2019 TJC JC2 - H2 Geog Prelim P2 QP (Final)
2019 TJC JC2 - H2 Geog Prelim P2 QP (Final)
2019 TJC JC2 - H2 Geog Prelim P2 QP (Final)
Paper 2 Data Response Questions 17 September 2019
3 hours
Write your Centre number, index number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on all pages of the answer booklet.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
Section A
Using the flood zone map shown in Resource 2, they proceeded to sub-
divide the study area into zones and carried out a bi-polar survey at these
zones to identify sources of flood risk, as well as to determine the
vulnerability of the area from any flood occurrence. They walked along the
river on a Wednesday over six hours in summer to conduct this bi-polar
When they returned to the classroom in the following week, the students
analysed the data they had collected and produced a report.
© TJC2019 9751/02/Prelim2019
(c) Describe a suitable method to represent the information from the bi-polar
survey shown in Resource 3 onto a base map similar to Resource 2.
Justify your choice of method. [5]
(d) Explain how the reliability of the flood risk investigation findings may be
affected by the data which was collected using the recording sheet shown
in Resource 3. [5]
(e) The local council has asked the group to gather river channel information
that will help in mitigating flood risk in the town. Explain how the group
would go about gathering the information. [7]
Section B
(a) Using Resource 4, account for the variations in rainfall across the three
locations in West Africa. [5]
(b) With the help of Resource 4 and your own knowledge, suggest reasons
for the main changes in discharge for the Niger River over time shown in
Resource 5. [5]
(c) Describe the downstream changes in sediment load carried by the Niger
River in its upper basin shown in Resource 6. [2]
(e) Using all the resources, assess the factors influencing the channel
morphology of the Niger River shown in Resource 7. [9]
© TJC2019 9751/02/Prelim2019
(b) Compare the changes in automobile sales volume between 2007 and
2016 for the European Union and USA shown in Resource 9. [4]
(c) With the aid of Resource 9 and your own knowledge, suggest reasons for
the location of BMW’s joint ventures shown in Resource 8. [5]
(e) With reference to the resources and your own knowledge, recommend
whether BMW should expand its production network in ASEAN. [9]
4 Auckland in New Zealand has risen over the years to become one of the
most liveable cities in the world. It ranked 3 rd in the 2019 Mercer Quality of
Living Survey, only behind Vienna, Austria and Zurich, Switzerland. There
have been constant efforts by the local government to improve Auckland’s
(a) Describe the changes in Auckland’s liveability scores between 2011 and
2012 as shown in Resource 12. [5]
(c) Contrast the liveability of Wynyard Quarter before and after reimaging as
shown in Resource 13. [6]
(d) With reference to Resource 14, describe and account for the percent of
elderly females in government-provided residential care facilities in 1993
across different age groups. [5]
(e) Suggest reasons for the percent change in female Aucklanders aged 80-
84 years old between 1993 and 2008 in government-provided residential
care facilities as seen in Resource 14. [5]
© TJC2019 9751/02/Prelim2019
© TJC2019 9751/02/Prelim2019