Effect of Silica Fume On Steel Slag Concrete: International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology May 2018

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Effect of silica fume on steel slag concrete

Article in International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology · May 2018


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2 authors, including:

Dr Omprkash Netula
Suresh Gyan Vihar Univeristy, Jaipur


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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018, pp. 839–846, Article ID: IJCIET_09_05_091
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=9&IType=5
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department,
Anurag Engineering College, Kodad, Telangana, India

Dr.Omprakash Netula
Professor & HOD, Department of Civil Engineering,
Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Concrete is the most versatile construction material because it can be designed to
withstand the harshest environments while taking on the most inspirational forms. The
fast growth in industrialization has resulted in tons and tons of byproduct or waste
materials, which can be used as SCM’s such as fly ash, silica fume, ground granulated
blast furnace slag, steel slag etc. The use of these byproducts not only helps to utilize
these waste materials but also enhances the properties of concrete in fresh and
hydrated states. Slag cement and fly ash are the two most common SCM’s used in
concrete, their properties are frequently compared to each other by mix designers
seeking to optimize concrete mixtures. Perhaps the most successful SCM is silica fume
because it improves both strength and durability of concrete to such extent that
modern design rules call for the addition of silica fume for design of high strength
concrete. To design high strength concrete good quality aggregates is also required.
Steel slag is an industrial byproduct obtained from the steel manufacturing industry.
In the present work a series of tests were carried out by using ACC brand slag cement,
Fly ash cement and their blend (in 1:1 proportion). These binder mixes are modified
by 10% and 20% of silica fume in replacement. The fine aggregate used is natural
sand comply to zone II as per IS 383-1982. The coarse aggregate used is steel making
slag of 20mm down size. The ingredients are mixed in 1:1.5:3 proportions. The
properties studied are 7days, 28 days and 56 days compressive strengths, flexural
strength, porosity and capillary absorption. The main conclusions drawn are inclusion
of silica fume increases the water requirement of binder mixes to make paste of
normal consistency. Water requirement increase with increasing dose of silica fume.
Water requirement is more with fly ash cement than slag cement. The same trend is
obtained for water for water binder ratio while making concrete to achieve a target
slump of 50-70mm. The mortar strength (1:3) increases with increasing percentage of
silica fume. Comparatively higher early strength gain (7-days) is obtained with fly ash
cement while later age strength (28-days) gain is obtained with slag cement. Their

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G.Sivaprasad and Dr.Omprakash Netula

blended mix show comparatively moderate strength gain at both early and later ages.
Mixing of silica fume had made concrete sticky i.e. more plastic specifically with fly
ash cement. The porosity and capillary test conducted on mortar mixes show decrease
in capillary absorption and porosity with increase in silica fume percentage with both
type of cements. The decrease is more with fly ash cement than slag cement. But the
reverse pattern is obtained for concrete i.e. the results show decrease in 7days, 28
days and 56 days compressive strength of concrete due to inclusion of silica fume in
the matrix. The increasing dose of silica fume show further decrease in strength at
every stage. Almost same trend is obtained for flexural strength also. The specimens
without silica fume had fine cracks which are more visible in concrete made with slag
cement than fly ash cement.
Keywords: Concrete, Fly ash, Silica fume, Flexural strength, Porosity.
Cite this Article: G.Sivaprasad and Dr.Omprakash Netula, Effect of Silica Fume on
Steel Slag Concrete, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(5),
2018, pp. 839–846.

Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, coarse aggregate and water. Its success lies in its
versatility as can be designed to withstand harshest environments while taking on the most
inspirational forms. Engineers and scientists are further trying to increase its limits with the
help of innovative chemical admixtures and various supplementary cementitious materials
SCM’s. Early SCMs consisted of natural, readily available materials volcanic ash or
diatomaceous earth. The engineering marvels like Roman aqueducts, The Coliseum are
examples of this technique used by Greeks and Romans. Nowadays, most concrete mixture
contains SCMs which are mainly byproducts or waste materials from other industrial


More recently, strict environmental- pollution controls and regulations have produced an
increase in the industrial wastes and sub graded byproducts which can be used as SCMs such
as fly ash, silica fume, ground granulated blast furnace slag etc. The use of SCMs in concrete
constructions not only prevent these materials to check the pollution but also to enhance the
properties of concrete in fresh and hydrated states.
The SCMs can be divided into two categories based on their type of reaction: hydraulic
and pozzolanic. Hydraulic materials react directly with water to form cementitious compound
like GGBS. Pozzolanic materials do not have any cementitious property but when used
withcement or lime react with calcium hydroxide to form products possessing cementitious

1.2.1. Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag: It Is Hydraulic Type Of SCM.

Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) is obtained by quenching molten iron slag, a
byproduct of iron and steel making from a blast furnace in water or stream to produce a glassy
granular product that is dried and ground into a fine powder. GGBS has been utilized for
many years as an additional cementitious material in Portland cement concrete either as a
mineral admixture or as a component of blended cement. Granulated blast furnace slag
typically replaces 35-65% Portland cement in concrete. The use of GGBFS as a partial
replacement of ordinary Portland cement improves strength and durability of concrete by
creating a denser matrix and thereby increasing the service life of concrete structures. It has a

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Effect of Silica Fume on Steel Slag Concrete

higher proportion of the strength-enhancing calcium silicate hydrates (CSH) than concrete
made with Portland cement only and a reduced content of free lime which does not contribute
to concrete strength.

1.2.2. Fly Ash: It Is Pozzolanic SC Material.

Fly ash is one of the residues generated in the combustion of coal. Fly ash is generally
captured from the chimneys of coal-fired power plants and is one of two types of ash that
jointly are known as coal ash; the other bottom ash is removed from bottom of coal furnaces.
Depending upon the source and makeup of the coal being burned, the components of fly ash
vary considerably, but all fly ash includes substantial amounts of silicon dioxide (SiO2) (both
amorphous and crystalline) and calcium oxide (CaO). Fly ash is classified as Class F and
Class C types. The replacement of Portland cement with fly ash is considered to reduce the
greenhouse gas “footprint” of concrete, as the production of one ton of Portland cement
produces approximately one ton of CO2as compared to zero CO2 being produced using
existing fly ash. New fly ash production i.e. the burning of coal produces approximately 20-
30 tons of CO2 per ton of fly ash. Since the worldwide production of Portland cement is
expected to reach nearly 2 billion tons by 2010, replacement of any large portion of this
cement by fly ash could significantly reduce carbon emissions associated with construction.
It has been used successfully to replace Portland cement up to 30% by mass, without
adversely affecting the strength and durability of concrete. Several laboratory and field
investigations involving concrete containing fly ash had reported to exhibit excellent
mechanical and durability properties. However, the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash being a
slow process, its contribution towards the strength development occurs only at later ages. Due
to the spherical shape of fly ash particles, it can also increase workability of cement while
reducing water demand.

1.2.3. Silica Fume: It Is Also a Type of Pozzolanic Material.

Silica fume is a byproduct in the reduction of high-purity quartz with coke in electric arc
furnaces in the production of silicon and ferrosilicon alloys. Silica fume consists of fine
particles with a surface area on the order of 215,280 ft2/lb. (20,000 m2/kg) when measured by
nitrogen adsorption techniques, with particles approximately one hundredth the size of the
average cement because of its extreme fineness and high silica content, silica fume is a very
effective pozzolanic material particle.
Silica fume is added to Portland cement concrete to improve its properties, in particular its
compressive strength, bond strength and abrasion resistance. These improvements stems from
both the mechanical improvements resulting from addition of a very fine powder to the
cement paste mix as well as from the pozzolanic reactions between the silica fume and free
calcium hydroxide in the paste. Addition of silica fume also reduces the permeability of
concrete to chloride ions, which protects the reinforcing steel of concrete from corrosion,
especially in chloride-rich environments such as coastal regions. When silica fume is
incorporated, the rate of cement hydration increases at the early hours due to the release of
OH ions and alkalis into the pore fluid. The increased rate of hydration products like lime,
C+S+H or C-S-H and ettringite. It has been reported that the pozzolanic reaction of silica
fume is very significant and the non-evaporable water decreases between 90 and 550 days at
low water/binder ratios with the addition of silica fume.
During the last decade considerable attention has been given to the use of silica fume as a
partial replacement of cement to produce high strength concrete.

