Experimental Investigation of FRC Beam With Aramid Fibre and Red Mud
Experimental Investigation of FRC Beam With Aramid Fibre and Red Mud
Experimental Investigation of FRC Beam With Aramid Fibre and Red Mud
C. Pavithra
Assistant professor (O.G), Department of Civil Engineering,
SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur Campus,
Kanchipuram, India
In this research, an experimental study has been conducted on concrete, in
addition to an industrial waste RED MUD and an industrial fibre named ARAMID
Fibre. Due to the storage and having cementitious properties, it has been used as
partial replacement of cement. ARAMID Fibre is used because of its high mechanical
and thermal properties. An experimental investigation has been done on concrete mix
of M40 grade for its mechanical properties and thermal property (shrinkage property
called Plastic Shrinkage) has been done. In this research, RED MUD is used as
partial replacement of cement in 4 proportions viz. 10%, 20%,30% and 40% with 2
variations in percentage of ARAMID Fibre 1% and 2% by weight of mix in concrete
mix. It has been found that with 30% RED MUD and 2% ARAMID Fibre, Mechanical
Properties are maximum for M40 grade concrete. In plastic shrinkage, it has been
observed that 30% replacement of cement with red mud is showing less linear
Key words: RED MUD, Aramid Fibre, Linear Drying Shrinkage.
Cite this Article: Shobhit Mohta and C. Pavithra, Experimental Investigation of FRC
Beam with Aramid Fibre and Red Mud, International Journal of Civil Engineering and
Technology, 9(4), 2018, pp. 511–521.
In the present era of urbanization, global landscape is changing day by day. This urbanization
(i.e. development of advance cities) takes place with construction of new buildings, sky
scrapers, roads, bridges, tunnels etc. in this development era, the first material which is
required, is cement. It is the main ingredient. (Sabbie A. Miller et. al. 2017) [1] During the
production of cement, there is heavy emission of Carbon dioxide taking place which is very
much harmful to the environment. One another point in cement production is that it requires
large amount of water, which affects the environment. So, it is very much needed to find out
the relevant alternatives for cement, which can replace the cement without affecting the basic
properties of concrete as well as without decreasing the strength of concrete. In this approach,
Red Mud is one of the replacement of cement, which cementitious properties.
In current scenario, disposal of Red Mud is a big problem for engineers and scientists. It is
a byproduct of production of aluminium from bauxite during Bayer process. This red mud has
approximately 50-55% of Fe2O3, which is a cementitious material and may replace cement in
concrete partially. (P.Ashok et.al. 2010) [2] Due to its cementitious property, it may be a
successful replacement of cement in concrete and may increase various properties of concrete
viz. mechanical properties, thermal properties, bonding between materials, number of pores
count etc. (Ping Wang et.al. 2012) [3] It has been generally observed that after the addition of
fibre in concrete, there is no significant increment in compressive strength but split tensile
strength and flexural strength may increase enormously depending on the type of fibre.
Additional bonding between materials happens due to addition of fibres. Fibres are usually
used in concrete to circumvent cracks, which takes place due to shrinkage,
called plastic shrinkage. The synthetic fibres make the concrete less permeable and reduce
bleeding of water. Aramid fibre is 2-5 times draconian than glass fibres and steel fibres, per
unit mass. In hardened concrete, the major problem is initial drying shrinkage (plastic
shrinkage). Drying shrinkage is associated with vaporization of moisture content from
concrete and it is governed by external factors as well as internal factors related to the
concrete, and its ingredients. (Inamullah Khan et. al. 2017) [4] A component of building
develops cracks whenever the stress in the component exceeds its strength. The stress could
be caused by external forces like wind load, live load, dead load or foundation settlement or it
can be due to thermal stress, change in moisture chemical reactions between materials of
concrete etc. At early age of concrete, thermal cracks take place when the tensile strain of
concrete rise up by two causes, either by temperature difference between concrete section
within the concrete or if the thermal contraction in restrained. (P B Bamforth 2007) [5]
Shrinkage of this type betray itself soon after the concrete is settled in the forms while the
concrete is still in the plastic state. One much believed reason for plastic shrinkage is loss of
water by evaporation due to environmental temperature or blotting of water by aggregate or
subgrade. Due to this loss of water, reduction in overall volume of concrete takes place. One
of the reason behind appearance of plastic shrinkage cracks in freshly hardened concrete is,
the particles of aggregate or reinforcement occurs in the way of caving. This is the reason for
internal cracks of concrete, which appears internally around the particles of aggregate and
reinforcement. When the large surfaces like floors and pavements are exposed to sun and hot
wind, the plastic shrinkage cracks take place at the surface of concrete
Plastic shrinkage can be reduced by covering the freshly placed concrete with
polyethylene sheets, foggy spray of water to keep the surface moist. While working at night, it
is advised by experts that use of little amount of aluminium is also one of the finest solution to
prevent plastic shrinkage in concrete. Expansive cement or shrinkage controlling cement also
can be used for preventing the concrete from early age shrinkage.
