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Mother Tongue-Based

Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)

Teacher’s Guide
Maguindanaon: Unit 4 – Week 39 & 40
Mother Tongue Based
Multilingual Education
Teacher’s Guide

(Unit 4 - Week 39 & 40)

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and

reviewed by educators from public and private schools,
colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and
other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of
Education at action@deped.gov.ph.

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education
Republic of the Philippines
Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education – Grade 1
Teacher’s Guide: Maguindanaon
First Edition, 2013
ISBN: 978-971-9981-74-9

Republic Act 8293, section 176 indicates that: No copyright shall subsist in
any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
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The borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand
names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective
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over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Br. Armin Luistro FSC
Undersecretary: Dr. Yolanda S. Quijano
Assistant Secretary: Dr. Elena R. Ruiz

Development Team of the Teacher’s Guide

Coordinator: Rosalina J. Villaneza

Mga manunulat: Armela I. Bansil

Rahima A. Salik

Tagasuri: Abdulmaguid S. Mohamad

Gumuhit ng mga larawan: Amphy B. Ampong

Kiram T. Altawan
Jayson O. Villena

Naglayout: Aro R. Rara

Printed in the Philippines ____________

Department of Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat


Office Address: 2nd Floor Dorm G, PSC Complex, Meralco Avenue.

Pasig City, Philippines 1600
Telefax: (02) 634-1054, 634-1072
E-mail Address: imcsetd@yahoo.com
Lesson Guide in Grade 1 - Maguindanaon: Week 39

I. Objectives:
1. Use culturally appropriate expressions in giving one’s obligation, hope and
2. Read stories, legends, essays, news articles, blogs, etc. containing high
frequency words and words studied.
3. Read grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95 – 100%.
4. Read grade one level text in four to five word phrase with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues.
5. Correctly spelled previously learned words.
6. Correctly spell environmental prints being learned.(e.g. traffic safety )
7. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and capitalization
in writing essay, news article, story, fable, etc.
8. Write essay, news articles, events, story, advertisement observing correct
punctuation mark, capitalization, indention and format.
9. Identify the adverbs used in sentence.
10. Use the adverb correctly in constructing own sentences.
11. Understand that the language used in school is more formal than the
language used at home and with friends.
12. Predict what the story, school and community events, situations, activity,
legends, blogs, etc. based on context clues.
13. Tell their own stories and legend as an output of their research.
14. Tell their own news article, advertisement, community and school events, etc.
as an output of their research work.
15. State the meaning of some environmental signs.( e.g. traffic safety, warning
16. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and making

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topics:
1. Using cultrurally appropriate expressions in giving one’s obligation, hope
and wish.
2. Reading stories, legends, essays, news articles, blogs, etc. containing high
frequency words and words studied.
3. Reading grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95-100%.
4. Reading grade one level text in four to five word phrase with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues.
5. Spelling of previously learned words.
6. Spelling of environmental prints being learned.(e.g.traffic safety)
7. Observing proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in writing essay, news article, story, fable, etc.
8. Writing essay, news articles, events, story, advertisement observing correct
punctuation mark, capitalization, indention and format.
9. Identifying adverbs used in sentence.
10. Using adverb correctly in constructing own sentences.
11. Understanding of the language used in school is more formal than the
language used at home and with friends.
12. Predicting what the story in school and community, events, situation,
activity, legends, blogs, etc. based on context clues.

13. Telling their own stories and legends as an output of their research.
14. Telling their own news article, advertisement, community and school
events, etc. as an output of their research work.
15. Stating the meaning of some environmental signs.(e.g. traffic safety,
warning signs)
16. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments.

B. References: K-12 Curriculum

MTB Indicators

C. Materials: pictures, cards. stories, poem

D. Theme: Disaster Preparedness- Weather and other natural

phenomena (earthquake, volcanic eruption)


III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficulties through context clues
kadalem kinauma kalut puket
2. Motivation
a. Nakaukit kanu den sa kadalem? Ngin i egkanggula amaika
b. Ngin i pinggula nu sa kinagkadalem ba entu?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Teacher introduce the shared reading story entitled “Makagkalat, endu
makagkapia su Kadalem.”

