(22) PCT Filed: Jan. 15, 2004 International Search Report dated Jun. 9, 2004.
(86). PCT No.: PCT/FR2004/OOOOT1 * cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Tam M. Nguyen
S371 (c)(1), (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Sughrue Mion, PLLC
(2), (4) Date: Jul. 15, 2005
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2004/067683 (57)
PCT Pub. Date: Aug. 12, 2004 The invention relates to a process for hydrotreatment of a
9 hydrocarbon feedstock, comprising the step of carrying out in
(65) Prior Publication Data situ or ex situ Sulfurization of a catalyst and hydrotreating the
hydrocarbon feedstock in the presence of the catalyst wherein
US 2006/0054537 A1 Mar. 16, 2006 at least one Sulfur compound may be present in the feedstock;
O O and a pprocess for the purification
p of a hydrocarbon
y feedstock,
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data comprising hydrotreating the hydrocarbon feedstock in the
Jan. 16, 2003 (FR) ................................... 03 00439 presence of a catalyst after Sulfurization of the catalyst and
oxidizing desulfurization of the hydrotreated feedstock;
(51) Int. Cl. wherein the catalyst comprises a refractory oxide Support, at
CIOG 45/04 (2006.01) least one metal of the Group VIII and at least one metal of the
(52) U.S. Cl. ................... 208/208 R; 208/240; 208/209; Group VI, both in an oxidized form, and at least one sulphone
208/211; 208/213; 208/215; 208/216 R; 208/217 or sulphoxide compound derived from a benzothiophene
(58) Field of Classification Search ............. 208/208 R, compound.
208/240, 209, 211, 213, 215, 216 R, 217
See application file for complete search history. 13 Claims, No Drawings
US 7,686,947 B2
1. 2
HYDROTREATING CATALYST, PROCESS on metals from Groups VI and VIII, for the presulfurization of
FOR ITS PREPARATION AND ITS USE INA these conventional catalysts with a mixture comprising a first
PROCESS FOR THE PURIFICATION OF Sulfur compound with a decomposition point T of less than
HYDROCARBONS 220° C. and a second sulfur compound with a decomposition
point T of greater than 220°C. The first sulfur compound
The present invention relates to a hydrotreating catalyst, to includes a C S or S S structure and the second sulfur
its method of preparation and to the use of this catalyst in a compound includes at least one S=O structure and is chosen
process for the purification of hydrocarbons, in particular from compounds of Sulfone or Sulfoxide type, for example
those resulting from petroleum fractions with a boiling point alkyl, aryl, alkylaryl or arylalkyl Sulfones.
preferably of between 40 and 560° C. 10 All these modifications are targeted at improving the effec
Currently, the demand for desulfurized, denitrogenated tiveness of these catalysts in hydrotreating, more particularly
and dearomatized hydrocarbon compounds is increasing and in desulfurization, but require the use of chemicals not always
numerous studies are being carried out for the purpose of under the control of the refining industry. In addition, these
developing catalysts which are increasingly effective with modifications do not always make it possible to achieve the
regard to the purification of hydrocarbons. However, these 15 Sulfur contents required by the specifications expected in
novel catalysts, which are targeted at obtaining Sulfur con Europe by 2005 in middle distillates resulting from direct
tents of less than 10 ppm, are much more expensive and are distillation or refined fractions used as components of diesel
accessible only from a limited number of producers. In addi fuels.
tion, from their first regeneration, these catalysts exhibit a In some countries, such as Sweden, the United States, in
much lower activity than their initial activity in the fresh state particular in California, and others, the total sulfur content of
under the same operating conditions. Only an additional spe gas oils is already limited to 0.005% by weight and this
cific rejuvenation treatment sometimes makes it possible to limitation may eventually become general in the countries of
recover this initial activity, making it possible to achieve the OECD. For Europe, this objective of 0.005% by weight of
sulfur contents of less than 10 ppm. total sulfur should be achieved in 2005 but a content of
Numerous "conventional” catalysts, based on Supports 25 0.001% by 2010 is already being raised.
formed of refractive oxides and comprising oxidized Co/Mo U.S. Pat. No. 3.945,914. A discloses a process for the des
or Ni/Mo metal pairs, are still widely used today in refineries, ulfurization of hydrocarbons by oxidation, in a first stage, of
in the fresh or regenerated State, either in hydrotreating or in at least a portion of the Sulfur-comprising hydrocarbons in the
hydrocracking. If it proves to be impossible to significantly presence of oxidizing compounds (peracids, hydroperoxides
increase their activity in desulfurization and/or denitrogena 30
and peroxides) and then conversion, in a second stage, of the
tion treatments, these catalysts will eventually have to be oxidized Sulfur-comprising hydrocarbons to metal Sulfides,
recovered, stored or destroyed when the specifications with after bringing these compounds into contact with a metal at a
regard to the contents of sulfur in fuels become so restrictive temperature of greater than 260° C.
