Leverage by Issuing Debt and Repurchasing Outstanding: Adjusted Taxes (EBIT X TC)
Leverage by Issuing Debt and Repurchasing Outstanding: Adjusted Taxes (EBIT X TC)
Leverage by Issuing Debt and Repurchasing Outstanding: Adjusted Taxes (EBIT X TC)
Why Cost of Capital Important:(1) ROA depends on risk of CHAPTER 16 Venture capital: (1)private financing for relatively new
those assets (2) Return to investor is same as cost to company Capital Structure Question - Pie Theory: if goal of firm businesses in exchange for stock. Usually entails some
(3) Provides us with indication of how market views risk of management is to make firm max valuable then firm should hands-on guidance. (2)Provided by specialized venture
our assets (4) Knowing it can help determine required return pick Debt-Equity Ratio that makes pie as big as possible capital firms, financial and investment institutions, and
for capital budgeting projects Maxing Firm Value/Stockholder Interest: (1)why should government agencies. Venture capitalists are investors who
Cost of Equity stockholders care about maxing firm value? (2)what is ratio are prepared to back an untried company in return for
• Return required by equity investors given the risk of the of debt-equity that maxes shareholder value (3)changes in share of profits Angel Investor: a wealthy individual who
cash flows from the firm (two methods to find this) capital structure benefit stockholders IF value of firm goes invests in early-stage ventures.Typically, restrictions are
1. Dividend Growth Model up Capital Restructuring: (1)changing amount of leverage placed on the management and venture capitalists advance
Advantages: easy to understand/use Disadvantages:(1) only firm has without changing firm’s assets (2)increase the funding to the firm in stages, rather than upfront.
for companies who are giving out leverage by issuing debt and repurchasing outstanding Venture Capital Companies: specialist companies that
dividends (2) cant apply if dividends shares (3)decrease leverage by issuing new shares and provide capital to new innovative companies. Types of
aren't growing at reasonably constant retiring outstanding debt Choosing Capital Structure: Venture Capital Companies: (1)Private independent firms
rate (3) very sensitive to the estimated (1)primary goal of financial managers-max stockholder (2)Labour-sponsored funds (3)Corporate venture capital
growth rate an increase of g in 1% wealth (2)choose structure that will max stockholder funds (4)Government run funds (5)Institutional funds –
increases the cost of equity by 1% (4) wealth (3)can max stockholder wealth by maxing cashflow pension funds, insurance companies. Stages of company
does not explicitly consider risk to firm or minimizing WACC The Effect of Leverage: How development: seed stage, start-up stage, expansion stage,
does leverage affect EPS/ROE of firm? (1)When we increase acquisition/buyout stage, turnaround stage Choosing a
2. SML OR CAPM amount of debt financing, we increase fixed interest Venture Capitalist: (1)Look for financial strength (2)Choose
Advantages:(1) explicitly adjusts for systematic risk (2) expense (2)If we have really good year, then we pay our a VC that has a management style compatible with your
applicable for all companies along as beta is computed fixed cost and have more left over for stockholders (3)If we own (3)Obtain and check references (4)What contacts does
Disadvantages:(1) have to estimate the expected market risk have really bad year, we still have pay our fixed costs and the VC have? (5)What is the exit strategy? Public issue: (1)
premium which does vary over have less left over for stockholders (4)Leverage amplifies creation and sale of securities that are intended to be
time (2) have to estimate beta variation in both EPS/ROE Break Even EBIT: (1)If we traded on public markets (2)All companies on Toronto Stock
which also vary over time (3) expect EBIT to be greater than break-even point, then Exchange come under Ontario Securities Commission’s
relying on past to predict leverage is beneficial to stockholders (2)If we expect EBIT jurisdiction Underwriter: Investment dealers that help the
future which isn't always to be less than the break-even point, then leverage is company sell their securities to public to raise capital.
