3.farm Management-I-1 PDF
3.farm Management-I-1 PDF
3.farm Management-I-1 PDF
The need for managing an individual farm arises due to the following
i) Farmers have the twin objectives, viz., maximization of farm profit and
improvement of standard of living of their families.
ii) The means available to achieve the objectives, i.e., the factors of production,
are scarce in supply.
Farm means a piece of land where crop and livestock enterprises are taken up
under a common management and has specific boundaries. All farm management
economists can be categorized into three groups on the basis of whether they
consider farm management as an art, science or business.
The second group comprising of G.F. Warner and J.N. Effersen considered
farm management “as a science of organization and operation of the farm
enterprises for the purpose of securing the maximum profit on a continuous
The third group of economists like L.A. Moorehouse and W.J. Spillman
defined farm management “as a study of the business phase of farming”.
Farm Management is a science that deals with the organization and operation
of a farm as a firm from the point of view of continuous maximum profit
consistent with the family welfare of the farmer. Thus, in an environment where
a farmer desires to achieve objectives like profit maximization and improvement
of family standard of living with a limited stock of factors of production which
can be put to alternative uses, farm management in an essential tool.
Classification of decisions based on the above criteria is not mutually exclusive and is
changing from individual to individual and from place to place for the same individual.
ii) The second method classifies farm management decisions into: a) what to produce? b)
when to produce? c) how much to produce? and d) how to produce?
b) Biological characteristics of plants and animals.
One or more changes of the above categories in the environment around the
farmer may cause imperfections in decision-making. The process of decision-
making, therefore, has to be dynamic so as to adjust in such changes.
b) Technical method: In this method, the decisions require the use of technical
knowledge. For example, a decision is to be made about the quantity of nitrogen
requirement to obtain maximum yield of paddy.
Steps In Decision Making Process
vi) Functions of a Farm Manager: Some of the major areas, which form the
subject matter of farm management, are listed below:
1) Selection of enterprises.
Activities Functions Details
2.Commercial Acquiring What to buy? -Type, Quality.
Activities: These How to buy-own? Rent/lease,
include all buying and inputs hire.
selling. They involve Financing.
procurement of inputs From whom?
in the quantities and When/How long?
combinations How much to buy? -Quantity.
necessary for efficient What to sell? -Quality/type
Marke ting
production, plus When to sell? -Store/immediate
orderly storage, produc ts sales.
handling and Where to sell? -Direct to buyer
marketing of or store, delivery point,
commodities produced. integration.
It also includes How to sell? –Open market,
forecasting and contract, hedge.
contracting for How much to sell? -Quantity
services of others. Forecasting Inputs.
price Products.
3.Financial Activities: Acquiring Quantity and terms of borrowing.
These involve the fu nds Lender services.
acquisition and use of Equity position.
capital, presumably in Liquidity position.
an optimal manner. Using funds Relative profitability of
This requires Time horizon and pay-back
forecasting future period.
investment needs and Cash flows.
Forecasting Depreciation of assets.
arranging for their
future needs. Expansion / contraction.
financing. Changing technology.
4.Accounting Keeping Enterprise ownership.
production Input-output efficiency.
Activities: These recor ds
include physical, Reco rding Accounting method.
human, business and Choice of accounts.
business Periodic summery.
tax records. This area transactions Cash flow forecasting.
may involve setting Tax reporting. Income tax and other taxes.
standards for certain Filing Wages.
enterprises or documents Social security.
with Depreciation.
segments of the Governmental
business. and
c) The third classification of farm management functions indicates that the farm
management decisions or functions can be categorized into production,
administration and marketing functions as depicted in the chart.
1) Production and Organization Decisions: The farm manager has to take vital
decisions on production of enterprises and organization of his business. His
decisions centre on what to produce and how to produce. Such decisions can be
further classified into i) strategic and ii) operational decisions.
a) Deciding the best size of the farm: The size of farm depends upon type of
farm business, irrigation potential, level of mechanization, intensity of usage of
land and managerial ability of the farmer. The economic efficiency of each
crop/or live stock enterprise and their combinations, when they are operated on
different scales, are considered to decide upon the optimum size of the holding.
A. Strategic Decisions: (These involve
heavy investment and have long lasting
1. Size of the Farm
2. Machinery and Livestock
PRODUCTION Progranmmes
3. Construction of Building
4. Irrigation, Conservation and
ORGANIZATION Reclamation Programme.
PROBLEM B. Operational Decisions: (more
DECISIONS frequent and involve relatively small
1. What to Produce? -Selection of
2. How much to Produce? - Enterprise
Mix and Production Process
3. How to Produce? – Selection of
Least Cost Method.
4. When to Produce? - Timing of
a) What to buy?
b) When to buy?
c) From whom to buy?
d) How to buy?
e) How much to buy?
PROBLEM a) What to sell?
b) When to sell?
DECISIONS c) To whom to sell?
d) How to sell?
e) How much to sell?
2. Operational Management Decisions: Operational management decisions are
continuously made to carry out the day-to-day operations of the farm business.
The investment involved in such decisions is relatively small and hence, the
impact of such decisions is short-lived. These decisions are generally: i) what to
produce? ii) how much to produce? how to produce? and when to produce? A
brief discussion is made on these decisions below:
ii) How much to produce? (Enterprise mix): This decision has two aspects:
Enterprise mix and resource use.
b) Resource Use: The best combination and optimum level of inputs can be
determined based on the substitution principle and these have to be decided for
minimizing the cost of production and maximization of returns.
3. Administrative Decisions
Along with production and organization decision, the former has to see that
the work is done in a right way. Such administrative decisions are briefly
discussed below:
i) Financing the farm business: While some farmers have their own sufficient
funds, others may have to borrow. The problem is two fold, viz., a) utilization of
funds within the farm business, and b) acquisition of funds, i.e., proper agency,
time, type, and terms of credit. Cash flow analysis would be used to decide the
timing and quantum of credit required.
ii) Supervision of work: The farm manager has to ensure that each job is
scrupulously done as planned.
iii) Accounting and book keeping: Collection, analysis and evaluation of data
have to be done in order to assess the performance of the farm at any point of
time. Here decision is to be made on the kinds of farm records, time allocation
and money to be spent on this activity.
4. Marketing Decisions
A farm manager has to buy various farm inputs and sell out the produces in which he has
to take rational decisions. While purchasing inputs he has to consider the following aspects:
a) what to buy? b) when to buy? c) from whom to buy? d) how to buy? and e) how much to
buy? Similarly, in selling out the farm produces he has to carefully ponder over the following
points in order to maximize his farm income: a) what to sell? b) when to sell? c) to whom to
sell? d) how to sell? and e) how much to sell?
8) Farm financing is more risky due to drought, pest and disease attack, yield
variations, etc.
10) Inelastic income demand for farm products: As income increases, the
demand for agricultural products will increase in lesser proportion when
compared with industrial goods.
12) Lack of Knowledge: All farmers do not know the latest developments in
agricultural technologies.
13) Agricultural markets are not regulated properly and there are too many
middlemen in the agricultural marketing system, whereas in industry, the
distribution channels are well defined and controlled by producers.
14) Agriculture is considered not only a means of livelihood but also a way of
life to the farmers in all the under developed countries.
1) Small size of farm business: The average size of operational holding in India
was 1.55 ha in 1990-91. The holdings are fragmented, too. Unfavourable land-
man ratio due to excessive family labour depending upon agriculture have
weakened the financial position of the farmers and limited the scope for farm
business expansion.
The basic concepts that are frequently used in farm management are discussed below:
i) Farm-Firm: Farm means a piece of land where crop and livestock enterprises
are taken up under a common management. A farm is a firm which combines
resources in the production of agricultural products on the lines of a business
firm, i.e., with the objective of profit maximization.
ii) Resources or Inputs or Factors of Production: Resources are those which get consumed
or transformed into products in the process of production. Services of resources are also used
up in the production process. All agricultural resources can be classified into two types. They
are i) fixed resources and ii) variable resources.
b) Variable resources: Some resources like seed, fertilizer, labour, etc vary
with the level of output. These are variable resources.
Resources can also be classified into stock and flow resources as detailed
a) Stock resources: They are resources which are used up entirely in the
production process. Fertilizer, seed, feed, etc., are such resources that can be
stored up for using at later period.
iii) Ways of Mobilizing Farm Resources: The different types of farm resources
and ways of mobilizing them by a farm manager are discussed here.
a) Owning: Resources like land, machinery, implements, tools, work bullocks,
etc, can be acquired by purchasing them. Farmers can own these resources due to
the following reasons:
2) If the farmer could not engage work bullocks, tractors/power tillers, power
sprayers, bullock cart and so on in his own farm economically, adequate demand
should be there for hiring out these resources.
