Determinants of Antigenicity and Immunogenicity

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Determinants of antigenicity and

Molecular entities recognized by lymphocytes

• Antigen: any molecule that is specifically recognized by an antibody

or a T-cell receptor (TCR)

• Immunogen: the type of antigen that evokes an adaptive immune


• Hapten: a non-immunogenic molecule (often with low molecular

weight) that can be made immunogenic by conjugation to a suitable
• Epitope: the portion of an antigen that is
recognized and bound by an Ab or TCR
(antigenic determinant) Epitope
interacts with
• Paratope: The site of an antibody or a TCR that
binds to an epitope on an antigen
The B cell is the one that is going
to be linked if the hapten is
conjugated with a protein carrier

NO2 =

Dinitrophenyl (DNP) hapten

Large protein (carrier)

Immunization Induction of Antibodies


Protein-conjugated DNP Yes

What Determines Immunogenicity of an Antigen?
type of ag that
1. Properties of the Immunogen evokes an
adaptive inmune

2. Properties of the Host

a. Genetic :
- Antigen presentation (MHC)
- Genes encoding antigen receptors
- Genes Coding for Immune Regulation
b. Physiological: Condition of the Host

3. Mode of Antigen Exposure

1. Contribution of the immunogen to immunogenicity

• Nature of the antigen: type of molecule

Ab  Humoral: proteins >polysaccharides>>>>lipids>nucleic acids
T cell  Cellular: proteins and some lipids

• Features of the immunogen:

 Foreignness
 Molecular size
 Chemical composition and complexity
 Ability to be processed and presented by a MHC molecule
1. Contribution of the immunogen to immunogenicity
The more different the
BSA: Bovine serum albumin animal is, the more
probabable is to develope an
inmune reponse

• Foreignness

- +
• Molecular size: The best immunogens tend to
have a molecular mass approaching 100,000
daltons (Da) The higer the size, the higuer
posibility to find a T epitope

• Chemical composition and heterogeneity

Synthetic homopolymers, containing a single Aa

or a sugar, poor immunogenicity regardless the
The addition of aromatic Aa, (Tyr, Phe) enhances

• Ability to be processed and presented by a

MHC molecule
1. Contribution of the immunogen to immunogenicity
Levels of protein organization

All four levels contributes to structural complexity of a protein and hence

affects its immunogenicity.
1. Contribution of the immunogen to immunogenicity
Susceptibility to antigen processing and presentation

What is seen by T lymphocytes in an Ag? Ag/MHC

La primera proteína se tiene que

degradar y luego unirse al MHC.

Degradación Unión al MHC

Major histocompatibility complex

2. Contribution of the host to immunogenicity

• Genotype of the host: antigen presentation by MHC products
Algunas personas cuando les vacunan
de Hepatitis B, generan Ab. Otras no lo
hacen. Depende de la genética


Antigen Presentation
processing by MHC molecules


MHC coge un trozo de algo malo de dentro de la
célula. Se pone en la membrana con el trozo
para que un linfocito pueda ver si es algo malo y
MHC is a hapten because
without the union of the
peptide is not inmunogenic
2. Contribution of the host to immunogenicity

• Genotype of the host: antigen receptors

Individual A

Individual B

• Genes coding for immune regulation

• Physiological condition of the host: immune competence (genetic deficiencies,

disease, therapies….)
3. Contribution of the biological system to immunogenicity:
Mode of antigen exposure

• Immunogen dosage and route of administration

o Insufficient dosage to induce an immune response
o Too much dosage: induction of tolerance (unresponsive state)

Route of administration:
o Oral
o Intradermal
o Subcutaneous
o Intramuscular
o Intraperitoneal
o Intravenous
3. Contribution of the biological system to immunogenicity:
Mode of antigen exposure-adjuvants

• Adjuvants Helpers

o Immune stimulants:
 ↑ co-stimulatory signals
 lymphocyte proliferation

o Vehicle depot: Depósito de vehículos

 ↑ prolong antigen persistence
 Targeting to APC
Immunologically active regions of an antigen that bind to antigen-specific membrane
receptors on lymphocytes or to secreted antibodies

• Properties of B-cell epitopes recognised by ab

• Properties of T-cell epitopes recognised by MHC

Ig + Ag TCR + Ag + MHC
Properties of B-cell epitopes

Size: no larger than the size of the

antibody-binding site

Chemical properties: generally

hydrophilic amino acids (exposed on the
protein surface and topographically
accessible to antibodies

Location on Ags: sequential or non-

sequential amino acids
In flexible regions of an immunogen
and displaying site mobility

Conformation: Antibodies
recognize epitopes in native
not T cells, that
can be
linear peptides
Properties of B-cell epitopes
Sequence-based methods
for prediction of linear epitopes

 Protein hydrophobicity – hydrophilicity algorithms ALGORITHMS

- Hydrophilicity
 Protein flexibility prediction algorithm - Flexibility
- Secondary
 Protein secondary structure prediction algorithms - Antigenicity

 Protein “antigenicity” prediction

Posible epitope

Kyte & Doolittle hydropathy plot of

Hopp & Woods antigenicity plot of Alcohol
Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Dehydrogenase. The regions with the highest
values are the most hydrophilic and indicate
potential epitope locations for antigens
Properties of T-cell epitopes

• T cells recognize antigens previously

processed into antigenic peptides that bind
to MHC molecules

• Prediction algorithms based on these

Ag are previously processed so
T cells can recognize them and
bind them to MHC molecules
Applications of antigenicity and immunogenicity
• Diseño de vacunas y optimización:
-Preparación de vacunas mejoradas.
• Herramientas para monitorear respuestas inmunes
• Vaccine design
-Perfil deland optimization
estado inmune de individuos y pacientes.
o Preparation
improved vaccines
efecto de los tratamientos asociados con IR.
• Generación de anticuerpos contra los depósitos deseados:
-Anticuerpos terapéuticos.
• Tools for -Anticuerpos
monitoring adaptive
para immune
aplicaciones técnicas.responses
o Profiling
• Diseñoofdeimmune
drogas: status of individuals and patients
-Preparación de medicamentos no inmunogénicos.
o Monitoring the effect of treatments associated wit IR

• Generation of antibodies against desired epitopes

o Therapeutic antibodies
o Antibodies for technical applications

• Drug design
o Preparation of non-immunogenic drugs

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