Sample Paper
Sample Paper
Sample Paper
(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)
Sample paper
CLASS: X DATE: 27.06.2019
TIME: 3 Hrs. MM: 80
NAME: ………………………………….…………. ROLL NO. ……............... SEC...................
General Instructions:
a. The question paper has 36 Questions .All the questions are compulsory.
b. Questions from serial no. 1 to 20 are very short questions and each question carries 1 mark.
c. Questions from 21 to 28 are short type questions. Each carries 3 marks. Answer should not exceed
80 words.
d. Questions from 29 to 33 are long type questions. Each carries 5 marks and answer should not exceed
120 words.
e. Question no.34 and 35 are map questions, carries 6 marks.
1. Which act gave enormous power to the government to repress political power?
10. Name the countries where we find coming together type of federation.
15. What is the name the dam built across the river Narmada.
17. Why do some people oppose the construction of dams?
26. Why did Jawahar Lal Nehru proclaim the dams as the ‘Temples of Modern India’? Explain any three
28. What is the meaning of sustainable development? Why the issue of sustainable development is important
for development?
30. Give an account of the ethnic composition of Belgium and Sri Lanka.
31. What are two routes that have been adopted for formation of federations in the world. Distinguish
between the both.
33. What is sustainable development? Why is the issue of sustainability important for development?
35. Locate and label the following with appropriate symbols on the same given outline political map of
b. Tehri
c. Sardar Sarovar
36. On the political map of India locate and label the following:
India National Congress sessions: a) Calcutta (Sep. 1920) b) Nagpur (Dec. 1920) c) Madras (1920)