3) The farmer should have either adequate owned funds or borrowed funds to
acquire these resources.
b) Leasing: The immovable resources like land and buildings can be acquired by
leasing. Rent has to be paid based on the terms agreed by the lessees (tenants) to
the owner of such resources. The land owner may lease-out his lands to land less
agricultural labourers or to farmers who are capable of cultivating larger area.
The land owner leases out due to 1) his absenteeism at the village where his land
is located, 2) inefficiency in running farm and 3) running of other more
profitable enterprise in the same village. Sometimes, the widows and invalids
may lease out due to their physical inability. Leasing-in helps lessees (tenants)
to augment their farm returns. However, leasing-out becomes complicated due to
improper implementation of agrarian laws which are more favourable to tenants.
The fertility status of the leased-out land is gradually deteriorating because the
tenants do not apply organic manure and they do not properly maintain the farm
assets out of the fear of eviction from the land by the owner. Therefore, the
productivity of leased-out land is lesser than that of owned land. On the
contrary, as the tenancy legislations are more favourable to tenants, some of
them refuse to surrender their tenancy rights to the owners and hence, the owners
are reluctant to lease out their lands.
c) Hiring: The farmer can acquire human labour and bullock power through
hiring. The magnitude of employment of hired human labour and bullock power
depends upon: a) size of farm holding, b) number of family labourers available,
c) availability of owned bullocks, d) resourcefulness of the farmer to replace
labour with capital and e) diversification of crop activities practiced in the farm.
Hiring of human labour and bullock power is also difficult and costly during
peak season due to either costly human labour as a result of heavy demand for
such labour or difficulty in carrying the operations with human labour in time.
However, hiring of human labour and bullock power is more economical than
that of hired machinery to small and marginal farms, especially in areas where
the labour is cheaper.
d) Joint ownership: When the land, buildings and well are inherited by legal
heirs, the land gets sub-divided and buildings and wells are jointly owned among
them. Joint ownership is convenient and economical to those who have small and
fragmented inherited land. However, disputes arise due to lack of understanding
among joint owners in sharing the services and also in the maintenance of the
jointly owned assets.
choosing of available alternatives or their combinations in order to maximize the
returns or to minimize the costs. Agricultural production economics is an applied
field of science, wherein the principles of choice are applied to the use of land,
labour, capital and management in farming. The subject matter of production
economics explains the conditions under which the profit, output, etc. that can be
maximized and the cost, use of physical inputs, etc. that can be minimized. The
main objectives of production economics are:
a) to determine and define the conditions which provide for optimum use of resources;
b) to determine the extent to which the current use of resources deviates from the
optimum use;
c) to analyze the factors which influence the existing production patterns and
resources use; and
d) to identify the means and methods for optimal use of resources.
The principles that help attain these objectives are the same on a micro as on
a regional or national level. On micro level where intra-farm resource allocation
and production pattern are involved, it is the subject matter of farm management.
When choice principles involve a broader field on a macro-level, the subject is
known as production economics. The economist who focuses his attention on
individual farm cannot make rational recommendations unless he considers the
aggregate or overall aspect of production. Similarly, government programmes
and policies affect the decisions on the individual farms. Production economist,
therefore, must be able to integrate both individual and aggregate aspects of
agricultural resource use and levels and patterns of production.
1) Continuous function: The doses or levels of input and output can be split up
into small units. E.g. Fertilizers or seed can be applied to a hectare of land in
quantities ranging from a fraction of a kilogram upto hundreds of kilograms.
2) Discontinuous or Discrete function: Such a function is obtained for input or
factors or work units which are used or done in whole numbers such as one
ploughing or a number of ploughings.
The difference between discrete data and continuous data is, thus, in the
divisibility of the inputs or outputs. An example of a discrete input is a cow. A
dairy herd may be composed of two, three, or most cows. However, one and a
half, three and a quarter, etc, will not be found in a dairy herd. Fertilizer on the
other hand is an example of a continuous input. Fertilizer can be divided into
any size unit and for each size unit, there is a resulting yield.
. ..
. . Output
0 Input 0 Input
Fig.9.1 (a) Discrete Production Fig.9.1(b) Continuous Production
Function Function
The production function can also be classified into 1) very short run
production, 2) Short run production function and 3) Long - run production
1) Very short run production function: The time period is so short that all resources are
2) Short run production function: Production function, which relates factors
and products where some resources are fixed, can be termed as short run
production function. The time period is of such length that at least one resource
is varied while other resources are fixed.
The production function relates output (Y), to input (X). The definition of a
function is as follows: If an output (Y) depends upon an input (X), then Y is
called a function of X. The mathematical expression for a function is Y = f (X).
This functional notation is read, “Y is a function of X”. Y is usually called the
dependent variable, and X, the independent variable.
b) Subscripts: Subscripts are useful when symbols are used. Consider, for
example, the notation for the production function Y = f (X), where X is the
amount of input and Y, the resulting amount of output. In this, there can be no
confusion about identification of input or output because there is only one input
and one output. When more than one input or output is included in a problem,
subscripts can be used as a means of identification. For example, when output is
a function of three inputs, the production function can be written Y = f (X 1 , X 2 ,
X 3 ), where X 1 , X 2 and X 3 are distinct and different inputs. X 1 may be seeds; X 2
may denote labour and X 3 may indicate fertilizer. If amounts are to be denoted,
additional subscripts must be used. X 1 1 is an amount of X 1 ; X 12 is a greater
amount of X 1 ; X 21 is an amount of X 2 ; X 22 is a greater amount of X 2 ; etc.
Subscripts can also be used to identify outputs or any other variable. Thus, Y 1 ,
Y 2 and Y 3 can be distinct outputs and the amounts can be shown by adding
another subscript.
c) The “∆” (Delta) Notation: The change in any variable is denoted by “∆” (the
Greek letter “delta”) placed before the variable. For example, the change in the
variable X is denoted by ∆X. Production function is written as: Y = f (X 1 , X 2 ,
X 3 ,..., X n ) where, Y is output and X 1 , ..., X n are different inputs that are used in
the production of a product or output. The functional symbol “f” indicates the
form of relationship that transforms inputs into output. For each combination of
inputs, there will be a unique level of output. For example, Y may represent
paddy yield, X 1 , quantity of seed, X 2 , quantity of fertilizer, X 3 , labour and so on.
The above notation for a production function does not specify which inputs are
fixed and which are variable. For example, seed or fertilizers are variable inputs
that are combined with fixed input such as acre of land. Symbolically, fixed
inputs can be included in the notation for a production function by inserting a
vertical line between the fixed and variable inputs. For example, Y = f (X 1 , X 2 ,
X 3 , ... X n- 1 | X n ) states that X n is the fixed input while all other inputs are
parameters to be estimated and X i - variable inputs. The estimated equation is:
Y = AL a K b
Where, L and K are labour and capital respectively and Y, the output. A, a and b
are parameters to be estimated. This can be generalized to ‘n’ inputs also.
Y = a 0 X 1 a1 X 2 a2 … Xn an = a 0 Π Xi a i , i =1, 2 ,…, n.
Since the model in the above equation is in multiplicative form, it has to be
converted into log-linear form so as to estimate parameters and it is given below:
ix) Total Physical Product (TPP): TPP is the quantum of output (Y) produced
by a given level of input (X).
x) Average Physical Product (APP): APP is the quantity of output produced per
unit of input i.e., ratio of the total product to the quantity of input used in
producing that amount of product. Number of Units of Output Y
APP = =
Number of Units of Input X
xi) Marginal Physical Product (MPP): The term marginal refers to an
additional unit. If we use ∆ (delta) to mean “change in “, then ∆Y and ∆X
represent change in Y (output) and change in X (input) respectively. Marginal
physical product, therefore, refers to the change in output, which results from
applying an additional unit of input.
Change in Output ∆Y
Marginal Physical Product (MPP) = =
Change in Input ∆X
Chapter 9: Questions for Review:
1. Fill up the following blanks:
i) The level of fixed resources will with the level of output.
ii) In long run, no cost is .
iii) Farm management is generally considered to fall in the field of
iv) In Cobb-Douglas production function, the regression co-efficient are the
of production with respect to their respective inputs.
v) Interest on operational expenses falls under resource.
vi) In linear regression function, the regression co-efficients indicate .
vii) In the very short run production function, all resources are .
2. Define the following:
i) Farm.
ii) Short run and long run.
iii)Continuous and Discrete Production functions.
iv) Stock and flow resources.
v) Product and production period.
3. Write short notes:
i) Production function.
ii) Total, Average and Marginal Physical Products.
iii)Fixed and variable resources.
iv) Production economics and Farm management.
4. Answer the following:
i) Explain the different types of production functions and indicate how they are
useful in farm decision-making.
ii)Explain the different ways of mobilizing various farm inputs and indicate their
merits and demerits.
iii)How leasing is different from custom hire service of a resource?
