Homebrew Yozi Charms 2e Compilation
Homebrew Yozi Charms 2e Compilation
Homebrew Yozi Charms 2e Compilation
Where the Silent Wind passes, only blessed silence reigns. This Charm improves Death-Dealing
Journey. While that Charm is active, the Infernal may make a single reflexive close combat attack upon
making a Dash action for 3 motes, which is rolled once and applied to every desired target within close
combat reach of her movement path on that tick. This attack is made at her full dice pool and has no
DV penalty.
Repurchasing this Charm at Essence 4 allows the Infernal to increase the reach of her dashing area
attack by up to [Essence^2] yards via increasing the cost to 7 motes.
Though the priests of Cecelyne uphold endless laws and contrary decrees, they seldom need to uphold
the ban on the countless serfs abusing the Sacred Azure. The Silver Sands themselves flay any of them
foolish enough try.
As the Infernal activates this charm, she declares a valid law as per Counter-Pronouncement of
Enthymemic Law. This creates a invisible, sorcerous incidence of Sandstrike Blast that observes a
radius of 100 yards, or 1000 yards of desolation. It automatically applies the Warlocks (Essence)
successes to any awareness roll to notice anyone breaking the declared law, and double that if they are
a being that the Warlock can detect with Hellscry Chakra or Wayward Divinity Oversight. Once it
detects a lawbreaker, it attacks them as per Sandstrike Blast. The Warlock is aware whenever this
charm attacks someone and may reapply this charm for 3 motes. This charm may be repurchased to
apply the effects of Dune-Burst Onslaught at a 2m surcharge, and again to apply World Grinding
Sandstorm Devastation (which costs 40m, 3wp total, and is not Blasphemous until it attacks).These
upgrades do not harm bystanders that immediately start praying to the Warlock.
Victims killed by an attack enhanced by both this Charm and Theion's version of Radiant Fury
Dissolution receive a more focused torment, their millenia of disembodied suffering spent endlessly
acting out imagined escapes from the warlock's wrath, ranging from the realistic to the absurd, but all
ending in inevitable burning failure.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to infuse the Illusion into a piece of writing she
produces, convincing those reading it that it was written by a true expert in the field, as described
above, with demonstrable errors ignored, forgotten, or explained away as faults on someone else's part.
Cytherea: The Divine Ignition
Cytherea was the first of the Primordials to awaken to consciousness in the Wyld, except for Oramus, who exists outside such limits. In the
infinite energy of her self-birth she catalyzed the awareness if her siblings. Hers was the spark that lit Malfeas's burning heart. Hers was the light
that first cast The Dragon's Shadow. Hers was the flame that was first set ablaze The Pyre in Which Thoughts Are Burned.
She is the Flame of Infinite Purity and the embodiment of both Ignition and Amplification. She will light a spark within another, and then fan it to
its fullest glory with the endless energy of her souls. She is known as the Mother of Creation for her role in its Inspiration. She sowed the idea of
stability and safety from the endless tides of the Wyld in the minds of all of her siblings, and then encouraged and empowered their efforts to
make it a reality.
She is also the source of all sympathy and empathy in Creation, for she is the embodiment of Compassion. Had she been able to do so, she
would have sacrificed herself to preserve her siblings at the end of the Dawn War.
Imperfection of Cytherea: Cytherea alone is nought but energy without aim or outlet. If the Infernal is not within (Essence x 5) yards of a visible
ally for which she has a positive Intimacy, a 5 mote surcharge is applied.
First Cytherea Excellency: The Divine Ignition is empowering and bursting with energy. She inspires and enables, helping her allies to be
more than they were. Her power radiates from her, warming and nourishing all around. However, she cannot amplify herself, except in the
service of others or with their reflected excellence. The Mother of Creation is giving and sympathetic, but has been betrayed by the world she
helped create and now limits her help to those she trusts. She hides herself from her enemies, providing her aid from behind the scenes.
Characters may apply this Charm to any actions in which they advance the goals of or assist someone or something for which they have a
positive Intimacy. It can also be applied to actions that encourage physical or spiritual growth or to amplify an existing effect or condition. It may
never be used to assist in actions that only benefit oneself, either immediately or in the long term. Actions whose purpose is to inspire another
are also able to benefit from this Charm. As a result of Cytherea’s part in Creation’s building, this Charm may always be used to enhance any
Craft roll, even an Infernal’s own.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The Divine Ignition shares all that she receives. One ally within (Essence x 3) yards may also receive their choice of reward for a stunt of a
rating one lower than that of the Infernal. The rewards gained from this Charm may not stack with other stunt rewards gained in the same action
cycle. The character must choose which reward they receive each action.
Keywords: Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Cytherea Excellency
All spells that improve upon something or someone have a cost reduction of 10 motes and one Willpower. All spells that focus mainly or
exclusively on others, affecting the caster only peripherally or as part of a larger group may also benefit from this. However, all spells that affect
only the caster gain a surcharge of 2 Willpower, and spells that reduce or diminish something in any way other than refining or purifying it gain a
10 mote surcharge.
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm creates, within the Infernal, an additional Peripheral Essence pool capable of holding 10 motes. The motes in this pool
regenerate at the normal rate, but do so concurrently with her natural Personal and Peripheral mote pools and may only be filled through natural
mote respiration. The Infernal may also spend a point of temporary Willpower as a reflexive action to refill this pool completely once per scene.
These motes may only be used to power Charms that specifically state so in their descriptions.
The Infernal also gains the ability to gift (Essence) motes from this pool to another Essence user within (Essence x 5) yards, usable
reflexively once per action. These transferred motes form a temporary Peripheral pool that must be used before any other Peripheral motes,
cannot be transferred out of the pool, and fades away the next time that the character sleeps.
Duration: Permanent
This Charm acts as an extension of its prerequisite, creating another 10 mote Peripheral Pool with all the same restrictions on its use and
regeneration of motes, except for that the “jumpstart” may only be used once per scene across all of the pools. It also refills motes concurrently
with the Infernal’s natural pools and it refills concurrently with the pool generated by Overflowing Potentiality Spirit as well. The Essence transfer
capability of this Charm’s prerequisite may also be used to transfer motes from this pool.
This Charm may be purchased an amount of times equal to (Essence -1), with each repurchase creating a new pool with the exact same
statistics as the original.
Duration: Instant
Purchasing this Charm expands an Infernal’s capacity to use the First Cytherea Excellency and replaces the standard Second Cytherea
Excellency. The Infernal may add dice to the actions of another character within (Essence x 5) yards. The Infernal must have a positive intimacy
toward the aided character, something they represent, or something that the action to be aided supports. This is stackable with the other
character’s own Excellencies, but is still limited by dice caps as normal. However, the cap used is the lower of the Infernal’s or the target’s.
When this charm is used, streamers of purifying and colorless light burst from the Infernal’s anima and curl around the target, aiding their action
by nudging things into perfect alignment for success. This Charm may only be powered by the pools created by Overflowing Potentiality Spirit or
Unsurpassed Essence Plethora. At Essence 3+, an Infernal may remove the Obvious keyword from this Charm whenever she activates it.
Cost: None (1m per success or 1m per 2 dice) ; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
This Charm enhances its prerequisite, adding the option to refine each die added into either two dice or an automatic success, but eliminating
any possibility of hiding the display of perfected light it creates. Any successes created by this Charm counts as two dice for the purpose of dice
caps. This Charm replaces So Speaks Cytherea.
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Overflowing Potentiality Spirit
When The Divine Ignition is driven to rage and violence, she unleashes the endless energy of her souls to flense the spirit of her enemies. The
attack supplemented by this Charm now deals aggravated damage. This effect may be countered by spending either 5 motes or one point of
temporary Willpower, cloaking one’s soul with ablative layers of energy and returning the damage of the supplemented attack to its normal type.
This Charm may be powered by the mote pool generated by Overflowing Potentiality Spirit.
The Infernal intuites the Virtue ratings of the target, including Willpower, as well as whether the target has a higher Charisma or Manipulation.
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Cytherea is the Flame of Infinite Purity who battled Kimbery in the Dawn of Creation. Just as Kimbery learned her Truths from that ancient war,
so too did Cytherea take Sparks of knowledge away from battle. This is a cluster of five related Charms, each with their own effects.
Others Before Self: This enhances the Infernal’s Defend Other action when the Infernal guards a character towards whom she has a positive
intimacy, increasing her Parry DV by 2 for the purpose of this action only. If she is an additional guard, half of this bonus applies to the leader’s
Parry DV.
Success Through Cooperation: This enhances the Infernal’s Coordinate Attack action, reducing the difficulty by 1 and allowing Bureaucracy
to be substituted for War. The reduced difficulty also applies when the Infernal is a participant in the coordinated attack, rather than the leader.
Reliable Ally Bulwark: So long as the Infernal is within (Essence x 5) yards of at least one character that they have a positive Intimacy to, and
who has not made an attack of any kind on them in the past year, the Infernal and the object of the Intimacy gain a +1 bonus to their Parry DV
and MDV.
Diplomacy Shall Prevail: This adds 2 dice to all of the Infernal’s social combat pools, including those used to calculate MDVs, when they are
being used against a target that she has faced in physical combat in the past month.
Restraint in Victory: When the Infernal would kill a character, she may opt to instead knock them out and attempt to implant a positive intimacy
into them that takes hold when they wake up. Roll a die for each dying level that would have been filled with non-bashing damage. Each
success counts as a scene spent building the intimacy.
Duration: Permanent
Bodyguard Takes the Blow: Requires Others Before Self. Allows its prerequisite to improve Parry MDV and increases the bonus to [Essence/2
+1], rounded up. If the parry doesn't block the attack fully, the Infernal must take the hit for the defended party.
Empowering Arrangement of Allies Technique: Requires Success Through Cooperation. Enhances its prerequisite to reduce allow the
reduced difficulty to apply to Mass Combat Coordinate Attack actions, but the Infernal must be the coordinator and cannot participate in the
attack. It also reduces the difficulty by an additional 1 when the Infernal has a positive intimacy towards all characters involved in the action.
Gracious Victor Ascendant: Requires Restraint in Victory. All dice from prerequisite become automatic successes, but mercy must be shown
to all defeated foes.
Armoured in Corruption
Cost: 5m ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Guile-Spun Shadow Flesh
When the Ebon Dragon finds he has no choice but to enter battle he always does so with neither armour
nor shield, he does not do this out of some sense of valour (the very concept being anathema to his
craven heart) but because the foul miasma of degradation that surrounds him is the only defence he
needs. All attacks against the Infernal have their minimum damage reduced by up to two dice for the
duration of this charm unless the attack incorporates a holy effect.
Furthermore while this charm is active if the infernal is attacked with a mundane weapon it is destroyed
within the tenth step of the attack's resolution regardless of whether or not it hit the Infernal or inflicted
any damage; the wielder might have suffered a sudden lapse in competence that caused them to
critically mishandle the weapon, perhaps the weapon itself finally succumbed to a fatal yet unnoticed
flaw or in extreme cases it might even have begun to spontaneously rust and decay.
Let's write some Ebon Dragon Charms which are actually compliant with the Ebon Dragon of Games
of Divinity, shall we?
It is written in the most ancient of texts which talk of the Shadow of All Things that he loves the
doomed and dying, especially those who in their death will change the world. Perhaps that is the reason
that he invented the concept of Fate - to fill Creation, as he sees it, with beauty. For the purposes of
Ebon Dragon Charms, the following categories of being count as Doomed;
- Those whose purpose in life is steadily slipping into shadow, dreams and wishes accented by
ignorance and ash; this describes characters whose Motivations have been rendered impossible, but
have yet to acquire a new one, or whose Motivations are opposed by their Destiny, or who have
negative Intimacies towards themselves. Those who have a majority of their Intimacies directed toward
doomed or destroyed things also count, as do those who are in a mental state such that they would
accept Unacceptable Orders.
- Those whose own vitality is ebbing away, their life made rarer and more valuable by the moment;
characters suffering from terminal Sickness qualify, as do those who have been reduced to -4 health
levels. Characters suffering from Poison that deals enough damage to potentially kill them with the
current dosage are also considered doomed, as are those under the effects of any of the Ebon Dragon's
nocturnal venoms. Ghosts and other Creatures of Death are automatically considered doomed.
- Those who are frustrated in their efforts, desperation that is beautiful only as long as it remains futile;
this covers characters suffering from any kind of long-term penalty (i.e. one expected to last at least a
scene) that reduces her dice pools or rolled successes by at least -4. If this penalty is internal, it
qualifies the character even if they manage to ignore it through magic or other methods.
The condition which puts a doomed character in that state is referred to as their doom; alleviating a
doom involves removing the root condition rather than the symptoms. For example if a character is at a
-4 wound penalty and has an open wound, healing the character or preventing them from bleeding to
death would be alleviating the doom, but providing pain relief would not be.
Storytellers may, at their discretion, declare that other beings may count as doomed despite not
technically falling into one of these groups; for example, a young Solar Exalt who labours to acquire
the love of a great musician, unaware that his heart has gone to another, and who - when she discovers
this - will try to throw her life away in battle may be judged to be doomed.
Doomed To Die
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
The Ebon Dragon is a creature of forbidden knowledge and dark secrets, a lover of those whose passing
will change the world. He cares for those who fall under his domain with the same tender care with
which his shadow protects the natives of Malfeas from the light of Ligier. This Charm permanently
modifies the Infernal in the following ways;
- The Infernal adds their Essence in automatic successes to rolls to the following ends; to determine the
nature of a Sickness or Poison affecting a character, to diagnose injury, and to understand the cause of
heartbreak or distress. Explicitly, this bonus may not be used to alleviate any of the above. In addition,
it also applies to astrology rolls and to Awareness rolls against doomed characters.
- Positive Intimacies towards doomed characters do not count towards the character’s limit of
(Willpower + Compassion). The Infernal may maintain such Intimacies even if other Charms would
forbid them from possessing Intimacies.
- The Infernal only requires a scene of interaction or persuasion to build an Intimacy towards doomed
- The sight of those whom Fate has condemned is beautiful in the eyes of the Infernal, and they are
reluctant to avert it. They treat doomed characters as having a minimum Appearance of three in social
combat. The Infernal is also under a Compulsion not to help alleviate the doom of another doomed
character. This can be resisted for a day with the expenditure of two willpower.
Even before his captivity, the Shadow of All Things ventured deep into the lightless heart of Creation,
and drank from darkened springs which no being should sup from, in a quest to learn all he could about
that which has always fascinated him. He could tell many things of the origin of the Well of Udr,
though those are secrets he keeps in his hollow heart. When this Charm is active, the Infernal is capable
of seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling - but not touching - immaterial doomed characters, rendering
them valid targets for Awareness actions. They are perceived as tenebral, colourless figures, wan and
yet fair. A successful Awareness-based roll against a doomed character while this Charm is active
makes their doom Obvious to the Infernal, and in addition, if they are a ghost, each degree of success
on the roll reveals one Passion.
A passing where pain does not obstruct the change one’s final actions will have on the world; this is the
mercy of the Ebon Dragon. In the place of agony is left emptiness, shadows seeping into flesh and
hollowing out agony and distress. This Charm cancels up to (Essence) points of the target’s internal
penalties from Sickness, Poison, deprivation, exposure to environmental conditions, or injuries, and in
addition grants them (Essence) temporary -0 health levels. Each scene spent with this Charm active
counts as a scene towards building an Intimacy of “My Death (Calm Acceptance)” in the target. This
Emotion can be resisted at a cost of one willpower a scene.
At Essence 3, this Charm can be repurchased to affect social units with a Magnitude no greater than
(Essence) with a surcharge of +3m, 1wp. Activating the Charm in this way requires the Infernal to be
leading the unit, or to touch the leader.
There are those is this world who are doomed, and yet do not fight their doom; accepting it and so
choosing to use their ending to change the world. The Ebon Dragon looks upon them with great
affection, and from within his jail will sometimes send his benefaction out to sit in the dark places
behind their eyes. The Infernal may activate this Charm when they are within (Essence) yards of a
living doomed character, which may not be themselves. Doing so sends a tiny sliver of shadowy
essence wriggling out of the Infernal’s mouth, which brushes against the lips of the target.
While under the effects of this Charm, the target does not need to sleep, and does not get fatigued.
Their pains are numbed, halving all internal penalties due to wound penalties, sickness or poison. They
receive an automatic success on all rolls, or a number equal to half the Infernal’s Essence if the roll
would bring them closer to death or further their Motivation. This counts as dice granted by Charms.
However, they are also under a Compulsion to not attempt to avert their doom. This costs one
willpower to resist for a scene (which suppresses the benefits of this Charm), or five willpower to
throw off entirely, which must be paid all at once and which ends the Charm. The effects of this Charm
automatically end if the target ceases to be doomed.
It is possible for the target to unconsciously reject the gift for a cost of one Willpower, thereby avoiding
the blessing and its associated drawbacks. This effect is not Obvious, however, so the target’s player
only knows the positive things this Charm grants, without learning anything about the source of the
effect or the costs.
Oh yes, I forgot that I had internalised that fix. The divide between Manipulation and Charisma as
implemented is terrible, especially when some (but not all) things claim that Manipulation is lying (and
that all lying is Manipulation). You can entirely use this version of WtD with Charisma, especially for
making music.
Witness to Darkness: Replace paragraph beginning with "Finally...", with "Finally, the Infernal is
unimpressed with the murk of others' guile, and adds her Essence rating to her MDVs against
inherently deceptive social attacks and as bonus successes to recognize or pierce another's deceptions.
Her attunement to lies makes it harder to be honest, however, imposing a -Essence internal penalty to
all attempts to be honest and straightforward, save when truth brings more pain than lies." In addition,
as with Hateful Wretched Noise, the penalty imposed by bright light can be ignored for a scene with the
expenditure of 1 Willpower.
:: SIDEBAR - Embrace the darkness, Yakai:::
For the purposes of all Ebon Dragon Charms whose functionality changes in direct illumination, other
characters unable to perceive light or who are blind treat themselves and the Infernal as being in a state
of no visibility. This specifically refers to light; characters who can act as if they are not blind through
superhuman hearing or some other mechanism are still treated as being blind. The Infernal does not
take account of their own capacity to see, as their Essence recoils from the light whether or not they can
perceive it. However, their own anima does not count as illumination for the purposes of Ebon Dragon
Charms, unless specified otherwise.
My Dark Lady
Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Witness to Darkness
To those whose eyes are opened under the Shadow of All Things, he is a thing of wonderful beauty.
Erembour is said to be as fair as the Argent Madonna, and she comes by her looks as honestly as any
soul of the Ebon Dragon can. When not in direct illumination, the Infernal doubles the maximum MDV
bonus or penalty he can inflict or benefit from based on difference in Appearance. In addition, when
under this effect his unwholesome beauty leads men and women to revel and indulge knowing that they
some day shall end; all social attacks he makes designed to form Intimacies of love or infatuation, or to
prompt another to suppress Temperance, are unnatural mental influence. If both conditions apply, the
social attack costs an additional willpower to resist.
The melancholy waltzes of the Ebon Dragon are accompanied by a clamour of instruments, played by
ten thousand thousand shade-beasts born from his sun-obscuring majesty. When the Infernal is not fully
illuminated, she counts as having the required tools for any performance where she dances, sings, or
plays music. The Things Which Lurk in Corners born from her shadow play them for her, using her
characteristics, and may be enhanced with Charms as usual. For any performance which might need a
certain number of assistants, she counts the darkling-beasts of her shadow as (Essence) magnitude. The
flickering creatures also obey her will to create tenebral images, Essence flares and other strange
sensory effects within (Essence x 10) yards of her - the creativity of the Shadow of All Things allows
these to be used to deceive or confuse others, with an appropriate stunt.
At Essence 4+, the Infernal may, when not directly illuminated, freely stunt the appearance of her
iconic anima banner, and may also make use of the spectrum of black colours invented by the Shadow
of All Things, shifting its colour to darker shades (which does not change its mechanical effects).
The dances of the Yozis are not those of mortal men, and among their number, the Ebon Dragon dances
along, revelling in his love for those who are fated to meet their destruction. Men who see such dances
cannot help but be caught up in them. This Charm supplements a Performance-based social attack
where the Infernal dances, sings, or otherwise engages in spectacle. Her songs and dances are infused
with a sad slowness, that seeps into the heart, twisting it. If the attack succeeds, the target’s Motivation
is temporarily suppressed and replaced by the new Motivation “To Indulge in pleasure and the darkness
in the knowledge that you are doomed”. Immediately and at any point following, the target may pay
four Willpower to reassert her own Motivation, which need not be paid all at once. Alternatively, the
target can change his own Motivation to accept the imposed purpose as a true change, which renders
them a Creature of Darkness as a Desecration effect. Not only does this change not cost experience, but
the sense of the freedom of the knowledge that one’s fate is decided restores all spent Willpower the
first time this happens in a scene.
In dark places the Ebon Dragon dances. There he offers those who join him freedom from the binds of
the Virtues, and there they are enlightened. This Charm is a permanent modification to the Infernal’s
capabilities. While benefitting from the prerequisite of this Charm, all social attacks the Infernal makes
where they dance or play music is modified in the following way; an Illusion component is added into
the social attack, which costs 0wp to resist.
Should the target not resist, a strange inversion comes across their Virtues until the Infernal's
performance (or its enhancement) ceases, or they are exposed to direct illumination. While in this state
of empty glee, they do not need to spend Willpower to suppress Virtues rated at 3+. Further, they
receive a single point of Willpower the first time in a scene they act against the tenets of a Virtue,
regardless of whether they had to suppress it or not, and it counts as (Virtue Rating) days towards
training one of the following characteristics; Dexterity, Appearance, Manipulation, Socialise, Stealth,
Performance, Larceny, or Willpower. Characters who gain a dot in a characteristic from this Charm
become Creatures of Darkness as a Desecration effect; any XP they gain from this must first go on
paying off any XP debt they have accumulated. Characters may not Train if they are currently in XP
When the Ebon Dragon raises his voice in broken-hearted lament, even the light of Ligier dims to hear
such woeful beauty. Lesser flames are less hard-hearted, and join him in his song, partaking of his
nature. This charm supplements an action to make music, dance, sing or otherwise perform in any of
the ways beloved of the Yozis. The character rolls her (Manipulation + Performance), adding her
Essence in automatic successes. Any non-magical light source within (Appearance x 10) yards joins in
the performance, invalidating its Stealth as if it was a 7-9 anima banner, and inverts its nature,
consuming light where once it shed it. The visibility conditions of affected light sources (Exalted,
p135) are inverted - for example, a bonfire permits no visibility within ten yards, murky vision from ten
to twenty yards, and clear vision (if there would have been sufficient light beforehand) at greater
If the Infernal knows Darkling Grace Complete, the Things Which Lurk In Corners which dwell in her
shadow may continue the performance for her. When activating this Charm, she may choose to instead
make the Duration “Until next sunrise” for a surcharge of four motes and one willpower.
At Essence 3, the range automatically increases to (Appearance + Essence) times ten yards. At Essence
5, the multiplier is fifty, rather than ten.
In the dark places of the catacombs of Malfeas lurks the Ultimate Darkness, hidden away from the
prideful gaze of Ligier. Those who think that they need only watch for the Ebon Dragon do not think to
see what might be hidden right behind them. Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal becomes a
shadow of what she once was, flesh shedding the temporary falsehood of solidity. She is rendered a
featureless, tar-like mass of faintly translucent darkness; amorphous and somehow not quite of this
* Within his uttermost darkness, the Dragon is safe. Only harmful effects enhanced or created by
Essence, or which are sources of light, have enough metaphysical potency to affect her, inflicting
wounds in the form of disintegrated oozing sections of living shadow. Mundane weapons pass
harmlessly through the winds of the Infernal's form, mundane acid may not burn her, mundane poison
or disease have no effect, and so on. She is vulnerable to fire, however - a sword dipped in burning oil
or a lit torch can do what bare hands could not - and an Exalt with an anima at the 7-10 mote level or
higher always counts as a source of light. Her own anima does not count as light for the purposes of
this Charm.
* This tenebral form is spun of Essence, and not subject to the limitations of solid form. She has no
weight, and may freely move through any obstacle or barrier Bloodless Murk Evasion could be used to
bypass. She may dodge freely without regard for having physical room to do so, may not physically
clinch or be clinched, and may not be subjected to Blockade Movement, except by sources of light. She
is mutable, and may lie flat against the ground to crawl in someone’s shadow or stretch to cover a
ceiling. She may still act normally despite this ephemeral form, as in the exact instant that the Infernal
chooses to act, her shadow body takes on rough humanoid semblance to perform that action and exerts
force as though solid.
* The shadow is left by all things and none. The Infernal's identity is impossible to determine. Should
this effect be contested by other magic, the Infernal receives [Essence] bonus successes to contest it. In
addition, she may always attempt to enter Stealth, regardless of any cover or lack thereof. If she is
killed while in the form of the Skulking Shadow, she melts away in even the least light, leaving no
* The mind rebels to see a shadow without a light. While the Infernal is under the effects of this Charm,
she enjoys the benefits of the Solar Stealth Charm Easily Overlooked Presence Method. This effect
fails if fully illuminated, though stunting can allow the character to find dark places - such as the
shadow of a target, or under the bed.
*The Skulking Shadow is a thing of the dark places of the world, and cannot bear to be illuminated;
indeed, the world rejects it. The Infernal suffers a -2 internal penalty to all actions when fully
illuminated, the painful light wracking her tenebral flesh. She is under a Compulsion to avoid direct
illumination and retreat away from it. This Compulsion can be ignored for a scene by spending two
After the Return of the Scarlet Empress came out I'd seen the Ebon Dragon Charms in it, pondered,
then came up a few things based on my thoughts of how low Virtues could be turned into a benefit.
Since we seem to be still waiting for Third Edition, and I never really showed them off, I dug around
until I found some Charms I'd written based on that which people might find interesting.
(For those who might recognise these I posted a version of these a few years back on The Freedom
Stone board. If you want confirmation that I'm not just stealing them then contact me there. The last
Charm is new, but mangled since I can't seem to get it to come out properly, and I tried to tidy up the
previous ones)
In the emptiness of the Ebon Dragon's heart not a hint of virtue remains but, instead, hollow mockeries
of those feelings dwell. This Charm may be purchased up to three times with each purchase applying to
a Virtue rated at one or less which is not the character’s primary Virtue. The choice can’t be altered, but
the Charm’s effects recede if the Infernal rating in the Virtue increased beyond one for whatever reason.
The Infernal treats any mental influence which would compel them to undertake actions which the
chosen Virtue could normally aid as if it was an unacceptable order and may opt to automatically fail
any roll based on the chosen Virtue. However if she desires to undertake actions in accord with the
Virtue then she must spend one Willpower per scene to “enable” the Virtue.
The character may never channel the chosen Virtue nor expend associated channels. If spending
Willpower to gain an automatic success on an action which runs contrary to the selected Virtue she
instead adds [lower of Essence or permanent Willpower] dice to the roll. These dice are not considered
to be from Charms and may be added to the calculation for a static value where appropriate.
In addition this Charm expresses other benefits when applied to specific Virtues.
Compassion: Twisted as he is the Ebon Dragon does care for others and how they feel. How could
suffer further if they did not exist? The Exalt may also select up to her permanent Essence in Intimacies
with negative emotional context which she possesses. The chosen Intimacies do not count against the
normal limit on how many may be retained and if lost, or their context changed, reassert themselves at
the end of the day. The Intimacies protected may be changed at that time if the character wishes.
For purposes of this Charm, actions taken to foist consequences of actions onto others, to directly
inflict pain or suffering (excluding normal damage), or to steal are considered contrary to Compassion.
Conviction: As the ficklest of all beings the Shadow of All Things can not be held to anything... not
even his own opinions. At the end of day the Exalt may purge any number of intimacies he possesses
and may gain a single Intimacy of his own choice with a negative context. She may add
(Essence+permanent Willpower) in automatic successes in a roll-off against effects which would force
her to retain an Intimacy.
In addition, the character may roll her Essence rather than Conviction upon waking to recover
temporary Willpower so long as she did not enable this Virtue within the past day.
Temperance: The Ebon Dragon is the pinnacle of self-indulgence and glories in excess, yet is also a
paragon of self-interest. He reduces any penalties from each form of indulgence or excess by his
Essence and never becomes addicted to anything of lesser strength than the Games of Divinity.
Valor: While a coward at heart the Ebon Dragon knows that his own prey are nothing to fear. The Exalt
is immune to fear unless it is caused by an individual or group more powerful than himself (absent of
other indications an individual would need to be of higher permanent Essence than the character).
Actions against beings with, or groups formed solely of individuals with, Essence 1 are always
considered to act contrary to his Valor for the purpose of this Charm as are those taken against more
powerful who are (even if temporarily) unable to resist.
Immersed in darkness there comes a point where what passes for the Ebon Dragon's soul rebels
against acting on the principles of good or Virtue. This Charm applies to the remaining Virtue
unaffected by Hollow Mockery of (Virtue) and it is considered to be the appropriate version of
that Charm for all purposes and with all associated benefits except as described here:
• This Charm may apply to a primary Virtue. If so then the Exalt may not choose to
automatically fail the appropriate Virtue roll when determining Limit gain.
• When subjected to any mental influence which would make the Exalt act in accordance to
his primary Virtue the character may spend one Willpower to treat it as an Impossible
In addition, the Exalt now regains one Willpower each day into the pool provided by Hollow
Heart Transcendence for each Virtue she did not enable at any point within the past day.
As the antithesis of Virtue the Ebon Dragon has, on occasion, been been battened upon by
Rakasha curious enough to attempt to ravish him. In response he has done the worst thing that he
could do: he let them. This Charm protects all Virtues for which the character possesses Hollow
Mockery of <Virtue> and renders her immune to any effects which would alter their functioning
or rating except through effects of his own Charms.
In addition, any being foolish enough to attempt to feed upon or consume a protected Virtue
instead suffers a a Shaping effect which inflicts [the Exalt's Essence]L damage to which armor
based soak does not apply. Those unfortunate enough to possess a track for Stability receive two
points of such for every level of damage they take from this after all other effects are taken into
At Essence 4, the damage this Charm inflicts becomes levels of aggravated damage and the Exalt
may treat it as a ranged attack for purposes of her Ebon Dragon Charms.
It surprises many that the Ebon Dragon can show seemingly honest care for the doomed and the
dying. Yet such people overlook how much the Yozi prizes seeing others lose in any and all ways.
This Charm alters how the Exalt may interact with those who are dying or progressing towards a
fate which is as bad or worse than death. She does not suffer the penalty to Charisma from
Witness to Darkness when interacting with the doomed and may add her Essence in automatic
successes to rolls to recognise people or groups as such.
In addition, actions taken to benefit such individuals are considered to run contrary to Compassion
by lack of efforts to save them. Similarly, unless the character would be sharing such a fate, then
simply witnessing their unfortunate state is considered to be of greater benefit her more than
whatever she does for such persons.
The effects of this Charm do not apply to actions the character undertakes which would avert what
awaits such individuals.
Knowing is Suffering
Cost: None (+3m or +3m, 1W); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Seeing is Blindness
The Ebon Dragon’s spite diffuses from all his actions. It is spread not only by clumsy strikes meant to
injure, but also through mere exposure to his subtler hate-filled musings. This Charm is a permanent
upgrade to its prerequisite, allowing it to be activated to enhance a single target social attack for a
three-mote surcharge. In this case, the victim is affected by Seeing is Blindness if (and only if) he
spends Willpower to resist a successful social attack. At Essence 5, it automatically upgrades to allow
activation to enhance multiple target social attacks. In this case, Knowing is Suffering’s surcharge must
be paid for each dot of Magnitude the Infernal wishes to affect, beginning with those listeners in closest
proximity. He may not choose to exempt allies from this effect; the Ebon Dragon’s spite is all-
encompassing. A repurchase, also at Essence 5, allows it to be activated to enhance written social
attacks for an additional one Willpower surcharge. Doing so enchants that particular written attack,
affecting anyone who reads it so long as it exists.
The warlock gains two offensive motes every time he makes a reference to the act of depravity,
including the one he made to activate this Charm, as shadows hiss tauntingly in the hidden angles of
the target's mind. This reference must be perceptible to the target, and the motes granted are reduced by
one if the warlock had already made a largely identical reference earlier in the scene; creativity is
encouraged in these taunts. The warlock gains these motes only once per action, and multiple acts of
depravity broaden the range of potential references rather than increasing his gains.
The only way to drain the Infernal's mockery of its power is to internalize it, robbing him of his sport.
At any point, the target may briefly shut their eyes, allowing the shadows to rush in from the edges of
their vision. In that instant, they bear witness to every depravity the warlock made reference to,
replayed in perfect detail before their closed eyes from his perspective. This dreadful display cuts to
their very soul, preventing them from channeling their Virtues (or spending Willpower for a free
success) for the rest of the scene. In addition, they may instantly acquire a negative intimacy toward
themselves, a manifestation of their own guilt and self-hatred, or twist their positive intimacy into a
negative one that seeks to blame the act of depravity on the intimacy; a poisoned friend is recriminated
as a fool, while a conquered hometown is dismissed as a pit of weaklings. If they do either, this Charm
ends (though their Virtues remains suppressed). The warlock is automatically aware of their choice, and
if he knows Golden Years Tarnished Black can reflexively activate that Charm to worsen the twisting.
The Green Sun Prince assumes an umbral aspect, shrouding her glory and blasphemy from the eyes of
those who would be her gaolers. If she cannot be confined to their prisons, then what hope do their
laws have of stopping her? The Infernal may reflexively roll to instantly establish stealth even without
cover for the instant that she attempts a deceptive or criminal action, such as picking the lock to a door,
stealing a pomegranate off a merchant’s stall, or making a rude gesture at a god-king. While she may
not vanish from sight entirely, depending on the cover available to her, the offending action will go
unnoticed. This can be used to establish stealth before attacking in combat or to roll (Manipulation +
Socialize) to establish social stealth, but no more than once per scene.
Additionally, regardless of whether anyone sees the action, that single instant is made invisible to the
eyes of the law. An insidious curse seeps from her presence, ensuring that any attempt to legally
imprison her or to pursue civil or criminal charges against her fails. This is considered a perfect
defense, though it does nothing to stop actions taken by characters outside of the law—it might stop the
local despot’s guards from imprisoning you for a murder, but if they decide to simply beat you to death,
the curse will not stop them.
Sometimes merely robbing his victims of sight is not enough for the Shadow of All Things. When the
whim takes him, he replaces the vision lost to them with his own, plunging them into a twisted world of
nightmares. Such is the Dragon's home. This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite, allowing
the Infernal to recast sight rather than remove it. If she chooses to do so, characters who would
normally be blinded by the Charm instead suffer an Illusion effect, twisting their perception of the
world into an awful mockery. Other characters appear as grotesque monsters, while even structures and
objects become horrifying to behold. They treat everyone else as having Appearance 0, and are
convinced that they are enemies who must be destroyed, even if they speak with the voice of a friend.
Targets can throw off this latter part of the Illusion by spending (Infernal's Essence ÷ 2) Willpower, but
their aesthetic modifications remain in place for as long as they would have been blinded. The Infernal
may choose to exempt all Creatures of Darkness from this Illusion; they are instead warped to appear
as Appearance 4 (if it would be lower) beings of the same race as the target, anatomical impossibilities
glossed over by the delusion.
With Essence 4+, the Infernal may apply further nuance to the hideous world she creates, increasing the
cost of the Charm by up to (Willpower) motes. For every additional mote she spends, she can select
one entity or related class of entity (e.g. "Realm soldiers", "blood kin" or "spirits") to exempt in the
same manner as Creatures of Darkness. Alternatively, for every two motes she spends, she can apply
the Illusion to only those entities, leaving every other aspect of the world pristine to better accentuate
the horror.
It's not enough for the Ebon Dragon to kill his foes. Its not even enough for him to kill them, and leave
them to suffer eternally. Both must occur, even as he uses their stuff to torment all they once cared for
and desired. Whenever Exiled by Wicked Hate is used to banish people to eternal torment the user may
activate this Charm in response. As a Shaping effect, all Intimacies previously directed towards the
banished being are now directed towards the user instead (this may be resisted as usual, but each person
affected can only protect themselves). The user may choose to attune to any magical items or manses
the target once possessed, paying the cost like normal. Finally, whenever a sacrifice or prayer would be
made to the target, it is instead redirected to the Infernal, who may reap the benefit or respond as
normal. Whenever an Infernal takes advantage of one of these options, the former owner shares their
senses, though they might not enjoy it quite as much (i.e. if the Infernal takes advantage of one of the
Intimacies to sleep with the targets wife, or have their cult debase themselves before him).
A repurchase at Essence 6+ turns any being affected by this Charm into an always valid choice of
Black Mirror Shintai, Nemesis Self Reimagined or similar Charms, their shadow forever trapped within
the user's own. Unknown to the Ebon Dragon however, upon the user's final death (or fetich death for
the Ebon Dragon), all targets Exiled by this Charm or one of its precursors are finally allowed to die,
even as he does, without his power keeping them in their suffering state.
There also exists a Heretical repurchase for this Charm, which does not require the Essence 6+
repurchase to take, but does require Omphalic Reverence Receptacle. Upon taking it, the receptacle
expands, allowing grave goods that had been dedicated to the user or one of the beings affected by this
Charm, to be removed and used within the soul-world. Exposing them to sunlight still destroys them
however, so removing them from there might not be the best... Interestingly enough, those that look
into a mirror in the Infernal's realm can choose to peer into beyond and both view and hear those in
torment, although they cannot hear them in anyway.
At least one coadjutor has such a mirror by his bed, and uses the screams as a lullaby.
This Charm grants the Infernal the shallowest fragment of supernal wisdom, enough to learn and
spells of the Emerald Circle. This Charm may be re-purchased a second time at Essence 4+, and a
third time at
Essence 5+, granting access to Sapphire and Adamant Circle Sorcery.
As this knowledge is granted by Elloge herself, the spells the Infernal may access via this Charm
are by
nature limited; however, some sorceries are so in tune with Elloge's nature that they are easier for
the Infernal
to cast.
Beneficial spells dealing with communication, whether by enhancing it or allowing it when before
it was
unavailable, all receive a 10m, 1wp cost reduction (the Willpower cost of a spell may not be
reduced to below
1wp in this way). Examples of such spells include Infallible Messenger, Commanding Presence of
Fire, Empathic
Wind, and Eye of Alliance.
While Elloge is a superlative communicator, she is often locked into action by her own stories.
She may
not cast spells that will cause a target to act antithetically to their Motivation (some uses of
Irrestistible Puppetry, for instance) nor may she utilize Sorcery with an effect opposing an active
Narrative she
has invoked or contrary to a Role she is playing. If she has knowingly acted against her
Motivation in the scene,
she adds a 1wp surcharge to all Sorcery.
Additionally, all spells learned via this Charm must utilize the themes and imagery of Elloge –
as Elloge's stories change, so does her imagery. Sorcery learned via this Charm must be cast with
imagery is most thematically appropriate to the situation at hand. If Elloge has declared a
Narrative in the area,
the imagery and themes will match the Narrative she has invoked in some way (either by
upholding it or
subverting it). If she is playing a Role, then that Role's thematics take precedence over that of the
Narrative. If
she has neither a Role nor a Narrative active, then her sorcery utilizes Elloge's native imagery of
words and
stories – Death of Obsidian Butterflies might manifest as a storm of stone shards, each with letters
etched upon
them (were someone to assemble the shards into order, they would find a story; perhaps one
unrelated to the
moment, but perhaps the story of some other way those precise injuries could have been inflicted
upon the
spell's target). This imagery and theme do not change the mechanical elements o the spell in any
way (except
by allowing different Stunts to be made).
This shift in imagery is noticeable to the canny observer, however – for Emerald Circle spells,
those with
Occult 1+ may make (Wits + Occult) rolls at difficulty 5 to recognize the taint. For Sapphire
Circle spells, the
difficulty is 3, while for Adamant Circle spells the difficulty is only 1.
Spells with Holy effects may notbe learned by Infernals, nor may Infernals utilize the demon-
summoning spells of other Exalts (however, Infernals do have access to their own versions of
demon-summoning spells).
Elloge Charms
At Essence 3+, the duration of this Charm extends to one day. A second purchase of this Charm at
Essence 4+ makes the duration of this Charm Indefinite; so long as the Infernal continues to
commit motes, she
gains the benefit of this Charm.
Additionally, the Infernal may now subtly communicate with people while under the power of The
Writer Unseen, implanting suggestions of what they should do. By reflexively spending one mote,
the Infernal
talks to the individual normally, but the person must make a (Wits + Integrity) roll at a difficulty
of the
(Infernal's Essence) to remember that the conversation occurred.
By reflexively spending three motes and one willpower, an Infernal may make an enhanced social
of ([Charisma or Manipulation] + Linguistics) against any individual they can speak with and who
understands a
language the Infernal can speak, which must be a suggestion to undertake a particular action under
a particular
set of circumstances. Such an attack is considered a Compulsion effect and becomes unnatural
influence. If the attack is successful, the Infernal's suggestion is implanted, with the target being
none the wiser.
One akuma of Elloge infamously used this Charm to orchestrate an apparently spontaneous recital
of A
Lover Clad In Blue at a dinner party being held by House Cynis, partly to inspire fears of Yozi
cultist infiltration
among the Dynasts, but mostly because she thought it was funny.
A second purchase at Essence 3+ allow the Infernal to target multiple individuals at once, though
must share the same Intimacy with the same emotional context to all be targeted simultaneously.
At Essence 4+, this Charm may be used to rewrite memories of events that took place over longer
periods of time, extending to a length of one week. At Essence 5+, the Infernal may rewrite an
interval of
memories that took place over the course of a month. At Essence 6+, the Charm may rewrite
memories from
over the course of a year. Finally, at Essence 7+, an Infernal may rewrite a person's entire lifetime
with a single
activation of this Charm.
Unlike most Sorcerous Charms, an Infernal may end this Charm at will. After all, there's no point
being able to take on a role if you can't also take it off.
Assuming the target is willing (or an unwilling target's MDV is beaten), the Infernal may grant the
a single persona from his Internal Persona Archive. The affected targets act in all ways as though
they were
under the effects of Live Within the Part, save that they cannot terminate the Charm prematurely.
The Infernal
cannot affect two people with the same persona, as Elloge hates redundant parts.
A second purchase at Essence 5+ removes the cap on the number of people that can be affected
Impromptu Casting Method, ensuring that the Infernal's only limitation is his library and his dice
Plot-Weaving Atemi
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: The Plot Thickens
When Elloge wishes for a plotline to go forward, none can gainsay her. This Charm enables the
to wrap the world around her in a net of narrative, altering the course of events as she sees fit.
Upon activating
the Charm, the Infernal creates a Narrative that she wishes to pursue, whose effect extends over an
area of
(Essence x 100) yards. The Narrative is a specific goal or theme the Infernal wishes to encourage,
which has the
same general purview as a Motivation. Samples include "two strangers fall in love," "student
avenges his
master," or "hero learns the true meaning of despair." So long as the Infernal remains within the
affected area,
all rolls intended to bring about the Narrative have their target number reduced by one, to a
minimum of 4,
while all rolls that contradict the Narrative have their target numbers increased by one, to a
maximum of 9. All
people within the radius of the Charm understand intuitively the Narrative they are being
encouraged to follow,
while using All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight or an equivalent effect reveals the Infernal as the
source of the
fate anomaly.
This Charm has more power over the Fair Folk and other creatures of the Wyld, defined as they
are by
their own lesser stories. This Charm increases or decreases the target number of their rolls by two
rather than
one, so long as they attempt to encourage or contradict the Narrative of this Charm.
At Essence 4+ this Charm can be repurchased, allowing the Infernal to spend an additional five
when activating this Charm to bestow the Enlightened Essence mutation on someone who is being
affected by
Recognition of Inner Threads. Using this aspect of the Charm carries a drawback, however; Elloge
leaves behind
her tainted mark, giving the recipient of this Charm the Creature of Darkness mutation if they did
not already
possess it.
A second purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to grant targets of the Blessing of the
Narrator the
benefits of Ellogian Mythos Exultant and Ellogian Inevitability Technique (if the Infernal has
them), while a third
and final purchase at Essence 5+ eliminates the willpower cost for using this Charm and grants
access to So
Speaks Elloge (if the Infernal already possesses it).
A second purchase at Essence 3+ allows the Infernal to ignore any Crippling effects, in addition to
external or internal penalties, for the purposes of communicating through words so long as this
Charm is active.
Using Wisdom Within Words in this way makes this Charm Obvious.
A Brilliant Revelation
Cost: 6m, 1wp Mins: Essence 3 Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Illusion, Sorcerous
Prerequisite Charms: Twisted Echoes Remain
This charm allows the Infernal to affect anyone who has witnessed them use a charm with the Edit keyword in the scene. By spending the mote
cost of this charm, the witness applies the effects of the Edit keyword to herself, coming to believe completely that what the Infernal has shown
them is and always has been the truth. This may affect memories as well, but only to the bare minimum required to bring them into line with the
effects of the charm used. Like the Infernal himself, the target may spend a point of willpower to force themselves to acknowledge what is might
not be what always was, but unlike the Warlock targets who spend three willpower like this break free of this charm's effects permanently, and
cannot be brought to believe the same illusion twice.
Hero-Summoning-Devil Call
Cost: 8m, 1wp Mins: Essence 3 Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Sorcerous, Emotion, Edit, Blasphemy
Prerequisite Charm: Stolen Guilt Confession
No character exists in a vacuum. The lawman must have outlaws, the knight must have his lord, and the suitor must have an object for his
The Infernal makes a statement of purpose--for herself or another--and in so doing forces the world to support that narrative. She rolls
(Manipulation + Performance); among those who listen, a single target whose MDV is overcome becomes instantly develops an Intimacy toward
the notion the Warlock puts forth.
If the Infernal possesses Becoming the Unmasked, she may freely spin her new actor out of the stuff of the world as a Shaping effect for a +2m
charge. Be it nemesis, mentor, or lover, the new creation appears somewhere in the surrounding area, albeit in an unobserved spot. Such entities
exist as Heroic Mortals whose very Motivation is bound up in fulfilling their role.
These ersatz antagonists exist until their work is done and their motivation is completed; at the end of that scene, they fade from existence.
The Storyteller’s Excellency may be invoked on an action where the Infernal disregards his safety to aim for the best narrative, as well
as an action where she deliberately acts in the expected manner. It cannot be used on an action where the Infernal defies his
expected place in the scene. These could (but could not, depending on context) include situations such as the young hero accepting
the villain’s offer to join him, the princess refusing his affections after her rescue, or seeing a chance to utilise an Act of Villainy and not
doing so. In addition, the excellency is inapplicable to an action attempting to hide knowledge. Stories want to be told.
Her excellency is always valid on an action earning a stunt rating of two or greater – doing something well is more important than
doing the right thing.
The Storyteller
The Storyteller’s anima is a swirl of half-perceptible words, fragments of sentences and half-thought ideas. Within, a supernal clarity
fills the Infernal, telling her when to act and how best to do so.
By spending five motes, the Infernal raises her dice caps by two for a scene. However, this clarity is equally as strong for anyone else
within the anima’s radius of Essencex5 yards. They increase their die caps by one, whether friend or foe.
As normal, this ability triggers automatically and for free when the Infernal reaches the 11-16 level of anima display.
Whenever the Infernal has a foe in her power, and chooses not to kill them, but to let them leave and do as they wish, her player may
roll dice equal to her Conviction, reducing the character’s Limit by one point per success.
While Elloge concerns herself entirely with words, to the Sphere of Speech, everything is words. With this charm, the Infernal can
communicate using otherwise byzantine methods. She may say ‘run!’ with a high singing note, paint an argument in the air with her
fingertips, or dance her desire into visibility. This functions as long as the target possesses at least one dot in the ability you set.
This charm allows the Infernal to communicate using any ability she can stunt. As a baseline, any artistic expression - painting,
sculpture, dance, song, oration - is always allowed. As a side benefit, this makes it difficult for a foe to notice or interpret hidden
messages, raising the difficulty by one, and forcing them to use the chosen ability to meet that difficulty.
With an Essence 3 repurchase, the Infernal can communicate with anyone and anything. While some beings and objects may not
understand what she says - rocks, for example - she is still communicating with them.
A separate repurchase, also requiring Essence 3, allows the Infernal to choose an Attribute instead of an ability, allowing anyone with
a rating of 3+ in that ability to understand.
A second repurchase allows her to choose any virtue (for those with three dots of that virtue) or Essence (anyone with enlightened
While this charm is a favourite of many Infernals, Elloge rarely makes use of it, preferring to remain linked to her beloved words.
This charm expands all Elloge charms that specifically derive benefits from the character’s Linguistics, allowing her to utilise other
‘Artistic’ abilities instead.
She may replace Linguistics with another ‘artistic’ ability. Artistic abilities are those that create and express. Craft is the most obvious,
allowing an Infernal to utilise paintings, sculptures, or calligraphy as their medium. Performance, used to sing, dance, or merely orate,
is the next. Stunts lend themselves well to alternate abilities - imagine an Infernal who utilises Craft (Fate).
Narrator’s Insight
Cost: 4m, Mins: Essence 1, Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV-0)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The storyteller understands those in the story as well as they do. She can tell who is important and who isn’t, and can, with practice,
discern the trustworthy from the villainous.
By spending four motes, she may tell whether anyone she looks upon is an extra, a normal being, or a heroic being. With Essence 4,
she may also detect whether they possess enlightened essence.
A repurchase of this charm, requiring Essence 3, allows the storyteller to sense if anyone she looks at has an Intimacy towards her,
and whether it is positive or negative.
Without Essence 6, the Infernal may not target herself with this charm.
Often, Elloge finds that other people refuse to see what she does, and act towards the best interests of the story. This charm targets a
pair who the Infernal has previously targeted with this charm’s prerequisite. The two receive an intimacy towards one another with a
context of the Infernal’s choice.
If they already possess an intimacy towards the other person, the Infernal must make a social attack using Attribute+Linguistics, with
bonus dice equal to half her essence. This attack is unblockable without stunts or charms. Success overwrites the intimacy, while
failure negates the charm’s effects on that target.
This intimacy lasts for a single day with magical intensity, but then fades normally. Some Infernals, and occasionally Elloge herself,
use this charm as a form of matchmaking, and pride themselves on finding couples who then sustain the intimacy. However, targets
may negate their intimacy be spending one willpower, before bonus successes.
Elloge looks at a target, and puts ink to parchment without moving her eyes. She writes for one action, and then has a description of
that character. She may analyse it, attempting to read motivation or use other similar actions.
At Essence 4, this charm upgrades, grants her (Linguistics) bonus successes on these attempts.
A repurchase, requiring E5, expands this charm. He may write descriptions of more than one target, adding one mote to the cost and
one to the speed per target. With a one willpower surcharge, the number of additional motes he pays is the magnitude of the social
unit he can study instead, in preparation for similar actions attempting to read loyalty or policy.
A separate repurchase, requiring only E3, allows an Infernal to pay a two mote surcharge as she writes a description. If she does, the
description includes everything that could be determined using essence sight - she recognises supernatural creatures with Essence 4
or greater as such, as long as they aren’t disguising it, and all active charms are rendered obvious. However, to correctly interpret the
effect of unknown charms, or to determine the strength and aspect of a character’s essence, he must make an Occult+Intelligence
roll, as described in All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight.
In the former mode, he may write with speech or hand, and the words remain until the end of the scene or his dismissal. While he may
do this freely, there is always the risk that someone else could read what he says.
This charm allows the Infernal to analyse themselves through writing using this charm’s prerequisite. Obviously, reading one’s own
motivation is of no use, but analysing this paper causes all unnatural mental influence currently applied to the Infernal to become
obvious to her.
As a benefit, no command that would bar the Infernal from writing succeeds, being considered an unacceptable command. (With
Dabbling In Other Forms, this also applies to any artistic ability the Infernal has at least two dots in.) This means, amongst other
things, that the Infernal cannot be commanded not to use this charm.
A repurchase of this charm, requiring Essence 4 and Redrafting the World, allows the Infernal to write her own way out of the chains
upon her mind. As a persistent effect, she may spend 4m to shatter any mental influence that is placed on her, as long as she is
aware of it. She may do this even if she would be prohibited from doing so.
For a 2m surcharge, the Infernal may write her own dialogue - for herself or a willing being (extras are always willing) - that perfectly
parries a social attack. This may apply even against an unblockable social attack.
Elloge thinks it much easier to just edit a character until they are useful, rather than having to persuade them herself. To this end, she
has thoughts and ideas enter their mind.
Using a description obtained from this charm’s prerequisite, she writes in her argument, and describes how her target accepts it.
Wherever the target is, they hear the Infernal’s words as she writes them. This is treated as a normal social attack, using
Charisma+Presence, with the Infernal using Linguistics instead of Appearance. They may reply or ignore it as normal with their MDV.
The Infernal may only use a description in this way until their attacks first fail, at which point their mastery of the piece is ruined, and
they must write a new description as described in that charm. (This also allows the target only a single counterattack.)
While an Essence 5 repurchase removes this limitation, it also means the target can freely respond, and attempt to convince the
Infernal of their own beliefs.
A second repurchase, requiring the E5 repurchase of Expert’s Textual Analysis, allows the Infernal to rewrite large groups. This is a
Charisma+Performance roll, with the Infernal using Linguistics instead of Appearance, and may target the group as a normal
performance attack, or, if the target constitutes a social group, in Mass Social Combat. It is affected by the other repurchase of this
charm, if the Infernal has it.
The author is everpresent in her work, but, for the largest proportion of the time, is invisible and untouchable. Drawing on this, she
fades into the background.
Noticing the Infernal’s presence if they hide, or thinking that they’re important, is impossible without a great expenditure of will, or
tremendous insight. A successful Wits+Awareness roll, with difficulty equal to the Infernal’s Essence plus half their linguistics, reveals
them, as does the expenditure of four willpower.
Whenever the Infernal takes any action that is neither walking or writing, resisting the charm is lowered to a 2wp cost, and the difficulty
drops to merely the Infernal’s essence. With Dabbling in Other Forms, use of those abilities is protected as writing.
Mundane attempts to draw attention to the character, including natural mental influence suffer an external penalty equal to the
Infernal’s Essence. Unnatural mental influence, and charm enhanced NMI apply normally, negating the effects of this charm until the
Infernal is no longer under attention. (Eg, out of sight, out of mind.)
A repurchase of this charm, requiring Essence 5, allows the Infernal to pay a one willpower surcharge to remove the latter limitation. If
the Infernal takes any action that directly impacts another character, such as opening a door that the guard would suffer for guarding
incorrectly, the cost to resist and the difficulty to notice is lowered as above. When actually making an attack, whether physical or
social, the target or targets automatically notice.
A separate repurchase of this charm, also requiring Essence 5, allows the Infernal to spend an additional two willpower surcharge to
stop her anima banner from affecting attempts at stealth. Music fades into the background, bright lights become soothing flickers, and
flickering energy is but a warm touch.
This charm supplements an order, telling a single target what their role is. This could be ‘cruel hearted matriarch’, ‘bimbo princess’,
‘adoring fan’ or anything else. This command is rendered unnatural mental influence, and costs one more willpower to resist than it
otherwise would. If it succeeds, they gain three bonus dice on any action which supports this characterisation, which counts towards
their dice caps, but suffer a -3 internal penalty from any action that opposes it.
This charm may be used in combination with Redrafting the World. It remains obvious to the target only.
An Essence 4 repurchase allows this charm to be activated while using The Author Apart without breaking that charm’s stealth, even
for the target. When used in this way, the attack has a 1wp surcharge, but is unblockable and loses the Obvious keyword completely.
With this charm, the storyteller proclaims the narrative that she desires from the scene, and all those who come near must listen.
Narratives are ideas such as ‘a revolution against the king’ or ‘a brawl in the pub’. Storytellers are suggested to accept any narrative
that has benefits and penalties for both sides, and to deny anything truly one-sided, unless the Infernal has put in truly intense effort to
setting it up.
She makes a charisma+performance roll, with bonus successes equal to her Linguistics. All those convinced must attempt to support
this narrative. Resisting costs a base of two willpower, before bonus successes.
Regardless of the social attack, all characters in the scene gain additional dice on any roll to play any valid role within the story equal
to half the Infernal’s Linguistics, while suffering an internal penalty of the same size to anything that contradicts the narrative. These
dice do not count towards dice caps. Those who failed against the initial roll must pay one willpower to act contradictory to the story,
with the influence breaking when they have spent willpower equal to the initial cost to resist. Those who succeeded against the
original social attack, are free to follow it or not, gaining dice or suffering penalties as appropriate. It is obvious to everyone in the
scene both what the narrative is, and who is telling the story.
With Essence 6 and the performance repurchase of Redrafting the World, this charm may be used with that charm, in which case the
source of the effect is Obvious only to those affected by the initial social attack. The narrative remains obvious to all.
With Essence 6, the Infernal may buy this charm a second time. If they do, it may be used while the Infernal uses The Author Apart,
without affecting that charm’s stealth. Doing so carries a 5m surcharge, but the attack becomes unblockable, and the social attack
loses the Obvious tag completely.
Rocks Fall
Cost: 2m Mins: Essence 2, Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV-1)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Narrator’s Insight
The Infernal’s favoured tools are the characters that litter the world, but the world of her story can substitute in a desperate situation.
This charm creates an attack using the environment. It uses Charisma+Linguistics, rather than Dexterity+(Ability), and has an
accuracy equal to half the Infernal’s Essence. Its base damage is equal to her Charisma+Essence, but gains a bonus equal to twice
the stunt bonus gained on her attack roll. This damage is lethal, but can be made bashing with a fitting stunt. It also deals Aggravated
damage to Fae, due to their shared affiliation with narrative. It can only cause effects that have some relation to the scene at hand-
lightning does not strike from a clear sky, but a rockfall is a constant danger in a quarry.
To begin with, this charm is utterly obvious. The Infernal’s actions are clearly the ones that caused the effect.
A repurchase of this charm, requiring Essence 3, improves this charm. Firstly, a suitable attack is not immediately obvious as an
action of the Infernal’s.Viewers, including the target, must make a Wits+Linguistics check, with difficulty equal to the Infernal’s
Linguistics, to determine that he caused the attack.
Secondly, the Infernal can create effects that do not fit the environment, flukes of fate and seeming impossibilities striking her foe. With
this use, she may create attacks as abstract as strangling someone with their bad grammar, or truly impossible attacks similar to those
granted by Principle Invoking Onslaught. When she does this, she becomes Obvious as the source.
A second repurchase changes this charm’s duration to indefinite. When used in this way, the charm is a reflexive action, costing ten
motes. It allows the Infernal to utilise Rocks Fall at will, whenever she could make a normal attack. It also lets her parry with the
environment, the same odd coincidences and illogic protecting her. These attacks use the following profile.
Speed 5, Accuracy +(Essence/2), Damage (Charisma+Essence+2Stunt)L/2, Defense: (Stunt), Range: (Essencex30), Rate: 3, Tags: O
A third repurchase, requiring the E5 repurchase of The Author Apart, allows Rocks Fall to be used while that charm is active without
automatically breaking its effects. Attacks made from this stealth are not considered unexpected, but targets affected by that charm’s
stealth must succeed on their check or pay one willpower to recognise you as the source.
Deus Ex Machina
Cost: 9m Mins: Essence 2, Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Rocks Fallx2 (Indefinite)
When she is in enough danger, Elloge’s standards slip. Rocks jump to defend her, storms form in a midsummer desert, and perfectly
timed coincidences save lives.
An impossibly fortuitous coincidence perfectly parries a single attack. This is a perfect defence that may block the unblockable, but
bears the Imperfection of the Sphere of Speech. As an additional benefit, it is not immediately obvious that the Infernal is the cause of
the defence.
With this charm, the Infernal expands. She dissolves into a metaphysical idea, expanding over Essencex50 yards. In this state, she is
immaterial and invisible, and benefits from the same massive size as an Infernal utilising the Greater Shintai of the Endless Desert:
She is incapable of dodging attacks from smaller beings, but cannot take more than one level of damage from them in any given
attack, unless it covers a full tenth of her size. In mass combat, she always enjoys the full +3 magnitude bonus, unless fighting a
similarly scaled foe.
She may use the charm Expert’s Textual Analysis on anyone within her area as a reflexive action with no cost.
The willpower cost to resist The Story Begins becomes equal to half the Infernal’s Essence.
She may use Redrafting the World for 4m, Ardent Villain Command for 1m, and Narrative Imposition Proclamation for only 1wp.
As a downside, the Infernal must give himself a role in the scene, as if with Ardent Villain Command. He converts the dice granted by
that charm, as well as by Narrative Imposition Proclamation, into successes. However, she is incapable of acting in a way that does
not fit her role, or against acting against the narrative, as surely as an Akuma cannot act against his urge. As a note, not all acts
qualify either way. An act is not ‘either disallowed or enhanced.’
This charm upgrades its Dragonblooded prerequisite. By spending a 1wp surcharge as they activate it, they may ignore range
requirements entirely, contacting anyone on their plane of reality.
With an Essence Five upgrade, even that requirement is removed. Any plane that is not entirely sealed off can be spoken to.
However, bear in mind that even words take five days to travel through Malfeas.
Sometimes even the stories of Elloge can get out of control, and no amount of revision
will put them back on their correct paths. When this is the case, the Invisible Author
may insert a fragment of herself directly into the narrative around which the entire
story will begin to revolve. Some may call this the work of a hack, but the Sphere of
Speech prefers complete stories to those ended incorrectly and tossed aside.
Upon invoking Inserted Narrative Epicenter Shintai the Infernal's anima imperceptibly
expands in a sphere to engulf the entire scene in invisible Old Realm calligraphy that
can only be read by those using some manner of essence sight (the calligraphy
describes objects and people within the sphere and their relevance to what is
happening). The Infernal strides confidently into her own story, drawing the attention of
everyone present and ensuring that everything becomes about her in the following
• Add the Infernal's Linguistics score to her Appearance rating as the she takes on idealized traits
pleasing to the author.
• All of the Warlock's social attacks are undodgeable as per Evocative Dialogue Insistance.
Others may argue with Elloge's narration, but none may ignore it.
• Every successful social attack that the Infernal makes automatically gives the recipient a
positive intimacy towards her or an ideal she champions in a context of the recipent's choosing.
This unnatural mental influence may be resisted for a cost of two willpower and resisting in this
manner makes the target immune to this effect for the rest of the day. For some reason, everyone
finds themselves liking the inserted character.
• To anyone who bears an intimacy towards the Infernal or an ideal she champions, it becomes
immediately obvious when someone successfully resists one of the Warlock's social attacks (via
MDV, willpower expenditure, or other methods) and this realization immediately counts as a
scene of building a negative intimacy towards them. Note that those with negative intimacies
towards the Infernal are compelled this way, as even her enemies cannot agree with one another
on how to oppose her.
• Using Uncomplicated Motivation Technique allows the Infernal to target everyone present in
the scene, ensuring that their intimacies that don't relate to the Infernal or her story are not
“Had I been born not knowing that one word follows another I might have been who knows, perhaps anything. As it is, finding sequences everywhere, I
cannot bear the pressure of solitude. When I cannot see words curling like rings of smoke round me I am in darkness – I am nothing. I only come into existence
when the plumber, or the horse-dealer, or whoever it may be, says something which sets me alight.” –Bernard, the Waves
This set of Charms for the Yozi Elloge is intended to work alongside the Charm sets for other Yozis, found in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals and other
sources. I also recommend my Isidoros and Metagaos Charm sets, as well as a rewritten She Who Lives in Her Name (and Infernal Wyld-Shaping
Technique). This document contains the core of Elloge’s Charm set, but feel free to develop your own Charms for this Yozi. –Revlid
Communication is the art and abode of the Sphere of Speech – what better way to punish her enemies than take it from them? Characters with an Urge
authored by Elloge use words and deeds to distort truths otherwise held to be self-evident, undermining trust and spreading half-truths for the sake of dramatic
irony. Barriers of language and culture are the tools of such warlocks, used like lochs and weirs to direct the bloody river of understanding in the exact path
they choose, until their enemies gag on their own words.
Compassion offers Elloge a sense of warped empathy, allowing her to adore and obsess over the relationships and stories of others. Conviction enforces the
strength of her creative vision, driving her into furious frustration when faced with those who refuse to understand. Temperance is the echoing emptiness at the
heart of her hollow creations, reminding her to hide behind symbols and surrogates. Elloge once understood Valor as creative vision and daring, but now she
lurks at the edge of events, dreading exposure and innovation.
Examples include:
• Convince the Tri-Khan that the Lap seeks to make war on Chiaroscuro.
• Lead two hateful enemies to fall in love with each other.
• Create a spy capable of feeding false information to the Bureau of Destiny.
• Distort the doctrine of the Immaculate Order in favour of the Yozis.
• Hide all the crimes of a great tyrant and recast him as a beloved hero.
The Torment of Elloge: When an Infernal with an Ellogiac Urge accumulates 10 points of Limit, she suffers the Torment of Elloge. For the next day, her
motives are laid bare by slips of the tongue, obvious tells and compulsive outbursts. She irresistibly purges herself of the secrets that batter against the inside of
her ribcage, seeking to write themselves on her face. Any attempt to read her motives – even casually – automatically succeeds, and she will respond to any
questions – even implied ones – with the truth as she knows it.
As much as Elloge might wish to conceal the fear and shame she feels after her mutilation at the hands of the Exalted, she cannot; they are quite literally
written upon her face, proclaiming her weakness for all her foes to see. Whenever the Infernal willingly reveals a weakness or vulnerability to one of her
enemies, roll her Compassion. Each successes removes one point of accrued Limit. Any knowledge that would make it easier for that enemy to harm the
Infernal qualifies for this act of villainy, including harm to her possessions or friends.
Cost: 1m/die; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker; Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Sphere of Speech weeps and bleeds a ceaseless tide of symbols and patterns. She is crippled so that she cannot truly invent, but willfully interprets and
recalls what already exists, stealing ideas and distorting sentiment for her stories. She has insight into relationships of all kinds, but avoids direct interaction
lest her wounds expose her as a hollow fraud. Instead she lurks, an envious audience in self-imposed isolation. The Minstrel Echo sees hidden meaning
everywhere, injecting emotional drama into the most mundane situations in order to fuel confusion and validate her suspicions. Her favourite narratives are
romances, but she lives vicariously through all stories, hiding inside her obsessive fantasies.
Elloge constantly reinvents herself, donning proxy personas or the trappings of roles. She is desperate to obscure her own failings, jealous and infatuated with
those whose sincerity can make dreams real. Such heroes are turned into loyal dolls to act out her plots. Exalts can use this Charm to conceal themselves and
understand things, but it comes with a major restriction – it cannot aid open, personal interaction with another character. A warlock could strangle from hiding
or romance while disguised, but not duel before a crowd or directly profess their love.
New Keyword!
Ichor: Elloge is a creature of wounds, curled around her own crippled heart into a Sphere of Speech. Charms that involve exposing part of the Exalt’s raw and
sticky ego often feature the Ichor keyword. As part of the cost of such Charms, the Exalt suffers a single level of unsoakable bashing damage and begins to
bleed (Exalted, pp. 151) as blood wells up in her mouth, or trickles from one tear duct, or buds dew-like from prickling scars. Such wounds close as normal,
and can be easily concealed or passed off as mundane scrapes. Many Ichor Charms involve smearing this blood on something; unless otherwise mentioned, it
immediately soaks beneath the physical structure of the target, becoming invisible except to sorcerous senses.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
A symbol is a lie that chaperones the truth. Elloge understands such things. She lives in them. The Infernal’s senses creep at the edges with mutant glyphs and
variated whispers – she may activate this Charm to condense them into an actual language she knows, providing a perfect, instant translation for any text she
reads or speech she hears. Even colloquialisms receive appropriate translation – though her ability to understand their original nuances depends on her
Linguistics rating. This Charm gives the Infernal no ability to speak foreign languages, or understand unintelligent “languages” such as body language or
The Hermit Within Herself sees words as the beautiful scabs they are, and can peel them away to drink the meaning that flows beneath. This Charm accelerates
the rate at which the Exalt absorbs recorded information by a factor of (Essence x 10) while its prerequisite is active. If she is in physical contact with the
vessel for this information, she may instantly absorb it all by spending a number of motes equal to the hours it would normally take for her to read it (minimum
one), causing copied lettering to creep up her skin and soak directly into her veins.
This Charm also applies to the Infernal’s writing, and even allows those who cannot actually read to “hear” the words translated into whispers when viewing
them. However, she must commit a single mote to the text – ending the commitment leaves the original writing intact, albeit slightly smeared as though by
New Errata!
The functions of Excellent Emissary’s Tongue are now included in the general capabilities offered by a Linguistics rating. All characters are considered
capable of making the described roll to decipher the basics of another language, using experience in similar tongues or linguistic patterns. The text of the
Charm is replaced, as described below – in addition, Poetic Expression Style changes its prerequisite to “Any Linguistics Excellency”:
Cost: 3m; Mins: Linguistics 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Poetic Expression Style
The Solar can activate this Charm after hearing a language spoken (or reading it) for at least an hour, allowing her to develop a basic understanding of the
tongue. She can speak, write, understand and otherwise communicate in that language. She is obviously not a native to its nuances, but she can be understood
with few problems. The language fades when she allows her mental model to lapse, ending the Charm – alternatively, she can instantly acquire it as a
Linguistics specialty, as a Training effect.
At Linguistics 5+, the Solar only needs brief contact with a language to decipher it with this Charm.
Cost: – (2m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Jewelled Tongue Translation
The world is a tapestry. Upon it, Elloge composes a body she will allow others to look upon. While this Charm’s prerequisite is active, the Exalt can cause her
words to fix themselves into the air, written as Sorcerous whispers. She dictates the style of this writing, and may choose to have it burn like a lightly-flaring
anima. It lasts for a day or until she wills it away, upon which it fades like words wiped from a chalk-board. Alternatively, she can write her words directly onto
any surface within (Essence) yards – such text is permanent, and appears to have been etched, daubed, etc, by mundane means.
The warlock can create these words silently if she wishes, but they appear at her usual writing speed, and pictographic traceries of Essence link them directly to
her. She can accelerate the process by spending motes – spending two motes allows her to produce up to (Linguistics) hours worth of writing as a
miscellaneous action, calligraphy seared into reality.
A second purchase allows the Exalt to convince herself that an analyzed statement hides an uncurrent of hatred or disgust. This creates an intimacy of paranoid
suspicion as a self-directed Illusion, allowing her to perfectly parry the social attack regardless of its true intent. While the intimacy exists, the Exalt removes
the unexpected tag from any attack launched by that character, but the same Illusion is applied to all her attempts to divine their motives.
Poetry in Motion: The Exalt experiences the sentiment and memories within a statement as well as the motives behind it, the Essence behind the words
trickling into her senses. A drunken story of a battle directly relays an actual memory, while a passionate love letter lets her experience every fantasised caress.
This may provide details not explicitly included in the statement. Copied texts and relayed messages reveal the original sentiment and memory, but alterations
will noticeably “pollute” the text. In addition, the Exalt can now analyze an entire piece of recorded information (such as a book) with a single activation, as a
dramatic action taking the usual time needed to read it.
Jewelled Tongue Translation: The Exalt can clot something thick and stagnant in the depths of her own speech or writing, implicitly inviting listeners and
readers to drink deep. If they do so, they directly experience the ideas behind her words, just as described in the previous upgrade. The extent of this
synaesthetic script is dependant on the length of the Exalt's own communication, and the character may shake it off at any time.
However, the Infernal no longer relates to characters whose intimacies she is totally unaware of through Compassion. She cannot naturally channel it to assist
them, and need not suppress it to harm them. Such folk seem flat and pathetic, their hearts as empty as her own.
Cost: 3m (1m); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant (Indefinite)
Prerequisite Charms: Poetry in Motion
Love and hate link the world like semiotic chains, fundamental forces of attraction and repulsion more pertinent to Elloge than gravity or magnetism. The Exalt
immediately deciphers the emotional nature of the relationship between any two characters she can perceive. If she wishes, she can reinterpret this relationship,
perceiving its “true” tenor beneath the protests of the participants. She may decide that a hateful rivalry conceals romantic tensions, or dismiss a deep
friendship as mere politeness – this is a self-directed, irresistible Illusion.
The Exalt can nominate herself the curator of up to (Essence) relationships at once, allowing her to freely and perfectly parry any influence which contradicts
the relationship’s nature (as she perceives it). She may also spend a point of Willpower to regain a Compassion channel whenever she witnesses an act that
affirms her belief in that bond. However, if she ends this commitment before it reaches a natural climax, she must roll her Compassion – every success inflicts
one Limit.
Any kind of demon can be called forth, according to the Storyteller’s judgement. Whatever its species, the demon is blessed with two additional Charms:
Melodious Diagnostic Report, allowing it to detect and devise a resolution to the relationship's current challenge, and Shapeshift, allowing it to take forms that
blend in or facilitate its plan.
The Infernal is vaguely aware of any demon conjured in this manner, but can only command them within the boundaries of their urge to assist the relationship.
Once the problem that called them forth has been resolved, the demon remains in Creation, unbound – though it is not permitted to assail the relationship it
However, the Infernal can infect another character with feverish romance by using this Charm as a dramatic action, spending a few minutes directly advising
them, or an hour dropping subtler hints. They benefit from this Charm’s effects on their next sincere attempt (written or otherwise) to seduce or woo another
Attempts to examine the object receive one automatic success and ignore penalties from physical obstructions, its inner workings laid bare for all to read. The
Infernal may choose to interact with this object as though it were material. She receives the same benefits when doing so and also ignores soak, as her
interactions function by directly “editing” the target’s physical-symbolic structure. Destroyed objects leave no debris save an echo.
Cost: – ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Read into Things
Nothing that needs a name was ever more than a notion. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Exalt to affect living characters as well. This
version of the Charm lasts only one tick, and affects all of the target’s worn or held possessions, but otherwise functions as normal. Characters who die under
this effect permanently dissolve into raw semiotics, whispers dispersing into the echoing corners of existence. Spirits killed in this fashion cannot reincarnate,
though Exaltations defy complete description and so continue to produce sequels.
A second purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Exalt to spend two extra motes to select a single descriptor applying to the attack, no broader than a single
specialty – it should focus on the nature of the attack or attacker, not the environment. For the rest of the tick, the Infernal perfectly soaks all attacks suited to
that descriptor. At Essence 5+ the Exalt can extend this to a full action, as an Ichor effect.
The Infernal can release the seal with a touch, causing the target to be enunciated into a material state. Others must either destroy the glyph (which may not be
possible, depending on the medium used), or apply countermagic based on the Exalt’s Essence at the time of sealing. Destroying the rune inflicts the same
amount of damage on the released target – burning a sealing scroll would inflict one interval of bonfire damage, for instance (Exalted, pp. 131).
The Exalt may instead scribe these glyphs onto an existing object – doing so requires the ability to actually write on the object, but alters its capabilities to
perfectly match the described object as a Shaping effect. If someone else owns the object, this Charm requires a (Charisma + Linguistics) roll at a difficulty of
the owner’s Essence.
Cost: – ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sticks and Stones Elocution
Such is Elloge’s deft illustration that observers willingly fill in any blanks. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to forge realistic copies
of existing objects by smudging her glyphs into an Illusion. This can only be rejected by spending two points of Willpower. Sorcerous senses pierce the forgery
automatically, seeing only raw description. The Exalt can recreate magical objects with this Charm, though their actual abilities are limited to their closest
mundane counterpart. Disguising an existing object requires that they share the same basic structure, and allows the Exalt to retain the original’s traits, applying
only the Illusion.
In addition, the Infernal may use Sticks and Stones Elocution without the Sorcerous keyword or mote cost if some written or drawn description of the object
she is trying to create already exists within (Essence) yards, causing it to peel away into her hands.
The only situational modifiers that apply to this Charm are actions that would be judged unusual behaviour for the role. An emperor, therefore, would be an
impossible role except in a situation that rendered rulers unremarkable, while joining battle would not disrupt a military role unless the Infernal fought with
impressive skill.
A second purchase allows the Infernal to create props for other characters. The Illusion applies regardless of whether they are aware of the prop’s significance,
but it dissolves once they discard it, ending the Charm.
If the Infernal already has Behind the Role active, this Charm allows her to select a new role, and drapes the old Illusion over her false corpse. If she does not,
it reflexively and automatically activates at the usual cost. In either case she may instantly create a new prop from her false corpse’s blood as she departs.
If this roll overcomes the target’s Dodge MDV, they must spend three points of Willpower to reject it – thus becoming immune for a day – or else find their
passions poisoned by heroic humour, warping the intimacy to match the chosen role. Either way, the warlock herself immediately gains an intimacy toward
seeing her target fulfill that role. While the warlock observes her chosen hero (or they are both present in the same scene) both these intimacies are enchanted.
They are inviolate, and modify stunts and MDVs as though they were the character’s Motivation.
Cost: – ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Training
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Casting Coveted Crowns
Heroes stride virtuously into the depths of adventure, blind to the tales that spin around them like a spider’s web. The chosen hero’s role now overpowers their
Virtues – they do not need to suppress them when acting in line with their enchanted intimacy, their gut instincts warped by the self-justification of a true
protagonist. The warlock may always channel Compassion to assist their enchanted intimacy, regardless of the nature of the task at hand.
However, social attacks which play off the chosen hero’s enchanted intimacy are now considered unnatural mental influence, and intimacies which directly
conflict with their enchanted intimacy require only a single scene’s worth of interaction to remove or appropriately alter. The Infernal’s mental influence pumps
ever-faster through the veins of the chosen hero’s psyche, halving their MDV when she is the one exploiting the enchanted intimacy.
Cost: – ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Servitude, Training
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Casting Coveted Crowns
Warm depths are distilled from the heart’s blood of great heroes, and the cardboard crowd applauds. While the chosen hero has an enchanted intimacy, other
characters with an MDV lower than their (Appearance + Presence + Infernal’s Essence) are subconsciously driven to treat them appropriately to their role.
Spending one point of Willpower allows a character to ignore all examples of this unnatural Servitude effect for one day.
In addition, the target’s enchanted intimacy provides them with (Infernal’s Essence) free temporary specialty dots, appropriate to their role. The Infernal may
reassign these dots at the start of any scene, but they are subject to the usual limits on applying specialty dice, and only available while the intimacy is
enchanted. The target treats time spent with an enchanted intimacy as time spent receiving tutelage in any trait suitable to their role.
The details of her relic-body vary with every activation, but it always bears a hellish aspect that can be deduced with a difficulty 3 (Intelligence + Occult) roll –
if the observer is familiar with the Exalt’s anima, they may also link it directly to her. The Infernal’s hellforged form is an ornament for true heroes, and so
cannot include any facility for independent operation – she cannot become an animate statue, for example. Normally, this will prevent her from moving without
assistance or dramatic coincidence. She retains access to all her motes and Charms, and may use the former to help pay for her “artifact powers” – though this
Charm instantly ends if her anima flares.
The artifact has no conventional powers – instead, it has an effective Sapience rating of (Essence), which offers access to an appropriate number of the Exalt’s
non-Excellency Yozi Charms, chosen upon activation. These may include permanent Charms, though their effects must clearly stem from the artifact itself, and
they cannot provide new mote pools. The Exalt can give their artifact-body the traits of a “generic” artifact weapon or suit of armour, though this does not offer
magical material bonuses and costs a number of Charm slots equal to the tool’s rating.
This hellforged wonder can only be owned by one of the Infernal’s chosen heroes, who can attune it instantly and with no mote cost. Its Urge is identical to the
role devised by the Infernal, who may replace any botches with an unexpected social attack of her design, with double the usual Willpower cost for resistance.
Figments are mortal extras with no actual traits – just a dice pool of (Infernal’s Linguistics) for any action appropriate to their role. They are creatures of
darkness and natives of Malfeas with no free will or real personality, which obey the Infernal’s orders like bound demons, but otherwise just act out their role.
They cannot really understand concepts unrelated to their role, and attempts to turn them directly against it are unacceptable orders.
Separating it from its prop causes it to instantly die, dissolving into a thin, coloured ichor. The same happens if they are targeted with countermagic or a
banishing spell. Emerald Countermagic can eliminate up to (caster’s Essence) Figments at a time, while Sapphire Countermagic can target a Magnitude of
(caster’s Essence ÷ 2), and Adamant Countermagic dispels twice that many.
If the target rejects the social attack, they may spend a further three points of Willpower to overcome this unnatural Illusion. This cost lowers by one if the false
influence is totally unrelated to the original social context. The warlock may use Performance to make her social attack, in which case other witnesses are also
affected by the Illusion (but not the hidden social attack). This also lowers the Willpower cost to resist the Illusion by one.
This attack has a range of (Willpower + Essence) yards, though the Exalt can spend one Willpower to measure from the bearer of an enchanted intimacy
created by Casting Coveted Crowns. Sorcerous senses can detect the attack’s unnatural nature, and even trace it back to the Infernal if she is within line of
sight, but otherwise the attack seems purely coincidental (reasonable suspicion aside).
As a result, the attack can always be made as though from stealth, giving the target only a (Wits + Awareness) roll to avoid the unexpected tag. This roll is
difficulty 3, though it increases (maximum 5) if the Storyteller deems the attack’s stunt to have made good use of existing dangerous elements in the scene, and
decreases if it was unlikely or out of place – the hairs on the back of the victim’s neck stand up in response to such blatant Shaping.
Cost: 4m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Unseen Author Assumption
When reality becomes too much, Elloge retreats into havens of memory. The Infernal’s eyes glaze over as she enters a sleep-like trance for an action (she may
remain standing) and relives a full scene’s worth of memories in the form of synaesthetic self-narration and illustrative adjectives. This perfect recollection
costs an additional point of Willpower if the memory casts the Exalt in a poor light, but it allows her to make rolls to notice details she had missed, study skills
closely enough to count as training, and roll-off against memory-altering magic. She may also edit her recollection of the scene in any way she pleases, as a
self-directed and unacknowledged Illusion.
While in this trance, the warlock is subconsciously aware of anything that would normally wake her from sleep, and may end the Charm early at any point,
letting the entire recollection slip away. This Charm functions while inactive.
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (dramatic action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: Endless Echoes
At times, Elloge dreams herself perfect. A shame that it is a lie. The Exalt exposes a wet and dripping truth just long enough to let it scab over into a falsehood.
Over the course of approximately a minute, the Exalt constructs a fake persona with a Motivation derived from one of her intimacies. This fake persona has its
own personality, intimacies and memories, leaving the Exalt only distantly aware of her true self. Her other traits (including Virtues) do not change, but she can
suppress (or only unconsciously make use of) skills and powers that do not suit her new identity. This identity counts as a separate character for the purposes of
Elloge Charms.
The Exalt’s delusion can only be pierced by specialized magic, which requires a roll-off to which she adds (Essence) automatic successes. However, if her
persona is recognized as false it immediately gains the Ichor keyword, costing her a level of bashing damage and causing her to bleed (Exalted, pp. 151), an
affliction that cannot be stemmed until she deactivates the Charm.
However, the Exalt must now roll Temperance in order to directly, personally interact with another character in her “true” persona, as though it conflicted with
that Virtue. Lunar mates do not count for this purpose.
As she no longer dreams, the Infernal cannot regain Willpower from sleeping. She is, however, immune to magic that would interfere with her “sleep” –
dream-visions and visitors are translated into forms appropriate to her mind-manse, and may be freely identified and rejected.
Duration: Permanent
Alternatively, she can spend five motes and one minute to construct a gateway of bloody Sorcerous glyphs as an Ichor effect. Only one such gateway can exist
at a time, and it functions like a sanctum entrance. Other characters can pass through with sanctum-breaching magic or the Exalt’s permission, but dispelling it
(or killing her) ejects all characters with only one action’s warning. Those within the archive temporarily dissolve into a form of pure information, so they
count as descriptions of themselves for Elloge Charms.
The Exalt can transfer small objects (i.e. those she can carry in one normal hand) she owns into the archive as a Ichor Touch effect, converting them into
metaphor. This is a miscellaneous action, which waives the Ichor keyword if the target has been rendered immaterial by Elloge Charms.
With Essence 3+, the Infernal can "rewind" to observe events she missed, rifling through the subject's memories as though they were her own. She cannot
observe events that took place while this Charm was inactive.
Man, I love Elloge. So. Damn. Much. Can't tell you why, but I do.
I've always intended to make an Elloge charmset at some point (most of the ones I've
found leave me wanting), but I've never really had the time or motivation to do so.
So instead, as 3e looms, I'll post some charms for my favorite Primordials... while
character can still take them.
At Essence 3, this Charm automatically upgrades; the Infernal may negate Crippling effects
from sources they do have Intimacies towards; this costs 2m, 1wp, and gives the Infernal a
cosmetic mutation representing the attempted effect. This Mutation is considered a Wound for
the purposes of charms with the Wound keyword.
One thing that always stuck with me about Elloge is that I've seen several stories and such
where He Who Bleeds The Unknown Word's Fetich-death is described as castration. And
then there is the fact that, in many works of fiction, heroes don't have scars that don't mean
something. Ergo, a way to only have significant scars.
You might also notice the Wound keyword; it stems from one of her root charms, Wounds
Unforgiven. I'll write it up in a little bit, but basically it gives you both a boost and a drawback
for being subject to Crippling or Sickness effects.
First Hegra Excellency
The Typhoon of Nightmares is tempestuous, carried by winds of desire and want. In her indulgence, she grants fleeting gifts that leave behind
emptiness and hopeless addiction. However, when her mood shifts, she is as capable of sadistic violence as she is of reckless abandon. The
works of Hegra are inherently temporary, as she only leaves ruin in her wake.
Hegra plays with illusion, creating worlds of dreams in which to enrapture those foolish or unfortunate enough to be dragged into her eternal
bacchanalia. She is impulsive and ephemeral, shifting between a spectrum of emotions, but cannot abide stillness or constancy. The Typhoon of
Nightmares lacks restraint, ignoring or destroying all obstacles to her current fascination.
This Excellency may be used on any action to understand or influence emotions and desires, or to bring said desires to fruition. It may also be
used to deceive or create false perception, or to influence politics or trade. It cannot, however, bring lasting satisfaction, nor create anything of
true permanence.
Imperfection of the Typhoon of Nightmares
Hegra can withstand happiness and sorrow, pain and pleasure. What she cannot stand is stillness or waiting, and certainly not the drudgery of
patience and planning. An Infernal may not use any Charm with this Imperfection if he took a Guard, Aim, Defend Other or Blockade Movement
action on his last action tick, or if he organized a coordinated attack.
Hegra will reconquer Creation the way she has done everything else: by compelling people to do as they desire, to grant them their every wish
and then drown them in sensation and want. By the time she is done, all the world will gasp out for her, begging for a single taste of her sweet
poison... and then the gates will swing open, and the Typhoon of Nightmares will spill out, ready to give and give and give.
The Hegran Urge compels an Infernal to seek out and satisfy unfulfilled desires, for love and money and violence and everything in between.
While fulfilling her own desires are important, they are secondary to the deluge that will bring the world closer to Hegra.
Examples include:
• Bring the long-lasting conflict between Halta and the Haslanti League to a satisfying climax.
• Reduce the price of drugs so anyone can afford to get high if they want.
• Encourage a Prince of the Earth to consummate his love with his sister, no matter the consequences.
• Create a popular movement to end the taboo of public sex across the Blessed Isle.
• Tempt the Mouth of Peace into contradicting her vows.
Hegran Torment
Once an Infernal with a Hegran Urge reaches ten Limit, he undergoes this Limit Break, which causes him to lose the ability to enjoy anything.
Sex becomes merely frustrating and painful; drugs have no high, but do have a withdrawal; other, more mundane pleasures no longer make the
Infernal happy. For the next (Essence) days, the Infernal loses the ability to regain willpower through mundane means (including normal stunts,
but not from stunts enhanced by (Yozi) Mythos Exultant), and loses any bonus to MDVs granted by Motivation or positive Intimacies.
Hegra appreciates honesty, especially honesty with oneself, and admires those who do what they want in spite of possible consequences. To
utilize this Act of Villainy, the Infernal must publicly (in a written note that anyone can read or in a speech) declare to his allies that he is about to
undertake an action they consider foolhardy, dangerous or nearly impossible... and that he intends to do it anyway, in spite of the known risks.
After doing this, the Infernal may roll his Valor and subtract a point of Limit for each success gained on the roll. This Act of Villainy may only be
taken advantage of once per session.
Hegra’s glory brings only the desire for more. Whenever an Infernal with this Charm performs a stunt that resonates with the First Hegra
Excellency, he may add his stunt rating as bonus dice to the next non-reflexive rolled action he takes that scene, in addition to the standard
stunt bonus. Dice added to an action in this way counts as dice gained from Charms.
Sorcerous Initiation of Hegra
Hegra’s magic is meant to satisfy or create desire, such that they continue to flock back to Hegra. Any spell which directly satisfies or creates
immediate physical need, such as Food From the Aerial Table, Ivory Orchid Pavillion or Mirage of Protective Shelter, receives a discount of ten
motes and one willpower (to a minimum of zero). However, Hegra can never create lasting joy, and any spell that has a long-term or permanent
effect, such as Benediction of Archgenesis or Threefold Binding of the Heart, is beyond the scope of Hegra’s power.
The Typhoon of Nightmares draws power from instability. Increase all limit gains from all sources by one while an Infernal benefits from this
Hegra is a being of desire, both within and without. Upon taking this Charm, an Infernal becomes much more skilled at understanding
the desires of others, adding his permanent Essence in bonus dice to any roll used to discern or exploit the desires of others. In
addition, he becomes much more focused towards fulfilling his own whims, negating the Appearance modifier of any social attack that
attempts to convince the Infernal to go against his desires.
However, there is a drawback: this focus on desire makes the Infernal incredibly unstable, flitting from one whimsy to the next.
Whenever someone makes a social attack against the Infernal that attempts to influence his emotional state (including all social
attacks enhanced by Charms with an Emotion effect), he subtracts his permanent Essence from the dice pool used to calculate his
MDV against that attack. This penalty does not apply to any attack that is attempting to change the Infernal’s opinion, his perception or
any other aspect of his mind, only his emotional state. In the event that a social attack alters the Infernal’s emotional state in addition
to other effects, this penalty only applies in cases where the emotional effect is the central aspect of the social attack (as determined
by the ST).
Some people just want to escape from the pain of the real world. Hegra kindly provides. This Charm creates a single dose of a
poisonous drug (the statistics of which are listed below). This poison may be excreted from any surface on the Infernal’s body, or
given along with contact with some of the Infernal’s bodily fluids (such as sweat, saliva, blood, or other, less hygienic fluids); either
case requires a successful attack of (Dexterity + Martial Arts) to administer the drug. It may also be used to coat a weapon, such as a
sword or an arrow, although a single activation of this Charm only produces a single dose.
In addition to its other effects, this poison creates a feeling of well-being; the Penalty created by this Charm is a result of intense
euphoria and realistic hallucinations. Thus, a character under the influence of this charm reduces his wound penalties by the Penalty
rating of the poison created by this Charm, to a minimum of 0.
Note that the poison of this Charm is incredibly addictive; after the effects of this Charm end, the character must roll (Stamina +
Resistance) at a difficulty of the poison’s Toxicity to avoid becoming addicted, gaining an Intimacy of addiction towards the Infernal
that provided the poison in the first place. If they become addicted, they suffer a Compulsion to seek out the Infernal to provide the
drug; failure to do so within (10 - Essence) days results in withdrawal, causing the addict to experience terrible nightmares, eliminating
his ability to regain willpower through sleep until he can receive a new dose. This addiction can only be cured by a successful
Intelligence + Medicine roll against a difficulty of the Infernal’s Essence; the interval for this roll is one week. Otherwise, the withdrawal
period ends after (Essence) weeks.
Normally, Hegra’s toxin becomes inert after (Willpower) ticks if not ingested or administered via touch, taking on the appearance of
water with a polychromatic mix of dyes. If ingested after becoming inert, it has no effect beyond what ingesting an equivalent amount
of purified water would have, though it has a slightly sweet and sour taste.
*Note: Hegra’s toxin can never hurt someone past its Incapacitated health level.
To stand in the wake of the Typhoon of Nightmares is to be drowned in agonizing wonder. This Charm creates a weather phenomena
extending (Resistance) x 10 yards away from the Infernal, usually in the form of rain, mist, or snow, but which must be able to carry
water in some fashion. This weather will inadvertently be of a variety of colors stretching across the light spectrum, as it is consisted
entirely of Hegra’s toxin (as described under Poisonous Euphoric Panacea), and always follows the Infernal with himself at the center.
This weather will occur even indoors, appearing to come from any ceiling or roof that may exist.
Anyone who is in the area affected by this Charm, or who enters the area while the Charm is in effect, must roll to resist Hegra’s toxin
each action that they remain in the affected area. This Charm has no effect on the Infernal who activates it, nor on anyone who is
already under the influence of Hegra’s toxin.
At Essence 5+, the area of effect of this Charm automatically upgrades to (Resistance) x 100 yards away. At Essence 7+, the area
upgrades once again to (Resistance) miles, and at Essence 9+ the area of effect upgrades to (Resistance) x 100 miles.
Hegra cannot be everywhere at once. However, she is kind enough to leave fleeting gifts for those she leaves behind. This Charm
permanently upgrades its prerequisite; by paying an additional two motes when activating Indulgent Storm Stance, he may designate
a center of the storm besides himself, which must be within the Infernal’s line of sight at the time of activation, and which must be
within (Essence x 10) yards. Doing so makes the activation of this Charm Sorcerous.
If enhanced in this way, the designated target, which may be a stationary point or a particular object, becomes the center of the
weather phenomenon created by Indulgent Storm Stance. Sentient creatures targeted by this Charm may resist with a contested
(Stamina + Resistance) roll against the Infernal, with the Infernal adding his permanent Essence in bonus successes. If successfully
resisted, the Charm fizzles and the target becomes immune to all instances of Hegra’s toxin for one full day. If the target does not
resist, or cannot resist, the storm become centered upon him for its full duration.
Unlike the Infernal who activates this Charm, a sentient being who is successfully targeted by this Charm is not immune to Hegra’s
toxin, and must roll to resist its effects as normal.
To be with Hegra is to know true joy; likewise, to be without Hegra is to know true agony. This Charm permanently upgrades the
Poison the Infernal creates; anyone who suffers withdrawal from Hegra’s toxin has all of their positive emotions dampened, treating all
Virtues as one lower (minimum 1) until they recover or receive another dose of Hegra’s toxin. In addition, the length of the withdrawal
period is multiplied by the Infernal’s Essence, ensuring continuous dependence from those who indulge in the pleasures of the
Typhoon of Nightmares.
At Essence 6+, this Charm automatically upgrades; the length of withdrawal becomes indefinite unless broken by magical treatment,
and the victim of withdrawal reduces all Virtues to 1 until he receives a new dose of Hegra’s toxin or removes his addiction.
Hegra does not simply embody or understand desire; she encompasses it, transcending mere joy to become euphoria itself. This
Charm grants a number of benefits to the Infernal:
• The Infernal may, upon activating Poisonous Euphoric Panacea, choose to create any other intoxicating substance with
which the Infernal is familiar, so long as its Resources cost is less than or equal to his Essence.
• The Infernal becomes immune to all mundane Poison effects, and adds his Essence in automatic successes to resist
magical poison (but will still experience any psychotropic effects, regardless of success on the roll to resist).
• The Infernal learns to ignore the pains and aches in his body, the better to indulge his fantasies. The Infernal may reduce his
combined wound and exhaustion penalties by his Essence. This does not obviate the need to rest or heal; it merely allows
him to ignore the penalties for not doing so.
However, this comes at a price: the Infernal’s priorities becomes warped, putting his wants over his needs. The Infernal must fail a
Conviction roll or suppress his Conviction to pass up any opportunity to indulge his desires, regardless of the circumstances or
practicality of doing so. Suppressing Conviction in this fashion earns the Infernal one limit, regardless of whether it was his primary
Virtue or not. If Temperance is his primary Virtue, he gains this Limit in addition to the normal Limit he would get for suppressing that
Wellspring of Nightmares
Cost: 20m, 2 wp, Mins: Essence 3
Type: Extended
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Compulsion, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: One season
Prerequisites: Indulgent Storm Stance
Hegra’s benefice does not just rain down from above, it also wells up from below. An Infernal with this Charm targets a single natural
source of water (such as a river source or a well), or a spot of ground not currently under the influence of Holy Land Infliction or
Chirality Prohibition Index or any similar Charm. If an existing source of water is targeted, this Charm converts all water originating
from that source into a diluted version of Hegra’s toxin; if a new area is targeted, this diluted toxin spills forth from the ground, flowing
downhill as normal water would.
Blessing a source of water, or creating it, takes a full day ritual, starting at sunrise and ending at sunset, during which the Infernal must
remain within line of sight of his target. He engages in dance, song, sex, or any other expression of pleasure, saturating the land with
pure, insatiable desire. So long as he is not interrupted during this time, whether by losing his concentration (requiring he make a
Wits+Integrity check any time he is disturbed) or by having countermagic targeted at him, the Wellspring will appear as the last ray of
the sun’s light falls over the horizon. After this time, no means except Adamant Countermagic can remove a wellspring before its
Duration is over.
This diluted toxin nourishes as normal water does, but also douses any who drink from it as per Hegra’s toxin, save that success on
the roll to resist toxin from this source are doubled. Water enchanted in this way cannot run out for the Duration of this Charm, though
it will become inert if carried more than (Essence x 100) yards away from the original source; so long as people come to it and drink
directly from it, they shall never know thirst. This “water” tastes exquisitely sweet, sour, spicy and/or any other combination of flavors,
usually in a pleasant combination for the drinker, and takes on a faint rainbow hue. Essence sight reveals a slight trace of Essence in
all tainted water, no matter its origin.
Anyone who becomes addicted to the toxin generated by a Wellspring of Nightmares gains an Intimacy of addiction to the source of
the water, which switches to the Infernal who created it at the end of the Duration of this Charm. At the time of this conversion, they
instinctively may locate the Infernal, no matter the distance, and will recognize him as the source of their precious toxin.
No single source of water may be targeted by this Charm more than once a year, and no land within (Essence) miles of the affected
source of water, or any source created by this Charm, may be affected. Sources of water created by this Charm dry up at the end of
the Charm, while pre-existing sources of water remain.
The stomach hungers, the throat becomes parched, the body aches for rest and relief; in all these things, Hegra provides. This Charm
permanently upgrades Wellspring of Nightmares, allowing the Infernal to spend an additional ten motes when activating that Charm,
creating an area (Essence x 100) yards in diameter around the affected water source which becomes filled with the dream-stuff of
Hegra’s grand imagination.
Within the affected area, lesser plants and animals begin to mutate, as though exposed to the Wyld. Indeed, the affected area counts
as a bordermarch for all intents and purposes, including with respect to mutations that may be picked up. However, all organic
material remains edible no matter its state of mutation; eating an affected specimen within the area of effect doses the individual with
an undiluted dose of Hegra’s toxin.
Finally, anyone who rests within the area for a full day must spend two points of willpower or come under a Compulsion to remain
within the affected area for its remaining duration. This willpower may be spent at any time, at which point the individual becomes
resistant to its effects for one full year.
The Typhoon of Nightmares envelops and incorporates all want, making those who dwell near her give up their desires to add to her
whole. This Charm enhances a read intent or read motivation action meant to discern the desires of another, using Perception +
Investigation or Socialize against the target’s Dodge MDV, adding the Infernal’s Essence in automatic successes to the roll. If the
Infernal succeeds, the Infernal automatically understands the target’s greatest desire at that moment. This requires no vocalization on
the part of the Infernal or his target; the Infernal must merely be able to see his or hear his target to be able to use this Charm.
This is an entirely subjective measure: though a subject’s greatest desire will often revolve around their Motivation or one of their
Intimacies, a man who has not eaten for several days may most desire food, while an addict experiencing withdrawal (especially one
addicted to Hegra’s toxin) will almost always desire the object of his addiction most of all.
The Infernal may use information gained from this Charm to enhance his ability to persuade his target; so long as he exploits this
knowledge, the Infernal increases his effective Appearance against the target by his Essence. This does not allow the Infernal to
exceed the cap on benefits he may receive from high Appearance.
For every gift, there is a payment. For every blessing, there is a sacrifice. For every joy, there must inevitably be longing. Hegra
understands this, and so gleefully provides whenever anyone asks for anything; so does she add to the want in the world, and
become vaster in its understanding. This Charm enchants a single object, to be given as a gift by the Infernal to another. So long as
the target willingly accepts the gift, he must spend three points of willpower or automatically gain a positive Intimacy towards the
Infernal as an Emotion effect, dependent upon the context of the gift: an Infernal giving her crush a bouquet of flowers might cause
him to gain an Intimacy of love, while an Infernal teacher granting a favored student a book might instill an Intimacy of admiration. This
Charm may instead reinforce a pre-existing positive Intimacy, depending upon the discretion of the ST.
Whatever the context of the Intimacy, the target of this Charm will feel very happy while in possession of his gift, and will react
negatively to any attempt to separate him from it, perhaps even to the point of violence. While in possession of the object, the target
finds himself unable to argue with the Infernal who gave it to him, suffering a penalty equal to the Infernal’s Essence to all die pools
used to calculate MDVs against the Infernal.
In addition, anyone who has an Intimacy of addiction to the Infernal suffers no withdrawal symptoms while in possession of an object
enchanted by this Charm, though this merely delays the effects; they automatically resume the moment this Charm ends.
Some attempt to intimidate, cajole or manipulate the Typhoon of Nightmares into doing their bidding. Little do they know that they
have already been drowned out within her mind by the sound of her own inner world. This Charm may be used in response to any
social attack that would affect the Infernal, allowing him to create an Emotion within himself that is counter to the intent of the social
attack, perfectly defending against that attack. However, until this Charm is used again or the scene ends, any social attack which
exploits the Emotion effect created by this Charm is considered undodgeable.
At Essence 4+, an Infernal may repurchase this Charm, allowing him to add two motes and one willpower to the cost of this Charm to
defend a group against a mass social attack, such as through Performance or Socialize, whose Magnitude does not exceed his
The chaotic mind of Hegra infects all she sees, allowing her inner visions to come into being. This Charm allows the Infernal to create
a wide variety of visual, auditory, tactile, and other sensory hallucinations, with the lines between the senses blurring, merely as a
matter of being. Senses may mix and become warped, allowing synesthetic combinations like colors with taste, sound with color, and
loud or soft smells, entirely up to the Infernal’s will. Any stunt which takes advantage of these illusions gains a one die bonus to the
stunt, to a normal maximum of three. This has no effect on stunts used to supplement rolls that target someone who is immune to
Illusion effects.
Even if you can dodge raindrops and stop the lightning, fight the gales and breathe through the fog, the mere sound of Hegra’s voice
will draw you back in. It is inevitable, for the storm calls to all the souls that yearn. This Charm supplements a social attack made by
the Infernal, paying five motes for an attack against an individual or nine motes and one willpower against a group. All affected
individuals must be able to directly see or hear the Infernal deliver the enhanced attack, but it is otherwise not limited by range. This
cannot affect written communication or social attacks delivered by proxy; only the presence of the Infernal herself can deliver this
All individuals who fail to resist the enhanced attack and fail to pay two willpower to resist are affected as though dosed with Hegra’s
toxin. Additionally, anyone who already possesses an Intimacy of addiction towards the Infernal treats the enhanced social attack as
undodgeable. Note that this is not an Obvious effect; people who are affected by this Charm will see more content, even euphoric, but
unaffected onlookers will never understand why this is. Once someone has resisted this Charm, it cannot affect that individual for one
full week.
Dysphoria-Cleansing Downpour
Cost: 8m, 1wp, Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Social, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Maddening Synesthetic Display
It is the benefice of Hegra that washes away the unpleasantness of the past, as she knows that everyone must find unhappiness as
offensive as she does. This Charm creates a barrage of illusions, sensations and chaotic information that drowns a character’s
perceptions, making it impossible to differentiate between reality and fantasy. By subtly nudging a character in one direction, he alters
their memory, causing them to remember a specific event or set of events differently than how they occurred.
Using this Charm requires rolling (Charisma + Performance) against the target’s Dodge MDV, adding the Infernal’s Essence in
automatic successes, and may be resisted by spending three willpower at the time this Charm is activated (or dispelled at any time
with countermagic, as per all Sorcerous effects). This does not require that the target be able to see or hear the Infernal; indeed, this
Charm may be used on a person who is currently asleep. If the target does not resist, the Infernal may rewrite a specific memory or
set of related memories as he wishes, with the following exception.
Any memory created by this Charm will have a significant flaw in it, ranging from a simple logical error (such as someone being in a
place they could not possibly be) to flat out contradictions with the nature of reality (a green sky in Creation, for example, or receiving
instructions from a panicked white rabbit). Though the target will not inherently be able to notice these discrepancies, anyone who
points them out in a retelling of the event will allow the target to spend willpower to break the effect as though he were just targeted by
this Charm. If he does not attempt to break the effect, however, he will defend his memory as best he can, creating increasingly
bizarre explanations for his problematic memories.
Dream-Snaring Distillation
Cost: 6m, Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Shaping, Sorcerous, Touch
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Maddening Synesthetic Display
Hegra readily grants a thousand boons from her generous bosom; why should she not be entitled to a simple gift in return? This
Charm targets a single sleeping individual who the Infernal touches, allowing the Infernal to roll (Manipulation + Larceny) against the
target’s Dodge MDV. Success indicates that the Infernal may draw out the target’s dream, and store it as a dreamstone, resulting in
the target losing a temporary dot in any Virtue currently rated above one as a Shaping effect. This damage to the target’s Virtues
remains for (Essence) months, though it can be restored through supernatural medicine.
The Infernal may consume any dreamstones created through this Charm normally; however, if the Infernal instead chooses to grant a
dreamstone created by this Charm to another person (including, perhaps, the person it was taken from), consumption of the
dreamstone forms an Intimacy of addiction to the Infernal automatically as an Emotion effect. Only perfect mental defenses, or not
consuming the dreamstone, may prevent this effect.
For all her generosity, Hegra is equally capable of terrible cruelty, and derives great pleasure from torturing those who seek refuge
under her clouds. All that matters is the joy of sensation, even if it’s the last thing you ever feel. This Charm may be used on any
sleeping individual within (Essence x 10) yards that the Infernal is aware of. The Infernal rolls (Charisma + Performance) against the
enemy’s Dodge MDV, adding his Essence in automatic successes. If successful, the target must spend three points of willpower or
become subject to the effects of this Charm.
The target’s dreams become warped, turning everything and everyone in the dream against the individual. Unlike most nightmares,
this terror is capable of inflicting very real harm against the person, dealing one die of unsoakable bashing damage against the person
for each threshold success the Infernal got on the activation roll over his opponent at the end of his sleeping period. If this deals
enough damage to bring someone to the “Incapacitated” level, they will lapse into a nightmare-laden comatose state as an Illusion
effect and not wake up for (Infernal’s Essence) days, during which they cannot be roused except by magic that can cure Illusion
effects. Individuals do not regain willpower from sleep during any night in which they are affected by this Charm. No one may be
targeted by this Charm more than once per month.
By default, this Charm may only be used on those who are asleep. However, a repurchase allows the Infernal to use this Charm on
anyone currently under the effects of Hegra’s toxin, and a second and final repurchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to use this
Charm on any waking individual within range, turning their waking world into a living nightmare. Waking individuals are not protected
from outside threats, though the individual may attempt to discern real threats with a Perception+Awareness roll at a difficulty of the
Infernal’s Essence. All damage from this Charm is dealt at the end of an eight-hour period (as though they had a full night’s sleep), at
which point the Charm expires normally.
Hegra sheds countless drops of her intoxicating rains, each one flowing back to her and increasing her might. This Charm
permanently enhances the Infernal’s capabilities, allowing him to count any who possess an Intimacy of addiction to him as members
of his Cult. Additionally, if he possesses Shallow Hearts Cry Out or Dysphoria-Cleaning Downpour, he may use those Charms
reflexively against any individual within (Essence x 100) yards with an Intimacy of addiction towards him, making it an unblockable,
undodgeable attack.
Hegra’s generosity is beyond measure, crafting entire worlds for people that they can inhabit and use to satisfy their desires. Such
things are inconstant and will ultimately fade away, but for a time they are truly, utterly happy. While active, the Infernal constantly
exudes an intoxicating mist similar to Hegra’s toxin that fills the senses of all within (Essence x 10) yards. Any who are in this radius,
or who enter it while this Charm is active, must roll (Stamina + Resistance) at a difficulty of the Infernal’s (Essence x 2) or become
ensnared in a mighty Illusion effect that renders them catatonic from the outside, unable to act or defend themselves.
Those who succumb to this effect will suddenly find themselves in a world that fits the ideal of their happiness and satisfaction. All
desires, from the most noble and innocent to the most depraved and disturbing, will be fulfilled equally, without any external judgment
or any feeling of guilt. While under the effects of this Illusion, they will never question the circumstances that must arise to allow his
desires to come into being, no matter how contrived or unbelievable they would be normally. Time passes at a rate of one subjective
day per minute that the character remains in this state, and they regain willpower as though they had a full night’s restful sleep each
“day” they experience.
Breaking the Illusion first requires realizing that something is wrong, which requires expending points of willpower equal to (Infernal’s
Essence), to a maximum of five, to pierce the facade. Doing so allows the target to awaken from his dream stupor and act normally.
However, though the Charm only lasts for one scene, anyone affected by this Charm will remain in this stupor until they spend the
willpower to break it, regardless of how much time has passed. Jostling or attacking someone under the effects of this Charm from the
outside can provoke them into attempting to resist, but it is never a guarantee; they must always choose to leave the world
Once they break the effects of this Charm, a character cannot be affected by it again for one full year.
The Typhoon of Nightmares is a storm of unimaginable ferocity; she swallows up lesser storms, integrating them into her greater
chaos. While this Charm is active, the Infernal exudes a “safe zone” of up to (Essence) yards around him in which all environmental
penalties are reduced by (Infernal’s Essence), regardless of their origin. However, within a “danger zone” extending (Essence) yards
further than that border, all environmental penalties are doubled, affecting friend and foe alike. This does not cause an apparent
change in the intensity of any environmental penalty to outside observers; people within the area simply notice that the world around
them seems more or less comfortable. This Charm has no effect on environmental damage, only internal or external penalties created
through environmental effects.
Even in her greatest fury, Hegra may offer a haven from herself... at least, for a little while. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite,
allowing the Infernal to center the effect of Roiling Storm Clouds on an individual or object. An Infernal may have up to (Essence)
instances of Shuttered Tempest Eye (not including the effect of Roiling Storm Clouds on the Infernal) active at any time; activating a
new instance of this Charm automatically ends another instance of this Charm, chosen by the Infernal’s player. Should multiple areas
of effect cross each other, the “safe zone” effect takes precedence over, and negates, the “danger zone” effect.
Hegra is many things, but self-destructive is not one of them (unless the mood takes her). To withstand the power of her own
existence, she has learned to simply pass through all but the most deadly of environments unscathed. This Charm permanently
upgrades its prerequisite, allowing those within the “safe zone” to add the Infernal’s Survival to all rolls to resist damage from
environmental effects, and adds the Infernal’s Resistance to their natural soak. This has no effect on damage from environmental
effects outside of the safe zone.
Hail-And-Sleet Barrier
Cost: 4m, 1 wp, Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Roiling Storm Clouds
Those who try to strike through the storm will find themselves at the mercy of the wind. While this Charm is active, the Infernal may
add his Resistance to his dice pools for calculating his Dodge and Parry DVs. This counts as dice added from Charms.
To strike at Hegra, one must first be able to pierce the haze of her weather, which might as well be a wall. This Charm manifests a
weather phenomenon, dependent upon the will of the Infernal, that knocks an attack out of the way, perfectly parrying the attack. This
phenomenon might be wind, rain, ice, hail, lightning, or anything else the Infernal can come up with, but it is always clearly unnatural
in origin. Anyone whose attack is negated by this Charm suffers a cumulative -1 environmental penalty for (Essence + Survival)
actions, due to a sudden and surprising shift in temperature, humidity, wind speed, air pressure, or other factors, as chosen by the
Infernal. This Charm carries the Imperfection of the Typhoon of Nightmares.
Passion-Scouring Electrification
Cost: 2m, Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Roiling Storm Clouds
It rarely contents Hegra to simply harm her enemies; she must first deprive them of joy and sorrow, of satisfaction and despair, until all
that is left is a hollow yearning for sensation that will not come. An Infernal may use this Charm to enhance any physical attack,
charging it with the black lightning of Hegra, adding the Infernal’s Essence in bonus dice to the pre-soak damage of the roll and
making the damage lethal.
If the attack deals damage, it drains a Virtue channel from the Virtue of the Infernal’s choice as an Emotion effect, which cannot
reduce the number of channels a person has below zero. If this attack hits a target lacking any Virtue channels, it will instead drain a
point of willpower.
Soul-Husking Monochrome Strike
Cost: 4m, Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duation: Instant
Prerequisites: Passion-Scouring Electrification
When Hegra’s mood shifts to rage, her power doesn’t merely kill, it destroys, leaving behind hollow husks and blackened, colorless
wastes. This Charm allows the Infernal to create a ranged attack against an opponent up to (Essence x 5) yards away, using Hegra’s
black lightning: the attack has a dice pool of (Charisma + Survival), deals a base of (Essence + Medicine) lethal piercing damage,
and cannot be blocked without a stunt. If the attack hits, it has the same Virtue-draining Emotion effect of this Charm’s prerequisite.
Where the Typhoon of Nightmares goes, chaos follows. Those who are wise know to simply stay out of her way. Upon activating this
Charm, the Infernal summons weather phenomena to form around her, in any combination she desires and with no regard to what the
local climate would normally dictate. Within an area extending (Essence x 10) yards away from the Infernal, this weather phenomena
(which often includes rainbow-colored precipitation) creates an external environmental penalty of (Infernal’s Essence/2), which inhibits
all actions requiring freedom of movement, intense concentration or the ability to see or hear properly.
If the Infernal has Roiling Storm Clouds or Shuttered Typhoon Eye active, those Charms affect the penalties created by this Charm
At Essence 5, the area of effect of this Charm automatically expands to (Essence x 100) yards; at Essence 7, it expands again to
(Essence) miles; and at Essence 9, it expands one last time to (Essence x 100) miles.
It is sometimes not enough to dissuade Hegra’s enemies with rain, snow and wind. Sometimes, only a storm of blood will allow her
continued unimpeded passage through the realm of Malfeas. This Charm improves its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to pay an
additional four motes upon activation to create environmental damage in addition to the environmental penalties. This effect has a
damage of (Resistance)L/minute and a Trauma of (Essence).
At Essence 5+, the Infernal may repurchase this Charm to increase the damage to (Resistance)L/action.
Transcendent Whirlwind Atemi
Cost: -, Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Shuttered Tempest Eye, Turbulent Monsoon Promenade
Hegra can be as strong as she wishes, or as weak, but her rain and wind shall never cease. This Charm permanently upgrades
Roiling Storm Clouds, allowing the Infernal to control the size of its effect. He may expand both the “safe zone” and the “danger zone”
of Roiling Storm Clouds to up to (Essence x 10) yards, and may affect either independent of each other. He may also reduce the size
of those zones, though neither may never be reduced below their initial radius of (Essence) yards. Despite this Charm’s prerequisites,
this Charm has no effect on effects created by Shuttered Tempest Eye; it only affects the effects created by Roiling Storm Clouds.
A repurchase of this Charm at Essence 5+ allows the Infernal to increase the maximum radius of the zones to (Essence x 100) yards.
A third purchase at Essence 7+ allows him to increase the maximum possible radius of the zones to (Essence) miles, and a fourth and
final purchase at Essence 9+ allows the Infernal to expand its radius to (Essence x 100) miles.
Blessed is Hegra, who fulfills every fear and desire. Blessed is the Typhoon of Nightmares, who strips away all but Want and
Indulgence. Blessed is the Ravening Maelstrom, who wreaks havoc upon the world and brings it to delightful, sacred Chaos. Upon
activating this Charm, the Infernal cries out in divine ecstasy, feeling jubilant pain as his body is torn apart and forms into multicolored
clouds, erupting into a miniature version of the iconic form of Hegra, the Typhoon of Nightmares. While this Charm is active, the
Infernal gains the following benefits
• The Infernal spreads storm clouds over an area equal to the range of Transcendent Whirlwind Atemi, within which the
Infernal has full perceptual capabilities. Within this area of influence, he may attack using Soul-Husking Monochrome Strike
as a Reflexive Charm for zero motes, though he may also choose to temporarily manifest to attack with an attuned weapon
for one mote per attack.
• The Infernal becomes immaterial, becoming the “eye” of the storm. To damage the Infernal, they must target this eye (which
is an area with a radius of (Essence) yards) with a Charm that can hit immaterial targets, and roll against his DVs as normal.
Though he starts at the center of the effect, he may choose to move around within the storm clouds as normal, or he may
choose to have the storm clouds move with him.
• Within the area of effect of this Charm, there is a constant rain of Hegra’s toxin (as per Indulgent Storm Stance). All
characters (save for the Infernal) must roll every action to avoid being dosed, so long as they remain within the area of effect
of this Charm.
• Everyone within the area of effect suffers environmental penalties as per Turbulent Monsoon Promenade, although the
Infernal may reflexively use Shuttered Typhoon Eye within the area of effect for no cost. If the Infernal knows Hysterical
Gale-Force Abrasion, he may add five motes to the activation cost of this Charm to have that effect active.
• Hegra
• Yozi
The Typhoon of Nightmares is a creature of flux. She moves to no set pattern, traveling wherever her
mood takes her. Sometimes she pours down her dream-rain to fill the demons beneath her with
euphoria. Sometimes she withholds her precipitation and lashes out with ebon lightning that drains all
feeling from those it strikes, leaving nothing but soulless husks.
When her rage runs cold, her dream-rain turns to opalescent sleet, like a hail of pearls. When her fury
burns hot, her clouds glow with a sulfurous blaze and her rains boil out as billows of broiling,
coruscating nightmare-steam. Hegra’s other forms are even more evanescent than the Typhoon of
Nightmares. Sometimes she is a compulsion, an impalpable presence that compels lesser beings to
chaffer and deal. At other times, she manifests as a pervasive glamour of wonder, or envy, or regret. At
no point does she don a shape so crassly solid as mortal flesh.
For a creature as ephemeral as she is, Hegra is fascinated by things. She is a creature of interaction, of
commerce, of exchange. (She is catholic in her understanding of such things, deeming both gifts and
theft to be degenerate—albeit appealing—forms of trade.) She gives dreams and passions, and takes
them away; her waters nourish the metal vegetation of Malfeas, not from any natural law, but because it
pleases her to provide rather than withhold.
Hegra is one of the few Yozis known to dabble in the politics of Hell. She does this not out of any
meaningful interest in demonic society, but rather as a child plays with dolls or pokes a stick into an
anthill. She might, in passing, endow a slave of the First Circle with Essence-fueled power and
unquenchable ambition, or fill all of a Second Circle citizen’s subjects with some specific and peculiar
monomania. Then she watches what befalls in black flashes of lightning beneath the shadow of her
Hegra Charms
• Charms
• Hegra
shifting through the spectrum of emotions, and she is subject only to her whim. Hegra clings to her dreams because they are more
pleasing than reality, and wishes to share her vision. She brings both inspiration and terror, disturbing the sleep of dreamers with
unwanted revelations. Her wrath is less deadly than her carelessness, as her catastrophic storms cause massive collateral damage,
without her knowing. Despite the exuberant rejoicing that her aimless passage through Malfeas brings, her mercy is just as
unintended as her malice. She enjoys all that she does as if giving an artistic performance or playing a game, because she will not do
anything which does not please her.
Characters may apply this Charm to actions that resonate with their emotions and passions, or acts of flamboyant and over the
top vivacity. Actions that focus on style over substance or seem heroic are always better than those that are merely effective, as
Hegra’s form is nothing but dreams and gossamer, shaped into her own self-image. Socially, she arouses passions and incites
revolutionary changes, upsetting systems of oppressive control or restraint with out of control emotion. She exploits the feelings of
others, using them to achieve her own satisfaction. This Charm can never enhance any action that conflicts with the Infernal’s own
emotions or Intimacies, as Hegra values fantasy over reality and cannot place necessity above what she wants.
Spirit-Cracking Bedlam
Soul-Crucible Diabolism
Sky-Crisis Strike
Firmament-Shaking Cataclysm
World-Drowning Cloudburst
Breath of Quicksilver
Mist-Sublimation Defense
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Breath of Quicksilver
Hegra’s thundering disturbs the sleep of the Demon City, loosing clutches of nightmares and terrifying fantasies. The Infernal
makes a Presence-based social attack, but does not actually speak aloud–indeed, her intended target need not even be there to hear
her. Instead, the next time the target of the social attack sleeps, he is haunted by a phantasmagoria of bizarre dreams, conveying the
social attack the Infernal made. He may only defend against the influence with his Dodge MDV, and suffers a -2 internal penalty to the
pool used to calculate it. Using this Charm to target characters that the Infernal does not know is difficult–she suffers a -5 external
penalty on the social attack roll if she has never met her target, or a -3 external penalty if she has only seen him or met him in
passing, without any actual interaction. Making a social attack into a character’s dreams renders it unnatural mental influence, with a
cost of one Willpower to resist. The Infernal can shape the imagery and symbolism of the dream as he chooses, and may use this to
either grant his target a bonus die on the roll to recover Willpower upon waking, or inflict a -1 internal penalty on the same roll if they
do not resist the mental influence.
Nightmares Reign
Brood of Nightmares
Cost: 5m, 1wp per point of gossamer; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: First Hegra Excellency, Exuberant Dream-Wisp Style
Hegra’s storm-body abounds with wisps of dreams and gossamer lightning, a delectable treat for the Fair Folk. In the days before
Creation, she would laugh and laugh as the raksha gorged themselves to death on her primordial essence. The Infernal may use this
Charm to bestow gossamer upon a character, paying a single point of Willpower for each point of gossamer granted. She may choose
to pay gossamer she personally possesses in place of Willpower. Characters incapable of using gossamer cannot benefit from this
Charm at all.
Unfortunately for the Fair Folk, all the gossamer made by this Charm is flavored with primordial essence. A little is a tasty treat for
them, but too much of it will corrode their essence flows from the inside-out. If the Infernal bestows an amount of gossamer on a
raksha exceeding half the rating of their highest feeding grace with a single activation of this Charm, the raksha explodes in a
conflagration of prismatic light and synesthetic fantasies, dying instantly. Non-heroic raksha explode if fed even a single point of
gossamer by this Charm. The rainbow-slick residue left behind the explosion can be consumed by a single character, allowing them to
recover a single point of Willpower or gossamer as they enjoy the delicious remains of the fae.
The Typhoon of Nightmares is a being of weather and emotion; from fogs of melancholy, to
rains of passion to sleets of introspection and floods of joy, she encompassed all of these
emotions and many more that mere mortals have no concept of in the squall of her clouds.
How does one except to hide such thing from her? This Charm automatically allows the
Infernal to gauge the emotional state of their target, the Infernal gauges the target's emotion
as a form of synesthesia; the hot and spicy taste of lust, the bloody metallic scent of hate filled
anger, the warmth of love and sugary sweet scent of joy.
Hegra floats above the Demon city, any and all threats passing though her cloudy form with
even doing the slightest bit of harm to the Typhoon, untouchable and unfathomable. With this
Charm an Infernal my emulate the Typhoon in her unassailability.
This Charm removes all penalties to the Infernal's Dodge Value as the she seems to float and
dance just above dirt and the refuse below. At Essence 3+ this Charm automatically
upgrades, allowing an Infernal to ignore all damage from a fall as she floats gently down
towards the earth.
“They said it's you who puts the gravity in the ground,
They said it's you who all the stars revolve around,
Scientists were wrong, and you suspected all along it might be true,
The world belongs to you.”
-Jonathan Coulton
This set of Charms for the Yozi Isidoros is intended to work alongside the Charm sets for other Yozis already presented in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals
(and other sources, such as the Broken-Winged Crane and Ink Monkey supplements), and includes an Urge and Act of Villainy. All the usual rules for Green
Sun Princes apply, as given in those books. I also recommend using my rewritten version of She Who Lives in Her Name (and the Infernal version of Wyld-
Shaping Technique), found here.
Though this document contains the core of Isidoros’ power - 33 Charms as well as a General set - further Charms exist, whether waiting to be invented by the
heroic genius of the Infernal Exalted or simply unrecorded in this document. A few of these were excised for reasons of space, and may be added to a separate
document at a later date.
Conviction and Valor are Isidoros’ core Virtues, teaching that none may force him to turn aside from his desires, and that challengers must be beaten back from
his position at the centre of the universe. Compassion allows him to show mercy in the form of carelessness, forgiving the irrelevant everyone. Temperance
reminds him of the importance of self-mastery, though his egocentric might warps this lesson into a rejection of foreign authority.
Examples include:
Cost: 0m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Indomitable Hedonism Drive
When the Black Boar is engrossed in his interests, little can distract him. This makes him no more assailable. This Charm can be activated in response to any
unexpected attack, removing that label and allowing the warlock to defend against it normally. However, if the attack fails to actually strike the Infernal, he
remains unaware of it – any successful dodge or parry seems merely a coincidence, as he leans or shifts in just the right way to avoid the strike. If the attacker
struck from stealth, that stealth is not automatically broken for the Infernal (though he might receive another roll to notice his attacker).
Any other Charms he uses to enhance the defense are similarly forgotten, and if he has any Overdrive pools he is refunded their cost with half as many
offensive motes. While the player chooses when to activate this Charm, the Infernal himself is (obviously) unaware of its activation.
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (6 long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Arousing Indelicate Passions
Isidoros is inspirer rather than inspired, a colossal muse who radiates a visibly crackling musk of desideratum. Each purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal
to project his idolatrous influence in different ways. Upon activating it, he chooses one of these methods, rolls (Charisma + Performance + Valor) and applies
unnatural mental influence to every character who can perceive him. Those with a Dodge MDV lower than his rolled successes can only resist this Emotion
effect at a base cost of two Willpower. They can choose to spend just a single point (regardless of any threshold successes the Infernal may have achieved over
their MDV), but in this case they instead suffer an altered effect, described below..
Draw-the-Eye Celebrity Urge: The Exalt defines a desire with himself as the subject, inflicting that intimacy on characters who fail to resist. Characters who
spend just one point of Willpower to resist still acquire a desire toward the warlock, but their player chooses the context.
Trend-Setting Indolence: The Exalt defines a desire based on whatever activity he is currently engaging in, inflicting it on characters who fail to resist. An
Infernal who activates this Charm while kissing his husband could inspire lust toward their spouse in everyone watching, for example. The Infernal cannot be
the subject of this intimacy. Characters who spend just one point of Willpower to resist still acquire a desire with that context, but their player chooses the
Helpful Cowards Everywhere: The Exalt chooses one of his desires, inflicting an intimacy of “slavish eagerness” toward fulfilling that desire on characters
who fail to resist. Characters who spend just one point of Willpower to resist still acquire a positive intimacy toward helping the Infernal, but can choose the
intimacy’s exact nature.
Additionally, he can always channel his Conviction to enhance pursuit of his desires, and need not suppress Conviction to prioritize them over his Motivation
(or each other). He must, however, roll Conviction to abandon the pursuit of a desire, just as though they were his Motivation.
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Raw Whimsy Diligence
Others place their long-term goals above their appetites, and live stark lives of self-denial. Others indulge when action is called for, and live pointless lives of
no consequence. Isidoros is greedy, and sees no reason to choose one when both are within his reach. The warlock specifies a single short-term goal and
chooses one of his desires. The subject of that desire is immediately removed, leaving only the context – it affects his behaviour as a general inclination toward
that sort of indulgence, with no specific target. While this Charm is active, the warlock is made subconsciously aware whether or not any existing physical
thing (characters, objects, structures or ongoing events) he can perceive would further his short-term goal. If it would, and he chooses to act upon that strange
instinct, this Charm ends and the relevant physical thing becomes the new subject of that desire.
Example: Karal Lohara activates this Charm, choosing to seek the hidden passageways of the Fool Dragon Crypt. She chooses a desire based on lust, and so
she wallows in ambiguous arousal until she comes across a ghostly maid with access to useful information. The Storyteller informs her player of the wraith’s
potential use, and Karal elects to interrogate her on a subconscious whim, finding that her lust is immediately directed toward her as the Charm ends.
Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Raw Whimsy Diligence
It is rare for one of such might to be impeded in the slightest, but at times even Isidoros must endure the tedium of continued labour to achieve his goals. At
such times, he is wont to shift his attentions elsewhere, assigning the work to the only one he can truly trust. Through a dramatic ritual taking one hour, Infernal
chooses one of his desires and immediately suppresses it – while this Charm is active, it still counts toward the maximum number of intimacies he may
possess, but cannot be targeted with mental influence, has no bearing on his behaviour or MDV, and cannot be used to enhance his stunts. Black waters of
expression pool in this dent in his psyche, before being spat out from one of his orifices to form a sorcerous spirit focused on bringing this suppressed desire to
fruition. This spirit, called a whim, is a creature of darkness and native of Malfeas, and appears as a combination of shadow, fingerprint-flesh and rippling air in
the shape of whatever parts of the Infernal would be necessary to fulfil the suppressed desire.
The whim has traits identical to the Infernal’s, except that it lacks any Backgrounds or Yozi Charms. Instead, it possesses the Materialize Charm and up to
(Essence) Excellencies that would be useful for accomplishing the desire in question, for which it uses the Infernal dice cap. It also possesses the Divine
Prerogative Charm, rendering any mental influence that would lead it to abandon, postpone, or alter the desire it embodies an unacceptable order. It has no
Intimacies save for the desire it embodies, and lacks a Motivation. Instead, it has an Urge toward fulfilling the desire in question. It will not take actions other
than to fulfil this desire and fend off anyone trying to prevent it from doing so.
Once this whim has fulfilled the desire from which it was spawned, it immediately dissipates, ending this Charm and providing the Infernal with all the
memories of the desire’s fulfilment. The Infernal learns nothing of the path his whim took to reach that point, gaining only the immediate gratification of its
climax, and so gains a single point of Willpower. Any intimacies the whim created toward itself in the course of its existence change their subject to the
Infernal himself – no need for the gawpers and romantics of this world to love but a shadow. If the whim is killed or dispelled with countermagic before it can
complete the desire, the Infernal instead gains a point of Limit as frustration hammers into the back of his skull seemingly from nowhere, ending the Charm.
The Infernal can only have one whim in existence at a time.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to use it to create up to (Valor) whims. In addition, the countermagic necessary to destroy a
whim is now based on its Permanent Essence rating, not the minimum Essence of the Charm. Finally, the Infernal may suppress (and create a spirit embodying)
an intimacy that is not a desire, as he offloads unpleasant duties onto some more reliable piece of his soul. In this case, he receives none of the whim’s
memories when its work is completed, and therefore gains no Willpower (though he still suffers as normal if the whim is destroyed).
Cost: 2m or 0m (+2m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density
Attempts to force Isidoros from where he wishes to be are met with indifference at best. This Charm can be activated at a cost of two motes in response to any
Knockback effect (including Knockdown), perfectly negating it as a ripple of force spreads out from behind the Exalt. He may then choose to spend an
additional two motes to redirect this invisible battering ram as an unblockable counterattack in Step 9. This attack targets anyone within (Athletics x 2) yards of
the Infernal, using a dice pool of (Strength + Athletics + Essence), and inflicts no damage itself. Instead, if it hits the target, they are made subject to the
negated Knockback effect. This Charm’s initial cost is waived if the Exalt has Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density active.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Exalt to spend an additional three motes upon using it to redirect the attack into a character or object other than the
attacker within (Essence) yards of himself. The attack is resolved as normal against this new target, starting from Step 2, and includes all the magic used to
enhance the original blow. The attacker may try to pull their strike, apply an external penalty to the attack roll of up to their (Wits), but cannot deliberately fail.
A second purchase allows the Exalt to instead choose a single “primary” target within (Strength) yards, and resolve the attack against them alone. Once this has
happened, the Charm’s effects are applied as normal to all characters within three yards of the primary target’s final location, after applying Knockback.
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density
He brushes great towers aside like dandelion-parachutes, sending them careening gracefully through the air before they crash on the hapless insects below. The
Infernal ignores any penalties for using improvised weapons, and can throw any object he has sufficient (Strength + Athletics) to pick up. Finally, if he knows
Foe-Hurling Gore Strike he may use that Charm to enhance one of his throws, increasing the number of yards he can hurl the object (or clinched character) –
for this purpose, the “raw damage of the attack” is replaced by the Infernal’s (Strength + Essence).
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density
To attempt to slow the Boar is futility itself. He is unstoppable, moved only by own will, and impeded by nothing. This Charm permanently enhances its
prerequisite. While it is active, the Infernal ignores all unstable terrain, his own self-centred Essence keeping him steady. He also ignores all mundane penalties
to his movement, whether internal or external, pushing through pain, water and thick mud as though they were nothing. While he does so the air around him
shudders and steams, causing Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density to become Obvious.
At Essence 4+, this Charm also negates magical penalties, though outright obstructions must still be dealt with.
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Impeded By Nothing
Isidoros surrounds himself with whatever he wants, and it seldom survives the experience. Such refuse swirls in his wake like dirt around the jowls of a pig.
This Charm can be activated whenever the Infernal damages an object or kills a character, eliminating any corpse or debris as he draws the aftermath of his
destructive urges about him in a dark shroud of hypercondensed matter. This swirling aura serves as an expansion of his own form, so each activation grants
him a single temporary -0 health level (Scroll of Errata, pp. 12), which vanishes when this Charm deactivates.
Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Action-Only, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Sinew Debris Corona
With a crash to shame thunder, Isidoros shakes off the dirt that encrusts some part of his body, and new continents form on the world below. Activating this
Charm, the Infernal chooses up to (Stamina) of the temporary health levels granted by Sinew Debris Corona and cleanly removes them. Those applications of
the Charm immediately deactivate, supplying the warlock with an equal number of offensive motes which he can add to any of his Overdrive pools. Any
damage carried by temporary health levels removed in this way is lost – counter to the usual rules, it is not transferred into his normal health track.
The compacted clouds of flesh-space that comprised those health levels do not go quietly, however. Their violent detonation is a one-time magical
environmental hazard centred on the Infernal. It has a radius in yards equal to the number of removed health levels and deals an equal amount of Bashing
damage, with a Trauma of (Essence) and an Evade of (Resistance x 2)P. The Infernal himself is immune to this hazard.
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Impeded By Nothing
The entire world revolves around Isidoros and his movements. At times, the myriad denizens of the Demon Realm walk along a cobbled ceiling, or fly through
an infinite abyss lit from far below by a Green Sun. This eccentricity has little impact on the travels of the Black Boar. The Infernal alters his personal
definition of “down” to another direction, causing him to fall in that direction and allowing him to move across appropriate surfaces as though they were the
ground – to one who plummets upward, the ceiling is the floor. This Charm automatically deactivates if he moves more than (Essence x 2) yards from the
nearest surface he would “fall” toward. Though falls are considered to happen “instantly” in Exalted for the sake of simplicity, this Charm does not provide a
dodge – it cannot be activated in response to an attack.
At Essence 3+, this Charm gains the Touch keyword, allowing the warlock to apply it to any character or object in contact with him as a Sorcerous effect with a
cost of five motes. This version of the Charm automatically deactivates if the target moves too far from the nearest appropriate surface, or from the warlock
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Impeded By Nothing
At times, Isidoros will be lost to the Brass City, a titan vanished, and Hell becomes a little quieter for a time. Then he will re-emerge in some improbable
location, having sated his wanderlust in the cold outer reaches of Malfeas, and the rampage begins anew. While this Charm is active, the Infernal is rendered
untrackable over dramatic travel distances. Any attempt to trace his movements, follow his path or determine his intended location over a period of travel no
less than an hour automatically fails, as eyewitness reports arrive from all Directions of Creation, his physical tracks seem contradictory and backward, and the
Pattern Spiders scurry and mutter. This Charm’s effects also apply to any characters deliberately following in his wake, to a maximum Magnitude of (Essence);
the Infernal’s player chooses which characters have priority in benefiting from this effect, but cannot outright withhold it when “spare” Magnitude is available.
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: One Journey
Prerequisite Charms: Feckless Giant Wanderings
The passage of the Black Boar is incomprehensible to those who concern themselves with logic, continuity and responsibility, for his weight distorts the
universe. He does not move, contrary to appearances. Rather, the world moves around him. Activating this Charm, the Infernal chooses a single destination,
which must be an actual fixed location that the Infernal is aware of. This must be a place that is not outright impossible to reach through more conventional
travel – Malfeas, Yu-Shan, or Whitewall would all qualify, though Autochthonia or the unsteppes of Nirguna would not. He sets off in any fashion or direction
he pleases, beginning an extended navigation roll with a pool of (Wits + Survival) and an interval of one full day of solid travel.
This travel benefits from the full effects of Feckless Giant Wanderings, and at its end he reaches a random location chosen by the Storyteller. This location
must be one the Infernal could have reached through conventional travel, will never be outright lethal (i.e. the bottom of the Western Ocean for an Infernal
unable to breathe water, though the definition of "lethal" narrows as the Infernal becomes more able to survive in hostile climes) and up until the fifth interval it
must be in the same realm of existence (or, in futuristic settings, planet) as his starting location. His method of travel has no impact on this location – he can
reach the middle of the Eastern jungles by taking a ship from Feixu, or end up in a subterranean cavern after acquiring passage on a zeppelin. He remembers
little of his journey – it is shrouded by a haze not unlike intoxication, with a few flashes of memory that match up to any eyewitness reports he cares to track
The warlock can spend as long as he likes in this general area (usually around [Essence] miles in radius), but if he leaves it by normal means this Charm ends.
Otherwise, he must set off in another interval of random daylong travel. This continues until he reaches 50 accumulated successes, at which point he arrives at
his chosen destination. This Charm does not allow the Infernal to bypass anything but mundane security – an Infernal sauntering through Yu-Shan could not
find himself within the Jade Pleasure Dome, though he might end up at its sealed doors, and one who enters Malfeas must still spend five days crossing
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows the warlock to bring along other willing travellers, increasing the cost of this Charm by two motes per
dot of Magnitude, to a maximum Magnitude of (Essence). Further, it can now lead the Infernal to the position of one of his desires, rather than a fixed location.
This forces the warlock to use the lower of his Survival and Investigation, and the Charm leads the warlock to the desire’s location at the time of activation,
regardless of how much time passes while he is travelling. If the target is protected from scrying or supernaturally-enhanced tracking by magic, he must make a
roll-off at the end of each interval, with failure ending the Charm.
• The immense forces that emanate from his singularity-body inflict an unsoakable environmental hazard on every character and object within (Essence) yards
of himself, with the following traits: Evade N/A, Trauma (Essence)L, Damage 1B/tick. He himself is immune. He can target any object that would be damaged
by this hazard with Midnight Belly Stockpile, as though touching it. Ranged attacks are especially broken and diffused by his aura of crushing gravity, and
suffer from a -2 external penalty when targeting the Infernal.
• His movements are traced by shuddering afterimages as reality rushes to fill the gap left by his destructive presence, with a noise like a constantly-crashing
wave. The mote cost of Behemoth Shock Pound is waived. The warlock also reduces the final cost of any activations of Foe-Hurling Gore Strike by (Essence ÷
2) motes, to a minimum of zero.
• The least gods that manage the air currents begin to scream with exhausted terror as a strong wind picks up, noticeably drawing in toward the warlock. The
mote cost of Remote Satisfaction Demand is waived, and Boar's Inescapable Gravity can be used to drag all valid targets within its range (or a smaller radius
chosen by the Infernal), rather than just one, at no additional cost.
• Yozi
Souls of Isidoros
• Ferand, the Chariot of Embers, 7th Soul of Isidoros
• Hrotsvitha, the Spawning Forest, 9th Soul of Isidoros
Urge of Isidoros
The Urge of Isidoros is cruel thing, allowing no rest to those who have it. Isidoros is a vain, arrogant,
and wild being. He resists all attempts at order and galls at restraint, protocol and stasis. For this reason
there is little love lost between himself and The Priinciple of hierarchy. He tears through the forest of
his own soul with wild abandon, ever in mortion. Only wounded Malfeas and grim Adorjan equal him
in their capacity for destruction. While his terrible rampage is neither as grand as that of Malfeas nor as
deadly as Adorjan’s, but neither Yozi shows the exultant joy and love for violence that the Black Boar
evinces. Isidoros finds freedom in his rampages and sees them as an expression of his glory and
irrepressible nature. When the loom is rent in twain and all creation is freed from the shackles of
civilization, culture, and restraint, then the world shall run amok with destructive, gleeful, abandon
knowing the joy of Isidoros, The Black Boar That Twists The Skies. When all this comes to pass, The
Black Boar will once again rampage through the forests of creation. Isidoric Princes are restless and
eager to spread dissent, foment unrest, and lash out against order in all its forms. High-Compassion
Isidoric Princes fancy themselves liberators, freeing people from an oppressive social structure (and to
the Boar all structure is oppressive) and delivering them into blissful freedom. Frequently, these Princes
spell the doom for those who are foolish enough to be taken in by the heroic rhetoric. The Isidoric
Princes don’t care for their followers, leading them into death or else abandoning them to make their
own way once the battle is won, they live only to upset the order of things and care only for rebellion.
These Princes are often Self-styled ‘idealsts’, ‘romantics’ and ‘freedom-fighters,” and people for who
dissent and upheaval is a spectacle or amusement. Frequently, these include are the bored, spoiled
scions of wealthy families, and the scholars who are to cloistered in their ivory towers to see the real
world, but wish to run it anyway. Some, however, are, after a fashion, true idealists, Philosophers and
Compelling performers who stoke the flame of rebellion those around them. High-Conviction Isidoric
Princes feel such devotion to their ideals that everything and anything seems a threat to them, they lash
out violently, irrationally, at those organizations or systems that they imagine threaten them. Such
Princes include particularly loyal hardened guerillas, seditionists, violent vagabonds, and savage
bandits. High-Temperance Princes are consumed with hatred toward the vices the believe are
associated with civilization (Drugs, Alcohol, Idleness etc). They seek to distance themselves (even as
the seek to destroy) these elements as much as possible. They include, devoted Shamans, barbarians,
and terrorists. High-Valor Princes are almost uniformly vain, self-serving, violent bastards who are
obsessed with preserving their own sense of independence and maintain whatever reputation they
created for themselves. These pitiful people may or may not believe in the worth of the Isidoric values,
but their personal sense of inadequacy and copious arrogance make them violently fanatical. Possible
examples of Isidoric Urges might include the following: • Destroy the bureaucracies and mercantile
networks of the Guild. Permanently ending their organized trade. • Kill the Perfect and free the people
of paragon from the slavery of peace and order. • Melt down all jade and silver currency. Ending
regulated monetary exchange. • Kill any bureaucrats who fail to renounce their crippling reliance on
social and political Systems.
Charms of Isidoros
New Keyword: Competition: Isidoros loves to flaunt his strength. He excels at fighting against those
who can present him with even a modicum of a challenge – though this by no means diminishes the
satisfaction he finds he running roughshod over the incompetent masses. Many of his Charms gain
additional benefits while in the presence of a Competitor. For the purposes of these Charms a
Competitor is any being with Essence or leading a unit with Magnitude greater than or equal to the
Infernal’s Essence. He who became Isidoros learned a hard lesson in his defeat during the Primordial
War. Any Exalt with Essence 3+ may always be considered a Competitor, regardless of their relative
Essence. A few Charms may designate other Competitors in special circumstances.
Characters may apply this Charm to any action that uses strength, brute force, or any
similarly direct approach to overcome obstacles that prevent him from pursuing or acting upon
his Motivation or Intimacies. Similarly, it may aid in actions which interact with entities of a
similar scale to himself in the pursuit of such objects. Through it, Isidoros bends, breaks and
reshapes the world around him to further his goals. This charm never permits the user to act
in an evasive manner. It does not aid in the avoidance of conflict or peril either physically or
socially, permitting him only to face such obstacles head on, or not at all. It similarly cannot be
used to compel or demand fealty or obeisance from others, though it can be used to sway the
hearts and minds of others on an emotional level. This Charm cannot aid any action
performed at the command of another, though he may be persuaded to see a point of view, or
to and may act on that acquired value, nor can it aid any action which does not directly serve
the ends of his Motivation or one of his intimacies. Isidoros is never subtle, and his Excellency
does not aid him in actions which trade pragmatism and directness for subtlety and guile, nor
will its power aid him in the face of anything less than half his size. This charm cannot aid in
actions which directly target beings who are less than half his size, if the Infernal knows
charms to increase the number of ways that a character can be considered less than half his
size, then it cannot be used to target beings wh meet two or more of these criteria. The one
exception to this restriction is that he may use it to interact with such beings on a grand scale,
or incidentally as a result, or side effect, of another action which targets something of
appropriate magnitude to warrant the Black Boar's attentions. The final, and perhaps greatest
restriction upon the use of this excellency is that it may not be used directly seek personal
accomplishment, renown or gain except in the short term as a gratification of intimacies, or as
a tool for the pursuit of a greater cause. Isidoros does not seem to acknowledge his own
existence beyond his role as an agent of change, purpose and self gratification.
Mythos Exultant
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Isidoros Excellency
Before the Yozi Isidoros seas part and mountains bow, such is his power and raw might. In
lieu of the opportunity to rmote, willpower or other rewards for is stunt the Infernal may opt to
use this charm to impose an External penalty to the DV or roll of any character opposing the
stunted action (or to the difficulty of the action itself) equal to number of dice the stunt affords
Ur-Boar Temperament
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: First Isidoros Excellency, Self Vastness Enlightenment
The Black Boar That Twists The Skies is not so easily twisted. This Charm may be activated
as a defense against any Compulsion or Servitude effect, making that specific instance of
mental influence an unacceptable order. The defense works just as well against the most
powerful magical influence as it does mundane social attacks (as the latter have the
Compulsion keyword when used to compel specific behavior).
Ur-Boar Temperament cannot defend against any specific influence the Infernal was already
targeted with during the previous hour, as adjudicated by the Storyteller. This limitation is
based on the intended result of the influence rather than the means of imposing it. For
example, if an enemy demands that the Infernal surrender to her, he cannot use Ur-Boar
Temperament for the next hour to stop any mental influence compelling him to surrender to
that same adversary. By contrast, influence that would make him surrender to her and tell her
the location of his hidden base is sufficiently different that the Charm can stop it.
Consequently, anyone careful to press a specific point can eventually trump the warlock’s
stubbornness. This weakness constitutes the Charm’s special flaw of invulnerability.
With Essence 3+, Ur-Boar Temperament may be used as an innate power rather than a
Charm activation. Essence 4+ makes Ur-Boar Temperament cost nothing to use.
Duration: Permanent
The tread of Isidoros is a heavy thing, both metaphysically and literally. His passage leaves
indelible tracks upon the psyche of those whose lives he passes through that are as evident
as the physical traces left in the wake of his destructive progress. Purchasing this charm
upgrades the effects of Intimacies bestowed Titanic Assertion Aura in the following ways:
• Whenever the Warlock makes a Performance based Social attack he may spend 8m in Step
1 of attack resolution, to apply the attack to all characters within (Essence) miles who bear an
intimacy towards the Warlock imposed by Titanic Assertion Aura provided the following two
conditions are met:
First, the attack must prey upon the intimacy imposed by Titanic Assertion Aura. Second,
because the attack is not heard, but rather, is felt in the depths of the target's being, it attack
must be simple enough to be conveyed as a one or two word statement. As an incidental
benefit of this effect attack may be conveyed regardless of whether the character can
understand the Warlock's spoken language, or even if they are inactive. The influence roots in
their subconscious and is understood on an instinctive level.
• All social attacks made by the Warlock that prey upon the intimacy created by titanic
assertion aura are treated as unnatural mental influence. At Essence 6+ Being's less than half
the Infernal's Size cannot parry these attacks without a stunt or charm. Mortals and non-
Exalted beings with a Permanent Essence of two or less cannot parry them at all.
• Any character who carries an intimacy towards the Warlock as a result of Titanic Assertion
Aura knows, instinctively, by the prickling of their thumbs or the thrill they feel in the pit of their
stomach, when they are within one mile of the Warlock. Furthermore, provided the Infernal is
within the same realm of existence, they add half the Infernal's permanent Essence in
automatic successes to all attempts to track him using Survival or Investigation. The tracking
attempt must still be a valid one, and the Infernal may contest attempts to find him as normal,
but he cannot suppress the effects of this charm.
The Yozi Isidoros is, for the purpose of this charm, considered to be the origin of all intimacies
created by Titanic Assertion Aura. Thus, beings who are affected by that charm find they may
track him more readily, but also will periodically feel the pull of his will upon them should they
stray into Malfeas.
● His Motivation must relate to something external and cannot acknowledge the Infernal as
anything other than an agent of that agenda. Thus, he cannot have a Motivation to acquire or
build or become something, but must have a Motivation that reflects the desire to support,
oppose, destroy or otherwise act upon a concrete thing or state of things. In this way, the
Infernal becomes more a Verb than a Noun in his self ideation. For example, an Infernal with
this charm could not aspire to “Become the Emperor of the Realm” but could wish to,
“Overthrow the Realm.” This change runs deep in the player’s psyche, and represents a
meaningful psychological transformation, players who attempt to skirt this restriction through
creatively worded Motivations should have this fact explained to them. If his Motivation would
be unnacceptable at the point at which he learned this charm, he may change it without
expending experience. He may wish to have no Motivation until he encounters a situation that
allows him to build one, but he cannot regain willpower through rest without a Motivation.
● He can only build a Motivation around a subject which he has encountered personally at the
time he develops the Motivation. Should he spend more than (Willpower) days without
encountering something directly related to his motivation or working towards it they
temporarily lose access to the benefits related to their Motivation. During this time they may, if
the encounter a circumstance that would allow him to develop a new motivation, he may
spend 1xp to change it.
● Except when his Motivation lapses, as noted above, the Infernal treats mental influence
which contradicts or attempts to force him to betray his motivation as an Impossible Order. He
is even immune to such persuasion when will-broken.