that it will no longer be possible to use them. In addition, there The essential metal is molybdenum in the dissolved form
is a risk that this storage or this removal of the solids will be 35
or the form supported on a refractive oxide of the alumina
subject to environmental and safety restrictions and will then type, optionally in combination with another metal.
generate significant additional costs for refiners. In this two-stage process, the Sulfones and Sulfoxides of the
The Applicant Company has thus envisaged rendering benzothiophene derivatives, including the Sulfones and Sul
“conventional catalysts based on refractive oxides and on foxides of the other Sulfur-comprising compounds predomi
metals from Groups VI and VIII more effective by modifying 40
nant in the hydrocarbons, cannot be absorbed by a solid
them by novel means in order to confer theiron desulfuriza catalystas, at these temperatures, they react with the metal to
tion and denitrogenation activities at least equivalent to those form metal sulfides, this reaction promoting the desulfuriza
of the best catalysts on the market and in particular greater tion of the hydrocarbons. In addition, according to this patent,
than those of these regenerated catalysts. the support is not critical as it is not involved in the sulfuriza
All hydrotreating or hydrocracking catalysts are necessar 45
ily sulfurized before being used. This sulfurization can be tion reaction of the metal (column 4, lines 25 to 29) and the
carried out either in situ, in the hydrotreating reactor, or ex catalyst does not have to be sulfurized.
situ, using hydrogen sulfide, mercaptains, sulfides, polysul The Applicant Company has designed a novel type of
fides and/or native Sulfur, these compounds being introduced hydrotreating catalyst based on refractive oxides and on met
alone, as a mixture with a solvent or at the same time as the 50 als from Groups VI and VIII which makes it possible to
feedstock. Some of these catalysts are modified before sulfu achieve a preset Sulfur content with an increase in reaction
rization, this modification consisting in treating these cata temperature of at least 5 to 25°C. with respect to an unmodi
lysts with chelating or Sulfurizing compounds. It is thus fied conventional catalyst, all other operating conditions for
known to modify these catalysts using acids of thioglycolic the process, pressure, amount of hydrogen and hourly space
type or else thioalcohols, thioacetone compounds and thio 55 velocity (HSV), being identical. Such an increase with regard
diazoles or thiocyanates. Such as provided in particular by to the reaction temperature makes it possible to envisage the
Sumitomo patents (EP289 211, EP300 629, EP338 788, EP achievement of sulfur contents far below 50 ppm and even
357 295, EP 456592, EP 478 365 and EP506 206). Other below 10 ppm by varying these same operating conditions.
catalysts have been modified by treatment using alcohol-acid A first subject matter of the present invention is thus a
organic compounds (EP 482 817), optionally etherified 60 hydrotreating catalyst comprising a Supportformed of refrac
mono-, di- or polyalcohols (EP601722, U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,954, tory oxides, at least one metal from Group VIII and at least
673, 4,012,340 and WO 01/76741) or compounds of the one metal from Group VI, both in the oxidized form, charac
following types: urea, polyamines, EDTA, hydrazine and terized in that it comprises at least one Sulfone compound
other nitrogenous compounds (EP 181 035, EP335754, EP 1 and/or sulfoxide compound derived from at least one ben
043 069, WO 01/76741, U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,954,673 and 4,012, 65 Zothiophene compound.
340). Patent EP-628 347 from Eurecat provides, in order to In the continuation of the present description, the term
modify and Sulfurize catalysts based on refractory oxides and “metal catalyst” will be used to refer to any catalyst compris
US 7,686,947 B2
3 4
ing a Support formed of refractory oxides and at least one presence of the metal catalyst, of a hydrocarbon fraction with
metal from each of Groups VI and VIII in the oxidized form. minimum and maximum boiling points varying from 40 to
The term “hydrotreating is understood to mean any pro 560° C. Preferably, this metal catalyst comprises a support
cess involving hydrogen for the purpose of reducing the Sulfur made of silica and/or of alumina and a combination of metals
contents of the hydrocarbons treated, whatever the refined from Groups VI and VIII, in the oxidized form, chosen from
fraction from which they originate; processes comprising a the group consisting of nickel/molybdenum, cobalt/molyb
hydrotreating (desulfurization, denitrogenation and dearo denum, nickel?tungsten, nickel/cobalt-molybdenum and
matization) or a hydrocracking are to be understood in par nickel?tungsten/molybdenum combinations.
