GM Crops/Livestocks Description Image Advantages Disadvantages
GM Crops/Livestocks Description Image Advantages Disadvantages
GM Crops/Livestocks Description Image Advantages Disadvantages
1. Genetically modified It is genetically It protects the crop Bt proteins could target
maize/corn engineered to against corn predatory and other
express rootworms, Asian beneficial or harmless
agriculturally- corn borer and other insects.
desirable traits like destructive pests.
resistance to pest
and to herbicides.
2. Genetically modified It is a soybean that Soy has been Some sources claimed
soybean has had DNA genetically that there is an
introduced into it modified to improve alteration with the
using genetic the quality of soy genetic makeup of
engineering oil. Genetically modified soybeans can
techniques. It has a modified soy is cause allergic reaction
wide variety of resistant to pests in some people, though
uses, thus keeping and disease as well it is still not proven.
it in high demand. as being tolerant of
herbicides that are
most effective,
allowing for less
herbicide use
3. Bt cotton It is a genetically It produces natural In some countries, Bt
modified pest plant pest killer which cotton has been
cotton variety, reduces the spraying enveloped in
which produces an of pesticides, and controversies due to its
insecticide to boosted the supposed failure to
combat bollworm. population of reduce the need for
A strain of beneficial insects. pesticides and increase
bacterium Bacillus yield.
thuringiensis is
inserted into cotton
as transgene,
causing it produce
this natural
insecticide in its
4. Genetically modified Canola has been The modified plant Due to its heavy
canola modified through have resistance reliance of glyphosate
biotechnology to towards pests and in agriculture,
make it tolerant to fungus. resistance to this
some herbicides. chemical is a problem
Control of weeds and is prevalent
through herbicide throughout in some
application during countries.
the canola-growing
season, has
significant impact
on quantity and
quality of the grain
5. Genetically modified Alfalfa is grown It allows a reduced Some sources claimed
alfalfa mostly to make hay amount of that it will ruin export
fed to dairy cows chemicals needed markets for Alfalfa
and horses. for weed control. products, contaminate
Genetically family farms, make it
modified of this difficult for farmers to
contains a gene that control weeds, and
makes the plant threaten the future of
organic food.
resistant to
herbicide round up.
6. Genetically modified It is a sugar beet It has increased Herbicides kill the
sugar beet that has been tolerance to some plants by blocking
genetically herbicides, allowing synthesis of an enzyme
engineered by the for a reduced essential for a regular
direct modification amount of course of one of the
of its genome using chemicals needed metabolic tracks vital
biotechnology. for weed control. for growth and
GM sugar beets also development.
have virus and pest
resistance traits.
10. Genetically modified It is a potato that It resists browning After finding that “most
potato has had its genes and has fewer GMO varieties were
modified, using unsightly wasteful stunted, chlorotic,
genetic bruises. mutated, or sterile, and
engineering. Goals many of them died
of modification quickly, like
include introducing prematurely-born
pest resistance, babies”, Dr Rommens
tweaking the renounced his genetic
amounts of certain engineering career
chemicals and to
prevent browning
and bruising of