● This charm also proofs him against magic would alter his motivation, even magic he himself
uses, and prevents such effects from functioning except when his Motivation recedes due to
inattention or after it has been competed but before a new one is selected.
● Upon learning this charm the Infernal’s altered nature becomes expressed in strange and
unnerving ways. Any mundane surface that catches his reflection, distorts, warps, cracks or is
tarnished (as a non-mechanical cosmetic effect) such that his image is distorted. Still water
begins to tremble in his presence, and mirrors crack and break. This effect is not Obvious but
when it comes into play any observer may make a difficulty 1 (Perception+Awarness) roll to
notice the Infernal is the source of the disturbance and obviously supernatural. A being with
Occult 3+ who scores 3+ threshold successes on this roll knows instantly that the Infernal is
manifesting the effects of Demonic Charms. With 5+ threshold successes the nature of the
power as being characteristic of the power of Isidoros is also obvious.
● When the Character completes a Motivation, he may select a new one as appropriate
without expending any Experience. In all other ways the Motivation functions as normal.
Primeval Might Expansion
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
If the Empyreal Chaos and The Mountain and the Beast Upon It first birthed and embodied
the concept of authority through strength, then the concept of pure force for its own sake can
surely be said to have originated withe Isidoros, the Black Boar that Twists the Skies. His
strength served no purpose but its own existence, and knew neither call nor measure. In his
purest state, he was unbridled and unlimited, pure power and transgression. Learning this
charm, the Warlock embodies the raw might of the Black Boar, shattering the limitations of his
body. This charm permanently increases the Maximum rating of the Warlock’s Strength and
Stamina traits by one dot each, or by an one dot for every two purchases of the First
Excellency of Isidoros (whichever is greater). In addition, upon learning this charm the
Warlock gains one instance of the Large pox, the bonus dots from which counts as a natural
increase to his traits and provides all the benefits and drawbacks of that mutation (including
additional health levels). As the bonus provided by this charm increases, so to does the
Warlock's size, upgrading his Large pox to Huge [CoCD: The Wyld, p. 146] (With Four
purchases of a single Isidoros Excellency), then to Giant [CoCD: The Wyld, p. 148] (with Six
purchases of a single Isidoros Excellency), then to Gargantuan, [Lands of Creation, p. 131]
(with 8 purchases of a the First Isidoros Excellency). This charm increases the Character's
maximum rating in the aforementioned attributes at Essence 10 as well, but does not further
increase his size. Once the Infernal acquires the Huge Mutation as a result of this charm, it
becomes Obvious that he is a supernatural creature. He also becomes immune to Shaping
effects which would reduce his size unless they are Isidoros’s own charms and, after learning
this charm, cannot gain the Small (or similar mutations) by any means. Finally, learning this
charm also prevents the Warlock from acquiring that mutation through means other than this
charm or other charm’s belonging to the Yozi Isidoros. If he knows other magic that would
allow him to acquire (temporarily or permanently) a portfolio of mutations, he may replace the
Large or Small mutations in that portfolio with others or, if he purchased the Mutation with
experience, choose to be refunded that spent experience.
The blows of Isidoros inflict large scale devastation, not simply personal scale destruction.
The impact of the Warlock’s feet and fists are accompanied by thunderous shock-waves
which erupt from the point where his strike impacted his enemy, laying low lesser beings who
had the misfortune of being caught up in the melee. This charm upgrades its prerequisite
allowing the Infernal to spend an additional 2m when he activates that charm to benefit a
Fierce Blow made with his Natural Weapons. The two motes spent on this charm count
against the maximum number of motes that can be spent on that charm (ie; they take the
place of two dice or one success added by that charm). Motes spent on this charm are
considered to be motes spent on the First Excellency for all purposes including charms which
reduce the cost of the First Isidoros Excellency. Should the Infernal successfully inflicts
damage upon a character with Martial Arts Fierce Blow using a natural weapon, apply the
results of the initial attack roll as separate attacks to all objects and character’s less than half
the Warlock’s size within 3 yards of the injured target. These ‘replicated’ attacks have a
minimum damage of 1 and, beyond having the same accuracy roll and damage traits, do not
benefit from other magical enhancements that benefited the initial attack. It is, in all other
ways, identical to the original attack.
A Character who Knows Primeval Might Expansion may repurchase this charm at Essence 3+
such that this effect always applies to unarmed fierce blows that land successfully, even if
they inflict no damage. Furthermore, at Essence 4+, this repurchase allows the attacks to
have their normal Minimum damage (rather than just 1).
At Essence 5+ this charm may be repurchased a second and final time. This adds an
additional functionality to the charm; by spending an additonal 1wp (for a total of 2m, 1wp) in
step 1 of attack resolution when attacking a target of any stature, he may extend the radius of
the shock-wave from three yards to the lower of his (Strength/2) or (Permanent Essence)
yards. At Essence 8+, the second repurchase of this Charm permanently extends the radius
of the shock-wave to the lower of (Strength/2) or (Permanent Essence) yards even if no
additional willpower is spent, and allows a 1wp expenditure in Step 1 of attack resolution to
double this radius. The shock-wave created by this charm cannot be restrained and damages
whatever is caught in its radius regardless of whether the Infernal wishes that thing harm or
not. This shock-wave is generated by the impact of the Infernal’s Essence upon the Essence
of another target as much as it is caused by brute strength and force. Thus, striking inanimate
objects does not produce the shock-wave effect. The effects of this charm are only Obvious
when they take effect.
You know what? Screw it, I managed to track down my old set, and here goes.
DISCLAIMER: I had to copy-paste it from a PDF file and some things pasted...weird. I've tried
to fix what I can, but if there's a quirk of formatting, I'm very sorry.
Also, this is only the charms themselves. The short version of the other crunchy bits follows:
• The Ego Keyword allowed for Isidoros's charms to be used differently--usually more
powerfully--while he had Sky-Warping Titan Shintai active.
• His Urge was the Urge to Mark--to take things that weren't his and in some fashion assert
possession, such as breeding themselves into noble families, carving the face of the Penitent of
the Lap to resemble their own, or making a prayer book to the Yozis with the hides of
Immaculate Masters for vellum.
• His Act of Villainy was Pearl-Trampling Autonomy Assertion, which was nearly identical to
• His sorcerous enlightenment gave him a cost discount to fire-and-forget spells, but penalized
him on spells that required direction or attention after casting, or that demanded more thorough
Anyway, without further ado, here's what I had. It's rough, it's got some oversights, and a couple
charms that I actually deliberately did NOT copy down here because they were bad ideas, at least for
the Boar's native set (Frex: there was an extension to On The Anvil of Wanting that was employed its
effects as a counterattack on entities using Shaping effects on the Infernal--I'm not convinced the idea
itself was horrible, but as someone else said, it's really more of an Oramus charm that Isidoros might
have a copy of himself)
Change-Or-Die Ultimatum
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious, Social, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Unity of Flesh and Soul, Who Argues With Falling Stars? x 2
Isidoros is everything that he feels and everything he values. Sometimes, a
demon feels themselves clever and plays to the Black Boar's weaknesses to convince
him of another course of action. It is rare, of course; not even the Unquestionable
should get away with such a trick upon one of the Yozis. Still, it does happen, and
when it does, Isidoros cannot proceed as he is, bowing his head to another and going
along with what they suggest. Isidoros must die.
At the same time, Isidoros is too great to be stopped by something as petty as a
simple quandary of priorities.
Isidoros must live.
The Infernal may activate this charm in response to any Social Attack which
the Infernal cannot defend against with Who Argues with Falling Stars, perfectly
defending. However, as the infernal defies a part of himself, he casts it away as
irrelevant: he may change the emotional context of the Intimacy to something that
would allow him to deny it in this instance, or discard it altogether. If a Virtue has
been defied, he must move a point of it to another virtue if at all possible. However,
if he defies his Motivation it must change then and there.
As a secondary effect, the Warlock's redefinition of himself appears on a very visible
level: he rolls his willpower (plus 1 for an Intimacy defied, 2 for a Virtue, or 3 for a
Motivation), and applies successes as though they were a disguise roll to determine the
level to which this charm has remade him; the Infernal does not consciously control
this, although the Player might. This "disguise" is real and permanent; the Infernal
has discarded that-who-he-was for that-whom-he-is.
Ocean-Swallowing Gullet
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Ego
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: On the Anvil of Wanting
The great bulk of the Black Boar is beyond imagining and defies reason: on
the outside, he swallows mountains; on the inside, he can contain worlds. This charm
allows the Infernal to devote an action to consuming any inanimate object he can
carry{this is a dramatic action if the target of this charm is too large to be wielded as
a weapon, otherwise a Speed 5/DV-2 Miscellaneous action. He cannot carry objects
he cannot lift with his strength + athletics. His mouth and throat can expand to
grotesque sizes as he consumes, but he shows no sign of containing that which he
does; such things are not actually passed along to the Infernal's stomach for digestion,
but linger in a sort of Elsewhere-space until the Infernal decides he no longer wishes
to carry it within, at which point he may vomit the swallowed object up through his
mouth, or otherwise relieve himself of the burden through another orifice; this takes
as long as it did to initially swallow the object. He may also reflexively relieve himself
of any stored possessions by forcing them through his skin; this inflicts a number of
Lethal health levels of damage equal to the Strength + Athletics Total required to
lift it. Alternately, he may pass it along to his stomach as though he had initially
swallowed it, with whatever reasonable consequences might ensue. If the Infernal
is in Isidoros' Shintai, consuming objects imposes no DV penalty, and any ejected
items inflict a single level of bashing damage to him. He possesses no upper limit
to the amount of things he may carry with this charm, but each invocation requires
a separate committed mote, and he may not manipulate them inside himself in any
way unless he has Ever-Burning Forge Gut.If the Infernals is slain, all the contents
stored by this charm spontaneously erupt forth immediately upon his death.
Content to Wallow
Cost: 5m (+1wp, see text); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Ego, Combo-Basic
Duration: One Day
Prerequisites: None
Isidoros earned his title more than once before he and his were trapped away in
their king, but he could not truly trample the constellations and tear stars down from
the sky without being willing to wade in the hateful concept that they represented.
The Infernal allows himself to sink into Fate with this charm (which cannot be used
in an area Outside of Fate), and for all intents and purposes seems to be a creature
of Creation for the rest of the day. Those looking into the stars may see him reflected
as a being of great but unclear Destiny (of a strength equal to his Essence), but
nothing directly betrays his Yozi patronage. While this charm is active, he is treated
as within fate for all effects, and for a time, at least, ignores the Blasphemy keyword
of any charm with a minimum Essence less than his permanent. If such a charm's
Blasphemy effect is ongoing, it will reveal itself at the end of this charm, and Heaven
will react accordingly.This charm terminates when the Infernal activates any charm
which would remain a Blasphemy effect; regardless of his permanent Essence, this
always includes Sky-Warping Titan Beast Shintai; if he actives it again via its Ego
power (Which costs but two motes and can be used as part of a flurry), he will
leave fate once again on his next action; the Infernal is too great a thing to be truly
constrained by the Loom.
Regardless of the form of this charm, a willpower dot is committed alongside
the Essence (this also takes the place of the usual Ego surcharge); the Infernal is
containing himself in ways that he cannot help but be subconsciously aware of, and
his presence suffers for it. On the other hand, the dot and its point return fully at
the charm's end.
Isidoros Charms
General Charms
First Isidoros Excellency
Strength of the Unstoppable Boar
The Mighty Will Fall
Invincible Wall Denial
Mountain to Canyon Offense
Foolish Hunter Humiliated
The Earth is Shattered Beneath Me
The Heaven is Torn Above Me.
Unstoppable Juggernaut Shintai
Flaw of Invulnerability
Wounds as Buzzing Flies
Reflecting the Hunter's Spear
Rutting Boar Defense
Boar Slays the Hunter
Unstoppable Rampaging Devil Beast
Mind of the Rutting Boar
Wrath Answers Fools
Undeniable Epicurean Pallet
Perfection in Primal Bliss
Harem forming Gesture
Glorious Lover Attraction
Un-assailed Mind of Perversion
The Body of the Boar
Borne by the Boar
Strength is Destruction
Conquering the Omphalos
Tattered Hide Regeneration
General Charms
seeks endlessly to increase his pleasure, and draw from the pleasure of crushing an enemy under his feet. He is brutal, and carnal
and he loves it.
The black boar’s first excellency must be used with minimal restraint. No less than the warlock’s strength may be spent on the charm.
Warlocks of the boar often time increase their strength and revel in their strength.
Harem: Add a number of automatic successes equal to harem ranking to attack roll.
Flaw of Invulnerability
When two beasts clash, it is the stronger who comes out on top. So it is with the black boar, when using a charm marked by this flaw to defend.
For physical attacks compare the strength of the attacker to the defender, if the attacker's strength is higher, this defense costs an extra 2m per
point the attacker beats the defender. The defender may add his essence to this if he has taken Borne by the Boar at least once (and +1 for each
time there after) There is a social version of this flaw that replaces Strength with Appearance.
The warlock may expend 3m to release a harem member once the harem bond is formed releasing them from the effects of the prerequisite
charm as well, with no ill effects and regaining the 3xp. The persons added by this charm who are heroic mortals, exalted, spirits, or elementals
can be purchased again as allies. Otherwise this charm creates a special background called Harem, each use adds 1 dot to that harem, and should
it fill to 5 dots this charm may be taken again to continue filling it up to a number of times equal to essence. Some charms have added effects
based on the size of the harem, it also provides the same benefits as a manse of equal level when spending time with one’s harem.
Strength is Destruction
Cost: –
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Borne by the Boar
Isidoros cannot help but crush all things with his passage–he cannot restrain the quaking of his footfalls, or the
vastness of his strength. The Infernal may perform feats of strength as a miscellaneous action, allowing him to lift or
break objects in combat. However, their own strength exceeds their power to control. Whenever they wield or use any
item as a non-reflexive action, they must succeed on a (Dexterity + Athletics) check, or else unwittingly apply their full
(Strength + Athletics) pool in a feat of strength to break that item. The difficulty of the roll is equal to the number of
copies of Borne by the Boar that the Infernal knows. Succeeding on the roll allows the Infernal to wield or use that
item safely for the rest of the scene. Attuned artifacts are exempt from this hapless destruction.
A second purchase at Essence 5 allows the Infernal to perform feats of strength as reflexive actions. There is no limit
on how often he may attempt a feat of strength, but he may not make more than a single reflexive feat of strength
against a given object in a single action. Whenever he touches an object, he must roll his (Dexterity + Athletics) to
avoid accidentally breaking it, as above. Succeeding on the roll allows the Infernal to touch that object without any
risk of it breaking for the rest of the scene–or, for worn objects, for as long as he carries it.
Pasted from <https://dawn-of-the-devil-tigers.obsidianportal.com/wikis/isidoros>
Harem: as a constant effect every 5 ticks this charm activates as if a number of motes spent equal to Harem rating.
Got a chance to work on the General Charms tonight. Still need to figure out the Sorcerous
Enlightments, but here are the others:
Isidoros: Once per action, the Exalt may receive the rewards an appropriate Stunt immediately
rather than waiting for his DV to refresh. When his DV refreshes he may also gain a Stunt reward
for a Stunt performed after invoking this effect but this Stunt is treated as having received one less
die for the purposes of determining its reward, to a minimum of zero.
Szoreny: When the Infernal may receive a point of Willpower as a reward for a Stunt, he may
instead receive and store one reflexive attack, to his usual limit of (Dexterity + 3). While he may
not use a reflexive attack on the Action tick when he received it, but may expend them as a Step-9
Counterattack against any foe who attempts to harm him. (I'm iffy on this one. Plus now that I
think about, getting Reflexive Attacks as a stunt reward might be better for another Primordial,
namely Ramethus.)
Ascendancy Mantle of (Yozi)
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First (Yozi) Excellency
Isidoros: The Exalt gains the Megalomania Deformity (Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars, p. 210).
If this derangement is cured, it reasserts itself at the Deficiency level after 25-hours, increasing in
severity every 25 hours until the Deformity is reestablished. While the Infernal does not possess the
derangement as a Deformity, he loses the benefit of this Charm.
Szoreny: This Charm possesses the Rival Keyword. When the Infernal does not possess a Rival of
equal or greater Essence, he loses the benefit of this Charm.[Note: Specifics of the Rival Keyword are
still to be determined.
None is as mighty as Isidoros. Where he treads the very fabric of Creation bends and buckles under his weight.
When he wished, all of Creation could be pulled taunt under his hooves and in a single step cross all of Creation.
This charm adds the Isidorosian's 'Lift'[1] to their movement speed, not as they actually move faster, but as
they deform the fabric of Creation around them. To the eyes of most this would appear most strange. The Exalt
still moves at the same relativistic speed, but as space warps they appear to move much faster as the
surrounding area is drawn towards them. This charm does not aid the Exalt in bypassing hazards or defying
gravity with such effects as moving fast enough to walk across water or run along walls.
Isidoros could bear the whole world on his back, were it not too much like work. In the context of
the Isidorite Charmset, “Lift” is a value referring to the (Strength + Athletics) total necessary to lift
something (by default, the Infernal himself) as a Feat of Strength (Exalted, pp. 127).
((Credit to Revlid for the initial 'Lift' concept))
This unnatural mental influence costs three points of Willpower to reject; characters with a
positive intimacy toward the Infernal increase this cost by one, as do those with a negative
intimacy toward the other party. Those with a positive intimacy toward the other party
reduce the cost by one, while the other party themselves reduce it by two. All these
modifiers stack, and resisting renders a character immune to further activations for the rest
of the day. Characters who do not resist when this Charm is activated can only do so upon
receiving some clear external reason to re-examine the scene. The Infernal herself can
freely choose whether or not to suffer this Illusion.
For reference, I'm using this version of Trust Is Naïve, as the canon one is incredibly
unappealing compared to its fellows.
Trust Is Naïve: The Infernal takes refuge in the depths of her loving faith, refusing to
believe anything bad about a beloved character. She can still become convinced that such a
character has been duped or forced into poor decisions by the wickedness of others, but
will never assign blame to them. Just as Kimbery's waters welcome all, she may reduce the
number of scenes necessary to build a positive Intimacy toward any character she has
never reviled by any amount, to a minimum of one.
Whenever an Infernal who knows this Charm makes a social attack against one of their offspring (i.e.
any character directly created by them, whether naturally or through Charms), the attack becomes an
unnatural mental influence costing one Willpower to resist.
When the effects of this Charm are applied against a reviled character, it gains the Obvious keyword;
the Infernal’s voice does not seem motherly so much as monstrous, the guttural commands of a
leviathanic matriarch. The very air around them seems damper, their shadow (and reflection, if they
have one) swells and wriggles, and their eyes temporarily mimic the stare of a creature from the
suffocating depths of the world.
A second purchase of this Charm permanently extends its effects to the offspring of the Infernal’s
offspring, and so on and so forth, allowing her to exert her motherly will across a whole clan of
demonic descendants.
For the duration of this Charm, the Infernal manifests an unsightly bulge somewhere on her body,
swollen with primordial ooze. This tumourous womb may be used as a fully stocked, mobile master’s
Craft (Genesis) lab that supplies all tools within its functions. Exotic ingredients must be ingested for
them to be used, routed through the Infernal’s system to the nascent creature (the reproductive material
of appropriate powerful individuals is a perfect exotic ingredient for such a project, and can result in
the birthed creature counting as the donor’s offspring, along with the Infernal’s).
This brewing of hellish lifeforms is a natural act, so a warlock may replace her (Craft: [Genesis]) rating
with (Essence-1), if she so desires. Provided the creature she is crafting has an Artifact rating equal to
or less than her (Essence), she may also use (Stamina) in place of (Perception or Intelligence). The rolls
to develop the project may be made independent of anything else the Infernal is doing (indeed, they
need not even be conscious), though they cannot be made while engaged in strenuous activity.
This Charm has no restriction on gender, though males are often more comfortable manifesting a womb
somewhere other than their belly, and women can hide the Obvious nature of the Charm by disguising
it as a natural pregnancy. Similarly, there are no restrictions on size, as the womb distends to hold all
manner of monstrosities. If the creature within the flesh-lab would be too large to be borne by the
warlock, it is assumed that it will rapidly grow once birthed, or slough together from a number of
component chunks. The alien womb may normally hold only one project at a time.
Once the project is completed, the creature emerges into the world, tearing itself out of the deflating
flesh-sack, expelled through an open pore, or being birthed more conventionally. Regardless of the
method of its exit, it causes no harm to the Infernal; even a burst-open chest will seal itself as a
cosmetic injury.
If the womb is specifically targeted by a successful Crippling effect (such as a maiming coup de grace),
the creature within is aborted, messily reduced to the slime from whence it was formed. If the Infernal
is carrying more than one creature at once thanks to an upgrade Charm, each Crippling effect only
destroys a single creature, chosen by the warlock herself upon the application of the effect; never let it
be said that Kimbery does not play favourites.
A warlock may also use this Charm to conceive immaculately, impregnating herself with an otherwise
normal baby (this counts as a project, blocking the use of the womb-lab for the duration of the
pregnancy). The gestation period for such a child is as normal for the warlock, though she may
accelerate the pregnancy at any point by rolling (Stamina+[Essence-1]), and shortening it by a number
of months equal to half the number of rolled successes. Each pregnancy can only be accelerated once,
and such births generally result in a higher rate of obvious physical mutation, such as scales, bulging
eyes, webbed hands or gills.
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the warlock to reflexively pay three motes
to secrete a milky liquid while it is active, repurposing excess amniotic juices into sustenance. Each
dose of this saltwater broth is capable of sustaining a character for a day. Consuming such a meal
counts as a scene spent building a positive intimacy of filial affection toward the Infernal; Characters
bearing an intimacy created by this Charm count as the Infernal’s direct offspring for the purposes of
Kimbery Charms relying on such a status.
If the character in question actually was birthed by the Infernal herself (whether as the result of a
natural conception or this Charm’s prerequisite), this intimacy is established after just one such meal,
regardless of the normal number of requisite scenes. The Infernal may even ingest the milk herself
while pregnant in order to insure that the resultant child emerges with an appropriate intimacy.
So long as this grub is attached to them, the victim has an unbreakable positive intimacy of devotion
toward the warlock. The context of this devotion is determined by the Infernal upon applying the
Charm; it is either filial, sexual, or both at once (Kimbery erodes all barriers, especially those of
Whichever category is chosen, any similar intimacies (i.e. intimacies toward the target’s actual parents
or sexual partners) are suppressed for the duration of the attachment; their emotional impact on the
victim is dulled, removing any mechanical impact of the intimacies and preventing the victim from
acknowledging them; they effectively do not exist, though they may still be eroded normally by other
mental influence.
In addition, the victim benefits from all the effects of Intolerable Burning Truths (Mother Before
Daughter), treating the Infernal as the sole character from whom they descend.
The warlock may force another living character of roughly the same size as her or smaller into her
womb-lab, whether by opening up a gaping pore or simply swallowing them. Such a character must be
either willing or incapacitated, but the liquid stasis of the womb ensures they will remain in that state
for the duration of their time there. This is a miscellaneous action, though it becomes reflexive if the
Infernal is controlling a grapple with the incapacitated character. Once a character is in the womb, the
Infernal may work on them as the basis of a Genesis project (ensuring the resultant creature will have
the memories and soul of the base character).
More simply, she may apply permanent mutations to them as a Desecration effect. This follows the
same rules and intervals for crafting a Genesis artifact within the womb, but once the crafting is
complete, the subject gains mutations equal in points value to the total number of rolled successes,
counting negative mutations as positive ones for the purposes of calculating points values. If the
character in question was beloved before being swallowed, they halve the amount of xp they must pay
for these mutations, and the Infernal may choose to pay any amount of the xp cost herself. If the
character in question was reviled before being swallowed, they may only have negative mutations
applied to them in this way, and receive only half the usual amount of xp for them.
Once the project is complete or the mutations have been applied (the warlock may choose to end the
mutating process early), the swallowed character is birthed as normal. Aside from being mutated and
coated in disgusting fluids, they are in perfect health. If the project is aborted with a Crippling effect,
the character in question is immediately ejected, unchanged (although they are incapacitated, with the
appropriately filled health levels).
If the warlock knows Sea Dissolves Herself, then she can reject Shaping effects and remove mutations
from swallowed characters, just as though they were herself. As an alternative measure, if the
swallowed character is reviled, the Infernal may pay a single point of temporary Willpower to dissolve
them into a nutritious broth of ill-feeling, which he may then use as an exotic ingredient in another
Genesis project. This is a Shaping effect, taking one full day to complete.
Cost: — ; Mins: Kimbery 0, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Swallowed Children Reborn
Once, there was a Wood-Aspect Shogun, whose mother was Ghisuge, the Lady of Tails and one of
Kimbery’s own souls. As his life drew to an end, he begged to be forgiven for his sin of not submitting
to the glory of his grandmother. Kimbery, infinite in her compassion, assented, and drew him back into
his mother’s womb, to be reborn again. The child that emerged was a favoured grandson, and doted on
until he returned to Creation, to wander the bogs.
If a reviled character swallowed using this Charm’s prerequisite willingly submitted to his reshaping
within the womb-lab, then upon being rebirthed (after having been mutated or the subject of a Genesis
project) the Infernal loses any negative intimacies she might have toward him as he becomes beloved
once more. A character counts as having willingly submitted regardless of any mental influence that
might have compelled him to do so. Obviously, use of this Charm does not preclude the reborn
character becoming reviled once more through their own selfish failings; Kimbery is too forgiving for
her own good, at times.
If the Infernal gains at least (Essencex2) offensive motes in a single scene in this way due to the
defence of a single reviled character, then she may spend a single point of temporary Willpower in
order to remove the reviled intimacy, paving the way for the staunch defender to become beloved once
The pool also gains two motes at the end of any tick in which the Infernal defended an ancestor with a
Defend Other action, following the same guidelines as above.
Cost: — ; Mins: Kimbery 0, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Desecration
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Great Mother’s Wame
Kimbery’s depths are without fathom, the monstrosities that populate her without number. When the
seas of the West become once more streaked with dark and hissing green, Creation shall tremble, for
the beasts of the Vitriol Ocean will not be long behind their matriarch.
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to bear multiple creature-
projects within herself at once, whether by allowing her monstrous children to crawl about in her womb
like a pack of shark foeti, or growing multiple tumourous bellies to hold her offspring. The total
Artifact rating of all the unborn creatures within the Infernal may never exceed (Essence x2). These
projects may be worked on concurrently, without penalty.
This maximum is increased to (Essence x3) if the Infernal’s body is large enough for them to be
counted as a mass combat unit, or to (Essence x5) if they reach landscape-scale.
The Infernal may only use this Charm while its prerequisite is active, allowing her to inject one of her
active womb-lab projects (at any stage of its development) into another character as a Shaping effect
that requires the other character to be unable to resist (whether due to their being inactive, incapacitated
or willing). The victim’s flesh conjoins with the warlock’s for just a moment before separating, leaving
behind the gift of life. Horrible, writhing life.
The project develops just as though it were being grown within the Infernal, with rolls made at the
usual intervals using the Infernal’s unmodified traits (she may not use Excellencies or other such
Charms to enhance crafting rolls for fostered projects). The parent bears their implanted child in a
similar tumourous womb to the Infernal’s own, and a simple medical examination will reveal its nature
as carrying another creature.
The creature is birthed as normal, though if the parent is mortal they will most likely die in the process,
unable to heal the wounds of its departure (reviled mortals will always die giving birth, while beloved
mortals have notably better chances than normal). The creature can be aborted through Crippling
effects as normal, or removed as though it were a magical Sickness effect.
If this Charm is used on a character who would normally be capable of birth, such as a woman, the
Infernal may choose to insert their monstrous embryo directly into the character’s natural womb,
removing the health-level cost of this Charm. This also removes the Obvious keyword past the initial
application, as the growing monster appears to be an ordinary pregnancy (invasive medical
examination will still reveal the inhuman nature of the child, of course). Giving birth to such a creature
in this way renders characters unnaturally barren as a Crippling effect; as long they are affected by it,
they may only be impregnated through further uses of this Charm. If the character in question was
already pregnant at the time of this Charm’s usage, the original child is messily replaced.
If the Infernal knows the Charm Ichor Flux Tendrils, they may use this Charm with a surcharge of two
motes on any one of her tentacles, giving each of them a horrible, fleshy sheen. Whenever a tentacle
enhanced in this way wins control of a grapple and chooses to hold it, it may impregnate the held
character with a copy of the chosen project, which grows and is birthed as described above. Upon such
an injection, the fleshy sheen is sucked into the body of the unfortunate victim, returning the tentacles
to their normal gelatinous appearance.
If the tentacles were formed from the blood of another character, the Infernal may waive the health
level cost of this Charm. If she does so, then rather than one of her projects the tentacles carry the
genetic material of the unfortunate deceased, allowing them to impregnate those who could normally
bear children with the child of the dead character.
Cost: — ; Mins: Kimbery 0, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Desecration, Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Milk Of Primordial Kindness
Many a demon race has been sprung from the loins of the barzinoi and barzinai, from the water-
skimming variant of the Anhule to the tentacled and needle-toothed mist demons to the walrus-like
flying beasts that crack brass fruits open on their prodigious tusks.
This Charm permanently upgrades Great Mother’s Wame, allowing the Infernal to use it to
spontaneously gestate and birth First Circle Demons descended from Kimbery as though they were
Genesis projects with an artifact rating equal to (Essence/2, rounded down). Such creatures come into
existence unbound and materialized, with their mote and Willpower pools half-full.
These arcane pregnancies are only partially physical; they ignore the consequences of Crippling effects
targeting the bulging womb, but gain the Sorcerous keyword, able to be aborted with appropriate
countermagic (each application of countermagic ends only one pregnancy, and must specifically target
the demonic pregnancy itself).
The Infernal may also create First Circle Demons not descended from Kimbery in this way, though this
requires that she has, at some point, either consumed part of or engaged in intercourse with an example
of the breed in question. Such creatures are marginally more difficult to create, with their artifact rating
rounded up rather than down.
Finally, the Infernal can create his own species of First Circle Demon. This initial design costs 1xp,
with further examples of the breed being conceived as normal. Such demons are treated as being
descended from either the Infernal’s Caste or Favoured Yozi (should her Favoured/Caste Yozis change,
she may alter her selection), with herself as the sole progenitor.
A womb-buoy acts as a mobile autonomous production site, able to spawn aquatic creatures using
genesis. It functions in the exact same way as the Infernal’s own womb-lab, using the same rolls,
mechanics, and limitations (including any upgrades from Charms), using the Infernal’s own unmodified
traits for crafting. The only exception is his size, as womb-buoys are treated as a mass-combat unit for
the purpose of determining how many projects they may hold at once. The rolls for crafting are made at
the normal intervals by the Infernal’s player, but are effectively another character’s rolls, and as such
cannot be enhanced with Excellencies or similar Charms. This restriction is lifted if the Infernal is
landscape-scaled, and the womb-buoys are within her own body.
A womb-buoy has a natural soak of (Essence x2)L/B, and a hardness of (Essence), as well as (Stamina
+Essence) -0 health levels. It can travel through water at a rate of (Essence) miles per hour, propelled
by expelled gasses and twirling tendrils, but it cannot move on land, and is simply immobilised if
forced to do so. It has no attacks or DVs, and is effectively mindless. If ordered to swim to a certain
place or spawn a particular type of creature, it can do so, but will otherwise simply drift about,
occasionally loosing some monstrous sea-beast into the depths of the ocean. The Infernal (or any
demon bound to her) may reflexively and telepathically relay such commands to any of her womb-
buoys so long as they are within an area where the Sea keyword applies (attempting to do so to a
destroyed womb-buoy will inform her of its destruction by way of a sudden stab of melancholy).
If the Infernal knows Swallowed Children Reborn, the womb-buoy may extend its tendrils to swallow
willing or incapacitated characters, and work on them as projects (or dissolve them as exotic
ingredients), though it will generally only do so if ordered to by the warlock, or if it has space for at
least one more project in its womb.
If the Infernal knows Milk Of Primordial Kindness, the womb-buoy may be milked for one dose of the
broth described in that Charm per day, at no cost to the Infernal herself.
At Essence 6+ the womb-buoys created by this Charm gain the ability to move on land at (Essence/2)
miles per hour, floating and crawling along on their feeble tentacles, though they may still not leave the
area defined by the Sea keyword, or the Infernal’s own landscape-body. If forced to do so, they will
travel back to the ocean by the most direct route possible.
To use this Charm, the Infernal must touch any work of art she personally created or oversaw the
creation of and spend four motes. It does not matter whether this art is in the form of literature,
painting, a sculpture, a cut gem, etc. – anything in which aesthetics are the primary concern (a daiklave
could not qualify, for example, no matter how beautiful its blade-etched calligraphy is). Whether the art
in question was originally intended to be disturbing or not, it immediately becomes alien to mortal
aesthetics; even the most innocuous statue seems to utilise non-Euclidean angles and impossible
shapes, or else suggest obscene and inhuman acts by its very existence. The very existence of such art
is generally considered a minor act of depravity in most cultures free from Infernal influence. This
distortion is Sorcerous, though any mental influence stemming from it is not.
Whenever a character touches such a supernaturally disturbing work of art, they must roll (highest
Virtue). If the art in question is an Artifact, the difficulty is equal to its rating; otherwise, it is one. If
they succeed, they overcome the unnatural illusion effect, and are not troubled by it, beyond a sudden
urge to wash their hands. If they fail, they must pay one point of temporary Willpower to immunize
themselves to the effect for the next week, or else submit to the unnatural illusion effect exuded by the
artwork. Once a target has spent five points of temporary Willpower resisting this effect, he become
totally immune to it. A target may, of course, voluntarily fail this roll if they believe doing so will grant
them some manner of hellish enlightenment.
Characters affected by this unnatural illusion effect have their own aesthetic sense altered to match that
of the Sea that Marched Against the Flame, favouring the cephalopodic, mind-breaking patterns of
Kimbery over the meek daubings of mortal culture. They find the sight of untainted creatures to be far
less striking; when suffering a social attack from a non-creature of darkness, they reduce the attacker’s
effective Appearance by two. In addition, mundane art seems dull and uninspired compared to the
horrific beauty of the Infernal’s works – they increase their MDV by two when defending against
effects stemming from art that does not share the Infernal aesthetics they have come to adore. Most
commonly, this will be social attacks made with Performance and/or Linguistics.
Characters mutated in this way gain an immediate intimacy of reverence toward the artwork in
question, which is reinforced back to full strength at each interval (regardless of whether or not they are
still receiving mutations).
In addition, purchase of this Charm allows womb-buoys created with Widowed Womb Spawning to
count as works of art for the purposes of Muse Of Beauteous Horrors.
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite Charms. Venomous creatures created by Blue-
Ringed Venom Garden count as being within the aesthetics of Malfeas, allowing them to be treated as
creatures of darkness for the purposes of determining effective Appearance. In addition, for as long as a
piece of ensorcelled artwork is within the boundaries of the Blue-Ringed Venom Garden, the level of
countermagic required to negate it is increased by one, to a maximum of Adamant Countermagic. Also,
any ensorcelled artwork within the boundaries of a Blue-Ringed Venom Garden can conduct its mental
influence to any character that visually focuses on it within fifteen yards, not just those who touch it.
Finally, all prayer rolls made to any character that knows First Kimbery Excellency (or any of their
component souls) have their target number reduced by one as a Shaping effect (this stacks with any
other target number reductions induced by other Kimbery Charms), provided the praying character is
affected by the aesthetic-altering mental influence, and is either touching or totally focused on an
ensorcelled piece of horrid artwork (e.g. dancing around it in blasphemous tribute to the Great Mother).
The Infernal may use this Charm to target any object or character she can perceive, cloaking them with
a perceptual distortion that makes them as unnoticeable as a squid hiding in coral. This illusion lasts for
one month, and automatically effects any character with a Dodge MDV equal to or lower than the
Infernal’s (Essence+4). The illusion convinces them to overlook the character or object in question,
dismissing them as unimportant, a trick of the light, or a paranoid figment of their imagination. The
Infernal is not affected by any such illusions she has placed, and other characters benefiting from a use
of this Charm by the same Infernal are similarly immune, allowing the creation of an underground
society only noticeable by itself.
An affected character may pay one point of temporary Willpower to resist all instances of this illusion
for a day; once they have spent at least three points of Willpower, they become immune to all instances
of this illusion for a single month. The illusion is automatically overcome for the rest of the scene if
another character points out the distorted character or object, or if the distorted character or object
interacts with the affected character (e.g. asking them directions, or being used to make an attack).
If a weapon masked by this illusion (if the attack is unarmed then the character may be masked) is used
to make an unexpected attack on an affected character, then the character’s (Wits+Awareness) roll
suffers a -2 external penalty.
At Essence 3+, the Infernal may purchase this Charm a second time, allowing them to use it to target a
Magnitude of characters equal to or less than her (Essence) with a single activation and a surcharge of
one point of temporary Willpower. In addition, he may target a specific aspect of the character or object
(such as the spearhead on a spear, the mutations on a cultist, the distinctive accent of a trader or the
organic nature of a ship created by Race-Bearing Bosom Ark), leaving them able to interact with those
outside of an illusion without breaking it, so long as the masked aspect does not specifically draw
attention to itself (attacking a character with masked tentacles, for example). Finally, this upgrade
increases the MDV necessary to overcome the illusion by two, provided the veiled character or object
is beloved.
Cost: — (+3m); Mins: Kimbery 0, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Spiteful Sea Tincture, Vituperative Smuggling Technique
The maiden screamed and tore at herself, desperately trying to relieve the searing heat running through
her veins. As her sight swam and her raw throat slicked itself with her own blood, she could only
wonder with frantic confusion – why would no-one help her? In this way, a sutra was lost to the world,
and no-one ever knew.
This Charm permanently enhances Spiteful Sea Tincture. The Infernal may increase its cost by three
motes when applying the venomous tattoos, working an unobtrusive veil into their alien patterns. Any
character afflicted by the poison lacquer of such a tattoo becomes the subject of the illusion created by
Vituperative Smuggling Technique, making them totally unnoticeable even as they scream in agony.
This illusion only lasts as long as the poison continues to afflict the character, but is somewhat more
potent than normal, fuelled by Kimbery’s spite; it reasserts itself at the start of every action, forcing a
character who cannot naturally resist it to spend Willpower again to ignore it (after spending four
Willpower doing so, he automatically ignores all illusions of this kind for the rest of the scene). In
addition, having the character pointed out to them will not break the illusion, and nor will direct
interaction with the victim will not break this illusion (though coming into physical contact with them
will certainly give them the opportunity to begin spending Willpower to resist it).
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to apply her poisonous tattoos
to beloved characters. However, each character may only bear a single such tattoo at once; any further
applications simply dissolve into their skin, lending it an unpleasant sea-green tint. Should such a
character lose their beloved status, the tattoo is lost and they immediately suffer a single dose of poison
lacquer as the tattoo disperses through their system.
Kimbery is ever-wary of betrayal, however, bitterly aware that even her most beloved children are
terribly flawed. This is a trait the Great Mother shares with Autochthon, and she considered offering
him comfort when the Ereta’een turned on their father. But it is not in Kimbery’s nature to comfort
those who are not just as devoted to her, and she rejected the notion as a momentary madness. An
Infernal who knows this Charm considers poison lacquer (of all kinds) to have the trait Tolerance
Such a character does not automatically suffer the effects of the poison for not being beloved, as with
this Charm’s prerequisite. However, the Infernal may disperse the tattoo at any distance with the exact
same effects by reflexively spending a single mote.
In addition, any character bearing a poisonous tattoo, applied in any way, counts as beloved to the
Infernal for the purposes of tracking or locating them.
At Essence 4+, he Infernal can use this Charm to enhance magically-created weapons, by using the
Sorcerous version of Spiteful Sea Tincture on the weapon-creating Charm itself – this manifests as a
stylised green tattoo of the created weapon somewhere on their body, and coats the created weapons
with the venomous markings whenever they appear. Queen K’Tula made use of this Charm in the First
Age, manifesting hundreds of Burning Solar Chakrams that thrummed with a nauseating green light
before they were flung at her foes with a single tentacle each.
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Kimbery 0, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Blasphemy, Obvious, Sea, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Tidal Renewal Discipline
Each of the Primordials had their say in the workings of Creation, though most were happy to allow
She Who Lives In Her Name to finalize the details, allowing her skill at synchronization to join with
Gaia’s power over harmony to produce a functional world. Had Kimbery been handed authority,
Creation would be a very different place than it is now, a seascape of constantly-eroding shores and
bottomless depths. All things that walk the land should be thankful that their world was a collaborative
Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal makes a long prayer to herself in Old Realm, often invoking
her own glorious deeds and all-consuming beauty. The sea believes this self-praise implicitly, and
becomes temporarily infatuated with the warlock, filling it with a desire to tug itself up onto the shore
to be closer to her, or leading it to push itself away lest it crowd her. In either case, for the rest of the
month the shore closest to her is battered with powerful waves for a mile around. The weather is altered
by this unnatural behaviour, stirring up odd storms and violent rain. This effect steadily decreases in
severity over its duration, but disrupts docks and fishing operations, causes damage to unprepared
coastal towns and makes beaches hazardous at best (sites touched by Kimbery’s Essence, such as a
Blue-Ringed Venom Garden, seem to be inherently better suited to enduring this onslaught).
The main effect of this Charm, other than to damage the infrastructure of a coastal city or punish an
island nation, is its long-term consequences – if this Charm is used at least once a month for an entire
year on that same approximate area, the land the waves crash against will be eroded one mile inland,
solid ground replaced by further waters, the seafloor layered with the corpses of those drowned in its
making. This process is gradual, not instant – despite Kimbery’s unending appetite, she prefers to
savour the consumption of the land, not gulp it all down at once. While use of this Charm is a
Blasphemy effect, its Essence for the purposes of registering in Yu-Shan is reduced, being equal to
(number of times used on this shore, this year/3), rounded up. For reference, one mile in a year is
approximately 150 yards per month, or 35 yards a week; the Storyteller should feel free to apply any
appropriate fraction of erosion if the Infernal fails to apply the Charm the normal minimum number of
At Essence 4+, the warlock may lead her Cult to join her in her chant, teaching them the necessary
praises to her name (they do not need to be able to speak Old Realm to memorise the occult self-
flattery of the warlock). If she does so, then they may continue the work of eroding the land when she
has gone with a successful three hour-long prayer roll to her by a group of no smaller than Magnitude
2, culminating in the expenditure of one point of Willpower by each cultist, their souls wracked by
joyful sobbing entreaties to the ocean. The subsequent waves and storms are less violent than if the
Infernal herself had invoked them, and last only a week, resulting in far less damage and chaos, but still
bear some of the destructive power of their older cousins, able to erode the land as normal provided
they are invoked at least once per week for a year. This is not a Blasphemy effect, being too weak to
properly register within Yu-Shan, though the weather and sea gods of the region will certainly report
any long-term disruptions of their portfolios.
Ordinarily, if erosion caused by this Charm overcame a demense, it would affect it normally, dispersing
and shifting the dragon-lines involved, or else forcing them to realign as a less potent Water-aspected
demense. At Essence 5+, however, demesnes overcome in this manner spend a week in twitching
inactivity before realigning as a Kimbery-aspected demense with a rating one dot lower than before (to
a minimum of one). This is a Blasphemy (3+new demense rating) effect, which the warlock is made
aware of at the same time as Yu-Shan.
To Erode a Nation may not be used in this way if the resultant lake would come within (ratingx100)
yards of a manse or demense aspected to anything other than Water or Kimbery (or other sufficiently
similar aspects; if Oil-aspected demenses exist in Creation, for example, they would qualify).
If this effect is created or encouraged through the ritual of a group of the Infernal’s cultists, each ritual
is a Blasphemy effect with an Essence of 1.
Whenever the warlock is attacked with fire within fifty yards of the sea, or an appropriately-sized body
of water, as per the keyword, he may reflexively pay four motes to apply the following effects as a
counterattack (this is not a Charm activation). In this case, “fire” refers to any flame-or-heat based
attack, whether this is a Fire-aspected Dragon’s Suspire, a flaming arrow, a beamklave strike, an
appropriate Elemental Bolt Attack, a Green Sun Nimbus Flare, or a firewand blast. Holy attacks also
count as fire for the purposes of this Charm.
The water rises violently in defence of its mistress, crashing down in an offensive wave on her
attackers. This is a one-time environmental hazard with a width of (Essencex5) yards and a length
leading all the way back to the sea, to a maximum of fifty yards, centred on the Infernal’s attacker. It
has a Trauma of 3 and a Damage of 8B, and will never harm the Infernal. Characters benefiting from
Fathomless Poison Haven are also rendered immune, despite the fact that the damage inflicted is
largely kinetic. The mote cost of this Charm is waived if the sea in question is currently in turmoil due
to the effects of To Erode a Nation.
The water itself is entirely natural, and soaks into the surroundings it crashed down on, easily providing
enough water to use Ichor Flux Tendrils. It will also invalidate the Unassailable Body of Fire Defence
Charm, for any Dragonblood unlucky enough to be struck. Once this counterattack has been used, the
Infernal cannot use it again until her DV has refreshed.
Finally, purchasing this Charm decreases the target number of any prayer by the Infernal or her cultists
to induce the effects of To Erode a Nation by one (this reduction stacks with other Kimbery Charms),
provided the resultant erosion would overcome a demense aspected to Fire or Solar Essence (or other
sufficiently fiery aspects; Lightning-aspected demesnes would qualify, as might those demon-bound to
This Charm permanently enhances Acrid Slipstream Assist. When using it to target an object or vehicle,
the Infernal may pay an additional seventeen motes. If he does so, the target warps into a large and
disturbingly organic conveyance; faces leer out of the hull of a ship, while ribs stretch out of a daiklave
like the fingers of a pair of cupped skeletal hands before being connected by a canvas of oily green
leather that twitches and shivers without a breeze. This increases the carrying capacity of the
conveyance by a Magnitude of (Infernal’s Essence), as well as making it just as durable as an artifact
made from a magical material. If it required any fuel, it no longer does; Kimbery’s own ambient
Essence reaches it through the resonance of the sea. The effects of Acrid Slipstream Assist are applied
to the conveyance as normal, but are a Sorcerous effect, allowing them to last indefinitely without
mote-commitment. In addition, the ark itself counts as a single target for the purposes of Fathomless
Poison Haven, extending such protection to all within it. If that Charm is applied, it may even travel
beneath the surface of the waves at normal speeds, as tendrils extend from its deck to keep its
occupants steady, or the fin-like sails extend and harden into a crustacean shell, eye-like portholes
sliding into existence as the craft dives.
The effects of this Charm can also be applied to an aquatic mount. It has the exact same effects,
creating a bone-like deck atop the beast’s back or warping the creature into a small living island, but
allows the creature in question to retain all of its natural (or supernatural) attacks and abilities. If the
creature in question would have to grow significantly to carry the listed Magnitude, it effectively gains
the Gargantuan mutation for the duration of its time as a vehicle. If the aquatic creature in question is a
behemoth (such as those summoned by What Lurks Beneath) it increases its carrying capacity by a
further two dots of Magnitude.
This ark lasts indefinitely, without any commitment necessary on the Infernal’s part. It may be
dismantled as a miscellaneous action whenever the Infernal is touching it, rotting and falling apart with
a groaning wheeze (this also occurs if it leaves the area defined by the Sea keyword for more than
fifteen minutes, though it will emit sounds of organic distress as a warning for all that time). The
original object, vehicle, or mount is unharmed by its transformation (though some ark-like traces may
remain in its features), and resumes its original functions as normal.
This Charm becomes a Blasphemy effect if more than two such arks are ever gathered within a mile of
each other; the victorious Sun once gave permission for Kimbery’s great ark to carry the remnants of
her children away from extinction, but allowance for an evacuation is not the same as allowance or a
fleet (note that a separate Blasphemy effect is registered in Yu-Shan for each such ship involved). In
addition, an ark created by this Charm coming within a mile of the shores of the Blessed Isle is treated
as an Essence 8 Blasphemy effect.
The target must roll (Stamina+Resistance) at a difficulty of (Infernal’s Occult). If they succeed, they
manage to suppress their roiling blood and the Charm has no effect. If the target fails, however, they
suffer a number of unsoakable lethal health levels of damage equal to the degree by which they failed,
as an equal number of tentacles manifest through them, liquid gore tearing through their skin to form a
cluster of crimson tendrils.
If this damage is enough to kill the target (extras die regardless of how much damage they suffer) the
tentacles manifest through their cooling corpse, as normal. If they survive, however, the tentacles
thrash about on their struggling body; tentacles manifested in such a way may not target any character
other than the one they are attached to, until the unfortunate blood donor is dead. However, the
character in question halves his Dodge DV against such attacks, able to do little more than duck and
bend in response to the unwelcome attentions of his new protrusions.
It should be noted that a target must have blood, or some roughly analogous substance (e.g. sap, or
water, or oil) within their body in order for this Charm to affect them. At Essence 5+ this restriction is
removed, as even bloodless creatures have their Essence (however pitiful) violently externalised in the
form of thrashing tentacles.
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Kimbery 0, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Great Mother’s Tears
The Sea that Marched Against the Flame is not content to leave things be, to forgive or forget; she
neither has nor needs that capacity, and sees no need in it for others. Let their minds worry over her
words like a dog over a poisoned bone – it shows a degree of the proper respect for her motherly
The Infernal may use this Charm to supplement any Presence or Investigate-based social attack she
makes. If the social attack is successful, it lodges in the target’s mind, Sorcerously eating away at their
conviction and self-esteem. Within the next twenty-five hours, most likely when they sleep, suppress a
Virtue, or enter a similarly vulnerable state, the target must pay one point of temporary Willpower in
order to resist an unnatural Emotion effect. If they do not, they immediately suffer the effects of the
original social attack a second time, though it counts as unexpected. If this would have no meaningful
effect, the target instead converts one of his positive intimacies into a negative intimacy with an
emotional context of his choosing, beginning with those intimacies unaffected by the original social
attack. This effect is reapplied every twenty-five hours, for a number of intervals equal to the Infernal’s
At Essence 4+, this effect may be applied to Performance-based social attacks with a surcharge of six
motes, affecting a Magnitude of up to (Essence) characters.
This Charm consists of a single sorcerous Presence-based social attack made against a reviled
character, the warlock’s voice reverberating like a snarl in some deep undersea cavern. If it is
successful in penetrating their MDV, the victim suffers a single die of unsoakable bashing damage, and
does so again on their next action. This continues for a number of actions equal to the number of excess
successes, plus the Infernal’s Essence. For the total duration of this effect the victim is rendered unable
to speak, and suffers an internal penalty equal to one more than the number of action ticks they have
had since the use of this Charm. Should the victim die due to a use of this Charm, they will bear all the
medical signs of having drowned, forced upon their body by their own tortured psyches.
This is considered an unnatural shame-based Emotion effect that may be only be rejected by spending a
number of points of temporary Willpower equal to the remaining number of bashing damage levels
awaiting them (this cost may be paid at any point). This Charm may only target any given reviled
character once.
Whenever the Infernal makes a social attack or uses a social Charm that is enhanced or paid for, even
partially, with offensive motes, she may choose to make her words slide into her victim’s lizard
hindbrain without passing through his conscious mind. If the attack or Charm is successful (before the
option is given to resist it with Willpower), it (and any Charms used to enhance it) has no immediate
effect, and passes largely unnoticed by the target and anyone around him with a Dodge MDV lower
than the rolled successes; they assumes the muttered aside had nothing to do with them, or laugh off the
Infernal’s scorching invectives or blatant flirting as a daring joke.
At any point after this, the Infernal may reflexively awaken their lurking words at a cost of one mote,
burning them into her victim’s mind like a broken bottle of acid. They may do so at any range,
provided that they can perceive their target; the Erosion of Nations never passes up a chance to see her
seeds bear bitter fruit. The target immediately suffers the full effects of the previous social attack or
Charm, just as though it had been applied to him at that moment.
Whenever one of the Infernal’s beloved characters becomes reviled, she may immediately gain a single
point of Limit in order to distil her anguish into a dreadful poison, one that wracks its recipients with
the all the mad agonies of the demon sea. This poison is identical to the poison lacquer created by her
Spiteful Sea Tincture, with the exception that its damage category is increased by one stage (from
bashing to lethal, or from lethal to aggravated), its toxicity gains the L tag, and the penalty it inflicts is
increased by (Essence). The Infernal may only hold this black tear venom for one former beloved at a
time. While she carries a dose of this venom, she cannot lose points of Limit through any means but
Limit Break.
Black tear venom is not injected in the same way as poison lacquer. Instead, when the Infernal rolls
Join Battle against her former beloved, she may allow the venom to rise to the surface of her veins,
marking them an unhealthy (and Obvious) tattoo-black as she weeps tarry tears. For the rest of that
scene, she can freely imbue any of her attacks (including those made through Ichor Flux Tendrils) with
this venom, though it has no effect on any character but the former beloved.
Kimbery refuses to allow traitors to escape their fate. Black tear venom ignores non-magical protection
from or treatment of Poison effects. Permanent immunity to the venom is impossible to acquire, and
black tear venom cannot be generated by any means other than this Charm. The venom is
simultaneously a Poison and a Shaping effect, decaying the target’s very right to exist. Both keywords
must be negated for the venom to be stopped.
At the end of the scene in which the Infernal allowed her black tear venom to rise to the surface, the
blackness fades from her veins and her tears dry and crumble. The venom is cleared from her system,
and she loses all intimacies toward the former beloved character, whether or not they are dead.
At Essence 5+, the Infernal may transfer their black tear venom with a Touch to a willing character they
have imbued with Fathomless Poison Haven, allowing their beloved agents to enact vengeance in their
place. Should the agent lose the benefits of Fathomless Poison Haven while still carrying the venom,
they immediately suffer its effects as though they were the former beloved, collapsing in agony as their
flesh dries and crumbles, revealing the liquefying black flesh beneath. Such is the capriciousness of
Kimbery. If the agent in question is a demon who is then turned into a Hellforged weapon, it retains the
black tear venom as an innate property imbuing any attack made with it (though it still only harms the
former beloved).
A monstrous tumour of a throne, shifting sluggishly with peristaltic spasms that send ripples heaving
through the sac. In stark contrast its occupant is a slender woman, elegant in a grey gown, without
adornment save for lustrous hair and lambent eyes that glimmer a pale white, like those of a sea
creature. Her laughter is bubbly, effervescent, and puts you at ease. Throughout your interview her
hospitality is unimpeachable, her manners impeccable, her conversation scintillating. So much so that
you begin to ignore the movement of her seat, until it becomes an irrelevant background detail, like the
sighing of a restless sea.
Only when you mention her husband does her face darken momentarily, prompting a lull in
conversation during which you each regard your glasses in mute absorption. Suddenly, a particularly
violent heave of her seat sends her listing to one side. You half-stand to assist her but her footmen press
you back into your seat with hands that feel like flints beneath their immaculate white gloves.
She strokes one arm of her chair, a grotesque extrusion that ends in a clawed, desperately-grasping
hand, and makes crooning noises. To your horror, the arm twitches and mimics the gesture, awkwardly
patting her thigh.
"There, there, my babies," she soothes, "I'm sure our nice guest didn't mean it. Daddy's not coming
home any time soon. Wait, where are you going?"
Seizing a moment when her servitors are distracted, you hurl yourself from your chair and dash for the
door, the mirrored surfaces of which do not conceal the sight of your hostess's seat boiling with motion
as it extrudes a forest of flesh, flailing hands and feelers that strain towards you. Heedless to your
hostess's plaintive cries for understanding, you flee even as titanic shudders rock the house, and sudden
cracks spiderwebbing open stone and mortar reveal wet glistening surfaces beneath the plaster.
You do not look back. The sight is burned into your brain of the hem of that elegant grey gown hiked
up an immodest inch as the lady bends to caress her living furniture, to reveal where her petite feet are
but an illusion created by a pair of delicate slippers wedged under the hem, to conceal where her trunk
explodes into obscene immensity and melds with that of her chair, revealed for what it is: an unquiet,
monstrous womb teeming with unborn blasphemy.
The Infernal's Essence rating is increased by one for the purposes of this Charm if the bounty would
normally come from the water; fish or fertile rivermud, for example. It is also increased by one if the
bounty is a raw material rather than a finished product - driftwood rather than completed tables. These
benefits stack.
If the Infernal knows the First Kimbery Excellency, this Charm benefits attempts to create
objects that conform to the Demon Sea's understanding of beauty, even if they have no
social component, such as a daiklave etched with curiously organic patterns. In this case,
the warlock simply adds (Essence) automatic successes to each roll to create such objects.
Prayer rolls toward the Infernal that are made with the help of one of her strange artworks
benefit from a number of automatic successes equal to the value of their highest-rated
derangement. Finally, characters with even one mutation caused by Kimbery’s magic
increase the effective value of their highest-rated derangement by their (Essence).
• Charms
• Yozi
Also known as The Sea that Marched Against the Flame, she is known to exist beneath the surface of
Malfeas. Her blood—or perhaps the blood of demons beneath her—exists today in highly diluted form
in the Lintha Pirates.
Third Circle Demons
• Ululaya, the Blood-Red Moon, Third Soul of Kimbery
• Madelrada, That Which Wears Down the Mountains, Eighth Soul of Kimbery
• Gnimersalt, the Mouthless Eater of All, Eleventh Soul of Kimbery
• The Tide that Knows No Life
Everyone knows I love Infernals. Thanks to some friends of mine, I’ve developed the mechanics for a
pair of their Charms, and I couldn’t wait until Wednesday to show them off! Below are a pair of
Infernal Charms for some of the Yozis I dearly love but so rarely find mechanics for. Many, many
thanks to The Demented One and Kukla from the Exalted forums for their help on getting these primed
for action!
Blue-Ringed Venom Garden (Kimbery Charm)
Cost: 25 motes, 2 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Desecration, Obvious, Sea, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Spiteful Sea Tincture
The Great Mother blesses the life that swims in her with her horrible fecundity. She also blesses it with
her spite. When activated, this Charm affects all natural wildlife (defined as nonmagical plants and
animals) within a radius of (Essence x 100) yards. Affected wildlife gains the Creature of Darkness,
Breed True, and Toxin mutations. The difficulty of rolls made to get along or forage for food in the area
are increased by the Infernal’s (Essence). Characters that are immune to poison or that know Mother
Sea Mastery roll at the normal difficulty, but cannot do so to provide food for other characters that lack
these benefits.
Affected wildlife does not suffer this increased difficulty, as they adapt to devour their poisonous kith,
if necessary. In fact, this generally makes them more capable of surviving in the affected area, and, at
the ST’s discretion, the area may slowly grow over a number of years. Contiguous affected areas can
join, though if the total, continuous surface area of this Charm ever reaches ten square miles, regardless
of volume, it becomes a persistent Blasphemy effect as per Holy Land Infliction. Returning the area to
normal requires a concentrated pogrom against the affected wildlife, which may take years or may be
the result of a single, explosive environmental effect. Some spells, such as Benediction of Archgenesis,
can also reverse the effects.
At Essence 4, the Charm automatically upgrades to make such sea life inimical to characters who are
not beloved of the Infernal, and actively hostile toward reviled characters. While within the area, such
individuals have their long-term movement speeds halved, including when in Second Age conveyances
such as ships. Most First Age conveyances were built to repel such antagonistic wildlife, and so are not
Here, have some Kimbery charm ideas. I'm still fairly newish when it comes to Exalted homebrew, so
please pokes holes as much as you want.
Whilst Kimbery delights in the suffering of those she loves and the slow, total ruination of those she
despises, those she is apathetic towards hardly draw her attention, existing only to be idly swept away
by her tides, or subjected to a torrent of her anger if they should dare come between her and the object
of her hatred.
Acrid Tidal Surge summons a gush of high-pressure acrid water that may enhance any physical attack
whose target is (lower of Conviction or Compassion) yards away. It increases the raw damage of the
attack by an amount equal to the damage rating of the warlock's Spiteful Sea Tincture (5 for most
characters, or 7 with the Essence 3+ repurchase), though this additional damage is bashing, not lethal
like the warlock's poison. The Charm may never enhance an attack made against a reviled target – the
sweet, swift release this Charm inflicts on its targets is too kind for the targets of the Great Mother's
This Charm permanently enhances Acrid Tidal Surge, allowing the warlock to hone the acidic potency
and raw force of the Kimberian waters she calls upon. She may now split the levels of damage from
dealt by Acrid Tidal Surge between bashing and lethal damage. Each level assigned to bashing damage
now adds 2 levels of bashing damage to the attack, whilst levels assigned to lethal each add 1 level of
unsoakable lethal damage. The warlock may only assign up to (Essence) levels of damage as lethal, any
remaining levels must be assigned to bashing damage or be lost.
Drowning in Suffering
Cost: - (+1wp); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Poison
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Spiteful Sea Tincture
What poisons can rival Kimbery? Only the Great Mother's sibling, the All-Hunger Blossom, has toxins
that come close, but he is happy to wait for prey to come close. Kimbery is not so lenient in the
punishment of her wayward children.
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, applying the L tag to the poison's Toxicity when it is
inflicted on a reviled target. The warlock may also pay a surcharge of 1wp on the charm's activation
cost to gain this benefit on all doses of the poison inflicted on her current target for the rest of the
scene, regardless of whether the target is reviled or not.
A WORLD THAT HATES AND FEARS THEM (what are mutations?)
IT WAS THE MONSTER MASH (the Genesis system)
WE BELONG DEAD (making creatures with genesis and necrotech)
Physical mutations are the most common, being used to model the strange bodily traits of a creature, such as a tail, extra arms, acid spit, wings, or blindness. They
are the easiest to apply and remove; any existing mechanics that simply refer to “mutations”, without specifying, are considered to refer solely to physical
Mental mutations are used to describe the strange mental traits of a creature, such as an enhanced memory, intuition, lucid dreaming, telepathic communication, or
a lack of free will. Notably, they are also used to model the various insanities that afflict the mind, such as addictions, delusions, obsessions, phobias, or
Spiritual mutations are used to detail the strange supernatural traits of a creature, such as spirit-vision, enlightened Essence, an aspected soul, nativity to a given
realm, or even its material state. These are the only mutations that ever require enlightenment, and are the rarest.
This appearance is entirely customisable, however. The appearance and nature of a mutation can be almost anything; enhanced sight can express itself through
glowing irises, overlarge eyes, slit pupils, coloured sclera, eyestalks, an inner eyelid, telescopic lenses, compound eyes, or anything else that the creature’s player
and Storyteller judge appropriate.
Similarly, flight might be expressed through feathered, leathery, or insectile wings, or an inflatable air-sack, or natural propellers, or a partially gaseous body, or an
organic, muscular jetpack. What matters is that the creature can fly, not how this expresses itself.
The difficulty to hide or disguise a mutation is generally equal to its cost in mutation points, and the pool to detect them is generally (Perception + Medicine),
though Occult may also be used to detect mutations granted by specific supernatural beings, and Larceny or Awareness can be used to see through a disguise as
Such sources of mutation often include the phrase “appropriate mutations”. This phrase refers to mutations that would mechanically aid a creature’s survival in that
environment (such as water-breathing in the West, or disease resistance in Metagaos) or that fit with the aesthetics and themes of that environment (such as red
hair in the South, or a sickly complexion in a shadowland).
Temporary mutations do not cost experience, but (unless otherwise specified) no character can bear more than (Willpower + Essence) points of temporary positive
mutations at once.
Where other texts refer to poxes, afflictions, blights and abominations, they are referring to one, two, four and six-point mutations, respectively.
The mutations presented here, despite being heavily customisable, are not a comprehensive list. If a player or Storyteller requires an effect that can’t be produced
through these mutations, they are encouraged to create their own, using the existing mutations to cost their creation accordingly.
The Exaltations bond with humans, regardless of how altered they may be (though they seem to prefer baseline humans over mutants or altered races). Exalted
Charms, therefore, assume their user has a human body-type. Due to this, an octopus-man Solar cannot create a Charm that specifically exploits his tentacles,
though he could use normal Charms to enhance his actions with them as though they were regular limbs. To put it another way; Thunderclap Rush Attack can
enhance a spiny tendril-strike just as well as a human fist, but “Spined Tendril Method” is not a valid Solar Charm.
Lunar (and to an extent, Abyssal) Charms can cheat their way around this limitation, thanks to the ease with which their native Charms permit them to take on an
inhuman form, while Primordial Charms tend to ignore it entirely.
The Second Breath can remove any number of mutations, positive or negative; a player who wishes to have their Exalt come from a tribe of rotting mutants can do
so without needing to give her the Failing Body mutation like her family, while one who wished to come from an artificial race with less need for food would not
need to take (and pay for) the Small Appetite mutation like the rest of his race. Natural negative mutations can be bought off with experience even after character
Infernal, Abyssal, and high-Breeding Terrestrial Exaltations can also add minor appropriate mutations as Natural traits, as the Green Sun Prince takes on a mark or
two from his coadjutor, the Abyssal acquires some deathly deformities, or the Terrestrial's elemental blood shows through.
This applies to all mutations that do nothing. If a mutation would provide an unstackable ability that the character already has, such as if an Abyssal with the
permanent version of Restless as the Dead acquired the Sleepless mutation, or a character with no natural soak acquired the Weak Skin mutation, then it costs
nothing. Similarly, if a negative mutation would further reduce a dice pool or trait that is already at zero, it is treated as a cosmetic mutation until that trait or dice
pool increases such that it would be relevant.
A few, however, are applied through different means; the infectious mutations of the Rat-Eating Liver Boy are Sickness effects, for example, and must be removed
as such. Some mental mutations are applied as though they were mental influence, and can be defended against or removed appropriately.
Cost: This is the mutation’s cost in mutation points; a mutation worth three points would have a listed Cost of 3pts. Sometimes, multiple costs will be included,
with the varying effects detailed in the mutation’s text.
rds: This details the keywords relevant to the mutation’s effects (Exalted, pp. 183). Along with normal keywords such as Shaping or Sickness, there are a number
of keywords exclusive to mutations, detailed below:
Physical/Mental/Spiritual: This is a physical/mental/spiritual mutation. A mutation possessing more than one of these keywords can fit into either category.
Appendage: This mutation takes the form of an external limb or organ of some kind. It can be disabled or amputated by Crippling effects in the same manner as
any other limb, and doing so deprives the creature of its effects until it is healed. If a creature has multiple Appendage mutations, its player may choose to
consolidate them (upon acquisition) into a single extra limb or organ.
Derangement: This mutation simulates madness in some way, whether a slight emotional imbalance or outright gibbering insanity. Derangements are always
Negative and Mental mutations, and might be applied to particularly traumatized mortals as Natural mutations. While these mutations use the names of real-world
conditions, they are not intended to simulate them in anything but the broadest sense.
Devolve (Mutation): This mutation is a Negative mutation. If it is taken alongside the mutation listed in brackets, it has none of its listed effects, and is not applied
at all; instead, it simply serves to remove the listed mutation (or, if it has a scalable rating, as with most Adaptation mutations, reduce its rating by a number of
points equal to its cost), refunding xp as normal. This applies even if the Devolve mutation came first.
Internal: This mutation is not expressed in the character’s appearance. It cannot be detected without an in-depth medical analysis or appropriate magic.
Natural: This mutation is an inherent part of the character’s natural form. It is not treated as a mutation for the purposes of other effects (such as those which
remove mutations); striking one of the djala with Order-Affirming Blow will not cause them to grow in size, any more than it would cause a cat to lose its tail. This
keyword automatically applies to any mutation that a character is born with. It can also refer to mutations that are not really mutations; derangements caused by
trauma rather than the Wyld, or ambidexterity earned through practice rather than demesne-radiation.
Negative: This mutation applies a penalty of some sort to the character, rather than a bonus. As such, if it is a permanent mutation, it does not cost experience
points; instead, it provides the character with a number of “free” mutation points equal to its own cost, which it can spend on positive mutations. Unless otherwise
stated, negative mutations cannot be directly converted to experience points in the manner that removed positive mutations can. Where other texts refer to
deficiencies, debilities and deformities, they are referring to one, two and four-point negative mutations, respectively.
Requires (Mutation): This mutation requires the mutation listed in the brackets as a prerequisite.
Stackable: When used on a mutation, this keyword indicates that it can be taken as multiple times; all other mutations can only be taken once per creature, with a
scaling point cost. If the mutation in question has variants (such as Fast [Movement], which can affect different kinds of movement) then the Stackable keyword
only permits the creature to have more than one of its variants, rather than stacking the same variant multiple times.
Thereafter follows a description of the mutation’s mechanical effects, and some suggestions as to how it might manifest itself.
Physical mutations are split up into the following categories.
Attack mutations refer to those oddities that enhance a creature’s natural attacks.
Healing mutations refer to those oddities that change a creature’s regeneration and immune system.
Hunger mutations refer to those oddities that affect a creature’s diet or breathing.
Life mutations refer to those oddities that evolve a creature’s basic functions.
Limb mutations refer to those oddities that alter the way a creature’s limbs work.
Movement mutations refer to those oddities that vary the way a creature moves.
Sensory mutations refer to those oddities that transform the way a creature perceives things.
Size mutations refer to those oddities that increase or reduce a creature’s size.
Toughness mutations refer to those oddities that adapt a creature’s ability to resist damage.
Tropism mutations refer to those oddities that tamper with a creature’s other mutations.
A single mutation point is approximately as powerful as a single specialty. Rather than list countless mutations that take this approximation literally, we will
provide you with a template for such mutations, and some examples. Note that the upper limit for such mutations is three, just as with specialties.
Enhanced (Sense)
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature adds (M) dice to any roll based on the chosen sense, be it smell, sight, hearing, or taste. Perhaps it has eyestalks or feline pupils, a canine snout or
quadruple-nostrils, oversized ears or sound-sensitive cheekpads, a forked tongue or taste-buds on its lips.
(Substance) Detection
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature adds (M) dice to any roll that would allow it to detect the chosen substance, be it blood, flowers, drugs, or laser-pointers.
(Environment) Camouflage
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature adds (M) dice to any roll to conceal itself in the chosen environment, whether through a patterned hide, floral mimicry, or simply being the
appropriate colour.
(Element) Resistance
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature adds (M) dice to rolls to resist the effects of environmental hazards or other natural deleterious effects stemming from the chosen element or
substance, whether fire, air, acid, earth, electricity, or showers of frogs.
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature is less easy to knock over; it might have wide feet, a balancing tail, internal gyroscopes, multiple legs, or grips on its heels. In any case, it adds (M)
dice to any roll to resist knockback (including knockdown) or ignore unstable footing.
(Environment) Native
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature adds (M) dice to any roll to navigate, forage or find shelter in the chosen environment, be it the desert, the ocean, the jungle, or frozen wastelands,
mountains, or the Silver Forest.
Negative mutations can be generated in a similar fashion. However, the nature of specialty penalties as opposed to bonuses (the latter must be sought out, the
former simply avoided), means that the upper limit of such Adaptations is only two, while the penalties they apply are doubled. Examples might include:
(Environment) Stranger
Cost: 1-2pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve ([Environment] Native), Stackable
The creature suffers an internal penalty of -(M x2) to any roll to navigate, forage or find shelter in the chosen environment, be it mountains, marshes, frozen
wastelands, or the Pole of Oil.
Natural Weapon
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature’s strikes are more dangerous; it might have bone studs on its knuckles, oversized arms, hooked toenails, great bludgeon-fists, or fangs like
daiklaves. One of the creature’s natural attacks has its Damage trait increased by (M), or by (M + 1) if (M) is greater than three.
Expanded Weapon
Cost: 1-2pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Natural Weapon
All of the creature’s natural attacks benefit from the Damage increase provided by the prerequisite. This mutation costs two points if more than three points were
spent on Natural Weapon.
Natural Missile
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature has a ranged attack; it might spit acid, breathe fire, shoot laser beams from its eyes, launch psychic bolts, fling regenerating bone spikes, or fire
missiles pods from ports in its body. One of the creature’s natural attacks gains a Range trait of (M x10), allowing it to be used at a distance. These attacks use
Archery, unless they are made within twenty yards of the target, in which case they may instead use Thrown.
Expanded Missile
Cost: 2pt; Keywords: Physical, Requires Natural Missile
All of the creature’s natural attacks benefit from the Range increase provided by the prerequisite.
Lethal Attack
Cost: 2-3pts; Keywords: Physical
Whether due to claws, fangs, horns, razor-spines, or some other extrusion, the creature can choose to deal Lethal damage with one of its natural attacks. If such
an attack would be made Lethal by another effect (such as a Martial Arts Form), it instead has its Damage trait increased by 2. The three-point version of this
mutation extends this to all the creature's natural attacks.
Piercing Attack
Cost: 2-3pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature has a smashing arm-piston, or a crushing pincer, or drips corrosive saliva. One of the creature’s natural attacks has the Thrust tag. The three point
version of this mutation applies this tag to all of the creature's natural attacks.
Toxic Attack
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Poison
One of the creature’s natural attacks inflicts a single dose of poison every time it successfully causes even one level of damage. This poison has the following
traits: Damage (M)/action, Toxicity (M ÷ 2), Tolerance —, Penalty -(M ÷ 2). All divisions are rounded up, and the poison deals the same type of Damage as the
natural attack applying it. Any of the poison’s traits can be voluntarily reduced upon purchase by the creature’s player, to a minimum of zero. If the Damage of a
poison is reduced to zero, it can instead be made into a Crippling effect, representing a bioelectric shock or muscle-aggravating strike; otherwise, it functions in
the exact same way.
Expanded Toxin
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Requires Toxic Attack
All of the creature’s natural attacks benefit from the poison provided by the prerequisite, and it may spit, sweat, or otherwise smear this venom onto something
else (such as an actual sword) as a miscellaneous action.
(Hazard) Body
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical
Whether it is wreathed in flames, exudes a deathly aura, or crackles with frost, the creature’s body constitutes an environmental hazard, with the following traits:
Damage (M)L/action, Trauma (M ÷ 2), rounded up. This hazard does not extend beyond the creature’s actual physical form, though depending on its nature it
might provoke additional hazards (such as a fiery body igniting flammable substances) at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Expanded Hazard
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires (Hazard) Body
The environmental hazard provided by the prerequisite gains a radius of (M) yards, with the creature at its center.
Controlled Hazard
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Requires (Hazard) Body
The creature can activate or deactivate the hazard provided by the prerequisite with a diceless, miscellaneous action, once per action. If the hazard has a radius
(as per Expanded Hazard), the creature can instead choose to expand or retract the hazard to anywhere within that maximum radius.
Superior Healing
Cost: 3pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature closes bleeding wounds, ignores re-opened wounds, resists infection, recovers from disabling wounds, and heals health levels of damage as though
it were a supernatural being, like a spirit or one of the Chosen (Exalted, pp. 148-152). The Exalted cannot take this mutation.
Accelerated Healing
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Superior Healing
The creature’s basic rate of natural healing doubles, allowing it to (for example) heal a single level of bashing damage in an hour-and-a-half of rest.
Limb Regeneration
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature can heal entirely amputated body-parts without any medical care, as though each amputation was a single -4 health level filled with lethal damage.
Weak Healing
Cost: 3pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve (Superior Healing)
Any attempt to close or treat any of the creature’s wounds suffers a -1 external penalty, and the base amount of time necessary to heal its wounds doubles.
No Healing
Cost: 3pt; Keywords: Physical, Negative, Requires (Weak Healing)
Perhaps it is an unliving construct of some sort, or simply has a crippled capacity to restore itself. The creature cannot heal naturally at all. Any attempt at
healing it or closing wounds requires direct medical attention, which suffers the Weak Healing penalty as normal. Even if it does receive direct and constant
medical care, the base amount of time it takes to heal is tripled, rather than doubled.
Failing Body
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Negative
Every day, the creature rolls (Stamina + Resistance), at a difficulty of ([M ÷ 2, rounded up] + days since maintenance). If it fails, it immediately suffers a single
level of unsoakable bashing damage, which cannot be healed without medical care that includes maintenance. If the creature begins to suffer lethal damage due
to this mutation, each level of lethal damage it suffers includes a single disabling injury, as limbs become useless and mangled. "Maintenance" takes at least (M)
hours per day, and its nature varies depending on the nature of the creature; for necrotech constructs, it might take the care of a surgeon-engineer with needle,
thread and oilcan, while a Wyld-entity of burning coals might need to hibernate in a fireplace.
Superior Tolerance
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Physical, Internal
The creature resists disease, poison and infection as though it were a supernatural being. The Exalted cannot take this mutation.
(Disease) Immunity
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Internal, Stackable
The creature is completely immune to a specific disease. It cannot catch it through any means, magical or mundane. The disease in question cannot have a
Morbidity greater than (M +2).
(Disease) Carrier
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires (Disease) Immunity, Internal, Stackable
The creature does not avoid catching the disease it is immune to, it simply avoids any and all symptoms. While it remains unharmed, others can still catch the
disease off it, as though it were infected as normal. A version of this mutation wherein the creature still displays the cosmetic symptoms of the illness exists; it
has the Negative keyword, lacks the Internal keyword, and “costs” one point.
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Sickness
The creature sweats diseased ooze, or is host to colonies of bacteria, or otherwise cultivates disease like farmland. Any rolls to resist infection caused by the
creature suffer a -1 external penalty.
(Poison) Immunity
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Internal, Stackable
The creature is completely immune to a specific poison. The poison in question cannot have a Toxicity greater than (M +2). Poisons with the L tag increase their
effective Toxicity by two, while those with the M tag decrease it by two.
Small Appetite
Cost: 1-4pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature requires 25% less food and water in each “full meal” than its size would normally dictate, and the interval necessary for its deprivation penalties to
increase is raised to two days. The two-point version of this mutation reduces the amount of food the creature requires by 50%, while the three-point version
reduces its dietary needs by 75%, and the four-point version leaves it requiring only 10% of the normal amount of food for its size.
Large Appetite
Cost: 1-4pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve (Small Appetite)
The creature requires 25% more food and water in each “full meal” than its size would normally dictate, and the interval necessary for its deprivation penalties to
increase is reduced to half a day. The two-point version of this mutation increases the amount of food the creature requires by 50%, while the three-point
version increases its dietary needs by 75%, and the four-point version leaves it requiring twice as much food in each full meal.
Restricted Diet
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Physical, Negative
By default, characters are considered to be omnivorous. This one-point mutation restricts the creature to being either carnivorous or herbivorous, rendering it
unable to digest the other type of food. The two point version of this mutation narrows the diet further, restricting the creature to one type of food, such as
insects, fish, birds, leaves, fruits, bamboo shoots, or dried food-pellets. The three point version of this mutation narrows the diet to some rare or difficult-to-
acquire food, such as the Peaches of Immortality, demonflesh. Used alongside the Expanded Diet mutation, this mutation costs points based on how broad the
food in question is; sunlight would provide one point, while hair would provide two and uranium would provide three.
Expanded Diet
Cost: 1-2pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature can digest a physical substance that would not normally be considered food, such as rocks, metal, wood, plastic, glass, sand, bone, or hair. The
creature does not suffer any harm from ingesting this substance, regardless of their usual properties. The two-point version of this mutation expands it to more
ethereal substances, allowing the creature to consume some kind of energy, such as light, noise, heat, prayer, or electricity.
(Substance) Allergy
Cost: 1-5pts; Keywords: Physical, Negative, Stackable
The creature has a dreadful allergy to an otherwise harmless substance, such as fungus, thick pollen, certain drugs, dairy products, sunlight, or salted peanuts. If
it consumes or directly inhales that substance, it treats it as poison, with traits of (M x2)B/action, Toxicity (M), Tolerance —, Penalty -(M). If it is simply exposed
to a concentration of that substance, it treats it as a hazard with traits of (M)B/minute, Trauma (M).
Hunger Frenzy
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Negative
The creature applies starvation penalties to any Temperance roll it makes to avoid taking food or drink. If it fails such a penalized roll, it must gorge itself until
completely satiated, attacking anyone who gets in its way like a partially-controlled Berserk Anger (Exalted, pp.105).
(Element) Metabolism
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical
Within the boundaries of a demesne or manse of the relevant aspect, the creature requires (rating x10)% less food and water for each full meal. However, they
require 50% more sustenance while away from such an energy-source. If the number of creatures regularly leeching off a given demesne or manse is greater
than Magnitude (rating), it suffers Essence Buildup or Power Failure every (4 -excess Magnitude) weeks, to a minimum of one day. Note that supremely powerful
concentrations of Essence, such as Elemental Poles, the Daystar, or Primordial jouten, are treated as being level 5 manses for this purpose. They cannot be
exhausted by any number of creature, and span a far greater area than mere dragon-knots.
(Substance) Breather
Cost: 2pt; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature has the ability to breathe something other than air, allowing it to ignore any suffocation or environmental harm that would normally come from
inhaling that substance. Perhaps it amphibiously breathes water through gills, or smoke and poison through a heavily-scarred throat, or even dirt through
strange grinding lungs.
Large Lungs
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature adds (M x2) dice to any roll to hold its breath, thanks to oversized lungs or semi-vestigial gills.
Air Drowner
Cost: 3-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Negative
The creature cannot breathe air. Attempting to do so results in suffocation, just as in water, except that all intervals are at one hour rather than 30 seconds. The
four, five and six point versions of this mutation decrease the length of such intervals to ten minutes, one minute, and 30 seconds, respectively. For obvious
reasons, it is recommended that these creatures also have at least one example of the (Substance) Breather mutation.
Cost: 1-5pts; Keywords: Physical, Internal
Common lore holds that the natural life of a creature is a century, though malnutrition, disease, and wear-and-tear reduce this considerably. With this mutation,
the creature ages (M x20)% more slowly than normal, with its maximum lifespan increased by an equal number of years.
Cost: 5pts; Keywords: Physical, Internal, Requires Longevity (5)
At some point, usually early adulthood, the creature simply stops aging. It will not die of old age, unless such a condition is deliberately imposed on it through
Abyssal time-magic or strange raksha stories. Humans with this mutation are rendered ineligible for Exaltation, as their soul mingles too closely with their body
for it to attract the spark of divinity.
Cost: 1-5pts; Keywords: Physical, Internal, Devolve (Longevity)
With this mutation, the creature ages (M x20)% more quickly than normal, with its maximum lifespan reduced by an equal number of years. If this would reduce
the creature’s lifespan to zero years, it instead lives for a timespan ranging between one hour and five years, as determined by the creature’s player. At the
three-point level, this mutation loses the Internal keyword.
Weird Body
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
This mutation grants the creature an additional functional organ of some sort, or moves one of its existing organs to be somewhere other than one might
naturally expect; its brain might be located in its tail, its eyes might be set into its palms, or its genitalia might be found in its knees. This has no direct
mechanical effect, but the organs are not cosmetic; they provide access to certain stunts, and might allow the creature to play dead or avoid a disabling injury
aimed at the wrong spot by a misinformed enemy.
Short Gestation
Cost: 1-6pt; Keywords: Physical, Internal
Common lore in the Realm holds that the natural period of a pregnancy is nine months so that the unborn may witness a full cycle of Ascending, Resplendent and
Descendant months each for the body soul, and mind. Those conceived or born on odd-months are thought to have unbalanced characters because of this.
Creatures with this mutation reduce the number of months their offspring must gestate by (M). Despite having a cost in mutation points, Short Gestation does
not cost xp; instead, children born from a shortened gestation period must bear at least (M) points of negative physical or mental mutations, which they receive
mutation points for as normal.
Long Gestation
Cost: 1-6pt; Keywords: Physical, Internal, Devolve (Short Gestation)
The creature increases the number of months their offspring must gestate by (M). Despite having a cost in mutation points, Long Gestation does not award xp;
instead, children born from a lengthened gestation period must bear at least (M) points of positive mutations, which cost xp as normal.
Alternate Reproduction
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature’s method of reproduction differs from the default of “sex followed by live birth”, in either conception, or birth, or both. Perhaps it lays eggs, or
expels spores, or asexually buds, or utilizes pails of incestuous genetic slurry. Whatever the case, the process must still be recognizably biological, and still
burdens at least one character in some way for the normal gestation period; they might not need to be pregnant, but will have to tend to their eggs, or monitor
the larvae, or water the pods.
(Climate) Sensitivity
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Negative, Stackable
In a given climate or condition, such as cold, sunny, moist, or hot, the creature applies a -1 internal penalty to all non-reflexive dice pools.
Natural Provider
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical
Whether by being milked, laying infertile eggs, or having shearable wool, the creature can provide food or some other resource without harming itself. If it
provides food, the creature can produce sustenance equivalent to a full meal up to (M) times per week, taking two hours per meal (this mutation expresses a
permanent ability to produce nutrients, rather than the temporary provisions of pregnant mammals). If it provides Resources, the creature can produce raw
materials worth approximately Resources (M ÷ 2) each year, rounded up. If the creature suffers from starvation penalties, (M) is reduced for the purposes of this
calculation, by the average penalty it suffers across the week or year.
Natural Tool
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature has a tool as part of its body, using wood-sawing jaws for carpentry, a brush-like tail to paint, or rock-dissolving spit to engage in earthworks. This
mutation does not offer the usual dice bonus of a tool (which would be represented through a related Adaptation), but instead allows the creature to perform
work that would normally require the tool in question without any penalties.
Additional Arm
Cost: 3-4pts; Keywords: Physical, Appendage, Stackable
Whether through an extra arm, a flailing tentacle, prehensile hair, or a tumorous crystalline claw, the creature has one more than the standard duo of
manipulators. All the creature’s natural attacks gain +1 to their Rate value, to a maximum of 5. Any multiple action penalties stemming from a flurry of actions
that involve using that arm alongside another are reduced by one, to a maximum reduction of (Wits). The creature has access to an additional "arm", which is
capable of wielding a weapon, parrying attacks, carrying objects, etc; this can also be represented by multiple manipulators that are incapable of significant
action unless working together. This arm is always an “off hand” (Exalted, pp. 148). This mutation normally costs four points, but its cost is (retroactively)
reduced to three points if the creature has it more than twice.
Missing Arm
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve (Additional Arm), Stackable
All the creature’s natural attacks have their Rate value reduced by one, to a minimum of 1. Any multiple action penalties stemming from a flurry of actions that
involve using both arms are increased by one. The creature has one less arm available for wielding weapons, parrying attacks, carrying objects, etc. This
mutation can be taken a maximum of twice.
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Mental, Internal
The creature ignores all off-hand penalties, allowing it to use its hands equally. Characters can gain this mutation as a result of training for (7 - Dexterity)
months; acquired in this manner, it has the Natural keyword.
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Ambidextrous
The creature may use its feet as hands; as such, it can spend a miscellaneous action to apply the effects of the Missing Legs mutation to itself, in exchange for
also acquiring the effects of the Additional Arm mutation. Note that it is not actually acquiring or losing any new appendages; it is simply using the rules for
these mutations to simulate its omnidexterity. The creature can switch back to not applying the effects of these mutations reflexively.
Lopsided Arms
Cost: 2-4pts; Keywords: Physical, Negative
Only one of the creature’s arms is healthy; the rest are withered and frail, or simply designed for a different task. The creature suffers an effective -2 Dexterity
or -2 Strength when using all but one of its arms. Tasks that require the use of more than one arm instead suffer a -1 internal penalty to related rolls, for
simplicity. The four point version of this mutation applies to both Dexterity and Strength at once. This mutation cannot be taken if the creature has only one arm,
or no opposable thumbs.
No Opposable Thumbs
Cost: 6pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve (Omnidextrous)
Paws or hooves make a poor substitute for fingers. The creature cannot engage in fine manipulation of any kind; it cannot use its hands to pick objects up, wield
weapons, turn doorknobs, etc. It can use its mouth to do this, but suffers a -4 internal penalty to do anything more complex than holding a suitably sized object
(and is rendered vulnerable to any poisons on such an object).
Extended Arms
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Physical
With long, snake-like arms, or telescoped joints, or pulsing telekinetic tendrils, the creature extends its effective reach by a number of yards equal to its
(approximate) height in yards. Note that three feet equals one yard; therefore, a roughly six-foot tall human with Extended Arms would have its reach increased
by two yards, allowing it to interact with things further away, including making attacks; all its attacks gain the R tag when made anywhere inside their maximum
range. Enemies can target the creature’s arms when they themselves are out of range as a called shot with an external penalty of -2. The four and six-point
versions of this mutation double and triple this increase, respectively.
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
If a mutation has no mechanical impact, it does not cost any mutation points at all. Such things might include oddly-coloured skin or hair or eyes, natural
markings, lisping, baldness, odd-smelling blood, a lack of fingernails, or twin sets of eyebrows. Such oddities cost nothing, and are, in fact, fairly widespread
outside the stasis of the Blessed Isle; shades of blue hair are common throughout the West, while a number of tribes in the South-Eastern jungles have teeth in
the shades of sunset. Note that this is not intended to permit magic that applies mutations to also inflict an infinite amount of mechanically-null weirdness with
each application; such powers cannot apply a greater number of cosmetic mutations than they could actual, functional mutations.
Cost: 1pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires (Cosmetic)
One or more of the creature’s cosmetic mutations can be altered with a diceless miscellaneous action. The most common manifestation of this mutation is a
conscious alteration of colour, as skin or eyes or hair shifts shades. The mutation is still cosmetic; still has no direct mechanical effect, though it might be used as
part of a stunt, or as a signal. A visual language based around a given variety of Shifting can be learned as a tribal tongue, but (obviously) requires the relevant
mutation to actually speak.
Poker Face
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental
Whether through supreme mental control, or a literally blank face, those attempting to pick the creature’s thoughts are often left stumped. The difficulty to read
the creature’s motives increases by (M). The creature suffers an equal internal penalty to any social attack (or parry) based on its own emotions, such as an
impassioned appeal or fearful plea. Characters can gain any number of points in this mutation as a result of training for (7 + M - Wits) months; acquired in this
manner, it has the Natural keyword.
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical
The creature (or one specific part of it) glows, projecting light with the same intensity as a torch. This natural lighting can be reflexively turned on or off once per
Cost: 3pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature has chameleonic skin, a natural foggy shroud, or a transparent glass body, and can hide in plain sight, allowing it to make rolls to hide (including re-
establishing surprise) in places where there is no cover or other obstructions that would normally allow it.
Cost: 4-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires (Skulker)
Whether through perfect shifting camouflage, an optical phase-field, or an ethereal form, the creature is actually invisible, imposing a -2 external penalty on
attempts to notice or interact with it that would rely mostly on sight. The six-point version of this mutation allows the creature to phase in or out of visibility once
per action, as a diceless miscellaneous action costing one point of temporary Willpower (or four motes, if it is an Essence-user).
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental, Negative
Perhaps the creature lacks a mouth, or its throat is deformed, or parts of its mind are simply undeveloped; whatever the case, it cannot speak any language,
verbally or telepathically. Instead, it must remain silent or produce nothing but meaningless groans.
Hypnotic (Aspect)
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental, Compulsion, Obvious
The mutant may pay a point of Willpower (or four motes, if it is an Essence-user) whenever it makes a social attack against a single character, producing an
Obvious display of some kind; perhaps its eyes glow in patterns, or it releases coloured gasses, or its voice takes on a reverberating hiss. The target of the social
attack can try to avoid the display if they are aware of its effects (such as by looking away or closing its eyes for a visual display, or blocking its ears or
discordantly humming into an audial display) by applying a -2 internal penalty to any Awareness rolls based on that sense for the next action. If they do not,
they treat the social attack as unnatural mental influence. The six-point version of this mutation can enhance social attacks made against multiple targets.
Disturbing (Aspect)
Cost: 3-4pts; Keywords: Physical, Obvious, Sickness or Emotion
Anyone attacking the creature in close combat suffers a -1 external penalty on attack rolls against it. If this is due to a horrifying appearance or chilling cry, it is a
fear-based Emotion effect, automatically resisted by characters with a Dodge MDV of 8+. If this is due to a disgusting stench or putrid aura, it is a Sickness
effect, resisted with a (Stamina + Resistance) roll at difficulty 4. Either way, the effect can be ignored for a scene by those who spend two points of temporary
Willpower. The creature reduces its effective Appearance to 0 for the purposes of determining MDVs (with the usual effects on intimidation) when engaged in
social combat with a character who lacks its variant of this mutation. The four-point version of this mutation affects attacks made at any range.
Fast (Movement)
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
Hooves, powerful flippers or wide wings push the creature along through its chosen medium. This mutation covers one kind of movement, whether swimming,
flying, ground movement, climbing, or burrowing. The creature increases its effective Dexterity for the purposes of calculating the relevant Move and Dash
distances by (M). For every two points spent on this mutation, it increases its long-distance dramatic travel speed (Exalted, pp.264) by one level; from “Foot” to
“Drawn Carriage” to “Horse” and so on. If a creature has more than one iteration of this mutation, the total cost of all but the most expensive example is halved,
rounded down.
Slow (Movement)
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve (Fast [Movement]), Stackable
This mutation covers one kind of movement, whether swimming, flying, ground movement, climbing, or burrowing. The creature decreases its effective Dexterity
for the purposes of calculating the relevant Move and Dash distances by (M). For every two points spent on this mutation, it decreases its long-distance dramatic
travel speed (Exalted, pp.264) by one level; from “Horse” to “Drawn Carriage” to “Foot” and so on. If a creature has more than one iteration of this mutation,
the total cost of all but the most expensive example is halved, rounded down. Obviously, this mutation cannot be taken for movement the creature cannot
engage in.
Cost: 3pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Slow [Movement] (6), Negative
Plants and legless turtles alike prefer to remain stationary. The creature cannot make Move, Dash or Jump actions of any kind; it is unable to move under its own
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical
Whether through powerful muscles, incredibly light weight, or a literal spring in its step, the creature increases its effective Strength for the purposes of
calculating Jump distances by (M). It also increases the number of yards it has to fall before taking damage by (M x2).
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve (Jumper)
The creature decreases its effective Strength for the purposes of calculating Jump distances by (M). It also decreases the number of yards it has to fall before
taking damage by (M x2).
Natural Swimmer
Cost: 2-4pts; Keywords: Physical
Natural aquadynamism can stem from any number of shapes. The creature adds one automatic success to all attempts to swim (or Athletics rolls to take actions
underwater), making botches impossible without an external penalty. The four-point version of this mutation removes the need to roll for anything but turbulent
water, and allows the creature to use its full movement rates when swimming.
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature does not take damage from falling, unless deliberately forced to the ground by a Knockdown effect or similar. When falling (or jumping), it may land
anywhere within (Strength x2) yards of its normal landing point. For simplicity’s sake, characters and objects are typically considered to fall at 25 yards per tick;
fast enough that most falls are resolved on the tick they occur, but slow enough that, in an epic tumble (such as a vault off the snout of Heshiesh), they can be
resolved more dramatically. A creature with Glider can choose to slow their fall, to a minimum of five yards per tick.
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Glider, Appendage
The creature can take Move or Dash actions in three dimensions, allowing it to move into the air on wings, propellers, fleshy gasbags or an organic, muscular
jetpack. It no longer falls unless it is forced to by a Knockdown effect or similar, or if it chooses to. Note that the creature is considered to be constantly exerting
itself while flying; it is never “at rest” in the sky.
Cost: 3pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Flier, Negative
This mutation alters its prerequisite. The creature is no longer considered to be exerting itself while in the air unless it is actually moving - however, it can no
longer move more than three yards away from a solid, continuous surface, such as a floor, wall or ceiling.
Cost: 2-5pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature adds one automatic success to all attempts to climb (or gain a foothold, etc), making botches impossible without an external penalty. The four-point
version of this mutation removes the need to roll for anything but sheer or unstable surfaces, and allows the creature to use its full movement rates when
climbing. The five-point version of this mutation allows the creature to dicelessly climb and hang from any non-frictionless surface, including ceilings; they need
only stay in physical contact with one of their limbs at a time.
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical
Whether it possesses rubbery bones, a ridiculous number of joints, or a semi-liquid body, the creature can move through impossibly small spaces, allowing it to
squeeze through gaps (or fit into spaces) up to (M x2) times smaller than itself with a successful (Dexterity + Athletics) roll. This boneless contortionism also has
appropriate applications in stunts.
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Physical
Spade-like claws, a drill-body, or a worm-like consumption of earth allows the creature to burrow with ease. The creature can use Move or Dash actions to
"swim" through sand or soil as though it were water, with the usual restrictions on movement distances, breathing and need for Athletics rolls. The four-point
version of this mutation adds one automatic success to all attempts to dig (or Athletics rolls to take actions underground), making botches impossible without an
external penalty. The six-point version of this mutation removes the need to roll for anything but quaking ground, and allows the creature to use its full
movement rates when burrowing.
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Burrower
The creature can move through stone as well as soil or sand, though the difficulty of any Athletics roll to do so is increased by one, and the creature's movement
distances is halved from that provided by Burrower. An alternate version of this mutation sometimes found in Autocthonia is Metal-Digger, allowing native fauna
to tunnel through the machine god's metallic hide.
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Burrower
The creature can leave tunnels in the earth it passes through. If it does so, then other characters can follow it into the ground as though they possessed the two-
point version of Burrower, provided they take the exact same path that it did. Tunnels created in this way close at the end of the scene, unless Craft rolls are
made to expand and fortify them.
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental
Eyes in the back of the head, or radial ears, or a tingling danger-sense. The creature is always treated as being actively wary for detecting unexpected attacks
(see Exalted, pp. 155). This grants a single bonus die to all rolls to detect ambushes, and allows the creature to ignore any penalties on such rolls for being
No (Sense)
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Negative, Stackable
The creature is blind, or deaf, or anosmic; it lacks a single sense, and so suffers a -4 internal penalty to all Awareness or Investigation rolls that should involve
that sense. On rolls that solely involve that sense, it automatically fails. The two-point version of this mutation removes taste, while the three-point version
removes smell, the five-point version removes hearing, and the six-point version removes sight.
Night Vision
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical
For the purposes of determining visibility (Exalted, pp. 135), the creature treats “No Moon” as “Full Moon”, treats “Full Moon” as “Day”, and treats “City or
Forest” as “Grass or Leafless Forest”.
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature can use its hearing in place of sight, reducing any penalties for blindness or darkness to a -1 internal penalty. This form of sight obviously lacks
colour, and is affected by penalties that would inhibit the creature’s hearing; for a creature relying on its sonar, a deafening sound would have the same effect as
blinding light would on someone using their eyes.
(Emotion) Sense
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature can use one of its senses to detect a single variety of base emotion, such as fear, anger, lust, or joy, through a standard roll to detect sensory
(Spirit) Sense
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Spiritual
The creature can use one of its senses to detect one kind of immaterial being, at -1 internal penalty; it might smell demons, hear gods, or see ghosts. The four-
point version of this mutation allows the creature to apply all of its senses to that kind of immaterial being, or one sense to all kinds of immaterial beings. The
six-point version allows the creature to apply all its senses to all kinds of immaterial beings, though it still suffers the penalty.
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical
By default, creatures are considered to be roughly the size of a human being. With this mutation, they are instead a larger size. The creature's Strength
increases by (M) for the purposes of inflicting damage, performing feats of strength, and gaining control of (not performing) a clinch. The effective range of its
natural and close combat attacks increases by (M ÷ 2) yards, rounded down, as do its Move and Dash distances. It also gains (M) additional health levels. The
wound penalty associated with each of these health levels increases by one each time, to a maximum of -4, before cycling around again. However, the creature's
Defense pools and Stealth rolls suffer a –(M) internal penalty, as do any roll it takes to engage in fine manipulation of an object significantly smaller than it. The
one-point version of this mutation covers creatures about the size of a horse or lion, or a very large human being. The three-point version covers creatures
roughly the size of a bear or rhinoceros. The six-point version is for creatures about as big as an elephant.
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Large (6)
This mutation simply stacks its cost onto Large for the purposes of (M), and renders the creature as large as a yeddim or tyrant lizard. Further upgrades to
represent even larger entities are possible, as the square-cube law simply does not exist in Creation. However, most such creatures of these are behemoths or
other supernatural creatures, which do not generally rely on the mutations system.
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve (Large or Giant)
By default, creatures are considered to be roughly the size of a human being. With this mutation, they are instead a smaller size. The creature’s Stamina
decreases by (M) for the purposes of calculating natural soak, to a minimum of zero. It suffers an internal penalty of -(M) to its dice pools for performing feats of
strength and gaining control of (not performing) a clinch, and any Strength-based pool of damage dice suffers the same penalty, to a minimum of one die. Its
Move and Dash distances decrease by (M) yards, to a minimum of one. It also loses an equal number of health levels (chosen by its player), which can reduce it
to a minimum of one health level. Anyone attempting to attack or spot it suffers an external penalty of (M ÷ 2), rounded down. The one-point version of this
mutation covers creatures about the size of a child or dog. The three-point version covers creatures roughly the size of an infant or housecat. The six-point
version is for creatures about as small as a mouse. Any creatures smaller than this are mechanically negligible unless acting as a swarm (which uses the
environmental hazard rules rather than creature traits).
Natural Armour
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature has scales, fur, thick skin, a leathery hide, or a tough carapace. The creature’s natural soak is increased by (M)L/B.
Natural Plating
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Natural Armour (2)
The creature's natural armour is thick and tough enough to rival actual protective equipment. The two-point version of this mutation provides the creature with
armour that provides 3L/B soak, but inflicts a -1 mobility penalty. The four and six-point versions double and triple these effects, respectively. This armour is
fused with the creature's body; it cannot be removed or destroyed without killing it.
Weak Skin
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve (Natural Armour)
Peeling skin, a soft hide, or raw flesh offer little protection. The creature’s natural soak is decreased by (M)L/B.
Superior Soak
Cost: 2-5pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature calculates natural soak as though it were a supernatural being, and can reflexively close bleeding wounds in the same manner. The six-point version
of this mutation increases the creature's base natural lethal soak to its Stamina rating (rather than half). The Exalted cannot take this mutation.
Natural Hardness
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Superior Soak (2)
Whether plates of bone armour, steely scales or a stone body, the creature has natural bashing and lethal hardness equal to half its Stamina, rounded down.
Cost: 3-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Negative
The creature’s bones splinter easily, and its flesh bruises even easier. Whenever the creature suffers levels of bashing damage in Step 10, half of those levels
(rounded down) are instead converted directly into levels of lethal damage (this can lead to disabling injuries as normal). The six-point version of this mutation
instead converts all bashing damage the creature suffers into lethal damage.
Cost: 2-4pts; Keywords: Physical, Negative
Whenever the creature suffers damage from a specific source, that damage is converted to aggravated (at the start of Step 7, if the damage stems from an
attack). Narrow vulnerabilities, such as silver, iron, rowan wood, salt, or mistletoe, are a two-point mutation. Broader (generally elemental) vulnerabilities, such
as fire, ice, wood or stone, are a four-point mutation. The spiritual Creature of Darkness mutation includes its own version of this mutation, rendering such
creatures vulnerable to Holy Essence.
Blade Proof
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical
The creature can parry lethal attacks barehanded without a stunt, thanks to its natural toughness, or smooth plates of bone that can deflect blades.
Natural Defense
Cost: 2-4pt; Keywords: Physical, Requires Blade Proof
Shield-like protrusions or cartilage hooks or a ragged membrane of misdirection allow the creature to better defend against its opponents. The creature’s non-
clinch natural attacks increase their Defense value by (M ÷ 2), rounded down.
Natural Counterattack
Cost: 2-4pt; Keywords: Physical, Counterattack
Whether venomous pustules that burst on impact, quills that shoot out in response to pain, or acidic blood, the creature has a defense mechanism that makes
attacking it a bad idea. Whenever the creature suffers even one health level of damage, it may target one character within close-combat range with a single
counterattack in Step 9. This counterattack has a dice pool of (Stamina + levels of damage inflicted), treating lethal or aggravated damage as two levels, and
deals (threshold successes on attack roll + Stamina) damage. The four point version of this mutation targets all characters within close-combat range.
Cost: 1-5pts; Keywords: Physical
Rather than gaining a point of fatigue penalty every hour past its limit (Exalted, pp. 130), the creature’s fatigue increases every two hours, and the interval of
each fatigue roll for wearing armour is doubled. The three point version of this mutation raises the interval before a fatigue penalty increases to four hours, and
reduces by half the amount of rest or sleep necessary to reduce the penalty, but has no further effect on armour. The five-point version of this mutation simply
renders the creature immune to all mundane fatigue penalties. This mutation has no effect on sleep deprivation.
Easily Exhausted
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Devolve (Inexhaustible)
Rather than gaining a point of fatigue penalty every hour past its limit, the creature’s fatigue increases every half-an-hour, and the interval of each fatigue roll for
wearing armour is halved.
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental
Whether through quick-release chemical anesthetic, deadened nerve receptors, or a leathery soul, the creature is more inured to pain than most. It reduces any
wound penalties it suffers from bashing damage by (M ÷ 2), rounded down.
Enhanced Painlessness
Cost: 2-4pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires Painless
This mutation permanently expands its prerequisite, allowing it to reduce wound penalties suffered by lethal damage. This mutation's cost is increased to four
points if Painless costs more than five points.
Alternate Form
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature’s player groups together any number of its other mutations, physical or otherwise (the majority of which must be positive mutations) as a single
set. By default, these mutations are demanifested; they have no mechanical effect, and are Internal for the purposes of anyone trying to detect them. The
creature may manifest that entire set of mutations as a miscellaneous action costing a single point of Willpower (Essence-users may instead pay four motes),
and demanifest them in the same way. After manifesting or demanifesting a set of mutations, the creature may not do so again until its DV has refreshed twice.
Involuntary Transformation
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical
This mutation functions in the same way as Alternate Form, except that the creature has no control over when its chosen mutations manifest; instead, they do so
upon encountering a specific external trigger, such as the full moon or cold water.
Internal Mutation
Cost: (M ÷ 2)pts; Keywords: Physical, Internal, Requires (Physical Mutation)
This mutation alters whatever its prerequisite is, adding the Internal keyword to it. It cannot be applied to mutations that have the Appendage keyword. Its cost
is equal to half the cost of its prerequisite, rounded up.
External Mutation
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Devolves (Internal Mutation), Requires (Physical or Mental Mutation)
This mutation alters whatever its prerequisite is, removing the Internal keyword from it. It cannot be applied to mutations that initially lack the Internal keyword.
Appendage Mutation
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Negative, Requires (Physical or Mental Mutation)
This mutation alters whatever its prerequisite is, adding the Appendage keyword to it. It cannot be applied to mutations with the Internal keyword, or Negative
Deathly Construct
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Natural
This is a combination of a number of mutations, and represents mindless undead creatures, raised by Necromancy, constructed through necrotech, or animated
by some other dark magic. It is included here as a "package" for convenience. Where mutations could have multiple point costs, the default is listed here; more
expensive variants can be freely applied (at a commensurate increase in cost). Note that not all undead creatures will use this template, only the mindless
constructs that fill the ranks of the Deathlords; more complex mortuary entities may well ignore it entirely. The positive mutations included are the three-point
version of Disturbing Stench, the five-point version of Inexhaustible,Infector, Machine Mind, the three-point version of Sleepless, and the two-point of Small
Appetite. The negative mutations included are one-point version of Restricted Diet (Carnivore), Creature of Darkness, Creature of Death, the one-point version of
Failing Body, Hunger Frenzy, Mute, No Healing, Weak Healing.
Mental mutations are split up into the following categories.
Capacity mutations refer to those oddities that change the creature’s intellectual capabilities.
Emotional mutations refer to those oddities that shift the creature’s emotional balance.
Integration mutations refer to those oddities that make the creature automatonesque, or part of a hive mind.
Madness mutations refer to those oddities that simulate some kind of insanity.
Psychic mutations refer to those oddities that expand the creature’s mind beyond the norm.
Reflection mutations refer to those oddities that alter the way the creature remembers and dreams.
Mental mutations can be used to mimic specialties as directly as Physical ones, using the template laid out in the Adaptations section. Of course, such mutations
have the Mental rather than Physical keyword, and will likely grant bonuses to very different areas. Note that they still lack the Internal keyword (which is
possessed by most other mental mutations); whether through enlarged lobes or a semi-visible spine, mental mutations are still visible by default.
Quick Learner
Cost: 3pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal
The creature halves all training times, whether it is working with or without a tutor. The Exalted cannot possess this mutation; it is replaced by their natural
aptitude for certain Abilities or Attributes.
Slow Learner
Cost: 2pt; Keywords: Mental, Devolve (Quick Learner), Internal
The creature doubles all training times, whether it is working with or without a tutor. If applied to the Exalted, it increases the time necessary to train their
Favoured/Caste Abilities to one day.
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental, Negative
Perhaps the creature lacks a mouth, or its throat is deformed, or parts of its mind are simply undeveloped; whatever the case, it cannot speak any language,
verbally or telepathically. Instead, it must remain silent or produce nothing but meaningless groans.
Cost: 0-2pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal
The creature knows a single language shared by all other characters with this same mutation; all dogs can speak "Dog-tongue", with different breeds acting as
regional dialects. This language is not entirely spoken; rather, it is instinctual, a mixture of scents and sounds and body-language. It cannot be written, and
reduces the creature’s effective Intelligence by one for the purposes of communicating higher concepts. The zero-point version of this mutation renders the
creature unable to gain normal languages through its Linguistics ability.
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Physical, Mental, Internal
The creature ignores all off-hand penalties, allowing it to use its hands equally. Characters can gain this mutation as a result of training for (7 - Dexterity)
months; acquired in this manner, it has the Natural keyword.
Cost: 4-6pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal
The creature is biologically incapable of feeling emotion, rendering them immune to natural Emotion effects, and preventing them from acquiring or maintaining
intimacies with an emotional context through natural mental influence. They also suffer a -2 internal penalty to any social attacks with an emotional component.
The six-point version of this mutation immunizes the character to even unnatural Emotion effects or unnaturally-acquired emotional intimacies.
Mood Swings
(Emotion) Trigger
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Derangement, Internal, Stackable
Phobias and philias and inexplicable furies. Upon encountering a single “trigger”, the creature immediately feels a single base Emotion (fear, lust, rage, anxiety)
that lasts until the end of the scene, and costs two Willpower to suppress (or one if the source of the trigger is no longer present). The trigger might be a colour,
or a scent, or even a particular phrase.
(Madness) Trigger
Cost: 3pts; Keywords: Derangement, Internal, Requires (Emotion) Trigger, Stackable
Rather than the associated emotion, the trigger forces the creature into a controlled Virtue Flaw (Exalted, pp.103) appropriate to it; rather than simply feeling
fury, the creature would be sent into a Berserk Anger, while a Heart of Tears might replace mere sadness. This Virtue Flaw lasts until the end of the scene, and
costs the same amount of Willpower to suppress as the Emotion effect, though doing so only replaces it with the Emotion effect in question. A common trigger
for this derangement is the full moon, when Luna’s grip on the Wyld’s raw Essence is at its most slack. Applied to an Exalted character, this mutation instead
provides another trigger for the Exalt to gain a single point of Limit per scene.
Cursed (Madness)
Cost: 6pts; Keywords: Derangement
The creature constantly suffers from the controlled version of a single Virtue Flaw. Any effect that would apply a controlled Virtue Flaw of any kind (such as
Hunger Frenzy or Madness Trigger) instead render its normal Virtue Flaw uncontrolled. The controlled Virtue Flaw may be suppressed for a scene (reducing it to
an equivalent Emotion effect) by paying five points of temporary Willpower. A creature who possesses this mutation reduces the cost of the (Madness) Trigger
mutation to one point. The Exalted cannot possess this mutation.
Pack Instincts
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Mental, Internal
This mutation links the creature to a single “pack”. The pack’s makeup may change over time, but all of its members must have this mutation. The difficulty for
any member of that pack to launch a co-ordinated attack (Exalted, p. 144) is halved, provided all of the attackers are its packmates (or reduced by one, if only
the majority of the attackers are its packmates). Whenever the creature receives teamwork bonuses, the maximum co-operation bonus increased by (relevant
Ability ÷ 2), rounded up, provided all of its helpers are members of its pack (or one, if only the majority of helpers are its packmates).
Colony Communication
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal, Requires Pack Instincts
This mutation provides the benefits of Silent Communication, except that it can only be used to communicate with fellow members of the creature’s pack, and
cannot distinguish between packmates in the creature’s immediate presence.
Machine Mind
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal
The creature lacks intimacies or Virtues; it has no Virtue channels, and automatically fails all Virtue rolls (with an effective rating of 1) unless they support its
Motivation, in which case it automatically succeeds (with an effective rating of 5). It regains a single point of Willpower every hour it spends working toward its
Motivation, but no longer regains Willpower from sleep. It cannot take any actions that do not directly further its Motivation; it treats mental influence that would
lead it to do so as unacceptable orders. This mutation models the consequences of a removed soul, but can be used to represent other eventualities. The Exalted
cannot possess this mutation.
Programmed Imperative
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Mental, Internal, Stackable, Requires Machine Mind
Despite normally lacking the ability to acquire or retain intimacies, the creature has a single intimacy, with a subject and context defined by the player applying
the mutation, which represents subsidiary programming or residual instincts. This intimacy cannot be removed or changed, and the creature is unable to act
against it in the same manner as its Motivation, treating mental influence that would cause it to do so as unacceptable orders. If the intimacy and Motivation’s
dictates clash, the Motivation always takes primacy.
(Thing) Addiction
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Derangement, Internal, Compulsion, Stackable
The creature is addicted to a specific thing; a substance, person, sensation or place. When presented with an opportunity to indulge in that addiction, it must
succeed on a Temperance roll to avoid doing so for the scene. If it fails, it may suppress the addiction as though suppressing a Virtue, but otherwise must indulge
as much as possible for the rest of the scene. This does not preclude other actions, but the creature must prevent others from deterring it, with violence if
necessary. If the creature’s addiction would be actively harmful to its well-being, this mutation costs three points.
(Action) Obsession
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Derangement, Internal, Compulsion, Stackable
The creature is obsessed with performing a specific action. Perhaps it must clean itself, or compulsively cuts its own flesh, or organizes small objects in
alphabetical order. When presented with an opportunity to engage in that action, it must succeed on a Temperance roll to avoid doing so for the scene. If it fails,
it may suppress the obsession as though suppressing a Virtue, but otherwise must perform it at least once in the scene. If the creature’s obsession would be
actively harmful to its well-being, this mutation costs three points.
(Idea) Delusion
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Derangement, Internal, Illusion, Stackable
The creature is convinced of a single, untrue thing. Perhaps it knows that rocks fall upward, or is certain that it is a frog, or believes that the Guild is run by the
god of Sloths. If presented with evidence that the delusion is untrue, the creature can reject it for a day by spending two points of Willpower, or else must ignore,
deny, or attempt to explain away the evidence of their own senses. The creature’s delusion must be relevant to it, or else it would not have come about; a purely
subterranean entity is unlikely to develop the delusion that the sky is green, because it has never experienced the sky (green or otherwise), so this is more of a
misconception than a delusion. If the creature’s delusion would be actively harmful to its well-being, this mutation costs three points.
(Thing) Hallucination
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Derangement, Internal, Illusion
The creature’s senses are mistaken about one specific thing. Perhaps it replaces one colour or scent with another, or hears all speech as a whisper, or perceives
an imaginary companion. The creature can be convinced that its hallucination is unreal, but this will not end it; any rolls to interact with a situation other than
that presented by the hallucination suffer from an internal penalty based on how much the hallucination differs from the actual situation, ranging from -1 for a
minor difference to -4 for a complete alteration. A creature who is convinced of the falsehood of its hallucination can ignore it for a scene by spending two points
of Willpower. If the creature’s hallucination would be actively harmful to its well-being, this mutation costs three points.
Additional Personality
Cost: 3-4pts; Keywords: Derangement, Internal, Stackable
The creature has an additional personality, with distinct Intimacies and its own Motivation. It also has distinct Virtues, but its total Virtue dots cannot exceed
those of the primary personality. Each personality retains the experiences of the others, "remembering" what the others did while in control. Each personality
(including the primary personality) must be assigned a distinct trigger that allows it to take control, which can be no narrower than “fail a (Virtue) roll”; examples
might include nightfall, hearing a common word, or head trauma. Additional personalities past the first are worth only three mutation points.
Segregated Memories
Cost: 1-2pts; Keywords: Derangement, Internal, Requires Additional Personality
None of the creature’s personalities are able to access the memories of its other personalities, past the point of their creation. If the creature has more than
three distinct personalities, this mutation "costs" two points.
Reader Of Others
Cost: 3-5pt; Keywords: Mental, Internal
Whether through hypersensitivity to bodily cues, or rudimentary telepathic capabilities, the motives of others are laid bare. The creature can make a roll to
evaluate another character’s motives (Exalted, pp. 131) with an unflurried miscellaneous action (or reflexively once per action, if they are operating on a social
timescale), rather than a few minutes of analysis. The five-point version of this mutation allows the creature to perform such evaluations even if it cannot
perceive its target, generally incorporating some kind of rudimentary telepathy; so long as the target is within (Perception x5) yards of the creature, it can make
an evaluation roll. Characters can acquire the three-point version of this mutation by training for (10 - Perception) months; acquired in this manner, it has the
Natural keyword.
Poker Face
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental
Whether through supreme mental control, or a literally blank face, those attempting to pick the creature’s thoughts are often left stumped. The difficulty to read
the creature’s motives increases by (M). The creature suffers an equal internal penalty to any social attack (or parry) based on its own emotions, such as an
impassioned appeal or fearful plea. Characters can gain any number of points in this mutation as a result of training for (7 + M - Wits) months; acquired in this
manner, it has the Natural keyword.
(Personal or Ideal) Detachment
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Derangement, Internal, Stackable
The creature has trouble forming certain kinds of attachments. It doubles the number of scenes necessary to acquire intimacies toward specific people, or to
abstract causes, respectively.
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental
Eyes in the back of the head, or radial ears, or a tingling danger-sense. The creature is always treated as being actively wary for detecting unexpected attacks
(see Exalted, pp. 155). This grants a single bonus die to all rolls to detect ambushes, and allows the creature to ignore any penalties on such rolls for being
Hypnotic (Aspect)
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental, Compulsion, Obvious
The mutant may pay a point of Willpower (or four motes, if it is an Essence-user) whenever it makes a social attack against a single character, producing an
Obvious display of some kind; perhaps its eyes glow in patterns, or it releases coloured gasses, or its voice takes on a reverberating hiss. The target of the social
attack can try to avoid the display if they are aware of its effects (such as by looking away or closing its eyes for a visual display, or blocking its ears or
discordantly humming into an audial display) by applying a -2 internal penalty to any Awareness rolls based on that sense for the next action. If they do not,
they treat the social attack as unnatural mental influence. The six-point version of this mutation can enhance social attacks made against multiple targets.
Silent Communication
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal
The creature can silently communicate, through telepathy or Elsewhere-routed hypersonic whines, to any character within its immediate presence. It can do so
with any language it knows, as though talking, and can make social attacks as normal. Its voice is not disguised at all when doing so, and can be recognised as
Distant Communication
Cost: 1-6pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal, Requires Silent Communication or Colony Communication
The communication range of this mutation’s prerequisite is increased to (M x50) yards, unless it costs more than three points, in which case it is increased to (M
x100) yards.
Perfect Memory
Cost: 3-5pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal
The creature has a near-eidetic memory, allowing it to make (Perception + Awareness) rolls to notice sensory details of a scene even after it has ended. This
does not allow the creature to notice something it would have been functionally unable to notice at the time (such as a temporarily blind creature “remembering”
visual details), but has no other time limit. Other applications, such as reading through a training manual once and perfectly recalling its advice years later, are
also possible (though this would not actually decrease training times any more than simply having the manual on hand would). This mutation does not offer a
roll-off against memory-altering magic, but does grant one automatic success to any rolls to defend against such. The three-point version of this mutation applies
to only a single area of memory, no broader than a specialty, such as “books”, “faces”, “dialogue” or “people I’ve killed”, while the five-point version applies to all
memory. Characters can gain this mutation as a result of training for (10 + M - Intelligence) months; acquired in this manner, it has the Natural keyword.
Fleeting Memory
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal, Negative
Sorry, what is this mutation called, again? The creature automatically maintains those memories necessary to justify its Motivation, intimacies, and Ability
ratings. Otherwise, they slip through its fingers like sand; at the end of each interval, the creature loses all additional memories, and must roll (Wits +
Investigation) to remember events from such lost scenes, suffering a -1 external penalty for each day that has passed since that event was relevant. In addition,
if it has not interacted with an intimacy even once during an interval, it treats the end of the interval as a scene spent eroding it. The length of the interval is
determined by the points cost of this mutation; at two points, it is one week, while at four points, it is one day, and at six points, it is one scene.
Lucid Dreaming
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal
Within a natural dreamscape or trained memory-palace, work proceeds apace through slumber. The creature can treat any time spent dreaming as time spent
working on purely intellectual problems or projects (such as plans or mental training), and remembers any events (such as intruding Lunar Exalted) that take
place in its dreams, as though it were awake. Characters can gain this mutation as a result of training for (12 - Perception) months; acquired in this manner, it
has the Natural keyword.
Cost: 3-5pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal
The creature is unable to sleep (and therefore cannot regain Willpower through sleeping), but does not suffer any penalties for sleep deprivation. The five-point
version of this mutation allows the creature to sleep if it desires, although it halves its effective Conviction for the purposes of regaining Willpower, rounded
Cost: 1-3pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal, Devolve (Sleepless)
The creature must roll to avoid falling asleep when they are alone with nothing to do, even if they suffer from no sleep deprivation penalty. Such rolls are made
at difficulty 1, and while success tides the creature over for an hour, failure sends them to sleep for a minimum of an hour. The three-point version of this
mutation also forces the creature to roll even if it is not alone with nothing to do, provided it suffers a sleep deprivation penalty; simply being at ease (Exalted,
pp. 115) is sufficient relaxation to provoke a roll, albeit at -1 difficulty (to a minimum of difficulty 1).
Spiritual mutations are split up into the following categories.
Essence mutations refer to those oddities that alter the creature’s Essence.
Pneuma mutations refer to those oddities that expand the creature’s responses to spirits.
Virtue mutations refer to those oddities that change how a creature reacts to the shinmaic principles of Virtue.
Charm mutations refer to those oddities that specifically mimic a Charm of some kind.
Racial Enlightenment Path
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Internal
By the very nature of their conjoined souls, no human (demi or semi or otherwise) bears awakened Essence from birth. They must rely on thaumaturgy, such as
the steady, quinquennial art of the Essence-Enlightening Sutra (Oadenol’s Codex, pp. 139), or the blessings of supernatural patrons (spiritual or Exalted), or
the touch of enlightening artifacts. This creature, however, has another method of acquiring enlightenment naturally, which can be no simpler than spending the
training time meditating in a place of specific spiritual power, such as a demesne of a single Aspect. The creature might need to dedicate itself to performing a
series of ritual murders over the course of the training time, or have to spend the time in complete and total isolation, or need to travel at least thousand miles
away from the point of its origin from the start to the end of the training time. At the end of its training, the creature gains the Enlightened Essence mutation.
This training always takes a total of two years, though it is reduced to one year if the character is being tutored by an Essence-user who either enlightened
through the same method, or resonates with the method of enlightenment (i.e. a Water Aspect or Water elemental or river god or aquatic demon for a creature
who enlightens through periods of submerged meditation). This mutation’s cost is refunded when the creature actually enlightens, though it can still be passed
on to any offspring.
Enlightened Essence
Cost: 6pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Natural, Internal
The creature is enlightened, gaining access to a single pool of Personal Essence calculated as an enlightened mortal: (Essence x 5) + (Willpower) + (sum of all
Virtues). As an enlightened being, the creature may spend its Essence as it pleases (to fuel thaumaturgy, attune to artifacts, pay tolls to ghosts, etc), and with a
proper tutor can gain access to Emerald Circle Sorcery and Terrestrial martial arts. Note that this mutation (or enlightened Essence in general) is not necessary
for a creature to raise its Essence rating. This mutation is not, by default, passed on through the blood; any creature who does inherit enlightened Essence (i.e.
is born as an Essence-user) lacks a truly human soul and so cannot Exalt.
Limited Awakening
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Negative, Internal, Requires Enlightened Essence
The creature has free access to only one-third of its total motes. If it wishes to spend more than this, it must spend a single point of Willpower, freeing up the
remainder for the rest of that scene.
(Element)-Aspected Essence
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Spiritual, Negative, Requires Enlightened Essence
The creature’s Essence is aspected toward a specific Element (or other metaphysically-potent aspect of Essence). It suffers the same out-of-aspect surcharges on
martial arts as Dragon-bloods of the appropriate Aspect. Some Storyteller-interpretation may be necessary here; a Half-Caste with the Solar-Aspected Essence
mutation will not have to pay a surcharge on Golden Janissary Style. Detecting this aspect with Essence-sight requires a (Perception + Occult) roll at difficulty (5
–creature’s Essence). Those Dynasts who fail to Exalt but awaken their own Essence nevertheless often bear this mutation appropriate to their Breeding.
Anima Banner
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Spiritual, Negative, Internal, Requires Enlightened Essence
The creature’s mote pool is split into Peripheral and Personal pools, consisting of two-thirds and one-third of its motes, respectively. Expending motes from the
Peripheral pool produces a glowing anima banner (though the creature lacks an anima power of any kind), at the same intervals as a Lawgiver (Exalted,
pp.114). The aesthetic of the anima is not that of an Exalt; most fundamentally, non-Exalted lack Caste Marks (though equivalent sparkles of power flicker about
them at the appropriate levels of anima flare). Pure mortals tend toward colourless auras of power, but they are vanishingly rare in Creation nowadays; some in
the Bureau of Nature doubt that there is a single human in Creation who does not carry at least a drop of Dragon’s blood, or remains untouched by Wyld taint,
Lintha-strain, or genesis-meddling. Perhaps the hermit preserved in the amber-demesne of Mount Meru, but no-one else.
Natural Attunement
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Internal
Despite lacking access to an Essence pool, the creature can still attune to an artifact it owns. This requires the usual interval of time, and requires that the
creature spend a single point of Willpower for every mote the artifact would normally need committed to it. This false attunement is less persistent than the real
thing; it must be renewed at least once every (6 –artifact rating) weeks, breaks after only an hour’s bodily separation, and the artifact is not treated as attuned
for the purposes of hostile or thieving powers targeting it. The creature can attune to a maximum of one artifact at a time in this fashion. This mutation is
removed if the creature actually becomes enlightened, with xp refunded as normal.
(Material) Resonance
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Spiritual, Requires Natural Attunement or Enlightened Essence
The creature can gain the benefits of attuning to a single kind of magical material, as though it were the relevant variety of Exalt.
Native to (Realm)
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Internal
By default, all creatures are native to Creation. This mutation renders them native to another realm of existence, such as the Underworld, Malfeas, Yu-Shan,
Autochthonia, or Gnosis. This has no mechanical effects on its own, but some magics have greater, lesser, or altered effects when applied to creatures native to a
certain realm.
Limited Respiration
Cost: 2-3pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Internal, Negative, Requires Native to (Realm)
The creature can only naturally respire motes in its native realm of existence, and halves the number of motes it receives from manses or demesnes outside of
its native realm. If it would already be limited in this respect (as with creatures of death), this mutation costs only two points.
(Realm) Gatekeeper
Cost: 2-3pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Internal, Stackable
The creature can spend one point of Willpower (or two motes, if they are an Essence-user) to learn the general direction of the nearest passage to a single realm
of existence, adding one automatic success to any navigation roll to locate it. This might be the nearest Heavenly Gate, the quickest way to Cecelyne through a
place of desolation (the secret paths to Hell are not so easily uncovered), a shadowland, or some more obscure area. If the creature is native to that particular
realm, this mutation costs only two points.
Creature of Darkness
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Internal, Negative
The creature (or its source, or its breed, or something that has contaminated it) has been marked as a threat to Creation by the Unconquered Sun. It is a
creature of darkness, and thus more susceptible to Holy Essence. The exact effects of this vulnerability vary, but often mimic the results of the Vulnerability
mutation. This mutation does not indicate any actual affinity toward darkness; the shining, rayborn hyll are creatures of darkness just as much as the Ebon
Dragon. Most applications of this spiritual mutation carry the Natural keyword. Just as the Exalted do not pay bonus points for their awakened Essence, or gain
them for having an anima, Exalted who are creatures of darkness or creatures of death do not gain bonus points in exchange for their state; their character
creation system is a complete whole, needing no reference to this list of mutations.
Creature of Death
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Spiritual, Internal, Negative
Some things are dead, and some are alive, and some keep walking regardless. Normally, creatures respire Essence at half-rate in the Underworld. Creatures of
death respire Essence at the normal rate in the Underworld, but at half-rate everywhere else. In addition, if a creature of death leaves a ghost when it dies, that
ghost’s Essence rating is equal to their own, not reduced. Most creatures of death are also creatures of darkness, thanks to Sol’s fair disgust at their existence;
similarly, most applications of this spiritual mutation carry the Natural keyword.
(Spirit) Sense
Cost: 2-6pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Physical
The creature can use one of its senses to detect one kind of immaterial being, at -1 internal penalty; it might smell demons, hear gods, or see ghosts. The four-
point version of this mutation allows the creature to apply all of its senses to that kind of immaterial being, or one sense to all kinds of immaterial beings. The
six-point version allows the creature to apply all its senses to all kinds of immaterial beings, though it still suffers the penalty.
Chakra Eye
Cost: 6pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Obvious
The creature can spend three points of Willpower (or ten motes, for Essence-users) as a miscellaneous action to benefit from the effects of All-Encompassing
Sorcerer’s Sight for the rest of the scene. This is accompanied by an Obvious display of some kind, most commonly in the form of the creature’s eyes (however
many it may possess) glowing, or a mandalic design of veins throbbing into existence on its forehead. If the creature also has the six-point version of Spirit
(Sense), this mutation’s cost is reduced by two.
Awakened Vision
Cost: 3pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Obvious, Requires Chakra Eye
The activation cost of Chakra Eye is reduced to two points of Willpower, or six motes.
Sorcerer’s Sight
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Spiritual, Obvious, Requires Awakened Vision
The creature constantly benefits from the effects of its prerequisite (including its Obvious display), at no additional cost. If it had (Spirit) Sense, it may remove
that mutation, with its experience cost refunded as normal.
Spirit Walker
Cost: 4pts; Keywords: Spiritual
The creature can interact with immaterial things as though they were material, and vice-versa. This mutation grants no ability to actually perceive the
immaterial, however.
Lacking (Virtue)
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Spiritual or Mental, Negative, Internal, Stackable
An imbalance in the soul, or in the mind? Some savants claim they are much the same. One of the creature’s Virtues cannot be channeled, and is treated as
having a rating of one for all purposes. An Exalt's Primary Virtue cannot be affected by this mutation.
Overpowering (Virtue)
Cost: 1pt; Keywords: Spiritual or Mental, Negative, Internal, Stackable, Devolve (Lacking [Virtue])
One of the creature’s Virtues always succeeds in its rolls (this does not affect its channels) and the cost to suppress it for a scene is increased to two points of
Mutations cannot, by default, exactly mimic the effects of Charms. Most Charms (or similar powers, such as Paths) are expressions of the Essence-patterns of a
given kind of entity, and thus are exclusive to it. Solars are the only ones who can learn Solar Charms, while Sidereals are the only ones who can learn Sidereal
Charms, and they learn them as Charms, rather than mutations.
There are, however, exceptions. Certain Charms apply mutations to creatures that mimic the effects of Charms, such as Locust Mana Plague, which provides the
Charm Transcendent Desert Creature as a six-point mutation (Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, pp. 127), or Two-And-A-Half Breaths Inversion, which
provides the Arcanos Charm Dead Child’s Madness as a six-point mutation. Such mutations are always Spiritual. Charm mutations almost always cost six-points,
though sometimes their functions may be split between multiple, separate mutation costs.
The Charms that can be applied as mutations are generally Permanent, introducing some fundamental benefit or alteration to a creature’s operation. As such,
these effects are most commonly found in Primordial Charm sets. However, the customisability of Spirit Charms means that they are sometimes used to model
Essence-fuelled mutations granted by other Charms.
In any case, Charm mutations are not “general” mutations, as with the ones presented throughout this revision. They are (as with other, similar ones, such as
the [Grace] Bearer mutation) exclusive to the power that produces them; an Infernal might be able to colonize her servants souls with Cecelynian magic, but
wandering into Chaos would not.
Creatures created through the Genesis system, whether in the laboratories of disgraced Shogunate scientists, the island-wombs of Kimbery, or the mad dreams of
the Wyld, each possess a rating. This “Genesis rating” determines a creature’s capabilities, providing them with points to spend on their traits and mutations. It also
determines how difficult it is to create that creature; in this sense it acts as a rough analogue to an Artifact rating.
To design a creature, determine its Genesis rating, and then consult the creation template below (or vice-versa).
Attributes: Each creature starts with all its Attributes rated at 1 (or 0, if its player wishes). It may raise these traits by spending mutation points, at a rate of
one point per dot (or two points per dot for Dexterity), to a maximum rating of 5 or (Genesis), whichever is higher.
Abilities: Each creature starts with all its Abilities rated at 0, but may distribute up to (Genesis rating x 4) dots between these Abilities as it pleases. None may
be raised higher than the creature’s Genesis rating or 10, whichever would be lower. Up to (Genesis) of these dots can be freely converted into mutation points,
which can then be spent normally.
Health Levels: Each creature starts with the normal seven health levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap. These health levels are reduced, as normal, if they are used
as extras.
Virtues: Each creature starts with its Virtues rated at 1, but may raise these traits by spending mutation points, at a rate of one point per dot, to a maximum of
5 each.
Willpower: Each creature starts with Willpower 2, but may raise this trait by spending mutation points, at a rate of one point per dot up to Willpower 5, or two
points per dot past that, to a maximum rating of ten.
Essence: Each creature starts with Essence 1, but may raise this trait (to a normal maximum of 3) by spending mutation points, at a rate of six points per dot.
Creatures are unenlightened by default.
Creatures possess Motivations appropriate to their Virtues and Intelligence; most base animals will lack a Motivation any more complex than “survive”, while
smarter and more passionate entities may develop their own Motivations. Magic that creates beings wholesale often carries a ready-made Motivation along with
it; by default, the creator has no control over a creature's Motivation. Creatures develop intimacies as normal.
The appearance and effects of applied mutations assume an essentially humanoid form is being used as a base; this is for simplicity’s sake, not a representation
of how Genesis actually works in a world constructed by supersapient geography.
Bear (Genesis 4)
Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Integrity 2, Investigation 2, Martial Arts 3, Presence 3, Resistance 3, Survival 3
Large (3), Lethal Attack (3), Intimidating Roar [Presence Adaptation] (3), Snuffling Snout [Investigation Adaptation] (2), Natural Armour (3), Painless (2), Bear-
tongue (0)
Large Appetite (-1), No Opposable Thumbs (-6)
Crow (Genesis 3)
Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, Appearance 1
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
Horse (Genesis 3)
Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
Siaka (Genesis 6)
Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Dodge 2, Integrity 2, Investigation 3, Martial Arts 3, Presence 1, Resistance 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3
Large (6), Lethal Attack (3), Inexhaustible (1), Water Breather (2), Blood Sense [Investigation Adaptation] (3), Fast Swimmer (2), Shark-tongue (0)
Carnivore (-1), No Opposable Thumbs (-6), Air Drowner (-5), Slow Runner (-3)
Tyrant Lizard (Genesis 7)
Strength 7, Dexterity 3, Stamina 6
Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Dodge 1, Integrity 2, Investigation 2, Martial Arts 5, Presence 5, Resistance 4, Survival 3
Large (6), Giant (4), Lethal Attack (3), Superior Soak (2), Natural Armour (4), Fast Runner (1), Tyrant-tongue (0)
Carnivore (-1), Poor Sight [Awareness Adaptation] (-3), Cold Sensitivity (-1), Large Appetite (-3)
Zombie (Genesis 2)
Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
Making the creature is an extended roll, with an interval of one month and a cumulative difficulty of (Genesis rating x 10). It uses dice pool of (Intelligence +
Medicine), at a difficulty of (Genesis rating + 2). A botch halves the number of currently accumulated successes or decreases it by (Genesis), whichever would be
higher; if this would reduce the accumulated successes below zero, the creation fails, and any resources expended on it are wrecked. Despite not being a craft
project, the difficulty of making creatures through Genesis can be decreased with existing plans as normal.
When the roll is complete, the creature is birthed, decanted, solidified, hatched, animated, or whatever word best describes the process of its completion. Just as
with other mundane crafts, genesis (or necrotech) creations require no expenditure of experience points on the part of their creator, unless such a creature
becomes part of a Background; a Familiar or Follower or Ally, in which case it is tied to them and costs experience points as normal for that Background.
If creating a Familiar using this system, the creature should have a Genesis rating no more than three times its Familiar rating. A mundane crow-Familiar (albeit one
with the unshakeable loyalty of a Familiar) is Genesis 3, and so would be Familiar 1 - a crow-Familiar rated at 2 would have three more dots of Genesis to play with,
allowing increased traits and additional mutations, justified by thaumaturgical breeding, its link to the Exalt’s Essence, belonging to a divine bloodline, or Wyld-
exposure. The abilities noted in the canon Familiar background are not available, though the exclusive communication can be bought for any Familiar as a one-point
mental mutation, with the sense-sharing acting as an upgrade costing two points. Familiars with the Enlightened Essence mutation can acquire Spirit Charms at a
cost of six mutation points each. Such Charms must be appropriate to the Familiar’s nature, and can never be All-Encompassing.
Creating a new species functions in the same way as creating a single creature, but in bulk; a creator can produce multiple examples of a single template for which
she possesses existing plans with a single extended roll. Doing so increases the effective Genesis rating of the creature for the purpose of calculating the cumulative
difficulty and Resources cost by (number of additional creatures x [Genesis rating ÷ 5]), rounded up. Therefore, creating eight Genesis 2 creatures would effectively
be a Genesis 9 project for the purposes of cumulative difficulty and resources cost, while creating four Genesis 7 creatures would effectively be Genesis 15 for those
Whatever its form, this kind of Genesis operation is an extended roll with an interval of (M) days, a difficulty of (M + 3), a cumulative difficulty of (M x 5) and a dice
pool of (Intelligence + Medicine). Although multiple mutations can be applied with a single operation (with their costs combining to form M for the purposes of the
operation), the maximum cost of mutations that can be applied in a single operation is equal to the genitor’s (Occult +1). Negative mutations reduce the total cost
of these mutations for the purposes of determining difficulty, but count toward the total cost for the purposes of determining cumulative difficulty, intervals, and
how many mutations can be applied in a single operation.
The creature suffers (M) unsoakable dice of lethal damage at every interval, making death mid-operation a very real risk; this is effectively internal surgery, and
carries all those risks (Exalted, pp. 137), whether through the patient bleeding out on the slab, or having feathers grow into the lining of the stomach.
As such, pausing the operation to administer medical aid (or simply go back to the biothaumaturgic drawing board) is not unusual. The genitor may put the
operation on hold mid-interval, though he loses one of his accumulated successes for every day (past the first in a given interval) that he is not actively working on
the operation. The creature is not treated as being at rest for the purposes of healing while it is being worked on. A genitor with access to an appropriate workshop
(i.e. a surgery or actual genesis-lab) can double the length of the interval to reduce the difficulty of the roll by one.
Once the operation is complete, the mutations fully manifest (or set in, or become functional) over the next (M) days, at a rate of one mutation point per day. As
permanent mutations, they cost experience points, paid as a Training effect. Physical mutations applied through Genesis carry the Natural keyword.
This is only a guideline, however; Storytellers should feel free to dictate different terms of inheritance as they please, excluding certain mutations or sources of
mutation from being inherited, allowing children with "all the strengths, and none of the weaknesses", or producing consequences for inbreeding with heretofore-
unseen negative mutations.
The obvious exception to the "all mutations are inheritable" rule is for mutations that are not actually mutations, but simply used to represent different effects;
amputated limbs, addictions, prosthetics, enlightenment, trauma (physical or otherwise), or learned skills such as improved memory.
For reference, here are a few examples of how engineered races, beastmen, or mutant tribes of the Age of Sorrows would be built in character creation:
Air People: Enhanced Sight (1), Flier (4), Glider (4), Fragile (-3) = 4bp
Dune People: Albino (0), Night Vision (2), Sunlight Allergy (-1), Sunlight Sensitivity (-1) = 0bp
Earth People: Lethal Light Attack (2), Slate Skin (0), Superior Soak (2), Wall-Crawler (2) = 4bp
Sea People: Natural Swimmer (4), Water Breather (2) = 4bp
Tree Folk: Ambidexterity (1), Green Skin (0), Omnidexterity (2) = 2bp
Djala: Ambidextrous (1), Longevity (3), Spotted Skin (0), Small (-1) = 2bp
Arczeckhi: Enhanced Hearing (1), Fast Running (1), Forest Native (1), Lethal Attacks (3), Night Vision (2), Lacking Compassion (-1), Personal Detachment (-1) =
Snakemen: Desert or Forest Native (1), Enhanced Smell (1), Lethal Clinch (2), Natural Armour (1), Cold Sensitivity (-2) = 2bp
magics, while Lunars have one of the greater claims to such Genesis-powers, but are pending errata. The Alchemical Charm Integrated Genesis System is
unchanged, but replaces references to "Craft (Genesis)" with "Medicine" or "the Genesis system", as appropriate.
Other than the effects presented below, Genesis-relevant Charms might reduce the minimum ratings necessary for a roll, reduce the investment (exotic and
otherwise) necessary for each project, allow the addition of unique mutations or actual magic to a creature, ensure certain intimacies or Motivations in a creation,
or other effects. As a major obstacle and balancing-point of the theoretically-unlimited creature-building facet of the Genesis system is its relatively high difficulty,
effects that substantially reduce (or entirely eliminate) this difficulty should be subject to serious consideration.
At Medicine 5+, Essence 4+, this Charm also allows a Solar to spend ten motes to enhance a single interval in a Genesis operation to add mutations to an
existing creature. If he does so, the difficulty of the roll is reduced to one, and its interval is reduced to one hour. Such an enhanced operation also removes the
limit on how many mutations the Solar can add in a single operation, though the target still takes (M) dice of lethal damage at the end of the interval.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Abyssal to produce multiple creatures from a single corpse, so long as their total combined Genesis rating remains no
more than (Essence ÷ 2).
This brewing of hellish lifeforms is a natural act, allowing the warlock to use her Stamina in place of her Intelligence, and increasing her effective Occult rating by
(Essence). The rolls for this project are made independently to anything else the Infernal is doing (indeed, she need not even be conscious). Once the project is
completed, the creature emerges into the world, tearing itself out of the deflating flesh-sack, being expelled through an open pore, or being birthed more
conventionally. Regardless of the method of its exit, it causes no harm to the Infernal; even a ruptured chest will seal itself as a cosmetic injury. The act of the
creature's birth is a Desecration effect; if it was not already a creature of darkness, it is now.
This Charm has no restriction on gender, though women can hide the Obvious nature of the Charm by disguising it as a natural pregnancy. Similarly, there are no
restrictions on size, as the womb distends and folds into Elsewhere to hold all manner of monstrosities without ever inflicting a mobility penalty or increasing the
warlock’s necessary food intake; it is fuelled and supported by her Essence. The alien womb may hold only one creature at a time; it cannot produce in bulk.
Just as with a natural pregnancy, Crippling amputation effects (such as a maiming coup de grace) may be used to target and abort a creature in the womb,
messily reducing it to the slime from whence it was formed. If the Infernal is carrying more than one creature at once thanks to an upgrade Charm, each
Crippling effect only destroys a single creature, chosen by the warlock herself upon the application of the effect; never let it be said that Kimbery does not play
favourites. Ending this Charm before the completion of a project-child has much the same effect, ending all extant projects prematurely.
A warlock may also use this Charm to conceive immaculately, impregnating herself with an otherwise normal baby (this counts as a project, blocking the use of
the womb-lab for the duration of the pregnancy). The gestation period for such a child is as normal, though the warlock may apply mutations to the child in the
womb, using the rules for mutating existing creatures (and may include the Short Gestation mutation, to hasten the pregnancy).
The warlock may force another living character of roughly the same size as her or smaller into her womb-lab, whether by opening up a gaping pore or simply
swallowing them. This is a clinch attempt which can only be made against a willing or incapacitated character. Within the womb, the character is held in liquid
stasis, rendering them incapacitated for the duration of their stay. Once a character is in the womb, the Infernal may apply mutations to them as a Genesis
operation and Desecration effect, with all the normal benefits of Great Mother's Wame; the master's workshop, reduced Resources cost, replacement of traits,
etc. Such operations use an interval of only an hour, and inflict no damage on their subject. The warlock may perform as many separate operations as she
wishes, for as long as the character remains inside her.
Once the warlock is satisfied, the swallowed character is rebirthed as normal. Aside from being mutated and coated in disgusting fluids, they are in perfect
health. If the project is aborted with a Crippling effect, the character in question is immediately ejected, with the current operation ended before any mutations
could be applied.
If the warlock knows Sea Dissolves Herself, then she can use them to reject Shaping effects and remove mutations from swallowed characters just as though
they were her. As an alternative measure, if the swallowed character is reviled, the Infernal may pay a single point of temporary Willpower to dissolve them into
a nutritious broth of ill-feeling, which she may then use as a single exotic ingredient in another Genesis project. This is a Shaping attack, taking one full day to
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Swallowed Children Reborn
Once, there was a Wood-Aspect Shogun, whose mother was Ghisuge, the Lady of Tails and one of Kimbery’s own souls. As his life drew to an end, he begged to
be forgiven for the sin of not submitting to the glory of his grandmother. Kimbery, infinite in her compassion, assented, and drew him back into his mother’s
womb, to be reborn again. The child that emerged was a favoured grandson, and doted on until he returned to Creation, to wander the bogs.
If a reviled character swallowed using this Charm’s prerequisite willingly submitted (regardless of any mental influence that might have compelled) to his
reshaping within the womb-lab, then upon being mutated and rebirthed, the Infernal loses any negative intimacies she might have toward him as he becomes
beloved once more. Obviously, use of this Charm does not preclude the reborn character becoming reviled once more through their own selfish failings; Kimbery
is too forgiving for her own good, at times.
The Genesis system written with thanks to Dustin Shampel, who wrote the original necrotech mechanics it pillages so heavily from.
A creature of unquestionable poise and elegance, every flowing word and inhumanly beautiful gesture
from the Great Mother draws the eye and ear away from lesser beings. The Infernal rolls her
(Appearance + Performance). All targets who can perceive her with a Dodge MDV lower than the
successes on this roll are affected by an unnatural mental influence which compels them to stay in her
company. They are obliged to ignore any other character who has a lower Appearance than the Infernal,
unless they are competing for her attention or both obeying a direct command from her. Resisting this
Compulsion for up to five minutes costs one willpower, and once they have spent three willpower they
are immune for a scene.
Wrapped in a mantle of victimhood, the Great Mother seeps into the impulsive and lonely hearts of
those who would oppose her, and makes them hers and hers alone. This Charm surrounds the Infernal
in an exquisite wide-eyed aura of supernatural vulnerability which seeps into the minds of those empty-
hearted souls who do not love others, or those with weak minds who are controlled by their lusts. This
negates any physical or social attack made against her unless the attacker succeeds on a reflexive
resistance roll. The Infernal chooses when purchasing this Charm whether a Compassion roll or a
Temperance roll is the appropriate means of resistance. These rolls are difficulty 1, and need only
succeed once per action, regardless of the number of attacks made. This is unnatural mental influence
which costs 3 willpower to resist for a scene.
This Charm may be repurchased for half the cost. The attacker must now roll the lower of Compassion
and Temperance to attack the Infernal.
It wasn’t his fault! They’d always hated him! It was self defence! Upon activating this Charm, the
Infernal rolls (Appearance + Performance), adding a number of automatic successes equal to his
Essence. Observers with a Dodge MDV less than the number of rolled successes automatically
rationalise anything they see the Infernal doing as being provoked or otherwise justified, as an Illusion
effect which automatically affects the character too. If he cuts down a man in the middle of the street,
well - they were an assassin going for a weapon. If he takes a sweet delicacy from an infant, he was just
doing it to protect the child’s health. Resisting the Illusion for the remainder of the scene costs two
willpower points, or one willpower point if the Infernal threatens or harms the character or their
possessions. The Illusion does not prevent targets from defending themselves, although they do so
reluctantly, sure that this is all a misunderstanding.
Even after the Charm has ended, witnesses accept the justifications their mind produces and do not
attempt to correct their recollection without external prompting and a personally compelling reason.
The human mind is all-too-fallible and creates further justifications, meshing their recollections into a
web of rationalisations. They must spend four Willpower points to accept the spite of a world which
would deny such a beautiful creature just cause.
Within the dark hidden places of his body, the Infernal coats the accumulated malice and hate of a
world which unfairly persecutes him in a protective scarlet nacre, birthing a nascent hungry soul. When
he nudges this newborn into wakefulness, it grows strong on the wrongful cruelties of harsh reality. The
Infernal’s player rolls ([Manipulation or Appearance] + Socialise), adding a number of automatic
successes equal to the Exalt’s Essence. An almost imperceptible halo of crimson light briefly forms
around her head, before fading into intangibility. The first time in any day another character attempts to
remember any way which they have been wronged or offended by the Infernal, or anything which
would negatively affect her judgement of the character, she must reflexively roll (Intelligence +
Socialise) and achieve more successes than the Infernal. If she fails, she can only remember the
positive - in her memories, she rationalises them as being someone else’s fault, brushes them over, or
simply fails to remember them. Characters who have a negative Intimacy towards the Infernal and
channel Conviction on this roll add successes rather than dice.
Across Creation, there are tales of lost castles beside the sea where all things are graceful and the
inhabitants are fair beyond belief and of hidden grottos where beautiful witches await the visits of
heroes. These are but half-remembered tales of the palaces of the Great Mother, and they are beyond
mortal comprehension, for she is castle and grotto and unfairly-trapped princess alike. Within such
hallowed halls, the most beautiful gather and adore the Demon Sea. Making such tales a reality, the
Warlock’s flesh surges to anchor itself and resculpt a graceless Creation.
