Doha Bank Demo
Doha Bank Demo
Doha Bank Demo
Intellect CBX-Retail
More Experiences. More Agility. More Revenue
The Ford Model T is among the top 10 most sold automobiles of all time. It was in production
for an astounding period of time – from 1908 to 1927. It is a marvel of Design – not just of the
automobile itself, but of the revolutionary automation in production.
OF DIGITAL DESIGN However, from the customer’s point of view, the Model T also represents what is known as the
Hobson’s Choice. Mr. Ford explained it best in his own words –
A customer can have a car painted any colour he wants, as long as it is black. - Henry Ford
Now, if Mr. Ford tried that monochrome approach today, would he still be able to sell as many
cars as he did? Why just automobiles, if anyone in any industry tried it, would they still have
customers? Does anybody remember travel agents? What shopping felt like before Amazon?
Hotels before AirBnb or cabs before Uber?
Banking is no different!
The landscape of banking and financial services too is transforming before our eyes. The entire
industry is hurtling towards the future in the most uncharacteristic manner. Not the deliberate,
gradual change of the last century, but an almost desperate, reactive change.
There are Challenges Galore, and Opportunity too The Zen of Digital Design
The challenges are obvious. The constantly shifting customer goalposts. They want choices, As John Kay said, “Complexity, not size, is the real danger in banking.” Quite rightly, banks view
they have a voice, and they will make noise for what they want! Then there’s the unyielding the all-or-nothing approach of digital transformation as a gamble. The legacy system may or
pressure of keeping costs down. And as technology leaps ahead without restraint, regulations may not be conducive to growth and agility, but replacing it en-masse need not be the only way
scramble to catch up, adding heavy layers of operational difficulty and ambiguity. to realise digital aspirations.
Moving forward in this environment is pitted with great complexity. Let’s a take a deep breath. When the cacophony around digital clouds the way ahead, we have
found that holding on to first principles helps tremendously. At Intellect, our approach to digital
is based on three design principles. These principles are the Zen of Digital Design, the
touchstone for any technology that we build.
And the tool to achieve this Zen, is Intelligence. And by intelligence, we don’t just mean
analysing a few data sets here and there. We mean intelligence infused into every step of
banking. From the technology architecture, all the way to the end transaction and everything in
In CBX-Retail, the CBX stands for Contextual Banking Exchange. The idea is to provide the
customer with an experience that doesn’t just feel good, but contextual as well, at every level.
But there’s so much opportunity, too. FinTechs are not the David to the Bank’s Goliath as the At the basic transaction level, for instance, a bank can attempt to do more than just facilitate the
world once believed. They too are crippled by an inability to scale or to come to terms with transaction. It can find the purpose of the transaction – either by providing links to a series of
regulations. Besides, complex though it is, they lack the treasure of customer trust, which exists possible transactions, or by default take him to the most obvious next step. At the next level,
in the form of customer data, with the banks. once the journey has begun, we can, based on the profile and behavioural history of the
customer, pre-empt and suggest. For instance, a list of ‘favourite payees’ when he chooses fund
Digital must therefore be able to – transfer.
• Help banks de-risk technology implementation
• Capture opportunities with agility Any journey is a series of widgets, where every widget can be rendered on a browser or an app.
• Provide an addictive customer experience today CBX-Retail is a widget driven architecture, and we build intelligence within the widgets.
• It enable segmentation and acute personalisation
• Wield next-gen tools like AI, ML, Deep Learning and more To embed intelligence in every aspect of the process, the logical solution would be a repository
of algorithms for each process. Not necessarily. And this is the breakthrough. Instead of
In short, Digital must enable Contextual Banking. approaching intelligence as a repository of algorithms, we infuse intelligence by applying the
right set of algorithms in the right use cases!
