United States Patent (19) : (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 15, 1998
United States Patent (19) : (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 15, 1998
United States Patent (19) : (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 15, 1998
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U.S. Patent Sep. 15, 1998 Sheet 1 of 2 5,808, 161
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PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF 187 to T. Huang. These patents are incorporated herein in
DSOPROPYL ETHER AND SOPROPANOL their entirety by reference. One of the advantages in using
EMPLOYING A SOLVENT Zeolite catalyst for hydration and/or etherification of light
olefins is the regenerability of the catalyst. Where resin
FIELD OF THE INVENTION based catalysts can decompose at the high temperatures
This invention relates to a process for the production of required to remove deactivating amounts of carbonaceous
ethers and/or alcohols from light olefins and water. The deposits, Zeolite catalysts remain thermally stable and can be
invention particularly relates to a fixed bed proceSS for the regenerated oxidatively or in contact with hydrogen.
production of high octane value diopropyl ether and iso The hydration and etherification of lower olefins such as
propyl alcohol by hydration of propylene in a Single liquid 1O propylene to produce IPA and DIPE over a fixed bed of
hydrocarbon phase employing Zeolite or resin catalyst. The shape Selective Zeolite catalyst is generally carried out in
invention especially relates to a method for promoting liquid phase employing a feedstream comprising water and
propylene hydration and ether formation by using an unre propylene at temperatures in excess of 200 F. and high
active Solvent in the process which increases oxygenate pressure, preferably above 1000 psi (7000 kPa). While
productivity. 15 attempting to maximize the rate of conversion, process
conditions are Selected to also reduce the more disadvanta
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION geous reactions which can occur during the process that
The need to eliminate lead-based octane enhancers in could compromise the process advantages. These adverse
gasoline has provided incentive for the development of reactions include the oligomerization of propylene, the
processes to produce high octane gasolines blended with reversible formation of deactivating amounts of coke and
lower aliphatic alkyl ethers as octane boosters. Oxygenates carbonaceous deposits on the catalyst and the irreversible
Such as lower molecular weight alcohols and ethers, par hydrothermal attack of water on the catalyst. These adverse
ticularly isopropanol (IPA) and diisopropyl ether (DIPE) are reactions tend to find favor with increasing temperature and
in the gasoline boiling range and are known to have high concentration providing a challenging limit to workers in the
blending octane numbers. In addition, by-product propylene 25 field with respect to reactor temperature. Consequently, an
improvement in catalyst productivity leading to enhanced
from which IPA and DIPE can be made is usually available oxygenate production with all the attendant benefits of
in a fuels refinery. An important aspect of research in the equipment downsizing and cost reduction has remained a
petroleum industry relates to processes to produce high research target of great importance.
octane lower aliphatic alkyl ethers as octane boosters and An objective of the present invention is the development
Supplementary fuels from readily available fuels refinery of an improved process for the production of IPA and DIPE
Adapting available refinery feedstock to produce these wherein oxygenate production and catalyst Stability are
oxygenates as octane enhancers involves two steps: olefin Substantially increased.
hydration and etherification. For the conversion of propy A Specific objective of the invention is to provide a liquid
lene feedstock, the preferred octane booster product is DIPE
35 phase DIPE production process employing inert Solvents to
since the water solubility of IPA can introduce new and enhance catalyst productivity and activity.
troublesome problems were it to be used in quantity as a SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
fuels octane booster. Hence, artisans in the field have A unique proceSS has been discovered for the production
Vigorously pursued new methods to facilitate the conversion 40 of DIPE and IPA from propylene that results in a surprising
of propylene to IPA simultaneously with the conversion of increase in catalyst productivity and a consequent increase
IPA to DIPE in oxygenateS production. The improvement in DIPE pro
The catalytic hydration of olefins, particularly C and C. duction is achieved by avoiding the formation of an aqueous
olefins, to provide alcohols and etherS is a well-established liquid phase in the fixed bed catalytic DIPE process. An
art. Representative olefin hydration processes are disclosed 45 aqueous liquid phase promotes irreversible aging and deac
in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,262,913; 2,477.380; 2,797,247; 3,798, tivation of acidic zeolite catalysts that have been found to be
097; 2,805,260; 2,830,090; 2,861,045; 2,891,999; 3,006, most effective in the DIPE production process. The irrevers
970; 3,198,752; 3,810,848; 3,989,762, among others. ible catalyst aging reaction has been Substantially reduced
Olefin hydration employing medium pore and large pore by employing an inert or unreactive co-Solvent in the
Zeolite catalyst is a known Synthesis method. AS disclosed in 50 process to Supplement the Solvent properties of IPA which is
U.S. Pat. No. 4,214,107 (Chang et al.), lower olefins, in formed by propylene hydration and typically recycled in the
particular propylene, are catalytically hydrated over a crys liquid phase fixed bed reaction Zone.
