Citrix Systems, Inc. (
Citrix Systems, Inc. (
Citrix Systems, Inc. (
Citrix states that “A world where anyone can work and play from anywhere.” is its corporate
Citrix is based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in the South Florida metropolitan area, and has
subsidiary operations in California and Massachusetts, and additional development centers in
Australia, India and the United Kingdom.
Customers include the world’s largest Internet companies, 99 percent of Fortune Global 500
enterprises, and hundreds of thousands of small businesses and consumers worldwide. Citrix
partners with over 10,000 companies worldwide in more than 100 countries. Founded in 1989,
annual revenue in 2008 was $1.6 billion.
Citrix Systems, Inc (NASDAQ: CTXS) je Amerikanac multinacionalan korporacija koja pruža server i
desktop virtualizacije, umrežavanje, softver-kao-a-Service (SaaS) i cloud computing tehnologije za više
od 230.000 organizacija širom svijeta.
Citrix navodi da je "svijet u kojem svatko može raditi i igrati s bilo kojeg mjesta." Jest njegova poslovne
Citrix ima sjedište u Fort Lauderdale na Floridi, u južnoj Floridi, gradsko područje, a ima podružnice
operacije u Kaliforniji i Massachusetts, a dodatni razvojni centri u Australiji, Indiji i Velikoj Britaniji.
Kupci su najvećih svjetskih Internet tvrtki, 99 posto od Fortune Global 500 poduzeća, a stotine tisuća
malih tvrtki i potrošača diljem svijeta. Citrix partnera s više od 10.000 tvrtki diljem svijeta u više od 100
zemalja. Founded in 1989, godišnji prihod u 2008 bio je 1,6 milijarde dolara
Citrix Delivery Center, Citrix Cloud Center (C3) and Citrix Online Services product families simplify
computing for users, delivering applications as an on-demand service to any user, in any location on any
Citrix Delivery Center, composed of XenDesktop, XenApp, XenServer and NetScaler, virtualizes servers,
desktops and applications, centralizes them in the datacenter and broadcasts them as an on-demand
From April 2009, Citrix has been offering its XenServer virtualisation platform for free to any user for
unlimited production deployment.[3]
Citrix Receiver is the first universal client for IT service delivery. With Citrix Receiver installed on a device
(PC, Mac, iPhone), applications and desktops can be delivered as an on-demand service with no need to
manage, own or care about the physical device or its location.[4]
Citrix Receiver is built upon the Independent Computing Architecture (ICA), a Citrix-designed proprietary
protocol for an application server system. The protocol lays down a specification for passing data
between server and clients, but is not bound to any one platform.
Citrix centar za isporuku, Citrix Cloud Centar (C3) i Citrix Online Services obitelji proizvoda pojednostaviti
računanje za korisnike, isporuku aplikacija na zahtjev bilo kojeg korisnika usluga, u bilo koje mjesto na
bilo kojem uređaju.
Citrix centar za isporuku, u sastavu XenDesktop, XenApp, XenServer i NetScaler, virtualizes poslužitelja,
stolnih računala i aplikacija, centralizira ih u datacentar te ih emitira kao na zahtjev uslugu. [2]
Od travnja 2009, Citrix je XenServer virtualizacije nudeći svojim platforma za besplatno na bilo koje
korisnik za neograničen razmještaj proizvodnje. [3]
Citrix prijemnik je prvi univerzalni klijent za IT usluga. Citrix Primalac instaliran na uređaju (PC, Mac,
iPhone), aplikacija i stolnih računala mogu se isporučiti kao na zahtjev usluga bez potrebe za upravljanje,
odnosno briga o vlastitom fizičkom uređaj ili njegov položaj. [4]
Citrix Receiver je izgrađena na neovisne računalne arhitekture (ICA), Citrix-dizajniran za vlastiti protokol
primjene sustava poslužitelja. Protokol propisuje specifikacije za prolazak podataka između poslužitelja i
klijenata, ali nije vezan za bilo koju platformu.
Citrix was founded in 1989 by former IBM developer Ed Iacobucci in Richardson, Texas with $3 million in
funding.[5] Iacobucci quickly moved the company to Coral Springs, Florida since he lived there when he
had worked at IBM.[5]
Citrix was originally named Citrus but changed its name after an existing company claimed trademark
rights. The Citrix name is a portmanteau of Citrus and UNIX.
Many of the original founding members had participated in the IBM OS/2 project. Iacobucci's vision was
to build OS/2 with multi-user support. IBM was not interested in this idea so Iacobucci left. Iacobucci
was offered a job at Microsoft as chief technical officer of its networking group but turned it down to
start his own company.[5]
The company's first product was Citrix MULTIUSER, which was based on OS/2. Citrix licensed the OS/2
source code from Microsoft, bypassing IBM. Citrix hoped to capture part of the UNIX market by making
it easy to deploy text-based OS/2 applications. The product failed to find a market. This was due in part
to Microsoft declaring in 1991 that it was not going to support OS/2 anymore.[5]
Roger Roberts was appointed the CEO of Citrix in 1990. Roberts, a Texan, came from Texas Instruments.
From 1989 to 1995, the company did not turn a profit. In 1989 and 1990 there was no income at all.
Between 1991 and 1993, Citrix received funding from both Intel and Microsoft as well as venture
capitalists. Without the help of this funding, Citrix would not have survived.[5]
In 1993, Citrix purchased the product "Netware Access Server" from Novell. It was a remote access
application built on DOS and Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager. It provided desktop and
applications from the server to multiple users in a similar way Terminal Servers still do. Citrix developed
the product further and released it as WinView. It became Citrix's first successful product.
Citrix je osnovan 1989 od strane bivše IBM developer Ed Iacobucci u Richardson, Texas s 3 milijuna
dolara u financiranju. [5] Iacobucci brzo preselili tvrtke Coral Springs, Florida, jer on je živio tamo, kada je
radio u IBM-u. [5]
Citrix je izvorno nazvan Citrus, ali je promijenio ime nakon što postojeće tvrtke tvrdio prava na zaštitni
znak. Citrix ime je telećak od Citrus i UNIX.
Tvrtka je prvi proizvod je Citrix Multiuser, koji je bio temeljen na OS / 2. Citrix licencirani OS / 2 izvorni kod
iz Microsofta, IBM zaobići. Citrix se nadao da će uhvatiti dio UNIX tržišta što je lako implementirati na
osnovu teksta, OS / 2 aplikacije. Proizvod nije uspio pronaći tržište. To je zbog dijelom na Microsoft
izjavljuje u 1991 da se ne ide na potporu OS / 2 više. [5]
Roger Roberts je imenovan predsjednik Uprave Citrix u 1990. Roberts, Teksasa, došao iz Texas
Od 1989 do 1995, tvrtka nije okrenuti na dobit. Godine 1989 i 1990 nije bilo prihoda na sve. Između 1991
i 1993, Citrix dobila sredstva iz oba Intel i Microsoft, kao i venture kapitalista. Bez pomoći ovog
financiranja, Citrix ne bi preživio. [5]
U 1993, Citrix kupio proizvod "Netware Access Server" iz Novella. To je bio Aplikacija udaljenog pristupa
izgrađen na DOS-a i paluba Expanded Memory Manager. To pod uvjetom desktop i aplikacije sa servera
do više korisnika na sličan način terminalskih poslužitelja dalje činiti. Citrix razvijen proizvod dalje i
otpušten Internet kao WinView. Ona je postala Citrix prvi uspješan proizvod.