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Recent and Prospective Developments in Power

System Control Centers

Adapting the Digital Twin Technology for Application in Power System Control Centers

Christoph Brosinsky and Dirk Westermann Rainer Krebs

Power Systems Group Energy Management Division
Technische Universität Ilmenau Siemens AG
Ilmenau, Germany Erlangen, Germany

Abstract—The development of power system control centers has future system states. Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA)
always been linked to the evolving of new technologies and and new optimization tools are able to do predictive
innovative concepts. Switching to IP/TCP-based communication calculations online. Thus, possible future states as well as
was one mayor evolutionary step in the past. Now, new precise possible mitigation strategies to contingencies are already
time-synchronized phasor measurement units (PMU) based
monitoring tools are on the rise and enable dynamic system
known before they occur. A big task, which is actually not yet
observation. Future control centers for power systems can profit solved, is to visualize those precalculated results and
from this development, enlarging the observability and rising simultaneously prevent operators from confusion. This is why
operator situation awareness. The next evolutionary step in power system control centers, often referred as energy
control center technology may be the utilization of the Digital management system (EMS) for transmission and distribution
Twin concept. Its abilities to depict the actual and possible management system (DMS) for distribution systems, will
future system state, makes it an inevitable solution for further handle legacy control center tools and new applications at
improvement of power system monitoring and control systems. least for the next years separately. SCADA will still be
This paper discusses recent developments of control center needed, but will be enriched by new online observability
technology and introduces a new concept of a Digital Twin
centric control center architecture which is based on a dynamic
tools, which run in parallel. The future generation of control
simulation engine called dynamic digital mirror. center technology will link both ways and facilitate the
operator, providing only one system to keep an eye on.
Index Terms—Control Center, Digital Twin, DMS, EMS, This paper provides a succinct review of existing control
SCADA, WAMS center technologies and tools. Other past and future visions of
control centers are given in [4–9]. This paper exceeds a
I. INTRODUCTION discussion of requirements of future control centers. A new
Control center technology is emerging relatively slow approach is introduced, based on dynamically mirroring the
while the number of distributed generation units and a system state by digital twinning. The new concept to
growing number of decommissioned conventional power determine the power system state is assumed to be the next
plants lead to a higher rate of possible contingencies in the evolutionary step in the field of control center technology.
electrical power system [1]. The time to react to critical faults
decreases. New precise and flexible monitoring tools and GUI
controllable operational equipment will be needed to Control Room

accomplish this task. Volatile generation and highly flexible Steady State Assessment Dynamic Assessment

utilities like HVDC and FACTS devices introduce small time PF SSA OPT EMS PDP DSA PSA
constants into the power system. Thus, dynamic phenomena (Power Apps)
SCC Archive ... SIPS DSE ...
will play a growing role in the future. To react to the changes,
it is necessary to enlarge the observability of the power
IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-104

system by means of wide area monitoring and reducing the PDC

State Estimation PDC
time steps between measurements. This is possible by DB
utilization of time-synchronized phasor measurement units
(PMUs). Modern control centers comprise a growing number
IEEE C37.118

IEEE C37.118

IEEE C37.118

of applications for wide area monitoring and control, taking DB
into account PMU technology and flexible power system
IEC 60870-5-104
asset (e.g. VSC-HVDC and FACTS) [2, 3]. A simplified IEC 61850
3rd Party
architecture of modern control centers is shown in Fig. 1.
(abbreviations see chapter II). Legacy Supervisory Control Processlayer
and Data Acquisition (SCADA) tools cannot deal with the
shrinking time constants and the new measurement devices. RTU RTU RTU

The next generation of control a further look into possible Fig. 1. Schematic modern modular control center architecture