Let us consider the simplest case where one product is produced by varying
the level of only one factor of production at a time.
a) No resource is fixed and all the inputs are varied, increased or decreased
b) One or more factors of production may be fixed but they have surplus
(unutilized) capacity. The constant returns may be explained with the data given
0 - 25 - -
25 25 26 1 0.04
50 25 27 1 0.04
75 25 28 1 0.04
100 25 29 1 0.04
The table (10.1) shows that every addition of 25 Kg of nitrogen ∆Xi causes
exactly the same increase of one quintal in the yield of maize per ha (∆Yi)
during the process of production.
ii) Law of Increasing Returns: Increasing returns are said to operate when every successive
unit of the variable input results in a larger increase in the output as compared to the
preceding unit. Such an input-output relationship is generally encountered at a relatively
lower level of input use. The resulting production function is a non-linear curve of the type
shown in the figure 10.2 and is convex to the input axis. Mathematically, the law can be
stated as under: ∆ Y1 ∆ Y2 ∆ Yi ∆Yn
< <...< < . . .<
∆ X1 ∆ X2 ∆ Xi ∆Xn
where, ∆ Y i / ∆ Xi , . i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n is the
Output (Y)
∆ Xi ∆Yi ∆ Yi
Variable Input (Kg Output (Quintals
of nitrogen per Ha) of paddy per Ha) ∆ Xi
0 - 20.0 - -
5 5 21.0 1.00 0.20
10 5 22.5 1.50 0.30
15 5 24.5 2.00 0.40
20 5 27.0 2.50 0.50
25 5 29.7 2.70 0.54
yield increases by 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 2.7 quintals per hectare. Thus, every successive dose
of 5 Kgs of nitrogen results in more output of paddy signifying the operation of the law of
increasing returns.
iii) Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns: When one variable input used for
the production of a certain commodity is increased relative to other inputs, the
physical output obtained from each added unit of the variable input(s), tends to
decline after a certain point has been reached. Thus, each additional unit of the
variable input results in less and less addition to the total output as shown in the
figure 10.3. Mathematically, ∆ Y1 ∆ Y2 ∆ Yi ∆Yn
> > ... > ... >
∆ X1 ∆ X2 ∆ Xi ∆Xn
∆ X2 ∆ Y 2
Output (Y)
The table 10.3 would reveal that as more of the variable input (X) is used, the
yield of paddy also keeps on increasing till 90 kgs of nitrogen application and
results in 69 quintals of paddy yield per ha. However, the paddy yield remains
unchanged when the variable input level is increased from 90 to 120 Kg per
hectare. Further, it could be noted that every addition of one kg of nitrogen
nutrient (∆Xi) adds less and less of output, i.e., from 0.60 to 0.33, from 0.33 to
0.13 and so on. This is a technological law of biological responses and is
Table 10.3 Yield of Paddy at Varying Levels of Nitrogen per Hectare
0 - 37 - -
30 30 55 18 0.60
60 30 65 10 0.33
90 30 69 4 0.13
120 30 69 0 0
Alfred Marshall stated the law thus: “An increase in labour and capital
applied in the cultivation of a land causes, in general, a less than
proportionate increase in the amount of produce raised, unless it happens to
coincide with an improvement in the arts of agriculture”.
reached, where further applications of the variable resource will result in a
decline in the total output of the production.
Stage I: As we increase the level of a variable input, say seed rate per hectare,
the total production (yield per hectare) increases at an increasing rate till point
‘L’ is reached on the TPP curve. Thus, upto this point (L) the marginal physical
product (MPP) is shown as increasing and then it starts declining. Point L is the
point of inflection on the TPP curve where the curvature changes from convex to
concave to the input axis as we move away from origin. The TPP curve is
continuously increasing but at a decreasing rate as we move from the point L to
M on TPP by increasing the seed rate from Xi to Xm. The stage I ends at the
point N where marginal product is equal to average product when the latter is at
its maximum. In this stage, APP keeps on increasing and MPP remains greater
than APP. It is not reasonable to stop the use of an input when it’s efficiency-in-
use is increasing (This is indicated by
M continuous increase in APP). In this
Ym stage, more use of variable input
Stage I
TPP = Y = f (X) increases its physical production
N efficiency in combination with fixed
Stage II Stage III inputs. So it is irrational to stop
increasing the use of variable input, as
Output (Y)
long as fixed inputs are not fully
utilized. For this reason, it is called
irrational stage of production.
starts at a point where APP is at its maximum and ends where the total product is
at its maximum. Within the boundaries of this region is the area of economic
relevance. It is only in this region that marginal product of variable and fixed
factors are positive. Optimum point of input-use must be somewhere in this
region. Hence, it is called rational stage of production. The optimum point can,
however, be located only when input and output prices are known. It needs to be
emphasized that this region of rational production embodies diminishing returns
phase. Both average and marginal products are decreasing in this region.
Stage III: A part of TPP curve beyond the point M is called the third phase of
production. As variable input use is extended beyond X m , the marginal product
beyond point M is negative. It is irrational to increase the input level for
obtaining lower total product. Thus, Stage III is also called irrational stage of
production. The difference between the irrationality in Stage I and Stage III can
be explained in terms of scarcity of the variable input in Stage I and its excess
use in Stage III in relation to the fixed factors of production. Thus, while the
marginal product of the variable factor is negative in the third stage of
production, the same is precisely true for the fixed factor in the first stage of
production. E.g.) more fertilizer dosage, excessive irrigation, etc. would result in
reduction of yield.
Thus, elasticity of production can also be worked out if MPP and APP are
known. In the figure 10.4, at the end of stage I, the Ep is unity (a one per cent
increase in input is always accompanied by a one per cent increase in output). In
stage I, MPP is greater than APP. Therefore, Ep is greater than 1. In stage II,
MPP is lesser than APP and Ep is lesser than one, but greater than zero,
(0 ≤ Ep ≤ 1). In stage III, MPP is negative and Ep is also negative. E.g. when X
5 (0 + 1)
increases from 0 to 1 unit and Y increases from 0 to 5,
Ep = = 1.00
1 (0 + 5)
When X increases from 1 to 2 units and Y increases from 5 to 11 (Arc elasticity
method), 6 (1 + 2) 18
Ep = = = 1.125.
1 (5 + 11) 16
of improved tractors.
production and / or ii) by reducing the cost of production. Since cost
minimization is an individual skill, degree of success in this direction directly
adds to the profits of the farm.
i) Total costs: The total cost comprises of two components, i.e., fixed and
variable costs. Costs of fixed inputs are called fixed costs, while costs of
variable inputs are called variable costs. TVC and TC increase as output
increases. Fixed costs do not change in magnitude as the amount of output of the
production process changes and are incurred even when production is not
undertaken, i.e., fixed costs are independent of output. Land revenue, taxes,
contractual payments such as rent and interest on capital for the use of fixed
resources, and the value of services from fixed resources all represent fixed
costs. In farming, cash fixed costs include land taxes, rent, insurance premium,
etc. Non-cash fixed costs include depreciation of building, machineries and
equipments caused by the passing of time, interest on capital investment, charges
for family labour and charges for management. Variable costs constitute the
TC outlay of funds that are a function of output in a given
production period, i.e., they vary with the level of
output. The outlays of funds on seed, fertilizer,
Cost (Rs)
ii) Average Fixed Cost, Average Variable Cost and Average Total Cost
a) Average Fixed Costs (AFC): Average fixed costs, (AFC) are computed by
dividing total fixed costs by are amount of output. AFC varies depending on the
amount of production.
b) Average variable cost, AVC: It is computed by dividing total variable cost
by the amount of output. AVC varies depending on the amount of production.
The shape of the AVC curve depends upon the shape of the production function
while AFC always has the same shape regardless of the production function.
d) Average Total Costs, ATC: It can be computed in two ways. Total costs can
be divided by output or AFC and AVC can be added.
e) Nature and Relationship between Cost Curves: The shape of the ATC curve
depends upon the shape of the production function. ATC decreases as output
increases from zero, attains a minimum, and increases thereafter. ATC is
referred to as unit cost of production, i.e., the cost of producing one unit of
output. The initial decrease in ATC is caused by the spreading of fixed costs
among an increasing number of units
MC of output and the increasing
ATC efficiency with which the variable
Cost (Rs)
iii) Marginal Cost, MC: It is defined as the change in total cost per unit
increase in output. It is the cost of producing an additional unit of output. MC
is computed by dividing the change in total costs, ∆TC, by the corresponding
change in output, ∆Y, i.e., MC =∆TC / ∆Y. By definition, the only change
possible in total costs is the change in variable cost, because fixed cost does not
vary as output varies. Thus, ∆TC =∆TVC. Therefore, MC could also be
computed by dividing the change in total variable cost by the change in output.