Makagkalat endu makagkapia su kadalem

By: Maguid S. Mohamad

Timpu na kadalem lu sa dalepa nia bapa Musa na madakel a

pakambakwit sabap sa egkauma na ig su walay nilan. Minangay si
bapa Musa, si bapa Brahim, si bapa Akob, si bapa Laguiab endu si
babu Kadiguia lu kani Kapitan ka pinanudtul nilan su nanggula.
Inidsan ni kapitan si bapa Musa. Ngin i nanggula nu sa kinauma
na kadalem? Ya tig ni bapa Musa na inigeled na ig su palay nami.
Inidsan ni Kapitan si bapa Brahim, ngin i nanggula nu sa kinauma na
kadalem? Ya tig ni Brahim na naled su manga kamais nami. Inidsan ni
Kapitan si bapa Akob. Ngin i nanggula nu sa kinauma na kadalem?
Tig nin, na naanud su walay nami.

Inidsan ni Kapitan si babu Kadiguia. Ngin i nanggula nu sa

kinauma na kadalem?tig nin nasanggap na kadalem su kalut nami.
Inidsan ni Kapitan menem si bapa Laguiab. Ngin i nanggula nu sa
kinauma na kadalem? Tig nin madakel a seda i nakua nu talik ku.

2. Post Reading Activity
Comprehension Check
a. Ngin i nanggula nu dalepa ba entu?
b. Entain i linemu kani kapitan?
c. Ngin i nanggula ni bapa Musa, bapa Brahim, bapa Akob, bapa
Laguiab endu babu Kadiguia?
d. Ngin i nakagkalat nu kadalem? Ngin i nakagkapia nin?
e. Ngin i enggulan tanu endu makatabang kanu sa dili kagkadalem?

C. Guided Activities
1. Teacher asks pupils to retell their own story about flood.
2. After retelling their own story, teacher asks them to write their own story
on a sheet of paper.

D. Post Assessment
Individual Activity
Gamit ka sa gulis sa kapadsugata kanu ngala na taw sia kanu pidtalu
nin.Enggula ka san sa kaletas nengka.

1. Inigeled’a ig su walay nami. Bapa Akob

2. Naled su manga kamais nami. Bapa Laguiab
3. Naanud su walay nami. Bapa Musa
4. Nasanggap na ig su kalut nami. Bapa Brahim
5. Nakakua su talik ku sa seda. Babu Kadigiua


A. Preparatory Activity
1. Ngin i enggulan nengka amaika aden kadalem?(What will you do if there
is a flood?)Ngin I magaga nengka enggula endu kaabungan su kadalem?
(What can you do to prevent flood?)
2. Talk about the story yesterday.

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
Teacher present the lesson by showing a pictures of activities on how to
prevent flood of other disaster that may hit our places.

2. Discussion and Analysis
a. Ngin i madtalu nengka sa tuladan a nia? (What can you say about the
b. Maya bun ba i enggulan nengka? (Do you do the same?) Enduken ka
dait a maya ba i enggulan nengka? (Why should you do also like

C. Guided Activity
1. Teacher let the children write activities that helps prevent flood by group.
2. Present the work to the class.

D. Post Assessment
Write MAPIA if the picture shows prevention of flood and DIKENA MAPIA if
the picture shows cannot.


A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review
a. Teacher let the children read chart with ENGGULAN and DILI
ENGGULAN with the environment so that flood can be prevented.
b. She calls 3-5 pupils to pick a picture of activities that can prevent flood
from the table and say something about the picture.
2. Motivation
a. What will happen if there are no more trees in the forest?
b. Pupils have different answers
c. Teacher writes their answers on the board.

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Teacher reads a short story the pupils as they listened attentively.