ticular. This metal catalyst can be a freshly prepared or commer
The compound characteristic of the catalyst in accordance 10 cial catalyst and it will be used fresh or after regeneration, that
with the invention is chosen from sulfones and sulfoxides of is to say essentially after combustion of the coke deposited on
benzothiophenes, of dibenzothiophenes and more generally this catalyst during a hydrotreating operation, in the context
of polyarylthiophenes, which may or may not be substituted of the present invention.
by alkyl or allyl hydrocarbon chains optionally comprising This preparation process according to the invention can be
aliphatic and/or aromatic rings, and it can be used alone or as 15 carried out eitherex situ, before charging to the hydrotreating
a mixture. Preferably, this compound is a commercial Sulfone reactor, or in situ, in the reactor which will be used subse
and/or Sulfoxide compound or a product resulting from the quently as hydrotreating reactor.
oxidation of the benzothiophene compounds present in the Of course, it will not be departing from the scope of the
hydrocarbon fractions obtained by refining crude oils. invention if this preparation process were applied to any other
In a preferred embodiment of the invention, at least one of catalytic Support for the purpose of increasing its activity in
the sulfone and/or sulfoxide compounds results from the oxi hydrotreating.
dation of a desulfurized or nondesulfurized hydrocarbon frac A third subject matter of the invention is the use of this
tion by an oxidizing compound chosen from organic and catalyst in a process for the hydrotreating of hydrocarbons,
inorganic peroxides and hydroperoxides and organic or inor after Sulfurization in situ or ex situ of this catalyst using at
ganic peracids, optionally in the presence of a catalyst. 25
least one Sulfur compound chosen from hydrogen Sulfide,
Hydrogen peroxide and tert-butyl hydroperoxide are among mercaptains, sulfides and/or polysulfides and other Sulfurizing
the preferred oxidizing agents. compounds, this compound being introduced in the gaseous
Thus, the hydrotreating catalyst according to the invention, form, in the liquid form, after dilution of the solidor the liquid
while exhibiting characteristics of activity and of selectivity in a solvent, or directly in the liquid form, optionally even as
comparable with, indeed even better than, those of the com 30
additive of the feedstock to be hydrotreated. This sulfuriza
mercially available catalysts, can advantageously be prepared tion can also be carried out solely by the feedstock to be
in a refinery and can then be immediately used in this same hydrotreated.
refinery. In addition, it exhibits the advantage of being able to A fourth subject matter of the invention is a process for the
be prepared from regenerated catalysts already available on
site and which are much cheaper than the most effective 35 purification, down to less than 10 ppm of sulfur, of a sulfur
hydrotreating catalysts on the market as regards hydrotreat comprising, nitrogen-comprising and/or aromatic hydrocar
1ng. bon feedstock, this process comprising a first stage of
In order to be effective in hydrotreating, the catalyst will hydrotreating the distillate in the presence of the modified
comprise at least 0.01% by weight of at least one sulfone metal catalyst of the invention, after sulfurization of the latter,
and/or sulfoxide compound and preferably from 0.01% to 40 and a second stage of oxidizing desulfurization of the
10% by weight. hydrotreated feedstock.
Another subject matter of the invention is the process for In a preferred form of this purification process, the oxidiz
the preparation of the hydrotreating catalyst. It necessarily ing desulfurization of the hydrotreated feedstock is carried
comprises a stage of formation and/or of deposition of Sul out in the presence of a metal catalyst and of an oxidizing
fone and/or Sulfoxide compounds at the Surface of a metal 45 agent chosen from organic or inorganic peroxides and hydro
catalyst. The deposition of these compounds can be carried peroxides and organic or inorganic peracids. Preferably, the
out by impregnation, grafting or formation at the Surface of oxidizing agent is hydrogen peroxide or tert-butyl hydroper
the catalyst. oxide. The metal catalyst will advantageously comprise a
More particularly, the process consists in introducing, into Support made of silica and/or of alumina and a combination of
a reactor comprising the metal catalyst, an organic fluid com 50 metals from Groups VI and VIII, in the oxidized form, which
prising at least one benzothiophene compound and an oxidiz combination is chosen from the group consisting of nickel/
ing compound from the group consisting of organic or inor molybdenum, cobalt/molybdenum, nickel?tungsten, nickel/
ganic peroxides and hydroperoxides and organic or inorganic cobalt/molybdenum and nickel?tungsten/molybdenum com
peracids, starting from ambient temperature and at atmo binations.