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G.Sivaprasad and Dr.Omprakash Netula


The Steel slag, a byproduct of steel making is produced during the separation of molten steel
from impurities in steel making furnaces. This can be used as aggregate in concrete. Steel slag
aggregate generally exhibit a propensity to expand because of the presence of free lime and
magnesium oxides that have not reacted with the silicate structure and that can hydrated and
expand in humid environments. This potentially expansive nature (volume changes up to 10
percent or more attributable to the hydration of calcium and magnesium oxides) could cause
difficulties with products containing steel slag and is on reason why steel slag aggregate are
not used in concrete construction. Steel slag is currently used as aggregate in hot mix asphalt
surface applications, but there is a need for some additional work to determine the feasibility
of utilizing this industrial byproduct more wisely as a replacement for both fine and coarse
aggregates in a conventional concrete mixture. Most of the volume of concrete is aggregates.
Replacing all or some portion of natural aggregates with steel slag would lead to considerable
environmental benefits. Steel slag has high specific gravity, high abrasion value than naturally
available aggregate apart from the drawbacks like more water absorption, high alkalis.
Therefore with proper treatments it can be used as coarse aggregate in concrete. The
production of HSC may be hampered if the aggregates are weak. Weak and marginal
aggregates are wide spread in many parts of the world and there is a concern as to the
production of HSC in those regions. Incorporation of silica fume is one of the methods of
enhancing the strength of concrete, particularly when the aggregates are of low quality.

The Experimental programme was carried out in two stages
Stage 1: Experimental work were conducted on mortar mixes by using different binder
mix modified with different percentages of silica fume.
Stage 2: Experimental works were conducted on steel slag concrete mixes by using
different binder mix different percentages of silica fume.

2.1. Stage 1
This experimental investigation was carried out for three different combinations of slag
cement and fly ash cement. In each combination three different proportion of silica fume had
been added along with the controlled mix without silica fume. Binders being used were
different combinations of slag cement, fly ash cement in the proportions 1:0, 0:1 and 1:1
hence total three combinations. Further in each type of combination of binder mix 0%, 10%
and 20% percentage of silica fume had been added. Hence total 12 sets of mortar of 1:3
proportion were prepared by mixing one part of binder mix and three parts of naturally
available sand.

2.2. Stage 2
Here concrete is prepared with three different types of binder mix with silica fume.

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Effect of Silica Fume on Steel Slag Concrete


In this phase concrete of mix proportion 1 : 1.5 : 3 will be prepared by using fly ash cement +
silica fume as binder mix with different proportion of silica fume, sand as fine aggregate and
steel slag as coarse aggregate. The different proportion of silica fume in the concrete mix will
vary from 0%, 10% and 20%. The concrete mixes will be tested for following strengths.
Compressive strength after 7 days, 28 days and 56 days. Flexural strength after 28 days and
56 days. Porosity test after 28 days and 56 days. Capillary absorption test after 28 days and 56
Wet-dry test after 26 days and 56 days. Compressive test by Rebound hammer method.


In this phase concrete of mix proportion 1: 1.5: 3 will be prepared by using slag cement +
silica fume as binder mix with different proportion of silica fume, sand as fine aggregate and
steel slag as coarse aggregate. The proportion of silica fume in the concrete mix will vary
from 0%, 10% and 20% of the blend. The concrete mixes will be tested for following
strengths. Compressive strength after 7 days, 28 days and 56 days. Flexural strength after 28
days and 56 days. Porosity test after 28 days and 56 days. Capillary absorption test after 28
days and 56 days. Wet-dry test after 26 days and 56 days. Compressive test by Rebound
hammer method.


In this phase concrete of mix proportion 1 : 1.5 : 3 will be prepared by using fly ash cement +
slag cement + silica fume as binder mix with different proportion of silica fume, sand as fine
aggregate and steel slag as coarse aggregate. The different proportion of silica fume in the
concrete mix will vary from 0%, 10% and 20% of the blend. The concrete mixes will be
tested for following strengths. Compressive strength after 7 days, 28 days and 56 days.
Flexural strength after 28 days and 56 days. Porosity test after 28 days and 56 days. Capillary
absorption test after 28 days and 56 days. Wet-dry test after 26 days and 56 days.
Compressive test by Rebound hammer method.

