Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix
TRAINING PACKAGE BSB Business Services Training Package (release 2.0) 25 March 2015
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine the
APPLICATION: optimum marketing mix for a business through analysis of interrelated
marketing components.
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DATE: 17/08/18
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Assessment instructions: You are required to answer the questions below. All
Requires Further
questions must be answered satisfactorily, as partial
responses will be deemed unsatisfactory. The
answers will be used in conjunction with other forms
of evidence in the final assessment decision. If you do
not wish to answer the questions in written format, an
interview may be used as an alternative approach if
negotiated with your Trainer Assessor.
Q:1 Write a formal Marketing Mix Report, using the following link or a similar
case study that you are able to address all the below questions. The
report should be written in a style that you would present your findings
to the Marketing Management of the organisation. Use visual
representation to assist in presenting your work where required.
Research the Braaap organisation at:
a. Braaarp, viewed June 2010, <>.
Product: Design and develop reliable and affordable Australian high-quality
Motorcycle, Clothing and Equipment that are sized to younger consumer. With
an accessible and enjoyable spirt.
Braaap are the only motorcycle on the planet that offers lifetime warranty
(they can also teach people how to fix their bikes)
Braaap made the only electric dirt bike doesn’t be noise in the world.
Price: Affordable pricing with the continuation of interest free laybys on the
other products ($3 a day payment plans)
Place: Continuing online distribution but spanning out to other areas of
distribution that are familiar to the younger generation for example Ebay or
Promotion: Braaap currently promote themselves through sponsor and social
networking this is an effective formula to a younger generation with the
inclusion of other media outlets, online advertising, YouTube, Facebook,
Twitter… The customers log in can get gift from Braaap when they recommend
their friends.
Also offer safety ride days where the kids are put with an instructor and taught
how to ride in a safe environment and supply all the equipment
(Lingard, 2010) (Braaap Motorcycles, 2018) (Envato Pty Ltd, 2018)
Q:2 Identify the key characteristics of their products and services and their
significance to the market.
Braaap motorcycles are the only Australian motorcycle company whose have
four distinct features, which are:
1) life time warranty (for majority of its products “because our customer
would not need to worry about the repair and maintenance”)
2) customization (customers are able to choose any color and build all
modifications as long as the customization would not affect the safety)
3) build from youth (has special kids riders in mind to fulfil their needs)
4) and flexible finance (vary in prices to give full choices for different
$250 and above.
Braaap has also adopted the market skimming strategy. This is when prices are
initially set higher to “skim” revenue layer by layer from the market.
They are able to utilize this strategy because their brand image quality and
reputation are able to justify the high price.
more advance.
Also have email newsletters that people can get regular updates as well as
Facebook which promotes the safe riding environment.
Braaap uses various channels of distribution including distributers, dealers, e-
business, delivery service and franchisees.
Braaap has four branches spread across two states, Tasmania and Victoria. The
more branches Braaap has, the more opportunity they must attract and retain
customers. Braaap also encourages franchises. This creates more opportunity
to sell, it makes it easier for customers to have access to the products and it
also increases national recognition of Braaap products. Most of Braaap’s
distribution is done through their website.
The Bike from Braaap satisfies customer’s needs, because we choose our own
plastic color and sticker kits. Also, Braaap’s online store does also sale different
parts of the bike, so we can buy anything we want to and add anything we want.
We can make our own bike by our hands and put whatever we like and that will
appear on ours. It makes our ride comfortable! Ever bike is not for one person,
it is made for group of people, so Braaap’s idea is quite good for customers,
and people don’t want to see the other one has on them bike. They want
something unique.
Their staffs teach us how to ride a bike, so that shows that, staff in Braaap has
got enough teaching skills for them customer.
Braaap have a lot of videos online, it can help people know the bike more easily.
This makes people get more info from online and comfort themselves. Let them
know if you don’t know how to use their products.
Customer base is already sophisticated with timely answers. Online customer
service has provided a good support for their customers. It’s easy and swift.
of modification in the design of the bike, the brand worth in the eyes of
their consumer base and how it will value consumers.
C. Usage segmentation- Braaap sells bikes use their customer database to
categorize the particular age group for a certain product which provides
valuable information so they focus future advertising relating to that
product on this specific target.
D. Benefit segment- Braaap determine and classify the features of product
by importance according to the target market by categorizing customers
who worth product to change a inclusive image of each group, further
consumer information can be obtained.
E. Geographical segmentation- Braaap divides the market by their physical
location such as suburb, region or country to share similar characteristics
that can influence to maximize their returns.
to promote it, and the ways to make the product available to the customer.
Based upon its understanding of customers, a company develops its marketing
mix of product, price, place and promotion. The elements of the marketing mix
are intricately and sensitively related to each other.
So that the development of the Marketing Mix is between elements that you
can control it, these elements are showed up to your customers/clients, so the
ability of controlling and changing these elements make it’s like the backbone.
And to know the relation between the elements of the Marketing Mix we
should know very important concepts in Marketing which we called it STP
(Segmentation - targeting - positioning ) the product is the main element to
find your segment (people) then you should target your audience , through
knowing channels (promotion -place) after that comes Positioning through
(Pricing / People / physical evidence / process) so we can see that the
marketing mix related to each other.
Q:7 Identify external environmental factors and assess their potential impact on
the marketing mix.