978-1-5386-3669-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

Traditionally, control centers are based on SCADA Full observability of the power system is not always
systems, which transmit and display measurement data and given, due to missing measurement data or communication
other information within a few seconds [10]. The increasing loss. The state estimation module in the control center
use of PMUs, leads to sufficiently small data transmission determines the missing data and completes the data set with
intervals and measurement timeframes for advanced approximated values with a specific uncertainty [11]. The
monitoring of grid dynamics. PMU data are space vectors of estimated operational state of the power system, is necessary
current and voltage that are time stamped with an accuracy of to execute control center software programs and advanced
± 1μs and a sample rate of up to 60 samples per second security analysis tools, therefore SE is perhaps the most
(related standards in Fig. 2). In the control center a phasor important control center function [11, 12]. With rise of the
data processor processes the PMU measurements for further PMU technology dynamic state estimators based on different
analysis. Modern control centers use advantages of both algorithmic approaches are also available [13, 14].
technologies to rise power system observability. SCADA and C. Synchrophasor Technology
PMU based wide area monitoring systems (WAMS) normally
run independently in parallel. A comparison of main Dynamic voltage instabilities and highly time resolved
differences between SCADA and WAMS is given in Table I. power flows can be derived by sophisticated data analysis
applications, which convert PMU data into high-value
A modern control center (see Fig. 1) is based on software operational and planning information [15]. Synchrophasor
modules which include at least the following functionalities systems use PMUs, to measure magnitude, phase and
and applications: sequence of an AC value, by application of Fourier
• SCADA System, Database (DB) and Graphical User transformation to the alternating signal. A phasor becomes a
Interface (GUI),
synchrophasor when timestamped. Therefore, an accurate
• Historical Recording (Archive),
time source is necessary e.g. a Global Positioning System
• State Estimation (SE), (GPS). PMU reporting rates are typically below 60 frames
• Model Data Management (MDM), per second [16], but may be higher. The sampled
• Contingency Analysis (CA), measurement values are digitized and packet into frames for
• Static Security Assessment (SSA) transmission and streamed to a substation or control center
• Power Flow (PF) and Optimal Power Flow (OPF), phasor data concentrator (PDC – sometimes also called
• Short Circuit Current (SCC) Calculation, synchrophasor vector processor [17]). PMU sensor networks
• Operational Planning Tools, e.g., Load Forecast & increase the power system observability to monitor dynamic
Reserve Monitoring (OPT)
and transient events [18]. The necessary data processing, is
• Communication Modules (e.g., 3rd Party Access)
done by a PDC, which basically aggregates and time-aligns
Furthermore, advanced functionalities for enhanced the samples for further processing. The PDP module in the
dynamic observability, assessment and decision support tools control center visualizes those measurements and enables the
are on the rise and comprise the following: operator to observe frequency and angle deviations as well as
• Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control power oscillations. Phasor data processing enables many
(WAM, WAP and WAC), advanced applications in control centers, e.g. online
• Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA), monitoring of system dynamics and dynamic security
• Phasor Data Processing (PDP), enhancement [19].
• Protection Security Assessment (PSA),
ANALYTICS [15, 17, 19, 20]
• Dynamic State Estimation (DSE)
Description SCADA (EMS) WAMS
The relevant parts of a modern control center linked to
the approach described in this paper are outlined in the Data Update 2-10 s (slow) Once in 20 ms (fast)
following subsections. Steady and Dynamic
State Detection Steady State
A. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
|Vi|, |Vj|, Pij, Qij |Vi|, |Vj|, |δi|, |δj|
A periodic exchange of data between a control instance Values
and remote terminal units (RTUs) in substations or other Timestamp
At Substation or EMS GPS Timestamped at
distributed components in the power system is often realized Arrival Measurement Location
by SCADA systems. The data exchange bases on short Nonlinear, Numerical
State Estimation Linear calculation
telegram messages send from a control center to the
application in the field (e.g. RTU) or from the field to the Stability Small Signal Stability Oscillation Monitoring
control center. Such messages can be status indications, Island Detection &
jamming signals, commands or set points and measurement Islanding Island Management
D. Intelligent Substations to a database structure. The CIM model is extended regularly
Substations provide various access points to system to adapt to new factors such as market models, graphic models
parameters, enabling monitoring, control, and secure and new grid components. The harmonization approach
between IEC 61850 and CIM is also an advantage [26, 27].
operation of widespread bulk power systems. Therefore,
The Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES)
substations are strategically important in power system design
facilitates the exchange of operational and grid planning data
and operation. They are typically deployed with an among transmission system operators. For coordination
abundance of instrumentation to facilitate functions including between either different organizations or synchronization of
monitoring, control and communication [21]. Remote data bases between control centers of the same organization,
terminal units and intelligent electronic devices (IED) are the the Inter Control Center Communication Protocol (ICCP) also
data aggregators of the substation. They communicate with known as Telecontrol Application Service Element 2 (TASE-
the SCADA system providing measurement values and listen 2) is a commonly used to exchange data.
to commands. Modern substation automation and
communication systems are based on the IEC 61850 standard G. Dynamic Control Center Applications
which also supports PMU measurements. Automated Lately developed toolboxes and applications, increase the
substations with PMUs in combination with fast-acting observability of the power system in control centers. A power
FACTs devices are able to mitigate local problems before system is observable if the measurements allow determination
they propagate out of the substation to the rest of the grid of bus voltage magnitude and angle at every bus of the
[22]. The approach presented in this paper assumes the network [28]. In context of PMU devices, this definition is
existence of intelligent substations, which are able to still valid. Adding observability by means of synchrophasor
communicate the actual operational state and reserves for technology in the power system enables a number of new
further processing in the control room. possible applications such as WAMS for real time operation
and control.
E. Substation Automation and Agent based Technology 1) Synchrophasor based Control Center Applications:
In the power system of the future, where faster reactions The common time reference of PMU measurements from
to disturbances are necessary, the control system will be different locations in an interconnected area contain the
distributed at the substation level. The aim to limit valuable information for WAMS. By utilization of PDC and
disturbances, without control center action reduces reaction PDP applications the system conditions become depictable in
time and unbounds the system from potential real time. Taking into account the possibilities and
telecommunication disruptions [23]. A possible approach to applications stated in Table II, synchrophasor technology
reduce control center actions is agent based. An agent
enables new, fast and highly accurate control center
generally is a software or hardware system, which is
functionalities, such as real-time state estimation and
embedded in particular system instances and is able to act
autonomous to solve predefined tasks. Agents interact and dynamic monitoring of operating conditions. There are many
communicate with other agents, perceive their environment standards defined for PMU data measurement and transfer.
and act pro-active on changes in their environment. [24]. Fig. 2 summarizes the latest IEEE standards related to phasor
measurements and data processing.
F. Power System Automation Protocols
Accurate and responsive power systems incorporate high Real-Time Off-Line
demands on information and communication technology Visualization Analysis and Assessment
(ICT). Real-time supervisory and control applications depend Monitoring and Alarming System Planning
on high end-to-end performance and overall scalability, to State Estimation Model Validation
guarantee working applications. Robust middleware services
Protection and Control Disturbance Analysis
that are able to operate with variable resources and multi-
source sensor data are indispensable for this approach [25]. 2) Dynamic Security Assessment:
Increasing complexity of the power system lead to the Besides static security assessment, which reflects the steady
development of new approaches in power system state system condition, dynamic security assessment is part of
communication. Legacy and still widely used SCADA modern control center applications. The ability of the system
protocols (e.g. IEC 60870-5-104 or DNP3) for TCP/IP to safely reach a new system state is analyzed in DSA
communication between control center and substation are applications. The probabilistic dynamic system behavior
supplemented by new data modelling approaches. IEC 61850
(voltage and transient stability) determined by dynamic
defines a modern communication protocol for power systems,
which is based on an advanced and expandable data model simulations enable investigation of dynamic stability limits.
and includes the definition of appropriate data exchange Therefore, a fully determined data set of the actual system
services. Modern implementations comprise interfaces to state is prerequisite. The system operator in a control room
PMU and the Common Information Model (CIM). The CIM will use the DSA results to decide whether a contingency is
model takes a significant role in the power system industry for critical and will determine mitigation strategies to avoid
data exchange. It is applicable at transmission and at instabilities. DSA systems were already deployed in the late
