LPP Agri PolicyPaper2
LPP Agri PolicyPaper2
LPP Agri PolicyPaper2
I. Introduction
Second, is Executive Order No. 444, issued on July 5, 2005 “DIRECTING THE
Very much related to E.O. 3666, this issuance is welcomed by the local governments as
an essential prospect to formulate strategic and long term recommendations and
courses of action to support and strengthen decentralization efforts to achieve genuine
local autonomy.
In order to capture the basis for a new DA-LGU partnership, it was necessary to
get feedback from the frontliners upon which the ground work for engagement by may
be laid to set some basic principles. Information was gathered through two instruments,
namely, the survey questionnaire developed by the Committee on Devolution of E.O.
444 and the questionnaire on agricultural services delivered by LGUs which was
developed by the LPP in cooperation with the Philippine Institute for Development
Studies (PIDS) and the Economic Policy Reform and Advocacy (EPRA) Project of the
Ateneo School of Economics. The results of these surveys were collated and
synthesized in the “LPP Workshop on Agriculture and Fisheries Development” at the
NEDA sa Makati on December 14-16, 2005. The workshop was attended by 19
participants (mostly Provincial Agriculturists) who were representing the governors who
are officers and members of LPP’s National Executive Board.
Basic Principles
The workshop generated the following principles which should guide the
rationalization of the DA and the further devolution of functions.
6. Government must address public goods and leave the private goods to the
private sector. Public goods are those whose value do not diminish but instead
increase while private goods are those whose value diminish over time. Public
goods include vital infrastructures, extension services, technical assistance,
standards, rules and regulations, research and development and the like. Their
value has a multiplier effect and will benefit more people in the long run; seed
and fertilizer distribution, on the other hand, strains scarce government resources
and benefit a limited number of people. Government should identify which
benefits a greater number of beneficiaries in the long run, given its limited
resources. On the other hand, the private sector particularly business, including
non-government organizations and people’s organizations, serve a specific
population and have the means and expertise to address private goods.
Two instruments were used to provide and indication of what is happening at the
LGU level with regard to devolved agricultural services. First is the Survey Questionnaire
on Decentralization and Devolution (Survey 1) designed by the E.O. 444 Devolution
Committee. Second, is the Survey Questionnaire on Agricultural Services Provided by
Municipalities and Barangay (Survey 2) designed by the LPP in cooperation with the
Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) and the Economic Policy Reform
and Advocacy (EPRA) Project of the Ateneo de Manila University.
Both surveys were based on the provision of the LGC particularly Section 17 –
Basic Services and Facilities, which stipulates that:
Section 17 likewise defines the basic services and facilities of the barangay,
municipality/city and provincial governments with regard to agriculture.
Due to lack of material time and resources, the results of both surveys were used
as mere indications and perceptions of the respondents. A more detailed conduct and
statistically acceptable gathering of data will be undertaken in the process of
implementing E.O. 444. However, the respondents are LGU experts in the field of
agriculture and have taken time to answer the questionnaire.
A. Survey 1 (Annex A). The survey covers the agricultural functions at the
municipal/city and provincial levels as provided in Section 17 of the LGC. The survey
form was sent to the Office of the Provincial Governor and was sent to the Office of the
Provincial Agriculturist (OPA).
The survey shows that not all of the devolved agricultural services and functions
stipulated in the LGC are not yet fully implemented in some LGUs, but some functions
and services are partially done by the LGUs with the assistance of the DA. There were
no indications that the services are not provided by the LGUs as mandated by the Code,
except those functions that could not be performed due to local conditions and
geographical locations.
B. Survey 2 (Annex B toB5). Similarly, the survey was based on Section 17 of the
LGC. It was administered during the LPP Policy Formulation Workshop cited earlier. In
addition to functions of municipalities and the barangay mandated by the Local
Government Code, questions were asked on functions beyond Section 17 which should
be performed at the provincial level. There were also questions on what are the
perceived problems encountered by the LGUs. These were answered by frequency. A
separate section was added to gauge the Satisfaction Level of the personnel. A profiling
of the participants was also generated.
The survey reveals that the barangays appear to lean toward “seldom” and
“never” degree of frequency when it comes to implementing the mandate of the LGC.
