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Dnyanopasak Shikshan Mandal's


PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT FOR SELF APPRAISAL OF TEACHERS Name of the College : Dnyanopasak Shikshan Mandals, College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Parbhani-431401. Performance Appraisal Report Year : 2003-2004 A) General Information a) Name Address (Residential) : Dr. Basavraj Manikrao Kareppa : Shivam Near Shiv Shakti Building, Basmat Road, Parbhani-431401. Ph. No. : 9422879127 Designation b) Department c) Date of Birth d) Area of Specialization Exam Passed : Senior Lecturer : Botany : 03-05-1962 : Plant Pathology and Microbiology Board/ University
Aurangabad Divisional Board, Aurangabad Aurangabad Divisional Board, Aurangabad Marathwada University Aurangabad Marathwada University Aurangabad Marathwada University, ABad Marathwada University Aurangabad Indian Botanical Society, Varanasi SRTMU, Nanded SRTMU, Nanded

e) A) Academic Qualifications Subjects Year Division/ Grade Merit etc.

II nd II nd 1981 II nd 1984 IInd 1986 30/8/86 To 28/2/90 1990 1998 1996 1999

High School (S.S.C.) Higher Secondary or Pre-degree (H.S.C.) Bachelors Degree (s) (B.Sc.) Masters Degree (s) (M.Sc.) JRF under UGC research project. Research Degree (s) (Ph.D.) FBS. PG teacher in Botany Research Guide in Botany Research Guide in Microbiology

Eng, Mar, Hindi Gen. Sci, Maths, Social studies. Eng, Hindi, Maths, Phy, Chem, Bot and Zoology. Botany(Principal) Zoology and Chem (Subsidiary) Botany (Plant Pathology) Fungicide Resistance In Plant Pathogens In Maharashtra State. Botany(Plant Pathology) On the basis of research contribution Botany Botany Microbiology


By Thesis

* Teachers already in employment at the time of introduction of the scheme and for new entrants at time of joining of the institution.



Research Experience & Training Research Stage Title of work/Theses

University where the work was carried out -Marathwada University Aurangabad

M.Phil or equivalent Ph.D. Post-Doctoral Publications (give a list separately) Research Guidance (give names of students guided successfully) Training (please specify)

Studies on fungicide resistance in plant pathogens -III ------List enclosed List enclosed

------STRMU, Nanded. ------Duration Remarks

------B) Research Projects carried out Title of the Project Name of the funding Agency --------




C) Seminars, Conferences, Symposia Workshops etc. attended Name of the Seminar/ Conference/ Name of the Sponsoring Place and Date Symposia Workshop, etc. Agency 1.National coference on Post graduate Dept. Botany for Human Welfare UGC and Marathwada of Botany, Mrs. KSK Botanical society. and 5th Annual meet of MBS. college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Beed from 4th to 5th Janury, 2003. 2.National Conference on Dr. B.A.M. Emerging Pollutants: Impact Dr.B.A.M.U. University, on Health, Agriculture and Aurangabad. Aurangaba from 29th Environment. to 31st January 2004. 3.National conference on UGC and Marathwada Yeshwant College, Biotechnological approaches Botanical society. Nanded from 14th to in conservation, utilization 15th Feb,2004. and improvement of plant health.

iii) Teaching Experience Courses Taught iv ) U.G. (B.Sc.Pass) v) P.G. (M.Sc.) vi) M.Phil vii) Any other Total Teaching Experience

Name of the University/ College / Institution

Dnyanopasak Shikshan Mandals, College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Parbhani-431401

17/7/91 to 17/7/2004 -----


: 12years

a) Under-graduate (Pass) : 12years b) Under-graduate (Hons) : -c) Post-graduate : -viii) Innovations/Contributions in Teaching a) Design of Curriculum of B.Sc. T.Y. at L.B.S.College, Dharnabad on 12th Sept.,2004. b) Teaching methods c) Laboratory experiments d) Evaluation methods : Lecture, discussion, method : By conducting practicals / demonstrations. : Attended workshop on restricting of syllabi

: By conducting unit tests & by asking questions e) Preparation of resource material including books: By revision reading materials, laboratory manuals etc. f) Remedial Teaching / Student Counseling (academic): Student counciling.

g) Any Other ix) Extension Work/Community Service a) Please give a short account of your contribution to: I) Community work such as values of National Integration, secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc.:- Secretary of Maharashtra Veer Shav Sabha, Pune, for Parbhani District, carried out different social activities. II) Invited & worked for meeting at head office at Pune for planning of womens conference at Shegoan in Maharashtra. III) Acted as member of decoration committee for NAAC- Peer team from 28th to 29th Aug. 2003, in DSM college, Parbhani.

ii) b)

National Literacy Mission ; --Positions held/Leadership role played in organizations linked with Extension Work and National Service Scheme (NSS), or NCC or any other similar activity

