Tle 6
Tle 6
Tle 6
II. CONTENT Posting and sharing wikis Posting and sharing blogs Audio and Video
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TLEIE6-0b-5 TLEIE6-0c-6 TLEIE6-0c-7
2. Learners’ Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Material
from LR
B. Other Learning Resource ICT equipment ICT Equipment ICT Equipment
A. Review/Presenting New Ask: what are the social Review your wikis and Review blogs and read
Lesson media sites that you know? check how many people about how it help people
comment and learned through their comments.
something from your wikis.
B. Establishing a purpose of Ask: Ask: Ask:
How do these social media How do netiquettes How does communication
sites help you in provide a responsible use help people?
communication? of social media?
D. Discussing new concept The class will work in The class will work in pair. Students will research on Continuation of the Audio-
and practicing new skills #1 division of three. They will They will create a blog a the safe and responsible Video Conferencing...
create an account on wiki account and as well, make use of audio-video
and discuss on the a blog as instructed above. conferencing. They will
etiquettes of using social gather their answers and
media. Each pair will choose share in the next audio-
either: video conferencing activity.
1- Video
2- Story
3- Quotes
4- Song
5- messages
E. Discussing new concept Each member of the group Each pairs will post and share There will be 6 groups. Teacher will consolidate
and practicing new skills # will have the task to share their blogs, and persuade Teacher will create a Group the answers of each group
2 their wikis in their social friends to like and share their Chat using Messenger. and discuss using the
media account and ask post for others to view the Teacher will invite students audio-video conferencing.
friends to share their posts. blog. And ask friends how it to use video, and the group
helped them. will tell their answers via
audio-video conferencing
tool. Each group will write
the answers of each group
for consolidation.
F. Developing Mastery What are the netiquettes?
G. Finding practical Ask: How will you apply Ask: How does sharing blogs Ask: Do you think your
application of concepts and netiquettes in your dealings help other people? How can answers help Danny in
skills in daily living with your friends? you do this at home also? using Audio-Video
Conference in
communicating with his
H. Making generalizations How do netiquettes help How does making blogs help What are the safe and
people communicate in the you? responsible uses of Audio-
social media? Video Conference?
I. Evaluation Direction: Check if it shows Direction: Use rubrics in assessing the Use rubrics in assessing the
netiquette, otherwise X. activity. activity.
___1. Bash other people on
___2. Share happy thoughts
on Twitter.
___3. Bully your classmate
on the cyber zones.
___4. Create a blog that
informs people of the
proper use of social media.
___5. Watch porn on the
V. REMARKS To be carried out for two days To be carried out for two days
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons -
work? No. of learners who
caught up the lesson?
D. No. of learners who -
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching -
strategies worked? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I -
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or -
localized material did I use
whom I wish to share with
other teachers.