reliable detrimental to our stockholders Static Theory Of Capital Flotation Costs: (1)costs incurred when a firm issues new
Alternative Approach to Measuring Growth Structure: (1)firm borrows up to point where tax benefit securities to the public (2)Includes commissions, legal,
from an extra dollar in debt is accounting and other administrative costs. Selling
exactly equal to the cost that Securities to the Public: (1)Management must obtain
comes from increased permission from Board of Directors (2)Firm must prepare
probability of financial distress (2)This is the point where and distribute copies of preliminary prospectus (red
the firm’s WACC is minimized Shortcoming of the Static herring) to OSC and to potential investors. A prospectus is a
Theory: Many large, profitable firms use little debt. Why? formal summary that provides information on an issue of
Cost of Debt Selling securities is expensive and time consuming. If a firm securities.One key functions of a prospectus is to warn
• the required return on ours company’s debt, best estimated is very profitable, it might never need external financing investors about risks involved in investment in firm. (3)OSC
by computing yield to maturity on the existing debt, may Pecking Order Theory: (1)Firms will use internal financing studies preliminary prospectus and notifies company of
also use current rates based on bond rating we expect when first. (2)They will issue debt if necessary. (3)Equity is sold required changes (usually 2 weeks) (4)When prospectus is
we issue a new debt, cost of debt is not the coupon rate as a last resort. (4)Managers are sensitive to the signals approved, price is determined and security dealers can
Cost of Preferred Stock that they send with the issue of new securities. begin selling the new issue Alternative Issue Methods:
• generally pays a constant dividend every period, dividends Implications of the Pecking Order: (1)Firms don’t have a (1)General Cash Offer: New securities offered for sale to
are expected to be paid every period forever target capital structure (2)Profitable firms use less debt– general public on a cash basis. (2)Rights Offer: New
they have greater internal cash flow and need less external securities are first offered to existing shareholders (pre-
financing (3)Companies want financial slack and stockpile emptive rights). These are more common outside North
internally generated cash as a result Managerial America IPO: Initial Public Offering (or unseasoned new
Recommendations: (1)tax benefit is only important if firm issue) A company’s first equity issue made available to
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) has a large tax liability (2)Risk of financial distress (3) public SEO: Seasoned Equity Offering A new issue for a
• (1) we can use individual cost of capital that we have greater the risk of financial distress, the less debt will be company that has previously issued securities to public.
computed to get our average cost of capital for the firm (2) optimal for firm (4) cost of financial distress varies across Firm Commitment Underwriting: Also called a “bought
this average is the required return on our assets, based on firms and industries. (5)As a manager you need to deal” where issuer sells entire issue to underwriting
markets perception of the risk of those assets (3) weights understand the cost for your industry syndicate Best Efforts Underwriting: Underwriter must
are determined by how much of each type of financing we Degree of Financial Leverage: make their “best effort” to sell the securities at an agreed-
use upon offering price Dutch Auction Underwriting:
Capital Structure Weights: For levered firm: Value = debt + equity Underwriter conducts an auction and investors bid for
NI = (EBIT- Interest) - ((EBIT - Interest) x Tc) shares, most common with bonds Overallotment Option/
EPS = NI /# of shares outstanding Green Shoe Provision: Allows syndicate to purchase an
ROE = EPS / Share price additional 15% of the issue from the issuerAllows the issue
ROA = NI / Total Assets to be oversubscribedProvides some protection for the lead
underwriter Lockup Agreement: Number of days insiders
Impact of Taxes:(1)interest expense reduces our tax liability, (1)Value of equity in an unlevered firm is equal to (issuing company owners and management) must wait after
this reduction in taxes reduces our cost of debt (2) divides the value of the firm (2)Changes in structure benefit an IPO before they can sell stock usually 180 days Quiet
aren't tax deductible so there is no impact on cost of equity shareholders only if value of firm ↑ (3)↑leverage by issuing Period: Period where communications with the public must
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) debt, repurchasing old shares, decrease vicever. (4)max be limited to ordinary announcements and other purely
E = Market Value of Equity, D = Market Value of Debt, RE = shareholder wealth by maximizing cash flows /minimizing factual matters after a new issue usually 40 days after IPO
cost of new equity (dividend discount model/CAPM), RD = cost WACC (5)*variability in ROE and EPS increases when Standby underwriting: underwriter agrees to buy any
of new debt (YTM) leverage increases shares that are not purchased through rights offering
Example: Levered firm: Unlevered firm: Oversubscription Privilege: allows shareholders to
purchase any unsold shares at subscription price.