Sexualy Transimitted Diseases
Sexualy Transimitted Diseases
Sexualy Transimitted Diseases
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Most sexually transmitted diseases will only affect you if you have sexual contact with
someone who has an STD. However there are some infections, for example scabies,
which are referred to as STDs because they are most commonly transmitted sexually, but
which can also be passed on in other ways.
To see pictures of common STDs, please visit our STD pictures page.
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is not strictly an STD as it is not transmitted via sexual
intercourse. However, it can be exacerbated by sex and is more frequently found in
sexually active women than those who have never had intercourse. It is caused by an
imbalance in the normal healthy bacteria found in the vagina and although it is relatively
harmless and may pass unnoticed, it can sometimes produce an abundance of unpleasant
fishy smelling discharge.
Whilst there is no clear explanation as to why BV occurs, there have been suggestions
that the alkaline nature of semen could be one cause, as it may upset the acidic nature of
the vaginal bacteria. Another cause can be the use of an intrauterine contraceptive device
(coil). A woman cannot pass BV to a man, but it is important she receives treatment as
BV can occasionally travel up into the uterus and fallopian tubes and cause a more
serious infection. Treatment for BV consists of applying a cream to the vagina or taking
Chlamydia is one of the most commonly reported bacterial sexually transmitted diseases.
It is caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium. It infects the urethra, rectum and
eyes in both sexes, and the cervix in women. If left untreated, long-term infection can
lead to fertility problems in women. Chlamydia is transmitted through genital contact and
sexual intercourse with someone already infected. Symptoms of chlamydia usually show
between 1 and 3 weeks after exposure but may not emerge until much later.
Crabs or Pubic Lice are small crab-shaped parasites that burrow into the skin to feed on
blood. They live on coarse body hair, predominantly pubic hair, but can also be found in
armpit hair, facial hair and even on eyelashes. The lice are yellow-grey in colour and use
their crab-like claws to grip hair strands. They can sometimes be spotted moving on the
Crabs are easily passed on during sex, but can also be passed on through sharing clothes,
towels or bedding with someone who has them. Crabs cannot be transmitted via toilet
seats or swimming pools.
Crabs symptoms
• Symptoms are usually noticed around 5 days to 7 weeks after infection and
• itchy skin.
• inflammation of the affected area.
• sometimes visible lice and eggs.
• spots of blood as lice feed from blood vessels in the skin.
Although there is no effective way to prevent becoming infected during sex, a person
who has crabs can reduce the risk to others by washing bedding, towels and clothes on a
hot wash to kill off the parasites.
Treatment for public lice is easy, consisting of special shampoos, lotions and creams that
kill of the lice and their eggs. It is not necessary to shave pubic hair as this is unlikely to
remove all lice.
Genital warts are caused by some sub-types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV). They can
appear on the skin anywhere in the genital area as small whitish or flesh-coloured bumps,
or larger, fleshy, cauliflower-like lumps. They are unlikely to cause pain but may itch and
can be difficult to spot. Often there are no other symptoms of genital warts, but if a
woman has a wart on her cervix she may experience slight bleeding or unusual coloured
vaginal discharge.
Gonorrhea (once known as the clap) is a sexually transmitted infection that can infect the
urethra, cervix, rectum, anus and throat. Symptoms of gonorrhea usually appear between
1 and 14 days after exposure, but it is possible to have no symptoms.
Gonorrhea symptoms
• Men are more likely to notice symptoms than women. Symptoms can include:
• a burning sensation when urinating.
• a white/yellow discharge from the penis.
• a change in vaginal discharge.
• irritation or discharge from the anus (if the rectum is infected).
Severe hepatitis causes yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.
Hepatitis is the ancient Greek term for ‘liver inflammation’. Hepatitis can occur
following excessive and prolonged consumption of alcohol or the use of certain
medicines and drugs, but it is most commonly caused by a virus. Several different types
of hepatitis virus exist (labelled A to G), with hepatitis A, B and C being the most
common. Each viral strain has different routes of transmission but all damage the liver.
Read more about hepatitis.
Herpes is caused by two strains of the herpes simplex virus, type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2
(HSV-2). HSV-2 is more common and usually manifests itself in the genital and anal
area, whereas HSV-1 is more likely to affect the mouth and lips in the form of cold sores.
On a global scale, HSV-2 is a very common STD; for example research suggests that one
in five Americans is a carrier of HSV-2.1 Symptoms of herpes usually appear 2 to 7 days
after first exposure to the virus and last 2 to 4 weeks.
Herpes symptoms
• Both men and women may have multiple symptoms that include:
• itching or tingling sensations in the genital or anal area.
• small fluid-filled blisters that burst leaving small painful sores.
• pain when passing urine over the open sores (especially in women).
• headaches.
• backache.
• flu-like symptoms, including swollen glands or fever.
Once the first outbreak of blisters has gone, the herpes virus hides away in nerve fibres
near the infection site, where it remains dormant, causing no symptoms. Symptoms may
come back later (particularly during times of stress and illness) but usually in less severe
and shorter episodes. Read more about herpes.
Molluscum contagiosum (MC, also known as water warts) is a common viral infection
resulting in a skin disease that presents itself as small pearl-shaped papules (bumps or
lesions), often in clusters. Usually between 1 to 5 millimetres in diameter, they are filled
with a gungy white fluid that is very contagious. The papules usually appear on exposed
skin such as the torso, thighs, genitalia and anus. They usually develop 2 to 8 weeks after
initial infection.
MC can be transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact and also indirectly through
sharing towels, baths or clothing with someone infected. It is not strictly an STD as it
often occurs in children, especially those prone to skin conditions such as eczema.
