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Smoke Detection Using Arduino

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E-ISSN 2581 –7957 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 16, June 2019

P-ISSN 2277 – 3916 DOI: 10.32377/cvrjst1609

Bus Identification Device for Blind People using

K. Arun Kumar1, P. Sreekanth2 and P. Rajashekar Reddy3
Asst. Professor, CVR College of Engineering/ECE Department, Hyderabad, India
Email: arun.katkoori@gmail.com
Asst. Professor, CVR College of Engineering/ECE Department, Hyderabad, India
Email: Sreekanth.isoft@gmail.com
Asst. Professor, CVR College of Engineering/ECE Department, Hyderabad, India
Email: raju.sheker@gmail.com

Abstract: Generally, journey in bus is a safe and comfort the person must point the receiver towards the transmitter on
factor, but due to increase in number of buses and passengers the bus. Exact bus location is unknown for the blind person.
it’s going to be tougher now-a-days and it will be even more Broadcasting bus- is a GPS based framework reporting
difficult for blind people to travel in bus. This paper presents a the bus number upon arrival at the bus stop. These smart bus
low cost and easy to build and use system for blind people to
identify which bus is approaching the bus stop. The main
stops are not satisfactory when outfitted just with the voice
purpose is to provide a bus detection system for blind people by detailing framework since voice data is hard to interpret
assigning different tags to different buses with the help of when numerous buses simultaneously arrive at the similar
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. In the terminal. [3]
experiment set-up, Arduino, RFID reader and tags, bluetooth
module for voice announcement and Mobile phone with Serial II. PROPOSED METHOD
Monitor App which gives voice commands are used. Whenever
the bus comes to the stop, the RFID reader will be reading the
tag (which is given to every bus for particular route) depending This system is designed to provide information for blind
upon the tag it will give voice intimation so that blind people assisting with voice command signals utilizes RFID
can know the bus number and related information about bus.
technology for task of identification. [2] In this system, a
Index Terms: Bus identification device, Blind people, RFID, RFID reader is installed in every bus near driver which is
Bus, Bus station, Voice message. integrated with Arduino Uno with bluetooth module. Voice
assistance equipment like loud speaker is installed in every
bus stop. Also, a mobile phone is used with an application-
Serial Monitor, which will give voice commands. The block
Today, one of the most worldwide occupation is helping diagram is shown in following figure 1.
and supporting visually impaired person. In most physical
environments, the visually impaired have difficulty in
accessing information about transport, stops, terminals,
vehicles, schedules, maps and directories which prevent
them from using public transport effectively. Hence, there is
a need to make their lives more comfortable by introducing
a system that helps them enjoy transportation services
independently and freely like ordinary people, without
relying on others. [5] This paper focuses on a bus
identification system using Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) technology. The RFID system uses tags, through
which information embedded on the tags are read by RFID
readers. The proposed system eliminates the need for help
on whom the blind people relies for guidance to board the
Figure 1. Block Diagram of Bus Identification Device for blind people
required bus to reach destination. [6] The problems that
using Arduino
surfaced during the project were selecting the right kind of
device and interfacing these devices appropriately. The
approach used was to minimize costs and complexity.
Over the years, there have been comparable research The key steps of this implementation are
endeavors to create implanted gadgets to mitigate issues.
The Talking Signs distinguishing proof framework [6]
comprises of infrared (IR) transmitters fused in the target • Placing the RFID tag in front of RFID reader.
boards of transports that transmit route data. This method is
difficult because, an IR beam is exceptionally directional,

E-ISSN 2581 –7957 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 16, June 2019
P-ISSN 2277 – 3916 DOI: 10.32377/cvrjst1609

• RFID reader provides a signal to Arduino Uno about the The Arduino Uno can be powered via the USB
detection of RFID tag which contains information about connection or with an external power supply. The board can
the bus. operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 volts. If supplied
with less than 7V, however, the 5V pin may supply less than
• Then, Arduino Uno sends signal to Bluetooth module five volts and the board may be unstable. If using more than
which is connected to mobile(here) with bluetooth. 12V, the voltage regulator may overheat and damage the
board. The recommended range is 7 to 12 volts.
• The application will produce a voice message.

A. Methodology and Working

The bus drivers are equipped with a unique RFID tag.
When a bus approaches a bus stop, the driver will be place
the RFID tag given to that person, near the RFID reader.
RFID reader receives the information of the bus through a
unique identification code. [8] This reader also detects
RFID tag which consists of information related to the bus
like bus number and places. The RFID reader acts as a
transmitter and transmits to Arduino, [1] the identification
code of the bus and with the program dumped in Arduino Figure 2. Arduino Uno Board
with the unique identification code the Arduino will be send
signals to the bluetooth module. ii) BLUETOOTH DEVICE

Now, Bluetooth module acts as receiver and receives the HC-05 module is used as a Bluetooth Serial Port Protocol-
signals from Arduino. [1] The voice-based play back system SPP module. It is designed for transparent remote serial
is already fed the information and is transmitted out through connection setup. It can be utilized as master or slave
speaker. arrangement. The features of this module-

 Bluetooth V2.0+EDR.
B. Hardware Resources
 3 Mbps Modulation with complete 2.4 GHz
The main hardware resources in this implementation are  CSR Blue center 04-External single chip
Arduino Board, Bluetooth module, RFID reader and tags. Bluetooth framework with CMOS
innovation and with AFH- Adaptive
i) ARDUINO UNO Frequency Hopping feature.