distribution level, using a hierarchical approach which is close 1980’s [30], but recent implementations focus on a predictive
and online operation [31].
Despite the increasing use of automation, human
Simulation Control Center
operators remain an integral part of modern power systems Technology [41] Technology
[32, 33]. Operator situational awareness (OSA) has a
Individual Application:
significant impact on the probability of the system entering 1st
Simulation Limited to very
Hard Wired, Fully Analog
the cascading phase of a blackout [34]. To prevent cascading Generation Communication
Specific Topics
outages it is therefore important to support decision processes 2 nd
Simulation Tools: Simulation is IP/TCP based
effectively, before the situation becomes uncontrollable [32]. Generation a Standard Tool for Engineering Communication
To achieve this in a control room several factors need to be 3rd Simulation-based System Dynamic Assessment
considered: interface design (GUI), operator stress and Generation Design Tools
workload, application complexity and automated decision Digital Twin Centric
4th Digital Twin: Simulation is a
Control Center
support and operator training [35]. In case all these factors get Generation Core Functionality of Systems
aligned with the tasks in a control room, critical situations
will get acknowledged sooner and can get mitigated A. The Digital Twin Concept
successfully. A rising OSA can mitigate stability problems A Digital Twin is the digital representation of a unique
and blackout risk. asset (product, machine, service, system or another intangible
III. UTILIZING DIGITAL TWINS IN CONTROL CENTERS asset), that alters its properties, condition and behavior by the
means of models, information and data [42]. Thus, Digital
Recently Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) Twins (DT) are software-based abstractions of complex
have become buzzwords for the manufacturing industry [36, physical systems or objects which are connected via a
37]. Coupling sensor data of a productive process with a communication link to the real object through a continuous
database and algorithmic assessment tools led to the Digital data flow from the real world. A DT makes it possible to
Twin concept [36, 38]. A digital equivalent of a process as a reflect the physical conditions in real time by linking the
base for the optimization is adaptable for many systems or physical and digital world, providing advanced analytics for
objects which are expressible as cyber-physical system [39]. the system it mirrors. The possibility of identifying problems
In consequence the adaption of the Digital Twin for power before they occur predestines the application of a DT for the
system monitoring and control is a realistic approach and can manufacturing industry, where this technology is currently
lead up to the next evolutionary step in power system control being used intensively and under further development [43,
center technology. The assumption is, that DT technology 44]. There are already applications of the DT technology in
builds the foundation for the future generation of control product life cycle management (PLM) [45]. For power
center core applications. This is substantiated by the system industry PLM utilization for power plant design,
comparison of the development of simulation and control engineering, commissioning and maintenance is a possible
center technology in Table III. application [42, 46]. DTs are not yet used for power system
monitoring and control, but the concept of a dynamic digital
mirror (DDM) is already part of actual discussions [2].
B. Mirroring the Sytem State by Dynamic Simulations
A DDM is a dynamic model that reflects the system state
Monitoring in real-time. Depending on the application, a DDM is created
Real-Time from the data pool of the asset operator, comprising a grid
Applications model, the current operating data and conditions (see Fig. 3).
Offline Data A DDM supports dynamic modeling and describes the
PMU Analysis dynamic system behavior, thus its functionality goes far
Substation PDC
State beyond a SCADA database. A DDM is conceivable as a
Estimation constantly running modelling engine, reflecting the real assets
Digital operating condition in real time. Depending on the evaluation
PMU Twinning task or modeling approach, a DDM can be a customized
model of the whole power system or represent only aspects or
Communication parts of it (see Fig. 3). In the proposed concept for utilization
IEEE 1588
IEEE C37.118-2 of Digital Twins in power system monitoring and control
IEEE C37.238
IEC 61850-9-3
IEC 61850-90-5 systems, the dynamic digital mirror is only a part of the
EMS PDC & PDP Data Storage
whole system. For real-time simulation, rapid system analysis
Test Guide for Measurement PDC Guide
Data Storage and control feedback, RTU and PMU sensor data are fed to
Standards IEEE C37.244
Installation &
Calibration, IEEE C37.118-1 PDC Standard
Standard the DT database and then used in a DDM modelling instance.
IEEE C37.111
IEEE C37.242 IEC 60255-118-1 IEEE PC37.247 A validity cross check needs to be applied to ensure that the
related asset and sensor data is correctly allocated. Using self-
Fig. 2. Visual summary of PMU related standards adapted from [40] teaching and machine learning algorithms in combination
