ABX Pentra Urinary Proteins CP
ABX Pentra Urinary Proteins CP
ABX Pentra Urinary Proteins CP
29 mL
ABX Pentra
Urinary Proteins CP
■ Pentra C400
Application Release nm. When this complex is combined with protein in acidic
conditions, a blue-purple color develops with an increase
in absorption at 598 nm (3).
Urine: TPU The color is directly proportional to the protein
1.xx concentration.
S.A.S. au capital de 23.859.980 € - RCS Montpellier 328 031 042 - SIRET 328 031 042 000 42 - APE 332 B Latest version of documents on www.horiba.com
Clinical Chemistry
ABX Pentra
Urinary Proteins CP
S.A.S. au capital de 23.859.980 € - RCS Montpellier 328 031 042 - SIRET 328 031 042 000 42 - APE 332 B Latest version of documents on www.horiba.com
Clinical Chemistry
ABX Pentra
Urinary Proteins CP
Application release:
■ Reproducibility (total precision)
2 specimens (low and high levels) and 2 controls are
tested in duplicate for 20 days (2 series per day) Conversion factor:
according to the recommendations found in the CLSI
(NCCLS), EP5-A protocol (8). g/L x 100.0 = mg/dL
Mean value CV %
g/L mg/dL
1. Johnson AM, Rohlfs EM, Silverman LM. Proteins. In:
Control specimen 1 0.18 18 8.77
Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, editors. Tietz Textbook of
Control specimen 2 0.36 36 2.86 Clinical Chemistry. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB
Specimen 1 0.24 24 4.25 Saunders Company (1999): 477-540.
Specimen 2 1.28 128 2.61 2. Felgenhauer K. Laboratory diagnosis of neurological
diseases. In: Thomas L. Clinical Laboratory
Measuring Range: Diagnostics. 1st ed. Frankfurt: THBooks
Verlagsgesellschaft (1998): 1308-26.
The assay confirmed a measuring range from 0.03 to 3. Watanabe N, Kamei S, Ohkubo A, Yamanaka M,
2.70 g/L (3 to 270 mg/dL), with an automatic post-dilution Ohsawa S, Makino K, Tokuda K. Urinary protein as
up to 5.4 g/L (540 mg/dL). measured with a pyrogallol redmolybdate complex.
The reagent linearity has been assessed up to 2.70 g/L Manually and in a Hitachi 726 automated analyzer.
(270 mg/dL) according to the recommendations found in Clin. Chem. (1986) 32 (8): 1551-4.
the CLSI (NCCLS), EP6-A protocol (9). 4. Orsonneau JL, Douet P, Massoubre C, Lustenberger
P, Bernard S. An improved pyrogallol red-molybdate
Correlation: method for determining total urinary protein. Clin.
Chem. (1989) 35: 2233-6.
115 patient samples (urine) are correlated with a
5. Guder WG, Zawta B. The Quality of Diagnostics
commercial reagent taken as reference according to the
Samples. Samples: From the Patient to the
recommendations found in the CLSI (NCCLS), EP9-A2
protocol (10). Values ranged from 0.04 to 2.64 g/L (4 to Laboratory. 1st Ed. Guder WG, Narayanan S, Zawta
264 mg/dL). B. (WHILEY-VCH, Darmstadt, Germany), (2001):
The equation for the allometric line obtained using 52-53.
Passing-Bablock regression procedure (11) is: 6. Roberts WL, McMillin GA, Burtis CA, Bruns DE.
Y = 1.05 X - 0.03 (g/L) Reference Information for the Clinical Laboratory,
Y = 1.05 X - 2.73 (mg/dL) TIETZ Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular
with a correlation coefficient r2 = 0.9886. Diagnostics. 4th Ed., Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, Bruns
DE, (Elsevier Saunders eds., St Louis, USA), (2006):
S.A.S. au capital de 23.859.980 € - RCS Montpellier 328 031 042 - SIRET 328 031 042 000 42 - APE 332 B Latest version of documents on www.horiba.com
Clinical Chemistry
ABX Pentra
Urinary Proteins CP
S.A.S. au capital de 23.859.980 € - RCS Montpellier 328 031 042 - SIRET 328 031 042 000 42 - APE 332 B Latest version of documents on www.horiba.com