3Frc R: 28/06/2019 Circularno.117

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File No.No.


F No. 7-26(06)/2019-PAT
3fRc=r tt{chl{ /Government oflndia
~ J.i ::11 c>l ;q /Ministry of Communications
~{tti.11{ ~ /Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road,
New Delhi -110001
Dated: 28/06/2019

Subject: Leave Encashment to officers appointed on contract m vanous posts under

Government - reg

The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of Ministry of Personnel, PG

& Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training OM No. 14028/1/2019-Estt. (L) dated 20th
June, 2019 on the subject cited above for information / necessary action.

Encl: As above.
(Bulley Mishra)
Assistant Director General (PAT)
Copy to:

1. P. S to Minister of State for Communications(IC)/MO C, New Delhi

2. Sr. PPS to Secretary (T)/Chairman, Telecom Commission, New Delhi.
3.PPS/PS to Member(T), Member(S), Member(F), DoT
4. PPS/PS to Director General Telecom.
5. All Advisors/Addl. Secy. /Sr. DDGs /DDGs/ JSs, DoT, New Delhi
6. All Advisors/Sr. DDGs ofDoT field Unit.
7. Sr. DDG, TEC, Khurshid Lal Bhawan, New Delhi
9. CMD, BSNL, Corporate Office, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi
10. CMD, MTNL, 9 CGO Complexes, 5th Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
11. CMD, TCIL, New Delhi
12. CMD, BBNL, New Delhi
13. Executive Director, C-DO T/Dir. WMO, New Delhi
14. All Controllers/Jt. Controllers of Communications Accounts, DOT
15. Director (Staff), Director (SEA), DOT & Director (Civil), DoT, New Delhi
16. Dy. Security (Admin-I)/ (Admin-II)/ (Admin-III) & (Admin-IV), DoT
17. Director (IT), DO T for posting this circular on the web-site of DO T
18. PAO, and all the concenied Sections, DOT, New Delhi
19. SO (Pay Bill), DoT, HQ, Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi
20. All recognized Units/Association/Federations, DoT, New Delhi
21. Internal Audit Unit DoT, HQ, Sanchar Bhawan New Delhi
No. J 4028/ 1/ 2019-Estt. (L)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Date: 20th June, 2019

Office Memorand·u:m

Subject: Leave encashment to officers appointed on contract in various posts under

Government - regarding _.

The undersigned is directed to say that the leave terms of the officers appointed on
contract in various posts under the Government are governed by DoPT' s OM
No.12016/3/84-Estt.(L) dated 12.04.1985 which was subsequently amended vide OMs No.
12016/1/90-Estt. (L) dated 05.07.1990, No.12016/2/99-Estt(L) dated 12.07.1999 and No.
12016/5/2009-Estt.(L) dated 31.01.2011.

2. Para 2 of the OM dated 12.04.1985 prescribed the limit of encashment of earned

leave upto a maximum period of 180 days during the contract period of such officers
which was amended vide Olvls dated 05.07.1990 and 12.07.1999 thereby increasing the

,~ maximum permissible encashment limit of earned leave upto 240 days and 300 days
respectively. Para 3 of the above OM dated 12.04.1985 prescribed that the total earned
leave for which encashrnent may be allowed together with the earned leave or full pay
leave (or which encashment had been allowed in previous appointments, if any, under the
Government is not more than 180 days which was subsequently increased to 240 days and
300 days vide OMs dated 05.07.1990 and 12.07.1999 respectively.

3. It has been observed that many times the Government appoints officers on contract
for a specified period in public interest keeping in view their professional or
scientific/ technical expertise and this restriction of 300 days may act as a disincentive
especially for those who have highly specialized professional or scientific/technical skills
to join the government in various posts on contract basis for a specified period.

4. Now, it has been decided in consultation with Department of Expenditure that the
officers who are appointed on contract in various posts under the Central Government
will be allowed encashment of earned leave at their credit on the date of termination of
contract, subject to the condition that for each completed year of service put in by him in
the post in- such contract appointment, not more than 10 days benefit of earned leave
encashment shall be permissible. While calculating the encashment of leave in such a
contract appointment, the number of days of leave for which encashment had been
allowed in previous appointment, if any, under the Government shall not be taken into
;()account. The relevant provisions relating to earned Leave encashment as contained in para
~ 1) and 3 of DoPT's OM No.12016/3/84-Estt.(L) dated 12.04.1985 as amended vide OMs
,0--t ~~ \ ~ _dated 05.07.1990, 12.07.1999 and 31.01.2011 stand further amended accordingly.
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5. The above amendments will be effective w th effect from the date of issue of this
(Sandeep Saxena)
Under Secretarv to the Government of India
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All Iv inistries \ Departments of the Government o India, etc.
Endo sement as per Standard List.

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