with operational real-time data, which flows into the DT from application, all the necessities are already existing. The
the power system, the virtual copy will get continuously technologies which are recently in focus when control center
enriched and thereby theoretically enables increasingly technology is discussed have been described in this
precise statements about the system state. The digital image is publication. The hypothesis that a DT could become the
continuously updated, while the objective function behind the central element of a control system in the future leads to
applied algorithms is to minimize model errors. The idea of further considerations, such as the communication between
mirroring the power system by a dynamic simulation engine several DTs, running in control centers of different system
has the advantage, that even in the case of non-availability operators. With sharing DT data, both horizontal and vertical
actual measurement data due to measurement failure or system operation can be addressed. Benefits of a dynamic
communication loss, a statement about the latest system state digital mirrored power system are the continuous comparison
is still possible. of monitored grid behavior and simulated grid behavior
(pattern recognition), the fast detection of abnormal grid
C. Obstacles for Digital Twin Deployment
situations, automated recommendations for preventive actions
To utilize the real value of the Digital Twin concept, a to avoid outages, offline control room operator training,
holistic approach for storage, management, examination and investment, workflow and asset optimization. A digital close
validation of the DT data is needed. Since modelling of to real-time image of the power system and operational
dynamic power system phenomena is rather complex, a major processes can help to optimize performance and rise OSA.
challenge for digital twin deployment can arise from
determination of the detail-level of the power system model. IV. CONCLUSION
While an excessive simplified model may not unveil the Recent developments in the European energy system
value a digital twin promises, a very accurate approach might comprise growing infeed of renewables, high amount of
lead to unbearable complexity, considering a bunch of power electronics and a decrease of conventional power
electrical equipment data, measurement devices and a generation and though limited inertia. The prominent gap
massive amount signals to enrich the digital representation of between existing control center technology and future needs,
the power system. rising from new operational requirements will be closed
D. Example of a Digital Twin and Usecases within the next years by application of technological
Taking a DT of a power plant as an example, physical and evolvement in hardware and software. Powerful computing
virtual copy are matched and optimized continuously to capabilities are needed to enable analysis of the power system
achieve the best possible economic outcomes [46]: by advanced algorithms for real-time feedback as well as
• Augmentation of predictability of plant starts predictive and offline analysis. The new instances in the
considering multiple objectives (time, output, control center will help operators to act faster and apply
emissions, fuel) fortunate decisions, assisted by an advanced WAM system
• Improvement of economics while respecting with powerful applications. The concept of a Digital Twin
operational boundaries and asset lifetime furthermore reduces the applicational gap in control centers.
• Optimization of unit controls to address dynamic It builds up a new basis for improvement of power system
market and operating conditions efficiency and reliability. While rising flexibility in power
• Reduction of unplanned outage trough an optimal system operation and thus enabling more volatile renewable
maintenance concept and continuous online power generation, it helps reducing carbon emissions.
monitoring and prognostics Visionary and dedicated engineers and ICT specialists can
The example shows, that a commercial application of the DT improve the proposed concept and use the rich applicability
technology is already existing. Analogue to this particular of Digital Twins for power system control and operation.
example a DT can also mirror other physical assets which
consist of complex physical structures and are subject to tight Datapool RT-Running Applications
legal or market rules. Both is the case for power system Services
operation where a complex physical system is bound to legal Customized Functions
and market rules. A DT for power system operation and DDM Interfaces
control can help to optimize the power system operational Database Customized
performance, which in the end results in saving funds and Functions
Digital Model
E. The Digital Twin for Power System Control Centers Twin Parameter Tuning
A digital close to real-time image of the power system Continuous Data Exchange
realized with the digital twinning approach basically consist
of the power system state in real space, a virtual set of state Processlayer
variables and the data streams connecting both, the physical
and the virtual power system. Although digital twinning of RTU PMU/PDC
power systems is not yet available for control center Fig. 3. The Digital Twin Concept for Power System Control Centers
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