For municipalities provision of services gravitates toward the “sometimes” column. In the
case of the provinces, figures are relatively high in the “always” column. The provision of
livestock markets, animal breeding stations and artificial insemination appear in equal
percentage for both provinces and municipalities in both the “always” and the “never”
For the other services and functions on top of what Sec. 17 require, the
respondents said that they: a) “Always” conduct program planning, monitoring and
evaluation (57%); b) “Frequently” do data collection and validation (50%); c)
“Sometimes” provide local farmers’ groups linkages with higher level organizations
(43%); d) “Sometimes” they formulate local regulations to ensure the quality of the
agriculture inputs (36%); e) “Sometimes” they prevent/regulate the use and sale of
products that may cause negative externalities (43%); f) “Seldom” that they certify the
quality of the products/competence of suppliers (36%) but there were respondents who
also said they “never” did (36%).
There were 31 items listed as problems encountered by the LGUs. The top ten
(10) problems that are “always” encountered are:
It is interesting to note that 50% of the respondents said that “sometimes” peace
and order is a problem (50%) while only 7% said that it is “always” a problem.
IV. Proposed Framework for Department of Agriculture and
Local Governments Partnership
In the rationalization of the DA under E.O. 366 and in the process of continuing
decentralization and devolution of agriculture and fisheries functions and services, the
“Goal Focus” of the DA should be paramount. The partnership between the Department
and the LGUs must always strive to work within the framework of the goals that RA No.
8435, otherwise known as the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of
1997, hopes to achieve. These are: 1) Prosperity of Farmers; 2) Competitiveness; 3)
Food Security; 4) Sustainable Production Systems.
The achievement of these goals requires the integration of plans and programs
through bottom-up planning from the barangay and client level to municipal/city and
provincial levels up to the DA.. This can be achieved only through genuine consultation
and participation of all implementers.
On the other hand, the LGUs must be able to work toward consolidation,
coordination, collaboration, and complementation. Accountabilities and resource sharing
mechanisms must be identified and agreed upon. At present the most viable area or unit
of operation is the province. This being the case, the DA should coordinate with the
provincial governments and in no instance directly deal with other lower LGUs, except in
specific instances in which a cluster of municipalities could be defined as a viable area of
In terms of what roles to play, both DA and the LGUs should probably revisit and
redefine their mandates. For the DA, as a national agency it should transform its focus
from a commodity (production) to goal (AFMA goals). This requires that it should
strengthen its capacity to deliver extension services, provide capability-building/technical
support to LGUs, and to perform effective regulatory functions and state-of-the-art
research and development. For their part, LGUs must be able to define specific roles
and targets in the translation of national goals to local development programs and
projects. This process should include fund utilization and allocation of resources of their
Internal Revenue Allocation (IRA) shares and grants for national and local programs.
It must be emphasized, again, that the relationship between the DA and the
LGUs must be anchored on the principles of decentralization and local autonomy.
The DA-LGU Framework for Partnership Matrix (ANNEX D1) shows the
“Steering” roles of DA and the “Rowing” roles of DA and the LGUs, respectively, on the
left side of the box. The DA in order steer shall have a National Agriculture and Fisheries
Policy developed in a participatory manner. To implement this policy, it must come up
with a National Agriculture and Fisheries Strategic Plan that will specify the guidelines,
technical assistance, funding and monitoring and evaluation systems that it shall provide
For the “rowing” function, provincial governments must come up with their own
Provincial Agricultural Development Strategic Plan in response to the national policy.
This will include the issuance of the necessary guidelines, technical assistance, funding
and monitoring and evaluation systems for their component cities and towns. Parallel to
this the provinces will also craft their own Annual Performance Plan. For the
municipalities/cities they will likewise follow the same exercise that of the province, the
only difference is that the municipalities/cities could directly deal with farmers and fisher
At the right-half side of ANNEX D1, the roles of central government, in this case
the DA are clearly on policy making and implementation coordination. The DA is also
tasked to determine the national public goods through research and development,
information, communication and education campaigns and strict enforcement of
regulations and standards. At a lower scale and based on their specific conditions, the
LGUs are expected to similarly determine the public goods they should be providing. In
addition to these, the provinces must identify and support the Strategic Agriculture and
Fisheries Development Zones (SAFDZs). The municipalities/cities are in charge of the
Farm Diagnosis and Planning while the barangays will do the farm clustering.
V. Conclusion
Total No. of Respondents : 15 Provinces
I. Section 17 of the Local Government Code devolved the following functions and services to the
Local Government Units (LGUs). Is your LGU actually performing these functions?
