Analysis of Middleware and ADRC Based Techniques For Networked Control Systems
Analysis of Middleware and ADRC Based Techniques For Networked Control Systems
Analysis of Middleware and ADRC Based Techniques For Networked Control Systems
Abstract— This paper presents two control techniques to In this paper two controllers have been model to maintain
cater issues of stabilization due to network delays in the network the stability of a network control system in the presence of
control systems (NCS). First technique is focused on the network-induced delay (sensor-controller delay and controller-
modifying a simple PI controller by adding a middle ware to actuator delay). The first technique comprises of a PI
adjust PI parameters in accordance with the delays. Next, a novel
technique Automatic Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) is
controller and an additional block namely Gain Scheduling
discussed to cater the issues due to delays. The ADRC stabilizes Middleware (GSM) is added for the smooth operation of the
the response of the system however the overall response is system. Middleware is the key component of the design. As
delayed. replacing existing controllers with the ones specially designed
for networked environment can be inconvenient, a middleware
Keywords— NCS, Middleware, Gain Scheduling, PI, ADRC that will enables existing control strategy to work in
networked environments can be more efficient. The proposed
I. INTRODUCTION middleware has two essential elements: network traffic
estimator and Gain. Random delays in the network are fixed to
The NCS or Network Control Systems are the systems a certain value by using buffer and then gain is tuned to get
comprising sensors, actuator, controllers and system or desired response [10].
systems to be controlled, where information is shared via
communication medium. They have several benefits over The second technique is ADRC, which was proposed by
traditional point to point wired networks and finds application Jingqing Han [7], is used to control the plant over-the-
in many areas. They find application in a number of areas network. Active Disturbance Rejection Control is a robust
including factory automation, vehicles and airplanes. Due to control methodology . It is another technique that is used to
insertion of medium system experiences various natures of minimize the effect of delays in network control systems [8].
side effects. ADRC is based on the extension of the system model with an
additional imaginary state variables; the virtual state (sum of
Control over-the-Network has emerged as a topic of external and internal disturbances or delays usually
significant interest in the control system community . It is represented as a "total disturbance"). This disturbance
fully understood that in many practical implementation of the rejection feature pave way for researcher to study the system
systems, the physical plant, sensor, controller, and actuator under consideration with a simpler model as their negative
are difficult to be located at the same place, so it is therefore implication of modeling uncertainty overcame in real time. As
required to transmit the signals from place to place. In the a result, the need of a precise analytical description of the
modern world industrial systems, the components are system is not required, as the unknown parts of dynamics can
frequently connected over network media (particularly digital be assumed as the internal disturbance in the plant. The
band-limited channels of serial communication), this adaptive ability and robustness of this technique make it an
eventually give rise to the so-called networked control systems efficient solution in different scenarios where the complete
(NCSs). information of the system is not available.
Difficulties in designing an NCS include, the delays Implementation and simulation results of both techniques
which is induced by the network [1] which exchanging the follows in subsequent sections. Section II describes the system
data from one medium to another, and packet losses during the under consideration and the delay modeling. Section III and
transferring of data, because of the unpredictable network IV presents analysis of GSM and ADRC based techniques on
transmission path, where packets or information not only the system described in Section II respectively. Conclusion are
suffer the problem of transmission delays but also lost during summarized in Section V.
transmission. Several techniques are now in existing to handle
the network delay effect the techniques like Gain scheduling
[2], introducing a buffer in between [3], and sampling time II. NETWORK DELAYS AND SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
scheduling [4], robust gain scheduling [5], using a robust
controller [6]. A. Delays
For the analysis of how to schedule the gains of PI
controller on the controller parameters (control agent) with
networked environments. The proposed middleware has two
essential elements: Network Traffic Estimator, and Gain
Scheduler. The network traffic estimator is used to send a
packet signal to calculate the round trip time and by using this
time the network traffic estimator calculate or estimates the
delay in the system. Delays appearing in the network are sent
to the gain scheduling block. The Gain Scheduler calculates
the optimized gain to counter the delay calculated in system
by network traffic estimator. By applying the appropriate gain
the signal is transmitted to the plant without deteriorating the
performance caused by delays in the system.
