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2011 International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics

IPEDR Vol.25 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore

Customer Knowledge Management Framework in E-commerce

Novin Hashemi 1+ and Nastaran Hajiheydari 2

Master Student of Business Management, University of Tehran
Assistant Professor of University of Tehran

Abstract. This paper aims to present a framework for describing Customer Knowledge Management in
online purchase process using two models from literature including consumer online purchase process and E-
CKM. Since CKM is a recent concept and little empirical research is available, we will first present the
theories from which CKM derives. In the first stage we discuss about e-commerce trend and increasing
importance of customer loyalty in today’s business environment. Then some related concepts about
Knowledge Management, Customer Relationship Management and CKM are presented, in order to provide
the reader with a better understanding and clear picture regarding CKM. Finally, providing models
representing e-CKM and online purchasing process, we propose a comprehensive procedure to manage
customer data and knowledge in e-commerce.
Keywords: e-commerce, Customer Relationship Management, Knowledge Management, Customer
Knowledge Management.

1. Introduction
In the mid 20th century the invention of computer and rising need for information led to the emergence
of information technology. This trend changes the amount and ways of accessing to the information and
caused the formation of the information societies. The wider communication bands allowed: 1) more
information to be communicated in the same amount of time (or the same amount in less time) 2) decrease
the costs of this communication dramatically. In 1986T, Malone, Yate and Benjamin, issued the Electronic
Market Thesis for the first time that is still one of the main discussions in market and electronic commerce.
By the appearance of World Wide Web (WWW) the application of e-commerce emerged in the
beginning of 90s. [13]. Online shopping is developing rapidly today and e-commerce initiatives have been
found to increase the value of the firm. Researchers, however, agree that in fact the amount of money
involved remains very low [5]. Newell suggests that the real value of the firm relies on the value it creates
for the customers and also the value that customers bring back to the firm. Hence, it should be point out that
the value depends on information and more advanced technologies do not necessarily create value in this
area. By the way, customer relationship management, if being conducted properly, is a toll for increasing the
profit. If companies convert data from customers to knowledge and then, use this knowledge to build
relationship with customers, it can lead to loyalty, which entails profitability.
Yao believes that the advent of internet caused the rapid growth of e-commerce and it is changing the
nature of business as well. E-commerce includes advantages for the firms and in order to obtain these
advantages, they should use websites which perform with high level of e-commerce.
In this article, we aim to develop a framework describing customer knowledge management process
considering the important steps in electronic customer knowledge management and consumer online
transaction process consequently.
2. Knowledge Management (KM)