A: The organization’s marketing strategy should be focused on meeting needs and
providing benefits in the market. The customer should be the central focus on
the business; however, there are factor within the organization’s marketing
environment which can impact.
The interrelations between the marketing mix components or four Ps whilst
the surrounding environment will be affected future strategies. The political
and legal environmental situation in Australia at this year encompasses the
fields of political science, history, philosophy, law and economic. As the role of
business grows in our society, the reactions of the populace, politicians and
government become more important to the organization business and
marketing manager.
Events such as a crisis like in Europe, change political situation like USA or the
conflicts create at the industry may have a negative effect.
ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT: Recent interest rate increase in Australia have
resulted in an increase in mortgage payments for the average household. This
money needs to come from somewhere so consumer spend less in other
strategies for increased productivity. This implies that firm’s marketing mix
process is shaped by customers’ expectation and preferences.
This is the Braaap way to arrive sussesfull until achieve the principal goal.
Marking feedback and recommendations for future training/action in cases where the Learner has
not satisfactorily achieved all the criteria:
used as an alternative approach if negotiated with your Trainer
The answers will be used in conjunction with other forms of evidence in
the final assessment decision.
Resources To complete this assessment task you will require:
The question answer section
The Learner Guide
Q:1 Discuss the importance of monitoring the marketing mix against the marketing
performance and isolate components for testing. Consider breaking down each
mix and research how you will gain the best information about how this element
is performing.
Relationships S
(Lingard, 2010)
:2 When altering one or more of the marketing mix components it may have
implications to market factors and furthermore consumer response, analyze
and discuss the impacts.
Small changes can make a big difference, small attainable changes can be made
day to day
Quality of product is essential:
Serving and satisfying customers, advertising, promotions and campaigns,
packaging and design, effective communication and branding
Small organisations can adapt quickly to changes such as Domino’s Pizza, they
went from small to large by guaranteeing the delivery of pizzas within 20 minutes
or it was free
Opportunities for change and improvement:
Monitoring will highlight opportunities for change, the forces of competition will
speed this process up; you need to adopt and adapt innovative thinking to thrive
and survive.
When altering or made changes in the marketing mix this influence directly on
the company strategy, the business can devise a strategy that will achieve the
marketing objectives of Increased market share, Geographic expansion, Market
penetration or Price advantages.
The implication to market factors could be really positives about how the
company knows about their target, the need to understand and anticipate
future customers is bound to become even more essential than in the past. In
this faster lifestyle world assume that yesterday’s customers will be available
tomorrow is a huge mistake.
Adjust the components of the marketing mix according to the test results and
market response evaluation. This valuable response data is valuable and will
provide you with guidance for recommendations and strategies to apply to the
improving the components of the mix.
A: The marketing objectives should be based on understanding your strengths and
weaknesses, and the business environment you operate in. They should also be
linked to overall business strategy.
budget to ensure the identification, engagement and capacity building of the
stakeholders. Even a small amount of extra money can make a huge difference
for a trial. To develop a list of “needs” versus “wants.” To make sure that
everything essential for stakeholder engagement — your “needs” — makes it
into the budget.
Through the consideration of adjusting the marketing mix, you need to refer to
the fact that the mix continuously meets the organisational, strategic and
operational marketing objectives. You are required to ensure that your data,
researched analysis relates back to the strategic marketing objectives and the
desired position of the organisation.
Marking feedback and recommendations for future training/action in cases where the Learner has not
satisfactorily achieved all the criteria:
demonstrates culturally appropriate communication skills to
relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with
diverse abilities
contains the literacy skills needed to analyse market
information, write in a range of styles for different audiences
and interpret requirements
contains the numeracy skills to interpret test results and to
manage marketing budgets
Demonstrates organisational and time management skills to
design and adjust a marketing mix
Marking feedback and recommendations for future training/action in cases where the Learner has
not satisfactorily achieved all the criteria:
Assessment Record
Training Centre APSI Learner, Full name
Assessment results If a not yet satisfactory (NYS) result is given the Trainer will provide feedback to the
Learner before next submission. When the Learner is reassessed with a ‘Satisfactory
result’ for all assessments then an overall ‘Competent’ result will be given for this unit
of competency.
1st 2nd
attempt attempt
Assessment type Valid Current Sufficient Authentic Result
date and date and
result result
AT1: Written procedure 1-11
Assessor feedback first attempt: (Assessor is to provide feedback to the Learner on assessment results)
I declare that this questioning assessment has been conducted as per APSI assessment procedures and the
instructions provided for this assessment task and that I have provided feedback to the Learner in a
constructive manner. Assessor Signature:
Learner feedback first attempt: (Learner needs to read the above feedback and reply if they wish and then sign
that they agree and have understood the assessor’s comments as above).
Learner comments:
I have read and agree with the above feedback. Learner Signature:
Assessor feedback second attempt: (Assessor is to provide feedback to the Learner on assessment results)
I declare that this questioning assessment has been conducted as per APSI assessment procedures and the
instructions provided for this assessment task and that I have provided feedback to the Learner in a
constructive manner. Assessor Signature:
Learner Feedback second attempt: (Learner needs to read the above feedback and reply if they wish and then
sign that they agree and have understood the assessor’s comments as above).
Learner comments:
I have read and agree with the above feedback. Learner Signature:
Competent ‘C’ or Not Yet Competent ‘NYC’ Appeal Lodged Final Grade after
Assessor Signature Date
Supervisor/ Date
Third Party Signature
Learner Signature Date