1. Extension and on-site research services and facilities to agriculture and fishery
activities which include:
• Dispersal of Full = 7 Partial = 6 (40%) Not at all = 0%)
livestock and (46.66%) With support from:
poultry a. DA?
Yes = 6 (40%) No = 0
If yes, what type of
Financing = 3 (20%)
Technical = 6 (40%)
Others-breeding animals =1
b. Province?
Yes = 6 (40%) No = 0
• Dispersal of Full = 5 Partial = 9 (60%) Not at all = 0
fingerlings (33.33%) With support from:
and other a. DA
seeding Yes = 9 (60%) No = 0
materials for If yes, what type of
aquaculture assistance?
Financing = 1 (6.6%)
Technical = 8 (53.33
Others :
fingerlings = 3 (20%)
inputs = 1 (6.6%)
b. Province? = 7 (46.66%)
• Dispersal of Full = 5 Partial = 8 (53.33%) Not at all = 1 (6.6%)
other seedling (33.33%) With support from: a. Cite reason/s
materials for a. DA? • not applicable to
aquaculture Yes = 8 (53.33%) No = 0 local conditions,
If yes, what type of geographical
assistance? location
Financing = 1 (6.6%) • financing
Technical = 8 (53.33%) constraints
Others: • lack of technical
seaweed seedling = 1 expertise
inputs = 1 • Others________
b. Province? = 6 (40%) b. DA performs functions?
• Extension and Full = 2 Partial = 13 (86.66%) Not at all = 0
on-site (13.33%) With support from:
research a. DA?
services and Yes = 13 (86.66%) No =0
facilities for If yes, what type of
palay, corn assistance?
and vegetable Financing = 6 (40%)
seed farms Technical = 13 (86.66%)
b. Province?
Yes = 9 (60%) No = 4
-not under
agriculturist ofc
b. DA performs
Yes=2 No=1
b. DA performs functions?
Yes= No=
• Dairy Farms Full= 1 Partial= 10 (66.66%) Not at all= 2
(6.6%) With support from: a. Cite reason/s:
a. DA?
Big scale = 0 Yes= 8 (53.33%) No= 2 -Not applicable to local
Small Scale (13.33%) conditions/geographical
= 4 (26.66%) If yes, what type of location= 1
Backyard = assistance?
6 (40%) -financing= 4 (26.66%) -Financing constraints= 2
-Technical= 6 (40%)
Others: 0 -lack of tech.expertise = 1
b. Province?
Yes= 5 (33.33%) No= Others:
5 (33.33%)
b. DA performs functions?
Yes= 0 No= 0
• Livestock Full= 3 Partial = 7 (46.66%) Not at all= 3
markets (20%) With support from: a. Cite reason/s:
a. DA?
Yes= 5 (33.33%) No= -Not applicable to local
2 (13.33%) conditions/geographical
If yes, what type of location= 1
-financing= 3 (20%) -Financing constraints= 2
-Technical= 5 (33.33%)
Others: -lack of tech. expertise= 1
b. Province?
Yes= 6 (40%) No= Others:
1 (6.6%) -no facilities
b. DA performs functions?
Yes= 0 No= 0
• Animal Full= 2 Partial= 9 (60%) Not at all= 1
breeding (13.33%) With support from: a. Cite reason/s:
stations a. DA?
Yes= 7 (46.66%) No= -Not applicable to local
2 (13.33%) conditions/geographical
If yes, what type of location=
-financing= 0 -Financing constraints=
-Technical= 5 (33.33%)
Others: -lack of technical
-breeder stocks =2 (13.33%) expertise=
b. Province?
Yes= 6 (40%) No= Others:
3 (20%) -facilities not used for the
b. DA performs functions?
Yes= 0 No= 0
• Artificial Full= 2 Partial= 9 (60%) Not at all= 0
insemination (13.33%) With support from:
centers a. DA?
Yes= 9 (60%) No= 0
If yes, what type of
-financing= 1
-Technical= 9 (60%)
-semen, AI paraphernalia
b. Province?
Yes= 4 26.66%) No=
5 (33.33%)
• Assistance Full= 7 Partial= 7 (46.66%) Not at all= 0
in the (46.66%) With support from:
organization a. DA?
of farmers’ Yes= 6 (40%) No= 1
and If yes, what type of
fishermen’s assistance?
cooperatives -financing= 0
and other -Technical=
collective Others:
organization b. Province?
