March 1

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The Jones Journal

March 1, 2019
outdoor activities. Each class needs 2-3 parent
volunteers during that hour. Volunteers will watch
different stations and/or distribute snacks and water
during their specific time. Our class’ JRFH
activities are scheduled for 10:30-11:30. Please let
me know if you are interested in
volunteering. Thanks so much!! :)

This week’s reading is titled Are We Paving
Paradise? It traces the evolution of kindergarten
Sophia and Christian show off their crazy hats. from its focus on children, to its focus on
FYI outcomes, to its current focus on literacy and math.
…have been reading several versions of different The author expresses her worry about the early
fairy tales. We have continued our conversation childhood parts of kindergarten losing ground to a
about reading books with the same/similar title that growing allocation of time to academic content.
have differences in the story. We have filled out The reading ends by discussing how the
venn diagrams for two versions of THE THREE kindergarten experience should be broad based,
BILLY GOATS GRUFF and THE LITTLE RED contextual, and inclusive of all dimensions of
HEN. development. The article is attached to the same
email as this newsletter. It can also be found on our
NEEDED classroom’s blog ( on
We are in need of some band-aids (plain and cheap the right side under Suggested Parent Readings.
work great) for accidents that can only be healed
with those little plastic things. J DATES TO REMEMBER
March 1 – Journals go home
I need everyone to fill out and return the two PSA 6 – PSA forms and money due
field trip permission forms that were in last week’s 6 – S. Jones absent in the afternoon
Friday Folder. I have put another copy of the forms 8 – End of 3rd nine weeks
in this week’s Friday Folder just in case you 8 – Behavior Celebration at PSA
misplaced the ones from last week. I’m sorry if I 11-15 – Spring Break (no school)
have overlooked. Please note the easiest way to 18 – 4th nine weeks begins
pay the $5 fee is online at 21 – STEM Night (6:00-7:00) I will send you any 22 – Yearbook orders due
‘guidelines’ I that receive ASAP. 22 – Jump Rope for Heart
Join us Thursday, March 21st from 6:00-7:00 for a
STEM Night at RES. Various stations will be set
Don’t forget that February journals are being sent
up around gym with high school engineering
home today. The children are extremely excited
students and their teachers working the stations and
about showing them off to you so take some time
helping to manage the flow of students.
and read it with your child.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
Friday, March 22nd, RES will celebrate Jump -S. Jones
Rope for Heart and each class will have an hour for

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