Construction Productivity
Construction Productivity
Construction Productivity
Reinforcement Works
Isolated/Strap Footing Up to 16mm Ø bars 200 kg
Above 16mm Ø bars 300 kg
Column/Corewall/Staircase 200 kg
Slab with beam/raft Up to 12mm 300 kg
16mm and above 400 kg
Footing With ordinary plywood shutter 8 m2/day
Column/Core Wall/ Staircase With ordinary plywood shutter 6 m2/day
Slab With ordinary plywood shutter 12 m2/day
Concrete Pumping Works
Placing with concrete pump 60 m3/hr
Boom Placer 40 m3/hr
Concrete works
Footings Concrete Placing and Trowel Finishing 160 m3/day
Staircase Concrete Placing and Trowel Finishing 60 m3/day
Slab Concrete Placing and Trowel Finishing 150 m3/day
Placing Precast/Hollow Core Slab Placing in line and level 400 m2/day
Block Works 10/15/20 cm thick block works 10 m2/day
Plaster Works 15mm thick Plaster works with acc. 12 m2/day
20mm thick plaster works with acc. 10 m2/day
Ordinary Painting
Priming works Including Surface Preparation works 150 m2/day
Putty Works 75 m2/day
Painting Works 1st coat 250 m2/day
2nd coat 350 m2/day
Epoxy Paint Surface Prep + Priming 50 m2/day
Painting 100 m2/day
Gypsum Partition Works Frame + Gypsum Partition Installation 120 m2/day
False Ceiling Frame + False Ceiling Fixing 30 m2/day
Tile Works On floor 15 m2/day
On walls 12 m2/day
Marble/Granite Works On floor 20 m2/day
rock breaker
1-skilled, 4-unskilled
1-skilled, 1-unskilled
1-skilled, 1-unskilled
1-skilled, 1-unskilled
1-mason, 2-helper
1-mason, 2-helper
1-mason, 2-helper
1-steelman, 1-helper
1-steelman, 1-helper
1-steelman, 1-helper
1-steelman, 1-helper
1-steelman, 1-helper
1-carpenter, 1-helper
1-carpenter, 1-helper
1-carpenter, 1-helper
1-mason, 3-helper
1-mason, 2-helper
2-mason, 3-helper
2-rigger, 1-mason, 2-helper
1-mason, 1-helper
1-plaster mason, 1-helper
1-plaster mason, 1-helper
1-painter, 1-helper
1-painter, 1-helper
1-painter, 1-helper
1-painter, 1-helper
1-carpenter, 1-helper
1-carpenter, 1-helper
1-mason, 1-helper
1-mason, 1-helper
2-mason, 1-helper