Children are more likely to assist transmission by scratching the infected sites, although it
should be noted that the chance of passing on the virus is small.
MC is grouped with sexual infections because of the risk of transmission through close
body contact during sex, which is why it is often screened for in sexual health clinics.
Reducing MC risks
• The risk of becoming infected with MC can be reduced by:
• using condoms during sex, although this only offers partial protection as MC can
be passed on by anal/genital lesions not covered by the condom.
• covering affected areas of skin (where possible) with clothing or sterile dressings.
• not sharing baths, clothing and towels.
In an HIV positive person, a large outbreak of molluscum contagiosum may indicate that
the immune system is critically weak and it is advisable to seek medical attention.
Scabies is an intensely itchy, contagious skin infestation of the parasitic mite Sarcoptes
scabiei. The adult female mite is around 0.4 mm (one sixtieth of an inch) long and barely
visible by the human eye, with the male being half that size. Female mites burrow into
the outer layer of the skin (stratum croneum) to lay eggs.
Scabies symptoms
• Symptoms begin 2 to 6 weeks after infection and include:
• burrows that appear as silvery or brown wavy lines up to 15 millimetres (half an
inch) in length. The burrows can appear anywhere, but usually occur on the
webbing between fingers and toes, on the genitals, around the anus, or on the
buttocks, elbows or wrists.
• an intensely itchy rash of inflamed pimple-like lumps (papules/lesions) as an
allergic reaction to the mites, their eggs and faeces.
• widespread itching, particularly at night or after baths when the body is warmer,
as a reaction to the mites.
Again, scabies it not strictly a sexually transmitted disease, as the scabies mite can be
passed on through other forms of prolonged direct skin contact. Scabies has been known
spread rapidly in crowded conditions where there is frequent contact between people,
such as in care homes or child care facilities. It is also possible, but much less likely, to
acquire the infestation through sharing clothes, towels or bedding with someone infected.
Sexual activity does however carry a particularly high risk of transmission.
There is no effective way to prevent infection apart from avoiding direct skin contact
with an infected person. If a person knows that they are infected then they can prevent the
infestation spreading by washing clothes and bedding on a hot wash to kill the mites (at
50 degrees Celsius / 120 Fahrenheit or above). Treatment comes in the form of lotions
that can be bought from pharmacies without prescription and applied to the body to kill
the parasites. It is recommended that all people in close contact, such as sexual partners
or members of the household, should be treated at the same time, even if they are not yet
showing any symptoms of infestation.
Syphilis symptoms
• Syphilis symptoms can be difficult to recognise and may take 3 months to appear
after sexual contact with an infected person. They include:
• one or more painless ulcers on the penis, vagina, vulva, cervix, anus or mouth.
• small lumps in the groin due to swollen glands.
• a non-itchy rash.
• fever or flu-like symptoms.
Left untreated the infection progresses to a latent stage. This may be followed by tertiary
syphilis, which can seriously affect organs such as the heart, sometimes leading to death.
Read more about syphilis.
Thrush, also known as candidiasis, is a yeast infection caused by the Candida species of
fungus. Thrush is not technically a sexually transmitted infection, as Candida is a
common yeast that is found on the skin and genitals of most people, even those who have
not had sex. Candida is usually suppressed by the immune system and the natural bacteria
found in the body, but there are many things that can upset the balance and allow
Candida to grow.
Thrush symptoms
• The symptoms of a thrush infection are:
• in women - irritation, itching, thick white discharge, redness, soreness and
swelling of the vagina and vulva.
• in men - irritation, discharge from the penis, difficulty pulling back the foreskin
usually caused by the swelling of the head of the penis (balanitis). Thrush occurs
a lot less frequently in men.
Thrush causes
• There are many causes of thrush, but the most common are:
• in women, wearing nylon or lycra clothes that are too tight (the lack of air
circulation can cause Candida to proliferate).
• certain antibiotics or contraceptive pills that alter the pH balance of the vagina.
• a change in the hormonal balance in pregnant women, causing a change in the
level of normal bacteria.
• spermicides (found on some condoms) or perfumed toiletries that irritate the
vagina or penis.
• douching (washing out the vagina) or using tampons.
• sexual contact (either genital or oral) with someone who carries the candida yeast.
Treatment for thrush involves applying an anti-fungal cream that contains Clotrimazole.
If an infection is recurring then Fluconazole may be prescribed to be taken orally, unless
the patient is pregnant. It may also be suggested to wash the genitals with water only to
avoid irritation, use sanitary towels instead of tampons, and wear loose fitting cotton
underwear and clothes.
Trichomoniasis symptoms
• If symptoms do appear, they commonly include:
• discharge in both men and women (sometimes copious and unpleasant smelling in
• discomfort or pain whilst having sex.
• pain when urinating and inflammation of the urethra.
Women may also experience an inflammation of the vulva and cystitis (an infection of
the urinary system).
Transmission is usually through vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected person. The
most effective prevention method is to practise safer sex by using condoms.
Treatment for both men and women is a drug called metronidazole which can be taken
orally or applied as a gel. It is important for any sexual partners to also be treated as
trichomoniasis can be carried and spread without symptoms. If a woman is pregnant then
she should seek medical advice before pursuing treatment.
Where Next? has more about:
• STDs
• STD statistics worldwide
• Chlamydia: symptoms, treatment & facts
• Genital herpes: facts, treatment & symptoms
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The information in this page is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional
medical advice. We recommend that you consult your healthcare provider if you have
any concerns about sexually transmitted diseases.
1. Smith J and Robinson J. (2002) "Age-Specific Prevalence of Infection with
Herpes Simplex Virus Types 2 and 1: A Global Review", The Journal of
Infectious Diseases, 2002; 186 (Suppl 1):S3-28