This document outlines the procedures and responsibilities for a PhD program, including admission, coursework, assessments, thesis submission and defense. Key parts of the process are approval by the Vice-Chancellor, supervision by faculty committees, evaluations of student progress, plagiarism checks, examination by external reviewers, and final approval for degree conferral. The responsibilities are divided between the Dean of Academic Research, department heads, and other academic authorities.
This document outlines the procedures and responsibilities for a PhD program, including admission, coursework, assessments, thesis submission and defense. Key parts of the process are approval by the Vice-Chancellor, supervision by faculty committees, evaluations of student progress, plagiarism checks, examination by external reviewers, and final approval for degree conferral. The responsibilities are divided between the Dean of Academic Research, department heads, and other academic authorities.
This document outlines the procedures and responsibilities for a PhD program, including admission, coursework, assessments, thesis submission and defense. Key parts of the process are approval by the Vice-Chancellor, supervision by faculty committees, evaluations of student progress, plagiarism checks, examination by external reviewers, and final approval for degree conferral. The responsibilities are divided between the Dean of Academic Research, department heads, and other academic authorities.
This document outlines the procedures and responsibilities for a PhD program, including admission, coursework, assessments, thesis submission and defense. Key parts of the process are approval by the Vice-Chancellor, supervision by faculty committees, evaluations of student progress, plagiarism checks, examination by external reviewers, and final approval for degree conferral. The responsibilities are divided between the Dean of Academic Research, department heads, and other academic authorities.
1. Admission to PhD program will be under arrangement of Dean (A&R). Admission
process will include: Getting approval of intake of PhD program from Vice- Chancellor, Advt. of PhD program, Question Paper Setting, Entrance Examination, evaluation and getting approval of selected candidates from Vice-Chancellor. 2. Notification to selected candidates will be sent by Registry with schedule of orientation and procedure of registration and all other relevant information. 3. Processing of PhD form-1 submitted by candidates will be carried out by Registry which will include authentication of previous qualifications of candidates and preparation of PhD file. 4. Recommendation for allotment of supervisor, topic, and DPMAC will be under arrangement of Dean (A&R) as per ordinance. The same will be sent to Vice- Chancellor for approval. 5. Course work to PhD students will be assigned by DPMAC and will be sent to Registrar for further processing. 6. End semester presentation will be under the arrangement of HoD/ departmental Coordinator which includes notification of end semester and presentation by scholars of the department before DPMAC. 7. The Semester progress report in the Form-II (after completing necessary formalities as mentioned in the form) will be sent to Dean (A&R) by the departments of Biotechnology, ECE, JBS and HSS and to Dean (RID)/ Representative of Dean (RID) by departments of CSE/IT, PMSE and Mathematics for their recommendations and for further approval from Vice-Chancellor. 8. The Work Assessment will be carried out by Dean (A&R) for departments of Biotechnology, ECE, JBS and HSS and by Dean (RID)/ representative of Dean (RID) for the departments of CSE/IT, PMSE and Mathematics, which will include the following: Submission of Form III of PhD program by the supervisor(s) with necessary supporting documents to Dean (A&R)/ Dean (RID)/ Representative of Dean (RID). Allotment of date and time of work assessment Dean (A&R)/ Dean (RID)/ Representative of Dean (RID) after due verification of criteria for submission of thesis as per the ordinance. Supervisor to notify the schedule of work assessment to all DPMAC members with a copy to Dean (A&R), CoE and Administrative officer. Work assessment to be carried out by DPMAC and Form III to be sent to registry for record in the scholar’s file. After satisfactory work assessment, Form IV to be submitted by the supervisor(s) to Dean (A&R)/ Dean (RID)/ Representative of Dean (RID) and date and time should be taken and sent to registry for necessary approval of Vice-Chancellor. Notification by CoE. 9. Synopsis Seminar will be chaired by Dean (A&R) for departments of ECE, Biotechnology, JBS and HSS and by Dean (RID)/ Representative of Dean (RID) for the departments of CSE/IT, PMSE and Mathematics. 10. After satisfactory synopsis seminar, file will be sent to Vice-Chancellor for approval for submission of thesis for examination. 11. Notification for submission of synopsis and thesis will be sent by Controller of examination. 12. Scholar will provide a soft copy of thesis in the prescribed format to LRC for plagiarism check and show the report of Dean (A&R)/ Dean (RID)/ Representative of Dean (RID). 13. After grant of permission from Dean (A&R)/ Dean (RID)/ Representative of Dean (RID), LRC will send soft copy of the thesis submitted by the student to CoE and hard spiral bound copy will be submitted by the student to CoE. 14. Panel of Examiners is to be submitted to Dean (A&R) in the prescribed form by the supervisor. 15. Extension of date of submission: Request is to be submitted to Dean (A&R). 16. Thesis evaluation by Examiners - CoE 17. Assessment of Examiners Reports – Dean (A&R) 18. Scheduling of PhD defence – CoE 19. PhD defence: Dean (A&R)/ Dean (RID)/ Representative of Dean (RID) will get the defence conducted. 20. After including recommendations in the thesis scholar will show the ready-to-submit spiral bound thesis to examination section prescribed format 21. Scholar will get the thesis hardbound and seek permission of Dean (A&R) for submission in the examination section. 22. Once hardbound thesis is submitted, file will be sent to Vice-Chancellor through Dean (A&R) for approval for award PhD degree. 23. In the department of CSE/IT, the responsibilities of HoD during PhD submission process will be taken care of by the coordinator CSE/IT (sector-128) if the thesis supervisor working in sector-128 and by the coordinator CSE/IT (sector-62) if the thesis supervisor is from sector-62.