3me - Energy and Process Technology - Oktober 2019 - 3
3me - Energy and Process Technology - Oktober 2019 - 3
3me - Energy and Process Technology - Oktober 2019 - 3
The Energy, Flow and Process Technology (EFPT) master’s track provides students with
the theoretical knowledge, numerical and experimental skills, and practical experience
they need to develop the next generation of energy and process technologies. EFPT
students acquire expertise in the fundamentals (thermodynamics and fluid dynamics)
and the technologies (energy production and storage, process intensification and
multiphase systems) needed to enable the upcoming energy transition.
Process Technology
Process Technology faces tremendous chal-
lenges related to the shrinking availability of
solving various practical problems. Associated
research activities at TU Delft concern the
application of numerical tools to fluid mecha-
students per year
non-renewable resources, rising energy prices, nics, particularly with respect to the simulation
and a range of environmental and safety issues.
The Process Technology of the future must
re-invent industrial processes as sustainable
of turbulence. Fluid mechanics cannot be done
properly without experiments. For this reason,
most of the numerical work is combined with
International MSc students
processes that use energy and resources effi- experimental research emphasizing the use of
ciently while drastically reducing waste streams.
EFPT students who focus on process techno-
logy learn to define, design and optimize the
new measurement techniques. Consequently,
the student is trained in all aspects of modern
fluid mechanics in both classroom and research
do an internship at a company
processes and equipment that transform raw environments.
goods into consumer products. Students recei-
ve the knowledge and skills they need to define,
design and optimize sustainable processes and
Hands-on experience
Second year EFPT students complete an
students per staff member
equipment. Students learn the state-of-the-art industrial internship and a research project.
in process intensification, thermodynamics, fluid Internships can be completed in the Netherlands
dynamics and process control and get hands-on and abroad at companies like Shell, DSM,
experience in sustainable process technology. BASF, Tata Steel, Airbus, Stork Air and Akzo-
Nobel, which also hire many of our graduates.
Fluid Mechanics
EFPT students who focus on fluid mechanics Graduation projects are completed on cutting
receive training in the fundamentals of fluid edge research topics under the supervision of a
flow. Particular attention is paid to turbulence TU Delft researcher. Sample topics include heat
and multi-phase flow, since these are relevant pump design and analysis, numerical modelling
to many industrial and environmental appli- of combusion, solid oxide fuel cells, crystalli-
cations. Much emphasis is placed on compu- sation in external fields, and ammonia/water
tational fluid dynamics (CFD) and its use in absorption modeling.