D. Participation in Corporate Life: Please give a short account of your contribution to : a) College/University/Institution of b) Co-curricular Activities : 1. Worked as member in different committees College. 2. Worked as examiner for B.Sc. : --

c) Enrichment of Campus Life (Hostels, sports, games, cultural activities) : --Member of committee d) Students Welfare and Discipline e) Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees on Education and National Development f) Professional Organization of Teachers. : -- Member of Mukta

E. (a) Membership of Professional Bodies, Societies etc. (b) Editorship of Journals F. Any other information

Signature of teacher

Format- 2 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT FOR SELF APPRAISAL OF TEACHERS A. General Information a) Name b) Date of Birth Address (Residential) c) Designation d) Department e) Area of Specialization f) Date of Appointment (i)

: Dr Basavraj Manikrao Kareppa : 03-05-1962 : Mahabasv near Om Shanti, Shivram Nagar, Parbhani-431401. Ph. No. : 9422879127 : Associate Professor : Botany : Plant Pathology and Biotechnology : 17/7/1991 : 17/7/1991 DSM , College of Arts, Commerce & Science,

in the institution in the present post g) Honors Conferred B. Teaching (a) Classes Taught Class Assigned per week **L T/P (1) i) U.G. (B.Sc. pass) F.Y. Botany S.Y. Botany ii) PG (M.Sc.) iii) M.Phil iv) Any other T=3 T=3 P=0 P=9


: 17/7/1991


Periods Taught in the year L T/P (2) T=90 T=90 P=0 P=270

Steps taken for the teaching of periods missed during absence or leave (3) By conducting extra periods and practicals.

* (To be filled at the end of every academic year)

** L=Lecture T=Tutorial P=Practical b) Regularity and Punctuality :-Yes regular and punctual c) Details of course teaching plan, synopses of lecturers, and reading lists supplied to students :-Yes, synopsis, list of books, practical manuals, teaching plan supplied to the students d) Details of participation in the following. (i) University Education : Yes (Examiner and Moderator) university order enclosed. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Internal Evaluation : Yes (Examiner at B.Sc. S.Y. & T.Y. Practicals) Paper Setting : Yes (B.Sc. S.Y.& T.Y. )

Assessment of Home assignments : Yes Conduct of Examinations Evaluation of Dissertation etc. : Yes : Yes

C. Details of Innovations / Contribution in Teaching, during the year : a) a) Design of curriculum : Attended workshop on restricting of syllabi of B.Sc. T.Y. at L.B.S.College, Dharmabad on 12th Sept.,2004. b) Teaching methods c) Laboratory experiments e) Evaluation methods : Lecture method : By conducting practicals. : By conducting seminars, unit tests & by asking questions

e) Preparation of resource material including books: Yes by revision reading materials, laboratory manuals etc. f) Remedial Teaching / Student Counseling (academic): Yes g) Any other Improvement of Professional Competence : (a) Details regarding refresher courses/orientation attended, participation in summer schools, workshops, seminars, symposia etc. including open university courses/M.Phil., Ph.D. E. Research Contributions: a) Number of students (M.Phil./ Ph.D.)

At the beginning of the year M.Phil Ph.D.

Registered during the year -List enclosed

Completed during the year -List enclosed

b) No. of research papers published (please enclose list) 09(nine) c)Research Projects: Title of the Project --------Name of the funding agency --------Duration ---------

c) Details of Seminars, Conferences, Symposia organized:- -d) Patents taken, if any, give a brief description e) Membership of Professional Bodies, Editorship of Journals etc. F. Extension Work/Community Service a) Please give a short account of your contribution to: i) Community work such as values of National Integration, secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc:a) Seceratary of Maharashtra Veer Shav Sabha, Pune, for Parbhani District, carried out social activities. b) Invited for meeting at head office at Pune for planning of ladies conference at Shegoan in Maharashtra. c) Acted as member of decoration comitte for NAAC- Peer team from 28th to 29th Aug. 2003,in DSM college, Parbhani. ii) National Literacy Mission b) Positions held/Leadership role played in organizations linked with Extension work and National Service Scheme (NSS), or NCC or any other similar activity. :- Delivered a lecture on pollution in NSS Camp held at Dharasur Dist. Parbhani.(letter enclosed) G. Participation in Corporate Life: Please give a short account of your contribution to: a.College/University/Institution b.Co-curricular activities c. Enrichment of campus life : AS examiner and moderater for B.Sc. :

(hostels, sports, games, cultural activities) d) Students welfare and Discipline

: As a member of committee

e) Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees on Education and National Development f) Professional Organizations of Teachers : Member of MUCTA

H. Assessment a) Steps taken by you for the evaluation of the course programme taught :- Examinar and moderator I. General Data State brief assessment of your performance indicating (a) achievements, :- To the expectations (b) difficulties faced and :- very few (c) suggestions for improvement. (Signature of the Teacher) J. Verification of factual data A. General Information B. Teaching C. Details of Innovations/Contribution in teaching, during the year D. Improvement of Professional competence E. Research contributions F. Extension work/community service G. Participation in Corporate Life

(Signature of the Principal)

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