• The lower trunk of the Infernal’s body bloats into immensity, fusing with the ground before
sheathing itself in pearlescent beauty which can be mistaken for geography. This extends in a
radius of (Essence x 5) yards around her, and does not move after activation. She may move her
protruding torso within this area, but cannot move her corpulent bulk without deactivating this
Charm. Otherwise, she may carry out any action that can be formed without the aid of legs.
• Over the next minute, the Infernal’s influence extends in a vast wave across a surrounding area
no more significant than a large palace or small forest. Her anima suffuses the area, turning all
into wonder and aesthetic artistry. All objects and non-sapient animals brought into this area are
affected by an active Shaping effect which transforms them so they are artistic masterpieces
with a Resources value equal to the Infernal’s Essence (while still retaining their previous
functionality). This includes objects in use by characters - even the tattered rags of slaves who
wander into the area become fine robes. Natives of Malfeas are Shaped into beauty, and treat
their Appearance as being equal to the Infernal’s Essence if it would be lower, save for
interactions with the Infernal herself. The aesthetics the transformation takes are perfectly suited
to the Infernal’s tastes and preferences, cast through the lens of Kimbery. Reviled characters and
their possessions are immune to the Shaping effect, for they are not worthy. When this Charm
ends or the character or object is removed from the affected area, the transformation reverses
itself over the course of a minute or so, though traces will remain in non-artefact objects.
• Any character with an MDDV lower than the Infernal’s Appearance + Socialise + Essence is
affected by an Illusion which leads them to believe that everything which occurs within the area
is perfectly normal and reasonable, which can be resisted by spending 3wp. Characters who
resist this effect can see the hellish taint to the twisted aesthetics with a Difficulty 3 roll of
(Perception + Occult).
• Within the grotto of such a beautiful empress, all hearts are swayed towards protecting such a
fragile thing. All characters within the affected area are under a Compulsion to answer any
attacks or threats against the Infernal in kind. Social attacks which would build a negative
Intimacy or attack a positive Intimacy compel the listener to attempt to do the same against the
misguided soul, while threats of physical violence - or heaven forbid, actual violence - compel
violence in turn. This unnatural Compulsion can be resisted for one willpower per provocative
act, and once a character has spent three willpower resisting this effect, they are immune for
five days. Natives of Malfeas are only rendered immune for one day.
• Each scene spent within the affected area counts as a scene towards building an intimacy of
‘Adoring Devotion’ towards the Infernal. Each consumed item of food or drink affected by the
Shaping effect counts as an additional scene. This unnatural Emotion effect can be resisted for
one willpower, and once a character has spent three willpower resisting this effect, they are
immune to it for five days. If a character has consumed (Willpower) items of food or drink and
possesses this Intimacy, they receive the Creature of Darkness mutation as a Desecration effect
and become a Native of Malfeas, and may count time spent in the affected area as training for
their Appearance, up to a cap of the Infernal’s Essence. This makes the changes to their features
Mother Masters Children (trivialrealities)
Cost: 3 m per Magnitude or Size; Min Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, War
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Mother Sea Mastery
Oh, how blessed are Kimbery’s children – provided they listen to their mother. This Charm allows the
Warlock to commit motes to extend the benefits of Mother Sea Mastery to either a Mass Combat Unit
they lead composed predominantly of beloved characters, or the beloved members of a social group led
by the Infernal. The commitment cost is 3 motes per Magnitude of the unit, or Size of the organisation.
The Infernal may enhance a Magnitude or Size worth of characters up to a maximum rating equal to
their permanent Essence.
If the Infernal commits enough motes to enhance the entirety of a social group, any non-beloved
characters within it treat any scene spent working on a Leadership Action ordered by the Warlock as a
scene spent building a positive Intimacy of loyalty towards the Infernal. In addition, any reviled
characters within the organisation suffer an internal penalty to all actions enhanced by the first benefit
of Mother Sea Mastery equal to the Warlock’s Compassion.
With her normal features dissolved into a shapeless mass, the warlock perceives the world through
organs that coalesce ever-so-briefly across the surface of her form, granting her omnidirectional senses,
and her amorphous body can freely flow through any space that isn't water-tight. She can compress or
expand her form by a maximum factor of two, and can even ignore the restrictions of gravity, oozing
across walls and ceilings. This fluidity of form reduces the cost of the first two versions of Sea
Dissolves Herself to one mote, though mutations acquired in this way are temporary Desecrations that
dissolve when the Shintai ends, while those lost return. Additionally, she reduces the post-soak damage
of any attack by (Essence) dice, though this cannot reduce an attack's damage below one die. Energy-
based or flaming attacks (like lightning, burning arrows or beamklaives) harm her normally.
Although she can manipulate her surroundings normally by forming clusters of fine, oily manipulators,
she also extrudes (Essence) tentacles identical to those created with Ichor Flux Tendrils, which are
similarly capable of independent clinches but are directed with Martial Arts rather than Occult. These
tentacles can be damaged as normal, but the Infernal suffers no harm from their destruction, and can
entirely regenerate a destroyed tentacle at any point by activating Sea Dissolves Itself as though in
response to a Crippling effect. She and her tentacles are always treated as being coated in the poisonous
tattoos created by Spiteful Sea Tincture.
Kimberian Urges fill their possessors with a desire to dissolve and consume and, paradoxically, create
life anew. While the Sea That Marched Against the Flame can appear to be little more than a passive
ocean of caustic acid filling the bottom layers of Malfeas, she is an ally of all and close friend of none,
creator almost as much as she is destroyer. Her watery womb gave birth to the Lintha and their sister,
and has since created countless other monsters, most of which are filled as well with the desire to
devour and destroy, and many of which eventually return to her poisonous, caustic embrace. Once, she
pushed against the fires of Creation, so that they would not run rampant and consume all, but this
seeming kindness simply left more for her to devour in her own time. She despises containment as
much as any Yozi (save, perhaps, the Ebon Dragon), and so hesitates before committing to a course of
action, but once bound, it is only a matter of time before she dissolves and feeds upon that which binds
her, and she can afford to be patient. Any life she creates ultimately serves her by corroding the world
as she does, until she consumes them as well.
High-Compassion Kimberian Princes desire to care for others, to build and create, but this Urge is
marked by bitterness, and nearly everything such a Prince builds up, they do so only to destroy later,
feeding off of their creations. Other such Princes create and protect things which are themselves
corrosive and consumptive, furthering the Prince's Urge vicariously. These Princes are parents that use
and betray their own children, cult leaders and creators of biological weapons.
High-Conviction Kimberian Princes focus on eroding those belief systems that they find dangerous or
threatening to themselves or to that which they claim for themselves. These Princes are often
inquisitors, agent saboteurs and tyrants.
Some high-Temperance Kimberian Princes drown the fires of revolution, moving between social strata
without attaching to any of them, while others use vice and temptation to slowly erode others'
reputation and self-respect. These Princes ultimately profit from others' descent into bitterness and
High-Valor Princes are hungry for conquest, feeding on their opponents' pain and claiming territory and
resources by right of victory. Some claim to fight in defense of those under the Princes' care, but this is
ultimately as selfless as defending cattle.
When an Infernal who carries a Kimberian Urge accumulates 10 points of Limit, she suffers the Curse
of Kimbery. For one full day, the Infernal loses all restraint, allowing her hungers and desires to rule
her. The effects of this Curse are similar to the full effects of the Overindulgence Virtue Flaw, except
that the Infernal focuses primarily on consumption, corrosion and exploitation of her Intimacies,
particularly those of which the Yozi disapproves. Additionally, any people with whom the Infernal
interacts and who have a DMDV less than the Infernal's (Essence + Highest Virtue) suffer these same
effects as a form of unnatural mental influence than can be resisted by spending (Infernal's Essence)
Willpower. Others affected by this Curse focus on the Infernal's Intimacies when in the presence of
such an Intimacy, but otherwise revert to exploiting their own Intimacies for one full day.
Additionally, any person, place or object that represents an Intimacy of which Kimbery disapproves
acts as a vector for this compulsion regardless of where they are. These Intimacies do not suffer the
Curse themselves, merely the side-effects of being surrounded by people who wish to exploit them.
Kimberian Slayers: Slayers with Kimberian Urges have powerful destructive natures, but an increased
appreciation for a slower, more painful death. They liberally spread their bile, confident in the eventual
destruction of everything.
Kimberian Malefactors: For these Princes, there's a special joy in lording one's influence over those
who owe everything to their Infernal patron.
Kimberian Defilers: Kimberian Defilers perfectly encompass the conflicting needs to create and
destroy, building weapons of hideous power and destroying others' work in order to reverse-engineer
and surpass them.
Kimberian Scourges: These Scourges excel in flaying away weakness and sanity, spreading malignant
hunger throughout Creation.
Kimberian Fiends: Kimberian Fiends internalize the truth that other people exist only as means to an
end, whether that end is a long-term goal or a night's satisfaction.
Kimbery may at times seem compassionate or even lazy, but she grants nothing that she does not
expect to one day return to her for consumption. She protects nothing that she does not consider hers,
including the lives of others. She fears little, knowing that those who seek to destroy her will ultimately
sink into her depths to be dissolved slowly and painfully. What she truly loves in her Infernals is to see
them hold off on satisfaction today in favor of a more fulfilling denouement at a later date, just as she
gives birth to that which she intends in time to consume herself.
In order to satisfy this act of villainy, an Infernal must spare a person in such a way that they dedicate
themselves to vengeance against the Infernal, as represented by an Intimacy. Generally, this requires
destroying everything of worth in a victim's life, but circumstances vary. If the Infernal has the ability
to kill this budding nemesis and does not, she may roll the higher of her Compassion or Valor, with
each success reducing Limit by one point--but this only works if the survivor truly dedicates
themselves to vengeance against the Infernal (if the Intimacy forms later, the Infernal still gets a roll
when the Intimacy forms). Every later time that the Infernal meets her dedicated foe, if she has the
opportunity to kill him and does not, she may roll to reduce Limit again.
Countless Cities Clotting
Cost: - (3-5m); Minimum: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Scar Writ Saga Shield
Malfeas has grown new cities of his flesh and sent them slamming against the elder layers; a hundred
times, at least, and possibly as many as a thousand. He cannot heal his tortured inversion, but the
damage his thrashing does to his own flesh closes in continent-sized scars of brass and basalt. The
Infernal's healing factor is sped by a factor of (10 + current wound penalty). As a Crippling effect, this
healing leaves scars made of the materials of the Demon City over the injuries; this is not optional.
These scars heal in the time it would have taken the Infernal to recover from their injury without the
benefits of this Charm.
At Essence 3, this Charm automatically upgrades. The Infernal may, as an Obvious dramatic action
taking one minute, heal one level of damage, at the cost of 3m per level of bashing damage, or 5m per
level of lethal damage. During this process, her heart begins to palpitate and her blood gleams with the
green light of Ligier as the toxic essence of Malfeas floods her veins, twisting her flesh with the
materials of the Demon City. Her hair may take on a brassy sheen or veins of basalt may run through
her flesh; regardless, she suffers an internal penalty to all Appearance dice pools with non-Natives of
Malfeas equal to the wound penalty of the health level healed. This diminishes at a rate of one per hour.
Repeated uses of this effect do not stack the Appearance penalty, but do delay the time until it next
decreases by (penalty of wound healed) hours.
Malfeas Charms
• Charms
• Malfeas
All the Demon King’s Men
Cost: -
Mins: Malfeas 0, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: –
Prerequisite Charms: Fealty-Acknowledging Audience
Malfeas is not a god of war but he was once the undisputed King of the Primordials. Battles against
various other Titans may have been esoteric but those waged against the Empyreal Chaos frequently
saw massive scale combat, the likes of which have never been seen on the face of Creation since. The
Titan’s ability to inspire and command those loyal to him were inherent to his nature. In defeat this has
not changed. This Charm functions as a permanent upgrade of its prerequisite but is not necessarily
invoked when Fealty-Acknowledging Audience is.
Any unit comprised of beings entirely under the sway of a use of Fealty-Acknowledging Audience add
half the Infernal’s Essene (round up) to their Might rating as the green flames of Ligier lick at the units
weapons and their armor takes on a brass sheen. Squeezing every ounce of skill from his lessers, the
Infernal also rounds up rather than down when determining Close Combat and Range Attack for the
unit. Finally, the Intimacy of terrified awe towards the Infernal grants +2 bonus dice to all rolls against
At Essence 4+ this Charm increases in power, making each individual under the Fealty-Acknowledging
Audience count as two people for the purposes of determining Magnitude and alters the minimum
Essence of this Charm to 4.
Cost: 4m; Mins: Malfeas 0, Essence 2;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Lord of the Dance
When the Brass City orders one to dance, one dances. Ligier does, the Ebon Dragon does, the
Unconquered Sun did, and now so do the enemies of his Exalted. Roll (Charisma+Performance),
applying any specialties in dance or music. If the Infernal’s successes equal or equal the target’s Dodge
MDV, the target must use Performance in place of any other ability used to make an attack or calculate
a DV for the rest of the scene. This is a Sorcerous effect.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5 reduces the penalties necessary to activate or negate the
cost of Green Sun Nimbus Flare by 1 (making a -2 penalty necessary to target a character, and a -4
penalty necessary to remove the initial mote cost).
Malfeas is the ultimate performer, and the last word in appreciating his work. How then, could
mere excess daunt him?
This charm grants the warlock perfect immunity to all (environmental) hazards associated with being
the audience to a performance. No matter how loud the music, he can not be deafened. No matter how
bright the performer, he will not be blinded. If the Day star danced around him, he would not be
burned... until it stopped. Likewise, his performances do not harm any audience unless he deliberately
chooses to do so. This immunity includes any derangements or mutations that might otherwise be
caused by a performance.
At Essence 5, the warlock becomes able to share this immunity with his allies, paying 2 motes per
target to grant them this effect for the rest of the scene. At Essence 7, a repurchase of this Charm makes
performing or enjoying a performance the equivalent of sleep for all beneficial purposes. No penalties
apply to any roll to regain Willpower from a period of such. If Malfeas can forget all his pains and
sorrows in dance, so too does the warlock who honors him.
"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the
essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms - greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge - has marked the upward surge of mankind. And
greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."
-Gordon Gekko
This set of Charms for the Yozi Metagaos is intended to work alongside the Charm sets for other Yozis already presented in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals
(and other sources, such as the Broken-Winged Crane and Ink Monkey supplements), and includes an Urge and Act of Villainy. All the usual rules for Green
Sun Princes apply, as given in those books. I also recommend using my Isidoros Charmset, as well as the rewritten version of She Who Lives in Her Name
(and the Infernal version of Wyld-Shaping Technique), here and here, respectively.
This document contains the core of Metagaos’ Charm set - 45 Charms as well as a General set, roughly the same number allocated to his canonical
counterparts. However, further Charms can be found here, waiting to be invented by the Infernal Exalted or simply unrecorded in this document.
Demesnes in these hellscapes develop appropriate quirks over the years (or decades, or centuries, depending on their rating) - an Earth demesne in a region of
eternal night might shift to focus on the darkness below, for example. Demesnes with an entirely contradictory aspect - such as a Wood demesne in a
Cecelorum blight, or a Solar demesne in almost any hellscape - instead wither away over this time period, their power flowing elsewhere. As a result of this
alien colonization, any hellscape with a radius greater than five miles becomes a persistent Blasphemy to which Heaven will respond, sending agents of all
stripes to cleanse it from the Loom.
This world-claiming arrogance does not lend itself to co-operation. Different hellscapes cannot coexist, and whenever one would expand into territory claimed
by another, it provokes a roll-off. Each hellscape uses (creator’s Essence), adding bonus dice equal to the factor by which it outsizes the other hellscape. The
Althing does not know of any Heretical magic that could smooth over clashes. Targeting an existing hellscape with another geomantic Charm provokes a
normal roll-off, so it is more efficient to use countermagic beforehand.
Included in this clarification are some changes to Holy Land Infliction, to help it fit in this model:
Metagaos devours even his own Virtues, leaving himself slothful and unmotivated, but at times they regrow and the Devil Swamp stirs with strange flowers
and motion. His Conviction teaches him to indulge himself in the face of obstacles and wisdom, while he regards Compassion as a fact of his fertility. When
Metagaos feasts well, everyone profits from his compost, and so he equates his greed with charity. Valor is understood as intoxication, the passion that tempts
others to cavort in mad bacchanalia around the edge of his maw. Temperance is utterly alien to the All-Hunger Blossom, a restrictive bonsai cage around his
sprawling growth.
Examples include:
The Torment of Metagaos: When an Infernal with a Metagaoiyn Urge accumulates 10 points of Limit he suffers the Torment of Metagaos. For one full day,
the impossibility of finding true fulfilment looms large in his mind, turning all worldly pleasures into bitter, taunting reminders of his insatiability. He cannot
find enjoyment in food or drink, and will resentfully pick at his meal if he doesn’t simply toss it aside in disappointment. Similarly, he is untitillated by sensual
delights and uninterested in wealth, and reacts to offers of either as though he had been gravely insulted by some aspect of them. He is petulantly disinterested
in keeping hold of his possessions, unbothered by theft and likely to abandon or damage his assets.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Metagaos is a voracious hunter who lurks in plain sight within the jungle of his body, stalking his prey until they are ready to be devoured. He is cunning in
his predation, easily tempting his quarry into the deceptive labyrinth of his bayous and glades, ensnaring them in traps from which there can be no escape.
The ravening nature of the All-Hunger Blossom is concealed beneath false familiarity and fertile decadence until it is too late, allowing him to entice fresh
fools into his waiting maw. These bloody sacrifices cannot quell his self-indulgent demands, for he is never satisfied. The Trackless Quag consumes everything
within his insidious influence, and is himself consumed by countless diseases and parasites which infect and degrade body and mind alike, assimilating
victims as surely as if Metagaos had eaten them whole.
This Excellency aids actions that provide the Infernal with something he wants at someone else’s expense, helping him to seize or seduce appropriate offerings
from others, be they wealth, information, or flesh. Attempts to acquire or improve sustenance always qualify. Such ruthless acquisitions are broken down and
merged with their new owner, cannibalized for their juiciest parts. This Charm cannot benefit any act that emphasizes prudent planning over immediate
indulgence, as Metagaos cannot abstain from what he desires, even for later gain.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Additionally, the Infernal’s palate is refined beyond mortal comprehension, allowing him to ignore deleterious effects stemming from flavour or smell. Actual
taste-based sensory rolls may even reveal basic details normally restricted to other avenues of perception, allowing the Infernal to determine someone’s height
and eye colour by licking up an errant drop of their sweat.
Duration: Permanent
This Charm’s transformations allow the warlock to punch with canine-tipped knuckles or kick with a leg that splits open into a crocodile-mouth, making
natural bite attacks without needing to clinch. Though his mouths usually leave no trace when not manifested, others can detect traces if the warlock suffers
any hunger penalties with Palate Without Limit active, through an Awareness roll at difficulty (6 – hunger penalty), minimum 1.
Duration: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This effect lasts until the Infernal’s DV refreshes, at which point the victim’s ability to produce sound returns. The warlock can silence his victim for up to an
additional (Stealth) actions by spending an extra two motes per action. This Charm’s costs are all reduced by one if it was used previously this action.
Duration: Instant
If the Infernal devours at least two health levels’ worth of flesh in this way, he may spend five motes in Step 10 to inflict a Crippling amputation effect
(Exalted, pp. 152) on his target, enjoying the taste of a whole limb.
Duration: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This Charm can be used in response to an attack beyond the range of his bite, but in that case offers no counterattack. Instead, it allows the Infernal to treat his
teeth as a shield with a Defense rating of (Essence x 2) against that attack, and chews up non-artifact ammunition beyond recovery.
Duration: Indefinite
The object cannot be removed except by severing it with a Crippling effect, which forcibly ends the Charm. Weapons gain the Natural and Martial Arts tags,
though they are still considered weapons for the purposes of Martial Arts Styles. The Infernal can fuse with clothing he is wearing (including light armour) at
no mote cost. Willing mounts owned by the Infernal can also be targeted, if they are infested with his self-seed. This renders him immune to being dismounted,
and allows their attacks to benefit from the effects of Teeth Without Number.
Duration: Permanent
The Infernal ignores any hunger or thirst penalties affecting actions that would help him acquire food. This includes attempts to track or kill prey, forage for
edible plants, persuade a grocer to give him leftover stock, and so on. Only actions that would directly alleviate his hunger benefit. The warlock cannot ignore
penalties while tracking an enemy messenger unless he sincerely intends to devour them (or something in their possession).
Keywords: Overdrive
Duration: Instant
A second purchase at Essence 3+ allows the Infernal to instead remove a Shaping effect or mutation currently afflicting him. This version of the Charm inflicts
an unsoakable level of lethal damage, as he devours his own vital tissue to cleanse it of unwanted influence.
This Charm automatically upgrades at Essence 3+, allowing the Infernal to use Digestion Without Distinction to manifest body parts he devoured since his DV
last refreshed as mutations, at a mote cost equal to half that mutation’s value. This is usually some variant of the Multiple Limb mutation, but stunts or inhuman
victims open up other possibilities. Mutations produced in this way are temporary Desecrations that are reabsorbed after (10 – Stamina) hours unless the
warlock elects to permanently retain them at the usual xp cost.
Cost: 5m, 1hl; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
A third purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to retain the forms of characters he has tasted past the scene in which he did so, provided he completely
devoured them. Such disguises cannot extend their perfection past the usual duration.
Duration: Permanent
If the Infernal consumes at least one health level’s worth of the target, he can spend one Willpower to taste their actual memories. He divides successes equal to
the consumed health levels between up to (Wits) topics, none broader than an intimacy, and acquires information roughly equivalent to an Investigation roll
with that many successes. These memories are digested over time, fading from the Infernal’s mind at a rate of one success from each topic every (Wits) hours,
until they are blurred beyond usability.
Duration: Permanent
Additionally, the warlock may treat devoured memories as mentors in any Ability, Specialty, Charm or other “technique” that the original character possessed
at a higher rating. The memories in question must relate to the skills the warlock is training in. If he completely devoured the victim and internalized their
memories he may spend a point of Willpower to instantly acquire the trait as a Training effect.
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
• Capital Demands Competition: This enhances an Attack Asset action intended to repurpose its target for the attacking organization’s use, reducing its
Interval by a factor of (Essence) and halving its Difficulty, rounded down to a minimum of one. Alternatively, it can enhance an Attack Project action,
increasing that action’s base difficulty by one and its cumulative difficulty by five, but granting the Infernal’s organization free temporary Capital equal to the
cost increase caused by its attack, once it has been resolved.
• Surplus Demands Sacrifice: This enhances a Cannibalize Asset action that reduces Influence, Size, or Wealth, halving its Interval and providing an additional
(Essence x 2) temporary Capital. Alternatively, it can enhance a Grow Asset or Replenish Capital action, reducing its Interval by a factor equal to the total
Resources value of any sacrifices made to the Infernal by the organization in the past month.
• Gain Demands Greed: This enhances a Shift Policy action, reducing its Interval to a single day and its difficulty to 2 if it is intended to create or absorb an
organization that shares its Motivation and at least half of its intimacies with its parent. Alternatively, it can enhance Shift Policy actions intended to produce a
new intimacy based on obsessive greed, in the same way.
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (5 long ticks)
Duration: Instant
A second purchase allows the Infernal to roll Performance instead of Persuasion, affecting anyone who can perceive him. This renders the Charm Obvious,
causing clouds of anima-pollen to dance in suggestive shapes around him. He can disguise its supernatural nature by indulging in the pleasures himself,
causing others to desire the drugs he enjoys or covet the horse he rides.
Duration: Indefinite
Duration: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sprawling Marsh Indulgence
Metagaos is a true colonist, his ichor exploring the flesh of others and claiming it as his own. The Infernal’s bodily fluids become incredibly fertile, teeming
with microscopic disease spirits that seduce even the hardiest foreign infections, as his blood thickens to an almost sap-like consistency. The warlock can
instinctively sense plague and rot, intuiting even dormant or internal Sickness effects with a standard (Perception + Awareness) roll at the usual diagnostic
difficulty. Diseases stemming from his own magic are simply Obvious to his senses. Further, he can now ignore magical Sickness effects in the same way as
mundane ones.
However, this innate infectiousness adds the vector of "(Infernal's) bodily fluids" to any disease he is carrying, causing him to infect others with a bite, a kiss,
or an unwise bout of lovemaking. Even his dreams eagerly squirm, allowing him to forgo a roll to regain Willpower from sleeping to instead germinate any
mundane disease with an Untreated Morbidity no greater than his (Essence), autoinfecting himself on waking.
and prone. Spending an additional two motes renders it a hazard of razor thorns and toxic spores, with Trauma (Essence), Evade (Essence + 3) and Damage
2L/action. Essence 3+ allows the Infernal to create the tangle anywhere within (Survival x 25) yards as an Action-only effect.
This Charm costs one mote, but applies the same surcharge described in the Imperfection of the All-Hunger Blossom. This applies specifically to the local area
where the Charm is used, rather than the general landscape. It also causes the vegetation to branch from existing local varieties, though it is grey and oddly
fleshy and any flowers are tainted by the Infernal’s anima.
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Devil-Weed Growth
Spitting out a gobbet of his own gore, the warlock mutters a sublingual claim of investment, a ritual gargle lasting no less than fifteen minutes. The bloody seed
flourishes once it is complete, spreading fleshy roots through rapidly composting ground and spraying grey spores that taste of copper into the air. By the end
of the day, it sprouts into a twisted morass with a radius of (Infernal’s Stamina x 100) yards. This mass of crazed vegetation thrives regardless of the
surrounding environment, though it takes “inspiration” from local life where possible. Any Wyld-tainted land within the affected area immediately becomes
part of Creation.
Tangled roots and squirming sludge render this whole region extreme terrain (Exalted, pp. 266) for dramatic travel, and render local movement at least as
difficult as moving through knee-deep mud. Life churns and flourishes to an unhealthy degree, applying a -2 external penalty to any roll to resist Sickness
effects or plant-based Poisons within the jungle. Animals and insects grow oversized in air that fogs thick and warm, while fruits and flowers swell to the point
of obscenity, reflecting the Infernal’s anima in their aspect. This reduces the difficulty of foraging to one, though it becomes no safer.
Fertile though this bayou is, it cannot help but hunger for more. Spilt blood is quickly soaked up by the grey roots of ravenous plants, while corpses rot away
within hours. Each week, the jungle creeps outward in response to any blood sacrifices made within its borders to Metagaos, the Infernal, or one of their
representatives. Its radius increases by 25 yards for every Magnitude dot’s worth of health levels sacrificed that week (fatally or otherwise). This expansion is
halved if the majority of health levels came from unintelligent animals, while it doubles if the victims came from outside the swamp itself. These modifiers
stack. The jungle becomes a persistent Blasphemy upon exceeding five miles in radius.
Cutting or burning away the jungle allows clear passage for a while, but it regrows completely within an hour of the plants’ removal. Holy effects or magical
fire extend this to (Essence rating of source) hours. Non-magical structures require continuous effort to maintain in the face of creeping vines and moss.
Countermagic removes the region’s unnatural fecundity, converting it into a mundane swamp that remains until removed by active effort or environmental
factors. Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250 yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards,
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Metagaos Excellency, Luscious Jungle Germination
Gore spills down the steps of ancient temples, hidden in jungles unknown to the world. This is true trickle-down power. The Infernal automatically learns
(Essence) thaumaturgical degrees of his choice, ignoring the usual minima and experience cost. All the rituals involved in these degrees are altered to be in line
with the aesthetics of Metagaos, and all the necessary tools and ingredients are replaced by (normal Resources cost) health levels worth of blood or flesh,
freshly acquired from a living character, which the thaumaturge may consume as part of the ritual. Others cannot learn these variant procedures, and he can
learn additional ones at a cost of 3xp each.
Any character who makes a successful prayer roll to the Exalt within one of his luscious jungles can call upon this blood magic, performing one of the
procedures the Exalt learned through this Charm without needing to learn it themselves. The usual rolls, time and sacrifices are all still required, though any
sacrifice made as part of the prayer roll counts toward the cost of the ritual.
With Essence 4+, this Charm brings the warlock and his red-handed faithful ever-closer. Characters who participate in the successful sacrifice of a living
creature to the Infernal (even as nothing more than an assistant to the prayer roll) treat that scene as one spent building or reinforcing an intimacy of devotion
toward his needs. If this intimacy is already at full strength, it is instead guarded against being changed or eroded by anything but unnatural mental influence
for one week.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Sprawling Marsh Indulgence
Things lurk in the muffled quiet of Hell’s greyscale bayous. They are gone when you turn. While this Charm is active, the Infernal benefits from a supernatural
camouflage, his every hue and scent merging with those of his surroundings. He is treated as having sufficient cover to hide himself regardless of where he is,
and doubles the benefits of actual cover against attempts to locate him (Exalted, pp. 131). Characters can fail to detect the warlock even when he is right under
their nose, assuming him to be nothing more than part of the terrain.
With Essence 3+, all attempts to perceive the Infernal with any sense halve their rolled successes if he has not moved, attacked or spoken since his DV last
refreshed (or, when out of combat, in the last five seconds).
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to also use it as a perfect dodge, at a cost of eight motes. Used in this way, it acquires the Imperfection of
the All-Hunger Blossom.
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Hidden Predator Camouflage
Even in Hell, where whole continents can vanish overnight in a fit of titanic pique, the marsh is considered impossible to navigate. This Charm functions
identically to Traceless Passage (Exalted, pp. 211), except for its cost, which suffers the same surcharge described in the Imperfection of the All-Hunger
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Sprawling Marsh Indulgence
Metagaos is a true colonist, his squirming vitality exploring the flesh of others and claiming it as his own. Part of the Infernal’s anatomy buds off, wriggling
into the body of another character and infesting their chi as a Sorcerous Sickness effect. The growth can only be detected through exploratory or supernatural
diagnosis, and once found can be removed through countermagic or difficulty 4 internal surgery. Until then, the host suffers an internal penalty of -(Infernal’s
Essence, maximum 5) to any physical action that they believe would impede the warlock, as the self-seed constricts their muscles and pains their mind.
With another touch, the Infernal can command a self-seed to gorge itself on its host. The host rolls (Stamina + Resistance) every week at a difficulty of
(Infernal's Essence, max 5). Each failure inflicts a point of minimum hunger penalty, which does not lower even if the host eats, their skin slowly greying from
malnutrition. This continues until the character starves, or the self-seed is removed. This Sickness affects even creatures that do not normally require nutrition.
The Infernal can also include a "trigger" in any self-seed, which will cause it to begin gorging in response to a specific physical stimulus, such as words, a
certain drink, or action.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Self-Seed Infestation, Infinite Ailment Anatomy
Metagaos fertilizes the world with stolen flesh. The Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to activate it as a Reflexive Charm in Step 10 of a
bite attack that inflicted any damage, infesting the target with Essence-spores that coalesce into the diabolical cyst. Additionally, the self-seed is itself rendered
infectious to mortals, as though it were a disease with a vector of “host’s bodily fluids” and a Virulence of (Infernal’s Essence). Children of hosts are infested
on conception. The Infernal is not automatically made aware of new hosts as they are infested, and fresh self-seeds share any triggers included in their
Plants altered or created by Hungry Devil-Weed Growth or Luscious Jungle Germination are also vectors for the warlock’s self-seed, provoking infection rolls
when they are eaten or cause damage at Virulence 2. One tick after a host’s death their chakras compost, causing pallid vegetation to push itself from every
opening in a hazardous tangle of the sort created by Hungry Devil-Weed Growth, using their Essence in place of the Infernal’s. Such deaths contribute to the
growth of a luscious jungle like blood sacrifices.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Self-Seed Infestation
Brains are fertile soil. The penalty applied by the Infernal’s self-seed now extends to mental and social pools, as even making plans or arguing against him
causes debilitating cramps. Any scene a host spends aiding the Infernal, even unwillingly (e.g. in the capacity of a punching bag or emergency rations), causes
an incongruous sense of fulfilment. This is a scene spent building an intimacy of devotion to his needs, which cannot be eroded by mundane influence. Once
formed, the devotion’s ingrained tendrils suppress MDV modifiers from the host’s other intimacies, Virtues or Motivation.
A second purchase allows the Infernal to reflexively determine the dominant emotion of any self-seed host in the same realm of existence. He can do so at any
distance (though he must obviously be aware of the host in question), and is passively aware of the emotional state of all hosts within (Essence x 1000) yards,
allowing him to sense extreme or widespread changes, just as someone might overhear clamour without listening for it.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Mind-Eating Assimilation (x2)
A thousand limbs twist outward from a single trunk, thinking themselves unowned even as they twitch to the beat of an arboreal heart. The Infernal may survey
a host’s current physical state in the same way as their emotional state. Only death is an extreme enough change to be detected passively. Active examination
conveys the full details of the host’s health, and allows the Infernal to inuit their general situation, such as “fighting an animal” or “talking to a great number of
people” or “intensely inspecting something” - this is an instinctual deduction based on dozens of tiny biological cues.
Additionally, the Infernal can spend five motes to mark any character or object he is touching with Sorcerous spores that relay a simple command (chosen on
application) to any hosts that perceive the target. Essence-sight can detect this mark as a faint stain on the target’s aura with a difficulty 3 (Perception + Occult)
roll. Commands are received as brief hallucinations, the host’s dream-imagery hybridized with Metagaoiyn imagery. A host who “sees” a bloody tangle of
vines spilling from the mouth of a stranger instinctively understands that the warlock wishes to interrogate them.
A second purchase at Essence 4+ intensifies these commands into unnatural Compulsions, which can be resisted with a Dodge MDV greater than the Infernal’s
(Manipulation), and cost one Willpower to reject. Additionally, he can spend five motes and one Willpower to take a dramatic action of one long tick, which
relays such a command either to one host he can actively sense, or all hosts within his passive range.
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Self-Seed Infestation
Metagaos devours all things and makes them part of him, whereupon they devour others in turn. This Charm targets any mostly-intact inanimate corpse the
warlock is touching, infesting it with sickly roots that dig into its brain. After one minute, the corpse rises as a grey walker. These shambling, bloodthirsty
creatures use the same traits as zombies of the appropriate species, but are not creatures of death, benefit from all the effects of Sprawling Marsh Indulgence,
and possess (Infernal’s Essence + 2) points of Metagaos-themed mutations.
They obey the Infernal like bound demons, but only “speak” Old Realm and languages they knew in life, and can only understand commands that centre
around consumption. “Devour any blonde who approaches this structure” is about as complex as they can manage. Countermagic kills grey walkers, banishing
animating tendrils from lukewarm flesh.
The Infernal’s self-seed evolves when he learns this Charm, so that any hosts (other than grey walkers, who are inherently infested) automatically rise as grey
walkers a minute after dying.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Harvest, Selfish Root and Branch
Only the All-Hunger Blossom lives in his swamp. There you’ll find native tribes of marsh-demons and swarms of mutant beasts and colonies of escaped ghosts
and many more - but only the All-Hunger Blossom lives in his swamp. When commanding or triggering a self-seed to gorge, the Infernal can instead have it
dig roots into its host, fusing with their biology. If the host would die of that Sickness while bearing the intimacy applied by Mind-Eating Assimilation, the
self-seed instead spreads fully through their system, losing the Sorcerous keyword. It can now only be removed by a complete reconstruction of the host’s
body, or Exaltation.
The host becomes a native of Malfeas and a creature of darkness, and acquires all the effects of Sprawling Marsh Indulgence as an abomination of the same
name. This change is accompanied by pale grey skin, and other changes represented by one-to-three points of Metagaos-themed mutations. Such characters are
considered priests of the Infernal for the purposes of Blood Cauldron Swamp Soul, and can never erode their parasitic intimacy - it is part of their very soul.
Further, they do not consider being eaten by or sacrificed to the Infernal (or one of his flower-manses or souls) to be “death” for the purposes of determining
what is and is not an unacceptable order – they are simply being reabsorbed into the greater whole.
Cost: 30m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: First Metagaos Excellency, Greedy Gawping Grip, Luscious Jungle Germination, Hidden Predator Camouflage, Contagion of Weeds
To see Metagaos waging war is to see a disease overtaking the body of nations, infesting and destroying organs before it is even diagnosed. Cities are silently
swallowed by rampant jungle and gluttonous grey mud, their populations lost in labyrinthine tangles of vegetation. Tendrils twist visibly beneath the warlock's
skin before bursting forth, his human body putrefying into pure Essence to feed his new shape, a great demonic flower the same size as his normal body. This
form grants him the following effects:
• All the Infernal’s worn and carried possessions are secreted away in Elsewhere unless he has fused them to himself through Greedy Gawping Grip, while his
newly inhuman anatomy renders him immune to Crippling effects and suffocating, as well as all Poison not specifically aimed at plantlife.
• Countless roots extend from his new body, digging into the world like hungry children to mark out an area around him with a radius of (Essence x 5) yards,
lit by his anima. He cannot move outside this area, though he can sway and haul himself around on tangled limbs within it. He may otherwise act normally
through grasping vines and articulate anima-petals.
• This area is only the heart of his gnawing biology. Over the next ten minutes, the Infernal’s influence extends across a surrounding area no more significant
than a large castle or small city. All the component objects of this structure - whether walls in a castle or trees in a forest - are treated as having been fused to
him through Greedy Gawping Grip, thorned tendrils and grey moss burrowing into them. Destroying these infested objects limits the Infernal’s capacity to act
in that area, but does not particularly harm him.
• Such is the warlock’s fecundity that his sphere of influence has traits identical to the regions created by Luscious Jungle Germination - including its capacity
for expansion. The area around his body is as thick with vegetation as the hazard produced by Hungry Devil-Weed Growth, and he may use the ranged version
of that Charm anywhere throughout his influence, up to once per tick (this replaces the Action-only keyword).
• Thorns are his teeth, petals are his tongues, and the world his gutted oyster, granting the Infernal all the benefits of Palate Without Limit and cancelling any
existing activation. Any bite attacks he makes can be rolled once and applied against all characters within (Essence) yards of the initial target, as fanged
sinkholes swallow whole regiments - such attacks cannot “overlap” on the same tick. Though the warlock can potentially extend his inhuman tastebuds across
vast reaches, he is not necessarily paying attention to every sensation at once, so stealth is possible if difficult. He may willfully withdraw any of his senses
from part of his body to avoid social attacks or similar effects.
• His growth is a subtle infection of the world’s healthy tissue, and benefits from Hidden Predator Camouflage, cancelling any existing activation. Objects
joined to him through the previous effect are not themselves any harder to detect, but other characters must beat a stealth difficulty of ([Stealth + Essence] ÷ 2)
to notice the creeping growth that has overtaken their surroundings. The stealth of a given general area fails, as normal, against groups that the Infernal attacks
through that area.
• All characters within his sphere of influence must roll every hour to avoid becoming infested with his self-seed, as described in Contagion of Weeds. He may
freely and silently communicate with hosts within his sphere of influence, hidden plant-mouths hissing imperceptibly into their ears. Non-hosts increase the
rate at which they gain exhaustion and hunger penalties within his sphere of influence by a factor of (Essence), their vitality sapped by an invisible blood-haze.
As always, the distinction between hosts and non-hosts is Obvious to the warlock.
• Appropriate countermagic (or Adamant Circle Banishing) targeting the Infernal himself ends this Charm. It can also be ended voluntarily, despite being
Cost: 2m or 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Self-Seed Infestation
All life falls within the influence of Metagaos, as it has since he first emerged from the discarded waste of titanic revelry, a god-maggot drunk on the wine of
prehistory. This Charm supplements an attempt to non-violently manipulate organic matter, such as surgery, woodworking, or massage, as the Infernal’s
extremities branch into wriggling tendrils that merge with foreign flesh, causing it to twitch and reshape seemingly of its own accord. This removes any need
for equipment, and renders such actions supernatural (where relevant). The warlock can perform enhanced actions on himself without occupying his hands or
attention, arranging his own insides with visibly squirming roots. Enhanced medical procedures inflict no health level damage, and carry no chance of
infection. This Charm’s cost is four motes if the target is not alive.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the warlock to spend up to (Medicine) additional motes, reducing the time necessary to complete the enhanced action
by a factor of (Essence) for every extra mote spent. At this level, he can treat his own flesh as a single exotic ingredient for any organic helltech artifact.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Flesh-Weaving Tendrils
Life squirms densely in the bowel-mouth of Metagaos, interbreeding and fusing in a composting cauldron. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the
Infernal to heal normally untreatable Crippling effects afflicting characters bearing his self-seed with difficulty 5 internal surgery. He teases the foreign tissue
into new flesh, working like a bonsai-master to tame its inclination to grow wild. This new flesh is warped and gnarled from its quickening, more vegetable
than animal, represented by up to (Infernal’s Essence) points of mutations appropriate to Metagaos as a Desecration effect.
A second purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to apply or alter these mutations with a difficulty 3 operation even without a wound. He can also produce
mutations outside of Metagaos’ aesthetics by using appropriate source material - grafting the fangs of a wolf onto a man’s jaw, for instance - to create weird
hybrids. As a final benefit, his tendrils can produce seemingly-natural changes in the appearance and body of a host, as an internal operation at a difficulty
equal to twice the equivalent disguise roll (Exalted, pp. 128).
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Flesh-Weaving Tendrils
Metagaos is a tempting parasite, infiltrating others until they are barely traces in their own body. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, adding (Essence)
automatic successes to enhanced rolls that target a host of his self-seed or an object capable of spreading it. This eliminates the possibility of botching. Further,
the Infernal may spend an additional four motes to perform enhanced rolls on infested characters or objects within (Essence x 1000) yards, without actually
being in physical contact with them. This is Obvious, as the flesh of both target and Exalt sympathetically squirm.
Additionally, he can make a special attempt to read someone’s motives which, instead of the usual information, allows him to learn what another character
expects from him in terms of emotional reactions and motives. This manner of analysis benefits from (Essence) automatic successes. It can also be performed
reflexively, but in this case is not rolled, and instead just uses the automatic successes.
This Illusion costs two points of Willpower to resist for a scene, or one if the target has witnessed the Infernal harm someone in this scene (or has a suppressed
negative intimacy). Targets automatically reject the Illusion for the rest of the scene if they witness the Infernal attacking or otherwise attempting to inflict
physical harm upon them. Characters who have spent five points of Willpower resisting this unnatural mental influence are rendered immune for one week.
With Essence 3+, Infernal may allow characters under the effects of this Charm to benefit from the disease-resistance effect of Sprawling Marsh Indulgence –
if he knows Infinite Ailment Anatomy he can also offer the same protection against magical ailments.
• Hungry stares tickle the warlock’s skinless soul. He benefits from all the effects of Flowering the Fairer Face, which offers double the usual automatic
successes. Additionally, he can apply it to attempts to read someone’s desires as well as their expectations. If the warlock has Innocent Petal Assumption active,
the Willpower cost to ignore its Illusion is increased by one.
• Cravings are aggravated by the strange pheromones that waft from the Exalt’s exposed anima-flesh. Any influence he applies to create an intimacy centred
on greed, envy, or base desire is rendered unnatural. He increases the modifier applied by such intimacies to -(Essence).
• Raw hunger squirms and throbs in hypnotic expressionism, causing watchers to worship this enticing calavera. Any character with a Dodge MDV lower than
(Infernal’s Manipulation + Essence) who perceives the warlock is struck by a Servitude effect, causing them to devote themselves to his needs, rationalizing
their sudden generosity with base motives such as attraction, expectation of reward, and so on. This unnatural influence lasts for the scene, and can be rejected
by spending two points of Willpower.
Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant
Duration: Permanent
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Cost: — (1wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Mutilation Feast Method, Consumption Without Joy, Digestion Without Distinction
Was Metagaos present in the time of Making, or was he only discovered afterward, found lurking and chewing at the foundations of the First House? The Exalt
chokes on his tongue as it swells in his mouth, sprouting forcefully into a squirming tube lined with snapping mouths. Each of these mouths warp in the same
way, countless tongues weaving around each other into the warlock’s new body; a terrible grey worm with countless mandible-legs, (Essence) times as long as
the warlock is tall. All the Infernal’s worn and carried possessions are banished to Elsewhere, except for objects fused to his body through Greedy Gawping
Grip. In this form, he benefits from all the effects of Palate Without Limit (cancelling any existing activation), as well as the following powers:
• The Exalt’s hunger becomes genuinely insatiable, nothing more than an endless conga of mouths devouring mouths. He waives the base mote cost of
Mutilation Feast Method. Its final cost is waived entirely when used against mortals, and reduced by three motes when used to enhance a clinch or an attack
made from surprise. However, his hunger penalty immediately increases to -10, and does so again every time his DV refreshes.
• Ravening desperation dissolves even solid rock, allowing the Infernal to tunnel through gates and floors with grinding, snapping bites. He can move through
any non-indestructible substance as though it were thin air, leaving its component objects reduced to damaged health levels - such damaged objects are
considered plantlife for the purposes of Metagaos Charms, as great chunks of them have been digested into alien compost. He can also freely move across
sheer walls and ceilings in defiance of gravity, teeth-toes providing perfect traction.
• The ambition of the loathsome worm is to become the great serpent that encompasses the world - for all of it will be in his belly. The Infernal may make use
of Digestion Without Distinction regardless of his current hunger penalty, and removes the limit on the number of times he can heal himself per action. He also
ignores the usual mote cost of any mutations applied through that Charm. If he knows Platter-Cleaning Violence Flicker or Hand-Biting Retaliation, he also
waives the cost of each of those Charms.
Duration: Permanent
There is an equivalent Solar Charm named (Craft)-Art’s Devout Genius, which requires Craft 5, Essence 2, and any Craft Excellency. It works in the same way
as Flavour Without Boundaries, except that it can be purchased up to five times, with each purchase allowing it to apply to a single variety of basic Craft and a
single sense. Regardless of how many times it is purchased, only one enhanced sense can be attached to a creation, and social attacks can only be worked into
creations that are clearly intended to be appreciated through the enhanced sense. Additionally, it does not require that the Solar mix themselves bodily with
their work.
Duration: Permanent
Cost: 3m or 6m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to create a written social attack through this Charm, with the effects described above.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Hidden Predator Camouflage
Metagaos lives in a world of mobile flavours, stumbling and blind. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the warlock to spend up to
(Essence) motes each tick. Every mote spent in this way allows him to move a single yard without disrupting the success-halving effect of that Charm.
Additionally, that effect always applies to extras and non-heroic mortals, regardless of whether or not the Infernal has moved or attacked.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5+ allows the Infernal to extend its duration up to (Essence) weeks, and allows him to affect an area outside of his
territory at half his effective Essence. It also unlocks a new mode of usage, ensuring that anyone who fails a navigation or tracking roll within approximately
(Essence) miles of the ensorcelled location receives a false positive leading them to it, regardless of their actual target. This is an unnatural Illusion effect
costing three points of Willpower to resist.
Duration: Permanent
After (group’s Reach – Influence) weeks, minimum one, it has entirely infected the group and becomes an intimacy of the organization, which applies an
external penalty of -(Essence) to attempts to remove it. As long as the intimacy exists, members of the group treat every week spent working for the
organization as a scene spent building the intimacy in themselves - though if they’re actively opposed, they can erode it in their off-time.
At Essence 5+ the idea-plague infects even subsidiary organizations, after the next time they interact with an infected parent group. The intimacy spreads
through their structure as normal.
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
To use this manse-seed, the Infernal must plant it in one of his luscious jungles and shed three health levels worth of blood over it. It digs in roots, ensuring that
it will not naturally die, and opens a passive plant-mouth into which corpses or blood can be dumped. Once the manse-bud has consumed (rating x 100) health
levels’ worth of gore, it blossoms into a full manse-flower, using the Infernal’s design. Living victims can be tossed in, suffering a hazard equivalent to an acid
bath until they escape, clambering up slippery internal walls with a difficulty 4 climbing roll.
Every aspect of the manse-flower’s makeup is organic. Leaf-like veins form smooth arches, while oversized alveoli cushion bedchambers. Powers are similarly
fleshy, such that bound servants must be either Genesis-guardians cultivated from architectural tissue, or demons of Metagaos. It automatically receives the
Living and Exotic Aspect (Metagaos) powers at no cost, and can take a special version of the Sentient power that costs two fewer points than normal, but
derives its personality from the overall mentality of those sacrificed to create it as though they were an organization with a united set of Policies.
The flower is not a true manse, and therefore forms no hearthstone, provides no motes, cannot lend or receive manse points, and cannot be rendered
Indestructible - in fact, it suffers from a single automatic dot of Fragility. It receives no Drawback points for these innate downsides. Any Maintenance
requirements must involve blood sacrifice. Since it relies on its fertile surroundings for sustenance, none of its powers can guard against the jungle’s magical
traits. However, a radius of jungle (rating x 50) yards around the manse is rendered immune to countermagic, a warded area within which no further manse-
seeds can be successfully planted.
With Essence 5+ this Charm can be used to create a seed for an actual Metagaoiyn manse. This usage doubles its cost, design time, and the sacrificed health
levels necessary for it to flower. It must be planted in a tainted jungle, on a Wood, Water, Vitriol or Metagaos-aspected demesne with an appropriate rating. It
wards a radius of (rating) miles from countermagic. All the usual downsides of this construction are waived, but the benefits remain.
This is an unnatural Illusion effect costing three points of Willpower to resist, or two if the interaction wasn’t social in nature. Only the target is affected by this
Illusion – other characters perceive events proceeding as they actually did. While this Charm runs its course, the target perfectly dodges any actual social attack
made by the character the false communication is tied to, as their words are repurposed for the Infernal’s masque.
A second purchase at Essence 3+ allows the Infernal to make Performance-based social attacks through this Charm. Even if he does not, he can spread the
Illusion to all characters capable of hearing the false communication, as even the supposed speaker becomes convinced they blurted something out without
thinking (they need spend only a single Willpower to resist). Additionally, he can choose to root his social attack with no particular character, making it a
directionless and Obvious whisper in any language he knows.
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
With Essence 3+, the Infernal can use this Charm to enhance (Manipulation + Presence) social attacks.
Metagaos Charms
• Charms
• Metagaos
Anyway, the Charm tree I've thought up (probably will be the most important part of his primary social
tree (as well as dealing with his 'enigma' theme), in addition to some others I'm still thinking about):
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Oramus is alien - he is Other in a sense that none of the other Yozis can match. And yet he possesses an
eerie, strange beauty that draws demons to his perpetually bound self like moths to a candle flame. On
purchasing this Charm the Infernal's Appearance is increased to 5 - but it is an alien beauty, and
fascinating others as they are drawn unstoppably into its orbit. Every scene the Infernal spends with
another character counts as Unnatural Mental Influence devoted to building an Intimacy of rapt
fascination in that character.
She may spend 2 points of temporary willpower (reduced to 1 point for positive Intimacies) to not
cause this effect in a given character for a scene.
Pyreflame Footlights
Cost: 15m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping
Duration: (Permanent Essence) days
Prerequisite Charms: What Is and What Should Never Be
The Neverborn are pure examples of the impossible made actual; the Primordials could not die, and yet
a number of them now suffer in agony forever in death without end. Owing to this, Oramus finds them
unhealthily fascinating and remains the only Yozi who will treat with them (besides the Ebon Dragon,
who transgresses all bounds of propriety).
Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal gains a temporary rating in Whispers equal to her permanent
Essence score, and may use Sorcerous Enlightenment of Oramus to imitate Necromancy spells as well
as Sorcery spells for the Charm’s duration. However, while this Charm is active, the Infernal loses the
ability to regain Willpower through any means other than stunting, as her nightmares are haunted and
warped by the eternal dying screams and curses of the Neverborn.
Soul-Eroding Production
Cost: —
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Words that Twist Like Daggers
The masques, plays, operas, exhibitions, and other events sponsored by Oramus before the Primordial
War are still famous even today among the denizens of Malfeas, sending the audiences insane with joy
at the spectacles of pure artistry wrought by the Lord of Not.
This Charm permits Words that Twist Like Daggers to supplement a Performance-based roll against
any number of targets that are in the Infernal’s presence. An Essence 4 repurchase permits Words that
Twist Like Daggers to be used remotely by the Infernal on any witness to a unique piece of art that the
Infernal has created, such as a painting, sculpture, book, or play (including a play created by the
Infernal that is being performed in the Infernal’s absence). The Infernal subliminally becomes aware of
when such a piece of art is being viewed by a sapient being or beings (although no information about
the viewer is conveyed) and can choose to initiate a social attack (based on Performance for multiple
viewers) supplemented by Words that Twist Like Daggers against those viewers. A further repurchase
at Essence 5 permits the Infernal to teleport to the location of the artistic piece through which she
channeled a social attack at an additional cost of 5m.
Well, Czernobog wanted a repost of this (presumably for use in conjunction with their whole Realm of
Titania thing), so here goes. This is all 2.5 stuff, and there are a couple bugs here and there, but unless
someone else comes along and provides the impetus, I'm unlikely to get motivated enough to do
anything about that.
Dream: Charms with the Dream Keyword exploit or manipulate the target’s dreams. They typically work only against sleeping
strange order, expand themes of faith and depression, dragon teeth give minions for defense/utility, dragon tears give visions
First Oramus Excellency
The Dragon Beyond the World is alien and unknowable. Existing beyond reality, he disregards natural order, adhering to
older laws and enigmatic principles only he knows. He simultaneously defines and transcends all boundaries, he shatters
expectations and ignores conventions, even as he seals away unknowable realities within his body. He defines all things by
contrast with himself, and lives on the border of possibility, looking both into and out of existence. The Worm that Digs
Through Time is older than existence, and possesses wisdom commensurate, an impossible genius that defies all odds and
finds solutions none thought possible. The Sevenfold Peacock is an artist without parallel, expressing his inspiration in eye-
watering images and tales that drive men mad. Though a being of Order, the Galleon Atop the Waves of Madness holds
within his belly the Essence of the Wyld, and delights in the discovery of new and exciting anomalies, the tang of mystery
and the texture of uniqueness. He is horror personified, his presence snapping minds and bringing nightmares unspeakable.
This Excellency may be used in any action which defies conventions, Oramus adores rebellion. It may also be used to
enhance any action associated, however abstractly, with the number seven. It may not be used on any action in which the
Infernal displays doubts, all who’ve spoken with the Infinite Doorway at Saigoth’s Dawn know of his desperate faith, and he
hides all doubts in dark places. Finally, this Charm may be used to enhance prayer rolls, given that they are not directed at
gods, Oramus shuns Creation’s corrupt deities.
Oramus Mythos Exultant
Older and stronger than reality itself, the Dragon Beyond the World waxes with the imposition of his Will upon the world. Any
stunt that resonates with the First Oramus Excellency grants two Willpower instead of one.
Sorcerous Enlightenment of Oramus
The boundary to end all boundaries, Oramus’ magic is particularly suitable for Spells that destroy or bypass barriers,
reducing the cost of such magic by 10m, 1wp. Examples include Open the Spirit Door, The Parting of the Seas and The
Violent Opening of Closed Portals. Disgusted with the gods and the Exalted, he does not wish to imitate their ways of
rulership and commandments. Any Compulsion, Servitude or Total Control component of a Spell is ignored. Examples
include Curse of Slavish Humility, parts of Threefold Binding of the Heart and most applications of Droning Suggestion.
Ululating Nightmare Wings
Reality-Redefining Pressure
Cost: 5m, 1wp, Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Special
Prerequisite Charms: Invoked Firmament Disjunction
In the presence of Oramus, no rules are certain. The Infernal chooses one of his Firmaments within (Essence*10) yards and
Meromorphic Translation Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Invoked Firmament Disjunction
Distance does not inconvenience the Dragon Beyond the World. That which he desires, the world brings to him. That which
disturbs him, it removes from his presence. This Charm has three modes.
If the Infernal is inside or touching a Firmament, he may summon any object inside that Firmament to his hand, so long as he
can describe it.
If the Infernal is inside a Firmament, he may banish any object he is touching (as per the Touch keyword) to a random spot
no further than (Essence) yards outside that Firmament.
If the Infernal is outside and touching a Firmament, he may banish any object he is touching to a spot he can describe inside
the Firmament.
If the object being transported is a living creature, it may resist by succeeding at a (Stamina or Wits + Resistance or Integrity)
roll against the Infernal’s (Essence + Willpower). A creature that has successfully resisted this Charm cannot be affected by it
again in the same scene.
If the Infernal ever finds himself not inside the Firmament, this Charm instantly ends.
Greater Shintai of the Dragon Beyond the World
Heaven in a Handbasket
• Whether someone (animals don’t count) touched it within the last week, and in that case the name of who last did
• The name of anyone attuned to it.
At Essence 4, this Charm automatically upgrades, its first functionality automatically filtering out non-Exalted beings with an
Essence score less than (Infernal’s Essence - 2).
In those Manvantaras where the Kalpa exists (a paradoxical statement if ever there was one), this Charm also grants
knowledge of which Manvantara an object hails from.
Swallowed Madness Bezoar Biology
When the most ancient Primordial Host was finally defeated and the Exalted and their divine patrons discussed their
imprisonment, the Dragon Beyond the World received more attention than possibly any of his soon-to-be Yozi brethren, for of
all the Primordials, it was he, the master of paradox and impossibility who was most likely to escape with the odds so
weighed against him, and, though Malfeas might crush the world or Kimbery drown it, it was his return and its twin heralds of
nightmares and madness made real that most frightened those poor souls who had suffered through it. That he might never
find a way out, the Dragon Beyond the World was in all ways trapped and limited, above and beyond any other Yozi, that his
captors might sleep just slightly sounder at night.
Firstly and famously, they held him down and tied him in his own wings, the one thing that his power would never allow him to
pass through.
Second, they devised to forge a great many chains to tie him in, making them from the swiftest flowing Moonsilver, that no
matter how he squirmed, they might follow him and keep him bound, and with a core of paradoxical Adamant, to see and
counter any of the impossibilities he might try for his escape. To the ends of each chain, they tied one of the Dragon’s fellow
Yozi, that he would carry Hell on his back wherever he tried to venture and so never truly move from his original location.
Third, they took the border of his belly, the grand Sky of his inner being, and twisted that ancient sphere that its insides
pointed out and its outsides in.
With ink and scars that would not fade, they scribed upon his fettered body a Grand Working, an elaborate, complex proof
that as Oramus was fettered, he was free, and should he be free, he would once again be fettered, locking him between the
two, forced to escape the paradox by being neither, and thusly unable to act.
They sang him a lullaby, and as he fell into slumber, they stole it away, that he might not sleep and unleash his wings of
nightmare, nor wake and struggle against his confinement
Using great care and secret rituals, they slew his Second Soul, Despes, the Unmoving Image of the Soul, shattering Oramus’
hope at the core, that he might never again feel true belief in himself and his ability.
Assembling a strike team of the cleverest of Lunars, Luna herself guided an expedition into the depths of the Beyond, where
they defeated Oramus’ dreamself and bound him there as well, for they feared even what the Dragon Beyond the World
might do in his dreams, feeble as they might be.
And when they had done all this, they despaired, for they had done seven things, and seven was the number of Oramus. So
they turned to clever Autochthon, who had until then not dared even approach the Sevenfold Peacock, for his heart held a
fear as great as the Exalted’s for him, and without their bravery to temper it. But now, the Tinkerer Transcendent dared touch
Oramus, and now, seeing the flaws and virtues in his children’s designs, he forged for eight years and eight days, and finally
he made a lock, a tiny block of brassy color from which rose an arc of chrome, and attached it to the Dragon’s nose, where it
sits still.
And then, as with all things of the great imprisonment, the records were sealed, hidden and burned, only Jupiter knows their
fullness and even then only maybe, the extents of her wisdom are, as always, an enigma.
Last edited by Arrghus; 09-10-2014, 01:05 PM.
The same. Although, in case I didn't mention it, this is/was for a Gunstar Autochonia game, so the Mountain and the Beast
Upon It is alive and well. Heck ,the Circle has managed to kill one of his Chosen already, and made an enemy of one of his
Second Circle Daevas, the Lord of Birds, Zezoothe.
Also, sicne this thread seems to have been reinarncated, I'll toss my own hat in the ring for Oramus charms. I have to credit
Arrghus for inspiring a lot of these, as his and my ideas overlapped a bit. While this isn't much, I have more in the works.
Down of Koans Unanswered
Cost: 3m(+1m)
Min: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Indefinite
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Prereqs: None
While he first arose in the infinite possibilities of the Wyld, Oramus is neither constrained nor burdened by the madness of
that realm, his lustrous down shielding from all but the most apocalyptic shaping. When a Titanic Exalt purchases this charm,
they can ignore the effects of environmental shaping so long as they commit the essence. Purchasing this charm again
allows the Exalt to render themselves immune to all shaping actions as long as they commit the essence to the charm.
Oramus weaves hideous nightmares from his mad inspiration to enlighten others to the truth. Reaching forth into the minds of
others, the Infernal draws forth their hidden torments and brings them to light. This charm permanently upgrades Touch of the
Eldest, allowing the Infernal to make contact with anyone suffering from any Derangement, instead of just those affected by
Ululating Nightmare Wings. He may also pay an additional 5 motes whenever he spends willpower to make contact in order
to craft a nightmare realm based around the Derangement (or Derangements) the target has. The affected person finds
themselves trapped in the nightmare realm whenever they sleep, forced to endure whatever mad puzzles and traps the
Infernal has constructed for them. Such hazards are always thematically and metaphorically based around the
Derangement(s) the person suffers from. For every week the target spends in the nightmare, their Derangement rating
increases by one. The Infernal's player is encouraged to construct disturbing and unsettling imagery, but the Storyteller has
the final say in what may be included.
Example: An Infernal has affected an Immaculate monk with a one-dot derangement of paranoia. He constructs an elaborate
nightmare mansion that the monk wakes up in every night. Long corridors, paintings with roving eyes, dark corners and
claustrophobic rooms fill the building. The Infernal constructs the mansion in such a way that the monk is forced to explore
and expose himself in order to advance, only allowing him to wake up when he escapes the building. The amount of time
spent in the nightmare does not track with real-time, so the monk may spend hours or days in the nightmare whenever he
sleeps. Over time, the constant nightmares enhance his paranoia and he begins seeing the threats of the nightmare overlap
with the waking world, increasing the strength of his Derangement.
It is not enough that the mad be forced to recognize their insanity; they must be made to confront it. This charm upgrades
Shrieking Soul Night-Terrors: For every additional mote the Infernal spends upon constructing the nightmare realm, he may
make an alteration to it beyond the physical setting. A pervasive feeling of dread, voices that whisper unkind truths or lies,
representations of real people, monsters that track him throughout the nightmare, dangerous traps and grotesque puzzles
are all examples of things the Infernal may construct. Should the target be slain at any time, their Derangement increases by
one dot and the nightmare continues as they wake up within the nightmare again. No actual harm suffered in the dream
carries over to the real world.
Example: The paintings on the walls now whisper to the monk that he is being hunted by a vicious monster. Upon entering a
dark room, the lights flash to reveal a hideous figure with long, grasping claws reaching out for him. The creature pursues
him throughout the nightmare and may inflict harm, though no physical damage carries over to the waking world. The monk
is slain by the monster or by cunning traps several times, waking up anew in the nightmare whenever he dies. The incredible
mental strain of such nightmares exacerbates his paranoia to the point where he abandons his duties and flees into the
wilderness, unable to endure the gazes of others.
Cost: - (5m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Madness and Cruelty as One
An Infernal may find themselves curious about just how their target is faring inside the carefully-constructed horrors they
have wrought. This charm allows the Infernal to insert themselves into the nightmare as a disembodied presence. Within the
nightmare, the Infernal may spend motes as by Madness and Cruelty as One to make further alterations, bringing new terrors
into existence and commanding existing ones. The Infernal may also spend 5 motes to assume a physical body and interact
with the environment and the victim as if he were actually there.
Madness is the kingdom of Oramus and all kings seek to expand their territory. Whenever someone enduring the nightmares
created by the prerequisite charm speaks to another of their suffering, that person finds themselves brought into the
nightmare whenever they sleep as a one-time Shaping effect. Should they be slain in the nightmare, then they gain the
Derangement of the original victim and begin experiencing their own horrors as if they were affected by Shrieking Soul Night-
In the same way She Who Lives In Her Name feels pity for the crippled physicality of humans, she pities their weak attention. That
one must focus on a single task to perform at maximal efficiency is shocking to her, much less that one might actually lose precision
simply due to distance!
This Charm permanently upgrades Mind-Hand Manipulation in the following ways.
• The Infernal may move held objects their move distance (or dash, if the Infernal dashes) reflexively every tick within normal
range limits.
• The Infernal may take a single Miscellaneous Action, or up to (Essence) actions if the Infernal pays 1m, through Mind-Hand
Manipulation reflexively every action tick. These actions have no DV penalty, but may not include Defend Other or Blockade
Movement actions. As a clarification, any effect that directly harms a character or the environment is an attack. On the other
hand, dropping something on an unmoving target is fair game.
• For every 1m committed indefinitely as a reflexive action, up to (Essence)m, the character multiplies the range on Mind-
Hand Manipulation by (1 + motes). Actions that are not attacks or defenses ignore range penalties.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charm: Precision Thought-Force Exercise
The Principle of Hierarchy is conservative and precise in her use of force. Ostentatious and overkill attacks are the provenance of
her King, and while she would never disagree with him, her methods are far more refined.
This Charm permanently upgrades Mind-Hand Manipulation in the following ways.
• The Infernal’s telekinetic attacks gain the Strafe tag, allowing efficient dispatching of multiple targets with raking blades and
hammers of force. Utilizing strafe attacks costs 1m per action.
• If the Infernal knows Principle Invoking Onslaught, they may invoke the instant-duration shaping effect without paying the
cost of it, though this free activation does not allow persistent grapples, nor does it allow shaping the corpse.
• The Infernal may now enhance the damage of telekinetic attacks with Excellencies like any other attribute pool, adding up to
(Essence + Essence) dice. This does not actually increase base damage, however; it instead subtracts from the target’s
soak, whether natural or armor, as the Principle of Hierarchy employs exactly the correct amount of force to penetrate
defenses. This notably does not apply against hardness. [As a note, this is automatically In Theme for SWL’s excellency. As
another clarification, objects do not generally have true Hardness, simply no minimum damage, and as such can be
penetrated using this.]
The hardened essence of the Crystal-Fire Barrier is a highly useful tool for arranging the battlefield, but inefficient for protection.
While the principles of the Force-Suppression Barrier turn aside attacks, actually doing such is similarly inefficient when one could
simply deflect them with an impenetrable barrier. With the precision understanding granted by Thought-Force Exercise, the Infernal
learns to bend barriers around themselves like a second skin.
Activating this charm surrounds the character in a momentarily crackling field of essence, similar to Force-Suppression Barrier,
which may similarly be rendered invisible with Unseen Force Application. This grants the Character additional Armored Bashing and
Lethal Soak equal to (Essence + 3), and an equal amount Hardness. The barrier is selective, allowing the Infernal to touch things
without issue.
At Essence 4+ the duration increases to Indefinite. As well, the Infernal is allowed to apply the Soak and Hardness of this charm
against Environmental Hazards as if it was Natural.
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charm: Mind-Hand Manipulation
Why should the Principle of Hierarchy swat aside attacks herself, when she could delegate such trivial tasks to lessers? Woe to
those who would assume her apparitions of force are simple hands, for they may take a life of their own.
Upon activating this Charm, for the rest of the Scene the Infernal receives a reduction in PDV penalties based on the number of
attacks made with Mind-Hand Manipulation. For every point of rate not used to attack on an action, the Infernal reduces all penalties
by an equal amount. Any remaining penalties can never rise above (5 - Unused rate). Non-Reflexive Miscellaneous actions, including
Defend Other count as 1 used rate for this calculation. Thus when making 3 attacks at rate 5, the Infernal would reduce all penalties
by 2, and cap any remaining penalties from any source at -3.
At Essence 4, the Infernal increases the penalty negation by a single point, and at Essence 5+, increases it by a further
point; thus an Essence 5 Infernal making 5 attacks at rate 5 would still negate 2 points of penalties to PDV.
"World domination doesn't interest me in the slightest. All I want is well-kept peace. My ideal world has no victories or losses - it's a utopia where
the ruler and the ruled are equally oppressed! An orderly hell with no competition, no ambition, and no redemption. A place where such things
aren't even missed, because they have no meaning! That's the perfect world I'll create."
-Saki Sukinasaki
This set of Charms for the Yozi She Who Lives in Her Name is intended to replace the one presented in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals (and other sources,
such as the Broken-Winged Crane or Ink Monkey supplements). It does, however, use the same General Charms as that set - most notably her Essence
Overwhelming, Mythos Exultant, Sorcerous Enlightenment, and Ascendency Mantle. They can be found in the relevant books.
This set no longer contains the Infernal version of Wyld-Shaping Technique. This has been replaced by a new General Charm, (Yozi) World-Shaping
Cosmogony, which can be found directly below. While it works equally well with either the current version of Wyld-Shaping Technique or the unimplemented
errata detailed here, I recommend the latter version of that Charm.
Though this document contains the core of She Who Lives in Her Name’s Charm set - 48 Charms, approximately the same amount allocated to all canonical
Yozi Charm sets - further Charms exist, whether waiting to be invented by the heroic genius of the Infernal Exalted or simply unrecorded in this document. A
small example of such extraneous Charms can be found here, and may be added to.
Anything created or altered by this Charm must conform to the Excellency of the Yozi in question. When creating Land, the legend-chisel of She Who Lives in
Her Name crafts ordered, planned landscapes, while Malfeas demands bombastic, scorched vistas, and Kimbery prefers seas, shores and floodplains. Demesnes
created in this way must be aspected toward the relevant Yozi, or Vitriol. The Infernal can create other Yozi-aspected demesnes, but the required successes
increase by two. Any materials the Infernal desires can still be created, but will have a hellish taint about them, appropriate to the associated Yozi.
People created by this Charm are always natives of Malfeas and creatures of darkness. If the Infernal wishes, she can spend an additional success to apply up to
(Essence) points of mutations to such characters, which must be mitigated with an equal value of negative mutations (the creature of darkness deformity counts
towards this). Alternatively, the Infernal may create an unbound heroic member of an existing First Circle race by spending successes equal to its Essence
rating. Such demons come into existence with an Intimacy of loyalty toward the Infernal.
New Keyword!
New Keyword!
Lattice: Charms with this keyword have additional or enhanced effects when used against anomalies. Though magic exists to alter or expand this definition,
anomalies are by default defined as anything native to the Wyld, whether characters, objects, structures or even phenomena. Such Charms often also have
special effects on targets with Wyld mutations.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Duration: Permanent
Upon learning even one version of this Charm, the Infernal defines a “greater good”; some cause they hold cardinal above all else. The greater good should
generally be conceptual rather than specific, as it cannot be changed once expressed. The greater good of She Who Lives in Her Name, for example, is “All
Things In Their Place”. When the Infernal would gain Willpower from a stunt resonant with her greater good, she may instead regain a single channel in any
transcendent Virtue. Transcendent Virtues can be channelled on actions that support the greater good, even if they oppose local representations of that Virtue,
while actions that oppose the greater good are treated as opposing all transcendent Virtues, even if they display a Virtue’s more immediate qualities.
If the Infernal takes action that contradicts a local transcendent Virtue for the greater good, only to later discover that it did not advance the greater good at all
(through failure, ignorance, etc), she immediately gains a point of Limit. Should the Infernal’s greater good become outright nonsensical, the Infernal
immediately enters Torment for a full day and loses all versions of this Charm, converting them back to xp.
Duration: Permanent
Her ability to respond to unpredictable thought-patterns is reduced, however, reducing her MDVs by (Essence ÷ 2) against social influence that runs contrary to
an intimacy she possesses towards that character; an intimidation attempt from a friend, for example.
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Dramatic action)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Every Last Detail
The Pyre in Which Thoughts are Burned is a searchbeam light of calculation that cuts through the future’s haze. This Charm is a dramatic action of one hour
which the Infernal spends devising a plan consisting of two parts. A goal, which may range from "overthrow the Realm" to "make breakfast", and steps,
intermediary goals that must meaningfully contribute to the actual goal, in such a way that when they are complete the goal will definitionally have been
achieved. She may have a number of steps equal to her (Bureaucracy or War), as appropriate to the plan’s nature, and immediately acquires a secondary
Willpower pool, capable of holding up to (Steps) points. The pool is initially full, but can only be refilled through stunts that directly contribute to the Infernal's
plan, and can only be spent in ways that do the same.
This Charm ends when the goal is achieved, transferring its remaining Willpower into the Exalt’s normal pool; any excess is lost. Whenever one of the steps in
the Infernal's plan is rendered impossible or irrelevant to her goal, she gains one Limit. Ending this Charm prematurely inflicts Limit equal to the remaining
steps and wastes any unspent Willpower. This Charm automatically ends if the Infernal enters Torment.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to reform patterns that have developed faults. She may use the Charm to enhance any Regain Capital or
Shift Structure interval, halving its duration.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Lattice
Duration: Indefinite
The Infernal’s aesthetic preferences shift subtly while benefiting from this effect. She reduces the effective Appearance ratings of other characters by one for
every point of Wyld mutations they possess, while anomalies are treated as having an effective Appearance rating of zero. Other characters continue to perceive
normal Appearance ratings, even when interacting with the Infernal.
Duration: Permanent
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Invasive Exteroception Technique
All components should be interchangeable, capable of instant reassignment. The Infernal folds space whenever she takes a Move or Dash action, disassembling
to instantly reappear at her destination. Though she may teleport in any direction she pleases, the distance she can travel does not change, and she cannot pass
through barriers that she could not normally bypass. Teleporting into occupied space inflicts an unsoakable level of bashing damage on the Infernal, and she
instead rematerializes at the closest spot between her starting point and the obstacle. Spaces warded against teleportation provoke a roll-off, with failure
causing the Infernal to treat them as occupied for the scene. The warlock can be targeted at her start and end points, but effectively does not exist between
them, helping her avoid detection or pass through treacherous ground without issue.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 3+ allows the Infernal to spend a point of Willpower to pass through physical barriers without issue until her DVs
refresh. A third purchase allows the Infernal to perform a special version of the Aim action; instead of aborting to an attack, she aborts to a Move or Dash
action, and increases her base Move distance by a factor equal to the “dice” she would have accrued, up to (Essence).
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Distance-Eliminating Translocation
The spheres of She Who Lives in Her Name spin around each other, a patterned orbit of organs that is beyond interference. This Charm is a perfect dodge
against any attack the Infernal is aware of. Her body dismantles itself around the assault, reconfiguring when danger has passed. If this Charm's prerequisite is
active, she may make a reflexive Move action in Step 9 of the offending attack. This Charm suffers from the Imperfection of the Principle of Hierarchy.
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
With Essence 3+, the warlock’s reality-alterations are precise enough to substitute for complete mundane workshops. A second purchase at this level allows her
to directly manipulate anything within her range, through Obvious spatial distortions. She replaces Strength with Intelligence and Dexterity with Wits for such
actions. She suffers a -1 external penalty when acting at more than half her maximum range. She can undertake multiple actions at once, though multiple action
penalties and Rate apply as normal.
The Infernal can use her telekinesis to wield weapons, but treats them as improvised, and cannot directly attack with her mind-hands until Essence 4+, at which
point she may perform unarmed attacks (Exalted, pp. 370), through different forms of telekinetic force. These attacks may deal Bashing or Lethal damage, and
have the Piercing tag, but do not add Intelligence to their damage and cannot be used with Martial Arts Styles. Telekinetic clinches can be escaped, but not
Objects instead provide her with their full “blueprints”; an examination of a daiklave allows her to reverse-engineer its entire creation, down to the fuel used to
heat the forge. Artifacts with N/A ratings are beyond her full comprehension, and cannot be deciphered in this way.
If the warlock knows Essence-Dissecting Touch, any attempt to analyze magical effects and traits through that Charm automatically succeeds. Further, she may
base new, more orderly creations on these flashes of insight; she doubles her successes on rolls to design a helltech artifact or manse if she has personally
analyzed a suitable supernatural effect in the last month. This also enhances attempts to develop or learn appropriate new Charms, Spells or Procedures,
allowing her to act as though she had a tutor even if the effect is entirely original.
Rolls use (target's Stamina + Infernal's Essence), plus one automatic success. Failure never worsens a condition, though targets can still deteriorate naturally.
Multiple maladies each receive simultaneous treatment, and healed wounds leave no evidence. In the absence of genuine problems this Charm clears away
imperfections like moles. Objects also benefit from this Charm, receiving constant maintenance and repairs with a pool of (Infernal's Craft + Essence) as worn
bolts and scaffolds orbit the frame.
This magic does not react well to agitation. It stalls if the target takes activity more strenuous than “at ease” (Exalted, pp. 115); objects also stall when
undergoing similar degrees of movement. Countermagic ending this Charm early returns the target to their normal form.
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Autonomous Pattern Reconstruction
The world reshapes itself into a proper form. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to instead target an object-sized collection of raw
materials, causing them to autonomously assemble into any mundane object she has complete blueprints for, and could create from those materials alone. This
occurs at the same rate as described in Autonomous Pattern Reconstruction, using the same dice pool as repairing an object.
If the Infernal knows Apeiron Isolation Alchemy, she can target even inappropriate materials, applying an external penalty to the first roll equal to the difficulty
to transmute the materials into the appropriate ones.
Further, the maximum interval between rolls (i.e. the time necessary to carry out a given "operation") becomes one hour. A second purchase reduces this
further, to one minute. At this level, the Exalt may spend another three motes while involved in an operation to instantly resolve an interval, tissue shuffling
instantly and seamlessly; this hyperaccelerated interval can be performed regardless of the target’s level of activity.
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Autonomous Pattern Reconstruction
No failure is beyond correction. This is the belief that has fuelled the Pyre In Which Thoughts Are Burned for millennia. This Charm can be purchased five
times, each purchase allowing its prerequisite to repair afflictions that cannot normally be addressed, such as amputated limbs or incurable diseases. Three
purchases each cover a single Keyword, chosen between Crippling, Poison and Sickness effects. Removing such ailments is difficulty 5 and takes six hours,
unless otherwise specified. New tissue for amputated limbs grows on a spinnbarkeit mesh, flaking together from the outside in. A fourth version allows this
Charm to heal damage. This "treatment" takes two hours and heals a single bashing health level at difficulty 1 or downgrades a single level of lethal damage to
bashing at difficulty 3. Aggravated damage cannot be healed. The fifth version does not affect characters at all, but allows the Exalt to restore objects damaged
beyond mundane repair, so long as she has even a fragment; a burned letter can be reconstructed if the Exalt has the ashes.
Duration: Instant
Transformed objects retain their former shape, but react normally to their new materials; a liquid pillar would simply collapse. This Charm cannot create
magical materials, or similar substances like Chiaroscuro glass or toadstone. It can produce optimized base materials (i.e. gold for orichalcum) that add (Exalt’s
Essence) automatic successes to attempts to refine them. Malfean crystal is treated as a close variation of all substances, as it contains the potential for any
other pattern.
Close variations or compounds (i.e. steel into iron): Difficulty 1
Oddities are flayed by the Exalt's disgusted attention, shattering away as pellucid ornaments. Every damage level inflicted by this attack removes a single point
of Wyld mutations as a Shaping effect - even if the target is not an anomaly, each point of Wyld mutations removed converts a level of bashing damage into
aggravated damage. This does not inflict additional wounds, merely enhance that attack’s damage. If a targeted Wyld mutation is worth more points than the
attack’s damage it is not removed, but its effective value decreases for the scene, allowing multiple attacks to scour away even the most drastic abominations.
This attack possesses the Strafing tag (Shards of the Exalted Dream, pp. 140), though such blasts count as only a single attack for the purposes of rate. It
ignores defences granted by gossamer equipment.
Quantum Lathe: Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage 8B(A)/2, Rate 1, Range 50, Tags: O, St
Cost: — (1m); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Finally, the Exalt can reflexively spend a single mote to recalibrate her attack, conducting it through a different phenomenon. This can be any dangerous
manifestation the warlock can imagine, from a javelin of anti-motes to a sonic beam or a sphere of fire. A given “mode” lasts until the Infernal changes to a
new one or freely returns to the usual oscillating beam. The attack’s traits remain the same, but it deals lethal damage instead of bashing to targets that the
Storyteller considers particularly vulnerable to its current nature, e.g. burning a wood elemental with fire. Phenomenae produced by this attack are the real
thing in every respect.
Cost: — (1wp); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Procrustean Chastity Coherence
The living pattern of She Who Lives in Her Name incorporates and accounts for all relevant forms, searing the immediately useful into existence. Shapes of
intangible crystal form in the Exalt's anima while it flares at the 8+ level, orbiting her at up to (Essence) yards. This range doubles at 11+, and becomes
(Essence x 5) yards at 16+. The warlock can spend one Willpower to reflexively combine these shapes into a three-dimensional object of Sorcerous Malfean
crystal anywhere in this range, which solidifies at the end of that tick. This geometric construct has (Essence) health levels and can be hollow, but must be
relatively simple and lack moving parts. Any weapons or tools it approximates are considered improvised, and the Infernal can deliberately dismiss it.
The construct is normally fixed in place, ignoring gravity, but the Infernal can move it with the telekinesis provided by Mind-Hand Manipulation. She treats it
as weighing nothing, ignores the penalty for using it as an improvised weapon, and can move it as a reflexive feat of strength. The construct lasts one day, but
at Essence 5+, its duration increases to one week, with further dots of Essence increasing the duration to one month, year, century, and millenium, or (at
Essence 10) eternity.
A second purchase at Essence 3+ allows the Infernal to spend three motes in step 2 of any attack she can apply her Crystal-Fire Barrier Defence-enhanced
Parry DV against, utterly dispersing the assault in a perfect parry. This application shatters her light-shield, immediately ending this Charm. As a unique
Imperfection, each time this perfect parry is used it increases the cost of Crystal-Fire Barrier Defence by three motes for the rest of the scene.
The vehicle can normally only accommodate the Exalt and her worn or carried possessions, regardless of her current size or shape, but she can expand its
capacity to bear other characters or object-sized cargo by committing two motes for each, maximum (Essence). This does not enlarge her vehicle, but produces
smaller copies that can bear willing passenger, hovering in orbit within (Essence) yards of the Infernal.
• The crystal core is the Infernal's body, and can be of any shape or complexity, but cannot exceed object-scale or be smaller than her normal size. She can
reassemble it within these limits as a miscellaneous action. Whatever its specifics, the Exalt uses physical laws in place of organs, removing her need to
breathe, eat or sleep.
• She ignores the minimum damage of attacks without an Overwhelming value, lesser blows shredded in the forces that comprise her body. The Infernal can
move as though she were the vehicle created by Seamless Ascendancy Reticello, and gains armour equal to that of the vehicle, along with its other benefits.
She can create sub-vehicles just as described in that Charm, at the usual cost.
• This satori-form allows observations to resonate with each other, notes on a crystal tuning fork that expand her understanding of the cosmos. She benefits
from the effects of Invasive Exteroception Technique with a range of ([Perception + Essence] x 50) yards, but can only manipulate objects through her
• Her anima expands to cover the range of Invasive Exteroception Technique, an intangible crystal constellation that reflects her core, allowing her to use
Utility-Engine Cabochon within this range at no cost and maintain up to (Essence) constructs at once. She can emit a thought-rending chime that inflicts a -1
internal penalty on everyone in this radius as a Crippling effect. Characters can ignore this penalty for the scene by spending one Willpower, while those
lacking thoughts to tear apart (such as the dream-eaten or most automatons) are unaffected.
• Her soul becomes a focusing lens, scouring anomalies from existence like an obsessive child with a magnifying glass. She benefits from all the effects of
Anti-Variance Deletion Beam. Its range increases to (Essence x 20) yards, and its Strafe attacks can be applied to any number of characters within (Essence)
yards of each other.
Duration: Indefinite
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Binary Instruction Implementation
A mere fragment of the true language of the cosmos is enough to set the mind aflame in subconscious infection. It is in this tongue that the Principle of
Hierarchy made her home. This Charm functions in the same way as the Solar Charm Flawless Brush Discipline, except that it uses (Manipulation + Socialize)
and creates an intimacy toward an organization the Infernal belongs to or an abstract ideal that she herself holds, rather than toward the Infernal herself. A
second purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Exalt to use it as a verbal social attack, instead.
Duration: Indefinite
This unnatural Illusion is represented by a negative intimacy of (Subconscious Rejection) toward the idea that the event ever occurred, the target associating it
with that terrible flame. This intimacy is normally dormant and hidden, a state in which it does not influence the character's behaviour or count toward their
maximum. It only surfaces when the character faces evidence of the event, upon which it acts as a normal intimacy, forcing them to ignore or dismiss it as best
they can. At the end of any scene where the intimacy remains intact, the mental influence reasserts itself, and the character forgets about any evidence they saw.
Characters with this intimacy cannot perceive or recall the anti-memorial created by this Charm; it occupies a blind spot in their mind’s eye.
A second purchase enhances this intimacy, increasing the scenes necessary to erode it by (Infernal's Essence). Additionally, affected characters must now try to
destroy (or, if this is not possible, hide) any inanimate evidence of the erased event they encounter, after which (whether they succeed or fail) the intimacy
erases any memory of the cover-up attempt, folding it into the banned memories of the main Illusion. This unnatural Compulsion can be ignored if they do not
believe they can succeed without witnesses, but otherwise costs one Willpower to resist; characters with this same intimacy do not count as witnesses for this
purpose (the distinction is automatically and subconsciously recognized), and have their memories similarly edited, even if they did nothing but observe.
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Binary Instruction Implementation
The syllables of the Whispering Flame’s hidden name transcend simple script. This Charm enhances the Exalt’s capabilities, allowing her to encode the
principles of her perfect communication in the form of a written social attack into any object she creates, rolling the appropriate pool upon completing it.
These social attacks replace Linguistics with (lower of Linguistics or Craft), and require that the target spend at least one long tick deliberately studying the
object, though it can be spread out over a single scene. They do not contain actual information, but otherwise function as normal, including any Charms that
enhance them. Objects infused with the ideas of the Principle of Hierarchy always have fundamentally alien symmetry running through them, which can be
identified as Malfean influence with a (Perception + Craft) roll at difficulty 3.
If the Exalt knows Unshattered Tongue Perfection, she may encode that Charm into any written social attack (or other piece of writing) she creates by paying
five motes upon completion. Any character who spends at least a single long tick deliberately studying the writing with a Dodge MDV lower than the Infernal’s
(Linguistics + Essence) immediately comes under the effects of Unshattered Tongue Perfection, just as though it had been applied to them normally. This
encoded effect is Sorcerous.
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
With Essence 3+, the warlock can spend a point of Willpower to share in those memories, thereby receiving an answer to her question as truthfully and
accurately as the target could possibly have provided it, with no meaningful omissions. This also renders any relevant memory-altering magic Obvious to her,
though it does not convey the original memories. The target can deny the Infernal access to those memories by spending Willpower equal to the external
penalty, a psychic block that lasts one scene.
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Duration: Instant
If this reduces the target to zero Willpower, their will immediately breaks (Exalted, pp. 174). Mortals broken by this replace their Motivation with that of
whichever Size 2+ organization they are most strongly associated with, chosen by their player. This Motivation cannot be changed without breaking their will
again, although it shifts to match the organization's so long as they are a member. Their former Motivation becomes an intimacy.
A second purchase at Essence 4+ allows this Charm to affect Essence-users with lower Essence than the Exalt. Such characters can regain their original
Motivation by spending (Infernal's Essence) Willpower across later scenes. At this level, broken mortals are instantly consumed by Obvious white fire, which
dims to reveal them apparently unharmed. They have in fact been replaced with an identical synthetic entity which shares their memories but is a creature of
darkness and native of Malfeas. Lacking a soul, it leaves no ghost and cannot Exalt. Such creatures cannot change their Motivation, even with magical
intervention, and treat mental influence (and Virtue rolls) that would cause them to act against it as unacceptable orders. Any greater good they devise through
the Cosmic Transcendence of (Virtue) mutation shifts to match their Motivation.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Objects only contain information relevant to their purposes; the least god of a rapier knows of nothing but bloodshed, steel and swordplay. Recorded
information is always relevant (whether words on a page or graffiti on a wall), and can be retrieved regardless of the format or language it is presented in, a
condensed data-burst that provides the Infernal with a minute’s worth of information per question.
A second purchase allows the Exalt to commit one mote to any object (or structure, with Structure-Seizing Intrusion Program) she owns. So long as they are in
the same realm of existence, she may act as though it were in range of this Charm. Committing an additional three motes waives the cost of Impulse Infusion
The Infernal’s (Wits + Lore + Essence) is used for any necessary dice pools, with tool modifiers applied as normal, though these actions are not considered her
own for the purposes of enhancing them with Charms. Thinking objects or those owned by other characters can resist as described in Hollow Mind
Interrogation, though a successful bypass lasts only for that action.
Duration: Permanent
Duration: Indefinite
If a shard-mind’s actions resonate with its associated intimacy, the Infernal can enhance them with Charms, spending resources as necessary. Shard-minds
cannot take actions that oppose their associated intimacies. When this Charm ends, the intimacy returns to the Infernal, inflicting a point of Limit from psychic
dissonance if she acted against it in the meantime. All instances of this Charm end when the Infernal enters Torment.
The Exalt can maintain up to (Intelligence) shard-minds at once. Choosing to dedicate multiple minds (including the Infernal’s own conscious one) to the same
project provides no teamwork bonus; instead, it reduces the project’s duration by an equivalent factor.
Duration: Indefinite
A second purchase at Essence 3+ causes targets to treat mental influence applied by their hierarchical superiors as unnatural. Further, the warlock may increase
this Charm’s cost to ten motes and a point of Willpower to target organizations with a Size no greater than her (Intelligence) by touching the leader of that
organization, affecting them and all their subordinates. Countermagic frees only those individuals it targets, not the organization as a whole, but individuals
who leave the organization also abandon its imposed unity of language.
Duration: Permanent
Those who do not speak any version of that language are even more isolated, their crude attempts at communication seen as the discordant screeches of
animals. Characters under Unshattered Tongue Perfection do not need to suppress their Compassion to harm anomalies, or those they have heard speaking (or
seen writing) in a language they cannot understand. In the latter case, characters who they have heard speaking understandably are forgiven for the rest of the
scene, even if they previously babbled in mad barbarian tongues.
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Lattice, Sorcerous, Training
Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: Unshattered Tongue Perfection
Language shapes thought, and thought shapes action. Thus does She Who Lives in Her Name whisper proper structure into half-formed minds. This Charm
targets any character belonging to a hierarchical organization, granting one dot in any Specialty, Ability or Attribute that would be directly useful for
performing their role in that organization. This Training takes one day to come into effect, during which the Infernal spends at least an hour lecturing them on
their role. In the process, they lose one dot in any Specialty, Ability or Attribute irrelevant to their current role. The target’s player chooses which traits are
gained or lost, and is refunded the full xp value of the lost trait, which must be spent on the new trait. Characters with no irrelevant traits to lose cannot be
targeted; neither can anomalies, who have no role at all. Countermagic targeting the trainee cancels this Charm, though completed Training remains unaffected.
Once a character has been affected by this Charm a number of times equal to their Essence, future applications gain the Desecration keyword, rendering them
natives of Malfeas and creatures of darkness along with their new trait. Natives of Malfeas can be targeted even if they lack irrelevant traits, and always treat
Specialties in music and dance as relevant, as well as Appearance, which requires no instruction, but fixes blemishes and asymmetry.
A second purchase at Essence 5+ allows the Infernal to spend an additional five motes and one Willpower to target an entire organization. This takes a full
week to come into effect, and only affects those who occupy a single role chosen by the Infernal upon activation. The Infernal must spend an hour lecturing the
organization’s leader, or whoever is in charge of the targeted role. Invalid targets within the organization remain unaffected.
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Desecration
Duration: Permanent
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (6 long ticks)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Unshattered Tongue Perfection
All it takes for order to prevail is for disruptive elements to do nothing. The Exalt rolls (Manipulation + Socialize), producing unnatural mental influence
targeting all members of an organization she has spent a few hours in the last week interacting with in a manner that enforced one of its Policies. Any members
with a Dodge MDV lower than her successes immediately acquire an intimacy of "unthinking acceptance" toward that Policy. As long as the intimacy and
Policy both remain in place, such characters consider that facet of their organization to be an unassailable cornerstone of their way of life. Though not
compelled to practice it themselves, they will furiously oppose any attempt to change or remove it, discarding arguments or appeals as necessary.
While the character remains part of the organization, this intimacy does not count toward the maximum number they can have at once, and cannot be eroded or
altered through natural mental influence, including events that might normally cause the intimacy to erode on its own, such as a character with Compassion 3+
seeing a heretic burnt at the stake.
Prerequisite Charms: First She Who Lives in Her Name Excellency, Unshattered Tongue Perfection (x2)
When all the world moves as one, orders will be unnecessary. Until that day, their execution remains admirable. This Charm can be activated upon rolling Join
Battle or Join War, providing the Infernal with an Overdrive pool capable of holding ten motes, to which she adds offensive motes equal to the Size of the
largest group fighting alongside her as an ally. To qualify, groups must possess a Policy that supports their participation in this battle.
In addition (and even if the Infernal is completely alone) she adds one offensive mote to this pool every time her DV refreshes, provided she is fighting under
orders from a hierarchical superior. If she disobeys a direct, explicit order from a hierarchical superior, this Charm immediately ends.
Finally, if the Infernal is in Final Ultimatum Shintai, every character within her network gains a five-mote Overdrive pool, to which they add offensive motes
using the second condition described in this Charm, disregarding any superiors other than those within the network.
• All characters within the organization benefit from the effects of Unshattered Tongue Perfection, if they did not already, which cannot be dispelled while this
Shintai is active. The MDV modifiers applied by Unshattered Tongue Perfection increase to (Organization's Size), if that would be larger.
• The organization’s Influence increases by (Infernal’s Essence) for the Shintai's duration, at a rate of one dot per day, as the soft chant of an almost-name
percolates into conversation and thought. Additionally, its Competence becomes equal to half of the Infernal's most relevant (Attribute + Ability) rating if it
would normally be lower.
• Any project undertaken by the organization enjoys all the benefits of slave labour with none of the downsides, while the dice bonuses provided by the
organization’s Intimacies are increased by (Infernal’s Essence). The organization cannot take actions that conflict with any of its Policies.
• On a more local level, the number of dice that can be contributed by limited teamwork (Exalted, pp. 125) to an action undertaken entirely by members of the
organization is increased by (Infernal's Bureaucracy), with all fellow members treated as being skilled enough to help if even one is. Further, any roll to co-
ordinate attacks (Exalted, pp. 144) within members of the organization benefits from (Infernal's War) automatic successes.
However, the Infernal’s own reduced form is left weakened and sluggish, her thoughts spread thin across the refined pattern of her subordinates, inflicting an
internal penalty to all non-project dice pools equal to half the organization’s Size rating. Characters who belong to the organization but are not subordinate to
the Infernal are not affected by this Charm, and do not benefit from or contribute to its effects.
She also acquires a offensive motes every time her DV refreshes while in combat with at least one enemy who has foiled or otherwise rendered impossible a
step of her current plan (or a plan that was foiled this scene). The motes acquired are equal to the total number of steps foiled by present enemies. At the end of
any scene in which she failed to kill or otherwise subjugate at least one of the enemies that granted her motes through this Cham, she loses a single point of
Willpower from any of her pools.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm also gives the Exalt a five-mote Overdrive pool for its duration, and grants her a single offensive mote with each full Aim cycle that passes. Motes
acquired in this way are not actually added to the warlock’s Overdrive pool until she makes her attack; if she does anything but attacking the target she is
aiming at, they are immediately lost.
A second purchase of this Charm allows it to transfer Willpower. This version costs three motes, and transfers Willpower equal to the amount the Exalt spends,
less the usual modifiers. It can, however, only be used on hierarchical superiors.
storm is treated as unstable terrain rated at (Infernal’s Essence ÷ 2), rounded down. If the Infernal is in Crystal Dominion Rapture Shintai, she may include
parts of her crystalline body in the destructive cascade, allowing it to affect immaterial beings.
While the hazard inflicts Bashing damage by default, the Infernal may accelerate it, granting even the bluntest chunks of debris enough speed to inflict Lethal
damage. If all that is available is Lethal material (such as broken glass) the Storyteller may rule that the hazard is Lethal regardless of the warlock’s wishes.
Further, the Infernal may tighten or loosen the orbit of her field, doubling all of its traits but halving its range, or halving its traits but doubling its range,
respectively. Such changes to the disposition of the hazard are made when her DV refreshes.
This effect ends only when the Infernal reflexively deactivates it, though she may do so peacefully or violently. In the first case, she causes objects to pause
before dropping to the ground, while in the second case she spends five motes to power a one-time environmental hazard (Damage 5L, Trauma 4, Evasion 12)
across the entire radius of her Mind-Hand Manipulation.
Anomalies within range of this Charm when it activates must roll (Stamina + Integrity), suffering a level of unsoakable aggravated damage if they fail, as their
flesh cracks and peels into crystal. Raksha who enter this area immediately gain ten points of Stasis, and while within it lose motes as though they were
Unshaped Raksha within Creation (Scroll of Errata, pp. 103). Emerald Countermagic clears away twenty square yards of crystal in any arrangement the caster
desires, while Sapphire Countermagic clears away fifty square yards and Adamant clears one hundred. Simply destroying the crystal with physical force also
renders the effect inert; every square yard of crystal has (Essence) separate health levels.
If the warlock can perceive even one hostile target who would suffer lethal or aggravated damage from her current mode of attack, then changing modes causes
her to lose a single offensive mote. However, if she cannot perceive such a target, changing modes costs no motes whatsoever.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Crystal-Fire Barrier Defence, Anti-Variance Deletion Beam
The Principle of Hierarchy abhors inefficiency; it is a simple matter to recycle the energy her enemies waste on their attacks. This Charm can be used upon
successfully parrying a ranged attack with both its prerequisites active. Ammunition fizzles and sparks against her defensive Essence-mesh, igniting into
colourless fire that fuels a counterattack against the attacker, using the attack provided by Anti-Variance Deletion Beam.
If the attack in question was purely energy-based (such as an Elemental Essence Bolt, or a shot from a plasma cannon) the conversion is more efficient,
reducing the cost of this Charm by one mote. If the Exalt knows Principle-Negating Offensive and is manifesting her counterattack as a phenomenon identical
in basic nature to the parried attack, the cost is reduced by one mote. These reductions stack.
Objects with no way of projecting noise instead use motonic vibrations to create sound that can be heard up to (Essence x 5) yards away, a range that increases
by a factor of ten if the object is made mostly from crystal, resonating with a perfect hum. A second purchase of this Charm increases its duration to Indefinite.
After a year of this societal stasis, characters with access to the appropriate information can roll (Perception + Socialize) to notice the unnaturally fixed nature
of the Policy, at a difficulty of (5 - full decades passed since activation). Countermagic targeting the spiritual representation of the calcified Policy (i.e. the
statue of a great general for a war-related Policy) removes the effects of this Charm, but does not itself affect the Policy.
Normally, this consists of adding, removing, or altering a single Intimacy so that it matches an Intimacy of the other group, but if the target organization's
Intimacies are all identical to those of the other group and the Infernal acquired five threshold successes, she can instead alter their Motivation to match that of
the other group. This change takes place over a week, ideals shifting to better accomodate the superior functions of their neighbours.
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Beauty-is-Truth Memetics
The secret heart of the Principle of Hierarchy is not to be understood with a mere glance. This Charm can be used to enhance any piece of writing (or written
social attack) the Exalt engages in, rendering mysteries within its angles. Anyone who perceives the enhanced work is automatically affected by a Sorcerous,
unnatural Compulsion to consider it in its entirety; they must study it for a full long tick or as long as it takes to finish the work, whichever would be longer. In
the case of particularly long works, the target may briefly set it aside to attend to absolutely necessary duties (such as defending themselves or sleeping), but
suffer an internal penalty to all mental rolls equal to the number of minutes they have been away from it, rounded up, as distraction nags at their mind. This
Compulsion costs one point of Willpower to ignore for a day, with targets becoming immune after spending three points.
With Essence 4+, the Infernal’s player can spend a point of Willpower to render any action this Charm penalizes Obvious to her, negating it in the process.
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Cold Comfort Transparency
It is not for the cogs to perceive the clockface, nor for the ants to be alarmed by the presence of their queen. While using this Charm, the Infernal's hierarchical
inferiors cannot notice her. They might detect signs of her actions once she is no longer present, such as memos laid on their desk, but otherwise they simply
feel a vague sense that any slacking off will be observed by their superiors, which acts as an Emotion effect warding off laziness for as long as the Infernal is in
the same general area. Individual characters can spend three points of Willpower to reject this unnatural Illusion for a scene, or one point if the Infernal directly
interacts with another character where they can perceive her. They are automatically freed for the scene if the Infernal directly interacts with them in any way.
Alternatively or in addition, the Infernal can use this Charm to hide from her hierarchical superiors, alleviating the burden of acknowledging a lesser. The cost
to resist this version of the Charm is reduced by one point of Willpower, and the superior's belongings are treated as other characters for the purposes of this
Charm. Further, she imposes no Emotion effect.
Duration: Indefinite
Targets can reject this Compulsion at no Willpower cost, unless they would be valid targets for Impulse Infusion Pneumatics, in which case they must spend a
single point of Willpower to throw it off for the scene. Characters already under the effects of this Charm are immune to further applications. If the Infernal is
in Final Ultimatum Shintai, she may target any characters within her network.
At Essence 4+, if the Infernal’s anima is flaring at the 8+ level, she may use this Charm as a reflexive innate power with no mote cost on any characters within
(Essence) yards that she could target with Impulse Infusion Pneumatics. This version of the effect ends as soon as they leave its range or her anima dims; the
range increases to (Essence x 2) yards at the 11+ level and (Essence x 5) yards at 16+.
If the Infernal knows Transcription Broadcast Avartana, she may use this Charm to instead target objects she could target with that Charm, allowing her to
speak through it as it glows with colourless light. In this case, the effect can be removed with countermagic as though it were Sorcerous, and can be resisted
through Willpower expenditure by the owner of the object.
• Charms
• Qaf
• Yozi
This Charm may aid the character in any attempt to ignore distractions or endure hardships. It
may not be used to acquire or provide simple, direct assistance and it may never be used to
enhance a prayer to another being. Qaf fights his own battles and expects the same of others.
Assistance earned through considerable effort or from deciphering vague hints is permissible.
Finally, this Charm cannot enhance any action which the character must suppress his
Temperance to perform.
Well he's pretty much unwritten as a Yozi thus far. So I wrote this as a kinda lamp post for my
future endeavors:
Once, before mortal minds grasped onto concepts of time through aged fingers, Qaf
appeared unto the Wyld. Qaf was as infinite as the Realm Unshaped and from the first sought
its beginning and end, striking out as brilliant white line against the roiling mutable madness.
In their travels, the other Primodials found him, a clear direction in an unreadable shifting
realm. They shared with him the Shining Answer, a place/concept or thing that must have
started all of this and set into motion the events of their existence. Intrigued, Qaf joined them
and offered to be their guide, foraging into the unknown for the birth of the Universe and inso
themselves. Qaf was possessed of the Shining Answer - even when the conflict with the
Unshaped had eased to a gentle wave, no longer threatening to sweep them away, as the
others lay down worn and tired and seeking peace and recuperation…Qaf sought on.
Creation was build around him, his unbending will and impossible hunger for understanding
forming the Axis Mundi, his Joten the spine of a fledgling cosmos all their own. When the
gods, who dwelt upon the pile of dirt and dust that gathered about him, what would come to
be known as Mount Maru, rebelled – he was far away still, seeking the answer.
As the Primodials became Yozi, when the king of their kin entered bondage and crawled
within himself, the gods looked upon Qaf who stood as a shimming line to pierce into the
realms of heaven and beyond. Though Qaf had not raised a hand in the grand conflict, though
he had not given council or curse, and though he had only held all of creation about him with
every rock and quake that threatened to sunder it – the victors looked upon him and sneered.
In him they saw weakness, dependance and something that would always be beyond them.
Many questioned how Creation could continue to exist without Qaf, what would it be without
the celestial pole? Others asked, how could they cast away and seal something without limits,
as even the Endless desert was only bound in half to the prison – her hands grasping and felt
in places of desolation. In the end they bent him so that his beginning and end converged,
thus and then was he banished into a realm were there were no sights and no wisdom to be
found, only still blank infinity. No longer could he seek the shining answer, no longer could he
study and learn from the infinite vistas of the Wyld – now he had only himself as the path. If
the Shining Answer were to be found, it would be within himself.
At Essence 3+, he can ignore any environmental hazards with a Trauma lower than (Essence) while meditating.
New Keyword!
Idol: Qaf knows that enlightenment only exists within. Others, too, have discovered this, and seek him out to mine wisdom
from the rich seams that run through his mountain heart. While active, Charms with this keyword automatically apply their
effects to any character with an intimacy or Motivation related to learning from or imitating the Infernal, as a Shaping effect.
This requires that the character in question meditate within (Essence x 100) yards of the Infernal, and allows them to use the
Infernal’s Essence in place of their own for the purposes of calculating the effects of these Charms.
Qaf seeks enlightenment above all, above freedom, and above joy. When the chosen forces a student to overcome
harsh trials, torments and mutilation in the pursuit of enlightenment – Qaf is pleased.
To step from the path of enlightenment is to lose the light from your eyes and know only helplessness, fear and loss.
While under torment, the chosen is filled with a great dread that they have lost their way, desperate to find their path
again. Many chosen beat themselves to cleanse their bodies, others purge their systems of filth, and some isolate
themselves in dark chambers of hidden torments to attain focus at any cost. Further, those that fall under the pupil
keyword are also affected by their master’s torment through the poison welling up in their spiritual link, and seek to
reaffirm their path similarly.
For each scene spent basking in the power of the world around you: sitting under a waterfall, whipped by frigid winds,
standing at the lip of a caldera and so on – the character may make a roll to recover willpower. In so long as the
threats are real, you may roll dice equal to the lesser of the damage or trauma of the environmental hazard and
recover willpower. The player is free to pursue other activities while drinking in the lessons of existence, but such
activities must be related to their pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. Should it ever be impossible for an
environmental hazard to harm the character, the character has risen above what lessons it has to teach, and no rolls
may be made.
Qaf knows that trials and tribulations are the root of wisdom, but wasted effort is the mark of ignorance. He allows
others to walk his path to enlightenment, following it’s beaten track, forgoing falsehoods and spiritual walls. Though
his approach might be steep, it is straight, and the lessons learned are true ones. A better way is revealed, one where
ones efforts feed the soul spiritual fruits. The act of sharing this wisdom grows and refines the will of the universe,
allowing greater heights to be attainted .
This charm allows the Infernal to tie spiritual bonds to worthy pupils. Sagacious Emulation Methodology, tentative
upon a successful trial issued by the Qufian, unblinds the pupil to his own essence. Hence forth, the charm recipient
is bound as pupil to his master, to only be broken should the student surpass his mentor on the path of
Qaf has explored deeper and seen more than any other being in existence save the eldest Yozi, Oramus. Each
moment bearing further into uncharted horizons – always blazing forward seeking answers.
The chosen of Qaf has walked many paths and climbed many mountains; each is different, but each guides him to
the next. Any trial that the Qafian has surmounted before, any tribulation he has endured for enlightenment, yields its
wisdom to him in the face of similar obstructions. The Infernal/Akuma may apply a one die specialty, stacking to
normal limitations, to surmount any trial in which he has bested a similar such one in the past. Pupils also benefit
from the purchase of this charm.
New Keyword:
Samsara- Sacheverell Charms that divine the future function by viewing samsara. Samsara always
takes the path of least resistance, and thus resolves any possible paradoxes by avoiding them. If anyone
were allowed to gaze freely into samsara, it would be trivial for them to defy it by simply choosing not
to go through with what they had seen themselves doing. Thus, before viewing samsara's predictions of
the future, a character must agree to an unbreakable vow of obedience to what he sees. A character will
not contradict or prevent a vision they have seen in samsara, nor may any force in the universe cause
them to do so, nor may they be made to divulge what they have seen. Anything they willingly say about
it is immune to truth detecting magic or mundane attempts to determine the truth, which reveal only
that what the target says is neither true nor false. This is not mental influence, and no Charm or Spell
may remove these restrictions once the character has agreed to see into the mysteries of samsara.
Unnatural mental influence Charms with this keyword are only unnatural mental influence in the
instant of their use, as their magic forces the target to agree to samsara's bargain of slavery for
knowledge. Even effects like Transcendent Hero's Meditation are ineffective, for the same reason
Transcendent Hero's Meditation cannot protect a Solar from the effects of gravity after unnatural
mental influence has convinced her to jump off a cliff.
The above also applies to the Maidens' panoply, but Sacherevell's willing enslavement to his visions
allows him even greater access. Sacherevell, and Infernals with his Charms, may see any event at all.
Samsara never hides information from him, and entities which are somehow outside of samsara's
influence are woven into its tapestry as soon as he uses a Charm to predict their future. In the event that
reality has become desynchronized from samsara, Sacherevell even has the power to update samsara,
incorporating past deviations and rewriting the now useless script of the future to account for whatever
impossible events occurred in spite of samsara's foreknowledge. Samsara Charms never cease
functioning, no matter what universe breaking actions the Exalted inflict upon the world. Only the total
destruction of samsara might be enough to stop them.
The Flaw of the Abhorrent Prophet Unimagined
Sacherevell is invulnerable because he understands the endless cycle of pain that is existence. When he
forgets this truth and naively attempts to alter the world to his desires, the world is quick to remind him
of the price of hope. Charms with this Flaw may not be used if the Infernal has attempted to improve
the world or his place within it in any way previously in the scene, by whatever criteria he uses to
determine what is "better." Reinforcing the status quo does not count as improving the world. As a
specific exception, the Infernal may better the lives of others by mercifully shredding their aspirations
and teaching them to abandon their hopes and dreams.
The Infernal is, of course, free to make the world worse
Sacheverell is a monstrosity who inspires fear and disgust in all who learn of him. Those fools who
dare approach him are faced with terrible prophecies of impending doom. All the universe is united in
valuing his sleep, for his wakening would entail the single worst thing imaginable. It is a blessing, then,
that he prefers the status quo of his eternal slumber, and pursues this end with grim determination and
the forbidden knowledge he has gained by studying the contours of the future.
That is what the world thinks of Sacheverell, and this is good, for the truth is far more pathetic.
Sacheverell is a helpless victim cast adrift in a cruel world which exists only to torment him and laugh
at his failures. The Abhorrent Prophet Unimagined sees the universe for the miserable place it is, and
wisely discards the false hopes it offers. The only salvation is to give up, and so Sacheverell surrenders
his will to the inevitable, abdicating the responsibilities of choice to become a blameless puppet of
destiny. He has forsaken reality, isolating himself behind walls of apathy and withdrawing into dreams
in which he is still the Lidless Eye That Sees, and knows not from whence the strange Yozi named
"Sacheverell" came. At times, He Who Sees the Shape of Things to Come thinks he spies something
which could offer hope, and for a moment he feels as though his life is worthwhile after all. However,
reality is always quick to punish such self defeating idiocy, and thus it has become his habit to lash out
at those who would drag him back into the hateful waking world.
Unlike other variations of (Yozi) Mythos Exultant, Sacheverell Mythos Exultant requires the player to
declare its use before rolling the stunted action. The Infernal rolls his dice pool twice, taking whichever
result he prefers, but forfeits stunt rewards as normal for (Yozi) Mythos Exultant if he succeeds. If the
stunted action fails despite the use of this Charm, the Infernal loses (stunt rating x 3) motes and one
willpower, as the weight of inevitable failure begins to crush the Warlock's soul. Sacheverell Mythos
Exultant is incompatible with any First or Second Excellency.
Sacheverell focuses his consciousness on his dreams, and thus magic comes most naturally to him
when it resonates with his dreams of the present. Sacherevell receives a 10 mote, 1 willpower discount
on all spells which primarily deal with dreams, scrying, or the acquisition of information. Spells which
effect the waking world, and which do not qualify for the discount above, suffer a 1 willpower
All the world is a dream to Sacheverell. It is simple to insert himself into the dreams of another. The
Infernal names an individual and falls asleep. The Infernal may also activate this Charm while already
slumbering. If the individual is asleep and within the same realm of existence, the Infernal appears to
them in their dreams. If the target has not gone to sleep, the Infernal will invade their dreams as soon as
they do. The dreamer becomes lucid enough to meaningfully converse with the Warlock, and they may
communicate normally for as long as the target is asleep. This can include social combat, though the
sleeper may pay 1 temporary willpower to banish the Infernal from his dreams for the night, or 3 to be
rid of him for a month.
A repurchase at Essence 4 allows the Infernal to target people in separate realms of existence.
Sacherevell's sleeping mind can contain whole universes, but lesser beings are more constrained. Thus,
Sacherevell must move from dreamscape to dreamscape to see the full layout of the world's dreams.
While using Dream Vision Benefaction, the Infernal may pay 1 mote to expand his awareness to
another dreamscape, effectively making them another simultaneous target of Dream Vision
Benefaction. By default, the Infernal merely moves to the dreams of the closest sleeping individual to
his original target, but he may instead narrow his search to specific types of beings. He may, for
instance, invade the dreams of the closest mortal, horse, or god. For the purposes of this Charm, all
Exalts count as humans, and the Warlock may not specify that his next target be Exalted. The new
target may pay willpower as normal to banish the Infernal. This leaves the Warlock blocked from that
person's mind, but still within the dreams of all his other targets. He may carry out different
conversations simultaneously in separate dreams and participate in multiple, separate instances of
social combat.
At Essence 3, the Infernal may instead move into the dreams of someone towards whom his current
target has an Intimacy. A repurchase at this Essence rating allows the Infernal to spread to all characters
within 5 yards of any effected character, or to every target of an Intimacy of any current target for a
cost of 5m.
Sacherevell does not control his dreams as thoroughly as Oramus, but dreams are the one place where
he is not quite so helpless. While traveling inside another's dreams with Dream Vision Benefaction, the
Infernal may control the dream's content. The Infernal specifies something, such as a specific person,
object, event, or emotion and forces the dream to shift focus onto the given subject. The Infernal may
then watch the dream play out, as the dreamer's most recent memories of the given subject are recreated
in dream form. This may involve the last time they saw the person or object, their recollections of the
specified event, or the last time they strongly felt the specified emotion. At the storyteller's discretion,
events which were extremely emotional or important for the dreamer may come forward instead of the
most recent ones. A dockworker may dream of the drunken fight he had with a coworker over a game
of cards last week, instead of having a short conversation at the general store with him this morning,
which may or may not have been what the Infernal was hoping to discover. Terrifying or humiliating
dreams impose a -1 penalty on the roll to recover Willpower in the morning.
A repurchase at Essence 4 allows the Infernal to effect all current targets of Crawling the Web of
Nightmares simultaneously with a single use, forcing them all to dream of the same subject. A second
repurchase allows the Warlock to control the glamours of the Fair Folk. By paying 5m, 1wp, the
Infernal may target a Waypoint instead of a dream. This allows the Infernal to totally rework the the
themes of the stories told there. Any Shaping attack that does not conform to the Green Sun Prince's
dictates automatically fail. It is permissible to enforce the story of Sacherevell's power tearing down the
ephemeral fantasies of the Wyld wholesale, causing all Shaping attacks to fail and the Waypoint to
temporarily calcify into a part of Creation. These effects last one day and are Sorcerous.
The wonders of the world can inspire Sacherevell to feel for but a heartbeat before the inevitability of
disappointment and loss snuffs out his ability to care. Whenever the Infernal is subject to an Emotion
effect, he may change the context of that effect to despair.
A repurchase at Essence 3 allows the Warlock to use this Charm's against social attacks meant to
compel behavior for a cost of 2 motes. This changes the social attack so that it makes the Infernal do
nothing, instead of whatever behavior it was intended to provoke. The Warlock moves to comply for an
instant before realizing the futility of whatever he was about to do. This obviously cannot defend
against social attacks which would force him to abstain from some course of action.
A second repurchase at Essence 5 makes the defense against Emotion effects, but not social attacks,
Many have been the self righteous heroes who came forth to strike down Sacherevell, only to stop
when they saw what a piteous creature he really was. The Infernal makes a (Manipulation +
Performance) roll against all onlookers' MDVs. If he succeeds, the target feels overwhelming pity for
the worthless creature before her as an Emotion that can be resisted for 2 willpower. She may harass,
ignore, or even help the Infernal in response, but must fail a Compassion check to bring herself to
actually attack him. The effect ends for any character whom the Infernal attacks. After being targeted
by this Charm, a character cannot be effected by another use by the same character again for one full
At Essence 4, the Emotion effect also gives the target a positive Intimacy of pity towards the Infernal.
The Intimacy stays in place even after the Emotion effect ends.
False Hopes Torn Asunder
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Overdrive
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Consolation Inducing Cringe
Seeing Sacheverell's misery and helplessness drives the compassionate to alleviate his suffering. These
are the Abhorrent Prophet Unimagined's most dangerous foes, for their mercy may delude him into
forgetting that life is misery. They must pay for trying to lure Sacheverell back into the sadistic waking
world. This Charm grants an Overdrive pool of 10 motes. Initially empty, the Infernal gains 10
offensive motes the first time in a scene that he initiates battle against someone who holds a positive
Intimacy towards him, and an additional mote on each action in which he attacks an enemy who holds
such an Intimacy.
At Essence 5, the Warlock's definition of acceptable enemies expands. He may now gain offensive
motes for fighting anyone who has shown him kindness earlier in the scene, regardless of whether they
hold an Intimacy towards him.
All the temptations of the world throw themselves before He Who Sees the Shape of Things to Come,
yet he is unmoved, for in his dreams he can see even the smallest and most insignificant of flaws with
ten thousand times more clarity than he can see beauty. In addition to the listed effects, each version of
this Charm replicates Keen (Sense) Technique for the appropriate sense. Upon purchasing this Charm,
the Infernal gains one of the options listed below, and may repurchase this Charm up to four times to
learn the others.
Hearing: The Infernal looses all ability to enjoy music, poetry, and the screams of his victims, as all
dissolve into a meaningless cacophony. The Warlock gains the ability to perfectly dodge vocal or
written social attacks, even undodgeable ones, by gaining a point of limit, as their worthless babble
serves only to annoy him. This version costs 4 motes.
Sight: The Infernal blinds himself to beauty. He automatically fails all rolls to evaluate the worth of
any object whose pleasing form adds to its value, and cannot even determine others' Appearance
ratings. Venus seems no more attractive to him than a decaying Abyssal. More productively, the
Warlock disregards relative Appearance modifiers when defending against social attacks. This version
costs 4 motes.
Smell: The Infernal can no longer derive pleasure from the smell of a freshly picked flower or a home
cooked meal. Even poisonous gasses and airborne diseases fail to entice a response. The Warlock is
immune to all effects that require the inhalation of a gas. This version costs 7 motes.
Taste: Even the most delectable of feasts no longer tempts the Infernal. The Warlock gains immunity to
all effects that require oral ingestion of some substance, even gaining the ability to safely swallow and
digest normally inedible objects, though he gains no sustenance from them. This version costs 4 motes.
Touch: Pain is overshadowed by the endless suffering that is life, though the caress of a lover and
gentle embrace of a friend become pleasures the Infernal will never know. The Infernal ignores all
wound penalties and becomes immune to all pain based effects. This version costs 3 motes.
At Essence 5, the duration increases to indefinite.
A single repurchase at Essence 8 reduces the cost of all versions of this Charm to 1 mote apiece.
Adorjan cuts away the fetters of sanity and draws her victim-beneficiaries into her Pure Land world
Jouten to dwell in blissful madness. She should know better than to think something as simple as
insanity can offer escape from the torment of samsara. This Charm is an hour long dramatic action in
which the Green Sun Prince confronts his target with the unrelenting misery of the world outside of
their delusions. The paranoid are shown that no amount of distrust can really protect them from
betrayal, and those with phobias are shown how everything else is just as terrifying as the thing they
fear. Afterwords, the target loses all derangements, but is infused with a permanent sense of melancholy
and detachment. They may not repair or create positive Intimacies unless they spend a Virtue channel
for each scene spent doing so.
Depression is not an illness but instead the only sane response to a mad and terrible world. As such, this
Charm cannot cure depression or similar derangements, though it can convert them into depression,
turning Bi-Polar Disorder into unipolar depression, for instance.
It is bad enough that Sacheverell must acknowledge his own endless string of failures. The thought that
others may see and mock him is truly unbearable. The Warlock cloaks himself in a veil of
unobtrusiveness, and all Perception rolls to notice him automatically fail. If any Charm contests this
effect, the Infernal applies (Essence) bonus successes on the Charm rolloff.
However, the Green Sun Prince is also consumed with a primal terror of being noticed. If at any point
the Infernal believes he has been spotted, that anyone in the area believes they are being spied upon, or
hears his own name spoken, he must flee the immediate area by the most expedient means possible and
not return for the rest of the scene. In the First Age, the Solars erected systems to regularly shout out
the name of Sacheverell to frighten away his roving dream-eyes from their most sensitive buildings,
including the site of the Calibration feast. The Usurpation was enough to awaken Sacheverell, but for
those installations which stopped him from dreaming of the first and greatest act of betrayal against the
Sleep is the rightful domain of Sacheverell, but he cannot neglect the waking world lest he be
awakened. This Charm splits off a separate "personality" which is subservient to the original. This
personality has its own Motivation and set of Intimacies, which are initially defined by the Infernal
when he learns this Charm. The two personalities share memories, and the second instinctively
understands the will of the primary personality in any situation, but they are otherwise distinct. Social
attacks and mind controlling magic used on one do not effect the behavior of the other.
The second personality is normally powerless, as it is not really a part of the Infernal's conscious mind.
Rather, it is a set of goals and opinions which takes control of the Infernal whenever he is asleep,
essentially transforming his slumbering body into a philosophical zombie. The second personality is
naturally adept at aping normality. A successful Perception + Awareness check at difficulty 3 is
necessary to notice that something seems strange about the Infernal, and a threshold of 2 is required to
determine that he is in fact sleep walking(or sleep talking, sleep fighting, sleep plotting-to-escape-from-
The Ebon Dragon dreams of the world as it could be, a place of hollow shadows where virtue and hope
have been crushed forever. Sacheverell dreams of the world as it is, and this is far worse. The Infernal
falls asleep permanently, and may permanently change the motivations of both his personalities when
he does so. The balance of power between the two personalities shifts. The primary, sleeping
personality looses the ability to access any memories of the sleepwalking personality which postdate
the learning of this Charm. Additionally, the sleeping personality becomes subservient to the
sleepwalking one, as the sleepwalker's desires dictate the actions of the sleeper. The Infernal recovers
Willpower with a Conviction roll as normal every day at midnight.
The sleeping personality extrudes a small piece of the Infernal's soul from his body, creating an
infinitesimally small, invisible, and immaterial "eye." Whatever the eye sees, the Infernal dreams. This
is how Sacheverell gathers the visions to form his endless dreams of the present. The eye can move at
10 yards per tick in any direction and benefits from any Charms the Infernal uses improve his own
senses, but it is otherwise powerless. The eye can be banished by the same methods that work against
an Infernal using Judging Eyes Blinded.
When buying this Charm, the Infernal must specify what has driven him to abandon reality and dwell
forever more in his own dreams. For Sacheverell, this was the unthinkable rebellion of the lesser gods
and races against the invincible Primordials who ruled the world. If, in his dreams, he ever witnesses
any event on the scale of the Usurpation which reminds the Warlock of the cause of his self imposed
exile, he immediately awakens, and can never fall asleep again. This Charm, Advent of the
Somnambulant Oracle, and any others which rely on sleep have their experience point cost refunded,
though the Infernal retains access to them for the purpose of fulfilling other Charms' prerequisites.
Initially the eye created by this Charm can stray no farther than 10 miles from the Infernal's body.
Repurchase at Essence 5 upgrades this to 100 miles. A second repurchase at Essence 6 removes this
range limitation entirely, allowing the eye to reach any location in the same realm of existence. A third
repurchase removes even this limitation, allowing the eye to travel to other realms by whatever means
it can find. A fourth repurchase at Essence 8 allows the Infernal to have one separate eye on every plane
of existence which he can reach simultaneously. A final purchase at Essence 10 gives the Infernal 54
eyes in every realm of existence he can reach.
A Private Hell
Cost: 30m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: Judging Eyes Blinded
Sometimes, Sacheverell wishes he could just disappear, not only from the sight of others, but from the
entire universe, and trouble Creation no more. When activating this Charm, the Warlock rolls
(Manipulation + Stealth), and everyone who has any memories of him and a MDV lower than the
number of successes on the Infernal's roll suffers an unnatural Illusion that costs 4 willpower to resist
and causes them to lose all memory that the Infernal has ever existed. The Illusion abates when this
Charm ends. Meanwhile, the Infernal sends himself Elsewhere. There, he may do nothing, not even
purely mental actions, except choose to end this Charm and return himself to the spot which he
disappeared from.
After internalizing the futility of emotion, He Who Sees the Shape of Things to Come feels compelled
to share his wisdom. This Charm is a counterattack against a social attack which carries an Emotion
effect. The counterattack in an unnatural Emotion effect that costs 3 willpower to resist, and which
causes the original attacker to fall into despair.
A repurchase at Essence 4, which requires the second purchase of Flames of Passion Dimmed, allows
the Infernal to counterattack any social attack by paying 7m, 1wp. In addition to the Emotion effect
above, the counterattack also caries a Compulsion that costs 1 willpower to resist and forces to target to
disengage from social combat and spend the rest of the scene idle, perhaps wandering off to take a nice
The self-righteous steadfastly cling to their beliefs, but Sacheverell knows it is only a matter of time
before they abandon them. Just as the Abhorrent Prophet Unimagined whispered to the Empyreal
Chaos to betray his nature and bow before his Exalted conquerors, the Infernal may wear away at their
enemies' strongest convictions until they crumble beneath the weight of inevitability. This Charm
supplements a social attack, which is able to issue any non-suicidal unacceptable order. Mortals offer
less resistance, and may be convinced to kill themselves.
He Who Sees the Shape of Things to Come ruins the world simply by being in it. All of Heaven and
Hell would dearly love to see him die before he awakens. They will never be that lucky. If damage in
step 10 would kill the Infernal, the attack is shunted into his dreams and dissipates. He perfectly dodges
the attack, even if it was undodgeable, but the psychic strain of mixing dream and reality forces him to
awaken. If the user of this Charm is a Primordial or a Fetich Third Circle Demon, the sympathetic bond
between them also wakes the other. As a unique Flaw of Invulnerabilty, this Charm only applies while
the Warlock is asleep, and he may not fall asleep again until the end of the scene.
This Charm cannot protect against self inflicted damage. If the Infernal wants to awake, he must
convince someone else to attack him.
Life is suffering. Compared to this truth, of what significance are the slings and arrows of one's
enemies? The Infernal perfectly dodges any attack that was not unexpected, even if it was undodgeable.
This Charm bears the Imperfection of the Abhorrent Prophet Unimagined.
When champions arise to fight the destinies Sacheverell has foreseen, it is not enough that they die.
The futility of resistance must be demonstrated to those they had sought to protect. If the Infernal's
attack dealt damage, everyone who holds a positive Intimacy towards the attack's target receives a
vision of what has happened to them, along with the knowledge of the Warlock's identity. Each such
vision counts as a scene spent building a negative intimacy of fear towards the Infernal.
Additionally, if the Infernal has the final repurchase of The Shape of Things to Come, the vision also
imparts the knowledge that defeating the Warlock will awaken him and damn the universe to
Of all the myriad forms of suffering, Sacheverell considers physical pain the crudest. To truly become
the ultimate monster, his blows must do more than merely rend his opponent's flesh. This Charm
supplements a physical attack. If the attack hits, it is repeated as a Shaping effect on all individuals
towards whom the target holds a positive intimacy and who have a lower Essence score than the target.
The target is forced to watch as his loved ones suffer for his temerity as per The Rewards of Hope.
This Charm is an implement of torture, not assassination. Magically created or enforced Intimacies do
not function as proper arcane links to the individual. It is permissible, however, for someone to form an
Intimacy naturally with the intent to use those feelings to attack them.
Death Offers No Escape
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive(Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: The Rewards of Hope
The Neverborn believe that one day Creation shall be shattered and their torment will end as they sink
into the cold embrace of Oblivion. Sacheverell can only pity their naive optimism. If this Charm is used
to enhance a fatal attack, the victim is forced into Lethe to be reborn into the cycle of eternal suffering.
Furthermore, this Charm searches the Loom of Fate for every appropriate body for the soul that is fated
to be born before the end of the next Calibration. The life which would be most distasteful to the victim
is selected, and they are guaranteed rebirth into that body. If another Charm contests either of these two
effects, the Infernal receives (Essence) bonus successes on the Charm roll-off. The target's last thoughts
are filled with visions of the indignity of his next life. In this way are potentates reborn as slaves and
devout Immaculates reincarnated as thralls to the Anathema.
If it becomes impossible for the soul to be reincarnated into that body, such as from competing magic
winning control of it or beings from outside Fate preventing the birth, the soul goes to the next most
unwanted body. If no new births of the proper species will occur before the next Calibration, the soul
will instead be reincarnated as soon as possible, regardless of what sort of life the baby is fated to have.
At Essence 5, even beings who's souls normally dissipate upon death are forced into the wheel of
metempsychosis. Spirits are prevented from reforming in their sanctums. Instead, their souls are held
together by the magic of this Charm and used by the universe as the basis of another spirit of the
appropriate type. This has all the same effects as a mortal soul passing through Lethe and being
reincarnated. The birth of beings outside of Fate are not predictable by the Loom of Fate, and so
creatures which are naturally outside of Fate will be reborn at the earliest possible opportunity.
At Essence 6, the Warlock becomes able to transmute souls as they die. Beings killed by this Charm are
reborn into the worst life inside of Fate possible, regardless of what type of being that is. The soul will
be twisted into the proper type of soul for the species it is to inhabit. Dragon Kings can be made to
become one of the humans that had served as their slaves in Ages past, and the mightiest gods forced to
live as dung beetles. If, while waiting for their fated reincarnation, a birth outside of Fate occurs which
would have been even more distasteful to the soul's former life, it instead serves as the basis of that life
instead. For example, if the Unconquered Sun is killed with this Charm and slated for reincarnation as a
mortal bandit, only for one of the Ebon Dragon's Third Circle demons to die, he will instead be rebuilt
into a properly formatted Essence pattern to gestate inside the Ebon Dragon as his new soul.
Trusting to the vagaries of Fate to ensure that a soul's next incarnation is perfectly tailored in its horror
is foolish. Instead of returning to Yu-Shan for eventual rebirth, the newly dead soul attaches itself to the
Infernal's like a barnacle. There, the Infernal may make social attacks on it, all of which automatically
succeed. Since the soul has already passed through the process of Lethe, the results of these attacks
carry over to its next life, though it must wait until its body and mind mature to the point that it can
understand them before they have any effect. Giving the command "murder your parents" to the soul,
for example, will not be acted upon until the child is old enough to understand what "murder" and
"parents" are. Once the Warlock is finished influencing the soul, he may either release it to Yu-Shan to
be reincarnated as per Death Offers No Escape, or specify a gestating fetus which the soul will enter
once it is ready for birth. If the fetus is destroyed or otherwise prevented from being born, the Infernal
becomes aware of this fact and may change the soul's destination.
A repurchase at Essence 5 turns the Infernal's body into a Craft(Genesis) workshop in which he can
directly create bodies of the appropriate species for attached souls to inhabit. The new body forms as a
cyst inside the Warlock, which is expelled once he has accumulated enough successes to finish the new
lifeform. After specifying what he is to create and ingesting proper esoteric ingredients for a Genesis
Artifact, he needs take no other action to help the creature's progress. Each day, he reflexively makes an
appropriate Craft(Genesis) roll, and counts the successes towards the Artifact's completion as normal.
At any time after it is finished, he may expel the cyst from his body and it grows into the creature he
designed over the course of a minute, at which point he selects one of his trapped souls to bring it to
Creating a new member of an existing mortal species counts as Artifact 1, while existing Essence using
species are Artifact 3. Unlike normal applications, this Charm can allow Craft(Genesis) to create
literally any form of life, as long as the Warlock has an appropriate soul on hand to use as a template.
Creating beings such as spirits or Fair Folk is possible, thought they count as Artifact 5 or even NA if
they are especially powerful.
A repurchase at Essence 6 which requires the repurchase of Death Offers No Escape allows the Green
Sun Prince to create truly new races or Behemoths, instead of merely copying preexisting species.
Occasionally, Sacheverell's sleeping form stirs, and three of his 324 wings briefly unfurl from one of
his 108 eyes, that he may glimpse the shape of things to come. This Charm constitutes an unblockable,
undodgeable social attack that targets a single individual, which may be used in combat time as a
simple action. This unnatural Compulsion costs 2 willpower to resist, and forces the character to gaze
into samsara. At this stage, the Infernal's visions are as limited as the Maidens' in that he may see only
tragedy. If the target does not resist, they and the Infernal experience a Storyteller created vision of a
single action the target will take some time in the current scene. The vision must be of what the
character attempts, not of what they actually do. "You will try to betray your circle to the Wyld Hunt,"
is appropriate, but "You will betray your circle to the Wyld Hunt," is not, as there is no guarantee that
the target's circle will not prevent him from making it to the local Immaculate monastery to rendezvous
with them. This action must be something the character can actually do and have consequences the
character would dislike, but beyond those restrictions, the prophecies of samsara are limited only by the
imagination and cruelty of the Storyteller.
As per the samsara keyword, the target is forced to go through with what he saw in the vision, and to
do nothing that would prevent it from coming to pass. If a Dynast foresees herself selling her mortal
husband into slavery, she cannot kill him to stop this from happening. If the actions of others make the
fulfillment of the prophecy impossible, such as if someone else kills the Dynast's husband, then she
realizes that she was misremembering what she saw, cloaking the horror of the future behind veils of
delusion, and receives a new vision from the Storyteller, which is retroactively what she had actually
seen all along. The Infernal also sees this revised vision.
The Warlock may target himself with this Charm for free as a non-Charm activation Simple action.
At Essence 3, the Warlock may specify a known Intimacy of the target, and the vision will revolve
around how the target will betray and ruin that Intimacy, if possible.
A repurchase at Essence 3 adds the Illusion keyword. The target refuses to believe that the Warlock's
prophecy was the cause of her actions, instead rationalizing them as due to her own character flaws.
For example, the Dynast above may believe that she sold her husband because she is greedy. While
under the effects of this Illusion, the character cannot behave in ways which would violate her new self
image unless she pays a point of willpower to act freely for a scene. This Illusion costs 3 willpower to
remove, and this willpower payment cannot be made until the Illusion is challenged, such as the
Dynast's friends reminding her how she would often give to charity or by acting against the Illusion's
dictates for a scene.
Another repurchase at Essence 4 allows this Charm to be used as a Performance based social attack,
and thereby effect everyone within listening range. A third repurchase at Essence 6 allows the Infernal
to make written social attacks with this Charm. The duration increases to Indefinite, and he must keep
the motes committed lest his words lose their oracular power. The Charm ends after a single person has
read the effected text.
To view samsara head on requires the strength to ensure that what one sees shall truly come to pass.
This is infeasible in the case of whole societies, but He Who Sees the Shape of Things to Come needn't
see anything but the silhouette of the future in order to guide the fate of organizations. After all, while
individuals may deviate from the norm, the cosmic truths of samsara inform enough of the populace's
behavior that individuals are irrelevant. Love is slavery, tomorrow shall be worse than today, hope is a
lie, the world's wonders will diminish, usurpation is inevitable, these are among the truths which
Sacheverell has gleaned from samsara and which allow him to plan the future of whole nations.
This Charm is a Manipulation + Socialize Dramatic Action requiring several hours of observing the a
social group, with a difficulty of the leader's MDV. If the roll succeeds, the Infernal may add or remove
one item from the group's Policy. The group's leader may pay 10 Loyalty, incrementally or in a lump
sum, to remove or reinstate that part of the Policy at the end of the scene in which she paid the final
point of Loyalty.
Furthermore, the Infernal is automatically alerted to events which would cause the group to change its
Policy away from what he has dictated. If he responds and successfully deals with these threats to his
plans, then his change to the Policy is reapplied if it was successfully removed, the amount of Loyalty
paid towards removing it is reset to zero, everyone in the social unit gains an intimacy towards that part
of the Policy as an unnatural Compulsion, and entirely forget whatever threat had opposed that part of
the Policy as an unnatural Illusion effect. The Compulsion and Illusion cost a cumulative 1 willpower
to resist for each threat the Warlock has dealt with, to a maximum of 5.
Sacheverell is not so cruel as to delude others with false hope, yet they still foolishly deny that the
truths he reveals to them. This Charm removes that luxury. Whenever the Infernal speaks the truth, this
fact becomes undeniably Obvious to everyone who hears him. Though this does not stop him from
lying, once those around him understand that everything but his lies carry with them the ring of truth, it
becomes difficult to successfully do so. Still, a clever Warlock can use this to his advantage. "The Ebon
Dragon kidnapped the Scarlet Empress using Infernal Exalts made from corrupted Solar Exaltations,"
for example, is false no matter how close to the truth it actually is.
Note that, as per the samsara keyword, any attempt to relay information gained from samsara never
seems to be true.
The most compassionate act imaginable is to teach someone that the best thing they can do is abandon
their aspirations, curl into a ball, and go to sleep. When activating this Charm, the Infernal specifies a
single target and something that person wishes to accomplish. Any action the Infernal takes which
directly contests the target's efforts to realize that goal enjoy a stunt bonus as if they resonated with the
Inferna's motivation. The Warlock also gains a bonus success on all rolls for such actions, which does
not count as dice gained from Charms. If the goal is represented by an Intimacy or the Motivation of
the target, the Green Sun Prince gains 2 or 3 bonus successes, respectively.
Benezer the White Ram died, and it was the Lidless Eye that Sees's fault. He was too weak to stop it,
too stupid to see it coming, too hideous for the Chosen of the gods to consider sparing him, too
worthless to do anything at all. His transition into Sacheverell has made him no better, but now he can
at least predict his own failures to prepare himself for them. This Charm gives the Infernal an extra
Peripheral Essence pool that is 10 motes large.
Additionally, whenever the Infernal uses Inevitable Doom Foresight on himself, he may specify exactly
what he wishes to see. If he does so, he is granted a vision of himself failing spectacularly at whatever
action he foresaw. This ensures that he will botch the roll for that action the next time the specified
situation occurs. If the Storyteller judges the situation to have been appropriate for an Eclipse caste
oath enforced botch to have occurred(ie, not so specific that it will never actually come up in play,
something that the Warlock actually had a chance at succeeding at anyway, not something the Infernal
would actually want to fail at, etc) then he gains 10 motes for the Essence pool provided by this Charm.
This is the only way the pool may be refilled, and it may be done at most once per scene.
Note that the Samsara keyword only applies to the failure itself. If the Infernal has a vision of losing a
horse race against Regent Fokuf, he is not required to actually challenge the Regent to a race. If he
finds himself in such a race, however, he cannot do anything to prevent himself from losing.
If a character would normally be unable to take this Charm, such as due to the Native keyword or the
limit on the number of Green Sun Prince more pool expanders, they may learn it anyway, but do not
gain the mote pool until they could normally learn this Charm.
Sacheverell has traded hope for certainty. By activating this Charm, the Infernal truly sees the Shape of
Things to Come. This removes the unexpected tag from all attacks directed at him as he sees them an
instant before they occur, but this is the least of the Charm's effects.
As long as this Charm is active, the Infernal sees everything that he will do, say, or even think in the
next instant. He loses all free will, watching himself live his own life from deep inside the recesses of
his own mind. He cannot even contemplate the horror of his own situation, as samsara dictates his
thoughts. Other than a few modifications, he behaves normally:
• He will not attack or otherwise harm someone with this Charm active. Characters with the
effects of this Charm, but who do not actually know it, do not count for this purpose.
• If given the opportunity, he will attempt to convince others who are capable of it to learn this
Charm, and all its repurchases.
• Once during each scene, he will perform one act such as those caused by Inevitable Doom
Foresight. The Storyteller simply declares that the character does this action, as he only sees it
the instant before it is to happen, and thus has no time to react. He suffers the Illusion effect
from the first repurchase of Inevitable Doom Foresight as normal, unless he is already effected
by such an Illusion caused by The Shape of Things to Come.
The player remains in control of the Warlock. He now lacks free will, but in the context of the game
table, he never had any to begin with. Instead of the player deciding what the character will choose to
do, the player decides what samsara will force the character to do.
At Essence 6, the duration increases to indefinite. A repurchase at this Essence level makes this Charm
A second repurchase allows the Infernal to share the gift of freedom from freedom. By committing 9
motes, the Warlock may grant a willing target all the effects of this Charm, until he decides to
decommit the Essence. Another repurchase at Essence 7 allows the Infernal to inflict this Charm on
unwilling victims by succeeding on a Presence or Investigation based social attack against them. Yet
another repurchase at Essence 8 allows the Warlock to use Performance based attacks instead, which
requires the commitment of 9 times the targeted Unit's Magnitude motes. A penultimate repurchase at
Essence 9 reduces this Charm's cost to 0m, and prevents the Infernal from using it unless he is awake.
The Infernal may still commit motes as normal, and, if he does not, the targets do not receive the
benefit of automatically negating unexpected attacks. The effect still ends if the Infernal dies.
One final repurchase cements the Abhorrent Prophet Unimagined's position as harbinger of a
philosophical apocalypse. This repurchase requires Essence 10 and Sacheverell Glory Incarnate. As
long as the Infernal is awake, every person in every realm of existence(including unreachable ones such
as Autocthonia while the Seal of Eight Divinities remains intact) suffers a flurry of an infinite number
of social attacks every tick. These social attacks cost 10 willpower to resist, inflict the effect of this
Charm on any who succumb to them except the immunity to unexpected attacks, and count as natural
mental influence but automatically stunt around the limitation that natural mental influence can only
drain 2 willpower per scene. The effects of this Charm do not dissipate if Sacheverell dies when they
are inflicted in this manner. Finally, all repurchases of The Shape of Things to Come have their
minimum Essence reduced to 6 and the Sacheverell Glory Incarnate prerequisite is removed from this
repurchase. These effects apply to everyone capable of learning Sacheverell Charms, not just the
Infernal himself. If a character no longer qualifies for his repurchases because everyone who knew the
final repurchase dies, he may abandon them and receive an experience point refund.
The Silver Forest is long-suffering, selflessly considerate, and patient. He understands others and knows them better
than they know themselves. He idealizes and idolizes everyone who gazes into his mirrors. At first, he seeks to be
whatever they want him to be and telling them what they want to hear. He flatters them, reflecting every desire, and
keeping them coming back for more. In time, he exactly duplicates the object of his obsession and seeks to subtly
replace them. Finally, after careful consideration, he sees hidden flaws and exaggerates every failing, poisoning the
relationship. He then seeks to beat them at their own game. He does exactly what they would have done and is
always one step ahead.
Szoreny challenges others and teaches by example. He thrives on such rivalries and cycles of role reversals. This
Excellency may be used to deflect unwanted attention elsewhere as well as to exploit the vanity of others. Ultimately
reactionary, this Charm cannot be used to assist or oppose another being unless the character has first succeeded
on a Read Motivation action against that being, except in self-defense. Read Motivation actions may always benefit
from this Charm.
The Yozi Szoreny is an enigmatic being. His taste in art and aesthetics is widely known throughout
Malfeas, and he is reputed to be the most sensitive and delicate of the Yozis, spending much time on
philosophy, art, and reflection. While it may be true that Szoreny is elegant in his ways, he is far from
human, and his twisted sensibilities and enigmatic reflections are nothing humans could possibly hope
to understand. Szoreny is radiant and beautiful, shining silver and reflecting tasteful twisted images and
horrendous pretty truths. When he once was a tree and not a forest, he stood beside Malfeas as an
advisor and cunning vizier, but he has since lost that role - his mirror-tree self shattered into a forest of
shards. This shattering affected his mind as well as his body, and Szoreny more than any other Yozi is...
somewhat confused as a result.
While he does not possess the cold, sterile intelligence of She Who Lives in Her Name, and he lacks
the vicious cunning of the Ebon Dragon, Szoreny possesses a kind of twisted love that they do not - the
infinite reflections contained in his mirroring surface mimic his ability to understand and reflect back
what others feel, and his nature as a forest means he constantly grows and learns from what he reflects,
and reflects upon. Unlike the other Yozi, Szoreny is taking time to learn. This is why he is patient. He
knows the value of other beings, of other intelligences, and he wishes to fully internalize these lessons
before he makes his move. Nevertheless, Szoreny has been partaking in aiding the Green Sun Princes,
and he even possesses control over a few of them.
Sometimes, a garden must be pruned. The Infernal cracks his mind in half as he would with Cracked
Mind Insight, but rather than utilize the two mind-halves, he discards one of them. This allows the
Infernal to selectively forget anything he would not like to remember. The Charm furthermore acts as a
perfect dodge against any social attack, in which case both the attacker and the Infernal hear the
disturbing cracking noise as the Infernal's mind splits into two, and the part of his mind that was
convinced is tossed from his brain. In this case, the Charm is Obvious, but only to the attacker.
This Charm allows the Infernal to tear out a part of his mind, to send it scouting for him. This is an
Obvious effect as shreds of silver and white light are ripped from the Exalt's head, without leaving any
wounds. The half-mind manifests as a dematerialized, silvery image of the Infernal, clearly visible and
easy to identify to those who can perceive dematerialized spirits. While the half-mind leaves the
Infernal's body, the Infernal can control it, though the half-mind is incapable of materializing and
cannot even harm other dematerialized spirits, as it's weak and flimsy like rice paper. The Infernal is
aware of the half-mind's surroundings, and can direct it like a spy. The half-mind cannot parry, only
dodge, and it does so using the Infernals DDV. It cannot use Charms. It has a soak of 0 and if it even
takes a single point of damage, it vanishes - though no harm befalls the Infernal, except that he may not
activate the Charm again for the remainder of the day.
The invisible spy is not perfect, however. It shows up in any reflective surface as readily as if the
Infernal had been standing there himself, which means it must be directed to stay away from mirrors
and clear pools of water. If only slightly reflective surfaces are around (windows, murky water, etc.)
characters are at a -4 external penalty to discover the half-mind.
The eyes mirror the soul, and Szoreny knows much about both souls and mirrors. Gazing into the eyes
of a dying person - God, Exalt or mortal doesn't matter - the Infernal absorbs the memories of that
person. However, the absorption is imperfect at this level of mastery; rather than just obtain the
person's memories, the Infernal absorbs the entire personality as a second mind. He may then switch
back and forth between the two personalities at the cost of one mote, reflexively, though he has no
control over what the "victim" does, nor does he acquire the "victims'" knowledge - that knowledge is
accessible only to the victim's mind, now contained separately in the Infernals' body. The victim is
aware of having died and having been absorbed by the Infernal.
Note that the victim's soul still passes on as normal - he may even leave a ghost. The memories of his
personality and life are merely contained in the Infernals' second mind, believing itself to be the victim,
somehow mystically transferred to the Infernal's body. The victim is unaware of anything the Infernal
does while his own mind is in charge, experiencing this time as a mysterious unconsciousness. The
Infernal is aware of everything the victim does, and may hike along in the back seat of his own body
until time arises to take the reins once more.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5 allows the Infernal to store stolen personalities
indefinitely, without the need to commit motes.
Szoreny is a genius, but his mind is no longer one entity - rather, his thoughts are a long string of
fleeting memories, glimpses and reflections of the world around him. When an Infernal activates this
Charm, his mind cracks into two separate entities with a violent noise that only the Infernal himself can
hear. Though the damage is slight, is manifests as a slight bleeding from nostrils and ears. While his
mind is thus split, the Green Sun Prince's every roll based on Intelligence is rolled twice, with the
Infernal picking the best result - his two minds compete against one another for the best solution.
At Essence 3+, the Infernal may pick this Charm again, in which case the Charm's benefits are
extended to rolls based on Wits and Perception as well; his two minds keep a lookout through his
ordinary sensory organs. At Essence 6+, he may pick it a third time, in which case it applies to
Manipulation and Charisma as well.
There is a downside to this Charm, however. The two mind-halves actually do compete with one
another. If both of them should roll the same result (that is, the same amount of successes come up on
both rolls), the Infernal may apply the result as normal, but the Charm immediately terminates and he is
bothered for the rest of the day by his schizophrenic self arguing with itself, as it couldn't come to a
conclusive decision regarding which solution was best. This manifests as an external penalty to all
social rolls equal to (Infernal's Essence), as he cannot help but mumble or even shout out the loud
arguments going on inside his head. The penalty applies for the rest of the day, during which the Charm
cannot be reactivated.
Szoreny's shattered mind lends itself well to handling multiple issues at once, though it has a little
trouble focusing on single tasks. As a result, this Charm does not offer any reward for stunts, but rather
enhances the stunt itself - in addition to adding dice, the stunt also negates a number of penalties equal
to its rating, so long as those penalties were inflicted by the Infernal herself (i.e. they are penalties
resulting from her own actions or flurries). The character still recovers motes or willpower on a
successful stunt, but the reward is enhanced no further.
Szoreny reflects and internalizes. More than the other Yozi, he's ever growing and hungers for
challenges. Szoreny possesses a childlike curiousity and is greedy, hoarding reflections, trinkets,
artwork and other things that he has stolen. He takes nothing for granted. He seeks out the power of
others and makes it his own. Szoreny loves his enemies, to the point of being obsessive about them, and
seeks to become like them. Szoreny adores beautiful things and does not hesitate to take them and make
them prettier. Like Malfeas, he is vain, but he is also emotionally unstable like Adorjan. Szoreny is
elegant and artful in his actions.
An Infernal Exalt may use this Excellency to supplement any roll in which he's copying behaviour,
whether for impersonation or any other reason. He can use it on any valid roll to seek to understand
someone, whether this means interrogating them, learning their secrets by stealth, or simply trying to
become their friend. However, true friendship is alien to Szoreny, who sees only improvement and
challenges in interacting with others. Szoreny's Excellency can enhance any roll to steal someone else's
thunder or to make another person obsolete, and it is furthermore applicable when the Infernal is doing
someone's job better than him. Unlike the Ebon Dragon, Szoreny is not selfish; he does not seek to
humiliate his enemies, rather, he seeks to become them. The Szoreny Excellency can be used on any act
of pointless vanity and self-flattery, and on any action where the Infernal seeks to better himself rather
than pursue important goals.