talline aluminosilicate Zeolite catalyst having a Silica to More particularly, the invention comprises a liquid phase
alumina ratio of at least 12 and a Constraint Index of from process exhibiting high catalyst productivity for the produc
1 to 12, e.g., acidic ZSM-5 type Zeolite, to provide the 55 tion of diisopropyl ether and isopropanol by hydration and
corresponding alcohol, essentially free of ether and hydro etherification of a fresh olefinic feedstream rich in propylene
carbon by-product. Acid resin catalysts Such as Amberlyst and containing water. The proceSS comprises the Steps of
15 may also be used for hydration of light olefins. introducing the feedstream in combination with an inert
The production of ether from Secondary alcohols Such as Solvent into a liquid phase olefin etherification and hydration
isopropanol and light olefins is known. AS disclosed in U.S. 60 fixed bed reaction Zone or Zones in contact with Solid acidic
Pat. No. 4,182,914, DIPE is produced from IPA and propy metalloSilicate catalyst particles under olefin hydration and
lene in a Series of operations employing a strongly acidic etherification conditions. An effluent Stream is recovered
cationic exchange resin as catalyst. Recently, processes for from the reaction Zone comprising Said isopropanol, diiso
the hydration of olefins to provide alcohols and ethers using propyl ether, inert Solvent and water. The effluent Stream is
Zeolite catalyst such as ZSM-5 or Zeolite Beta have been 65 Separated to recover diisopropyl ether, isopropanol, inert
disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,214,107 and 4,499,313 to Bell Solvent and water. The proceSS can include recycling of
et al.; and U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,757,664, 4,857,664 and 4,906, isopropanol, inert Solvent and water to the reaction Zone.
3 4
The inert solvent most useful in the process of the permit adequate control of reaction conditions, especially
invention are Selected from those Solvents that are miscible temperature, phase behavior and flow parameters. It is
in hydrocarbons and water and have a boiling point below ordinarily desirable to recover any unreacted olefin and
the boiling point of water. A preferred Solvent is para recycle it to the reactor. Unconverted isopropanol recovered
dioxane (p-dioxane). from the final reactor effluent may also be recycled advan
tageously for further conversion to ether.
DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES Catalyst Stability is a challenging issue in the propylene
FIG. 1 is a graph illustrating the stability of Zeolite Beta hydration process employing Zeolite catalysis. Both revers
catalyst for propylene hydration according to the process of ible (coking) and irreversible (de alumination or
the invention. desulfonation) aging have been demonstrated to occur dur
FIG. 2 is a process flow diagram of the process of the ing DIPE synthesis. IPA addition, either by reactor pumpa
invention. round or IPA recycle, mitigates both problems because IPA
reduces the tendency of the reaction mixture to form Sepa
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE rate phases. Controlling the phases during propylene hydra
15 tion is required to maintain activity, Stability, and Selectivity.
Phase control is implemented by maintaining a single liquid
The process of the instant invention embodies a Sharp hydrocarbon phase using pumparound, high pressure, and
departure from known technology as evident by the unex extinction IPA recycle. Because IPA is a product of an
pectedly Superior performance of the novel process equilibrium-limited System, propylene hydration would be
described hereinafter. Nevertheless, elements of the prior art inhibited if the full capabilities of IPA to inhibit oligomer
Such as catalysts employed and reaction conditions are ization and control the reaction phase were utilized alone.
utilized in the invention. Art related conditions for reaction It has been discovered that the use of an inert Solvent with
temperature, pressure ranges, Zeolite catalysts and weight or without IPA recycle overcomes the foregoing challenges
hourly space velocities such as described in U.S. Pat. No. and provides the following benefits:
5,138,102 to Beech, et al. are applicable to the present 25
Oxygenate productivity is increased nearly three-fold;
invention except that the invention described herein reveals
the unexpected process benefits of carrying out propylene Stability is improved about 50-fold because the solvent
hydration and etherification in the presence of a Solvent. keeps the reactants in a single liquid hydrocarbon
AS known in the art, the olefins hydration and etherifica
tion proceSS is depicted in Simplified form as comprising the Minimal additional capital is required because the Solvent
reaction of propylene with water catalyzed by Strong acid to can be extracted with IPA and recycled;
form isopropanol. Reaction may be allowed to continue in Process flexibility is improved as the water to propylene
the hydration Zone to form diisopropyl ether (DIPE). The mole ratio can be varied over a large range (i.e., from
operating conditions of the olefin hydration and etherifica 35
0.1 to 1.0).
