Pitch Control
Pitch Control
Pitch Control
International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN: 2319-7242
Volume 5 Issue 11 Nov. 2016, Page No. 19198-19211
In the present paper intelligent controllers design methodology is presented to examine their overall
performance primarily based on time response specification for controlling Pitch movement of aircraft. The
aircraft pitch control system is designed for Linear and Non-linear models and the effect of various
nonlinearities is studied based on the overall performance of various controllers in Flight control system
(FCS). The controllers are designed based on linearized model of aircraft so as to simplify the design
process, with the idea of dynamic modeling of Servomotor which is used to control the movement of
elevators. Elevators are control surfaces which are used to control longitudinal motion of aircraft by
deflecting the flow of air and creating differential pressure on the wings. Aircraft pitch control movement is
categorized under the longitudinal motion. The movement of these control surfaces is performed through
Servomotors, for which mathematical modeling is provided. A baseline reference controller is used for
determining the performance of other controllers and making a detail comparison. So while developing the
other controllers we took Fuzzy Logic Controller as reference as carry forwarded the original cased study. A
new hybrid combination of Fuzzy-PID with fuzzy compensation and ANN-PID Controller has been
developed for controlling the pitch movement of aircraft for this particular model. A quantitative analysis
of these controllers has been carried out in MATLAB Simulink© environment. It is concluded that
combination of ANN-PID controller provides best results for Linear as well as Non-linear aircraft pitch
control models.
Keywords- ANN, Pitch, Elevators, Aircraft, Flight during which aircraft changes its transition from
Control System, FLC. one state to another. There are three basic
control movements of aircraft i.e., Pitch, Roll, and
1. INTRODUCTION Yaw. The pitch movement of aircraft is
categorized under longitudinal stability whereas
There are three basic control movements of
roll and yaw are categorized under lateral
Aircraft i.e., Pitch, Roll and Yaw . One of the
important parameters out of these is Pitch
control movement. In the present work we have A set of control surfaces known as elevator are
considered this problem as valuable approach used for controlling aircraft pitch movement.
and carried out work by applying intelligent Elevators are movable control surfaces located at
control techniques for controlling the longitudinal the back of fixed wing aircraft and hinged to the
motion of Aircraft. Aircraft Pitch control trailing edge of horizontal stablizer, running
movement is a critical phase during takeoff phase parallel to the main wings that cause this rotation
as well as during steady flight. This parameter is of aircraft. The elevators cause the aircraft to
of a concern as Aircraft can go into a stall climb and descend and also to obtain sufficient
condition if Pitch control of Aircraft is not lift from the wings to keep the aircraft in level
calibrated properly. This is an important stage flight at various speeds[1].
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19198
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
The elevators are movable control surfaces which or by optimized methods like genetic algorithms
can be moved up or down. If the elevator is to get better control and enhancement in the
rotated up, it decreases the lift force on the tail performance [3]. The third technique is based on
causing the tail to lower and the nose to rise. If Fuzzy-PID Controller used to control Aircraft
the elevator is rotated downward, it increases the Pitch. Fuzzy logic is used to tune each parameter
lift force on the tail causing it to raise and the of Proportional-integral-derivative (PID)
nose to lower. Lowering the aircraft’s nose controller by selecting appropriate fuzzy rules
increases forward speed, and raising the nose through simulation in Matlab and Simulink. The
decreases the forward speed [1]. The following developed model describes the aircraft motion
Fig.1 shows basic control surfaces of Aircraft. and its real dynamics accurately compared to
other proposed models that allow studying and
evaluating some pitch controllers beginning from
traditional controller systems, fuzzy controller
systems, and hybrid controller systems. The
fuzzy-PID controller offered the best response by
mixing the features of both the fuzzy and the PID
controllers, and the ability to adapt to the fuzzy
rules. [4]. The fourth kind of control mechanism is
derived by using Lyapunov Theory. According to
this technique, it is possible to ensure, under a
certain condition, the asymptotical stability of the
helicopter [5]. The fifth control strategy used in
literature is based on Linear Quadratic Regulator
Fig.1.1 Basic control surfaces of Fixed wing (LQR). As utilized by, the main advantage of this
Aircraft technique is that the optimal input signal turns
out to be obtainable from full state feedback (by
A lot of work has already been initiated in this
solving the Ricatti equation). But the analytical
field. Some of the already applied techniques are
solution to the Ricatti equation is difficult to
mentioned here: The first kind of control
compute [6]. The sixth control method used in
technique used is based on Fuzzy active
the literature is of comparative assessment of
disturbance rejection control. In this paper, an
LQR and Fuzzy Logic controller for pitch control of
active disturbance rejection control (ADRC)
aircraft [7]. The seventh control technique used is
strategy based on fuzzy control is proposed, so as
based on Adaptive control of the aircraft pitch
to realize the high performance
angular motion by using the dynamic inversion
of aircraft pitch control. The nonlinear active
principle. The obtained
disturbance rejection controller is designed to
adaptive control structures consist of parametric
improve the ability of anti-interference mean
estimators, dynamic compensators and command
while, fuzzy control is adopted to adjust the ADRC
filters. The estimated state and the estimated
parameters online, which
output are calculated with respect to the
makes control performance better [2]. The
estimated vector of the aircraft parameters. The
second technique used is based on GA tuned LQR
obtained control system is particularized for the
and PID controller for aircraft pitch control.
