Satish Naik 2017 PDF

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Brief Resume

Name: Dr. Satish Shivaji Naik

Designation: Research Assistant

Date of Birth: 01/01/1972

Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. (Botany), M.S.W. (P.M. & L.W.), M.Sc. (Botany), Ph.D.
(A.I.H.C. & Archaeology)

Teaching experience: Six Years

M.A. dissertation completed: 03

P.G. Diploma/M.Phil Dissertation completed: N.A.
Ph.D. ongoing: 03
Ph. D. completed: N.A.
Ph.D. Co-guide completed: N.A.
Post-Doctoral Research Guidance: N.A.

Guidance to Foreign visiting scholars: (Name of the scholars, country, affiliation, topic):

Research Experience: 14 Years

Research Specialization: Botany (Palaeoethnobotany, Palynology and Palaeoenvironment)

Research projects/Archaeological Excavation/Explorations (Directed and co-directed):


Major Projects completed (Name, Funding agency, year): N.A.

Research collaboration: (Name, Institute, Project title, year):

Name: Professor Dorian Q. Fuller
Institute: Institute of Archaeology, University College London, U.K.
Project Title: Comparative Pathways to Agriculture

Studies abroad: Archaeobotanical Studies at the Institute of Archaeology, University

College London, UK from 15th August to 16th September 2016.

Honours/Awards/Scholarships awarded:
1. Second Prize for Best Research Paper in the National Conference on “Recent
Trends and Strategic Development in Biosciences” held at Waghire College,
Saswad, Dist. Pune on 29th to 31st Dec. 2008.

2. Certificate of Merit for Best Oral Presentation in the National Conference on

“Current Prospects and Challenges in Life Sciences (CPCLS-2013)” held at New
Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra on 26th and 27th
July 2013.

Special Lectures delivered:

India: 75
Abroad: 10

Membership of Learned societies:

1. LIFE MEMBER: Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS), Pune.
2. LIFE MEMBER: Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA), Pune.
3. LIFE MEMBER: The Palaeobotanical Society, Luchnow.
4. LIFE MEMBER: Maharashtra Vriksha Samvardhini, Pune.

Seminars/Conferences attended and papers presented

National: 13
International: 06

Important positions held:

1. In-Charge, Palaeobotany Laboratory, Deccan College Deemed University, Pune
2. Chairman, Deccan College Nature Club, Deccan College Deemed University, Pune.
3. In-Charge, Deccan College Guest House of the University, Pune.
4. Secretary, Deccan College Past-Students Association, Poona.
5. Member, Deccan College Students Mess Committee (1.9.2011 to 31.8.2012).


Books: N.A.
Edited Volumes: N.A.
Research Papers
National journals: 14
International Journals: 04
Popular articles: N.A.

Editorial work: N.A.

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