A. Introduction
The PID(proportional-integral-derivative) controller is the
most extensively used controller occupying a dominant status
in industrial process control system. With the development in
the fields of science and technology, the importance of control
system mainly focuses on three major components including
rapid respond speed, control and accuracy, and also the high
ability to adapt the various changes in the environment
increasingly which the classical PID controller cannot obtain
due to some shortcomings with control performance. The
Active Disturbance Rejection Controller (ADRC) is a new
robust approach having the advantages of classical PID and
improved with respect to most of its defects and problems. In
the contemporary era, the ADRC controller has wide spread
applications in many domains such as chemical industry,
electricity generation plants, medical especially tele-surgery.
aerospace, aviation and other fields. This technique in many
Fig. 5. Step response of the system without network & delay
parameters such as transient system response, time and very
negligible overshoot are far better than classical PID.
ADRC is divided into three different parts:
• Tracking-Differentiator (TD)
• Extended State Observer (ESO)
• Nonlinear State Error Feedback (NLSEF)
v1 = v2 (14)
Fig. 6. Step response of system with network delay (50 ms) in loop
⎛ v v ⎞
v2 = − r ⎜ v1 − v + 2 2 ⎟ (15)
⎝ 2r ⎠
v is the input and v1 is the desired trajectory of the step
input, v2 is input’s derivative. The parameter ‘r’ is speed
controlling parameter for the desired transient profile. The
parameter ‘r’ can be chosen so as to speed up or slow down
the transient profile. Fastest tracking is provided for input v
and its derivative, which is limited with respect of speed
variable r.
u0 = − fhan ( e1 , ce2 , r , h ) (16) But x3 = f ⇒ x2 = f + bu (24)
x3 = f (25)
⎪ 2 y = x1 (26)
⎪d = rh , a0 = hx2 , y = x1 + a0
⎪ This depicts the extended state of the state observer hence
⎪a1 = d ( d + 8 y ) named as Extended State Observer. Jingqing Han introduce
⎪ the implementation of ESO through nonlinear function which
⎪a2 = a0 + sign ( y )( a1 − d ) / 2 (17)
⎪ can be expressed through nonlinear function as
fhan ( e1 , ce2 , r , h ) = ⎨ s y =
sign ( y + d ) − sign ( y − d )
⎪ 2 e = z1 − y (27)
⎪a = ( a0 + y − a2 ) s y + a2
⎪ fe = fal ( e, 0.5, δ ) , fe1 = fal ( e, 0.5, δ ) (28)
⎪ sign ( a + d ) − sign ( a − d )
⎪ sa = 2 z1 = z2 − β 01e (29)
⎪ fhan = −r ⎛ a − sign a ⎞ s − rsign a
⎪⎩ ⎜ ( )⎟ a ( ) z2 = z3 + bu − β 02 fe (30)
⎝d ⎠
Here u0 is the output of NLSEF, r0and h0 are the controller z3 = − β 03 fe1 (31)
parameters which are set equal to the parameter h which is
sampling time. b0 is selected as 1.Finally the control law is In which the nonlinear function fal is described as
stated as
⎧ e
u −z ⎪ , x <δ
u= 0 (18) fal ( e, α , δ ) = ⎨ δ ( −α )
b0 ⎪ e α sign ( e ) , x ≥ δ
The gains β01, β02, β03 are selected through the equation.
1 2
β 01 = 1 β 02 = β 03 = 2 2 (33)
3h 8 h
Where h is the sampling period.
x1 = x (19)
x2 = x (20)
x3 = f (21)
For the desired output y can be obtained as given below.
x1 = x2 (22)
x2 = x3 + bu (23)
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