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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5

© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering Department, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla,
Associate Prof., Chemical Engineering Department, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia
Assistant Prof., Mechanical Engineering Department, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia
E-Mail: 1 lfarrieta@mail.uniatlantico.edu.co, 2luisobregon@mail.uniatlantico.edu.co,


This paper presents the application of a GUI developed in Matlab® for a binary distillation column
simulation, where the diameter, height, tray number, feed tray location and the heat flux in the condenser
and reboiler were calculated for a given operational condition set by the user, like the feed condition,
distillation and bottom molar fraction, reflux ratio, top, bottom and subcooling temperature of distillate.
The program, called DTMB-UA v1.0 (Design of a distillation Tower for Binary Mixture-Universidad del
Atlántico), uses the combination of material and energy balances, experimental equations of phase
equilibrium and constant relative volatility, reported in the literature. The general procedure to calculate the
outputs in the program start by selecting the type of phase equilibrium curve calculation, between the
constant volatility and the experimental data; in the case of constant volatility, the vapor and liquid mean
temperature, mean tower pressure and densities are estimated based on a set of empirical equations for the
column diameter, column height, theoretical tray numbers, and energy requirement on the condenser and
reboiler. The same steps are applied when using experimental data for the equilibrium curve, consisting in
inputs of temperatures and molar fractions of the component with higher volatility in the liquid and the
vapor phase. The last step is to select a binary mixture from the given by the software. The material balance
is represented as the operation lines on the x-y diagram according to the McCabe-Thiele method. It was
found the exact composition of the bottom molar fraction, the effect of reflux ratio on the distillation molar
fraction under different tray numbers and the effect of feed quality variation on condenser and reboiler
duties under different reflux ratio.

Keywords: Distillation column, Reflux ratio, Distillation feed composition, Graphical user interface,
Engineering education.

1. INTRODUCTION completely understood when designing distillation

towers to take advantage of the maximum heat and
The advances in technology in the industry that mass transfer rate between the two phases to obtain
involve chemical process around the world had an the required product with the highest concentration.
exponential increase in the last decade, creating a To accomplish this purpose, it is necessary to
challenge to junior engineers when working with employ highly capacitated personnel in all the
the main unit operations, especially distillation phenomena involved inside the process with a high
which has several variables that affect the product understanding of the technology used. Workers
separation and is used in chemical and with that knowledge are capable to develop
petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, food troubleshooting procedures to solve many process
industry, etc. The distillation phenomenon has to be problems in several industries.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Most of the engineering academies try to A new interactive graphical user interface in
prepare good professionals with specific training by Matlab to simulate tray binary distillation towers is
introducing in their core curriculum laboratory presented in this article, where the undergraduate
practices, where the student can operate and study students can handle different variables that let them
the behavior of tray and packed distillation to understand the phenomena happening inside a
columns, in order to compare the theory with the distillation column. The students can see the effect
practice. However, there are lots of variables of the operational conditions set by the user, like
involved when operating a distillation tower that feeding condition, distillation and bottom molar
are extremely difficult to analyze experimentally fraction, reflux ratio, top, bottom and subcooling
and the effect of all of them in the efficiency of a temperature of distillate, etc., on the diameter,
tower. height, trays number, feed tray location and the heat
flux in the condenser and reboiler to finally
It is necessary to complement the experimental compare the results with laboratory experiences and
practices with the help of a computer based give a better explanation of the obtained profiles
technology that help the students to analyze the with the variable chosen to be studied. It can help
effect of more variables on the final product. There the creativity of the users by proposing different
are some important software that use computational ways to increase the efficiency of the tower. The
fluid dynamic (CFD) such as COMSOL software was developed under criteria-based
Multiphysics, ANSYS Fluent, etc., (1-10) where assessment ISO/IEC 25010:2011 which consider
the user can create a distillation systems by sections the product quality and include usability,
and study the internal behavior in a tower, e.g. sustainability and maintainability
flow, temperature and concentration profiles.
Excellent results are obtained with these programs, 2. ALGORITHM PRESENTATION
however, the physic used in them is highly complex
for an undergraduate student due to the numerical 2.1. General aim of the GUI algorithm
solutions employed to solve the governing
differential equations of the systems. The program DTMB-UA v1.0, which is a
creative and original graphical user interface, is a
There are some other robust programs capable type of interface that allows users, undergraduate
to simulate processes in chemical plants and engineering students and junior engineers, to have a
equipment that help to determine the highest significant learning experience through case studies
efficiency of a tower or the highest quality of a in a binary distillation column process.
product (11-15). These strong commercial
programs such as Aspen, Pro/II, etc., (11, 16, 17) The software is based on some educational
are so essential for the wide industry in general components to improve the knowledge and skill-
because they are used to select the best process or based learning process on the users, which are
equipment design, all the way through a complete presented as follow:
study of the necessary operating conditions which
involve a deep former knowledge of the user. The - The software was created in such a level of
mentioned programs generally lack of tutorials that complexity that let undergraduate students to
help students to get specific academy training visualize and understand easily and quickly the
because they are so extensive that embrace a huge mass and energy balances applied to a distillation
amount of different unitary operations and column in a binary mixture. In addition, the
individual equipment. evaluation of the educational objective through the
software can be applied in any time and place by
Considering the degree of difficulty of the the professor.
study of a distillation process, due to all the
variables involved when operating a tower (18-22), - For engineers working for a chemical and
it is necessary to complement the knowledge petrochemical company, the software is a powerful
obtained theoretically and experimentally in the and user friendly tool that does not require robust
academy by including in their core program a user knowledge on informatics and mass transfer
friendly software (23), where the student can be process to simulate and identify faults associated
able to understand and explain the phenomena with abnormal operating conditions.
happening inside a tower using the most accepted
equations and assumptions in a distillation process - The software allows the professor to change
when different conditions are changed. the methodology of the theory and practice of a