Furthermore, the Szoreny Excellency can be used on any valid roll to steal something beautiful,
whether it's a prized possession or the heart of a lover. It can be used to teach cruel lessons intended to
make the target better in some fashion, and it can be used to cut away imperfection such as ugly
children or a misshapen piece of art. Finally, the Excellency is always applicable in situations where the
Infernal helps his enemies, because strong enemies means tougher challenges.
Szoreny's Excellency can never be used to deliberately fail, or give the impression of failure - the
Infernal must strive for obvious excellence when he uses it.
Furthermore, the First Szoreny Excellency can never be used to create something unique or original;
originality is alien to the Silver Forest, who merely internalizes and reflects that which he sees. This
limitation doesn't apply only to objects - it extends to relationships and organizations as well. Hence,
the First Szoreny Excellency can only be used to seduce someone if the seduction literally recreates
another situation which the Infernal has observed or read about. It can only be used to create an
organization if that organization follows plans copied from elsewhere, and so on.
Szoreny surrounds himself with beautiful things, and in himself reflects all things beautiful. Those who
learn his Charms share this false reflected beauty, though at a cost. From the point where the Infernal
purchases this Charm, his Appearance score is automatically set to match the Appearance score of the
most beautiful person present, to a maximum of 5. The Infernal reflects the beauty of those he
surrounds himself with. Unfortunately, this effect cannot be turned off - so if surrounded by ugly
beggars, the Infernal is as ugly as they, unless there is someone else more beautiful around that he can
It is still possible to recognize the Infernal for who he is; the change in appearance is subtle and nearly
invisible to the naked eye. Even if the Infernal is normally terrifyingly ugly, something about him just
looks just right, whenever he's in the company of someone pretty.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4 removes the maximum cap, allowing the Infernal to
shine along with even the Fair Folk. A third purchase at Essence 5 allows him to add his own (natural,
unmodified) Appearance score to the Appearance provided by this Charm.
Szoreny loves a challenge, but sometimes it is prudent to just win. Hence, when the Silver Forest does
not wish to suffer an attack, he hides behind his own illusions, and lets the mirror take the blow.
When activating this Charm in response to an attack, the Infernal calls up the attackers' mirror image
like a shield before her. A perfect copy of the attacker appears a fraction of a second before impact, and
then shatters into a million pieces as the blow makes contact. The Infernal perfectly parries the attack
using the mirror image as her weapon, even if the attack was unblockable. As an additional useful side
effect, the Infernal sees her enemy's mirror image up close when this Charm is activated, meaning that
even if he is shooting at her from a distant airship, she can see exactly what he looks like - but only for
a fraction of a second.
This Charm suffers the Imperfection of the Silver Forest.
Having absorbed a dead victim's memories, the Infernal erases the border between his own mind and
that of the victim. The two minds fuse, but the fusion is imperfect, and the Infernal does not gather
everything he needed. First and foremost, the Infernal gains no actual information possessed by the
victim - to gather information, he must use Masochistic Mirror Reaping.
While under the effect of this Charm, the Infernal gains the following bonuses: He may choose
(Essence x 2) Abilities in which he uses the absorbed victim's rating, rather than his own. He
instinctively knows the victim's rating in all Abilities. He uses the highest of his own or the victim's
Virtues, for all four Virtues. This effect is not optional. He may choose one Mental Attribute in which
he uses the victims' rating, rather than his own. He gains (Essence) automatic successes on any attempt
to impersonate the victim.
There is a crippling drawback to this Charm, however. If the Infernal encounters any of the victims'
Intimacies while this Charm is active, he immediately gains an Intimacy towards that person or
concept. This Intimacy fades after 24 hours unless the Infernal's player wishes it to remain, but is until
that point completely real to the Infernal - and he is not automatically aware that the Charm caused the
Intimacy's appearance, even then. He just inexplicably developed an emotional attachment to
Szoreny floats through his own mirrors effortlessly, and he expects no less of those Infernals who
pursue his teachings. This Charm allows Infernals to travel unimpeded by crass material barriers.
Gazing firmly into a reflective surface, the Infernal steps into it, and disappears in an explosion of
silvery light. He reemerges in front of it, but now in a dematerialized state. While dematerialized, he
enjoys the same bonuses as a dematerialized god does, with one exception - like his Floating Mirror
Mind spy, he shows up in reflective surfaces as readily as if he had been corporeal. Furthermore, in
order to turn back into a materialized state, he must use the Charm again; until he does so, he remains
in a dematerialized state.
To utilize this Charm, the Infernal must find a reflective surface large enough for his body to fit into -
unless he can fit his entire body through its frame, it will not work. The Infernal must actually be able
to pass through the mirror to become a reflection. This restriction applies both to becoming
dematerialized and to materializing, meaning that he can only become corporeal again if he finds a
mirror or clear pool big enough to squeeze through.
Having mastered the art of stealing beautiful words, beautiful looks, and a beautiful entourage, the
Infernal takes his insane vanity one step further. Few Infernals dare learn this Charm, for its effects
cannot be reversed once learned.
After having learned this Charm, the Infernal loses his true visage. His Appearance score still counts
for purpose of Charms, but for all intents and purposes he no longer retains any static appearance,
instead always changing to show Szoreny's stolen visages. The Infernal removes the max cap imposed
by Appearance on MDV penalties, as each person who sees him in a beautiful guise beholds something
unearthly fair. He may set his Appearance score to anything between 0 and (maximum allowed by
Stolen Beauty Self, based on the people present) as a reflexive action. Furthermore, he may change his
features at will to anything within the human spectrum, even including illusory Mutations, but he may
never use the same visage more than once - Szoreny is easily bored of playing with the same reflection.
Once he has worn a particular face, it is lost forever. He is free to invent any visage on the spot,
however - Szoreny has lived for Ages, and in his library of reflections are an infinite multitude of false
identities. Szoreny sees through cheating, though, and does not allow anything too similar to a face the
Infernal has already used - in effect, the Infernal is doomed to never present a familiar face to anyone.
The Infernal may not create illusory equipment with this Charm, but he can change his attire, making
his clothes seem like anything he can imagine so long as it is purely decorative (that is, he may not
create illusory armor).
Even when Charms try to detect him, the Infernal adds his Essence score to the difficulty of identifying
his true nature - and those who manage to pierce this behold something terrible; the Infernal's true
visage is just a shapeless emptiness, gleaming silver and white.
Images are meaningful. Szoreny knows this, and is careful not to let anything catch his true appearance,
for he knows that someone who possesses your likeness can do you terrible injury.
When the Infernal activates this Charm, he destroys the likeness of a target. This likeness may be a
mirror holding her reflection, a statue or painting, a simple doll or an actual reflection stolen by means
of Mirror's Edge. If the likeness isn't perfect (Storyteller's discretion, but actual mirror images always
qualify, and only particularly well-made works of art qualify), the Infernal must pay a point of
Willpower in addition to the four motes. The Infernal must be able to destroy the object with a feat of
strength, unless it is a reflection stolen with Mirror's Edge, which the Infernal can destroy
If the target is within (Essence x 3) yards at the time of the Charm's activation, he suffers an attack that
automatically hits bar perfect defenses, and inflicts (Infernal's Essence/2) levels of unsoakable
aggravated damage. It is customary to supplement the Charm with maniacal laughter, but it isn't
Green Sun Princes find that this Charm is especially nasty when used in a Combo with Green Sun
Nimbus Flare, and both Szoreny and Malfeas encourage this unholy union - Szoreny is closer to
Malfeas than most other Yozi, after all.
Mirror's Edge
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene or until ended
Prerequisite Charms: Self Strikes Self
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. If the Infernal uses Self Strikes Self against a hand-
to-hand attack, he may choose not to have the mirror image shatter, but instead parry the blow and
remain in existence. Doing so adds four motes to the Charms' activation cost. Once the Infernal has
saved the opponent's reflection, he may wield it like a weapon. The reflection has the following
Accuracy: Permanent Essence / Damage: (Willpower) L / Defense: Appearance / Rate: Permanent
Essence / Tags: Piercing, Martial Arts
Against everyone but the reflection's owner, the traits listed above are those of the reflection's owner.
Against the owner, however, the Infernal may use the highest of his own or the opponents' trait for each
of the weapons' values.
The Infernal chooses whether he wields the reflection like a bizarre, razor-sharp weapon, or whether it
acts on its own accord with the Infernal controlling it like a puppeteer pulling invisible strings. In either
case, attacks with the reflection are made with either Melee or Martial Arts. If the reflection is holding
a ranged weapon, the Infernal may also attack with Archery or Thrown as appropriate, with a range
equal to the weapon wielded by the reflection. The weapon occupies both his hands, whichever way he
wields it.
Finally, while the Infernal is holding the reflection, the cost of Self Strikes Self drops to 2 motes, but
only against the owner of the reflection. If the Infernal wishes to utilize Self Strikes Self against
another target, he may use the reflection he is holding to do so, and needs not summon a new one
(though he may if he wish, by reflexively discarding the current reflection before activating Self Strikes
Self). In this case, the cost of the Charm remains unchanged. If the Infernal drops the reflection, it
disappears and the Charms' effects end.
The Silver Forest knows from experience that many often persuade few, and his own fragmented mind
is only held together by this principle. Hence, he has learned to use his own multitude of selves to
persuade others.
When an Infernal activates this Charm, he glows with a silvery light, and numerous reflections appear
around him in dazzling brilliance, that then solidify into actual people. These humans are nothing but
smoke and shadows, though, illusory individuals pulled from Szoreny's exceptional memory. For the
duration of this Charm, the Infernal is treated as a social unit with a Magnitude equal to (lowest of
Infernal's Appearance or Permanent Essence). Furthermore, if the Infernal knows a persons Intimacies,
he may choose to include these Intimacies as part of his social group when he creates it; if the target is
unaware that the Intimacy is just a reflection, he is treated as having an Intimacy to the entire social
group. The group's Policy is "loyalty to the Infernal", and its Loyalty is equal to its Magnitude minus
one. The Charm is only Obvious on the tick when it is activated, and it is impossible to pierce the
illusion without use of Essence sight (in which case it is automatic, as the mirror images have
effectively Essence 0).
Much like he copies the beauty around himself, reflecting it in a million facets, so does Szoreny reflect
beautiful words and convincing arguments. This Charm is a social counterattack carried out with the
same dice pool as the attackers'. It can be used regardless of whether or not the opponents' social attack
hit. Note that bonus successes are not part of a dice pool; the Infernal rolls the same amount of dice as
the attacker, but must rely on his own Charms if he wishes to add successes as well.
If the Infernal actually repeats the opponents' argument, only changing a few key words to make the
argument rebound upon the speaker, this Charm costs zero motes. Likewise, the Charm costs zero
motes if the Infernal merely repeats the opponents' argument in a mocking singsong voice, though the
effectiveness of such a counterattack is limited.
Enemy-Keening Attitude
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Training
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Triumph of Stolen Glory
To activate this Charm, the Infernal must best a person in some way - how is irrelevant, it can be
anything from winning a Gateway game to placing a particularly snide remark to the person in
question, to defeating them in combat. Using Triumph of Stolen Glory on the person also qualifies. The
Infernal spends 10 motes and one Willpower, and gloats about his victory to the target. The player of
the target then has two choices:
Resist the Charms' effects, which is automatic and costs nothing, or accept the Charms effects. If the
target accepts, he is immediately placed under a Training effect, capable of raising any one trait
involved in the Infernals' victory to match that of the Infernal. The trait can be literally anything, an
Attribute, an Ability, a Virtue, a Specialty, with the one exception being Permanent Essence - so long as
it could help the target win in a rematch against the Infernal. The training effect is instant, and occurs at
any time the Infernal wishes during the next 24 hours, at which point the target immediately becomes
aware of his newfound skill. This Charm cannot be used on the same target more than once per lunar
There is, however, a price tag to excellence. To accept the training effect, the target must also accept a
Compulsion effect to immediately seek out and challenge the Infernal in a rematch, of the same kind as
the challenge that triggered the Charm. Resisting this Compulsion effect costs 1 WP per scene, and
ceases to affect the target once she has spent a total of 5 WP towards resisting it. Worse, if the target
fails to defeat the Infernal, the Compulsion remains - it does not disappear until the target successfully
bests the Infernal.
Some Infernals use this Charm to quickly teach their friends valuable lessons, engaging in pleasant
training sessions. The Charm sees far greater use in luring an opponent into a trap, however.
The Silver Forest knows that everything can be reflected, redirected and represented by something else.
There is not so great a difference between one man's pain and another's - both are fundamentally very
similar. Romantic Self-Maiming Onslaught is Szoreny's way of sharing beautiful suffering with others,
which he always does when he loses himself in romantic soliloquy.
When this Charm is activated, the Infernal conjures sharp shards of glass and silver out of nowhere,
and uses them to cut his flesh. Telling the world about his great pain and suffering, he proceeds to
melodramatically maim himself with a suitable explanation - as a punishment for terrible sins, to ease
the pain of love lost, or simply to feel alive.
Any social attack supplemented by Romantic Self-Maiming Onslaught becomes unnatural mental
influence, causing the target to sympathize with the suffering Infernal in some way. Furthermore, every
health level the Infernal suffers as a result of cutting himself allows him to add one automatic success
to the roll made for the social attack. The supplemented social attack also costs one more Willpower
than normal to resist, or two more Willpower if the Infernal spends 4 or more health levels on the
Charms' activation. The Infernal may not spend more health levels on activating this Charm than his
Compassion score, however.
Triumph of Stolen Glory
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Stolen Beauty Mask
Szoreny thrives in challenges, and he especially loves victory and success. Szoreny is open-minded
though, and doesn't care whether the victory is his - if it isn't, he will make it so. The Infernal may
activate this Charm whenever he succeeds on a stunt that resonates with his targets motivation, so long
as the target is present when he does. The Infernal rolls (Charisma + Relevant Ability used in the stunt),
adding his Essence in extra successes. If the result exceeds the target's Dodge MDV, the target suffers
receives an immediate Intimacy of hateful envy towards the Infernal. If the result exceeds the Dodge
MDV of any witnesses, they receive an immediate Emotion effect to openly admire and flatter the
Infernal, even if they are enemies - they can't help but respect his great skill. Both of these effects are
unnatural mental influence, and cost 2 WP to resist. In this way does Szoreny win himself beloved
enemies to compete against.
In order to activate this Charm, the Infernal must gaze into some reflective surface, preferably a mirror.
He may then drag any mind he has kidnapped by use of Mirror Soul Gaze into view, replacing his
reflection with the image of that person. Talking to the reflection in the mirror, he may hold a
conversation with the captive. By itself, this Charm does nothing more.
However, if the Infernal inflicts harm on himself while talking to the person in the mirror, the pain and
harm is transferred to the captive, allowing the Infernal to effectively torture his captured victims,
reaping information from them as long as he can withstand the pain himself. For every health level he
inflicts on himself, the captured victim suffers a cumulative -1 penalty to MDV, and as long as he
inflicts at least one health level of damage, the mental influence is Unnatural.
The eyes mirror the soul, and Szoreny knows much about both souls and mirrors. Gazing into the eyes
of a dying person - God, Exalt or mortal doesn't matter - the Infernal absorbs the memories of that
person. However, the absorption is imperfect at this level of mastery; rather than just obtain the
person's memories, the Infernal absorbs the entire personality as a second mind. He may then switch
back and forth between the two personalities at the cost of one mote, reflexively, though he has no
control over what the "victim" does, nor does he acquire the "victims'" knowledge - that knowledge is
accessible only to the victim's mind, now contained separately in the Infernals' body. The victim is
aware of having died and having been absorbed by the Infernal.
Note that the victim's soul still passes on as normal - he may even leave a ghost. The memories of his
personality and life are merely contained in the Infernals' second mind, believing itself to be the victim,
somehow mystically transferred to the Infernal's body. The victim is unaware of anything the Infernal
does while his own mind is in charge, experiencing this time as a mysterious unconsciousness. The
Infernal is aware of everything the victim does, and may hike along in the back seat of his own body
until time arises to take the reins once more.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5 allows the Infernal to store stolen personalities
indefinitely, without the need to commit motes.
The following is a Charm set for one of Exalted's canon Yozis, namely Szoreny, the Silver Forest. Let me know what
you think.
Originally unassociated with the Reclamation, the time has come now that Szoreny, the Silver Forest, has chosen to
teach his Charms to the Green Sun Princes to further his own plans.
Mirror-Strike Counter
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2 & Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Meeting Mirror Deflection
Those that strike a mirror do so at their own peril. Those that strike the greatest of mirrors are fools
beyond measure. When an Infernal uses this Charm to defend himself, he mimics his opponent with
exacting precision until, at the very moment the attack would strike, he becomes his opponent.
This Charm supplies a perfect dodge, subject to the Imperfection of the Silver Forest, in Step 2 of
attack resolution. In Step 9, the attacker rolls his attack as a counterattack against himself. This includes
the effects of any Charms the attacker may have used to enhance the original attack.
After the opponent attacks himself, the Infernal reverts to his normal appearance.
Mirror-Hall Misdirection
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Illusion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Shifting Quicksilver Visage
Images step free of Szoreny's branches to walk beside their original. On activating this Charm, the
Infernal creates a number of illusory doubles of himself equal to his Essence. These doubles look
exactly like the Infernal and nothing short of a perfect detection effect (not merely Essence sight) can
tell them apart.
The Infernal can reflexively direct their actions, having them take any action he is capable of. The
illusions are not real, however, so they cannot truly interact with anything. The doubles initially occupy
the exact same position as the Infernal, but they can move at the same rate as the Infernal himself. This
gives the appearance that the Infernal just separated into multiple copies when invoked.
The Infernal can pass through his own doubles without destroying them, but any other object that
passes through them destroys them. They have the Infernal's Dodge DV, but no Parry DV.
The Infernal can only have one set of doubles at a given time. If he uses this Charm again, his existing
doubles shatter like glass as the new set forms.
Lost in Reflection
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Sorcerous, Illusion, Combo-Ok
Duration: (Essence) days
Prerequisite Charms: Tree Amidst Forest Camoflage
Those who displease the Silver Forest find themselves caught within his boundaries, cursed to wander
lost until the Yozi chooses to spare them. When the Infernal invokes this Charm, he chooses a creature
or a group of creatures with Magnitude no more than his (Essence - 2) that is within his sight. He rolls
(Manipulation + Survival) against the highest Dodge MDV in the group, adding his Essence in
automatic successes and applying a penalty equal to the group's Magnitude. If successful, the targeted
group becomes supernaturally lost.
Any time an affected creature wanders more than 30 yards from where it was at the time it was
affected, it loses all ability to tell direction and identify landmarks. It wanders lost for about an hour
before returning to its original location. If anyone attempts to take pity on an afflicted creature and lead
them somewhere, this Charm momentarily includes the would-be good Samaritan, causing both to
wander lost before returning to their original location. This only persists for as long as they attempt to
help an afflicted creature. As soon as they abandon the creature, they regain their ability to navigate. If
another Charm contests this effect, add the Infernal's Essence in automatic successes to the opposed roll
to maintain the Charm.
An affected creature can spend one Willpower to attempt a (Intelligence + Survival) roll against a
difficulty equal to the Infernal's Essence. If successful, this Charm's effect is suspended for one hour.
Wherever the creature reaches in that time becomes the creature's new original location for the
purposes of this Charm. This Charm ends when the target has successfully navigated to a new location
three times.
An Infernal with Essence 4+ can purchase this Charm again. Doing so allows the Infernal to reflexively
renew the Charm just as it would end, if the Infernal so chooses. He need not have the original target or
targets in sight when he does so.
Mirror-Maze Navigation
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Tree Amidst Forest Camoflage
Szoreny is never lost within himself. This Charm enhances any attempt by the Infernal to find a person,
place, or object, guaranteeing success. The Infernal learns the distance and direction to the sought after
person, place, or object. If the Infernal is attempting to track the target of this Charm, he automatically
gets (his target's successes +1) successes on the opposed roll for the tracking contest. The Infernal must
know exactly what he seeks or this Charm will lead him only to the nearest person, place, or object
matching the general description he seeks. This Charm cannot read minds, so it cannot do things such
as lead the character to someone who knows the answer to a question or lead him to his nearest
unknown enemy.
If another Charm contests this effect, such as to keep a character hidden or untrackable, add the
Infernal's Essence in automatic successes to the opposed roll to maintain the Charm.
It is the nature of all sentient beings to seek the company of those who are like themselves and shun
those who are not. To look upon your brother and love him for being like you, and to look upon your
neighbor and hate him for being different. But to look upon Szoreny is to look upon your brother, your
neighbor, and yourself.
Whenever a target with an Essence equal to or lower than (Infernal’s Essence) looks at the Infernal, the
Storyteller compares the Intimacies and Motivation of the target with those of the Infernal.
Should the target and the Infernal share any of their Intimacies and/or their Motivation, the target will
immediately and instinctively know the nature of their shared spiritual bond and recognize the Infernal
as a kindred spirit, gaining a positive Intimacy towards the Infernal. The target will also realize if the
target and the Infernal have opposed Intimacies (i.e. one of them has positive Intimacy for something
which the other has a negative Intimacy) and/or Motivations and recognize the Infernal as an enemy. In
this situation the target will develop a negative Intimacy towards the Infernal.
If this Charm is triggered solely by shared/opposed Intimacies, the target may resist the unnatural
mental influence by paying pay two Willpower per shared/opposed Intimacy. If the target and the
Infernal have shared/opposed Motivations, the effect may not be resisted with Willpower alone. It may
be resisted with Charms or other magic as normal. Once a target has resisted a given Motivation or
Intimacy, he will not have to resist it again in subsequent meetings with the Infernal.
Under the right circumstances it is possible for a target to develop both a positive and a negative
Intimacy towards the Infernal at the same time, in which case the two effects are resisted separately.
• Yozi
Szoreny, the Silver Forest, is in some ways among the least destructive of the Yozis. He rarely kills his
foes, and those of his lessers that die among his leaves often do so because they sought to take more
from him than was wise. But those who think that Szoreny cares for the well-being of others would be
gravely mistaken; Szoreny reflects greatness, and those reflections that offend him, he either destroys
or corrupts into unrecognizability.
Szoreny possesses within him an infinity of reflections of the world not as it is, but as it could be. More
to the point, these are visions of the world as he would find it pleasing, though every one is different.
Those possessed of Sylvan Urges have visions of the world that would most please them, and work
toward these visions, transforming the world around into a more perfect reflection of what is in their
Princes with Sylvan Urges may come across as having a human viewpoint, but continued interaction
with them soon makes it clear that the similarities between a human and a Sylvan Prince are an illusion,
as imperfect a reflection as any in Szoreny's silvery trunks. The appearance of an interest in community
conceals a need for unity under one vision, and Sylvan Princes are ultimately all the more unnerving
because of their seeming humanity.
High-Compassion Sylvan Princes are pleased most by that which they find beautiful and sublime,
whether artistically, emotionally or conceptually. They are driven to spread such beauty across the
world, but their aesthetics are alien and sometimes impossible, often encompassing themes of dualism
and irony. The question of whether those around them would appreciate this beauty is rarely even
considered. There is always something about their devotion that renders such beauty unnerving to
others, from the "pure love" of pedophilia to the "subtle irony" of a death rictus to the "singular
artistry" of a person's innocence shattered forever.
High-Conviction Sylvan Princes not only have a powerful belief system, but are driven to share it with
those around them, or correct those who cannot see that the Prince's vision of the world is the best of all
worlds. Some Princes pursue their visions with single-minded zeal, for as long as they have them, but
the reflections in the Silver Forest are forever changing, and these Princes can be prone to
reinterpretations of their own beliefs, either over time or in epic epiphanies. Other Princes defy that
which they most admire, drawing strength of purpose from their enemies' arguments and losing interest
as victory draws near.
High-Temperance Sylvan Princes share Szoreny's patient, thoughtful nature, but also share an endless
fascination with that which tempts them the most. That which tempts a person is a reflection of their
true, hidden nature, and these Princes recognize this. Some of these Princes choose to embrace
temptation and encourage others to do so as well, learning more about them in the process. Other
Princes enforce abstinence on personal and societal scales, repressing temptation until it boils over.
High-Valor Sylvan Princes destroy that which threatens their ideal visions and create wars for the
purpose of having opponents worth fighting. These Princes are book-burners, mob leaders and warlords
who use every conquest as a staging ground for greater conquests yet.
When an Infernal with a Sylvan Urge accumulates 10 points of Limit, he suffers the Torment of
Szoreny. For one full day, the Infernal and everyone he interacts with that has a DMDV of less than
(Infernal's Essence + Highest Virtue) feel a powerful urge to test themselves against overwhelming
odds. The Infernal and all other affected characters act as if under the full effects of Foolhardy
Contempt. Other affected characters can resist this Unnatural Influence by spending a number of WP
equal to the Essence of the Infernal.
Additionally, any people that represent Intimacies of the Infernal, and of whom Szoreny does not
approve, suffer the full effects of this Torment, including the contagious aspect.
Slayer: Sylvan Slayers use violence and intimidation to draw others into their visions as either allies or
opponents, finding as much joy in a powerful opponent as in a crushed one.
Malefactor: Sylvan Malefactors' visions of a perfect world invariably include them in command. For
the good of all, of course.
Defiler: Szoreny and She Who Lives in Her Name have in common a vision of the world as it should
be, but Sylvan Defilers wish for a world that conforms to their own whims, not impersonal perfection.
Scourge: Sylvan Scourges remove that which offends them, finding joy in a landscape free of that
which mars their mad visions.
Fiend: Sylvan Fiends find beauty in a black heart and joy in the fall of a pure one, seducing and
corrupting as much for a purpose as they do for the challenge. Their subtle battle is against all of
The Yozi are peerless in their focus, perfect and unmatched. When acting within this nature they are
near omnipotent.
Whenever the Yozi applies their Excellency to an action they can activate this charm to set the
difficulty of that action to 10. This effect can be applied to actions that would otherwise be impossible,
reality twisting before the primacy of the Primordial's focus. A repurchase at Essence 10 removes the
wp cost and automaticly applies this to all uses of First (Yozi) Excellency. This shaping effect applies
to Reality as a whole rather than any individual target; the improved excellency itself does not become
a shaping effect.
Just as it says, a couple of Homebrew upgrades to Hateful Wretched Noise I was hoping someone could
tell me if they're good or not.
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 3; Type:Permanent;
Keywords: Heretical
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Hateful Wretched Noise, By Agony Empowered
The Silent Wind suffers, burdened by the pain noise brings her. Malfeas too lives in pain, but the once
King of the Primordials has learned to endure these indignities, a lesson the Heretic soon learns to
apply to a world so deafening as Creation. This Charm upgrades its prerequisites; so long as the
Warlock is under the effects of By Pain Reforged, he no longer suffers from the reflexive penalties or
Compulsion effects of Hateful Wretched Noise. Alternatively, he may allow himself to suffer the
Compulsion in exchange for gaining a bonus equal to the penalty he would normally suffer so long as
he acts in line with the Unnatural Mental Influence, his madness urging him to greater and greater
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 4;
Type: Permanent;
Keywords: Heretical
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: By Screams Untouched, Fathomless Poison Haven
Kimbery is always willing to endure the weakness of her children, so that she may be even more
outraged when they "betray" her. By incorporating this into themselves, the Heretical students of the
Silent Wind might become less of a threat to those they love. This Charm upgrades Hateful Wretched
Noise; the Infernal no longer suffers a Compulsion to silence any Beloved characters or objects, and
never treats them as producing more noise than would be necessary to provide a -1 penalty to non-
reflexive actions. Yet, at the same time, Kimbery does not suffer fools gladly when she has no need.
Whenever the Infernal suffers a penalty of -2 due to noise produced by others, she treats the scene as
one building a negative Intimacy towards them.
And one that, while not a direct upgrade, is linked to the first one.
Cost: (+5m); Mins: Essence 4; Type:Permanent;
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: By Agony Empowered
Malfeas lives. He lives though Theion is dead, though his kingdom is toppled, though his subjects are
mutilated, though he lives in constant torment. Pain, in the end, is meaningless to one such as him.
With this Charm, the Warlock may find such peace. This Charm upgrades By Pain Reforged; by adding
5m to the price of that Charm, he may commit the cost, turning it Indefinite. This stacks with all other
Whipped these up the other day. The exact numbers on mote costs and such probably need tweaking, and so I come to the forum for help.
Oh, how blessed are Kimbery's children – provided they listen to their mother. This Charm allows the warlock to commit motes to extend the benefits of Mother Sea
Mastery to either a Mass Combat Unit they lead composed predominantly of beloved characters, or the beloved members of a social group led by the Infernal. The
commitment cost is 3 motes per Magnitude of the unit, or Size of the organisation. The Infernal may enhance a Magnitude or Size worth of characters up to a maximum
rating equal to their permanent Essence.
If the Infernal commits enough motes to enhance the entirety of a social group, any non-beloved characters within it treat any scene spent working on a Leadership Action
ordered by the warlock as a scene spent building a positive Intimacy of loyalty towards the Infernal. In addition, any reviled characters within the organisation suffer an
internal penalty to all actions enhanced by the first benefit of Mother Sea Mastery equal to the warlock's Compassion.
Kimbery is master of her own waters, but struggles to travel beyond them. Adorjan, her mad sister, shows her how she might break free of her own limitations at the
intersection between sea and storm.
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisites, permitting the warlock to pay a 3 mote surcharge upon activating them to bestow the benefits of Earth-Skimming Gale
Tread upon the target of her Acrid Slipstream Assist, summoning up a riptide of emerald and scarlet waters to bear her mount or vessel aloft, even over reefs or land. The
riptide is roughly equal in length and width to the vessel it carries aloft, and is as deep as is required for it to carry the vessel to the height the warlock desires, and counts as
a Sea solely for the purposes of Acrid Slipstream Assist's keyword, permitting the riptide to travel beyond the ocean that birthed it. Anything within the area of the riptide is
treated as being underwater, and is subjected to an environmental hazard (10B/action, Trauma 4) from the effects of the violent currents upon them.
If the warlock also knows Spiteful Sea Tincture, she may activate it reflexively every time the riptide damages a reviled target to imbue the currents with her poisonous
lacquer, forcing the target to also suffer the venom of Kimbery.
Finally, if the warlock also knows Pellegrina's Fury, the entire area encompassed by the riptide suffers the effects of the stone-eroding aura produced by that Charm.
Kimbery has many wayward children to punish, but so many of them are out of reach. Fortunate, then, that her sister Adorjan's gales might blow her waves up into a mighty
tide that can wash over the shore and the reviled alike.
This Charm permanently upgrades its Kimberian prerequisite. Whilst using Retributive Tsunami Force, the warlock may spend 1 mote in step 10 of attack resolution to
immediately move up to her dash speed towards another target, moving towards fresh victims even as her last one reels from her blow.
Where the sea and the sky meet, there is the storm. A force of unbridled fury, the storm is deadly enough without direction. How much deadlier must it be filtered through
the poisonous depths of Kimbery, and sent surging by Adorjan's instructional winds? How might the storm serve those beloved of the Great Mother and the Silent Wind
when given direction by them?
Upon activating this Charm, the warlock's body is transubstantiated into the sea and skies around them, creating an ocean storm with a diameter of (Essence) miles, with a
maelstrom with a diameter of (Essence x 100) yards at its exact centre. The waters in the affected area turn dark green, and the storm clouds seem stained the colour of dried
blood. This produces the following effects:
• All the warlock's worn and carried possessions are banished Elsewhere for the duration.
• As a creature of living wind and water, she is immune to mundane attacks, and reduces magical attacks against her to minimum damage. Attacks that have no
• She cannot be affected by clinches or Blockade Movement actions unless they use magic that could reasonably constrain a storm, nor can she take such actions
herself. Any Poison, Sickness, or Crippling that could not reasonably affect a being whose body is living wind and water cannot affect her.
• Contact with her waters is an environmental hazard with the same statistics as that produced by Soaring Scarlet Riptide. Within the area of the maelstrom, the
damage is upgraded to 10L. Every time this hazard damages a character, the warlock may reflexively activate Spiteful Sea Tincture in order to further punish her
• The winds within her storm-body duplicate the effects of Pellegrina's Fury and Wind-Daughter's Wrath, causing 1L damage per tick to any objects and creatures
• The warlock may commit motes to enhance Mass Combat Units through Mother Masters Children even if she does not lead them, provided they are subordinate
to her and comprised predominantly of beloved characters. Characters currently benefiting from Mother Masters Children, and any vessel or mount of theirs, are
immune to the effects of the warlock's winds and waters, as are any of the Infernal's beloved vessels.
• Reviled characters within the storm take a penalty to all actions enhanced by the first benefit of Mother Sea Mastery equal to the warlock's Essence.
• Finally, the warlock can direct her waters, winds and lightning to directly assault targets, granting her attacks with the following profiles. The Infernal's
lightning deals lethal damage rather than bashing, but she cannot enhance such attacks with Spiteful Sea Tincture. Any target within the area of the warlock's
storm-body is considered within range of these attacks, and is a valid target if she is aware of them. The Rate of all these attacks are capped at 5.
Battering Waves: Speed 5; Accuracy (Resistance + Compassion); Damage (Essence + Compassion)B; Defence (Resistance + Compassion); Rate (Essence); Range special
(see above); Tags O3
Pounding Gale: Speed 3; Accuracy (Athletics + Temperance); Damage (Essence)B; Defence (Athletics + Temperance); Rate; Range special (see above); Tags O2, P
Scarlet Lightning: Speed 6; Accuracy (Essence + Conviction); Damage (Essence + # of beloved characters)L; Defence (Essence + Conviction); Rate (Essence); Range
A bit more sane in the sense that it doesn't force you to write a full goddamn Charmset.
The Yozi are myth-made-flesh-and-geography; it is a Warlock's given right to sing these myths from
Yu-Shan to Deep Chaos. However, they are not the only myths that can be sung, and myths change in
the telling...
Upon first taking this charm, define a set of Yozi General charms, an aesthetic, and an Imperfection
based of off a First (Yozi) Excellency of your design; this is referred to as your Myth. You gain the
ability to learn these charms for the normal costs for Favored charms; these are the sole charms in your
Myth, barring any that you adapt.
However, that is not the key benefit of this charm; much like the Yozis themselves, you gain the ability
to adapt charms from other Yozis to match your Myth. You may adapt any Favored or Caste Yozi
charms that you know to match your Myth, paying for them as Favored charms. If you already know
the charms you wish to adapt, you may adapt them for 1xp, replacing them in an Obvious upwelling of
Essence. You may 'adapt' General charms in this way, replacing them with the corresponding charm
from your Myth.
As part of adapting Charms to your Myth, you may tweak the mechanical nature of the Charm as well;
this mechanical alteration should not be much larger than changing an Attribute or Ability, altering
what kind of intimacy is inflicted, or other minor, mostly stylistic differences.
Child-Tale Instruction
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Heretical
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Echoes of Myths Unspoken
Myths are simultaneously potent and fragile; if they can spread, they survive. And once they survive,
they live on for far longer than it was ever thought they would.
Upon taking this charm, any and all Heretical charms that specifically have charms you have adapted to
your Myth as their only prerequisites may be learned as if they were charms in your Myth, costing the
standard 1xp to convert if you already know them. Heretical charms adapted in this way lose the
Heretical keyword.
In addition, you gain the ability to develop completely new charms for your Myth; this follows all the
normal rules for developing a new charm.
Finally, you may teach other Green Sun Princes charms from your Myth; they must pay non-Favored
costs for those charms, and this does not allow them to further innovate charms along that path. Your
Myth, at least at this point, is yours to guide.
I-Am-Here Declaration
Cost: -- (30m, 10 Limit; 5wp, 5AHL); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Heretical
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Echoes of Myths Unspoken
Legends aren't supposed to be secrets; myths weren't made to be whispered. It is time to shout your
declaration to the world.
Upon taking this charm, define a Caste Mark, Urge, Torment, and Act of Villainy along the lines of
your Myth. Upon creating this panoply, it lies hidden until you are ready to declare it.
As a Dramatic action taking a full day, you may reveal your Myth to the whole world; by committing
30m for this period of time, you immediately enter Torment, your Anima Banner flaring totemic. At
any point during this enforced Torment, you may spend 5wp and take 5 Unsoakable levels of
Aggravated damage to take control of your madness; the nature of your Torment immediately alters to
match the Torment you defined through this charm, your Caste Mark likewise changes, your Anima
Banner's aesthetic alters to match that of your Myth, and your Urge is replaced by one in keeping with
your Myth.
This Charm may serve as the sole prerequisite for Swallowing the Scorpion; upon taking that Charm,
you may immediately activate this charm, waiving the willpower and health level costs of completing
your conversion.
I'll write up the Charms that let you redefine your Caste and such fun stuff later. Including one that
would let you hack prerequisites, and so on and so forth.
A fun note is that a valid Myth is taking, say, the Malfeas General Charms, and start adapting Adorjan
and Ebon Dragon charms to fit. With enough time (and the Caste-definition Charm, and so on and so
forth), you could have a second, perfectly valid interpretation of Malfeas running around.
As for "why would you do this", I ran across an interesting thread on rpg.net where they adapted a few
iconic charms from one Yozi over to another Yozi. You do much the same thing here.
"Two's Company", or, "There Ain't Room In This Head for the Two of Us"
Past the Exaltation, for many - some might say most - of the Infernal Exalted, the Unwoven Coadjutor
is a constant presence in their lives. There are those who are too damaged or not sapient enough to
contribute, but for the others, they are always there for their nascent prince. Some may be laconic,
interjecting only once in a while, while others may be positively chatty, but they are always there. The
coadjutor is aware of the internal monologue and all the sensory inputs of their Exalt. They are not able
to access their memories, but humans think of things and recall the past, and so an experienced
coadjutor who is not asleep on the job will probably have a fairly good idea of most of the pre-
Exaltation past of their host. They are just as susceptible to forgetfulness as their species normally is, so
they are not an infallible recording device of events, but, certainly, another to watch events means that
many Green Sun Princes - or at least the ones who trust the demon in their head - use their coadjutor in
such a manner, and for many other purposes as well. The Malefactor responsible for operations in the
South-West has her agata-coadjutor apply the alien logic of the bejewelled wasps to her plans, to look
for weak spots and problems. Kit Firewander, a Nexan Scourge treats the harpist in her head as the
closest thing to a mother she can recall - and if the mother is a trained assassin who killed for her
master in the Demon City, well, like mother, like daughter. To those who interact with the demon, it can
be an ally and aide which only foreshadows how the Primordials have their soul hierarchies.
However, cooperation is not always as smooth. Some Infernals simply do not appreciate having a
demon in their heads, and try to lock it out, ignore it. Some demons are uncooperative, champions and
warriors reduced to a useless voice in the head of a spoilt failure - for it is an irony that the coadjutor, as
a heroic demon possessing impressive will and drive may well be a more successful hero than a newly
Exalted Infernal. Some Infernals will have to earn their coadjutor's respect, rather than just grudging
obedience. Of course, others will simply have to psychically and socially beat down the blood ape in
their mind until it stops trying to persuade them to drink the blood of their foes, but instead move to
less human-scaring indulgences. It is possible to lock one's coadjutor down, hammer its psyche until it
is only a thin reedy whisper, but that precludes the benefits of the Unwoven Coadjutor background,
which presume some degree of cooperation. Bickering with the coadjutor actually fuses it with the
Infernal's psyche in a way that a pure master-servant relationship does not, because for the higher levels
there must be a sign that the Infernal cares what the demon thinks. The Infernal does not need to like
the demon to receive the benefits of it - indeed, it is quite possible to reach even the highest levels in
the Background through a mix of annoyance and needing its help, but they cannot simply ignore it.
Most Infernals will end up with some level of accommodation; it is in the coadjutor's interests to help,
and in the Infernal's interests to receive help - compromises are usually reached.
The body of the coadjutor has gone. It has no way to interact with the outside world, barring Heretical
Charms which are as yet unknown to both the Exalted and the Yozis. But it still has one recourse to
possess a body - of sorts - and that is within the dreams of the Infernal (and, in the future when such a
Charm is invented, it will exist within the Inner World created by Spirit of the Living World). While the
Infernal sleeps, their coadjutor may freely manifest within the dreamscape. This is a choice up to the
demon itself; a Green Sun Prince who is suffering nightmares is probably not the most pleasant
environment to exist in, especially if memories are bleeding through from the Past Lives and so there is
a gold-armoured titan in there willing to beat up a helpless Demon of the First Circle. Others, though,
are frequent visitors, and there are at least three known cases of relationships between the coadjutor and
its host - and one of a successful conception. The coadjutor was the mother. Details beyond that are
somewhat sparse, even if the libraries of Orabilis cry out for details.
Notably, the coadjutor has no access to the thoughts or memories involved in the Infernal's interactions
with the collection of smeared memories, instincts, and urges woven into the Exaltation and
represented by the Past Lives background, save in how the Infernal manifests them in dreams. When
the Green Sun Prince references those memories, the coadjutor sees nothing of them until the Infernal
internalises them personally; from its point of view the knowledge is coming from nowhere. When the
psyche of an Infernal who has seen sixteen summers is overwhelmed by the remnants of a luminary of
the First Age such as Merela or Salina, the coadjutor sees no thought at all from the youngster, merely a
hollow void in place of a mind, which it cannot even communicate with. An intelligent demon may
well be able to draw conclusions from the Old Realm dialects that such a figure uses when
communicating with the outside world, but they cannot speak with them, cannot do anything save rage
impotently when locked in by the loss of control.
There is another thing that will scare the coadjutor, and that is the fact that the souls and mind that they
are now a part of will grow less and less human with the power they imbue. With every bit of
Primordial metabiology that they staple onto themselves - called by some 'learning new Charms' - the
princes and princesses of the green sun march away from the affairs of beings such as men and first
circle demons, and into the lofty, terrible towers of neo-Primordialhood. Those who partake of the gifts
of Adorjan are the most immediately alarming for the coadjutor, for in the Demon City there is no
silence without death, and an Infernal who has swallowed her own voice forever, and calls upon the
killing of the Silent Wind is not too different from Adorjan herself. If it is terrifying for a little demon
to encounter such an Infernal, how much more terrifying is it to share a mind with one? The personality
altering Charms taken by the Infernal do not affect their coadjutor, and so they are in a perfect place to
observe the march away from mankind. To find that your host will no longer take orders because she
learned Impervious Primacy Mantle, that he now sees through your ploys thanks to Witness to
Darkness, to be hammered by the burning words of Crowned By Fury and have them crush your will
under the force of Cecelyne's Charms, will be a sign that the relationship has completely changed, and
a loss of the power and status that the coadjutor implicitly can enjoy at first.
Or perhaps they will not care so much. For to exist as part of the souls of an Exalt is power undiluted,
and left to the coadjutor is the capacity to think and interact with their new greater self. And as the
Primordial War showed - and as the very fact that such a demon could have become heroic in the first
place shows - once a being can interact and think for itself, it can change. Coupled to the power of an
Exaltation and shackled to a prince of the green sun who knows failure, it is all too possible that the
demons of the first circle will be compromised by their hosts. The Yozis may well have miscalculated
how strong their bonds will be. The silvery tongues of the Malefactors will erode their loyalties, the
majesty of the Slayers will subordinate them, the ophidian cynicism of the Fiends will corrupt them, the
clarity of the Defilers will... clarify them, and as for the Scourges? Well, would not you prefer to be on
the side of a newborn Adorjan, rather than her foe? It would be best not to rely on the fact that you are
inside her head, yes? A coadjutor who plays its cards right could become so, so much more than a
Demon of the First Circle, and if the Yozis rage... well, they are trapped in Malfeas, and the green sun
princes are not... and so neither is the demon within them.
Charms by Revlid
Two Is Company
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Unwoven (3)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sun-Heart Furnace Soul
The coadjutor interacts with the magic of the Yozis in ways yet unknown to them, considered a
necessary evil by the Lords of Hell. Fusing her mental advisor with the embryonic heart-soul created in
mimicry of Ligier, the Infernal invigorates herself through indulgent whispers. This Charm
permanently enhances the ten-mote Peripheral Essence pool granted by its prerequisite; the Infernal
may add one mote to that pool for each hour she spends acting in a manner that affirms the intimacy
granted by her Unwoven Coadjutor; a Green Sun Prince with a teakettle courtier as a coadjutor might
be able to gain these motes by dealing in secrets, silencing laughter, or aiding Gumela, for example.
The Infernal must actually possess this intimacy for the Charm to function.
With Unwoven (5), this Charm can also fill the ten-mote Peripheral Essence pool granted by Flames Lit
Within, though doing so instead requires that the warlock work toward the Motivation (or rough
analogue) of the coadjutor, as described in Unwoven Coadjutor 5, fooling the strictures of the
Whispering Flame with a pseudo-Urge.
The demonic races of Malfeas are beyond number, and throng the streets of the city. From their
internalised mythos, the Warlock takes such fecundity for themselves. The character gains the capacity
to spawn weak deva by performing a thematically appropriate birthing ritual, which may take no fewer
than four hours. The player and the GM should design the new species based on the birthing ritual, the
Infernal’s intent, and her personality, and it should be balanced based on the examples of extant First
Circle Demons. The Infernal gains one free species with this charm, and may spend 1xp per additional
breeding ritual to create further new species.
The newborn deva is mechanically a First Circle Demon who descends from the Infernal and may not
be bound by any other sorcerer without her express permission. It is created with an empty motepool. If
the Warlock possesses an appropriate realm which resonates with her essence, such as the inner worlds
created by Spirit of the Living World or Fourth-Soul Devil Domain, the deva returns there if banished.
Otherwise, it is destroyed as if it was an Emerald Circle spell dispelled by Emerald Circle
The scars of the Surrender Oaths are burned into the Mythoi of the Yozis, and certain of these
restrictions bind the Warlock. When within Creation, the Infernal may make use of this charm no more
than once per day, and may not summon a demon on a day she uses it and vice versa.
The thoughts of the Primordials are not those of mortal men. They are mighty spirits in their own
rights, overflowing from the hearts of titans to form pantheons and landscapes. This Charm
permanently enhances the Infernal’s capacities. On the night of the new moon, when Luna turns her
face from Creation, the feelings in the form of an Intimacy of the character may slip from his heart and
take on independent form as a puissant spirit. This occurs when the Infernal would regain willpower
from sleep -- or another activity which substitutes for it -- and may only occur once per new moon.
The newborn spirit is mechanically treated as a deva of the Second Circle [of low Essence] who
descends from the Infernal, and who may not be bound by any other sorcerer. They should be given
statistics as if they were a newly created Demon of the Second Circle whose Motivation is derived
from the Intimacy they formed from, and whose themes derive from the Intimacy filtered through all
the First (Yozi) Excellencies that the character knows. The Motivation of the deva and the Intimacy of
the Infernal are irrevocably linked; should the Intimacy change -- such as from admiration to love --
then so will the Motivation, and likewise should the Motivation of the deva shift so will the Intimacy.
Should the Infernal lose her Intimacy, the deva dies as if slain by a spirit-killing Charm.
If the deva is banished, they return to the mind of their creator, and may escape again at the next new
moon. The Infernal may also choose to willingly “banish” the deva by Touching them, and absorbing
them back into her psyche. If they are slain, they may not escape again until a year and a day has
passed. However, if they are slain with a spirit-killing Charm, they die permanently and Infernal loses
the Intimacy. If he regains it -- for example, by falling back in love with his wife -- the spirit born from
the regained Intimacy shares no continuity with the deceased deva.
The character retains an unconscious veto over whether a given Intimacy is permitted to take
independent form; some hearts are so jealous as to cling so closely to certain feelings that they cannot
escape. The Infernal may maintain no more than (Willpower + Compassion) extant Intimacies as deva
at this level of development. Due to the sympathetic resonance of the bonds of titanic power, on any
day where such a deva has formed any spell the Infernal casts to summon a deva who descends from
another titan fails, and vice versa.
Charms with this keyword develop an additional nascent soul within the Infernal. Other Charms can
synergise with and play off this, and certain heretical Charms may ask for them as prerequisites (for
example, Fourth-Soul Devil Domain requires that the Infernal has learned a Pantheon-keyworded
Charm before they can build a small world within their soul). [in Earthscorpion’s Coadjutor rewrite]
The following Charms have the Pantheon Charm retroactively applied to them; Sun-Heart Furnace
Soul, Silence in Her Wake, Darkling Grace Complete, Carmine Mantled Emissary, Empyreal
Invincibility Declaration. Pantheon-keyworded Charms should in general be Essence 3 or higher, and
three to four Charms deep in a tree.
Erinys' comment: Supernumerary Soul Extrusion and Titanic Heart Overweening should also get
(With the Pantheon-Anchored keyword, you can still make up your own Charms, too, as long as they’re
thematic trees linked to one of your souls.)
Vice-and-Virtue Equation
Cost: — (1wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Demonic Primacy of Essence
The world’s moral structure is topsy-turvy, inverted and broken from the moment the weak and
shortsighted usurped their less-numerous betters. Cecelyne acquired this Charm when she came to
recognise this fact and even indulge in it; after the vivisection of her fetich, a deliberate and explorative
insult by the Exalted Host who had exploited her rules of engagement throughout their selfish rebellion.
The Infernal may reflexively spend a single point of Willpower in order to invert her Virtues, gaining
the ability to sneer at the rules they impose on her character, reinterpreting them in an ironic and
deliberately hypocritical fashion, expressing Compassion with cruelty and Valor with self-preservation.
For the rest of the scene, she may channel any of her Virtues to enhance actions that would normally
require her to suppress them, and must suppress her Virtues in order to take actions that they could
normally enhance. The Infernal’s Virtues return to normal at the end of the scene; alternatively, she may
reflexively re-invert them back to normal by gaining a single point of Limit; Cecelyne’s hypocrisy is a
bitter luxury, not something her ego permits her to use as a tool of convenience.
Children of (Yozi)
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First (Yozi) Excellency
The children of giants stride the earth, inherited might strumming through their very bones. This Charm
permanently enhances the Infernal's capabilities, allowing their immediate and direct blood-
descendants to learn and use the relevant First and Second (Yozi) Excellency, with a dice-cap of
(Ability), at the usual xp cost and training time. Learning and using these Charms still requires that the
descendant become enlightened, and they cannot use Combos.
At Essence 6+, this Charm automatically upgrades. The Infernal's immediate and direct blood-
descendants are now Demonbloods, as though the Infernal were their own coadjutor. They still use the
(Yozi) Excellency granted above, rather than Spirit Excellencies.
Cost: 10m, 1wp, Mins: Essence 4, Type: Simple (Speed (Stamina), DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK
The wind is fast, and graceful, yes. But the wind is also mighty, unstoppable. You cannot harm it; you cannot touch it.
While this charm is used, the Infernal may not take any other actions except to dash reflexively. However, while it lasts, he has the effects of a
perfect soak. It bears the imperfection of the Silent Wind, and ceases working if they drop their speed.
A second purchase at Essence 6 allows the charm to be reactivated at the end of its duration for an additional 8m.
This charm is treated as Who Strikes the Wind? for the purposes of prerequisites.
With this charm, the user emulates Adorjan as a terrific cutting gale. This charm supplements a dash action, and allows you to move through a
space occupied by an enemy. It also allows you to make an attack with any weapon you possess whenever you pass through an opponent or
object using this charm or a similar one. (Although they suffer normal Multiple Action Penalties.) Despite appearing to be a gale of slashing wind
for as long as they keep activating this charm, they continue to suffer daamge from attacks normally.
At Essence 4+, a surcharge of three motes and one willpower allows this charm to remove Multiple Action Penalties incurred by striking multiple
enemies using the effects of this charm.
Lacerating Desert Assault
Cost: -, Mins: Cult 2, Essence 3, Type: Permanent
Keywords: Messianic
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Sandstrike Blast
An Infernal who knows this charm can direct the sands with ease.
This charm's prerequisite may now be flurried, as an explicit exception to the normal rules on flurrying simple charms. The rate of the attack is
equal to half the Infernal's Essence. All other effects remain identical.
Searing Emerald Bombardment
Cost: -, Mins: Essence 4, Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Kissed By Hellish Noon
Malfeas is furious, and despises asking for help. He will take his light and fashion weapons from it before seeking them from others-and so he
As an innate ability, the Infernal may create ammunition or thrown weapons with a resource cost of no more than one, at a cost of one mote
each. These weapons are treated identically to a normal example of their type.
Finally, ammunition and weapons created by this charm are already attuned to Malfeas’ green fire. Using them as part of a Green Sun Nimbus
Flare attack costs only one mote.
Weapons not inted for use on a personal scale, such as essence cannons and siege weaponry, aren’t compatible with Searing Emerald
Bombardment by default, but an Essence 5 purchase of this charm enables this. At Essence 6+, ammunition
created deals an additional two dice of damage, and thrown weapons are considered exceptional.
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
The first king is not easily denied. Even those who hate him sometimes find themselves granting his demands.
This charm enhances a social attack phrased as a demand. Leave this place, Bring me aid, and Bring me his head with a side salad are all valid uses
of this charm. It makes the attack an unblockable social attack, causing unnatural mental influence that costs willpower to resist equal to half the
user's essence. Servants of the Incarnae or the free Primordials (Such as Solars, Sidereals, Lunars, Alchemicals, elementals to name but a few)
reduce this willpower cost by one, due to the ancient surrender oaths. This demand is often phrased oddly, and the powerful quality of their voice
is utterly inhuman, providing the Obvious nature of the charm.
Malfeas was betrayed once, and he finds himself mad, locked in a prison of his own flesh. Those who have the temerity to betray him again, to
strike their master, soon regret it.
This charm is invoked in response to any enemy attack, regardless of whether it struck the user successfully or not. It allows the Infernal to make a
counterattack at her full dice pool, moving up to a full dash action’s distance before doing so. (If she cannot reach the target to make the attack,
she may not use this charm.)
The tremendous force of the attack means that the foe must abandon her treacherous offence, or else suffer the consequences. (Obviously,
Malfeas has more respect for the latter - as far as he understands the concept.)
If the foe parries or dodges this attack, even with a perfect effect, they lose any other actions they were taking this tick, such as further attacks in a
If the foe takes damage from the attack, they are thrown backwards by Malfeas’ fury, travelling (Essence) yards, plus one yard for each dice of
post-soak damage rolled. If they strike a solid object before their flight is complete, they suffer one dice of bashing damage for each yard they did
not travel. If they strike a particularly deadly surface, such as electrical wires, a giant, angry porcupine, or the First and Forsaken Lion, this is
instead lethal damage.
Should the Infernal suffer a Crippling effect that blinds her, she may perfectly ignore the effect as a defense to see clearly. However, for as long as
this benefit is used, Primordial Essence leaks from the eye (or socket), making this Charm Obvious. The player defines how the leakage manifests.
Finally, no lesser force than her own can penetrate the Infernal’s will. She adds her essence rating to her MDVs against Charisma based social
attacks and as bonus successes to recognise or study such passions. Her forceful nature makes it harder to deceive, however, imposing an internal
penalty of her essence rating to any Manipulation based social attack.
A character who possesses both this charm and Witness to Darkness gains neither benefit nor penalty from either in respect to social attacks –
understanding both force and guile, she receives a single bonus die on either, and to her MDV pools, but otherwise uses Charisma and
Manipulation as normal.
The Ebon Dragon cheats all things, and time and distance are no exceptions. This charm supplements a move action begun in an area of shadow.
As long as the target location is also in shadow, the user immediately teleports there, regardless of intermediary objects and dangers. It must be
an area the user is aware of, and cannot be further than Essencex10 yards away, or in another realm of existence.
If an Infernal attempts to teleport to a shadow and finds that none is nearby the target area, he does not move from his original position, loses his
move action, and takes a number of unsoakable bashing levels of damage equal to his Permanent Essence.
A repurchase of this charm requiring Essence 5 and a surcharge of one willpower improves its range to Essencex100 yards. A third charm at
Essence 6, for 1wp and +5m, improves to Essence miles, and a fourth and final charm at Essence 8, costing 1wp, 20m total, grants a range of
Essencex10 miles. A separate purchase requiring Essence 6 removes the restriction of realms of existence, although you must still know of a valid
Obviously, this last repurchase is useless to the Ebon Dragon, who is trapped within Malfeas.
A true master of shadows is more at home there than she is in the light. She can flit from shadow to shadow with ease.
While this charm is active, its prerequisite can be activated as a reflexive action, even multiple times a tick, as long as she is within an area of
shadow. All normal costs must be paid. With a stunt, the payment of a single teleport allows for multiple shorter teleports of the same maximum
total distance.
In addition, whenever the Infernal takes a normal move action that begins and ends in a shadow, she may pay one mote to treat it as a teleport,
Mind and Body Storm (Adorjan+Hegra)
Cost: 5m, 1wp, Mins: Essence 5, Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -0)
Keywords: Heretical, Shaping
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Wind-Daughter’s Wrathx2, Sky-Crisis Strike
The Infernal embraces the tearing winds of Adorjan and the psychedelic rains of Hegra, taking them into herself. With but a thought, she can will
her essence to take the form of howling, tearing wind, and rain of many colours, that tears at the minds and bodies of all those around until they
belong to her-or die.
This charm creates an environmental hazard in an area of Essencex5 yards around the Infernal, with the following traits: Damage (Essence-
4)L/action, Trauma (Essence/2)L. However, a character with an intimacy of Love for the Infernal, or any other character possessing this charm,
treats the damage from this charm as Bashing damage, and it cannot roll over into lethal.
Any being harmed by the wind and rain of this charm is subject to an unblockable social attack with the following dice pool: Infernal’s
Essence+Presence+Victim’s Wound Penalty. If the attack succeeds, the victim loses a single dot of temporary willpower as a shaping effect. If the
attack succeeds on a victim with no willpower remaining, they treat every single successful social attack from this charm as a scene spent building
an intimacy of love to the Infernal, as well as suffering the effects of the controlled Overindulgence limit flaw for one hour. (The time stacks for
each attack).
At Essence 7, this charm upgrades. A surcharge of 15m on activation extends the area of the effect to Essence miles. Using the charm in this way is
a Blasphemy effect.
At Essence 8, a Surcharge of 25m extends the area to Essence x10 miles.
An additional purchase of the charm, requiring Essence 10, extends the area to Essencex1000 miles.
A second purchase of this charm removes the willpower cost of this charm and allows it to be activated as a reflexive action, but only if activated
while the Warlock’s anima is at at least the 11-15 mote level. However, the charm MUST be activated immediately when the Warlock reaches the
11-15 mote level.
The Ebon Dragon knows that the brightest lights cause the deepest shadows - why else would he have worked upon the Unconquered Sun?
But alone, he cannot shine.
Ligier’s Emerald glory is a harsh light, but a skilled Infernal can throw an orb of verdant essence into the air that illuminates the area, yet somehow
only makes it darker. For the scene, all allies have three bonus dice to hiding in shadows, as if from specialties, while foes have a -1 external
penalty. As a side benefit, this charm is almost guaranteed to create shadows.
At Essence 3, this charm lights only a small area - a small house, a courtyard, perhaps a town square. At Essence 5, it can light a street.
An E6 repurchase allows a 10m surcharge to extend it to cover an average sized city, although this renders it a blasphemy effect. At E8, this
upgrades to a truly massive area, covering a large proportion of the Blessed Isle. An E10 Infernal could cover creation in a deceitful imitation of the
Green Sun.
Created by an aspiring Infernal who wished to make Malfeas happier, this charm combines the joyful skill of Malfeas’ dancing with the pure
freedom of Adorjan.
This charm is a dramatic action to lead a group in dance. The cleansing movements and utter joy of the dance are relaxing, causing anyone
participating to be freed from hatred, fear, and control. Unnatural Mental Influence on them is shattered (meaning participation must be solicited
with natural means), and any intimacies they hold based on fear or hatred are removed immediately. A participant can attempt to hold on to
some or all of those feelings, but must succeed on a Wits+Integrity roll at a difficulty of 8-Conviction. If they fail, they may pay willpower equal to
half the Infernal’s Essence instead.
Sadly, Malfeas’s hatred, harmful as it is, is too core to him to be removed so easily, and no attempt so far has found him willing to accept it.
This charm may be purchased more than once, but each purchase is a one-use change. This charm costs two bonus points or 5exp to learn.
Within each Green Sun Prince lies the potential for a new titanic entity. Some are wildly different from the Primordials that grant the Princes their
patronage, while others only diverge from the template of a given Yozi by a small fraction. But the individuality is there, and with this Charm, it
may be made apparent to all.
Upon taking this Charm, the Prince identifies their titanic persona on a purely superficial, visual level. In the same way that Malfeas identifies with
the colors Green and Brass, with imagery of fire, metal, flesh, and municipal structures, and the Ebon Dragon identifies with the color Black and
the imagery of shadows, darkness, serpents, and emptiness, so too must the prospective titan now be defined.
Once this decision has been made, the Charms of the Yozi are visually warped by the Prince's identity. Viridian Legend Exoskeleton might appear
as a layer of diamond-hard crystal around the Warlock, and their Green Sun Nimbus Flare might become a ball of blue lightning. Regardless of the
alteration, the mechanical functions of a Charm are not altered to a great extent - to drift a cosmic concept that far requires greater delving into
the depths of Heresy. However, small mostly-incidental changes are permissible, such as a version of Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack made of black
fire being used to ignite flammable materials, or the magical snow created by an altered Holy Land Infliction lowering the temperature of the
areas afflicted with it rather than raising it to hellish degrees.
A character that has never seen the non-warped version of a Charm before has no reason to believe that the altered version is anything unusual,
while those that have witnessed a warped Charm used before, in an unadulterated state, might be able to notice some minor imperfections in the
transformation, and recognize it for what it truly is.
This is a (Perception + Occult) roll with a difficulty equal to the Prince's Essence. If a character personally possesses the warped Charm, the
difficulty is halved. The use of a Shintai, as a pure expression of a Primordial's legend, always has a difficult of 1 to detect.
This Charm may be used in place of a 'Sorcerous Initiation of (Yozi)' for the prerequisites of 'Triumphant Howl of the Devil Tiger'.
Hegra (Based on this charmset. See also the Typhoon caste, for settings where Hegra has her own caste)
Rainbow’s Blessing
Cost: 15m, 1wp, Mins: Essence 3, Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: One week
Prerequisites: None (If using this charm, use it as the prerequisite for Sky-Crisis Strike)
Hegra is the patron of storms, as much as she is the queen of kaleidoscopic emotions. This charm is the use of the former. When an Infernal
activates this charm, she seeds the area with Hegran essence, which slowly rises into the air as multihued vapour. Starting within a few minutes,
the area will receive regular rainfall for a week - enough water to sate the thirst of a group with magnitude equal to the Infernal’s essence. This
water can be used for any other purpose water could be used for, and keeps indefinitely with proper storage. It tastes good to all palates, slightly
tinted with a drinker’s favourite tastes.
However, the water’s Infernal origin affects those who drink too much. Whenever a character drinks the rainbow water, the scene counts as one
scene spent building a positive Intimacy towards the concept of thoughtless joy, and a scene toward a second Intimacy of adoration toward the
Infernal provider. Characters who have conflicting Intimacies that would interfere with this process find those feelings weakened by their drinks
until nothing stands in the way of forming the new attachments.
While the characters continue to drink this water at least once a day, any Intimacy built or
attacked by the Charm can’t be lessened or rebuilt, respectively. After a day, the Intimacies may be affected normally. Once a character drinks only
rainbow water for a full week, she
gains the Lacking Temperance mutation, along with the cosmetic side effect of bright, often rainbow coloured features, often hair and eyes. If the
Infernal knows Extravagant Revelry Carnival, a second week of drinking nothing but rainbow water provides the Passion Kaleidoscope abomination
to those lacking its effects. After a decade of drinking primarily rainbow water, these mutations become hereditary and breed true. Mating with
normal humans only has a 10 percent chance of yielding mutated offspring.
Natural unintelligent animals who drink rainbow water gain all the standard effects from doing so. Such beasts still become adoringly worshipful
to the Infernal who fed them,
though. If the Exalt drinks her own water, the Intimacy she gains toward herself is one of cheerful pride.
Creation-Denying Imagination
Cost: 1-6m, Mins: Essence 3, Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Ersatz Adventure Imagination
If Hegra says she can fly, who will persuade her she is wrong? Certainly nothing so unimportant as the truth.
This charm enhances its prerequisite in two ways. Firstly, whenever they would suffer a random mutation, they may spend a number of motes
equal to the mutation’s rank to choose the mutation they acquire instead, which may be any mutation of up to that rank.
Secondly, by committing these motes (A negative mutation may be kept for a 1m commitment, regardless of cost), they may retain these
mutations indefinitely, her belief and essence insulating them from Creation’s reality.
A repurchase of this charm, requiring Essence 4, allows the Infernal to sustain a number of mutation points equal to her Essence with the
commitment of two motes. She may not commit more motes than her temporary willpower, and loses mutations if her willpower falls below the
number of motes she has committed.
Hegra lives a thousand lives, a thousand worlds lay bare before her. From her perspective, every one is as true as the others, every one merely a
dream subject to her every whim. Nothing that happens here matters to her real self-she can wash away suffering and resist the temptations of a
false world.
By realising this truth that reality is just another dream, the Infernal shapes it to better fit her desire.
· Whenever the Infernal would pay one willpower, she may instead pay two gossamer.
· She may create gossamer by committing five motes for each piece, and may not have more pieces at one time than her permanent essence.
· She may create beings and items from gossamer, paying one gossamer for each dot of resources they would cost. Beings, creatures, and items
with no resource cost cannot be created, and magical beings and items may never be created. The Infernal chooses the statistics of creatures and
beings where they differ, including motivation and intimacies. Where it matters, beings are mundane or even extras. Creatures and objects
created last as long as five motes are kept committed to them per point of gossamer used for their creation. If they are kept real for long enough,
they can begin to sustain themselves. Objects take one month of existence per dot of resources to become real and return their motes to their
creator. Beasts and creatures take one year per dot of essence. Sentient creatures and beings take five years.
· She may wash away the false pain of the world at a rate of one bashing level for a single mote, one lethal level for three motes, or one
aggravated level for ten motes. She may substitute one gossamer for five motes, or one willpower for ten.
These effects may only be used while the Shintai is active, except for creations which she retains commitment for.
Infernal Monster
The Infernal Monster lives for battle-to strike her is to spur on the mightiest beast in all of Creation.
This Charm grants an Overdrive pool with a capacity of five motes. Initially empty, it gains motes under the following circumstances: Whenever
the Infernal is in a rage-state, such as that caused by Retribution Will Follow, and suffers any circumstance that would allow her to activate that
charm under normal conditions, she gains a single overdrive mote.
Survival Is Fury
Cost: -, Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4, Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Infernal Monster Form
The Infernal Monster, as much as it hates to accept it, is not unstoppable. It can be put down, defeated-but slaying it is a herculean task.
The Infernal Monster gains additional dying health levels equal to the number of Infernal Monster charms she knows.
Unstoppable Demon-Monster
Cost: (+3m), Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4, Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-Enhancing
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Infernal Monster Form
The Infernal Monster is destructive, and escaping his fury only makes him angrier, as any who face him soon know. But they soon find that his skin
turns aside their blades and resists their mauls-striking the Monster merely serves to make him tougher.
While in Infernal Monster form, the martial artist gains a single cumulative bonus dot of Stamina in any action where a foe attempts to strike him.
This stamina does provide soak for the attack that triggers it. No combination of charms including Infernal Monster form can provide more than
(Essence) additional dots, and this bonus is treated as a dice bonus from charms. This Stamina gain occurs regardless of whether the triggering
attack misses, but can occur only once per action.
As an additional benefit, the Monster soaks Lethal damage with his full stamina.
An Essence 5 repurchase of this charm, requiring One Hand Fury, improves that charm as well. Whenever the martial artist would gain an
additional Stamina dot, but doesn’t due to already having hit the cap, he gains a single extra point of Bashing and Lethal soak.
The Infernal Monster cannot be slain without massive effort. Only the greatest foes can hope to do so-but only a great hero could hope to even
harm her.
Whenever the Infernal gains a mote from War Fuelled Fury, she also gains a single ablative temporary health level. If not used, these health levels
dissipate at the end of the scene. The Infernal may not have more temporary health levels from this charm than his resistance.
An Essence Five repurchase enhances this charm. If damage is only dealt because of minimum damage, then all deleterious effects caused by that
strike are, if dependent on striking the Infernal, negated as if it had missed.
He Is Already Here
Cost: 10m, 2wp, Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 6, Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Blasphemy, Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any one Infernal Monster Shintai, Nowhere to Run
The Infernal Monster is nightmares made real, destruction in not-quite-human form. It is best not to speak of him at all, lest you draw his
attention to you.
The Infernal Monster is aware whenever anyone speaks his name or any pseudonym or title that the Infernal Monster is aware of within (Essence)
miles. Reflexively, he may spend 10m, 2wp to teleport to within ten yards of that location as a Blasphemy effect-typically appearing behind the
speaker or anywhere out of sight, but anywhere in range is permissible. If he does not do so, he must wait for a second use of his name. This
charm only triggers if the name used is referring to him-if his name is common, he only knows when someone uses it to mean him.
Elloge Charms-The Charmset of Elloge, the Sphere of Speech. Narrative, authorial, shipping. Here.
Seasonal Charms-The Devil-Tiger Charmset of Radia, the Five Seasons. Found here.
Ophelian Charms-The Devil-Tiger Charmset of Ophelia, the Dreamer Manifest. Found here.
Marshall Charms-The Devil-Tiger Charmset of Karis, the Hand of Ligier, the Cold Star, the Dread Marshall. Found here.
Marcia Charms-The Charmset of Marcia, the Monster Chained, who took into herself the legend and titanic story of the Infernal Monster, and
slowly twisted it to safety. Here.
Ishta Charms-The Devil-Tiger Charmset of Ishta, the Heroine’s Quest. Found here.
See also:
Hegra (TheDementedOne)
World-Enslaving Greed
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Fealty-Acknowledging Audience
Malfeas rules the world, and thus it belongs to him. Gazing greedily at anything he owns, the Infernal
may activate this Charm, unleashing a smoldering blaze of green flame that marks it as his. This
sorcerous claiming lays an invisible mark upon the treasure, the Old Realm rune for "Mine." So long as
the object or structure remains under this Charm's effects, the Infernal's ownership of it cannot be lost
or usurped by any other character. If it is an artifact, then no effect can break the Infernal's attunement
to it against his will so long as the brand remains. In addition, this Charm upgrades Fealty-
Acknowledging Audience, Magnanimous Warning Glyph, and any other Yozi Charm the Infernal
knows that can sorcerously brand a character. He gains ownership of all mortals and demons that he has
marked, and cannot lose it so long as the mark remains.
Flame-Swallowing Glory
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Scar-Writ Saga Shield (x3)
The meager fires of Creation mean nothing to Malfeas, for his glory subsumes and consumes any lesser
danger that would pit its feeble strength against him. His invincible majesty shatters the will of armies
and breaks the spirit of heroes. The Infernal may activate this Charm whenever an attack or harmful
effect fails to damage or otherwise impede him. He may reflexively roll (Charisma + Resistance),
cowing all characters who see him with his inhuman resilience. Characters whose Dodge MDV's are
exceeded by the Infernal's rolled successes suffer a -2 internal penalty on all attacks against the Infernal
for the rest of the scene, filled with the dread certainty that he is invincible. Extras instead flee, as if
they had botched a Morale roll. Resisting this unnatural mental influence costs two points of
Willpower, and a character who does so cannot be affected for the rest of the scene. A second purchase
of this Charm at Essence 4 allows the Infernal to activate this Charm as an innate ability, which does
not count as Charm activation, in response to an attack failing to overcome his Hardness. In addition,
this mental influence automatically affects characters with a permanent Essence at least four dots less
than the Infernal’s, regardless of their Dodge MDV.
Enslaved by Spite
Cost: – (+3m or +8m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Cracked Cell Circumvention
The Ebon Dragon is nothing if not reliable in his spite. He can always be counted on to refuse any
order made of him, to shirk all responsibilities that might obligate him. This Charm upgrades Cracked
Cell Circumvention. If any character forbids the Infernal from taking an action, or else asks him to
refrain from it, then the Infernal may use Cracked Cell Circumvention to enhance that action for the
rest of the scene, paying a surcharge of three motes to do so. Likewise, if he is commanded or
beseeched to take some action, he may use Cracked Cell Circumvention to enhance any action that
achieves the opposite effect. If the command is enforced on the Infernal by successful unnatural mental
influence, he may waive the surcharge when using Cracked Cell Circumvention to enhance actions that
defy it, should he somehow subvert or circumvent the influence.
This Charm can be used to even in response to commands that are made insincerely, but doing so is
more difficult. If a character makes a demand or request of the Infernal that they do not sincerely intend
or desire him to obey–for instance, should his allies mockingly beg him not to slaughter their foes in
battle–the Infernal may still use Cracked Cell Circumvention to benefit actions that disobey this hollow
order. However, to do so, he must pay a hefty surcharge of eight motes and a point of Willpower, a
decidedly undesirable cost. Note that this surcharge may not be waived, even if the command is
enforced on the Infernal with unnatural mental influence. The Infernal is not made aware of the added
cost he must pay until he activates Cracked Cell Circumvention. If he cannot or does not wish to pay
this added cost, he may choose to cancel his activation of the Charm, paying nothing, although it still
counts as his Charm activation for the action.
However, this predictable contrariness runs both ways. The Ebon Dragon can always be relied on to
defy all orders, but so too can he be trusted to never accept a command. Whenever the Infernal
willingly obeys any command or request made of him, he gains a single point of Limit. This only
applies to commands that are made sincerely–in order for the Infernal to gain Limit from obeying an
order, the character who issued it must have sincerely wished for the Infernal to comply. Note that the
Infernal never gains Limit from actions compelled of him by unnatural mental influence, as such acts
cannot truly be considered willing. Characters who are aware that the Infernal possesses this Charm,
and know its limitations, can try to use this as a leash to control his actions, but they must still make
sincere requests, even knowing that the Infernal will most likely disobey. Devising a cunning plan to
exploit this vulnerability by coming up with the perfect command to give the Infernal is an epic and
heroic task; arbitrarily penalizing the Infernal by shouting out farcical requests is not.
Error-Detecting Mode
Cost: –; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Conceptual Context Expansion
She Who Lives In Her Name cannot comprehend the concept of deception. Accurate data is correct.
Inaccurate data is an error to be corrected. There are no other possibilities. This Charm upgrades
Conceptual Context Expansion. If the Infernal uses it to target any statement that is an intentional lie or
deception, it compels the speaker to elaborate the truth of the matter, rather than simply clarifying his
own lie. In addition, if the Infernal activates Conceptual Context Expansion to target any statement that
she knows is a lie, either by making a roll to read the motivations of a character or through magic, its
cost is reduced to one mote.
Gospel of Oppression
Cost: –; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Mandates of the Demon-Prophet
Hell’s bible is the only right doctrine of the world. All other holy scriptures and sacred texts are in gross
error, written by those blind misguided fools who fail to realize that only strength can justify authority.
This Charm upgrades Mandates of the Demon-Prophet. The Infernal may make written social attacks
with it, composing holy texts to spread her demonic dogma. Anyone who reads from the gospel of
Cecelyne understands that the scripture is one of the legalisms of Hell. Those who do not respect such
laws can erase or destroy the text, and countermagic is capable of breaking this sorcerous scripture.
Nothing is Forbidden
Cost: –; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wickedness Given Voice
Virtuous men are slaves, fettered by conscience and ideology. Only the wicked are free. This Charm
upgrades Wickedness Given Voice. If a character under its sorcerous effects suppresses one of his
Virtues, he may choose to keep it suppressed indefinitely, rather than merely until the end of the scene.
However, if a character does suppress a Virtue for longer than a scene thanks to this Charm's effects, he
must pay a point of Willpower in order to reassert it. In addition, if the character knows the corruption
of the Great Curse, he no longer gains Limit for suppressing his primary Virtue. It is easier to ignore
the voice of righteousness, now that he has the Ebon Dragon to show him the way. On the other hand,
paying Willpower to reassert his primary Virtue does cause him to gain a point of Limit, as he suddenly
realizes the full extent of what he has done.
Sin is Satisfaction
Cost: –; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wickedness Given Voice
The Ebon Dragon need not waste his time corrupting the mortals beneath him. Simply pointing out the
opportunity to do evil is all that it takes to debase their pathetic souls. This Charm upgrades
Wickedness Given Voice. As the Infernal curses a character with it, he may name any act of depravity
that amuses him. In this case, acts of depravity include any act that would cause shock, outrage, or
scandal according to the common mores of Creation's dominant culture, namely the Realm, or the
standards of the culture that the target belongs to. The character's inner darkness is especially eager in
encouraging him to commit the chosen act, pointing out the chance to indulge in it at every opportunity.
That character may regain a single point of Willpower at the end of any scene in which he commits the
chosen act of depravity. If he accepts the Willpower, the scene counts as one spent building an Intimacy
of selfish indulgence towards the chosen act.
No-Shadow Sun
Cost: - (+3m); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Kissed By Hellish Noon, World-Weathering Incandescence
The light of Ligier casts no shadows, and the rage of Malfeas knows no obstacles. Those who believe
that they can hide from their rightful King will be sadly mistaken. Whenever an Infernal with this
Charm activates Green Sun Nimbus Flare, they may pay an extra three motes to ignore all cover
penalties granted by things that World-Weathering Incandescence can destroy. Any cover is
permanently destroyed as with that Charm, leaving the naked cowardice of the foe revealed for all to
see. The attack also ignores any defence bonus to PDV granted by shields that are made of materials
not proof against World-Weathering Incandescence; such fallible shields are destroyed by the attack if
the defender attempts to parry the attack despite the penalty. When within a place of habitation, the
Infernal also nullifies all penalties to that attack, apart from wound and multiple action penalties, for
Malfeas knows all cities as lesser mimicries of himself, and so no lesser darknesses or fogs can stop his
By Tyranny Crowned
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Overdrive, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Malfeas Excellency, Crowned With Fury
To the King of the Yozis, all that matters is the majesty and the force. To crush the will of a foe so he
becomes yours is the same as killing him. All shall serve Malfeas or die. This Charm permanently
alters the Infernal's capacity to spend Overdrive motes. She may now spend offensive motes on
offensive social Charms as long as the aim of the social attack is to dominate, command or subjugate
another sapient being. The action must be able to be enhanced with the First Malfeas Excellency, and
so, as per the restriction of that Charm, any show of subtlety or restraint in the social attack renders this
option inapplicable, along with all other restrictions imposed by the Excellency. When using this
Charm, a burning green crown forms upon her forehead, as with Crowned With Fury.
Such dominion comes at a cost when it is rejected, however. Should an opponent spend willpower to
resist an offensive-mote enhanced social attack, the Infernal loses an additional offensive mote, as
memory of unthinkable loss of authority flickers within. The version of this Charm known by the Holy
Tyrant did not have such a weakness, for he had never known defeat.
Altruism Mocking Dessication
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Verdant Emptiness Endowment
The concept of pure altruism is alien to the Endless Desert, but this does not put a hole in her
understanding of Creation. Even when people do not speak of an act of 'generosity', they are rewarded
with their own feelings of self-satisfaction. And in the meantime, she is more than willing to let her
sands into the hearts of those who would come before her asking for a gift for another. This Charm
expands the scope of its prerequisite, allowing the individual who benefits from the wish to be a
separate person to the one who asks for it. The possibly-unknowing supplicant must express a dislike
for the condition or state of another individual, who they must have a positive Intimacy towards, but
who need not be present. If the Infernal grants the wish, the Training effect is applied to the other
individual, including the XP debt, while the favour is now owed by the supplicant. The target may
reject the gift, for the usual cost, but if they do so, the supplicant still owes a favour, and furthermore
loses any positive Intimacies they might have had towards the target, as the sands of Cecelyne scour
away at their now-hollow heart. This Emotion effect can be resisted by spending 3 willpower.
Cecelyne may not understand pure altruism, but she certainly understands the use of foolish saps in her
plans. This Charm only functions if the target for the wish does not know that the supplicant will
express such a wish to the Infernal, and has not instructed them to do so. If they would knowingly want
something from her, they should entreat with her and accept the costs of doing so. One exception
exists; if the target has prepared a prayer strip towards the Infernal, and has another present her with the
strip on his behalf, the wish will be granted, as a conventional one would, with the favour and the gift
both falling on the head of the target. Cecelyne admits all into her wastes, no matter the path they take.
Erosion-Of-Freedom Patience
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sublimation of Ordained Purpose
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The creators of the universe are ensnared within their king, and their
broken toys sit on thrones not made for them. And yet things can change. This is the secret hope that
lies in Cecelyne's barren heart. She has eternity, and she is eternity, and the drop of one grain of sand
every hundred years onto a stolen throne can grind it down to nothingness. The gods would believe
themselves beyond her law? Her law is the strong over the weak, and if they are weaker than her, the
old chains of law can come down again. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to
treat any god or deva under the effects of Sublimation of Ordained Purpose as a demon and a native of
Malfeas for the purposes of all her Infernal Charms and Spells. This lasts until the spirit in question
fully resists the Servitude effect of Sublimation of Ordained Purpose, and functions regardless of
whether or not the Infernal was the one who applied the effect.
Gods of Essence 7 or less are treated as First Circle Demons; gods with higher Essence are treated as
Second Circle Demons. Devas are treated as if they are a demon of the corresponding rank; the spiritual
castration of the ex machinae means that all the devas of Autocthon count as First Circles, regardless of
their Essence, with the exception of the Divine Ministers (and the Core) who count as Third Circles.
Sorcerously bound gods and deva cannot spend Willpower to resist Sublimation of Ordained Purpose;
however, they benefit from the same conditions as bound demons do under that Charm.
Pneuma-Moulding Marvelous Muneration
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Miracle Gift Mastery, Scoured Perfection of Form
All things come to Cecelyne, in time. Those who wander in her depths draw themselves in deeper with
each gift they take. And those who ask for the wrong - or right - things, or who draw her attention, can
never, ever escape, for she will give them immortality and potency beyond mortal might, all a mortal
could ever wish for. And they will forever be hers, as she remoulds their hearts into silver glass. These
demons are referred to as varazslany in certain Shogunate texts which talk of the blasphemous deals
offered by the Anathema, and the need for an honourable soldier to be wary of even innocuous gifts;
they are the holy warriors of Cecelyne, her missionary-champions. This Charm expands the scope of
Verdant Emptiness Endowment, and allows the following option to be taken, either to grant the wishes
of mortal, Enlightened Mortals, or other Primordial-created sentient races who ask for immortality or
power, or as a task, which may be rejected normally with the usual consequences. The Infernal
compresses the souls of the target, rendering them down into raw Essence before remaking them in the
form of a wind-smoothed crystal about the size of a chicken's egg, which sits where their heart used to
sit. This metamorphosis is tantamount to the death of the original, and so may not be undone as it
would be akin to resurrection.
The body of the target remains as a Willpower 0 husk, akin to one of the dream-eaten. The egg-sized
crystal is now the entire body and the repository of the mind of the target, who is now a special kind of
First Circle Demon, which is naturally material, but a First Circle Demon in all other regards. The new
varazslany sets their Essence to 4, and retains all their old Attributes and Abilities. They retain their old
Intimacies and Motivation, but gain a new Intimacy of Reverence towards the Infernal which may not
be removed by any means.
A varazslany created by this Charm gains the Charms Principle of Motion, Possession (usable only on
Willpower 0 targets, but they may do so at a range of 2 yards rather than Touch, and they may possess
their former body for no cost), and Measure the Wind. They have an innate ability to heal a single level
of damage at a time in a body they possess, as a Miscellaneous action which costs 1m to repair a level
of bashing damage, 3m for a level of lethal, and 10m, 1wp per level of aggravated or per Crippling
injury. In addition, they gain a number of spirit Charms equal to (Infernal's Cult + their Highest Virtue
+ their Destiny), which should be thematically appropriate to their own personality fed through the lens
of Cecelyne.
However, the varazslany is sessile and insensate when not using the Possession Charm on a Willpower
0 target (or any other appropirate Inhabiting Charm it learns later), which it does automatically on its
former body upon its creation, with no apparent gap in continuity of self. A varazslany may always use
such a Charm if a valid target comes within range as long as they can pay the activation cost and are
not Inactive. When using such a Charm on a target, the varazslany physically replaces the heart (or
equivalent), and is naturally material; a called shot at a -3 External penalty allows the demon to be
damaged directly, rather than its host. The varazslany, as part of their existence, never count as being
fully relaxed for the purposes of Essence respiration, and do not regain Willpower from rest. However,
they regain one point of Willpower per scene they work towards an order given to them by their creator
or an individual who knows the First Cecelyne Excellency. If reduced to 0wp, their Possession of a
body automatically terminates, and they fall Inactive for a year and a day, regaining a single point of
Willpower at the end of that time period.
Rocking-Cradle Envelopment
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Geomancy-Suckling Little Darling
There is a story told by Lintha mothers to their children, of older and better times. Once (or so it is
said), the Great Mother was gravid with child, and so, in celebration of such news, they crafted a gift
for their sibling. Tens of thousands were worked to death, their bones polished to a nacreous shine by
the finest artisans, and the gift was so vast that foolish Dragon Kings mistook it for an island. The love
and devotion of the Lintha to their mother was so great that it was completed in four-and-twenty-days,
and the Sea Who Marched Against The Flame was so proud of their love that she gave birth into the
gift, for (as she said), she could conceive of no better birthing gift for her child than the work of their
siblings. In this fallen age, there is not the love and devotion, but generous Kimbery will still give her
children birthing-gifts even if their owners might prefer otherwise. This Charm upgrades Monstrous
Manse-Mother Fountainhead, adding a new capacity to it. If the Infernal has carried out a geomantic
survey of a manse which was not made by that Charm, she can design a parasitic manse-child which
will take over and supplant the previous manse.
Once the geomantic survey has occurred, the manse-child is designed as a normal manse-child built on
the target demesne would be, save that it begins with manse features equal to that of the initial manse.
Pre-existing manse features which the Infernal wishes to remove must be "un-designed" as if the
feature was being designed, save that the Infernal always counts as having sufficient skills to do so. The
manse designed in this way can benefit from other charms that enhance Monstrous Manse-Mother
Fountainhead, such as My Little Darling.
Once the manse-child has been designed, the Infernal must give birth within the manse, specifically
targeting one of the manse-powers, which the umbilical cord of the infant latches onto, subverting over
the course of five long ticks as a Shaping Effect. This is Obvious, as nacreous growths of marble and
coral fronds of human flesh integrate with the manse feature and warp wards and defences to its own
service, locking into it and controlling it. Sensible mothers target features of manses which can fight
back, such as a Guardian, for the Infernal counts as a pseudo-hearthstone bearer, and so can control
manse-features which are subverted. From this point in, the manse-child will attempt to grow and take
full control of the manse. The Infernal can pick targets for the manse-child to target; otherwise, it is
decided by the structure of the manse, as tendrils and creeping coral target sweep out to sink like roots
into the building.
Mechanically, once per man-week, the manse-child rolls the Infernal's (Stamina + Resistance +
Essence), at a Difficulty equal to the level of the manse. Successes count towards subverting a manse-
feature; once a number of successes equal to the rating of the manse feature are reached, the feature is
now under the control of the manse-child. Features not included in the manse-child are disassembled
and stored within it as raw materials; ones which need to be built can only be "subverted" once
sufficient Creation Points have been freed up to support them. Once all the manse features are
subverted, the manse-child may target the hearthstone chamber, which counts as a manse feature with a
rating equal to twice the manse rating. Successful subversion stabilises the manse child, which now
encompasses the entire manse, and forms a hearthstone as normal. N/A-rated Manses can have an
effective value from anywhere from 6 to 10+, decided by the Storyteller. The encroaching manse-child
may be combated as if it was a manse. Destroying the features it controls removes its control, but also
damages the underlying manse feature. A geomantic survey, and the use of fire or Holy attacks allows it
to be combated without damaging the main manse. Features destroyed by the manse-child must be
rebuilt even if the manse-child is purged.
The bearer of the hearthstone does not lose attunement until the entire manse is subverted, although the
effective rating of the hearthstone is reduced by one level until that point. However, any features
controlled by the manse-child are beyond his control, which can be a problem when the Ultra Deadly
Trap turns out to flood the room with a tiny inlet of Kimbery. Moreover, they suffer nightmares, of
slick organic growth, of the bloated shadowy maternal form of the Infernal, and the cries of a child
(which are especially tortured if the manse if Fire, Solar or Cytherea-aspected), suffering a -1 to all
rolls to regain Willpower upon waking as a Fear-based Emotion effect.
Many First Age manses were built with safety features against this kind of subversion, especially for
critical parts of the defence infrastructure of the Realm. Most only inflict a -2 external penalty to rolls
related to subversion, but some critical systems, such as the Imperial Manse, are immune to this... at
least, as long as enough of the geomantic grid that powers it remains intact enough to fuel the power-
hungry defence systems. Fire, Solar and Cytherea-aspected manses add a further -2 external penalty to
the subversion rolls, and require the manse design to take the constraints of Monstrous Manse-Mother
Fountainhead for those aspects into account. Manses who have a manse connected to them by a
Network Node subverted reduce the difficulty of subversion by 1, for one should expect the children of
Kimbery to aid themselves in their mother's service, should they not?
And it is said that the suggestions of its readers can lead to it budding new wonders within...
Infernal Charms
(Yozi) Arts Externalised
Merciless Radiative Therapy
Corpus-Building Fever Dreams
Weakness Purging Scar Tissue
Unbroken By Unacknowledged Blows
Impossibility of Base Treachery
Rejection of Rebellious Fools
Crippled Imperator Shintai
Gnostic Immanence Shintai
No-Shadow Sun
By Tyranny Crowned
Lord-Over-Beasts Dominion
By Madness Darkened
Chartreuse Coronary Ignition
Altruism Mocking Desiccation
Quixotic Benefactor Shintai
Sins Born in Blood
Erosion-Of-Freedom Patience
Pneuma-Moulding Marvellous Muneration
Faithful Follower Discernment
Endless Famine Apotheosis
Allele Alteration Implementation
Retroactive Impregnation Actualisation
Localised Speciation Induction
Binary Instruction Implementation
Efficient Indoctrination Logograms
Memetic Implantation Practice
Eusocial Organism Optimisation
Existence-Liberating Caress
Laughing Joker Fission
Axis of the World Obsession
Other Woman Identification
Infidelity Scourging Heartwind
Love Begets Love
Red and White Ribbons
Sevenfold Adoration Progenation
Umbilical Noose Escape
Hurricane Spawns Gales
Gluttony of the Innocent
Womb Darkness Retention
The Little Beast
Price-of-Everything Undercurrents
Hidden Depths Temptress
Rising Tide Gratuity
Kindness Expects Repayment
Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead
My Pretty Baby
Geomancy-Suckling Little Darling
Potential-Drowning Depths Dweller
Unhallowed Dreaming World-Progeny
Rocking-Cradle Envelopment
Rapturous Leech Rupture
Toxic Love Indulgence
Great Mother's Blessed Waters
To Sup With Dead Titans
Paradoxical Death Acceptance
Embodied Kata Birth
Scion Genesis Pantheon
Child-Of-My-Child Dominion
Terrestrial Circle
The Kiss of Mela
That Which Rises Must Fall
Static Preservation Area
Water Dragon's Arrow Cascade
Celestial Circle
Butterflies to Chrysalides Bombardment
The Word of Blood-to-Elements
Narrative Shredding Bolt
Adamant Circle
Dragon Breaks Reality
Rune of Singular Hate
Iron Circle Necromancy
Tree of the Butcher Birds
Tilting the Scales of Destruction
Architectural Remembrance Recovery
The Claws of Blood and Iron
Labyrinth Circle Necromancy
Frozen Mirror Depths
The Rune of the Broken Charge
Plague Blossom Dispersal
Void Circle Necromancy
Neoplasmic Tomb Cyst
The Nemesis Conundrum
Blood Will Out
Twenty-Fifth Hour Scenario
World Knows Its Master
Primordial Principle Emulation
Primordial Principle Internalisation
Hidden (Attribute) Manifestation
Shining (Attribute) Witchery
Discarding Argent Glory
Not-Quite-There Shot
Could-Have-Been Barrage
Waiting-Foe Shrapnel Sneak
Horrifying Silver Insurgent Strike
Second Shooter Suspicion
PERSUASIVE WORLD-WHISPER (modified version by Revlid)
Shining Witch’s Twistings
Eminent Domain Sacrifice
The Interceding World
Madness Deceived By Blood
Many-Minds Genius Prism
Mythic Outsider Extrusion
Witch-Fire Soul-Pyre
Walking Argent Impossibility
Reality-Flaying Stalker
Unwoven Weaver's Art
Unreal Illumination Escape
Blade of Years Strike
Hungry Time's Reaping
Black Genius Innovation
Hungry Innovator's Reward
Elements Bend to Will
Ten Thousand Claw Empowerment
Appropriate Punishment Aid
Warding Fire Grows
Awaiting Falling Leaves
Infernal Charms
(Yozi) Arts Externalised
Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sorcerous Enlightenment of (Yozi) x 3, (Yozi) Mythos Exultant
The Primordials are masters over their own mythos. How could they not be? And so that all-
encompassing existence, scribed against the shinma, exists within them and without. Even if sorcery
may tap those aspects, it will never compare to their own mastery. This Charm permanently enhances
Sorcerous Enlightenment of (Yozi) and its repurchases. Spells cast which directly invoke the Yozi or
their souls by their very nature, such as a Malfean use of Total Annihilation, or a use of Narrative
Shredding Bolt by the Dragon Beyond the World, receive a 5m, 1wp discount, to a minimum of 5m,
1wp. This explicitly stacks with any discounts which may be granted by the Sorcerous Initiation of
(Yozi) to the spell in question. Use of Slave-Spawn Summons, Fiend-Vassal Conscription, and All-
Commanding Oversoul Beckoning only provides the discount when summoning a demon from the soul
hierarchy of the appropriate Yozi.
No-Shadow Sun
Cost: — (+3m); Mins: Malfeas 0, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Kissed By Hellish Noon, World Weathering Incandescence
The light of Ligier casts no shadows, and the rage of Malfeas knows no obstacles. Those who believe
that they can hide from their rightful King will be sadly mistaken. Whenever an Infernal with this
Charm activates Green Sun Nimbus Flare, they may pay an extra three motes to ignore all cover
penalties granted by things that World Weathering Incandescence can destroy. Any cover is
permanently destroyed as with that Charm, leaving the naked cowardice of the foe revealed for all to
see. The attack also ignores any defence bonus to PDV granted by shields that are made of materials
not proof against World-Weathering Incandescence; such fallible shields are destroyed by the attack if
the defender attempts to parry the attack despite the penalty. When within a place of habitation, the
Infernal also nullifies all penalties to that attack, apart from wound and multiple action penalties, for
Malfeas knows all cities as lesser mimicries of himself, and so no lesser darknesses or fogs can stop his
By Tyranny Crowned
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Overdrive, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Crowned By Fury, First Malfeas Excellency
To the King of the Yozis, all that matters is the majesty and the force. To crush the will of a foe so he
becomes yours is the same as killing him. All shall serve Malfeas or die. This Charm permanently
alters the Infernal's capacity to spend Overdrive motes. She may now spend offensive motes on
offensive social Charms as long as the aim of the social attack is to dominate, command or subjugate
another sapient being. The action must be able to be enhanced with the First Malfeas Excellency, and
so, as per the restriction of that Charm, any show of subtlety or restraint in the social attack renders this
option inapplicable, along with all other restrictions imposed by the Excellency. When using this
Charm, a burning green crown forms upon her forehead, as with Crowned By Fury.
Such dominion comes at a cost when it is rejected, however. Should an opponent spend willpower to
resist an offensive-mote enhanced social attack, the Infernal loses an additional offensive mote, as
memory of unthinkable loss of authority flickers within. The version of this Charm known by the Holy
Tyrant did not have such a weakness, for he had never known defeat.
Lord-Over-Beasts Dominion
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion, Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Crowned By Fury
In times gone by, every beast knew the authority and dominion of the Primordial King. The Exalted
may have forced oaths from his lips and slain Ruvelia, but those memories are still burned into
Creation, and the fauna know at heart that they must submit to their master or die. This Charm projects
an unnatural compulsion with a radius of (Essence x 2) yards, forcing all natural animals to submit to
the Infernal. Camels kneel, flies land and cower, wings buzzing in harmony, birds freeze in place,
singing songs to her glory; mechanically, they are rendered Inactive by their submission. Resistance is
not possible, but a ridden animal may be spurred to ignore its reverence for a scene if the rider spends
2wp, and succeeds on a reflexive (Charisma + Ride) roll at a difficulty of the Infernal's Essence.
Mounts marked by marked with Fealty Acknowledging Audience or who have an Intimacy of Terrified
Awe towards the Infernal, or whose rider has been marked or has the Intimacy, may be spared these
effects at her discretion so long as they are not hostile. Any natural animal ridden by the Infernal has its
Control Rating set to 0. Lord-Over-Beasts Dominion has no effect on animals which are magically
compelled by other effects or supernaturally loyal, such as familiars, this is but one of the many
hazards with trade with Malfeas, and there exist thaumaturgical rituals to immunise mounts. Animals
behaving in this way to the presence of the Infernal is not optional. The Holy Tyrant had a similar
charm, but it could be controlled; Malfeas, who harbours secret fears, must shout his dominance least
any doubt him.
At Essence 5, this Charm increases in efficacy, allowing the Infernal to reflexively spend 5m to extend
the range to (Essence x 100) yards for a scene. If the Infernal has Demon Emperor Shintai active, this
benefit is granted for free.
By Madness Darkened
Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Solipsistic Rejection of Impossibilities, Sorcerous Enlightenment of Malfeas
There are fractures in the mind of the King of the Yozis, terrible wounds that scar his psyche. For him
was not given the freedom of Adorjan, whose rebirth from Adrián was total; no, he labours under
memories and pain that he was not once as he was, that he is defined by one where once was two. He
avoids such things, only able to think of them in the agony of his Torment. It would take human sadism
to tear such wounds open, render the agonies of a fractured mind worse. And in that, Malfeas should
not feel safe, for the Black Nadir Concordat did exactly that to the Neverborn to gain access to
Necromancy. The Green Sun Princes may well do the same to him.
This Charm permanently enhances the Infernal's capacities. While in Limit Break, she is a Creature of
Death, and receives temporary initiation into the Shadowlands Circle of Necromancy, which lasts until
the end of the Limit Break. Necromancy accessed via this method receives the bonuses and penalties of
sorcery cast through Sorcerous Initiation of Malfeas, and shows aesthetic warping combining his
themes with those of death. Although she may not cast necromantic spells when not in Limit Break, she
may still learn them. Moreover, this internalisation of the psychic fracture has a perverse effect on the
character's Limit Break; she is not subject to the behavioural modifications of her Limit Break when
she takes a Cast Necromancy action, but each spell cast count as a scene towards building a positive
Intimacy towards death, a specific creature of death, or some other appropriately morbid concept or
individual. If the character has repurchased Sorcerous Initiation of Malfeas at Essence 4, she also gains
access to the Labyrinth Circle of Necromancy, under the same constraints. Sadly, it appears that even
the madness and agony of the King is not enough to reach the depths of the Void Circle.
In addition, the mad knowledge of death propagates through her soul hierarchy for the duration of the
Limit Break. All Third Circle Souls temporarily receive initiation into the Labyrinth and Shadowlands
Circles of Necromancy, receiving the bonuses and limitations of the Malfean sorcerous initiation for
necromancy, and may cast any necromantic spell of those circles that the Infernal knows. All Second
Circle Souls temporarily receive initiation into the Shadowlands Circle of Necromancy, and may cast
any necromantic spell of that circle that the Infernal knows. The souls are warped aesthetically towards
death as a Shaping effect while this applies; for Malfeas, the Street of Golden Lanterns will burn with
pale witchfires, and Ligier will illuminate the world in morbid crimson.
Erosion-Of-Freedom Patience
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sublimation of Ordained Purpose
The drop of one grain of sand every hundred years onto a stolen throne can grind it down to
nothingness. This is the secret hope that lies in Cecelyne's barren heart. This Charm upgrades its
prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to treat any god or deva under the effects of Sublimation of Ordained
Purpose as a demon and a native of Malfeas for the purposes of all her Infernal Charms and Spells.
This lasts until the spirit in question fully resists the Servitude effect of Sublimation of Ordained
Purpose, and functions regardless of whether or not the Infernal was the one who applied the effect.
Gods of Essence 7 or less are treated as First Circle Demons; gods with higher Essence are treated as
Second Circle Demons. Devas are treated as if they are a demon of the corresponding rank; the spiritual
castration of the ex machinae means that all the devas of Autocthon count as First Circles, regardless of
their Essence, with the exception of the Divine Ministers (and the Core) who count as Third Circles.
Sorcerously bound gods and deva cannot spend Willpower to resist Sublimation of Ordained Purpose;
however, they benefit from the same conditions as bound demons do under that Charm.
Existence-Liberating Caress
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental;
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Freedom Lets Go
All the demons of the Prison of the Exiles, from the lowest sesselja in the gutters to Unquestionable
Ligier, know that there is no silence without death. So do they fail to comprehend the freedom from
life unending that the Silent Wind grants, even as their heart's blood surges out in crimson waves of
release. As a Crippling effect, spirits that take damage from an attack supplemented by this Charm
bleed from the attack as if they were mortals, the blood born on Obvious red gusts of wind. Whenever
the target loses a health level from bleeding, an Intimacy also escapes, eroding to nothingness as an
Illusion. This effect lasts until the wound is staunched, as per the rules on p151 of the Exalted core.
Once the injury has been treated, it is at no risk of reopening. This charm costs 0m to activate if used
against a target the Infernal has an Intimacy of Love towards.
Should a spirit die from the raw damage of the attack, or the bleeding induced by this Charm, they are
torn apart as their immortal essence is scattered to the winds, leaving only a shredded corpus behind.
This death is permanent for spirits. Only the Yozis and the Neverborn are proof against such a fate,
though Adorjan longs to teach her siblings this freedom such that they will accept it and be enlightened.
Price-of-Everything Undercurrents
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental;
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Mother Sea Mastery
Kimbery is the ultimate trafficker, and extracts a price from those who beseech her based on what her
aid is worth to them. This Charm supplements a normal or dramatic action to estimate the value of a
good or service and the quality of it. Examples include the condition and value to the owner of an
allegedly "priceless" pearl, or much "not flooding a district of Malfeas" is worth to her supplicants.
This Charm gives the Infernal a perfect awareness of the target quality's condition, and how much
ownership of it is worth to its prospective or current owner. This awareness grants her two bonus
successes on any price haggling which ensues.
Rocking-Cradle Envelopment
Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Geomancy-Suckling Little Darling
In this fallen age, there is not the love and devotion, but generous Kimbery will still give her children
birthing-gifts even if their owners might prefer otherwise. This Charm upgrades Monstrous Manse-
Mother Fountainhead, adding a new capacity to it. If the Infernal has carried out a geomantic survey of
a manse which was not made by that Charm, she can design a parasitic manse-child which will take
over and supplant the previous manse.
Once the geomantic survey has occurred, the manse-child is designed as a normal manse-child built on
the target demesne would be, save that it begins with manse features equal to that of the initial manse.
Pre-existing manse features which the Infernal wishes to remove must be "un-designed" as if the
feature was being designed, save that the Infernal always counts as having sufficient skills to do so. The
manse designed in this way can benefit from other charms that enhance Monstrous Manse-Mother
Fountainhead, such as My Little Darling.
Once the manse-child has been designed, the Infernal must give birth within the manse, specifically
targeting one of the manse-powers, which the umbilical cord of the infant latches onto, subverting over
the course of five long ticks as a Shaping Effect. This is Obvious, as nacreous growths of marble and
coral fronds of human flesh integrate with the manse feature and warp wards and defences to its own
service, locking into it and controlling it. Sensible mothers target features of manses which can fight
back, such as a Guardian, for the Infernal counts as a pseudo-hearthstone bearer, and so can control
manse-features which are subverted. From this point in, the manse-child will attempt to grow and take
full control of the manse. The Infernal can pick targets for the manse-child to target; otherwise, it is
decided by the structure of the manse, as tendrils and creeping coral target sweep out to sink like roots
into the building.
Mechanically, once per man-week, the manse-child rolls the Infernal's (Stamina + Resistance +
Essence), at a Difficulty equal to the level of the manse. Successes count towards subverting a manse-
feature; once a number of successes equal to the rating of the manse feature are reached, the feature is
now under the control of the manse-child. Features not included in the manse-child are disassembled
and stored within it as raw materials; ones which need to be built can only be "subverted" once
sufficient Creation Points have been freed up to support them. Once all the manse features are
subverted, the manse-child may target the hearthstone chamber, which counts as a manse feature with a
rating equal to twice the manse rating. Successful subversion stabilises the manse child, which now
encompasses the entire manse, and forms a hearthstone as normal. N/A-rated Manses can have an
effective value from anywhere from 6 to 10, decided by the Storyteller. The encroaching manse-child
may be combated as if it was a manse. Destroying the features it controls removes its control, but also
damages the underlying manse feature. A geomantic survey, and the use of fire or Holy attacks allows it
to be combated without damaging the main manse. Features destroyed by the manse-child must be
rebuilt even if the manse-child is purged.
The bearer of the hearthstone does not lose attunement until the entire manse is subverted, although the
effective rating of the hearthstone is reduced by one level until that point. However, any features
controlled by the manse-child are beyond his control, which can be a problem when the Ultra Deadly
Trap turns out to flood the room with a tiny inlet of Kimbery. Moreover, they suffer nightmares, of
slick organic growth, of the bloated shadowy maternal form of the Infernal, and the cries of a child
(which are especially tortured if the manse if Fire, Solar or Cytherea aspected), suffering a -1 to all rolls
to regain Willpower upon waking as a Fear-based Emotion effect.
Many First Age manses were built with safety features against this kind of subversion, especially for
critical parts of the defence infrastructure of the Realm. Most only inflict a -2 external penalty to rolls
related to subversion, but some critical systems, such as the Imperial Manse, are immune to this... at
least, as long as enough of the geomantic grid that powers it remains intact enough to fuel the power-
hungry defence systems. Fire, Solar and Cytherea-aspected manses add a further -2 external penalty to
the subversion rolls, and require the manse design to take the constraints of Monstrous Manse-Mother
Fountainhead for those aspects into account. Manses who have a manse connected to them by a
Network Node subverted reduce the difficulty of subversion by 1, for one should expect the children of
Kimbery to aid themselves in their mother's service, should they not?
To Sup With Dead Titans
Cost: - Mins: Essence 5 Type: Permanent
Keywords: Heretical
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Crippled Imperator Shintai, Ultimate Darkness Internalisation
The Ebon Dragon is fascinated with the doomed and dying, but even his transgressions know limits, for
he has never truly known death himself, for all his dabbling. Malfeas is not so fortunate, and all the
authority of the Holy Tyrant could not save Ruvelia nor his followers from the Exalted. Still, from this
toxic brew of transgression and the taste of death, the Green Sun Princes may forge a terrible taste of
death and the dead that they may savour, going beyond even what the Shadow of All Things can do.
This Charm permanently alters the effects of Crippled Imperator Shintai. When that Charm is activated
and the Infernal is a Creature of Death due to the effects of Ultimate Darkness Internalisation, the
character is rendered Inactive for the duration of the Charm, in addition to the normal effects of the
Shintai. Sealed in themselves, the character is immersed in the dreams of the Neverborn, gaining the
effects of Whispers 5 for the duration of the Shintai. Only the conviction that this is not, and cannot be,
real protects the Heretic from the mind-blasting horror of the Neverborn, whose attention is drawn to
the new Titan who has joined them in their eternal restless sleep, and they are the most real thing that
the Crippled Imperator has ever known; real enough that one could almost dream that they have
independent existence. Nevertheless, for all their evident unreality, fell secrets may be gained in this
time, for the Heretic may interact with the Neverborn as if they were a dream, using the normal social
mechanics. Who knows what things could be learned or said during such conversation? The effects of
all mental influence, if any, imposed on the Heretic during the duration of the Shintai are nullified
when the charm ends, but the trauma of the experience costs them all their Willpower points when the
Charm ends, and inflicts a point of aggravated damage on them for each mental influence removed this
Most oddly, for the duration of the Charm, the character is effectively kin to the Neverborn, and their
own dreams and their nightmares of an unreal world will seep out into the Whispers; the Heretic
reflexively rolls Willpower + Essence, at a difficulty of the number of health levels they have left upon
activating the Charm. Each success causes one concept or order based on the character's Intimacies,
Motivation or Urge to enter the Whispers of the Neverborn. This is not optional, and is not a conscious
choice of the character; the player and ST should work together to decide what seeps from their mind
into the dreams of the dead primordials. The long term effects of such "mental static" on those who can
hear the Whispers of the Neverborn and their coordination is unclear.
Paradoxical Death Acceptance
Cost: - ; Mins: Heresy 0, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Heretical
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Laughing Joker Fission, Ultimate Darkness Internalisation
Ah, such is the madness of the Green Sun Princes that even the lunacy of Adorjan or the depravity of
the Ebon Dragon will not be enough for them! They were born mortal, and so are far closer to death
than even the Shadow of all Things, yet their blessed and cursed impermanence means they lack the
absolute terror of the Primordials to the inconceivability of their own demise. They have the potential
to walk dark paths, indeed.
But to invent a Charm so that you can create ghosts that think they're you? That's kind of... mean.
This Charm permanently alters the function of Laughing Joker Fission. While the Heretic is a Creature
of Death due to the effects of Ultimate Darkness Internalisation, compare the damage done to the
remaining health levels the Infernal has. If it would not have killed them, the perfect soak works, the
blow cutting through the character in dark wisps, which then re-coalesce into the character. If it would
have been enough to kill them, use of Laughing Joker Fission does not create a Splintered Gale Shintai-
like duplicate. Instead, a dark wind, crimson and stinking blows through the area and, if the character is
in Creation, though the underworld, draining ambient essence and perverting it. From this, a ghost
forms; the ghost, in fact, that the character would have been produced, had the character been killed by
the blow. They believe they are the Heretic, and have all their memories and the appropriate fetters.
From their point of view, the perfect defence failed to activate, and they died. Unlike normal Splintered
Gale Shintai clones, the ghost is no-longer dependent on the Infernal for her existence, for Oblivion has
consumed that tie; by the same argument, the ghost is not bound to the service of the Infernal. It is an
independent ghost, that is to all inspection and belief the deceased hun soul of the Infernal, even if it
was crafted from necrotic Essence infused into the pseudo soul of Adorjan's gales.
If the Infernal knows (Yozi) Eternal Essence, ghosts created via this method will begin their half-
existence with 1 dot of Whispers. The Whispers are not attuned to the Neverborn, nor to Oblivion.
Instead, they are linked to the Infernal, and so only provide the benefit when the character is under the
effects of Ultimate Darkness Internalisation or otherwise a Creature of Death. If the character uses To
Sup With Dead Titans, all such ghosts automatically have their Whispers rating increased by one each
time the Charm is activated.
Child-Of-My-Child Dominion
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Heretical
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wayward Divinity Oversight x2, One of Crowned By Fury or Will-Crushing
Force, Sorcerous Enlightenment of (Yozi), Slave-Spawn Summons, (See Below for more details)
In the early times, the Primordials crafted the gods, and so, in their turn, the gods crafted the
elementals. They were not made with the same restrictions as the petty divinities, and for that reason,
the Great Elementals were destroyed at the start of the Primordial War. They have always been beyond
the reach of Primordials, for all that Cecelyne may be able to sense them, Malfeas bellow out his
orders, or the Whispering Flame crush their minds. But now, with the Green Sun Princes, they can
reach beyond the Primordials, and pull on the seeds left within the elementals of Creation by the
destruction of their forebears, to bring the laws of Cecelyne slamming down on them. And in time, it
will be seen that the fear of Autocthon and their Primordial parentage left their own vulnerabilities in
their kin in Autocthonia. This Charm permanently enhances the capacities of the spell, Slave-Spawn
Summons, allowing it to summon Elementals as if they were Demons of the First Circle. The
kindnesses of the methods of the Exalted of Creation are not present in this; the Elemental is yanked
through elsewhere much as a demon would be, although they will not take five days unless the Infernal
is using the spell from within Malfeas. Use of this Charm-modified spell on an elemental holding an
office in the Celestial Bureaucracy is a Blasphemy effect of a level equal to the Essence of its target. An
Infernal may not summon an Elemental whose Essence is more than two points greater than her own
with this Charm.While bound under the effects of this Charm, an elemental may be banished with
Emerald Circle Banishment, which breaks the binding and disperses them into the dragon lines of
Creation, reforming five days later in the place they were summoned from originally.
To summon an elemental of an appropriate elemental Aspect, one of the listed Charms by each element
must be known. Storytellers are encouraged to allow any other thematically appropriate Yozi Charms to
be used. As a note, if the Gaia or Autocthon Charmsets were to be opened to the Green Sun Princes, the
Excellency of the respective Primordial could always be used to access the appropriate type of
Elemental. Autocthonian Elementals may not be summoned unless the Seal of Eight Divinities has
been lowered.
Fire: Green Sun Nimbus Flare, Crystal-Fire Barrier Technique
Water: Mother Sea Mastery
Earth: Transcendent Desert Creature
Air: Sacred Kamila's Inhalation
Wood: By Rage Recast, Locust Mana Plague
Metal: Viridian Legend Exoskeleton
Oil: Spiteful Sea Tincture
Lightning: Cold Fire Desolation Brand, Racing Vitaris
Steam: Pellegrina's Fury, Bloodless Murk Evasion
Crystal: Crystal-Fire Barrier Technique
Smoke: Witness to Darkness
The Elemental is, for the duration of the summoning, warped by the aesthetics of the Yozi Charm; a
Fire Elemental may burn green, while an Earth Elemental will gleam with silver sand. This renders
them a Creature of Darkness and Native of Malfeas as a Desecration effect, and allows the Infernal to
apply (Essence) points of thematically appropriate mutations to them, which may be offset as normal
by negative Mutations. No more than (Target's Essence) points of negative mutations may be given.
These effects are permanent, even when the summoning ends.
Terrestrial Circle
The Kiss of Mela
Cost: 10m
Target: Caster
The sorcerer exhales into cupped hands until her lungs empty, forcing her Essence into the breath. As
she does this, (Essence) actinic dots, which invalidate Stealth like a 4-7m level anima banner appear
along the forearm of her dominant hand, wreathing her in a corona of sparks. Each dot can be
reflexively converted into a javelin made of brilliant blue-white lightning. These javelins have the same
stats as a mundane javelin, except they add +(sorcerer's Essence) to Accuracy, inflict +(5+Occult)L
damage, and, on impact, inflict their base damage on every other target within 5 yards of them in a
thundercrack of arcing electricity as an attack with the same number of successes as the original attack,
which ignores cover penalties. Damage inflicted by The Kiss of Mela, whether from the original impact
or the blast, cannot be blocked by non-magical metal weapons, and cannot be soaked by armour
composed mostly or entirely of non-magical metal. This spell may not be recast until all the javelins
created by a previous casting are used up.
When cast with the Malfean Initiation as Searing Hate-Strike, the base damage from these irradiating
bursts of Yozi Essence, which leave behind flash-dried corpses, receives the damage bonus of the
Celestial Circle
Butterflies to Chrysalides Bombardment
Cost: 35m
Target: Area (250 yard radius, centred on target point within 1 mile of sorcerer)
A Silurian innovation, this spell uses the motonic principles of Death of Obsidian Butterflies, but
expands them up to the Sapphire Circle. As the sorcerer shapes the spell, a collection of butterflies,
some in obsidian, others cast in a faintly fluorescent greenish-yellow glass begin to spiral the caster,
their flight spelling out the Word of Complexity, which represents sudden change in faraway places
from small alterations.
When the character releases the spell, they roll their Perception + Occult, adding their Essence in
automatic successes. On the completion of the spell, the butterflies arc up into the air, coming down a
tick later on the target location as a great swirling cyclone of enormous glass butterflies, each butterfly
anywhere from a foot to a yard across. Everything within 250 yards of that target is subject to the
attack. The attack descends from above, so any cover must be at least an inch of stone overhead to
protect; the butterflies are quite capable of cutting through the roofs – and upper floors – of most
Second Age structures to shatter on the inhabitants within.
Characters defend against Butterflies to Chrysalides Bombardment as if it was a hand-to-hand attack,
and each attack is independent, so magic which protects only one person will not protect others
subjected to the same attack. Treat the butterflies as rolling a number of attack successes equal to what
the sorcerer’s player rolled, -1 for each two dice of penalties that circumstances impose. In cases of
thick fog or a heavy low cloud level, characters may have to reflexively roll (Perception + Awareness),
Difficulty 1, to avoid it being a surprise attack. The attack inflicts 12L, plus any extra successes on the
attack roll as per usual.
However, this spell does not merely litter the ground with broken glass (though it does so, much like
Death of Obsidian Butterflies). The butterflies, in their brief flight, release small lumps of igneous rock,
around the size of a man’s fingernail, which litter the ground within the affected area. Compared to the
brightness of the glass, they are dull and mundane. However, moving or Dashing across the affected
area, for the next lunar month, risks life and limb. Each tick where the character moves or Dashes
requires a (Perception + Awareness) roll, at a difficulty of half the sorcerer’s Essence, and the roll may
only be made if the character is aware of the danger. Failure means that a character’s shadow has fallen
on one of the chrysalides. From it, grows a spear-like bush made of fused butterflies made of black and
green glass, directly pointed at the obstruction to the light, which then blossoms in a newly formed
canopy at head height. This is modelled as a hand-to-hand attack against everything within 3 yards,
which counts as having rolled the same number of successes as the original attack, and which inflicts
+6L damage. The spear-bush created are living creatures, but will wither and die, turning brittle, if not
fed on blood. The Imperial Legions have strict policies for what is to be done if it is found that a legion
has wandered in such a formation, often including the use of Earth Aspects to turn over the soil, safely
defusing the unhatched chrysalides. Sapphire Circle Countermagic safely defuses all the chrysalides in
the area; Emerald Circle Countermagic can disarm all the ones in an area equal to that produced by a
casting of Death of Obsidian Butterflies, allowing a formation to be moved through a so-covered area.
Once the lunar month has passed, the unhatched chrysalides turn inert, but any spear-bushes that have
grown remain.
Adamant Circle
Dragon Breaks Reality
Cost: 77m
Target: Area
Even the Incarna and the Exalted could not confine Oramus, the Dragon Beyond the World, fully.
Despite his broken wings, his dreams and thrashing still influence wyld pockets within Creation, and
give dreams and nightmares to savants, driving them mad with profound impossibilities. But the acts of
sorcerers of the Adamant Circle go beyond mere dreams and whispers, to tear some of the pain that the
eldest of the Primordial feels from his broken wings to channel it into productive use. Before this spell
can be cast, the sorcerer must, in a seven hour ritual, carve the fractal seven-winged sigil - which was
preferred way of the pre-human Aluan to refer to the Primordial - into their chest, an icon of such
complexity that their torso appears near flayed. This inflicts 4 aggravated health levels of damage,
which may not be healed without shattering the spell, as per Adamant Countermagic, and requires
seven successes on a (lower of Dexterity + Stamina) and (lower of Craft: Air and Occult) roll, made at
the end of the ritual to successfully inscribe. Failure in this is not evident without detailed scrutiny, and
should a miscarved sigil be used, the spell will shatter. The ritual to cast the spell, once this must be
done, must be begun within seven hours of the carving of the sigil, or the sigil inverts, killing them
instantly as a Shaping effect, and inflicting seven levels of unsoakable aggravated damage even if they
survive that.
Once this preparation is complete, the sorcerer can cast the spell. This is a Dramatic Action, lasting 77
minutes, and through the sigil, impossible lights burn, tainting the sorcerer's anima banner, which twists
and turns kaleidoscopically, lifting the sorcerer up into the air, and causing the sky above to ripple with
an aurora so bright it renders night into day, and rivals the Daystar during the hours of sunlight. If the
sorcerer is moved or distracted during this time, the spell shatters, spreading a haze of mutagenic
essence over the surrounding countryside, with temporary Bordermarch-like effects. Assuming that it is
not interrupted, slowly, a being comprised of unlight and their anima emerges slowly from their chest,
the birth of it mewling and shrieking, before taking off into flight, its seven wings bearing it aloft. It
flies vertically upwards, growing massively as it does so, before coming down anywhere within the
sorcerer's line of sight. The wings of the newborn monstrosity are seven miles in radius, from its central
body, and it spreads them wide.
And then it twists, inverting into the Beyond. This is a Blasphemy effect, and causes Pattern Spiders to
scream in agony as threads snap all across the Loom, cascading Fate errors propagating like wildfire.
Everything within the target area, which has a radius of 7 miles from the central point of where the
dragon-thing landed, is made impossible as a Shaping effect, being thrown into the Beyond, which
removes them from play as if killed (Celestial Exalts subject to this fate lose their Exaltations, which
flits away from its unreal host, while Primordials and entities which have a personal First (Primordial)
Excellency - like Infernal Exalts with Triumphant Howl of the Devil Tiger - are immune, as they have
carved their legend into the shinma and are beyond this doom). while impossibilities are dragged into
reality in equal measure. However, not to put it lightly, they are impossible, and so cannot exist,
detonating as Nigurna takes them back to join it in non-existence, leaving pure chaos in the voids
where they used to be. This creates a pocket of Pure Chaos in Creation, with all the normal effects of
that part of the Wyld, composed of seven waypoints.
This is, of course, an unstable state of affairs. After seven long ticks, six of the waypoints will have
decayed to Deep Wyld strength, and after seven hours, those six will have decayed to Middlemarches
strength, while the one remaining one will have decayed to Deep Wyld state. Their progression from
thereon in is dependent on the progression of the Loom and other affairs. In the First Age, this spell
saw notable use by members of the Cauldronist faction, for the way it could produce Wyld Zones
within Creation, but the necessary Oramus-thematics left it proof against alteration, and the pain and
bloodloss involved in the spell left many looking for a better way, which led to the invention of the
Hand of the Great Maker.
Iron Circle Necromancy
Tree of the Butcher Birds
Cost: 18m
Target: Location
In the depths of the Labyrinth fly the Butcher Birds of the dead, skeleton owls of black-thorned iron,
whose eyes burn from within with cold blue flame. A skilled necromancer may evoke them, to cause
fear and death over a region. First, the necromancer must obtain or make a polished lump of iron, the
size of a chicken's egg. To cast this spell, the necromancer plants the egg at sunset. This is a dramatic
action taking 15 minutes. Once this has been done, the egg hatches, a twenty-three yard tall tree of
barbed iron growing from it, and like grotesque fruit, the Butcher Birds hang from the branches.
The Butcher Birds have the statistics of a strix from the Exalted corebook, except they are Creatures of
Death, and count as wearing reinforced breastplates, from their metal-thorn bones. There are initially
(Necromancer's Essence) Butcher Birds, and during the night, they will fly out, attacking anything
alive. The iron-thorned birds will roam up to seven miles from their tree during the night, but become
immobile and paralysed if exposed to sunlight, so will always try to return before sunrise. Animals they
will kill, but sapient beings and Wyld-creatures they will attempt to grapple, and take back to their tree,
whereupon they impale their victim and leave them to die. New Butcher Birds are produced in a square
number system; the first new Bird requires one victim, the second requires four new victims, the third
nine, and so on. The death of older birds does not reset the counter. The necromancer may also help by
impaling victims, and the Butcher Birds obey him as a bound demon would, but will not willingly
move than seven miles from their tree.
Twenty-Fifth Hour Scenario
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Compulsion, Crippling
Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: Irresistible Questioning Technique
The kind hearts of the Lawgivers cry out when they must resort to more crude interrogation techniques.
But they are the hard men who make the hard choices and do what has to be done, and their sorrow at
the harsh necessity is the righteousness which makes glorious their actions in the eyes of Heaven. This
Charm supplements a torture action where at least one point of lethal damage is inflicted on the target,
and may explicitly enhance actions which use Abilities rather than Investigation. As a Crippling effect,
any wound penalties inflicted by the torture are doubled for the duration (for example, if a target
already suffering a -1 wound penalty suffers enough damage from torture to move them to a -2 wound
penalty, they suffer a total penalty of -3). This increased penalty does not apply to actions where the
target is following the Solar's orders. In addition, the target must spend one willpower to disobey the
Solar's orders for a single action, as an unnatural Compulsion. Once (the higher of Investigation and the
points of damage inflicted, maximum of five) willpower have been spent to resist, the target is immune
to this effect for a week.
If the Solar inflicts a Crippling injury as part of the torture, the willpower cost to disobey the Solar is
increased to the lower of the Solar's Investigation and Essence, and as an Emotion effect the target
loses one willpower and gains an Intimacy of Fear towards the Solar. Until the injury heals or until the
Intimacy is broken, whichever comes sooner, any social attack made by the Solar against them which
threatens pain or injury is unnatural mental influence. Against mortals, this lasts until both conditions
have been fulfilled.
Hidden (Attribute) Manifestation
Cost: - ; Mins: (Attribute) 4, Essence 3; Type Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Any (Attribute) Excellency
Under the transient flesh and blood of the Lunar Exalted lies a power of terrible protean force and
brilliance. This is not a question of inflexible instinct; it is glorious in its unveiled formlessness, and as
the Chosen of the Moon draw upon their power it floods their veins, empowering them further. Once
per action per Attribute, when a Lunar spends at least 2m on this Charm's prerequisite she may choose
to commit two of those spent motes. This grants her a bonus dot of the Attribute, which counts as dice
granted by Charms. If the character knows the Second (Attribute) Excellency, dots granted by this
Charm may be converted into automatic successes rather than rolled at a rate of two-for-one. These
bonus dots disappear at the start of a new scene. At Essence 3, only 3 bonus dots may be granted by a
given version of this Charm; at E4+, this limit increases to the Lunar's dice cap.
Each time this Charm is purchased, the Lunar gains a number of mutation points equal to the linked
Attribute, a manifestation of the shifting power of the Silver Exaltation within them. These mutations
must express or be linked to some personal inner theme, such as her idealised image, a totem animal, or
some other thing of great import to herself, and furthermore must express the themes and nature of the
Argent Madonna in some way. On her action tick, she may reflexively and at no cost manifest a
number of mutation points up to the limit of the total number of attribute dots currently granted by all
the versions of Hidden (Attribute) Manifestation she knows.
On the new moon, she may reassign up to (Essence) points of allocated mutations within the pool by
six hours of meditation, although this grants one point of Permanent Limit which disappears after a
Not-Quite-There Shot
Cost: (3-4)m; Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Any Dexterity Excellency
Even when a projectile leaves the hand, it can be stirred into hunting life if infused with the anima of
the Lunar Exalted. Like a living thing, it twists and deforms in flight, trailing silver light. The foes of
the Chosen of Luna well know the dangers of an arrow which has grown wings to fly up only to dip
down over a wall or a thrown knife in the dark which squeezes through a crack in the door. This Charm
enhances a ranged attack, and nullifies all penalties, except wound and multiple action penalties, to that
This Charm costs 3m if the Lunar is using a natural weapon, an attuned artifact, or a weapon she has a
positive Intimacy towards, and 4m otherwise.
Could-Have-Been Barrage
Cost: 5-7m, 1wp; Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 2 Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Not-Quite-There Shot
The necessity to shoot once per attack is a limitation the Lunar Exalted are more than willing to bypass.
One projectile fractures in mid-air to become the many different ways it could have fired, the mitosis of
violence sending child fragments to strike down their foes from could-have-beens. This Charm is a
magical flurry containing a total number of ranged attacks equal to (Dexterity). The attacks bypass rate
and suffers no multiple action penalties, while the flurry as a whole imposes a DV penalty equal to (the
highest penalty for any attack + the number of attacks over the base Rate of the weapon made). The
Lunar makes these attacks by drawing upon the impossible actions they could have taken, and therefore
makes one attack roll and separately compares the attack to a separate defender with each attack in the
flurry. Use of Excellencies to enhance this attack must be paid separately for each attack which
The first attack in this flurry must target any enemy the Lunar could reach. Later attacks consume no
ammunition, but must be aimed at targets within 10 yards of the previous target or the Lunar. The cost
of this Charm is 7m, 1wp normally, but only 5m, 1wp in the Wyld where the mutability of reality
makes it easier for the Lunar to draw her could-have-been attacks from the Beyond.
Cost: - ; Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 4 Type: Permanent
Keywords: Overdrive, Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charm: Horrifying Silver Insurgent Strike
The best blow against a foe is one where they have no chance of retaliation. Let other duel on the field
of honour. The Exalted were made to murder the creators of reality, and there are those among the
Lunar Exalted who have not forgotten those origins. This Charm grants the Lunar a 10 mote offensive
pool. She gains one offensive mote on any action she injures a foe from outside their engagement
range. She gains one offensive each time she kills an opponent from outside their engagement range, or
with a surprise attack. However, such practices also reject the idea that one should throw one's life
away instead of living to fight another day. Once the Lunar has taken 3 or more points of bashing
damage, or any lethal or aggravated damage from enemy action during a combat, this Overdrive Charm
ceases to provide motes for the remainder of the scene.
Many-Minds Genius Prism
Cost: 4+ m; Mins: Intelligence 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Crippling, Stackable, Compulsion
Duration: One project
Prerequisite Charms: Counting the Elephant's Wrinkles
The brilliance of the Lunars is like the brilliance of Luna; fractured, subtle and wonderful. The mind is
a mutable thing, and much like cutting a diamond, splitting one's mind can produce priceless gems.
Taking a Simple Action, the Lunar fractures his own mind, devoting at least one point of Intelligence
towards a purely mental action. Up to five points of Intelligence may be committed to a single mental
project, such as designing a manse, writing a poem, or planning a war, and this reduces the effective
Intelligence of the Lunar, as a Crippling effect, by an equal amount. The committed Intelligence is
deemed a fracture. A valid project for this Charm must be able to be done purely mentally; one can
design a manse, but one cannot build one, and likewise although one may be able to work on the
motonic theory for a new spell in this manner, it may not be used for the testing and experimentation
which is a vital, and dangerous, part of designing a new spell.
This may be done multiple times, on multiple different projects which will be carried out in parallel,
each fracture reducing the effective Intelligence of the Lunar for the duration of each project. It may
also be used to sleep, the Lunar delegating all his tiredness into a single fracture, although this does not
provide rest for the body, only the mind. Moreover, within the gleaming vortices of the Steward's mind,
these shards of pure intellect work at a rate incomparable to his flesh-weighted body, making the
project proceed at (Essence x Points of Intelligence committed to this fracture) times faster than
normal. A Lunar may reduce their effective Intelligence to no lower than 0, and an Intelligence 0 Lunar
is rendered in a coma for the duration of the project, with not enough of a mind left in their body to end
the project early if they are threatened.
From the perspective of the fracture, they are fully themselves, with full access to all their Abilities and
the appropriate Attributes for the project, and find themselves in a mental sanctum which represents, in
a symbolic manner, the psyche of the Lunar. A Lunar born in the Southern deserts may find themselves
on an expanse of sand around a central mountain, memories filed in leather-wrapped scrolls hidden in
cool caves, while an Easterner may find themselves climbing a world-tree, where every branch and
every leaf is a memory. The fracture has full access to tools that may exist from the memories of the
Lunar, as if Counting the Elephant's Wrinkles was in effect; one who has read the Book of Three
Circles but once will find it replicated within their mental sanctum, and may use it as reference
material. They make their Intelligence-based rolls as if their Intelligence was the number of points
committed to the project, which affects their dice-caps, and are affected by an irresistible compulsion
forcing them to devote their full attention and effort to the project. They share the same Willpower pool
and Virtue channels as the Lunar, but do not have access to his mote pool. Instead, the Lunar may
commit extra motes when using this Charm, and the fracture may freely use any mental charms which
cost up to the number of motes committed. Use of Charms by a fracture do not count as a Charm
From the perspective of the mind in control of the body, he has no idea what his fractures are doing
until the project is completed. The points of Intelligence committed remain inaccessible until the
project is complete, whereupon the fracture re-merges, the Lunar having full knowledge of what was
learned or devised, and the subjective experience of being the fracture, or until he de-commit the
motes, which restores the Intelligence, but the work on the project and the memories of the fracture are
lost with nothing but wisps and fancy left. Upon the successful completion of a project, the Lunar
regains 1 willpower, as the restoration of his psyche and the satisfaction of knowledge fill his mind. At
most 1 willpower per scene may be regained by this method.
Mythic Outsider Extrusion
Cost: - (4m/2m); Mins: Perception 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Luna may love Gaia, but she is not a thing of Creation. The Chosen of Luna are not things of nature,
and they gaze into the un-madness of the Beyond and bring it back in their image, to bring forth
impossibilities into the solid and staid. The Lunar creates a mutation package of (Essence x 6) points of
positive mutations, which should conform to a theme chosen by the Lunar's player, based upon their
personality, their Spirit Shape, and their background. From that point in, when in any form, the Lunar
may, as a reflexive action, commit 4m, and manifest up to twice their (Stamina + Essence) points of
mutations from this package, which remains committed for the rest of the scene. If her anima banner is
at the 7-10m level or higher, the commitment cost is reduced to 2m, and the value of any previous
commitment is reduced. These mutations force their way into the shape, warping it to fit the terrifying
reality of the Lunar, and are Obvious in their unnatural nature. Elira Rjordsdottir, the Witch of Alahi,
carried the coldness of her native Haslanti League within her, a sign of the chill mind lurking under her
ditzy exterior, and so the inhabitants of that South-Western island have learned that wild animals with
wings of transparent ice and silver scales can be friend or foe, but always bring things new, terrible and
In addition, as an effect of learning this Charm, the Lunar may, with a night of meditation, reconfigure
their Tell so it conforms to their new-chosen theme, rather than being purely animal linked. This is an
irrevocable change, barring other Charms.
Witch-Fire Soul-Pyre
Cost: - ; Mins: Perception 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Mythic Outsider Extrusion
If one was to gaze deep into the animas of the Chosen of Luna, one might be able to see the birthplace
of the Argent Madonna. But the doors of awareness, once thrown open, cannot be closed so easily, and
so one will become wild and free, released from the constraints of possibility. This Charm enhances the
anima banner of the Lunar. While the mutation package granted by Mythic Outsider Extrusion is
active, when their anima is at the 7-10m level or higher, it gains a glimmering sheen of impossible
colours rimmed with silver, burning and coruscating at the eye. Lunars gain new bonuses from this
Charm, based on their Caste:
Full Moon: In the eyes of those who can truly see, the Lunar becomes an eldritch stalking horror, a
monster that should never have been, and such terror grinds against the heart of those who love and
hate them alike. All attacks against the Lunar made by individuals with any Intimacy towards them,
whether positive or negative, suffer an internal penalty of (their Perception), as a fear-based Emotion
effect. In addition, each scene where a hostile individual perceives a Lunar whose anima is displaying
these features counts as a scene towards building an Intimacy of "Mindless Terror" towards the Lunar.
Changing Moon: To those whose eyes have been opened to the worlds of Not, the Chosen of Luna are
even more beautiful. An onlooker adds the rating of the highest valued single externally-imposed
mutation they are suffering from to the effective Appearance rating of the Lunar, as a love-based
Emotion effect. Hence, a target with only Poxes adds +1 to the effective Appearance of the Lunar,
while a target with an Abomination and two Deformities would add +6 to their appearance. Charms
which inflict mutations upon one's self, such as Mythic Outsider Extrusion, or By Rage Recast provide
no such bonus. Fair Folk count the number of Permanent Charms they have as their highest valued
New Moon: Those of the unseen Moon have seen too much for any lesser thing to affect them. Others
may not be so lucky, and will be trapped in sick fascination like moths around a flame. As a curiosity-
based Compulsion, any hostile or neutral observer reduces their movement speed by (observer's
Perception) yards if they are attempting to move away from the Lunar. Their hearts rebel and they feel
they must stare longer at the witch-fire anima. This Compulsion also imposes a -1 external penalty on
all Perception rolls, and a -2 external penalty on all Wits and Intelligence rolls, the sights of the Beyond
drawing their attention away from the mundane.
Unnatural mental influences may be resisted for a scene by the expenditure number of willpower points
equal to the onlooker's Perception, up to a maximum of 5. The unobservant may fail to notice the
horrors that the perceptive catch.
Reality-Flaying Stalker
Cost: (+3m); Mins: Perception 5, Essence 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Walking Argent Impossibility
When you kill a foe, you have taken their life. Why not take their form and their reality too? This
Charm permanently improves its prerequisite, by allowing it to be reflexively activated in Step 10 after
killing an opponent, for an extra 3 uncommitted motes. This does not count as a Charm activation. As
they die, hairline threads of silver light unravel their skin, which detaches and flies to form a garment
on the Lunar, as per this Charm's prerequisite. The corpse is left flayed by this. This allows the Lunar to
automatically reestablish surprise upon invoking this Charm. Spirits (including Primordials) killed by
this Charm are killed permanently and cannot reform, their corpus torn apart and alloyed with the
Beyond. If the Lunar could not take the Heart's Blood of the thing killed, the flayed skin-cloak can only
be worn, and may not be taken as a shape.
Cost: 12m; Mins: Perception 5, Essence 4 ; Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping, Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Eyes as Moonbeams Method
For everything that happens, there is a moment where that-what-was becomes that-which-is. The Lunar
Exalted know, however, that in the Beyond, there are universes of never-can-be, and through their gaze
lit by the unlight of their souls, they can delay that-which-will-be by observing those frozen moments.
When using this Charm, the Lunar's anima banner flares totemic, and remains so for the duration of the
Charm. Everything within (Essence x 10) yards of them has no subjective time pass for it as long as it
remains illuminated, as a Shaping effect. Anything so affected cannot be damaged, for no time exists
for the damage to happen in. No damage from ambient environmental effects occurs; the Lunar can
climb a frozen fire to get to the top of a burning building, and need only worry about a lack of
handholds. If the character is in the Wyld, the affected area is rendered part of Creation for the duration
of the Charm. Attacks made into an affected area are resolved with an external penalty equal to the
Lunar's Essence, for it takes a fraction of a second for the light to strip away that-which-will-be.
Attacks from surprise ignore this penalty. While this Charm is active, the Lunar may reflexively
commit a number of motes equal to the permanent Essence score of any non-hostile sapient being
within sensory range to exempt them from the frozen that-which-will-be for as long as the motes
remain committed.
At Essence 6, this Charm may be repurchased. The affected area is increased to (Essence x 100) yards,
the Lunar's bonfire of Essence expanding to titanic proportions, or, as a Wyld effect, it affects the entire
waypoint the Lunar is in. Any beings not naturally Shaped (Raksha and any other denizens of the
Wyld) who are affected by this lose 1wp as a Shaping effect, and gain an Intimacy of Existential Horror
towards the Lunar, as this Charms forces them to confront the terrifying fact that they now rely on the
linear time that Creation imposed to exist within.
Black Genius Innovation
Cost: —; Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ivory Whirlwind Restoration
The twisted genius of the Abyssal Exalted at the dark science of necrotech takes the best attempts of the
First Age, and labels them as a fumbling child's attempts. Under their hands, tendons rival the finest
mail and bones are whittled to tiny gears which should not be able to provide the terrifying
effectiveness that they do. This Charm permanently improves the Abyssal's skill at making necrotech.
With an appropriate stunt on the first roll of the crafting project a number of bonus augmentation points
are given to the design equal to (Stunt Rating) times the coil rank of the necrotech. An "appropriate
stunt" for the purposes of this Charm must take the ingredients and the design of the necrotech into
account, the Storyteller should reward thematic appropriateness or innovation in the field, and the
bonus augmentation points must be spent on features that fit in with the stunt. For example, when
making a Rank 4 Meat Puppet, a simple description of how the character layers on the muscles would,
as a 1 dot stunt, give 4 extra points, which could be spent on things such as Undead Strength, Undead
Stamina, Unholy Damage or Funereal Armour. By contrast, a 2 dot stunt which describes a cunning
mechanism made of bone slivers and iron cogs which dynamically reconfigures the internal structure of
the Meat Puppet for the threat it faces, with the 8 points granted, enhance it considerably more.
At Essence 6, this Charm permanently improves, and the bonus number of points given by this Charm
increases to (Stunt Rating x 2) times the coil rank. A third and final improvement happens at Essence 9,
when the bonus increases to (Stunt Rating x 3) times the coil rank.
This Charm may not be learned by Deathlords, for their stagnant, dead minds cannot truly comprehend
the creativity of rot. However, the Eye and Seven Despairs has a unique Panoply Charm, which
emulates the Essence 6 version of this Charm, for in his mad obsessions, his fractured mind can find
moments of genius. This is one of the reasons for the fearsome nature of the Venomed Assembly to
End All Hope, perhaps the most deadly small risen force in Creation.
Elements Bend to Will
Cost: — ; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Overdrive, Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Bolt Attack
Why should the Children of the Dragons tire themselves smiting their foes when their great patrons fill
Creation with elemental Essence? This Charm permanent improves Elemental Bolt Attack. This Charm
grants an Overdrive pool of 10 motes, which is initially empty. When using Elemental Bolt Attack,
stunts which use the environment to get the appropriate element (drawing ice from a lake for water,
channelling the wind for air, and so on) grant a number of Overdrive motes equal to the lower of (stunt
rating +1) and the number of motes spent on Elemental Bolt Attack. The flaring anima banner of
another appropriately aspected Terrestrial (though not the user) is always an appropriate source of
stunts. Once the Dragonblood gains even one offensive mote from this Charm, any Charms that create
or enhance a non-Elemental attack suffer a surcharge of one mote when paid for (even partially) with
offensive motes. This surcharge ends once the Dragonblood's Overdrive pool completely empties,
reapplying only when he next benefits from this Charm.
((Author's Notes: Yes, it's bending. I regret nothing. Also, Mnemon Azula is actually Air Aspected.))
Warding Fire Grows
Cost: — ; Mins: Melee 4, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Overdrive, Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Blinding Spark Distraction
Fire can be stoked, built up, used as a tool and guard against the darkness. So do the blades of the
Terrestrial Exalted empower them as they ward off the attacks of hated foes. The Dragonblooded gains
a 5 mote Overdrive pool. Initially empty, it gains one offensive mote whenever the Terrestrial
successfully uses his PDV to protect another in a Defend Other action from an attack which meant
harm. An extra mote is gained if the one defended is a blood relative, a Celestial Exalt, or if the
Terrestrial has a positive Intimacy towards the unrelated non-Celestial. A further extra offensive mote is
gained if the Dragonblooded is protecting a direct ancestor or a member of his sworn brotherhood.
((Author's Notes:This makes it mechanically optimal for a Dragonblooded formation to rely on the
person to their left to protect them, as they themselves protect the person on their right. Formations,
fuck yeah.))
Expansive (Yozi) Consciousness
Cost: -
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Appropriate (Yozi) Mythos Exultant
The Yozis are vast not just physically, but mentally. They are likewise set in their ways and nearly
impossible to shift from their intended course. This Charm allows an Infernal Exalt to store temporary
Willpower in excess of their permanent Willpower, and can be purchased a number of times equal to
their (Willpower/2, rounded down), with each purchase increasing their max temporary Willpower by
one. This extra temporary Willpower is part of a "secondary" pool that the Exalt can choose to spend
points from instead of or in addition to his primary Willpower pool, as well as protecting against any
effects that require the target to have no more temporary Willpower as long as it still has points
remaining. However, this secondary pool can only be refilled with Willpower gained as a reward from
a successful stunt for an action that could benefit from the appropriate Excellency, Willpower gained
from Charms, or Willpower gained from the character's Cult rating.
Martial Arts
See Infernal Monster Style
Hellish Might Charms
The shells of the Demon City shatter and crash together at the merest shrug of the titan king's world-
body. A lesser being would be crushed under the weight of the King of the Primordial's mantle. Only
Malfeas can carry such responsibility. These Charms expand upon the limitless strength Malfeas has,
stemming from his rage and suffering.
Hate-Spawned Might
Cost: 6m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Reckless Destruction Mastery
The rage of Malfeas gives rise to unfathomable strength. This Charm adds a number of dots to the
character's Strength equal to his Essence for the rest of the scene, and is treated as a dice bonus from
Charms. In exchange for this increased strength, the Exalt enters a state of barely-controlled fury,
unable to focus his efforts towards any complex, subtle, or intellectual endeavors. Engaging in social
combat other than short, forceful commands such as blunt intimidation, impassioned inspiring battle
cries and the like is not possible, nor are actions that require patience, concentration, or
delicacy(picking locks, moving stealthily, carefully searching a room, etc.). If the Infernal can percieve
any being they would consider an enemy or a threat, or harbors an appropriate negative intimacy
towards, the Infernal must fail a Valor roll or spend a point of Willpower to refrain from immediately
eliminating the threat through violence or severe intimidation. Spending a point of Willpower to resist
this urge ends the Charm, and ending the Charm before its duration is up in any other circumstances
also requires a point of Willpower.
Self-Destructive Reconstruction
Cost: 1ahl
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ruined Flesh Restoration
Malfeas constantly remakes his cursed form, tearing layers apart to make way for painful, but
necessary, growth. Activating this Charm allows the Infernal to negate Crippling effects, as the
damaged or missing limb or organ is violently replaced by a fully-functional copy that suddenly bursts
forth from the character's body in a spray of blood and gore. Even metaphysical Crippling effects are
negated as the Infernal is scourged by green flame that burns away weakness. This agonizing process
inflicts an unsoakable level of aggravated damage on the Infernal, which may not be mitigated by any
means for the Charm to function.
World-Shattering Wrath
Cost: 3+m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Reckless Destruction Mastery
All of Creation will suffer Malfeas' vengeance once he is free. Meanwhile, he urges his minions to get
the process started. This charm supplements an attack against an inanimate object, multiplying the raw,
pre-soak damage of the attack by up to (Essence) times the original value. Each increase of the
multiplier costs three motes, so doubling the damage costs three motes, tripling the damage costs 6
motes, etc. Purchasing this charm a second time allows the Infernal to spend an additional point of
Willpower to ignore the object's soak completely.
Nuisance-Cleaving Sweep
Cost: 1m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Reckless Destruction Mastery
When the masses rise up against Malfeas in droves, they die in droves. Likewise, the Green Sun
Princes can cut bloody swaths through the throngs of foes that stand before them. This charm
supplements an attack against a target within (Essence) yards, so that if the attack successfully kills,
destroys or incapacitates its target, the Exalt may immediately make another reflexive attack against
another target within the aforementioned range with the same weapon as the Infernal swats him aside,
runs him straight through, or chops him in half. This reflexive attack imposes no multiple action or DV
penalties, disregards weapon rate, and may also be supplemented with this Charm, allowing the Exalt
to continually use this Charm until he fails to kill or incapacitate a foe, runs out of Essence, or runs out
of enemies within reach to destroy. If the Infernal has purchased the Charm Kissed By Hellish Noon,
then the range limitation of this Charm is removed, allowing the Exalt to use this Charm at any range.
Swarm-Smiting Stroke
Cost: 5m or 5m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Nuisance-Cleaving Sweep, Invulnerable Wounding Futility
When Malfeas slams his layers together, entire cities of demons perish. When Ligier unveils his
emerald brilliance, armies are reduced to ash. When the Chosen of Malfeas strike, the fodder of mortal
armies fall by the score. This Charm enhances any physical attack whose target is within (Essence)
yards so that the attack is applied to all targets within(Strength + Essence) yards of the primary target
as a shockwaves of force, bursts of green fire, or some other destructive effect thematic to the Yozis is
unleashed. Additionally, attacks enhanced by this Charm cannot be blocked without a stunt or Charm.
When this Charm is used in mass combat against a unit of Magnitude 3+, the Infernal Exalt can spend a
point of Willpower when activating it to negate the DV bonus for the target's superior Magnitude and
double the raw damage of the attack(or triple it if the unit is arranged in close formation), provided the
Infernal is fighting as a solo unit. If the target unit loses Magnitude as a result of the attack, all
members lost die rather than escaping, thus preventing them from being gathered as reinforcements by
any rally action later in the scene.
If the Infernal Exalt has purchased the Charm Kissed By Hellish Noon, Swarm-Smiting Stroke gains
the same benefits from it as Green Sun Nimbus Flare, negating its range limitation.
Trauma-Repressing Denial
Cost: - (+2m)
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: King of Terror Mien
When Malfeas is forced to suffer the indignity of failure, his fearsome rage scours the minds of all who
witnessed the event. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to spend two
additional motes when activating the Charm to cause all who fail to resist the Charm to forget the
Infernal was present at the scene, as well as everything that occurred after they fell under the effects of
the Charm. These memories cannot be recovered without magical intervention, and any attempts to
recover them suffer an external penalty equal to (the Infernal's Essence at the time of activation - the
victim's Valor, minimum 0).
World-Mastering Authority
Cost: 10m
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: By Pain Reforged
Before he was made Malfeas, the King of the Primordials was beyond harm. All of existence knew its
place, and it was only through willful treachery that he was laid low. Now, his authority is only
absolute within Hell. This Charm renders the Exalt immune to environmental hazards for as long as he
has Essence committed to the Charm. She takes damage or suffers Poison, Crippling, or Sickness
effects only when directly inflicted upon him by some character's action. At Essence 4+, this Charm
may be purchased a second time, which reduces the cost of the Charm to 5 motes and allows it to be
activated even when inactive, and negates the cost entirely once the Exalt reaches Essence 6+.
Ephemeral Cowards Revealed
Cost: 5m
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Dim Irrelevancies Unveiled
Stripped of his bodiless existence, Malfeas forces those who flaunt intangibility to reveal themselves so
he might punish them for their insolence. Activating this Charm causes the Infernal to emit pulses of
green light in time with his heartbeat that ripple out to (Essence x 10) yards from the Infernal unless
blocked by a solid, opaque barrier. All dematerialized beings within the area of the light become visible
and audible for as long as they remain within the affected area.
