Yarraville Safety Case Summary
Yarraville Safety Case Summary
Yarraville Safety Case Summary
Yarraville Terminal Overview
11 Schedule 9 Materials
Message from the Yarraville
Terminal Manager
Safety Case - Summary
13 Safety Management System
Safety Assessment
14 Hazard Register
Emergency Response Plan
16 Community Response
08 What is a Major Hazard Facility?
Need More Information?
So far as is reasonably practicable (SFARP) The Major incident (MI) An uncontrolled incident,
measure of risk after implementation of control including an emission, loss of containment, escape,
measures that eliminate or reduce risks to so far as fire, explosion or release of energy, that:
is reasonably practicable. a) involves Schedule 9 materials, and
b) poses a serious and immediate risk to health
Consequence The outcome of an event or incident and safety.
expressed qualitatively or quantitatively, being loss,
injury, disadvantage or gain. Mitigation Measures implemented in advance of an
unplanned event aimed at decreasing or eliminating
Control Measure Measures for prevention or its impacts.
mitigation of a potential major incident by reducing
the likelihood of a potential major incident and/or of OHS Regulations Occupational Health and Safety
reducing the magnitude or severity of Regulations 2007 (Vic). The Safety Case was
the consequences. developed in accordance with these regulations,
which were applicable at the time of the
Mobil Oil Australia or Mobil Means Mobil Oil
submission. Yarraville Terminal continues to
Australia Pty Ltd, the entity that has management
maintain compliance with the latest regulations.
and operational control of Yarraville Terminal and is
therefore defined as the designated “operator”
OIMS Operations Integrity Management System,
under the Victorian OHS Regulations 2007.
which is Mobil’s safety management system.
Message from the Yarraville
Terminal Manager
In keeping with our corporate values, safety is Mobil Oil
Australia’s core value and we are committed to protecting
the health and safety of our workers and the local
community. We put safety first in everything we do in
operating the Yarraville Terminal, so that we can achieve
our goal of Operational Excellence.
Since operations commenced at Yarraville Terminal We are committed to ensuring safety at Yarraville
in 1926, Mobil has been proactive in assessing the Terminal, and indeed across all our facilities, remains
risks that may be present in our operations, a core value.
identifying any hazards and implementing controls
to manage those hazards. In keeping with these
efforts, the Yarraville Terminal Safety Case is the
product of an extensive process that involved a
comprehensive review of the terminal’s operations.
This work and the resulting safety systems
described in the Safety Case are designed to create
a safe workplace and a culture that truly values the Michael Singh
safety of those working here and the Yarraville Terminal Manager
surrounding community.
Mobil in Australia
ExxonMobil’s Safety Policy
and environmental risks. The operations, and promptly apply significant findings
and, as appropriate, share them with employees,
Operations Integrity contractors, government agencies, and others
Management System (OIMS) who might be affected;
• stress to all employees, contractors, and others
is Mobil’s safety management working on its behalf their responsibility and
system and provides a accountability for safe performance on the job
and encourage safe behaviour off the job;
structured approach to • undertake appropriate reviews and evaluations of
meeting this commitment. its operations to measure progress and to foster
compliance with this policy.
It is the Company’s policy to conduct its business in
a manner that protects the safety of employees,
others involved in its operations, customers, and the
public. The Company will strive to prevent all
accidents, injuries, and occupational illnesses
through the active participation of every employee.
The Company is committed to continuous efforts to
identify and eliminate or manage safety risks
associated with its activities. This commitment
includes an ongoing improvement of all aspects of
our Operations Integrity Management
System, OIMS.
What is a Major Hazard Facility? maintained in a safe manner. The Yarraville Terminal
A major hazard facility is defined by the Safety Case was verified and accepted by WorkSafe
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 and the current licence to operate was issued in
as an industrial site that stores, handles or processes December 2017 for a five year period. A copy of the
large quantities of hazardous materials, including licence is included in the Appendix.
chemicals and dangerous goods that are above the Mobil has systems in place to ensure that the Safety
threshold levels detailed in Schedule 9 of Case and its requirements are maintained, reviewed
the Regulations. and revised in accordance with the OHS
Regulations. This includes assessing the need for re-
A facility that stores or handles hazardous material submission of the Safety Case when significant
above the threshold quantities must be registered as changes have occurred at the Terminal.
a major hazard facility. Yarraville Terminal handles
refined petroleum fuels above the threshold What are Schedule 9 Materials?
quantity of some of these ‘Schedule 9 Materials’ Schedule 9 of the OHS Regulations defines what
and was first registered as a major hazard facility in materials must be considered in the scope of the
2002, when this regulatory requirement came Safety Case. The scheduled materials at Yarraville
into force. Terminal are discussed in detail in the ‘Hazardous
Materials’ section of this document.