Midtalu su Kayu
By: Maguid Mohamad

Nia galebekan ni Ama ni Suhel na kabpanibpad sa kayu ka

pebpasan nin lu sa padian. Sabap sa uman den gay na ebpanibpad
silan na dala den nasama kanu manga kayu lu sa palaw.Isa a gay a
pedtibpad sekanin sa kayu na nakakedu sekanin ka midtalu su kayu.
Ya pidtalu nu kayu na” teleni kami pan pedtibpad ka dala den nasama
sa lekami.Na nakapalalaguy si Ama ni Suhel ka nagilekan a benal

2. Post Reading Activities ( Comprehension Check )

a. Entain i ebpanibpad sa kayu?
b. Enduken ka ebpanibpad sekanin sa kayu?
c. Ngin i papegkaidan sa kayu?
d. Enduken ka midtalu su kayu?
e. Ngin i pidtalu nu kayu?
f. Ngin i nanggula ni ama ni Suhel?
g. Entain sa lekanu i nakailay sa ebpanibpad sa kayu?
h. Ngin i manggula amaika maibped den su kayu temibpad?
i. Ngintu mapia i galebekan ni ama ni Suhel? Enduken?
j. Ngin i dait a enggulan tanu a makatabang sa kagkadakel na kayu

C. Guided Activities “TALENT BOX”

1. Teacher groups the pupils into 3.
2. Each group will be given an activity card.
3. They will be given 5 min to talk and work on their activity.
4. After 5 min they show their work to the class.

Rewrite the story using your own version following the
correct way of writing a paragraph with proper capitalization,
punctuation marks, indention.


Act out the story using the L2 and L3.


Retell the story using the L2 or L3.

D. Post Assessment

Igulis su  amaika su kadtalu na pedtiakap kanu pendadalepan endu 

amaika kena.

_____ 1. Kapamumula sa masela a kayu.

_____ 2. Kapamanibpad sa manga masela a kayu.
_____ 3. Kabpangidtug sa manga maledsik sia kanu ustu a
_____ 4. Kapamelimpiu sa kakal.
_____ 5. Kapangidtug sa plastic sia sa pulangi.
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Do the thums up if I show a picture that cares for the environment and
thumbs down if not.
2. Teacher should provide pictures for this activity

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
a. Teacher groups the children into 3.
b. Teacher presents a problem about how to care for the environment.
c. Each leader will pick a rolled paper with strategies written on it.
d. They will use these strategy to show their solution to the problem
 Role Playing
 Poster Making
 Essay Writing

C. Guided Practice
1. Teacher will guide the pupils in presenting their solution through role
playing, poster making and essay writing.
2. Discussion and analysis

D. Enrichment Activity
Write at least 5 activities that you can do as grade one pupil to help care for
our environment.


A. Preparatory Activity
Unlock the following words through pictures and context clues
linug (earthquake) kadalem (flood) mabagel a sambel (typhoon)
B. Development of the Lesson
1. Motivation
Asks: Naukitan nu den i kinalinug? kinagkadalem? kinasambel sa
2. Presentation
a. Teacher shows a picture of the Tsunami that hit Japan.
b. Another picture of the earthquake that hit Chili.
c. Another picture of a flashflood that hit Cagayan de Oro.
3. Discussion/Analysis
a. Ngin i dait a penggulan amaika makauma sa lekitanu i nia ba a batalu
na kadenan?
b. Enduken ka egkanganggula a maya ba?
c. Ngin i kaped a sabapan enduken ka aden maya ba?

C. Guided Practice
Role Playing
1. Teacher group the children into 3.
2. Each group is given a situation such as earthquake, typhoon and flood.
3. Each group will show what will they do if this situation hits your place.

D. Enrichment Activity
Individual Activity
Each child will write a 5 sentence paragraph about what will they do if
flashflood hit their place.

Lesson Guide in Grade 1 - Maguindanaon: Week 40

Fourth Grading Examination

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

DepEd-Bureau of Elementary Education, Curriculum

Development Division

2nd Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex (ULTRA)

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 638-4799 or 637-4347

E-mail Address: bee-deped@pldtdsl.net,


ISBN: 978-971-9981-74-9


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