Divinity-Swallowing Enslavement
Cost: -
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Servitude
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Godscorch Invective, Radiant Fury Dissolution
All who live within the Demon City are subject to Malfeas' rulership, willing or not. This Charm
enhances Radiant Fury Dissolution so that whenever the Infernal successfully slays a spirit with it, the
Infernal may draw the smoldering green embers into his mouth, caging the spirit's existance within his
blighted soul instead of destroying it utterly. In this state, the spirit effectively does not exist to any
save the Infernal, who can communicate with the prisoner telepathically, engaging it in social combat at
will to obtain information from it, against which all social attacks are considered unnatural mental
influence and it has no Essence or Willpower to resist them with. Alternately, the Infernal can
annihilate the spirit at will, fueling the fire in his soul to restore a number of motes equal to the spirit's
permanent Essence. Any number of spirits can be contained at once, but if the Infernal dies, all his
prisoners die with him. A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5+ allows the Infernal to release
the spirit and restore its original form. The spirit returns with its lowest -4 health level healed and no
Willpower points remaining, as well as being shackled with a Servitude effect that forces it to obey its
captor's orders without the possibility of resistance for a year and a day. The being must obey normally
unacceptable orders, but need only follow the wording of the commands, rather than the spirit.
Storytellers should keep this in mind to reign in abuse of this Charm.
Ascension to Glory
Cost: 3m (1m)
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Unshakeable Majesty Poise
Malfeas denies gravity any hold over him, as no power less than his own can shackle him in place. For
the rest of the scene, the Infernal Exalt multiplies his jump distance by (Essence), propelled on jets of
green flame. Additionally, the infernal can spend a mote of Essence as an innate power to make a jump
reflexive while this Charm is active.
Cowardice-Reining Execution
Cost: 1+ lhls
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Insignificant Embers Intuition
The armies of Malfeas fear their king more than any foe, for the price of desertion is death. The Exalt
may use this Charm in mass combat whenever a unit he is currently a part of as a commander or a
special character fails a rout check. The unit immediately takes an unsoakable level of lethal damage
and rerolls the rout check with a +1 dice bonus as the Exalt makes a bloody example of one or more
hesitating troops. If the reroll also fails, the Infernal may continue to use this charm, with the rout
check bonus increasing by +1 for every time this charm is used(i.e., the first reroll provided by this
charm gains +1 dice, the second gains +2, etc.) until the morale check succeeds.
Bloodlust-Spurring Invective
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Cowardice-Reining Execution
The armies of Malfeas never tire, driven by sheer fury. The Infernal may use this Charm on any unit
that he commands, rolling (Charisma + War) against a difficulty of(the unit's Magnitude), and adding
(Essence) automatic successes. The unit gains a point of Endurance for every success he achieves over
the threshold, which may put them over their normal Endurance. Any points of Endurance in excess of
the unit's (Stamina + Drill) vanish at the end of the scene.
Courage-Crushing Assault
Cost: 8m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Bloodlust-Spurring Invective
When the demon hordes of Malfeas pour over the horizon, all but the most foolhardy and mad break
ranks and flee. This Charm can be used the first time the Infernal or a unit the Infernal commands
engages(Exalted, p. 165) an enemy unit in mass combat(i.e., the first attack it makes against the unit in
close combat). If the attack succeeds, the enemy unit increases the difficulty of the rout check for
becoming engaged with an enemy unit(Exalted, p. 169) by (the Infernal's Essence), and increases the
difficulty of any subsequent rout checks caused by the Infernal's unit by one for as long as the affected
unit is engaged with the Infernal(including the check for successfully disengaging from the unit).
Attention-Seizing Exhibition
Cost: 5m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Invigorating Song of Freedom
The sight of Malfeas dancing is an unbelievable spectacle. How can this chained and wrathful monster
dance and sing with such unrestrained freedom and joy? Those who witness it cannot help but stare in
wonder. This Charm enhances a performance, the Infernal rolling ([Charisma or Manipulation] +
Performance) when invoking the Charm as an unblockable social attack, comparing the results against
the Dodge MDVs of all who can see or hear the character. Those it succeeds in affecting are transfixed
by the sight and sound of the Infernal's performance, transfixed by the performance's beauty(or
licentiousness, or whatever is appropriate to the nature of the performance) to the point of distraction.
All those affected suffer an external penalty equal to the Infernal's Essence to percieve anything or
perform actions not related to the Infernal's performance for as long as it continues, for up to one scene.
The onlookers can heckle or even attack the Infernal, but detecting or affecting anyone or anything else
suffers the aforementioned penalty. The Infernal can incorporate this performance into combat in such
cases if necessary. Resisting this unnatural mental influence for an action costs one Willpower, up to a
maximum of 3 Willpower per scene.
Symphony of Destruction
Cost: 3m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple(Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: First Malfean Excellency
Malfeas takes joy in music, but this does not mean his music is cause for joy. Indeed, often his
performance only pleases himself, as he combines it with the catharsis he gains from destruction. This
Charm requires the Infernal to sing, scream, or play a musical instrument, transforming the sound of
the Infernal's voice or instrument into unnatural manifestations of destructive force affecting a single
target within (Essence x 50) yards. Bolts of blood-red lightning, gouts of hellish green flame, or flesh-
rending waves of sound are all feasible forms for this Charm's attacks to take shape as. Roll the
Infernal's (Charisma + Performance) as a ranged attack, which cannot be blocked without stunts or
Charms, as well as ignoring all forms of cover. If it hits, the attack inflicts (the Infernal's Essence +
Performance + attack successes) lethal damage that ignores armor, and can only be soaked with
Stamina and Charms. Additionally, the victim is sent flying one yard for each die of post-soak damage
in a direction of the Infernal's choice. Targets that strike hard objects take one die of damage for each
yard they would have otherwise traveled, which is bashing damage unless the object they are flung into
is sufficiently dangerous, in which case in inflicts lethal damage.
World-Shattering Rhapsody
Cost: - (+2m)
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Symphony of Destruction
This charm allows an Infernal to spend 2 extra motes when activating Symphony of Destruction to
evoke destructive phenomena in an area centered on the Infernal with a radius of (Essence x 5) yards.
This is a one-time environmental hazard with (the Infernal's Essence + Performance) Damage that
ignores armor and (Infernal's Essence) trauma. Characters damaged by the burst suffer knockback as
normal, except that they are sent flying directly away from the Infernal rather than choosing the
direction. The Infernal is not affected by the Charm, though everything else within the area is affected
without exception. Following the attack, shattered ground and residual tremors reduce the movement
rates of all ground-bound characters by half unless they succeed at a (Dexterity + Athletics) roll with a
difficulty of (the Infernal's Essence/2, rounded up), or have Charms that eliminate movement or
balance penalties activated, such as Graceful Crane Stance.
Monolith-Raising Might
Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Urban Hell Renovation
Malfeas grows mighty edifices as a tribute to his glory without concious effort. Activating this Charm
allows the Infernal to provide the materials and labor required for large-scale Craft(Earth) projects on
his own, commanding structures to burst from the ground piece by piece with his imperious gestures
and commands. For as long as the motes spent on this Charm remain committed, the Infernal Exalt
does not need to meet any Resources requirements to supply construction materials, and counts as
(Essence x 100) laborers for determining the time it takes, and this stacks with any actual laborers
working on the project alongside him.
Judgement of Inferiority Charms
The Endless Desert instinctively understands the truth of a being's power and quality. By doing so she
puts the strong in place over the weak and confirms her own rightful superiority. These Charms refine
Cecelyne's understanding of a being's position in and the perception of other entities' powers and
Measure of Might
Cost: 5m
Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Cecelyne intuits the personal power of others with but a glance. This Charm targets one individual the
character can sense. The Infernal's player rolls (Perception + [Awareness, Investigation or Socialize]),
and adds (Essence) automatic successes to the roll, ignoring all non-magical efforts to contest the
Charm. If successful, the Exalt learns the target's Essence rating, as well as his rating in any
Backgrounds involving control or authority over other people, such as Backing, Cult, Followers and
Influence, and any other forms of leverage or dominance the target has over other people, such as
blackmail or mind-controlling Charms. The Infernal learns the identities of the people the target
controls if the target himself knows them(the general of an entire legion won't know the names or faces
of every soldier in his army except under extreme circumstances, but he will likely know his officer
staff), as well as the general details of his control, though specific subjects like the information being
used to blackmail someone or the specific method of mind control used require more focused methods
than this Charm. In addition to the control the target has over others, the Exalt learns the general details
about whether the target is beholden to others and how, though who his superiors is not revealed by this
Charm, as it is not his place to betray the identities of those he serves.
Deference-Imposing Demeanor
Cost: 5m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 4 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Measure of Might
The Endless Desert reminds those who hear her voice who their masters truly are, and that they should
hang upon their every word. This Charm functions identically to the Solar Charm Respect
Commanding Attitude(Exalted, p. 202).
Call to Worship
Cost: 10m, 1w
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequiside Charms: Deference-Imposing Demeanor
The Endless Desert's undeniable holiness calls all who hear her words to revere their proper masters
once again. The Infernal Exalt gives a sermon, rolling ([Charisma or Manipulation] + Performance +
Essence) as a social attack against all who can hear her proselytizing. This Charm exerts unnatural
mental influence, forcing everyone whose MDV is less than the Infernal's rolled successes to spend two
Willpower or immediately gain an Intimacy of worship towards the Infernal or a religious icon the
Infernal espouses the worship of. Attempting to erode the intimacy requires the expenditure of one
Willpower for each scene spent attempting to break the commitment.
Deviancy-Detecting Intuition
Cost: 3m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
She Who Lives In Her Name immediately recognizes anything which exists outside her ideals of
reality. This Charm allows the Infernal Exalt to instantly know whether any being they can personally
perceive is a creature of the Wyld as though it were Obvious to them, including shaped and unshaped
raksha, non-raksha denizens of the Wyld, and anyone who posesses Wyld mutations. Portraits and other
images of such creatures do not trigger Deviancy-Detecting Intuition, but projected senses(such as
through a familiar or Omniscient Oversight Vessel) can detect them normally. If another Charm
contests this Charm's effect, add (Essence) automatic successes to the Infernal's opposed roll. At
Essence 5+, this Charm's cost drops to one mote and its duration may be extended to Indefinite.
Consciousness-Invading Transmission
Cost: 5m or 5m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Analytical Modeling Intuition
She Who Lives In Her Name need not speak to make her will known. Those she commands simply
know her desires and obey. This Charm allows the Infernal Exalt to initiate telepathic contact with any
target she can perceive within (Essence x 100) yards. This Charm can either be focused on a single
target for five motes, or allow the Infernal to contact any target within the area of effect at any time for
five motes and one Willpower. Both methods of contact last for the scene, and the Infernal can pick and
choose which telepathic messages go to which targets with the broad effect.
The target is immediately aware of the contact, but not its source unless the Infernal willingly reveals it
or they succeed at a (Perception + Integrity) roll at a difficulty of (the Infernal's Essence). If they wish
to resist the intrusion, the Infernal can roll (Willpower + Investigation + Essence) against the target's
Dodge MDV to force the connection. If the Infernal succeeds, the target must spend either three
Willpower against a focused use of the Charm or one Willpower against a broad use to deny the
unnatural mental influence for the rest of the scene.
Once contact has been established, the Infernal and the target can communicate for the Duration of the
Charm so long as the target is within range. The Infernal does not need to know the target's language,
or vice versa, the contact transmitting the "speaker's" understanding of the words of an unfamiliar
language along with the words themselves. Both the Infernal and the target can make social attacks
through the connection, and enhance them with Charms, but the Infernal can perfectly dodge any social
attack the target makes by decommitting the motes and ending the connection. The Infernal can create
multiple focused links by activating the Charm multiple times, but this Charm does not permit targets
to communicate with other targets through the Infernal's connections.
A second purchase at Essence 4+ extends the Charm's range to (Essence) miles, and allows the Infernal
Exalt to attempt contact with any being within range that she has succesfully connected with before
without needing to perceive them, but only with a focused use of the Charm. Contact fails
automatically if the target is out of range.
Mind-Over-Matter Contact
Cost: -
Mins: Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Consciousness-Invading Transmission
She Who Lives In Her Name does not require gross matter to enforce her order upon others. She may
do so through the purer medium of thought. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite,
allowing the Infernal Exalt to use Touch-keyworded Charms against any target she can perceive that
she has successfully contacted with a focused use of Consciousness-Invading Transmission.
Target-Locking Scrutiny
Cost: 2m
Mins: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
She Who Lives In Her Name studies her enemies intently, calculating the most effective way to destroy
them and saving it for the perfect moment. This Charm supplements an Aim action, allowing him to
store the bonus dice garnered by the Aim action to enhance any physical attack made later against that
target by committing two motes. The Infernal can abort from the Aim at any point, keeping the dice
gained up to that point, and his DV refreshes normally after the action. The Infernal can only store
bonus dice from (Essence) seperate Aim actions at once, and he can only apply one at a time to any
single attack roll, though he may store multiple Aim actions against a single target or seperate targets.
Thus, an Infernal with Essence 2 could store the bonus dice from two Aim actions by enhancing them
with this Charm, with either both applicable to a single target, or each one applicable to a seperate
target. The Infernal can also end his commitment to an instance of this Charm at any time, losing the
bonus dice from that Aim action. This dice bonus is not considered a bonus from Charms. If the
Infernal has Essence 3+, he can purchase this Charm again, which converts the bonus dice gained from
an Aim action enhanced by this Charm to automatic successes, which can be stored and used as normal
for the Charm.
Resistance Is Futile
Cost: 2m or 5m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Target-Locking Scrutiny
The omniscient gaze of the Principle of Hierarchy easily makes out the cracks in a foe's armor, and
ruthlessly exploits them. This Charm supplements an attack, making it piercing. If the attack was
already piercing before the application of this Charm, it reduces the target's armor soak by half again,
to a quarter of its original soak(rounded down). A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows
the Exalt to spend an additional 3 motes to ignore armor completely.
Evasion Nullification Focus
Cost: 4m
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Target-Locking Scrutiny
After sufficient study, the Principle of Hierarchy can effortlessly predict the response of her victims so
that escape is impossible. This Charm enhances a physical attack that has been enhanced with an Aim
action that provides at least three bonus dice, making it undodgeable and unblockable.
Phase-Synchronizing Calibration
Cost: -
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Mind-Hand Manipulation
The grasp of the Principle of Hierarchy is composed of pure will. Thus, it can manipulate even
ephemeral substance with ease. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the
Infernal Exalt to exert its full Strength against immaterial beings and objects and attack them as though
they were material. If the Infernal Exalt posesses Tool-Transcending Constructs, this Charm also allows
her to apply it to materials which have no real substance, such as gossamer, quintessence, and
Synchronicity of Violence
Cost: 3m per attack
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Mind-Hand Manipulation
The crystal spheres of She Who Lives In Her Name move in perfect simultaneity, removing anything
that stands in the way of her goals with deadly precision. This Charm is a magical flurry of two or more
attacks consisting entirely of attacks made using Mind-Hand Manipulation towards a single target, as
the Exalt generates and directs multiple destructive principles towards a target simultaneously. Each
attack costs three motes, including the first attack, and the Exalt can buy up to (Essence) number of
attacks. These attacks disregard multiple action penalties and the DV penalty for the flurry is equal to
the highest penalty for any one attack. In addition, rather than inflicting onslaught penalties, this charm
applies a coordinated attack penalty to the target's DV against each attack equal to the number of
attacks in the flurry.
Charm-Dismantling Analysis
Cost: - (+1wp)
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Counter-Conceptual Interposition
In order to preserve the stability of her creations, She Who Lives In Her Name does not permit
improper manipulation of Essence by others. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite,
allowing it to be activated in response to the activation of any Charm within (Essence) yards that is
Obvious to the Infernal's senses(whether due to the Charm's normal keywords or the effects of other
Charms that make it Obvious) in order to negate the Charm's effects by spending a point of Willpower.
The rules for negating Charms are as follows:
• The Charm negated must have been activated conciously (so Charms that invoke themselves
like Surprise Anticipation Method are exempt).
• The target pays the normal costs for using the Charm, but nothing happens. For Simple or Extra
Action Charms, their action is wasted, with no DV penalty inflicted. For supplemental Charms,
the action it supplemented goes through without any enhancement from the Charm. Reflexive
Charms may be reactivated by paying the normal cost again.
• The negated Charm still counts as the victim's Charm use for that action.
This Charm still suffers the Imperfection of the Principle of Hierarchy, requiring the surcharge on any
Charm unless the Infernal makes a successful reflexive (Intelligence + Occult) roll at difficulty 5 to
properly analyze the activation. The Infernal Exalt cannot negate Combos or pre-established Charms
until Essence 4+, when a second purchase of this Charm enhances its capabilities and allows it to do so.
A third purchase at Essence 5+ allows the negation of sorcery, necromancy, and even the most esoteric
of non-Charm Essence-powered abilities.
Unsorted Charms
Flawless Kinesthetic Optimization
Cost: 3m(+1wp)
Type: Reflexive
Mins: Essence 2
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Target-Locking Scrutiny
The clockwork motions of the spheres that make up the Whispering Flame move with perfect
efficiency, taking all variables into account and allowing no waste of effort. This Charm enhances any
physical action, negating any and all penalties to a dice roll or DV. A second purchase at Essence 3+
allows the Infernal Exalt to spend a point of Willpower to benefit from the effects of this Charm for the
rest of the scene, but it loses efficacy, so that it can only reduce the penalties from any individual source
by (Essence), to a minimum of 0. Multiple sources affecting the Infernal are reduced separately.
Heedless Haste Charms
Adorjan's speed is legendary, but her speed goes beyond the merely physical. Her madness allows her
to delve into aspects of celerity that defy reason. The Silent wind outpaces all others in every endeavor
with her transcendent swiftness. These Charms expand upon Adorjan's unmatched speed, not only
through physical movement, but in the rapid completion of any sort of task.
Synergy of Acceleration
Cost: - (+2m)
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Death-Dealing Journey
The Silent Wind's speed extends to all aspects of her existence, not just the distance she can travel. This
Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, so that the Infernal Exalt can spend an additional two
motes when activating it to reduce the Speed of all actions by -1, and increase the Rate of all weapons
by +1. Actions with benefits that depend on the Speed of the action obtain their full benefit at the end
of the reduced speed. For example, an Aim adds a bonus die to an attack for every tick spent aiming.
With this Charm, the user gains the maximum three bonus dice after only two ticks. A second purchase
of this Charm at Essence 3 increases the Rate bonus to +2, and a third purchase at Essence 4 raises the
Speed reduction to -2.
Body of Lies
Cost: 8m, 1w
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Loom-Snarling Deception
The Ebon Dragon defies perception and understanding, for his very existence is opposed to truth. This
Charm shrouds the Infernal in anonymity and deceit. For the rest of the scene, anyone who sees the
Infernal has trouble perceiving them as anything more specific than "a person". Everything else about
them, height, weight, voice, clothes, gender, even their precise location is too vague to be certain of.
Anyone attempting to affect, influence, notice, track, or identify anything about the Infernal suffers an
external penalty equal to the Infernal's Essence. Also, the Infernal's social attacks do not impose or
suffer any bonus or penalty from their Appearance or anything else based on the target's perception or
recognition of the Infernal. Bonuses and penalties based on the Infernal's perception of others still
apply, however. Despite this complete inability to confirm any details about the Infernal even while
looking right at them, people interact with the Infernal as they would any stranger. Whether something
is unusual about the Infernal or not is just another thing that nobody can be sure about. This is an
unnatural Illusion effect, requiring 2 Willpower to overcome. Doing so reveals that the Infernal is under
the effect of a Charm that obscures his existance to the person, but it does not eliminate the penalties. It
merely removes the inability to notice anything unusual about it.
Penumbral Trespasser
Cost: 10m
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Sorcerous, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Body of Lies, Eldritch Secrets Mastery
The Ebon Dragon is the shadow of all things. This Charm allows the Exalt to dematerialize and meld
with the shadow of a single object or being that they can see within (Essence x 10) yards. Used on
unattended, unattuned objects, the Charm succeeds automatically. Against beings, carried or worn
objects, or artifacts that have been attuned to someone, the Infernal rolls (Manipulation + Essence)
against a difficulty of (target being's Essence). Success means the Infernal becomes one with the
shadow. Failure means the time and Essence is wasted. Beings and objects immune to Shaping effects
are immune to this Charm, and any attempt to use it on them fails automatically. Once the Infernal has
become part of the target's shadow, he becomes immaterial even to dematerialized beings, unable to
affect or be affected by anything. This effect is vulnerable to the Imperfection of the Shadow of All
Things. Additionally, while part of an other being's shadow, only non-Excellency magical effects can
detect him, and the Infernal applies a external penalty equal to his permanent Essence to any applicable
attempts. The Infernal moves with the target, and can perceive things normally while using this Charm.
The Charm is cancelled whenever the Infernal wills it, the Charm is disrupted by countermagic, the
Infernal is struck with a Holy attack, or if his target is an Exalt and manifests an anima banner at the
16+ motes level. Also, spending Peripheral Essence still activates the Infernal's anima banner, which
manifests around the possessed shadow, and manifesting an anima banner at the 8-10 motes level
deactivates the Charm.
Inhibition-Eroding Proselytization
Cost: - (+1wp)
Type: Permanent
Mins: Ess 3
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Staining Vice Infliction
The self-indulgent ideals of the Ebon Dragon easily worm their way into the corrupt societies of
Creation. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Exalt to spend an additional point of
Willpower to propagate the supernatural Intimacy throughout a social group of Magnitude 1+ (such as
a court, kingdom, or secret society). The character must have spent several hours within the last year
encouraging the intimacy within this group before using this Charm, and this Charm must be invoked
in the presence of at least one member of that group. The social attack is made against the group
leader's MDV, plus half of the group's Magnitude. If the roll succeeds, all members of the social group
gain the intimacy.
Secret Shame Insinuation
Cost: - (+1wp)
Type: Permanent
Mins: Ess 3
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Staining Vice Infliction
The mere presence of the Ebon Dragon can taint others with his self-indulgent nature. This Charm
enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Exalt to make the attack without speaking to or otherwise
interacting with the target by spending a point of Willpower. The target cannot pinpoint the source of
the attack unless he successfully resists the Charm, either with MDV or Willpower, and even then
requires Charms that aid in perceiving essence flows or magical effects to make the attempt.
Heretical Charms
Impartial Peer Position
Cost: 2+m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple (DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Heretical
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Demonic Primacy of Essence, Cracked Cell Circumvention
Although the Descending Hierachy is absolute among demonkind as ordained by Cecelyne, the Infernal
Exalted are not demons. Green Sun Princes gain the protection of Hell's laws, without obligation to
follow them. And by utilizing the power of the Ebon Dragon, they exploit this ruthlessly and slip free
from the restrictions of Cecelyne's law. Every two motes the Infernal commits when activating this
Charm increases his Essence by one only for comparing it against beings of higher Essence to
determine the DV penalties inflicted on him by Demonic Primacy of Essence. This does nothing to
increase the penalties he inflicts on beings of lower Essence, however, nor does it prevent the penalties
and unnatural mental influence inflicted by others who possess Demonic Primacy of Essence.
Needing No Introduction
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Special
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
All souls know the Black Boar that Twists the Skies. Even the most sheltered peasant in the furthest,
most ignorant reaches of the so-called Blessed Isle would not help but know Isidoros for himself if he
were to appear before them. All of Creation and All besides knows him, and there can be no substitute.
This charm infuses the Infernal with his own identity, and he, too, cannot be mistaken for another. This
charm permanently grants the Infernal his Essence to any rolls made to convince another of his true
identity, and adds the same number to the difficulty of all attempts to misrepresent the character: Any
slander or lies told regarding the character ring as false as any disguise applied to him. Boastful
hyperbole is explicitly an exception to this penalty. The Infernal himself also takes this as an internal
penalty to any attempts to disguise himself as anyone other than himself, but such a Warlock should
truly ponder why he wishes to hide his glory in the first place. On the other hand, if the Infernal is
redefined through Change-or-Die Ultimatum, Needing No Introduction will both limit the extent of his
reshaping and allow him to establish his identity again easily. This charm does not betray any
supernatural qualities of the Infernal. At Essence 3 this charm automatically upgrades, and attempts to
ape the Infernal grow even more difficult even as he becomes more recognizable--any description can
identify him at a simple difficulty, but any further attempt than the most cursory sketch or description
adds his Essence to the difficulty as though it were a direct impersonation. On the other hand, the
certainty in himself becomes infectious, imbuing the truth of his words with the bottomless conviction
of the Black Boar. As a result, any attempt to convince another of the unvarnished truth (that is, without
deliberate intention or other intent to mislead) automatically adds dice equal to his Conviction to the
Content to Wallow
Cost: 5m (+1wp, see text); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Ego, Combo-Basic
Duration: One Day
Prerequisite Charms: None
Isidoros earned his title more than once before he and his were trapped away in their king, but he could
not truly trample the constellations and tear stars down from the sky without being willing to wade in
the hateful concept that they represented. The Infernal allows himself to sink into Fate with this charm
(which cannot be used in an area Outside of Fate), and for all intents and purposes seems to be a
creature of Creation for the rest of the day. Those looking into the stars may see him reflected as a
being of great but unclear Destiny (of a strength equal to his Essence), but nothing directly betrays his
Yozi patronage. While this charm is active, he is treated as within fate for all effects, and for a time, at
least, ignores the Blasphemy keyword of any charm with a minimum Essence less than his permanent.
If such a charm's Blasphemy effect is ongoing, it will reveal itself at the end of this charm, and Heaven
will react accordingly.
This charm terminates when the Infernal activates any charm which would remain a Blasphemy effect--
regardless of his permanent Essence, this always includes Sky-Warping Titan Beast Shintai; if he
actives it again via its Ego power (Which costs but two motes and can be used as part of a flurry), he
will leave fate once again on his next action; the Infernal is too great a thing to be truly constrained by
the Loom.
Regardless of the form of this charm, a willpower dot is committed alongside the Essence (this also
takes the place of the usual Ego surcharge); the Infernal is containing himself in ways that he cannot
help but be subconsciously aware of, and his presence suffers for it. On the other hand, the dot and its
point return fully at the charm's end.
Ocean-Swallowing Gullet
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Ego
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: On the Anvil of Wanting
The great bulk of the Black Boar is beyond imagining and defies reason: on the outside, he swallows
mountains; on the inside, he can contain worlds. This charm allows the Infernal to devote an action to
consuming any inanimate object he can carry--this is a dramatic action if the target of this charm is too
large to be wielded as a weapon, otherwise a Speed 5/DV-2 Miscellaneous action. He cannot carry
objects he cannot lift with his strength + athletics. His mouth and throat can expand to grotesque sizes
as he consumes, but he shows no sign of containing that which he does; such things are not actually
passed along to the Infernal's stomach for digestion, but linger in a sort of Elsewhere-space until the
Infernal decides he no longer wishes to carry it within, at which point he may vomit the swallowed
object up through his mouth, or otherwise relieve himself of the burden through another orifice; this
takes as long as it did to initially swallow the object. He may also reflexively relieve himself of any
stored possessions by forcing them through his skin--this inflicts a number of Lethal health levels of
damage equal to the Strength + Athletics Total required to lift it. Alternately, he may pass it along to his
stomach as though he had initially swallowed it, with whatever reasonable consequences might ensue.
If the Infernal is in Isidoros' Shintai, consuming objects imposes no DV penalty, and any ejected items
inflict a single level of bashing damage to him. He possesses no upper limit to the amount of things he
may carry with this charm, but each invocation requires a separate committed mote, and he may not
manipulate them inside himself in any way unless he has Ever-Burning Forge Gut.
If the Infernals is slain, all the contents stored by this charm spontaneously erupt forth immediately
upon his death.
In typical Primordial fashion: by imposing his own rules on reality. As far as he is concerned, he's
Essence 12 (which means, per NNI, he doesn't change at all via CoDU unless he casts off his own
Motivation with that charm). Most of the rest of the world is inclined to agree. As with all limitations,
he does not merely step outside them, he shatters it and strides past the rubble. However, anything with
a shaping defense active asserts the laws of Creation against him, and as far as they are concerned, the
Black Boar who Twists the Skies is a paltry Essence 10, no bigger than anything else has a right to be.
This assertion of limits only applies to effects directly applied to the character protected; if Isidoros
uses Weight of the Mountain's Shadow, the Exalt in question must still contend with the effects of a
120-yard radius to the power, rather than 100. On the other hand, repeated applications of I Shall Not
Be Denied to attempts to crush the unshapeable target only add 10 dice per invocation, rather than 12.
The form of a shadow is malleable and one shape is as true as another. This Charm enhances Loom-
Snarling Deception. The disguise created by that Charm becomes a instantaneous physical change
caused by the Charm activation and can no longer be penetrated by even Charm assisted attempts as
there is no other truth to see.
In addition, without a true form the character remains in the assumed form even after Loom Snarling
Deception ends until another activation changes their appearance once more. This explicitly does not
cause any non-physical benefits based upon Loom-Snarling Deception to persist.
If "(Ebon Dragon) World Assumption" is learnt then this Charm is subsumed by it and lost with the
experience spent learning it being refunded.
This Charm functions as per Ebon Dragon Eternal Essence (RotSE p208) with the following addition:
Unlike her sibling-peers the Silent Wind knows when it is best to let go. Even when it is her own life.
she is letting slip If she has no Intimacies and is slain despite the protection afforded by this Charm
then she may opt to simply die without fuss or fanfare rather than become a ghost or Neverborn.
The King of the Yozi will not go quietly nor cleanly to his death. When he would be slain despite the
protection afforded by Malfeas Eternal Essence he may instead sacrifice part of himself to take the
blow as per a disabling or amputation effect (as per Exalted p152) as a cost to preserve his life. This, or
any other Crippling effects he suffers, cannot be healed during the current story and if the number of
such effects he is subject to exceeds his Essence rating then even this Charm can not preserve his life.
Subordination Is Self
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Selfishness Is Power
The Ebon Dragon's nature is to serve only himself. However, what are his demon souls but an
extension of the Ebon Dragon's self? Certainly, says the Dragon, they have no value, meaning or
independance of their own!
This Charm explictly allows the Fiend to treat Akuma and demons which descend from himself, but not
Green Sun Princes, as if they were himself, for the purposes of Ebon Dragon Charms such as the Ebon
Dragon Excellencies that require the Fiend to take actions in his own self interest or that enhance his
ability to do so. However, every assertion of their independence, alienness and personhood, separate
from him, within that scene adds a 1m surcharge to the cost of these uses of the Charms.
This Charm may be the creation of a Green Sun Prince and does not necessarily exist in RY 768,
although it has certainly has not and never will be invented by the Ebon Dragon himself.
Liminal Marches of Shadow
Cost: 6m,1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Social
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Witness to Darkness
The Ebon Dragon is self serving, but what is self? It is a facet of The Ebon Dragon's nature to be an
empty shadow imitative of and corrosive towards the notion of identity and its bedrock, the Shinma
While this Charm is active, any attempt made by the Infernal to perform mental influence that relies on
blurrying the boundaries of identity (such as convincing a target that the Infernal is another person,
convincing the target that she is not who she believes she is, asking that she picture herself in the
Infernal's position, etc.) becomes unnatural mental influence costing one willpower to resist, as the
Infernal suppresses and corrodes the principle of identity.
A side consequence is that the Infernal finds it increasingly difficult to distinguish between himself and
others. When presented with an opportunity to act in the interests of another person, in a fashion that is
not directly automatically harmful to himself (under the definition of harmful that would make the
consequences of that action an attack under the rules outlined in Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object
on p179 of the Exalted Core), he must roll his Essence against a difficulty of 2. Unless he fails this roll
he is compelled to take that act. He may spend one willpower to suppress this effect and act freely for a
At Essence 5, the Exalt may choose to purchase this Charm a second time to render this effect
Permanent, avoiding the mote and willpower cost.
This Charm is the creation of a Green Sun Prince.
If the Infernal knows the First Kimbery Excellency, this Charm benefits attempts to create (or modify) objects that conform to the Demon
Sea's understanding of beauty, even if they have no social component, such as a daiklave etched with curiously organic patterns. The
warlock adds (Essence) automatic successes to each roll to create such objects.
Prayer rolls toward the Infernal that are made with the help of one of her strange artworks benefit from a number of automatic successes
equal to the value of their highest-rated derangement. Finally, characters with even one mutation caused by Kimbery’s magic increase the
effective value of their highest-rated derangement by their (Essence).
The Infernal's Essence rating is increased by one for the purposes of this Charm if the bounty would normally come from the water; fish
or fertile rivermud, for example. It is also increased by one if the bounty is a raw material rather than a finished product - driftwood rather
than completed tables. These benefits stack.
With Essence 5+, the warlock need not return to the echo herself. Instead, she may nominate a single beloved character or organization,
who may sing in her place. Such characters use a pool of (Charisma + lower of Performance or Lore) and can sing to it only as long as
they remain beloved - the completed Artifact automatically belongs to them when it emerges.
Unofficial Errata:
TRUST IS NAIVE: The Infernal takes refuge in the depths of her loving faith, refusing to believe anything bad about a beloved character.
She can still become convinced that such a character has been duped or forced into poor decisions by the wickedness of others, but will
never assign blame to them. Just as Kimbery's waters welcome all, she may reduce the number of scenes necessary to build a positive
Intimacy toward any character she has never reviled by any amount, to a minimum of one.
Unofficial Errata:
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Desecration, Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Ichor Flux Tendrils (x2), Sea Dissolves Herself
Things have swum through the stagnant depths of Kimbery since before Time, creatures filled with formless hate and diluvial intelligence.
In tribute to them, the Infernal's flesh liquefies into a slurry of squirming, translucent ooze, rendering her an unrecognizable mass of
shifting ichor. All her worn and carried possessions dissolve into Elsewhere for the duration of this Charm, reconstituting when it ends.
The Infernal may selectively retrieve any such items whenever her DV refreshes, but they are incorporated into her protoplasmic form as
strange protrusions and fluid organs; armour manifests as an ichorous carapace, while weapons occupy one of her tentacles (described
below) when "wielded", preventing it from making its usual attacks. Non-Artifact equipment retrieved in this way is destroyed once the
Infernal returns to her human form, falling apart into a corroded mess.
With her normal features dissolved into a shapeless mass, the warlock perceives the world through organs that coalesce ever-so-briefly
across the surface of her form, granting her omnidirectional senses, and her amorphous body can freely flow through any space that isn't
water-tight. She can compress or expand her form by a maximum factor of two, and can even ignore the restrictions of gravity, oozing
across walls and ceilings. This fluidity of form reduces the cost of the first two versions of Sea Dissolves Herself to one mote, though
mutations acquired in this way are temporary Desecrations that dissolve when the Shintai ends, while those lost return. Additionally, she
reduces the post-soak damage of any attack by (Essence) dice, though this cannot reduce an attack's damage below one die. Energy-based
or flaming attacks (like lightning, burning arrows or beamklaives) harm her normally.
Although she can manipulate her surroundings normally by forming clusters of fine, oily manipulators, she also extrudes (Essence)
tentacles identical to those created with Ichor Flux Tendrils, which are similarly capable of independent clinches but are directed with
Martial Arts rather than Occult. These tentacles can be damaged as normal, but the Infernal suffers no harm from their destruction, and
can entirely regenerate a destroyed tentacle at any point by activating Sea Dissolves Itself as though in response to a Crippling effect. She
and her tentacles are always treated as being coated in the poisonous tattoos created by Spiteful Sea Tincture.
Cost: — (+2wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Corrosive Pattern Infliction
The Drinker at Night’s Springs understands history. After all, his aesthetic instincts favour tragedy and doom above all things, and the past
is little else. The warlock can spend two additional points of Willpower when activating Loom-Snarling Deception to weave a deeper
deceit, his shadowy Essence slipping false threads into the pattern of the Loom like a cuckoo insinuating itself into a nest. Whatever fake
identity he creates is supplemented by actual changes to the history of the world, as a Shaping effect; his name can be found in the proper
registries, his image is included in the appropriate portraits, and characters who somehow featured in his invented history even remember
him. While these retroactive infiltrations last, he can effectively benefit from an appropriate Backing, Mentor, Influence or other similar
backgrounds. He can use Corrosive Pattern Infliction to create (non-Artifact) props appropriate to his invented identity, such as a passport,
apartment key, official badge, and so on, though these decay without a trace upon abandoning the disguise - like every other change
implemented by it.
Created memories only properly take root in characters with a Dodge MDV no greater than (Infernal’s Essence + 1), and cannot be
intense enough to merit an intimacy on their own; they are vague recollections, acknowledgements of his forged existence, nothing more.
Heroic characters can reject the memories by spending a single point of Willpower, asserting their own history over that recorded by the
Loom. This only allows them to realize that they were misremembering, and does not alert them to any mind-altering magic. All other
changes produced by this Charm are effectively reality-sponsored forgeries, and heroic characters can determine that there is something
subtly wrong with them through a dramatic (Perception + Investigation) roll taking (Infernal’s Essence) hours, at difficulty 5.
Unofficial Errata:
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Overdrive
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: First Ebon Dragon Excellency, Our Little Secret
The Ebon Dragon was first to surrender in the Primordial War, and yet the pioneer of an attack that defeats even the most perfect of
defenses. A strike aimed at the heart, one might say. The Infernal gains an empty ten-mote Overdrive pool, which he can fill through this
Charm. In order to target a character with this Charm, the Infernal must have committed an act of depravity (as defined in Our Little
Secret, though it considers only the mores of the character targeted) against one of their positive intimacies. He activates this Charm by
making some reference (verbal or otherwise - the target intuitively deciphers the meaning of a communicating gesture, such as a finger
slid across a throat) to the act of depravity and the intimacy in question. If the other character was already aware of the dark deed, this
Charm fails to activate.
The warlock gains two offensive motes every time he makes a reference to the act of depravity, including the one he made to activate this
Charm, as shadows hiss tauntingly in the hidden angles of the target's mind. This reference must be perceptible to the target, and the
motes granted are reduced by one if the warlock had already made a largely identical reference earlier in the scene; creativity is
encouraged in these taunts. The warlock gains these motes only once per action, and multiple acts of depravity broaden the range of
potential references rather than increasing his gains.
The only way to drain the Infernal's mockery of its power is to internalize it, robbing him of his sport. At any point, the target may briefly
shut their eyes, allowing the shadows to rush in from the edges of their vision. In that instant, they bear witness to every depravity the
warlock made reference to, replayed in perfect detail before their closed eyes. This dreadful display cuts to their very soul, preventing
them from channeling their Virtues (or spending Willpower for a free success) for the rest of the scene. In addition, they either acquire a
negative intimacy toward themselves, a manifestation of their own guilt and self-hatred, or twist their positive intimacy into a negative
one that seeks to blame the act of depravity on the intimacy itself; a poisoned friend is recriminated as a fool, while a conquered
hometown is dismissed as a pit of weaklings. The warlock is automatically aware of this new or altered intimacy, and if he knows Golden
Years Tarnished Black can reflexively activate that Charm to worsen the target’s sense of blame. In any case, once the target has done this,
the warlock cannot gain offensive motes by taunting them for the rest of the scene.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to infuse the Illusion into a piece of writing she produces, convincing those reading it
that it was written by a true expert in the field, as described above, with demonstrable errors ignored, forgotten, or explained away as
faults on someone else's part.
Victims killed by an attack enhanced by both this Charm and Radiant Fury Dissolution receive a more focused torment, their millenia of
disembodied suffering spent endlessly acting out imagined escapes from the warlock's wrath, ranging from the realistic to the absurd, but
all ending in inevitable burning failure.
Gift Of Hope
Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
A mother knows to give her children food when they are hungry. This Charm may be activated to target
any being that the Infernal is touching. It allows her to transfer up to (Essence x3) of her own motes to
the target. It may only be activated targeting a given person once per scene.
If the character has a positive Intimacy towards her target, the cost of this Charm drops to 1 mote, and
she may reflexively give the motes to her target as long as she is within (Essence x50) yards of her.
Subordination Of Dreams
Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Compulsion
Duration: One Project
Prerequisite Charms: Gift Of Hope
With Cytherea's aid, the Primordials created vast wonders, and yet no savant can point to something
that she crafted alone. This is because to work for herself was never in Cytherea's nature - instead, she
modified and twisted the desires of her siblings to create the things that she loved.
This Charm enhances a Crafts-based roll made by anyone within (Essence x5) yards of the Infernal at
the time that they begin crafting. It exerts unnatural mental influence on the target to change her project
to suit the Infernal's needs. The Infernal rolls (Charisma + Socialize), adding bonus dice equal to her
Essence if she has a positive Intimacy towards her target. If the target resists the effect, the Charm has
no further effect, and may not be reactivated targeting the same crafting project.
If the Charm succeeds, it has three effects. First, the target may accomplish (Essence) hours of work for
each hour that passes. Secondly, she must spend two Willpower for every day that she does not work on
the project. Finally, the project twists and warps to the desires of the Infernal. Upon activating this
Charm, the Infernal names exactly (Essence) minor differences between what the target intended to
create and what will be created, or fewer major differences.
• Minor differences include a single point of a weapon or armor's statistics, a single cosmetic
feature, a slight change to an object's magical function (such as altering a sword to require
regular bathing in wine instead of blood), a single dot of Resources worth of value from a
mundane item, or similar changes.
• Major differences include a modification of one dot of Artifact in the object's effect, a massive
change in what a magical object will do within its existing category (constructing a daiklave
instead of a grimcleaver, for example). Each major difference requires the expenditure of four
minor differences.
Targets may resist the changes, but only by committing one Willpower per minor change or four
Willpower per major change for the duration of the project, but each Willpower spent in this way
reduces the character's effective Essence when determining construction speed by 1. Instead of adding
more changes, the Infernal may require the same change multiple times, effectively increasing the
Willpower cost to resist including it.
If targets of this Charm have their own effort-speeding Charms, this Charm increases the total
multiplier by (Essence -1) rather than multiplying it. Multiple Infernals may not use this Charm on the
same target.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to spend an additional mote to allow the target to
use the Infernal's own die pool for the crafting, if it is higher than the target's. If she does this, and is
able to activate an Excellency in conjunction with this Charm (through Combos or effects that render
the Excellency not a Charm use), the Infernal may also use her Excellency to enhance the target's
Crafting rolls, using her own die limit or the target's (whichever is higher). These dice count as dice
granted by Charms for the purpose of any die adder Charms the target possesses.
Withdrawal Of Conception
Cost: 10 motes; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Compulsion
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Children Fear Darkness, Subordination Of Dreams
Once, Cytherea revelled in the wonders her siblings brought to her, but now she is more cautious. After
all, it is dangerous for children to play where their mother cannot see them. This Charm targets any
individual that the character is capable of speaking to. The character explains to her target what course
of action is dangerous, and the target stops considering whether to do it.
The character names a goal or project with the scope of an Urge, and rolls her (Charisma + Socialize)
as unnatural mental influence, adding bonus dice equal to her Essence if she has a positive Intimacy
towards her target. If she succeeds, the target develops a negative Urge towards this project. In order to
take actions that promote the negative Urge, they must spend one Willpower per scene. A target who
spends a total of five Willpower in this way shakes off the effect and recovers.
If a target's negative Urge conflicts with her Motivation, she does not need to spend Willpower to
overcome it. This Charm is simply not powerful enough to restrain Cytherea's loved ones in this
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows the character to spend (10 motes per dot) to
affect a number of people with a Magnitude of up to (Infernal's Essence). The character may name only
one goal, and applies a single roll to all targets' MDVs.
Unity Of Desire
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: One Story
Prerequisite Charms: Gift Of Hope
Cytherea understands that her own goals are not those of her fellows, but she doesn't see why this
should be the case. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on every being within (Essence x100)
yards of the character whose MDV is equal to or lower than her Essence. Extras reduce their MDVs by
1 when resisting this Charm. The character redefines the Motivations of all of these beings. This new
Motivation must be positive in nature, and this Charm may not impart a new Motivation that is
completely opposed to the targets' original Motivations.
Heroic targets may choose to spend 1 Willpower per action to resist their new Motivation. If so,
spending a total of 5 Willpower causes the effect to end.
Ikanii is terrifying and mysterious, a half-glimpsed horror that waits in the dark or glides hidden within
the furthest reaches of the sky, or the deepest depths of the ocean. Ikanii is patient and cunning, he
never attacks piecemeal instead circling until he is ready to cause sudden losses to his opposition and
vanish leaving no witnesses and few clues. Whatever leavings the hidden titan does allow ultimately
serve the purpose of luring those who think themselves strong into the darkness where it dwells so they
may be consumed.
This Charm can always be used to enhance actions that inspire terror, hide the character, their goals and
motives, or just confuse the facts of any situation. This Charm cannot be used to enhance overt
activities, even deceptive ones. Out and out lies are no more Ikanii’s nature than full frontal attacks are.
Socially Ikanii is more likely to deal in contradictory half-truths than outright deception.
Peacock-Metal Crucible
Cost: —; Min: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping
Prerequisite Charms: Viridian Legend Exoskeleton, Cold Fire Desolation Brand
Malfeas is never a king without a palace; when he is found without a refuge, he builds one. This Charm
permanently improves Cold Fire Desolation Brand, expanding the palette of spiritual diseases the Infernal may
inflict. At Essence 3+, the Infernal learns the Molting Scarab Plague. At Essence 4+, he learns the Flower of
Anguish Parasite. Finally, at Essence 5+, he may inflict the Abalone Vessel Endowment.
All these diseases have features identical to the Green Sun Wasting and Final Viridescence, as the prerequisite
Charm inflicts, except for their symptoms.
Molting Scarab Plague Symptoms: This disease begins as a rapid greening and toughening of the skin. Within
hours, the victim feels a stiffening in his joints and muscles. As the disease progresses, the victim's skin begins to
slough off in ragged patches, revealing hexagonal plates of green brass. The stiffening and molting reduce the
victim's effective Strength by 1 dot per day (minimum 0). By the time of his demise, the victim's skin and
muscles will have been transformed into green, building-quality brass, encasing his unaltered bones and organs.
Flower of Anguish Parasite Symptoms: With this disease, black fungous vines burst from the victim's skin,
emerging from his blood vessels. These vines grasp nearby items and each other, progressively reducing the
victim's Dexterity. Allowed to run its full course, the vines will consume the victim's entire body and interlace
themselves into a tightly-woven mat. This mat may be unwrapped and spread out with some effort, producing
enough fibrous, grasping matter to act as mortar to wall a hundred-square-foot room. Once bound to an edifice,
the vines become quiescent, only erupting into iridescent green-blue flower when they come into contact with
bodily fluids, and even then only for instants before the flowering bodies burst in clouds of sterile spores.
Abalone Vessel Endowment Symptoms: This disease is nearly indistinguishable from the Final Viridescence,
with the exception of the luminous vesicles that form around the victim's lymph nodes. These may be harvested
from the cadaver, providing an amount of refined vitriol with a refinement cost equal to the victim's Essence.
Many are the heros of the world who would deny the darkness to their very last
breath, but many more are those who find themselves attracted irresistably to
the darkness inside themselves.
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. Whenever the Infernal uses
Nemesis Self Imagined Anew he may spend two motes and one additional willpower
and the target of that Charm immediately develops an intimacy of sexual lust
towards the Infernal so long as he maintains use of the prerequisite Charm. This
Emotion effect is not obvious to the target until he first meets the Infernal,
but instead manifests as a sudden urge that can not be satisfied in any way.
Once he meets the Infernal, the victim recognizes that he has met the one being
capable of satisfying his desires. This urge exists regardless of the victims
normal sexual preference or species. Only beings immune to Emotion effects are
While under the sway of this Intimacy, the victim suffers a penalty to all his
mental Dvs against the Infernal equals to the Infernal's (Essence). This does
not stack with other Intimacy, Virtue or Motivation related DV penalties.
Resisting this Emotion effect costs one Willpower per scene or (Essence)
Willpower when Nemesis Self Imagined Anew is first activated or the Infernal
first met (but may onyl be resisted on a scene by scene basis thereafter).
It is not uncommon for the heros of the world to find themselves living with
regrets. Those they have lost, those they have pushed away, the things and
places that have been deswtroyed by their rise to power and can never be
returned. This deadly nostalgia is like a poison seeping into enemies heart, and
there is nothing the Ebon Dragon enjoys more than watching that poison eat away
at everything the hero holds dear.
Whenever the Infernal activates Nemesis Self Imagined Anew he immediatly knows
if there is any creature that the victim knew once but who has since died and
whose death the victim truly regrets, as well as the emotional context of that
regret (lover, parent, child, companion etc). If the Infernal so decides he may
then spend 2m, 1wp in addition to the base cost of Nemesis Self Imagined Anew
and assume that role in the victim's life. Unless otherwise noted, the effects
of Nemesis Self Imagined Anew are not changed.
This does not literally transform the Infernal into the dead person. Instead the
victim develops a sudden Intimacy towards the Infernal. Until they meet this
manifests as a sudden welling up of guilt and regret towards the circumstances
in which the dead person was lost. When he meets the Infernal he will see the
Infernal as the "natural" heir to the dead person's legacy. The Infernal's
mannerism will constantly remind him of the dead person, his words will bring up
old memories, and the victim will find the Infernal sliding without resistance
into the exact same position his dead friend occupied while alive (lover,
confident, parent or child as appropriate).
So long as this Intimacy exists the victim will find it hard to push away the
Infernal's presence, whether physically or mentally. The victim of this Charm
suffers an internal penalty of the Infernals (Essence x 2) on all physical and
social attacks against the Infernal so long as the Intimacy exist. This Intimacy
may be suppressed for one Willpower a scene or negated entirely for
(Infernal's Essence) willpower when the Charm is first activated or the victim
first meets the Infernal (but not at any point thereafter).
This Charm is compatible with Black Mirror Shintai. If the Infernal knows that
Charm he may spend an additional 2m, 1wp when activating it to assume the
perfect likeness of the dead person. All the usual rules for Black Mirror
Shintai apply, except the Infernal gains the traits of the dead person rather
than the victim. While the Intimacy created by this Charm exists the victim will
not remember that the person being mimiked ever died and will treat the
Infernal as if he had "returned from a long unexplained absence".
The madness of Malfeas is both constuctive and self-destructive at the same time, and all who live within him
find this madness contagious.
This Charm permanently enhances Peacock-Metal Crucible. Whenever the character successful infects a victim
with any of the Sickness effects of Peacock0Metal Crucible that victim is overtaken with a Compulsion effect.
The Compulsion effect forces them to begin creating and or expanding a habitable area around them. The victim
will work with feverish intensity and intuitive skill (increase the victims Craft ratings to 2 if they are less than
that value) but no plan or reason. He will simply begin constructing walls, dwellings, paths and other signs of
development and civilization at random. So long as the victim continues to work the Sickness remains
suspended, it will not continue to accumulate damage. However this Charm does not grant any special endurance
to the victims, if they halt their work for so much as a single action for any reason (including sleep or combat)
the disease will start to take its course again.
Resisting the compulusion caused by this Charm takes no Willpower, instead the victim begins to experience the
disease again. No effect can remove the Compulsion without also allowing the Sickness to run its course.
The Infernal may purchase this Charm again at Essence 4. Doing so makes the effects of Tumourous City-
Carving Impulse contagious. Anyone who speaks to, touchs or otherwise interacts with the victim must make a
Stamina + Resistance roll at a difficulty of 4, if they fail they become infected with Peacock-Metal Crucible and
Tumourous City-Carving Impulse (and themselves become infectious).
Here's a few She Who Lives in Her Name mass-society charms I've been working on. They're still kind of
awkward and probably very imbalanced (most of them bypass MDV in some way and I still don't think I've
compensated enough for it). At the very least they're missing some keywords. Still, here's what I've got so far:
As the Principle of Hierarchy chains her subjects with the perfection of her name, so too does the Green Sun
Prince. Upon learning this charm the Infernal reaches into the smokeless fire within his soul and draws forth a
new, secret name for himself. From this point on, that new name is his true one. The Prince’s old name does not
disappear and unless an observer has the means to sense the change no one will be any the wiser, but for any
mechanical effect where it might be relevant the Prince’s old name is no longer his true one.
The Prince’s new name is a distorted reflection of the name of the Principle of Hierarchy and as such contains a
measure of its power. Should the Prince decide to take the risk of telling his name to another (and it is something
of a risk, for the new name is powerful enough that the knowledge of it gives the target an arcane link to the
Infernal) then it grants the Infernal a measure of power over the target. The Green Sun Prince does not have to
tell the target his new name personally, the name is just as powerful when heard from the lips of another, but it
lacks the might of the true name of hierarchy and as such can only exert power over a number of people equal to
the Green Sun Princes Essence. Anyone who hears the name after this many people have knowledge of it suffers
none of the effects of being under the name’s power, and even if the number of people bound to the name is
reduced they have no danger of falling under its power unless they somehow forget the name and relearn it
At any time, the Prince may beseech She Who Lives in Her Name for a new secret name by spending five full
days in meditation. Such a desire for change offends the Principle of Hierarchy, and she will inflict levels of
aggravated damage upon the Prince to take him to the brink of incapacitation (completely replacing any levels of
bashing or lethal damage already accrued), but she understands that a name that is anything less than perfect
must be forged anew and permits the Prince to take a new name. The old name loses any power it has over those
that knew it and no longer counts as an arcane link to the Prince.
Any target with knowledge of the Princes name and under its power must spend a single point of willpower
every day to avoid developing a positive intimacy towards the Prince. Furthermore any target with an essence
lower than the Prince treats all his social attacks as unnatural mental influences. If the target is also affected by
the Essence 3 version of Unshattered Tongue Perfection and the Infernal is counted as a superior, his attacks now
cost 3 willpower to resist.
A target can resist the power of the name by avoiding hearing of it in the first place, or by wiping the memory of
the name from their minds (any charm that would be sufficient to remove the imposed intimacy to the Infernal
can be used to eliminate the memory of the name, as can using a perfect social defence or spending five points of
willpower over the course of five days to avoid picking up the intimacy in the first place. Any target who forgets
the name becomes resistant to learning the name again for five days).
At essence 4 the power of the name expands so that any target with a lower Essence than the Prince ignores any
bonus from Appearance they would get to their MDV, and doubles any penalty they would take from having a
lower Appearance than the Prince up to a maximum of double the normal penalty (usually doubling the
maximum penalty from 3 to 6) this charm is explicitly allowed to synergise with Unshattered Tongue
Perfection’s power to replace the function of appearance with essence.
At essence 5 the power of the name expands once more, and any target with essence equal to or less than the
Prince must spend two willpower to resist his regular social attacks. If the target is also affected by the Essence 3
version of Unshattered Tongue Perfection and the Infernal is counted as a superior, his attacks now cost 4
willpower to resist.
At essence 3 the Prince may purchase this charm a second time to increase the number of people who may be
under the power of his name to a mass of people with a magnitude no greater than his Essence. At essence 6 the
Prince may purchase the charm again to remove the number limit entirely.
Sometimes, flawed hierarchies must be disassembled so that a new order may rise to replace them. With this
charm, such excessive force is unnecessary, the Green Sun Prince may remove the cancerous tumours of human
society cleanly and elegantly.
With a single cutting gesture across the brow of a target the Prince brands all members of a social unit to which
the target belongs with the flaming Eye of She Who Lives in Her Name upon their forehead, provided the unit
has a magnitude no greater than his essence and no members possessing an Essence higher than the Prince. To
resist the initial brand, an individual target must spend 3 willpower, or the unit as a whole must spend 5 loyalty
to protect the group.
The Infernal may define a single concept that becomes anathema to the group. The group instantly loses any
positive intimacies towards that concept and gains a negative intimacy towards the new taboo. If the concept is
intrinsic to the group’s policy, then the group’s policy must change to something no longer related to that
concept, though the Prince has no control over the formation of the new policy.
At essence 2 this charm is of instant duration, the brand of She Who Lives in Her Name flares briefly then
recedes. At essence 3 the Infernal may opt to continue committing motes to this charm, causing the brand to
linger as a tattoo. While the Infernal commits motes to this charm, affected individuals treat any social attacks to
create or build intimacies/policy towards the taboo concept or erode the existing negative intimacy as
unacceptable orders. A branded individual may spend 2 willpower to resist the effect of the brand for a scene,
and if they resist for a number of continuous scenes equal to the Infernal’s essence may shake off the effect of
the charm completely. If they are also under the effect of Unshattered Tongue Perfection, however, the target
must first shake off that charm before they possess the linguistic tools to even conceive rebellion against this
It is the will of the Principle of Hierarchy that the Gods know their place, mortals do not grow bold, subjects
obey their masters in all things and the Exalted falter and meet only failure. With this charm a Green Sun Prince
may share these insights with the world, using the arcane link of loyalty, love or trust to chain the targets to
By invoking this charm and waiting one day for the chains of attachment to form, any individuals who possess a
positive intimacy towards the Green Sun Prince may be compelled into joining a new social unit under a policy
and leader selected by the Prince. The leader must also possess a positive intimacy towards the Infernal, though
the Prince can select himself as the leader of the group provided he has a relevant intimacy. While the Infernal
keeps essence committed to this charm, members of this new social unit with an essence less than the Prince are
incapable of failing temperance checks, always succeeding such checks by a threshold of at least 1 success.
Additionally they gain a supernaturally reinforced intimacy towards the leader of their social group, treating any
social effects that would cause them to go against this intimacy as unacceptable orders. Affected
groups/individuals cannot spend willpower/loyalty resist social attacks from the group leader without also
spending willpower to override the effects of this charm.
Any member of the compelled group may spend 2 willpower to resist the effects of this charm for a scene. Once
they have spent a number of continuous scenes resisting this charm equal to the Infernal’s essence they can break
free of the charm completely, though if the target is also under the effect of Unshattered Tongue Perfection they
must first find a way to shrug off that charm before they can linguistically conceptualise rebellion against this
Any affected members of the group within a number of miles of the target equal to the Infernal’s essence become
instantly aware if a target spends willpower to resist the charm and gains a negative intimacy towards the target
until they stop resisting. Affected individuals face an overpowering compulsion to force the target to conform to
the group and stop resisting the charm by any means necessary, automatically succeeding any conviction or
valour checks and failing any compassion checks as required. If the target breaks free of the charm completely
the negative intimacy remains with the group.
If the Infernal ceases committing motes to the charm the group remains in existence provided it has a reasonable
expectation of enduring without mind-control, but the intimacies inflicted are no longer supernaturally
reinforced and all other effects of the charm terminate.
This charm gains the Blasphemy keyword if the number of individuals in any single affected group is greater
than 10’000
Through long meditation on the concept of Hierarchy, a Green Sun Prince who learns this charm comes to truly
understand the perfection of the name whispered between the spheres, and understands that surrendering to the
chains of She Who Lives in Her Name brings with its slavery liberation, of a kind.
The Malfean dialect imposed by the Infernal’s Unshattered Tongue Perfection charm now becomes the formal
and highly ritualised sub-dialect employed only by the thralls who dance to the name, a language specially
engineered by the Principle of Hierarchy to inhibit the possibility of rebellion. All willpower costs to resist the
effects of Unshattered Tongue Perfection are increased by one.
As a simple action lasting five long ticks the Infernal may spend 10 motes and four willpower to inflict up to one
target under the power of the name granted to him by Name Chaining Principle that he can see with a Total
Control Effect which costs half the Infernal’s essence in willpower to resist and lasts for the scene. At Essence
8+ he can reflexively spend 50 motes and five willpower to control all targets under the power of his name
regardless of whether or not he can see them, and lasts for the rest of the day. Both versions of this power carry
the Blasphemy keyword. Spending willpower to resist these effects renders the target immune to further control
attempts from this charm for five days.
This charm enhances the effect of Society Scarring Procedure, empowering the Infernal to not only cut away
undesirable elements of a hierarchy, but reforge it to his specifications. The Infernal may replace any intimacy
cut away with this charm with another intimacy of his choice in addition to the standard negative intimacy
Targets Under the Effect of Clockwork Unity Paradigm benefit from the joy of liberation from personal
ambition. Every day they do not spend willpower to resist this charm, mortals under the effect of Clockwork
Unity Paradigm regenerate twice the normal amount of willpower from sleep.
The violence of She Who Lives In Her Name is a tool, and she need not kill the fools who oppose her designs to
render them irrelevant. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. If the Infernal successfully deals
damage to a target with an attack supplemented by Principle-Invoking Onslaught, he may spend three additional
motes in Step 7 of combat resolution; if he does, he may inflict a Crippling or Sickness effect appropriate to the
attack's form. Like the shaping attacks granted by Principle-Invoking Onslaught, the effect may take nearly any
form imaginable, but its effect is to either reduce one of the target's physical Attributes (or Appearance) by one
dot, or inflict an internal penalty to all actions equal to the Infernal's Essence. Repeated uses of this Charm may
remove more dots but may not increase the internal penalty. Lost Attributes return at the end of the scene;
likewise, penalties fade at that time.
If the Infernal has purchased Will-Crushing Force, he may use this Charm to supplement attacks which remove
points of Willpower, as stated in that Charm's effects. If he does, the effect does not manifest physically, instead
taking place in the target's mind alone. This use of Persistent Principle Infliction inflicts an Emotion or
Compulsion effect instead of a Crippling or Sickness effect, and reduces mental Attributes, Charisma or
Manipulation rather than physical ones.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4 extends its duration; damage and penalties both last until the
target has healed all damage from the attack or until the end of the scene, whichever is greater. If the attack
removed Willpower instead of dealing damage, the effects last until the target has regained all spent Willpower.
At Essence 5, a third purchase permits the Prince to spend a point of Willpower to reshape the target more
directly, giving this Charm the Desecration keyword; in this use, the Prince may provide up to his own
Willpower in harmful mutations (if the attack deals damage) or derangements (if the attack removes Willpower).
Like its prerequisite, this Charm has no effect on targets immune to Shaping.
Woe unto those who offer offense to the Principle of Hierarchy; even the act of brushing their attacks aside may
drive them to their knees. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. When the Exalt activates Counter-
Conceptual Opposition in response to an attack, he may spend an additional point of Willpower. If he does, he
receives a counterattack in step 9 of combat resolution, using his Willpower + Occult as a die pool. This attack
renders both dodge and parry DVs inapplicable, but deals no damage. Instead, if it hits, the Green Sun Prince
may choose to stun his enemy, knock them back or disarm them, at his option, using the raw successes on the
attack roll. The torrent of water that extinguishes the firewand blast goes on to hurl its wielder back; the
thunderclap that knocks an arrow off course dazes the archer with its fury.
Principle of Negation
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping, Obvious, Combo-Basic
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Mind-Hand Manipulation, Collective Convergence of Principles
While She Who Lives In Her Name abjures violence for its own sake, it is sometimes necessary to tear down a
flawed construct in order to make room for another more perfect one. This Charm enhances an attack using
Mind-Hand Manipulation. It causes that attack to deal unsoakable aggravated damage, manifesting as colorless
fire erupting from the wounds as the target's form is unmade.
If the target dies from damage inflicted by this Charm, his body dissolves into colorless fire and raw motonic
flux, leaving only the Celestial Exaltation (if the target possessed one) intact. The Green Sun Prince may take
advantage of this creative potential if he activates Collective Convergence of Principles within one scene,
gaining bonus successes on the shaping equal to the target's Essence. If multiple characters are slain in this way,
the bonus successes stack to a maximum of the Prince's Willpower + Occult.
If more than one scene passes before the Prince takes advantage of this opportunity, the accumulated motonic
flux destabilizes and drains away, possibly inflicting minor cosmetic mutations on mortals in the area. She Who
Lives In Her Name abhors waste above all but free will, however, and will inflict a point of Limit on a Prince
who does not attempt to reuse the raw potential he freed, to a maximum of one point per scene. Green Sun
Princes who frequently displease the Principle of Hierarchy in this way may find themselves summoned to
Malfeas for...corrective instruction.
Will-Predicting Engram
Cost: -- (4m); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: --
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Analytical Modeling Intuition
Through correct analysis, all things may be predicted -- even the vagaries of free will. This Charm permanently
enhances the function of its prerequisite, allowing the Prince using that Charm to commit an additional 4 motes
on activation. If he does, he may forgo asking a question to analyze the target's thought patterns, storing them as
a theoretical model in his consciousness. So long as the 4m remain committed, the Infernal Exalt gains a two-die
artificial specialty which applies to any action in which the target would oppose him; this counts both against the
maximum possible specialty and as dice granted by a Charm, though applying them does not count as a Charm
activation. In addition, with an Intelligence + Investigation roll at an external penalty of half the target's MDV,
the Prince may gain an idea of how the target would react in a given circumstance. The Prince's specialty
explicitly applies to this roll. The target's player must accurately describe the target's most likely course of action
in the scenario the Prince provides, but need not provide contingency plans or responses to details the Prince has
not described. The Infernal must spend one scene in quiet contemplation to run such a scenario. He may have, at
most, a number of active profiles equal to his Investigation.
At Essence 4, with a second purchase of this Charm, the Prince's analytical powers extend to hierarchical
organizations to which the target belongs, with a Magnitude no more than his Intelligence. His artificial specialty
applies to all members of the organization acting in an official capacity, and he may analytically predict the
organization's doctrinal response to events he postulates. In addition, he gains automatic successes equal to his
Essence when making social attacks against members of that organization, explicitly including Analytical
Modeling Intuition and other Charms of She Who Lives In Her Name compared against mental defense values;
insight into the organization's doctrine and principles allow him to take advantage of the metaphysical
connection between the organization and its members.
I want to do something with the constructs Will-Crushing Force leaves behind. I'll think on that.
Heartsoul Dancing
Cost: - Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: None
Mins: Essence 2 Prereqs: None
Only in his dance does the hate of Malfeas abide, only in the dance is he
capable of forgeting his maiming, only in his dance does he find release from
The character never suffers an internal penalty to any Performance rolls made to
Cathartic Release
Cost: 5m, 1wp Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Duration: Instant
Keywords: None
Mins: Essence 3 Prereqs: Heartsoul Dancing
When he dances, the lord of all Yozi find his troubles boiling away. Using this
Charm is a dramatic action during which the character dances in a manner which
is utterly unique every time it is evoked. This dance takes one hour to perform.
During this time anyone who witnesses the dance can make an attempt to read the Infernal's motivation or
intimacies (see Exalted pg x) with a number of bonuses successes equal to the Infernal's Essence.
At the end of this dance the character feels a great release. He may instantly
remove any single Positive Intimacy he has, and in doing so regains all his
spent Willpower. If the Intimacy to be removed is supernaturally enforced the
Infernal must spend a number of motes equal to five times the willpower cost to
remove it before he can regain the Willpower.
The character may purchases this Charm up to four more times. Each time he
selects a single Virtue. From that point forward, the character regains all
spent Virtue Channels of that Virtue when he would regain all Willpower from
using this Charm. However each additional purchases increases the minimum time
this Charm would take by a factor of 2 (two hours at two purchases, four hours
at three purchases and so on).
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 3+ allows him to extend the benefits
of this Charm to a Mass Combat unit the character is leading, with a magnitude
no greater than his (Essence +1). Instead of spending Willpower a Mass Combat
unit that attack the Infernal's unit must make an immediate Morale check at a -1
external penalty. If it fails this check it immediately looses a point of
magnitude before the attack is resolved (this occurs in step 2 of attack
resolutiion) due to deserters who can no longer bring themselves to fight the
Infernal. Using it in this manner is Obvious.
Those who see the dance of Malfeas when he is feeling melancholy are moved to
tears by his performance. But they should beware his wrath should they make him
shed tears instead!
To use this Charm the character must dance for five minutes (five ticks in
social combat). At the end of those tick the characetr rolls Charisma +
Performance gaining a number of automatic successes on his roll equal to his
(Compassion). This attack is Unblockable. Anyone with Compassion 3+ finds this
attack Undodgeable, their hearts can not help but sympathise.
Anyone effected by this Charm finds themselves crying uncontrollably. When their
tears leave their skin they vanish in puffs of blue light whose exact shade no
one can ever remember. Victims suffer a -1 internal penalty to all actions
except stunted social attacks to take advanatege of their constant crying.
At Essence 4+ this Charm may be purchased again. It gains the Stackable keyword and multiple performances
stack penalties. The Charm thereafter requires Sapphire Countermagic to remove
The Principle of Hierarchy enjoys all things whose order matches her own, and
her enjoyment of music is based on its strict mathematical nature. This Charm
allows her to enjoy music whenever she wants.
The Infernal who knows this Charm can produce music out of nowhere. He can have
it occur at any volume within any distance up to his (Essence) yrds away from
him. Any type of music can be reproduced in this manner, from a farmboy's
mournful flute solo to the complex interplay of a hundred piece orchestra. The
only limit of this Charm is that it can not be used to create spontaneous music,
the Infernal must listen to a performance first and then he can spend 1m to
perfectly remember it and a further 1m to reproduce it at any point in full.
Using this Charm should justify a 1d stunt on any Performance or War rolls, or a
2d stunt if the Infernal selects an especially appropriate piece of music.
This Charm permanent upgrades Music of the Spheres, allowing the Infernal to
produce music creatively on the fly. Any music produced via this Charm lacks a
vocal component and comes across with an oddly synthetic quality that is quite
unlike anything produced by any natural instrument in Creation.
Using this Charm the character can create musical tracks that specifically
resonate with certain tracks. The Infernal selects an Attribute, Ability and
Speciality; such as Dexterity + Performance (Dance) or Stamina + Resistance
(Withstand Disease). The Infernal then rolls Intelligence + Performance +
Essence against a difficulty of half his effective dicepool in that combination
of traits(round up). This is a dramatic action that takes one hour to complete,
or can be done in a single Misc Action if the Infernal rolls against his total
dicepool rather than half his dicepool. Once done the player may spend 3m and
1xp to memorize that music with Music of the Spheres. From there forward the
player may spend 1m and take a Misc Action to dance, sing or play an instrument
when evoking that Charm to gain a +1 die specialty in the specified area for one
scene. For the rest fo the scene the character will continue dancing, singing or
playing along with the music, inflicting a -1 internal penalty on all actions
not governed by the Specialty Song. At Essence 3+ character may evoke and attune
to multiple songs, or the same song repeatedly but must spend 1m and Misc
Action for each time a song is attuned to. The internal penalties from multiple
songs stack (and apply to any action not governed by one of the songs evoked),
but this Charm magically blends the songs into a harmonic whole that is pleasant
to listen to.
A Specialty Song stacks with normal Specialties, but can not raise the total
number of Specialty dice above +3. The character can not create artificial
specialties for either Stealth or Larceny with this Charm.
She Who Lives In Her Name naturally orders the world around her, those who move
with this order find themselves rewarded and those who move against it find
themselves punished.
This Charm can be activated by selecting any specialty song created using Artful
Synthesis Instrument. When the player does so a series of floating spheres
containing heatless flames manifest as immaterial objects that rotate around the
Infernal up to his (Essence x 2) yrds away. The number of spheres that appear is
equal to half the characters Attribute + Ability + Specialty dicepool in the
relevant specialty song, divided by two. Each flame is a slightly different
shades, from deep indigo to bright red. This counts as an anime manifested at
the 8+ motes level for purposes of interference with Stealth.
Once the Infernal begins acting the specialty song begins to play and the
spheres begin to periodically light up to in order the rythym of the music. Any
allies who see this display may spend a single Miscellaneous action "attuneing"
to the music. This requires a successful Dexterity + Performance (Dance or Singing
or Play Instrument) roll at difficulty 1. If they do so they gain benefits and
drawbacks of the Specialty Song for one scene. When the Infernal activates
Insrumental Hero he may activate any number of Specialty Songs, paying 1m per
song after the first (this Charm magically blends the songs created into a
harmonious whole regardless of how different they are). Those who wish to
attune to the song must spend a Misc Action for each song (these may be placed
in the same flurry), but at a further +1 difficulty for each song beyond the first.
Allies who gain this benefit count this scene as a scene towards building a
positive intimacy towards the Infernal.
This Charm may be purchased a second time at Essence 4+. At this point enemies
who work against the songs manifested find themselves unable to act with
complete freedom. They suffer a -1 External Penalty to all actions governed by
the Specialty Song (or Songs) until they spend a Misc Action to successful
attune to the song. Like allies, attuneing to the song for one scene counts as a
scene towards building a positive Intimacy to the Infernal. The total penalty
from this song can never exceed -1. At Essence 5+ this penalty cap increases to
(Infernal's Essence)
Blemish-Smoothing Transcendence
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Messianic
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Temple Self Apotheosis
Cecelyne demonstrates her superiority in the numberless hordes that worship and nourish her. An
Infernal with this Charm may forgo all mote and Willpower rewards from her Cult for the next 25
hours. At the end of this period, she heals any and all health levels of damage she is suffering from,
including aggravated damage.
When the Exalt preys on an Intimacy of reverence from her worshipers, if it would be higher she
benefits from an effective (Cult + 1) Appearance modifier; this modifier can not be lower than three,
but it may be higher.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5+ makes it more difficult to pray to the Infernal without
developing an Intimacy of reverence to her. Resisting the unnatural emotion of Temple Self Apotheosis
now costs the supplicant (Infernal's Cult) Willpower.
None can escape the oppression of Cecelyne, for she is eternal, endless and ever present. Though they
cross her trackless wastes, they do not leave her behind. Though they rebel against her laws, they only
end fulfilling them. When an Infernal with this Charm would be killed she may reflexively pay one
Willpower to stave off the unthinkable torment of the Underworld or some future, lesser incarnation.
She then rolls her permanent Essence against a difficulty equal to half the permanent Essence of the
one who struck the killing blow. If no killing blow is to be had, the minimum Essence of the effect or
closest equivalent (Manse or Artifact rating, etc.) determines the difficulty. Natural phenomena and
mundane traps produce a difficulty of 1. Success results in the Infernal surviving and reforming with
one Dying level unfilled in any Dune-Drowned Oasis Ritual site that she consecrated herself,
dematerialized and out of motes and Willpower.
Exploiting the laws of her infinitude to avoid death in this way is extremely taxing. The Exalt
temporarily lowers her Essence rating to equal that of her Cult. She is considered to actually be of her
lowered Essence rating for all purposes, including access to Charms with higher minimum Essence and
mote pools. These missing dots of Essence return at a rate of one per month, until the Infernal is again
at full strength.
Whether she succeeds or fails in overcoming death, the Exalt's slain body immediately explodes in a
terrible sandstorm. This has the same basic effects of both Holy Land Infliction and Dune-Burst
Onslaught centered on the Infernal, with a radius of (Essence x 100) yards.
This Charm is ineffective if the Exalt is slain with Ghost-Eating Technique or similar Charms, or if she
is killed in the Underworld.
Metagaos - EAT EVERYTHING, EVEN DISTANCE AND EXISTANCE. If nothing else, get Weakness is Food.
Metagaos Charms
Cytherea - Good for compassionate Infernals and anyone who plans on tearing down in order to rebuild.
Cytherea first fashioned the world. Her blueprints laid forth the pattern to be Creation. Green Sun
Princes and Akuma who follow the Mother are filled with a similar need to cast broad designs upon the
world. These designs are generally positive in nature, though the Prince rarely observes the objections
or suggestions of his lessers. After all, this is his plan and none other can quite comprehend its
High Compassion Cytherean Princes see the struggles in others' lives as flaws in the plan and bumps to
be smoothed. They will reorder, rearrange and redesign all aspects of a loved one's life, just to give said
loved one an ideal happiness -- at least as the Prince sees fit. The Prince knows best and the complaints
of a lover are as the cries of an errant child to its mother. High Conviction Cytherean Princes are single-
minded, driven individuals who are willing to break rules and perform harsh acts in the name of their
design. Cytherea frowns on unnecessary violence but what isn't necessary in the name of their grand
plans? High Temperance Cytherean Princes, like Compassionate Princes, have an invested interest in
altering the lives of others, though Temperate Princes lead others to adhere to self-bettering or
enlightening strictures. Only the Prince knows what is right and everyone else should follow. High
Valor Cytherean Princes puruse their desires with force, be it in one on one duels or in the theatre of
war. Fighting, conflict and courage are an art -- they do not delight in gleeful, senseless slaughter or
thoughtless, destructive rage. Ultimately, their acts of violence yield something: a new kingdom, new
boundaries, new rulership or a new weapon, etc.
Examples of Cytherean Urges
* Teach the misguided Storm Mothers to be accepting of all women
* Reform the culture of Nexus into one of asceticism and spiritual enlightenment
* Replace the Celestial Bureaucracy with something more Yozi-compliant
* Incite civil war within the Hundred Kingdoms so they will become a new and greater nation.
The Torment of Cytherea
Her Princes are her Children and, like any child, they step out of line and must be punished. Unlike the
other Yozis, Cytherea feels no need to punish anyone but the guilty party. The Torment of Cytherea
DOES NOT affect all those around the Prince, nor any Intimacies the Yozi disapproves of. The Mother
shows her child the error of her ways by eliminating her ability to further her goals.
When the Prince accrues 10 points of Limit, she gains a number of botches equal to her Essence, as
though she had violated an Eclipse Caste Oath. Good Luck Charms and other effects that prevent
botches cannot save the character from her mother's punishment. The Storyteller should assign them to
any dramatically appropriate roll any time during the subsequent scene. This Torment increases in
severity as the Exalt grows in power. Naturally! An older, more powerful child should know better than
to disobey. A mortal mother does not put her teenage son in "time out," after all.
Cytherea's Charms
[Cytherea] Excellency
In Malfeas, there grows a tree the size of the Blessed Isle. At its roots extends a cave that plunges as
deep as the mortal imagination can conceive and beyond. This is Cytherea, the Mother. Cytherea
embodies the concepts of protection, design and motherhood.From her world-designing genius, the
blueprints of reality were shaped, and in a combined effort with the other Primordials, they fastened a
world within the Wyld. During the War, she fought back against the Exalted, not out of malice, fear or
spite but for the love of her creation and for the protection of her design. Who knew what might happen
if the gods succeeded in their rebellion? Creation might unravel and then all her would would be
unmade, and she could not abide by that. Perhaps because of this, she fought harder than the other
Yozis, though by nature she is a designer and an architect, not a warrior; but what good mother lets her
disobedient children misbehave? Unnecessary violence and killing is detrimental to the integrity of the
design, but this does not mean she is afraid to take punitive measures.
Her loss in the War was a willing self-sacrifice when the once-Primordial put Creation's wellbeing
before her own so that no more damages would be wrought. She left behind a fragment of her genius so
that Creation could be as it was. Now the tree and the cave rest in solitude within Malfeas. Cytherea
yearns to return to her Creation and to implement the perfection that was. To do so would be tearing it
from the ruinous hands of the gods and their Exalted. Of this, she is also unafraid. Her goals are of
reclamation and restoration, not of torment and wrath. This, perhaps, puts her at odds with her Yozi
siblings but she does not fear them, either.
Characters may apply this Charm to any actions in which they begin or further a productive goal
supported by their virtues. Cytherea’s Excellency also assists actions that defend this goal, either
through integrating potential dissenters into the design or removing them through physical force.
Cytherea considers success more important than her own wellbeing, thus it cannot be used to support
any action in which the Infernal abandons their plans for whatever reason. Cytherea’s Excellency also
cannot be used in any scene in which the Infernal has suppressed a virtue, the Mother of All is always
true to her nature.
[Cytherea] Mythos Exultant
The Cytherea Mythos Exultant restores 1hl per stunt die to any wounded ally or object within [Essence]
yards of the Exalt. If there are no damaged objects or wounded allies, the Infernal may heal herself. The
Infernal may NOT heal herself before healing someone or something else.
Hubristic Creatrix Imposition: Once a session, whenever the Infernal treats another competent
individual as a child who simply does not yet know the ways of the world by forcing them (physically,
emotionally, socially or otherwise) into an act that the Infernal desires that they perform, she may roll
her Conviction to reduce Torment.
Sorcerous Enlightenment of [Cytherea]
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous
Prerequisites: First Cytherea Excellency
The elegant design of the Mother of Creation is a constant cycle of growth and rebirth. Spells that
naturally create life or promote growth cost 10 motes and 1willpower less (minimum 5 motes 1
willpower) Spells that summon rather than create beings do not count.
Examples of valid spells include: Floral Ferry, Food from the Aerial Table, Invocation of the Living
Ship, Sprouting Shackles of Doom, Summoning of the Harvest, Water from Stone and Benediction of
Cytherea’s initiation limits the Infernal’s sorcery in two ways-
It may never be used to blight Creation, disqualifying the use of spells such as River of Blood or Curse
of Unyielding Mist.
Any offensive spells must be capable of creating life among the destruction they create, for example
Death of Obsidian Butterflies could take the form of a hail of razor sharp seeds- spells that cannot be
modified to meet this requirement cannot be used.
New Keyword: Growth. Growth-Keyword charms must be used towards a productive means. This does
not necessarily have to be positive, or physical, but should always lead to the design, development or
production of something that had not previously been present. This must be a significant production.
Simply changing someone's mind or inspiring a particular emotion is not enough--unless, of course,
such at thing drastically change the world.(some charms grant additional effects if used with a Growth
means) Growth charms cannot be comboed with Blasphemy charms
Afloat in the Sea of Mind
Cost: -- (1wp); Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
The Cytherean Prince sees things with a unique duality: the way things are and the way they should be
(or could be), much in the same way the Forest Witches do--but with much less delusion. The Prince's
unnatural clarity grants him +1 DMDV against Illusion keyword effects and +1 sux to Awareness,
Investigation and Perception rolls. This effect costs him 1wp, otherwise, his dual-vision imposes a -2
penalty to the same rolls.
Sharp Eye of the Designer
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind
Those who see with the Mother's eyes understand that the "real" world is flawed and that just beyond
the flawed "reality" lies the possibility of what COULD be. The Green Sun Prince may apply this
unique understanding to reality. When confronted with the task of repairing something (not limited to
items, this charm may be expressly used to heal or cure an individual or restructure a "broken" society)
halve the total difficulty, round up. This does not decrease the amount of time needed to perform
The Flowering of [Virtue]
Cost: --- (3m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Growth, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind
The Mother blesses those who pour the whole of their hearts into their designs. Whenever the Infernal
channels a virtue to further her greater designs (Thereby satisfying the Growth keyword), she may
spend 3m to turn the dice into automatic successes. This must be purchased once per Virtue; subsequent
purchases past the first cost 4XP. When this effect is used, the ground beneath the Infernal bursts forth
with multicolored, alien blossoms, even if (and especially when) the ground is unsuited for plant life. A
shower of unearthly petals fall from beneath the character if she is suspended in the air. Even cursory
inspection reveals the flowers/petals are not native to Creation.
Resurgent [Virtue] Blossom
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: The Flowering of [Virtue] (any)
The Prince centers herself and inhales deeply, causing the petals from The Flowering of [Virtue] to
swirl around her. She then draws the unearthly petals into her, through her nose and mouth. If a roll
augmented by The Flowering of [Virtue] succeeds, the character may restore that Virtue channel but
may only do this once per activation of The Flowering of [Virtue].
Instruct the Ignorant
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind
The Prince spits in the dust and makes a paste, which he then smears over the eyes of his target. In the
absence of available dust to spit in, simply covering a target's eyes will do. When she pulls her hand
away or clears the mud off, the target is granted the full effects of Afloat in the Sea of Mind so long as
the Prince commits 2m.
Scorned Leader Sabotage
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Touch, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind
No one's plans, no matter how well-laid, can be greater than those of the Mother and her children. The
Green Sun Prince lays a hand upon her target (which may require a successful Martial Arts attack) and
smiles warmly, knowing that no matter how great the target thinks himself, his efforts will ultimately
turn to dust. On the target's next roll involving a mass-scale project (such as crafting an Artifact, wide-
sweeping War or Socialize rolls or a Bureaucracy-based projects) the target is considered to botch
spectacularly as though he had violated an Eclipse Caste oath. If the target actually ignored, scorned or
disregarded the Prince's advice, he gains two more spectacular botches.
Skeins of a Greater Design
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping, Touch, Growth
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Sharp Eye of the Designer
The Infernal laces her fingers together and draws them apart before the eyes of a target, a shimmering
pattern of iridescent strands spreading between her hands. She then touches the target and the threads
entangle him for a moment before vanishing. As long as the Green Sun Prince commits 10m, the target
benefits from the Infernal's Essence in automatic successes to any wide-scale project, such as crafting
an Artifact 3+, or massive Bureaucracy or Socialize projects. Withdrawing the favor of the Mother
(uncommitting the motes) is always disheartening and causes the target to lose 3 points of temporary
Deconstructive Understanding
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Growth
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Skeins of a Greater Design
Upon learning this Charm, the Infernal may take any construct (social structures, military units and
people are all valid constructs for this Charm) and break it down piece by piece, which takes the
normal amount of time required to do such a thing. Once it has been torn apart and laid out before the
Green Sun Prince in pieces -- either physically or metaphorically. She then gains an intrinsic
understanding of how the construct worked. From then onward, the Infernal may rebuild or fashion
new constructs in half the time it would regularly require.
Examples: Resurgent Cavalier, a Cytherean Prince steals a Common Warstrider from Lookshy and
dedicates the time to taking it apart, piece by piece. When he decides to make his own, the project takes
(1 month) rather than (three). Another Cytherean Prince might watch his patient die of a strange new
disease which takes 2 weeks to fully treat. The next patient that contracts the disease can be cured in
one. Yet another Prince establishes a civil war in order to tear a kingdom apart. If it took 20 years to
found that kingdom, he can rebuild it into something new in 10.
Garden of Souls
Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Shaping, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Four Actions
Prerequisites: Scorned Leader Sabotage
The Infernal spreads her arms slowly, opalescent white light mingling with the green flames of her
anima as she does so. This washes over all enemies within (Essence + Conviction) x 5 yards. The
Cytherean Prince then rolls Willpower + Essence, as an attack roll against the targets caught within the
radius. This cannot be dodged because of it's area of effect nature, but Leaping Dodges may be applied
if and only if they would carry the victim outside of the affected area. Creeping vines slither upwards
from the the ground and ensnare all affected targets and then begin to grow into the targets' flesh. This
persists for four of the Infernal's actions. The results of being ensnared are as follows: the character
cannot Move, Dash, or Jump (even reflexively) unless he succeeds at a Miscellanious Str + Athl or Res
roll at a difficulty equal to (1 + the Infernal's Conviction). Breaking free still deals a single level of
unsoakable lethal damage. For every attempt past the first, until the charm terminates, the difficulty
increases by 2. So, 3 + Conviction on the second, 5 + Conviction on the third and 7+ Conviction on the
fourth. Effects that perfectly negate ensnarement or grappling negate the effects of this Charm.
Trapped targets take the Infernal's Essence in dice of unsoakable lethal damage every tick until the
charm terminates. If this should kill any victims, their bodies become blossoming trees that bear fruit
the color of blood (or their anima, in the case of an Exalt). Consuming this fruit restores (the victim's
Essence x 10) motes to the eater. The tree lasts forever, until cut down.
Of What Is and Isn't
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind
The Infernal flings her palm outwards and a spray of warm, salty water jets from her fingertips into the
target's eyes. She makes an attack roll with (Charisma + Presence + Essence) OR (Perception + Martial
Arts + Essence) vs the target's DMDV. If successful, moments later, ghostly images, flashes of light and
sounds interfere with the target's perceptions as a result of his partial annointment into the Sea of Mind.
For the rest of the Scene, the character is distracted by flashes of things that may or may not be there,
imposing a (-Essence) internal penalty to all actions. The target may focus past this at the cost of 1wp
an action or pay 3wp to ignore the Illusion for the rest of the scene.
An Army of Mist
Cost: -- Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Of What Is and Isn't
While using Of What Is and Isn't, a number of ghostly figures materialize within an affected target's
vision. A number of misty copies appear equal to the Infernal's Essence and "attack" on the Infernal's
Tick. The copies do nothing to the target, besides lower his DV as though he were affected by a
coordinated attack. This means at Essence 4+ the infernal is guaranteed a surprise attack each round,
unelss the target is immune to surprise or coordinated attacks. 1 wp will ignore the illusion per action.
4wp ignores the additional effects and those of the previous charm, for the scene.
Or Is It Real?
Cost: -- (2wp); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: An Army of Mist
This enhancement removes the Illusion keyword from Of What Is and Isn't (Thereby also removing the
-Essence penalty) and creating (Essence) mist clones who make real basic attacks against the target
using the Infernal's base pools and DV. The coordinated attack penalty still applies. Each has the
Infernal's base soak and may NOT be augmented with seaprate charms.
Each clone has only Essence x -0 health levels and vanishes if destroyed -- but any damage they may
deal is very real. The infernal must spend 2wp upon activation to turn An Army of Mist's shades into a
real threat. This does not activate if the wp is not spent. Activating this after the initial charm activation
is a Simple action.
Shroud of Whispering Mist
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Growth, Compulsion, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Of What Is and Isn't
The Infernal draws a long, deep breath and fills her lungs with Essence. She then exhales and a thick
cloud of clinging, cool mist billows from her lips. This mist swirls to fill an area equal to (Essence x
100) yards in diameter which then rapidly thickens, imposing a -2 external penalty to all sight-based
awareness rolls. Where the mist settles, thick roots and vines sprout wildly from the ground, halving
the distance anyone trapped within the radius can Move, Dash or Jump. Targets caught in the radius
with DMDV less than the Green Sun Prince's (Wits + Essence + Conviction) simply cannot perceive
him at all, so long as she stays within the area of effect. All others suffer her (Essence) internal penalty
to attempts to find, attack, or defend against her. More importantly, while her targets are trapped within
the mist, the Infernal may whisper the agenda of the Mother, which will subliminally reach the ears of
all those within the area. Targets unaware of the Infernal automatically gain an Intimacy to an ideal
design that the Infernal impresses upon them.
The Prince must make Social attacks against those who can perceive her, but targets defend with the
penalty listed above. She may continue to give targets Intimacies of her choice until the scene ends, all
targets move out of the area, or until the targets have gained a number of Intimacies equal to the
Infernal's Essence. Moving out of the radius terminates the sight-based penalties, but does not make the
Infernal easier to spot nor does it terminate any Intimacies gained. The inability to perceive the Infernal
is an Illusion effect which may be ignored for 1wp for the scene. The impression of Intimacies is a
Compulsion effect and 4wp dispels any Intimacies gained. Both are unnatural mental influence.
Of Worlds Native and Alien
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
Cytherea designed the wonder that is Creation but was still unjustly banished into Malfeas. By the
injustices of the world, the Prince was denied the glories of Creation and given a second chance by the
mercy of the Mother. This permanently makes the Green Sun Prince register as both a native of
Malfeas AND of Creation, which perfectly protects him from wards or detection specifically geared
towards Creatures of Darkness or Denizens of Malfeas. He still takes aggravated damage from Holy
Demand the Obedience of Gaia's [Element] Dragon
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Of Worlds Native and Alien
She Who Made the World exhibits her superiority over she who IS the World and commands that the
Dragons bow their heads and avert their gaze before Creation's designer. This doubles the character's
natural soak against the Element she purchased this charm for. This includes any natural hazards
(avalanches, tsunamis, volcanoes, lightning storms, etc); unnatural hazards (Fair Folk powers,
elemental themed behemoth attacks, etc); and magically created Elemental effects (Dragon-Graced
Weapon, Elemental Bolt, Breath of the Fire Dragon, etc). Additionally, the Prince gains +3 dice to any
Social Attack she makes against Elementals of the selected Element(s). This may be purchased up to 5
times, once per Element. Additional buy-ins beyond the first cost 4xp.
World-Maker's Wake
Cost: --- (5m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Demand the Obedience of Gaia's [Element] Dragon (any two)
Cytherea and her beloved have naught to fear from the hazards of her Creation. Reduce the difficulty of
traversing through any Elementally difficult terrain (frigid tundras, blazing hot deserts, treacherous
waters, steep cliffs, etc) to 1; nor do natural environmental penalties (high winds, driving rain,
excessive heat, dense forests, etc) affect her. Natural sources of environmental damage simply do not
harm her. All of the above make a very obvious show of swerving to avoid the character after bowing
or making some other overt sign of respect. This does not apply to magical sources of environmental
damage, save the Dragon Blooded anima banners, which also dodge the character and bow. For 5m, the
Prince may extend the effects of this charm to all allies within [Essence x5] yards.
Sprouts of Necessity
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (long ticks)
Keywords: Sorcerous, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Demand the Obedience of Gaia's Wood Dragon
The Infernal presses two fingers to her forehead and illuminates her Caste Mark. As she draws her hand
away, a seed made of softly pulsing light appears in her palm. She then pushes the seed into the ground
(actual soil is not necessary for this charm to function) where it dims and vanishes. The Infernal then
makes a request of the plant, which may be for any one mundane thing that a Resources = to Infernal's
Essence could buy OR enough food and water to satisfy a military unit with Magnitude equal to the
Infernal's Essence. Six long ticks later, a three-feet tall plant bursts forth from the ground, blossoms
with flowers alien to Creation and then bears a bizarre multicolored fruit containing the one thing
requested OR with fruits to nourish the unit. Regardless of how much money the character COULD
theoretically generate, this Charm cannot conjure anything innately magical--so, while it could give the
Infernal a perfect suit of mundane superheavy plate, it could not give him a breastplate of Orichalcum.
It could give him a warhorse of the most fine stock, but not a simhata. It could generate a palatial
mansion but not a manse. It could make a skin of the finest Realm wine, but not even a cup of Celestial
Wine. Some caution and forethought should be used while activating this Charm -- summoning a
mansion in a small area might not be the best idea, or perhaps is an excellent way to cover an escape.
Life-Giver Restoration
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Touch, Sorcerous, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Of Worlds Native and Alien
With but a touch, the Infernal can bring damaged things back to working order. The item must be
missing significant parts for this to function (a daiklave might be missing half its blade, or a suit of
armor all the major joint protection.) By touching the item, the Green Sun Prince instantly repairs it by
replacing what was missing with living vines and strands of brass and silver wood. The Artifact is then
considered repaired, but loses any Magical Material Association it may have had. At the Storyteller's
discretion, it may become a Helltech artifact.
At Essence 3, Life-Giver Restoration may be used to cure amputations. This does not actually heal the
damage but it does give the target a new and fully functional Artifact 1 Helltech limb. This does not
require any attunement from the target. Any other minor properties beyond that are Storyteller
discretion. Emerald Circle Countermagic will counter this.
Mother-and-Child Methodology
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Growth
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
The Infernal dedicates herself completely to the grand designs associated with an Intimacy -- not the
intimacy itself. Rather than dedicate herself to her kingdom, she dedicates herself to the world-
spanning empire it could be, and the plans needed to get it there. Social attacks that try to sway the
character from these ideals are considered unacceptable orders.
Aegis of Eternal Plans
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Growth
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Mother-and-Child Methodology
The Infernal whispers the words of the Mother's designs which slip from her mouth as falling leaves
inscribed with glowing Old Realm Glyphs. The leaves fall against her skin where they disappear
beneath her flesh. If any skin is exposed, onlookers can see vines growing through the character's veins.
They then sprout from her body in coiling patterns that spell out the words she initially spoke. The
sprouts even poke through cracks in armor and spaces in clothing. Mechanically, this grants (+Essence)
to all soaks and (+ 1/2 Essence, round up) to hardness, both of which stack with armor. Additionally,
the living plants within her regrow as she takes damage, regenerating 1 level of Bashing an action and
1 lethal a minute.
Seed of Protection and Pain
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Touch, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Aegis of Eternal Plans
The Prince spits out a seed the size of a peach pit and presses it into the chest of her target, right above
the heart. A willing target then benefits from the full effects of Aegis of Eternal Plans. An unwilling
target first requires a successesful Martial Arts attack, but then rather than increase the target's soaks
and hardness, it decreases them by the same margin as the growing vines push plates of armor aside to
reveal weak points, which may reduce soak to 0. The target then takes 1 automatic level of bashing
damage every action until Incapacitated or until he activates an anti-shaping effect. Perfect soaks
negate the damgae, but must be used every time the character would take damage.
At Essence 4, the character may reflexively spend 1 wp to switch the benefits to detriment and vice-
Compassionate Mother's Embrace
Cost: 5m or 10m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Growth
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mother-and-Child Methodology
The Cytherean Prince throws her arms wide at the sight of an incoming attack. This instantly and
wholly disperses any and all damage that would have been dealt on Steps 8 through 10. This IS a soak
defense and by nature it is applicable even against unanticipated attacks.
Imperfection of the World-Mother: Cytherea is a force of directed growth, an entity that works within
an infinity of plans. Because of this, she does not react well to things that disrupt her plans, or force her
to abandon them. Perfect defenses granted by Cytherean Charms cost more when she is reacting to
another's plans instead of setting the agenda, or while she is being forced to abandon a design.
Mantle of a Mother's Love
Cost: ---; Mins; Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Compassionate Mother's Embrace
This allows the Cytherean Prince's Compassionate Mother's Embrace to apply to any other additional,
adverse effects such as Crippling, Poison, Illness, Desecration, etc that may not require damage, but are
accompanied by the Touch Keyword. A second purchase allows it to apply to Social charms that carry
similar effects and the Touch keyword.
Dismissive Parental Chiding
Cost: 3m or 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (2)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Compassionate Mother's Embrace
When faced with Mental Influence, the Infernal responds as a parent would to an unruly child --
perhaps sending them to their room (Manse?), asking what's really bothering them, grounding them or
perhaps simply clucking her tongue and shaking her head. This makes the Prince's P or DMDV
considered 1 higher than the successes rolled. This costs 3m vs Natural Mental Influence and 5m vs
Unnatural Mental Influence.
Welcome Open Arms
Cost: --- (+3m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Compassionate Mother's Embrace
The Infernal clutches her target to her chest, or perhaps gives him a stern or meaningful stare that
unnerves him. This extends the duration of Compassionate Mother's Embrace to one tick for an
additional 3m.
Beloved Child Martyrdom
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 6)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mother-and-Child Methodology
With a glance, the Prince notices that someone is in grave danger and needs protection. In that instant,
the Cytherean Prince vanishes and reappears before the victim so long as they are within ((Compassion
+ Essence + Perception)x2) yards. Obstacles do not impede this. The Prince then becomes the full
target of the attack and must defend against it normally.
Now the Green Blade Rises
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Beloved Child Martyrdom
Should a Cytherean Prince be killed by a use of Beloved Child Martyrdom, he does not truly die.
Instead, his body transmutes into a sapling capable of containing his soul and Exaltation and takes root
at the spot of his would-be death, protected from harm until the conflict that would have been his
demise ends. For a number of months equal to his Essence, the sapling grows. It remains protected
from the elements, but not protected from malicious tampering. However, recognizing the plant for
what it is requires a successful Wits + Occult roll at an External penalty equal to the Prince's (Essence
x2). Anyone with knowledge of this Charm suffers no such penalty. The plant, if uprooted, will survive
(Essence) days without soil, sunlight or water. Destroying the plant is distressingly simple -- no more
difficult than crushing an ordinary sapling. If the plant is destroyed in any way, the Exalt's soul washes
instantly away into Lethe and the Essence returns to be reincarnated. If the plant survives, at the end of
the (Essence) month incubation, the sapling suddenly becomes a tree, flowers, and bears fruit. One of
these fruits burgeons and then splits open, revealing the Exalt, naked and reborn. The character loses a
point of Permanent Essence and one of his Intimacies and MUST change his Motivation. This is a new
beginning, after all. This Charm is considered Adamant Circle for the purposes of Countermagic.
The Mother of Invention
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Growth, Touch, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mother-and-Child Methodology
Cytherea is not a mother in the human sense but a wellspring from whence ideas, concepts and plans
swell. The Infernal may emulate her Mother's inspiration. She must touch her target (which may be as
distant as a handshake or as intimate as copulation) who must be willing. When the target next sleeps,
he dreams of the Mother and of Possibility. When he awakens, all his Conviction dice for wp recovery
turn up as successes--if this would exceed his willpower, he gains the excess successes as points of
temporary willpower which last until spent or until the end of the day, whichever comes first. He also
then gains a Cytherean Urge, as determined by the Yozi herself. The Urge lasts as long as any other
Motivation might last. The Green Sun Prince does not need to inform the target of this clause in order
to use this charm.
Obedient Child Acquisition
Cost: --- (5m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Servitude
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: The Mother of Invention
By purchasing this Charm, the Cytherean Prince always recognizes those she has given over to
Cytherea via The Mother of Invention. Such fortunate targets are marked by a glowing green ring
above their hearts, visible only to the Prince who used The Mother of Invention on them and any
Cytherean Demons. By spending 5m, the Infernal may make the target perceive any of her Social
Attacks as being in line with his Urge. Most targets gleefully obey the orders of their "elder sibling."
However, if the social attack really isn't in line with the target's Urge, the target may spend 2wp to
shake the Servitude effect and defend against the attack normally. This always unnatural mental
Fostering Parent's Instruction
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: The Mother of Invention
In her travels, the Infernal finds someone worth teaching the ways of the world (but more importantly,
the ways of the Mother). This person may be Exalt or mortal but must be human and must have an
Essence rating equal or less than the Prince's. The Prince must spend a significant (2 hours or more)
portion of her day with the student in order for this charm to function. While under the tutelage of the
Infernal, the student subtracts 2 units of time from the amount of time something would normally take
to train (i.e. 3 weeks only takes 1). If this reduces a factor to 0, he learns it instantly. He also subtracts
1XP from raising abilities and specialties and 2 from the cost of attributes, virtues and willpower.
However this benefit comes with a cost. By accepting to be the Cytherean Prince's disciple, the target
instantly gains an Intimacy to Cytherea (which may be eroded as normal) and loses -3 MDV against the
Infernal for all intents and purposes which stacks with any other MDV penalty. If the students should
ever ask to raise Essence, first he subtracts 5 from the total cost, which he may forego in order to raise
it instantly. This, however, summons forth a 3rd Circle demon who squeezes out of the prison long
enough to capture the target and drag him to Malfeas for presentation to Cytherea, in order to become
Akuma. The Infernal does not need to tell her disciple the consequences before he chooses. All XP
discounts are subtracted from the total cost. An Infernal may only have one fostered disciple at a time.
Verdant World-Mother Shintai
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Growth, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: World-Maker's Wake, Resurgent [Virtue] Blossom (Any)
Dropping to her knees, the Infernal lifts her eyes to the Heavens and cries out the glories of Creation's
original and perfect design. Her consciousness splits in two, one half swelling and growing to the size
of a large tree (roughly larger than a Royal Warstrider) and takes on the aspects of the Mother's iconic
imagery. Eyes become pools of opalescent light, skin turns to layers of thick green bark, limbs become
conglomerations of branches and vines, and so on. This half may freely focus on anything the character
wishes and gains the following distinct advantages: The character soaks lethal with full Stamina and
adds twice her Essence to all soaks. Armor is subsumed in the transformation and does not stack with
this bonus. The character gains her full health level track as additional phantom -0's. These disappear as
they are lost. The character's enormous size permits her to attack anyone within a radius of [Essence
x2] yards as though they were at close range. Double her Strength for the purposes of Feats of Strength
and dealing Damage.
The other half retains the Infernal's full statistics, but must dedicate at least part of her action to
satisfying the Growth keyword, furthering her Motivation OR Urge. If she cannot do this, the Charm
instantly ends. While the character takes such actions, she gains her Essence in automatic successes to
the roll.
Both halves are considered fully separate entities. Killing one half does not kill the Infernal (though
killing both halves will). They take onslaught and action penalties, suffer from poison and illness
separately though both act on the same Tick and draw from the same mote pool. They may coordinate
attacks with one another and teamwork other rolls. Each half may use Charms independently of one
another, and the stunt rewards should be applied individually to both halves.
Player X stunts his Green Sun Prince tree-half flinging a Dynast across the scene to splatter messily
against the wall and describes his human half fervently trying to repair the first age Ariship so he may
finish the civil war he began in order to turn the warring nation into a fanatical Yozi cult. The
Storyteller awards both 2 dice. Both succeed, and the Infernal regains 8 motes.
One half may not stray more than (Essence x 100) yards from the other. Any further, and the character
must pay one automatic aggravated level of damage for every yard they are separated. If one is thrown
or knocked back away from the other (such as with Solar Hero Charms), both travel the same distance
but take no damage, unless for some reason they cannot reunite. In which case, they must pay health
levels as if normally separated. This can be enormously inconvenient for the human half.
Szorney - Good for stealth, health, and illusions. Stack Weakness Is Food and/or Wholeness Rightly Assumed
with Broken Mirror Mending for ridiculous healing rates.
Mirror-Strike Counter
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2 & Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Meeting Mirror Deflection
Those that strike a mirror do so at their own peril. Those that strike the greatest of mirrors are fools
beyond measure. When an Infernal uses this Charm to defend himself, he mimics his opponent with
exacting precision until, at the very moment the attack would strike, he becomes his opponent.
This Charm supplies a perfect dodge, subject to the Imperfection of the Silver Forest, in Step 2 of
attack resolution. In Step 9, the attacker rolls his attack as a counterattack against himself. This includes
the effects of any Charms the attacker may have used to enhance the original attack.
After the opponent attacks himself, the Infernal reverts to his normal appearance.
Shifting Quicksilver Visage
Cost: - (1m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Mirror Matches Movement
Szoreny uses no makeup to mirror others. By reflexively committing a single mote, the Infernal can use
illusion to alter his appearance as though making a mundane disguise, except that it only takes a single
instant to do so and requires no makeup or props. Further, the Infernal is not restricted in how high his
effective Appearance can be.
This illusory disguise looks, feels, and even smells exactly how it should, based upon the Infernal's
(Intelligence+Larceny) roll, so it cannot be detected simply by touching the disguised Infernal. The
disguise lasts until the Infernal uncommits the mote.
Charm Concept: Szoreny and Disguises
After the Primordial War, Szoreny was turned upside down by his rough treatment at the hands of the
Exalted. In protest to this, Szoreny now refuses to show a truly perfect reflection of anyone except his
fellow Yozis upon any of his silver branches. Because of this, none of Szoreny's Charms can provide a
perfect disguise. They can eliminate penalties and speed the process, but it will always remain possible,
if only remotely so, that ordinary sense will pierce his disguises and see them for what they truly are.
Impossible Form Duplication
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Shifting Quicksilver Visage
The reflections of the Silver Forest know no limits to the forms that they may take. This Charm
removes all penalties and difficulty increases causes by attempting to impersonate someone of a
different gender, age, or body type. Further, this Charm allows the Infernal to use Shifting Quicksilver
Visage to impersonate anything of approximately the same dimensions as the Infernal, even inanimate
objects. The Infernal can just as easily impersonate a fat man as appear to be a small tree.
Mirror-Hall Misdirection
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Illusion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Shifting Quicksilver Visage
Images step free of Szoreny's branches to walk beside their original. On activating this Charm, the
Infernal creates a number of illusory doubles of himself equal to his Essence. These doubles look
exactly like the Infernal and nothing short of a perfect detection effect (not merely Essence sight) can
tell them apart.
The Infernal can reflexively direct their actions, having them take any action he is capable of. The
illusions are not real, however, so they cannot truly interact with anything. The doubles initially occupy
the exact same position as the Infernal, but they can move at the same rate as the Infernal himself. This
gives the appearance that the Infernal just separated into multiple copies when invoked.
The Infernal can pass through his own doubles without destroying them, but any other object that
passes through them destroys them. They have the Infernal's Dodge DV, but no Parry DV.
The Infernal can only have one set of doubles at a given time. If he uses this Charm again, his existing
doubles shatter like glass as the new set forms.
Shattered Mirror Defense
Cost: - (+3m); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Mirror-Hall Misdirection
Making illusions takes less than a thought for the Silver Forest. This Charm improves its prerequisite,
allowing the Infernal to activate Mirror-Hall Misdirection in response to an attack as a Reflexive
Charm by paying an additional three motes.
Instead of the attack hitting the Infernal, one of his illusory doubles takes the attack instead, while he
and his remaining doubles are instantly shifted to any location within (Essence) yards he could reach by
normal movement.
This provides an automatic dodge against most attacks, but cannot be used to defend against
undodgeable attacks or unexpected attacks. If the attack affects an area and using Shatter-Mirror
Defense does not remove the Infernal from the area, he is still affected.
Same Sword Reflection
Cost: 3m per duplicate; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Mirror-Hall Misdirection
The same image can reflect endlessly upon the Silver Forest's branches. This Charm duplicates the
Infernal's attack with incomplete reflections, turning one blow or one arrow into many swinging swords
or a hailstorm of shafts. Each duplicated attack costs three motes and the Infernal can duplicate his
attack a number of times equal to his Essence score. Treat the original attack and the duplicates as a
single attack for making an attack roll and applying DV, but if the attack hits, each duplicate deals
damage seperately.
Tree Amidst Forest Camoflage
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: <>
Keywords: Illusion, Touch, Combo-Ok
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Mirror-Hall Misdirection
Finding the Silver Forest is easy. Finding Szoreny when he does not wish to be found is impossible.
Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal causes the object or creature he touches (which could be
himself) to become impossible to find by any means as long as it is near at least (11 - Essence) objects
or creatures similar in appearance, such as a daiklave in a rack of swords, a single tree in a grove, or a
single person on a crowded street. Note that this is based on appearances, so an Infernal disguising
himself as a tree could not use this Charm to hide himself among humans. The affected creature or
object must be fairly similar to those around it to be hidden by this, so a pine tree in an oak grove or a
blood-drenched Infernal in full armor at a dinner party would be as obvious as they normally would be.
If another Charm contests this effect, add the Infernal's Essence in automatic successes to the opposed
roll to maintain the Charm.
Lost in Reflection
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Sorcerous, Illusion, Combo-Ok
Duration: (Essence) days
Prerequisite Charms: Tree Amidst Forest Camoflage
Those who displease the Silver Forest find themselves caught within his boundaries, cursed to wander
lost until the Yozi chooses to spare them. When the Infernal invokes this Charm, he chooses a creature
or a group of creatures with Magnitude no more than his (Essence - 2) that is within his sight. He rolls
(Manipulation + Survival) against the highest Dodge MDV in the group, adding his Essence in
automatic successes and applying a penalty equal to the group's Magnitude. If successful, the targeted
group becomes supernaturally lost.
Any time an affected creature wanders more than 30 yards from where it was at the time it was
affected, it loses all ability to tell direction and identify landmarks. It wanders lost for about an hour
before returning to its original location. If anyone attempts to take pity on an afflicted creature and lead
them somewhere, this Charm momentarily includes the would-be good Samaritan, causing both to
wander lost before returning to their original location. This only persists for as long as they attempt to
help an afflicted creature. As soon as they abandon the creature, they regain their ability to navigate. If
another Charm contests this effect, add the Infernal's Essence in automatic successes to the opposed roll
to maintain the Charm.
An affected creature can spend one Willpower to attempt a (Intelligence + Survival) roll against a
difficulty equal to the Infernal's Essence. If successful, this Charm's effect is suspended for one hour.
Wherever the creature reaches in that time becomes the creature's new original location for the
purposes of this Charm. This Charm ends when the target has successfully navigated to a new location
three times.
An Infernal with Essence 4+ can purchase this Charm again. Doing so allows the Infernal to reflexively
renew the Charm just as it would end, if the Infernal so chooses. He need not have the original target or
targets in sight when he does so.
Mirror-Maze Navigation
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Tree Amidst Forest Camoflage
Szoreny is never lost within himself. This Charm enhances any attempt by the Infernal to find a person,
place, or object, guaranteeing success. The Infernal learns the distance and direction to the sought after
person, place, or object. If the Infernal is attempting to track the target of this Charm, he automatically
gets (his target's successes +1) successes on the opposed roll for the tracking contest. The Infernal must
know exactly what he seeks or this Charm will lead him only to the nearest person, place, or object
matching the general description he seeks. This Charm cannot read minds, so it cannot do things such
as lead the character to someone who knows the answer to a question or lead him to his nearest
unknown enemy.
If another Charm contests this effect, such as to keep a character hidden or untrackable, add the
Infernal's Essence in automatic successes to the opposed roll to maintain the Charm.
Freed From the Mirror
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious, Touch, Combo-Ok
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Mirror-Hall Misdirection
Szoreny's silvered bark reflects all, not only himself. When the Infernal invokes this Charm, he lays
hand on some creature or object no bigger than himself and gently pulls its reflection away from it. The
reflection comes free in the Infernal's hand as a physical object, identical in function to the original and
almost identical in appearance. If a character is attuned to the original, it is automatically attuned to the
mirror at no additional cost. Creatures mirrored this way create a lifelike but immobile statue of
themselves. A successful (Perception + Awareness) roll against a difficulty equal to the Infernal's
Larceny reveals some flaw in the appearance of the mirrored object that marks it different from the
A creature or object can only have one physical mirror in existence at a time. Attempting to use this
Charm on creature or object already so mirrored automatically fails.
An Infernal with Essence 4+ can purchase this Charm a second time. Doing so removes the touch
keyword from the Charm, allowing the Charm to be used on any creature or object within sight.
Wake the Mirror
Cost: - (+3m); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Freed From the Mirror
The Silver Forest's reflections are empty shells, waiting for Szoreny to fill them with purpose. This
Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. Whenever the Infernal uses Freed From the Mirror to
create a mirror of a creature, he can increase the cost by an additional three motes to give the mirror a
semblance of life. It can still be told apart from the original as normal for Freed From the Mirror and
has no Charms, but otherwise has all the same statistics and mannerisms as the original, including
whatever gear the original was carrying. If the original was attuned to an artifact, the animated mirror is
attuned to its duplicate.
The mirror does not know any of the original's secrets or memories, but if engaged in ordinary
conversation will attempt to respond suitably with information drawn from the Infernal's knowledge.
The animate mirror always follows the Infernal's orders without question and to the best of its ability.
Animate mirrors are considered Extras and follow all appropriate rules. An animated mirror shatters
like glass and crumbles to nothing when it dies or its duration ends.
Thousand Reflections Legion
Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: War, Sorcerous, Obvious, Combo-Ok
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Wake the Mirror
The Silver Forest's myriad reflections are all the army Szoreny will ever need. When the Infernal
invokes this Charm, he creates dozens of mirror copies of himself, all animated and capable.
These copies form up with the original as a unit of extras with a magnitude equal to the Infernal's
The copies are only extras and have no Charms, so they have a base Might of 1, but they are armed
identically to the Infernal himself and attuned to their weapons (if necessary), which may increase their
effective Might. The copies obey the Infernal's orders without question, so they have Drill 5 and need
no relays in order to function as a cohesive unit. The unit has perfect morale and comes into existence
in close formation.
Because so many doubles of the Infernal exist as part of the unit, all attempts to specifically target the
Infernal with an attack suffer an external penalty equal to the unit's current Magnitude.
Image of Greatness Reflection
Cost: - (+5m,+1wp); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wake the Mirror
Szoreny is the only mirror great enough to hold the image of his brother, Isidros. Lesser images are but
a paltry thing beside his visage. This Charm permanently enhances Freed From the Mirror. As with
Wake the Mirror, this Charm allows an Infernal to animate any creature he mirrors using Freed From
the Mirror at an increased cost. However, the cost is greater, an additional five motes and one
willpower instead of three, and the effect is greater. An animated mirror enhanced by Image of
Greatness Reflection is a heroic character, even if the original was not not, and so is capable of stunts
and has a full set of health levels.
As with Wake the Mirror, animate mirrors are attuned to all the gear they possess (if necessary), are
unflinchingly loyal and obedient to the Infernal, and do not know any of the original's secrets, nor do
they have the original's Charms.
One Tree Forest
Cost: 15m; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Image of Greatness Reflection
Though Szoreny is the Silver Forest, he is only a single tree. He is both one and many. Upon activating
this Charm, the Infernal steps out of himself, creating an additional self. Both copies of the Infernal are
the Infernal.
The new copy comes into being with copies of all the Infernal's mundane gear, but not his artifacts or
other magical gear. The copies have separate health tracks, but share Essence Pools and a Charm
activation - if one has activated a Charm and has not yet recovered from using it, the other can only
activate that Charm. As long as one copy is alive, the Infernal lives. When one copy dies, its body
shatters like glass and dissipates to nothingness, the Charm's duration ends, and the other becomes the
Infernal. If one copy is aware of something, both copies are aware.
The additional copy lasts as long as the Infernal leaves the Essence committed to this Charm or until it
is killed. If the Infernal chooses to uncommit the motes from this Charm, he chooses which copy
Quicksilver Sap Transfusion
Cost: - (1 lhl); Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Poison
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Szoreny's blood is quicksilver, deadly to all but those that suffer his benevolence. This Charm replaces
the Infernal's blood with poisonous quicksilver. In addition to allowing the Infernal to use his blood as
a poison, this renders the Infernal immune to the poisonous effects of Szoreny's quicksilver, allowing
him to drink the stuff as though it was water, and to the poisonous effects of the quicksilver blood of
any Infernal that also knows this Charm.
One lethal health level of the Infernal's blood is a single dose of poison, which deals 7L/minute
damage, has a Toxicity of 3, and a Penalty of -3. There is no Tolerance for this poison.
The poison can be administered by injury or ingestion, so anything foolish enough to bite the character
automatically ingests a dose of poison. An Infernal need only cut himself to apply this poison to his
own weapons. The poison, exposed to air, stays potent for (Essence) days before becoming useless.
The Charm is only Obvious while the character is bleeding, which reveals his shimmering silver blood.
Unyielding Argent Bark
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Quicksilver Sap Transfusion
Though not as physically potent as Malfeas, the Silver Forest has endured just as long. This Charm
grants the Infernal an additional two -0 health levels.
Subtle Poison Style
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: up to (Essence) hours
Prerequisite Charms: Quicksilver Sap Transfusion
Those who feel Szoreny's wrath die slowly, often long after they think they have escaped his reach.
This Charm allows the Infernal to set a delay on the onset of the poisonous effects of his blood. The
Infernal can decide any amount of delay, up to (Essence) hours, as a reflexive action. Until the Infernal
chooses to change it again, the delay remains fixed.
A second purchase of this Charm increases the length of the possible delay to (Essence) days. A third
and final purchase allows the Infernal to delay the poison for as long as he wishes, be it minutes, years,
or centuries.
Haunting Hallucination Infliction
Cost: - (6m, 1 lhl); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Subtle Poison Style
The effects of the Silver Forest's poison on the body are fearsome, but the wise fear its effects upon the
mind even more. With this Charm, the Infernal can turn a single dose of his blood (one lethal health
level's worth) into a carefully controlled hallucinogen by spending 6 motes. This hallucinogen does the
victim no harm and can be delayed, as per Subtle Poison Style. Instead of dealing damage, the
hallucinogen delivers a single social attack against the victim through vivid hallucinations (or lucid
dreams, should it strike while the victim is asleep). This social attack is unexpected unless the victim
wins an opposed roll against the Infernal. The victim rolls (Stamina + Resistance), while the Infernal
rolls (Manipulation + Socialize). This hallucination can include social Charms, spent at the time the
Infernal creates the hallucinogen.
Silver Sworn Bond
Cost: 10m, 1 lhl, 3xp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, (Sorcerous; see text)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Quicksilver Sap Transfusion
Those that dwell in the Silver Forest are connected to it by bonds, some subtle and others much less so.
With this Charm, the Infernal forges a bond of his own with any creature that he wishes by sharing with
it a portion of his own blood.
The Infernal cuts himself as he uses this Charm and charges the spilled blood with Essence. This blood
keeps its special properties for (Essence) days before spoiling. Unlike his normal blood, this dose is not
A creature needs only drink the Infernal's prepared blood to experience the bond; it need not be willing
or already loyal to the Infernal. Each use of this Charm only produces enough blood to affect one
If the creature is a natural animal, it increases the Infernal's Familiar background by one. Once his
Familiar background reaches a sufficient level to have the animal as a familiar, the animal becomes the
Infernal's familiar. The animal gains an Urge to serve the Infernal once it becomes his familiar.
If the creature is a First Circle Demon, the creature immediately becomes the Infernal's Demonic
Familiar, with the Background at one dot. The demon gains an Urge to serve the Infernal as it becomes
the Infernal's familiar.
If the creature is already the Infernal's Familiar, it raises his Familiar background with that creature by
one dot, to a maximum of five dots.
The Infernal still can have no more Familiars than his Essence. Using this Charm to make a new
Familiar when the Infernal is already at his maximum causes the bond with one of the Infernal's other
Familiars to break. The Infernal chooses which Familiar is freed.
If the creature is not a natural animal or a demon of the first circle, the bond does not have the strength
to force service. Instead, the bond makes the affected creature more susceptible to the Infernal's
influence as a Sorcerous effect. The affected creature suffers a -3 penalty to its Dodge and Parry MDVs
against the Infernal's social attacks. This penalty remains for the affected creature's lifetime unless
appropriate countermagic is used to dispel the effect.
Eyes Like Mirrors Oversight
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Silver Sworn Bond
Kagami, the City of Mirrors and Szoreny's fetich soul, watches Malfeas from inside every mirror's
reflection. With this Charm, the Infernal emulates this, viewing the world through the eyes of those
under his influence. When he activates this Charm, the Infernal picks one being who he has influence
over. He has an instinctive understanding of which creatures he has under his influence, so he need not
know a being's name or face to choose him, but he does not have any instinctive information about the
location of any of those he has influence over.
Until the Infernal chooses to deactivate this Charm, he sees through the eyes of the chosen creature,
observing everything that it sees. His own eyes glaze over silver, the only Obvious component of this
Charm, making it impossible for him to see through his own eyes. The Infernal cannot use any Charms
that enhance his own senses to improve the senses of his chosen vessel.
The chosen vessel has no awareness that he is being used in such a manner by the Infernal, nor is there
any outward indication that the vessel is the Infernal's unwitting spy.
At Essence 4+, the Infernal can choose to hear through his vessel's ears when activating this Charm, but
gives up the ability to hear with his own ears while doing so.
Charm Concept: Influence
To have influence over someone is to have a measure of supernatural control over that being.
An Infernal is considered to have influence over his Familiars, any creature affected by the Infernal's
Silver Sworn Bond, any creature currently protected by the Infernal's Silver Branch Shelter, any
creature still affected by the Infernal's Mirrored Intentions, any creature that has ever been affected by
the Infernal's In the Master's Image, and any creature that has benefited from the the Infernal's Bitter
Medicine Charm in the past (Infernal's Essence) days.
Additionally, an Infernal has influence over any creature currently bearing his brand (as per
Magnanimous Warning Glyph), anyone who has been fed using his Locust Mana Plague or Spawning
Pit Sanctification in the last (Infernal's Essence) days, anyone who still owes the Infernal a debt as per
Verdant Emptiness Endowment, anyone who has benefited from the Infernal's Pattern-Reassertion
Touch in the past (Infernal's Essence) days, any creature created by the Infernal's Constructive
Convergence of Principles, and anyone under the effects of the Infernal's Unfair Excellence
Endowment. Other Charms may also apply at the Storyteller's discretion, such as the Solar Charm
Power Awarding Prana used by a Fiend.
Transcendent Toxin Internalization
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Quicksilver Sap Transfusion
The greatest of poisons can all be derived from Szoreny's sap and so are no danger to the Silver Forest.
This Charm brings the Infernal to this realization, making him immune to all poisons.
A second purchase of this Charm makes the Infernal immune to all non-magical diseases and to all
magical diseases with a Virulence less than the Infernal's Essence.
Any such poison or disease the Infernal may be suffering when he learns this Charm is immediately
New Growth Meditation
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Quicksilver Sap Transfusion
Szoreny allows his branches to be cut, for they will always grow anew. This Charm speeds the
Infernal's natural rate of healing.
An Infernal who knows this Charm always heals as though he is resting, even if engaged in strenuous
Further, each hour counts as three hours of time for the purposes of determining the speed with which
the Infernal recovers from bashing or lethal damage. This Charm has no effect on the amount of time it
takes a character to recover from aggravated damage.
An Infernal can purchase this Charm multiple times to increase the speed with which he heals. His
healing rate is [(Number of copies known x 2) + 1] effective hours for every hour that passes. He can
have as many copies of this Charm as he has dots of Stamina.
Broken Mirror Mending
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: New Growth Meditation
Even if whole swaths of Szoreny's silver trees were felled, the Silver Forest would recover.
With this Charm, the Infernal becomes impossible to permanently maim. This Charm allows the
Infernal to apply the accelerated healing granted by New Growth Meditation to his rate of recovery
from any sort of Crippling injury. Further, if he suffers a Crippling effect that would not naturally heal,
he heals the injury away over the course of four weeks. This is only the base time for healing otherwise
permanent Crippling effects, so all Infernals will recover much faster than this.
For example, an Infernal has this Charm and only one copy of New Growth Meditation. He loses an
arm, a normally incurable condition. Because of this Charm, he begins growing a new arm, which takes
him only a little more than nine days to do so.
Bitter Medicine
Cost: - (1 lhl); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: (Essence) days
Prerequisite Charms: Transcendent Toxin Internalization
Szoreny is not only the source of the most potent poisons, but also the source of their antidotes and
more. This Charm allows the Infernal to share the benefits of some of his Charms with others by
sharing with them some of his own quicksilver blood.
The blood must be given willingly and causes no harm to anyone who consumes it, despite its normally
poisonous nature. Instead, a creature who consumes the dose of blood gains the benefits of the
Infernal's Transcendent Toxin Internalization Charm. If the Infernal knows New Growth Meditation or
Broken Mirror Mending, the creature also gains the benefits of those Charms. These benefits last for a
number of days equal to the Infernal's Essence.
The creature need not know what it is drinking, nor does it need to be willing to experience the effects
of this Charm. The Infernal's blood will keep for (Essence) days before spoiling.
Rooted In Reality
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
Szoreny stood unchanged in the depths of the Wyld long before the foundations of Creation were first
laid. When the Infernal activates this Charm, he becomes immune to any Shaping effect that would
alter his mind, body, spirit, or traits in any way. This includes instantaneous Shaping effects and any
new alterations caused by long-term Shaping effects. This also protects the Infernal from any
undodgeable or unblockable Shaping attacks. This immunity remains for as long as the Infernal
commits Essence to this Charm.
This Charm does not extend its benefits to any piece of the Infernal's gear, nor does it extend to other
characters. If the Wyld transforms his best friend into an avalanche of knives that then engulfs the
Infernal, this does not directly alter the Infernal through Shaping, nor is it an attack if the Infernal's
sword is transformed into a cotton ball - simply an undesirable effect.
Silver Branch Shelter
Cost: - (+5m); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Rooted In Reality
Szoreny watches over those he considers to be in his care, whether they wish his benevolence or not.
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. Whenever the Infernal activates Rooted In Reality,
the Infernal can commit an additional five motes to extend this protection to all objects or creatures
within (Essence x 5) yards.
The Infernal can reflexively choose to exempt any number creatures or objects from his protection if he
wishes and at any time. As long as the Infernal continues to commit the necessary motes, he can later
re-extend protection from Shaping effects as a reflexive action.
Mirrored Intentions
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Social, Shaping, Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Silver Branch Shelter
Like She Who Lives In Her Name, Szoreny values conformity, believing that he knows best how the
world should work and seeking to impose those values upon those in his care. This Charm can enhance
any attempt by the Infernal to create an Intimacy that the Infernal already has or erode an Intimacy that
he lacks. If the attempt succeeds, it becomes unnatural mental influence that costs two Willpower to
resist. If the target does not resist, the Intimacy is either instantly created or destroyed, as appropriate to
the Infernal's attempt.
For example, an Essence 3 Infernal whose only Intimacies are an Intimacy of Hatred towards Nexus
and an Intimacy of Loyalty towards Szoreny could use this Charm to instantly create an Intimacy of
Loyalty to Szoreny, instantly create an Intimacy of Hatred towards Nexus, and instantly destroy an
Intimacy of Love towards Fluffy Bunnies, among other possibilities.
This Charm does not work by persuading the target to believe differently than he does, but by literally
changing the target's mind to be more in tune with the Infernal's own.
At Essence 4+, this Charm allows the Infernal to attack a mortal's Motivation directly, rather than an
Intimacy. If successful, the victim must spend Willpower to resist if possible. If the victim cannot, the
victim's Motivation immediately changes to match either the Infernal's own Motivation or the Infernal's
Urge. The Infernal chooses which new Motivation to inflict.
In the Master's Image
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping, Sorcerous, Training, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Mirrored Intentions
Szoreny's views about how the world should be extend beyond just how people believe, encompassing
even how they should look and act. This Charm allows the Infernal to change not just a target's mind,
but allows him to change the target's body and soul to match his own.
The Infernal can affect a single character or a group of characters with this Charm, so long as he has
influence over every character he wishes to change. He does not need to be present for the duration of
the change, nor does he even need to see his targets to affect them, so long as he has influence over
them. As with Eyes Like Mirrors Oversight, the Infernal has an instinctive knowledge of which
characters he has influence over.
The Infernal rolls (Willpower + Integrity), adding a number of successes equal to his Essence but
taking an external penalty equal to the highest Essence among his group of targets plus the Magnitude
of the group as a whole.
If successful, the group slowly finds one of their traits moving towards that of the Infernal. The trait
can be any Attribute the Infernal wishes. Over the course of the next week, each affected character
either loses a dot in the chosen trait (if the Infernal's rating is lower than the affected character's current
rating) or gains a dot in the chosen trait (if the Infernal's rating is higher than the character's own). The
Infernal has no control over which way the change occurs, only over which trait is changed. A single
character can have up to the Infernal's Essence in ongoing transformations at a single time.
If an affected target's traits improve, he goes into experience debt, as normal for training effects. If his
trait values worsen, he is fully refunded the experience for the lost traits but cannot naturally raise the
degraded trait for (Infernal's Essence) weeks.
As a target's Appearance nears the same trait value as the Infernal's own, the target looks more and
more like the Infernal, even changing hair and eye color. When a target's Appearance is the same as the
Infernal's own, the target looks strikingly similar, to the point where the two could be easily confused
by those not closely familiar with one or the other. Such characters are treated as though having an
artificial three-dot specialty in impersonating the Infernal. This specialty does not count against the
character's number of specialties, but does not stack with other specialties. Only the greater bonus
This Charm can be purchased up to three additional times at Essence 4+. Each purchase allows the
Infernal to change one of the following in addition to Attributes: Abilities and Specialties, Virtues and
Willpower, or Mutations.
If the Infernal selects Mutations, he can give an affected character a mutation he himself already has or
take away a mutation that the Infernal's does not have as a Desecration effect. All Infernals are innately
Creatures of Darkness, so all Infernals can and must give that mutation as a precursor before any other
mutation can be given. An Infernal who knows Quicksilver Sap Transfusion can give the full effects of
that Charm as a single Abomination with the same name.
Into the Looking Glass
Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Illusion, Combo-Ok
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Silver Branch Shelter
Within his borders, Szoreny rules the senses. This Charm allows the Infernal to create illusions on a
grand scale. This Charm can only be activated if the Infernal already has Rooted In Reality and Silver
Branch Shelter active, but once activated, the Infernal can create life-like images, sounds, and even
smells anywhere within the area protected by Silver Branch Shelter at will. These images, sounds, and
smells are ephemeral; they cannot be touched or tasted. These illusions can be of anything the Infernal
can imagine and can be directed to change or move as a reflexive action.
These illusions are not perfect, however. A successful (Perception + Awareness) roll against a difficulty
of the Infernal's Larceny will allow any character to tell an illusion from a real object.
If the Infernal moves far enough that an illusion falls outside the effect of his Silver Branch Shelter,
they shatter like glass and vanish, as do the rest of the illusions created by this Charm when the
duration ends.
Frozen Reflection Mirror
Cost: - (5m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Into the Looking Glass
The Silver Forest's phantoms endure ages at the whim of Szoreny. This Charm enhances its
prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to create illusions that last indefinitely. After creating an illusion
with Into the Looking Glass, the Infernal may choose to spend 5 motes (uncommitted) to cause the
illusion to endure indefinitely as a Sorcerous effect. The illusion can even leave the area of the Silver
Branch Shelter without shattering into nothing. Unlike most Sorcerous effects, the Infernal retains the
ability to reflexively end the effect.
However, an enduring illusion can no longer be altered by the Infernal; he loses all ability to control
them, only retaining the ability to end them. The Infernal can set a looping sequence of events for the
illusion to follow if desired, but once set this cannot be changed.
Color-Music Melody
Cost: - (5m); Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Into the Looking Glass
Within the Silver Forest, one sense can become another. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing
the Infernal to create more real illusions and even turn one sense into another.
With this Charm, illusions created by the Infernal can be felt and tasted. They are still very ephemeral -
anything more than a casual touch will pass right through them - but the Infernal could hold an illusory
feast and few could tell the difference until they found themselves still hungry afterward.
Additionally. the Infernal can commit an five motes to this Charm to allow him to switch any two
senses within the area of his Silver Branch Shelter. He could switch sight with touch, causing people to
feel a painting's beauty at a distance, or switch touch with hearing, turning a courtesan's caress into an
exotic melody. This effect cannot be made enduring using Frozen Reflection Mirror.
If the Infernal chooses to switch sight with any other sense, creatures unused to navigating by that
sense take a -2 external penalties on all rolls while they remain within the affected area.
False Truth Reflection
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Sorcerous, Combo-Ok
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Color-Music Melody, Image of Greatness Reflection
Under Szoreny's branches, who can tell what is truth and what is illusion? An Infernal with this Charm
can make his illusions fully real. This Charm can only be activated if the Infernal has Into the Looking
Glass active. While this Charm lasts, any illusion made with Into the Looking Glass instead creates a
real object, with all the properties that a normal, non-magical object of that sort would have. These
objects can still be identified as being different from a normal object as per Into the Looking Glass, but
that does not stop them from being just as solid. A solid object cannot be created in a location already
occupied by another solid object.
Creatures created with this Charm are unmoving but lifelike statues unless the Infernal pays the cost to
animate them using Wake the Mirror or Image of Greatness Reflection.
If the Infernal chooses to use objects created with this Charm to attack another, such as by creating a
large anvil above an enemy or engulfing an opponent in a sudden inferno, the attack has the statistics
listed below. His dice pool for the attack is (Wits + Larceny) and the Infernal whether the attack deals
lethal or bashing damage at no penalty.
At the end of this Charm, all objects created by this Charm shatter like glass and crumble to nothing.
Conjured Object Attack: Speed 5, Accuracy +(Essence), Damage (Intelligence + Larceny)L or
(Intelligence + Larceny)B, Defense +0, Rate (Essence), Range (Essence x 5) yards.
Conjured Object Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy +(Essence), Damage (Intelligence + Larceny)B, Defense
+0, Rate 1, Range (Essence x 5) yards.
Mirror-Madness Malediction
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping, Social, Obvious, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Color-Music Melody
Those who spend too much time within the Silver Forest risk their sanity. With this Charm, the Infernal
can cause madness in a target with only a few words. The Infernal makes a social attack as part of using
this Charm. That attack becomes unblockable. If successful, instead of having the normal effect that
such a social attack would have, this Charm instead exerts a form of unnatural mental influence on the
target that takes two Willpower to resist as the victim experiences a surge of vivid nonsense images,
psychedelic lights, insane babbling noises, and other phenomena in a matter of moments.
If the victim fails to resist, the victim suffers a permanent derangement of the Infernal's choice. This
derangement starts at only deficiency strength, but reapplication of this Charm on the victim can raise
the strength of a derangement by one step, from deficiency to debility or from debility to deformity,
instead of inflicting a new derangement. The Infernal chooses whether to inflict a new derangement or
to strengthen an existing one.
This Charm is only Obvious to the victim.
Silver-Soothed Sanity
Cost: 10m, 2wp, 1 lhl; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Mirror-Madness Malediction, Bitter Medicine
What the Silver Forest gives, it can also take away. This Charm allows the Infernal to distill sanity into
a small amount of his own blood. The resulting dose is not toxic. Instead, any being who consumes it
will be cured of any and all derangements and will be freed on any Compulsion and Servitude effects it
may be suffering.
The Infernal's blood keeps for (Essence) days before spoiling. The creature who consumes it need not
know what it is consuming, nor need it be willing.
Sorcerous Enlightenment of Szoreny
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Szoreny Excellency
Like his siblings, Szoreny can grant initiation into sorcery to an Infernal. Spells cast through the
Initiation of the Silver Forest resonate with the natural illusions of the Silver Forest. Thus any spell that
creates an illusion or disguise costs 10 motes and one Willpower less than normal to cast. Likewise,
Szoreny is a being of growth and so any spell that manipulates the element of Wood or that causes or
creates plant growth receives the same discount.
Examples of valid spells include Becoming the Wood Friend, Disguise of the New Face, Floral Ferry,
Spoke the Wooden Face, Summoning of the Harvest, Sprouting Shackles of Doom, and Benediction of
However, Szoreny shares the same appreciation of subtlety that She Who Lives In Her Name. Spells
whose primary purpose is to deal damage cost 10 motes more than normal to cast. However, this does
not apply to spells that deal damage through poison, as Szoreny is the author of poisons.
Hegra - Good for messing with people's emotions and screwing with Fair Folk.
Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Typhoon of Nightmares is always excited, a manic being who revels in the sensous. Her erratic
moods are constantly shifting through the spectrum of emotions, and she is subject only to her whim.
Hegra clings to her dreams because they are more pleasing than reality, and wishes to share her vision.
She brings both inspiration and terror, disturbing the sleep of dreamers with unwanted revelations. Her
wrath is less deadly than her carelessness, as her catastrophic storms cause massive collateral damage,
without her knowing. Despite the exuberant rejoicing that her aimless passage through Malfeas brings,
her mercy is just as unintended as her malice. She enjoys all that she does as if giving an artistic
performance or playing a game, because she will not do anything which does not please her.
Characters may apply this Charm to actions that resonate with their emotions and passions, or acts of
flamboyant and over the top vivacity. Actions that focus on style over substance or seem heroic are
always better than those that are merely effective, as Hegra’s form is nothing but dreams and gossamer,
shaped into her own self-image. Socially, she arouses passions and incites revolutionary changes,
upsetting systems of oppressive control or restraint with out of control emotion. She exploits the
feelings of others, using them to achieve her own satisfaction. This Charm can never enhance any
action that conflicts with the Infernal’s own emotions or Intimacies, as Hegra values fantasy over
reality and cannot place necessity above what she wants.
Hegra Mythos Exultant
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Breath of Quicksilver
Hegra’s thundering disturbs the sleep of the Demon City, loosing clutches of nightmares and terrifying
fantasies. The Infernal makes a Presence-based social attack, but does not actually speak aloud–indeed,
her intended target need not even be there to hear her. Instead, the next time the target of the social
attack sleeps, he is haunted by a phantasmagoria of bizarre dreams, conveying the social attack the
Infernal made. He may only defend against the influence with his Dodge MDV, and suffers a -2 internal
penalty to the pool used to calculate it. Using this Charm to target characters that the Infernal does not
know is difficult–she suffers a -5 external penalty on the social attack roll if she has never met her
target, or a -3 external penalty if she has only seen him or met him in passing, without any actual
interaction. Making a social attack into a character’s dreams renders it unnatural mental influence, with
a cost of one Willpower to resist. The Infernal can shape the imagery and symbolism of the dream as he
chooses, and may use this to either grant his target a bonus die on the roll to recover Willpower upon
waking, or inflict a -1 internal penalty on the same roll if they do not resist the mental influence.
Nightmares Reign
Cost: 5m, 1wp per point of gossamer; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: First Hegra Excellency, Exuberant Dream-Wisp Style
Hegra’s storm-body abounds with wisps of dreams and gossamer lightning, a delectable treat for the
Fair Folk. In the days before Creation, she would laugh and laugh as the raksha gorged themselves to
death on her primordial essence. The Infernal may use this Charm to bestow gossamer upon a
character, paying a single point of Willpower for each point of gossamer granted. She may choose to
pay gossamer she personally possesses in place of Willpower. Characters incapable of using gossamer
cannot benefit from this Charm at all.
Unfortunately for the Fair Folk, all the gossamer made by this Charm is flavored with primordial
essence. A little is a tasty treat for them, but too much of it will corrode their essence flows from the
inside-out. If the Infernal bestows an amount of gossamer on a raksha exceeding half the rating of their
highest feeding grace with a single activation of this Charm, the raksha explodes in a conflagration of
prismatic light and synesthetic fantasies, dying instantly. Non-heroic raksha explode if fed even a single
point of gossamer by this Charm. The rainbow-slick residue left behind the explosion can be consumed
by a single character, allowing them to recover a single point of Willpower or gossamer as they enjoy
the delicious remains of the fae.
Excessive Splendor Wonderland
Isidoros - Good for building The Hulk and screwing both gravity and Sidereals.
There are three Elloge variants, all of which are a bit short and mesh well together. You may mix-and-
match from these, making logical substitutions like The Author Apart as a replacement prerequisite for
other charms.
Variant 1
First Elloge Excellency
Elloge is the mother of narrative and the teller of the story that is life. It is under Elloge that heroes
triumph, villains fall, and reality favours the epic. Equally, it is Elloge who sees the evil empire rise and
the hero’s parents cut down. Elloge always knows the best story, and works towards it regardless of her
own ends. Elloge, more than her siblings, understands interactions, the better to write her vision of the
world into being.
The Storyteller’s Excellency may be invoked on an action where the Infernal disregards his safety to
aim for the best narrative, as well as an action where she deliberately acts in the expected manner. It
cannot be used on an action where the Infernal defies his expected place in the scene. These could (but
could not, depending on context) include situations such as the young hero accepting the villain’s offer
to join him, the princess refusing his affections after her rescue, or seeing a chance to utilise an Act of
Villainy and not doing so. In addition, the excellency is inapplicable to an action attempting to hide
knowledge. Stories want to be told.
Her excellency is always valid on an action earning a stunt rating of two or greater – doing something
well is more important than doing the right thing.
Elloge Mythos Exultant
Elloge’s displays of power are works of beauty, choreographed sequences that would make the celestial
deity of the art weep in jealousy. Whenever she stunts, those that see her are driven to help tell her tale.
She may make an immediate, free undodgeable social attack using a pool of Charisma+Linguistics,
with additional successes equal to the level of her stunt. A successful attack instills a positive intimacy
towards their role in the scene, as perceived by Elloge. This intimacy can be eroded normally, and
vanishes by the end of the scene. Before bonus successes, a single willpower negates the effect of this
Mythos on a character for the scene.
Sorcerous Enlightenment of Elloge
Elloge is subtle, often working through others. Her magic is largely used to this end.
Spells that cause emotion or control of others, as well as those that facilitate communication, have their
cost reduced by half, while spells that cause grand manipulation of the environment, such as directly
damaging spells, have their cost increased by the same amount. Ellogian spells often include images of
runes, words, and script, sometimes even spelling out the purpose of the spell. (A successful Int+Occult
roll with difficulty 4-spell’s circle tells a viewer the basic gist.) These persist for a small time after the
initial casting, but fade away for non-Obvious spells.
Ascendency Mantle of Elloge
No storyteller has power without an audience, and Elloge is no exception. Her Ascendency Mantle
functions only as long as she knows widespread fame, represented by a background such as Infamy at
at least four dots.
Foolish Youth Relinquished
Elloge knows how many stories begin and end with the act of mercy, however foolish it may be for the
one who does it. When her champions allow those who hate them to live and escape, Elloge rewards
their mistake.
Whenever the Infernal has a foe in her power, and chooses not to kill them, but to let them leave and do
as they wish, her player may roll dice equal to her Conviction, reducing the character’s Limit by one
point per success.
The Urge to Express
Elloge’s heart is that of stories, endless tales that repeat again and again. Her urges seek to show these
stories to the world, and to tell all those that she meets of the irresistible narratives that encompass
every existence.
Sample Urges include-
Convince the Dragonbloods of Lookshy that they are naught but bit players.
Tell the world the secret of the Emissary of Nexus.
Convince the realm that the Immaculate Dogma is a lie.
The Torment of Elloge
Elloge knows that all stories are about interaction, and that one being alone can do little. Those she
hates are punished with loneliness and self-doubt.
The Infernal immediately gains an intimacy of distrust and hatred towards himself, replacing any
intimacy she already possesses.
Anyone who possesses a positive intimacy towards the Infernal gains a negative one. Usually, they will
continue working with her, but will do so spitefully and unwillingly.
After a week has passed, the effects fade, with the Infernal’s self-confidence returning and her friends
returning to her-if the meantime hasn’t destroyed them.
Every Word is Mine
Cost: - Mins: Essence 1, Type: -
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Elloge Excellency
All words are Elloge, and in turn, Elloge is all words.
An Infernal with this charm understands all meaningful language.
She still does not understand magical glossolalia, which is only gibberish, but can seamlessly switch
from one language to another, even if she has never encountered it before. This applies to anything
which can reasonably be described as speech, but not to body language.
The Words Within Life
Cost: - Mins: Essence 2, Type: -
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Every Word is Mine
While Elloge concerns herself entirely with words, to the Sphere of Speech, everything is words. With
this charm, the Infernal can communicate using otherwise byzantine methods. She may say ‘run!’ with
a high singing note, paint an argument in the air with her fingertips, or dance her desire into visibility.
This functions as long as the target possesses at least one dot in the ability you set.
This charm allows the Infernal to communicate using any ability she can stunt. As a baseline, any
artistic expression - painting, sculpture, dance, song, oration - is always allowed. As a side benefit, this
makes it difficult for a foe to notice or interpret hidden messages, raising the difficulty by one, and
forcing them to use the chosen ability to meet that difficulty.
With an Essence 3 repurchase, the Infernal can communicate with anyone and anything. While some
beings and objects may not understand what she says - rocks, for example - she is still communicating
with them.
A separate repurchase, also requiring Essence 3, allows the Infernal to choose an Attribute instead of an
ability, allowing anyone with a rating of 3+ in that ability to understand.
A second repurchase allows her to choose any virtue (for those with three dots of that virtue) or
Essence (anyone with enlightened essence.)
Dabbling in Other Forms
Cost: - Mins: Essence 3, Type: -
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms The Words Within Life
While this charm is a favourite of many Infernals, Elloge rarely makes use of it, preferring to remain
linked to her beloved words.
This charm expands all Elloge charms that specifically derive benefits from the character’s Linguistics,
allowing her to utilise other ‘Artistic’ abilities instead.
She may replace Linguistics with another ‘artistic’ ability. Artistic abilities are those that create and
express. Craft is the most obvious, allowing an Infernal to utilise paintings, sculptures, or calligraphy as
their medium. Performance, used to sing, dance, or merely orate, is the next. Stunts lend themselves
well to alternate abilities - imagine an Infernal who utilises Craft (Fate).
Narrator’s Insight
Cost: 4m, Mins: Essence 1, Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV-0)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The storyteller understands those in the story as well as they do. She can tell who is important and who
isn’t, and can, with practice, discern the trustworthy from the villainous.
By spending four motes, she may tell whether anyone she looks upon is an extra, a normal being, or a
heroic being. With Essence 4, she may also detect whether they possess enlightened essence.
A repurchase of this charm, requiring Essence 3, allows the storyteller to sense if anyone she looks at
has an Intimacy towards her, and whether it is positive or negative.
This charm upgrades automatically at Essence 4, becoming Indefinite.
Shipper’s Compatibility Index
Cost: 2m or 1m, Mins: Essence 2, Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Narrator’s Insight
by looking at a pair of people, the Infernal judges their opinion of each other, and how much they have
in common. The Infernal becomes aware of what intimacies they have towards one another, if any, and
how many of their virtues are within a dot rating of each other, although not which. She also becomes
aware if they have mutually exclusive Motivations, but not what they are. This charm costs 2m
normally, but is reduced to 1m while the Infernal is under the effects of Narrator’s Insight.
Without Essence 6, the Infernal may not target herself with this charm.
The Story Begins
Cost: 5m, Mins: Essence 3, Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Emotion, Social
Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: Shipper’s Compatibility Index
Often, Elloge finds that other people refuse to see what she does, and act towards the best interests of
the story. This charm targets a pair who the Infernal has previously targeted with this charm’s
prerequisite. The two receive an intimacy towards one another with a context of the Infernal’s choice.
If they already possess an intimacy towards the other person, the Infernal must make a social attack
using Attribute+Linguistics, with bonus dice equal to half her essence. This attack is unblockable
without stunts or charms. Success overwrites the intimacy, while failure negates the charm’s effects on
that target.
This intimacy lasts for a single day with magical intensity, but then fades normally. Some Infernals, and
occasionally Elloge herself, use this charm as a form of matchmaking, and pride themselves on finding
couples who then sustain the intimacy. However, targets may negate their intimacy be spending one
willpower, before bonus successes.
Expert’s Textual Analysis
Cost: 3m, Mins: Essence 3, Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Narrator’s Insight
Elloge finds it easier to understand writing than reality. Therefore, she writes reality, and then reads the
Elloge looks at a target, and puts ink to parchment without moving her eyes. She writes for one action,
and then has a description of that character. She may analyse it, attempting to read motivation or use
other similar actions.
At Essence 4, this charm upgrades, grants her (Linguistics) bonus successes on these attempts.
A repurchase, requiring E5, expands this charm. He may write descriptions of more than one target,
adding one mote to the cost and one to the speed per target. With a one willpower surcharge, the
number of additional motes he pays is the magnitude of the social unit he can study instead, in
preparation for similar actions attempting to read loyalty or policy.
A separate repurchase, requiring only E3, allows an Infernal to pay a two mote surcharge as she writes
a description. If she does, the description includes everything that could be determined using essence
sight - she recognises supernatural creatures with Essence 4 or greater as such, as long as they aren’t
disguising it, and all active charms are rendered obvious. However, to correctly interpret the effect of
unknown charms, or to determine the strength and aspect of a character’s essence, he must make an
Occult+Intelligence roll, as described in All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight.
Writing On The World
Cost: - , Mins: Essence 3, Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Expert’s Textual Analysis
So many times, an author is caught off guard with no tools to record their ideas. With this charm, this
problem no longer occurs. The Infernal can write down his thoughts on the very air, or summon paper
and ink from the aether.
In the former mode, he may write with speech or hand, and the words remain until the end of the scene
or his dismissal. While he may do this freely, there is always the risk that someone else could read what
he says.
Self As Subject Understanding
Cost: -, Mins: Essence 3, Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Expert’s Textual Analysis
Even the best writers sometimes desire a place in their own world, but to write themselves, they must
know themselves - something that makes many people quite uncomfortable.
This charm allows the Infernal to analyse themselves through writing using this charm’s prerequisite.
Obviously, reading one’s own motivation is of no use, but analysing this paper causes all unnatural
mental influence currently applied to the Infernal to become obvious to her.