Geometrically, MC is the slope of the TC and the TVC curve. The shape of the
MC curve is in an inverse relationship to that of MPP. For lower levels of
output, MC is decreasing while MPP is increasing. Algebraically, the
relationship between MPP and MC can be shown as:
∆ TC ∆TVC Px (∆X) ∆X Px
MC = = = = Px . =
∆Y ∆Y ∆Y ∆Y MPP
MC and AVC are equal, where MPP is equal to APP. For lower output levels,
MC is less than AVC and ATC and for higher output levels, MC is greater than
AVC and ATC. As long as there is some fixed costs, MC crosses ATC at an
output greater than the output at which AVC is at the minimum and MC is equal
to ATC at the latter’s minimum point. MC curve will intersect the AVC and
ATC curves at their lowest point from below.
Costs need be computed and graphed for input and output amounts only in
stages I and II of the production function; stage III is an area in which no
rational manager would produce. Stage II begins at the point where MC=AVC
and continues to the point where output is a maximum.
TVC = 8Y - 0.4Y 2 + 0.02Y 3
AVC = TVC = 8 – 0.4Y + 0.02Y 2
AFC = TFC = 100
ATC = AFC + AVC = 100Y -1 + 8 – 0.4 Y + 0.02Y 2
MC = dTVC = 8 – 0.8 Y + 0.06Y 2
But, the term Py. MPP is the slope of TVP curve and is called the Value of
Marginal Product (VMP). The term Px is the slope of the total cost function. In
pure competition, Px will always be constant. Dividing both sides of Py, we get,
MPP = . So, another method of stating the marginal criterion is to say that
the marginal product of variable input must equal the inverse ratio of prices
(input - output price ratio).
Profit = TR – TC = Py.Y – Px. X – TFC =Py.Y – Px.f (Y) – TFC
Table 10.4 Product-Cost Relationships
Input Total Average Marginal Total Total Total Average Average Average Marginal Marginal
(Units) Output Product Product Fixed Variable Cost= Fixed Variable Total Cost Revenue
(Units) =Y/X = ∆Y/∆X Costs Cost TFC+ Cost Cost Cost (MC) (MR)
(Units) (Units) (TFC) (TVC) @ TVC (AFC) (AVC) (ATC) =∆TC/∆Y =∆TR/∆Y
(Rs) Rs.2/Unit (Rs) =TFC/Y = TVC/Y = TC/Y
0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 - -
0 0
0 0 TR
0 0
Fig.10.8 (a) Determining the Optimum Fig. 10.8 (b) Determining the
Amounts of Input Using Total Value Optimum Amount of Output
Product, Total Cost, Profit and Value Using Cost and Revenue
of Marginal Product Curves. Curves
The expression, Py.∆Y measures returns added by an increase in output while
Px.∆X measures the cost added by the increase in input. But from the output
criterion, Py = MC, the same added cost and added return can be derived.
Px ∆X
Py = MC = = Px
Py. ∆Y = Px. ∆ X
Thus, the two methods of determining the optimum levels are comparable.
Table 10.5 Response of Paddy to Nitrogen:
Application of Profit Maximization Principle.
Variable Output Total Cost Total Value Product Profit =
Input (Y) =TFC (Rs.10)+TVC =Py.Y @Rs.2/unit of TVP-TC
(X) @Rs.2/unit of input output
0 0 10 0 -10
1 2 12 4 -8
2 5 14 10 -4
3 9 16 18 2
4 14 18 28 10
5 19 20 38 18
6 23 22 46 24
7 26 24 52 28
8 28 26 56 30
9 29 28 58 30
10 29 30 58 28
11 28 32 56 24
12 26 34 52 18
P0 MR0=AR0
P2 MR20=AR20
0 Y2 Y0 Y1 Y0
Fig.10.10 (a) Effect of Changes in Output Fig. 10.10 (b) Effect of Changes in Input
Prices Prices
1) Effect of changes in output prices: A decrease in product price would result
in decrease of marginal revenue for each level of output. Thus, the optimum
output level would decrease from Y 0 to Y 1 , if output price decreases from P 0 to
P 1 and this would indicate a direct relationship between product price and
optimum output levels (Fig. 10.10 (a)).
ii) Cost Concepts: Some of the cost concepts used in farm management studies
by the Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) of Government of
India are A 1 , A 2 , B 1 , B 2 , C 1 and C 2 , which are defined as follows:
Cost A 1 includes:
4. Value of seeds.
7. Value of weedicides.
8. Irrigation charges.
9. Land revenue and other taxes.
The following concepts can be used for easy calculation of the cost of
1) Depreciation for buildings: 2 per cent for pucca building; 5 per cent for
tiled building and 10 per cent for katcha building.
Interest rate of long - term government floated loans or securities: 10 per cent.
Cost B 2 = Cost B 1 + Rental value of owned land (less land revenue) and Rent
paid for leased in land.
3. Family Labour Income = Gross Return - Cost B 2.
Every resource used in the production process has but one true cost; its
opportunity cost. The opportunity cost of a resource is the return, the resource
can earn when put to its best alternative use. Suppose, a farmer applies fertilizer
(50 kgs) to paddy will add Rs.500 and application of fertilizer (50 kgs) to
sugarcane would add Rs.600. Now, if he fertilizes sugarcane, the opportunity
cost of fertilizer is Rs.500; he has foregone Rs.500 to earn Rs.600. Every
resource used in the production process, thus, has but one true cost; opportunity
cost, the next best alternative foregone.
v) Economic Efficiency
b) Optimum Output: P y = MC
∆X1 Px2 MPPx2y
c) Least Cost Combination: = =
∆X2 Px1 MPPx1y
iii) Law of diminishing marginal returns will not operate, unless there is a
change in .
vii) In the short run, the objective in farming should be to cover cost.
2. Define the following:
i) Cost.
v) Elasticity of production.
iii) Shut down point and Break-even point (or) Minimum loss principle.
i) Define the law of diminishing marginal returns. Explain the three zones of
production function with illustration. How Zone II is rational when compared to
the other Zones of production function?
ii) Explain the seven cost curves with suitable illustrations.
iv) What is the significance studying of cost concepts? How will you derive the
following income measures using these cost concepts: a) Farm business income,
b) Family labour income and c) Farm investment income?
i) Linear Isoquant: In this case, two inputs substitute at constant rates. Labour
input supplied by different persons substitutes at a constant rate. Ammonium
sulphate containing 20.6 per cent nitrogen and urea containing 46 per cent
nitrogen would substitute for each other at a constant rate. The decision rule is
simple, i.e., use either of the two factors of production depending on their
relative prices. The rate at which one factor (X 1 ) is substituted for one unit
increase in another factor (X 2 ) at a given level of output is called Marginal Rate
of Substitution (MRS). The marginal rate of substitution of X 2 for X 1 is denoted
In linear isoquant, the rate at which these two inputs can be substituted at a
given level of output is constant regardless of the level of the two inputs used.
∆ X11 ∆ X1 2 ∆ X1n
MRSx2 x1 = = =...=
∆ X21 ∆ X2 2 ∆ X2n
X1 X1
X1 = f (X2, Y (0))
. X1 = f (X2, Y (0) )
Fig.11.1 Linear Isoquant Fig.11.2 Inputs Combine in Fixed Proportion
ii) Fixed Proportion Combination of Inputs (Perfect Complements): Inputs
that increase output only when combined in fixed proportions are called
technical complements. Only one exact combination of inputs will produce the
specified output. A tractor and a driver may serve as a fairly good example.
Here, there is no economic problem in decision-making because there exists no
alternative choice.
Each point on the isoquant is the maximum output that can be achieved with
the corresponding input combination. Isoquants are convex to the origin
Fig.11.3. Two isoquants do not intersect each other.
iv) High contours represent higher output levels: Isoquant map indicates the
shape of the production surface, which again indicates the nature of output
response to the inputs. An isoquant which is far away from the origin represents
higher level of output than an isoquant which is closer to the origin.
constant level when X 2 is increased by one unit. Between the two points (X 2 =2,
X 1 =10) and X 2 =3, ∆XX
1 = 5),5 the
- 10 MRS
-5 of X 2 for X 1 is,
MRSx2 x1 = = = = -5 .
∆ X2 3–2 1
The MRS is negative, because the isoquant slopes downward and to the right;
that is, the isoquant has a negative slope.
23 0 - - -
16 1 7 1 -7
10 2 6 1 -6
5 3 5 1 -5
1 4 4 1 -4
0 5 1 1 -1
vi) Isocost line: Isocost line determines all combinations of the two inputs that
cost the same amount. Each point on the isocost line represents a combination of
X1 = f (X2, Y (0)) Isocost Line
Fig.11.3 Convex Isoquant. Fig.11.4 Isocost Line
inputs that can be purchased with the same outlay of funds (Fig.11.4). Under
constant price situation, each possible total outlay has a different isocost line.