In effect,
• Efficiently accessing & utilizing data across multiple sources
• Driving hyper personalization powered by AI & ML
• Real time insights enabling faster decisioning
• Intelligent data hive enabling customized analytics, context based offers & reduction in efforts by 90%
A few years ago, a bank once sent us an RFI with an unusually open-ended question. The bank This is the overall architecture of CBX-Retail. A very practical grouping of boxes at first glance.
pondered – should we launch a digital bank, or should we apply a digital banking layer on top of When translated into actual user journeys, it reveals some of the most advanced innovations in
our core? financial technology today.
This reflects the difficult choices that banks are faced with when confronted with new Our user-journey based approach has allowed us to walk in the shoes of the end customer, to
technology. It also stems from the fear of rip-and-replace and ineffective integration. After all, observe his pain points and also to imagine his aspirations. The result of that exercise is that we
in Digital Banking, there is a large catalogue of stated needs, but the unstated needs are have been able to push the limits of what is possible, when domain and technology connect.
numerous and hard to predict.
We have been able to innovate.
At Intellect, we have realised that it does not have to be one or the other. Whether your
transformation is channel-led, or product processor led, it should not be defined by the bank’s This primer is a sneak peek into that innovation. It is what intelligence-infused banking looks
current technology state. We need to enable the shift from iteration to disruption. And like. In the following pages, we will attempt to showcase five Intellect-exclusive innovations.
CBX-Retail is the answer.
CBX-Retail runs atop the Digital Banking Enterprise System (DBES). With DBES, we de-risk on
two fronts. On one hand, implementation and go-live will happen without undue friction. And on 5 Dimensional
the other, you achieve agility to capture opportunities that might arise in the future. On-boarding TM
You can launch rapidly on digital, while minimizing the burden on your core. In fact, 70% of the
workload can be managed at the channel level itself. And with product configurators, pricing
engine, Open Banking and marketplace APIs bundled inside, you’re ready for the future.
Single Code Base
UX Layer
across channels
Distribution / Entitlements Notification Intelligence Tax Confriguation Extensive services Digital Banking Open Banking
Workflow MFA Layer
Delivery Layer Authorizations Layer Manager Limits Engine Distribution Enterprise Services
Transaction context
API Layer Aggregation APIs Enquiry APIs Write APIs Aware Private APIs,
Public (Open)
We hope you like going through these pages as much as we did putting it together.
Digital Banking
Customer Accounts and Payment Loan Lifecyle Light Weight
Enterprise Services Information Aggregation engine services Statements
Functional Stores
Layer Head of Innovation
Intellect Design Arena
Risk location | single
Data Sync Layer Data Pull Event Based Push
Source of Failure
What if, instead of keying in every detail about
myself, I could simply type in my National ID
number or scan the ID card? With an API to the
national database, my details are automatically
populated. The system reads text from the
scanned image of the ID card. Automated data
entry, and a frictionless first step.
5 A National ID 2
Most importantly, all of An activated selfie camera
these dimensions - captures the customer’s
national database image and machine learning
integration, live video, algorithms match the
chatbot, are all part of A Single real-time picture with the
Interface A Smile
one single interface with image registered in the ID
the bank. card.
4 3
To make the entire process Where e-KYC is not an option, a
conversational, a customer can go A Live quick skype call to the bank’s RM
A Chat Conversation
through the whole journey via a team enables real-time verification
chat bot, that requests the right of submitted details. This video call
information at the right time and integration too is embedded in the
appraises the customer of journey.
progress, live.
In just 60 seconds, a customer can on-board himself and proceed to funding his
account. Still a high abandonment journey? We don’t think so.
What if self-service could be baked into the system? What if banking were ‘role-aware’
across stakeholders and business functions? When the right tools reach the right hands,
a single resource within the bank is able to play multiple roles. Cross-sell and up-sell are
organic and smooth. And above all, the bank achieves tremendous business agility – an
ability to deploy products in the market proactively, in the blink of an eye.
The Experience Design Studio is an SDK that allows users to create their own pages. How?
Keeping both UX and UI in mind, CBX-Retail is built on design principles that reverberate
throughout the product. The following principles form the foundation on which the
product is built.