tion reaction step include a temperature of about 50 to 450 The reaction conditions of the present invention vary in
C., preferably from 100° to 250° C. and most preferably Some respects from the prior art, although the present
from 120° to 220° C. The total pressure is about 700 to process utilizes the Same catalysts. A Series of experiments
24000 kPa (100 to about 3500 psi, preferably 500–2000 psi). was carried out to compare the performance of the liquid
Water to olefin reactant concentrations are maintained at phase process of the instant invention using p-dioxane as a
40 Solvent with Zeolite Beta as catalyst under essentially the
mole ratios of about 0.1 to 30, preferably 0.1 to 5.
The preferred catalytic methods known in the art for Same conditions as employed heretofore in the preferred art
making DIPE employ porous Solid acid catalysts, Such as in liquid phase fixed bed reactors. The reaction conditions,
Zeolites Beta, Y, ZSM-35 and/or MCM-22 aluminosilicate. feed compositions and results in terms of product Selectivity
The preferred hydration/etherification catalyst comprises and productivity are presented in Table 1. Examples 1 and 3
45 represent the process of the invention that includes a Solvent
acidic, shape Selective porous Zeolite having a pore size of
about 5-8 Angstroms, Such as aluminosilicate Zeolite Beta. while Examples 2, 4 and 5 are processes of close prior art
Also, MCM-22, having pores similar to Zeolite Beta and that do not include a Solvent.
ZSM-5 are known for etherification catalysis, as disclosed
by Marler et al. in U.S. Pat. No. 5,105,023. TABLE 1.
DIPE etherification conditions may vary widely in choice Comparison with Prior Work at 1000 psi
of temperature, preSSure and reaction time. The preferred
method reacts propene with water in an adiabatic downflow Example 1. 2 3 4 5
reactor containing a fixed bed of catalyst, Such as Zeolite HOS 22 40 42 53.O 162
Beta, at 100° to 250° C. and pressure of at least 4000 kPa. 55 Temperature (F) 3OO 3OO 32O 330 330
However, it is understood that the unit operations described H2O/C (a)
Feed Composition
O.56 1.O 0.52 0.5 0.5
herein can be conducted with any number of specific proceSS (wt %)
steps within the skill of the art.
The olefin hydration and etherification reaction Step is Propylene
carried out in liquid phase or Supercritical dense phase in a 60
p-dioxane 51 51
continuous manner using a fixed bed flow reactor. Weight Propylene WHSV O.73 O.40 1.54 O.40 O40
hourly Space Velocity based on catalyst weight is maintained Product Comp.
in the range of 0.1 to 10/hour when operating continuously. (wt %) (b)
Various modifications can be made within the inventive Propylene 37.6 40.7 40.O 45.2 34.2
concept, especially with regard to reactor System configu 65 Water 5.2 22.5 5.0 8.3 7.7
ration. Although a single reactor bed may be employed, it is IPA 28.5 15.O 30.2 18.5 24.O
advantageous to employ a Series of fixed bed reactor units to
S 6
An optimal inert solvent for DIPE synthesis will have all
TABLE 1-continued of the following characteristics:
Miscible in both water and hydrocarbon.
Comparison with Prior Work at 1000 psi Stable to acid, reactants, and products up to 400 F.
Example 1. 2 3 4 5 Boil near but not above 212 F. at 1 atm.
Solvents that are completely miscible in both reactants
will best promote mixing, the primary objective. In order to
Productivity (c) O.73 0.25 148 O.35 O.34 be of any practical value, the Solvent must be unreactive, i.e.,
inert, to avoid the cost of continuous addition of Solvent and
(a) - H2O/propylene mole ratio of Separation and disposal of the Solvent reaction products.
(b) - normalized to exclude p-dioxane The ideal boiling point requirement is Set by two con
(c) - gm oxygenates/gm Zeolite hr flicting needs. In propylene hydration, equilibrium conver
Referring now to FIG. 1, the figure illustrates the stability Sion is favored by increasing the pressure. Use of a high
of Zeolite Beta catalyst at 320 F., 1000 psig, and a feedstock boiling inert Solvent minimizes its partial pressure in the
of 50 wt % p-dioxane, 40 wt % propylene, and 10 wt % 15 System and therefore reduces the Overall unit pressure
water (HO/propylene mole ratio=0.52). Without p-dioxane, requirement for a target hydration equilibrium. However, if
a 20% water+80% propylene feedstock (water/propylene the Solvent is not more volatile than water, it cannot be
mole ratio=0.52) completely deactivates after seven days. It conveniently Separated. After aqueous extraction, it is
would take well over a year to completely deactivate the important that the Solvent distill overhead in a mixed azeo
p-dioxane System. In current designs a Similar Stability can trope with IPA and water in order to avoid the large energy
be achieved by using pumparound and extinction IPA cost of vaporizing all the extraction water to recover the
recycle. However, in view of the fact that recycled IPA Solvent.
