Bio Intensive Gardening
Bio Intensive Gardening
Bio Intensive Gardening
(B.I.G.) Advocacy
Mac Ardy J. Gloria
DYEA 2012 Philippines
Outline and Background
Bio Intensive Gardening
Using a smaller gardening space
to produce higher yields Advantages
Minimizing the consumption of Use water 3-8 times
water for gardening more effectively
Excluding the use of inorganic Produce 2-6 times as
fertilizers & biological pesticides much food in the same
Reduce energy demands
Develop a local and
diverse seed base
Learning from the GP
Pre-requisites in doing any action plan
Well-identified issue/problem
Participative interaction among the Community
Clear understanding among stakeholders
All-encompassing benefits, including future generations
In terms of achieving sustainability
Focus on the local initiative
Emphasize on the Local independence
Utilize the Local resources available
Learning from the GP
Appreciation has a vital role towards action realization
and Respect
Issues confronting the Community
Target Area: Phase III, Soldiers
Hills IV, Cavite
Approximately ten (10) households
Low environmental & health awareness
Has untapped land areas being dumped
with wastes
Frequent use of inorganic chemicals for
Establishment of a small-scale
garden using B.I.G.
Financial Constraints
Solving problems and constraints
DENSO, JEEF and Friends
Practical experience and learning in gardening and agriculture
Advice and suggestions on how to effectively publicize the Advocacy
in attracting more local people
Serve as mentors for the B.I.G. Advocacy
Provide a formal endorsement from DYEA which will convey the
project’s credibility
Provide networks and connections which will serve as avenues for
promotion of the Community’s B.I.G. advocacy