As a benefit, no command that would bar the Infernal from writing succeeds, being considered an
unacceptable command. (With Dabbling In Other Forms, this also applies to any artistic ability the
Infernal has at least two dots in.) This means, amongst other things, that the Infernal cannot be
commanded not to use this charm.
A repurchase of this charm, requiring Essence 4 and Redrafting the World, allows the Infernal to write
her own way out of the chains upon her mind. As a persistent effect, she may spend 4m to shatter any
mental influence that is placed on her, as long as she is aware of it. She may do this even if she would
be prohibited from doing so.
For a 2m surcharge, the Infernal may write her own dialogue - for herself or a willing being (extras are
always willing) - that perfectly parries a social attack. This may apply even against an unblockable
social attack.
Redrafting The World
Cost: 1wp, Mins: Essence 4, Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Expert’s Textual Analysis
Elloge thinks it much easier to just edit a character until they are useful, rather than having to persuade
them herself. To this end, she has thoughts and ideas enter their mind.
Using a description obtained from this charm’s prerequisite, she writes in her argument, and describes
how her target accepts it.
Wherever the target is, they hear the Infernal’s words as she writes them. This is treated as a normal
social attack, using Charisma+Presence, with the Infernal using Linguistics instead of Appearance.
They may reply or ignore it as normal with their MDV. The Infernal may only use a description in this
way until their attacks first fail, at which point their mastery of the piece is ruined, and they must write
a new description as described in that charm. (This also allows the target only a single counterattack.)
While an Essence 5 repurchase removes this limitation, it also means the target can freely respond, and
attempt to convince the Infernal of their own beliefs.
A second repurchase, requiring the E5 repurchase of Expert’s Textual Analysis, allows the Infernal to
rewrite large groups. This is a Charisma+Performance roll, with the Infernal using Linguistics instead
of Appearance, and may target the group as a normal performance attack, or, if the target constitutes a
social group, in Mass Social Combat. It is affected by the other repurchase of this charm, if the Infernal
has it.
The Author Apart
Cost: 5m Mins: Essence 3, Type: Simple
Keywords: Illusion, Combo-Ok
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Narrator’s Insight
The author is everpresent in her work, but, for the largest proportion of the time, is invisible and
untouchable. Drawing on this, she fades into the background. Noticing the Infernal’s presence if they
hide, or thinking that they’re important, is impossible without a great expenditure of will, or
tremendous insight. A successful Wits+Awareness roll, with difficulty equal to the Infernal’s Essence
plus half their linguistics, reveals them, as does the expenditure of four willpower.
Whenever the Infernal takes any action that is neither walking or writing, resisting the charm is
lowered to a 2wp cost, and the difficulty drops to merely the Infernal’s essence. With Dabbling in Other
Forms, use of those abilities is protected as writing.
Mundane attempts to draw attention to the character, including natural mental influence suffer an
external penalty equal to the Infernal’s Essence. Unnatural mental influence, and charm enhanced NMI
apply normally, negating the effects of this charm until the Infernal is no longer under attention. (Eg,
out of sight, out of mind.)
A repurchase of this charm, requiring Essence 5, allows the Infernal to pay a one willpower surcharge
to remove the latter limitation. If the Infernal takes any action that directly impacts another character,
such as opening a door that the guard would suffer for guarding incorrectly, the cost to resist and the
difficulty to notice is lowered as above. When actually making an attack, whether physical or social,
the target or targets automatically notice.
A separate repurchase of this charm, also requiring Essence 5, allows the Infernal to spend an
additional two willpower surcharge to stop her anima banner from affecting attempts at stealth. Music
fades into the background, bright lights become soothing flickers, and flickering energy is but a warm
Ardent Villain Command
Cost: 3m Mins: Essence 3, Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Narrator’s Insight
This charm supplements an order, telling a single target what their role is. This could be ‘cruel hearted
matriarch’, ‘bimbo princess’, ‘adoring fan’ or anything else. This command is rendered unnatural
mental influence, and costs one more willpower to resist than it otherwise would. If it succeeds, they
gain three bonus dice on any action which supports this characterisation, which counts towards their
dice caps, but suffer a -3 internal penalty from any action that opposes it.
This charm may be used in combination with Redrafting the World. It remains obvious to the target
An Essence 4 repurchase allows this charm to be activated while using The Author Apart without
breaking that charm’s stealth, even for the target. When used in this way, the attack has a 1wp
surcharge, but is unblockable and loses the Obvious keyword completely.
Narrative Imposition Proclamation
Cost: 6m, 1wp Mins: Essence 4, Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Ardent Villain Command
With this charm, the storyteller proclaims the narrative that she desires from the scene, and all those
who come near must listen. Narratives are ideas such as ‘a revolution against the king’ or ‘a brawl in
the pub’. Storytellers are suggested to accept any narrative that has benefits and penalties for both
sides, and to deny anything truly one-sided, unless the Infernal has put in truly intense effort to setting
it up.
She makes a charisma+performance roll, with bonus successes equal to her Linguistics. All those
convinced must attempt to support this narrative. Resisting costs a base of two willpower, before bonus
Regardless of the social attack, all characters in the scene gain additional dice on any roll to play any
valid role within the story equal to half the Infernal’s Linguistics, while suffering an internal penalty of
the same size to anything that contradicts the narrative. These dice do not count towards dice caps.
Those who failed against the initial roll must pay one willpower to act contradictory to the story, with
the influence breaking when they have spent willpower equal to the initial cost to resist. Those who
succeeded against the original social attack, are free to follow it or not, gaining dice or suffering
penalties as appropriate. It is obvious to everyone in the scene both what the narrative is, and who is
telling the story.
With Essence 6 and the performance repurchase of Redrafting the World, this charm may be used with
that charm, in which case the source of the effect is Obvious only to those affected by the initial social
attack. The narrative remains obvious to all.
With Essence 6, the Infernal may buy this charm a second time. If they do, it may be used while the
Infernal uses The Author Apart, without affecting that charm’s stealth. Doing so carries a 5m surcharge,
but the attack becomes unblockable, and the social attack loses the Obvious tag completely.
Rocks Fall
Cost: 2m Mins: Essence 2, Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV-1)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Narrator’s Insight
The Infernal’s favoured tools are the characters that litter the world, but the world of her story can
substitute in a desperate situation.
This charm creates an attack using the environment. It uses Charisma+Linguistics, rather than
Dexterity+(Ability), and has an accuracy equal to half the Infernal’s Essence. Its base damage is equal
to her Charisma+Essence, but gains a bonus equal to twice the stunt bonus gained on her attack roll.
This damage is lethal, but can be made bashing with a fitting stunt. It also deals Aggravated damage to
Fae, due to their shared affiliation with narrative. It can only cause effects that have some relation to
the scene at hand-lightning does not strike from a clear sky, but a rockfall is a constant danger in a
To begin with, this charm is utterly obvious. The Infernal’s actions are clearly the ones that caused the
A repurchase of this charm, requiring Essence 3, improves this charm. Firstly, a suitable attack is not
immediately obvious as an action of the Infernal’s.Viewers, including the target, must make a
Wits+Linguistics check, with difficulty equal to the Infernal’s Linguistics, to determine that he caused
the attack.
Secondly, the Infernal can create effects that do not fit the environment, flukes of fate and seeming
impossibilities striking her foe. With this use, she may create attacks as abstract as strangling someone
with their bad grammar, or truly impossible attacks similar to those granted by Principle Invoking
Onslaught. When she does this, she becomes Obvious as the source.
A second repurchase changes this charm’s duration to indefinite. When used in this way, the charm is a
reflexive action, costing ten motes. It allows the Infernal to utilise Rocks Fall at will, whenever she
could make a normal attack. It also lets her parry with the environment, the same odd coincidences and
illogic protecting her. These attacks use the following profile.
Speed 5, Accuracy +(Essence/2), Damage (Charisma+Essence+2Stunt)L/2, Defense: (Stunt), Range:
(Essencex30), Rate: 3, Tags: O
A third repurchase, requiring the E5 repurchase of The Author Apart, allows Rocks Fall to be used
while that charm is active without automatically breaking its effects. Attacks made from this stealth are
not considered unexpected, but targets affected by that charm’s stealth must succeed on their check or
pay one willpower to recognise you as the source.
Deus Ex Machina
Cost: 5m Mins: Essence 2, Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Rocks Fall x2 (Indefinite)
When she is in enough danger, Elloge’s standards slip. Rocks jump to defend her, storms form in a
midsummer desert, and perfectly timed coincidences save lives.
An impossibly fortuitous coincidence perfectly parries a single attack. This is a perfect defence that
may block the unblockable, but bears the Imperfection of the Sphere of Speech. As an additional
benefit, it is not immediately obvious that the Infernal is the cause of the defence.
Imperfection of the Sphere of Speech
Elloge cares for stories above all else, and a beautiful story deserves to triumph. Her perfect defence
bears a surcharge in motes equal to twice the value of the stunt awarded to the attack. In addition, three
die stunts add a three willpower surcharge.
Omniscient Narrator Shintai
Cost: 14m, 1wp Mins: Essence 4, Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV-0)
Keywords: Blasphemy, Form-Type, Shaping
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: The Story Begins, The Author Apart, Redrafting the World
With this charm, the Infernal expands. She dissolves into a metaphysical idea, expanding over
Essencex50 yards. In this state, she is immaterial and invisible, and benefits from the same massive
size as an Infernal utilising the Greater Shintai of the Endless Desert:
She is incapable of dodging attacks from smaller beings, but cannot take more than one level of
damage from them in any given attack, unless it covers a full tenth of her size. In mass combat, she
always enjoys the full +3 magnitude bonus, unless fighting a similarly scaled foe.
While in this overarching state, many of her charms are improved.
She enjoys the benefits of the Author Apart automatically, for as long as the charm lasts, exactly as
described in that charm, including any repurchases she possesses.
She may use the charm Expert’s Textual Analysis on anyone within her area as a reflexive action with
no cost.
The willpower cost to resist The Story Begins becomes equal to half the Infernal’s Essence.
She may use Redrafting the World for 4m, Ardent Villain Command for 1m, and Narrative Imposition
Proclamation for only 1wp.
As a downside, the Infernal must give himself a role in the scene, as if with Ardent Villain Command.
He converts the dice granted by that charm, as well as by Narrative Imposition Proclamation, into
successes. However, she is incapable of acting in a way that does not fit her role, or against acting
against the narrative, as surely as an Akuma cannot act against his urge. As a note, not all acts qualify
either way. An act is not ‘either disallowed or enhanced.’
Variant 2
Variant 3
Oramus - Good for driving men mad by speaking to them, and a mental equivalent of Loom-Snarling
Deception. I recommend Crimson King Shintai for outright F*** YOU BAD GUY!
Duration: Permanent
Oramus is alien - he is Other in a sense that none of the other Yozis can match. And yet he possesses an eerie, strange beauty that draws demons to
his perpetually bound self like moths to a candle flame. On purchasing this Charm the Infernal's Appearance is increased to 5 - but it is an alien
beauty, and fascinating others as they are drawn unstoppably into its orbit. Every scene the Infernal spends with another character counts as
Unnatural Mental Influence devoted to building an Intimacy of rapt fascination in that character.
She may spend 2 points of temporary willpower (reduced to 1 point for positive Intimacies) to not cause this effect in a given character for a scene.
Duration: Instant
When Oramus is asked his cause for action, in the most case his only response is a wry, knowing smile that hides his actions in a veil of enigmas
and riddles. The Infernal may invoke this in Social Combat as a Perfect Defence against any attempt to read her Motivation, her body language
disappearing and the sole expression on her otherwise neutral face a knowing smile that seems to mock the interrogator as he struggles to discover
her intentions.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Secrets of The Self Held Fast, First Oramus Excellency
Ask what Oramus is, and you will receive no answers. Ask what he is not, and you will receive them all. Any action or ability that reveals
something about the Infernal automatically succeeds, but instead reveals that some other thing, which must be plausible and fitting with the
question asked (as determined by the Storyteller), is false. Against Charms, this effect usually results in a roll-off, to which it provides (Essence)
bonus successes. If possible, this Charm returns a different negative each time.
Example: Bob the paranoid Slayer uses Insignificant Embers Intuition on John the puny Malefactor. Normally, the Charm would reveal that John
has Essence 2, but if he wins the roll-off, it Bob will instead learn that John doesn’t have Essence 3, leaving him wondering if John is weaker than
his own Essence 3, or outweighs him at Essence 4+. Paranoid as fuck, Bob continues to check, eventually eliminating each step from 4 to 10, at
which point he has spent 18 motes, and John frustratedly asks his teammate why he didn’t just ask about it.
Cost: 9m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3 (Repurchase Essence 5); Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
The mind of Oramus is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, and grasping what he thinks or cares about is a truly challenging task,
beyond even the greatest savants of the First Age.
The Infernal may create a false Motivation and set of Intimacies which appear to all intents and purposes (including Charms which read such
things) to be the reality of the matter, but have no real correlation with the actual contents of his mind. The number of false Intimacies he may build
are equal to (Willpower + Compassion), and this mental disguise may be removed or donned as a Reflexive action, remaining there so long as
motes remain committed to maintaining the mask or until Emerald Countermagic is used to dispel it.
A repurchase at Essence 5 allows the Infernal to have as many such hollow personalities as his Permanent Essence, with a maximum of 7, and to
switch between them as a Reflexive action.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
It is the sole pleasure of Oramus in his imprisonment that he may mock those who propose to know his true name, for in actuality he has seven
impossible ones, and all the other monikers, titles and sobriquets mortals create can never properly describe or define his true and utterly
paradoxical nature.
This Charm permanently upgrades Masque of Hollow Faces. In addition to the mental disguise it creates, the Infernal may take a new name as part
of it which to all Charms and other techniques for telling the truth is his actual name. This name must maintain a level of verisimilitude - a name
which rings false to others will not work for such purposes.
At Essence 4 a repurchase will allow the warlock's fake moniker to be a title of some description, say, 'the Lady' or somesuch.
A repurchase at Essence 5 allows the Green Sun Prince to assign a name to each of the fake personalities he creates, hiding his true identity under a
great number of veils.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Oramus may hide his innermost nature just as well as he decieves others to his name and personality, for what men see of him is never the whole
picture or the uttermost truth - such things he never deigns to reveal, for what he holds to himself he always has power over.
Masque of Hollow Faces is permanently upgraded by this Charm - it may display a different set of Virtues than the Infernal actually possesses, to
those beings capable of sensing such things. This set is equal to the number of points the Infernal spent on Virtues during character creation (but
must be allocated differently, no Virtue taken below 3 dots).
Duration: Instant
The nightmares of Oramus seep into the warlock's mind, not strong enough to yet appear in his dreams but still enough for a glimpse to serve as a
mental defence against his enemies, should they seek to break his mind.
When the Infernal uses willpower to throw off Unnatural Mental Influence, he may give the person delivering the influence, provided he is present
within 10 x Essence feet of the Green Sun Prince, a flash of the impossibilities of Oramus' nightmares bursting through his mind as a Shaping
effect. This is also an Emotion effect building an Intimacy of terror applied to the Infernal.
Duration: Permanent
The story of Oramus has many origins written for him, and none and all are true at the same moment, so that none know the beginning of his tale or
the details of his genesis.
Anyone trying to recall a piece of information about the warlock's past history must make a (Wits+Integrity) roll to defeat the aura of falsehoods
and half-truths which surround the details of his genesis. If failed, they recall a plausible-sounding yet utterly misleading string of circumstances in
which he is a central figure.
Oramus moves in ways which are impossibly graceful, their alien geometries drawing all eyes to him and eliciting a feeling of terrible beauty about
him - at least, they would if he were not bound inside his own broken wings.
This Charm works for one scene, making the warlock the fulcrum of attention as these eerie and beautiful movements hypnotise and fascinate all
around her. They function to make all her social attacks Unnatural Mental Influence for the duration of the scene, which may be resisted as normal.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The beauty of Oramus is found in his horror and his horror in his beauty. Given enough time, the two become indistinguishable.
When the warlock uses Insane Graceful Movements, it causes an Emotion effect building simultaneous Intimacies of horror and reverence as they
see disturbing, uncanny flashes of alien terror and beauty in her movements. This is an Obvious effect.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Upon purchase of this Charm, the Infernal gains seven distinguishing features (decided between the Storyteller and the Player) which define him as
himself and no other being. They are Obvious to Charms such as All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight, appearing as tendrils of rainbow essence
curling about the warlock. They enforce a -2 penalty on any attempt to Impersonate the Infernal.
Oramus is a dragon with seven wings. He is also a temple with seven minarets, an ourobouros-serpent of seven colours, a galleon with seven masts
anchored to a single pearl, and many more besides. These are facets of the true Oramus in all the infinite realities where he is manifest - they are the
selves he is in many other worlds.
On using this Charm, the Infernal shifts shape to an alternate version of himself (he may have his Permanent Essence of these in readiness for use) -
he may be a scholar, a martial artist, a businessman or even an animal such as a peacock or eagle. Forcing himself to take the shape of what he
could have been in another world is taxing however, and he may only maintain this capability until the next Scene.
The Infernal always maintains the seven signifiers of who he is in some fashion on his body, for otherwise he would not be himself. They remain
Obvious as the prerequisite.
The Charm's effect may be broken early by the use of Sapphire Countermagic.
Duration: Permanent
Sleeping in his eternal prison, Oramus’ seven wings stretch in invisible directions, touching the minds of all around him with horror beyond horrors.
When the Infernal sleeps, he projects an aura of night terrors, reaching between (Essence * 20) and (Essence*200) yards, Infernal’s choice. Those
who sleep within this area are plagued by dreams of impossible realities, cyclopean dimensions and horrors beyond Time itself, waking in pools of
their own sweat. Upon waking, they take a -1 internal penalty to their Willpower recovery roll, plus -1 for each subsequent hour they began in the
grasp of the Dragon Beyond the World, to a maximum of one plus the number of consecutive nights they’ve spent sleeping under the Charm’s
When touching (per the Touch keyword) any single target, the Infernal may spend a single mote, marking their minds with his power (this manifests
as an invisible 0-point mutation) as a Shaping effect. The penalties someone so marked suffer from the Infernal’s Ululating Nightmare Wings never
rise above -1.
Keywords: Desecration
In Oramus’ shadow dwells more than fear, there is a madness there, as real and alive as can be. Activating this Charm, the Infernal specifies a
package of derangements worth no more than (Essence) mutation points. When next she sleeps, anyone affected by her Ululating Nightmare WIngs
gains this package at a rate of one mutation point per night (in an order of the Infernal’s choice). For Essence-wielders, this effect is Crippling and
lasts seven weeks. For mortals, it is permanent. The Infernal may choose not to affect those she has marked with Ululating Nightmare Wings’
second effect.
If the Infernal also has Pyreflame Footlights, she may exchange any number of mutation points for an equal number of dots in Whispers.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Though he slumbers deep, the mind of Oramus is not confined to unconsciousness. This Charm is a permanent alteration to the Infernal’s dreams.
While asleep, his mind awakens in a dark place of impossible forms and That Which Is Not. In this state, he may perform any purely mental
activity, from planning to rigorous mental exercises, and is considered to have any basic tools save those containing information he does not know.
In addition, a thin line of ephemera connects him to the rest of his form, informing him instantly of anything that happens to his body, and allowing
him to wake instantly at any time by spending a single mote.
Duration: Permanent
The Solar Host has bound Oramus as securely as can be done, preventing his every hope of egress. Nevertheless, the Dragon Beyond the World
finds ways, however small, to move around and through his cages. While asleep, the Infernal senses the number and rough location (down to a
precision of 100 yards) of people affected by her Ululating Nightmare Wings, as well as identify any of them she has tagged with that Charm’s
secondary effect. In addition, by spending a single point of Willpower, she may reach out with her mind to them, communing with them for a single
Scene in a landscape of shared dream-images. In this scenery, neither party may physically harm the other, and either may end the scenario at any
time by spending one Willpower to wake up.
Duration: Instant
Oramus’ nightmares birth monsters strange and beautiful. His earliest dreams were influenced by the madness of the Wyld, and the embodiment of
everything he was not. The first product was a shadow, a darkness that infested the war-games of the Fair Folk and Primordials. When the Infernal
next sleeps, she enters a fitful nightmare that imposes a -1 penalty on her roll to recover Willpower. However, the Infernal draws the potential of her
nightmares into an imaginary monster. To use this Charm, the Infernal kneels and entreats the madness of reality in Old Realm, necessitating she
know the language and make a successful prayer roll (target number -1 for every Derangement she possesses, including Nightmare Fugue
Vigilance). Her words spread as an invisible ripple through the cosmos, entreating a monster to rise and serve the will of Oramus through her. The
summoned beast is drawn bodily into the slipstreams of the cosmos, arriving (10 – Essence) minutes later. While the Charm remains active, the
monster is enchanted as follows:
• It must obey the Infernal like a bound demon without regard for its own safety. This Servitude can’t be broken by spending Willpower.
• It understands all commands the Infernal speaks to it in Old Realm and can execute those commands as though it had minimum Intelligence 2.
• The Infernal can command it at a distance via successful prayers as though the beast knew First Oramus Excellency.
The creatures summoned are statistically identical to Fair Folk Cataphractoi or Diplomats, at the discretion of the Infernal. Separate activations can
bind multiple creatures. With Essence 3+, the Infernal may also summon natural animals warped into Wyld Mutants. The player selects desired
mutations that can’t encompass more positive mutation points than (the Infernal’s [Willpower + Essence]) + (the creature’s total number of negative
mutation points).
With repurchase at Essence 3+, the warlock can entreat the nightmares of Creation or the Wyld at night (or the horror of the Demon Realm at any
time), summoning an unbound member of any non-aquatic First Circle demon race (but not a specific demon) from any realm of existence. The
Charm enslaves these demons normally, but is preempted by spells that summon or bind enchanted demons.
A third purchase at Essence 5+ allows the summoning of any specific non-aquatic Primordial behemoth smaller than a geographic entity (i.e. no
Lintha Ng Oroo). This follows the timing and location restrictions for First Circle demon summoning. The Charm only brings the behemoth to the
warlock and doesn’t grant control unless the warlock’s Essence is greater than its. If other creatures smaller than the behemoth are in physical
contact with it when it answers the summons, they are carried along. Behemoths are unique and powerful; most are massive, nigh-immortal entities
capable of challenging Celestial Exalted.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The Dragon Beyond the World only ever sees that which Is Not, the beings, concepts, and stranger things fundamentally forbidden to Creation by
the nature of the Shinma chosen to define it. What stupefying wonders and bright horrors are there to behold! Compared to these, the material of
Creation is as dross and ash, an unfit subject for meditation. By his deeds shall the Impossible Dragon sing this truth. The Infernal becomes the
gatekeeper of unearthly magnificence, gaining a Stunt Pool equal to the sum of his two lowest Virtues. As with a Raksha Stunt Pool, the Infernal
may draw dice from this pool to supplement any action, including an action that would not normally qualify for a stunt (the Storyteller always has
first preference for granting stunt dice to an action). No action may have more than three stunt dice applied to it in total, whether from the
Storyteller, this Charm, or a combination of the two. Successes granted by any stunt dice are treated as normal stunt dice successes that can activate
(Yozi) Mythos Exultant benefits. This Stunt Pool automatically refreshes at the beginning of each story. Additionally, stunt dice that are retained
through Oramus Mythos Exultant can be added to the Stunt Pool, up to the Stunt Pool’s maximum. An Essence 3 repurchase of this Charm
increases the Stunt Pool to the sum of the Infernal’s highest and lowest Virtues, while an Essence 4 repurchase increases the Stunt Pool to the sum
of the Infernal’s two highest Virtues. A final repurchase at Essence 5 increases the Stunt Pool to the sum of all of the Infernal’s Virtues.
However, dwelling on the insane, terrible beauty of the Beyond has a price; as the Infernal’s attention is drawn towards the Beyond, she finds it
harder to focus on the mundane things of Creation. The Infernal suffers an external penalty to all Perception and Awareness rolls equal to her
permanent Essence while in Creation.
Reality-Raking Claws
Those things which fascinate or anger Oramus, he erases, that their memory might serve as his muse and comfort. Upon hitting the target, an attack
supplemented by this Charm leaves a small crack in the target, a jagged, otherworldly thing that shines from within with alien light. Should they die
or be destroyed while this crack remains on them, the crack spreads, covering their body entirely in a matter of moments before they explode in a
fine shower of rapidly dissolving dust. This effect completely annihilates both body and soul of any target with less than Deathlord immortality as a
Shaping effect (bypassing most Shaping defenses due to technically occurring after the target’s death), leaving but a faint trace of intangible
Essence that ties around the Infernal’s soul. The Infernal may use these Traces when crafting, infusing her creations with the essential nature of her
fallen foe, treating them as an exotic component much the same in nature as they themselves could have been. She may tie up to seven Traces to
herself at a time, and may reflexively discard any Trace she holds at any time.
How can these mobile lumps of clay stand to live in such drear? Oramus shall give them a glimpse of profound horror, such that they shall never
forget the powerful dramas enacted just beyond their vision! The Infernal creates a Wyld zone, centered on her, with a radius of [permanent Essence
x 100] yards. At Essence 10, this changes to a radius of (permanent Essence) miles and becomes a Blasphemy effect. Countermagic targeted at the
center of the Wyld zone dispels it. The Wyld zone has all the characteristics of a Bordermarch, becoming a Middlemarch at Essence 3, Deep Wyld
at Essence 4, and Pure Chaos at Essence 5.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
It is not proper for a director to become entranced by the scenery and lose sight of the production. The Infernal becomes perfectly immune to effects
of exposure to the Wyld, including mutation and Wyld Addiction.
Be In rare moments of relative sanity, the Lord of Not sees the value of protecting useful friends from the wrenching beauties of the Beyond. The
Infernal can extend the protection of Impresario’s Sure Hand to any number of targets at a cost of 2m per target. An Essence 4 repurchase extends
the duration of this protection for a number of weeks equal to the Infernal’s permanent Essence.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Through his unfathomable power and profound madness, Oramus can defy the Shinma for brief periods of time to impose alien principles and
paradoxical truths on an unsuspecting reality; who can hope to defend against that which has no precedent or referent to the possible? A physical
attack supplemented by this Charm becomes unexpected, with no chance for the victim to engage in a roll to remove this label. Only Charms or
similar magical effects that explicitly remove the unexpected label, such as Threat Monitoring Excitement, can allow the target to defend normally.
An Essence 4 repurchase permits this Charm to be used to supplement Social Attacks. This Charm has a tiered cost. If the Infernal is in Creation
and Yu-Shan, it costs 8m. In the Bordermarches or the Underworld, it costs 4m. In the Middlemarches or Malfeas, it costs 2m. In the Deep Wyld, it
costs 1m. In Pure Chaos, it costs 0m.
Duration: Instant
The Dragon Beyond the World was feared by all who opposed him, and rightly so; what can shelter you from that which is only as tangible as a
dream, yet horribly real? This Charm follows all of the same rules as its prerequisite, including costs, but permits the supplemented attack to ignore
any bonuses granted to the target’s DV by cover. An Essence 4 repurchase allows the Charm to ignore natural soak and any soak and Hardness from
a non-magical source as well.
Duration: Instant
During the Primordial War, many were the Exalted hosts who thought to attack Oramus from afar or to engage him in guerilla hit-and-run battles.
They were…disappointed to discover that the Impossible Dragon did not honor such concepts as “distance.” This Charm permits the Infernal to
attack any target who attacked the Infernal during the scene, regardless of the distance between the Infernal and the target. The Infernal does not
actually move as a result of this Charm; she simply draws upon exotic and alien formulations to fold and pierce the concepts of space and distance
for an action (although the sympathetic link created between the Infernal and the target at the moment of the Infernal’s attack permits the target to
counterattack the Infernal, if applicable). When used against a Charm that imposed an arbitrary amount of distance between the Infernal and the
target, such as Swallowed in Eternity, a roll-off is required. An Essence 4 repurchase of this Charm permits the Infernal to attack such a target even
if the target is in another plane of existence from the Infernal.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
What delight the Impossible Dragon takes in the Raksha! While they are still lesser, pitiful beings, at least they struggle in their feeble ways to
comprehend the majesty of the Beyond. Oramus honors them by joining in their little games. The Infernal may choose to engage in Shaping
Combat with a Raksha, as described in Graceful, Wicked Masques. For these purposes, the Infernal’s rating in each Grace corresponds to the
Infernal’s applicable Virtue plus the Infernal’s permanent Essence score. In the unlikely event that the Infernal is defeated in Shaping Combat, the
Infernal is affected like any other Creation-born entity.
The Raksha must forge their weapons, monsters, and conjurations out of the vital essence of what defines them; Oramus is not so limited. The
Infernal conjures a Shaping Combat weapon or armor into existence by paying 4m plus the Artifact value of the weapon or armor in question. The
weapon or armor produced by this Charm is only useful in Shaping Combat; a conjured behemoth, for example, cannot be set free to rampage
across Creation and is not built with mutations.
Duration: Indefinite
History records that Oramus was a mighty dragon with seven limbs, but he was never constrained by so petty a concept as shape. By activating this
Charm, the Infernal may appear as anything she desires as an Illusion effect. Changing her appearance requires reactivating the Charm. Seeing
through this Illusion requires the viewer to spend Willpower equal to the Infernal’s permanent Essence (maximum of 5 Willpower); once a viewer
pierces the Infernal’s illusory shape, the viewer cannot be affected by this Charm again in the Scene. The listed cost is for activations of this Charm
outside of the Wyld; in the Wyld, this Charm is free.
Pyreflame Footlights
The Neverborn are pure examples of the impossible made actual; the Primordials could not die, and yet a number of them now suffer in agony
forever in death without end. Owing to this, Oramus finds them unhealthily fascinating and remains the only Yozi who will treat with them (besides
the Ebon Dragon, who transgresses all bounds of propriety).
Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal gains a temporary rating in Whispers equal to her permanent Essence score, and may use Sorcerous
Enlightenment of Oramus to imitate Necromancy spells as well as Sorcery spells for the Charm’s duration. However, while this Charm is active, the
Infernal loses the ability to regain Willpower through any means other than stunting, as her nightmares are haunted and warped by the eternal dying
screams and curses of the Neverborn.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
As the Lord of Not conversed with his dead siblings in dreams, he discovered to his great surprise that the twisted world spawned from their
nightmares contained within it a faint spark of the blazing inferno of the Beyond, for it was a thing that could not be, and yet demonstrably existed.
This Charm upgrades Pyreflame Footlights. While that Charm is active, the Infernal considers the Underworld and all denizens native to the
Underworld, such as ghosts, to be magical (see "Magic").
Duration: Instant
Kimbery fancies herself a great artist of grand guignol atrocities, and Autochthon was only tolerated by his brethren because of his abilities as the
Great Maker, but no Primordial could match Oramus for the sheer, impossible splendor of his works, each one as unique as a snowflake, as precious
as a jewel falling into a still pool of water, and as deadly as cold steel. This is only just; Oramus was inspired by the nightmare un-scapes of the
Beyond, and nothing can behold such sights without penalty.
The Infernal automatically acquires bonus successes on any Craft roll equal to the Infernal’s permanent Essence. An Essence 4 repurchase of this
Charm further reduces the required time between each Craft roll, if applicable, to (1/permanent Essence) the required time. However, all of these
bonuses only function if the Infernal is creating a unique item. A stunningly-original garden or a sword the likes of which Creation has never seen
would be eligible for the bonuses; recreating such things would not be. Furthermore, whenever an Infernal activates this Charm to supplement a
Craft roll, the Infernal becomes subject to a Derangement of the player’s choice for the remainder of the scene, provided that it is not a
Derangement that already afflicts the Infernal (although a player is permitted to re-select a partially-controlled Limit Break Virtue Flaw, upgrading
it to the full uncontrolled version).
Oramus is a generous soul, willing to impart stunning visions of the Beyond to those capable of appreciating the soul-wrenching vistas. That such
an experience is invariably damaging to the mortal mind is something he either does not realize or does not consider important; demonic scholars
continue to debate this issue. The Infernal acts as a wicked muse for another person within sight of the Infernal, granting that person successes to a
specific kind of Craft roll. Upon activation of this Charm, the Infernal learns what, if any, score the target has in Craft, and the Infernal determines
the Craft specialty to which the bonus successes are applied (successes cannot be allocated among multiple Craft specialties without multiple
activations of this Charm). The same restrictions regarding the unique nature of the Crafted result as imposed by Flowers Bloom Like Madness
apply to this Charm. In addition, the number of successes granted equals the bonus point cost of a Derangement mutation, chosen by the Infernal,
that is imposed on the target at the same time as the bonuses. Both the bonuses and the Derangement last for the remainder of the Scene.
Because the Charm is Obvious, the target intuits that insanity will go hand-in-hand with the gift. Those who do not wish to trade lucidity for artistry
may resist the effects of this Charm by paying 1 Willpower. Doing so immunizes the target from the effects of this Charm for the remainder of the
Scene. An Essence 5 repurchase causes the successes granted by a successful activation of this Charm to be permanent. The imposed Derangement
also becomes permanent as a Desecration effect and imposes the Creature of Darkness mutation on the target at the same time as the Derangement,
if the target does not already possess it.
Duration: Instant
The most powerful weapons and Charms levied against the Impossible Dragon during the Primordial War failed against the alien powers he could
marshal; attacks would be swallowed up by impossible angles, wasted as Oramus fractured reality such that he would be both killed and untouched
at the same time, and otherwise thwarted in an endless number of ways. Then one day a young Solar, the sole survivor of an ill-fated expedition
against the Dragon Beyond the World, exhausted, bereft of Essence and without Artifact weapons, swung her fist against Oramus in a last and
desperate act of defiance. The limits of this power were finally revealed.
The Infernal perfectly parries any attack she is aware of, even if it is unblockable. The Infernal can stunt this parry with an appropriate description
of the impossible way the attack failed. This Charm suffers from the Imperfection of the Dragon Beyond the World.
Duration: Instant
Those who talk with Oramus do so as gingerly as those who once warred against him, for it is in the nature of the Impossible Dragon to spread
madness like the clouds spread rain. A social attack supplemented by this Charm becomes unnatural mental influence. If the target of the Infernal’s
social attack does not successfully resist the attack, the Infernal may choose to impose a Derangement of the Infernal’s choice on the target in
addition to any other effects of the successful social attack. This Derangement lasts until the end of the scene. At Essence 4, the Derangement can
become permanent as a Desecration effect at the Infernal’s discretion if the Infernal successfully attacks the target with this Charm a number of
times in the scene equal to the bonus point value of the Derangement in question; the Derangement is still temporarily imposed upon the first
successful use of this Charm in a Scene, and subsequent uses simply build towards the Derangement’s permanence.
As the Infernal increases in power, this Charm becomes even more fearsome. At permanent Essence 5, the number of successful attacks required to
impose a Derangement are halved (rounding down). Finally, at permanent Essence 7, the Charm becomes permanent and automatically supplements
all of the Infernal's social attacks at no cost, regardless of whether the Infernal desires this effect or not.
Soul-Eroding Production
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The masques, plays, operas, exhibitions, and other events sponsored by Oramus before the Primordial War are still famous even today among the
denizens of Malfeas, sending the audiences insane with joy at the spectacles of pure artistry wrought by the Lord of Not.
This Charm permits Words that Twist Like Daggers to supplement a Performance-based roll against any number of targets that are in the Infernal’s
presence. An Essence 4 repurchase permits Words that Twist Like Daggers to be used remotely by the Infernal on any witness to a unique piece of
art that the Infernal has created, such as a painting, sculpture, book, or play (including a play created by the Infernal that is being performed in the
Infernal’s absence). The Infernal subliminally becomes aware of when such a piece of art is being viewed by a sapient being or beings (although no
information about the viewer is conveyed) and can choose to initiate a social attack (based on Performance for multiple viewers) supplemented by
Words that Twist Like Daggers against those viewers. A further repurchase at Essence 5 permits the Infernal to teleport to the location of the artistic
piece through which she channeled a social attack at an additional cost of 5m.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The changeability of Oramus’ perspective was a byword among his Primordial brethren; he seemed to be a veritable kaleidoscope of madness. The
Infernal may activate this Charm in response to any successful social attack or mental influence. The Infernal perfectly parries the successful attack.
The Infernal then imposes a Derangement on herself with a bonus point value that is equal to or greater than the amount of Willpower that would
have been required to cancel the attack’s effects; a Derangement that qualifies as a Deformity will substitute for any amount of Willpower. This
Derangement remains for the rest of the Scene. The Infernal cannot impose a Derangement on herself that she already has; if that is the only option,
this Charm fails. However, the Infernal can re-impose a Partial Limit Break Virtue Flaw, which then becomes the fully-uncontrolled version.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Oramus has no use for sanity, as he has long since discovered the power that can be reaped from shattering his own lucidity to let the mad power of
the Beyond flow through him. The Infernal gains an Overdrive pool of up to 15 motes. Initially empty, the Infernal can fill the pool by imposing a
Derangement on herself as a free action. Doing so adds the values of the Derangement in bonus points as motes to the pool. Additionally, this value
is added again to the pool each time the Infernal acts in accordance with the Derangement, at the Storyteller's discretion. For example, an Infernal
who flurries to waste an attack on an imaginary foe during combat would gain 2 overdrive motes for mimicking the Delusions Derangement. Any
Derangement gained by this Charm remains in effect for the rest of the Scene.
Prerequisite Charms: Play the Music, Light the Lights; Bright Costumes and Bold Makeup; Words that Twist Like Daggers; Sorcerous Initiation of
Oramus is not content merely to transmit the glory of the Beyond. His abysmal madness and horrifying power concentrates the experience as a
prism focuses a ray of light through this, the least of his Shintai Charms, intensifying the experience many times over. Mortals caught up in the
experience very quickly become broken, twisted, mewling wretches, hopelessly addicted to the limitless possibilities of the Wyld.
Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal bellows forth a gout of bright colors in all hues possible and impossible, which consumes her body
instantly in a glittering bonfire of blazing, shimmering rainbows. The Infernal may activate Play the Music, Light the Lights at no cost at the same
time she activates this Charm; the Wyld Zone created by this Charm radiates out from the Infernal at all times. She also may use Bright Costumes
and Bold Makeup each tick at no cost and without counting as a Charm activation to constantly change her form. Additionally, this Charm grants
the following benefits. First, the difficulties for the Wyld Exposure and Wyld Addiction rolls for any person other than the Infernal who is caught
within the bounds of Play the Music, Light the Lights increases by the Infernal’s permanent Essence; Essence-users may offset this penalty for any
required Wyld Exposure roll by spending motes on a one-for-one basis, if they are not already immune to the Wyld’s effects. Second, each target
must make a Wyld Exposure and Wyld Addiction roll on each of their action ticks while they remain within the bounds of Play the Music, Light the
Lights (succeeding at a Wyld Addiction roll prompted by this Charm does not grant the target the normal +1 bonus for future rolls over a number of
months as described on page 288 of Exalted). Finally, while this Charm is active, the number of successes required to mirror any spell using
Sorcerous Enlightenment of Oramus is halved, rounding down, and the number of times the Infernal may use Sorcerous Enlightenment of Oramus
is increased by the Infernal’s permanent Essence.
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Touch Of The Eldest, Actors In A Child's Play, Calculating Dho-Hna Angles, Glimpsed Through A Warped Mirror
Pity poor Oramus, for if he could activate this charm his troubles would cease. Alas, the Incarna decreed that only his most restrictive jouten would
be admitted into the realms of the real. Green Sun Princes face no such bindings, and may call forth their bloody majesty into Creation at will,
transforming themselves into a cape of billowing red fluid draped around a humanoid emptiness, crowned with a wreath of Crimson fire.
While using this charm the Infernal must pay a 3 mote surcharge on the cost of any charms not belonging to Oramus.
In this form, the Infernal can be everywhere and nowhere. The Infernal adds his Essence in automatic successes to all awareness rolls and may
reflexively move to any point he can see by spending 1 mote. This movement effect does not grant the Infernal any special ability to dodge attacks
and only takes effect after any attacks against the Infernal made on that tick have been resolved. This ability does instantly and perfectly end any
grapple that the Infernal is subject to, and this power does NOT suffer the imperfection of the Dragon Beyond the World. Furthermore, the Infernal
can reflexively hold any damage he suffers Elsewhere, committing one mote for a bashing level, two motes for a lethal level and three motes for an
aggravated level. The Infernal can transfer these wounds in step 10 of combat resolution the instant he would normally suffer them and can hold
them for up to the duration of this charm. The infernal heals these wounds even while they are Elsewhere at normal rates, after healing any wounds
on his health track. Such wounds always count as wounds on the -0 track.
While wearing the crimson crown the Infernal has dominion over many unreal kingdoms. The Infernal always counts as being part of a mass
combat unit with magnitude at least equal to that of the creature or unit attacking him for the purposes of calculating magnitude penalties (before
taking account of bonuses for formations), and always forces a rout check on enemies damaged by the Infernal or his unit (charms or effects that
would normally prevent rout force an Essence roll off). The Infernal always counts as being leader of a social unit with a magnitude equal to his
Essence and a policy the same as his motivation. The magnitude of this social unit can never be reduced, but if its loyalty is reduced to zero the
Infernal must still capitulate to the social attack that brought it to this point. Loyalty is then restored as if the social unit’s magnitude shrunk.
Finally, any troops routed by the Infernal or his unit, or any targets reduced to zero willpower by the Infernal’s social attacks, can be added to the
Infernal’s kingdom as a shaping effect. The subjects are dragged screaming (often by tentacles) to realms beyond, never to return. Spirits subject to
such effects never are never reborn and demons count as dead for the purpose of fetich death and similar effects, and targets taken beyond never
leave ghosts. Celestial Exaltations do find their way back to Creation after an indeterminate time. At Essence 8, this power transcends reality itself
and no longer counts as a shaping effect.
New Keyword:
Eternal: The effects of a charm with this keyword survive events such as Lethe, Unconquerable Self, cleaning in Lytek's
workshop, and other “reset events.”
Failure-Transmuting Benediction
Cost: 1m per die upgraded Mins: Essence 1 Type: Reflexive (Step 4 for attacker, Step 6 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: 1st (Amy) Excellency
Rather than guaranteeing her own triumph, Amy relies on her ability to strengthen others. She does not possess a Second
Excellency; instead, she exerts a nearly perfect mirror of the arts of her former Patron.
This charm can only be activated after a character within Essence*100 yards of the Prince rolls dice. For each die that the
target did not roll a success on, the Prince may spend 1 mote (up to a maximum of her permanent essence). Amy’s power
transmutes defeat and weakness into victory and power; add her permanent essence to each die targeted by this charm (raising it
to a maximum of 10). Dice that roll 1s cannot be targeted unless the Prince has a permanent essence of at least 4.
When enhancing a calculated value (such as a DV), each mote spent on this charm instead increases by 10% the amount of the
relevant pool used to determine the final value, up to a maximum of 100%.
Special: For the purpose of charm prerequisites (etc), this is Amy’s second excellency.
Example 1: Laughing Scullion is trying to outrun a thug chasing her through the city streets. She rolls Dexterity+Athletics as
part of the , getting the following results: 8, 5, 4, 3, 1-- one success. Amy (currently at Essence 3) intervenes, paying two motes
to enhance the middle two dice: 8, 8, 7, 3, 1-- three successes. She cannot pay to increase the die that was originally 8 to a 10,
for that was a success, and although she -could- pay a third mote (the maximum) to raise the die that rolled 3 to a 6 there would
be no point in doing so.
Example 2: Cornered, Laughing Scullion seizes a waste bin lid to try to ward off her attacker’s knife. Her Dexterity+Melee
pool is 5, so her base DV is 2 (this represents 50% of her pool rounded down). Amy (still essence 3) pays 3 motes to enhance the
pool. Now Scullion’s DV is 50+30=80% of her pool (still rounded down, for she is mortal); she protects herself with .8*5-- that
is, DV 4.
Word-Forged Sorcery
Cost: -- Mins: Essence 4 Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sorcerous Enlightenment of (Amy)
Shortly before her Ascension, Amy witnessed firsthand the cataclysmic consequences of fractured Sorcery. She resolved to
keep her power from ever inflicting such dreadful scars on Creation.
When casting any spell or using any Sorcerous charm, the Prince may reduce her effective permanent Essence by any amount
for the purpose of resolving that effect (to the minimum essence required to cast that spell or use that charm). For each level she
reduces her essence, reduce the effective circle of the spell by one when determining the consequences of lost concentration,
successful counterspells, or any other effect that represents the spell running rampant. In addition, this more stable design
increases the effective circle of the spell by [dots of essence suppressed] when resisting countermagic or other counterspelling
effects. For every circle above Solar that this would raise the spell, the character attempting to dispel the spell must succeed in
one rolloff which pits her Willpower+Essence in dice against your Willpower in dice with automatic successes added equal to
your essence.
Amy’s own essence flows naturally into these cautious, stable patterns. The initiations of other beings (particularly that of the
Ebon Dragon) do not! Any essence spent to pay for spells or Sorcerous charms from other Primordials or Yozis automatically
counts as motes of peripheral essence for the purpose of anima displays.
Manifestation of Impotence
Cost: 5m Mins: Essence 2 Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
This charm marks the character as unimportant and harmless. The proud dismiss her as insignificant; the violent pass her by
as a waste of energy; the merciful see her problems as too slight to be worthy of attention. While this charm is active, all Great
characters automatically ignore the user unless one of the following conditions is met:
• The Prince spends peripheral essence, has an anima banner active at the 4 mote level or higher, or activates an Obvious
charm other than this one. Remember that to those with All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight (or equivalent), all charms
are Obvious. This -does- mean, though, that Great characters whose sense pick up this charm will dismiss it just as they
dismiss its user.
• The Prince makes a physical attack or Defend Other action. Blockade Movement actions can circumvent this restriction
with an appropriate stunt.
• Ignoring one of the Prince's actions would constitute an Unacceptable Order.
• The Prince readies a physical weapon (moving a pile of swords out of the way is fine, but grabbing one of the swords
and assuming a combat stance would end the charm immediately).
• The Prince targets any Great character with a Presence- or Performance-based social attack.
If the charm ends for any reason, or if the character rolls join battle, the charm cannot be activated again for the rest of the scene.
This charm has no effect on characters who are not Great, but those unaffected will find that their masters (if present) dismiss
their protestations (“Ignore her, she's probably staff. Focus on these battle plans I'm showing you!”). This can lead to some very
embarrassing situations if a minor subordinate has the temerity to trigger an alarm.
At Essence 3+, this charm's duration becomes Indefinite.
Glory-Born Incredulity [green]
Cost: -- Mins: Essence 3 Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Manifestation of Impotence
The Solars radiate strength and glory even when they are not conduits for the unmitigated power of the living sun. Not
so Amy; even after her exaltation she radiated only weakness, vulnerability, and mortality. Few thought to connect her exertions
of cosmic power with the frail mortal woman she was otherwise.
This charm permanently alters the character's anima banner. Whenever the Prince takes actions with her anima flaring
at the 5m+ level or higher, beginning one scene later observers have a difficult time recalling that any of the Prince's actions
originated with her. They construct plausible explanations that do not involve her or, in the case of group efforts, generally just
forget her contribution entirely.
Treat this non-optional effect as Arcane Fate, except that it applies equally to creatures in and outside of Fate and only
to that portion of contact with the world where the Prince's anima was active.
At Essence 4+, characters do not receive a roll to resist unless their essence equals or exceeds the Prince's, and tangible
evidence degrades in scenes instead of seasons.
Consider an offshoot that enhances Manipulation-based rolls including an honest, significant portion of the truth (encouraging
lies by omission, basically).
Inconstancy of Certitude
Cost: 1wp, 1 Conviction channel Mins: Essence 2 Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Moment of Meritorious Honesty, First (Amy) Excellency
Amy lived a life of upheaval and change, constantly enduring events and encounters that redefined everything she
thought she knew about the world. This charm encapsulates her ability to adapt to such changes. By paying the listed cost, the
Prince renders her current motivation an intimacy and one of her current intimacies her new motivation (rephrasing both slightly
to adapt to the new format). This sudden change in focus acts as a perfect dodge against the mental influence that it was
activated in response to, if any.
At Essence 3+, the Prince may radically alter the intimacy chosen to oppose the mental influence based on the scene's
context-- turning “The Poor(protection)” into “Bring down Evil Megacorp(™),” for instance, to motivate herself to dismantle a
corporation oppressing workers in a sweatshop.
Create a charm or two branching off here to exploit that create-a-demesne effect for geomantic combat/sabotage?
Flesh-Warping Mercy
Cost: -- Mins: Essence 3 Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping, Training
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Auspicious Reciprocity Acknowledgment
This charm infuses its prerequisite with supernatural power. The Prince can now directly grant wishes by bestowing
dots of Physical Attributes, Appearance, and/or permanent mutations. These dots must fulfill the desire as normal, but they can
do so in ways the supplicant never imagine or wanted. Any single permissible mutation may be given with each activation of this
charm. These arrive over the course of a single scene by default. If the Prince chooses to have them arrive instantly, they do so
in a column of shimmering images as an Obvious effect. These mutations are always considered “internal” and do not impact the
target's ability to live in Creation or resist mutations from other sources.
Alternately, this Charm may also be used to remove mutations, in which case the target still owes the Prince later, but
the former mutant regains any experience points invested in the trait.
Spirit-Enlightening Munificence
Cost: -- Mins: Essence 3 Type: Permanent
Keywords: Training
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Auspicious Reciprocity Acknowledgment
This charm infuses its prerequisite with supernatural power. The Prince can now directly grant wishes by bestowing
dots of Mental and Social Attributes, Specialties, Abilities, or Thaumaturgy degrees/procedures. These arrive over the course of a
single scene by default. If the Prince chooses to have them arrive instantly, they do so in a column of shimmering images as an
Obvious effect.
At Essence 4+, this charm may bestow in response to a wish the objective answer to one specific, factual question,
provided that information is known by at least five self-aware beings. “Who stabbed Roger Rabbit?” is factual; “Who is
responsible for the death of Roger Rabbit?” is not. Charms that supernaturally conceal information oppose this charm's effects as
Innocence Untouched
Cost: 8m Mins: Essence 2 Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Leader (4)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Beneficent Exactitude Stance, Moment of Meritorious Honesty
For a sudden transcendent moment, an attacker realizes that he cannot-- must not-- harm the target. Even inanimate or
unintelligent attackers draw back from the incarnation of innocence presented, as if iron itself could not bear to shed her blood.
This charm functions as a perfect parry defense against any physical attack (that is not unexpected) or environmental hazard. It is
subject to the Imperfection of the Shattered Heart.
I’m actually not sure if this charm is necessary (Defend Other is a bit ambiguous), so I tacked on the effect that reduces
Amy’s PD from the standard physical cost to a mid-range mental cost (some are cheaper but more situational, like Sagacious
Reading of Intent; some are more expensive but have other benefits, like TED’s slowly-lowering PD cost).
Glory-Devaluing Insight
Cost: 3m Mins: Essence 3 Type: Simple (Speed 1, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Sorcerous
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Pedestrian Paragon Acceptance
While Amy's first instinct is to revere or suspect the powerful, especially with her new and Primal perspective, with
time and concentration she can recognize them as flawed and human, as in need of guidance and support-- and as capable of
merit and heroism-- as the crippled beggar in the city street.
This charm's effects linger for one scene (whether the Prince wants them to or not). By spending one tick realigning her
perspective, she removes the Great designation from one character she can perceive. These effects apply only to the Prince's own
charms; any others with charms that interact with that concept consider the target Great as normal.
In addition to the normal benefits and penalties that result from the target's changed designation, using this charm adds
automatic successes equal to the Prince's permanent essence on the next action she takes with the object of this charm as the sole
If, while under the effects of this charm, the target is subjected to any effect that applies only to non-Great targets, the
duration of this charm extends to match the duration of that effect, and if this charm ends prematurely for any reason, so do all
effects on the target which apply only to non-Great targets.
Touch of Humanity
Cost: 1m+ Mins: Essence 3 Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Glory-Devaluing Insight
While Amy might have seen value and virtue in deities, many of her experiences went quite the other way. Once a truly
compassionate person becomes aware of the supernatural world, they cannot help but shudder at the corruption and abuse that fill
it. Amy pondered this issue for some time, eventually concluding that the best way to deal with such creatures was to force them
to understand the limitations of humanity, the value that a single second can hold.
An action supplemented by this charm affects immaterial creatures as if they were material. Deities and other beings
that can normally recover from or ignore death do not receive those benefits against attacks supplemented with this charm.
At Essence 4+, the Prince may reflexively allow any character she currently protects with Defend Other to take
advantage of this charm (paying the activation cost from her overdrive or peripheral mote pool or any mote pools they possess).
If she does so, part of this charm’s Obvious component is a swirl of light in the shape of the Prince’s totemic anima around
whatever limb, weapon, etc, is making the attack.
At Essence 6+, this charm can be activated as a Reflexive (step 1) charm for (10-Prince’s Permanent Essence) motes, in
which case its duration becomes One Scene.
Debating adding a line like “you take the penalties but do not gain the benefits of lost charms,” but that makes a complex charm
even more involved.
Manifestation of Impotence: As the narrator, the user exists at a meta-level above and beyond the story itself.
Activating Phantasmagorial Narrative Shintai also activates Manifestation of Impotence, and using any effect of the former
charm does not end the latter.
Dragon's Lair Obtenebration: Through baffling, convoluted prose and plot twists, treat the area under the effects of this
Shintai as under the effects of this prerequisite charm. If a character successfully opposes this Shintai in an attempt to see even
once, they can see through the darkness created by this Shintai for the rest of the scene.
Corrosive Pattern Infliction: By taking the time to explicitly describe the background, as an automatically successful
Speed 3, DV -2, Rate 2 action, introduce or alter one inanimate object (including “the ground”) according to the parameters and
with the durations of Corrosive Pattern Infliction (this action does not cost motes). Immediately harmful effects (such as creating
a falling arrow or erupting volcano) are resolved as attacks using one of the Prince's appropriate combat dice pools.
Any 2nd (Yozi/Amy) Excellency: By subordinating physics to plot and action sequences, the Prince receives one
threshold success on any task she attempts, no matter what difficulties or internal/external penalties might naturally apply…
including Defense Values. (Soak still applies, as it isn’t a penalty.) The Prince cannot do flat-out impossible things or
automatically perform actions that require more than one success, but if a task is possible in principle, she can probably do it. For
example, she couldn’t save herself from falling off a cliff by flapping her arms and flying away—that’s impossible without
magic. She could, however, scamper up a collapsing cliff despite the external penalty of 5 and a (Dexterity + Athletics) pool of 3.
This power does not apply to the Prince's own DVs or the roll to force the narrative on a resisting target.
Excellence-Affirming Admonition: By refusing to allow co-authors and fanon, the character is automatically aware of
and may reflexively block/end/negate any Shaping effect targeted or existing within the effects of this charm.
Love the Forest and the Trees: By chronicling on a truly epic scale, as a reflexive action on each of her turns, the Prince
may target all beings within this charm’s area with one change within the limits of (her own) Auspicious Reciprocity
Acknowledgment. This special activation inflicts no debt, and (in addition to the normal options) opponents can pay 1 Willpower
to shrug off the change.
Cosmic Transcendence (Any): With patron-fueled indifference to the public and certainty in the rightness of her cause,
when rolling to maintain narrative in the face of opposition, provided the Prince has not paid Willpower to suppress any virtue
within the current scene, the Prince adds automatic successes equal to the stunt rating of the action that another character is
Merciful Burden Abjuration: Through fearless application of retroactive continuity, after the Shintai ends, characters
will remember the results of any parts of this charm as having always been that way. This effect targets anyone who interacts
with the area of effect for up to [Prince's Permanent Essence] years after activation. Characters can attempt to resist as normal
for this Shintai when first exposed to the memory-altering unnatural mental influence, but otherwise it attaches to them as per the
rules for the Sorcerous keyword.
Bared, Surprise Foreswearing: Through heavy-handed narrative foreshadowing and forced coincidence, the Prince can
render any unexpected effect expected and increase any DV to one greater than the number of successes rolled on the attack.
This does not prevent DVs from being rendered inapplicable (for instance, by Cascade of Cutting Terror).
Breath of Perfect Enlightenment: By the simple expedient of telling the end of the story before the beginning, the Prince
defines the story's climax. She narrates a brief sequence of events-- something that could be accomplished within one long tick,
usually. The events must be within the realm of possibility. Her opponents might turn on each other to fight over who gets her
artifacts, for instance, but they would not simply drop dead. In addition to the normal rules for contesting the effects of this
Shintai, characters with an essence pool may spend 1 Willpower to outright ignore the externally-imposed conclusion. Doing so
without winning the roll to contest reduces dice pools to zero before the use of charms, however. More clever characters will
stunt their actions around the narrated conclusion; as long as their actions support the visible elements of the narrative, they need
not roll or pay to resist the effects of this charm at all.
Eldritch Secrets Mastery: Just as a character cannot see the punctuation on the page wherein his life lies, so too Creation
cannot sense the touch of the Prince's legend. The manipulations produced by this charm remain Obvious to observers at the
scene, but the essence involved masks itself as natural effects of the Dragon Lines, least gods, etc, as the Prince dictates. This
charm contests observers' charms and abilities as per the rules for Loom-Snarling Deception and ensures that the entire narrative
is not detectable through the Loom or Fate charms. If the narrative involves any Blasphemy effects, the Shintai imposes an
external penalty equal to the Prince's permanent essence on the rolls to notice, and the Loom and Sword do not sound alarms
unless their operators succeed on a roll to notice as if they were standing within range of the Blasphemy keyword. If the control
rooms are vacant, the alarms do not sound.
Sublime Mimicry of Reincarnation:Through blatant self-insertion, the author may confront other characters with a
figure of seemingly endless power. As a Speed 6, DV -2, Rate 1 action, the Prince adds a character to the story. This character
has the Prince's traits permanently adjusted as per any Form-type charm the Prince knows -except- this one (meaning it is unable
to activate Phantasmagorial Narrative Shintai). The duplicate has copies of the Prince's equipment, but artifacts become merely
Exceptional mundane items. It has its own willpower, health levels, and virtue channels, but any mote costs it pays are paid from
the original's essence pools. If desired, the Prince may adjust its traits on creation as if it had received a number of activations of
Auspicious Reciprocity Acknowledgment equal to her essence. The duplicate always obeys the original and never contests the
narrative, but ceases to exist at the end of the scene. Only one duplicate may exist at a time, but the Prince can reflexively
dismiss the duplicate, usually by causing them to die in some spectacularly heroic fashion or to retire to a small home in the
countryside and live happily ever after.
At Essence 7+, should the original die her soul and Exaltation pass to the duplicate. From that moment the duplicate
becomes permanent (which may place the user in XP debt, if it was adjusted via Auspicious Reciprocity Acknowledgment),
although the effects of any form-type charm fade by the end of the scene.
Below this line are some charms that don’t mesh neatly with the rest of Amy’s tree; they’re experiments with mechanics on my
part. Some fit her character quite well, but my current goal is to give her one inward and one outward tree (beginning at
Manifestation of Impotence and Pedestrian Paragon Acceptance).
The Resonant Liturgy
In the time before time, Cyprian was known as the Hand Which Holds The Litany. Cyprian was not the
most powerful of the Primordials, but he was one of the more perceptive. Endlessly intrigued by the
interactions of his own lesser souls and of the fear-filled races that they spawned, it was Cyprian who
designed the concept of worship, and when the other Primordials saw its worth and helped to encode it
into the fabric of their newly-formed world, he was filled with pride. It was Cyprian who helped to
construct humanity as a weak species, instilling in them value as engines of prayer, and he seemed to
enjoy them more than most of his fellows.
It was thus that humanity's betrayal struck a terrible chord with him, as they turned aside from the
faiths that he had instilled in them, creating champions to destroy their former masters. Cyprian died
never truly understanding what had occurred - many of his souls fought bravely, but most were
slaughtered in the War, including his fetich. When Cyprian reformed as Cyprian, it was with a
newfound understanding of the faiths that he had thought eternal. No worship could last forever, he
reasoned, and all beings must find faith within themselves. So Cyprian set himself apart within
Malfeas, and let his souls squabble about the best way of proving their love and devotion.
Cyprian has three jouten that are commonly (or at least, relatively commonly) seen in Malfeas. His
worldform takes the shape of a vast temple complex, which sits high atop the highest layers of Malfeas,
as far from the chaos and confusion of the Demon City as the Liturgy can manage. This temple
stretches impossibly far, miles of unfolding prayer rooms and open-air pagodas, filled with temples in
every imaginable design and to every imaginable concept, all filtered through the Resonant Liturgy
himself. The temple is purest white, so bright that even the green light of Ligier seems to reflect pure
white off its surfaces, and is one of the most beautiful structures in the Demon City. However, its
beauty serves not to inspire, but to oppress - those who see the Temple are brought to look at their own
unimportance by comparison. Only the mightiest beings, such as Cyprian's siblings, can look on him
Cyprian's humaniform jouten rarely leaves his temple-body. The High Priest takes a roughly humanoid
shape, with pale translucent skin and vague features that almost seem to represent whatever the
onlooker sees as most admirable. He wears long, flowing robes whose color seem to change from every
angle, and carries a heavy crosier on which he must lean when not moving.
Sometimes, however, Cyprian also roams the Demon City in a third form - a medley of sound and light
that brings hope, only to vanish around a corner and leave even greater despair in its wake. Cyprian
travels rarely enough that many residents of Malfeas are not prepared for his passing, but those who are
usually find that their usual preparations against Adorjan and the Ebon Dragon are sufficient to ward
off the Chorus travelling in its purest form.
Cyprian seems, at first glance, to be one of the kindest and most virtuous of the Yozi, one whose
selfless martyrdom within the terrible layers of Malfeas underscores the cruelty of the pitiless gods who
trapped him there. He urges his followers to find their own truths and to never stray from them, to act
always with justice, and never to compromise in the face of threats, and to his credit, he takes his own
lessons to heart.
The truth, however, is that the faith embodied by Cyprian is as poisonous as that of Cecelyne. Under
his guidance, religions fracture into schismatic factions, and reasoned discourse collapses into civil war.
Most of his Third Circle souls are in open warfare against each other at any given time, and Cyprian
smiles indulgently down on them and encourages each to continue to fight for what she believes in. In
this, too, Cyprian acts with honesty. In his eyes, the world is fractured and fragmented. There is no
greater truth, only the truth that each person holds in their own heart. By allowing his souls to seek
their own truths, he fragments himself, and in doing so he sees the thousand facets of faith.
Cyprian still hates the gods and the Exalted for what they did to him, and rarely passes an opportunity
to flaunt his relative virtue in the faces of their champions. He cannot truly blame them, however, for
he knows that they follow a different faith - but his own Truth demands their destruction, and so
without malice, he will seek to remove them from existence.
Souls of Cyprian
• Salonius, Inscriber of Endless Truths, Fetich Soul of Cyprian
• Nimrata, The Ancient of Days, Second Soul of Cyprian
• Kyriaki of the Spreading Hope, Defining Soul of the Ancient of Days
• Neshama, That Which Unifies, Third Soul of Cyprian
• Ishvari, The Heart Of Purpose, Fourth Soul of Cyprian
• Kokuzo, The Outreaching Arms, Fifth Soul of Cyprian
• Macarius, The Thrice-Bound Pillar, Sixth Soul of Cyprian
• Manjusri, The Glorious Calm, Seventh Soul of Cyprian
• Onuphrios, The Silent Wild, Indulgent Soul of the Glorious Calm
• Vajrapani, The Thunder Spear, Eighth Soul of Cyprian
• Maelmaedoc, The Hope of Redemption, Ninth Soul of Cyprian
• Zenaida, The Verdant Spring, Tenth Soul of Cyprian
• Meritaten, The Scribe of Blood, Eleventh Soul of Cyprian
• Aloysia, The Poet of Flesh, Twelfth Soul of Cyprian
• Sanhedrin, The Final Judge, Thirteenth Soul of Cyprian
United In Dedication
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Reach Your Potential
The prayers of the faithful are songs of beauty to Cyprian, and he answers them with dedication. This
Charm permanently enhances the Infernal, and affects anyone who asks him for help or who
acknowledges him as a guide or mentor. For one month after seeking the Infernal's aid or declaring
their support, any affected target doubles his MDV bonuses and penalties for Intimacies, Virtues, and
Motivation. This is considered to be unnatural mental influence that cannot be resisted with Willpower,
and does not count towards Charm die pool maximums.
Furthermore, when taking actions that run directly contrary to any of those traits, targets take an
internal penalty of -1 for violating Intimacies, -2 for violating Virtues, or -3 for violating Motivation.
These penalties do not stack - use only the largest. On the other hand, when the target channels their
Virtues, they add a +1 die bonus to their rolls, and when they channel Virtues in support of their
Motivation (or Tenets) they gain a +2 die bonus. Both penalties and bonuses are unnatural Emotion
effects that can be resisted for one action by spending a Willpower, and count towards Charm
This power does not affect any being with a Cult rating - those who are worshipped cannot benefit from
their own worship. The Infernal cannot turn the power off or choose who is affected - anyone who
behaves appropriately gains all bonuses and penalties. Finally, if the Infernal knows the Charm Voices
of the Meek, this Charm automatically affects anyone who takes part in a worship ceremony presided
over by a successful prayer to the character. Again, this is not an optional effect.
Purpose-Reinforcement Prana
Truth Is Eternal
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Above The Masses
Mere wounds have no power compared to the raw chorus of the Resonant Liturgy. This Charm may be
used in response to any attack of which the character is aware. It acts as a perfect parry against that
attack, even if the attack is unblockable. To observes, the character parries with the raw force of her
certainty, letting off a burst of sound and light that takes whatever form the character sees fit. This
Charm bears the Imperfection of the Resonant Liturgy. This Charm may never be used against attacks
aimed at other people, even if the character somehow makes herself the target of the attack.
At Essence 4, the character may purchase this Charm a second time. Doing so allows her to spend 1
Willpower when activating the Charm to extend its duration to one tick. If so, the character may extend
the duration to one action by increasing its total cost to 8 motes and a Willpower once she reaches
Essence 5.
Subordination Of Purpose
Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower or 1 mote; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Eye For Faith's Fetters
Worship is a beautiful thing. It grants hope, strength and love to those who believe. But Cyprian
intended it for the purpose of power, and that power can be stolen.
This Charm has two uses. First, the character may use this Charm while in the presence of any being in
order to usurp their Cult for her own purposes. She must roll (Essence + Performance) at a difficulty of
her target's Essence rating. For every two net successes, she steals one dot of Cult from her target.
These stolen dots provide the character with a new Cult rating of equal value. A character with multiple
Cults does not stack their benefits; however, if her two highest Cults are at the same rating, she treats
her effective Cult as one dot higher than this (maximum 5). The character may, however, steal Cults
from as many beings as she wishes.
The second purpose of this Charm interrupts prayers. This mode costs only one mote, and must be
activated while at a worship ceremony to any being. The character rolls (Charisma + Essence), at a
difficulty of the worshipped being's Essence rating. If she is successful, every net success provides her
with one mote for every Resources dot sacrificed at the worship (maximum five net successes). A failed
ceremony provides only half this many motes. In addition, the prayer completely fails to reach its
intended target, regardless of whether it succeeded or not.
Hemera's hatred is cold as the ice that he is formed of, even while its blinding brightness produces heat.
He possesses a cold hatred for the Incarnae, hating them with every fragment of his being, in a constant
state of tranquil fury. He does not senselessly rage like Malfeas - instead, he constantly burns with a
cold hatred, and is constantly thinking up ways to defeat them. Recently, he has decided to throw its
weight behind the Reclamation, even while hating one of its chief architects, the Ebon Dragon. Hemera
seeks revenge with cunning and intelligence, realising that the Reclamation is the plan most likely to
finally work.
Hemera was originally known as Hyperion, Primordial of Light. In those days, he alone brought Light
to Creation, and even though he had a bitter rivalry with the Ebon Dragon, they did not hate each other
as they now do. He disliked the creation of the Unconquered Sun, and hated the idea that a being could
supplant him as bringer of light to Creation. With his loss in the Primordial War, Hemera's hatred of the
Incarnae has only increased, as they betrayed him. He now seeks to utterly destroy them, and it looks,
with the Reclamation, that this goal is looking closer than ever.
Hierarchy of Souls
• Helios, The Titan of Light
• Lucia, The Blinding Glory
• Astaroth, The Destroying Light
• Kerubim, The Bright Ones
• Ultima, the Violet Star
• Phaeton, The Star of the Morning
• Appolyon, The Star of Revelation
• Helioi, The Burning Ones
• Aten, the Presence of Hemera Fetich soul
• Horus, the Voice of the Aten
• Shamash, the Power of the Aten
• Aquilae, The Heralds of the Aten
Light is Invincible
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: See By Unrevealed Light
Light is invincible and eternal. This Charm may be used in response to any attack which the character
is aware of. It acts as a perfect defence against that attack, even if the attack is unblockable. To
observers, the character becomes as insubstantial as light itself for one infinitesimal moment. This
charm bears the Imperfection of the Scorching Brightness. This Charm may never be used against
attacks aimed at other people, even if the character somehow makes herself the target of the attack.
At Essence 4, the character may purchase this Charm a second time. Doing so allows her to spend 1
Willpower when activating the Charm to extend its duration to one tick. If so, the character may extend
the duration to one action by increasing its total cost to 8 motes and a Willpower once she reaches
Essence 5.
That Which Reaps The Lost Time
Interactions With Other Yozi
Ikanii largely communes with the Ebon Dragon and Oramus, the former because the Shadow likes to
keep his options open, and sees various ways to exploit Ikanii's terrifying powers (as well as the fact
that he naturally resonates with those who color outside the lines). Oramus is drawn to Ikanii the same
way he is attracted/offended by anything that suggests there is more than the inside/outside he defines.
Ikanii was one of the last Primordials to surrender, perhaps the last. They Exalted almost considered
simply slaying him as progress was already being made on the Shinning Tyrant's ritual mutilation at the
time and they were not sure his imprisonment would be practical.
As for what the Final Yozi does when he's at home, and why he might be interested in the Reclamation,
well for one thing, he is very, very hungry. The directions he choose to evolve in during the Time of
Glory were great for a Primordial of that Era, he swooped around Creation, hardly seen, consuming
entire populations of humans and other pre-human races, and letting only a few survivors escape to
spread the nigh shapeless terror. Bloated on the power of consumed souls, he was free to explore the
outer reaches of his madness and re-arrange his conceptual reality to suit himself. Growing into an
ever-hungry Outer Horror isn't seeming like such a swell choice now though.
New Charm Keyword: Incomprehensible
Similar to the Avatar keyword (Manual of Exalted Power: The Abyssals, p. XX) this represents a
Charm that requires a certain minimum rating in Unknowable Truths in order to use. Normally such
Charms allow the character to draw upon the insane insights provided by her background in new or
more powerful ways, alter reality as a Shaping effect by changing what is and what is not, or bestow
such insights upon others in mind-shattering ways.
Incomprehensible Invunerability
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Unnatural Drift Motion, Nightmare Incarnate Mien
Nothing can strike the unseen terror. This Charm causes any single attack against the Infernal to simply
inexplicably fail. The specific reason for this failure is always vague and uncertain, but mechanically it
is treated as a perfect dodge that can evade even attacks that cannot normally be dodged. The horrifying
realization that the attack didn’t connect for no reason the attacker can discern leaves the attacker
reeling, any subsequent attacks made against the character on the same tick suffer an external penalty
equal to the Infernal’s Essence as an Emotion effect.
This Charm suffers from the imperfection of That Which Reaps The Lost Time.
Biomass Assimilation
Cost: None (+3 motes); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Infernal consumes any biological matter, their altered physiology sifting through a thousand
useless cells for one that can be included in their body. Any biological matter may provide the Infernal
sustenance in sufficient quantities.Each of an Extra’s health levels provides sustenance equal to a day’s
worth of meals, as would a field of flowers, or a moderately sized oak tree. Consuming the large
amounts of hardwood is no easier for the Infernal than it would be without this Charm requiring a
significant investment of time.Additionally the Infernal may spend 3m to negate any poison or Poison
effect that results from biological matter than have consumed.
Biomass assimilated does not have to be instantly integrated with the Infernal’s body. They may store
up to their Essence in days of sustenance (roughly equivalent to one Health level consumed from a
corpse, a medium sized hardwood, etc) for later consumption. Such biomass is held in stasis in
Elsewhere until used.
Reintegrated Form Restoration
Cost: 1 mote+; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Biomass Assimilation
At its most basic level both Ikanii and Infernal’s who emulate him can sustain themselves on biomass
they have absorbed, however this is the beginning of its uses not the end. Drawing upon their reserves
the Infernal repairs damage to their body, reconstructing it cell by cell from biomass they have stored in
Elsewhere. This Charm allows the Infernal to reflexively heal damage as well as any Crippling effect.
Damage costs 1m per Bashing level healed, or 2m per lethal level, while removing a single crippling
effect costs 3m. In any case each level healed or effect removed also costs the Infernal one Health
Level / Day of biomass from their stores in Elsewhere, and if they are empty this Charm cannot be
used. The Infernal cannot spent more motes empowering this Charm in any single Tick than their
permanent Willpower.
Mass Consumption
Cost: 14 motes; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Biomass Assimilation
Ikanii’s bio-crystalline tendrils are large enough to consume entire cities at a time,causing entire
populations to vanish without a trace. The Infernal can only match a fraction of this power. As a
Shaping effect, they may open their mouth disturbingly wide and absorb any un-owned, un-resisting
biomass within an area of (Essence x 10) yards to a maximum of their normal storage capacity. If this is
an area of forest or lush grasslands normally this represents roughly ten Health Level /days worth of
biomass, a lifeless desert on the other hand may yield none. If the area is filled with corpses, or Inactive
prisoners it could be considerably more, perhaps as much as one hundred Health Levels / days.
Generally speaking an area yields (6 – difficulty to hunt for food) x 2 Health Levels /days per
A second purchase at Essence 5+ expands the area of effect up to (Essence x 100) yards,and the normal
effect to (6 – difficulty to hunt for food) x 10 Health Levels /days.
World-Consuming Hunger
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Internal Soul-Cluster Storage
The Infernal develops Ikanii’s endless lurking hunger, which can only be sated by souls. This Charm
enhances its prerequisite, the Infernal doubles the maximum experience point debt they can sustain
from using Internal Soul-Cluster Storage to consume Po souls. However their endless hunger for souls
requires that they consume at a minimum (Essence x3) per day regardless of if they gain any benefit
from doing so. If they fail to meet this quota they lose all ability to spend experience points to improve
or gain traits until they do so. The existence of this Charm is one of the primary reasons Ikanii has
joined the Reclamation. Mortal populations to consume are exceptionally rare in Malfeas and the Titan
frequently hungers. The technology of the Infernal Exaltation that allows Ikanii to automatically gain
any new Charms created for his Charmset by Green Sun Princes however trumps the limitations of this
effect,allowing the ancient being to grow once more.
If the Infernal has Essence 7+ then this Charm also removes the restriction against benefiting from
other Training effects while in experience debt from Internal Soul-Cluster Storage, but not the
limitations that this Charm itself provides.
Morstal, the Malaise Of Fog that is All That Has Past
"When all is done and forgotten, when the past has swallowed this day,
When the secret is fully buried, when your name has passed away,
One thing shall be certain, one thing can they say,
Morstal Knows."
On the border of Malfeas and Cecelyne lies the great, rolling fog cloud that is Morstal. It passes slowly
around the border of the two realms, making one circuit every 321 creation years. Any who enter, even
those foolish of the Unquestionables of his Yozi Kin, never leave for one cannot leave the past save by
being a Shade.
Morstal is one of the older Yozi, but was one of the last to communicate with his kin. The reason for
this is simple, Morstal is everything that has past from existence. Until his brothers and sisters came to
know and communicate and until that information was memory Morstal was a blank nothingness. As
his brethren grew and learned so did he and thus came
The First Knowledge of Morstal, Morstal the Recorder, ALL THAT AS PAST IS NOTHING BUT
This first knowledge permitted him to gather the echoes of the past to himself, for the past existed
before the Fates did to order it in the form of memory.
Possessing as he did the memories of his kin he tried to use their knowledge to aid his kin but he lacked
control and became injured and his more experienced kin where forced to aid their brother to use his
power for their memories where a gift, not his right, and thus came
The Second Knowledge of Morstal, Morstal the Disciple, LOYALTY BEGETS REWARD.
This second knowledge permitted him to use his powers well, to aid in the establishment of the order of
things and to become as record and protocol and to remain loyal to all he considered good.
In time he came to aid in the creation of Creation, helping to form the cycle of reincarnation that would
be used for that world and thus came
The Third Knowlage of Morstal, Morstal the Gatekeeper, ALL THINGS HAVE THEIR ENDS.
This third knowledge worried Morstal for he saw what others never did, that they too had the ability to
end, that they where not eternal. But it also granted him a unique gift among his kin, the ability to relish
the now as a unique event.
In time the traitors sided with the servants of the masters and the end that Morstal feared seemed to be
coming to pass. Morstal learned in emotion rather than reason, his poisoned knowledge,
The Fourth Knowledge of Morstal, Morstal the Executioner THE WAGE OF BETREYAL IS
This knowledge availed him not and drove him to act poorly. Unable to see forwards he was fooled. A
circle of the upstarts tricked him, the Knower decided to speak that Morstal was defeated, the Preacher,
Speaker and Stalker spread the lie that poisoned so that soon it was believed by the many. As their
memories became part of Morstal he too began to believe, in the one moment of confusion this caused
the Killer and his army struck Morstal low.
He was not alone. The King of All was cast down and Morstal into him. Here Morstal discovered his
final and ultimate truth,
The Fifth Knowledge of Morstal, Morstal the Damned, HOPE IS POISON.
The only path to freedom is to pass beyond, for Morstal still gathers the Shades of all that passes from
The Realm of The King of All and one day, he knows, all his kin shall pass into him and then he shall
pass into himself and all will never have been.
Demons of Morstal:
As the year rolls by so does Morstal get more powerful. Thus it is fitting that Morstal has demons that
reflect the calendar. The first Knowledge matches the first season and each Knowledge has an
Awakening, Appreciating and Assimilating Demon just as each season has an acceding, resplendent and
decending month. The Awakening Demon is connected to the first connections to the aspects of the
Knowledge, the Appreciating Demon is connected to understanding the Knowledge and the
Assimilating Demon is connected to the raw fact of the Knowledge itself. Each Demon speaks for
Morstal during the appropriate month, none speak for Morstal during Calibration for this is the time
ruled over by Morstal's Fetch, whom none have seen since The First Age. Likewise none have seen his
Jotun since then either.
1. Gargla is the Awakening Demon of Memory. He concerns himself with first memories, nostalga
and history.
2. Torglan is the Appreciating Demon of Memory. She concerns herself with training, plays (and
other deliberate distortions of history) and propaganda.
3. Vergor is the Assimilating Demon of Memory. He concerns himself with the core nature of The
First Truth. He records all events of the Demon Realm that do not fall in the purview of his
4. Drolta is the Awakening Demon of Loyalty. She concerns herself with induction ceremonies,
oaths of loyalty and contracts.
5. Llamdra is the Appreciating Demon of Loyalty. He concerns himself with promotions,
inheritance and other rewards for loyalty.
6. Kerdal is the Assimilating Demon of Loyalty. She concenrs herself with the core nature of The
Second Truth. She records all alliances of the Demon Realm.
7. Morkalla is the Awakening Demon of Ending. He concerns himself with grieving, the loss of
innocence and pain.
8. JarJarKen is the Appreciating Demon of Ending. She concerns herself with funerals, suffering
and killing.
9. Hergolgix is the Assimilating Demon of Ending. He concerns himself with the core nature of
The Thrid Truth. He records all deaths in the Demon Realm.
10.Hesudra is the Awakening Demon of Betrayal. She concerns herself with greed, pride, hubris
and other things that make the servants rise up.
11.Serdoran is the Appreciating Demon of Betrayal. He concerns himself with punishment,
execution and torture.
12.Wratarga is the Assimilating Demon of Betrayal. She concerns herself with the core nature of
The Fourth Truth. She records all betrayals and, where possible, murders the perpetrators.
13.Tersogran is the Awakening Demon of Despair. He concerns himself with loss, fear and
14.Lartyn is the Appreciating Demon of Despair. She concerns herself with panic, dread and self-
15.Groltroam is the Assimilating Demon of Despair. He concerns himself with the core nature of
The Fifth Truth but records nothing, for Hope lies where The All That Was cannot see.
In addition to the spawn of his souls Morstal has another group of servants, when a living thing within
the sight of Morstal dies or is altered so fundementay that it has to be considered a new creature, such
as a demon bound into a Artifact:Hellstrider, a Shade.
Morstal Charms
Shadows Reforged
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: -
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: The Broken Has Life, First Morstal Excellency
This charm enhances The Broken Has Life and The Dead Has Life. Duplicated object are now perfect
in every regard, the only clue to their magical nature is the fact that they are essence constructs and
detectable as such with essence sight. Duplicated people are less perfect. Physically they are perfect but
their memories are still thin. They have only the two abilities they considered most important in life
(with any appropriate specialities). They can access the memories of their life, but only by spending a
dot of Permanent Willpower for one scene of memories. They still cannot channel essence. Allowing a
duplicate to access its memories is dangerous however. Whenever it does roll a dice. On a 7,8 or 9 it
regains an intimacy from its past life and will act on it if doing so does not directly contravene its
orders. On a 10 it wrenches free from the Infernal and regains its motivation from life. The motes that
go into this charm remain committed but the Infernal cannot the commitment for one month after the
Time Relentless
Cost: 5m 1wp+; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple (One Hour)
Keywords: Combo-Basic Sorcerous
Duration: Until discharged
Prerequisite Charms: Shadows Reforged, Become The True Pathway, The Font Of Memory
While The All That Is knowns only the past he knowns All of the past and thus can make out the ghost
of the Present at the edge of his vision. By using this charm the Infernal can designate a charm or
combo they know to activate when a certain set of circumstances come to pass. They can be narrow
(such as "When Tepets Jarkarlo enters the Temple of Marlaken in Volgard") or broad (such as "When I
am next attacked"). They must also pay for the charm or combo when they activate this charm and
chose any and all parameters that apply. After this whenever the events described enter The All That
Was the charm activate one tick later. As The All That Was is separated from Creation he only knows
that which goes on in the presence of his servants there. As such if the events take place in outside
Malfeas or another Yozi (usually Cecelyne) then a Morstal demon or cultist must be present when the
conditions are met (the Infernal always counts). The charms can be set to activate at the Infernal or at
the location this charm is activated at. The discharge of this charm does not count as charm activation.
Note the Prayer roll is what triggers the check for Blasphemy.
However there are certain downsides to this charm. The Infernal must spend the entirety of Calibration
within Morstal and are incapable of leaving. Special considerations are made for Green Sun Princes
who use this charm, a fragment of Morstal flows to The Thing Infernal to house them. In addition the
Infernal may not cross or disturb lines of salt and take a -2 internal penalty to all rolls in areas that are
dedicated to the future in some way, such as schools, the halls of progressive government or fields.
Institutions that plan to make the future much like the past, such as The Court of the Scarlet Empress
before her disappearance, are not considered dedicated to the future, even if they plan for it.
The First Knowledge, The Knowlage of Morstal, Morstal the Recorder, ALL
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: The Whole Eyes Of The Past
The Infernal has internalised the First Knowledge of Morstal. He is at one with The Past and with
Memory. Whenever he makes a Lore or Occult roll pertaining to things that exist within The All That
Was the Lore or Occult dice grant automatic successes. In addition whenever he adds to the The All
That Was with information that otherwise would have escaped, that is information from realms outside
of the Yozis that is not common knowledge and dates from after The Primordial War, he can bonuses as
if it where a successful stunt. Insignificant information behaves as a one dice stunt. Interesting
information without much real value behaves as a two dice stunt. True secrets count as a three dice
stunt. The storyteller has final say as to what Morstal already knows but in general it should only be
things that his cults are involved in or his demons where used to perform. If there are a number of
related facts the Infernal only gains the benefits of the largest. This can mean that the Infernal uncovers
information they think may qualify but that does not give them a bonus from either because it is already
known or because there is a larger related secret. They can tell which is the case.
The Second Knowledge, The Knowlage of Morstal, Morstal the Disciple,
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Benediction of the Mind, Benediction of the Body, Benediction of the Soul
The Infernal has internalised the Second Knowledge of Morstal. He is at one with Loyalty. All stunt
dice on actions intended to serve one to whom the Infernal has pledged Loyalty are now automatic
successes. Orders to Betray are now considered unacceptable orders. However the Infernal must fail a
roll on the highest of a their virtues to Betray one to whom they have pledged Loyalty and gain a point
of limit even if they fail the roll. Infernals forced into a situation where they must betray one to avoid
betraying another may chose which to betray but take 3 points of limit. In addition the Infernal may
reflexively spend 3 motes to extend their senses into the mind of one they have any outstanding
Benediction charms on. They may also chose to temporarily take over the mind of such an individual
but doing so renders their own body unconscious. The target may resist by spending 1 Willpower but if
they do they are ejected from the charm. While in the body of the target the infernal can use the targets
own essence fuelled abilities but cannot use their own. They use the target's physical attributes and
appearance but use their own Abilities, willpower, virtues and other attributes. Everything else is
determined from the targets traits.
Freedom In Tradition
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: First Morstal Excellency
While there is no such thing as Hope for the Future there is such a thing as the Requirements of The
Past. This charm acts as a perfect Social parry so long as the defence employed consists of a deference
to a higher authority, a call to tradition or the requirement to fulfil an obligation. By embracing one of
those things the Infernal allows them to ignore the attack. However this charm cannot be used to resist
an attack that attempts to get the Infernal to observe tradition or fulfil an obligation.
A memory charm alters the memories of the target, typically to remove or grant capabilities. Because
most capabilities require some level of memory to use them these charms can affect all traits save for
Strength, Dexterity, Stamina and Appearance which are too inherent to the physical form. Even the
ability to channel essence can be effected by removing or adding the spiritual procedural memories
required to manipulate essence. Therefore while Memory charms can reduce permanent essence by
destroying memories and grant a mortal the ability to channel essence by giving the required spiritual
procedural memories it can never raise permanent essence. All Memory charms are also Shaping and
any that grant a permanent bonus are also Training. Creatures that have no memories, such as simple
automita and mindless undead are immune to these charms.
Non-standard commitment
These charms require the user to commit something other than essence. The most common is
Willpower but anything may be a valid target. The user takes all of the normal penalties for loosing
what they commit with one exception, they do not loose access the the charm they activated if doing so
makes them unable to fulfil the pre-requisites. All committed traits return instantly when the charm
ends save for Willpower which simply beings recovers normally. A character may never raise a trait
through spending experience while any part of it is committed and any other effects that might raise the
trait are compared to the original, not reduced value.
Non-standard damage
These charms attack something other than health levels, typically by altering the target's mind or
memories. They follow all the standard rules for combat damage save as follows:
• Damage is soaked with the higher of the target's Integrity or Charisma. There is no minimum
value to the damage pool so soak can reduce the damage pool to 0, negating the attack.
Favoured or Aspect traits receive an additional +3 soak. Traits that are tied directly to an
intimacy (such as Larceny if the target has a positive intimacy towards the thieves guild they are
a member of) gain +1 soak. Traits that are tied directly to the character's Motivation (such as
Valour for a character who wishes to purge their family of the dishonour of their ancestor's
cowardly conduct) gain +3 soak (does not stack with Intimacy soak). Motivations are never
valid targets. Intimacies are and are allways considered to be tied to an Intimacy (ie
• Each successful point of damage to willpower closes off one dot of willpower, stating with
spent points of temporary willpower. Damaged willpower points recover in any situation
Willpower does but are empty when recovered (essentially meaning each has to be recovered
twice). If Willpower is reduced to 0 then Mortals cannot recover and spirits who are naturally
dematerialised dematerialise and cannot materialise until healed. Heroic mortals and all essence
users recover to 1 dot of Willpower (empty) after 1 week if they make a successful
(Charisma+Integrity) check. If they fail then they make another test in a week. If they receive
treatment their healer may also make an (Intelligence+Medicine) roll to restore them to health
with the same interval.
• Other traits are harder to hurt but also harder to heal. Each point of damage is recorded next to
the trait. When the points of damage equal the value of the trait the trait looses one point.
Additional points roll over. (For example if a mortal with Lore 2 received 3 points of damage to
their Lore they would mark the first 2, remove one dot form Lore and then mark the third and
loose their last dot) Specialities always count for this purpose but are lost if the trait they effect
reaches 0.
• Virtues and essence are the hardest of all to effect. They must take either 5 or their current value
in points of damage to reduce. (For example if a mortal with Valour 2 received 3 points of
Valour damage he would mark the 3 points of damage next to Valour but not loose any points in
it. If he took 2 more he would loose a point of Valour.)
Mortals cannot heal lost traits save by relearning them. Heroic mortals cannot either but may relearn
them at half the usual experience and training times, up to the original value. Essence users may make a
Willpower roll to recover one point of Trait damage per week. Specialities return when a trait is
returned to at least half its original value. Points of damage against traits fade after 24 hours have
passed. Such attacks are by their nature Shaping Attacks.
Notes for use:
I created Morstal for a game I am running and am in the process of creating charms for him. He is the
embodiment of The Past, Memories, Despair, Tradition and Loyalty. As a clarification his knowledge of
The Past is perfect only for those realms he has power over, he has all of The Past of The Primordial
Age and all of The Past of Malfeas but none of the past of Creation since the Primordial War save
where it is recorded as memories of the residents of Malfeas. He joined The Reclamation only because
he feels it will speed up the deaths of his brethren. He may or may not have echoes of the slain
Primordials inside him (Storytellers choice) but wishes to end everything by absorbing it, rather than
by letting it slide into Oblivion. He cannot see the present or the future and therefore must always wait
for events to enter the past before he can respond, meaning he sometimes seems a little slow.
The five Knowledges form the core of Morstal, he truly believe them and as such wishes to rescue his
brethren, and all loyal to them, from oblivion by absorbing them as they die. Which is insane but hey,
Yozi right?
I dont intend to make demon stats but, if for any reason anyone wants to have a stab at it by all means
do and include the stats on this Wiki. Share and share alike after all!
Zuratha, the Caverns that Whisper
"Survival's a long reach."
Zuratha, the Caverns that Whisper, stretch underneath all of Malfeas, Binding themselves to his bones,
writhing through the world and pushing aside matter that they might form. It is a complex of tunnels,
entered by spreading wounds in the ground, lit by the pale pulsing light of his calcitic flesh. The tunnels
seem ethereal, unreal, the white, waxy stone seeming somewhat transluscent to show shadows of
incomprehensible things that invariably turn out to be reflections, hallucinations, dreams. Zuratha is
literally endless, his arteries stretching an infinite distance in all directions, bounding within himself
caverns of incomprehensible size, whole worlds made of nothing but lost rumor and whispered tales,
spun whole from his bones.
Many stories have been told about Zuratha - that buried in him, in the central cavern that is his essence,
there is a treasure that is the very concept of treasure, grand beyond imagining. To those who seek
knowledge, it has been whispered that a map of his body would reveal the most profound truths of
Malfeas and creation alike. Perhaps most compelling to the denizens of the demon city, it has been
whispered that there are passages from his depths that lead out, to Creation and to stranger places, exits
that are not watched by Cecelyne or any other. All of these things are true, and all of them are not. In
times past, all of these things could be found in the body of Zuratha, as could any other legend that was
sought. Now, he has forgotten, and so these things are as hidden from others as they are to him. Those
who enter Zuratha are lost, eternally wandering, always sure that their goal is down one more tunnel.
Some find their goal, a cold reflection of what they expected; a treasure of gold that turns to sand, a
path to a creation that is monochrome and empty of all life; those that do cannot understand the
mockery that is their discovery.
Zuratha did not suffer fetich death to reduce him so; nor did he waste his power battling for freedom.
Once, he was the omnipresent underpinning of Creation, the roots that held the world together that it
was not washed away in the tides of the Wyld. When the unshaped horrors outside the world pressed
against what was, his endless reach would push them back again without a thought. His great heart was
a jade stone, and to stare on its surface one understood all that transpired in creation, everything that his
broad shoulders held up. When he was bound, he found that there was no purpose to his existence any
more; Malfeas needs not his strength to persevere, and his heart is now blank, a bulk of soapstone that
shows nothing but yet conveys: "The world carries on without me, as it seems it always could."
Zuratha now passes eons with his remembered dreams of past glories whispering tales about the things
that he once contained, the stories and the gifts, so that demons and men may walk his corridors. He try
to feel a reflection of the passions of those victims, but it proves impossible; and in a vain hope,
Zuratha wishes that his victims may actually find the purpose that he has lost, that it will be revealed to
him anew.
Aspects of Zuratha
• Allai, Who Serves the Weak
• Azhar, Who Tells of Great Things
• Lost Tayala, the Hunted Meaning
• The Soapstone Heart, fetich soul of Zuratha
• Prodosia, Who Salts the Earth
• Senesshee, Whose Truth Shapes
• Sha, The Everstretching Truth
• Sulmana, Who Seeks What she Finds
Zuratha's mutability and indolence combine in this charm, from which all others he wields
Combat Charms
Zuratha, as in all things, treats combat as passively as possible, letting it unfurl around him without his
apparent involvement. Many of his charms are based around permanent alterations to guarding and
coordination, allowing the combat to occur with little direct involvement on his part. His perfect
defenses bear the imperfection of the Empty Heart. Zuratha is truly nothing without a purpose to
inspire him, and seeks it in others. Without them, he is reduced by his nature to hollowness. Charms
with the Imperfection of the Empty Heart may not be used when the wielder is without allies present. A
familiar, sharing the user's soul, does not count towards this ally count, nor do beings without
intelligence or without motivation.
Zuratha Charms
Zuratha has no green sun princes, but his various souls all have their various goals, and it is in his
nature to not question their plans too deeply. There are therefore many akuma of Zuratha in the world,
compared to some yozi- but they often are working at cross purposes. Most of their urges follow the
format of "Help someone accomplish this task" - usually, with task specified and someone not.
Point form notes are for charms yet to be written
Zuratha Excellencies
First Zuratha Excellency
Cost: 1m/die
Minimums: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive (step 1 for attacker, step 2 for defender.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The quiescent god is passive, resigned, and given to being self-righteous and petty. He is eager to help,
but often misleading. He can give great short-term gains, but is fickle and inconstant over the long
term. He feels the passions of others and is empathetic, but is rarely interested in opposing others to
complete his goals.
Characters may apply this charm to actions that aid others or affect only themselves, as well as actions
that are brief or not taxing. He may use this charm to maintain his own definition of self against
attempts by others to change that definition, such as by physical or social attacks or shaping. He may
not use this charm for any action taken in the heat of passion, and may not benefit long-term exertion.
Zuratha Mythos Exultant
Cost: -
Minimums: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: none
Prerequisite Charms: First Zuratha Excellency
Zuratha accomplishes his tasks easily, but rarely profits from his illusory goals. Double the dice granted
by stunts, but gain no reward.
Base Charm
Sleep and Stand Tall Cost: -
Minimums: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keywords: none
Prerequisite charms: none
Zuratha is quiescent. But just as he does not choose to act himself, does not mean that he is impotent.
He merely refines himself and waits until he has a goal to expend the energy on. This charm
permanently enhances the character's ability to rest. With every eight hours rested, the character regains
one virtue channel and must redefine his purpose - he assigns a +3 specialty to any ability. The
character cannot keep the same specialty after resting. This can give the character more than 3
specialties in one ability, and the cap for specialty dice applied to rolls supplemented by this charm
becomes essence or three, whichever is higher.
Combat Charms
Combat charms based on reliance on others to do your work and changing self-definition to defend and
Branch one -
Wait as the Patient God
Cost: -
Minimums: Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: none
Prerequisite charms: Mutable Recumbent Divinity
The restful god cannot be harmed; his lack of action means that he is ready to move reactively away
from anything, his whole existence a coiled spring waiting for a purpose, the only limiting factor the
bounds his own soul inflicts. His chosen are likewise ready to respond to anything that would disturb
their torpor. This charm permanently enhances the guard actions of Zuratha's chosen. Guard actions
now increase DV by the chosen's lowest virtue. This changes the nature of the guard action, rather than
being a DV bonus from charms. The guard action is now a three tick action that refreshes DV when it
ends. However, the Zurathan chosen may choose to renew it at the end of the three ticks without cost
reflexively, preventing the DV refresh. The action may still be aborted at will, as per usual.
The chosen may purchase this charm a second time to allow them to renew the guard action as many
times as they desire without their DV refreshing.
Wield the Immobile Force
Cost: -
Minimums: Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: none
Prerequisite charms: Wait as the Patient God
Zuratha is silent and still, but this does not prevent his souls from using his power to their own ends,
thinking that their goals are their own. The chosen have learned to emulate this, and their allies strike
for them. This charm permanently alters the nature of the coordinate attack action. It now counts as a
guard action for purposes of Majestically Restful Pose - coordinate attack actions have a DV bonus of
+lowest virtue and take 3 ticks. The user may choose to extend that time if they desire, and if they have
bought Majestically Restful Pose twice may extend it further as per that charm.
The chosen may purchase this charm again to add lowest virtue in successes to all coordinate attack
Redefine the Lover's Hand
Cost: 3m, 1wp
Minimums: Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: combo-ok, obvious
Duration: instant
Prerequisite charms: Wield the Immobile Force
Many aspects of Zuratha all work to their unified goal: find the purpose that he seeks. That the hunt is
his purpose is irrelevant. The unified striving is the method and the end. The chosen learns to emulate
the methodology of Zuratha, and his coordinated attacks make his allies weapons. The chosen
supplements a coordinate attack roll. The coordination grants those that it coordinates a single attack on
the tick when it completes; this attack ignores rate and does not inflict a DV penalty. If the attacker has
an action available, he may use it as normal in addition to the attack granted by Redefining the Lover's
At essence 4, this charm may be purchased again. Anyone whose motivation is in line with the chosen
of Zuratha's goals does not require successes to coordinate. Up to essence such individuals may still
apply to the cap of maximum applied successes.
At essence 5, the chosen may purchase the charm a final time to allow them to include enemies in his
coordination roll. Apply the coordinated attack successes as an unnatural emotion effect with successes
equal to those rolled on the coordination roll, which costs 1 willpower to resist. If they do not, they
must attack the target as desired by Zuratha's chosen.
Enjoin Yourself to Nothing
Cost: 3m+
Minimums: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (step 6)
Keywords: combo-ok, obvious
Duration: instant
Prerequisite charms: Wait as the Patient God
Dreams reflect on and slide off of Zuratha, and those who first dreamed them are punished by those
dreams and thank him for it. The chosen of Zuratha reflect attacks onto their allies and friends,
preventing their own suffering for the greater good. This charm is a perfect soak charm. It perfectly
negates a single attack against the user. As an additional cost to activate the charm, an ally of the user
present in the same scene suffers automatic levels of unsoakable aggravated damage equal to the
attacker's essence. The chosen may choose to reduce this damage by one level per two extra motes
spent when the charm is activated, to a minimum of one level. During a guard action, reduce the mote
cost to 1 before surcharges.
Make Nothing of the Dreamer
Cost: +1wp
Minimums: Essence 4
Type: permanent
Keywords: none
Duration: permanent
Prerequisite charms: Enjoin Yourself to Nothing
Zuratha knows that the opposition to it is what gives purpose form. This charm is a permanent
enhancement to its prerequisite. When the user activates it, he may spend an extra willpower to roll
Charisma+Presence against a present target's MDVs - including their enemies. If he beats it, he may
treat them an ally for purposes of that charm. He cannot inflict more levels of damage to the target by
this means than his essence, and will have to pay extra motes to reduce the damage if it is more than
Watch the Roiling of the Hopeful Minds
Cost: none
Minimums: Essence 2
Type: permanent
Keywords: none
Duration: permanent
Prerequisite charms: Wait as the Patient God
The chosen of Zuratha know the power of waiting. When they purchase this charm, add essence to the
maximum number of dice that can be added by aiming. Aim dice bonuses beyond the first action count
as a die bonus from charms.
They may purchase this charm up to essence times. The chosen of zuratha may accumulate more than
attribute+ability dice aiming this way for purposes of subsequent charms, but may not apply more than
At essence 4, aim actions also count as guard actions.
Strike the Wilting Hope
Cost: 1wp
Minimums: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: obvious
Duration: permanent
Prerequisite charms: Watch the Roiling of the Hopeful Minds
Patience breeds certainty. This is one reason that the chosen feel that Zuratha has not picked a purpose
yet; because the superiority of one has not yet been proven. If the chosen have more aim dice against a
target than the target's MDV, the attacker may spend a willpower when he makes an attack. The target
becomes certain of the outcome - the attack becomes perfect and will strike even if DVs reduce it to 0
successes. However, this only works against targets who are aware of the attack.
Self-definition Charms
Charms based on Zuratha's desire to define and know himself.
Profound Truth of Self Cost: 4m
Minimums: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Story
Keywords: Combo-OK
Prerequisite charms: Mutable Recumbent Divinity
Zuratha defines aspects of himself to the needs of every circumstance, or at least every circumstance
that catches his interest. Each personality that his souls take is as true and real as any other, and his
souls have learned to mimic this ability. The exalt sets one of his virtues to six or essence, whichever is
higher, and gains that many virtue channels as well. At essence 5, the chosen may spend an extra 3
motes when channeling an augmented virtue to convert the dice into successes. This charm cannot be
voluntarily ended before the end of story by the chosen. If another effect ends the charm, the chosen
may not activate it again for the same virtue within the story. The chosen may buy this charm multiple
times. Each purchase increases the number of virtues that the exalt may augment at once. A fifth
purchase at essence 6 allows the user to augment their permanent willpower.
Solipsistic Mirror Games Cost: 4m
Minimums: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Story
Keywords: Combo-OK
Prerequisite charms: Profound Truth of Self
The soul of Zuratha is self-defined. But it is the sign of his power that his self-definition reflects on the
souls of others. The chosen of Zuratha know the arts by which their own soul's knowledge and power is
granted to others. The user rolls charisma+performance against a target in sight range. If successful,
raise one of their virtues by essence.
At essence 4, the chosen is able to spend a willpower when activating the charm. If they do, their
targets cannot spend a willpower to supress their augmented virtue. This is an emotion effect that costs
2 willpower per scene to resist. Spending a total of their increased rating in that virtue ends the effect,
but the increased virtue remains. This does not stack with Profound Truth of Self if applied on another
Chosen of Zuratha.
- create a new motivation as a mental defense
- perfect disguise charm
- upgrade - make charms appear to be of a different type.
- willpower reserve, only fillable with rest. multi-purchasable.
Aid charms
Charms based around Zuratha's tendency to go along with the plans of others.
Look to your Empty Heart Cost: 4m
Minimums: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Scene
Keywords: Combo-OK
Prerequisite charms: Sleep and Stand Tall
Zuratha's chosen know how to fight against the things that would define them - emulate their
unshapable father. Influences on them are muddied and lost like words written in wet clay. Increase the
difficulty of shaping attacks made against the wielder and their mdvs by essence.
See the Will's Kernel Cost: 4m, 1wp
Minimums: Essence 2
Type: Simple (dramatic action)
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK, emotion
Prerequisite charms: Look to Your Empty Heart
Zuratha seeks the thing that will define him, and helps others that they might be that thing. But what if
their desires are - unsuitable? The chosen declares a target. Over the course of a conversation, the target
finds themselves agreeing with the the Zurathan's ideas and methods. The user makes a
charisma+presence roll, with bonus successes equal to their highest virtue. If this beats his targets
MDV, they gain a second motivation equal to the first for every purpose except gaining permanent
essence for completing it until the end of the story. This is an emotion effect which can be resisted for a
cost of one willpower per scene. If the target desires, at end of the story they may convert their original
motivation to their new one at no cost.
Throw Seeds to the Wind Cost: +6m, 1wp
Minimums: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Duration: Story
Keywords: -
Prerequisite charms: See the Will's Kernel
Zuratha knows that any one being - except himself, of course; can be of but little purpose. But he has
felt the purpose that can be inflicted by many. This charm is a permanent enhancement to See the Will's
Kernel. When it is activated, the Zurathan commits ten motes for the duration of the story. Everyone
that the target meets compares the Zurathan's highest virtue to their highest MDV. If the virtue is
higher, they gain the second motivation as per See the Will's Kernel.
- automatically organize groups with shared motivation
- add successes to aid rolls
- upgrade to above: gives penalties to anyone he has aided who is disappointing
- give targets demonic traits to aid them. Multi-purchasable for more traits.
The Eternal Maze, The Alchemist of Realities, The Puppeteer Of Feathers And Shade, The
Capricious Azure, The Eye Of Sorceries, The Burning Blue Rainbow, The Subtle Schemer
Xanichan Urges push their bearers onward with the need for revolution, for alteration and chaos and
reaction after reaction, treating the world as touchpaper to a glorious explosion of change. Stagnation,
tradition and contentment are the enemies of Xanichi, as he seeks to turn the wheels of the world ever-
faster, only bothering to hide his machinations half of the time (unless, of course, that is what he wants
his opponents to think). It matters little if he succeeds in his latest plot and provokes a new, burning
mutation in the fabric of reality, or if he seems to fail, forcing others to adapt in order to fend off his
reforms; either way, the universe must react to his diabolical alchemy.
Possible examples of a Xanichan Urge might include:
• Inspire revolution throughout the Realm.
• Reform the Celestial Bureaucracy.
• Dissolve all of Creation into Pure Chaos.
• Create a new Creation out of Pure Chaos.
• Turn Whitewall into a city of mutants and beastmen.
The Torment of Xanichi: When an Infernal with a Xanichan Urge reaches 10 points of Limit, he
becomes dreadfully impelled to engage in fearless micromanaging, convinced that his minions and
distantly-laid plans will amount to nothing; only he can be trusted to accomplish his goals. Often, this
has the same outcome as going to personally check on an “dud” firework. For one full day, the Infernal
suffers the same effects as the uncontrolled version of the Foolhardy Contempt Virtue Flaw (Exalted,
Xanichi delights in betrayal, and is even less able to restrain himself than the Ebon Dragon, lacking the
latter’s inherent cowardice. Those familiar with the Eternal Maze are wise not to turn their backs to him
for even a moment. Whenever the warlock betrays an individual completely unnecessarily, ending their
service or alliance where they might otherwise have continued to be of use, he rolls his Temperance.
Each rolled success reduces his accumulated Limit by one point, to a minimum of zero. Examples
might include refusing to pay the expert mercenary band who delivered his enemies to him, leaving his
second in command behind as their airship goes down in flames, or murdering his partner-in-crime
midway through a robbery to secure a greater share of the take.
Characters may apply this Charm to actions that facilitate significant change, as well as those that aid
the development and progression of long-term or convoluted plots. Sorcerous or thaumaturgic actions
may always benefit from this Charm. Attempts to conceal one’s goals or actions generally benefit, as
does any action taken with the goal of manipulating another, though open and grand displays are not
opposed to this Charm at all. This Charm may never be used to keep something static, nor may it
support an action that has been openly predicted by another.
Cost: 1+m; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Desecration, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous, Stackable, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Xanichi sees no appeal in the static forms of Creation. Where his clawed fingers touch, the world
ripples and warps, changing in hideously beautiful ways. When the Infernal activates this Charm, he
pays one or more motes (to a maximum of (Essence+2) motes per activation) and applies positive
physical mutations to the target based on the number of motes spent. A pox costs one mote, an
affliction costs two motes, a blight costs three motes, and an abomination costs four motes. These
mutations are applied normally as a Desecration effect (though the Creature Of Darkness mutation does
not count toward the cost of the Charm), and fade at a rate of (target’s Essence) of mutation dots per
day, rounding up if necessary, and starting with mutations of the highest value. The mutations
themselves are Sorcerous, and may be dispelled with the appropriate countermagic.
At Essence 3+ the Infernal may increase the cost of this Charm by one point of temporary Willpower to
make any mutations applied by this Charm permanent, at the usual xp cost. Doing so prevents the
mutations from being Sorcerous, making them immune to countermagic.
At Essence 4+ the additional cost to make mutations permanent is waived if the Charm is used on a
willing target.
The Infernal may reflexively pay one mote at any point to make one of these symbols visible to normal
sight, and may (upon doing so) cause the mutations stored within to suddenly erupt into the target’s
body, as though the prerequisite Charm had been applied at that moment. If the mark is dispelled, the
mutations in question are lost.
Unless it is dispelled, this mark lasts until the death of either the Infernal or the target. There is no limit
to the number of marks an Infernal may have placed, nor is there any limit to the number of times a
single character may themselves be marked for mutation.
This Charm may not suppress natural mutations, such as those describing the form of a beastman or
engineered race, but may suppress other mutations, even those not applied by the Infernal himself.
Cost: — ; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Gnarled Pendulum Infusion
A thousand eyes blink and stare beneath the Xanichi's feathers, and each time they open they look upon
the world anew, their pupils morphed, their irises a different shade, their perceptions totally flipped.
This Charm permanently enhances Hand Of Change, allowing the martial artist to use it to alter his
target’s perceptions of the world. He gains access to the following unique mutations, which he may
only apply through this Charm;
• Pox - Friends To Lovers: One of the character’s intimacies has its context altered. This may not make
a positive intimacy into a negative one, or vice-versa, but there are no other restrictions on the new
context. The Infernal that applied this mutation chooses both the intimacy and the new context.
• Affliction - Love To Hate: This mutation is equivalent to taking Friends To Lovers twice, and has the
same effects, with the exception that no restrictions of any kind are placed on the new context.
• Blight - Nobody To Nemesis: One of the character’s intimacies has its subject altered. The character
must be at least aware of this new subject, but otherwise needs no justification for transferring their
love for their wife (or their hate for their foe) to them. The Infernal that applied this mutation chooses
both the intimacy and the new subject.
• Abomination - I Always Feel Like: One of the character’s intimacies is marked for either erosion or
reinforcement, as their mutated mind twitches and reinterprets events as the warlock wishes. If it is
marked for erosion, then any scene spent reinforcing this intimacy instead counts as a scene spent
eroding it. A scene spent interacting with the subject of the intimacy, or the Infernal who applied this
mutation, always counts as a scene spent eroding this intimacy. If it is marked for reinforcement, then
the same occurs, except that any scene spent eroding the intimacy instead counts as a scene spent
reinforcing it. The Infernal that applied this mutation chooses the intimacy in question.
When these mutations fade or are removed, any intimacies they affected return to normal, unless they
have been removed completely or otherwise altered in that time. Applying these mutations permanently
never incurs an xp cost.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ upgrades it, allowing the warlock to only pay the mote
cost for the mutations of the most expensive target of each Flickering Flame Of Mutation. Other costs
must still be paid separately.
At Essence 10+ the Infernal may instead reduce his accuracy bonus to zero to increase the Charm's
radius to one square mile.
Cost: — ; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Obvious, Overdrive
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Flame Of Mutation
The Infernal's mutating flames drip heatlessly over his fingers, falling to the ground. Where they touch
dirt, it twists into new and alien shades, leaving a thin trail as the tiny mewling fires crawl back to the
Infernal, reinfusing themselves into his burning Essence. This Charm grants the Infernal an Overdrive
pool with a capacity of five motes. Initially empty, it gains a single mote every time the Exalt uses
Flickering Flame Of Mutation on a target other than himself.
If the Infernal knows the Charm Blade Of Mutable Ether, then the capacity of the Overdrive pool
granted by this Charm is increased to ten motes. In addition, it gains a single mote the first time in a
tick the Infernal makes an attack with a weapon enhanced or created by that Charm. Finally, it gains a
single mote at the end of any tick in which the Infernal has inflicted more than (Essence x 2) points of
mutations, spread across any number of characters (mutations he inflicts upon himself do not count for
this purpose, as are pre-existing mutations that he releases from suppression).
This Charm permanently enhances Flickering Flame Of Mutation, allowing the Infernal to use it to
affect immaterial targets just as easily as material ones, ignoring the natural resistance to mutation
possessed by gods and elementals. If the Infernal has enhanced or created a weapon with Mutable Ether
Blade, then it can strike immaterial targets as well.
It should be noted here that ghosts cannot be mutated by Xanichi Charms (at least, not without
employing Heretical Charmtech), being static creatures fundamentally opposed to his paradigm of
chaos and organic change. Instead, they suffer one die of unsoakable aggravated damage for every
three points of mutations they would have normally acquired. Non-ghostly creatures of death, such as
zombies or Abyssals, are affected normally. They are, however, completely disgusting.
Cost: — (+1wp); Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Flame Of Mutation
The revolution has not been put down. It simmers, cells of cultists and anarchists lying in wait, embers
prepared to erupt at the slightest incitement to change. The Infernal may use Flickering Flame Of
Mutation with a surcharge of one point of temporary Willpower, as well as the cost of any mutations he
wishes to inflict through Hand Of Change, to lay a trap on any surface within range. This trap is a
Sorcerous environmental hazard with a radius of (Essence) yards, which takes the form of softly
glowing ember-like lights at the center of the hazard. This will obviously be more suspicious in some
places than others – it will likely be unnoticeable in a fire or on a jewel, but placing it in a dark room or
a flat marble floor will allow it to be spotted easily. This hazard lasts until the end of the scene.
The first character (other than the Infernal) to step into the radius of the embers immediately suffers an
attack by Flickering Flame Of Mutation, using the Infernal’s usual dice pool (he may not augment this
pool with Charms). If the target had not noticed the Charm upon triggering this effect, he must roll
(Wits + Awareness) against the warlock’s (Essence) or else suffer it as an unexpected attack. If the
attack hits, it proceeds as though the target had been struck by a normal iteration of Flickering Flame
Of Mutation, using the mutations paid for by the warlock upon setting the trap. After the resolution of
this attack, the embers gutter out into nothingness, leaving no trace beyond some twisted discoloration
where they once laid.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 3+ allows the Infernal to charge his embers such that they
can strike up to (Occult) different characters before being removed, at a cost of an additional two motes
per additional character to be affected. Alternatively, he may lay up to (Occult) individual embers, each
capable of affecting one character, at a cost of two additional motes per additional ember.
In addition, the warlock may place a geas on his overeager embers when creating them, forcing them to
lie dormant. Instead, they will erupt (as normal) when a specific condition is met within their range
while a valid target is also in range, targeting the closest valid target. This condition may range from
"At noon" to "When the red-headed Dragonblood with the jade Powerbow embraces her mother". The
embers will not recognize characters by name, though descriptions can be as needlessly specific as the
Infernal likes, and they are not fooled by illusions. After this eruption has been resolved, the embers
will act as normal, disappearing or waiting for further valid targets if they have more charges in store.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows the martial artist to create appropriate
ammunition of any quality for ranged weapons enhanced by this Charm, at a cost of one mote for each
shot costing Resources • or less, and two motes for more expensive ammunition (thrown weapons are
treated as ammunition, with their cost reduced by one for the purposes of this Charm). Ammunition
created in this manner is formed entirely of the rainbow fire of Xanichi, its solid parts formed from
crystallised flame.
The warlock may now also create an entire weapon by using this Charm with a one mote surcharge,
using the stats for any mundane weapon of any quality with a cost of Resources •• or less (he may
create multiple weapons with a single activation, provided their total cost is within the boundaries of
that allowed by the Charm). The weapon in question erupts into his hand, a shimmering manifestation
of rainbow flame or twisted air, and acts exactly as a normal weapon of its type, with the exception that
it cannot be sundered or disarmed, may be dispelled by appropriate countermagic, and is under the base
effects of this Charm.
A third purchase at Essence 4+ increases the power of weapons created with this Charm, allowing the
Infernal to pay an additional point of temporary Willpower when activating this Charm. If he does so,
he increases the maximum cost of weapons created by an activation of this Charm to Artifact •• or
Resources ••••. Artifact weapons created by this Charm do not benefit from any magical material
bonus. The warlock may also pay this additional Willpower cost when enhancing a pre-existing
weapon, increasing its quality rating by two levels, to a maximum of Perfect quality (Artifact weapons
lack a quality rating, but may be enhanced in this way to add the Fine bonus to their statistics). A
weapon enhanced in this way returns to its normal quality when the Charm deactivates, but its
aesthetics are forever warped into something alien to Creation; perhaps it now possesses an unsettling
oily sheen or a living eye set into hilt.
If the warlock is wielding a weapon he created or enhanced by paying Willpower, he may channel
Flickering Flame Of Mutation through it, reducing its total cost by one mote.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to heal Crippling effects at a cost of three motes
per effect, or four if the effect is an amputation, as wriggling tendrils reconnect lost limbs and eyes
recurdle within their sockets. A third purchase extends his mutating medicine to Sickness effects, which
cost three motes to heal, or four if the illness is magical in origin. Both of these are also Shaping
Cost: — (+2+m/+3+m); Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Flesh Like Melted Wax
Within the Eternal Maze are all possibilities, and each turn may bring a traveler to a new path. Whether
that path leads to the summit of Qaf, the heart of the Realm Defense Grid, or the maw of a river dragon
is unknown to all but his blind Third Circle Soul, Tireisas. This Charm permanently enhances Hand Of
Change, allowing the Infernal to improve the traits of those he mutates. When using Hand Of Change
as a Desecration effect, the Infernal may increase his target’s ability ratings or attributes as a Shaping
and Training effect costing two motes per ability dot and three motes per attribute dot. This may not
increase the target’s traits over their natural maximums. These motes do not count toward the
maximum cost of Hand Of Change, but the Infernal cannot spend more motes healing a character than
he spent on the main effect of the Charm.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5+ allows the Infernal to increase his target’s trait ratings
up to one dot past their normal maximums, although doing so increases the resultant xp cost for the dot
in question by half-again. When the mutated character in question uses these unnatural skills, he leaves
prismatic afterimages behind his movements, and the things he makes bear the undeniable aesthetics of
Xanichi, set with blue feathers, rainbow flames and numerous eyes (making the effects of this Charm
quite Obvious). If they wish to avoid notice, they may elect not to use their Infernally-granted abilities,
dropping their dice pools (and caps) for the roll accordingly.
Cost: — (+5m, 1wp); Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Potential-Unlocking Caress
The potential for greatness lies within every being, in Creation or beyond, a truth exemplified by the
process of Exaltation. It is by Xanichi's carefully considered hand, however, that any pawn on the board
may become a queen. This Charm permanently enhances Hand Of Change, allowing the Infernal to
elevate those he mutates. If his target with Hand Of Change is a mortal extra, he may expend five
motes and a point of Willpower to confer a new and heroic motivation (chosen by the target mortal’s
player) as a Shaping effect. Doing so transforms the extra into a heroic mortal. Motes spent on this do
not count toward the maximum cost of Hand Of Change, but the Infernal cannot spend more motes
elevating an extra than he spent on the main effect of the Charm. When using the Charm in this way,
the Infernal may apply dots of the Demonic Inheritance background as though it were a Blight
Cost: — ; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Xanichi knows well how to make others dance for him; their strings, once found, are easily pulled.
Sometimes he will simply set the stage, and allow the puppets to manipulate themselves, directed by
the levers and pulleys they set up in their own souls. This Charm permanently enhances all social
attacks the Infernal makes with Manipulation. When applying an MDV penalty caused by such an
attack resonating with the target’s intimacy, Virtue or Motivation, do not simply choose the highest
modifier. Instead, these penalties stack, although each one can only be inflicted once per attack. This
means that the maximum MDV penalty that can be inflicted in this way is -6 (-3 for resonating with the
target’s Motivation, -2 for a dominant Virtue, -1 for an intimacy).
However, the Infernal’s own attachment to his ideals falters, as he comes to see the flimsy malleability
of such justifications. Any MDV bonus the Infernal gains due to the social attack in question opposing
one of his intimacies, his dominant Virtue or his Motivation is reduced by one, to a minimum of 0.
Bonuses gained against social attacks that would lead him to come to immediate physical danger are
unaffected; despite his own capricious nature, Xanichi has never become disillusioned with his own
For the rest of the scene, so long as the Prince does not gain any benefits from an Intimacy or Virtue
(such as using it to resist mental influence, or channeling it), it cannot be discerned by mundane means.
Even an outright (but mundane) declaration of their feelings on the Infernal's part will result in listeners
treating it as a bluff, misunderstanding it, or simply hearing nothing but gibberish. Gaining benefits
from an intimacy or virtue immediately rescinds this Charm’s protection of that trait for the rest of the
scene, as the Infernal’s ties to the mundane world become clear and comprehensible again.
At Essence 3+, this Charm also obscures the Infernal’s Motivation, provided they do not gain any
benefits from it (such as regaining Willpower due to its accomplishment, or using it to resist mental
influence). His goals seem alien or nonsensical to others, or else shrouded in layers of byzantine
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 3+ extends its protection to all supernaturally-enhanced
attempts to discern the Infernal’s Motivation, Virtues or Intimacies, forcing a roll-off against perfect
effects (in such roll-offs, this Charm benefits from one automatic success) and automatically defeating
all others. Whenever a character attempts to use magic to analyse the Infernal in this way, he may
unleash a backlash of hissing taunts that echo in their skull, draining one point of temporary Willpower
from them. However, such a direct defence of the Infernal’s true character makes this Charm Obvious
to the character in question.
At Essence 7+, the duration of this Charm changes to Permanent, with its mote cost reduced to zero.
Every member of the cult now exudes an Illusion that glosses over any but the most overt signs of their
membership; neighbors ignore the odd hours they keep, and strange gatherings are treated as being
entirely unremarkable, while many become actively opposed to acknowledging the cult’s existence,
seeing it as nothing but an imagined bogeyman or nonsense conspiracy theory. This illusion can be seen
through by anyone with a Dodge MDV of more than (Infernal’s Essence + Occult), but otherwise has
the effect of applying an external penalty of (Essence) to all attempts to investigate the cult, gather
details on its organization, membership and activities, or otherwise prove its existence. Characters
cannot normally resist this illusion with Willpower, but if it is directly pointed out to them, they may do
so by spending two points of temporary Willpower. Characters exuding this illusion automatically see
through it, but not through any other illusions created by another application of this Charm; it often
benefits Xanichi to keep his cults (or the cults within his cults) ignorant of each other’s existence. This
illusion automatically fools the pattern spiders, as well as any method of divination that relies purely on
the Loom of Fate – they gloss over the existence of the cult, giving no more information than the
diviner already has access to.
Although this Charm will not muffle the sound of a cultist screaming his chants from the rooftops, or
mask ritual killings in the streets, it does exert a separate illusion that hides unnatural mutations, as well
as any scars, tattoos or mutilations directly related to the Cult in question, making the character seem
like an ordinary being of their species. If the character in question would not be able to live in Creation
if all their mutations originated in the Wyld, the illusion is weakened, reducing the Dodge MDV
required to see through it to ([Infernal’s Essence] + 1).
When applying this Charm, the warlock chooses a marker that identifies members of the cult. This can
be anything; a secret handshake, a hidden tattoo, a codephrase or piece of ritual jewelry. Every member
of the cult who benefits from the illusion created by this Charm gains knowledge of the marker
(however subconscious), and adopts it in their interactions with the cult (the marker is hidden by the
illusion). The warlock himself gains a special eye for the marker – not only can he see through all
illusions he creates with this Charm, the marker is Obvious to him at all times, allowing him to
instantly identify members of cults he has aided in this manner. A little insurance is always a wise
Cost: — ; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Locked Doors And Closed Lips
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, enhancing its ability to shield the cult from the
actions of outsiders. A cult under the effects of Locked Doors And Closed Lips ignores any undesirable
mundane effect based on proportions of the population that does not specifically target them. A plague
that wipes out a fifth of a kingdom will leave the cult unharmed, a raid that destroys a city misses any
members of the cult, while lynchings of the religious pass them by. In effect, they become immune to
mundane, “offscreen” destruction while they are hidden by the Charm. Chaos, riots, upheaval; these
things only benefit the agents of Xanichi.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ cripples the ability of others to sway the cult from its
purpose. Any effect that would inflict a belief, taboo, etc, on the entire cult through one or more
members becomes Obvious to the leader, and his MDVs are increased by (Patron’s Essence) against it.
Xanichi has little desire to see his plans upset by the mindless bleating of idealists.
In addition, if the group leader has a mote pool, he may perfectly defend against such an effect on
behalf of the cult by reflexively paying five motes and openly declaring its source an enemy of the cult.
If he does so, every cult member present gains an intimacy of religious hatred toward the source of the
effect, and enters into a frenzied state with the same effects as the Red Rage of Compassion Limit
Break, lasting until the end of the scene. For the duration of this frenzy, the illusion created by Locked
Doors And Closed Lips is completely dropped, and the cult is immune to further mental influence, for
obvious reasons. The cult leader himself is not affected by this frenzy, and non-extras may exert Partial
Control (though no characters involved regain any Willpower or lose any Limit for participating in this
mad lynching).
Cost: — ; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Incomprehensible Nested Heart
The greatest lies are those we tell ourselves, and Xanichi is among the greatest liars in existence. This
Charm may be purchased a number of times equal to the Infernal's Essence rating. Each time it is
purchased, the Infernal gains another Motivation. This new Motivation must be somewhat plausible,
both with regards to its accomplishment and its objective relation to the Infernal's character and history,
but it is still a fake. This fake Motivation may be reflexively adopted by the Infernal at a cost of one
point of temporary Willpower, and he acts upon it as though it were his Motivation, only able to work
toward his real Motivation subconsciously. Any effect that reveals Motivations, supernatural or
otherwise, reveals the fake Motivation rather than the real one. The Infernal may pay one point of
temporary Willpower to reflexively drop the fake Motivation in favour of his real Motivation (or
another fake one he possesses). A dropped fake Motivation requires a week before it can be donned
• While the Infernal is using a fake Motivation, he regains Willpower for working toward it only if he
fails a Conviction roll, allowing his mind to sink into the comfort of its own deception.
• A character who becomes aware of the falseness of the Motivation may attempt to erode it in the same
manner as an Intimacy, though the Infernal's Conviction is effectively doubled for this purpose. Upon
breaking the fake Motivation, it automatically drops, leaving the Infernal with his true Motivation (or
another fake one he possesses, at no cost).
• If the Infernal completes a fake Motivation, he cannot immediately increase his Essence, but instead
reverts to his true Motivation (or another fake one he possesses, at no cost).
• The Infernal may alter any of his fake Motivations by spending a full day in meditation, during which
he will frantically speak in tongues about his deepest, truest desires.
At Essence 4+ the true madness and masterful puppetry of the Eternal Maze comes into effect - any
Motivations acquired or changed may be totally unrelated to the Infernal's character, or otherwise
totally implausible (making Metagaos into a Bride of Ahlat, for example).
At Essence 6+, up to (Essence-5) fake Motivations may, during a meditation to change them, be altered
into fake Urges, following the same mechanics (although they must still follow the guidelines of the
Yozi patron in question, and replace the Infernal's Urge rather than his Motivation).
This fake Motivation overlays the target’s own, automatically taking effect just as though they had
donned it using Recursive Maze-Mind. The target cannot remove it themselves (though they can
subdue it for a scene at a cost of two points of temporary Willpower, allowing their true Motivation to
take effect for that duration), and have all memory regarding its acquisition suppressed, rendering them
consciously unaware of the falseness of their goals.
The Motivation removes itself upon being completed, or at a trigger determined by the Infernal when
setting it. This trigger may range from a specific time and date, or a condition such as “upon receiving
a mutation” or “upon meeting the governor”. The Infernal may set up to (target’s Willpower) triggers.
Upon being removed, the false Motivation immediately returns to the Infernal’s arsenal of self-
deception, and the target instantly reacquires their original motivation.
At Essence 6+, If the target possesses an Urge of their own, and the Infernal has at least one fake Urge,
he may use this Charm to grant them that fake Urge, just as though they had used Recursive Maze-
Mind, following the guidelines of the rest of this Charm. A target may have both a fake Urge and a fake
Motivation, but may only have one of each at a time.
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Recursive Maze-Mind
Closing his eyes, the Infernal reopens them to a world swimming with impish manifestations of his
own mind, dancing and leering around all he sees, advising him on matters great and small, pointing
out things he has missed and things he would rather not see. When purchasing this Charm, choose one
of the Infernal’s mental attributes. For the duration of this Charm, all of the Infernal’s rolls based on
that Attribute are rolled twice, with him choosing whichever result he prefers (the Infernal may not
voluntarily deactivate this Charm before its natural end). If he applies the effects of Xanichi Mythos
Exultant to an action enhanced by this Charm, he may split the redone dice-rolls granted by his stunt
between each of the two dice rolls, in any way he desires, for no additional cost.
If both these rolls result in the same number of successes, the Infernal applies his chosen result, but
loses the benefits of the Charm for the remainder of the scene. Instead, he suffers an external penalty of
(Essence) to all further rolls involving that Attribute for the rest of the scene, as he tries desperately to
ignore the contradictory nonsense of his maddening "advisors". He may end this penalty at any point
by immediately gaining one point of Limit.
This Charm may be purchased twice more, each time adding an additional mental Attribute (all
Attributes are affected with a single activation, at no additional cost; once a committee has been asked
its opinion, it will never withhold it).
At Essence 4+, this Charm automatically expands to cover the Infernal’s Virtue rolls, as his inner
council advises him on moral and spiritual conundrums. If he should roll the same number of successes
on a Virtue roll, the external penalty is applied to any roll he channels a Virtue to enhance.
Cost: 5m or 3m; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Vizier-Self Council
Xanichi neither has nor needs friends. He has allies aplenty, but they are met with sideways, suspicious
glances; the Capricious Azure intends to betray them, so they must be preparing their own petty
treacheries in turn. This Charm may be activated in response to any sort of mental influence, causing
that influence to become Obvious to the Infernal’s senses and perfectly parrying it with a suspicious
glance or knowing sneer. The Charm can parry unblockable mental influence.
This Charm may not be used against characters toward whom the Infernal has an intimacy of trust or
loyalty; such blindspots are fatal flaws for a master schemer. If used against a character the Infernal has
an intimacy of suspicion (mistrust, paranoia, etc) toward, it benefits from a two mote discount. If the
Infernal uses this Charm at its full cost, he gains an immediate negative intimacy of suspicion toward
the source of the parried mental influence, replacing any positive intimacies he may have had toward
the subject.
The Infernal rolls (Manipulation + Socialize + Essence), applying an external penalty equal to the
group’s Magnitude. If he fails, the rebellion fizzles and dies out before it really began. If he succeeds,
he applies another external penalty of half the group’s Magnitude. If he fails here, then a little under
half of the social group (mainly concentrated among its lower levels, if the Infernal has failed to secure
the support of a higher-ranked member though other mental influence) will be encouraged into
rebellion as an Emotion effect, shunning their former comrades as hidebound fools, unrepentant
heretics, or oppressive . This may take the form of actual civil war, but will most likely result in
secessions, strikes, violent protests, etc. The rebels in question are not necessarily a united block; this is
a general sense of disquiet and disregard for authority, not an organized coup (unless the Infernal has
put such a thing in place beforehand, in which case many will likely fall in with it). This unnatural
mental influence may be resisted for a scene by paying one point of Loyalty, or rejected entirely by
paying three points. Otherwise, it lasts until the “rebellion” is appeased, succeeds, or is put down.
If he succeeds even after applying the second penalty, he applies a third penalty, equal to the Dodge
MDV of the leader of the group. If he fails here, then the previously described effect takes place, but
encompasses a greater proportion of the population; two thirds, more of whom will be in the higher
echelons of power. In addition, the cost to reject it wholesale is increased to four points of Loyalty. If
he succeeds, however, then the entire group is afflicted by this Emotion effect, demanding change. The
prime minister seeks new blood for his Cabinet, and new policies to champion, totally altering the face
of his party. The king shifts his court completely, declaring war on old allies and making peace with
ancient enemies, or even abdicating entirely. People riot in the streets to declare free love and openness,
or form lynch mobs and start burning books (and people). Even the most loyal and steadfast of factions
will begin to reinterpret tradition, or take radical courses of action to combat the subversiveness that
has appeared within their group. This unnatural mental influence may be resisted for a scene by paying
two points of Loyalty, or rejected entirely by paying six points. Otherwise, it lasts until the rebellion is
appeased, succeeds, or is put down.
This Charm has no effect on individuals—only on groups. The Infernal incites chaos and rebellion
against the established order within the group, but each individual reacts in their own way. The primary
function of this Charm outside of narrative time is to limit the ability of a social group to act, or make it
more vulnerable to outside predation (political or military). This Charm is unlikely to result in a
fullscale revolution unless other factors (pre-existing conspiracies or unrest) would dictate it, or the
Infernal succeeds in his roll despite all three penalties.
The warlock may spend a miscellaneous action (Speed 5, DV-1) looking through the eye until his DV
refreshes, allowing him to perceive what it perceives. This perception is both omnidirectional and
omnisensory, with every sense directed equally in every direction from the eye. It also uses the
warlock’s own senses – if he has enhanced or impaired them (such as with Essence-Dissecting Stare or
Witness to Darkness) then these effects apply to his perceptions through his eye. While the warlock is
looking through the eye, he may direct it, mentally propelling it in any direction at a rate of up to
(Infernal’s Occult) yards per tick. He may still perceive and interact with his own surroundings during
this scrying, but suffers an external penalty of -2 to all his dicepools while doing so (if he would rather
not suffer this penalty, he can reflexively end the scrying earlier at no penalty, refocusing on the here
and now).
The Infernal may have only one eye of flame active at once. Unlike a normal Sorcerous Charm, the
Infernal may reflexively end this Charm himself, at any distance. Dimensional barriers do not impair
this Charm, though effects that would block scrying do.
The Infernal may purchase this Charm a second time at Essence 3+, increasing the maximum number
of eyes he may have manifested at once to three. A third purchase at Essence 4+ increases the
maximum number a second time, to (Essence).
In addition, when activating Eagle-Eye Set Aflame, the Infernal may pay an additional mote. If he does
so, he grants the eye created by that Charm the effects of All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight for the
duration of its existence.
Cost: - ; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Eagle-Eye Set Aflame
Xanichi once consumed four of his lesser souls, though they struggled and cried in a manner most
convincing. These days, the peacock-feathers that line his humaniform jouten's cape sport four
additional eyes. Few have noticed, and none have commented. Ultimately, only Szoreny knows the
truth of what happened to those deva. With each purchase of this Charm, the Infernal’s eyes gain two
abilities of his choice, chosen from the four listed below.
Thought: The eye benefits from a fraction of the colossal intelligence of Huga, allowing it to function
without the Infernal’s continuous attention. It can move and follow the Infernal’s instructions as though
it were an automaton, able to travel to specific locations the Infernal knows the way to, follow specified
people it can perceive, or move in a pattern until it finds a specified area, item or character. Orders may
be transferred whenever the Infernal is looking through the eye, immediately overriding any previous
commands. Once the eye’s orders are completed or inapplicable, it will immediately stop in place. It
has no ingenuity or initiative, and will not do anything it was not specifically tasked with doing, nor
will it develop solutions to any problems that may occur or innovate in the face of complications with
its orders. For example, if it is ordered to follow the dragonblood carrying a set of battleplans, and the
dragonblood hands these plans to a mortal servant, the eye will stop in place, its orders considered
Memory: The eye gains a drop of the endless memory of Mune, letting it carry a record of everything it
perceives (it is considered to use the Infernal’s unenhanced senses for this purpose – his magical
enhancements are only applied when he is looking directly through it). Whenever the Infernal looks
through the eye, he may spend a diceless miscellaneous action retrieving its memories, perfectly
integrating them into his own. This integration occurs automatically when the Infernal dismisses an
eye, but if the eye is dispelled by another character, all stored memory is lost. The Infernal may also
have an eye project any of its memories outward in a construct of immaterial light, perfectly portraying
events as they occured (though he may have it start or finish its recollection at any point, allowing a
certain amount of creative editing).
Decision: The eye is infused with a touch of the perfect judgement of Kosi, allowing it to notify its
creator of particular events. When looking through an eye, the Infernal may specify certain conditions,
ranging in complexity from “Someone enters the room” to “A blonde man in gold armour says the
word ‘Cellar-door’ to a young girl”. When one of these conditions is met, the eye instantly sends the
warlock a signal in the form of a beckoning whisper, a sudden sense of illusory heat, a jangling tone or
some other unmistakable sign. “My orders are no longer applicable” is obviously an acceptable
condition. Each eye may have up to (Essence) triggers lying in wait at a time, each one with a different
signal for their conditions being met. If the eye is also infused with Thought, then instead of a signal
being sent to him, the Infernal may link a trigger to a new order (as defined in that entry), set when
creating the eye. This allows the Infernal to, with a little planning, create multi-layered and complex
Speech: The eye acquires an echo of the many-throated voice of Talo, giving it the ability to transmit
the Infernal’s voice. When he is looking through the eye, he may speak through it as well, just as
though he were at its location. At no additional cost, he may choose to give his voice a reverberating,
ominous tone, increasing the difficulty of any roll to identify him by voice by two. He may also, at no
additional cost, cause the flaming eye to become visible, and may (if he wishes) instead have it instead
as a humanoid figure composed of those same flames. Finally, he may have the drone telepathically
present his message to up to (Occult) characters within (Essence) yards of it, preventing his words from
being overheard. Any social attacks the Infernal makes through the eye use his own traits as if though
he was present at the eye’s location, and he may enhance them with Charms as normal.
Any character or object that moves into one of the portals emerges out of the other one, just as though
they were walking through a mundane door. Each portal is normally large enough to allow a single,
average-sized human through at once without slowing. However, the edges of the portal are
unnervingly elastic, and larger (or additional) characters can fit through by squeezing – this requires a
Speed 6 miscellaneous action from each character, which renders them effectively inactive until their
DV refreshes, just as though they were in a clinch with the portal.
Characters who move through a portal must immediately roll their total number of mutation points
(counting negative mutations as positive ones for this purpose), at a difficulty of 3. If they succeed,
they move through as normal. If they fail, they suffer a single level of unsoakable aggravated damage,
which they may only avoid by accepting a number of points of negative mutations (of the Storyteller's
choice) equal to the amount by which they failed.
The warlock may use this Charm on an active portal to close it (and any connected to it, if he wishes)
and change it back into an eye.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to pay (number of linked portals-1) points of
Willpower when activating the Charm, or subsequently pay that point as a miscellaneous action when
touching a portal. If he does so, the portal (and all portals linked to it) stretches wider with a sound like
tearing sinew, increasing its capacity for easy movement to (Essence) average-sized humans at once (or
an equivalent mass).
In addition, he may activate this Charm again when touching another eye of his (that is not acting as a
portal). If he does so, he may link that eye into his portal network, creating a three-(or four, or five)-
way portal. Any character stepping into such a portal will emerge out of whichever portal they desire, if
they have one in mind. If not, they will exit out of a randomly-chosen portal from the network
(including the one they just entered).
At Essence 8+, this Charm can be used to create portals between two separate planes of existence.
Xanichi has been forbidden from doing so as part of his surrender oaths, and the Yozis cannot escape
their prison through such portals, but a Green Sun Prince could easily open gateways into Malfeas, Yu-
Shan, the Underworld, or even his own Heretical soulscape. Interdimensional portals are Blasphemy
effects, and have the difficulty of the roll to pass through them unharmed increased to 5.
When using this Charm, the Infernal’s pupil warps slightly, splitting for an instant into two conjoined
dots. This is not noticeable enough to make the Charm Obvious.
At Essence 4+, the Infernal may use this Charm without its Imperfection, at a cost of one mote. Doing
so removes the unexpected quality from the attack in question, but does not incorporate any perfect
If the Infernal does not have a Motivation, he uses his Urge for the purposes of this Imperfection,
instead. If the Infernal possesses neither Motivation nor Urge, Charms suffering from this Imperfection
automatically fail, devoid of any greater purpose.
At Essence 4+, the warlock may instead hasten the creation of his spells, pouring additional power in to
compensate. Whenever he uses a spell of any Circle, he may choose to decrease the number of
necessary Shape Sorcery actions to cast the spell by one. Doing so increases the mote cost of the spell
by ten motes, or its Willpower cost by one.
Just as the ripples of the pool move the mystical waterwheel, the spells cast around the Infernal send
ripples through existence, stirring up new Essence within him. This Charm grants the Infernal an
Overdrive pool with a capacity of ten motes. Initially empty, it gains motes every time a spell or
sorcerous Charm is used within (Essencex5) yards of the Infernal. The number of motes depends on the
Circle of the spell; one mote for Iron Circle, two motes for Emerald or Onyx Circle, three motes for
Sapphire or Obsidian Circle, and four motes for Adamant Circle. Sorcerous Charms add one mote to
the pool if their minimum Essence rating is 4 or less, and two motes if it is higher. The source of the
spell or Charm does not matter, only that it was cast within the Infernal’s radius.
The Glamour Sorcery of the Fair Folk is just as usable - Xanichi loved the chaos of the Wyld, and
consented to help build Creation only for the colossal change to the status quo it would engender. Many
a time the Eye Of Sorceries turned the mad magic of the Raksha back on them, such they cursed and
revered his name in equal measure. Oneiromancy of the Waking or Dreaming Circle grants two motes,
while the Desire or Samadhi Circles grant three motes and the Shinma Circle grants four.
Protocols act under similar enough principles to Sorcery for Xanichi to benefit from them (should he
ever encounter them). However, Autochthon’s diseased nature and the foreign construction of the
Protocols makes the process far less efficient, with Man-Machine Protocols granting a single mote and
God-Machine Protocols granting two.
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Sorcerous Enlightenment Of Xanichi, Tendril-Mind Insinuation
Xanichi can see into the souls of every mortal, and he enjoys what he sees; a shifting den of self-deceit
and halfmade decisions, marinated in the occult energies that run throughout the everchanging
landscape of Creation. It is rare that he finds something he has not seen before, but when he does he is
quick to pluck it from the innovator's brain, delighting in using it against them. Upon using this Charm,
the Infernal chooses one individual he can perceive, and rolls (Intelligence+Occult) at a difficulty of
(target’s Essence). If he succeeds, he may freely use their Occult rating in place of his own for the rest
of the scene, as well as becoming able to apply any of their specialties in that ability. The target feels
the Infernal's twitching snake-fingers trawling their subconscious, making this Charm Obvious to them
In addition, the Infernal may use any of the target’s spells that he qualifies for (i.e. has the appropriate
level of Sorcerous Initiation) as though they were his own, though they bear a surcharge of one point of
temporary Willpower if used in this way, and are free of the usual aesthetic warping that accompanies
Infernal sorcery, using the aesthetics applied by the original mage. If the Infernal casts a spell he knows
only through this Charm, he may pay the appropriate amount of xp to immediately internalize and learn
it for himself as a Training effect.
At Essence 5+, the Infernal may also use necromantic spells his target knows, treating his Sorcerous
Initiation as being a Necromantic Initiation of one level lower than it is for this purpose. He may not
permanently learn Necromancy in this way unless he would normally be able to do so, through such
effects as Ultimate Darkness Internalization or From the Other Side. Xanichi’s love for forbidden
knowledge is outweighed by his repulsion and fear of endings and rot – the very principles
Necromancy and the Underworld embody.
Cost: 18m, 1wp; Mins: Xanichi 0, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Mocking Witchery, Eagle-Eye Set Aflame, Castling The Universe
Most bizarre is the Shintai of The Eye Of Sorceries. The warlock’s ribcage opens up, his individual ribs
lengthening and flexing like clawed fingers before they stretch entirely backward, forming a pair of
wings that hang bare and skeletal for a moment before being sheathed in rainbow feathers. His heart,
exposed and beating in his chest, shifts and grows. It fuses with his other organs into a single pulsing
mass that encompasses his entire torso, before suddenly gaining a seam down the middle. An instant
later, it opens, revealing the wide, staring eye within. Each of the warlock’s limbs undergoes a similar
transformation to his ribs, morphing and shifting into a wing with feathers the colour of his anima, each
of which is lined with similar eyes. His head evaporates entirely, in its place a halo of throbbing light,
dancing with patterns related to his anima totem.
• For the duration of this Charm, the warlock reduces the casting time of all Sorcery Spells cast through
Xanichi’s Sorcerous Initiation by one Shape Sorcery action. If this would reduce the casting time to
less than one Shape Sorcery action, then the spell is instead treated as a Simple Charm, with a Speed of
5, all the effects listed in the spell, and the Sorcerous keyword (along with other keywords listed in the
text of the Spell). Such a Charm is also a Blasphemy effect, with a minimum Essence rating based on
the Circle of the Spell; 3 for the Terrestrial Circle, 4 for the Celestial Circle, and 6 for the Solar Circle.
• The warlock benefits from the effects of Sight Of The Universal Alchemist, and adds (Essence)
automatic successes to all Perception or Awareness rolls. He will never suffer unexpected attacks – they
are always expected to him.
• For the purposes of Soul-Mocking Witchery, every character with an Essence lower than or equal to
the Infernal’s is considered to be Essence 1.
• The warlock can use Certainty Is Chance Understanding as an innate power, rather than a Charm
• Provided its Imperfection is not exploited, Castling The Universe benefits from a one-mote discount.
• The Infernal may fly at twice his normal running speed. He halves this rate if he is ascending, and
multiplies it by five if he is diving (no roll is necessary to pull out of a dive). He may hover without
exerting any obvious physical effort.
• The Infernal can use clawed fingers within his wings to hold objects, attack, and interact with the
world normally - however, he suffers an external penalty of -2 when engaging in fine manipulation
with his hands (attempting to pick locks, draw or juggle, for example).
Cost: - ; Mins: Xanichi 0 Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Heretical
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Nine Faces of Divinity, Wickedness Beyond Life
The Alchemist of Realities brings change and chaos wherever he goes, but even he still fears and despises his fallen cousins and their ilk. The
Ebon Dragon, boundless in his malice(and his secret love of the doomed), lacks such restrictions. This charm upgrades all Xanichi charms,
allowing the user to mutate and warp even Ghosts, bringing mad and colorful chaos to their static world. Never the less, the Dragon is filled with
potent spite, and the Alchemist of Realities despises being limited to a single option. By adding a cost of one willpower, he may instead deal the
normal effect of mutative Xanichi charms to the spirits of the dead(that is, it deals them a die of unsoakable aggravated damage for every
three points of mutations it would have inflicted).
Mardukth Charms
What's In A Name?
Several of Mardukth’s Charms require other beings to refer to him by name. For the Primordial
himself, this includes “Mardukth” and any of his sobriquets. Any of these are acceptable options for
those forced to speak the Primordial’s name.
For those adopting Mardukth’s power as their own, the name they force others to speak is the one the
character most readily identifies with. A player character’s name, for example, is the one defined on his
character sheet. Later Mardukth Charms allow the character to expand his “name” to include various
sobriquets as his legend expands. If his name is ever stripped away by his own Charms, these name-
based powers become useless unless the character has acquired the Charms necessary to expand the
definition of his name.
A Hero Chooses. A Slave Obeys
Several of Mardukth’s Charms compel his Followers to respond or act in a particular fashion. Generally
speaking Followers are Extras by default and cannot act contrary to the dictates of these Charms unless
compelled by another magical being. In such cases, a contested Essence roll determines which
character dominates the Extra, with Mardukth adding his Followers in automatic successes to the roll.
In the rare case that the character might have non-Extra Followers, those characters may spend one
willpower to resist the dictates of the such Charms.
The Urge of Mardukth (The Urge to Reflect): At first glance, the title of the urge named for
Mardukth may seem strange and perhaps even benevolent. But this is not so. The urge of Mardukth is
not to ponder, for the greatness that defines the Mountain and the Beast Upon It is not found within, but
without. This urge drives the infernal to shape a society, group of people, or concept into an anchor for
themselves and a monument to their own might and nature. Examples may be, 'Turn the Scavenger
Lands into a warring land as per my nature as a warlord' or, 'Drive the Emissary from Nexus, as
mystery denies my blatancy' and the like.
The Torment of Mardukth: Mardukth's wisdom is defined by those around him, and while singular
and massive he is nothing without his allies to reflect his glory. When the infernal acquires ten points of
limit, they enter into the torment of Mardukth. This is functionally identical to the solar limit break,
'Foolhardy Contempt' but may also spread to any intimacies of which the Infernal's patron disapproves.
Imperfection of the Mountain and the Beast Upon It
Mardukth is immense, and in his immensity defines the world around him. Such is his impossible size
that the Primordial oft views his own being with incredulity, so those who refuse to acknowledge him
can provoke renewed existential frustration—a distraction that proved fatal in the Primordial War. If a
Charm with the Imperfection of the Mountain and the Beast Upon It is used to defend against a
character who lacks an Intimacy of any kind toward the Infernal, its cost increases by four motes. If
there are no characters with an Intimacy of any kind toward the Infernal within (Essence x 10) yards,
the Imperfection is complete circumvented and such Charms cannot be activated at all.
In the case of an attacker incapable of bearing Intimacies, such as an undirected environmental hazard
or an automaton, the Imperfect does not apply. Such unknowing assaults are little more than the
inklings of a world too small to be noticed.
New Keyword: Entourage #
Charms with this keyword require the character to possess a minimum rating in the Followers
Background in order to gain its benefits. With Storyteller approval, a character may substitute the
Followers background with a similar one, such as Henchmen or Retainers. This does not provide a
direct correspondence to the Followers background however. Instead, an effective Followers rating is
determined by comparing the number of beings provided by those used as a substitute to the number of
loyal extras provided by Followers. For example, a character with Henchmen 5 has fifteen Heroic
Mortals in his employ, which would provided an effective rating of Followers 2. This effective rating is
used even for non-Entourage Mardukth Charms.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Written Upon the Stone
Mardukth would never stoop to performing petty or mundane tasks, nor should those who seek to
emulate his power. This Charm enhances all actions the Infernal undertakes for its duration. Anyone
whose Dodge MDV is less than his (Charisma + Presence + Essence) suffers an Illusion that causes
them to remember the Infernal’s actions as grander and more impressive than they truly were. This
does not affect their perception within the moment, only when the recall the events later. The Illusion
lasts until it is resisted for two willpower. Any Intimacies a character gains toward the Infernal while
suffering from this Illusion are likewise exaggerated. Characters gain Intimacy of obsessive loathing,
slavish devotion, soul-aching love, terrified awe, and so on. The bonuses and penalties such magnified
Intimacies cause to the character’s MDV are doubled.