adaptive control of the pitch angular rate and the
According to this technique Genetic Algorithm
pitch angle, respectively, in the case of an F-
(GA) is used for tuning the parameter LQR and
15 aircraft whose flight may be affected or not by
PID controllers. The controller design begins with
wind shears [8].
the appropriate mathematical model to account
the longitudinal motion of an aircraft. LQR and In the present work we have considered a
PID controllers are associated with their standard linearized model of a fixed wing aircraft
parameters which can either be tuned manually for controlling its pitch movement. Although
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19199
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
there are different aircraft models available, but from pilot is given in case of control
in the present work we have taken the reference mode, servo unit is designed to move the
of original case study which shows comparative elevators [9].
assessment of P, I, D, PI, PD, PID, and FLC, and
shows the effect of various non-linearities on the
aircraft system behavior, and how it is able to
respond to non-linearities. Now continuing this
work further, we developed different control
techniques namely ANN. We have also developed
a combination of ANN-PID controller and PID
CONTROLLER WITH Fuzzy compensation
technique. All the controllers are developed in
MATLAB Simulink environment and comparative
assessment of each controller is presented and
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19200
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19201
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
To control a process variable some control The Fuzzy-PID control structure used in the
strategies are essential. A control strategy present work includes PID and Fuzzy logic
consists of two aspects: controller, both of them arrange in cascade.
(1) Control configuration and Output from the process is again feed back to the
(2) Controller. fuzzy and the corresponding output of fuzzy to
Control configuration can be further categorized the PID controller again. This technique
as:/feedback control configuration, feed forward mentioned here is also known as compensation
control configuration, cascade control technique. In this technique PID controller is
configuration etc. The second aspect of a control tuned online by using compensator formula and
strategy is the controller, which gives the desired gains are obtained. The membership
actuating signal to an actuator on the basis of functions developed for aircraft pitch control are
computed error, which is calculated from the set also fine tuned manually so as to keep the error
point and measured value of process variable. within tolerance limit. The membership functions
utilized here are triangular membership
In the present paper, we have designed two new functions. Now let’s discuss both these controller
controllers: PID Controller with Fuzzy individually.
Compensation and ANN and combination of
ANN-PID Controller which are discussed in PID CONTROLLER
following subsections. In the original case study
PID and FLC were developed and comparison was PID controller is widely used controller in process
made for linear and nonlinear system. In the control industries. For determining the values Kp,
original work a comparative assessment was Ki, and Kd the controller needs to be tuned.
done between different controllers and was Different tuning techniques are available for
concluded that FLC was able to handle determining the values of the gains. The
nonlinearities better. controller input is the error between the desired
output and the actual output. This error is
manipulated by the controller to produce a
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19202
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
command signal for the process according to the output. The block diagram of FLC is shown in
relationship as given below. Fig.3.2.
( ) ( ) ∫ ( ) ( )
Fig. 3.1 Block diagram of PID controller A linguistic variable can be characterized by (1)
name of the variable, (2) its linguistic fuzzy sets,
(3) universe of discourse, (4) “syntactic rule” of
fuzzy sets, and (5) “Semantic rule” of fuzzy sets.
