The approved expenditure program shall constitute the basis for fund release during the fiscal
period, subject to such policies, rules and regulations as may be approved by the President."

SEC. 60. Restrictions on Salary Increases. – No portion of the appropriations provided in the General
Appropriations Act shall be used for payment of any salary increase or adjustment unless
specifically authorized by law or appropriate budget circular nor shall any appropriation for salaries
authorized in the General Appropriations Act, save as otherwise provided for under the Compensation
and Position Classification Act, be paid unless the positions have been classified by the Budget

Joint Resolution No. 01

(13) Implementing Guidelines - The Department of Budget and Management shall prepare and issue the
necessary guidelines for the implementation of the revised compensation and position classification
system consistent with the governing executive order to be issued by the Office of the President."

Memorandum (Nov. 7 1995) ["xxx: Authorizing the Acceleration of the Implementation of the Revised
Compensation and Position Classification Plan provided in Senate-House of Representatives Joint Resolution No. 01
Adopted and Approved on 07 March 1994 to Government-Owned and/or Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) and
Government Financial Institutions (GFIs)."]

"The three tranches scheme for GOCCs are as follows:

FIRST - effective not earlier than 01 November 1997 at an amount as may be determined by the
governing Board of the GOCC concerned, provided such amount shall not exceed 30% of the
unimplemented balance of said Salary Schedule;

SECOND - the 30% of the said balance or any lower amount as may be determined by the governing
Board of the concerned GOCC may be implemented not earlier than 01 April 1996; and

THIRD – the remaining balance may be implemented not earlier than 01 November 1996."

"The GOCC and GFI can avail of the above accelerated implementation only upon prior
approval by the DBM. For this purpose, GOCC and GFI will submit an application for acceleration to
DBM which will evaluate and act on same on the basis of the following terms and conditions:
1. the GOCC and GFI shall have never been seriously/critically assailed to have caused or
contributed to the economic problems of the country as evidenced by duly verified/proven facts
presented in a responsible published public criticism;

2. that it must not have received any subsidy or other forms of financial support from the
national government in financing its operation or in the implementation of projects for the last
three (3) years;

3. that its operational performance for the same period, as well as its present financial position, is
indicative that the concerned GOCC and GFI will remain financially viable and capable of
financing its operations;

4. that it has actually remitted all mandatory dividends to the national government through the
National Treasury equivalent to 50% of its net income pursuant to R.A. No. 7656, dated 09
November 1993, and has no unpaid taxes due the national government or local government
units, and their respective agencies and instrumentalities;

5. that all advances made by the national government for debt service and other obligations shall
have been accordingly liquidated;

6. that it has not incurred any losses from operations for the last three (3) years;

7. that the financial position and earning performance of the GOCC and GFI shall in no case be
affected by SSL acceleration;

8. that the accelerated implementation herein authorized shall strictly be based on the Position
Allocation List (PAL) specifically approved by the DBM for such GOCC and GFI pursuant to
R.A. No. 6758, or Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern pursuant to existing budgeting
laws, and shall be based on the 33-grade Salary Schedule; and

9. that no funding support shall be required from the national government nor funds already
released and earmarked for a specific purpose be used therefore. Funds for the purpose shall
solely be sourced from corporate funds:

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