Corresponding author. Tel.: + 98 2188094332; fax: + 98 2188094332
E-mail address: novin.hashemi@gmail.com
Distinguishing data, information and knowledge is not easy. In general, data are considered as raw facts,
information is regarded as an organized set of data, and knowledge is perceived as meaningful information.
Data and information are distinguished based on the “interpretation” [1].
In another definition, knowledge is divided into two categories: explicit and tacit knowledge [8]. The
value creation process begins with sharing tacit knowledge by socializing with others or receiving in the
form of digital or analogue. Then others will internalize knowledge and this process will create new
knowledge and again sharing and the above process is going to repeat. This process could be expressed as
“innovation” [6]. Rowley (2002) defined KM as follows: “knowledge management is concerned with the
exploitation and development of the knowledge assets of an organization with a view to furthering the
organization’s objectives. The knowledge to be managed includes both explicit, documented knowledge and
tacit, subjective knowledge” [12].
Almost every definition of KM includes the storage of knowledge. KM is about acquisition and storage
of employees’ knowledge and making information available to other employees within the organization.
3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
CRM could be tracked in relational marketing. Shani and Chalasani (1992) define relational marketing as
“an integrated effort to indentify, maintain, and build up a network with individual consumers and to
continuously strengthen the network for the mutual benefit of both sides, through interactive, individualized
and value-added contacts over a long period of time” [14]. In general, CRM is defined as an interactive
process which leads to a balance between firm’s investments and satisfying customer’s needs in order to
maximize the profit.
E-CRM is the internet related CRM.E-CRM is defined as a web-centric approach to synchronizing
customer relationship across communication channels, business functions and audiences. It enables online
ordering, e-mail, a knowledge base that can be used to generate customer profiles, personalized service, the
generation of automatic response to e-mail, and automatic help [12].
By the help of E-CRM, customer information could be available at every touch points in the company.
The firm’s intention to build a one to one, permanent relationship with customers has been referred to as
customer relationship management. Since collecting, storing and distributing relevant knowledge for those
CRM processes make the deployment of KM techniques necessary, it is evident that an organization’s KM
capabilities play a key role in CRM success [2].
4. Customer Knowledge Management (CKM)
4.1. Customer Knowledge (CK)
The most important part of managing human interaction-based knowledge is using CK to do something
differently. Making customer data widely available to customers and internally is good idea but the proper
course of action depends on too many unpredictable factors because of the changing behavior of customers.
Sometimes customers become confused regarding their wants. As a consequence, managers must decide
when to take a particular item of CK seriously and when to discount it or look for more confirmation [3].
Researchers identified three flows of information in customer knowledge management:
• Knowledge ‘for’ customers: satisfies customers’ requirements for knowledge about products, the
market, and other relevant items.
• Knowledge ‘about’ customers: captures customers’ background, motivation, expectation, and
preference for products or services.
• Knowledge ‘from’ customers: understands customers’ needs pattern and/or consumption experience
of products and/or services [15].
An important aspect of customer knowledge is that is not knowledge owned by the firm, but by others
who may or may not be willing to share such knowledge. Furthermore, the ability to design and improve new
products is also impacted by the level of customer knowledge flows [9].

4.2. Customer Knowledge Management

In order to maintain a good relationship with customers, it is crucial that a company communicates and
interacts with its customers in a satisfactory manner, and provides market offerings that continuously meet
customers’ changing needs. This requires the deliberate management of ‘customer knowledge’ [3].
At first glance, CKM may look like another name for customer relationship management, or knowledge
management. But customer knowledge managers need a different approach [4]
Gibbert et al. (2002) identified some key variables and on the basis of those variables they have
developed the followings table of comparison:
Table 1. Km, CRM and CKM Comparison [4]

5. E-Customer Knowledge Management Framework

Buying, selling, transferring or exchanging products, services or information through computer networks
like internet is called electronic commerce. E-commerce has become more and more popular and online
purchasing is becoming more widespread. It has affected the business world substantially and provided
attractive and new convenient tools for customers and firms.
Web-based customer data become an important source for KM. The volume of qualitive data available
via corporate web sites is growing and firms are looking forward to extracting and understanding user’s
thought processes, wants, needs and purchase intentions [11] through these data.
An E-CKM model is proposed by Su et al. (2006).The expectation from this endeavor is to more
articulately delineate knowledge ‘for’ ,’from’ and ‘about’ customers so that more beneficial products can be
delivered to the right group of customers, to prevent, product failure and to ensure commercial
success[18].In this model the CKM process includes four stages:
At the first stage, the company identifies perspective product benefits in terms of a customer’s perceived
value, in the form of feature, functions, and other attributes which can be communicated to the customers. At
this stage the company delivers product knowledge for customers. At the second stage, the company acquires
knowledge about customers by understanding the customer’s background, needs, and preference pattern
toward product features [15]. Through communication by a web-based survey, a company is able to make
use of knowledge ‘for’ customers and knowledge ‘about’ customers, and perform the appropriate market
segmentation mission. After the segments are found through data mining techniques, each segment’s pattern
of needs toward product attributes is defined and the different characteristics of each segment can be
recognized and analyzed. Finally, once the segmentation task is completed, the characteristic of customers’
needs in each segment are studied in order to extract the needs patterns in each segment. Therefore, the
knowledge from customers enables the company to aim the right target market segments and make
appropriate strategic business decisions in product variant development plan and marketing activities [15].
The above mentioned E-CKM model is combined with the consumer online transaction process, in
which an online consumer goes through three steps to do an online purchase. Consumer-retailer exchange
relationships typically involve several activities. The first step often involves basic data exchange from the
retailer to the consumer, such as browsing, gathering information, and making product and price
comparisons. The next step usually involves the consumer providing some personal information by
registering an e mail address, describing product automatic information exchange that is intentionally or
involuntarily captured through cookies, log-data, and data-mining tools. The final step involves provision of
private and monetary information, such as credit card information, actual purchase preferences, and payment
and address information, in order to complete the purchase of a product or service [10].
Table 2. Proposed CKM model in e-commerce