spheric pressure, and in then recovering the catalyst Support 55 In a favored embodiment of the invention, in particular
ing the Sulfoxide and/or sulfone compounds which are when the hydrotreating and oxidizing desulfurization opera
formed. tions are carried out in the same refinery, the spent metal
The organic fluid used is chosen from paraffin, aromatic catalyst, but modified according to the invention, obtained at
and naphthenic hydrocarbons and the solvents for ben the end of the oxidizing desulfurization cycle is used as
Zothiophene compounds, Such as benzene, toluene and/or 60 hydrotreating catalyst after Sulfurization eX situ or in situ in
Xylene, and hydrocarbon fractions resulting from the refining the hydrotreating reactor. The end of the oxidizing desulfur
of crude oils. In a preferred form, the organic fluid is a hydro ization cycle can advantageously correspond to the moment
carbon fraction with minimum and maximum boiling points when the total sulfur content of the effluent again rises above
varying from 40 to 560° C. 10 ppm.
In its preferred embodiment, the process for the prepara 65 Taking the above into consideration, the process according
tion of the hydrotreating catalyst according to the invention to the invention can be carried out in the same reactor or in at
consists in carrying out an oxidizing desulfurization, in the least two separate reactors, for example arranged in series.
US 7,686,947 B2
5 6
In the configuration using two separate reactors, the latter filtration, then washed three times with 200 ml of toluene at
can operate alternately in hydrotreating and in oxidizing des ambient temperature and, finally, washed with 3 times 200 ml
ulfurization, each reactor carrying out a different treatment of pentane at ambient temperature. The catalyst thus recov
during the same purification cycle. The advantage of this ered is dried under air at 80° C. for 3 hours in a ventilated
embodiment is that only the catalyst used in hydrotreating has 5 OVC.
to be discharged and regenerated before being reused in oxi The in situ modification consists in introducing 100 ml of
dizing desulfurization. Furthermore, the catalyst resulting catalyst Ainto the reactor of a pilot unit of Catatest type. Agas
from the oxidizing desulfurization exhibits a much higher oil (GO or GO), to which the TBHP solution has been
activity than if it had been used directly in hydrotreating. added, is passed over this catalyst at an hourly space Velocity
Another configuration provides for one of the two reactors 10 (HSV) of 1 h at atmospheric pressure at a temperature of
to always operate in hydrotreating and for the other reactor to 70° C. After 7 hours (GO) or 70 hours (GO), the injection of
always operate in oxidizing desulfurization; the catalyst at the additivated gas oil is halted. A slight nitrogen stream is passed
end of the oxidizing desulfurization cycle is then discharged, in the downward flow mode for the purpose of removing the
then recharged to the hydrotreating reactor and, finally, Sul excess gas oil present in the reactor.
furized according to conventional methods. Furthermore, a 15 The ex situ modification using dibenzothiophene sulfone
conventional unmodified hydrotreating metal catalyst is (dBTS) is identical to the modification using gas oil and
charged to the oxidizing desulfurization reactor. As in the TBHP, apart from the fact that the gas oil/TBHP mixture is
preceding configuration, the hydrotreating catalyst still has to replaced by the commercial Sulfone in Solution in ethanol.
be regenerated. Catalysts B and C were obtained by wetting catalyst A with
The purification process is particularly suitable for a 20 direct distillation gas oil alone comprising 1% by weight of
hydrocarbon feedstock with minimum and maximum boiling sulfur, the operation being carried out as described above for
points ranging from 40 to 560°C., it being possible for this the ex situ and in situ modifications. They constitute catalysts
feedstock to originate in particular from an atmospheric dis for comparisons with the other four catalysts, D, E, F and G,
tillation, a vacuum distillation, an FCC catalytic cracking, a in accordance with the invention.
hydrocracking, a coking or a Visbreaking. 25 The catalysts were all sulfurized with a gas oil to which 2%
The examples which follow are targeted at illustrating the by weight of DMDS had been added, according to the proce
invention but have no limiting nature. dure recommended by the manufacturer of catalyst A.