participates in these equilibrium-controlled reactions, these In addition to the preferred p-dioxane, other useful Sol
Strategies of pumparound and/or IPA recycle limit oxygenate vents include Sulfolane, dimethyl ether, tetrahydrofuran,
productivity. 25 1,3-dioxane and alkyl ethers of ethylene glycol.
Referring now to FIG. 2, a process flow diagram is shown The preferred catalysts for making DIPE according to the
indicating the improved activity of the process of the inven process of the invention employ porous Solid acid catalysts,
tion (0.86 vs. 0.20gm DIPE/gm catxhr) and selectivity (95% Such as Zeolites Beta, Y, ZSM-35 and/or MCM-22 alumi
vs. 90% DIPE) compared to known zeolite-catalyzed, liquid nosilicate. Acidic resins Such as AmberlySt-15 can also be
phase IPA/DIPE production. Neither p-dioxane nor IPA are used as catalyst for the process of the invention. The
either created or converted but are recycled. preferred hydration/etherification catalyst comprises acidic,
In the presence of an inert Solvent, productivity remains shape Selective porous Zeolite having a pore size of about
constant at near 1 gm of oxygenates/gm catalyst/hr, past an
80% approach to equilibrium. For the IPA/DIPE production 5-8 Angstroms, Such as aluminosilicate Zeolite Beta. Also,
process, water is both a reactant and a catalyst inhibitor. So MCM-22, having pores similar to zeolite Beta and ZSM-5,
as reactant water is consumed in the process of the 35 is known for etherification catalysis, as disclosed by Marler
invention, water acting as catalyst inhibitor is reduced. The et al. in U.S. Pat. No. 5,105,023. In addition to the foregoing
insensitivity of catalyst activity to approach to equilibrium materials, the Zeolite employed herein can be composited
indicates that the increase in activity due to poison removal with a porous matrix material Such as carbon, alumina,
offsets the normal drop in productivity associated with titania, Zirconia, Silica, Silica-alumina, Silica-magnesia,
approaching equilibrium when the process is carried out in 40 Silica-Zirconia, Silica-thoria, Silica-beryllia, Silica-titania,
the presence of an inert Solvent. etc., as well as ternary oxide composition, Such as Silica
p-Dioxane can be used to either replace (Table 1) or alumina-thoria, Silica-alumina-Zirconia, Silica-alumina
supplement (FIG. 2) IPA recycle. The illustrated process magnesia, Silica-magnesia-Zirconia, etc.. The matrix can be
flow diagram (FIG. 2 uses only 18 wt % p-dioxane, one third in the form of a cogel. The relative proportions of Zeolite
the amount used in the unit trials of Table 1. Much of the component and matrix material, on an anhydrous basis, can
para-dioxane can be replaced with IPA recycle. Of course, as vary widely with the Zeolite content ranging from between
the artisan knows very well, pumparound can be added to 1 to about 99 wt %, and more usually in the range of about
the design to control the reaction exotherm without changing 5 to about 90 wt % of the dry composite.
the key features of the invention. What is claimed is:
Activity, stability, selectivity, and flexibility of the current 1. A liquid phase process exhibiting high productivity for
art for Zeolite catalyzed DIPE production processes can all 50
the production of diisopropyl ether and isopropanol by
be improved by addition of p-dioxane or other inert solvents. hydration and etherification of a fresh olefinic feedstream
Because p-dioxane has Such similar properties to IPA, it will rich in propylene and containing water, Said process com
also be recycled by the current design and therefore can be prising the Steps of
implemented at minimal additional capital and operating
expense. The use of an inert Solvent Significantly improves 55 introducing Said feedstream in combination with an inert
the commercial potential of DIPE synthesis as a motor fuel Solvent Selected from the group consisting of
OXygenate. p-dioxane, 1,3-dioxane, dimethyl ether,
The process of the instant invention can also be utilized tetrahydrofuran, Sulfolane and dialkyl ethers of ethyl
for the synthesis of specialty alcohols from C4+olefins and ene glycol, into a liquid phase olefin etherification and
water. Employing the inert Solvents and catalysts of the 60 hydration fixed bed reaction Zone in contact with Solid
present invention higher molecular weight Secondary alco acidic catalyst particles under olefin hydration and
hols can be prepared by the reaction of C+olefins and water. etherification conditions,
Higher molecular weight alcohols are difficult to Synthesize recovering an effluent Stream from Said reaction Zone
due to the difficulty of mixing the non-polar olefins with comprising Said isopropanol, diisopropyl ether, inert
water. These alcohols have potential uses for Synthesis of 65 Solvent and water; and
detergents, lubricants, and other high Volume Specialty Separating Said effluent Stream to recover Said diisopropyl
chemicals. ether, isopropanol, inert Solvent and water.