The Arduino is a group of smaller scale controller sheets By default, the module is used as slave. The role of the
to disentangle hardware plan, testing and prototyping for module (Master or slave) can be designed just by AT
craftsmen, programmers, and numerous experts. It can be directions. The HC-05 is a cool module which can include
used it as brain for robots, to assemble new advanced music full duplex remote usefulness. It can be used between two
instruments, or to manufacture a framework that lets home Arduinos to communicate with each other.
plants tweet once they’re dry. Arduinos (Arduino Uno is
utilized) are worked around an ATMEGA microcontroller-
basically a total PC with all the components on a solitary
chip. Unlike, say, a Raspberry Pi, it’s designed to attach all
kinds of sensors, LEDs, small motors and speakers, servos,
etc. directly to these pins, which can read in or output digital
or analog voltages between 0 and 5 volts. Figure 2
demonstrates the Arduino Uno board. Using USB, the
Arduino board is associated with the PC. The program is
Figure 3. Bluetooth module-HC 05
written in a basic language like C, C++, or Java on Arduino
IDE by transferring accumulated code to the board. [1] The
HC-05 operated in modes- i) Data mode, ii) AT command
Arduino can keep run with the USB connected back to the
mode. In data mode, data is transmitted and received from
computer, or remain solitary without it. No console or
one Bluetooth device to another. In second mode, the default
screen required, simply power when the code is modified.
device settings are changed. By using pin number 1 (i.e.
Enable/Key), it can be operated in any one the two modes.

E-ISSN 2581 –7957 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 16, June 2019
P-ISSN 2277 – 3916 DOI: 10.32377/cvrjst1609

This module operated using SPP protocol, it is easy to pair

with microcontrollers. Connect the Rx pin (pin number 5) to
the Tx pin of microcontroller, Tx pin (pin number 4) to the
Rx pin of microcontroller and power the module with 5


RFID is used to characterize the system by sending a

unique serial number of an object wirelessly using RF
Figure 5. Arduino Board connections to Bluetooth and RFID reader
RFID empowers distinguishing proof from a separation
and dissimilar to prior standardized tag innovation, it does
so without requiring a viewable pathway. RFID labels C. Arduino Software
bolster a bigger arrangement of one of the kind IDs than The IDE of Arduino makes it simple to compose code and
standardized identifications and can fuse extra information, transfer it to the different boards. It works on Windows, Mac
for example, maker, [4] item type and even measure natural OS X, and Linux. Java is used in the environment and
factors, for example, temperature. dependent on processing and another open-source
programming. This product can be utilized with any
EM18 module emanates out 125KHz through the curls. At Arduino board. Arduino is an open-source prototyping stage
the point when a 125KHz RFID latent tag is purchased to dependent on simple to utilize equipment and programming.
the field module will get empowered from the field. By the [1] Arduino can peruse inputs- light on sensor, a finger on a
adjustment in balance current through the loops, the label catch, or a message- and transform it into a yield- initiating
will send the data back to the program memory exhibit. an engine, turning on a LED, distributing something on the
web and some more. To do as such utilize the Arduino
programming language (in the view of wiring), and the
Arduino software (IDE), based on processing.

Figure 4. EM-18 Reader Module

Data is stored in any one of two types of memory. One is

ROM- read only memory another one is RAM-random
access memory. In ROM, once the data is placed, it cannot
be modified whereas in RAM, data can be changed. RAM is
also called Read/Write Memory.

Connections among the above hardware resources is

shown in figure 5.
Figure 6. Arduino IDE

E-ISSN 2581 –7957 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 16, June 2019
P-ISSN 2277 – 3916 DOI: 10.32377/cvrjst1609

Features of Arduino IDE III. RESULTS

The below figures show the output after placing the card
Inexpensive: Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive
compared to other microcontroller platforms. for five times. Each time by placing the card, the output gets
Cross-platform: The Arduino Software (IDE) runs on in both Arduino serial monitor, and serial monitor app
Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems. related to the information stored about the bus. By placing
Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows. the card again i.e. 6th time, the information will be given in
Simple, clear programming environment : The Arduino reverse order. When the bus starts again from the end
Software (IDE) is easy-to-use for beginners, yet flexible location, now it becomes the starting location.
enough for advanced users to take advantage of it as well.
Open source and extensible hardware/ software: The
Arduino boards have common license, so experienced
circuit designers can make their own version of the module,
extending it and modifying it.
It is an open source and libraries are written in C++.
D. Flow Chart

Figure 8. Output after placing the card for five times on Arduino serial

Figure 9. Output after placing the card for five times on Mobile app

When placed the card for sixth time, the ending location
now became the starting location and the journey becomes
Figure 7. Flow chart of Bus Identification Device for blind people reverse.
using Arduino

E-ISSN 2581 –7957 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 16, June 2019
P-ISSN 2277 – 3916 DOI: 10.32377/cvrjst1609

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Figure 11. Output when Placed for Sixth Time on Mobile app

In this paper, the bus identification system for blind people
using RFID was successfully implemented. The proposed
technique is more suitable for blind passengers. When the
blind passenger reaches the bus station, with the help of
voice synthesizer can find the buses that pass through a

[1] Arduino for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide to Arduino
(Arduino Hardware & Software) By Simon Knight.
[2] B.N Kiran, Smitha B.C,Sushma K.N, Varsha R.Gowda,”Impl
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