Yes= 6 (40%) No= 1
• Assistance Full= 2 Partial= 12 (80%) Not at all= 0
in the (13.33%) With support from:
transfer of a. DA?
appropriate Yes= 12 (80%) No= 0
technologies If yes, what type of
-financing= 3 (20%)
-Technical= 12 (80%)
b. Province?
Yes= 9 (60%) No= 3
II. Aside from the Local Government Code other special laws as enumerated below, also
devolved to LGUs certain functions /services. Are there functions provided in such laws or
other laws that you may know of that are supposed to be performed by LGUs but are
continued to be performed by the DA?
Special Laws:
• Agricultural Engineering Act*
• Fishery Code *
• RA 8550 *Provided by LGUs
For a Barangay:
1. Agricultural support services which
• Planting materials distribution system 29 14 14 29 14
• Operation of farm produce collection 14 0 43 36 7
• Buying stations; 7 0 14 50 21
2. Maintenance of barangay roads and 14 36 14 36 0
bridges and water supply systems
3. Satellite or public market, where 7 0 7 57 29
For a municipality
1. Extension and on-site research
services and facilities related to
agriculture and fishery activities:
• Dispersal of livestock and poultry, 36 14 29 14 7
fingerlings, and other seeding
materials for aquaculture
• Palay, corn, and vegetable seed 7 29 43 14 7
• Medicinal plant gardens; fruit tree, 21 7 43 21 0
coconut, and other kinds of seedling
• Demonstration farms 29 14 50 7 7
• Quality control of copra and 0 0 21 21 29
improvement and development of
local distribution channels, preferably
through cooperatives
• Interbarangay irrigation system* 0 29 21 14 21
• Water and soil resource utilization 0 21 21 43 14
and conservation projects**
• Enforcement of fishery laws in 21 50 7 7 14
municipal waters including the
conservation of mangroves;
2. Infrastructure facilities intended
primarily to service the needs of the
residents of the municipality and which
are funded out of municipal funds:
• Municipal roads and bridges 36 7 50 7 7
• Communal irrigation 7 21 43 21 7
• Small water impounding projects and 0 43 29 7 14
other similar projects
• Fish ports 0 29 14 21 14
• Artesian wells 21 14 36 29 0
3. Public markets, slaughterhouses and 43 0 50 7 0
other municipal enterprises
4. Perform inspections and report 29 29 29 7 7
violations on local ordinances about
5. Collection of data through established 21 21 43 7 7
* NA = 4
** NA = 2
Problems encountered by
Problems Always Frequently Sometimes Seldom Never
Financial constraints of the LGU 50 21 7 0 21
43 7 21 7 21
Insufficient/delayed transportation
Lack of support from LGU 14 0 36 36 21
14 7 36 14 21
Mobility (Inaccessibility of
Farmers' attitude 7 14 64 14 0
0 14 57 29 0
Farmers lack of willingness to adopt
new technology
Lack of supplies and facilities 29 7 36 7 21
Politics 43 7 21 14 14
Dole out mentality of farmers 36 29 29 7 7
Farmers are difficult to organize 21 7 43 21 7
Devolution-related problems 36 7 29 7 7
50 43 7 0 0
Financial constraints of the clientele
7 36 43 14 0
Lack of assistance from national
Office lack transportation facilities 43 14 21 7 14
Weather conditions/calamities 29 14 43 14 0
Repayment of loans 43 21 29 7 0
Marketing 36 21 21 21 0
TOP 10
Satisfaction Level Survey
Satisfaction Level
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly
Strongly Dissatisfied
Pay 21 50 0 0 21
Work Assignment 43 57 0 0 0
Physical Environment 43 57 0 0 0
Working Relationship
- With peers 43 50 0 7 0
- With subordinate 21 64 0 14 0
- With Superiors 36 64 0 0 0
Profile of Participants
Degrees Attained
BSA Agri-Eng. Agri-Eco Agri- Masters' Ph.D. Ph.D.
Educ. Deg HRM Pub Ad.
Age Profile
30-40 41-50 51-60 61 & up
>1 1-5 years 6-10 years 11- 15 years 16-20 years
Proposed DA-LGU Framework for Partnership
1. Policy &
2. Program
2.1 R & D
2.2 IEC
2.3 Regulation
3. Monitoring &
4. Admin &
5. Knowledge
6. Capability &