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195

distillation course by implementing simulation The equilibrium curve using constant relative
letting the students to become more involved in the volatility, see equation 1
development of distillation concepts that help them
to perform and understand experiments so much y , (1)
easier supported in the DTMB-UA v1.0. graphical
user interface. The overall material balance, see equation 2.
- For designers, the software is a friendly ′ ф, (2)
application that determine the number of stages
required, the feed tray in the column, the diameters The feed quality, see equation 3.
and height of column, the required condenser and
bottom duty, the distillate and bottom mass flow ф , (3)
selecting from experimental, theoretical correlative
and volatility constant data, a set of inputs
The operating line, see equation 4.
parameter such as: inlet flow, feed quality, desired
x x ,
fractions, reflux ratio, distance between plates and
liquid height plates, based on the McCabe-Thiele (4)
graphical method, mass balance and experimental
equations applied to a distillation column in a The operating line in R terms, see equation 5.
binary mixture system.
x x , (5)
This software was registered in the D.N.D.A.
Dirección Nacional de Derechos de Autor (National The stripping line, see equation 6.
Leadership Copyright), with register 13-44-284 at
the 30 October 2014. y x x , (6)

Figure 1-a is a screen capture of one of the The feed line, see equation 7.
views of the DTMB-UA v1.0, which shows the
x x ,
inputs given by the user. Furthermore, figure 1-b, is
a screen capture of an additional view of the ф ф
program that shows the column diameter and
height, tray numbers, flows, the number of The distilled flow in rectification zone, see equation
equilibrium stages and the location of the feed tray 8.
according to the McCabe-Thiele plot. " "
! (8)
" "
Figure 1. Main View of the DTMB-UA v1.0 software. (a)
Inputs data; (b) Operation condition The bottom flow in stripping section, see equation
2.2. Flowchart of the GUI # !, (9)

The DTMB-UA v1.0 was developed and tested The liquid flow in rectification zone, see equation
with Matlab®7.0. The system requirements depend 10.
heavily on the version of Matlab. DTMB-UA v1.0
run on any Microsoft 32/64-bit Windows PC. All $!, (10)
the DTMB-UA v1.0 files use less than 577 MB disk
space. The computational steps involved on the The vapor flow in rectification zone, see equation
software are shown on Figure 9. 11.

Figure 2. Flowchart of the DTMB-UA v1.0 % $ 1 !, (11)

2.3 Relations used in the algorithm The vapor flow in stripping section, see equation

% % ф 1 ,
The fundamental equations involved in the
software are organized as follows, (24):
The column diameter, see equation 13.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195

) **.) *,- . ,/0

' (
usability with 4.3, the sustainability with 3.9 and
, (13)
1 2 -/00 3 *,- the maintainability with 3.8.

The vapor velocity, see equation 14. Figure 3. Average score for the academic panel

67 68
4 k( , (14)
67 In addition, the case study where the feed quality
variation on condenser and reboiler duties under
The column height, see equation 15. different reflux ratio is studied was the best
evaluated for the expert with a global score of 4.5,
h npG, (15) which is a satisfactory evidence to ensure the
quality of software as a powerful tool for support
The cooling water flow used in the condenser, see the learning process on undergraduate students.
equation 16. There was another case study that was not
evaluated by the panel area because of the
ṁ>?.@A , (16) complexity of the iteration applied, though, it is
mentioned due to the high importance on real
The steam flow used as the heating medium in the distillation results. The case studies developed for
boiler, see equation 17. the students are explained as follow.

