2nd Periodical PerDev
2nd Periodical PerDev
2nd Periodical PerDev
7:00 AM-11:00 AM __ THURSDAY
I. Multiple Choices. Choose the letter of your answer. Write it in CAPITAL. 18. (Morality) depends on the individual’s self-chosen principles.
19. Social Contract and Individual Rights is under this (Morality).
a. Pre-Conventional Morality k. Neurobiological Aspect
b. Conventional Morality l. Jean Piaget 20. Level 3 of Moral Development Theory.
c. Post-Conventional Morality m. metabolism 21. It discuss about the developmental progress of one’s morality.
d. Universal Principles n. Maintaining Social Order 22. During this stage of person’s life, curiosity arises.
e. Individualism & Exchange o. Cognitive Aspect 23. Level 3 of Moral Development Theory.
f. Good Interpersonal Relationship p. Lawrence Kohlberg 24. Here, the individual is good based on the approval of others.
g. Formal Operational Stage q. Sensorimotor Stage 25. (stage) where children begin to construct their own opinions, feelings,
h. Social Contract & Individual Rights r. Pre-Operational Stage and thoughts.
i. Concrete Operational Stage s. Moral development 26. Theory of Intellectual Development is a theory proposed by (person).
j. Obedience& Punishment Orientation t. Puberty
27. Aspect of development where the development of cognitive abilities
1. Level 1 of Moral Development Theory. also have stages ranging from birth to present.
2. Here, Individuals will have common principles that established rules are 28. (Morality) where personal code of morality is not personal but is shaped
not valid at all times. externally.
3. Here, an individual is good based on the approval of others 29. (Morality) where children base their standards to the adults.
4. Here, children will avoid punishment by doing good. 30. (morality) that occurs on 9 years old.
5. During Puberty, sex hormones starts activating with coordination to
_____. II. Identify what is being mentioned or defined in each item.
6. Moral Development Theory is a theory proposed by (person). 31. It is the ability to perceive the visual. They tend to think in pictures.
7. (Morality) where child do not question or doubted the standards or ---
rules. 32. It is the ability to use word both in oral and written communication.
8. Level 2 of Moral Development Theory. ---
9. Maintaining Social Order is a stage under this morality. (morality) 33. It is the ability to relate and understand other people.
10. (Morality) that starts as children learn to think logically and learn how to ---
be empathetic. 34. The ability to recognize and categorize things. They love nature.
11. (stage) where children develop the ability to pretend play. ---
12. (Morality) where individuals begin to internalize the learned moral 35. It is the ability to reason, apply logic and numerical patterns.
standards. ---
13. Here, children will realize that different people have different beliefs or 36. It is the ability to understand ourselves.
viewpoints regarding a deed. ---
14. Here, individuals will be aware that although rules are good to follow, 37. It is the ability to produce and appreciate music.
there will be instances that it will not be acceptable. ---
15. Here, learning a particular talent at a very young age is better than 38. The ability to control body movements and handle objects skilfully.
learning it later on. ---
16. Here, individual will have judgement concerning compliance to the rules 39. The capacity to understand world and thinks rationally.
to avoid guilt. ---
17. (stage) where children focus learning on how to interact with the 40. The person who proposed the Multiple Intelligences.
environment. ---
Prepared by: Ms. Abigail N. Ditan 2019 III. Draw it, Fill it! Draw the ladder showing the stages of Intellectual Development
Theory. Start from the bottom end with the top. (10 pts.)