3.1. Flexural Test
The flexural strength of steel slag concrete at 28 days and 56 days is given below

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G.Sivaprasad and Dr.Omprakash Netula

Table 1
Type of cement % of SF replaced 28 days(N/mm2) 56 days (N/mm2)
0 6.875 4
Fly ash cement
10 7 4.25
20 6.875 4.5
0 7 5
Slag cement
10 6.5 3.55
20 6.125 3.975
Slag and fly ash 0 7 4.5
cement blend(1:1) 10 6.725 3.23
(SFC) 20 4.75 2.975
From the above table we see that flexural strength of steel slag concrete is decreased from
28 days to 56 days.

3.2. Porosity Test

The 28 days and 56 days porosity test is given below

Table 2
Type of cement %of SF replaced 28 days (%) 56 days (%)
0 6.1 4.8
Fly ash cement
10 8.3 6.7
20 9.1 7.4
0 9.3 7.3
Slag cement
10 16 11.11
20 18 13.23
Slag and fly ash 0 5.7 3.79
cement blend(1:1) 10 7.1 5.21
(SFC) 20 12 9.83
From the above table we can conclude that porosity increases with increase in percentage
of replacement by silica fume. The reason could be the inclusion of silica fume to the different
cements actually forms denser matrices thereby improve resistance of the matrices against
water ingress which is one of the most important reasons that increases the deterioration of

3.3. Capillary Absorption Test

The capillary coefficient for different types of steel slag is given below.

Table 3
Type of cement % SF replaced 28 days (k*10-3 cm/s) 56 days(k*10-3 cm/s)
0 2.09 1.83
Fly ash cement
10 1.142 0.95
20 0.838 0.621
0 2.30 1.92
Slag cement
10 1.46 1.02
20 1.04 0.81

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Effect of Silica Fume on Steel Slag Concrete

Slag and fly ash 0 2.01 1.63

cement blend(1:1) 10 1.21 0.98
(SFC) 20 0.85 0.671
From the above table we can conclude that capillary absorption decreases with increase in
percentage of replacement by silica fume. The reason could be the inclusion of silica fume to
the different cements actually forms denser matrices thereby improve resistance of the
matrices against water ingress which is one of the most important reasons that increases the
deterioration of concrete.

A. Inclusion of silica fume improves the strength of different types of binder mix by
making them denser.
B. Addition of silica fume improves the early strength gain of fly ash cement whereas it
increases the later age strength of slag cement.
C. The equal blend of slag and fly ash cements improves overall strength development at
any stage.
D. Addition of silica fume to any binder mix reduces capillary absorption and porosity
because fine particles of silica fume reacts with lime present in cement and form
hydrates dancer and crystalline in composition.
E. The capillary absorption and porosity decreases with increase dose up to 20%
replacement silica fume for mortar.
F. Addition of silica fume to the concrete containing steel slag as coarse aggregate reduce
the strength of concrete at any age.
G. This is due to the formation of voids during mixing and compacting the concrete mix
in vibration table because silica fume make the mixture sticky or more cohesive which
do not allow the entrapped air to escape. The use of needle vibrator may help to
minimize this problem.
H. The most important reason of reduction in strength is due to alkali aggregate reaction
between binder matrix and the steel slag used as coarse aggregate. By nature cement
paste is alkaline. The presence of alkalis Na2O, K2O in the steel slag make the
concrete more alkaline. When silica fume is added to the concrete, silica present in the
silica fume react with the alkalis and lime and form a gel which harm the bond
between aggregate and the binder matrix. This decrease is more prominent with higher
dose of silica fume.
I. Combination of fly ash cement and silica fume makes the concrete more cohesive or
sticky than the concrete containing slag cement and silica fume causing formation of
more voids with fly ash cement. Therefore the concrete mixes containing fly ash and
silica fume show higher capillary absorption and porosity than concrete mixes
containing slag cement and silica fume.
J. The total replacement of natural coarse aggregate by steel slag is not recommended in
concrete. A partial replacement with fly ash cement may help to produce high strength
concrete with properly treated steel slag.
K. The steel slag should be properly treated by stock piling it in open for at least one year
to allow the free CaO and MgO to hydrate and thereby to reduce the expansion in later

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G.Sivaprasad and Dr.Omprakash Netula

L. A thorough chemical analysis of steel slag is recommended to find out the presence of
alkalis which may adversely affect to the bond between binder matrix and the

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