As total outlay increases, isocost line moves higher and higher and moves farther
away from the origin. Changes in the input prices will change the slope of
isocost line as the slope indicates the ratio of input prices. A decrease in the
input price means that more of that input can be purchased with the same total
variable cost; an increase means that less can be purchased.
The equation of the isocost line can be found by solving the TVC equation
for X 1 as an explicit function of X 2 .Px 1 X 1 = TVC – Px 2 X 2 and
X1= X2
Px1 Px1
From this expression, it can be seen that the slope of isocost line is – Px 2 /
Px 1 while the intercept on X 1 is TVC / Px 1 .
vii) Least cost combination: The problem here is to find out a combination of
inputs, which should cost the least, i.e., minimization of cost. The tangency of
isocost and isoquant would indicate the least cost combination of X 1 and X 2 , i.e.,
slope of isoquant = slope of isocost. Least cost combination is given,
algebraically, by equating th e MRS X2∆XX Px2ratio.
1 1to price
MRSx2 x1 = = ,i.e., - Px1 (∆ X1) = Px2 (∆ X2)
X1 ∆ X2 Px1
If - Px 1 (∆X 1 ) > Px 2 (∆X 2 ), then, the
cost of producing the given output amount
Iso Cost Line could be reduced by increasing X 2 and
decreasing X 1 because the cost of an added
Least Cost
unit of X 2 is less than the cost of the units
of X 1 , it replaces. On the other hand, if
between two points of the isoquant,
Px 1 (∆X 1 ) < - Px 2 (∆X 2 ), then the cost of
Fig.11.5 Least Cost Combination
producing the specified quantity of output can be reduced by using less X 2 and
adding X 1 .
The marginal physical product equations can be used to determine the returns
per rupee spent at the least cost point. Rewriting the least cost combination as:
MPPx1 MPPx2 Y = f (X1 , X2 )
Px1 Px2 Total differential is:
∆X1 dX1 MPPx2 Px2 δY δY
= = = dY = dX1+ dX2 = 0
∆X2 dX2 MPPx1 Px1 δX1 δX2
dX1 (δY/δX2) MPPx2
= MRS (or) RTS = =-
dX2 (δY/δX1) MPPx1
viii) Isoclines, Expansion Path and Profit Maximization: Isoclines are lines
or curves that pass through points of equal marginal rates of substitution on an
isoquant map. That is, a particular isocline will pass through all isoquants at
points where the isoquants have a specified slope. There are as many different
isoclines as there are different slopes or marginal rates of substitution on an
isoquant. The expansion path is also an isocline that connects the least cost
combinations of inputs for all yield levels. On expansion path, the marginal rate
of substitution must equal the input price ratio:
∆X1 Px2
Expansion Path (MRS X2X1) = =
∆X2 PX1
Ridge lines represent the limits of the economic relevance, the boundaries
beyond which the isocline and isoquant maps have no economic meaning. The
horizontal ridge line represents the points where MPPx 1 is zero and the vertical
line represents the points where MPPx 2 is zero.
On the ridge line for X 1 , MPP X1 is zero, and tangent to the isoquant which is
vertical having no defined slope. On the ridge line for X 2 , MPP X2 is zero and
the isoquant has a zero slope and thus MRS = 0. Ridge lines are so named
∆X2 MPPx1 0
Ridge Line for X1= =0, = =0
∆X1 MPPx2 MPPx2
Irrational Zone
9 Y=140 ∆X1 Px2
Expansion Path = =
Irrational Zone
∆X2 PX1
Y=120 Isoclines
∆X1 MPPx2
Y=108 Ridge Line for X2 = = 0, =
Y=100 ∆X2 MPPx1
= =0
190 MPPx 1
Y= 45
Fig. 11.6 Isoclines and Expansion Path X2
The slope of the isoquant was shown to be: MRS of X2 for X1 = -
because they trace the high points up the side of the production surface, much
like mountain ridges that rise to the peak of the mountain. Ridge lines represent
the points of maximum output from each input, given a fixed amount of the other
input. When X 1 = 1, output can be increased by adding X 2 upto the amount
devoted by the ridge line (7 units). At that point, output from X 2 is a maximum
given one unit of X 1 and MPP X2 is zero. Past X 2 = 7, MPP X2 is negative while
MPP X 1 is positive; the inputs have an opposite effect on output and are no
longer substitutes. Thus, the ridge lines denote the limits of substitution. Outside
the ridge lines, the inputs do not substitute in an economically meaningful way.
Output is maximum (140) where the ridge lines, and all other isoclines,
converge. For 140 units of output, the least cost and only possible combination is
9 units of X 1 and 7 units of X 2 .
The expansion path traces out the least cost combination of inputs for every
possible output level. The question now arises; which output level is the most
profitable? Conceptually, this question is answered by proceeding out the
expansion path that is increasing output until the value of the product added by
increasing the two inputs along the expansion path is equal to the combined cost
of the added amount of two inputs. Viewed from the input side, this is same as
saying that the VMP of each input must equal the unit price of that input; viewed
from the output side, it is the same as saying the marginal cost must equal
marginal revenue. Thus, while all points on an expansion path represent least
cost combinations, only one point represents the maximum output level. For one
output and two variable inputs, the equation is:
Profit = Py Y - Px 1 X 1 - Px 2 X 2 – TFC.
Maximizing this function with respect to the variable inputs gives two
equations in two unknowns. δProfit δY δProfit δY
= Py - Px1= 0 . = Py - Px2 = 0
δX1 δX1 δY δX2
The above two equations can be written as: VMPx 1 = Px 1 (or) VMPx 2 = Px 2 .
Thus, the profit-maximizing criterion requires that the marginal earnings of each
input must be equal to its cost.
Y = 18X 1 - X 1 2 + 14X 2 - X 2 2
The marginal physical products of X 1 and X 2 are multiplied by Py = Rs.
0.65. Then, VMPx 1 = (18 - 2X 1 ) 0.65; VMPx 2 = (14 - 2X 2 ) 0.65
Equating VMP’s with the input prices of Rs.9 and Rs.7 for X 1 and X 2
respectively, we get, (18 – 2X 1 ) 0.65 = 9; (14 – 2X 2 ) 0.65 = 7
The solutions are 2.08 for X 1 and 1.6 for X 2 . Substituting these values in the
production function predicts a value of Y equal to 53 units.
Then, Profit = 0.65 (53) - 9 (2.08) - 7 (1.60) - TFC= Rs. 4.53 - TFC
The optimum criterion for two variable inputs is often expressed as:
=1; = 1 or because both equal 1, = =1
Px1 Px2 Px1 Px2
All variable inputs must be earning as much as they cost on the margin.
Rewriting in a different form, yields : Px1 MPPx1 1 1
MPPx1= ; = = , Since Py =MC
Py Px1 Py MC
Px2 MPPx2 1 1
MPPx2z= ; = =
Py Px2 Py MC
The above expression is the same as MR = MC under perfect competition.
The scale of production influences the cost of production. In general, larger the scale of
production, the lower is the average cost of production. The term ‘economies’ means
‘advantages’ and the term ‘scale’, here, means ‘large-scale production’. Thus, economies of
scale refer to the advantages of large-scale production. Economies of scale can be categorized
into i) internal economies and (ii) external economies of scale.
i) Internal Economies
c) Marketing Economies: They arise from the purchase of materials and sale of
goods. Large business firms have better bargaining advantages and are provided
with a preferential treatment by the firms they deal with. They are able to secure
freight concessions from railways and road transport firms, prompt delivery and
careful attention from all dealers. A large firm can employ expert purchase
managers and sales managers. In selling, it can cut down selling costs and in
purchasing, it can have a wider choice.
d) Financial Economies: A big firm has better credit facilities and can borrow
on more favourable terms. It encourages prospective investors with incentives
and higher returns and therefore, its shares have a wider market. A big firm can
issue its shares and debentures more easily than an unknown small firm.
e) Risk-Bearing Economies: A big firm can spread risks and can often eliminate
them. It can diversify the output. It can also establish wider marketing net work
for its products. If demand for any one of its products slackens in any one
market, it may increase it in other markets. Thus, it can reduce the risk of
fluctuations in the demand for its product.
External economies are those economies, which are available to each member
firm as a result of the expansion of the industry as a whole. Expansion of
industry may lead to the availability of new and cheaper raw materials,
machineries and to the use of superior technical knowledge. External economies
are advantages available to all the firms. For instance, construction of a new
railway line benefits all firms set up in that locality and not to any particular
firm alone. Various types of external economies are given below:
The long run average cost curve has the same shape as the short run ATC
curve. (But, long run cost has no fixed cost). When the firm is small, expansion
of output usually increases efficiency, and average costs per unit of output will
fall. The reasons for this decrease include specialization of labour and capital.
As the size of the business
increases, the manager may be able
Economies of Size Diseconomies of Size to purchase inputs at a discount,
thereby gaining market economies.