In the present example, a description is given of the prepa The present example is intended to show that the catalysts
ration of five sulfurized catalysts which will be used subse of the invention have a much higher activity in hydrodesulfu
quently in desulfurization, denitrogenation and dearomatiza rization and denitrogenation than that obtained with the
tion. All these catalysts are prepared from a commercial unmodified commercial catalyst A.
catalyst A, composed of a combination comprising 3% of 35 Catalysts A, B, C, D, E, F and G of example 1 are subjected,
cobalt and comprising 10% of molybdenum on an alumina in a tubular reactor of a pilot hydrotreating unit operating in
Support, available commercially and commonly used by downward flow, to a first stage of stabilization by hydrotreat
refiners in their hydrodesulfurization units. ing a direct distillation gas oil. Subsequently, a hydrocarbon
The modification and/or sulfurization treatments applied feedstock comprising 75% by volume of direct distillation
to this catalyst are summarized in table I below. 40 gas oil and 25% by volume of a 220-350° C. hydrocarbon
fraction resulting from catalytic cracking, usually referred to
TABLE I as LCO (Light Cycle Oil), is hydrotreated. The characteristics
Cata of the mixture are given in table II below.
lyst Treatment Modification Sulfurization 45
A. None None GO + 2% by weight of DMDS
B Ex situ GO alone GO + 2% by weight of DMDS 25% LCO-75%
C In situ GO alone GO + 2% by weight of DMDS Type offeedstock GO mixture GO GO,
D Ex situ GO + 6.3% GO + 2% by weight of DMDS
by weight of TBHP Sulfur (ppm) 14447 1O 117 49
E In situ GO + 6.3% GO + 2% by weight of DMDS 50 Density at 15° C. (g/ml) O.8684 O.8579 0.85O1
by weight of TBHP Monoaromatics (% by weight) 18.7 14.8 28
F Ex situ BTS GO + 2% by weight of DMDS Diaromatics (% by weight) 14.8 13 5
G In situ GO + 6.3% GO + 2% by weight of DMDS Triaromatics (% by weight) 2.8 1.6 1
by weight of TBHP Total aromatics (% by weight) 36.3 29.4 34
Nitrogen (ppm) 228 158 29.7
*TBHP = 5M solution of tert-butyl hydroperoxide in decane. 55 ASTM D86 (o C.)
*dBTS = 5% dibenzothiophene sulfone in ethanol. Initial boiling point 2O3 244 2O1
*DMDS = dimethyl disulfide. S vol% 230 264 229
*GO: gas oil comprising 1% of sulfur. 10 vol% 244 273 241
*GO: gas oil comprising 50 ppm of Sulfur. 20 vol% 257 28O 255
30 vol% 268 286 266
40 vol% 278 293 276
The ex situ modification using gas oil comprising TBHP is 60 SO vol% 289 299 287
carried out as follows. 60 vol% 301 306 298
38 g of the TBHP solution are added to 600 g of direct 70 vol%
80 vol%
distillation gas oil (GO) comprising 1% by weight of sulfur 90 vol% 347 339 347
(approximately 700 ml) placed in a round-bottomed flask. 95 vol% 359 350 363
100 g of catalyst A are then added to this mixture. The com- 65 Final boiling point 363 352 365
bined mixture is stirred at a moderate rate at 70° C. for 3
hours. The modified catalyst is subsequently recovered by
US 7,686,947 B2
7 8
The operating conditions are given in table III below. polysulfides or other Sulfurizing compounds, the cata
lyst comprising a Supportformed of refractory oxides, at
TABLE III least one metal from Group VIII and at least one metal
27 x 10 Pa
from Group VI, both in the oxidized form, and compris
HSV 1 hl 5 ing at least one Sulfone compound and/or Sulfoxide com
H2foil mixture ratio 130 SF pound derived from at least one benzothiophene com
pound; and
In order to compare the activities in desulfurization and in hydrotreating the hydrocarbon feedstock in the presence of
denitrogenation, the reaction temperature is adjusted so as to the catalyst,
achieve either 98% desulfurization or 50% denitrogenation of 10 wherein said at least one sulfur compound may be present
the hydrotreated feedstock. The lower this temperature for a in the feedstock.