S BC "
D E CF "E G 3.1. Bottom Fraction Value - Accurate Selection
ṁQ.@?R , (17)
In order to get the exact bottom molar fraction
The heat transfer in the condenser, see equation 18. value, first, it is necessary to introduce to the
program the following input parameters: binary
ṁ>?.@A [\>?.@A ]^2. ]_` , (18) mixture (Methanol – water), tower pressure (3atm),
feed flow (1000 kmol/h), feed quality (ϕ=1), feed
The heat transfer in the reboiler, see equation 19.
molar fraction of the volatile component (xF=0.3),
YZ ṁQ.@?R λbcdef .
bottom molar fraction of the volatile component
(xB=0.05), distillate molar fraction of the volatile
component (xB=0.97), distance between trays (60
cm), liquid hold up on the trays (25mm), reflux ratio
(R=1.22), density of the liquid mixture (780 kg/m3)
According to the software quality requirements and
and the density of the vapor (2.8 Kg/m3).
evaluation guide ISO/IEC 9126-1 (25), some
factors were evaluated with the support of an
As soon as the parameters of the tower are chosen,
academic panel on the area, such as the usability,
the results show a new value of the bottom molar
sustainability and maintainability criteria as shown
fraction which is different from the initial given
on Table 1.
value as can be seen in figure 4a. on the left-inferior
Table 1. Software Evaluation Rubric side of the stripping line (green line) compared with
the composition that leaves the last tower tray
corresponding to the reboiler. Generally, the bottom
The assessment of the previous criterion was molar fraction value is given by the user; however,
carried out under three different case studies in the this value is then calculated by the equations again.
mass transfer course at the Universidad del There is a small difference between the given and
Atlantico, where 45 undergraduate engineering the calculated value producing a small error in the
students used the software DTMB-UA v1.0 under a rest of the variables obtained. Usually, engineers
given set of operating conditions, the effect of work with that error when they try to make design
reflux ratio on the distillation molar fraction under and simulations. Considering that the McCabe-
different tray numbers, the effect of feed Thiele method uses an initial assumption regarding
composition on column dimension under different the enthalpies in all the trays resulting in an error in
reflux ratio and finally the effect of feed quality the output variables, then, if the user introduces
variation on condenser, and reboiler duties under another error during the process, the total error
different reflux ratio. The average score given by increases considerably making real experimental
the academic panel to the results of the tests done data differ from simulation. For that reason, it is
by the students shown on figure 3, were the necessary that users employ a trial and error

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195

method to find the exact composition of the bottom Figure 5. Effect of reflux ratio (R) on distilled molar
molar fraction which consists of giving initial fraction (XD) under different tray number
values of the bottom composition until the value of
the last tray matches with the given initial value 3.3. Effect Of Feed Composition On Column
(see figure 4b) minimizing the error produced by Dimension Under Different Reflux Ratio.
the McCabe-Thiele method letting to make better
comparison with experimental data. In this case, it will be developed a parametric
study by looking briefly the effect of feed molar
Figure 4. McCabe-Thiele operating line for rectifying fraction (xF) on column diameter and column
and stripping section a) Composition with height by changing the reflux ratio (R). The
deviation of the real bottom molar fraction following parameters were used: binary mixture
value b) Exact composition of the bottom (Methanol – water), tower pressure (3atm), feed
molar fraction. flow (1000 kmol/h), feed quality (ϕ=1), bottom
molar fraction of the volatile component (xB=0.05),
3.2. Effect Of Reflux Ratio On The Distillation distilate molar fraction of the volatile component
Molar Fraction Under Different Tray (xB=0.97), distance between trays (30 cm), liquid
Numbers. hold up on the trays (50mm), density of the liquid
mixture (780 kg/m3) and the density of the vapor
On this section, it will be developed a parametric (2.8 Kg/m3).
study by looking briefly the effect of reflux ratio on
distillation molar fraction by changing the number The importance of figure 6 lies on the economy
of trays. It can be inferred from the relations used in achieved when designing a tower because of the
the algorithm section that the number of trays and construction material area. It is necessary to use a
reflux radio will influence the degree of separation distillation column with a high efficiency with the
on the column. This is demonstrated in the lowest diameter and height. Figure 6 shows that an
following example, supported by the DTMB-UA increase on the feed molar fraction indicates the use
v1.0 software. of a tower with higher diameter and lower height.