Categories of Knowledge for customers knowledge about tacit knowledge knowledge from
CK customers conversion customers

knowledge Product Customers’ Market Segment needs
features/benefits needs segmentation pattern
/identification categorization implementation extraction
Information retrieval Information Transfer Product purchase
The • Browsing • Describing product • Providing credit card
Consumer • Gathering Information prefrences information
Online • Making product and • Registering • Providing actual
Transaction price comparison • Providing feedback product prefrences
Process • Learning about products • Suplying private • Supplying payment
and services information and address
Providing effective Gathering basic Manipulate customer data Applying extracted
information about producta information about sources applying data knowelege from market to
CKM and services using tools such custemers and their mining thecniques, in designe product and
process in e- as: e-catalogue, and needs through cookies, order to extract useful services and revising
commerce intelligent agents and forms, web bugs, knowlege about market strategies.
shopbot. transaction log, customers segments,
spywares and click potential market and
stream. needs in each segmen
Based on the above mentioned processes, we introduce a comprehensive process to manage customer
knowledge in e-commerce. We also propose useful tools in each stage that facilitate the CKM process. In the
first stage, customer contacts with company through its website. In this stage company should provide
information for the customers using tools available in the e-commerce process like: search engine, e-
catalogue, and intelligent agents and shopbot. By these means customer become familiar with the products
and services of the company. In the second stage CKM helps the company to achieve initial information
from the consumer through his/her first contact through the website. This information could be used in next
stages for further analysis of appropriate information about potential consumers’ needs, wants and
expectations. Some of well-known digital tools available for this stage are: cookies, forms, web bugs,
transaction log, spywares and click stream. At the third stage data extracted from previous stages would be
categorized and form databases. With the help of data mining techniques and applications, customer data
could be analyzed in order to provide information for improving business performance. Finally, after market
segmentation and choosing the right target market, knowledge extracted from previous stages would be
applied in offering right products and services to the right customers. It is in this stage that purchase happens
and knowledge from target market is gained through e-commerce payment tools like credit cards, smart
cards and e-check.
6. Conclusion :
In this study we provided a generic framework for customer knowledge management in e-commerce
process to provide basic information for potential customer, achieve information from customer and analyze
gathered data to provide better services. The web has created a major opportunity to deliver more quantitive
and qualitive information to decision makers. This could lead to increased customer satisfaction, reduced
marketing costs and more effective marketing and lower costs for customer acquisition and retention. We
considered the general process for customer purchase including the following steps: need recognition, search
for alternatives, and evaluation of alternatives and purchase of selected goods. So our suggested framework
could help both customer and company to facilitate data gathering. Proposed framework could help
information processing in following manner: It improves both reach and richness of the information provided
for the customers at the same time. It also decreases information asymmetry in a way that customer do not
need to contact directly with the company in order to realize the exact specifications of the products and
services available. At the second step, the outcomes of data mining can enhance market segmentation by
dividing a heterogeneous market into smaller, more homogeneous subgroups where marketing efforts can be
more specifically targeted and effective. And finally, firms could analyze customer data to focus on
profitability levels, numbers, types, or usage of multiple products, product pricing, and total revenue
anticipated likelihood of acquiring a new product.
7. Acknowledgements
This research has been supported by Education and Research Institute for ICT (ERICT. www.erict.ac.ir)
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