What is a Safety Case?
The Occupation Health and Safety Regulations What is a Potential Major Incident?
2007 require that all major hazard facilities have a A potential major incident is an uncontrolled
licence to operate. To obtain a licence, a facility incident, including an emission, loss of containment,
must submit a Safety Case for assessment by escape, fire, explosion or release of energy that
WorkSafe Victoria. The Safety Case must involves Schedule 9 materials and poses a serious
demonstrate that the facility is operated and and immediate risk to health and safety.
Yarraville Terminal Overview
Schedule 9 Materials
Yarraville Terminal handles and stores a number of Yarraville Terminal also handles and stores
materials that are classified as Schedule 9 materials non-Schedule 9 materials that are combustible
under the OHS Regulations. These materials are such as diesel fuel.
predominantly stored in the tank farm, however
they may also be in transit through terminal
pipelines, marine vessel transfers and truck loading.
Flammable materials Petrol Liquids which meet the criteria for Class 3
Jet Fuel Packaging Group II and III materials
Safety Case Summary
Figure 2 – SFARP
SFARP To make a workplace safe you must ensure that the risks have been
reduced to So Far as is Reasonably Practicable (SFARP)
Safety Case Summary
OIMS 11 Elements
driver 2. Risk Assessment and Management evaluation
3. Facilities Design and Construction
4. Information/Documentation
5. Personnel and Training
1. Management 11. Operations Integrity
6. Operations and Maintenance
Leadership, Commitment Assessment and
and Accountability 7. Management of Change Improvement
8. Third Party Services
9. Incident Investigation and Analysis
10 Community Awareness and
Emergency Preparedness
Safety Case Summary
Safety Case Summary
Safety Case Summary
Community Response The Terminal also has systems in place for early
The potential major incidents that have been notification to key community contacts including
identified for Yarraville Terminal are local schools and kindergartens. Both Hobsons Bay
predominantly associated with liquid hydrocarbon and Maribyrnong City Councils are kept informed of
release and escalation through fire and/or incidents and can provide information.
explosion (“high consequence events”). The
safety assessment has shown that for the majority Mobil hosts regular Community Liaison Committee
of high consequence events, the impact is meetings and the community is always welcome to
expected to be contained within the terminal attend to ask about the facility and its operations.
boundary. However, some high consequence Mobil provides feedback on incident investigations
events have the potential for offsite impacts. to the community as part of these Community
Events with offsite impacts are considered to Liaison Committee meetings. Community members
have a very low probability of occurring. Mobil can also contact the Terminal directly via its 24 hour
through its Safety Management System applies Community Hotline – 9286 5112.
controls to manage the risk of our operations (see
Safety Management System section). Mobil also offers a free SMS service so that the
Yarraville Terminal can keep interested community
In the event of an incident occurring with offsite members informed during incidents or any other
impact, the Victoria Police have responsibility for event which may cause the community concern. If
managing any necessary evacuation in consultation you are interested in subscribing to this service
with the Terminal and MFB Incident Controller. If details are available on our website
necessary, the police will use the electronic media, at www.exxonmobil.com.au.
including major radio stations 3AW (693 AM), ABC
(774 AM) and local community radio station Stereo Sirens at the Yarraville Terminal are sounded to
974 (97.4 FM) to broadcast information and advice alert on-site personnel only. People in the
to the community. Typical instructions may include community do not need to take action in response
“shelter in place” which could include closing doors to the sounding of these sirens. In the case of an
and windows and turning off air conditioning emergency, Police and other Emergency Services
systems in the event of smoke to prevent it from personnel will direct community members if any
entering properties. If an evacuation is required action is required.
Victoria Police will notify and coordinate with the
local community directly.
Appendix ii
Appendix ii
Need more information?
This document presents a summary of the Safety Case for Yarraville Terminal. Should you like to know more
about any of the information in this document, please contact Mobil:
Yarraville Terminal is operated by Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd, an affiliate of Exxon Mobil Corporation. The terms
Corporation, Company, affiliate, ExxonMobil, Mobil, Esso, our, we and its as used in this document may refer to Exxon
Printed April 2018 Mobil Corporation, to one of its affiliates or to any one or more of the foregoing. The shorter terms are used merely for
exxonmobil.com.au convenience and simplicity.