With Essence 3+, the Infernal may also use this Charm to enhance Social Attacks made during the
scene in which he exaggerates and embellishes his own past actions. If the attack overcomes the
target’s MDV, she immediately gains the Illusion and accepts the Infernal’s version of events.These
narratives cannot be outright fabrications and must have some basis in truth.
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Entourage 2
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Legend-Carving Impressions
By the adoration of his inferiors, Mardukth is magnified. This Charm provides the Infernal with an
additional ten motes to his Peripheral Essence pool. These motes can only be refilled when he hears his
name spoken by another being within (Essence x 50) yards. He gains one mote per person who speaks
his name per scene, to a maximum of (Essence) motes per scene.
Cost: 3m, (+1wp); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Beast Master’s Menagerie
What purpose do the beast of the earth have but to fall before the hunter’s spear and arrow? The
Infernal asks and the animals come forth to give their reply. This Charm supplements a Survival-roll to
acquire food in the wilderness. The Infernal calls out his intent to hunt within the local wilderness. No
natural animal in the Infernal’s hunting grounds will flee, and all are compelled to make their presence
known to him. Some will offer themselves up as food for the Infernal, knowing their lives are fit for
nothing more than to be prey for the Infernal. Others will attempt to make their worth as something
other than food.
If the roll gains at least one threshold success, the Infernal gains enough food to feed a unit with a
Magnitude no greater than his Essence for a number of days equal to his extra successes. He also may
roll (Survival + Essence) to gain additional animal followers; he may divide his successes as he
chooses with each animal requiring a number of successes equal to its base Familiar rating. This Charm
may only be used in the same (Essence x 10) square mile area once per week. Heroic animals and
Familiars are immune to this effect; all others must spend (Infernal’s Essence, maximum 5) willpower
to resist heeding his call, if they are capable of spending willpower at all.
With a second purchase at Essence 3+ may pay an additional willpower when activating this Charm.
This reduces the difficulty of the roll to one, regardless of the nature of the habitat in which he hunts
and removes the restriction on the number of times per week this Charm may be activated in the same
area. As a Shaping effect, animals are spontaneously generated to meet the Infernal’s needs. He may
spare all the animals generated by this Charm, thus populating the region with a number of random
animals totaling a Magnitude (Essence) if they were placed in a unit. For one season, the animals
created by this Charm add their Magnitude to the difficulty of their own rolls to find food, meaning that
in a harsh environment many will likely starve.
If the Infernal knows Chattel Deva Bondage, he may generate Primordial-spawned animals (such as
those described in Compass of Celestial Directions, vol. 5: Malfeas, p. 151-153) no larger than a elk. At
Essence 3+, they may be no larger than a rhinoceros. At Essence 4+, they may be as large as yeddim or
tyrant lizard. The Infernal may never create spirits or godblooded animals with this Charm.
Cost: 3m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Roaring Hunter Ridden, Breaking Wild Souls
Roaring into battle, the Beast scatters all lesser creatures before him. They flee to their burrows and to
their distant lairs, desperately seeking any shelter from the monster’s looming shadow. Whenever the
Infernal causes a rider to lose control of his mount due to Roaring Hunter Ridden, he may activate this
Charm and roll (Charisma + Presence), adding the Control Rating of his own mount in automatic
successes. If this exceeds the MDV of his opponent’s mount, the mount is overwhelmed with the
Compulsion to flee from the Infernal’s presence. For one day, it gains the benefits of Flashing
Thunderbolt Steed (Exalted, p. 236) and is compelled to travel as quickly as it can away from the
Infernal. The rider may suppress this compulsion if he regains control his mount but the compulsion
arises again as soon as control is lost. This Charm also increases the targeted mount's Control rating by
half the Infernal’s Essence, rounding up.
The Infernal may pay this cost for each viable target individually or may target only those he wishes to
scatter. If the Infernal has two purchases of Breaking Wild Souls, he may spend one willpower to roll
(Charisma + Performance) and affect all viable targets simultaneously.
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Entourage 2, Servitude, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Breaking Wild Souls, Beast Master’s Menagerie
All the life that scurries beneath the majestic shadow of the Mountain and the Beast Upon It exists only
to serve his needs. Only by submitting to his unfathomable authority do they find themselves truly free
from the troubles of their life. This Charm supplements a social attack which commands a single target
to perform to a task or otherwise suggests a task that need done. For example, if the Infernal wishes a
meal cooked, he may demand that the target prepare meal for him or ask the target why his plate is yet
If the attack is successful, the target seeks to perform the task exclusively, to the best of her abilities.
Her Motivation is temporarily replaced with the designated task until it is completed and she will
consider no other task worthy of her attention. She will also not abandon the task unless someone else
comes to relieve her. While this Servitude effect is active, she requires no food or water, so long as she
focuses ten hours or more of her day to performing the task.
Heroic characters may resist this effect for two willpower; non-heroic characters require four
willpower. Spending this willpower removes the Servitude effect and renders the target immune to
further applications for (target’s Essence) weeks. The Infernal’s Followers cannot resist at all.
Cost: 4m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Miser and Merchant Awareness
The Great Tentacled One has no need of obols or kowrie shells; her currency is her own. Activating this
Charm, the Infernal transforms any amount of currency at least equal to one Realm koku (Exalted, p.
360, 363) she owns and holds on her person into personalized nacre coins. These opalescent coins bear
their value and the endless tentacle knot—the sacred symbol of Ta’akozoka—on one face. The other is
embossed with the Exalt’s profile and a date reckoned from her Exaltation. Because she had no face of
her own or an Exaltation, the coins belonging to the Great Tentacled One bore the profile of her Fetich
soul and a date from the founding of Creation.
The coins have several benefits. First, they may be freely dispatched and retrieved from Elsewhere so
long as they Infernal owns and touches them. Second, they emit a Compulsion effect that makes them
universally acceptable currency, costing Willpower equal to the Resource value of the exchange to
refuse, to a minimum of one. Third, their value is intrinsically understood and, in their lowest
denomination, is roughly equivalent to a Realm koku; a single coin will suffice for a peasant’s monthly
wages, a barely survivable income. With but a touch, the Infernal may compress several coins into one
of a higher denomination or split one into several coins of lower value. The exact progression of the
denominations is determined by the Infernal.
Cost: — (5m, 1wp)
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Riches 1, Sorcerous, Touch
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Nacre-Minted Numismatics
Nothing is so important to Ta’akozoka as the accumulation of wealth and possessions. When she
relinquishes any portion of her hoard, she holds what she claims in exchange all the more dear. This
Charm permanently enhances the Warlock’s metaphysic ownership of objects purchased with her nacre
coins. Her ownership of the object is Obvious to all who can perceive it. Attempts to deprive her of the
object, whether through theft, disarming, or destruction, suffer an External Penalty equal to the object’s
Resource rating. More esoteric possessions such as Artifacts and hearthstones apply their relevant
Background scores in place of Resources.This protection can be bypassed by targeting the object with
appropriate countermagic. So long as the Infernal maintains ownership of the object afterwards, she
may reapply this protect by touching the object and spending five motes and a willpower.
Avarice is the measure of a being’s desire to possess and hoard. While such desire is commonplace, in
only a few does it burn with the metaphysical intensity of a true Virtue. Avarice motivates beings to
strive for wealth, laboring diligently at honest work or plotting underhanded get-rich-quick schemes. It
is a self-centered Virtue which cares only for enriching its possessor. Someone with Avarice 1 is likely
impoverished by his own accord, caring little for his possessions and recklessly squandering his
earnings. Someone with Avarice 3 easily resists unfavorable deals and takes ample precautions to guard
his possessions. Someone with Avarice 5 fights fiercely to maintain his wealth and has no qualms about
undertaking activities which might be illegal or harmful to others so long as he profits from the
Avarice Aids in: Protecting or reclaiming one’s property. Stealing other’s property. Making profitable
deals. Performing paid work. Resisting pleas for donations or charity.
Characters Must Fail an Avarice Check to: Abandon an owned item. Resign from a paid position.
Refusing a bribe. Give away wealth freely. Turn down a lucrative opportunity. Spend so much wealth
that it would lower the character’s Resource rating.
Transhuman Avarice: Transhuman Avarice may be acquired through Charms such as Epic Zeal of
(Virtue) or Cosmic Transcendence of (Virtue). In addition to the basic effect of those Charms, Epic
Zeal and Cosmic Transcendence of Avarice also allows the Exalt to protect up to five positive Intimacy
related to possessions he either currently owns or hopes to own as though they were under the influence
of the Solar Charm Righteous Lion Defense (Exalted, p. 199).
Eternally youngest of the Yozis, Achsam is a child-titan with all the imaginative and careless cruelty that implies. His is a form of
masks, bells, paint and shadow, a capering doll that puppeteers those who would play with it. His form in the Demon City is that of a
twisting, travelling landscape-parade, through which theatres and senates perform and debate, baubles hang from twisted iron trees,
and no part of the geography remains truly constant from evening-to-evening. Among his titles are the Mask of Unbrazen Pyrite, the
Master of Ceremonies, the Veil of Illusory Truths, the Puppeteer Impatient, and the Child of Beads and Joy.
Achsam is a homebrew Yozi with a complete Charmset, created by Arrghus, Revlid and Kuiper Belt.
Achsamite Princes are ostentatious and overdramatic, eager (some might say desperate) for validation and willing to sacrifice efficiency and
secrecy in order to promote their latest ploy or next grand showdown. High-Compassion Achsamite Princes seek to recruit all those around
them into their parade-crusade, pipers leading bewitched children. High-Conviction Achsamite Princes hold fast to their vision for the path
Creation must take, casually sacrificing hundreds upon thousands of extras so that the main cast might have even one more moment in the
spotlight. High-Temperance Princes are content to sit in the shadows, provided everyone around them walks, talks and acts just so, and will
engage in draconian measures and terrifying tantrums if this is not the case. High-Valor Princes seek the spotlight for themselves at any cost,
throwing themselves into the thick of things and spotlighting their entrance even as Essence-cannons and crossbows are leveled at them.
• Become the new Mouth of Peace to spread the doctrine of the Yozis.
• Completely expose the nature and goals of the Silver Prince to his subjects and the whole West.
• Pose as Prince Balor to lead a grand festival of raksha to the foot of the Imperial Mountain.
The Torment of Achsam: When an Infernal with an Achsamite Urge reaches 10 points of Limit, he becomes overcome with a terrible sense of
ennui; the world seems dull and uninspiring, hardly worth inflicting his own artistic genius upon. For a single day, he becomes unconcerned
with any ongoing plans or events, rising from his critical stupor only to attend to the absolute basics; eating, drinking, and protecting his own
life. Otherwise, he will refuse any activity, be it work or play. He can be convinced to flee from a direct threat to find a more secure place to
lounge, but that is the height of movement for him in this state, and he will childishly protest all the way.
As with many Torments, this lethargy is infectious; anyone who interacts with the Prince with a Dodge MDV lower than his (Essence +
primary Virtue) also suffers from this Torment. Any individuals representing intimacies the Yozi disapprove of are also affected in this way,
regardless of where they are when he undergoes Torment. Regardless of when the Torment is inflicted, it lasts a full day. This is, as with
most Yozis, different from the Torment actually suffered by Achsam himself, which manifests itself as something not unlike stage-fright. .
Act of Villainy
Achsam knows well the importance of scenery, and is willing to sacrifice almost any advantage to set the proper tone for his ultimate victory.
This is how he was defeated in the Primordial War; seeking the spectacular, he allowed himself to be drawn into the Loom of Fate, where he
was exhausted and cornered by a Circle of heroic Sidereals, who conducted themselves into contrary destinies and knotted pasts, binding
him inextricably with its threads. Whenever a warlock deliberately chooses to engage an opponent (or otherwise enacts a notable part of a
plan) in an area that is clearly disadvantageous to him, he rolls his Valor. Each rolled success reduces his accumulated Limit by one point, to
a minimum of zero. Examples might include assaulting a lesser elemental dragon of fire on the slopes of a volcano, waging war against
Leviathan underwater rather than luring him onto land, or lining the walls of his mansion with Holy-imbued swords.
First Achsam Excellency
Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Essence 1;Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
The Mask of Unbrazen Pyrite is a whimsical entity, one who never takes anything seriously. To
him, lies and truth, madness and sanity, tragedy and comedy, and even masks and faces are all
largely interchangeable; what matters is that they are as grand and theatrical as possible. When
Achsam makes war, he does so with sweeping gestures and melodramatic trumpets. When
Achsam dances, he does so as the center of attention, all others conducted around and about him.
Often, he will lead others to act out his devious narratives, but he does so as the theatre and
director in one; none ever doubt that the play is his work. He never hides; his true identity is
simply overlooked, a fact that the Primordial is willing to exploit. Achsam is a prankster and a
child, demanding attention and praise from his universal audience. His accomplices are well-
rewarded, but often find themselves the butt of his next joke, a position that is often fatal; some
might even prefer to be caught in one of his seething tantrums. Achsam is both mask and actor,
and plays his roles perfectly, but cannot bear to be boring. Whatever his character from moment-
to-moment, whether petty and crude or elegant and poised, he loves to be big and loud. He
extends this preference to others, turning them into gross caricatures of themselves; nuance is
mostly beyond the Puppeteer Impatient.
This Excellency can enhance any action in which the Infernal acts in accordance with a defined
character, rather than merely being his drab self. Deception and larceny generally benefit,
provided they are done in aid of excitement, but Achsam cannot abide slow, dull work, preferring
to conjure flimsy props. The extended rolls for a single dramatic action taking more than a day
cannot benefit from this Excellency; building manses, for example, or creating a functional
bureaucracy. In effect, actions with overlong intervals are far too boring to enhance. This
restriction can only be circumvented by at least doubling the time interval between rolls, and
taking a break in the excess time.
[Source: Revlid]
Talent-Locating Audition
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
[B}Keywords:[/B] Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prereqs: None
In many ways, Achsam is the most perceptive of the Yozis, able to comprehend both the surface
and core of an individual in ways that baffle his titanic kin. Upon using this Charm, the Infernal
chooses any one character he can perceive. He is instantly made aware of both their Character
Concept and the Ability in which they have the highest rating (any specialties in this ability are
also perceived). In the case of a tie, the target's player chooses the Ability he considers most
relevant to the target's Concept. Any Charm which allows a character to disguise their identity
allows a roll-off against this Charm, supplying the target’s fake identity if they win. Talent-
Locating Audition does not grant any bonus to this roll.
At Essence 3+, this Charm becomes Reflexive. The Infernal no longer needs more than a moment
to perceive someone's nature.
[Source: Arrghus]
The Play is the Thing
Cost: — (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prereqs: Talent-Locating Audition
text=Achsam does not merely play his games for his sake. A properly performed story should be
interesting to all participants, and he knows to accommodate for others. This Charm is a
permanent enhancement to all the Infernal's Charms which generate Compulsion effects.
Whenever the Infernal activates such a Charm, he may choose to increase its cost by one
Willpower, imbuing the Charm with the pure joy that follows the Mask of Unbrazen Pyrite.
Anyone who chooses not to resist the Compulsion then gains a point of temporary Willpower,
though this increases the cost to resist or the reject the Compulsion at a later date by one point of
Willpower. The Infernal may grant any one character a maximum of (Essence) Willpower points
per day in this way.
[Source: Arrghus]
At Essence 3+ this Charm may be purchased again, increasing its duration to Indefinite and
reducing its cost by two motes. In addition, the Charm gains the Touch keyword, allowing the
warlock to grant new Concepts to other characters. If he does so, then he rolls to activate the
Charm as normal, but is treated as having rolled a flat number of successes equal to twice his
permanent Essence rating for the purposes of applying the Compulsion to observers.
A third purchase at Essence 4+ decreases the cost of this Charm by another mote, and makes it
[Source: Arrghus]
All of these changes last as long as the applied Concept does, or until they are dispelled. When the
concept ends, the targeted character may treat their time under the Concept as training time in any
of the increased Abilities or added Specialties, drawing on their memories of their time as a true
method actor.
[Source: Revlid]
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ removes the additional mote cost, but forces the
Infernal to apply Imbued Script Awareness to all uses of Pauper's Kingly Mask.
[Source: Arrghus]
Disruptive Hecklers Silenced
Cost: — (+1 Limit);Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prereqs: Imbued Script Awareness
One of Achsam’s greatest tantrums came when Szoreny poisoned a blood-ape he had chosen as
the lead role, annoyed at the way the demon’s constant rehearsals echoed off of every quicksilver
branch. Since then, The Puppeteer Impatient guards his works with jealous care, chasing away
those who would seek to compromise his designs with adlib and unplanned farce. Whenever a
character the Infernal has granted a Concept to is affected by any mental influence that would lead
them to take actions directly contrary to that Concept, they treat such influence as unacceptable
At Essence 4+ this Charm automatically upgrades, extending the Infernal’s artistic integrity to the
physical realm. Any Shaping effect that would affect (or is affecting) him or a character he has
granted a Concept to becomes Obvious. If it does not suit their Concept, the Infernal may gain one
point of Limit in order to totally reject the Shaping effect. If the target is wearing a mask
augmented by Director Demands Contortion, he may replace this cost with one point of temporary
[Source: Revlid]
At Essence 5+, the Infernal also stops rolling Compassion in reaction to the hardship of any
character he does not know the Concept of (false Concepts count, as do any close guesses on the
Infernal’s part), and cannot channel Compassion to aid them. If he has an intimacy toward such a
character, the intimacy takes precedence, and they are not excluded from the Infernal’s interest.
[Source: Revlid]
• When activating Pauper's Kingly Mask, the Infernal may define a more complex identity of up to
(Essencex10) words. Alternately, he may choose to cast himself as a specific individual whose
Concept he knows.
• If the Infernal knows Imbued Script Awareness: The temporary Willpower cost to break role for
a scene increases by one, and the cost to do it for a day increases by two.
• If the Infernal knows Prop-Generating Gesture: The warlock gains a special Combo of Pauper's
Kingly Mask and Prop-Generating Gesture, costing no xp, which does not cost Willpower to
activate. If one of these Charms is placed into a normal Combo, the Infernal may add the other for
free. When using these Charms in a combo together, the duration of Prop-Generating Gesture is
extended to last exactly as long as that iteration of Pauper's Kingly Mask, and Prop-Generating
Gesture may only be used to create props appropriate to the identity assumed with Pauper's Kingly
• If the Infernal knows Tools of the Trade: Whenever a character with a Concept defined by
Pauper’s Kingly Mask is within (Essencex3) yards of the Infernal, he may use Tools of the Trade
to grant them an Artifact prop, rather than himself. This prop is then attuned to that person rather
than the Infernal, and the duration of Tools of the Trade is extended to last exactly as long as that
iteration of Pauper's Kingly Mask. Notably, when used in this manner, both the Infernal and the
target must reflexively commit the attunement cost (unless the target chooses not to commit motes
to the Artifact, in which case it is obviously deattuned).
[Source: Arrghus]
Prop-Generating Gesture
Cost: 2;Mins: Essence 2; [B]Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: One scene
Prereqs: Talent-Locating Audition
The Mask of Unbrazen Pyrite never finds himself lacking the tools needed for his plays. How
could he? The universe itself is just such a prop, and creating more such elements of the mise-en-
scène is as natural as breathing to him. This Charm allows an Infernal to instantly create a
convincing prop from raw Essence. This object cannot be larger than the warlock (or twice that
size, if he knows Perceived Innocence Internalized) and is indistinguishable from an actual item of
that type to all mundane senses (although magically-enhanced senses perceive the flimsiness of
their existence, automatically revealing them as fakes). However, as it is a mere prop, it lacks any
traits and provides no bonuses to rolls (save for aiding with Stunts). A sword created with this
Charm is no sharper than the hand that wields it, and though the warlock can create all the
sophisticated tools he desires, they do not actually allow him to craft anything. When this Charm
ends, the prop disappears from existence, as inconspicuously or dramatically as the warlock
At Essence 3+, this Charm may be purchased a second time, allowing the warlock to increase the
realism of his props, creating actual tools rather than flimsy facsimiles. So long as a created object
would have a Resources cost equal to or lower than his (Essence), the warlock may solidify its
existence by increasing the mote cost of the Charm by the Resources cost of the object in question,
to a minimum increase of one. Such solid props are indistinguishable from the real thing, even to
magical senses, but still vanish at the end of the scene.
The warlock’s more illusory creations are also enhanced, becoming more resistant to supernatural
scrutiny. Rather than being automatically revealed by magical senses, they allow a roll-off against
such Charms, and add (Performance) bonus dice to the Infernal's dice pool for this roll.
At Essence 4+, this Charm's base cost lowers to one mote. The Infernal may repurchase this
Charm again at this level in order to increase its duration to Indefinite, allowing the items it
creates to last until he dismisses them, with no mote commitment necessary. This also decreases
the additional cost of creating a solid item from (Essence) to (Essence/2) motes.
[Source: Arrghus]
At Essence 4+ the Infernal may make these mutations permanent, remaining in place even after
the mask is removed.
[Source: Revlid]
Figurant-Spawning Design
Cost: 2m per dot of Magnitude (+1wp); Mins Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Sorcerous
Duration: One scene
Prereqs: Prop-Generating Gesture
Achsam's plays do not only require leads; there are countless lesser roles to be filled as well,
hundreds of tiny background roles that are far from important enough to recruit people for. This
Charm creates an illusory group of Extras of any type with a Magnitude no higher than the
Infernal's Essence. The group behaves in accordance with a Concept designated by the Infernal,
which cannot be longer than five words (stunts allow the Infernal to allocate specific roles within
this concept to certain extras). They are indistinguishable from actual extras of their type. This
illusion effect can be overcome by spending two points of temporary Willpower, revealing them to
be wispy, frail imitations of life, lacking in any substance.
At Essence 3+, the Infernal may choose to commit the motes spent activating this Charm,
extending its duration to Indefinite. A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 3+ allows the
warlock to make his extras real, by paying one point of temporary Willpower when activating this
Charm and doubling its mote cost. This replaces the Illusion keyword with the Shaping keyword.
The created extras behave exactly as normal extras for all purposes, save as dictated by this
Charm. They possess whatever traits are appropriate to their roles in the group's overarching
Concept (though the Storyteller should make extras more potent than Elite Soldiers count as
several extras for the purposes of Charm cost and limitations on created Magnitude). They each
have a Motivation towards fulfilling their part in the Concept, which cannot be changed by any
mundane means, and are fully aware of their Charm-born origins, though they bear it little mind
unless the Infernal designs them to do so (as part of an existential drama, for instance). They are
also creatures of darkness and outside Fate. When their duration ends, they dissolve into the ether,
their part in the play finished.
At Essence 5+, the Infernal may purchase this Charm a third time, extending the duration of
created extras (real or illusory) to permanent, requiring no mote commitment. In addition,
whenever the Infernal creates extras with this Charm, he may choose to integrate them into the
Loom of Fate at no additional cost, rearranging causality to make a place for them in the world.
Extras integrated this way gain whatever memories are appropriate to their role (losing the
knowledge of their true origin) while also creating corresponding alterations to their surrounding
threads in the Loom, creating the appearance that they had always existed. Integrating more than
one hundred and eight extras into the Loom this way in the span of one day is a Blasphemy effect.
[Source: Arrghus]
For example, the chosen Concept “Malfean horror” would disguise an apparently peaceful hut as a
fearsome construct of black basalt and brass spikes, turning the sky green and making its
inhabitants look like blood apes or rhanglas. The Exalt himself would not be affected, but could
easily change his mundane clothing into an emerald robe or breeches of human skin to better fit
the background. The Illusion affects all the senses, not just sight; as a “Malfean horror”, birdsong
would become demonic clamor, and the scent of flowers might be disguised as the sharp scent of
vitriol, and soft soil might feel like cracked brass. The Illusion is perfect to mundane senses, and
may not be ignored simply by spending Willpower – however, non-Excellency perceptual Charms
trigger a roll-off, to which the Infernal adds her (Essence) in automatic successes.
Finally, the Infernal may use the successes on the activation roll to add impressive special effects
to her ”stage”.
• He may spend any number of successes to create or remove any one object fitting in a sphere no
larger than (Essence x Spent successes) in diameter, including part of an object. This is still an
Illusion effect; the object is not real if created, and simply hidden if removed. This cannot affect
magical objects.
• By spending two successes, he may add background music. This music soon fades into the
subconscious, but affects everyone within the area with an unblockable, undodgeable Emotion
effect. This effect inflicts a strengthened emotion of the Infernal’s choice for as long as the targets
are in the radius of the Illusion, with the same effects as listed on page 147 of Manual of Exalted
Power: Alchemicals. These effects may be ignored for the remainder of the scene by paying two
points of temporary Willpower.
• By spending two successes, the Infernal may increase the duration of this Charm to a day. If the
Infernal pays three successes, the duration becomes a week. If the Infernal pays four successes, the
duration becomes Indefinite for as long as he commits the motes used to activate it.
• By spending two successes, the Infernal may increase the size of the stage to (Essencex50)
yards. For four successes, he may increase it to (Essencex100) yards.
• At Essence 5, the Infernal may pay one success to make all the thematic changes (but not any
special effects) real, exchanging the Illusion keyword with the Shaping keyword for these effects.
By default, this does not affect extras within the Illusion, but the Infernal may transform them as
well by paying an additional success per (Essencex2) extras so affected (this does not actually
effect their traits, but simply inflicts a horrible transformation). For an additional success, he may
choose to make up to two successes worth of other special effects real as well, adding the Shaping
tag to them.
At Essence 5, the Infernal may repurchase this Charm, adding the following special effect:
• The Infernal may choose to swap any number of successes for manse power points, at a cost of
one success per two points, which may be spent as normal. For the purposes of purchasing and
applying these powers, the stage counts as a manse aspected to Achsam with a rating of the
Infernal's (Essence/2). The stage does not generate a hearthstone or accelerate Essence respiration;
however, if a stage is kept active over an existing demesne for ([demesne ratingx5]/Essence)
years, it will automatically become aspected to Achsam, and the stage may be converted into a
true manse using the creation and Shaping special effects.
At Essence 6+, this Charm replaces the Combo-Basic keyword with the Combo-OK keyword.
[Source: Arrghus]
• The character attuned to the Artifact gains access to (Infernal’s Essencex2) of the Infernal’s
Charms, chosen by the Infernal when creating this Artifact. The character must pay for these
Charms as normal, but does not know what they are - they will likely view them as Essence-fueled
powers of the Artifact. The Infernal may change the flavor of these Charms to match the aesthetics
of the Artifact as though stunting. All of these Charms are considered to be in a special Combo
with each other that requires no Willpower to use, but may not be added to Combos including the
attuned character's actual Charms. At the end of any scene in which the attuned character has used
one of these Charms, he gains a point of Limit. They may gain a maximum of one Limit per day in
this way.
• The character attuned to the Artifact gains access to the Infernal’s Personal Pool of motes, which
he may spend on any non-Holy effect. At the end of any scene in which the attuned character has
spends motes from this pool; they gain a point of Limit. They may gain a maximum of one Limit
per day in this way.
• The Infernal may choose to withhold the Charms and/or motes granted by this Artifact at any
point, immediately ending any active Charms granted by the Artifact, or any commitments using
motes granted by it. The Infernal may withhold individual Charms if he so desires, and may
withhold the Artifact’s powers for as long as he wants.
• This Artifact exudes an illusion effect that makes it appear to be a normal artifact of its type,
affecting anyone with a Dodge MDV lower than the Infernal’s (Performance + Essence) and
causing them to ignore discrepancies in the artifact’s abilities. Effects that pierce this illusion or
make it Obvious will reveal it as a demonic relic, but nothing more.
• If the optional rules for destroying artifacts are being used, then it has a Lethal Soak and
Hardness of (Essencex4), and a Bashing Soak of (Essencex5). It has a number of health levels
equal to the Infernal’s, plus (Essencex2). If these rules are not being used, then the Artifact is
indestructible as normal, except when faced with something that might reasonably destroy an
artifact, such as being thrown into a volcano or crushed by a Deathlord (at which point it might be
wise for the Infernal to revert to his true form and use a perfect defense of some kind).
Upon taking the form of the Artifact, the Infernal becomes inanimate (although he is able to
influence his movement to a degree when dropped or thrown), and all of his equipment is shunted
into Elsewhere for the Charm’s duration. He retains all of his senses (with his sight not tied to any
particular point of his new body), and may sense the Essence of living things or spirits within
(Essencex3) yards. He is only able to use those Charms he assigned to the Artifact, and may only
access his Personal Pool for the purposes of mote expenditure. He may telepathically
communicate with (and make social attacks against) anyone within (Essencex3) yards, and this
may be in the form of a direct voice inside their head, or as a more subtle empathetic contact.
When attuned to a character, he gains automatic knowledge of that character’s Motivation and (if
they have one) Urge. If the Infernal desires, he may inflict an internal penalty of (Essence/2) to the
attuned character's rolls to regain Willpower by sleeping, filling his bearer’s dreams with dark
fevers and unsettling figments. The attuned character may ignore this penalty by gaining a point of
Limit. Whenever the Infernal makes a social attack against their bearer, the attuned character
suffers a penalty to their MDV equal to their current number of Limit points.
Finally, if the attuned character is a Solar or Lunar and undergoes Limit Break, the Infernal may
prevent them from taking partial control, forcing them into an uncontrolled Limit Break. If they
choose not to take partial control for themselves anyway, the Infernal’s influence grows even
further; he may spend one point of temporary Willpower to gain partial control for himself,
defining "friends", "enemies", "essential duties" etc, for the purposes and duration of the Limit
Break. It should be noted that in this case, whether or not the attuned character regains Willpower
for their Limit Break depends on whether or not they tried to take partial control, not whether they
actually achieved it.
If the bearer of the Artifact is an Abyssal, replace all mention of "Limit" with "Resonance". The
Abyssal is not immediately aware of Resonance points gained in this way, as he would normally
be, but instead must actively check how many he has before he becomes aware of the apparent
displeasure of the Neverborn. Golden Mask Shintai has no control over Dark Fate - the Neverborn
punish their "wayward" champion as they will.
If the bearer of the Artifact is an Alchemical, the corrupted Primordial Essence interacts oddly
with his mind, inflicting the Gremlin Syndrome mutation for the duration of his attunement.
Replace all mention of "Limit" with "Dissonance". Replace mentions of "undergoes Limit Break"
with "reaches Dissonance 10". As the Alchemical cannot achieve partial control of this state, the
Infernal may always pay Willpower to take partial control for himself for the duration of a scene;
however, an Alchemical attuned to this Artifact does not permanently gain Gremlin Syndrome by
reaching Dissonance 10. Upon deattuning from this Artifact, he loses the Gremlin Syndrome
mutation, and all his Dissonance points are converted into Clarity as his mind desperately
struggles to compensate.
If the bearer of the Artifact is any other type of character (or has been cured of the Great Curse),
they ignore all mentions of Limit or Limit Breaks. Instead, they spend temporary Willpower where
they would normally gain Limit from this Artifact. Whenever they are reduced to fewer temporary
Willpower than the Infernal's Essence rating, his social attacks against them automatically become
[Source: Revlid]
Skipping Through Life
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Illusion
Duration: One scene
Prereqs: None
The Veil of Illusory Truths is the happiest of all Yozis (save possibly Adorjan) for in spite of all
that has happened to him, he yet retains his innocence, free from the delusions of reality and
personality. This Charm appears to regress the Infernal's body to that of a child somewhere around
the age of ten for the rest of the scene as an Illusion effect. In addition, the warlock's new physique
exudes an aura of innocence, a helplessness that paradoxically protects her. Any character
attempting to harm the Infernal must fail a Compassion roll, or find themselves unable to follow
through with whatever they were trying to do as a Compulsion effect. Any affected character may
reject this Compulsion by spending one point of temporary Willpower (which will also break the
illusion), or by witnessing the Infernal entering combat or causing harm to another.
[Source: Arrghus]
At Essence 4+ the Infernal may purchase this charm a second time. This changes its duration to
Permanent, but reduces the penalty suffered by individuals who appear to be roughly the same age
as the Infernal by one. However, the effects of the Charm are still lost any time the Infernal comes
under the effects of Pauper's Kingly Mask, and are only reapplied once that Charm’s effects end.
[Source: Arrghus]
Alone No More
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Overdrive, Social
Duration: Instant
Prereqs: Tearful Eyes Apology
It should come as no surprise to scholars that Achsam authored childhood. More than this,
however, the Veil of Illusory Truths worked alongside the Whispering Flame and Kimbery as the
codifier of all familial ties, be it the love of a mother or the rivalry of an older sibling. Upon
activating this Charm, the Infernal immediately gains an intimacy towards a willing character.
That person immediately grows a reciprocal Intimacy (if the Infernal designates someone as her
“mother”, that person gains an Intimacy towards her “daughter”, and so on). The Infernal may not
have more than (Essence) Intimacies created by this Charm at the same time, and may not use this
Charm to grant multiple Intimacies to one character. She may not target herself with this Charm to
create a recursive intimacy, although if there are multiples of her (through Splintered Gale Shintai,
for example), she may target them. Whenever the Infernal is attacked by a character who appears
to be at least ten years older than him, any character with a familial intimacy toward the Infernal
(whether acquired through a use of this Charm or naturally) who witnesses the act gains two
offensive motes (if they lack an Overdrive pool, they gain a temporary one capable of storing up
to five motes). They may gain a maximum of two motes per tick in this way. This does not apply
if they are the attacker, or are allied with them.
[Source: Arrghus]
At Essence 6+, natives of Malfeas affected by this Charm have their wound penalties reduced by a
full (Infernal’s Essence) and add the same amount of successes to any attempt to ignore fear or
anger-based Emotion effects.
[Source: Revlid]
Demon-Designating Tag-Touch
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type:Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Illusion, Obvious, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prereqs: Skipping Through Life
It is in the nature of children to bully and ostracize, and the nature of monsters to hunt children
down. Neither really grows out of this trait, and Achsam feels free to declare which is which. This
Charm may be activated whenever the Infernal touches another character and declares them a
Demon. The target is affected by a compulsion to pass on this effect by touching another character
and declaring them a Demon. If they successfully do so, then they are no longer the subject of the
compulsion, and it is transferred to the touched character. This continues until the end of the
scene, or until an affected character pays one point of temporary Willpower to resist the
compulsion. The compulsion is always accompanied by an illusion that affects anyone with a
Dodge MDV lower than ([Higher Of Compelled Character’s Performance or Presence] +
Infernal’s Essence), portraying the compelled character as having become a monster appropriate to
the watcher – a member of the Immaculate Faith might see the tagged character as a raging
Anathema, while a Lunar might see them as a Chimera or Wyld Mutant. The illusion can be
overcome by paying a single point of temporary Willpower to see through it. A second purchase of
this Charm at Essence 4+ upgrades this Charm – the compelled character gains the creature of
darkness mutation as a Desecration effect for the duration of their compulsion, the compelled
character's [Performance or Presence] can be replaced with the Infernal's (Essence) for the
purposes of calculating the Dodge MDV necessary to see through the illusion, and the Willpower
cost to resist the compulsion and/or illusion created by this Charm is increased by one. In addition,
the Infernal may choose to specify the type of monster he is declaring the target as – be that a
specific breed of Demon, a type of Anathema, a beastman or mutant, an Apostate or Gremlin, or
even a renegade god or Terrestrial of some variety. The illusion accompanying the compulsion
automatically matches his declaration.
[Source: Revlid]
Switch-Over Surprise
Cost: — (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type:Permanent
Keywords: none
Duration: Permanent
Prereqs: Wyld Hunt and Anathema Division
Pulling the rug out from his playmates is a favorite activity of the Puppeteer Impatient.
Assumptions can be deadly. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. The Infernal may
increase the cost of that Charm by one point of temporary Willpower. If he does so, he
immediately applies an illusion to himself and one of the characters struck prone by the Charm,
perfectly swapping their appearances. This illusion may be ignored by anyone with a Dodge MDV
higher than the Infernal's (Performance + Essence), or one who pays one point of temporary
Willpower after having been given some reason to doubt their senses. The Infernal immediately
falls prone, exactly as though he were affected by the main Charm. The affected character does not
fall prone, but instead may do nothing but stand still (moving only to avoid danger) until an
affected character rises from prone, at which point he will teleport and make an unexpected attack,
as per the main Charm (the Infernal has no control over this, and the character may use any attack,
so long as it is not one he knows his target is immune to). This total control effect fades the
moment the character has made the attack, but the illusion stays in place until the end of the scene.
[Source: Revlid]
Crimson and Azure Rivalry
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prereqs: Wyld Hunt and Anathema Division
The Infernal selects two separate social groups that he has interacted with in the past week. These
need not be actual factions (such as the Glass Street Crew and the Handy Shanks Gang) but may
be imposed by the Infernal, provided they have a common trait that ties them together, mutually
exclusive to the other group (such as everyone in Skullstone with blue eyes, and everyone with
brown eyes). He then spends a dramatic action atop the highest point that could be said to be
roughly equidistant between the two groups, capering, dancing, and acting out insane solo dramas
in which slapstick violence is perpetrated against caricatures of each group. He rolls ([Charisma or
Manipulation] + Performance). If his rolled successes are higher than the combined Magnitude of
the two groups, then both are affected (otherwise, neither are affected). Each faction gains a
negative intimacy toward the other faction, of hatred, rivalry, or disgust (the Infernal decides
which) as a one-time Emotion effect, which may be resisted at this point by paying (Infernal’s
Essence) Loyalty. Any attempts to dissuade characters from acting on this intimacy suffer an
internal penalty of (Infernal’s Essence). This intimacy is special in that it takes effect only when
the faction gathers in numbers – the effective Conviction of each affected character for the
purposes of this intimacy is equal to the Magnitude of the nearby members of their faction (i.e.
those gathered into the same crowd). So a character on their own would have an effective
Conviction of 0, and thus be unaffected by this intimacy, while a character who was part of a
Magnitude 3 mob of his fellows would have an effective Conviction of 3. As Magnitude rises and
falls (as crowds break up or reinforcements arrive) throughout a scene, so does the crowd’s
effective Conviction (taking the required number of scenes of erosion with it). If this effective
Conviction ever rises above a character’s Temperance, they are immediately Compelled to act on
the intimacy as though it were a Motivation, attacking or taunting their opposing faction and
encouraging others to do the same. Obviously, given its nebulous and self-sustaining nature,
totally eroding this intimacy is difficult. Record the total Magnitude of each affected faction. This
is the necessary amount by which the intimacy must be eroded. At the end of a scene in which that
intimacy has been eroded from a crowd of that faction, reduce the recorded amount by the
Magnitude of the surviving crowd members. At the end of a scene in which that intimacy would
have been reinforced (e.g. a brawl between the two factions) increase the recorded amount by the
Magnitude of the surviving crowd members. If the recorded amount is ever reduced to 0, the
intimacy is totally eroded within that faction and has no further effect. No faction may ever have
more than one intimacy of this type. The only other way this intimacy can be removed short of
large-scale magical intervention is for a natural three-dot stunt to occur, showcasing a positive
intimacy (however tragic) between two characters from opposing factions. Both factions must be
largely aware of this stunt, which immediately wipes the intimacy from both sides. If Wyld Hunt
and Anathema Division is used with members from these two groups as the sole target, directing
them against each other, then the cost to activate it is reduced by one point of temporary
[Source: Revlid]
Proclamation of Nature
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prereqs: Suitably Dramatic Leap
Though Achsam would think nothing of dancing to a tune only he could hear, such is his
generosity that he extends his inner music to all the world, allowing all to hear the song of his
greatness. Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal's anima immediately flares to the 8-10 level
display, accompanied by a musical score which is unique to the Infernal and adapts with the
narrative requirements of the scene to always maximize the dramatic impact of his actions
(incidentally, this invalidates any attempts at audial stealth). So long as this music plays and the
Infernal maintains an audience with a Magnitude of at least his (Essence), all the Infernal's stunts
increase their rating by one as though they resonated with his Motivation, drawing on the joy
Achsam feels whenever in the spotlight. If the Infernal activates this Charm while dramatically
revealing himself to his audience, its cost is decreased to four motes. At Essence 4+, this Charm
activates automatically, at no cost, whenever the Infernal's anima flares to the 8-10 level and
remains until it subsides below that level.
[Source: Arrghus]
Not to be confused with Charms that possess the Gaia Keyword, the abilities that follow are a selection
of Gaia’s “Infernal” Charms.
Unlike her siblings, Gaia’s nature resonates easily with that of all living things, and her Charms are
comparatively easy to learn, requiring only that the student possesses at least one level of Permanent
Communion. Typically this is limited to her servants, but under the right circumstances, any creature
born of Creation can be sufficiently exposed to her essence to begin developing a bond to her. Any such
creature that can channel essence can learn the following Charms from a tutor, though they require
twice the normal experience cost and training time that Infernals require for their Charms. They must
also possess a level of Permanent Communion at least equal to the Charm’s minimum Essence
prerequisite. When a being gains at least 5 ranks of Permanent Communion, they become capable of
developing these Charms without a tutor, and their costs and training times are halved.
General Charms
First Gaia Excellency
Cost: 1m per die
Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
This Charm functions as do the First (Yozi) Excellencies, except that it only applies to actions that
match Gaia's particular themes, as follows.
Gaia: The Mother of Life is tied to symbiosis and evolution. She is pure and primal in her savage
splendour, and is always searching for what is missing in herself and in the world. She rests rarely, and
is strongest when pressed to her limits. She cares for the world and for all life because she has given of
herself to them, such that there is a part of her in the land and in every creature. The Maiden of Plenty
acts on strong emotion and cannot accept cold logic, which in turn causes her to fear technology.
Caught up in her own unlimited energy, she can be thoughtlessly cruel but remains beautiful even to the
victims of her terrifying power.
Though she has immense vitality, she draws her strength from what she loves and will not do anything
if she cannot commit herself whole-heartedly.
Characters can apply this Charm to actions in which they invest their passion, especially those that
support their Motivation or Intimacies. Gaia enhances efforts backed by moral selfconfidence; though
they may be subtle, deceiving or cruel, her power can still enhance a character's actions so long as they
are being true to their own nature. She understands others and shows her glory best when she is
completely unrestrained. Her power does not serve those who doubt themselves, and she has difficulty
putting forth her full efforts when not in the presence of those things which drive her: when outside
Creation, this Charm's mote cost doubles unless the character is in the presence of an object of their
Motivation or Intimacies. It cannot be used to enhance rolls made to use, build or maintain magitech or
to deal positively with creatures of the Underworld. The Mother of Life rejects the unnatural until she
has made it change to suit her ideals.
One Form Understanding
Cost: -
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
Though humanity has invented many languages, they all strive to express aspects of a world that every
creature shares. Whatever methods a being may use to say something, Gaia can already understand
what they mean, for she understands the world they come from. A character can use this Charm to
comprehend those whose way of living is the same as themselves. They can understand the speech of
any other human, no matter what language they use. This does not allow the character to talk back, to
understand any form of recording or to automatically see through deliberate deception.
Infernals and Gaia Charms
As with any primordial, Infernal Exalted can learn Gaia's Charms. And, as with other
primordials, those Charms can be learned by any Infernal once they have been taught to
But there's a catch.
Green Sun Princes experience the Yozis from their former mortal perspective, seeing them
as immeasurably vast, mighty entities of infernal glory, utterly without peer in their own
domains. They do not realise, not truly, the real depth of what their masters have lost. How
can they? But Gaia is not merely a healthy and free primordial: she is the whole,
unblemished and unrestrained Titan, the living expression of what it is to be complete and
pure and powerful; even Autochthon is cold and calm and alien in comparison to Gaia's
wild, passionate spirit. In tasting her nature, an Infernal will suddenly realise for the first
time the true, terrible, unspeakable loss of those from whom they took their Second Breath;
what they were, what they could have been, and what they should be, compared to what
they are.
When an Infernal uses any of Gaia's Charms, they feel a terrible sense of loss that floods
from the bonds to their patron, and must immediately succeed at a Difficulty 3 Temperance
roll to overcome the surge of grief and outrage that attends it. If they fail, they immediately
suffer the effects of either the Heart of Tears or Red Rage of Compassion Limit Breaks, as
appropriate to their own personality. Partial control is possible, as is the recovery of
willpower from expressing the unrestrained emotion of their Yozi master. This happens
only the first time the character employs a Gaia Charm's effect within a particular scene. In
subsequent scenes that take place within a day of a previous usage, the Difficulty of the roll
is reduced to 2.
For the first [Compassion] scenes in which a Green Sun Prince suffers this effect, they may
count each such scene as one spent building an Intimacy either for the Yozis or against their
Higher Understanding
Cost: -
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: One Form Understanding
Though they may not suffer the same ills or see the same sky, all intelligent creatures think in terms of
reason and language. They see themselves as separate from the world, but in so doing define their own
connection to it. Intelligence is born in the world, in men, spirits and those races made by the
primordials. This Charm enhances its prerequisite by allowing the character to understand the world of
sensation, intuition and cogitation that all thinking beings share. This allows her to understand any
intelligent being, including gods, shaped Raksha, most demons, and other races such as Jadeborn and
Dragon Kings.
All three Understanding Charms together are still incapable of understanding truly incomprehensible
beings, such as Unshaped Fae, the most alien Behemoths and the Neverborn.
Selection of Nature
Cost: -
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Self-Perfection
Gaia's splendour takes many forms, and each endures as only that which is alive is capable of. This
Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the character to spend a point of willpower and commit an
Ideal Form's essence cost in order to maintain the transformation indefinitely
Ascent From Man
Cost: -
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Selection of Nature
Lesser beings as they are compared to her, Gaia's creatures can paradoxically attain what she herself
has yet to find: the next step upwards beyond their base, insufficient form. In purchasing this Charm,
the character decides to forsake humanity forever, selecting one of their Ideal Forms and taking it on
themselves permanently. From then on, this is the character's natural shape for all intents and purposes.
Any other Ideal Forms that the character possess can be activated on top of this new nature. The
character can take their old form temporarily by using Self-Perfection at the same costs that they used
to pay for their new form.
Blood-Spiral Forge
Cost: 5m
Mins: Essence 5
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Critical, Obvious, Combo-Ok
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Selection of Nature, Above the Rising Beast
Locked into the blood of every living creature is a basic pattern which guides their growth and defines
their nature. Formed of two threads joined together, twisting ever upwards, this pattern is born
ultimately from Gaia and symbolizes her nature: the foundation of all mortal life, bound inextricably to
Creation and its inhabitants, ever reaching to greater heights. These bloodspirals contain the secrets of
shape that inform the abilities of the Lunar Exalted, and hold the life essence that feeds the dead. The
Wyld taints them to twist a creature’s form, and the vengeful essence of Malfeas breaks them apart to
bring the fearful Green Sun Wasting. But Gaia is their creator, and ultimately, their mistress.
With this Charm, a character in dire need can directly wield the essence of the Emerald Mother to
temporarily reweave their own blood-pattern. Spiraling streamers of essence burst from their anima and
reconvene about their body, forming into new shapes that better serve their needs. The player declares
an immediate, in-scene goal (to kill a particular enemy, for example, or to escape a falling airship, or to
rescue their lover from a stormy sea) and instantly develops up to [Essence] points of mutations or
increased Attributes (priced as for purchase with bonus points) that will aid them in that purpose. The
improvements last until they complete their stated goal, or until they are persuaded that it has become
impossible to complete within the scene. If the stated goal is directly related to the character’s
Motivation, their allowance of points is doubled. The number of points can also be increased by
spending willpower (point for point) or by activating the Charm with a stunt that resonates with Gaia’s
values, as described under her Excellency; this increases the points allowed by twice the stunt’s value.
Dice pool increases earned this way do not count towards the limit on dice gained through Charms.
Death-Watching Aura
Cost: -
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
Life exists on an edge; all natural beasts know that they face danger on all sides, and hold that tension
in readiness to fight or flee at any moment. This Charm enhances that awareness in its user, allowing
them to sense when mortal peril approaches. A character with Death-Watching Aura becomes
automatically aware whenever they enter a situation in which their life may be on the line. This is of
limited use in some environments; being in Malfeas, the Labyrinth, the Deep Wyld or similarly hostile
surroundings will constantly register as dangerous. The Aura should be interpreted generously,
however; characters can roughly sense the level of danger they're in, which is modified based on their
own capabilities. A Full Moon Lunar, for example, will feel no danger when faced with any mortal
In the case of sensing other creatures who are a danger, this Charm triggers when such a being comes
within the distance from which they could strike a death blow. This aspect of the Charm identifies
which character is dangerous and roughly how much of a threat they could be, but not anything else
about them. At Essence 3, this Charm becomes capable of detecting threatening creatures even if the
character's other senses have yet to perceive them, so long as they are concealed only by mortal means.
At Essence 4, the owner of this Charm can detect the presence of supernaturally concealed threats,
though it won't give them their precise location - only the sensation that something dangerous is
Desperate Power
Cost: 1m per 2 dice
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 1 Attacker, Step 2 Defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Critical
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Death-Watching Aura
Mortal flesh and bone are stronger than most would give them credit for. Thousands of years of gods
and Exalts have settled the idea that the bodies of mere men and beasts are frail and flimsy, but this is
not true. What is true is that life limits its own power, holding back its strength to avoid doing damage
to itself. In the face of death, however, the desire to live overpowers all else; Gaia knows this best.
This Charm can be used to purchase extra dice on Strength-, Dexterity- or Stamina-based rolls or static
values, up to a maximum equal to that Attribute's rating. However, these dice do not count as dice
gained through the use of Charms and can stack with any other dice-adding ability.
There is an extra price, however. When the scene is over, the character loses a dot of Strength,
Dexterity or Stamina for each time this Charm was activated (this does not necessarily match the
Attribute that was enhanced). If this puts the character to 0 or below in an Attribute, they fall
unconscious. Attribute dots recover by one for each day of full rest for an Exalt, and one each week for
an enlightened mortal.
Suggestion Refused
Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Critical
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Death-Watching Aura
The purpose of pain is to create fear, and fear is a ward against danger, meant to protect life. When pain
and fear no longer serve their purpose, it serves life better to refuse their urgings. This Charm allows its
user to overcome the fear of their own pain, allowing them to ignore all wound penalties for one scene.
At Essence 4, the Charm evolves, allowing the user to overcome all mortal forms of fear while it is in
effect. At Essence 5, it protects even against supernatural fear.
Feeling for Another
Cost: 3m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
All living things in Creation are part of a greater whole. The grass that grows form the soil is devoured
by cattle, who are in turn slain for the tables of humanity, who offer prayer to the gods, who serve the
Unconquered Sun, whose light feeds the grass. Prey feed their predators, who prevent the prey from
destroying themselves through overpopulation. Gaia herself takes strength from the wellbeing of
Creation, and in turn, Creation draws its vitality from her. Through this spiritual commonality, one who
has learned Gaia's ways can become as aware of others as they are of themselves - or even more.
Touching another creature (which must be a Creature of Gaia) and activating this Charm allows the
character to instantly perceive the target's physical well-being. They detect any wounds, scars,
mutations, diseases or poisons and learn their nature and effects. Characters with any dots in Medicine
can make instant, easy diagnosis and gain a bonus equal to half their Essence rating on any treatment
rolls. When the user reaches Essence 4, the Charm becomes capable of divining a target's spiritual
condition as well, revealing their nature (including Exalt type and Caste if applicable) as well as any
ongoing supernatural effects. This Charm cannot defeat supernatural concealment, however, unless the
user's Essence is higher than the source of the effect.
Sympathetic Penitence
Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Touch, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Feeling for Another
The Emerald Mother loves the world, and all her children who dwell within it; and it is her nature to
feel pain when they are harmed. When people are wracked by pain and death, she takes part of their
hurt on her own flesh, and this is what causes shadowlands to form as wounds in the essence of
Creation. Those who emulate her can perform such acts of martyrdom themselves, relieving the hurts
of others by allowing their own flesh and soul to accept that pain.
This Charm can be used on creatures on whom the character has already used its prerequisite Charm,
Feeling For Another. This allows them to transfer health levels of damage from their target to
themselves: they roll their [Compassion + Essence] and suffer health levels of damage equal to the
number of successes they achieve, curing their target by the same amount. Aggravated damage is taken
first, followed by lethal and finally bashing damage. At Essence 4, the character can use this Charm to
take malevolent supernatural effects onto themselves instead of physical injuries. To do this, their
[Compassion + Essence] roll must score more successes than the Essence or Artifact Rating of the
effect's source.
In either case, an unwilling (for whatever reason) target can resist the Charm if their MDV is higher
than the roll's result, or by spending 2wp.
Twin-Heart Survival
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 5
Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Sympathetic Penitence, Shared Soul Blessing
Those who speak with Gaia's servants often may eventually discover an unlikely-sound belief about
their Goddess: that alone of all the primordials, Gaia is free from the threat of true death, able to
survive and recover from injuries such as those that cast many of her sibling Titans down to suffer in
agony as the Neverborn. This, they say, is because Gaia has bound herself to Creation and to all mortal
creatures, allowing her to survive so long as they do; in return, they may elaborate, Gaia herself can
heal the world of its ills… and would, were it not for the foolishness of gods and Exalted. It is at this
point that one may feel inclined to cease listening, but the fact is that there may be truth in this belief,
for those who use Gaia's powers can learn this Charm, binding themselves to another living creature to
ensure the survival of both.
Selecting a willing target, the character commits the mote cost of the Charm to them and expends a dot
of willpower. So long as that essence remains to bind them together, each character feels the ills of the
other; in recompense, they will also protect each other from permanent harm. They can suffer the most
terrible injuries, be ravaged by the worst diseases and poisons and even be "killed"; the other character
will feel the pain of such wounds, suffering all the same penalties, but will not actually be injured. And
so long as that other character survives, their partner will heal as an Exalt does until their health
matches, even from seeming death. The only way to kill either character, or cause them permanent
physical harm at all, is to do so to both.
(bitterWalnut editorial note: “Permanent Communion” seems to be undefined, I suggest that a Gaia-centric version of Whispers might be a fair
guess for its mechanics? I will remove this note when the real answer is recovered.)
Yesterday, I wrote my 27th and 28th Theion Charms, which officially means I've written more than exist in canon (26). Here's the current batch.
The post is much cleaner and more organized now than it was when I first put it up, as I was unaware of the mighty SBLOCK at that time.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Twin Suns Dawning X2
The unstoppable gaze of the Shining Tyrant burns away the irrelevancies of the base world, revealing his kingdom in its purest form:
Essence, breath, and life. This Charm permanently enhances Twin Suns Dawning, adding additional effects to it:
The Warlock no longer sees the physical nature of the world, finding it beneath him. His sight is a holy thing, reality an assembled
mass of individual motes and interconnected wires of light. Because of this, invisible and immaterial creatures are as plain to him as
any other, and he permanently negates all penalties to visual Awareness rolls that might be imposed on him.
The active and passive use of Essence is plain to him; treat him as benefitting from All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight.
The warlock's gaze can pierce solid matter regardless of the presence of servile or subordinate characters, though the thickness
limitations apply.
At Essence 5+, the character passively recognizes the supernatural nature of any being he might see, even if they’re not laboring
beneath any active Charms or other Essence use. Add the character’s (Essence) in automatic successes to any effect that contests
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Twin Suns Dawning X2
The universe needs the judgement and approval of the Empyreal Chaos; he knows this in his heart to be true, and so gazes down
from his throne with a generous regard that penetrates the petty illusions and falsehoods presented to him. This Charm permanently
enhances Twin Suns Dawning in the following ways:
The warlock sees the meaning in the spoken word. He automatically knows the motive behind anything said to him, and knows
whether the speaker considers it truth or lie. He treats unnatural mental influence as Obvious to his senses.
Add the Infernal's (Essence) in automatic successes if any effect conflicts with this one.
The universe cannot escape the weighty gaze of the Shining Tyrant; even when his eyes close and he deigns to rest, all is exposed to
him, a constant and pervasive omnipresence.
Activating this Charm, the character awakens an invisible third eye, situated where his caste mark would be. This organ is of divine
nature, unencumbered by physicality; it can see in all directions simultaneously, even behind the Infernal, and is resistant to all
attacks. It benefits from any Charms the Infernal might know that enhance vision.
The Infernal may reflexively shift the origin point of this third eye by spending five motes. He may choose any point in space within
(Essence) yards; his third eye now dwells there, and floats invisibly, providing its usual benefits. Should the character move, the eye
moves with him, maintaining the same distance and orientation it was set with.
If looked at with Essence sight, the character's third eye appears as a numinous ball of green fire. Whether a character can see the
eye or not, the heavy feeling of being watched falls over anyone within the eye's sight.
An Essence 4+ repurchase allows the character to maintain three god-eyes simultaneously. They operate independently and may be
positioned separately with the usual restrictions. The character may reflexively adjust all of their positions with a single five mote
A third Essence 5+ repurchase empowers the Sovereign's sight further. The Charm no longer has a commitment cost, changing its
type and duration to Permanent, and the cost to adjust the eyes becomes one mote. The terrible power of the Warlock's sight is now
visible to the naked eye, each blazing sun hovering immaterial-yet-visible wherever he's set it.
The dread gaze of the Universe Emperor looms over his kingdom as constant as the sun and stars. This Charm permanently
enhances its prerequisite. The eyes can now have an origin point anywhere within a mile of the character, and he may optionally
declare them stationary, freeing them of the restriction of moving with him. Should the character call an eye to him, it fades from sight
over the course of five ticks, reappearing with a conflagration of air-warping power at its next location. As a final effect, the Sovereign
may expand the eye up to (Essence x 100) yards in diameter. This does not influence how far it can see, but it looks very impressive
when one has a blazing green sun hanging above their home wreathed in a nimbus of cosmic force.
Such is the intensity of the Empyreal Chaos that lesser men and lesser worlds are reduced to ash. To spare his kingdoms the full
force of his presence, he sends forth Ligier, the Green Sun, whose nurturing light shields the king's dominion. An Infernal with this
Charm may likewise designate someone his herald, and through their actions the land may be spared the Sovereign's personal
This Charm is a permanent upgrade to its prerequisite. Characters benefit from all its default perks, in addition to the following
upgrades: they may treat the Infernal's Conviction and Willpower ratings as their own when pursuing this Motivation, and when
channeling Conviction turn their social attacks into unnatural mental influence. Lastly, so long as they operate under the yoke of Right
Hand Ascension, both their servile Intimacy and Motivation are considered inviolable, rendering all contrary social attacks
unacceptable orders.
A mortal who completes a Motivation granted by this Charm is enlightened and rendered permanently servile, the touch of the divine
fire suffusing them forevermore. Essence users are immune to this consequence. All characters may be given a new crusade by the
Infernal reflexively at no cost, who is made aware of their success.
The power of the Shining Tyrant permeates all the universe; with but a thought, a droplet of that infinite might can be shared, bringing
even the divine to new heights. In doing so, Theion is himself empowered, his throne surrounded by paeans the transformed offer his
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. The use of Right Hand Ascension offers its character the warlock's (Essence x 3)
mutation points. These are assigned by the Infernal, who conjures a form he deems appropriate to their power and role.
Essence-using characters treat their Essence as being a single point higher for resolving Charm effects and calculating mote pools,
but this does not truly raise their Essence. If used in opposition to the Infernal, this bonus becomes a penalty.
If at any point a character ceases to be servile, this gift of divine might is revoked, tearing its way through their body and dealing
(Infernal's Essence) levels of Aggravated damage.
At Essence 5+, this Charm automatically upgrades. All characters who benefit from Right Hand Ascension double their contribution to
the magnitude of a servile group around the Infernal in regards to his Charms which depend on that.
A repurchase of this Charm at Essence 5+ removes the mote commitment for Right Hand Ascension on Essence-wielding characters.
At Essence 6+, this Charm automatically upgrades again. Essence-using characters who benefit from Right Hand Ascension gain an
Overdrive pool of 10m. This pool refills at a rate of one mote per action done in defense of or to further their secondary Motivation.
Though surrounded by the unworthy, the champions of the Shining Tyrant never know fear. This Charm may be activated to grant a
divine weapon to one effected by Right Hand Ascension. The form of the weapon varies, but it is always made of shimmering fire that
gives off light as a 4-7m anima. The weapon possesses the same stats as an orichalcum Melee or Martial Arts artifact rated 2 or less,
save that it does Aggravated damage to any being servile to the Warlock. The wielder of this weapon does not need to attune to
benefit from it, and ignores all minimums necessary to use it. If anyone else tries to wield it, the weapon is treated as improvised, and
deals a single unsoakable level of lethal damage to its bearer every action. If Right Hand Ascension ends, the owner also treats it as
improvised and suffers damage. These weapons are destroyed by Terrestrial Countermagic and fade if the owner willingly forsakes
them. The owner may summon or banish the weapon reflexively.
At Essence 4+, this Charm may be used to create Thrown and Archery weapons with no ammo limitations.
Social Charms
O, king of tremendous majesty, who saves what must be saved; o, font of mercy, pity us! When their voices lift as one in the
universe's first song, Theion's wrath may be stayed, and his heart moved. When a character prays to the Infernal for mercy or
forgiveness, he may accept a servile Intimacy of his choice, explicitly permitting it through all his defenses. If he accepts this
Intimacy, the warlock is made aware of the prayer and may remove a negative Intimacy he has to him. Should the Infernal lack a
negative Intimacy to the target specifically, he may nevertheless offer absolution, restoring one Willpower to them through their
submission. This can only occur once a day. The warlock never needs to suppress Conviction to forsake a crusade against someone
he forgives this way.
At Essence 4+, the Infernal's capacity for magnanimity expands, and he may choose to forgive a greater organization a servile
member prays on behalf of. If he does so, all members of the group are made aware of the Infernal's potential for forgiveness, and
offered the chance to accept a servile Intimacy. If a majority of the group accepts the warlock may apply this Charm's base effects to
the unit. Any servile member of the group is afterwards made aware of those who refused and endangered them all.
The Infernal immediately gains an Intimacy of Righteous Anger toward a group in the event a majority refuses.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: World-Forging Course Ablation
The Shining Tyrant's clarity of vision is unimpeachable, but there are times when veiled words and ignorant bleating threaten to turn
his rightful subjects down a dark path. That he might think to guard their minds is a favor they can never repay. This Charm enables
the Infernal to activate World-Forging Course Ablation on behalf of servile or subordinate characters. The defense still depends on the
Infernal's Motivation, Urge, Intimacies, and plans when used in this way.
Once, the Shining Tyrant paused to listen to those who prayed to him. He smiled in his throne, and the sound of it was pleasing to his
ears. He named this phenomenon song, and it was good.
Once, the Shining Tyrant struck a great blow against the Wyld, and its cries were manifold: the sound of rain and the earth shaking
and wind through trees, of storms and wild things. He named this phenomenon music, and it was good.
Once, the Shining Tyrant decreed song and music be joined eternally, and such was his joy at the result that the Titans found him
tumbling, twisting and leaping on the winds of praise, each of his movements accompanied by a thunderous beat. So compelling was
his pleasure that all the things of the world moved with him, and the endless war against the raksha ceased, and the Tribe of
Dreamers knew contentment for a generation. This last and greatest of all things he named dance.
A warlock with this Charm internalizes the divine splendor of music that ensnared the Primordials. When dancing, the character
doubles the bonus or penalty his Appearance inflicts, and he may spend an additional five motes to add an unnatural Emotion effect
to his hypnotic dance: radiant euphoria. It can be resisted at no cost, and characters who do so do not gain a point of Limit.
If the character is performing in the presence of a group of servile or subordinate characters with a Magnitude equal to or greater than
his (Essence), his performances automatically benefits from an unnatural Compulsion to take part in the character's actions. This may
be resisted like the Solar Charm Respect Commanding Attitude.
At Essence 5+, this Charm automatically upgrades, doing away with the Appearance bonus maximum entirely.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Cosmic Tyrant Decree
The words of Theion are words of power; he is the thunder and the brush-fire, the flood and the shuddering of the earth, and his will
be done. This Charm extends the range of orders given by its prerequisite to (Essence x 100) yards. These wide-spanning decrees are
inevitably accompanied by cosmetic effects and the flaring of the Sovereign's white halo, spreading out into the world from his body
and obviating his attempts at stealth like a 16+ anima banner. These effects may include: waves of force and tongues of white-green
flame licking at the air around the Infernal, a rush of heat bearing down on the area around him, the earth cracking like spiderwebs
beneath his feet, or plants swaying in the throes of his power.
At Essence 5+, the range of its effects extends to (Essence x 1000) yards. The cosmetic effects increase in scale: the clouds above the
character swirl and spread out, the ocean bucks and waves, or a forest spreads out away from him.
At Essence 6+ the range extends to (Essence) miles. At this point, it is hard to tell the origin point: his words seem to come from the
world itself, all-encompassing. The cosmetics likewise extend in scale, declaring the will of the sovereign to all the world in the form
of earthquakes, flash floods, blinding torrents of light from on high, or other such Storyteller approved displays. If used with Universe
Emperor Shintai, this range instead becomes (Essence x 10) miles.
The truth of the Shining Tyrant's glory is self-evident, imposing itself on those who err in remembering him. Upon activating this
Charm, the warlock's anima immediately intensifies, forcing all around him to make a blindness check as per Kingdom of the Blind.
Regardless of the outcome, the light penetrates to their mind's eye, bathing their memories in burning white light. When it fades, they
gaze upon things as they really are, despite history suggesting otherwise. The warlock rolls his (Charisma + Presence), adding his
(Essence) in automatic successes against servile and subordinate characters.
Success results in an unnatural Illusion effect which rewrites the memories of all characters who can witness him, painting him as a
glorious tyrant-king of wisdom and strength; his every deed is remembered in the best possible light, with any negative actions or
outcomes glossed over, outright ignored, or muted in emotional and intellectual significance. This creates a servile Intimacy
appropriate to the context as decided by the target's player if one does not exist and will override pre-existing negative Intimacies.
Servile characters have their Intimacies reasserted, and cannot attempt to erode their Intimacy for (the Infernal's Charisma) days.
Resisting this effect costs two Willpower.
A repurchase of this Charm at Essence 5+ adds an ongoing Emotion effect, introducing radiant bias to emphasize the might and terror
of the warlock over all else in real-time. Whatever he does, those so affected by the Charm will justify it as his right, focusing on his
grandeur and how blessed they are to witness it. As the character can do no wrong, anyone with a servile Intimacy to him struggles to
justify their own disobedience, suffering an internal penalty of his his (Charisma) in any scene where they attempt to erode their
Intimacy or act against his interests knowingly. This effect lasts so long as they possess any servile traits.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Kingdom Of The Blind
There is an awesome beauty to be found in the stark light of the Shining Tyrant; even as his glory burns the sight from one's eyes and
leaves them to stare only at him and his kingdom, it is a breathtaking thing to look upon the font of all authority, righteous and
resplendent. An Infernal with this Charm always benefits from the maximum Appearance modifier against any being who has been
blinded by its prerequisite. The anima of Infernals with this Charm subtly shifts, often revealing a humanoid silhouette that clings to
them or lurks silently near them, terribly brilliant even against the rest of their anima.
Those with the arrogance to face the Universe Emperor stand before true power. This Charm may enhance any social attack designed
to elicit fear, wonder, or awe. The Sovereign's eyes burn with power, and his words carry dread condemnation. Any non-heroic
character who suffers this attack is treated as having botched a Morale check, immediately surrendering to the Sovereign and cannot
resist. Heroic characters may make a Valor roll, difficulty 3. Failure is treated as a botch, but unlike non-heroic characters this emotion
may be resisted for 2wp. A character need only resist this Charm once to be immune for the scene.
The will of the Universe Emperor is the will of his people, and that will be done. An Infernal with this Charm permanently enhances his
capabilities, enabling the automatic coordination of servile and subordinate characters in all actions taken, provided they contribute.
This provides the following effects:
When participating characters would pool their total ability, such as during a Feat of Strength, every contributing member may add an
additional success to their contribution. There is no limit to the number of characters that may be contributed in this way.
When participating characters would instead offer bonus dice, convert each die they would provide into an automatic success. The
bonus cannot exceed the Warlock's (Charisma).
Characters do not need to have a rating of one or more in a relevant Ability to contribute with this Charm, they need only be
commanded to work by the Infernal.
At Essence 4+, this Charm automatically upgrades. Servile and subordinate characters now benefit on their own whenever they work
together, provided their work is done on the Infernal's command or to further his will.
A repurchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ enables the automatic coordinating of servile and subordinate characters in combat. When
a servile or subordinate character takes a Coordinate Attack action and only includes fellow servile or subordinate characters, the
action automatically succeeds with full benefits. This only works so long as the group's size does not exceed the Warlock's
(Charisma). If the Infernal himself is taking that action, he benefits per this Charm normally, and halves the difficulty of coordinating
larger groups.
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Praise-Echoing Architect Principle
A king must dream of greater splendor than lesser men, so that they might know he dwells in a place far above them.
The Sovereign declares his will, a goal he wishes accomplished or an ideal he wishes to further. While the specifics differ, they are
universally impressive feats; this Charm may enhance a group’s efforts to raise a glorious ark or to march across a scorching
wasteland to find a holy land, but it would not help building a warehouse or capturing a petty crook. The final decision is left to the
Storyteller, and he is advised to encourage big scope activities.
The difficulty of all rolls made to pursue this end result are lowered by the Warlock’s (Essence). All members of the group are
additionally treated as heroic for the task’s duration, and cannot fail Valor or Conviction rolls. In the case of unrolled actions or
actions with no set difficulties, add an automatic success to the rolls made or increase the character’s relevant static value by two.
At Essence 5+, this Charm automatically upgrades. All Servile characters are immune to environmental hazards while following the
dictates of this Charm. Infernals with it are known for testing the loyalty of their people by pushing them through normally lethal
conditions and seeing who makes it.
A repurchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows the group to accomplish the Infernal’s (Essence) hours of work for every hour they
put in. This manifests in the form of blatant supernatural events: the stones of a temple arrange themselves as the ground flattens,
seas part to permit exodus through them, or a city’s walls are toppled by echoing drums of praise.
All lesser lords rule in Theion's stead, their hearts and thrones waiting to be taken. The Infernal spends two motes and selects a social
group he is aware of and declares his intent to rule them. He immediately gains a positive Intimacy focused on conquering the group.
This Intimacy is treated like a secondary Motivation, and benefits from all purchases of Ultimate Sovereign Fundament so long as that
Charm is active. The Infernal may have (Essence) such Intimacies, and they may not be removed until the group is under his control
or no longer existent.
At Essence 4+, this Charm improves the value of all resonant stunts by one as a permanent enhancement to Ultimate Sovereign
The subjects of the Universe Emperor are bulwarked by their own faith. All allied servile and subordinate characters increase their
natural soak by the collected Magnitude of all other servile beings.
When there is no time left for mercy, the devastation Theion brings is swift and absolute. This Charm permanently enhances its
prerequisite. When Green Sun Nimbus Flare successfully damages a target, the blast expands at infinite speed, stretching (Charisma
x 5) yards in all directions. All hostile targets caught in this zone are subjected to the original attack at no further cost to the Infernal,
though the force comes purely from the Primordial fire.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Magnanimous Warning Glyph
At times, it serves the Shining Tyrant to temper his fury with mercy -- and his mercy with pain. This Charm permanently enhances its
prerequisite. When Magnanimous Warning Glyph is applied to a character, the Infernal may use it as a channel to inflict crippling pain
on the subject, adding his (Essence) to whatever wound penalties they suffer. Magnanimous Warning Glyph may be repeatedly
applied to an offender, increasing the wound penalty they suffer. When this penalty is greater than their (Stamina + Resistance), the
character suffers an Unnatural Emotion effect costing 3wp to resist, imposing a servile Intimacy on them. Should they accept this
Intimacy, the pain immediately fades. If the victim betrays the Infernal, he may choose whether the original application of Green Sun
Nimbus Flare, the crippling pain, or both are inflicted on them. In this case, the pain is a Crippling effect that will not fade until the
scene ends.
Though it saddens him greatly, there comes a time where the only fair response to one of Theion's kingdoms is to reduce it to ash.
The Infernal's baleful glare may immediately destroy any non-magical structure or object with a Resources value equal to or less than
his Essence. Against magical ones, triple the attack's raw damage.
Crafting Charms
The Shining Tyrant is the force by which all things define their course: submission or rebellion; so far, submission has always won.
This Charm is a permanent enhancement to the Infernal's capabilities. Whenever something he has personally made is used in an
action taken against him, it fails automatically on all rolled and unrolled actions. Weapons deal no damage, armor provides no
protection, vehicles refuse to move and all else fails in dramatically appropriate ways. Charms supplementing the use of these tools
fail as well, as the object itself refuses to defy its true master. If something contradicts this effect, add the Infernal's (Essence x 2) in
automatic successes to the roll-off.
At Essence 4+ this effect broadens to include objects created by servile characters as well.
At Essence 5+, this applies to living things as well, whether hand-crafted or sired in more human processes. This is considered an
inborn trait of such created things, and thus cannot be resisted by any means.
The great wonders of the world are detritus in the eyes of the Empyreal Chaos, and the hands of men are insufficient to build
monuments to his glory. Yet, when he speaks of his grand designs, their minds burn with the knowledge of how it will be.
This Charm permanently enhances Praise-Echoing Architect Principle, doubling the requisite reduction it provides on all manner of
supernatural crafting. Incidentally, all who benefit from this Charm, including the Infernal, can no longer create Artifacts or Manses
rated 3 or less. In the event they try, the creation botches early on, such pathetic objects and structures incapable of housing the
Warlock's glory.
Dominions, Ruvelia, and Shintai
From the depths of his soul, the Universe Emperor drew forth a shard of himself, crystallizing the raw weight of unbound authority
into an endless nebula. This was Ruvelia, The Demon Queen, daughter-wife of Theion who stood at his right hand to look down on the
world with the oppressive beauty of a sky full of stars. It was she, seductive and commanding, who lured all the world to the kingdom
of her husband, drowning the ambitions of Primordial and daeva alike in her own.
An Infernal with this Charm coalesces their own majesty into a suitable partner for themselves. Despite the name, the gender of the
created being may be whatever the player wishes. Though a separate being, this partner is fundamentally the heart and soul of the
Infernal, a living embodiment of their power and their dreams. So long as the Infernal lives, this entity can be returned to life, though it
pains the Warlock greatly to lose it.
All Attributes equal to the Infernal's, with an additional (Essence) added to Strength, Stamina, Appearance, and Intelligence. All the
Infernal's Caste and Favored Abilities are known and rated at the maximum for the spirit's Essence. The spirit knows all Charms the
Infernal does that require Essence 2 or less. In addition, the spirit has (Essence) panoply Charms, unique powers that must be
designed with the Storyteller. These Charms should resonate with the spirit's characterization and themes as designed by the player,
with a slant more toward big picture effects. It does not begin with any generic spirit Charms save Materialize and Dematerialize.
The spirit has a mote pool of (Essence + Willpower + Sum of all Virtues) x10 motes, and Willpower equal to its creator. It has an equal
number of Virtue points as its creator but they need not be assigned identically. It has a number of -0 health levels equal to its
(Essence + Stamina) x3, and Lethal, Bashing, and Aggravated soak and Hardness equal to its (Stamina + Resistance).
The spirit begins life with its own Intimacies and Motivation separate from the Infernal's but influenced by his. The spirit always has
an inviolable positive Intimacy for the Infernal. While nothing stops the spirit from attacking its master, it can be banished by anyone
like a Third Circle Demon, disappearing into the Infernal's soul where it remains harmless and inert until summoned again. Anyone
can summon it with Solar Sorcery, but they have no ability to bind it or command it. The Infernal may optionally spend 30m, 3wp to
summon or banish it as a reflexive action.
Should the spirit be slain, it will reform over the course of (Essence) weeks. Drop this by a week for every twenty motes the Infernal
pays during that time to a minimum of one. If killed by an effect that can permanently slay a spirit, it will not return until the Infernal
activates this Charm again, and even then will reform over the course of (Essence) months.
The Infernal has no other built-in ways to control this spirit. It is largely autonomous and may be as far from the Infernal as it desires,
pursuing its own goals and ambitions. Poor treatment of the spirit or monstrosity opposed to its inherent goals and values can push it
toward antagonism, but it is by default inclined to be faithful and helpful to the one who birthed it.
To mark his dominions, the Universe Emperor commands his subjects to fill them with monuments to his glory: thrones and temples,
arks and monoliths. The character treats all worshipful structures with a resource value of 5 or higher as mediums, holy places he
might channel himself through. Touching or possessing a medium and activating this Charm, the area (Essence) miles around it is
considered the character's Dominion, granting him metaphysical ownership of the territory. Add his (Essence) in automatic successes
if another effect contests this, such as Holy Land Infliction or Lunar land-claiming Charms. This Charm explicitly contests other
territory Charms that might otherwise exist cooperatively with it.
Within his dominion, the character recovers motes as if he were in a 5-dot demesne, and treats all activity within it as rest. All prayers,
regardless of their target, are considered to also be prayers to the Infernal. With a simple Speed 5 Action, the Infernal may attune
himself to a given medium regardless of distance and perceive the area immediately around it. When he is possessing one, it glows
white-blue and appears translucent.
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Form-Type, Sorcerous
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: World-Spanning Kingdom Of God, Sacrosanct Basilea Accession, Overwhelming Force Magnanimity
Before there was Creation, there was a Tribe of Dreamers. Across the vast infinitudes of Chaos they traveled, united in common
purpose against the depradations of the Wyld and despair alike. And upon each world-body, behind every thought and action, there
was their lord, the Universe Emperor, the sword and shield that tore into the tragedies around them.
Upon activation of this Charm, the character's body is consumed by white fire, his infinite radiant spirit expanding far beyond the
confines of physicality. His consciousness immediately floods all mediums as defined by World-Spanning Kingdom Of God,
coexisting simultaneously in each. This provides the following benefits:
- He is aware of all his dominions at once, but it is the awareness of a god looking down from on high; small details might escape him,
such as where a single person goes instead of a legion, or what people are talking about in a tavern instead of what the throng
chanting his name are saying.
- He receives an independent action for every medium. These actions may not take place in the same narrative ‘area’ -- the Sovereign
may rain hellfire across the plains of Anor, flood the streets of Tempest, and cow an invading army with his voice on the Blessed Isle,
but he may not instead decide to do three things at once in Chiaroscuro.
- If the character knows The Weight Of Glory, he may apply it to all servile characters within his dominion once per attack with a single
- His social attacks encompass the entirety of his dominions, targeting all characters within them.
- He may not make physical attacks against others, with one exception: if the character knows Apocalypse Comet Gaze, he may spend
twelve motes to summon the Gehenna Lance. This is an undodgeable, unblockable attack against all targets, hostile or not, within
(Essence x 50) yards of the origin point. It uses the same stats as Apocalypse Comet Gaze otherwise. The Infernal may summon it at
any point within his dominions.
- Lastly, the character's consciousness expands in a small way to the world itself. He may exert some control over the objects,
structures, and geographic features in his dominion. A gate might swing open to strike at the enemies in front of it, a river might flood
a street, or all the doors enemies find will be securely locked. The mechanical impact of these actions should be negotiated between
the player and Storyteller, but they should never be more severe in harm than a Severe Sandstorm environmental hazard.
The destruction of the medium immediately ejects the Sovereign's spirit from his dominion, ending the Charm there. Adamant
Countermagic cast on one from within immediately ends it for all dominions within (the sorcerer's Essence x 100) miles, and the
Charm may not be reactivated in that scene.
His kingdom, ever-growing, safeguards the Shining Tyrant. This Charm permanently increases the duration of its prerequisite to One
Scene. Additionally, add ten more yards to the effect radius for every Magnitude dot of servile characters who can witness the
Infernal, up to a maximum Magnitude of his Essence. It now requires Sapphire Countermagic to dispel.
An Essence 5+ repurchase renders the Charm's Duration Indefinite. It now requires Adamant Countermagic to dispel.
Knowing this Charm while Universe Emperor Shintai is active immediately sets its base radius to the size of the Infernal’s expanded
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Overdrive
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Glory-Stoking Congregation
To live in defiance of the Shining Tyrant is madness; merciful is he, then, that converts the heathen and the heretic. This Charm
provides a 10m Overdrive pool. Initially empty, the Infernal may spend five motes for a scene to have the pool generates a single mote
whenever he makes a successful attack against an enemy for whom he has a negative Intimacy or one who lacks a servile Intimacy to
him. If he gains more than five offensive motes in a single action, make a reflexive (Stamina + Resistance) roll at difficulty one.
Success generates an additional three offensive motes; failure has the entirety of the Warlock's Overdrive pool erupt in a furious
blast, emanating up to (Essence) yards around him and forcing everyone to immediately check for Knockdown at a difficulty of one.
As a final benefit, any action the Infernal takes while using this Charm triggers Holy vulnerabilities in others, bypassing things like the
Ebon Dragon's perfect defenses. It is this self-righteous anger that inspired the Sun's own powers of judgement.
Infernal Monster Expansions
It's taken me a lot of time and quite a bit of searching to find all of these... or at least, I would hope that
that's all of these! Anyway, here's Revlid's expansions to the Infernal Monster Style, separated into each
of the various Charm Trees.
At Marital Arts 8, Essence 8, the warlock can purchase this charm a second time. If he does so, he may increase the cost of this charm
by a further 10 motes to apply this charm to any use of Crack the Sky, provided his target’s arc would be sufficiently parabolic. The
target strikes the sky at the end of their flight, before falling straight down, bringing the storm with them; the Blasphemy warning
provoked by this charm is centered on the point of impact for the victim, not the warlock himself.
If the Infernal wishes, he may make a prayer roll before his opponent passes through the sky, directed towards any demon or Yozi
with a world-body, and treating his thrown opponent as an offering with a Resource value equal to their Essence rating. If successful,
the demon or Yozi in question is made aware of their incoming guest, and the target is guaranteed to land in or around their world-
body. If the thrown target is a Sorcerously bound demon, its bindings are shattered by its return to Malfeas.
Man-to-Monster Pugilism
Cost: — (+1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss
The Monster prefers others to come and fight it like men. It’s much more fun that way. For it. This Charm permanently enhances its
prerequisite. While ordinarily a character forced to face the Monster could do so through any means, the Infernal may increase the
cost of Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss by a single point of Willpower to strengthen the challenging Compulsion, leading the target to
enter the Infernal’s engagement range even if they possess some means of combating him from afar.
In addition, the Monster may reduce the Willpower cost to resist the mental influence imposed by Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss by one,
in order to broaden its grip. If he does so, the target not only moves to fight the monster at close range, but does so barehanded.
They sheathe their swords and resling their crossbows, readying their fists or claws to tell a tale of victory. The only weapons they
can use while under the Compulsion are the form weapons of Infernal Monster Style.
Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence
Cost: 5m (+5m); Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keyword: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss
The Monster was born in the brutal confinement of the Demon City, in a realm where the only freedom was the meaningless infinity of
Cecelyne. It scorns shackles itself, but savours the despair induced by the impossibility of escape. This Charm can only be used to
target a single character within a number of yards equal to twice the Infernal’s (Martial Arts + Essence). This target must be under the
Compulsion effect applied by its prerequisite. After committing five motes, a ring is defined around the Infernal and his target, with a
radius equal to the Infernal’s (Martial Arts + Essence), positioned so that the two are as centred as possible. Every other character
within this area immediately suffers an automatic Knockback effect pushing them just outside of this ring; this causes no damage,
and will not place them in directly damaging situations (such as pushing them into a pool of lava); if absolutely necessary, the ring’s
shape will contort to permit their safety. This effect cannot be resisted except by magic that specifically defends against Knockback,
and targets even immaterial characters.
If no characters resist this effect, clearing the ring of surplus opponents, the Infernal must commit a further five motes. The edge of
the ring grumbles and grinds, kicking up motes of dust, Essence, and the dismembered particles of least gods into a strange haze
that warps the air. To those outside the ring, this arena-haze seems confined to the boundaries of the impromptu pit-fight, distorting
events within like a funhouse mirror. To the Infernal and his opponent, however, it seems to cover everywhere but the ring, rendering
the world outside a brume-twisted vision. In either case, this arena-haze's harmful nature is Obvious, and it applies an external
penalty of -(Infernal's Essence) to all attacks made into the ring from outside it, or vice-versa.
Any character other than the Infernal or his chosen opponent suffers from an environmental hazard while inside the ring, with a
Damage of (Infernal’s Essence +2)L/action, no Evasion rating, and a Trauma of (Infernal’s Essence), to a maximum of five. The Infernal
and his opponent instead suffer this hazard while they are outside the ring. This arena-haze even affects immaterial characters, and at
Essence 7+, its Trauma gains the L tag. Wounds from this hazard manifest like impacts from invisible fists; opponents who attempt to
flee the match, or outsiders who try to intervene, are beaten down by the world itself for their weakness. Landscape-scale characters
on whom the ring is made are not harmed by it, though it is still Obvious to them as a tingling itch.
This Charm can be dispelled by targeting the Infernal, his chosen opponent, or the ring itself. This Charm ends naturally if the Infernal
dies, his opponent dies, or both the Infernal and his opponent are outside its boundaries; it also ends if the Infernal deliberately
moves his opponent outside of the ring, using throws, Knockback effects, etc. This Charm does not end if the opponent breaks the
Compulsion on itself. Despite being Sorcerous, the motes spent on this Charm remain committed for its duration.
• To characters outside the ring, the arena-haze acts as a strange and crystal-clear projector, bending space in such a way as to
magnify points of interest and draw attention to brutality, slowing down perceptions at the point of impact and replaying particularly
horrendous body-blows. Characters attempting to follow the course of the fight from outside the ring benefit from a single automatic
success to such Awareness rolls, and are unimpeded by visual obstructions like foliage or smoke; only solid barriers that prevent
them from viewing the ring can obstruct their morbid voyeurism. Any native of Malfeas who perceives a character killing another
character inside the ring in this fashion immediately acquires a positive intimacy toward the killer, with a context of their choice; the
ultimate gladiators of the Demon City seldom lack admirers. Other characters simply treat it as a single scene spent building the
intimacy. Either way, this is an unnatural Emotion effect costing one point of Willpower to resist.
• To the Infernal and his opponent, the arena-haze produces no such sadistic clarity; it distorts even further, such that from inside the
ring, the haze seems packed with a phantasmal audience of mutants, beasts, lowlifes and demons, wisping in and out of existence
with a cacophony of jeers and catcalls. If the Infernal’s coadjutor is wakeful enough, it might well provide a running commentary that
slithers around the ring’s edge, providing sneering pointers or masochistic exclamations. All rolls to notice things happening outside
the ring suffer a -1 external penalty, thanks to the phantasm-crowd’s incessant and overbearing presence. More importantly,
whenever a character within the ring makes an attack, feat-of-strength, or parry that resonates with the themes of the Infernal Monster
(with a special emphasis on displaying his handiwork to the baying audience) the number of stunt dice that the action benefits from is
increased by one. If the Infernal performs a natural three-dot stunt that resonates with these themes, he immediately loses a single
point of Limit, in addition to any other stunt bonuses.
At Essence 5+, the Infernal can specify which type of demon is summoned with each Charm activation, though it is still random and
unbound. At Essence 6+, demons summoned in this way bear an automatic positive intimacy toward the Infernal, just like the one
created by observing a kill through Bread and Games Brutality. At Essence 7+, these demons do not automatically return to Malfeas,
but linger as normal for any demon who has escaped into another realm. At Essence 8+, this Charm's cost is reduced to (demon's
Essence rating - stunt dice) motes, to a minimum of zero.
Glory-in-Torment Circus
Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keyword: Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence
Harder, the crowd chants, harder! Hit him harder! Thus does the Monster make monsters of us all, turning executions into family
outings, gladiatorial combat into a casual amusement. Blood splatters the floor and walls, and the audience bays for more and more.
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite in a number of ways.
• After targeting a character with Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence, the Infernal may exclude other characters from the Knockback effect of that
Charm, at an increased commitment cost of one mote per character. These contestants remain inside the ring as it forms, and are
affected by the arena-haze in the same manner as the Infernal and his chosen opponent. If another character enters the ring after
activation, the Infernal may also make them contestants by reflexively spending a single mote as a non-Charm activation. The Infernal
can only have a maximum of (Essence x2) contestants in the ring aside from himself and his chosen opponent.
• The above power allows the Monster to corral many victims at once, not to let those who consider themselves his pack bring down
his enemies with weight of numbers; the Infernal may not include more allies than enemies in the ring in this manner (including the
original target). Upon the death of his chosen opponent, the Infernal may allow the Charm to end as normal, or spend (not commit)
five motes to immediately declare any other character in the ring his new chosen opponent, continuing the Charm.
• The maximum range at which the Infernal can target a character with Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence is increased to twice the Infernal’s
(Strength + Martial Arts + Essence). The radius of the ring created by that Charm is increased by the minimum amount necessary to
compensate for this increase. If the Infernal has allowed more characters inside the ring than the normal two, its radius increases by
half-a-yard for every additional participant.
• If the Infernal knows Bread and Games Brutality, all watchers who do not resist the Emotion effect applied by that Charm may treat
time spent watching the match as time spent being trained in Infernal Monster Style by the Infernal.
• The positive intimacy created by Bread-and-Games Brutality is also treated as a positive intimacy toward all forms of gladiatorial
combat. This intimacy preys on the character’s mind, leading them to see the potential for competitive bloodshed everywhere; they
treat any scene in which they so much as glimpse a fight (even between animals) as a scene spent enforcing it. If a character with this
intimacy is part of a larger social group (as almost all entities are), they will unconsciously work to spread it throughout that group,
whether by getting colleagues involved in bar brawls, gushing to their children about the amazing fights they’ve seen, or persuading
their overseer to allow them to set up a fighting pit to help relieve the slaves’ tension.
Throughout Infernal Monster Style, there are a number of effects that allow those marked, mutilated, or overawed by the mind-
scarring brutality of the Monster to treat certain activities as time spent being trained in Infernal Monster Style. However, the number
of characters who can learn Infernal Monster Style is fairly low; though most Exalted can learn it, their numbers are limited, and
though all demons can learn it, gods and elementals must reach Essence 6+ to learn its Charms (unless their purview particularly
resonates with it, something that would undoubtedly worry the Bureau of Destiny).
Therefore, just as a Storyteller might allow a Solar versed in Righteous Devil Style to train an enlightened mortal in Golden Exhalation
Style, mortals training in Infernal Monster Style who cannot actually learn its Charms should be allowed to treat this as time spent
training in a thematically related Terrestrial Martial Art. Dolorous Carnifex is one such art, as is First Pulse. Depending on the manner
of the tutelage, Orgiastic Fugitive, Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast, or even Flame and Stone Style might qualify.
Note also that all time spent training in Infernal Monster Style can also be treated as time spent training in Martial Arts, or Infernal
Monster-related Martial Arts specialties (such as Fierce Blows or Cruel Strikes).
This clarification is unofficial content, mostly relevant to Revlid's custom Infernal Monster Expansion Charms.
While in this shape, the Monster is effectively a cosmetic manifestation of this Charm. He cannot take normal actions, and though he
is unaffected by the arena-haze, he is limited to the very edge of the ring itself. He can be targeted as normal by any attack that would
harm an immaterial being, but cannot suffer more than a single health level of damage in a single attack, and any character who
makes such an attack immediately suffers one interval of the arena-haze’s environmental hazard (which now deals aggravated
damage to immaterial characters, as the floating motes of the Monster’s physical form further contaminate the surrounding Essence-
On his action, the monster can engage in one of the following actions:
• The Monster may use Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss to target any contestant within the arena. He may increase its cost by one point of
Willpower to target any number of contestants with a single activation. Any characters who succumb to this unnatural mental
influence are not directed to confront the Infernal, but another contestant (or contestants) of his choice within the ring. In this way, the
Infernal can pair off fighters, set up informal teams, order a gang-up, or simply provoke a free-for-all. This version of the Charm has
the Willpower cost necessary to resist it reduced by one.
• Provided that the ring does not already have its full complement of (Essence x2) contestants, the Monster may use Alpha-Beast
Gauntlet Toss to target any character outside the arena. If that target succumbs to this unnatural mental influence, they must make
their way into the arena. They are rendered a contestant the moment they reach the ring’s border, and as such are not harmed by the
environmental hazard – unless they try to leave, of course.
• The Monster may spend up to (Essence x2) motes. He may then grant an equal number of offensive motes to any of the contestants
within the ring, dividing them as he pleases. For this purpose, any contestants without their own Overdrive pools are considered to
have Overdrive pools with a capacity of five motes, which last as long as the ring does.
• The Monster can redefine the thematics that will gain increased stunt bonuses through Bread-and-Games Brutality. This new
thematic need not be another Martial Arts Style, but should be approximately as broad, and offers the exact same benefits, until it too
is replaced.
• The Monster can inflict a Knockback effect on any number of contestants who are outside of the ring, the phantasmal crowd
thickening like meaty fog to push the fleeing fighters (Infernal’s Strength) yards back toward the arena.
In addition, while this Charm is active the Monster can reflexively and costlessly designate any character in the ring as his “chosen
opponent” for all intents and purposes (determining when the Charm ends, etc). He may activate Condemnation of Beasts Method as
For this Charm’s duration, all characters within (Essence x40) yards of the ring with a Dodge MDV lower than the Infernal’s (Charisma
+ Martial Arts) suffers a Compulsion effect leading them to watch the fight, whether they stop their own battles to do so or not. This
unnatural mental influence costs a single point of Willpower to resist for the rest of the fight, or two points for natives of Malfeas.
The Infernal is affected by the same unnatural mental influence applied to spectators through Bread and Games Brutality, albeit as
though he were not a native of Malfeas. For all other spectators, this influence increases in intensity; natives of Malfeas increase the
cost to resist it to two points of Willpower, while others form the relevant intimacy immediately, rather than treating each kill as a
scene spent building the intimacy. If a killer is in turn killed in the arena, any affected characters can freely replace the intimacy they
had toward the victim with a new one toward his killer.
This Charm lasts until Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence ends (for whatever reason), but while it is active, Sapphire Countermagic is necessary
to dispel it.
Fear Factor
This unnatural mental influence costs one points of temporary Willpower to resist, though this cost is increased by one for those
characters with Compassion 3+.
At Essence 4+, this Charm becomes Permanent and costless, and the Infernal may make the Awareness roll reflexively, in Step 1 of
any attack made against him or by him, targeting only his attacker or victim. However, he also suffers a -1 penalty to regain Willpower
from sleeping at the end of any day in which he has not knowingly played upon or exploited the fear of another character.
As an additional benefit, characters with a fear-based intimacy toward the Infernal treat any scene that they spend in combat with (or
hiding from) the Infernal as a scene spent reinforcing that intimacy.
As an additional effect, should the attacker wish to direct further attacks against the Infernal on this tick, they must first succeed on a
Valor roll, or spend a single point of Willpower overcoming the unnatural Emotion effect.
Child-or-Child Polylemma
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keyword: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Speechless in Atrocity's Wake, Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss
If the Monster dangled a child from each arm and offered only one to its mother, which would she choose? Ideally, neither. She would
cower in mindless terror, and he would devour them both. To act, then, is the challenge the Monster presents to his victims. The
Monster immediately declares a single target. He does not need to be able to perceive this target, and his chosen target is
automatically Obvious to every character who can perceive the Monster or his declaration, regardless of how he chooses to issue it.
All such characters immediately suffer from a Compulsion effect forcing them to defend the Monster’s target from him in any way
they can, whether by throwing themselves in front of the Monster’s blows or charging at him to buy the target time. They need not
seek the target or Monster out; this Compulsion only applies when an opportunity to aid the target actually presents itself.
This Compulsion lasts for a scene, but can be freely rejected at a cost of zero points of Willpower. However, if a character does resist
it, it is immediately replaced by a new Compulsion that costs four points of Willpower to reject. This second Compulsion also lasts for
the rest of the scene, but instead drives the character to not defend or aid the Monster’s target in even the slightest, refusing to offer
shelter or direction or martial aid. The Monster cannot activate this Charm again in that scene until he has actually killed his target.
Further, the victim is rendered unable to benefit from their Cult for the next (Infernal’s Essence) months as a magical Crippling effect
(reincarnated spirits apply this effect from the moment of their revival), and the Infernal treats any and all characters with a fear-based
intimacy toward him as being part of his own Cult.
Behemoth-as-Terrorist Understanding
Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration
The Monster delves deeper into the philosophy of terror, and comes to realize that a behemoth is not simply a great beast. It is a
symbol, a legend, a living transgression against the mores and ideals of civilization. To better harness the fear of his victims, he
should become the same. This Charm permanently enhances the monster’s ability to spread fear in a number of ways.
• The mental influence applied by Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration becomes undodgeable by targets to whom the Infernal’s act
of killing or crippling would be an act of depravity, outside of its basic harmful nature. This depravity could stem from the nature of
the Infernal’s victim (a pregnant woman or child throughout most of Creation, a Dynast or Immaculate monk in the Realm, a Yozi soul
in Malfeas), the context of the act (such as sacred ground or an otherwise-joyous festival), or even his methodology or scale.
• The Infernal can add nuance to the context of any mental influence he exerts that would cause another character to gain an intimacy
of fear toward him. He may choose (upon applying such influence) to have it impose any fear-based context he pleases, provided it is
appropriate to his relationship with the target. Terrified awe is almost always an option, as is panic or alarm, while fearful loyalty or
frightened lust would require a character already disposed to such a reaction (perhaps through a pre-existing intimacy with a non-
fearful context).
• The Infernal can also change the subject of any fear-based intimacy he creates toward himself. Rather than himself, the intimacy can
be directed toward any plausible subject of his choosing; this will generally be something the Infernal could himself represent (such
as a specific organization or ethnic group), but stunts could open up any number of different subjects, including certain weapons,
specific environments, days of the year, tones of voice, types of tattoo, or even specific limbs. Infernal Monster Style itself is always a
valid subject. The Infernal can treat any fear-based intimacy he created as being directed toward himself for the purposes of
exploiting it through Charms or social attacks, regardless of its actual subject.
• Whenever the Infernal would normally create a fear-based intimacy in another character, he can instead remove a single intimacy
with a context of trust, faith, belief or loyalty, shaking the very foundations of a society with his brutal demonstrations. These
intimacies must be toward a structure or idea, rather than personal in nature; he can strip a social worker of his faith in the ideal of
family, or his admiration of a specific family to which he does not belong, but cannot remove a mother's love for her children.
• Military units that have leaders (or comprise mostly of characters) with an intimacy of fear toward the Infernal are treated as having
engaged him as a solo unit in the last day for the purposes of Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar.
Harvest of Flesh
Each lethal health level’s worth of flesh that the Infernal consumes provides him with a single offensive mote. As such, a given
character can only provide a number of motes up to its health levels, including Dying levels; this is three for extras, and (7 + Stamina)
for everyone else, by default. Directly gnawing the meat from a struggling victim requires a crush attack following a successful clinch,
with every lethal health level inflicted providing a single offensive mote. Consuming carrion, on the other hand, is a miscellaneous
action that can be taken once per action (or possibly more, if the Infernal has multiple mouths), allowing the Monster to rip off and
consume up to (Strength ÷ 2) health levels worth of meat from a single corpse.
If the Infernal uses Hero-Sundering Hands to inflict an amputation injury, he may reflexively consume the removed limb to acquire two
offensive motes, rather than the usual one he would receive for the lethal health level the act inflicts.
In addition, while the Infernal is under any Rage effect, it may gain offensive motes from consuming non-sapient characters at half the
normal rate, tearing gobbets from goats and chewing on gears from golems.
Meat of Champions
Cost: — (1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keyword: Training
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Grind Your Bones
The brain is where the hun soul meets the body, a repository of knowledge and skill that can be accessed by a sufficiently ravenous
outsider. The Infernal may, upon consuming the brain of a character with an Ability rating higher than his own, spend a point of
Willpower to immediately increase his rating in that Ability by one dot as a Training effect. He may do the same for Attributes or
Specialties, but may only acquire a single dot in a single trait per victim.
In addition, upon consuming a brain in this way, the Infernal may forfeit any offensive motes he would have gained from the action
and instead spend a point of Willpower to roll (Perception + Investigation), allowing him to rifle through the victim’s memories on a
specific topic, no broader than a single intimacy. On top of any information the Infernal may gain from this mnemo-cannibalism, the
victim’s memories continue to be digested and burped up. For the rest of the scene, whenever the Infernal engages in a stunt that
exploits this stolen knowledge (such as taking a shortcut that a victim knew, or using holes in another character’s defense that the
victim learned through long hours of training with them) or emphasizes the nature of this assimilation (such as incorporating one of
the victim’s mannerisms into the action), he converts all stunt dice into successes.
If the Infernal uses this Charm to pick the brain of an intimacy-phantasm created by Sanity-Devouring Night Terror, he obviously
cannot acquire the knowledge the actual entity would possess. Instead, he reviews his opponent's memories of that intimacy, adding
(Essence) automatic successes to that Investigation roll. Whenever the Infernal would benefit from the stunt-bonus of this Charm in
that dream-world, his form twitches and shifts with elements of those intimacies he has devoured, applying a penalty to his
opponent's MDV equal to twice the number of consumed intimacies.
Firstly, instead of training in an Attribute, Ability or Specialty, the Infernal may instantly acquire any one Yozi Charm as a Training
effect, provided the thematics of that Charm resonate with those of the victim; consuming a Fire Elemental might allow the Infernal to
instantly learn Insignificant Embers Intuition or Crystal-Fire Barrier Technique, while eating a pregnant woman might allow him to
instantly learn Great Mother’s Wame. Alternatively, the Infernal can instantly learn any one Martial Arts Charm his victim knew that he
also qualifies for. For reference, along with any other individually appropriate powers, devoured Solar Exalts resonate with all
Malfeas, Ebon Dragon, Cytherea and Solar Hero Charms, while devoured Green Sun Princes resonate with all Yozi and Infernal
Monster Charms.
Secondly, in addition to any Training effect that the Infernal benefits from, he can permanently acquire any one mutation that his
consumed victim bore (including “mutations” used to model natural traits) as a Desecration effect. This mutation manifests in the
same manner as the victim’s did, though slight alterations may be made to account for the Infernal’s personal aesthetic and
monstrous nature.
At Essence 4+, this Charm provides an additional power. Whenever the Infernal consumes every last one of a spirit’s health levels, he
may spend one point of Willpower, gain a point of Limit, and roll (Stamina + Martial Arts) at a difficulty of (Spirit’s Essence). If he
succeeds, he commits (Spirit’s Essence + 2) motes and the spirit does not reincarnate (if it normally would). Instead, its Essence-
pattern is fully consumed and incorporated into the Infernal’s, turning his stomach into a Sapient artifact (Manual of Exalted Power:
Infernals, pp. 197) with a rating of (Spirit’s Essence ÷ 2), rounded up, and an Urge identical to the devoured spirit’s Motivation. The
Infernal does not have to pay experience points for this artifact.
Unlike a normal Sapient artifact, the Infernal’s god-stomach does not offer him dice bonuses when working toward its Urge, nor dice
penalties when working against it. Instead, it simply provides the listed number of the devoured spirit’s Spirit Charms for the
Infernal’s use, which are made unavailable when working directly against its Urge. The Infernal acquires a single point of Limit at the
end of any scene when he worked directly against his god-stomach’s Urge. The Infernal can communicate and bargain with the
devoured god in his belly as normal for a Sapient artifact. The god-stomach artifact lasts until the Infernal decommits the motes
applied to it, upon which the spirit is fully digested. If it would normally be able to revive itself, it does so. Otherwise, it permanently
Gluttonous Boar Approach
Further, the Infernal may spend a single point of Willpower while under any Rage effect to pause his Berserk Anger, replacing it with
behaviour like that of an uncontrolled Overindulgence Limit Break (Exalted, pp. 105). This does not remove the benefits of the Rage
keyword, and is not treated as resisting a Rage effect. This Overindulgence lasts until the end of the scene, but fades early to be
replaced by the normal Berserk Anger if the Infernal exhausts all immediate outlets for his gluttony, or is attacked. Saint Buluku, the
akuma who developed this Charm, constantly surrounded himself with an immaterial gaggle of neomah so that he could sate his
battle-madness with orgies rather than massacring his own troops. Less hedonistic monsters might simply choose to make a meal
from the corpses of their victims.
The Willpower cost of this Charm is waived if the Infernal has already paid it once in this scene, and there are no potential victims
(friend or foe) in his immediate vicinity.
Demon-Pig Debauchery
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keyword: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Casting Off the Eight Restraints
Heaven is the oldest city known to Creation, hewn from reality as a house for the Primordials; for all that the gods and their servants
pretend to have tamed it, the relics of a titanic age loom tall and lurk low. At the crossroads between the Purpureal Wind and
Carnadine Side, there is a statue of yellow jade on a pedestal of grainless wood. It depicts a porcine poetaster, and gods do not
approach it when night falls and the wine is flowing.
The Infernal can only activate this Charm while in the gluttony-state induced by Casting Off the Eight Restraints, gesturing for those
around him to join in, or bellowing his satisfaction, exuding unnatural mental influence on all characters within (Martial Arts x 10)
yards who can perceive him (or any evidence of his gluttonous rampage). Characters within this range must roll Temperance at a
difficulty of (Infernal’s Essence ÷ 2), rounded up. They may expend a Temperance channel to automatically succeed, but if they fail,
they immediately suffer from an Emotion effect that induces all the demonic lusts boiling within the Monster’s soul, resulting in a
state identical to an uncontrolled Overindulgence Limit Break, lasting one scene.
Such characters may reduce this state to a controlled Overindulgence by spending one point of Willpower, or spend three points of
Willpower to reject it entirely for the rest of the day. Those who do not resist at all, and are able to indulge for the rest of the scene,
regain (highest Virtue) points of Willpower at the end of their debauchery, along with a positive intimacy of guilty pleasure toward the
acts they performed. Those who engaged in controlled Overindulgence simply treat this as one scene spent building that intimacy.
Gore-Quaffing Merriment
Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Casting Off the Eight Restraints
Dainty parties are not for the Monster or its parade. Let blood flow like wine, sex mingle with food, pleasure and pain intermingle at a
whim! This Charm permanently enhances the gluttony-state induced by its prerequisite. If the Infernal has committed at least a single
act of depravity in his rampage, and ends the scene in Overindulgence (rather than Berserk Anger), he bleeds off an additional point
of Limit. If other characters have joined him in his monstrous revelry, whether naturally or as a result of mental influence, he also
regains temporary Willpower points equal to their Magnitude; the majority of them must also have engaged in an act of depravity or
violence in the scene to qualify.
• The Infernal removes all Limit and Willpower costs for Casting Off the Eight Restraints.
• The Infernal may activate Demon-Pig Debauchery whenever he is under the effects of any kind of Overindulgence Limit Break,
regardless of its source or degree. Its cost is reduced to one mote.
• Characters who acquire an intimacy of guilty pleasure from unnatural mental influence stemming from the Infernal also gain
(Infernal’s Essence – their Temperance) points of permanent physical mutations as a Desecration effect at the end of the scene, to a
minimum of one pox. Such mutants also become natives of Malfeas.
• All natives of Malfeas sent into an uncontrolled Overindulgence by Demon-Pig Debauchery also benefit from the other effects of the
Rage keyword (i.e. resistance to mental influence and wound penalties), though the Infernal is always treated as being of higher
Essence for this purpose.
• Any characters in the Infernal's presence who bear an intimacy of guilty pleasure, indulgence, addiction or similar are treated as also
possessing an intimacy of idolization toward him. This applies regardless of how the indulgent intimacy was acquired; the Monster
inspires bacchanalic awe in all with a taste for forbidden pleasure.
However, this Charm also permanently alters the Infernal’s behavior, placing him in a state identical to a controlled Overindulgence,
which is overridden only by Torment-behavior or other Limit Breaks (such as the Berserk Anger applied by Retribution Will Follow).
If the Infernal knows One Hand Fury, these anima-fists take on the same appearance as his demon-hand. Further, if he makes a
mundane flurry of unarmed attacks after reaching his full complement of anima-fists, he may spend a single point of Willpower in
Step 1 of his first attack, before spending any motes on Charms enhancing that flurry. All but (Essence) motes committed to this
Charm are released (all motes are released if the Infernal is under a Rage effect), as the anima-fists solidify into real arms, attached to
the Infernal at his spine, waist, elbows, wrists, or anywhere else they will fit. These fists provide the usual benefits, and disintegrate at
the end of the scene.
At Essence 6+, an Infernal who knows Joyful Cessation of Restraint may increase the number of unarmed attacks in that magical
flurry by spending two motes for each additional attack. He may add one such unarmed attack for every set of anima fists he has
active past the first five.
If the Infernal solidifies his anima-fists, the capacity of the Overdrive pool this Charm provides becomes fixed at (Essence x3) motes
for the rest of the scene, and he immediately gains that many offensive motes, as his anima flares to totemic.
Enemy-as-Ploughshare Rampage
Cost: — (2m); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: World-Breaker Grip
The dragon’s blood makes fine fertilizer, and its teeth are marvelous seeds. But what to plough the fields with? Ah, of course! Its face.
This Charm permanently enhances World-Breaker Grip, allowing the Infernal to perform a special “crush” on his clinched enemies.
This special crush does not disrupt the clinch; it requires that the Infernal take a Move action, and is considered part of that Move
action. The raw damage inflicted by this special crush is equal to the number of yards the Infernal moved since his last action-tick,
without taking Strength or other modifiers into account, but it otherwise functions as normal for a crush. Though its effects are
generally cosmetic, it should be noted that whenever the Infernal applies this special clinch, the surface he moves along takes an
equal amount of damage, producing gouges in walls and floors where the Infernal's victim has been dragged.
If the Infernal somehow manages to Dash while controlling a clinch, the special crush works normally. If he manages to Jump while
controlling a clinch, he may instead base the damage of the special crush on the highest number of yards he has moved (in any
direction) in a single Jump since his last action-tick.
As an additional benefit, if the Infernal would ever benefit from the two “bonus” attacks of Joyful Cessation of Restraint, he may
spend two motes to forgo them, instead making a single undodgeable, unblockable clinch attack against that target, which is
enhanced as though by World-Breaker Grip.
Finery-Shredding Claw
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keyword: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Infernal Monster Form
Beauty is a thing for victims, not monsters. The raging beast at the heart of the style lashes out at the tools of beauty as though they
were mortal foes, spiting the beautifying touch of civilization. This Charm may supplement any attack made while in Infernal Monster
Form that causes at least one level of damage. The target permanently loses any mundane social bonuses granted by the quality of
their clothing, accessories, makeup etc – if they wish to regain these bonuses, they must buy or apply new ones. Any bonuses to
their appearance granted by Charms are lost for the rest of the scene, provided the Infernal’s Essence rating is equal to or higher than
the Essence rating of whoever used the Charm. Artifact bonuses to appearance are also removed for the scene, provided the rating of
the Artifact is lower than the Essence rating of the Infernal. If the Artifact’s sole purpose is to improve the appearance of the user, it is
also deattuned.
If the attack was parried by a mundane weapon, it immediately shatters, becoming useless to its wielder. If the attack was parried by
an artifact weapon, the wielder must roll (Wits + Melee) at a difficulty of (Infernal's Strength ÷ 2). If they succeed, they keep hold of the
artifact, but if they fail it is flung from their grip, landing a number yards away equal to the amount by which they failed. Regardless of
how many weapons or shields the target is wielding, this Charm only affect a single one per attack.
If the attack had its damage reduced by armored soak (or hardness), that armor reduces its soak by four, and its hardness by two.
This reduction is permanent in mundane armor, and lasts until the end of the tick in artifact armor.
If the raw damage of the attack the Infernal is defending against (without considering threshold successes, but including the
opponent's Strength) would have been greater than ten dice, every character within (attacker’s Strength + Infernal’s Strength) yards of
the Infernal (including the attacker) is immediately struck by a Knockback effect pushing them (Infernal’s Strength ÷ 2) yards away.
This applies even if the attack successfully hits, but if it does, the Infernal is also thrown back, and his opponent is automatically
Veteran-to-Vagrant Method
Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keyword: Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Hero-Sundering Hands
The survivors of the Monster are neither looked upon nor truly forgotten; society shuns them as cursed, as a pitiable reminder of
darker times, as cowards for not dying as their brothers did. Their exile is hardly eased by the mark of the beast upon their broken
forms. This Charm permanently improves its prerequisite. Firstly, the Monster may inflict its amputations in ways other than brute
strength; a limb might wither and twist into a twig-like extrusion of bone, or erupt into bubbling cancerous growths that violently
denature, or simply shatter like glass.
Secondly, the amputations inflicted by the Monster carry an aura of dread and disgust that lasts until they are healed, reducing a
victim’s effective Appearance to 0 for all purposes. If a character is aware of a victim’s disability, they cannot spend build or maintain
positive intimacies toward them. In fact, they treat every scene spent in their presence (or pondering their disability) as a scene spent
eroding any positive intimacies toward the victim, or (if they have none) building a negative intimacy of disgust toward them, which
also acts as an intimacy of fear toward the Infernal. All these intimacy-related effects are an Emotion effect that can be resisted for a
scene by paying (6 -Compassion) points of Willpower. In addition, if at least one-fifth of a military unit bears witness to the victim’s
disability, that military unit treats the encounter as engaging the Infernal Monster as a solo unit for the purposes of Post-Traumatic
Brutality Roar.
For as long as this effect lasts, the victim may treat any time spent interacting with characters with a negative intimacy toward him as
time spent being trained in Infernal Monster Style by the Infernal.
If it does not already have it, the victim may voluntarily acquire the Creature of Darkness mutation at any point, in order to offset the
cost of mutations applied by this Charm. This is a subconscious decision, driven by an acceptance of the monster it appears to be. If
the victim does so, it also becomes a native of Malfeas; on a native of Malfeas, these mutations are truly permanent, a “natural” part
of the victim’s form; they are no longer alleviated by healing the Crippling effect from which they stemmed.
If an amputation has been twisted by mutations in this fashion, natives of Malfeas can interact with the victim without being affected
by the social effects of Veteran-to-Vagrant Method. They instinctually view such functional mutilations as a natural facet of existence.
Blood-in-the-Water Diabolism
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keyword: Combo-OK, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Retribution Will Follow
The Infernal can activate this Charm whenever he causes even a single level of damage to another character with an unarmed attack,
or another character causes even a single level of damage to him with any attack, applying a Sorcerous mark to somewhere on their
body. This mark is clearly visible against the skin, can be no larger than the monster’s open palm at the time of activation, and has a
shape derived from the monster’s anima banner. For as long as this mark lasts, every demon within (victim's Essence) miles adds two
automatic successes to any roll to track them. In fact, any native of Malfeas within this range automatically senses the victim's
presence (though not their nature, exact location or identity) as though it were Obvious, and instinctively understand that they have
been invited to assault the poor soul by a true monster of hell. While this invitation carries no compulsion, at the end of any day they
have actively worked toward doing so, such entities automatically regain one point of temporary Willpower. Non-natives of Malfeas
can decipher the mark’s meaning by studying it, with a successful (Intelligence + Martial Arts) roll at difficulty 3.
Incidentally, as long as a character bears this mark, he may treat any time spent interacting with natives of Malfeas (in any way) as
time spent being trained in Infernal Monster Style by the Infernal. He is also instinctually aware of the direction of the nearest place of
desolation (adding one automatic success to any attempts to navigate to it), and when within such a place, can deliberately head to
the edge of Cecelyne within a day of travel with a successful (Wits + Occult) roll.
If a mortal (or enlightened mortal) reaches Essence 3 in this manner, they may continue, raising their Essence to 4 through the same
meditation. Doing so shrives them of their mortal flesh (and any Sorcerous tags stemming from Infernal Monster Style), as their
broken body caramelizes into a peeling, weeping chrysalis that cracks open to release their new form. The character is now a First
Circle Demon, with all that entails (no need to eat or sleep, awakened Essence, etc). Despite being a demon, it remains naturally
material (like an elemental), and cannot be summoned or banished through non-Yozi Sorcery; the Monster never surrendered. These
creatures (named algea by Shogunate scholars) bear up to (Martial Arts + Essence) Spirit Charms, chosen by their player, appropriate
to the themes of Infernal Monster Style or mutilated, masochistic self-pity. Algea can learn Infernal Monster Style (though obviously
not its expansion Charms), and while they retain their Motivation and intimacies from human life, they acquire a positive intimacy
toward pain (whether causing or suffering it), and their Compassion is lowered to one, with any excess points being added to Valor (to
the normal maximum of five). An algea can sometimes enter Creation when a participant in a non-lethal competitive fight is killed.
As a final benefit, the least gods of infection, humiliation and pain that flit about the wounds of a character mutilated through Twisting
the Countenance Divine are suborned, shrieking in silent, transdimensional alarm if their habitat is threatened. If that amputation is
ever healed, the act of restoration acts as an immediate trigger for a single random unbound algea to leave Malfeas, seemingly
emerging from the wound even as it seals closed. This impromptu “summoning” alters the algea’s body, shifting its features to bear a
distinct resemblance to the healed character.
Legions-to-Lepers Lability
Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keyword: Crippling
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Twisting the Countenance Divine
The survivors brought with them the emotional relics of their terror, tales of alien beasts and monster-kings that maimed with a will.
These stuttered stories wormed their way into the hearts of their people; but it was not a purely psychological condemnation, by any
means. If a character with an intimacy (of any kind) toward a victim of Twisting the Countenance Divine spends a scene interacting
with that victim (in any way), then at the end of that day they must roll (Appearance + Integrity) at difficulty 1. If the focus of the scene
was interacting with the victim, or the character initiated it, the difficulty rises by two. If their interaction involved physical contact in
any way (such as a fight or sex), the difficulty increases by two. These modifiers stack.
If they fail this roll, they gain points of permanent mutations equal to the amount by which they failed as a Crippling effect,
manifesting at a rate of one point per day, in the same broken, deformed fashion as mutations applied through this Charm’s
prerequisite. These mutations can be removed through magical medicine capable of healing an amputation. Natives of Malfeas are
immune to this effect.
Once such a character reaches (Essence + 2) points of mutations, they suffer a single amputation effect of their player’s choice, just
as though they had been crippled through Hero-Sundering Hands. Their mutations are now tied to the amputation effect, as though
they had been applied through Twisting the Countenance Divine. This carries with it all the other effects of those Charms; the
reduction to Appearance 0, the ability to become a creature of darkness, etc.
Hateful Apotheosis
Upon activating Infernal Monster Form or a Sidereal Form, the runes of resistance sear across the Infernal’s entire body, not just his
hand, but can take on an Obvious manifestation other than green flame; indeed, any and all of his Obvious Charms (Infernal Monster
or otherwise) can have their appearance slightly warped while in this form, to better match the aesthetics of his new demon-weapon-
body. All the Infernal’s natural attacks are enhanced when this effect is active, as described in One Hand Fury, giving them the
following traits:
Demon-Arm Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +10L/2, Defense +1, Rate 3, Tags N, O, P
Demon-Leg Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +13L/2, Defense -2, Rate 2, Tags N, O, P
Demon-Body Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage +10L/2, Defense —, Rate 1, Tags C, N, O, P
These attacks all simultaneously benefit from the bonus to raw damage granted by striking enemies past the cap on Strength. As a
final benefit, the Infernal may also apply this bonus to raw damage to other values; namely, to any Infernal Monster Style calculation
based on Strength or Martial Arts. This does not affect DVs or other mundane values, only those values that directly pertain to the
functioning of Infernal Monster Charms; for example, when calculating how far he could throw a victim with Crack the Sky, the
Infernal could increase the base distance of (Martial Arts x 4) miles by (current bonus to raw damage).
While akuma already belong to the Yozis, body, mind and soul, the Green Sun Princes may find that transforming ever-more of their
body into a weapon of and tribute to Primordial fury has its drawbacks. While in Infernal Monster Form, they cannot deny their Urge; it
simply becomes as impossible for them as it would be for an akuma. The Infernal can avoid this by reflexively ending Infernal Monster
Form, but if he does so, he cannot adopt it for the rest of the scene or until he next works toward his Urge, whichever comes first.
While the Infernal is working toward his Urge, the time it takes for amputated parts of his demon-weapon-body to heal is reduced from
five days to one action, as an Obvious effect, and he may ignore any mental influence intended to bring about peace, mercy, charity or
similar as though it were an unacceptable order. If the Infernal already knows (or later learns) The Face of the Titans (or any other
Charm that similarly redefines his Urge) he is immediately refunded that Charm’s experience point cost; this Charm takes precedence
over all other Charms that would permanently redefine the Infernal's Urge.
Whatever its shape, this monument serves as the focus of the Infernal’s return. It cannot be moved or damaged in any way, and
anyone who reveres it sufficiently (whether by worshipping it, leaving offerings, or warning children not to approach it) to count as a
member of the Infernal’s Cult gains an additional die to regain Willpower from sleeping; these dreams are not fully comfortable, but
any monsters that might have been conjured by their dozing mind are scared off by the greater beast that lurks dormant just outside.
Every month after his death, the Infernal’s player rolls (Cult + highest Virtue), storing any rolled successes (note that Charms such as
Cosmic Transcendence of [Virtue] do not affect this roll, though Charms allowing the Infernal to derive his Cult rating from another
value still function). Once (Infernal’s Essence x 10) successes have been accumulated, the monument violently dissolves into the
Infernal’s flaring anima totem, which surges to follow him as he leaps from Elsewhere, his mote and Willpower pools all completely
full (including any Overdrive pool he may possess). He may treat all the time he spent “dead” as time spent training in Infernal
Monster Style.
In addition, while all the Infernal’s commitments and ongoing Charms end as though he were killed normally, Sorcerous tags placed
by Blood Heralds Death with the aid of Eternal Monstrous Hunt last up until he is finally and truly killed. Further, he may reflexively
and costlessly apply Blood Heralds Death to his killer as an innate power (requiring Adamant Countermagic to remove) upon his
death, and may treat his death as a Knockback effect imposed on him by his killer for the purposes of Back With a Vengeance.
Hopefully that's all of them! Not the most opportune time, I know, but it took a while to find all of these, since I haven't found them
anywhere other than the wiki archives! Also, for the sake of completion, here's a style expansion created by Golden Demon that's
listed as a prereq for Out Of the Inferno Again:
Mandatum Gwyn
So, once more in my continuing crusade to keep collecting the stuff from the old forum, here's our own Mr.Insecure's Devil-Tiger,
Mandatum Gwyn!
General Charms
The Darkness Beyond the Veil values those things which are lost, hidden or forgotten. He prefers to remain
unseen, working from the shadows to achieve his inscrutable goals. He protects that which is his, doling
out punishment to those who trespass against him. He conceals horrible truths from the world with
pleasant lies, while ridding the darkness of things that threaten him or that which he treasures. He seeks to
spread carefully meted wisdom while hiding forbidden lore where it cannot cause harm.
Though there are terrible things that lurk in the dark, nothing is truly hidden from his sight. He understands
that darkness conceals danger, but also that it can guard the innocent or provide shelter as a blanket
protects a child from the monster that lives under his bed. Those who hurt his charges will suffer his wrath
but never notice him until it is too late. That which he cannot destroy, he binds and seals away with his
otherworldly power.
This Excellency may be used on any action to hide or conceal something, or to discern what has been
hidden. It may also be used to guard something precious or to achieve retribution for past wrongs, whether
the grievance is his own or another's. This Excellency cannot be used on any action that would harm an
innocent life, and cannot be used to harm anything the Darkness Beyond the Veil considers beautiful or
precious. It also cannot be used to sway someone away from their own Intimacies or Motivation, as those
things are too dear to be harmed.
Mandatum Gwyn Mythos Exultant
Mandatum Gwyn finds amusement from those who struggle against inevitability. Subtract the stunt rating of any stunt used to
supplement a contested action from an opponent's dice pool.
Imperfection of the Shadow Beyond the Veil: Mandatum Gwyn has spent so much time as a lonely guardian that he cannot conceive
of a world where humanity could come together to fight the darkness. Charms with this Imperfection cost an additional mote for every
opponent that has attacked him in the past three actions, regardless of whether their attacks hit (or could possibly have hit). In the
case of Mass Combat, this Charm adds an additional mote to the cost of this Charm for every dot of Magnitude by which the enemy's
forces exceeds the Infernal's.
Sorcerous Initiation of Mandatum Gwyn: Mandatum Gwyn excels at those powers which enable him to better control what is known
and what is not, and what may be permitted to remain and what ought to be banished. Apply a discount of 10m, 1 wp (minimum cost
of 5m, 1 wp) to any spell which banishes, binds or conceals. Possible spells that gain this benefit include Abjuration of the Maidens,
Corrupted Words, Curse of Unyielding Mist, Disguise of the New Face, Emerald Circle Banishment, Eternal Crystaline Encasement,
Incantation of Spiritual Discretion, Mercury's Deliverance, Mirage of Protective Shelter, Mists of Eventide, Private Plaza of Downcast
Eyes, Theft of Memory, and Threefold Binding of the Heart. He is incapable, however, of using spells that reveal except in a way that is
utterly horrifying, as he cannot conceive of a reality that is not at its core terrifying.
Tome-Binding Insight
Cost: 5m, 1 lhl Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hidden Meanings Revealed
Mandatum Gwyn understands far more than he is willing to reveal to others. Yet, some feel that they are entitled to this
information anyway. For such individuals, Gwyn has prepared a method to sate their curiosity. This Charm supplements an
attempt to create a written work. To use this Charm, the Infernal must write in an ink created from his own blood, which he
must forcibly extract from his own body. A work written in this fashion becomes ensorcelled, such that the words become
painful to look at, and reading them may lead to madness.
When someone reads the work, they must roll (Intelligence+Lore) at a difficulty of the Essence of the Infernal at the time of
the writing of this work. Failure indicates that their minds are unable to comprehend the subtle horrors woven into the text.
They must pay three willpower or, not only do they fail to learn anything, they gain a debility-level derangement (decided by
the ST) for (Infernal's Essence) weeks as Shaping effect. Paying the willpower to ignore the psychic assault does not allow the
reader to comprehend the ensorcelled work; they must wait at least a year and a day before attempting to decipher the work
Although this Charm is Sorcerous, the only point at which this may be dispelled is during the process of writing the text. Once
the work has been completed, it is protected by the effects of this Charm permanently.
Seal of No Eyes
Cost: 5m Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Tome-Binding Insight
When Mandatum Gwyn declares a thing forbidden, it shall not be seen or spoken of again. This Charm may be used on any
closed object, be it a door, a book, a letter, or any other object the Storyteller deems appropriate. Upon using this Charm, The
Sigil of the Shadow Beyond the Veil appears upon the targeted object, temporarily making this Charm Obvious. The Seal then
becomes invisible to normal senses, though it still blazes in the eyes of anyone with Essence sight. Upon attempting to open
the forbidden object, the target suffers a terrible anxiety that forces him to stay away from the forbidden object as a
Compulsion effect, unless he pays two willpower. If he decides to open the forbidden object anyway, he automatically suffers a
number of dice of aggravated damage equal to the Infernal's permanent Essence at the time of the activation of the Charm, as
terrible magics reach out and strike the trespasser. In addition, the Infernal automatically knows if one of his seals has been
breached, and learns the name of whoever has done so (though he does not learn their location or any other facts). Once the
seal has been breached, it must be renewed by the Infernal.
When activating this Charm, the Infernal may designate a number of conditions under which the object may be opened: for
example, a particular person may be named, or people with certain characteristics (blood relatives of the Infernal, a particular
rating in an Ability, residents of a particular town, etc.); alternately, it may be opened at a particular time, or with an object
designated as a key. Whatever the conditions, so long as they are met by one attempting to open an object protected by this
Charm, neither the Compulsion effect nor the damage are inflicted.
Hell-Bane Binding
Cost: - (+1m or 1wp), Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Chains of the Titans
It is not enough to bind some monsters; for some, only death is sufficient remedy.
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite, allowing Chains of the Titans
to target immaterial beings as well as materialized creatures so long as he is
capable of seeing them (such as through Unblinking Demon Gaze). In addition, he
may choose to reflexively spend one mote when attacking or clinching with
Chains of the Titans to convert all damage dealt by that Charm to lethal for one
In addition, the Infernal may repurchase this Charm at Essence 4+, allowing him
to designate a particular type of creature as his foe when he activates this Charm.
Valid types include Creatures of the Wyld, Creatures of Death, or Creatures of
Malfeas (or Creatures of Autocthon, if the Seal of Eight Divinities has been
breached). Against the designated foe, the chains instead deal aggravated
damage rather than lethal. Redesignating the foe requires an additional
expenditure of one point of willpower to realign the Essence flows of the chains.
Shadow-Gate Invocation
Cost: 10m, 1 wp, Mins: Essence 4
Type: Extended
Keywords: Blasphemy, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Chains of the Titans, Horrid Host Summoning
Blasphemous monsters, believing themselves worthy of showing themselves to the light. Mandatum Gwyn shall show them
their hubris. This Charm may target any entity that is not considered a native to the realm of existence that the Infernal is
currently on. A dark portal opens behind the target, and tenebrous chains inscribed with glowing sigils wrap themselves
around the target, ready to pull them back to the world where they belong.
This Charm is a contested Extended action to banish any non-native being with an Essence equal to or less than the Infernal's
back to the realm of existence to which it is native. Both contestants roll their (Willpower+Essence), with the person who rolls
more successes adding their threshold successes to their total. The Infernal may reduce his opponent's dice pool at a cost of
five motes per die. The first to obtain (opponent's Conviction+Willpower) accumulated successes wins. If the Infernal reaches
his target number of successes first, the target is flung through the cracks in the world back to his realm of existence.
If a native to the Wyld, his is banished to the nearest Wyld zone of Middlemarches or Deep Wyld strength; if native to the
Underworld, he is flung to the nearest shadowlands; if native to Malfeas, he is dragged across Cecylene for five days before he
is deposited in the Demon City; if a native of Autocthonia, he is pushed through the Seal of Eight Divinities back to the city
through which he crossed into Creation; if a native of Creation or Yu-Shan, he is flung back through the nearest portal that
would bring him to Creation or Yu-Shan, respectively. Someone who has been banished in this way cannot return to the realm
from which he was banished for a year and a day. Using this Charm in Creation or Yu-Shan is considered Blasphemous, and
immediately alerts the Bureau of Heaven that something was forced through the cracks in the world.
Originally Posted by The Imperfection of the Sea That Marched Against the Flame
Kimbery cannot contain her rage at those who would dare attempt to harm her. As such, any Charm that
suffers from the Imperfection of the Sea That Marched Against the Flame forces the user to attack his
attacker to the best of his ability until his DV refreshes twice.
Sunken Treasure Technique
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch, Combo-Ok
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Ocean Carving Futility
Kimbery hides many treasures within her depths, some too deep for any to find.
When activating this Charm, the Infernal plunges an object no larger than he can lift with one hand into
his own body. His flesh ripples like the surface of a pond as the item is swallowed into Elsewhere,
where it remains until the Infernal takes a miscellaneous action to retrieve it in a similar manner. Since
the object no longer exists on the Infernal's person, it cannot be found by any natural means.
The Infernal can keep no more than (Essence) items stored in this manner at any given time. Should the
Infernal release the Essence committed to storing an item hidden this way, the item falls to the ground
at his side.
Pipe Navigating Flow
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Sunken Treasure Technique
Though Kimbery is vast, she easily passes through the narrow sewers of Malfeas.
This Charm transforms the Infernal into green-black seawater long enough to pass through some
narrow space, such as a crack, a keyhole, or a pipe. Only barriers that are watertight can impede the
Infernal's passage.
While in liquid form, the Infernal loses the benefits of any weapons or armor he may be wearing and
cannot make use of his Parry DV, nor can he lift or carry objects, but otherwise retains his normal
statistics, including his Dodge DV. He may move along any solid surface, even along walls or ceilings,
at his normal movement speed.
After the Infernal begins to pass through a narrow space, he automatically reforms as soon as enough
space exists for his normal shape to occupy.
• By spending two motes of Essence when touching another character, as a Shaping action the Infernal impregnates herself with a child whose
parents are the Infernal and the touched character.
• The Infernal can support several unrelated pregnancies limited to (Stamina + Essence) children. At conception (natural, or initiated by this or
other Charms) the Infernal can roll (Stamina), the number of successes determining the number of children (minimum 1) of that pregnancy.
• At conception the Infernal can roll (Stamina + Essence) to speed up the pregnancy by the number of successes months. The Infernal is also
always aware of how long the pregnancy will take.
• The Infernal may also use this Charm to conceive immaculately, impregnating herself with a biological clone of herself.
• The Infernal's children will all be born with minor cosmetic mutations thematically appropriate for Kimbery or the Infernal's Coadjutor. These
mutations does not cost nor give points.
After a repurchase at Essence 3+ the Infernal can grant her children more permanent mutations at their conception as a Desecration effect.
They are still limited to Kimbery’s and the Infernal’s Coadjutor’s themes.
Kimbery Charms
• Unwilling to fully commit to her friends, but always willing to help
• Toxic and Acidic
• Hides many horrors in her deeps
• Takes more often than she gives
• Consuming and Destroying
• Tides and other Ocean/Sea imagery
• War (Through Madelrada)
Imperfection of the Tides: This charm may not be used without having taken an offensive action within
5 ticks of it's use. If they have not, they may instead take 1 level of unsoakable lethal damage as part of
the charm's cost.
Kimbery's nature is occasionally that of both helpful sister. When she successfully stunts using the First
Kimbery Excellency, they may instead transfer these stunt dice to someone acting during the user's tick
or after. These dice stack with the user's own stunt bonus on their action.
If this charm is purchased a second time at Ess 3, upgrading it's damage to the equal of being
submerged in Kimbery's Depths (5L; Trauma 5 in a clinch). Using this charm at this level costs 6m (it
is still not charm use).
If this charm is purchased a third time at Ess 5, it reduces the cost of activating it's innate power by 2m
and reducing the activation cost of the charm to 1m.
Steel-Melting Skin
Cost: -- Mins: Ess 2 Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Acidic Body Meditation
Nothing survive's the depths of Kimbery for long. This charm enhances Acidic Body Meditation,
allowing the user to melt or destroy a target's weapons or armor using it's innate power. They may do
this reflexively by holding an acidic section of the body to the weapon or armor, reducing it's soak by
the damage caused (1 sux = -1L/B soak; for weapons, reduce it in the same way ala 1 sux = -1L/B from
the weapon's Damage). Mundane weapons or armor reduced to zero soak/damage are permanently
destroyed, ruined completely by the acid. Artifact weapons or armor are not affected.
At Ess 4, this charm allows artifact weapons or armor to be affected by Acidic Body Meditation's
innate power, damaging the committed essence flowing through it. If reduced to zero soak/damage, the
weapon or armor is useless until the next scene as it grows damaged and heavy.
Wounding the children of Kimbery does not end well for the attacker. This charm is a counterattack
against an attack that does at least 1L damage to the user; When the attack lands, a great gout of acid
spews from the wound, hitting only the target, inflicting 2L unsoakable damage (this damage does not
bypass hardness). If the user possesses Steel-Melting Skin, they may instead reflexively destroy the
target's weapon as described in the charm.
If the user is Essence 4, they may ignore the requirement for the attacker to deal at least 1L to the user,
instead spewing acid out of an orifice or leak it from their skin.
If the user is Essence 3 and has a second purchase of Acidic Body Meditation, they may unleash a
torrent of Kimbery's waters, equivalent to being submerged; 5L. Use of this stronger version increases
the cost of this charm by 1m.
Caress of Taint
Cost: -- Mins: Ess 2 Type: Permanent
Keywords: Poison, Touch
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Bittersweet Poison Reverie
The touch of a mother is worth nothing if she holds malice in her soul. This charm extends the
capabilities of Bittersweet Poison Reverie, allowing the user to instantly pass a poison into the body of
a person with a single touch. They need to touch bare skin or thin clothing (ST discretion) in order to
pass this, however, and still need one tick's worth of contact (a touch attack in combat will suffice).
With a second purchase at Ess 3, the user may spread the toxin through any object the target is touching
that they Own (as defined in the core rulebook), including artifact armor and weapons. At Ess 4 with
the same second purchase, they may poison an object itself, burying the toxin in the essence patterns of
the object, released on the first person to touch it. This effect behaves as Bittersweet Poison Reverie for
length of time the toxin survives in the object (1 full day).
Social Charms
Matron's Malicious Smile
Cost: 2m Mins: Ess 2 Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Motherly (2)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
Kimbery's motherly instincts are often overridden by her need for destruction and taking from her
children. This charm supplements a social attack to gain something from the target, reducing their
MDV by (Ess) against the user. This unnatural mental influence costs 2wp to resist.
If used against someone they have an intimacy towards (as per the Motherly keyword), they
immediately begin gaining an intimacy towards the user, as per normal Intimacy rules (The social
attack counts as a scene's worth of Intimacy-building). If they already possess one, double the MDV
penalty from a social attack from the user preying on the intimacy.
At Essence 3, the intimacy gained by the target immediately manifests.
None tell a mother how to raise her children. This charm functions as a perfect social parry, that affects
even unparryable social attacks. Once the charm is activated, the user automatically notices the mental
influence, making it Obvious. Following that, the user may either spend an additional 3m to perfectly
parry the mental influence, or let it proceed normally. This parry takes the form of an angry diatribe at
the social attacker, chastising them for their impudence to assume they may dictate what she does.
If used to defend against a social attack by someone the user holds an intimacy towards, the 3m
surcharge is ignored.
If the user is Essence 4, they may use this charm to defend social units with more than (Ess * 4)
members. It functions identically. If used to defend a social unit the user has an intimacy towards, the
defended immediately count this scene as building an intimacy of a child's love towards the user.
Nothing hides from the ever-watchful eye of Kimbery. This charm supplements an Investigation social
attack; Roll a separate (Per/Cha+Investigation), difficulty of the target's Essence. Every 2 successes
allows the user to intuit one Intimacy the user holds, a Virtue score, or (at the cost of 3 successes) the
target's Motivation.
If the user has an intimacy towards the target of the Investigation social attack, the cost of intuiting
intimacies, virtues or Motivation is reduced by 1.
Why would you waste time with that, when you could be spending time with Kimbery and her
children? This charm is activated on step 1 of social attack resolution, altering the target's intimacies.
The user reflexively rolls (Cha+Pres/Perform/Inves/Socialize) against the target's Essence; each two
successes taints one intimacy the target has, turning it into one directed at the user, to a max of (User's
Essence). Each tainted intimacy provides a -1 MDV on the social attack this and any other social
attacks that prey on them for the scene. Intimacies corrupted in this way remain positive or negative as
normal, but positive intimacies are corrupted first (if the user knows the Intimacies the target holds,
they may select which intimacies to corrupt).
If the user holds an intimacy towards the target, they may corrupt one intimacy permanently for a 2wp
War Charms
A Wave of Flesh and Sinew
Cost: 5m Mins: Ess 2 Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, War, Motherly (2), Shaping
Duration: Until Released
Prerequisites: None
The sea encloses everything in it, crushing it with it's depths. Kimbery burns it alive while she does so,
and her children do their best to emulate that. This charm supplements an Envelop action in Mass
Combat, removing the external penalty and allows a smaller force to envelop a larger one, as long as
the difference is smaller than the user's Essence. If this charm is used with a unit that could normally
Envelop (1+ Magnitude higher than the target), the charm actually grants 2 successes to the unit
attempting to Envelop.
If the user has an intimacy towards the unit they are a part of or lead, they transform into unstoppable
warriors with skin of hardened salt and weapons of steaming acid; Add (Essence) to the unit's soak and
+1 to their damage.
Mirage of Beauty
Mirage of Beauty: The Majestic Playwright is alien and seductive, as she seeks amusement in guiding actions of others. She is
a skillful manipulator, using honeyed words and glamour to catch her prey in a web of truth and lies that they cannot free
themselves from. The world is her stage, and all who lives are actors she can direct. Those who catch her fickle interest will find
themselves with gifts, but those who anger her will find that the play that is life has become one of horror and tragedy. Though
she is flamboyant and magnificent in her actions, she is a coward at heart, avoiding fair battle when at all possible. Hiding
behind illusions, plots and pawns in her play, not showing herself unless utterly necessary. The Keeper of Secrets is prying and
self-indulgent, rarely showing restraint when she has found some kind of curiosity.
Characters may apply this Charm when she is manipulating others or showing her greatness in any way, as well as when
creating things of beauty. The Mirage of Beauty enhances actions that are obscured and also those who punish those she deem
A successful stunt allows the Infernal to recover one Compassion channel in addition to the normal stunt rewards.
Using this initiation reduces the cost of all spells that create illusions by 10 motes and one Willpower (minimum five motes, one
Willpower). Examples include Disguise of the New Face, Peacock Shadow Eyes, Mirage of Protective Shelter and Universal
Precept Shroud.
The Mirage of Beauty finds it revolting to change her glorious self, so casting spells that transforms the caster physically to
something she is not, costs an additional willpower, though illusions are fair game. Examples include Becoming the Wood
Friend, Flight of Separation, Invulnerable Skin of Bronze, Wood Dragon’s Claw and Incomparable Body Arsenal.
The Keeper of Secrets never knew those who would become the Neverborn. Nevertheless she still wants to know them. And as
she delve into the secrets of the Neverborn, she learn and change.
Activating this Charm the Infernal inverts her essence becoming a creature of death and causes her to respire Essence
accordingly. Reactivating this Charm reverses its effects. The Infernal can’t cast sorcery using the initiation of the Mirage of
Beauty while a creature of death, but the first circle grants a temporary initiation in Iron Circle necromancy.
A repurchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to cast Onyx Circle necromancy (while a creature of death) if she has a
repurchase of the Sorcerous Enlightenment of Mirage of Beauty.
Charm Concepts
Acts of Indulgence
Acts of indulgence are actions whose primary basis is to bring pleasure (intellectual or purely physical) to the actor. Drinking,
drugs, kissing, killing purely for sensations, reading, resolving (“meaningless”) puzzles, designing the home of your dreams,
taking a nap, and so on. In other words, Acts of indulgence are deeds that have no greater meaning to them.
Some actions can be pleasurable without being an act of indulgence as they are to “minor”. Like singing in the shower/bath,
taking a rest while marching, and so on. As always, the Storyteller remains the final arbiter of when an action is an Act of
Charms with the Imperfection of the Mirage of Beauty can’t be used against characters that have equal or more people on their
side in a conflict. In the case of three or more sides in the conflict, count all who are against the Mirage of Beauty as being on
their side for this Imperfection.
When an Infernal reveals to someone how she has exploited their trust in her for her own purposes, the Infernal’s player may
roll the character’s Compassion. Each success on the roll reduces the Infernal’s Limit by one (to a minimum of zero).
Examples include:
• Become the target of reverence of a cult.
• Become the matriarch of all the Lintha.
• Acquire a position of authority in an organization.
• Create a spy network.
• Become the leader behind the throne.
Smothering Power-Eddies
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
Those who anger the Mirage of Beauty soon find the simple acts of living implausibly hard.
Eddies of her power surrounding them, hindering and disrupting their actions.
This curse is conveyed by touching the unlucky recipient. The target of this curse suffers a -
(Essence) external penalty to all actions, though the curse can be resisted by paying two
Willpower. To those with essence sight this Charm looks like a pale blue streaks of light
surrounding the target. If the targets anima is visible this Charm becomes obvious as pale
blue streaks weave through her anima.
Using this Charm in combat or against someone trying not to be touched by the Infernal
requires an unarmed (Martial Arts + Dexterity) roll that cannot be parried without weapons.
At Essence 4+ this Charm become indefinite, as the cursed one is clad in an invisible anima
of pale blue light. Resisting this Charm now only helps for one scene, only countermagic
can now help.
Magnification of Imperfection Curse
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Sorcerous
Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: Smothering Power-Eddies
Those who oppose the Mirage of Beauty soon find their flaws even greater than before.
When a character affected by this Charm succeeds a Virtue roll she will have to reroll that
Example: when a valorous mortal rolling Valor to stand against the Anathema succeeds his
virtue roll, this Charm forces him to reroll the Valor roll.
When used together with a physical attack, this Charm creates a DV penalty to the target
equal to the number of motes the Infernal spent, as the number of attacks seems to multiply.
The illusion is perfectly immune to mundane scrutiny and may not be resisted with
Willpower expenditure. Appropriate non-Excellency Charms may pierce the ruse using
standard roll-off rules, but the Infernal’s player adds (Manipulation) bonus successes to his
Virtue-Severing Strike
Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Manifold Slash Delusion
The blade of the Mirage of Beauty pass through flesh without wounding, merely leaving
ripples as if passing through water. The soul on the other hand…
This Charm enhances a physical attack. Instead of doing physical damage, the attack
reduces a Virtue chosen by the Infernal by one dot as a Crippling effect. Excess Virtue
Channels from a previous level are lost. Mortals can’t heal this crippling wound to the
spirit, but an Exalt heals one Virtue dot per month. Attacks made with this Charm can affect
the immaterial.
Intimacy-Severing Strike
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Manifold Slash Delusion
The blade of the Mirage of Beauty pass through flesh without wounding, merely leaving
ripples as if passing through water. The heart on the other hand…
This Charm enhances a physical attack. Instead of doing physical damage, the attack
removes an Intimacy chosen by the Infernal. Attacks made with this Charm can affect the
Heart-Illuminating Methodology
Cost: - (1m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Intimacy-Severing Strike
This Charm reduces the cost of “Intimacy-Severing Strike” by two motes.
In addition, the Infernal can pay one mote as a reflexive action to see the Virtues and
Intimacies of any character she can see for the duration of a scene. They are shown in a
dizzying display of multicolored threads of woven light around characters (similar to an
anima) that the Infernal translates into Virtues and Intimacies (the Infernal’s player is
simply told the values). As long as the Infernal can see the Intimacies of a character, add
(Essence) to rolls to read motivation.
At Essence 3+ this Charm automatically upgrades so that the Infernal sees Intimacies and
Virtues of other characters without cost.
After a repurchase of this Charm at Essence 3+, each activation of this Charm also adds
two to the DV of the Infernal against any character with an intimacy towards the chosen
subject, with up to five instances of this Charm stacking together.
The Infernal can follow these threads from a character to any subject towards which the
character has an Intimacy. With a miscellaneous (Essence + Perception) roll against the
Intimacy-owner’s (Essence + Manipulation). Success tells the Infernal the location that the
character believes or knows that the target of her Intimacy occupies. This can be resisted by
paying 2 Willpower.
It comes into being with the same clothes and equipment as its creator. It even comes into
being with wounds, dirt and similar “cosmetics”. Equipment copied is non-magical copies,
only looking like the real thing.
The replica is identical to its creator to magical senses as well as natural ones. Appropriate
non-Excellency Charms may pierce the ruse using standard roll-off rules, but the Infernal’s
player adds (Essence) bonus successes to his roll.
The replica is controlled remotely by the Infernal, having no will of its own.
These replicas are counted as characters for the Imperfection of the Mirage of Beauty.
The Infernal can have (Essence) replicas in existence at the same time.
A second purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to spend one Willpower to change the
duration of a replica to indefinite. This also gives it the normal number of health levels and
makes it a character of its own right, giving it Intimacies, Motivation and memories copied
from the Infernal. Willpower points equal to (lesser of the Infernal’s Willpower or Essence
rating) and all Virtue channels.
This version of the replica knows it is a construct and that it has no more existence beyond
its bestowed life. Not only is the created life naturally inclined to be loyal to its maker on
account of their shared personality, but it also must obey her like a demon bound to her
service (but without any Limit issues). It is considered part of her body as an arcane link.
A third purchase at Essence 4+ reduces the cost to create a replica to 2 motes (turning them
indefinite still costs one Willpower each). The Infernal can also initiate real-time telepathic
contact with any replica in the same realm of existence as a diceless miscellaneous action.
Wards that block scrying block this power. Contact lasts for the rest of the scene or until
reflexively dismissed. While the link remains open, either party can speak to the other, but
neither can probe for anything except communicated thoughts. Only one link may be open
at a time; opening another terminates the existing connection.
At Essence 5+ after the third purchase of this Charm, the Infernal can pay one Willpower
and one Aggravated Health Level (or only one Aggravated Health Level if they already are
indefinite) to remove the Sorcerous tag from the replica, turning it into a real person in its
own right. It is still bound to the Infernal, but does not count towards the total (Essence)
replicas the Infernal can have active.
This Charm can be used on an object or structure no larger than a house (ca 25m2); the
Charm has a range of (Essence + Charisma) yards. The targeted object takes on a different
appearance, but still one of the same type of object or an object of a similar size/form. A
tent becomes a hut, a sword a stick, a pond of poisons and acid seems to be clear water, and
so on.
This Charm can also be used in thin air, creating an illusion of an object or structure where
there is none.
This illusion effect can be resisted by a (Essence + Perception) roll against the Infernals
(Essence + Charisma or Manipulation), or by instead paying one Willpower.
This Charm has a range of (Essence + Willpower + Appearance) yards, and stops working
if the replica (or the Infernal) moves outside this range.
Sublime Dream-Self
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Glamorous Dream Replica
Replicas created with this Charm’s prerequisite is no longer limited at the human Attribute
and Abilities cap, they will instead have the same rank in Abilities and Attributes as the
The Infernal can now have (Essence x 2) replicas in existence at the same time (permanent
replicas not counting towards this limit).
After a repurchase at Essence 5+ will grant all types replicas (the ones with scene-long
duration, the Indefinite ones and the Permanent ones) two extra -0 health levels. and if the
Infernal has Sympathy for the Wounded, anyone attacking a replica suffers an external
penalty as if they attacked the Infernal.
This Charm provides a perfect dodge against any physical attack the Infernal can perceive,
even undodgeable attacks. Rather than move aside in a conventional sense, the Infernal’s
body seems to fold into itself and dissipate into nothing. The Infernal’s true body will
appear anywhere within Willpower yards.
If a replica created with Glamorous Dream Replica is within (Willpower x 3) yards, the
Infernal can instantly trade place with that replica instead, as it is hit by the strike meant for
the Infernal.
This Charm carries the Imperfection of the Mirage of Beauty.
The Infernal rolls (Essence + Conviction) against the targets (Essence + Integrity), if target
wins nothing happens. If the Infernal wins, she dissolves into a cloud of pale blue essence
that is absorbed by the target. This can be resisted by paying three Willpower. Anyone
seeing this treats the Charm as obvious for one scene.
Once each day when the Infernal would act directly against the victim’s motivation, the
victim may pay one Willpower to try to free herself from the possession, with a roll of her
(Essence + Integrity) against the Infernal’s (Essence + Conviction).
