November 8

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The Jones Journal

November 8, 2019
make sure their names are printed in them. It helps
out tremendously if they are ever misplaced!

Please continue working with your child on

memorizing their lunch number. This week we
started entering them earlier in the day (after PE) to
help keep the lunch line moving at a normal pace. As
we get faster, we will enter them as we pick up
lunches. Remember, on the back of the signature
page inside Friday Folders, there is a picture of what
the number pad looks like, as well as your child’s
Zamyr reads to Ms. Godwin during center time. number.
YOU GIVE A PIG A PANCAKE, IF YOU GIVE A This week’s reading is an article titled The New First
MOOSE A MUFFIN, IF YOU GIVE A PIG A Grade: Too Much Too Soon, that I found several
PARTY, IF YOU GIVE A CAT A CUPCAKE, IF years ago. It’s about an increasing problem observed
YOU GIVE A MOUSE A BROWNIE, and IF YOU in kindergarten classrooms across the country. The
TAKE A MOUSE TO THE MOVIES. We have had article is attached to the same email as this
lots of discussions about ways these books are the newsletter. It can also be found on our classroom’s
same and ways they are different. The children blog ( on the right side
learned about one type of graphic organizer (venn under Suggested Parent Readings.
diagram) that helps keep track of those similarities
and differences. We filled out one comparing two of DATES TO REMEMBER
David Shannon’s books; DUCK ON A BIKE and November 11 – Veterans Day (No School)
DUCK ON A TRACTOR. 15 – Scholastic Book Order due
19 – Barberitos Spirit Night
FYI 20 – Thanksgiving Luncheon @ 11:45
Books make wonderful gifts no matter what the 27-29 – Thanksgiving Holidays
occasion and can be given to cousins, siblings, December 4 – Ms. Godwin’s (AU lab student) last day
friends, etc.! There were three Scholastic book orders 6 – November Journals go home
in last week’s Friday Folder, along with an
information letter. You can order online or pay with a ONE LAST THING
check (made payable to ‘Scholastic’.) You may write We will have our class ‘party’ Wednesday,
one check even if you order from both forms, but December 18th; however, I’m not sure what time it
please make sure to double check your calculations. will start yet. I will email everyone ASAP! (I’m
This book order is due Friday, November 15th. waiting to hear a decision regarding resources classes
that day.) The party will consist of 4 different
NEEDED activities (each lasting about 15 minutes) that the
We need gallon-sized plastic jugs (e.g., gallon milk children will rotate through. All parents are invited to
containers) for an activity we will be doing later this join us; however, I need to make sure there are at
month. least 4 volunteers present to lead/help with each
activity. I will have everything that is needed for each
As the cooler months are arriving and children are rotation so no preparation is needed on your part. If
beginning to wear jackets, hats, mittens, etc., please you are interested, please let me know!

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