H B’
E A’
D’ E’
F A Y3 F C’
C Y2
0 X2 X2 0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y
Fig 11.8 (a) Fig.11.8 (b)
Relationship between Short-Run
195 and Long-Run Cost Curves
expand output in the short run only by changing the amount of variable input.
This situation is depicted in Fig.11.8 (a). Plant size is fixed in the short run at
X 2 . That particular plant size, X 2 will produce output Y 2 at the least average
total cost when combined with OF amount of X 1 , the variable input. To produce
outputs other than Y 2 in the short run, the manager must vary the amount of X 1
and by so doing, restrict input use to the combinations represented by the
vertical line above X 2 . For example, to produce output Y 1 in the short run, the
manager would use OG of X 1 with the fixed plant, X 2 and to produce output Y 3
in the short run the manager would use OH of X 1 with X 2 .
This argument is also indicated in Fig. 11.8 (b). Fixed costs of amount OF
are associated with X 2 amount of X 2 . There are no fixed costs in the long-run.
Short-run total costs, SRTC, increase with output but remain above long-run
total costs, LRTC, until output Y 2 is reached. Point A’ on LRTC and SRTC
represents the cost of input combination at A in Fig.11.8 (a). At A’ the two cost
curves are tangent. At output levels greater than Y 2 , SRTC increases more
rapidly than LRTC. The costs of the input combinations C, D, E and B in
Fig.11.8 (a) are represented by C’, D’,
SRMC1 SRATC4 E’ and B’ in Fig.11.8 (b). In Figure
F SRMC2 11.9, the relationship between long-run
A SRMC4 D average cost curve and several plant
The LRAC curve depicts the minimum average cost for each output level and
thereby determines the most efficient plant size for each output level. Plant size
1 is most efficient in the production of the output corresponding to A, plant size
2 for B, plant size 3 for C, etc. Thus, the LRAC is the envelope curve that is
tangent to each SRATC curve at the output for which that plant size is most
efficient in the long-run.
YK n = f (KX 1 , KX 2 ,. . . ,KXm)
The factor K n represents the change in output when all inputs are changed by
the factor K. For example, if n equals one, the change in output is equal to the
changes in the inputs and the returns to scale are constant. If n is greater than
one, the change in output exceeds the proportionate change in all the inputs and
returns to scale are increasing. Conversely, if n is less than one, the returns to
scale are decreasing. In case of constant returns to scale, the distance between
successive isoquants is constant, i.e., AB=BC=CD (Fig. 11.10 (a)). The distance
goes on widening between isoquants when diminishing returns operate, i.e.,
AB<BC<CD (Fig.11.10 (b)). Finally, in case of increasing returns to scale, the
distance between the successive isoquants becomes smaller and smaller as we
move away from the origin on the isoquant map i.e., AB>BC>CD (Fig.11.10 (c)).
Returns to scale must be measured along a scale line, that is a straight line,
passing through the origin. Proportionate input changes are possible only on
such a line or ray. Thus, economies (diseconomies) of size are the same as
economies (diseconomies) of scale only when the long long-run expansion path
is a straight line passing through the origin. In most agricultural production
situations, input proportions representing least cost combinations vary with the
level of output. Therefore, strict interpretations of scale concepts are probably
not of great value in agriculture.
X1 X1 X1
Scale Line
C Y=400
B Y=400 Y=400 B
B Y=325
A Y=300 Y=275
A A Y=225
Y=200 Y=175
Y=100 Y=100 Y=100
0 X2 0 X2 0 X2
Fig.11.10 (a) Constant Return Fig.11.10 (b) Decreasing Fig.11.10 (c) Increasing
to Scale Return to Scale Return to Scale
i) Least cost combination.
ii) Elasticity of factor substitution.
iii) Expansion path.
iv) Returns to scale.
v) Isoproduct / Isoquant curve.
vi) Marginal rate of factor substitution.
vii) Isocost line.
viii) Isocline.
ix) Ridge line.
x) Envelope curve.
3. Write short notes on the following:
i) Perfect complements and Perfect substitutes.
ii) Economies of scale and Diseconomies of scale.
iii) Relationship between short run and Long run cost curves.
4. Answer the following:
i) Explain the least cost combination of inputs with illustration.
ii) Discuss the internal and external economies of scale.
dY1 ∆Y1
(Point concept) (or) (Average or arc concept)
dY2 ∆Y2
between two products, Y 1 and Y 2 , is given by the negative slope of this curve.
The RPT of Y 2 for Y 1 can either be expressed as:
i) Relationship among Products: The basic product relationships can be: joint,
complementary, supplementary and competitiveness.
a) Joint Products: Products, which result from the same production process, are
termed joint products. In the extreme case, two products are combined in fixed
proportions and the production of one without the other is impossible. E.g. Grain
and straw. Production possibility curves for joint products of this type are
presented in Figure 12.1 (a). No substitution is possible in this case. However,
for example, different varieties of paddy produce varying proportions of straw
and grain. Thus, the proportions may be changed by technologies or cropping
practices usually associated with the fixed inputs. For such products, a narrow
range of product substitution may exist as presented in Figure12.1 (b).
Y1 Y1
∆Y11 ∆Y12
∆Y21 ∆Y22
∆Y21 ∆Y12
∆Y12 ∆Y22
Y2 Y2 Y2
Fig.12.2(a)Constant RPTY2Y1.Fig.12.2(b)Decreasing RPTY2Y1.Fig.12.2(c)Increasing RPTY2Y1
∆Y11 ∆Y12 ∆Y1n ∆Y11 ∆Y12 ∆Y1n ∆Y11 ∆Y12 ∆Y1n
= =. . . = > >. . . > < <...<
∆Y21 ∆Y22 ∆Y2n ∆Y21 ∆Y22 ∆Y2n ∆Y21 ∆Y22 ∆Y2n
When the production possibility curve has a negative slope, the products
concerned are competitive. Two competitive products can substitute each other
either at a constant or increasing or decreasing rate. Substitution of one product
for another product at a constant rate is only a short-run phenomenon because
such a relationship may not hold for long. Two varieties of any crop with all
inputs held constant, during any single season provide an example of this type of
substitution. Economic decision-making is easy in this case, i.e., the farmer
would produce only one of these products depending upon yields and prices.
Whenever a decreasing RPT exists between two products, every unit addition of
one product, say Y 2 replaces less and less of other product, Y 1 .The product
transformation curve is concave away from origin and convex toward the origin.
This type of relationship is quite rare. This type of decreasing RPT can be found
in very small farms where capital is very limited and the produce of none of the
two competitive commodities can be extended beyond the first stage of
production. Decision-making is simple in this case, i.e., the farmer would
produce only one of the two products depending on relative yields and prices. An
increasing rate of product transformation between two products occurs when
both products are produced in the stage of decreasing returns. The product
transformation curve is concave towards the origin, i.e., increasing amounts of
Y 1 must be sacrificed for each successive gain of one unit of other product, Y 2
for a given level of input.
0 B Y2 0 B Y2
Fig.12.3 (a) Complementary Products Fig.12.3(b)
O H Y2 O H
Fig. 12.4 (a) Supplementary Products Fig. 12.4 (b)
available at a given point of time. Once purchased, a tractor is available for use
throughout the year. Its use in one month does not prevent its use in another
month. Thus, a tractor purchased to plough and plant may be put to a lesser use
during the off-season. If two crops were harvested at the same time, however, the
relationship would be competitive-use on one could reduce the amount of use on
the other.
iii) Iso Revenue Line: It is the line which defines all possible combinations of
two commodities which would yield an equal revenue or income. Iso revenue
line indicates the ratio of prices for two competing products. The point on Y 2
axis is always equal to TR/PY 2 while the point on the Y 1 axis equal TR/PY 1 . The
distance of the Iso revenue line from the origin is determined by the magnitude
of the total revenue. As total revenue increases, the iso revenue line moves away
TR = Py1Y1 + Py2 Y2
TR Py2
Y1= - Y2
Py1 Py1
from the origin. The slope of the iso revenue line is determined by the output
Change in Py1
0 Change in Py2
Fig.12.5 Iso Revenue Line
Thus, the output prices ratio is the slope of the iso revenue line. The negative
sign means that the iso revenue line slopes downward to the right. The iso
revenue lines are used for revenue optimization, while iso cost lines are used for
cost minimization.
v) Opportunity cost and Marginal criterion for Resource Allocation:
Maximum revenue from a limited amount of input was shown to occur when,
∆Y1 Py2
=- and this could be written as:
Y1 ∆Y2 Py1
- Py2 (∆Y2) = Py1 (∆Y1)
where ∆Y 1 is negative. But the decrease in
Output Expansion Path Y 1 could only be caused by shifting some
86.0 amount of input, X, from enterprise (Y 1 )
9 to enterprise Y 2 . Denote the amount of
7 input shifted by ‘∆X’. Dividing both sides
of the above expression by ∆X and
35.0 4 48.5
31.5 multiplying both sides of the equality by
27 Iso Revenue Line minus one gives.
2 ∆Y2 ∆Y1
9.0 Py2 = Py1 ;
Production Possibility Curve
∆X ∆X
Py2 . MPPxy2 = Py1. MPPxy1;
9.0 15.5 21.5 25.5 Y2 VMPxy2 = VMPxy1
Fig.12.7 Output Expansion Path
Thus, revenue from the limited amount of input, X, will be a maximum when
the value of the marginal product of the input is the same in each enterprise.