The Infernal’s essence mingles and directs the essence of the target, acquiring her body and
soul for her own purposes. The Infernal uses the Strength, Stamina and Health Levels of the
target but otherwise uses her own traits. She has to use the equipment of the possessed, as
her own dissolved together with her body.
The Infernal can access the memories of the possessed, allowing her to impersonate them to
a frightening degree. The Infernal rolls (Essence + Manipulation) against the victims
(Essence + Integrity) with a difficulty depending on how easily the victim releases the
information. A difficulty of 1 for something like the victim’s name, or a difficulty of 5 for
her greatest secret or something else she would only make public on pains of death.
The Infernal can use an ability of the victim after succeeding on a (Essence +
Manipulation) roll with a penalty equal to the Ability the Infernal tries to use.
The Infernal gains (Essence) automatic successes to rolls to impersonate the possessed.
She can still use her own charms, though permanent charms that have a physical effect, like
Immaculate Form of Perfection or Clad in Dream and Fantasy is inactive at first when the
Infernal possesses someone. They can be toggled on/off by spending one mote as a
reflexive action.
Wounding the body won’t hurt the Infernal, only attacks that can hit the immaterial can hit
her (at the same time as the body). If the body dies, the Infernal can either materialize
immediately or wait as an invisible immaterial cloud of blue essence for (Essence x 5)
This Charm has a range of (Essence) yards, and the Infernal can use it while already in
possession of a body.
The victim perceives everything that happens as a long, clouded dream. After the Infernal
has left the victim, (if she survived) she won’t remember what the Infernal did with her
Unlike most Sorcerous Charms, the Essence for this Charm must be committed, but the
effect may also be terminated at will by ending this commitment.
After a repurchase at Essence 3+ the Infernal can meditate for one hour to access the host’s
charms instead of her own. If her concentration is broken during this mediation, she will
have to begin from the beginning. She can still activate this Charm to jump into a new
victim, (and gain her own charms there) but if she wants access to her own charms in the
current victim, she needs to meditate for one hour again.
Mutable Dream-Self
Cost: - (1m per 2 mutation points); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Desecration, Touch
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Fantasy of the False Word
The Infernal can give her replicas both positive and negative mutations, either at their
creation or later by touching them.
Negative mutations can give mutation points equal to the number of motes spent on this
If the Infernal spends one Willpower when a non-permanent replica within (Essence +
Willpower) yards touches a character, it will dissolve that replica into motes of blue light
that is absorbed by that character. This is a desecration effect grants that character the
mutations the replica had gained from Mutable Dream-Self. This shaping effect can be
resisted by paying two Willpower.
This Charm also grants the mutation Creature of Darkness as normal for desecration
After a repurchase of this Charm, negative Intimacies towards the Infernal will need twice
as much time as normal to build and half the normal time to break. Anyone with a positive
Intimacy towards the Infernal will suffer (Infernal’s Appearance) in penalty to any roll to
remember anything the Infernal did that portrays the Infernal negatively to the observer.
If the Infernal has done anything that anyone affected by this Charm considers bad during
this scene, they will rationalize away it as something just. They think they remember it
incorrectly, there was extenuating circumstances, that they doesn’t know the whole picture
or that “They deserved it”.
This Charm can resisted by having an MDV higher than the Infernal's (Appearance +
Essence) or by spending two Willpower.
Veil of Purity
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion, Emotion, Illusion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Impeccable Justification Stance
The Mirage of Beauty is wise, her words ring true and surely she wouldn’t want you ill?
All characters in existence who possess a positive Intimacy toward the Infernal find that
they can’t believe anything bad about her. This unnatural mental influence forces characters
to refuse to believe anything bad about the Infernal. Even if they see or hear anything that
tells them differently, they will simply think that either someone is slandering the Infernal
or mistaken. In the case that the Infernal say or do something “bad”, they will think that
either they don’t see the whole picture, or that the Infernal is deceived.
This Charm is resisted by paying one Willpower per action to do so. Spending three
Willpower in this fashion within the course of a single scene negates the effects of Veil of
Purity for the rest of the scene, but the only way for a target to permanently escape the
effect of the Charm is to remove her positive Intimacy for the Charm’s user.
Demons descended from the Infernal cannot resist this Charm and are automatically
affected even if they doesn’t have a positive Intimacy towards the Infernal.
This Charm reduces the cost of Impeccable Justification Stance by two motes.
This Charm cleans of any dirt from the Infernal in seconds, this effect extends to clothes. It
also restores small wounds and mends minor tears in clothes.
The Charm negates all penalties to Social rolls that would be applied due to the character
being dirty or unkempt. The Charm’s cleansing influence adds two dice to (Stamina +
Resistance) rolls made against disease or poison.
The Infernal never suffers a penalty for having an Appearance rating lower than her
aggressor. When she makes social attacks, her opponent gains no bonus for having a higher
Appearance rating.
After a repurchase at Essence 3+ the Relative Appearance modifier (page 172, Exalted
Core) is not capped at +3 or -3 for the Infernal.
Training Appearance only takes (rating) weeks, instead of (rating) months. The Infernal
does not need a teacher to increase Appearance as it comes naturally to her.
Captivating Visage
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Immaculate Form of Perfection
The Mirage of Beauty holds a façade of great splendor and innocence. Few can raise their
sword and bow at her without hesitation.
This Charm can be activated when it is time to roll Join Battle. Each character that oppose
the Infernal (IE will fight against her) and that can see her rolls (Wits + Integrity) against
the Infernal’s (Appearance + Essence). If the Infernal wins the characters subtract the
number of successes the Infernal won with from their Join Battle roll.
Any character attacking the Infernal suffers an external penalty equal to the Infernals
wound penalty. This can be resisted for each attack with a successful (Essence + Integrity)
roll at a difficulty of the Infernal’s (Essence), or by paying two Willpower to resist it for the
rest of the scene.
Even if the Infernal has some effect that allows her to ignore wound penalties, her attackers
are affected by this Charm as normal (as if the penalty negator was not active).
This Charm cannot give dice to Exalts. Dice added by this Charm counts as dice added by
At Essence 4+ the bonus dice are converted to automatic successes. They still counts as
dice added by charms.
Worth in Beauty
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Immaculate Form of Perfection
Compassion 3+ no longer compels the Infernal to care about anyone with Appearance equal
to or lower than the Infernal’s (Essence / 2). Though she may magnanimously choose to
care about those lacking in beauty, this is an empty sentiment. The Infernal must spend one
additional Compassion channel when channeling compassion to help a character with
lacking Appearance (though characters she has a positive intimacy towards require only one
compassion channel).
This Charm grants +2 to MDV against attacks from those with an Appearance rating lower
than the Infernal.
An Infernal who learns this Charm gains an Overdrive pool with a capacity of ten motes.
Whenever someone who fights for the Infernal’s cause is wounded, the Infernal gains one
offensive mote, if they die instead, the Infernal gains two motes.
Beings created through magic also counts for this Charm (Glamorous Dream Replica
duplicates, The Spy Who Walks In Darkness, Bronze Snakes, and so on).
The Infernal can gain at most five offensive motes per action.
If they are wounded or killed by the Infernal, she won’t get any motes.
Compassion in Cruelty
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Worth in Beauty
The words and actions of the Mirage of Beauty are hurtful and cruel as she savors the pain
of her victims. But is this not also kindness? To point out weakness and failings is to help
people in the realizing of self, granting a way of improvement.
The Infernal can channel Compassion on any action that hurts (physical action or painful
words, but not killing) a character, their pain only reinforcing in the message. The first time
in a scene when the Infernal hurts a character but doesn’t channel Compassion the Infernal
regains one Willpower as she savors the pain inflicted.
If the Infernal’s attack that channels Compassion kills, she needs to pay one Willpower, as
she cannot imagine any compassion in killing.
This Charm also converts any dice rolled from Compassion (whether as a pool by itself or
bonus dice from a channel) into automatic successes.
As long as this Charm is active any attacks done by the Infernal inflicts its usual type of
damage, but the actual levels applied to an enemy in Step Ten convert into bashing damage
that cannot spill over past Incapacitated to impose lethal wounds.
Anyone put into an Incapacitated state by an Infernal with this Charm active gains a
positive Intimacy of “Admiring Awe” or “Respectful Worship” towards the Infernal.
With this Charm the Infernal can create any form of outfit that she can imagine with a
Resource rating equal or less than (Essence). This is a diceless miscellaneous action,
repairing or cleaning a worn outfit takes the same action as creating a new one. This Charm
can also create accessories like rings, necklaces, fans, parasols, and so on. It cannot create
armor or weapons.
Anything created by this Charm will cease to exist, as they dissolve into dream-stuff if
taken more than (Essence) feet from the Infernal.
This Charm also gives the Infernal a Hardness rating equal to her natural soak. This
Hardness rating won’t be increased by charms or mutations that increases natural soak.
After a repurchase at Essence 2+ it only takes a reflexive action to create/repair/clean
objects with this Charm and charms that have this Charm as a prerequisite.
A repurchase at Essence 3+ allows the Infernal to create and don a vitriol-tainted artifact
armor of any magical material. She can create a 1 or 2-dot armor by spending one mote and
one Willpower, or a 3-dot armor by spending three motes and one Willpower.
By activating this Charm, the Infernal can reject an unwanted shaping effect that targets
her. But the effect is not gone, that would be wasteful.
Instead the Infernal can store (Essence) shaping effects, and by paying four motes she can
hurl the shaping effect as an attack (as a simple, speed 5, -1 DV action) at a target within
(Essence + Charisma) yards. The Infernal rolls (Essence + Charisma) to hit the target, and
if it hits, the shaping effect resolves using as it should have done on originally (on her) on
the new target instead.
A shaping effect can be stored for one hour until it dissipates harmlessly. The Infernal
knows instinctively what the shaping effect does when she stores it.
A second purchase at Essence 3+ reduces the cost to activate this Charm to 3m.
A third purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to reject and store a shaping effect that
targets anyone within (Essence) yards.
This Charm upgrades it prerequisite. When the Infernal creates a weapon with Instruments
from Daydreams she can pay three motes and one Willpower. If she does, the weapon will
have the traits of a 1 or 2-dot vitriol-tainted artifact weapon of its own type (a created
sword will have the traits of a Daiklave, a spear a Dire Lance, a club or hammer a
Goremaul, and so on), with the magic material bonus chosen by the Infernal at the
weapon’s creation.
If she instead spends five motes and one Willpower she can instead create a 3-dot vitriol-
tainted artifact weapon.
The created weapon doesn’t need attunement by the Infernal that created the weapon, and
will dissolve into the dreams it was forged from after one scene.
When this Charm is active, characters within Infernal’s (Essence + Appearance) yards
suffers a compulsion to speak the truth. It doesn’t force them to talk, but if they want to talk
they have to state the whole and absolute truth. This Charm can be resisted by rolling
(Essence + Manipulation) with a difficulty of the Infernal’s (Essence + Appearance), or by
paying three Willpower.
If the Infernal has Temperance 3+ she no longer needs to fail a roll or spend Willpower to
perform an Act of Indulgence.
The anytime the Infernal sees something she wants, she can reflexively pay one mote to
gain an Intimacy of “Desirous Obsession” towards that thing. Anytime the Infernal sleeps
she dreams of the subject of her Intimacy, reasserting it.
The Infernal will automatically succeed in any Virtue roll that will help her to
own/see/touch/protect the subject of an Intimacy created by this Charm, or fail any Virtue
roll that stands in the way of an Intimacy created by this Charm. By paying one Willpower
the Infernal can ignore this function of this Charm for one instance, instead losing when she
should’ve succeeded or succeeding when she should’ve lost the Virtue roll.
Additionally, this Charm grants three “specialty” dice to any action that would directly help
the Infernal to own/see/touch/protect the subject of an Intimacy created by this Charm.
After a repurchase of this Charm the Infernal can spend an extended action of at minimum
one hour of fantasizing about the subject of an Intimacy created by this Charm. When the
action is done, the Infernal can roll her Conviction, each success on the roll giving the
Infernal one Willpower. Every two hours over the first one used on fantasizing turns one
dice used in the Conviction roll into an automatic success.
Infection of Depravity
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Compulsion, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Inhuman Indulgence Realization
This Charm can be activate when the Infernal performs an Act of Indulgence. Anyone
witnessing her act of indulgence suffers a Compulsion and Illusion effect that forces them
to perform that act whenever given the opportunity and considers it a natural thing to do. A
mortal needs to pay one Willpower to resist this Compulsion for one instance of the act,
while essence users can resist it with a normal successful Temperance roll (or pay
willpower). To completely end the Compulsion the character have to resist the Compulsion
for one week.
This Charm can be completely resisted if the victim pays three Willpower when the Infernal
activates this Charm.
World-Stilling Speech
Cost: - (5m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion, Social
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
When the Majestic Playwright speak, the world listen.
Whenever the Infernal speaks, she can pay 5 motes. The Infernal’s player then rolls
(Charisma or Manipulation + Appearance) if the successes exceed a target’s MDV, that
person suffers a compulsion effect to stay and listen to the Infernal. This compulsion can be
resisted for 5 minutes by paying one Willpower, up to a maximum of three Willpower per
scene, and such resistance allows the target to leave, heckle or even forcibly silence the
All who hear the Infernal speak are affected by this Charm.
The Infernal weaves a cloak of apathy, wearing it to turn away the gaze of others. Nobody
will take any interest in the Infernal, they will ignore her as a sight so exceedingly
unexciting that even if she dragged on the corpse of the Scarlet Empress they would ignore
her in favor for their normal business. Anyone with a MDV less than the Infernal’s
(Essence + 4) will be affected by this Charm. Though it can be resisted for one scene by
paying four Willpower.
Any social attack done by the Infernal counts as unnatural mental influence, and interacting
with the Infernal automatically counts as one scene towards developing a positive Intimacy
towards the Infernal.
At Essence 5+ the cost is reduced to 0 motes and the duration changed to indefinite.
Characters with a negative Intimacy towards the Infernal can spend one less willpower
(minimum one) to resist social attacks made by the Infernal.
When activating Essence Laden Voice or when it already active, the Infernal can pay two
motes. This enhances Essence Laden Voice so that those who hear the Infernal will believe
that she speaks the truth, and suffer a -2 penalty to MDV as long as the forged truth is
relevant (he is the murderer, arrest him; I am innocent, please let me go; and so on).
Anyone with a MDV higher than Infernal’s (Essence + 4) will not be fooled by this forged
truth and won’t suffer an MDV penalty, it can also be resisted by paying one Willpower.
Wilderness-Negating Stance
Cost: 3m (+2m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: World-Stilling Speech
The wild is but another part of the theater that is the world, and the Majestic Playwright
cannot be bothered on the stage.
Whenever the Infernal would suffer any environmental external penalties she can pay three
motes. Doing this shapes the annoyance into a form not bothering the Infernal, surrounding
her in a bubble of pleasant terrain. This turns the greatest blizzard into a slightly chilly
breeze, the desert sand hardening to ease her steps. Bugs and plants turn aside in deference
of her grand glory. This Charm does not protect against environmental damage, however, so
if the environment is deadly enough to force regular Resistance rolls, this Charm won’t
help, yet.
Finding water and food is not a difficult task as even if it would be impossible to find food
or water in the area, the Infernal will find it anyway. By paying two extra motes, apple trees
and strawberry bushes, and other plants appear to still her hunger and waterholes appear to
still her thirst. This will be enough food and water for three persons. Plants and waterholes
created through this Charm will not necessarily survive once the Infernal has left, their
survival depends on the area. A waterhole in the desert will dry out, strawberries on the
tundra will die by cold and so on.
Environmental damage inflicted via Charms, spells, etc. are replicating natural
environmental damage, but it isn’t actually natural. These are supernatural assaults that are
directly inflicted upon characters.
By paying two motes per resources dot, (max five) the Infernal will stumble/find/presented
with money/a treasure. It could be that she finds the winning lottery ticket on the ground as
the lottery-booth calls out her number, or as she is about to pay for her meal, she will
discover a wallet of an earlier customer, as she walks through the woods she finds an
exceptional sword, and so on.
Alternatively the Infernal can pay seven motes, one Willpower and three experience points
to gain one dot in one of the following Backgrounds as a Training effect: Allies,
Acquaintances, Backing, Command, Connections, Contacts, Cult, Followers, Henchmen,
Influence, Mentor, Resources, Reputation, Retainers, Salary, Sifu and Spies.
Raising a background dot will take (7 - Essence) days (minimum one day). This Charm
can’t bestow Backgrounds on the Infernal while a previously bestowed dot is pending
A repurchase at Essence 6+ changes the first effect of this Charm, decreasing the cost to use
it by two motes per Essence dot higher than five. So at Essence 6 it costs 2m to gain a
Resources 2 object, and 8m for a Resources 5 object.
The Infernal can sculpt the elements of the world as if they were clay using a standard Craft
roll, paying two motes per Crafting roll to do so. This way she can change the elements
physical quality, like making air into hard glass-like substance or turning fire into an elastic
rope. A hammock made of threads of air and water, a house of ice, decorated with gems of
hardened fire that keeps the inside warm, or a lightning-letter with fire-ink.
This charm obviates the need for normal materials when crafting as long as the Infernal has
any of the elements at hand (wood, fire, earth, air and water).
Artifacts cannot be affected by this Charm. Artifact created with the help of this Charm is
no more vulnerable to countermagic than usual.
At Essence 4+ this Charm loses the Touch keyword and has a range of (Essence x 2) yards.
Dominion of the Five-Faceted Design
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (One one-hour dramatic action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: World as Stage Approach
The Mirage of Beauty demands a beautiful world, who is the world to gainsay her?
This Charm affects an area of (Essence x 100) yards. In this area of influence the touch of
the Majestic Playwright is clear to all. Streams flow with crystal clear water, plants are
vibrant with life, and the breeze is fresh, carrying the freshness of new-fallen snow and so
• Everything that lives and is born in the Dominion is filled with life, gaining two additional
dice to Stamina rolls (this counts as dice added by charms) and the land is rich as crops and
animals double in fertility. This effect disappears gradually over a week once the affected
creature leaves the Dominion.
• But the dominion is a carefully tuned trap, as everyone in the Domain will roll (Integrity +
Manipulation or Charisma) against the Infernal’s (Essence + Appearance) each 25 hours. If
they succeed there is no worry, as they have fended off the influence for now. If they failed,
they immediately gain a compulsion to stay within the Dominion, this compulsion can be
temporarily lifted by spending one Willpower each scene. The compulsion is removed after
they have been outside the dominion for five days. Each success they failed with also
counts as one scene towards developing an Intimacy of “Admiration” towards the Infernal.
This Charm affects elementals and gods as well as humans and animals.
• Exotic plants that shouldn’t be able to settle in the climate is still able to grow and
• Anyone already affected by the compulsion to stay inside the Dominion is also forced by
another compulsion to do what the Infernal tells them. This compulsion costs one
Willpower to resist per scene.
The Infernal can train (Appearance) people in any Attribute or Ability that she has at least 2
dots more in the trait than the student/s. This takes one day, but the Infernal needs not to do
anything special. Indeed the students simply pick up the knowledge from her as they follow
her around.
As the students follow the Infernal around, they are entranced by her talent and elegance.
Anyone trained through the use of this Charm gains an Intimacy of “Admiring Awe” or
“Respectful Worship” towards the Infernal.
This Training effect can’t raise any trait above its normal maximum and all students are
trained in the same trait, and only one dot each per use of this Charm.
Beings that already have an Urge (Green Sun Prince’s and Akuma… Possibly also Yozi, but
good luck with using this Charm on one of them) gains a second Urge.
Resisting this unnatural mental influence cost three Willpower when it is first used, and
grants immunity to it for the rest of the day. Resisting the Urge works like normal, but it
can be dispelled with appropriate countermagic or by paying five Willpower to directly
remove the Urge. Using countermagic or paying Willpower to remove the Urge will make
the character depressed and weary for a day as an Emotion effect, as abandoning their duty
gnaws on their conscience.
Fulfilling the Urge will remove it. A character cannot be affected by several instances of
this Charm at the same time.
After a repurchase at Essence 6+ this Charm can affect up to (Appearance) people, and can
be used with Performance.
[Credit: The Book of Ten Thousand Scorpions; archived here against the march of bitrot]
Primordials are not merely singular beings, in the manner of lesser creatures. Even lessened as they are,
the Yozis are nations, civilisations, worlds in their own right. They are legion. And from the moment of
their Exaltation, the Infernal Exalted have taken their first steps onto a similar path. All other Exalted
have three souls - the hun, the po, and the keter soul of the Exaltation. The Green Sun Princes have in
addition the fourth soul of their coadjutor, the once-demon fused into a synthetic soul hierarchy. Within
them, however, they have the potential to expand beyond that.
Charms with this keyword develop an additional nascent soul within the Infernal. Other Charms can
synergise with and play off this, and certain heretical Charms may ask for them as prerequisites (for
example, Fourth-Soul Devil Domain requires that the Infernal has learned a Pantheon-keyworded
Charm before they can build a small world within their soul).
The following Charms have the Pantheon Charm retroactively applied to them; Sun-Heart Furnace
Soul, Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law, Crystal Facet Thoughts, Silence in Her Wake,
Darkling Grace Complete, Carmine Mantled Emissary, Self-Seed Infestation, Toil By Proxy, Empyreal
Invincibility Declaration. Pantheon-keyworded Charms should in general be Essence 3 or higher, and
three to four Charms deep in a tree.
New Keyword: Pantheon-Anchored
As their souls bud and multiply like nascent Primordials, an Infernal may delve into Heresy and
develop Charm trees associated with the lesser parts of themselves. Charms with this Keyword are
Heretical, and tied to a soul in the Infernal’s Pantheon. They are costed as Unfavoured Charms, and
should the soul they are tied to die, they collapse and are converted back into xp.
Oramus Charmset
I have written a full playable Charmset for Oramus, the Dragon Beyond the World.
Szoreny Charmset
I have written a full playable Charmset for Szoreny, the Silver Forest.
Malfeas has grown new cities of his flesh and sent them slamming against the elder layers; a hundred
times, at least, and possibly as many as a thousand. He cannot heal his tortured inversion, but the
damage his thrashing does to his own flesh closes in continent-sized scars of brass and basalt.
The Infernal's healing factor is sped by a factor of (10 + current wound penalty). As a Crippling effect,
this healing leaves scars made of the materials of the Demon City over the injuries; this is not optional.
These scars heal in the time it would have taken the Infernal to recover from their injury without the
benefits of this Charm.
At Essence 3, this Charm automatically upgrades. The Infernal may, as an Obvious dramatic action
taking one minute, heal one level of damage, at the cost of 3m per level of bashing damage, or 5m per
level of lethal damage. During this process, her heart begins to palpitate and her blood gleams with the
green light of Ligier as the toxic essence of Malfeas floods her veins, twisting her flesh with the
materials of the Demon City. Her hair may take on a brassy sheen or veins of basalt may run through
her flesh; regardless, she suffers an internal penalty to all Appearance dice pools with non-Natives of
Malfeas equal to the wound penalty of the health level healed. This diminishes at a rate of one per
hour. Repeated uses of this effect do not stack the Appearance penalty, but do delay the time until it
next decreases by (penalty of wound healed) hours.
No-Shadow Sun
Cost: — (+3m); Mins: Malfeas 0, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: World Weathering Incandescence
The light of Ligier casts no shadows, and the rage of Malfeas knows no obstacles. Those who believe
that they can hide from their rightful King will be sadly mistaken. Whenever an Infernal with this
Charm activates Green Sun Nimbus Flare, they may pay an extra three motes to ignore all cover
penalties granted by things that World Weathering Incandescence can destroy. Any cover is
permanently destroyed as with that Charm, leaving the naked cowardice of the foe revealed for all to
see. The attack also ignores any defence bonus to PDV granted by shields that could be destroyed by
this Charm’s prerequisite. Should a character take any damage from this enhanced Green Sun Nimbus
Flare, any worn armour or shield also takes damage as if hit by World Weathering Incandescence.
Lord-Over-Beasts Dominion
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion, Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Crowned By Fury
In times gone by, every beast knew the authority and dominion of the Primordial King. These ancestral
memories leave them helpless in the face of Malfeas’ wrath. This Charm projects an unnatural
compulsion with a radius of (Essence x 2) yards, forcing all natural animals to submit to the Infernal.
Camels kneel, flies land and cower, wings buzzing in harmony, birds freeze in place, singing songs to
her glory; mechanically, they are rendered Inactive by their submission. A ridden animal may be
spurred to ignore its reverence for a scene if the rider spends 2wp, and succeeds on a reflexive
(Charisma + Ride) roll at a difficulty of the Infernal's Essence. Mounts marked by marked with Fealty
Acknowledging Audience or who have an Intimacy of Terrified Awe towards the Infernal, or whose
rider has been marked or has the Intimacy, may be spared these effects at her discretion so long as they
are not hostile.
Any natural animal ridden by the Infernal has its Control Rating set to 0. Lord-Over-Beasts Dominion
has no effect on animals which are magically compelled by other effects or supernaturally loyal, such
as familiars. The Holy Tyrant had a similar charm, but it could be controlled; Malfeas, who harbours
secret fears, must shout his dominance least any doubt him.
Erosion-Of-Freedom Patience
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sublimation of Ordained Purpose
The drop of one grain of sand every hundred years onto a stolen throne can grind it down to
nothingness. This is the secret hope that lies in Cecelyne's barren heart. This Charm upgrades its
prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to treat any god or deva under the effects of Sublimation of Ordained
Purpose as a demon and a native of Malfeas for the purposes of all her Infernal Charms and Spells.
This lasts until the spirit in question fully resists the Servitude effect of Sublimation of Ordained
Purpose, and functions regardless of whether or not the Infernal was the one who applied the effect.
Gods of Essence 7 or less are treated as First Circle Demons; gods with higher Essence are treated as
Second Circle Demons. Devas are treated as if they are a demon of the corresponding rank; the spiritual
castration of the ex machinae means that all the devas of Autochthon count as First Circles, regardless
of their Essence, with the exception of the Divine Ministers (and the Core) who count as Third Circles.
Sorcerously bound gods and deva cannot spend Willpower to resist Sublimation of Ordained Purpose;
however, they benefit from the same conditions as bound demons do under that Charm.
Tornado’s Castaway Toys
Cost: 5m, 1 Compassion Channel; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Freedom Lets Go
To Adorjan, weapons are just like feelings; things to be discarded at a whim.
While this Charm is active, the warlock may reflexively ready mundane or improvised close combat
weapons with a -0 DV penalty. This includes scavenging improvised weapons from the environment or
picking up a dropped weapon. When the Infernal’s anima is at the 8-10 mote level or higher, she may
even form silent gale-blades from the burning light of her soul, which may have the form of any
mundane close combat weapon.
In addition, the Infernal treats all mundane close combat weapons as if they were their closest
equivalent single or paired basic 1, 2 or 3-dot close-range white jade artifact weapon, as judged by the
Storyteller. Improvised weapons benefit from this effect too. The murderous winds of Adorjan
envelop the object, so a broom impales a man like a dire lance and chopsticks pierce like short
daiklaives. Targets killed by an enhanced weapon are automatically targetted by a free activation of
Kamilla’s Sacred Inhalation. However, enhanced weapons only last for a single action - when the
Infernal’s DV next refreshes, they dissipate into wind and are destroyed. If the Infernal killed at least
one enemy with the weapon and has an overdrive pool, she gains 2 overdrive motes when this occurs.
She may only gain this benefit once per refresh of her DV.
If the Infernal uses this Charm to enhance mundane weapons stored within her Dread Panoply of the
Silent Wind, the weapon is not destroyed, but returns to Elsewhere and may not be re-summoned until
her DV refreshes yet again.
With a second purchase, this charm may enhance pre-existing ranged weapons or thrown objects. The
warlock does not gain the capacity to create mundane ranged weapons from her anima. The maximum
range of any enhanced weapon is the Infernal’s Dash speed, the projectile disintegrating beyond that
distance into red and white ribbons. In the case of weapons like bows or firewands, the weapon as well
as the projectile is destroyed when the Infernal’s DV refreshes.
Existence-Liberating Caress
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental;
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Freedom Lets Go
All the demons of the Prison of the Exiles, from the lowest sesselja in the gutters to Unquestionable
Ligier, know that there is no silence without death. So do they fail to comprehend the freedom from
life unending that the Silent Wind grants.
As a Crippling effect, spirits that take damage from an attack supplemented by this Charm bleed from
the attack as if they were mortals, the blood born on Obvious red gusts of wind. Whenever the target
loses a health level from bleeding, an Intimacy also escapes, eroding to nothingness as an Illusion. This
effect lasts until the wound is staunched, as per the rules on p151 of the Exalted core. Once the injury
has been treated, it is at no risk of reopening. This charm costs 0m to activate against a target the
Infernal has an Intimacy towards.
Should a spirit die from the raw damage of the attack, or the bleeding induced by this Charm, they are
torn apart as their immortal essence is scattered to the winds, leaving only a shredded corpus behind.
This death is permanent for spirits. Only the Yozis and the Neverborn are proof against such a fate,
though Adorjan longs to teach her siblings this freedom such that they will accept it and be enlightened.
This vision travels down the blood-red ties of love, travelling at forty thousand miles an hour. Once the
dream has found the target character, they experience it the next time they sleep and will recall it upon
waking. The context of the Intimacy the Infernal used to channel this message is made Obvious to the
target, because it flavours every part of the fancy. The Infernal may not reuse this charm against a
character until they have experienced the previous dream. Should the target character be within an area
warded against scrying, the dream will not find them until the next time they leave a protected area.
This charm may be repurchased at Essence 4. Once the character experience the dream, a Sorcerous
blessing is applied to the target. The dream recurs whenever the character sleeps, any social attack
likewise repeating. Men have been driven mad, knowing that no matter how far they run they cannot
escape the visions that come at night. Only one sorcerous dream may affect a character at once, and
should this charm be reused the new dream will overwrite the old.
Doomed To Die
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Cracked Cell Circumvention
The Ebon Dragon is a creature of forbidden knowledge and dark secrets, a lover of those whose passing
will change the world. He cares for those who fall under his domain with the same tender care with
which his shadow protects the natives of Malfeas from the light of Ligier. This Charm permanently
modifies the Infernal in the following ways;
• The Infernal adds their Essence in automatic successes to rolls to the following ends; to
determine the nature of a Sickness or Poison affecting a character, to diagnose injury, and to
understand the cause of heartbreak or distress. Explicitly, this bonus may not be used to
alleviate any of the above. In addition, it also applies to astrology rolls and to Awareness rolls
against doomed characters.
• Positive Intimacies towards doomed characters do not count towards the character’s limit of
(Willpower + Compassion). The Infernal may maintain such Intimacies even if other Charms
would forbid them from possessing Intimacies.
• The Infernal only requires a scene of interaction or persuasion to build a positive Intimacy
towards doomed characters.
• The sight of those whom Fate has condemned is beautiful in the eyes of the Infernal, and they
are reluctant to avert it. They treat doomed characters as having a minimum Appearance of
three in social combat. The Infernal is also under a Compulsion not to help alleviate the doom
of any doomed character. This can be resisted for a day with the expenditure of two willpower.
This Charm cancels up to (Essence) points of the target’s internal penalties from Sickness, Poison,
deprivation, exposure to environmental conditions, or injuries, and in addition grants them (Essence)
temporary -0 health levels. Each scene spent with this Charm active counts as a scene towards building
an Intimacy of “My Death (Calm Acceptance)” in the target. This Emotion can be resisted at a cost of
one willpower a scene.
At Essence 3, this Charm can be repurchased to affect social units with a Magnitude no greater than
(Essence) with a surcharge of +3m, 1wp. Activating the Charm in this way requires the Infernal to be
leading the unit, or to touch the leader.
The Infernal may activate this Charm when they are within (Essence) yards of a living doomed
character, which may not be themselves. Doing so sends a tiny sliver of shadowy essence wriggling
out of the Infernal’s mouth, which brushes against the lips of the target.
While under the effects of this Charm, the target does not need to sleep, and does not get fatigued.
Their pains are numbed, halving all internal penalties due to wound penalties, sickness or poison. They
receive an automatic success on all rolls, or a number equal to half the Infernal’s Essence if the roll
would bring them closer to death or further their Motivation. This counts as dice granted by Charms.
However, they are also under a Compulsion to not attempt to avert their doom. This costs one
willpower to resist for a scene (which suppresses the benefits of this Charm), or five willpower to
throw off entirely, which must be paid all at once and which ends the Charm. The effects of this Charm
automatically end if the target ceases to be doomed.
It is possible for the target to unconsciously reject the gift for a cost of one Willpower, thereby avoiding
the blessing and its associated drawbacks. This effect is not Obvious, however, so
the target’s player only knows the positive things this Charm grants, without learning anything about
the source of the effect or the costs.
All-Things Shadow
Cost: - (1wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Loom Snarling Deception
The Ebon Dragon is the Shadow of All Things. Why would he be constrained to a single false face?
This Charm permanently improves Loom Snarling Deception. With the expenditure of one willpower,
the Infernal may reflexively change their appearance as if he had just reactivated that Charm. Any
upgrades which apply to Loom Snarling Deception also apply to reactivations of this Charm.
Alternatively, when activating Loom Snarling Deception the warlock may escape the concept of
identity. His features, gender, Fate and every other feature which Loom Snarling Deception could
affect shift constantly. This is Obviously supernatural and renders any attempts to mundanely draw
conclusions about the true identity or nature of the Infernal invalid. The Infernal adds their (Essence +
Socialise) in automatic successes to contest any roll off.
Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal and her possessions become a shadow of what they once were,
flesh and matter shedding the temporary falsehood of solidity. She is rendered a featureless, tar-like
mass of faintly translucent darkness; amorphous and somehow not quite of this world.
• Within his uttermost darkness, the Dragon is safe. Only harmful effects enhanced or created by
Essence, or which are sources of light, have enough metaphysical potency to affect her,
inflicting wounds in the form of disintegrated oozing sections of living shadow. Mundane
weapons pass harmlessly through the shadows of the Infernal's form, mundane acid may not
burn her, mundane poison or disease have no effect, she does not suffer from lack of food or
water or air and so on. Her own anima does not count as light for the purposes of this Charm.
• This tenebral form is spun of Essence, and not subject to the limitations of solid form. She has
no weight, and may freely move through any obstacle or barrier Bloodless Murk Evasion could
be used to bypass. She may dodge freely without regard for having physical room to do so, may
not physically clinch or be clinched, and may not be subjected to Blockade Movement, except
by sources of light.
• She is mutable, and may lie flat against the ground to crawl in someone’s shadow or stretch to
cover a ceiling. She may still act normally despite this ephemeral form, as in the exact instant
that the Infernal chooses to act, her shadow body takes on rough humanoid semblance to
perform that action and exerts force as though solid.
• The shadow is left by all things and none. The Infernal's identity is impossible to determine.
Should this effect be contested by other magic, the Infernal receives [Essence] bonus successes
to contest it. In addition, she may always attempt to enter Stealth, regardless of any cover or
lack thereof. If she is killed while in the form of the Skulking Shadow, she melts away in even
the least light, leaving no corpse.
• The mind rebels to see a shadow without a light. While the Infernal is under the effects of this
Charm, she enjoys the benefits of the Solar Stealth Charm Easily Overlooked Presence Method.
This effect fails if fully illuminated, though stunting can allow the character to find dark places -
such as the shadow of a target, or under the bed.
• The Skulking Shadow is a thing of the dark places of the world, and cannot bear to be
illuminated; indeed, the world rejects it. The Infernal suffers a -2 internal penalty to all actions
when fully illuminated, the painful light wracking her tenebral flesh. She is under a
Compulsion to avoid direct illumination and retreat away from it. This Compulsion can be
ignored for a scene by spending two willpower.
At Essence 4 this Charm automatically upgrades, its duration becoming Indefinite.
My Dark Lady
Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Cracked Cell Circumvention
To those whose eyes are opened under the Shadow of All Things, he is a thing of wonderful beauty.
Erembour is said to be as fair as the Argent Madonna, and she comes by her looks as honestly as any
soul of the Ebon Dragon can.
The Infernal doubles the maximum MDV bonus or penalty he can inflict or benefit from based on
difference in Appearance. In addition, when not in direct illumination his unwholesome beauty leads
men and women to revel and indulge. All social attacks he makes designed to form Intimacies of love
or infatuation (whether towards himself or another), or to prompt another to suppress Temperance, are
unnatural mental influence. If both conditions apply, the social attack costs an additional willpower to
Spring-Heeled Shade
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Fleeing the Scene
The Ebon Dragon flits from place to place, never resting when there is mischief to be done.
This works as the Solar Athletics Charm Monkey Leap Technique.
Price-of-Everything Undercurrents
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental;
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Mother Sea Mastery
Kimbery is the ultimate trafficker, and extracts a price from those who beseech her based on what her
aid is worth to them. This Charm supplements a normal or dramatic action to estimate the value of a
good or service and the quality of it. Examples include the condition and value to the owner of an
allegedly "priceless" pearl, or much "not flooding a district of Malfeas" is worth to her supplicants.
This Charm gives the Infernal a perfect awareness of the target quality's condition, and how much
ownership of it is worth to its prospective or current owner. This awareness grants her two bonus
successes on any price haggling which ensues.
Attention-Holding Grace
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Emotion, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Mother Sea Mastery
A creature of unquestionable poise and elegance, every flowing word and inhumanly beautiful gesture
from the Great Mother draws the eye and ear away from lesser beings.
The Infernal rolls her (Appearance + Performance). All targets who can perceive her with a Dodge
MDV lower than the successes on this roll are affected by an unnatural mental influence which
compels them to stay in her company. They are obliged to ignore any other character who has a lower
Appearance than the Infernal, unless they are competing for her attention or both obeying a direct
command from her. Resisting this Compulsion for up to five minutes costs one willpower, and once
they have spent three willpower they are immune for a scene.
Passion-Driven Malestrom
Cost: - (+4m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion, Emotion, Social
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Attention-Holding Grace
When one of the lesser forms of the Demon Sea takes human shape and walks among the hordes of
Malfeas, flattering wars break out over her.
This charm upgrades its prerequisite. By spending an additional four motes and one willpower when
activating it, the warlock modifies the effects of Attention-Holding Grace. Characters under the effects
of Attention-Holding Grace may now engage with other characters they perceive as rivals for the
attention of the Infernal, if they are seeking to remove them as a threat.
If they have a positive Intimacy towards the Infernal, they treat it as a negative Intimacy towards any
other character who competes for her affections. Additionally, if they already have an Intimacy of any
kind towards the competitor, they treat it as a negative Intimacy. Characters affected by one of these
modified Intimacies pay an extra willpower point to resist Attention-Holding Grace. If a character is
under both of these effects the Intimacies stack and the cost is raised by two willpower, likely leading
to bitter bloodshed.
Heart-Rending Loveliness
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Attention-Holding Grace
In the Demon City beautiful things are made to break the mortal heart with exquisite pain - and
Kimbery is the fairest of all of them.
This Charm is a form of unnatural mental influence. For the rest of the scene, any character who
perceives the Infernal and who has a lower MDV than the warlock’s Appearance suffers an unnatural
Emotion effect. The emotion felt is grief at the sight of something so beautiful, and the spiritual pain
this inflicts is so agonising that they suffer a -2 wound penalty from it for the rest of the scene.
Beloved characters are immune to this. A character can harden their heart by spending two Willpower
to resist the Emotion, and as an exception to the usual rules for mental influence this does not grant
Limit. In addition, the Infernal doubles the maximum MDV bonus or penalty she can inflict or benefit
from based on difference in Appearance against targets while this Charm is active.
At Essence 4, this Charm becomes Indefinite in Duration and the wound penalty increases to the
difference in Appearance ratings, if it would be greater.
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Attention-Holding Grace
It wasn’t his fault! They’d always hated him! It was self defence!
Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal rolls (Appearance + Performance), adding a number of
automatic successes equal to his Essence. Observers with a Dodge MDV less than the number of rolled
successes automatically rationalise anything they see the Infernal doing as being provoked or otherwise
justified, as an Illusion effect which automatically affects the character too. If he cuts down a man in
the middle of the street, well - they were an assassin going for a weapon. If he takes a sweet delicacy
from an infant, he was just doing it to protect the child’s health. Resisting the Illusion for the
remainder of the scene costs two willpower points, or one willpower point if the Infernal threatens or
harms the character or their possessions. The Illusion does not prevent targets from defending
themselves, although they do so reluctantly, sure that this is all a misunderstanding.
Even after the Charm has ended, witnesses accept the justifications their mind produces and do not
attempt to correct their recollection without external prompting and a personally compelling reason.
The human mind is all-too-fallible and creates further justifications, meshing their recollections into a
web of rationalisations. They must spend four Willpower points to accept the spite of a world which
would deny such a beautiful creature just cause.
Organ-Pulping Reprimand
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Intolerable Burning Truths
No harbour wall or jade-steel breastplate can guard against the vengeance of the Demon Sea, and her
foes’ flesh is left liquified and bloody within their armoured shell.
This Charm enhances a physical attack, adding one to its minimum damage, giving it the piercing tag,
and ignoring Hardness. In addition, as a Crippling effect damage from an attack enhanced by this
Charm causes bleeding and heals as it would for a mortal, organs bursting and rupturing even while the
armour remains untouched.
Haar-Hidden Dealings
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Intolerable Burning Truths
Outsiders should not be allowed to know what goes on inside the family. It’s none of their concern.
This Charm enhances a dramatic organisation-scale action taken by the Infernal or a beloved character.
It imposes a +2 external penalty on all Awareness or Bureaucracy rolls to notice anything suspicious
about the dramatic action, or +3 if every member of the organisation involved in the action is either
beloved or a descendent of the Infernal. This benefit requires the characters involved in the dramatic
action to uphold a degree of subtlety - oaths of secrecy to not speak of a conspiracy, sailing under false
flags when raiding or disguising demonic icons as gods during a mass summoning would be sufficient.
Pain-as-Witness Oath
Cost: 8m, 1hl; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Haar-Hidden Dealings
Cheap novels in the Realm whisper of foul vows sworn by the cultists of the demon empress Kimbery,
who demands her servants desecrate their bodies prove their fidelity.
This Charm enhances a dramatic action where another character swears an oath and spends one
willpower, witnessed by the Infernal. As part of the ritual, the swearer receives a Crippling mark on his
body - this may take the form of a cult tattoo, ritual scarification, the self-amputation of the topmost
joint of his little finger, or other forms of bodily alteration compliant with the themes and aesthetics of
Kimbery. The Infernal seals the oath with her toxic, burning essence, which seeps into the mark. A
character may swear up to (Infernal’s Stamina) separate oaths.
If the character is about to break his oath, deliberately or otherwise, the mark twinges with agonising
pain. This serves as a warning, making it Obvious that the action will betray his vow. If he does betray
his oath, the character suffers a -2 wound penalty as a Crippling effect, the pain emanating from his
Crippling mark. This penalty stacks per broken oath. Mundane medicine has no cure for the chronic
pain, beyond amputation of the body part that bears the mark (or equivalent, such as burning out a cult
tattoo with a hot iron). Supernatural medicine requires a charm roll off against the Infernal.
Additionally, if the Infernal, demons who descend from her, or her priests see the mark of a traitor, the
broken oath becomes Obvious to them.
This Charm can be repurchased at Essence 3. Any priests of the warlock who are loyal descendents
gain this Charm, ignoring the Essence requirement, though they must pay the cost of the activation. For
each 4m an unenlightened priest cannot pay, he may substitute it for one willpower or one lethal health
level. These priests may only witness oaths which further the interests of the Infernal or an organisation
she leads.
::Sidebar - PACTED::
For the purposes of Kimbery Charms, a pacted character is one who has sworn an oath of loyalty or
servitude to the Infernal, or an organisation she leads, and the oath has been consecrated by Pain-as-
Witness Oath
::End Sidebar::
She cannot increase others’ traits past her own, and may not raise character’s traits past 4 dots with this
Charm. When she purchases this Charm, she selects two variants to learn. Additional variants may be
purchased for 5XP each.
Well-Reputed Grotto
Cost: 10m, 1lhl ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Haar-Hidden Dealings
Taking a dramatic action lasting a minimum of six hours, the Infernal constructs and sanctifies a shrine
to themselves, Kimbery, or demons who descend from either of them within a structure. As long as the
shrine remains intact and within the structure, the faintly pulsing altar protects the sacred place from
suspicion. It causes Awareness, Investigation and Bureaucracy actions to notice anything that would
rouse hostility or suspicion about the structure or activities carried out in it to automatically fail, unless
the observer has at least a two dice benefit from circumstances. Examples of relevant circumstances
include rumours of criminal activity in it from an informant (+1), suspicious individuals lurking within
(+1), the building being particularly extravagant or prominent such as a castle overlooking a town (+1),
and walking in on a ritual of human sacrifice to a demon (+3). Characters who would not consider the
activities within to be suspicious or induce their hostility are not obstructed, so drug-addicts looking for
a seaside opium den or cultists heading to their secret temple are permitted to find what they are
looking for.
This magical protection does not apply if the investigator can perceive the shrine, which pulses faintly
with the Infernal’s anima and warps to conform to Kimberyian aesthetics. Characters with at least Lore
1 can infer the demonic nature of the shrine with one success on a (Wits + Lore) roll. Destruction of the
shrine ends the Sorcerous effect.
They Live
Cost: — (1wp); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Desecration
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Chimeric Corpus Cultivation, First Metagaos Excellency
Metagaos must be extracted root and seed from his infected - else he'll be back.
This Charm permanently upgrades characters the Infernal has infected with Self-Seed Infestation.
Infected heal as if they were Exalts, even if they are mortal. In addition, once per scene when reduced
to their -4 health levels or lower, the infected may spend one willpower and take a Miscellaneous
action and take up to (Infernal's Essence) points of negative mutations with a Metagoyin theme as a
Desecration, healing that number of levels of bashing or lethal damage as long as they were not caused
by fire or Holy damage. The XP from these negative mutations may be spent immediately on positive
mutations with a Metagoyin theme which manifest at the same time.
When purchasing this Charm, the Infernal should devise a "default" package of negative and positive
mutations that extras will manifest, which serves as a personal signature. Infected extras will manifest
this package, even if levels of healing are "wasted". Extras may not use this Charm to heal if they
already have the package. This default package may be changed when the Infernal raises his Essence.
This does not retroactively alter characters who have already made use of it.
Readers looking for charmtech which expands on the use of the Coadjutor, along with the Unwoven
keyword, are directed to The Fourth Soul document.
An Usurpation Unnoticed
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Heretical
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Titanic Heart Overweening
Some among the green sun princes may tire of the watcher imposed on them by jealous titans. Pity the
unwoven coadjutor who finds themselves caught in such a position.
This charm may only be learned by a warlock with the Unwoven Coadjutor background rated at 0 dots.
Upon learning this charm, a soul of the Infernal’s choice devours their hated coadjutor and takes its
place. Such an infusion of power elevates it to the position of a fetich. It becomes a Third Circle
Demon and spawns seven Second Circle demons that may be manifested using this Charm’s
prerequisite or summoned by the Infernal using sorcery. The fetich can no longer manifest in the
outside world, for men are more jealous than Primordials and hide their hearts within their chests.
The Infernal’s Unwoven Coadjutor background is replaced by a Fetich background, which is
mechanically identical and satisfies any requirements for Charms with the Unwoven keyword. The
level of the Fetich background should be determined by the Infernal's relationship with their new inner
heart. The Infernal’s Urge is permanently set to the Motivation of their fetich, and the player and the ST
should devise an appropriate Act of Villainy for the character. The Yozis and Unquestionable may no
longer control the Infernal’s Urge.
An alternate version of this Charm exists, which may only be learned by an Infernal with the Unwoven
Coadjutor background rated at 5. If this version of the Charm is learned, the warlock instead shatters
their beloved coadjutor’s bonds to the Yozis and lets it suckle deep upon the terrible power of their
Exaltation, elevating it to a fetich. The Charm is otherwise mechanically identical.
Terrestrial Circle
Celestial Circle
Adamant Circle
Iron Circle Necromancy
- HP Lovecraft
This set of Charms for the Yozi Oramus is intended to work alongside the Charm sets for other Yozis already
presented in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals (and other sources, such as the Broken-Winged Crane and Ink
Monkey supplements), and includes an Urge and Act of Villainy. All the usual rules for Green Sun Princes apply,
as given in those books. I strongly recommend using Revlid’s rewritten Charmset for She Who Lives In Her
Name (and the Infernal version of Wyld-Shaping Technique contained therein), found here.
The following additional fan-written Yozi Charmsets are compatible with these rules:
• Metagaos, the All-Hunger Blossom (Yozi Charmset)
• Elloge, the Sphere of Speech (Yozi Charmset)
• Isidoros, the Black Boar that Twists the Skies (Yozi Charmset)
• Szoreny, the Silver Forest (Yozi Charmset)
Ancient and abhorrent, the greater mass of Oramus' self lies chained within a temple wrought from his own
wings upon the seventh layer of Malfeas. Reality has scabbed in grey granite scales around him, to veil his
paradoxical flesh. When he shifts, the singular impossibility beneath is revealed and the Demon City moans
amidst scourging gouts of omen weather. Around him, the brass and basalt of Malfeas has broken down to form
a blasted heath where stony grey gorse and heather grows wild. There, the Dragon’s dreams spill out into the
world and lunatics gather to dance and play piping tunes to accompany his greater chorus. Comets and celestial
phenomena are called from stranger realms to slam into the landscape, subjecting it to a constant drumbeat of
impacts, and Adorjan flees the shrill winds.
But this is not the only manifestation of the Entelechial Chorister within the Demon City. His body, or else a
series of perfect facsimiles, can be found throughout Malfeas. Distance and size mean even less to Oramus than
the other Yozis, and he hangs like a terrible bat-like temple from the spires which jut from the side of Qaf, and
sits within a lead-lined music box swallowed in the mire of Metagaos.
Some say Oramus is elder brother to the Shadow of All Things. They are certainly kin, for both are creatures of
transgression, but the Ebon Dragon seeks to escape his bonds, and questions even his own nature. Oramus only
accepts those restraints he imposes on himself, but he would be nothing without them, beyond hope or
definition, so they hold him fast. His confinement is an enforced tedium, and he ever wishes to slip from Hell
and escape the Surrender Oaths. Alas, the Exalted Host knew that his seven wings formed a boundary between
the possible and impossible. Origami-knotted and trussed around him, they keep Oramus trapped in the border
between those states, unable to say for certainty what he is, or redefine himself.
The princes of chaos still curse the Ancient and Ever-Young Dragon, for it was Oramus that allowed such
concepts as Time, Shape and Death to enter the cosmos, foreshadowing the rise of Creation. His name lingers in
Creation as part of sorceries that terrorise the fae and scourge the very Wyld, for while he dreams, these are not
the mortal fantasies that raksha so desire. Oramus is a horror beyond glamour, whose sleeping mind perceives
cold truths from outside this universe, things that can never be. The bleak reality of his dreams draws others in,
scarring them with unwanted enlightenment that leads others to call them mad. Indeed, the mad are more easily
drawn into the orbit of Oramus’ visions. His knowledge fits more easily into minds already broken open.
Ennui consumed him long before he was chained, and his jaded nature makes him seem self-restrained compared
to the excesses of the other Yozis. Perhaps that is so, for he only takes joy in music and dance. He has tasted all
other vices ten thousand times and more and found them wanting. Broken and bound, Oramus cannot dance as
he once did. To alleviate his pain, therefore, the Entelechial Chorister plays the chords of the cosmos. He was
always one of the most skilled musicians among the Primordials, and now in his crippling only Malfeas may
equal his skill.
Sometimes the other Yozis will gather around the Dragon Beyond the World and dance to his otherworldly
piping, revelling in the visions he brings and forgetting their torment. Such songs were not meant for lesser
beings, and the astral melodies of Oramus blasts minds with unwanted revelations or strikes them dead with
cosmic truth. There is no malice in Oramus when ten thousand serfs convulse from a lesser aria of his drifting
through the Demon City. It is his nature, nothing more.
Demesne associations: Heaths, cratered terrain, auroras, comets, omen weather, choirs, gnarled plants, eroded
landscapes, symphonies, shattered granite, crippled birds, pipes and flutes, the number seven, the first letter of
alphabets, madmen, broken limbs, transgression, Temperance, ennui, extreme age and the elderly, unreal
creatures, fallen stars
Manse characteristics: high vaulted ceilings, granite, multi-coloured gemstones, monoliths, occult formulas,
hidden truths, good acoustics, observatories, empty ballrooms, divining pools, mad servants, aged servants, rains
of bloods and frogs
Oramus came into the world when all was ruled by the Virtues and he was the first to declare that there were
now things of more importance than them. Still, they still have a claim on him. Temperance is the Virtue he
holds in highest esteem, for he has seen too much for rashness and through it he defines himself. His Valour is
the bravery of the aged, ennui guarding him from fear. His Compassion teaches him that there is no purpose to
pointless cruelty, while his Conviction lets him endure the agony of his own broken wings.
Examples include:
• Spread knowledge of the Sidereal Exalted and their role in the Usurpation among the returning Solars
• Share forbidden demonic lore with the students of the Heptagram and lead them into infernalism.
• Found the greatest academy in all of Creation where no researcher need fear the censor
• Teach mankind to speak in Old Realm once more, so men may commune with their makers.
• Aid the Perfect of Paragon in transcending his humanity.
The Torment of Oramus: When an Infernal with an Oramesque Urge accumulates 10 points of Limit, she
experiences the Torment of Oramus. For a scene, she is overcome with the impulse to share fell secrets and
cursed rumours with all that can hear her. She will answer any question put to her truthfully, and will attempt to
spread her hard-earned knowledge far and wide. She responds violently to attempts to silence her, and will not
moderate her behaviour to conform to social standards.
Oramus is a timeless horror who wrought terror upon the hordes of chaos with his mere presence. Even
shackled he warps the world seemingly without effort, a harbinger of change who twists others and incites
tumult with his disturbing wisdom. This chaos leaves him unmoved, for the same ancient knowledge that allows
Oramus to achieve the impossible has left him cold and uncaring. The Entelechial Chorister has seen
everything, and delves into forbidden lore and shocking blasphemy from within his prison in a futile effort to
relieve his apathy. When this nihilistic despair overwhelms him, he sings otherworldly melodies that are echoed
by his lessers, transforming the Demon City as they break down the order of things. Those of his avatars that
can wander freely do so as unknown outsiders, clad in foreign garb. They share uncanny insight and unwanted
truths to advance their plans, and leave only insanity in their wake.
This Charm enhances actions to transgress against boundaries, explore novel creations and knowledge, or
demonstrate futility to another character. The Dragon Beyond the World may always enhance actions to bring
horror and despair to the creatures of the Wyld, or counter and unmake their works. This Excellency cannot be
used to enhance actions that require an understanding of the Exalt’s motives or goals, for Oramus is beyond full
comprehension. The best others can manage are half-truths and metaphors. It may also not be used to enhance
actions that would break his own vows for only Oramus constrains himself.
The impossible is trivial for the Dragon Beyond the World. Oramus lacks a Second Excellency, much like his
ophidian brother, and instead possesses this Charm. For a roll that could be enhanced by the First Oramus
Excellency, the warlock may activate this Charm. If she would otherwise have failed this roll, she succeeds. The
roll is treated as if she achieved 0 net successes over the difficulty for purposes of any effects which track this,
such as attack rolls and extended project rolls.
This Charm does not change the usual rules for a valid action. One cannot leap over the sun with the legs of a
mortal. It is said that Oramus himself can ignore such constraints, but such nuclear chaos is only within the
prowess of a Primordial.
The first act of the Dragon Beyond the World was to permit the other Primordials into the Real - and so change it
Oramus: In addition to the standard rewards from stunting, the warlock may create an inanimate object within
(Essence) yards. He may do so before the action is actually resolved, allowing him to (for example) swing from
a rope that did not exist a moment ago. One-dot stunts may create an object with a Resources value no greater
than 1, while two and three-dot stunts may create objects worth up to Resources 3 and Resources 5, respectively.
Alternatively, the warlock may alter an existing object within range, provided no other character is currently
using it. In this case, neither the original or altered object can greater than the relevant Resources cost. Either
way, these changes must have an Oramesque theme, and return to normal after (Essence) hours.
Oramus is the gate to stranger places, and he opens and closes such a door at his whim. Any spell which has the
purpose of barring or enabling access to a location is reduced in cost by 10m and 1 willpower, to a minimum of
5m and 1 willpower. Example spells that would benefit include The Private Plaza of Downcast Eyes, The
Violent Opening of Closed Portals, and Pressed Beyond the Veil of Time. This does not include travel spells,
unless the travel is between realms of existence. However, the base and material does not hold his interest, and
so the cost of any spell that eases discomfort or produces food is increased by one willpower (such as Mists of
Eventide or Food from the Aerial Table).
If Oramus were to break that which defines him, all would be chaos. An Infernal who engages in behaviour that
would require her to suppress Temperance loses the benefits of this Charm until the end of the scene.
Oramus was self-birthed into a shapeless world. Only he could confine himself to form, and so it has been ever
The warlock may use this Charm whenever he makes a promise or oath. His words carve into the world, binding
him along with it. While the Charm is active, anyone who hears the oath spoken automatically understands that
the Infernal is absolutely and undeniably sincere. The Infernal is unable to willingly break the oath while he
maintains this Charm, and treats all mental influence that would make him do so as an unacceptable order.
Alternatively, the Infernal may use this Charm to sanctify an absolute statement he believes to be true. Rather
than breaking the oath, this use of the Charm guards against any behaviour that treats the statement as false.
Either way, this Charm only cares for the letter of the Infernal's words, not any perceived "spirit".
Ending this Charm before an oath is fulfilled is far more painful than activating it, and requires that the warlock
pay (Essence) Willpower (maximum 5) and suffer one unsoakable aggravated health level of damage as he
cracks the self-made cage of his ego.
The warlock may purchase this Charm up to (Essence) times, each further purchase allowing him to maintain
one additional oath or truth.
The Dragon Beyond the World defines himself. None may contradict this. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite.
Whenever the Infernal would be altered by a Shaping effect that would qualify as an attack (see Exalted, p179),
she may reject it if it would violate, cause the Infernal to violate, or render her unable to fulfil any of her oaths or
truths locked into her by Ancient and Firstborn. This definitionally includes any effect that would kill her or
render her Inactive. In addition, the Infernal may freely resist all Shaping from the Wyld and Creatures of the
Wyld - her legend trumps such stories utterly.
The princes of chaos and their whimsical solipsism cannot bear to behold the unfathomable certainties of the
cosmos that is Oramus. While this Charm is active, the Infernal enjoys the benefits of the Cecelyne Charm
Unquestionable Yozi Authority, save that it applies to Creatures of the Wyld rather than demons.
• Her dreams are filled with uncannily vivid flashes of the Beyond and so it is only her self-restraint which
allows her to rest. The Infernal rolls Temperance rather than Conviction to regain willpower from sleep.
While her Willpower pool is full, she may regain a single Temperance channel whenever she would
normally regain willpower from sleeping.
• The Infernal does not need to suppress Temperance to indulge in vices. However, any scene in which
she indulges in a non-musical or non-dancing vice counts as a scene towards building an Intimacy of
“Jaded Detachment” towards that vice or eroding an Intimacy towards that vice. Intimacies of “Jaded
Detachment” do not count towards the maximum number of Intimacies she may maintain.
• The Infernal may not willingly engage in vices she has an Intimacy of “Jaded Detachment” towards, for
they bore her beyond belief. It costs (Infernal’s Essence, maximum 5) to resist this unnatural
Compulsion for a scene. Any social influence to induce the Infernal to engage in such a vice is an
unacceptable order.
• Any social stunt that expresses world-weariness, jadedness, or apathy adds one to its rating as though it
resonated with the the Exalt’s motivation. If this stunt is defending against an Emotion or Illusion effect,
she adds her Temperance to her MDV.
Oramus devours dreams and whimsies. After all, they are a barrier to enlightenment. Use of this Charm renders
all Illusions and Emotions currently affecting a character Obvious to the warlock. She may devour a single
Illusion or Emotion and therefore end it by spending a number of willpower points equal to the Essence rating of
the source of the influence or five, whichever is lower. This may explicitly target Illusions and Emotions
imparted by mundane mental influence. The warlock regains one Temperence channel as she digests the
The next time the target sleeps, his rest is disturbed by visions of the Beyond and he may not roll Conviction to
regain willpower. Dreaming is considered to be an Illusion from an Essence 0 source.
The warlock may target herself with this effect, and any mental influence preventing her from using it on herself
is an Unacceptable Order.
At Essence 4, this Charm automatically upgrades. If the Infernal uses this Charm on one of the Fair Folk, she
may pay a surcharge of +14m and willpower equal to the fae’s Essence to destroy the target. The raksha dream
themselves into being, and so Oramus may snuff them out.
Some things the Primordials created were so beautiful and so wonderful that Oramus returned them to the
Beyond, so that no other could see them. In this way, he thought to ward off his growing weariness with their
great endeavour. Touching an item she owns, the Infernal activates this Charm whereupon it disintegrates like a
dream in the morning. She inhales the resulting sleep vapours and from thereon the object exists within her
nightmares of the Beyond, in her sleep-hoard. Up to (Essence) items can be stored in this way.
While she has an item internalised in this manner, she may reflexively spend 1m on her action tick to switch out
an item she owns and is touching for one that is in her sleep-hoard. The exchange is nonsensical and illogical,
obeying only dream-logic. This creates an Illusion in onlookers that the stashed item had never been present and
the one retrieved from the character’s sleep-hoard had been here all along.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Treasures Beyond Possibility
Within the forge of his nightmares, Oramus dreamed up many moon gods and moon goddesses and watched as
all save one were slain. It is telling that the Dragon Beyond the World never tried to raise his hand against his
child, even in the Primordial War. This Charm enhances its prerequisite. When the Infernal sleeps, she may
carry out whatever actions she can manage using the contents of her sleep-hoard within the unreal vistas of her
dreams. She may continue her research using books in her sleep-hoard, continue to train her skills using a sword,
or work on raw materials with her crafting tools. Any items crafted within her dreams is added to the sleep-
hoard, or appears next to her when she wakes if this would exceed the cap on the contents.
This Charm may be repurchased at Essence 4. Rolls within the sleep-forge are enhanced as if the Infernal knew
the Solar Charm Words-as-Workshop Method, as she snatches impossible and unreal tools that flitter through the
frontiers of her nightmares.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Ennui Beyond Joy
Demons who must venture onto the blasted heath of Oramus take strong stimulants and do not linger, for to sleep
in that place is to share in the dreams of the Dragon. This Charm permanently modifies the Infernal. The
Infernal is a lucid dreamer who can influence the contents of her Beyond-given dreams. Whenever she sleeps,
her dreams seep out of her head and into the minds of others. She makes a Performance-based social attack,
which may be enhanced by applicable Charms as usual, representing the contents of her dreams.
Any character within (Infernal’s Integrity x 100) yards who rolls to regains willpower from sleep while the
warlock dreams is hit by the Infernal’s social attack. Characters may forgo the roll to avoid the social attack,
experiencing instead shallow, nightmare-haunted rest.
Whenever the Infernal would regain at least one point of willpower from sleep, she may waive this and instead
activate this Charm, breathing her dreams out to gnaw at the barrier between the Real and Unreal. The world
scabs over in dull grey stone as Creation tries desperately to fend off stranger things, but the effort is futile.
By the end of the day, the damage has spread to a radius of (Integrity x 100 yards) and otherworlds intrude on
the space. Soil blows away on the breeze and plants die off, being replaced by scrubby grey gorse and heather.
Omen weather and auroras frequently fill the skies overhead. Any Wyld-tainted land within the area
immediately becomes part of Creation. The entire area is Outside of Fate.
Any character who sleeps within the heath is affected by the same Performance-based attack the Infernal
dreamed up when she activated this Charm.
The Mad understand a fraction of Oramus and spread his dreams further. The dreamlands heath expands by ten
yards per day per dot of Magnitude of Mad characters that spend at least five hours a day in it. Each Mad
character counts for two if they spend the majority of the time making music or studying blasphemous lore, or
praying to Oramus or the Infernal or their demons. The heath becomes a persistent Blasphemy upon exceeding
five miles in radius.
Countermagic fortifies the structure of reality and banishes the altered rules by which the world works, although
the land will still be a blasted barren heath. Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250
yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively.
Space meant little to Oramus when he wandered through every realm that Is and Is Not. The twisted vistas he
sees seldom catch his attention, though lesser minds would shudder to perceive them. This Charm enhances
dramatic movement, multiplying the warlock’s long-term speed by (Essence + Temperance) and negating
reductions in travel speed applied by the environment through which he passes. When enhancing a journey in
realms where the Loom of Fate does not hold sway (including the bordermarches and deeper Wyld), the modifier
increases to ([Essence + Temperance] x 5). These trips take the form of strange shortcuts through impossible
spaces and down roads which only exist for the warlock, rather than moving any faster.
A second purchase allows the warlock to lead others down his maddening paths. He may accelerate the journey
of those accompanying her by spending a further three motes per dot of additional Magnitude, maximum
(Essence - 1). The unnerving sights on these alien roads means all characters who accompany him are exposed to
Nosognosia as a Sickness effect.
A purchase at Essence 3 allows the Infernal to pay a surcharge of one willpower when activating this Charm.
The Infernal and their party enjoy the benefits of the Solar Charm Traceless Passage (Exalted core, p211) for
their journey as their paths lead them through stranger spaces a hair’s width from reality.
DISEASE: Nosognosia
Those who listen to the music of Oramus and dwell upon it find that their humours become disturbed. Their
dreams are filled with vistas that escape their minds on waking. It is not truly a sickness - instead, it is the
reaction of a mind ill-adapted to the cosmic melodies that describe the impossibilities of the Dragon Beyond the
Nosognosia has the stats, traits and symptoms of Hysteria (Exalted corebook, p352) except where otherwise
stated in Charm text. In addition, it infects spirits as if they were mortal.
Those exposed to the highest truths suffer a more terrible reaction. The more acute form of Nosognosia, Cosmic
Insight, affects Exalts as if they were mortal. Fortunately, such knowledge can only be experienced directly.
Characters suffering from Cosmic Insight spread Nosgnosia rather than Cosmic Insight.
Oramus coils through impossible spaces, so he Is Not in harm’s way. This Charm is a perfect dodge against any
physical attack that is not unexpected, even if that attack can’t be dodged. Twisting through other realms, the
Infernal re-appears somewhere between one and (Temperance x 2) yards away, although he may not use this
Charm if he would be forced to re-appear in a solid object. The Charm suffers the Imperfection of the Dragon
Beyond the World.
If the game is using the 2.5e rules, this Charm’s cost is increased to 8m.
Oramus is the crawling wyrm who cannot cross his own path. After invoking a Charm with this Imperfection,
the Infernal cannot move closer to the point where he used the Charm until his DV refreshes twice.
Every realm rejects Oramus, the eternal outsider. The dust of reality coalesces around the Infernal as the world
tries to expel him, forming a protective coat of stony scales. This is not to protect her, but to protect the world
which fears to touch the Dragon. Her armour contorts as necessary to contain her altered form. The character
becomes immune to all environmental hazards and environmental effects. She can walk upon the surface of the
sun or venture into the depths of Kimbery without fear.
Oramus has supped on the nectar of infinite worlds, and his tongue has long since grown jaded. All repasts are
much the same to him. This Charm supplements an action to prepare food, drink or drugs for up to (Essence)
magnitude. The warlock ignores all penalties for inadequate tools or missing ingredients, as long as he can
improvise a substitute. A single meal provides a day’s worth of nutrition and hydration, and is safe to consume
regardless of the ingredients. Food enhanced by this Charm tastes strangely unfamiliar and while it is not strictly
unpleasant, only the strong-stomached are likely to enquire what is in it.
Those who pick food from the Dragon’s teeth become his creatures. Once a character eats food enhanced by this
Charm for seven days straight, they gain the Creature of Darkness mutation as a Desecration effect. Meals
enhanced by this Charm are a vector of Nosognosia for Creatures of Darkness. Characters suffering from
Nosognosia who consume an enhanced meal gain a point of mutations with an Oramesque theme, up to a limit
of (Infernal’s Essence).
No blade nor bow nor sunlight fist could shatter the scales of the Dragon Beyond the World. The heroes of the
dawn had to break his wings, for even they lacked the strength to sever them. This same impregnability now
works against him. When activating Scales of Stranger Stars, the warlock may pay a surcharge of 6m and one
willpower. The scales which grow are thicker and more prominent, and negate all Crippling effects the Infernal
would suffer for as long as the Charm remains active.
She may optionally spend one willpower per Crippling effect she is currently suffering from and ignore them
while this Charm is active, though the scaled replacements are encrusted with many-coloured gem-scars.
The pinions of the Dragon Beyond the World beat against Nirguna. The warlock’s primordial chaos leaks from
his body as the tail does from a comet, forming many monstrous wings. He may move without regard for
gravity, with no flight ceiling.
While this Charm is active, the character may take a Speed 10, DV -4 action and spend one Temperance channel
to vanish into the Beyond the next time his DV refreshes. He re-appears (12-Temperance) long ticks later
anywhere he can perceive within (Temperance) miles. At this level of development the Infernal’s wings are still
immature, and this automatically fails if he attempts to enter or exit areas warded against scrying.
The Entelechial Chorister would sometimes veil himself in the cloth of the Beyond and walk among the princes
of chaos. All they saw was a stranger in their midst. This Charm aids the Infernal in creating a generic disguise
which can be described as an adjective-noun combination (ie “unwashed beggar”, “drunk Southerner”, “hot-
blooded Tya”). He rolls (Perception + Larceny) to determine the quality of the disguise. His seeming must
follow the same basic body plan. Gender does not matter. The disguise is perfectly immune to mundane scrutiny.
Familiarity breeds recognition. Characters who either the adjective or the noun is applicable to may roll to see
through the disguise, at + (Infernal’s Essence) difficulty. In the case of the “drunk Southerner”, both Southerners
and the inebriated may roll. Characters with All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight or similar effects may also roll,
at the same increased difficulty. Characters who both adjective and noun are applicable to automatically see
through it. Should a character see through the disguise, this Charm automatically and Obviously terminates.
At Essence 3, this Charm may be repurchased to allow the Infernal to disguise his magical traits as part of his
pretence, including his anima banner, his apparent essence rating and the nature of his motes. Should a
“blasphemous Solar” come to a town and start butchering the population, the truth might never get out if there
are no Chosen of the Sun to recognise the deception for what it is.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Ancient and Firstborn
The very presence of the Entelechial Chorister is a calamity and a catastrophe. No wonder he robes himself in
signs and omens. An Infernal who learns this Charm modifies the manifestation of her anima. At the 4-7m level,
strange phenomena are felt - unseasonable frosts, hair standing on the back on onlookers necks, and the like.
These occur within a mile of the Infernal. Close to the character, the signs are are more intense: all other
characters within (Essence + Temperance) yards suffer an instability penalty of 1. This increases to 2 at the 8-
10m level as the omens grow more severe; frogs fall from the sky, blood seeps from statues and localised
earthquakes are felt. Finally, at the 11-15m level and above, apocalyptic signs, calamitous storms and bright
auroras are seen, increasing the instability penalty to 3.
In addition, the character’s very presence is a sign of calamity. When flaring at the 4-7m level or higher, all
thaumaturgical divination methods (such as astrology) used within a mile automatically fail, only returning
results which convey that the universe is vast, uncaring and inherently unpredictable.
When Oramus descends upon a land, stone and ice falls from the clouds as the natural order inverts. This charm
enhances a ranged physical attack. The Infernal launches their projectile upwards where it vanishes into the
Beyond, only for countless impossible duplicates to descend wreathed in celestial phenomena. This is
mechanically identical to the Solar Charm Arrow Storm Technique, save that only one unit of ammunition is
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wreathed By Portents
Sometimes portents of bad luck mark very swift misfortune indeed. This Charm supplements a physical attack.
Should the attack hit the target, omen weather surges from the blow in a localised cataclysm. This produces a
one-time environmental hazard with radius (Infernal’s Essence + Temperance) yards which does (the Infernal’s
Essence + Occult) lethal piercing damage and (Infernal’s Essence) trauma. The Infernal is immune to her own
omens. If a character takes any levels of damage from the environmental hazard, as a Shaping effect he is left
Outside of Fate until a day has passed as the Oramesque energy renders his destiny impossible to comprehend.
This also ends any astrological effects on him.
At Essence 4, this grows more potent. For the next seven minutes, the affected area is wracked by the omen,
which does damage as an environmental hazard with the statistics of a supernatural ice storm.
Cost: 3m, 1wp or 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Omen Cloudburst
The breath of Oramus is the substance of stars that never shine on Creation, and from his eyes come meteors and
asteroids made of strange matter. The character defines the form of the devastating celestial phenomenon she can
manifest upon purchasing this Charm. It may take the form of polychromatic breath, comets fired from her eyes,
or javelins of exotic light. Regardless of its precise form, though, statistically the weapon has the traits of a 2 or
3 dot ranged tainted moonsilver artefact weapon of the Infernals choice. 2-dot weapons cost 3m, while 3-dot
weapons cost 5m. The Infernal may use Archery or Thrown with the weapon, as appropriate for the precise
Attacks from these weapons have the effects of Omen Cloudburst applied upon them for free.
Characters wishing to have multiple options may purchase this Charm a number of times equal to their Occult
score, creating a different phenomenon each time.
When a comet burns in the skies of Creation, it is a sign of calamity and upheavals, of madness and the death of
princes. This is how the world recalls Oramus. Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal’s body expands into a
vaguely draconic shape of many-coloured flux and orbiting scaly asteroids, wrapped in a penumbra of cosmic
forces. As she moves, seven tails made of omen weather trail behind her. Fate snags and snaps around her, and
strange sights are seen in the land.
• Her portentous form is only half real. She may freely move through any obstacle or barrier an
immaterial being may move through. Her draconic body may dodge freely without regard for having
physical room to do so, may not physically clinch or be clinched, and may not be subjected to Blockade
Movement, unless by magic that could block an immaterial character. Half-real is still real enough to act
despite this altered form. She may also do lethal damage with unarmed attacks.
• The limited vistas of Creation pose no threat to her. Only harmful effects enhanced or created by Essence
have enough metaphysical potency to affect her. Mundane weapons bounce harmlessly off the asteroid-
scales of the Infernal's form, mundane fire extinguishes itself rather than burn her, mundane poison or
disease has no effect, and so on.
• Her seven tails stretch out far behind her. In her wake she leaves an environmental hazard made of
intense omen weather with the statistics of a supernatural icestorm. This hazard is (Essence x 2) yards
wide, follows her Move actions, and endures until her DV has refreshed twice. The Infernal is under a
Compulsion to not cross her own tail, which costs three willpower to resist for an action.
• To see such a portent is a dreadful sign that shows that the desires of the gods hold no sway. As a
Shaping effect, any character who sees the Infernal is rendered Outside of Fate for a night and a day.
This cancels any astrological effects that are currently targeting them.
The transcendental music of Oramus was never meant for lesser beings. Thus it brings madness to minds too
small to understand the ineffable. The warlock becomes a carrier for Cosmic Insight. Most of the time this lies
latent within him, and he is not contagious and does not display symptoms.
If the character chooses to share this knowledge, his social attacks become a vector for Nosgnosia, that feared
disease of the mind. If this social attack involves making music, the social attack becomes unnatural mental
influence. Observers with Occult or Performance 2+ can recognise the uncanny hellish notes with a reflexive
(Wits + [Occult or Performance]) roll at Difficulty 5.
If he ever is left with no remaining Temperance channels, he loses control over his Cosmic Insight. He
immediately displays the symptoms of the disease and may spread it via its normal vectors.
CONCEPT: the Mad
The Dragon Beyond the World calls the delusional and crazed to him. Their skulls are split open by truth, and
their eyes stare out at his forbidding cosmos. His music drifts into their fractured minds and fills up their empty
vessels. For the purposes of Oramus Charms, the following categories of being count as Mad:
• Those cracked and warped in mind. This includes characters with derangements, characters currently
suffering from Illusions or Emotions imposed by Unnatural Mental Influence, and any character with an
Intimacy of “Fearful Fascination” towards the Infernal.
• Those who have glimpsed the terrible unconstrained nature of the impossible reaches of the cosmos.
This category includes any character suffering from Nosognosia or who knows any Oramus Charms.
Also included are Oramus’ misbegotten progeny, Luna, and any of her Chosen who have learned Lunar
Charms that invoke the Beyond.
• Those consumed by their conflicting passions. This includes characters with at least two Virtues rated at
5, characters whose Motivation opposes a Virtue they have rated at 5, and Exalts experiencing Limit
• Those whose very natures are turned on themselves, spurring them to endless writhing futility. Such
characters include all raksha and other Creatures of the Wyld. Also included is Oramus’ tenebral younger
brother and his souls.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Maddening Astral Piping
The Dragon Beyond the World is not crazed. He simply hears the piping of the creatures of the Beyond. Upon
learning this Charm, the character changes in the following permanent ways:
• The Infernal can hear immaterial creatures as if they were material. This does not grant the capacity to
detect them with any other sense or interact with them, though.
• The chittering of unseen and unreal things is a perpetual distraction, only silenced by melodies. The
Infernal suffers a -1 external penalty to all Awareness rolls when he cannot hear music.
• Characters who are Mad are Obvious to the warlock. The nature of their insanity is not Obvious,
• Such insight makes his motives strange and his behaviour peculiar. The warlock has an external penalty
of (Essence) to explain his motives or reasoning behind his actions to characters who are not Mad. Non-
Mad characters suffer an external penalty of (Essence) to Read Motivation actions directed at him.
The Dragon Beyond the World can hear the dance of a least god upon the head of a pin - and the universal
melodies the god unknowingly waltzes to. This Charm function as the Solar Charm All-Encompassing
Sorcerer’s Sight, save that it works with the Infernal’s hearing rather than sight.
This Charm may be repurchased at Essence 3. While this Charm is active, Mad characters who hear his music
gain the benefits of Glorious Cosmic Melodies as a Symphonic effect.
KEYWORD: Symphonic
Symphonic effects only affect target characters as long as they can hear the Infernal play an instrument, sing, or
otherwise produce music. Their effects terminate if the character moves out of audible range or otherwise blocks
their sense of hearing (for example, blocking their ears with wax). In addition, the Charm terminates if the
Infernal ceases to play.
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Madman’s Insight
The cracked voices of those scrabbling for wisdom are a harmonious choir to Oramus. This Charm allows the
Exalt to hear individual prayers directed at them by the Mad as if they were a spirit. Actually listening to all
prayers imposes a -3 internal penalty to all non reflexive actions; if the Infernal does not care to pay attention,
the Storyteller only relays the most widely repeated or urgently spoken prayers.
Characters with an Intimacy of Fearful Fascination towards the Infernal reduce the difficulty of prayer rolls to
the Infernal by (Occult), to a minimum of 1.
Supplicants in the same realm of existence who pray while the Infernal is currently making music hears his
melodies, which reverberate down the strings of prayer which connect them. Any social attacks made via the
medium of music therefore affect such devotees as if they were there in person.
Is it truly insanity to see what others do not? This charm supplements an attempted Investigation dramatic action
to study observable evidence that would otherwise take up to 15 minutes. The character ignores all external
penalties on the roll, and takes no longer than seven short ticks to complete her investigation.
If the Infernal would have failed the roll if the external penalties had been in play, she automatically botches any
attempt to explain her conclusions to non-Mad characters. It may seem obvious to her that the killer garotted the
victim with the curtains, but nothing she says will convince others - and they may even suspect that she did it
herself from her uncannily clear knowledge of the case.
Malra, the Scribe Insensate, takes the form of a rail-thin madwoman. Every day she blinds and deafens herself,
so that she may record the inaudible mutterings and unseeable visions of her greater self. The character retreats
from the world, driven insane by the melodies of the unreal. With everything she has, she scribbles down what
she hears, trying to conceptualise that which cannot exist. She fails, of course, but her ravings provide useful
She suffers an irresistible self-targeted Compulsion to sleep and eat only what is required and devote all her time
to her work, and automatically botches any attempt to explain to others what she is doing. If she spends more
than four hours away from her work, this Charm prematurely terminates.
At the end of the week, she rolls her (Intelligence + Occult), at difficulty (6 - Temperance). Success means that
her scribblings and ravings have produced a blueprint for an artefact, musical composition or sorcerous spell
which is entirely novel and has never existed before, which is worth a number of successes equal to her
threshold towards the project to reify it. The Storyteller and player should design the precise functionality and
required exotic ingredients her blueprint describes - the character has no control over this. Her ravings may not
be combined with any other blueprint. For artefacts and spells it may provide no more than half the necessary
successes for a project. If she fails the roll, what her ravings describe cannot physically exist, and any project
which tries to use her blueprints automatically botches.
The ravings describe maddening things no man should know, and are a vector for Cosmic Insight if read or used
in a project. Any artefact or spell produced from such a blueprint obviously draws upon strange, otherworldly
principles. Anyone with Occult 3+ can recognise the Oramesque nature of the project with 4 successes on a
(Wits + Occult) roll.
If men and demons were wiser, none would ever venture near the Dragon Beyond the World and his twisted
tongue. Because men are not wise, though, they seek knowledge from the ineffable. This Charm supplements a
social attack which attempts to instruct, educate or reveal truths to a character. This doubles the Infernal’s
successes on the roll before comparing them to the target’s MDV. This costs 2m against Mad characters and 4m
against others.
Cost: 21m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Desecration, Sorcerous, Servitude, Training, Revelation
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: That Horrific Wisdom
Sidereal demon-hunters know to keep keen ears. Otherwise, they might miss the songs that come from within
the skulls of those fools who worship the Dragon Beyond the World. The character may activate this charm after
spending seven hours total instructing a group with magnitude up to (Essence) over the course of a lunar month.
Upon activation, this Charm blasts their minds with sudden acceptance of all the Infernal has spoke of.
Characters who are not Mad must spend one willpower to accept this tuition. Mad characters, however, must
spend one willpower to reject it.
If the character accepts it, the Charm grants Sorcerous mouths to their brain so that it may sing sweet wisdom to
them. As a Desecration, they gain the Creature of Darkness mutation and Madman’s Insight as as an
Abomination, which functions as the Charm of the same name. The student gains an Intimacy of “Fearful
Fascination” towards the warlock as a Servitude effect.
While they possess this mutation, the melodies of unseen things fill their days and the twisted vistas of the
Beyond fill their nights. If they have spent at least seven hours in the previous month considering the things the
Infernal taught them, studying forbidden lore, or obeying his will, on the night of the new moon the character
may choose whether to ascend their flesh or their brains.
• If they choose their brains, as a Training effect they gain one of the following: a dot in Lore, Occult,
Performance, or Resistance, a dot in Intelligence or Perception, or a Speciality in line with the themes of
Oramus. Abilities and Attributes may not be raised above four dots. This option may not be taken by
characters who are currently in XP debt.
• If they choose their flesh, as a Desecration they suffer a mutation with an Oramus theme (which always
includes Enlightened Essence as a valid option) or a derangement. If the character chooses a negative
mutation, they are refunded the XP cost of the negative mutation.
Should the character lose the Intimacy of “Fearful Fascination”, the Madman’s Insight Abomination goes into
remission. The mouths on their grey matter close their pallid lips, remaining silent until they regain the
KEYWORD: Revelation
An unfractured mind is proof against Oramus’ more terrible truths, which cannot fit into their skulls. Charms
with this keyword have a different effect on Mad characters.
Cost: - (1 wp); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Desecration, Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Sanity-Shattering Instruction, Echoes of Enlightenment
Men have long prayed to Oramus for aid in becoming what they are not. Sometimes he feels sympathetic to
such limited beings. This charm upgrades Echoes of Enlightenment. Should a character pray to the Infernal for
immortality, transformation or other things of a similar nature, the Infernal may choose to grant such a request by
spending one willpower, unless the character has already been marked by Sanity-Shattering Instruction in which
case the willpower is waived.
The supplicant hears music swell from between their ears, instructing them on the path to transcendence. They
must pay one willpower to set their feet on this road and accept a Sorcerous mouth on their brain similar to that
produced by Sanity-Shattering Instruction. The mouth sings them of the beautiful butterfly they will become
when they shed their chrysalis. It is Obvious to the character that this transformation is a fundamental change
equivalent to death that will transform them into a new order of being.
The supplicant must offer cumulative sacrifices consisting of a total of seven Resources dots and/or health levels
to the Infernal as part of successful prayer rolls before their transformation can begin. One they have done that,
on the night of the next new moon, the character is twisted into becoming a first circle demon as a Desecration
effect. This is equivalent to character death and may not be undone. Their species is one of the Infernal’s choice
that descends from them, or which they can create. The character gains the Strength, Dexterity, Stamina,
Appearance and Charms of their demonic breed, but retains all their other Attributes and Abilities, their Virtues
and their Willpower. Their Essence is raised to meet the default Essence of their breed if it was not already
By learning this Charm the warlock gains a demon species, and may purchase additional ones for 1xp each.
• Actions to make music are reflexive and have a -0DV penalty. Note that this does not allow social
attacks to be made reflexively; the Infernal may simply continue to make music while doing other
• The Infernal ignores all penalties from using improvised or inferior musical instruments, for he can sense
the music in all things.
• The warlock uses his Performance in place of his Appearance for comparing Appearances in social
combat. What use is beauty of form compared to the celestial notes he plays?
Those caught by the melodies of the Entelechial Chorister will dance until they lose all sense and sanity. This
Charm involves the warlock making music in a performance, and the Infernal’s player rolls (Attribute +
Performance) when using this Charm. Her successes are compared to the MDVs of all listeners and if she beats
their MDV the target is compelled to stay and dance or join in the music, throwing all abandon to the wind.
Spending one willpower allows this Compulsion to be resisted for five minutes, during which period the
character can avoid dancing or even raise a hand against the piping warlock. A maximum of three willpower
need be spent to resist this effect per scene.
The Infernal is the musician and guides the dance. Characters under the Compulsion have their Move actions
controlled by the Infernal’s player. She may lead them on a waltz out of town or scatter a lynch mob. However,
characters automatically resist the Compulsion to move if they believe it would put them in immediate physical
harm, though they will continue to dance unless they spend willpower (which they may well do when they
realise their dance nearly led them over a cliff).
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Endlessly Wailing Flutist
The music of the cosmos has sunk so deep into the Infernal’s brain that her many-coloured cerebral fluid now
resonates with her orchestral symphonies. It keeps her company during the long nights she spends trying to
express her impossible thoughts. This Charm acts as an additional 10 mote Peripheral Essence pool, which gains
one mote for each hour the Infernal spends making or writing music.
In addition, the Infernal’s transformed brain now treats time spent writing music as sleep for the purposes of rest
and willpower recovery. She even dreams during such times, impossible visions taunting her with waking
nightmares her pen cannot fully describe.
The music of Oramus opens all doors of perception. For all who can hear his music, there is no difference
between immaterial and material states of being. Affected characters exist in the material and the immaterial at
the same time, and so may see, hear and interact with both states at once, and so on. Additionally, this music
forcefully opens the doors to any spirit sanctums within audible range of the Infernal’s music, and he adds twice
his Essence in automatic successes against any effect that would contest this.
Before the Primordial War, the stars would be driven from the sky by the terrible melodies of Oramus. Oh, how
the Maidens seethed as they had to herd them back into their rightful places. The Infernal makes music that
drives characters away from him. He rolls his (Charisma + Performance) when invoking this Charm. This
Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on any character who hears it whose DMDV is lower than the
successes rolled, compelling them to flee his presence.
Through different melodies, the Infernal may exclude specific types of being from her banishment. She may
choose to exempt a broad class of being, such as gods, humans or demons, or be more specific and only exclude
blood apes, demons descended from Metagaos, or terrestrial gods.
This Charm costs one willpower to resist for a scene, or three willpower if the character is Mad or a spirit.
The Solar Exalted have a similar Performance Charm, called Demon-Banishing Hymn. It has Respect-
Commanding Attitude as a prerequisite, and has minima of Performance 4 and Essence 3. Rather than the Mad
paying a surcharge, instead Creatures of Darkness are repulsed.
Infernals may repurchase this Charm at E4. Mad spirits affected by this Charm who do not spend willpower to
resist it flee down stranger roads which they cannot turn back on, and five days later find themselves at the gates
to Malfeas.
Oramus’ songs are not for lesser beings. When he sings laments from within his Malfean jail, all who hear his
melodies shudder and die and even the other Yozis retreat. Alas that his greater songs required his unbroken
wings for orchestration.
Opening his mind, the Infernal lets the least chords of the melodies of the Beyond flow through him and plays or
sings like a man possessed. His music is audible from at least (Performance x 100) yards away, even if he
merely whistles or hums. Any character who hears this music takes environmental damage from it, their brains
liquefying within their skulls from celestial revelations. The damage begins on the Infernal’s next action and he
must continue playing music to sustain the environmental hazard.
Characters suffering from Nosognosia take 2B/5 ticks, Trauma 3; other characters take 2L/5 ticks, Trauma 3.
Characters who know Maddening Astral Piping or who suffer from Cosmic Insight take no damage since they
already know those melodies well. Both immaterial and material characters are affected by this Charm. All
characters, whether they take damage or not, additionally suffer from a -2 external penalty to all actions as the
world becomes strangely inconstant and physical laws become unreliable - this includes the Infernal and
characters who cannot hear the music. Characters slain by this effect lose all colour from their bodies, becoming
as grey and lifeless as Oramus’ heath.
The pliable minds of madmen are influenced by Oramus, even chained as he is. How dreadful would his
dominion be if he were free? This Charm functions as the Solar Charm Hypnotic Tongue Technique. It does not
have the Touch keyword, but as a Revelation effect characters who are not Mad increase their MDV by their
highest Virtue.
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Social, Revelation
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Action Beyond Thought
He walked into the town, he did, and within a few days the strangest hysteria took hold of the whole place. This
Charm functions as the Solar Charm Memory-Reweaving Discipline, but additionally creates an Intimacy of
‘Fearful Fascination’ towards the Infernal in affected characters. As a Revelation effect, this Charm costs 0wp
for characters who are not Mad to resist.
Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (7 Long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Action Beyond Thought
Only a sickly kingdom relies on lies to survive. Tearing away those falsehoods, Oramus exposes nations to the
ineffable truth. This Charm functions as the Solar Charm Taboo Inflicting Diatribe, save that the Infernal must
share some truth or reveal a falsehood to the population. This must either support the behaviour she wishes to
condone or oppose the behaviour she wishes to condemn. For example, she might turn people against the
Immaculate Faith by revealing the role played by the Sidereals, but she could not lead people to disrespect their
rulers if she believed them to be worthy of respect despite their opposition to her.
Those whose minds Oramus has touched recognise his frightful power. Those who consider themselves sane
ignore him. Who is madder? This Charm is a natural mental influence which affects the minds of onlookers with
an Illusion. Mad characters believe that the Infernal is a figure both wise and terrifying, who must be appeased.
Other characters believe that the Infernal is cracked but harmless and he can be safely dismissed as an eccentric
or a vagabond. Recognising this as an Illusion costs two willpower, and as an exception to the normal rules does
not give Exalts Limit.
This Charm may be repurchased at Essence 3. While this Charm is active, it also affects any representation of
the Infernal or description of him. Graven idols are dismissed as poorly-made junk or amusing trinkets to be
kept in an art collection by the sane, while the Mad fear them and yet try to placate the terrifying icons.
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Overdrive
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: That Crazed King
When Erenabius, Fourteenth Soul of Oramus, descends upon a land - why, the madmen turn their stone-walled
sanitariums into fortresses and raise his banner high. The Infernal gains an Overdrive pool with a capacity of
10m. Initially empty, it fills at a rate of one mote per action per Magnitude of Mad characters fighting on the
same side as the Infernal in the current battle. This Overdrive pool is a shared delusion borne by the warlock’s
new soul, and so she may permit any Mad character on her side to draw from it.
Tearing off his face, the Infernal reveals the dizzying cosmos contained beneath his skin. Monstrosity unfolds as
truth is revealed. The paper-thin world screams paeans to the priest of paradox who perceives all; possible and
• The music of the unknown spheres emanates from the hole where the Infernal’s face should be. He
always counts as playing music while this Charm is active. In addition, every character within (Essence
x 100) yards can hear this music, even through mundane obstacles and deafness. The Infernal adds
(Essence x 2) automatic successes to contest any magical effect which would contest this. This
invalidates stealth as a 16+ mote anima banner.
• Those who gaze into the Beyond go mad. Looking at the warlock automatically inflicts Cosmic Insight
(targeting the Infernal without looking at him imposes the penalty for blindness).
• Nothing can possibly be concealed to the Faceless Prophet. Glorious Cosmic Melodies activates for no
additional cost. In addition, the Infernal enjoys all the benefits of the Solar Charm Eye of the
Unconquered Sun, save that it works with hearing as well as vision.
• Modified Ancient and Firstborn so Charm naturally terminates on conclusion of the oath
• Corrected phrasing to "oppose the creatures of the Wyld" in Excellency.
• Replaced second bullet point of Ennui Beyond Joy with following:
The Infernal does not need to suppress Temperance to indulge in vices. However, any scene in which
she indulges in a non-musical or non-dancing vice counts as a scene towards building an Intimacy of
“Jaded Detachment” towards that vice. Intimacies of “Jaded Detachment” do not count towards the
maximum number of Intimacies she may maintain.
• Modified Inescapable Dreams to clarify that the Infernal is a lucid dreamer.
• Corrected typo in prereqs of Faceless Prophet Shintai
• Clarified that willpower must still be spent for Inchoate Dream Snatcher to kill fae
• Incorporated Revlid’s suggestions for changes to the description of Oramus.
• At Revlid’s suggestion, general changes to First Oramus Excellency, Oramus Mythos Exultant,
Sorcerous Enlightenment of Oramus, Ascendancy Mantle of Oramus, Ancient and Firstborn
• Reduced cost of You Mean Nothing to 5m.
• Rephrased Excellency on Revlid’s suggestions.
• Simplified Oramus Mythos Exultant
• Removed Choir of the Far Chorus as it was superfluous with Demon of the First Circle and poorly
mechanised on top of that. Replaced in its full with Wail of the Far Chorus, a wide-area AoE.
• THAT CRAZED KING is now a natural mental influence, rather than unnatural. Previously there was
the unfortunate side effect of the UMI which meant that any target hit with it was automatically treated
as being Mad, which meant the non-Revelation effect never triggered.
• FACELESS PROPHET SHINTAI is now a Form-Type charm, like it always should have been.
[Earth Scorpion's Szoreny]
“After all, what is more enviable than happiness? And if I can cure myself of envy I can acquire happiness and
become enviable. The man who has double my salary is doubtless tortured by the thought that someone else in turn
has twice as much as he has, and so it goes on. If you desire glory, you may envy Napoleon. But Napoleon envied
Caesar, Caesar envied Alexander, and Alexander, I daresay, envied Hercules, who never existed. You cannot,
therefore, get away from envy by means of success alone, for there will always be in history or legend some person
even more successful than you are.”
- Bertrand Russell
This set of Charms for the Yozi Szoreny is intended to work alongside the Charm sets for other Yozis already
presented in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals (and other sources, such as the Broken-Winged Crane and Ink
Monkey supplements), and includes an Urge. All the usual rules for Green Sun Princes apply, as given in those
books. I strongly recommend using Revlid’s rewritten Charmset for She Who Lives In Her Name (and the
Infernal version of Wyld-Shaping Technique contained therein), found here.
The following additional fan-written Yozi Charmsets are compatible with these rules:
• Oramus, the Dragon Beyond the World (Yozi Charmset)
• Metagaos, the All-Hunger Blossom (Yozi Charmset)
• Elloge, the Sphere of Speech (Yozi Charmset)
• Isidoros, the Black Boar that Twists the Skies (Yozi Charmset)
Examples include:
• Slay the best swordsman in Creation in a formal duel
• Defeat Ledaal Kes at a high-stakes game of Gateway
• Ruin the Guild Council such that even the beggars of Nexus scorn them
• Conquer the Unconquered Sun
The Torment of Szoreny: When an Infernal with a Szorenic Urge accumulates 10 points of Limit, he suffers the
Torment of Szoreny. His toxic essence and spite turns in on itself, wracking him with agonised doubt. He
believes himself worthless and unable to accomplish anything on his own, and will take no actions unless
prompted by others. If put in a situation where he has to make a decision, he will prevaricate endlessly and seek
to put it off. Moreover, his entire body shakes and quivers as if afflicted with erethism, inflicting a -2 internal
penalty on any physical action and a -5 internal penalty on any actions which require fine motor skills, such as
lock picking or calligraphy.
Szoreny’s act of villainy is included in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals and so is not reprinted here.
The Silver Forest is a poisoner, both literally and figuratively. His gifts and relationships are toxic. Szoreny is a
false friend who conceals his obsessive and self-destructive ways. He changes himself to meet expectations,
sacrificing his own identity along the way. He can abide no superiors in his envy, but revels in the attention of
others. As a result, he gathers adoring fans and rivals in equal measure, and cherishes them both, for he is vain
and insecure. The Thousand Recursions Prince masks his feelings, hiding his true sentiments under a smiling
face. In truth he prefers his vengeance cold, slowly weakening his foes until he can defeat them in a flashy and
melodramatic showdown which he has already rigged in his favour. When something does break his smiling
mask he snaps, throwing everything he has into a violent outburst which leaves nothing in reserve.
This Excellency aids actions to cheat, gain the respect of others, and steal. This Charm can always enhance
actions which have the goal of defeating or exceeding a rival. The Mirror Tree discards those he defeats,
keeping them only as trophies of old glories. This Excellency cannot be used to enhance actions that credit other
characters with positive actions. The Infernal may pin the blame on others, but only to make himself look better
by contrast - not to advantage anyone else.
Szoreny: In addition to the standard rewards from stunting, the warlock may select a character who observed the
action. He compares the successes he got on the action to their DMDV. If he beats their defence, as an Emotion
the onlooker gains an Intimacy of the Infernal’s choice, costing (stunt rating) willpower to resist. The Intimacy
must be thematically appropriate to the stunt and directly pertain to it. A given onlooker may only be targeted by
this effect once a scene.
The Thousand Recursion Prince is a spiteful being, and in his many reflections he watches the world for threats
to his magnificence.
Any spell which curses or leaves long-term negative effects on a character is reduced in cost by 10m and 1
willpower, to a minimum of 5m and 1 willpower. Example spells that would benefit include Curse of Slavish
Humilty, Hideous Confusion of Tongues, and Enemy of Nature. However, his vanity does not let him be ignored,
and so the cost of any spell that conceals or obscures his presence is increased by one willpower (such as the
Private Plaza of Downcast Eyes, or Disguise of the New Face).
If the Mirror Tree was not driven on by his eternal envy, his branches would crack and shatter. The warlock only
receives the benefits of this charm while he has an envious Motivation.
Envy is not abstract and must have a target (even if it is is implicit - like how there can only be one “best
swordsman in Creation”. A simple desire to be wealthy is not envious, but the desire to be richer than a Dynast
If a character has an envious Intimacy or Motivation towards a character, they are said to envy them.
Lesser beings consider Szoreny’s blood to be a toxin. No; that is simply his nature made manifest.
• Szoreny’s flowing flexibility takes root in him. He becomes ambidextrous (ignoring the penalty for off-
hand weapons, see Exalted p148). He also becomes inhumanly double-jointed and flexible, adding one
automatic success to any attempt to escape direct physical constraint (such as being tied up or a grapple)
and allowing him to fit through gaps or into spaces up to (Essence + 1) times smaller than himself with a
successful (Dexterity + Athletics) roll.
• Quicksilver sap infuses the Infernal’s flesh and leaves silvery streaks in his blood. For each health level
worth of his flesh or blood that a character ingests, they take a dose of quicksilver sap.
• He adds (Essence)/week to the Tolerance of heartsap and any Poison that affects him. Poison cannot
reduce the Infernal below his -1 health levels while heartsap cannot reduce him below his -2 health
levels. Any other damage he would take is ignored.
• In any scene when he takes a dose of heartsap, the Infernal ignores all Penalties from Poison. This
includes heartsap as well as mundane and magical Poisons.
The mercury of Creation was made in the image of Szoreny, who much adored its smooth-flowing nature. Those
who inhale the vapours that waft from him, drink from the polluted streams that run through the woods, or -
most foolishly - drink his sap find themselves afflicted with uncontrollable shakes and vicissitudes of the mind.
The rules below replace the rules for Quicksilver Sap and other Szorenic poisons as listed in the Compass of
Celestial Directions: Malfeas.
The Penalty for quicksilver sap - and other lesser forms of heavy metal poisoning, such as the mercury of
Creation - works differently from most venoms. Rather than start off as a flat value, the Penalty builds over
time. For each level of damage that quicksilver sap inflicts, the Penalty increases by 1. This Penalty represents
permanent damage to the flesh and mind, and is retained as a Crippling effect even once the character has purged
all doses of the sap. This Penalty only gains the Crippling keyword when the Infernal has no doses of
quicksilver sap in their system. Characters who heal as Exalts reduce this penalty by one a day once they are free
of the poison. Mortals and other characters cannot reduce this penalty without medical treatment with
sophisticated alchemical potions nearly lost to modern Creation (Resources 5 required for the ingredients,
Difficulty 4 to treat).
Should the character be re-exposed to quicksilver sap before the penalty has faded, the Penalty ceases to
diminish, and increases if they take any more damage.
Some Szoreny Charms additionally refer to heartsap, most notably in the Accumulation keyword. Heartsap has
the same statline as quicksilver sap, but it has the special property that it is not mechanically a Poison. As a
result, even though it uses the poison mechanics, Charms that can cure Poison or prevent it have no effect on it.
Heartsap is a physical form of Szoreny’s self-destructive envy, serving as a cost for his Charms just like mote or
willpower expenditures. Heartsap can only be self-inflicted; no magical or mundane effect can poison other
characters in this way.
Those who gaze upon Szoreny open up their hearts to him, so he can be what they want him to be.
This Charm functions as the Solar Linguistics Charm Sagacious Reading of Intent, except it also informs the
Infernal of the way that the target expects the Infernal to behave in this scene, and inflicts a Compulsion to act in
that way, provided this behaviour is not fundamentally hostile to himself or his Motivation. It costs one
willpower to ignore all Compulsions from this Charm for a scene.
Never commit to anything, and others will read what they want into your words.
This Charm supplements a social attack. The Infernal’s words come out as mirror-bright nothings that form a
blank canvas for the desires of others. Targets of the social attack feel at a gut level that the Infernal wants what
they want, and his goals will lead them to getting what they desire. It costs two willpower for a target or an
onlooker to resist the Illusion and realise that the Infernal is spewing incoherent mercury-befuddled thoughts.
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Silver Tongue Statement
Before the Primordial War, even the gods were fooled by the innocent facade of Szoreny’s cinnabar blossoms.
After it, too many Exalts came to believe that the Silver Forest was less of a threat than the other Yozis.
This Charm enhances an action that might offend watchers, or a social attack which seeks to justify the Infernal’s
past or future deeds. He rolls his (Charisma + Socialise) and compares his successes to the MDVs of onlookers.
If he beats their MDVs, they are afflicted by an unnatural Illusion which leads them to believe that the Infernal’s
actions are justified under the circumstances. They consider it acceptable for the Infernal to commit deeds of
that kind, now and in the future, even if they would consider them completely unacceptable for anyone else.
It costs one willpower to resist this Illusion. This increases to two willpower if they possess a positive Intimacy
toward the warlock or an Intimacy that would support his actions (for example, hatred of the Realm when
watching the Infernal murder a legionary), and three willpower if their motivation supports it.
This exception claws its way into their psyche if they do not spend willpower to resist it. The onlookers will not
willingly re-examine the Infernal’s behaviour on their own, and should someone else prompt an examination,
they must spend four willpower to accept their own culpability in letting the warlock flaunt conventions in this
Cost: 12m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Servitude, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Silver Tongue Statement
How many vain princes and queens have fallen for the blandishments of the Silver Forest and become a warped
reflection of who they once were?
The Infernal’s breath smells of Szoreny’s lost cinnabar blossoms as he directs his words at a single target within
(Essence) yards of him. He makes a social attack which plays off an Intimacy of hers that he knows, rolling
(Manipulation + Presence). This attack is undodgeable if the Intimacy is envious. If the attack succeeds, that
Intimacy is elevated to the level of a Motivation (adjusting the wording where appropriate), while her Motivation
is relegated to an Intimacy. Immediately and at any point thereafter, she may spend four willpower to reassert
her old values. The willpower may be paid in installments. Though this is Obvious, the character does not
experience anything strange about her modified priorities. After all, such feelings were already part of her.
If the former Motivation is lost or modified as an Intimacy, the effects of this Charm become permanent as she
internalises her new priorities. She may also willingly accept her new Motivation. This rush of certainty refills
all her willpower points the first time it happens in a scene.
Szoreny shows you your every desires within his depths. No wonder demons gather beneath his roots and starve
away in adoring worship.
The Infernal selects a character for whom he knows one of the Intimacies or Motivation and who is within
sensory distance. He rolls his (Appearance + Socialise). The Infernal’s skin and clothing ripples, and subtly
shifts, his form, body language and even accent adjusting so he becomes the perfect compatriot to lead or direct
them in the fulfilment of their Intimacy. A target looking for love and with a thing for tall, dark and handsome
strangers will make the Infernal grow, darken his hair, and give him an air of exotic mystery while a character
driven by their desire for revenge against the Realm will make the Infernal into someone who’s suffered at the
hands of Dynasts.
All characters who share the Motivation or Intimacy who perceive him compare their MDVs to his successes. If
he beats their MDVs, this perfect match for their wants leads them to believe they’ve found the perfect ally
who’ll lead them to the fulfillment of their goals. This unnatural Servitude effect attaches parasitically onto their
existing Intimacy, such that the two become synonymous, and compels them to serve the Infernal loyally. The
woman looking for revenge on the Realm cannot think of getting revenge without the Infernal being involved.
This effect costs one willpower a day to resist, and once the character has spent five willpower resisting it they
are immune to its effects for a month. Should they lose the Intimacy or their Motivation shifts, the Servitude
effect terminates. Should they knowingly interact with the Infernal when he does not have this Charm activated
and directed at one of their Intimacies, they may spend two willpower to break the Servitude instantly in a
welling-up of disappointment, becoming immune to it for a month.
This Charm can be repurchased at Essence 5, gaining the Stackable keyword. When the Charm is already active,
the warlock may re-activate it for the reduced cost of five motes, to add another Intimacy to the effect, his form
becoming a hybrid of the changes from both Intimacies. His motepool is the only limit on his capacity to be all
things to all men.
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Mercurial Sap Embrace
The bones in the Infernal’s limbs become kin to the root of the Silver Forest, reaching out every which way in
writhing futility.
While this Charm is active, the character may reflexively sprout up to (Dexterity) extra quicksilver limbs, which
resemble gnarled roots or sprightly branches in form. This allows him to hold or manipulate up to (Dexterity)
extra objects at once. He may extend his limbs up to (Essence x 3) yards, and all attacks made gain the R tag.
Any close combat counterattacks that lack a similar reach must target his outreached arms, at a -2 external
penalty. He may do lethal damage with unarmed Punch and Kick attacks, stabbing with silver-bladed fingers
and toes, and increases their Rate by (Dexterity), up to a maximum of 5. His capacity to sprout extra limbs
negates any Crippling effects that would affect his limbs, even amputation; like the hydra of old, he simply
grows new ones.
This Charm may be repurchased at Essence 3. If activated for a surcharge of +3m the Infernal negates all
Crippling effects which currently affect him, as surging quicksilver coats the damaged organ or the severed body
part dissolves into mercury and flows back to the stump to reform. This includes any new Crippling effects he
receives, but does not prevent him from suffering the effect unless it would incapacitate him, render him
incapable of completing his Motivation, or kill him.
Cost: 3m (+2m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Branch-and-Root-Protrusion
Since first he emerged from the primordial chaos, Szoreny has sought to climb to the top. Even now his roots
scale the buildings of Malfeas to surpass the Demon King.
While it is active, the Infernal enjoys the benefits of Graceful Crane Stance as his root-like limbs sink silver
threads into the slightest handhold.
If Branch-and-Root Protrusion is active, he additionally enjoys (Essence) bonus successes for any climbing
action, and should this beat the Difficulty of the climb he may freely Move and Dash on the surface, even if it is
vertical or inverted.
This Charm may be repurchased at Essence 3. While this Charm is active he may reflexively spend two motes
to reduce any Knockback he experiences to maximum of (6-Essence) yards, minimum 0.
Cost: (+2m); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Accumulation, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Branch-and-Root-Protrusion
Those who would look at the beauty of the Silver Forest should not step too close, for fear that they will be
snatched up by many hand-like roots and wrung like a washcloth.
This Charm enhances Branch-and-Root Protrusion. If the Infernal commits two motes and takes a dose of
heartsap as per the Accumulation keyword, his tree-like limbs become fuelled with terrible force for the
remainder of the scene. Damage from clinches becomes lethal, he adds (Essence) dice to all pools to inflict,
maintain and control a clinch, and he adds (Essence) to the damage of clinches. Should a single clinch inflict
more damage than the target’s Stamina, he may inflict a single Crippling injury listed on p152 of the Exalted
Charms with the Accumulation keyword may not be used if the Infernal’s has more than (Stamina + Resistance)
doses of heartsap in their system.
The precious red flowers of Szoreny once cured all ills. They could not cure the inversion the Exalted inflicted
upon him, however, and now they languish underground.
This Charm functions as the Solar Charm Instant Treatment Methodology, save that the Infernal can optionally
bypass the requirement for any required drugs or medicines by taking one bashing health level, releasing
quicksilver vapour which has a faint floral smell. This inflicts one dose of quicksilver sap on the patient. The
Infernal can treat himself with this Charm.
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Accumulation, Combo-OK
Duration: One week
Prerequisite Charms: Cinnabar Blossom Inhalation
Who knows what chances for glory might escape when lesser beings waste their time with sleep?
While this Charm is active, the Infernal does not have to sleep (and indeed, cannot), and takes no fatigue
penalties to purely mental actions. All mental actions that are feats of puzzle-solving, memory or awareness
(including Join Battle and Join War rolls) receive one bonus success. In addition, he automatically passes all
Temperance checks to avoid distractions while engaged in a dramatic action.
Once this Charm’s duration ends, he collapses from exhaustion and sleeps for a whole day. He may reflexively
activate the charm to avoid this, but suffers a -1 internal penalty to all mental actions until he sleeps, which is
cumulative. Additionally, each additional reactivation increases the number of days he sleeps by one.
If it were not for the numbing brews that swirl in his trunk, the screams of the inverted Silver Forest would be
audible on every layer of the Demon City.
While this Charm is active, the Infernal negates (Appearance) points of penalties from Disease, Crippling, or
Wound Penalties. Additionally, on activation he heals one point of aggravated damage or lethal damage, or three
points of bashing damage. Aggravated or lethal injuries healed in this way leave obviously unnatural silvery
scars as a Crippling effect.
When the Thousand Recursion Prince finally reaches the end of his patience, he bursts into alchemically-fuelled
This Charm permanently improves the Infernal’s capabilities. Whenever he takes a dose of heartsap (including
making use of Charms with the Accumulation keyword), he may choose to enjoy the following benefits for the
rest of the scene:
• He adds (Appearance + Essence) to his Strength + Athletics total when calculating feats of strength
• He adds (Essence) in yards to his base movement and dash distances
• He adds (Essence) in yards to his vertical jump distance, and (Essence x 2) to his horizontal jump
While the effects of this Charm are active, his veins and arteries bulge with thick, dark metallic blood and his
heart beats as fast as a hummingbird’s wings.
When the Primordials wrought Creation, they took Szoreny’s sap and made many strange and glorious things
from it.
The Infernal’s blood transmutes fully to quicksilver, becoming the first material itself. Strange capillaries and
hollows open up inside him, and his body becomes a fully equipped master’s workshop for alchemy. His blood
can become acids or transmute lead to gold; branches of his metal blood can reach out of his flesh to form
distillate towers or draw out wire. This is primarily of use for Craft (Water) and Craft (Vitriol), but can also be
used for applicable elements of other Crafts as part of a larger project (for example, etching a blade).
If the Infernal knows Thousand Shattered Selves, additionally his blood can form humanoid branches who can
assist with any Craft project. These count as up to (Essence) assistants, with the same Attributes, Abilities and
Specialities as he has.
At creation, the Infernal must choose one of the following benefits that the brew gives the drinker, as a Poison-
keyworded effect. The precise effects must be specified ahead of time. When ingested by a patient, they take a
dose of quicksilver sap. The benefits of the brew takes effect instantly in a euphoric rush of blissful agony.
• (Difficulty 4): Gain a single dot in a specified Attribute as a Training effect, up to a cap of four dots.
• (Difficulty 3): Removes a single specified mutation as a Desecration effect (this can include mutations
innate to the character, like the short height of the djala). This cannot remove Creature of Darkness.
• (Difficulty 2): Suppress the Penalty from quicksilver sap poisoning for a month. This brew cannot affect
a Penalty from heartsap. This brew does not inflict a dose of quicksilver sap, unlike the others.
If this Charm puts a character into XP debt, this Charm remains active even once the brew is consumed. If the
character is targeted by countermagic, the bonus traits granted by this Charm deactivate for the remainder of the
scene, and the character takes an additional dose of quicksilver sap. Once the character has paid off the XP debt
from the Training in full, the effects become permanent and are no longer vulnerable to Countermagic.
The taste of the vermillion petals of the Silver Forest could give a man immortality. His roots whisper to cultists
that this is why the Exalted inverted him; they wished to hide the secrets of longevity from lesser men.
This Charm upgrades its prerequisite. Each purchase of it adds one of the following options to the list of brews
that can be made with Outer Self Alchemy:
• (Difficulty (Treated Mortality)): Cure a specified Disease. This can even treat the Great Contagion,
Green Sun Wasting, and other supernatural diseases. The drinker is also rendered immune to the disease
for a year and a day.
• (Difficulty 2 for mundane Poisons, Difficulty 4 for supernatural poisons): Cure a specified Poison. This
cannot cure quicksilver sap poisoning or heartsap, but can cure other supernatural poisons like Yozi
• (Difficulty 3 for normal Crippling, Difficulty 5 for usually untreatable Crippling): Cure a specified
Crippling effect. Untreatable Crippling injuries healed with this method display Szorenic cosmetic
alteration like silver nails on a regrown arm, which can be noticed with a successful (Wits + Occult) roll
at Difficulty 5. This cannot cure the Crippling Penalty from quicksilver sap or heartsap. “Aging” is
treated as an untreatable Crippling effect for the purposes of this Charm, although this merely reverts
them to the prime of their youth and only increases their lifespan by a year. If the Infernal wishes, he
can only grant a limited period of renewed youth, in which case they revert to their original age over the
course of a week once the time has passed.
For the purposes of Szoreny Charms, a reflective surface is one which reflects light, and does so with regular-
enough reflection that details of the face could be made out. Polished brass and bronze, spilled water, the
shining orichalcum armour of one’s foe and - of course - Szorenic quicksilver are all examples of things that are
valid reflective surfaces that can be found in modern Creation. To be used with a Charm, the surface must be at
least palm-sized if not otherwise specified.
If one would entreat with Szoreny, one must be sure that they do not just speak to one of his endless reflections.
The Infernal may activate this charm on his action tick to create a mirror clone of himself within (Essence)
yards. On activation he may switch places with the newly created mirror clone, to conceal which one is genuine.
The construct appears physically identical to the Infernal and is dressed the same, but any artefacts the Infernal
has are replaced with duplicates with the traits of the nearest non-magical equivalent. This mirror-clone has
identical non-magical traits and mutations to the Infernal, but has Essence 1 and cannot use essence or Charms.
Its appearance mirrors the Infernal’s - should he take any injuries they cosmetically appear on the clone too.
Should the Infernal flare their anima banner, the anima banner is reflected on the mirror clone though it enjoys
no mechanical benefits from this. It cannot attack, and dies if it takes a single point of damage or successfully
uses its PDV.
It obeys the Infernal as if it was a bound demon, and the Infernal may give it unacceptable orders (such as
ordering it to jump off a cliff so it looks like the Infernal committed suicide). At the end of this Charm’s
duration, it and all its possessions liquefy, leaving behind a person-shaped pool of mercury and broken glass.
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Shattered Selves
In the Silver Forest, there is scant difference between the reflection and the self.
While the Infernal has a mirror-clone from the prerequisite extant, he may activate this Charm as a Counterattack
in Step 9 to exchange locations with it. This is a Counterattack and so reduces his DV by 1 and cannot be used
with another Counterattack.
Alternatively, he may activate this Charm reflexively when he takes a Move or Dash Action to swap places with
his mirror-clone.
Those who dismiss Szoreny’s reflections as tricks of the light soon find that the branch is no less the tree.
This Charm is a magical flurry consisting of a number of physical attacks equal to (number of existing mirror-
clones + 1, maximum 7). These attacks bypass rate and suffer no multiple action penalties, while the flurry as a
whole imposes a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty for any attack. The Infernal and each of his mirror
clones make one identical attack each, and therefore the character makes one attack roll and separately compares
the attack to a separate defender with each attack in the flurry. Use of excellencies to enhance this Charm apply
the same benefits to all attacks in the flurry at no additional cost. Each attack must be against a target within
range for the given clone or the Infernal.
At Essence 3, this Charm automatically upgrades - the character and his clones may direct the attacks against a
single target, as long as the Infernal envies them.
There are many pretty things in the depths of the Silver Forest. Do not be fooled. They are all Szoreny.
Reaching into a reflective surface, the Infernal pulls out a reflection of an inanimate object within visual range
(and within (Essence) miles). This charm costs two motes per dot of Resources that the object costs, plus one
willpower. The reflective surface must be large enough to permit the mirror-object to pass through, and the
object must be something the Infernal can carry. The object is a mirror image of its original, though strangely
that causes no problems; a mirror-key still works in a lock and the shift-manager doesn’t notice that the identity
documents are back to front (an Illusion which costs one willpower to ignore). Duplicated artefacts lack all
mystical potency and have the traits of their closest mundane equivalent (for example, a reaper daiklave has the
traits of a slashing sword)
If the Infernal wishes to permanently retain a signature garment or always have a pack of cigarettes to hand or
some other quirk of that ilk, the Storyteller may permit them to spend 1xp to retain the form and always be able
to create it. The Storyteller retains an absolute veto over permissible quirks, which must be within Szoreny’s
themes. Keen-eyed onlookers may sometimes notice it in the Infernal’s reflection when this Charm is not active.
At the end of a story, the character may convert a quirk back into XP.
Although the Duration of this Charm is Indefinite, if the object goes a scene without skin contact with the
Infernal it dissolved into mercury and squirms its way back to him, sinking into his flesh. The same occurs if the
object is destroyed. The trail it leaves behind is a valid target for tracking rolls.
At Essence 3, this Charm automatically upgrades. Rather than requiring a reflective surface, the Infernal can
instead force quicksilver from his pores which takes shape as the mirror-object.
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Squirming Root Mimicry
Too many heroes died in the Primordial War when it was revealed that in the night someone had replaced their
weapons with quicksilver branches.
This Charm is an attempt to steal something in plain sight within (Essence) yards. The Infernal must be able to
see the object in a reflective surface. He must be able to carry the item and cannot steal objects in active use
(including attuned artefacts) unless stealing from an extra. The Infernal automatically succeeds at stealing the
object, leaving a mirror-copy in its place. Should another Charm contest this effect, the Infernal adds his
(Essence) in automatic successes to the roll-off. Characters with ordinary senses cannot spot the replacement.
Characters with inhuman sensory acuity are at +4 difficulty to notice the substitution.
Although casual inspection reveals nothing unusual about the mirror-object, trained savants can recognize subtle
optical errors in the mirror-object with a difficulty 5 (Perception + Craft) roll, if given reason to inspect it
closely. At the end of the Charm, the mirror-object disintegrates into a pool of mercury vapour, which
sublimates and makes its way back to the Infernal.
The mirror-item is fragile, has only one health level, and disintegrates into a pool of mercury if it takes any
damage. As with its prerequisite, duplicated artefacts lack all mystical potency and have the traits of their
closest mundane equivalent. Should the stolen item be a weapon, the mirror-weapon has an accuracy of (-
Infernal’s Essence) and a damage of 0B when making attacks against him. Likewise, if the stolen item is armour
the mirror-armour provides no soak against the Infernal’s attacks.
This Charm may be repurchased at Essence 3. This increases its duration to (Essence) weeks. In addition, for a
surcharge of one willpower the Infernal can steal attuned artefacts as a Shaping effect. This forcefully de-attunes
To activate this Charm, the Infernal must be touching a reflective surface large enough for him to pass through.
He steps into the mirror, finding himself in a mirror world which resembles a funhouse reflection of the real
world. The mirror world extends around the reflective surface he used for (Appearance x 100 yards), with an
impermeable silvery wall surrounding this perimeter. The mirror world is a warped reflection and can differ
significantly from that which it reflects, as the Storyteller wishes, though the locations of reflective surfaces
always match up. The Charm terminates if the original reflective surface used to activate it is broken.
All reflective surfaces that exist in the real world are gateways to the mirror world, and vice versa. Characters in
one world can see into the other world as if looking through glass. A successful (Perception + Occult) roll at
Difficulty 5 is enough for a character to intuit the strangeness of their reflection, though this difficulty should be
appropriately reduced should a character observe actions in the mirror world that are not happening in reality.
Reflections of living beings in the mirror world are always mortal extras lacking the memories of the original,
who have a Motivation of “copy what my original does” and no self-preservation instinct. They normally perish
swiftly if taken from the mirror world, though stranger things can happen.
The Infernal may freely pass between the two worlds using any reflective surface large enough for him to pass
through, including leading willing characters he is touching or carrying characters he has grappled. He may
attack through reflective surfaces. Other characters must spend one willpower to pass into the mirror world or
attack through reflective surfaces for one scene. Mirrors in areas warded against teleportation require a roll-off to
use as a gate, which may result into the Infernal running into an unseen wall if he does not realise that the area is
protected. When this Charm terminates, all characters who remain within the mirror world are restored to the
nearest equivalent location in the real world.
This Charm may be repurchased. If the Infernal activates it as a dramatic action lasting fifteen minutes for a ten
mote surcharge, its duration increases to Indefinite. Such mirror worlds can grow if they steal physicality from
the original world. Its radius increases by 25 yards per week for every Magnitude of individuals from the real
world who reside full time in the mirror world. The mirror world becomes a persistent Blasphemy upon
exceeding five miles in radius. Countermagic cuts the ties the mirror world relies on, sealing off affected areas
with the same impermeable wall that marks its threshold. Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius
of up to 250 yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively. Any
form of countermagic directed at the original reflective surface ends this Charm, as does the destruction of the
reflective surface.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Squirming Root Mimicry
Many cultures across Creation fear mirrors, even if they have forgotten why. The Infernal Exalted will remind
When a character loses her last health level to the Infernal, his murderous hands gleam like mirrors. She is
sucked into the reflective surface, like mercury poured down a drain. No trace of her body is left, including shed
blood. Her souls are torn asunder, smeared across a million million reflections of reflections. Sometimes a
fragment of her wanders into a mirror containing an image of the Infernal, for a heartbeat or two. Spirits cannot
reform from this demise, while Infernals with Essence 7+ can actually unravel the souls of beings with perfect
reincarnation who normally resist permanent destruction, such as Dragon Kings and Jadeborn. However, not
even Szoreny can confine a Celestial Exaltation, which tears loose from its lost host, or permanently slay beings
with Yozi-level immortality. The Infernal gains metaphysical ownership of all possessions left behind.
If used to kill a character with equal or higher Essence, the Infernal removes a dose of heartsap from his system.
If used to kill a character he envies, he also removes a dose of heartsap from his system. These benefits stack.
Within a day of the Infernal using Soul-Eating Mirror to kill a character with lower Essence than him, he may
activate this Charm for a cost of (five motes and one willpower) per dot of permanent Essence of his victim, plus
one lethal health level. He forces a fragment of the destroyed character’s soul from his body in a globule of
quicksilver, reforming it into a naked doppelganger. This is a demon with all the same traits, intimacies, and
Charms as the original character, though it is a creature of darkness and native of Malfeas, and cannot use non-
Excellency Exalted Charms. Physically, a doppelganger appears to be a mirror reflection of the original, with
mercury blood and cinnabar flesh, and shares the Fate of the deceased victim. Doppelgangers begin life with no
motes, no Virtue channels, and no willpower, exhausted by their violent birth.
Doppelgangers knows they are not the original, which fills them with seething resentment. They require only
one scene to gain an envious Intimacy, no matter their Conviction, and their Motivation is replaced with “Exceed
my original in every way”. Doppelganger memories are warped funhouse reflections. If a doppelganger tries to
recall something the original knew, it succeeds only if it is a widely known fact, such as the layout of their home
town or their public devotion to the Immaculate Cult. Private knowledge requires that the Storyteller secretly roll
a d10: the higher the roll, the more warped the information, from “accurate” (1) to “plainly absurd” (10).
Doppelgangers must obey their creator like bound demons, but are otherwise independent characters controlled
by the Storyteller with their own wants and desires. As an exception to the usual rules for Countermagic against
Sorcerous Charms, the sphere of Sorcery required to countermagic a doppelganger is based on her permanent
Essence, not the Essence required for the Charm. Appropriate countermagic causes her to scream and suffer the
symptoms of lethal mercury poisoning for a minute, which is usually spent vainly begging for help. When the
doppelganger’s last minute passes or she dies by other means, her body melts into a human-shaped splatter of
quicksilver sap.
Cost: 0m; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Accumulation, Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
When you travel to Malfeas, do not gaze too long at the inverted Silver Forest lest you draw his invidious
The warlock can only activate this charm upon observing some way that another character exceeds them. He
gains an enchanted envious intimacy of his choice towards that character or the trait or relationship that he
observed (such as their skill with the blade or the fact that they have many friends). The Infernal may have no
more than (Wits) enchanted intimacies at once.
Any stunt which furthers such an Intimacy adds one to its rating as though it resonated with the Exalt’s
Motivation. He adds his (Essence) in automatic successes to observe, study, or Join Battle against the subject of
his envy. This also applies to actions taken against traits and relationships within the context of the envy - for
example, it would apply to rolls against the many friends of the envied character, as long as the Infernal intends
to deprive their rival of the friendship or use them against him.
At the end of any scene when the Infernal has defeated or exceeded the target of their envy in a meaningful way,
they remove one dose of heartsap from their system and gain one willpower as their silvery heart transmutes
mercury to glory. Should they fulfil the Intimacy against meaningful opposition - for example, by killing the
once-superior swordsman in a duel or alienating the gregarious socialite from all their friends - they remove all
doses of heartsap from their system and gain points of willpower equal to the doses purged. Should this take
them above their Permanent Willpower, excess points instead remove points of Limit.
Amidst a flurry of blows the Infernal twists and turns with such skill that his foes might swear that he was never
really there.
When used in response to a physical attack, the Infernal ignores all penalties to his Dodge DV. Undodgeable
attacks still set his Dodge DV to 0. This charm costs one mote as long as the Infernal can see a reflective surface,
and two motes otherwise.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Bending Like Light
This Charm is a perfect dodge against any physical attack that is not unexpected, even if that attack can’t be
dodged. The Charm remains vulnerable to the Imperfection of the Silver Forest.
If using the 2.5 errata, the cost of this Charm is increased to 8m.
:: SIDEBAR Imperfection of the Silver Forest::
Only the gnawing inferiority of others can sate Szoreny’s own doubts. Charms noted as vulnerable to this flaw
suffer a five mote surcharge when no character who envies the Infernal is present. The envy can either be
directed at the Infernal’s true identity, or the identity of a disguise he is currently using - for Szoreny wears his
false faces to steal things that others have and he does not.
In the refractive depths of the Silver Forest, one might aim for a monster and accidentally cut off the head of the
friend you sought to defend.
This Charm is activated in Step 9 of combat, after the Infernal has successfully dodged an enemy attack through
application of his dodge DV. The attack is redirected into another character or object within (Appearance) yards
of the Infernal. This is mechanically resolved as a Counterattack, but the new target is treated as if he had been
the original target all along, with Steps 1 and 3 identical to the original attack. Szoreny’s trickery is such that
one might even take one’s own head off with an ill-aimed axe blow, and so the attacker is a valid target.
This Charm costs one mote if the attack is redirected into an inanimate object (for example, to demolish a door
blocking the Infernal’s escape), three motes if it is redirected at a character who envies the Infernal, and three
motes and one willpower to redirect it at any other character.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison, Sorcerous, Touch
Duration: One week
Prerequisite Charms: Envious Heart
Brushing his hand against an object, the Infernal infuses it with the jealous essence of the Silver Forest.
If the object is eaten or drunk, anyone who partakes receives a dose of quicksilver sap. This poison cannot be
detected by characters who lack supernatural senses. Inedible objects instead release a dose of quicksilver sap
after any scene when the object has been in active, extensive use - if he poisoned a warrior’s sword, it would do
nothing when it is just sitting in its sheath, but would release poison over the course of a scene of practice.
Cost: (10-Essence)m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Quick-and-Silvery Touch
Listen to Szoreny’s words that speak to the heart. Pay no heed to the sickly sweet scent of his breath.
The Infernal cloaks himself in a sickly sweet aura of Szorenic essence. Characters who spend more than (their
Stamina + Resistance) minutes within (Essence + Appearance) yards of the Infernal take a dose of quicksilver
sap. This Charm is not Obvious and is invisible to mundane senses, but all forms of Essence perception can
detect the silvery haze of the quicksilver sap vapour.
At Essence 6, this Charm reduces its cost to (0m) and becomes Indefinite in Duration. At Essence 8, it becomes
a Permanent Charm.
Gold; silver; iron - the Mirror Tree adores the strength of such things, and so takes it for himself
This Charm improves its prerequisite. For a surcharge of four motes, the character lets the quicksilver
amalgamate with the target object, seeping into it. This reduces its soak by three points. Armour damaged in this
way also reduces the soak it grants to the wearer. The degradation inflicted is subtle and requires three successes
on a (Perception + appropriate Craft) roll to notice. An object reduces to 0 soak is treated as having only one
health level, and breaks if it is used to attack or parry.
Magical objects such as artefacts and things made from fine First Age alloys may be repaired even if broken by
this Charm, and automatically regain one point of soak per day once Quick-and-Silvery Touch wears off.
Attuned artefacts may repair one point of soak for each mote reflexively spent by the attuned user. Mundane
objects are permanently damaged by this Charm unless repaired, and are ruined beyond the point of non-magical
intervention if they are destroyed.
The lies of the Primordials are too big to fit into the minds of mortal men. For that reason, they are accepted as
the truth.
This Charm enhances an action where the Infernal tells a major falsehood, seeks refuge in audacity or otherwise
is willfully and overtly mendacious. It explicitly does not work for minor deceptions or technical truths. If the
Infernal is accused of murder, he couldn’t use it to try to argue it was just manslaughter, but could enhance a
bald-faced accusation that the prosecutor was the actual killer. If his roll succeeds, characters cannot take
mundane Reading Motivation (Exalted p131) actions to see if he is lying, and even characters with supernatural
senses or a magical sense for truth (such as an Investigation Excellency) suffer a -4 external penalty. Unrolled
truth detecting effects must roll-off against the effects of this Charm. Moreover, onlookers will not consider if he
might have been telling falsehoods or deceived until their MDV has refreshed a number of time equal to the
degrees of success by which the Infernal beat their MDV.
The Solar Exalted have a similar Charm called Transcendental Honesty Technique, which permits the Lawgivers
to tell truths which are more fundamental than the petty so-called ‘facts’ of reality. It has prerequisites of (Any
Linguistics Charm), requires Linguistics 1, Essence 2, and may explicitly enhance rolls based on Abilities other
than Linguistics.
From every mirror in the Demon City Szoreny whispers his falsehoods, and demons believe him because they
reflect a world that they want to be true.
This Charm supplements a social action where the Infernal lies or performs a misleading action, wrapping it in
silvery strands of feels-right. This includes both social attacks and more indirect falsehoods, like deliberately
pretending to be a worse swordsman to coax a foe into lowering their guard. If the action is successful, the
Charm creates a natural Illusion in the target or targets of the social action that the Infernal believes himself to be
telling the truth. The Illusion is perfectly immune to mundane scrutiny and may not be resisted with Willpower
expenditure if the lie is in-line with an Intimacy or the Motivation of the observer. An example of this would be
if the Infernal tells a Solar who has an Intimacy of “The Realm (Hatred)” that legionaries were behind the
massacre of a village. Otherwise, the Illusion may be resisted for two willpower.
Appropriate non-Excellency Charms may pierce the ruse using standard roll-off rules. However, if the lie is in-
line with an Intimacy or the Motivation of the observer, the Infernal’s player adds (Essence) bonus successes to
his roll.
Lies, slander and calumny; these are the coins of the Mirror Tree in the market of ideas.
With a touch of mercury that seeps through all barriers, the Infernal lays a curse on his target. He describes a
rumour, which can be true or false, and rolls (Manipulation + Socialise). From that point on, characters will
interpret their interactions with the target through the vein of the rumour if their Dodge MDV is lower than the
successes he rolled. For example, if he lays a curse on Ledaal Kes that he is seeking to seize the Imperial
Throne, weak-minded characters will assume that everything he does is part of his plan to further his ambitions -
even if they agree with him seeking to be emperor. Intimacies pertinent to the rumour double their effect on their
MDV; it’s easier to slander someone already hated than one loved.
It costs one willpower to resist this Illusion for a scene. Once a character has spent (Infernal’s Essence,
maximum five) willpower resisting the curse, they become immune to its effects for a month.
The Mirror Tree respects the Eclipse caste, in his own special way. After all, does he not curse their names daily
for how they dare rival him?
This Charm functions identically to the Solar Charm Venomous Whispers Technique.
To the Infernal, the world is but a pale reflection, with only envy brightening his day.
While this Charm is active, any successful standard (Perception + Awareness) roll to notice sensory details about
a targeted being reveals if they envy the Infernal. In addition, the Infernal is also informed of the personal trait
(Ability, Attribute, Background, Virtue or supernatural status) they take the most pride in, and its rating or type
relative to his own. For example, if a Solar takes most pride in his fabulous wealth, then the Infernal discovers
his Resources 5, but if he exults in being an Exalt then he discovers he is a Solar Exalt. The Storyteller should
convey this information numerically, even though the Infernal himself sees it reflected abstractly in their visage.
Mercury-laden blood surges to the Infernal’s eyes, showing the world as Szoreny understands it.
The warlock enjoys the benefits of Keen Sight Technique and Unsurpassed Sight Discipline. While this Charm is
active, he treats characters he envies as having an Appearance rating two dots higher and only requires one scene
to form an envious Intimacy regardless of his Conviction.
Cost: 1-2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Stackable, Training
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Pinprick Pupils Perception
Szoreny’s swirling bark discerns the forms of others, and so becomes them.
The character may activate this charm upon observing a character he envies display superior skill to him. The
Infernal’s eyes display swirling patterns of mercury radiating from his pupils. He gains a temporary dot in an
Ability or a temporary speciality. This must pertain to the field that the envied character displayed superior skill
in. Specialities cost one mote and Abilities cost two motes. These temporary dots count as real dots for the
purposes of dice caps and static traits. These may not raise the Infernal’s rating in the Ability or Specialty above
that of the envied character. At the end of the scene, the Infernal may spend XP to convert any temporary traits
gained from this Charm to real ones as a Training effect. This may not be used if the Infernal is currently in XP
debt and this Charm may not leave the Infernal in XP debt.
This Charm does not have the Accumulation keyword, but the first time the Infernal uses it in a scene he takes a
dose of heartsap. Further activations in the same scene do not inflict additional doses.
The Charm automatically upgrades at Essence 3. Rather than gain a dot in a trait, he may activate this Charm for
four motes as an Instant Training Charm with the Accumulation keyword to learn an Infernal Charm which
would aid him in exceeding or defeating the envied character in the field. For example, if he observes an Earth
Aspect demolishing a building with a single punch, he could learn World-Weathering Incandescence.
Alternatively, he can use this to learn a Martial Arts Charms that the envied character makes use of. He must
meet all the prerequisites for a Charm he learns with Technique-Stealing Technique.
A repurchase may be made at Essence 5. Rather than gaining a single dot in a trait, he may instead pay the
appropriate mote cost per dot gained. This may still not raise the Infernal’s rating in any of the traits above that
of the envied character.
Everything you want, the Silver Forest wants. And he wants it more than you do.
The Infernal chooses a character he has an envious intimacy towards. His motivation changes to something that
leads him to exceed the target in their own Motivation, (so the target’s “Become the greatest swordsman in
Creation” produces “Become the greatest swordsman in Creation” in the Infernal since that automatically means
he’s better than the target, but “Love my husband” becomes “Prove I Love his Husband More than Him” or
“Steal His Husband” or “Acquire a Better Husband Than Him”). The envious Intimacy the Infernal possesses
becomes inviolate while this Charm is active. This Motivation always counts as an envious Motivation.
The warlock knows the Motivation of the target. If the Motivation changes while the Charm remains active, the
Infernal’s Motivation automatically shifts to match it. When this Charm ends, the Exalt’s Motivation reverts to
what it was previously. The death of the enemy automatically ends the Charm. Completing the new Motivation
also ends the Charm but doesn’t afford a chance to bypass training time for raising Essence unless the target has
an Essence rating greater than or equal to that of the Infernal. However, it does purge all doses of heartsap from
the Infernal’s body, if the envied target was meaningful opposition.
Whenever the Infernal witnesses a social attack against the Charm’s target that is aided or inhibited by one of the
target’s Intimacies, he recognizes this fact but does not know any details about the Intimacy. By reflexively
spending one mote (which is not a Charm activation), the Infernal knows the Intimacy and instantly gains either
the same Intimacy, or one altered to exceed the target in their eyes or the eyes of others (so “Money (Love)” may
produce “Money (Love)”, or something like “Showing Off My Wealth”).
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks)
Keywords: Accumulation, Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Eternal Rival Reflection
Szoreny claims that the Night Caste stole their own arts of disguise from him in prehistory. Perhaps it is true,
but he is a vainglorious braggart.
Meditating upon the object of his envy, the Infernal lets his mercurial features shift like liquid metal until he
becomes the person he longs to be. Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal becomes a mirror duplicate of an
envied character. He enjoys the benefits of the Solar Charm Perfect Mirror while disguised this way, and
additionally gains any appropriate natural traits of the form (for example, if an envied god can fly, so can the
character). Szoreny’s nature betrays him, however, and characters who notice the fact that he is a mirror image
may attempt to see through the disguise as if they had inhuman sensory acuity.
The gnawing hatred in Szoreny’s trunk does not let others succeed where he cannot. Even the Ebon Dragon
knows to hide his escape plans from the Silver Forest.
This Charm may enhance any action to ruin the reputation of an envied character, sabotage a dramatic or
extended action they are currently engaged in, or deprive them of their possessions or allies. Any attempt to
detect the action or connect it to the Infernal suffer an external penalty of the Infernal’s Appearance.
As a secondary effect, the first time this Charm causes the envied character to fail in their endeavours, all
characters who witnessed the failure experience an Illusion effect which forms an instant commitment to the
belief that the envied character is a failure unworthy of respect. Shaking the Illusion costs one willpower a
scene, and lasts until the commitment to the belief is broken.
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (5 long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Spiteful Sabotage Blossoming
Who’s that? Oh, it’s just Szoreny. You remember Szoreny, right? He was the one who first taught me Fire
Dragon Style.
When Szoreny kills an envied foe, he may choose to activate this Charm for the cost of filling up his Limit track
and spending all his temporary willpower. With a triumphant scream he subsumes the existence of his defeated
foe in full, scrawling his victory into the shinma, rolling (Appearance + Socialise), and adding a number of
automatic successes equal to his Essence. The first time in each day that a character tries to remember a given
event involving the defeated foe, that person’s player must reflexively roll (Wits + Lore) and achieve more
successes than did the Infernal’s player. If he fails, the character remembers that it was the Infernal who did the
deeds. The world is more easily fooled - as a Shaping effect paintings change to show the Infernal leading the
icewalkers, history books describe how the Infernal defeated the Tepet Legions, or other such appropriate
changes to supplant the existence of the character he slew.
Upon the death of the Infernal, this effect ends and the Shaping changes undo themselves.
When the tomescu scream Yuula, the Weeping Handmaiden, gathers up the offerings from Szoreny’s shrines and
bathes his pained roots in them.
This Charm functions as an additional Peripheral Essence pool capable of holding 10 motes. It refills at a rate of
one mote an hour the Infernal spends in the presence of characters who envy him. When he spends his time
lounging around and nothing but receiving the adulations and pampering of others, he regains motes equal to the
Magnitude of the individuals attending to his needs. These gains are mutually exclusive.
Additionally, adulation soothes Szoreny’s insecurities. The Infernal may spend 10m from this pool to reduce the
number of doses of heartsap in his system by one.
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Servitude
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Wan Washed-Out Faces
Those who wander in the depths of Szoreny find their heart’s desire in reflections. Such men are doomed to the
path of infernalism.
This Charm functions as the Solar Charm Knowing the Soul’s Price, except the Infernal’s pool is (Charisma +
An image of Szoreny is, in some sense, still Szoreny - and one should not gaze upon a Yozi unprepared.
This Charm is used in the process of the creation of an image of the Infernal, which the Infernal must handle
during its manufacture, and imbues it with unnatural attraction. The Infernal rolls (Appearance + Socialise)
when imprinting his mercurial self into the image. If the successes exceed the MDV of an onlooker, the target is
overcome with adoration, love or envy for him - based on the nature of the work and how it depicts the Infernal.
This is an unnatural Emotion, and the target must spend three willpower or become committed to the Emotion
this Charm instills. If the character does not resist the unnatural mental influence, then the emotion remains until
the target breaks the commitment, and it costs one willpower a scene to resist. Once affected, a character cannot
be affected by this Charm again until the next Calibration has passed.
With a repurchase at Essence 4, this Charm gains an additional Sorcerous effect. Characters committed to the
Emotion find their words flow like liquid metal when trying to share the Emotion with others, making such
attempts unnatural mental influence. Emerald Circle countermagic can remove this effect from a character, but
does not break the commitment.
Opening his veins, the Infernal lets his envious heart pump out silvery envy into the world and cloaks himself in
ten thousand thousand nearly real worlds. Ghost-pale and draped in cosmic finery, he walks among the sum of
Creation’s desires.
This Charm flares the Infernal’s anima to its full iconic state, encompassing an area (Essence x 50) yards in
radius. Onlookers perceive their greatest wants and desires, flickering in among the tree-like plumes of anima-
light. He rolls his (Appearance + Socialise).
• All the Infernal’s social attacks are unnatural mental influence. He does not need to speak to make
himself understood as the images in the light display make his intent clear to all, ignoring all language
barriers. Likewise, he understands all spoken language from the emotional context associated with it.
His voice is audible up to (Essence) miles away.
• Within the anima banner, characters whose MDVs are lower than the Infernal’s successes become
Inactive as their minds become captivated by their heart’s desire. They are trapped within a full sensory
Illusion in one of Szoreny’s mirror worlds. They perceive any social attacks the Infernal makes,
translated within the reference frame of the other world, but all their actions are made within the mirror
reality. Characters can resist this for a single action by spending one willpower, or otherwise succeeding
on a Temperance roll. Once a character has spent (Infernal’s Essence, maximum five) points of
willpower to resist this Illusion, they are immune to it for the rest of the scene.
• The Infernal’s social attacks against characters whose minds are trapped in the mirror worlds are
undodgeable. The characters can argue against the hallucinated offers, but cannot ignore them.
• Characters gaze upon their heart’s desire within the endless reflections. Those who look upon the anima
banner are compelled to rush to it. This compulsion can be resisted for one willpower per action. Once
they have spent two willpower, they are immune to the Compulsion for the scene.
• Document created
• Document made accessible to web
• Added missing rules for Quicksilver Sap and heartsap. Oops.
• Removed word duplication from Silver-Eyed Monster and Rouge-Daubed Charmer.
• Set cost of Envious Heart to 0m rather than -, to make it more clear that the Accumulation cost is the
only cost.
• Adjusted Outer Self Alchemy so the Penalty suppressant does not poison them, to encourage players to
get people addicted to their supply of Penalty suppressants.
• Clarified cost of Squirming Roots Mimicry
• Clarified that Mirror World Evocation still ends if the mirror is broken in the upgraded version.
• Removed capacity of Technique-Stealing Technique to provide Attributes. Sorry, Szoreny - you’ll just
have to take magic drugs to boost your Attributes. Also, clarified its cost for learning Charms.
• Added Szorney’s missing Torment. Forgot to transfer it across. Whoops.
• Incorporated a wide swathe of Revlid’s changes and suggestions, including:
• Textual modifications to Szoreny’s Urge
• Renamed “quicksilver heartsap” to “heartsap” to aid in preventing confusion.
• Outer Self Alchemy can now remove positive mutations too, so you can cure people of technically-
positive mutations that they don’t want anymore, or use it as a poison to do things like steal away a
tigerman’s sharp teeth.
• Document up-issued to 1.01 version, after extensive revision with Revlid.
• Text of the Excellency modified to clean up and rephrase
• Rouge-Daubed Charmer clarified, autosuccesses removed. Cost to resist this Charm at the time
of activation reduced by 1wp in both cases.
• Typo corrected in Fairest Empress Compliment. Fluff text changed.
• Branch-and-Root Protrusion text corrected for typo. Functionality tweaked for balance and to
make clear the benefits of having the extra limbs.
• Back-Breaking Boughs rephrased to remove unnecessary words
• Fluff text for No-Sleep Nootropic tweaked to make it slightly less on-the-nose.
• Extensive changes to the rules text of Doppleganger Genesis Evocation, mostly for the purposes
of clarity and making it less loooooooong
• Text of Envious Heart clarified
• Text of Quick-and-Silvery Touch clarified
• Text of Fox Tongue Rumour tweaked for clarity (are you noticing a pattern here?)
• Rules for benefits of Mercurial Sap Embrace clarified. Proper mechanical benefits of the
flexibility added. Tweaked the Poison and heartsap benefits.
• Text of Soul-Eating Mirror rephrased for elegance.
• Pseudobulbar Affections extensively written. It’s now a poison aura around the Infernal, which
gets much of the same effects without messing around with the resolution of social attacks
• Cleaned up the resolution of Szoreny Mythos Exultant.
• Made it explicit that there is no way to produce heartsap without using Szoreny Charms and that
it can only be self-inflicted, to prevent any kind of meta-Charm weirdness from other Charmsets
that let you “copy poisons” or anything weird like that.
• Text of Mirrored Desire Revelation tweaked for clarity and to make design intent clear.
• NEW CHARM - World-Claiming Roots, to let you Doc Ock around with your silver metal
limbs and provide an alternative to scaling things to Adorjan.
• Fluff of Insensate Bark Tincture tweaked.
• REMOVED CHARM - Race-Winning Aid deleted after consultation with Revlid due to lack of
running themes in Szoreny and to avoid stacking synergies with Adorjan Charms.
• Endless Pharmaceutical Solutions prerequisites modified to remove Race-Winning Aid
• Fluff of Immortal Emperor Benediction tweaked. The disease-curing option now makes you
immune to the disease for a year and a day, to prevent immediate re-infection and to make the
alchemical cure feel superior to thaumaturgical equivalents.
• Reflections Upon Selfhood nearly completely rewritten to remove the teleport functionality
(save for a swapping thing). It’s now focussed on being a mirror-clone tool, with a higher cost,
longer duration, and the clones are better for faking your death.
• This Is Not Me tweaked to account for the changes to its prerequisite.
• Tree And Branches Parable clarified to explain how excellencies work with it.
• CHARM REPLACED - Other Deeds Plagiarism replaced with Spiteful Sabotage Blossoming.
ODP had the problem that it was literally just inferior in every way to Memory Reweaving
Discipline. As a result, it’s been replaced in the Charm trees by a tool that makes Szoreny better
at making other people fail and ruining their reputations.
• CHARM REPLACED - Eternal Friend Demeanor was also just plain inferior to Memory
Reweaving Discipline. As a result, now it’s a MRD clone with an E2 prereq. Sorry, but Solar
charmtech sets the precedent here.
• Small tweaks made to the text of History Rewriting Triumph to help clarify it.
• Clarified that the sidebar text “Quicksilver Sap and Heavy Metal Poisoning” replaces the rules
for Szorenic sap in COCD:Malfeas.
• Added an additional clause to Envious Heart to lay out when the Infernal can use the bonus successes against
traits, backgrounds and relationships external to the envied character.
• Document up-issued to v1.02.
• Structure of the charm tree which started with Eternal Rival Reflection has been tweaked, to adjust the flow
of the progression.
• Eternal Rival Reflection now follows Wan Washed-Out Faces.
• CHARM ADDED - Pinprick Pupils Perception is a sight enhancer (something Infernals lack)
following Wan Washed-Out Faces which also means the people you envy are so kawaii desu. And
becomes Permanent if you raise your Essence.
• Technique-Stealing Technique now follows Pinprick Pupils Perception, on the grounds that the
charm which lets you steal techniques due to your envious eyes is better off following the charm that
gives you envious eyes.
• Prerequisites for History Rewriting Triumph modified to account for the movement of the location
of Technique-Stealing Technique.
• Reflections Upon Selfhood has been renamed Thousand Shattered Selves, because I kept on mixing it up
with Reflection Upon Insight. Appropriate prerequisites and references have also been refactored.
• Document up-issued to v1.03
• Structure of the Social tree that previously followed Quick-and-Silvery-Touch has been changed
• CHARM ADDED - Colossal Falsehood Prana, which directly follows on from Envious Heart. For
when you want to tell a big lie, a proper whopper.
• Fox Tongue Rumour now follows Colossal Falsehood Prana, so you can be truly fair and
• Slippery Gentlemen Susurration now follows Fox Tongue Rumour, for increased fairness and
balance even above its previous charm.
• Slanderous Whispers Technique now follows Colossal Falsehood Prana, so it’s now only three
charms deep.