given catalyst with respect to the corresponding temperature 2. A process for the purification, down to less than 10 ppm
for the reference catalyst A, the more active this catalyst is in of sulfur, of a sulfur-comprising, a nitrogen-comprising and/
desulfurization or in denitrogenation. or an aromatic hydrocarbon feedstock, comprising a first
For the reference catalyst A, the temperatures referenced stage of hydrotreating the hydrocarbon feedstock in the pres
Ts and Ty respectively for the hydro-desulfurization ence of a catalyst, after Sulfurization of the catalyst, and a
and the denitrogenation correspond to the temperatures second stage of oxidizing desulfurization of the hydrotreated
required to achieve 98% desulfurization and 50% denitroge- feedstock,
nation. wherein the catalyst comprises a Support formed of refrac
The results of the tests are given in table IV below. tory oxides, at least one metal from Group VIII and at
Catalysts D, E, F and G (in accordance with the invention) 30 least one metal from Group VI, both in the oxidized
exhibit an activity in HDS and HDN which is much higher form, and comprising at least one Sulfone compound
than that of the reference catalyst A, whereas catalysts B and and/or sulfoxide compound derived from at least one
C exhibit an activity equivalent to that of catalyst A. benzothiophene compound.
3. The process as claimed in claim 2, characterized in that
EXAMPLE III the oxidizing desulfurization is carried out in the presence of
a metal catalyst based on refractory oxides Supporting at least
The activities of a fresh modified hydrotreating catalyst one metal from each of Groups VI and VIII and of an oxidiz
according to the invention and of this same catalyst, regener- ing agent chosen from organic O inorganic peroxides and
ated after a hydrotreating cycle and then modified according 40 hydroperoxides and organic O inorganic peracids.
to the invention, are compared in the present example. 4. The process as claimed in claim 3, characterized in that
After a first hydrotreating cycle, the catalyst G of example the modified metal catalyst obtained at the end of the oxidiz
II is regenerated by combustion of the coke under an oxidiz. ing desulfurization cycle is used as hydrotreating catalyst,
ing atmosphere at 450° C. for at least 5 hours. The regenerated after ex situ Sulfurization or in situ sulfurization in a
catalyst is modified as described in example II for catalyst G. hydrotreating reactor.
and a catalyst G' is obtained and is subsequently sulfurized as 5. The process as claimed in one of claims 2 to 4, charac
described in example II. A new hydrotreating cycle identical terized in that the process is carried out in the same reactor or
to the cycle applied to catalyst G is then carried out. in at least two separate reactors.
The hydrotreating temperatures required for G and G' are 6. The process as claimed in claim 5, characterized in that
compared with respect to the reference catalyst A in table V. the two separate reactors operate alternately in hydrotreating
50 and in oxidizing desulfurization, each carrying out a different
TABLEV treatment.
A. G G 7. The process as claimed in claim 5, characterized in that
one of the reactors always operates in hydrotreating and the
THDS THDs -19 C. THDs-SC. ss other reactor always operates in oxidizing desulfurization.
THDN. Ty-27C. Ty-25 C. 8. The process as claimed in claims 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7, charac
terized in that the hydrocarbon feedstock is a hydrocarbon
It is found, from this table, that, after regeneration and feedstock with minimum and maximum boiling points of
modification again according to the invention, the regener- between 40 and 560° C.
ated commercial catalyst regains virtually the same perfor- 60 9. The process as claimed in claim3, wherein the oxidizing
mance as that of the fresh modified catalyst. agent is hydrogen peroxide or tert-butyl hydroperoxide.
What is claimed is: 10. The process as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein said
1. A process for hydrotreatment of a hydrocarbon feed- compound is chosen from Sulfones and Sulfoxides of ben
Stock, comprising: Zothiophenes, Sulfones and Sulfoxides of dibenzothiophenes,
carrying out in situ or ex situ Sulfurization of a catalyst by 65 and Sulfones and Sulfoxides of other polyarylthiophenes,
contacting the catalyst with at least one Sulfur compound which may or may not be substituted by alkyl or allyl hydro
Selected from hydrogen sulfide, mercaptains, Sulfides, carbon chains optionally comprising aliphatic and/or aro
US 7,686,947 B2
matic rings, said compound being used alone or in admixture oxidation of a desulfurized or non-desulfurized hydrocarbon
with one or more other said compounds. fraction by an oxidizing compound chosen from organic and
11. The process as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein said inorganic peroxides and hydroperoxides and organic or inor
compound is a commercially available Sulfone and/or sulfox ganic peracids, optionally in the presence of a metal catalyst.
ide compound, or a Sulfone and/or Sulfoxide compound origi 13. The process as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein the
nating from oxidation of benzothiophene compounds present catalyst comprises at least 0.01% by weight of said at least
in hydrocarbon fractions obtained by refining crude oils. one sulfone and/or Sulfoxide compound.
12. The process as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein at least
one of the sulfone and/or sulfoxide compounds results from k k k k k