The efficient replacement of cement with red mud increases the various mechanical
properties of concrete viz. compression, split tensile strength and flexural strength. 30%
replacement of cement by red mud and hydrated lime achieves the highest strength. The
strength in increases up to 30% in M20 and M40 grades of concrete. (Siddu Karthik C S et.
al.) [6] The effects of use of two types of fibres named polyvinyl alcohol and nylon in
recycled fine aggregate in the concrete to study the effects on mechanical properties and
shrinkage. (Jeongsoo Nam et. al. 2016) [7] Red Mud is a by-product during the production of
aluminium, which is produced by bauxite. The ph of Red Mud is in the range of 10 to 13.
There are various adverse effects of Red Mud in environment viz.-
The ground water will get polluted when the red mud mixes with water.
The fertility of soil gets reduced when red mud disposal takes place in soil. It also changes the
properties of soil.
The production of red mud is in very huge amount and that is the reason it takes vast areas of
land to store.
Due to alkali seepage from red mud in to underground water, these water resources such as
wells, aquifer etc. may get polluted.
The dust of red mud dose heavily impacts on plant life because that dust is alkaline and air
born dust fly with air. It effects on transpiration process of plant resulting in reduction of plant
life. (Ramesh R. Rathod et. al. 2014) [8]
The Aramids fibre has exorbitant mechanical properties than other types of synthetic
fibres, these are displacing metal wire and inorganic fibre from the market of high
performance uses like various structure composites for application in aircraft, marine and
automobile, rope for off shore oil rigs, and bullet proof vests. This fibre has various benefits
viz resist elevated temperature, non-conductive properties, light weight material, and high
strength. (Narayan Prasad Sahu et. al. 2014) [9] In a part of ACI 209.2R-08, which describes
about the various tests of concrete to calculate the creep, various shrinkage and thermal
properties of concrete experimentally. This also gives the brief idea about the thermal
properties of concrete and behaviour of concrete under temperature. (Carlos C. Videla et. al.
ACI) [10] Addition of fibre effected on PFRC (Polypropylene Fibre Reinforced Concrete) on
compressive, tensile, flexural, shear strength and plastic shrinkage cracking properties of
concrete. In addition to fixed amount of polypropylene fibre increases flexural, tensile and
shear strengths but there is no change in compressive strength. Beyond that, it reduces
shrinkage cracking as well. (Saeed Ahmed et. al. 2006) [11] The various failures in various
parts of structures viz beams, columns, slabs, infills etc. are explained. It also describes
various causes of these losses as well as preventions and remedies for these failures. This is an
effective approach to get to know about the various types and patterns of failures, cracks with
effective standards and better understanding. (M.S. Bhatiya et. al. IS) [12]
Fine aggregate
Locally available sand passing through 4.75mm sieve as per IS 383-1970 was used as fine
Coarse aggregate
20mm coarse aggregate was used in this investigation. All specifications of coarse aggregate
were as per IS 383:1970.
Super plasticizer
Sulphonated napthalene polymer-based chloride free admixture Conplast SP430 was used to
increase the workability and strength of concrete mix.