(The notation, MPP xy 1 and VMP xy 2 , is used to denote the MPP of X on Y 1 and
VMP of X used on Y 2 respectively). Equating the VMP’s of the input in the two
enterprises leads to the identical solution obtained from the production
possibility curve. The two criteria are compared in Table 12.1 (a) and 12.1 (b)
Table 12.1(a) Comparing the Marginal Criteria for Resource Allocation and
Production Possibility Curve
Variable Output MPP X Y 1 VMP X Y 1 Variable Output MPP X Y 2 VMP X Y 2
Input (X) (Y 1 ) @Py 1 = Input (X) (Y 2 ) @Py 2 =
Re.1/unit Rs.2/unit
0 0 - - 0 0 - -
1 12 12 12 1 7 7 14
2 22 10 10 2 13 6 12
3 30 8 8 3 18 5 10
4 36 6 6 4 22 4 8
5 40 4 4 5 25 3 6
6 42 2 2 6 27 2 4
7 43 1 1 7 28 1 2
For two units of input, one to Y 1 where it would earn Rs.12 and the second to Y 2
for an earning of Rs.14, the total revenue would be Rs.26. The second unit could
also go to Y 2 and the earning would be unchanged. From the production
possibility curve for 2 units of input, in Fig.12.7, maximum revenue combination
Table 12.1(b) Comparing the Marginal Criteria for Resource Allocation and
Production Possibility Curve
Units of Solution Equating VMP Solution using Production
Inputs Possibility Curve
Y2 Y1 TR Y2 Y1 TR
2 7 12 26 9 9 27.0
4 13 22 48 15.5 17.5 48.5
7 22 30 74 21.5 31.5 74.5
9 25 36 86 25.5 35.0 86.0
Py 1 = Re.1; Py 2 = Rs.2.
of outputs is 9 each of Y 1 and Y 2 and the total revenue is Rs.27 which is slightly
more than the allocation using “average” marginal criteria. The numbers 2, 4, 7
and 9 given the fig.12.7 are input levels of production possibility curves. The
numbers 27, 48.5, 74.5 and 86 are revenue levels of iso revenue lines. Thus, the
geometric approach is more accurate. This allocation of inputs between products
can also be viewed in terms of opportunity cost. It demonstrates the cost in terms
of the value of an alternative product that is given up rather than the purchase
price of variable input. As long as VMP in one enterprise, that is sacrificed,
equals the VMP in the other enterprise, that is gained, the opportunity costs for
both enterprises are equal and total returns are maximum.
i) One Input - Several Products: Suppose, there is a limited amount of a
variable input to be allocated among several enterprises. For this, the production
function and product prices must be known for each enterprise. Next, the VMP
schedule must be computed for each enterprise. Finally, using the opportunity
cost principle, units of input are allocated to each enterprise in such a way that
the profit earned by the input is a maximum. Profit from a limited amount of
variable resource is maximized when the resource is allocated among the
enterprises in such a way that the marginal earnings of the input are equal in all
enterprises. It can be stated as: VMPxy 1 = VMPxy 2 = .... = VMPxyn where,
VMPxy 1 is the value of marginal product of X used on product Y 1 ; VMPxy 2 is
the value of marginal product of X used on product Y 2 ; and so on.
VMP xy 1 = Py 1 MPPxy 1 ; VMPxy 2 = Py 2 MPPxy 2 and so on.
Table 12.2 Allocation of Limited Variable Input among Three Enterprises
Enterprise I (Maize) Y 1 Enterprise II (Sorghum) Y 2 Enterprise III (Ragi) Y 3
0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
1 10 20 1 18 18 1 7 14
2 18 16 2 31 13 2 13 12
3 24 12 3 42 11 3 18 10
4 29 10 4 51 9 4 22 8
5 33 8 5 58 7 5 25 6
6 36 6 6 64 6 6 27 4
(Py 1 = Rs2; Py 2 = Rs 1; Py 3 = Rs 2)
Suppose that the farmer has five units of X. According to the opportunity
cost principle, he will allocate each successive unit of input to the use where its
marginal return, VMP, is the largest; i.e., first unit of X used in I earns Rs.20;
second on first unit of II earns Rs18; third on second unit of I earns Rs.16;
fourth on first unit of III earns Rs.14; and fifth on second unit of II earns Rs.13.
Two units of inputs go on I, two on II and one on III. Used in this manner, the
five units of inputs will earn Rs.81. No other allocation of the five units among
the three enterprises will earn as much. What is the maximum amount of input
needed for enterprises I, II and III? To find out this, the manager must
determine the most profitable amount of input for each enterprise. When input
cost is Rs.6.5 per unit, the optimum amounts are 5 for I, 5 for II and 4 for III.
Cost is Rs.91 (5+5+4=14) (6.5)=Rs 91. Thus, the manager would never use more
than a total of 14 units of inputs on I, II and III, no matter how many units of
inputs he could afford to buy.
Assume that the farmer has 100 kgs of nitrogen available for 2 acres- one
acre to be used for corn and one to be used for sorghum and that the price of
corn is Rs.3 per kg and the price of grain sorghum is Rs2.50 per kg.
iii) Two inputs - Two outputs: Consider the case in which two inputs X 1 and X 2
can be used to produce two products, Y 1 and Y 2 . When the inputs are used in the
first enterprise, the equi-marginal principle dictates the following equality:
Py1. MPPx1y1 Py1.MPPx2y1 (or) VMPx1y1 VMPx2y1
= =
Px1 Px2 Px1 Px2
Thus, the marginal earnings of each input must be the same per unit cost,
even within a specific enterprise. When both ratios equal one, the optimum has
been reached. The same condition must hold for the use of the two inputs in the
VMPx1y2 VMPx2y2
second enterprise.
Px1 Px2
Marginal returns per rupee spent on input must be same for both inputs in
enterprises. Thus, the general condition is:
VMPx1y1 VMPx2y1 VMPx1y2 VMPx2y2
= = =
Px1 Px2 Px1 Px2
1. Fill up the blanks
i) Marginal rate of product substitution means the rate of change in quantity of
one as a result of an unit increase in the other , given that the
amount of input used remains the same.
ii) An increasing rate of product transformation between two products occurs
when both products are produced in the stage of returns.
iii) Beyond certain level of production, both supplementary as well as
complementary products become .
iv) The slope of the iso revenue line is determined by the .
v) When the input is scarce, it is allocated to each enterprise in such a way that
the profit earned by the input is .
vi) At maximum revenue yielding combination of outputs, the slope of
production possibility curve is equal to the slope of .
vii) Complementary occurs when one of the products produces an used
by the other product.
viii) In case of complementary products the value of MRPS will be .
2. Define the following:
i) Production possibility curve.
ii) Iso revenue line.
iii) Marginal Rate of Product Transformation.
3. Write short notes or short answers on the following:
i) Distinguish between Iso product curve and Iso resource curve.
ii) Law of equi marginal returns.
iii) Output expansion path.
4. Answer the following:
i) Explain the maximum revenue yielding combination of outputs with
ii) Explain the different types of relationships between products.
classified into five groups, namely, peasant, co-operative, state, capitalistic and
collective farming. When farms in a group are quite similar in the kinds and
productions of the crops and livestock that are produced and the methods and
practices followed in production, the group is described as type of farming. It
includes specialized, diversified, mixed and ranching.
i) Type of Farming
i) Better use of land: It is more profitable to grow a crop on a land best suited
to it. E.g.) Jute cultivation on a swampy land.
iii) Better Management: As there are fewer enterprises, wastage can easily be
detected and they can be better managed.
i) There is a greater risk - failure of crop and market together may ruin the
ii) Productive resources – land, labour and capital are not fully utilized.
iv) By products of the farm cannot be fully utilized due to lack of sufficient
livestock on the farm.
v) Farm returns in cash are not generally received more than once in a year, i.e.,
there is no regular farm return.
b) Diversified Farming
A Farm on which no single or source of income yields 50 per cent of the total
receipt is called a diversified farm. More number of enterprises are taken up on
the farm and no single enterprise is relatively much more important.
i) Better use of land, labour and capital: Better use of land through adoption
of crop rotations, steady employment generation and more efficient use of
equipment are obtained.
ii) Business risk is reduced due to a crop failure or unfavourable market prices.
iii) Regular and quicker returns are obtained from various enterprises.
ii) Better equipping of the farm is not possible because it is not economical to
have extensive implements and machinery for each enterprise.
c) Mixed Farming
d) Ranching
A ranch differs from other type of crop and livestock farming in that the
livestock graze the natural vegetation. Ranch land is not utilized by tilling or
raising crops. The ranchers have no land of their own and make use of the public
grazing land. Ranching is followed in Australia, America, Tibet and certain parts
of India (Bikaner in Rajesthan).