Regarding an increase in reflux ratio at a

Consider a base case, where the feed flow (F) is
constant feed molar fraction, it is necessary to
700kmol/hr for a binary mixture of ethanol-water
increase the tower diameter and decrease its height.
that has a composition of 0.4 molar fraction in
Comparing the column diameter with its height we
terms of the more volatile component (xF), a feed
can see that one increases while the other decreases
quality (ϕ) of 0.5 and a bottom fraction (xB) of
causing a small significant effect on the
0.05. The reflux ratio (R) as a function of distilled
construction material area.
molar fraction (xD) under different tray numbers is
presented on figure 5 where it can be seen that an One more thing that can be appreciated in figure
increase in a specific distilled molar fraction at a 5 is that an increase in the reflux ratio at high feed
constant reflux ratio, result in an increase in the molar concentrations requires the use of a higher
number of trays. This plot presents an asymptotic increment in diameter than those that have to be
trend between reflux ratio and the distilled molar used working at low feed molar concentrations. The
fraction for all the different trays which means that same pattern can be seen with the height but
it necessary to find an equilibrium between the inversely with the feed fraction.
fixed costs and the operating costs to choose if it is
convenient to work with additional plates or to Figure 6. Effect of feed composition (xF) on column
work with higher reflux ratio (R). Adding more dimension (d, h) under different reflux ratio
plates would increase the fixed costs but adding (R).
higher reflux ratio would increase the operating
costs. This happens due to the increase of larger 3.4. Effect Of Feed Quality Variation On
quantities of recycled liquid and vapor per unit Condenser And Reboiler Duties Under
quantity of feed which implies to create larger
Different Reflux Ratio.
pumps in the reboiler and the reflux. The making of
this plot can help the student to understand the
Figure 7. Effect of feed quality variation on condenser
importance of obtaining a high-quality product at
and reboiler duties under different reflux
low cost. ratio

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195

To plot Figure 7 the following parameters where the user can see its capacity by making a
where used as input: binary mixture (Methanol – simple analysis of distillation column designs. The
water), tower pressure (3atm), feed flow (1000 program makes use of mass and energy balances
kmol/h),feed molar fraction of the volatile with a given set of distance between plates, liquid
component (xF=0.3), bottom molar fraction of the height plates and operating conditions such as the
volatile component (xB=0.05), distillate molar inlet flow, feed quality, desired fractions, reflux
fraction of the volatile component (xB=0.97), ratio and relative volatility to finally obtain outputs
distance between trays (60 cm), liquid hold up on such as the number of stages required, the tray of
the trays (25mm), reflux ratio (R=1.22), density of feed, the diameter and height column, and the
the liquid mixture (780 kg/m3) and the density of condenser and reboiler duties which are necessary
the vapor (2.8 Kg/m3). for the energy requirements of the column.

Figure 7 is highly important because it shows The program was designed user-friendly to get a
the relation of the duty required in the condenser set of experimental data of equilibrium or select
and reboiler with changes in the feed quality and from theoretical data and use them as an input to
reflux ratio. This duty is directly related with the later compare the concentration of the distillate
operational costs for a same amount of production. with other results obtained with different operating
The lower the duty of the heat exchangers, the conditions. These help users to go beyond a simple
lower the expenses of the process. In Figure 7, we experiment and analyze different distillate columns
can see that an increase in the feed quality (Sub- at the same time.
cooled liquid) has no effect on the duty of the
condenser but produce an increase in the energy The exact composition of the bottom molar
required in the reboiler which makes sense because fraction value was obtained by iteration so that
more energy is needed to evaporate the liquid engineers can see that the initial given value, is not
inside the tower. This shows the importance of the always the right molar composition of the column
use of a heat exchanger in the inlet stream (feed) to bottom.
increase its quality. Generally, when a distillation
tower is used in a process there are many other The relation of distillate molar fraction (xD) as a
streams at high temperatures that can be used to function of the reflux ratio (R), for different tray
transfer the energy to the feed stream. On the other numbers (N) shows the importance to work with a
hand, we have the effect of the reflux ratio on the high number of plates or to work with more reflux
duty of the condenser and reboiler. The higher the ratio (R) to obtain the needed distillate molar
value of the reflux ratio, the higher the duty of the fraction.
heat exchangers. Obviously, it is necessary to
choose the lowest reflux ratio for better economy, It was obtained the effect of feed composition
however, there must be a balance with the values (xF) on column diameter (d) and column height (h),
chosen because when the reflux ratio decreases, the as a function of different reflux ratio (R). With the
distillate molar fraction decreases as well, help of the software users can see how sensitive are
becoming an inconvenient for the production. So, it these parameters to changes in feed molar fraction.
is necessary to know the lowest working value of With the comprehension of these parameter
concentration of the distillate without affecting the calculations, users can see the importance of the
production. costs achieved when designing a distillation column
due to the relation between the construction
The limitation of the program is that only use material and the diameter and height of the column.
the McCabe–Thiele method. However, it is the
most used method to design distillation towers. A It was determined the variation of condenser
more advanced version will be created using duty (QC) and reboiler duty (QR) as a function of
Ponchon-Savarit including reactive distillation. different reflux ratio (R) and feed quality (ϕ). This
let to understand the effect of the feed quality and
4. CONCLUSIONS reflux ratio in the operational costs because of the
total energy required and the mass flow involved.
A mathematical tool for process, chemical, and
mechanical engineers aimed at the design of The use of the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
distillation columns “DTMB-UA v1.0” has been would increase the efficiency of a mass transfer
presented with the application of four examples class since it makes students to get a better