Fuzzy if-then rule
The FLC structure consists of four main building In the simplest form, “fuzzy if-then rule” can be
blocks: (1) The fuzzifier that maps crisp input represented as:
either in direct form or normalized form i.e.
input ranges between [-1 , 1], to corresponding If x1 is A and x2 is B then y is C,
type-1 fuzzy set, (2) The “rule base” consists of
set of rules that depicts the knowledge of Where A, B and C are linguistic values defined by
designer about actions to be taken by the fuzzy sets on the universe of discourse X1, X2 and
controller, (3) The fuzzy inference system (FIS), Y, respectively. The part between ‘if and then’ is
interpret the type-1 fuzzy input set to type-1 called “antecedent” and the part after ‘then’ is
fuzzy output set according to rules provided in called “consequent”.
rule base, and in the last, (4) The defuzzifier iii. Fuzzy Inference System
convert type-1 fuzzy output set of FIS to a crisp
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19203
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
There are two types of FIS that are widely used in of the general defuzzification methods are
applications: (1) Mamdani FIS [11] and Takagi- explained in brief as follows.
Sugeno-Kang (TSK) FIS [12]. The differences
between these two FIS lie in the consequent part Centroid of area
of their fuzzy rule, and thus they have different
defuzzification accordingly. Using centroid of area method the crisp output,
Mamdani FIS ZCOA is given as:
In Mamdani FIS the consequent part is also ∫ ( )
represented by a fuzzy set. Min-Max composition (3.1)
∫ ( )
of Mamdani FIS is generally used. Fig.5 shows
how a two rule Mamdani FIS compute the overall Where A is the output fuzzy set to be defuzzified
output fuzzy set defined in the universe of discourse z, ( ) is
the aggregated output of MFs.
when subject to crisp input x1 and x2 , using Min-
Max composition of Mamdani FIS [11]. Bisector of area
μ μ M μ
i The crisp output, ZBOA satisfies the following
n equation:
μ μ μ ∫ ( ) ∫ ( )
Fig.3.3 The Mamdani FIS using Min and Max In this method, ZMOM is the average of the
operation maximizing z at which MF reach a maximum μ*,
TSK FIS which can be mathematically represented as:
In TSK FIS, the consequent part is represented by
a conventional a polynomial function. A typical
TSK fuzzy rule has the form: ∫
IF x is A and y is B then z=f(x,y);
Where A and B are input fuzzy sets in the
antecedent and f(x,y) is a polynomial of input Where z' = {z∣μA(z) = μ*}.
variable x and y in the consequent. However,
f(x,y) can be any function, until the output Smallest of maximum
defined by it is within the fuzzy region specified
by the antecedent of the rule [13].
In this method, the crisp output ZSOM is the
iv. Defuzzification minimum of the maximizing Z.
Largest of maximum
Defuzzification is a process to extract crisp output
from the type-1 fuzzy output set, provided by FIS.
There are various defuzzification methods, some
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19204
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
Fig. 3.6 Membership functions for output (control Integral (I) =0.960069009932765
action) Derivative (D) =6.98307455878522
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19205
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
Introducing the nonlinear matrix operator Γ. The Filter Coefficient (N) = 228.514492280641
mapping of input space x to output space o
Values for PD controller are mentioned below:
implemented by the network can be expressed as
follows Proportional (P) = 14.5465527331703
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19206
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
Filter Coefficient (N) = 744.961689197853 4.3 Aircraft pitch control model using ANN for
Linear and Non-linear systems
4.2 Aircraft pitch control model using FLC for 4.4 Aircraft pitch control model using PID
linear and non-linear systems controller with Fuzzy compensation for Linear
and Non-linear systems
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19207
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19208
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
Fig.5.1 Step response of Aircraft Pitch control for Linear Rise Time 2.9 2.36 1.5 2.52 0.55
System sec sec sec sec 2 sec
Overshot 2.93 5.58 5.55
14% 4%
% % %
0 0.35 0.38 0.36 0.48
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19209
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.88
Rise Time For aircraft pitch control movement for linear and
16. 12. 1.24 11.8 0.277 non-linear model combination of ANN-PID
52 sec sec sec sec
controller is able to handle the system better as
Overshoot compared to other controllers providing best
0% 0% 2.93 2.94 1.93 transient response ( in terms of time response
% % % specification). For obtaining the desired results
Steady we have placed a PD (Proportional Derivative)
State error 0.6 0.15 0.15 0.68 0.5 controller in the loop so as to compensate for any
distortions and getting the desired output. The
combination of ANN-PID controller is more
robust compared to other controllers.
E.H. Mamdani and S. Assilian, “An
experimental in linguistic synthesis with a
FLC”, International Journal of Man-Machine
Studies, Vol. 7(1). pp.1-13, 1975.
T. Takagi and M. Sugeno, “Fuzzy
identification of systems and its application
to modeling and control”, IEEE Transactions
on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Vol.15(1),
pp.116-132, 1985.
Ajai Kumar Singh, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 11 Nov., 2016 Page No.19198-19211 Page 19211