This is an innovation that puts the steering wheel into the hands of the role holder, not
the technology provider.
So far, the bank bore the burden of having to be the source of all innovation. Not
anymore. All it needs to do is be able to absorb innovation. Here’s where banking
becomes boundary-less.
Leverage a digital
API enabled core
marketplace; Connect
Seamlessly integrate processors to interface
with Payment, Open Banking
with Fintechs, Bigtechs with 3rd party
Social Media & and PSD2 compliant
and 3rd party providers aggregators & digital
E-commerce players
market place
on a single platform
Open Banking opens up a multitude of possibilities, which align with the bank’s
aspirations, no matter what they are. Whether you want to provide proprietary products
like Blackrock, BNY Mellon or AXA do; whether you aspire to be product distributors like
RobinHood, Merrill Edge or Fidelity Go; whether you harbour universal bank dreams like
Capital One or Citigroup; whether you want to go beyond both and become a platform
provider like Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent and integrate into every aspect of the
customer’s lifestyle. No matter what the aspiration, an architecture that supports Open
Banking will sail you through.
Digital is a journey. And on that journey, we need to be anti-fragile. This involves a degree
of agility that has never been possible before. Let’s start at the top.
ENTERPRISE SERVICES We can all agree that a channel can no longer be just a pretty face. But what if it could
do much, much more? What if your channel could enable digital transformation in
hitherto unimagined ways? With Intellect, experience design is not just skin deep. It’s all
about what’s under the hood.
Branch |
Payment BO READ | Enquiries BANKING
1. One Time Migration Minimize Integration Touch
Points: Don’t stretch your
WRITE | Txn Payment core (70% workload can be
Posting Engine managed at channel level).
With comprehensive
Financial Updates Product Processors,
modernize your digital,
your way.. Open Banking Ready: Consume
advanced services through 14 U.K.
Open Banking compliant,
monetisable APIs. Seamlessly
integrate with third party
• Target Architecture for a Bank ecosystems and pull from a
• ~70% of workload without real time access to the Legacy Core marketplace of vendor services.
Banking system!
• 'Next step - Move branch channel, CIF
DBES is the ticket to an omni-channel set up, not just an omni-digital one. As you
progresses on the digital journey, you can shift every channel on to this platform to
decrease the number of siloed systems, reduce maintenance costs and progressively
shrink the legacy core.
Progressive Modernization | Progressive Expansion | Progressive Innovation
The era of analytics without conclusion is coming to an end. It is time we stopped
crunching numbers and patterns for the sake of it and instead put them to work. At
Intellect, we are working on a greenfield area in data which does just that.
Anomalies are any deviations in expected, pre-defined patterns. So far, so simple. They
are typically bundled into a collection of anti-patterns that are later studied to
understand a negative outcome. But is that good enough? And is that all we can do with
the rich seam of data at our disposal?
Typically, in an AML scenario, the
traditional use of algorithms is post-facto;
that is, to detect a pattern, the transaction
needs to be seen through to the end. By
identifying anomalies much earlier, we can
move into the area of fraud detection
instead. These are mechanisms that
enable you to score a transaction, and
provide security at the customer level. You
still allow the transaction to continue, but
you allow it with a fraud control
mechanism baked in Intelligence.
The most elusive data stream for the bank
is the customer’s intent. Does the customer
like us? Will he remain with us? Does he
expect more? Why does he transact the
way he does? The answer to these
questions, at least a guide to the answers,
can be found with Anomaly Detection.
One example is the use of more advanced statistical models – like Adjusted R-Squared.
Without getting too deep into the tech, a large number of variables decreases the ability
of a model to predict accurately. Adjusted R-Squared, on the other hand, accounts for
these variables better and provides the most accurate degree of relationship within a
particular segment / population.
With the end result that you understand your customer better, serve information and
offers that are more contextual, and ultimately, retain that customer.
Notes Notes