Ows Piping Size2BL

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OWS Pipeline Sizing

1. Average annual rainfall 925.00 mm 8. Expected max. normallised rainfall based on 6 & 7 41.69 mm/day
2. Highest Annual rainfall 1,665.00 mm (740 mm excess over normal) 9. Max. recorded rainfall in 24 hours 372.10 mm
3. Lowest Annual rainfall 323.75 10. Max. hourly rainfall based on 9. 15.50 mm/hr
4. Normal Max. fall in 24 hours 24.70 mm (Recorded in the month of Jun.) 11. Normalised max. hourly rainfall 60 - 90 mm/hr (Usually around 1/4 to 1/6 of max. 24
5. Avg. no. of rainy days in a year 41.00 days (94.34% rainfall and rainy days occur in July to September) 12. Max. rainfall assumed 71.00 mm/hr hour rainfall)

6. Normal rainy days in Jun-Sept 38.68 days (94.34% of 41 rainy days) 13. Retention Time for direct discharge 1.00 Hours 1 hour indicates zero retention time
7. Expected max rainfall in Jun-Sept 1,612.65 mm (925 x 94.34% + 740 mm - Assuming that all excess rain occurs in Jun-Sept) 14. Retention Time for indirect discharge 24.00 Hours (Retained in the tankfarm)
Direct discharge will go to the oily sewerage while the indirect discharge shall be led to the oily sewerage under controlled conditions once heavy rainfall is over.
All tankfarms shall be treated as INdirect discharge.
Area Rainfall Ret Cap Retained Ret
Inflow rate Outflow rate
Particulars Highest/hr Highest/24hr Max. Duration Total Collect 24H (Sump) flow cap.
sqm mm/hr mm/24 hr Hour cum cum/hr cum cum/hr cum/hr Hr
Direct flow area 846 71 372 5.24 314.89 60.08 50 50 10.08 5
Indirect flow area 3,920 71 372 5.24 1,458.63 60.78 50 50 10.78 5
1 As a standard practice the tank farms are always kept isolated from the storm water or oily water system. In no case the isolation valves at the dyke wall shall be kept open during any season.
2 Any water draining operation from the tank farm dyke is to be carried out under direct supervision only.
3 The water in the tank farm can either be directed towards the storm water drains or oily water drains.
4 In case of tank farms usually the first rainfall of the season is always directed towards oily water drains, there after the water is either directed to sorm water drains or oily water drains depending upon the water quality.
5 In case of very heavy shower the bottom layer and the top layers need only be directed towards the oily water drains, rest goes to storm water drains.
6 Even at highest rainfall rate of 71 mm /hr lasting 5.24 hours the system will take care of direct flow, practically without any retention of water in the direct flow areas.
7 Under the worst possible conditions and assuming that direct flow is over in 5.24 hours. Indirect flow will be over in 24.31 hours. Normally 50% flow shall be directed towards oily water drains (the balance going being clean water will go to storm water drain)
which means even under worst conditions water draining from the tankfarm shall be over in about 12 hours.
Oily Water Pipe Selection

Slope (1 Liquid Wetted

Pipe ID Manning's Wetted Area "Wa" Hydraulic Velocity "V" Flow "Q"
S. in -) Flow Height Inscribed Length
"D" Coeff. % Full (sqm) - r 2
. Radius "R" - S=1/Slope (mtr/sec) - (cum/hr) -
No. (See Conditions "H" (mtr) - angle "ao" "Wl" (m) -
(mtr) "n" (p.a/180-sin a)/2 Wa / Wl (R2/3.S1/2)/n 3600 .V.Wa
Note-1) D.%Full p.D.a/360
Pipe full 100.00% 0.1500 360.0000 0.0177 0.4712 0.0375 0.0138 0.8772 55.8032
1 0.15 0.0150 72.50 Max. Flow 93.82% 0.1407 302.4133 0.0172 0.3959 0.0435 0.0138 0.9684 60.0278
Max Vel. 81.28% 0.1219 257.4534 0.0154 0.3370 0.0456 0.0138 1.0000 55.3790
Pipe full 100.00% 0.2000 360.0000 0.0314 0.6283 0.0500 0.0094 0.8772 99.2057
2 0.20 0.0150 106.40 Max. Flow 93.82% 0.1876 302.4133 0.0306 0.5278 0.0580 0.0094 0.9684 106.7161
Max Vel. 81.28% 0.1626 257.4534 0.0273 0.4493 0.0609 0.0094 1.0000 98.4515
Pipe full 100.00% 0.2500 360.0000 0.0491 0.7854 0.0625 0.0070 0.8772 155.0088
3 0.25 0.0150 143.27 Max. Flow 93.82% 0.2345 302.4133 0.0478 0.6598 0.0725 0.0070 0.9684 166.7439
Max Vel. 81.28% 0.2032 257.4534 0.0427 0.5617 0.0761 0.0070 1.0000 153.8305
Pipe full 100.00% 0.3000 360.0000 0.0707 0.9425 0.0750 0.0055 0.8772 223.2127
4 0.30 0.0150 182.70 Max. Flow 93.82% 0.2815 302.4133 0.0689 0.7917 0.0870 0.0055 0.9684 240.1113
Max Vel. 81.28% 0.2438 257.4534 0.0615 0.6740 0.0913 0.0055 1.0000 221.5159
Pipe full 100.00% 0.3500 360.0000 0.0962 1.0996 0.0875 0.0045 0.8772 303.8173
5 0.35 0.0150 224.38 Max. Flow 93.82% 0.3284 302.4133 0.0937 0.9237 0.1015 0.0045 0.9684 326.8181
Max Vel. 81.28% 0.2845 257.4534 0.0838 0.7863 0.1065 0.0045 1.0000 301.5078
Pipe full 100.00% 0.4000 360.0000 0.1257 1.2566 0.1000 0.0037 0.8772 396.8226
6 0.40 0.0150 268.11 Max. Flow 93.82% 0.3753 302.4133 0.1224 1.0556 0.1160 0.0037 0.9684 426.8645
Max Vel. 81.28% 0.3251 257.4534 0.1094 0.8987 0.1217 0.0037 1.0000 393.8061

1 The maximum velocity limited to 1 m/sec to avoid emulsification, the slope is chosen accordingly.
The max. vel. Conditions occur at 81.280313%.
2 Max. flow occurs at 93.818121%
3 Normal flow will take place at 100% full pipe.
Baroda Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg Ann Max 24 h
mm 1.6 1.8 1.6 2.4 3.8 133.4 327.3 260.8 151.1 23.2 15.1 2.9 925 372.1
rainy days 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 5.4 14.3 11.4 6.9 1.1 0.8 0.2 41
% of rainfall 0.17% 0.19% 0.17% 0.26% 0.41% 14.42% 35.38% 28.19% 16.34% 2.51% 1.63% 0.31% 100.00%
% rainy days 0.49% 0.49% 0.24% 0.24% 0.73% 13.17% 34.88% 27.80% 16.83% 2.68% 1.95% 0.49% 100.00%

Normalised Rainfall/day 8.00 9.00 16.00 24.00 12.67 24.70 22.89 22.88 21.90 21.09 18.88 14.50 24.70
Highest factor 181%

Distribution curve - % Rainfall & Rainy days

40.00% % Rainfall
35.00% % Rainy Days
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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