Red Mud
Red mud is a byproduct of the industrial process that refines bauxite, raw aluminum ore, into
aluminum oxide, or alumina which is toxic. Bauxite has a mixture of minerals in it. In this,
aluminum compounds are present and hence it is a big source of aluminum. Other than these
compounds, it contains iron oxides, sand, clay and small amounts of titanium oxide called
anatase; it can also hold traces of radioactive minerals, such as uranium or thorium
compounds. In this research, raw Red Mud was used without washing, which was supplied by
National Aluminium Company (NALCO), Damanjodi, Odisha. The approximate amount of
chemical composits of Red Mud are mentioned in table 1.
Aramid Fibre
The word aramid made up from aromatic polyamide is a man-made fibre. The aramid fibre is
having 5-10% more mechanical properties than other synthetic fibre, that is why they are
perfect replacement of other fibres which are present in the market for various structural
purposes viz. aircrafts, marine ships, bullet proof jackets etc.
Table 2 contains the materials which were used in this research with material properties
which were obtained with basic tests of materials.
The methodology adopted in this project has been divided into two phases. In 1st phase,
partial replacement of cement with red mud has been investigated. In 2nd phase, it contains
thermal investigation of concrete. This investigation work has been covered in following
Part I: Investigating the effect of strength parameters by partial replacement of cement with
red mud in M40 grade concrete with aramid fibre.
Part II: Investigation of FRC beam for thermal properties (Plastic Shrinkage) with aramid
fibre & red mud.
Part I: Investigating the effect of replacing a part of the cement binder with red mud in
The concrete mix proportion was 1.0 (OPC): 2.56 (FA): 3.26 (CA) and the water/cement
ratio was 0.42 and 0.2% of admixture by weight of cementitious material. Concrete mix
containing variations in addition of red mud (10,20,30 and 40% in weight) and variation in
fibre was 1 and 2% by weight.
Part II: Investigation of FRC beam for thermal properties (Drying Shrinkage) with aramid
fibre & red mud.
With same variations and mix, the specimens were casted for thermal test, which includes
study of concrete for initial drying shrinkage (plastic shrinkage). This test was performed in
high temperature lab with constant temperature of 50 ±1oc for repeating cycles of 44 hours as
per codal provision.
It was studied that aramid yarn has a breaking tenacity of 3045 MPa, which is more than 5
times than this of steel (under water, aramid is 4 times stronger) and twice than this of glass
fibre or nylon.
research. The length of fibre was 2cm to 3cm and it is used in multifilament form in concrete.
Due to this, while mixing, the proper mixing was observed and increment in flexural strength
is the output of it. Sometimes it is also observed that flexural strength decreases in beam when
concrete is influenced with synthetic fibre. [21]
on one another but later on the variation of strain was increased due to the loss of moisture
from specimen. The effect of this loss of moisture from concrete affected the bonding
between the materials of specimen.
In fibre reinforced concrete, it is a general and quite effective phenomenon that the fibre
reinforced concrete is best in controlling the initial drying shrinkage in concrete at early stage
of hardened concrete. At such places where climate temperature is very high during summers
(50-55oc), the initial drying shrinkage takes place because of the loss of moisture from
concrete at early stage. This causes internal as well as external cracks in freshly hardened
concrete. These early age cracks lead the structure towards the failure.
From this experimental investigation, following points can be drawn:
The test results of concrete mix with 30% red mud and 2% fibre for compressive strength
is almost 12% more than the conventional concrete for 28 days strength.
The replacement of 30% cement with red mud with addition of 2% fibre has given 34%
increment in split tensile strength for 28 days, which is a remarkable increment.
The beam specimens which were tested to measure the flexural strength has given 36%
increment in 28 days strength with 30% red mud and 2% fibre.
Considering all the above points it is interesting to say that the mechanical properties of
conventional concrete is increasing with 30% replacement of cement with red mud in
addition of 2% fibre. With that, it can be concluded that the optimum replacement of
cement is 30% with red mud in addition of 2% fibre.
By results of thermal test, it was observed that 30% replacement of cement with red mud
has least initial drying shrinkage.
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