1) Physical Factors: The physical factors namely climate, soil and topography
have influence in determining the type of farming.
3) Social Factors: The kind of people in the community and the provision of
protection of crops against the hazards of bird and animal ravages may influence
the farming community to change the pattern of cropping. The co-operative spirit
in providing security to crops, benefits resulting from low transport costs
through collective sale and better marketing facilities permit farmers to expand
some enterprises like fruit farming, dairying or poultry rearing.
i) Co-operative Farming
2) In co-operative joint farming, the land of the members is pooled for joint
cultivation. The ownership of each member over his own land is recognized by
payment of a divided in proportion to the value of his land. Members work on
the land under the direction of managing committee and each member receives
wages for his daily labour.
3) Under the system of co-operative tenant farming, the land is held by the
society and not by the members individually. The land is divided into plots
which are leased out for cultivation to individual members. The society also
arranges for inputs like credit, seeds and manure besides arranging for marketing
of the produce. Each member pays rent of his plot to the society.
v) Peasant Farming
The peasant farming, farmers follow agricultural practices in their own way
and are managers and organizers of their farm business. Living and working are
closely related. The entire farm family has a part in making decisions and
executing the farming programme. The peasant farming, on the one hand, places
a greater impotance on management and the use of family labour which
maximizes farm business income and on the other hand allows the organization
of the farm to be adjusted to the capabilities of the various members of the
Punjab has to give up 34 qtls of paddy for 638 qtls of sugarcane whereas
Tamil Nadu has to give up 27 qtls of paddy for 993 qtls of sugarcane. The
principle of comparative advantage is reflected in the market prices for farm
products. The following factors may change regional production pattern over
i) Changes in product or output prices.
ii) Changes in biological factors such as increased pest infestations.
iii) Introduction of new technology such as high yielding varieties, IPM, etc.
iv) Conversion of dry lands into irrigated lands.
v) Change in mode or cost of transportation, so as to decrease or increase the
disadvantage associated with being distant from markets.
vi) Change in population that results in large, new consumption centres.
vii) Shifts in resources, such as labour and capital between regions.
Frank knight classified the knowledge situation into the following logical
iii) Types of Risks and Uncertainties: Risks and uncertainties can be classified
into the following five categories.
because of some mishap in the farmer’s household or in his permanent labour
4) Forward Contracts: They reduce the future prices of both inputs and outputs
into certainty. Pre-harvest contracts of mango, share cropping, i.e., forward
contract in kind are some examples for this.
6) Liquidity: This refers to the case with which assets in a farm can be
converted into cash, the most “liquid” of all assets. If some of the assets are held
in the form, which can be easily converted, into cash, it provides a safeguard to
the farmer by enabling him to make necessary adjustments in response to risks
and uncertainties of various types.
choose several enterprises in some proportion overtime, so as to distribute the
risk factor. Like flexibility, it has no provision to reap large gains due to high
prices or yields over time, but serves as a good method to prevent heavy losses.
However, the diversification of farm activities may deprive the entrepreneur of
all the advantages of specialization.
iv) to prepare financial documents like balance sheet and income statement
so as to acquire credit, design farm policies and prepare tax statement.
b) They are the basis for diagnosis and planning.
c) They show the ways to improve the managerial ability of the farmer.
f) They form the basis for designing government policies - land policy, price
policy, national farm policies, etc.
iv) Types of Farm Records: Farm records can be classified into three
categories, i.e., inventories, production records and financial records.
a) Inventory: Farm inventory includes a complete listing of all that a farm owns
and owes at a particular date, generally at the beginning and the end of each
agricultural year. It includes not only the listing of physical assets but also
assigning values of all such assets, liabilities and debts as well. There are two
steps involved in taking a farm inventory.
i) Valuation at Cost: The amount of money actually invested on the asset when
it was acquired is entered in the inventory. This method has the following
limitations: a) it cannot be used for the valuation of farm products; b) the effects
of inflation and deflation are ignored; and c) original investment value has only
a limited use, when valuation is taken up somewhere in the middle of the
ii) Cost or market prices whichever is lower: This is used for valuing the
purchased farm supplies.
iii) Net Selling Price: It represents market price less the selling costs. For all
assets that will be sold within the year, the net selling price is used. Crops or
livestock produced for the market can be valued with this method.
iv) Cost Less Depreciation: The value of asset in subsequent years can be
estimated by subtracting the depreciation from its cost. Machinery, breeding
livestock and buildings constructed recently can be evaluated with this method.
But this method cannot be applied for products produced from the farm.
vii) Income Capitalization: For assets like land whose contribution towards the
income can be measured for each production period and which has long life,
income capitalization is an ideal method of valuation. If a certain piece of land is
expected to give an uniform income of Rs.1,000 per year indefinitely and the
rate of interest is 10 per cent per annum, the present value of the land, then, can
be easily assessed by using this method, i.e.,
viii) Depreciation
Depreciation is the decline in the value of a given asset as a result of the use,
wear and tear, accidental damages and time obsolescence. The loss in value of an
asset over time is, therefore, determined by i) remaining life, ii) extent and
nature of use and iii) obsolescence. The relative importance of the above factors
varies with the kind of assets and the extent to which it is put into use.
Depreciation charges may either be spread uniformly over the entire useful life
of an asset or they can be relatively heavier during the early life of an asset. The
amount of depreciation charged should correspond to the loss in the value of
asset over time. The computation of depreciation would not be necessary, if all
items purchased were completely worn out by the end of the year of its purchase.
However, the items such as buildings, equipments, livestock, etc are used up
gradually over a long period of years and an important question arises about the
determination of cost of such articles for one specific accounting year.
a) Calculation of Depreciation
Original Cost (OC) – Salvage Value (SV)
Annual Depreciation (AD) =
Expected Years of Life (EL)
12000 – 1200
AD = = Rs. 1080 per year.
The life of the asset may be calculated in terms of years (time) or units of
production, viz., acres or hours of work. In case of tractor, its life may be 10
years or 10,000 hours of work. The actual depreciation of the asset may not be
uniform in value every year during the entire useful life of an asset. It may be
more during the early years, when asset depreciates at a faster rate and less in
the later years of its life. It can be the other way also. Thus, the straight-line
method may not be realistic for the estimation of depreciation of all assets.
However, it may be suitable to long lasting assets like buildings and fences,
which may require uniform maintenance during their lifetimes.
AD= (OC – D) x R
In this method, the amount of depreciation decreases year after year and
ultimately the asset is reduced to its junk value. This method may be suitable to
those assets which depreciate at a faster rate in the beginning of their lives. E.g.
Tractor, pump-set, etc. Assume a Rs.12,000 worth of an oil engine with an
expected life of 10 years and salvage value of Rs.1,200.
The rate of depreciation would obviously be 20 per cent for this method as 10
per cent was used under straight-line method.
Table 16.1 Estimation of Annual Depreciation using
Diminishing Balance Method
Year Value at the Beginning Annual Depreciation Remaining
of the Year (Rs) (Rs) Balance (Rs)
1 12,000.00 12,000.00x0.2=2,400.00 9,600.00
2 9,600.00 9,600.00x0.2=1,920.00 7,680.00
3 7,680.00 7,680.00x0.2=1,536.00 6,144.00
4 6,144.00 6,144.00x0.2=1,228.80 4,915.20
5 4,915.20 4,915.20x0.2=983.04 3,932.16
6 3,932.16 3,932.16x0.2=786.43 3,145.73
7 3,145.73 3,145.73x0.2=629.15 2,516.58
8 2,516.58 2,516.58x0.2=503.32 2,013.26
9 2,013.26 2,013.26x0.2=402.65 1,610.61
10 1,610.61 1,610.61x0.2=322.12 1,288.49
In this method, the digits upto the expected life of the asset are added (the
digits can be summed up using a formula i.e., n (n+1) / 2; where n is the total
number of years of life). As the value of the fraction N/SD keeps on declining
each year, the annual depreciation also declines with the advancement in the age
of an asset as in the declining balance method.
Assume an oil engine with the original cost of Rs.12,000, an expected life of
10 years and salvage value of Rs. 1,200. Annual depreciation for this asset over
its life can be calculated as shown in the table below:
This method also suits those assets for which relatively higher depreciation
needs to be charged during earlier years of their lives. This method differs from
the declining balance method in that the rate of decline in depreciation is
uniform from year to year whereas in the declining balance method, it keeps on