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195

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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Symbols Units
B Bottom flow [kmol/h]
Cp Specific heat [kJ/kg-°C]
D Distillate flow [kmol/h]
d Column diameter [m]
F Inlet flow [kmol/h]
G Distance between plates [cm]
H Enthalpy [kJ]
h Column height [m]
k Coefficient height [mm]
L Liquid top flow [kmol/h]
L’ Liquid bottomflow [kmol/h]
ṁ Mass flow rate [kg]
N plate numbers [dimensionless]
p Average absolute pressure [mm Hg]]
Q Heat flow rat [kW]
R Reflux ratio [dimensionless]
t Average temperature of vapors [°C]
u Vapor velocity [m/s]
V Vapor top flow [kmol/h]
V’ Vapor bottom flow [kmol/h]
x Fraction of the volatile component in the liquid face [dimensionless]
xD Distillate fraction of the volatile component [dimensionless]
xB Bottom fraction of the volatile component [dimensionless]
xF Feed fraction of the volatile component [dimensionless]
y Vapor fraction of the volatile component [dimensionless]

Greek letters
α Constant relative volatility [dimensionless]
λ Heat of vaporization [kcal/kg-mol]
ф Feed quality [dimensionless]
ρ Density [kg/m3]

1 More volatile component [dimensionless]
2 Less volatile component [dimensionless]
B Bottom [dimensionless]
C Condenser [dimensionless]
D Distillate [dimensionless]
F Feed [dimensionless]
in Inlet [dimensionless]
L Saturated liquid [dimensionless]
np Plate number [dimensionless]
out Outlet [dimensionless]
R Reboiler [dimensionless]
V Saturated vapor [dimensionless]

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195



Figure 8. Main View of the DTMB-UA v1.0 software. (a) Inputs data; (b) Operation condition

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Select type of data

No Do you want No
Is α constant? Experimental Data
enter T,x, y?

Yes Yes
Enter F, xF, xD, xB, Enter F, xF, xD, xB,
fi, R, distance fi, R, distance
between trays and between trays and
liquid hegth liquid hegth

Is sucesfull?


Enter F, xF, xD, xB,

See B, D, L, V, L', V', Do you want to No See B, D, L, V, L', V',
fi, R, distance
trays number, feed make a new trays number, feed
between trays and calculate?
tray tray
liquid hegth


Figure 9. Flowchart of the DTMB-UA v1.0

Scoring panels

Reflux ratio Feed composition Feed quality
Case study
Usability Sustainability Maintainability

Figure 10. Average score for the academic panel

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Figure 4. McCabe-Thiele operating line for rectifying and stripping section a) Composition with deviation of the real
bottom molar fraction value b) Exact composition of the bottom molar fraction.

Figure 5. Effect of reflux ratio (R) on distilled molar fraction (XD) under different trays number

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Figure 6. Effect of feed composition (xF) on column dimension (d, h) under different reflux ratio (R).

Figure 7. Effect of feed quality variation on condenser and reboiler duties under different reflux ratio

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th March 2017. Vol.95. No 5
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Table 1. Software Evaluation Rubric

Outstanding Unsatisfactory
Criterion Descripction (4,5 - Satisfactory
(5,0 -4,5) (1,0 - 0)
3,5) (3,5-3,0)

The software is perfect or near-perfect

understood, very good comprehensive,
appropriate, well-structured user guide and
easy to learn how to use its commands.
Is easy to see who owns the software, is
easy to understand how the project is run
Sustainability and the development of the software
managed and the software identity is clear
and unique.
The sotware is easy to modify and
contribute changes to developers, is usable
on multiple platforms and interoperable
with other required software.


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