7 8
2. The process of claim 1 including the further step of Separating Said effluent Stream to recover Said diisopropyl
recycling one or more of Said isopropanol, inert Solvent and ether, isopropanol, inert Solvent and water; and
water to Said reaction Zone.
3. The process of claim 1 wherein Said catalyst particles recycling Said isopropanol, inert Solvent and water to Said
comprise Solid, shape Selective aluminosilicate particles. reaction Zone, whereby catalyst productivity is
4. The process of claim 3 wherein said aluminosilicate enhanced and the diisopropyl ether production
particles are Selected from the group consisting of Zeolite increased.
Beta, Zeolite Y, ZSM-35 and MCM-22. 10. The process of claim 9 wherein said aluminosilicate
5. The process of claim 1 wherein Said catalyst comprises particles are Selected from the group consisting of Zeolite
Zeolite Beta impregnated with Zirconium oxide. Beta, Zeolite Y, ZSM-35 and MCM-22.
6. The process of claim 1 wherein Said catalyst particles 11. The process of claim 1 wherein said hydration and
comprise acidic resin catalyst. etherification conditions comprise a temperature of 50 to
7. The process of claim 1 wherein said hydration and 450 C., pressure of 100 to 3,500 psi and water to olefin
etherification conditions comprise a temperature of 50 to mole ratios of 0.1 to 30.
450 C., pressure of 100 to 3,500 psi and water to olefin 15
12. The process of claim 9 wherein said catalyst
mole ratios of 0.1 to 30.
8. The process of claim 7 wherein said etherification productivity, i.e., grams of Said oxygenates/gm catalyst/
conditions comprise temperature of 120 to 220 C., pres hour, is at least doubled over Said hydration and etherifica
sure of 500 to 2,000 psi and water to olefin mole ratio of 0.1 tion carried out in the absence of inert Solvent.
to 5. 13. A liquid phase process exhibiting high catalyst pro
9. In a liquid phase process for the hydration and etheri ductivity for the production of C+Secondary alcohols by
fication of a hydrocarbon feedstream rich in propylene and hydration of a fresh C+olefinic feedstream containing
containing water to produce oxygenates comprising isopro water, Said proceSS comprising the Steps of
panol and diisopropyl ether in a fixed bed reaction Zone in introducing Said feedstream in combination with an inert
contact with acidic aluminosilicate Zeolite catalyst particles 25
Solvent Selected from the group consisting of
under olefin hydration and etherification conditions wherein p-dioxane, 1,3-dioxane, dimethyl ether,
a portion of the reaction Zone effluent containing isopro tetrahydrofuran, Sulfolane and dialkyl ethers of ethyl
panol is recycled to the reaction Zone as reactant and Solvent, ene glycol into a liquid phase olefin hydration fixed bed
the improvement comprising:
introducing an inert Solvent Selected from the group reaction Zone in contact with Solid acidic catalyst
consisting of p-dioxane, 1,3-dioxane, dimethyl ether, particles under C+olefin hydration conditions,
tetrahydrofuran, Sulfolane and dialkyl ethers of ethyl recovering an effluent Stream from Said reaction Zone
ene glycol into Said liquid phase propylene etherifica comprising Said C+Secondary alcohols, inert Solvent
tion and hydration fixed bed reaction Zone under Said and water, and
olefin hydration and etherification conditions, 35
Separating Said effluent Stream to recover Said C+ Sec
recovering an effluent Stream from Said reaction Zone ondary alcohols.
comprising Said isopropanol, diisopropyl ether, inert
Solvent and water;
PATENT NO. : 5,808,161
DATED : September 15, 1998
INVENTOR(S): Stephen H. Brown; Jeffrey C. Trewella
it is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent are
hereby Corrected as shown below:
column 6, line S8, delete "sulfolane".
column 7, line 32, delete "sulfoane".
column 8, line 27, delete "sulfoane".
Arfestingg (Li
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