2.2 RISK BEHAVIOURS Sexually Transmitted Infections1 2024

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Sexual behaviour:

➢ partner and peer pressure

➢ looking for love
➢ curiosity
➢ exposure from the media
➢ lack of guidance
➢ lack of knowledge
➢ substance abuse
Sexually Transmitted Infections

Chlamydia Genital warts

Gonorrhoea Genital herpes

Pubic lice Scabies
Syphilis Hepatitis B
The difference is between an infection and a disease

 An infection occurs when the body has been invaded by micro-organisms

such as bacteria, viruses or parasites. As these micro-organisms enter the
body and begin multiplying, they may do so without any signs or symptoms.
 A sexually transmitted infection occurs when these micro-organisms are
transmitted from an infected partner to an uninfected partner through
oral, vaginal, or anal sexual activity.
 The infected partner may not be aware they are infected and are capable
of transmitting the infection to others without even knowing it.
 A sexually transmitted disease on the other hand is a sexually acquired
infection that has impaired normal functioning of a body part and is
apparent by certain signs and symptoms.
 Signs and symptoms serve to alert the individual to something is wrong
which may prompt them to seek out medical attention.
What is an STI?
An STI is any infection transmitted through having
close sexual contact with an infected person.

Often carriers are unaware

They are caused by micro-organisms such as

Parasites- e.g. Scabies
• these are organisms which live in or on other organisms to the
disadvantage of the host. The image to the left shows the scabies

Bacteria- e.g. staph

• is an organism consisting of one cell only with or without a
cell wall. On the left we see the Staph virus
which can burrow into cuts and literally eat your
lips away.

Viruses e.g. HIV

Viruses are even smaller than bacteria and cannot even be seen
under a microscope. They live within the
cells of another organism such as a human. HIV is
a global killing virus that we all have heard of before.
Micro- organisms that cause
STI’s and STI examples
Parasites Bacteria’s Viruses

Scabies Syphilis HIV

Pubic lice Gonorrhoea Human Papillomavirus

Chlamydia Herpes

Pelvic inflammatory Hepatitis B

Parasites – Pubic Lice
Pubic Lice aka crabs
 Small grey and visible to naked eye

 Live in any region containing hair

 Causes small itching

sores by sucking blood from host

Can be cured with special shampoo

e.g RID, Nix, and A-200
Parasites – Scabies
 Scabies mites are very small practically invisible
to the naked eye

 Can be found around the

genitals, in between fingers
and in the armpits

 Just sleeping next to an

infected person is enough

 It can be easily cured with a

 special soap
Bacteria - Syphilis
➢ Syphilis is a disease that starts with ulcers
(sores) on the genitals.
➢ The infection spreads to other parts of the body, including
the heart and brain.
➢ The baby can be infected if a pregnant woman has syphilis.

✓Can be very dangerous if not treated

✓ Is still very common in South Africa
1-4 weeks 1-4 months later Years later
❑ An early symptom is red, painless sores, called a chancre.
❑ The sore can be on the penis, vagina, rectum, tongue or
❑ The glands near the sore may be swollen.
❑ Fatigue, itching, mouth ulcer, rash on the palms and soles,
rectal lining inflammation, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes,
or weight loss

Treatment: Antibiotics
Bacteria - Gonorrhoea
o Effects the mucous membranes of the penis, the mouth or
anus. If left untreated, may cause infertility.
Can have no symptoms, but people may experience:
o Pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis, testicles, or vagina
o Pain can occur during sexual intercourse or during urination
o Abnormal increased vaginal discharge or discharge from
o Also common: fever, frequent urge
to urinate, irregular menstruation,
pus, a burning sensation with a
yellowish discharge when you
urinate or sore throat
Treatment: Antibiotics
Bacteria – Chlamydia
The most common STI in the world

If left untreated Chlamydia can cause permanent damage and

even result in cancer.

The symptoms begin very similar to that of Gonorrhoea

❑ A white, cloudy and watery or greenish-yellow discharge
from the penis OR vagina
❑ Pain or burning when urinating or
❑ Increase in the frequency of urination
❑ Burning and itching around the
opening of the penis OR vagina
❑ Eye discharge Treatment: Antibiotics
A bacterial infection of the female reproductive organs.
 It usually occurs when sexually transmitted bacteria spread
from the vagina to the womb (uterus), fallopian tubes or
Common symptoms include
 Pain in the pelvis, abdomen, lower back, or vagina
 Pain can occur during sexual intercourse or during urination
 There may be vaginal discharge or vaginal odour
 Nausea or vomiting
 Whole body: chills, fatigue, or fever
 Cramping or painful menstruation

Treatment: Antibiotics.
Viruses- genital warts/ HPV
✓ Genital warts are a common sexually transmitted infection
caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
✓ The characteristic symptom is a small bump on the genitals,
very similar to regular warts on your hands

Common symptoms: warts, itchiness around anus, itching,

itching of vagina, or skin burning sensation

✓ Vaccines can protect against many

genital-wart-causing strains of HPV.
✓ Genital warts can be treated with
prescription medication applied
directly to the warts or can be surgically removed.
Viruses- Herpes
Genital or Oral herpes are caused by the herpes
simplex virus
❖ Itching and small sores/ blisters appear first around the
mouth or genitals
❖ They form ulcers and scabs
❖ Pain in the penis or vagina
❖ After initial infection, genital herpes
lies dormant in the body
❖ Symptoms can recur for yearsThere is no cure and once you

There is NO CURE…Once you have the virus in your system

you will always have it.
Viruses- Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B
A serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus

❖ Starts with itchy skin, nausea, vomiting and dark

❖ Later symptoms include yellowing skin and
sometimes yellowing eyes.
❖ There are no signs on the genitals
❖ This is also spread through sexual intercourse and
blood, just like HIV.
Facts About Teens and STIs

 Nineteen million new STI infections occur each

year, almost half of them among young people
ages 15 to 24.

 10,000 teens are infected by STIs per day, one

every eight seconds!

 One out of every four sexually active teens has

an STI, and one in two sexually active youth will
contract an STI by age 25.
 An estimated one in five South Africans have genital herpes infection,
and up to 90% of them don't know it.

 Teenagers are more susceptible to STD’s than even adults.

 Teens are also more likely to develop precancerous growths as a result

of an infection, and these growths more likely to develop into invasive

 40% of older adolescents surveyed, incorrectly believe that the

contraceptive “pill” and “shot” protect against STIs and HIV.

 Some young people, including those who have had abstinence education,
consider oral and anal sex to be abstinent behaviors and do not realize
these behaviors present risks of STI transmission.

 Although youth are at higher risk for acquiring STIs, only 1/3 of sexually
active teens age 15 to 17, and 1/2 of sexually active young adults ages 18
to 24 say they have been tested for STIs.
Rounding up
 Can you tell is someone has an STI?

 Can STI’s be cured?

 How can you protect yourself from

getting an STI?

 What do you do if you have an STI or you

think you may have an STI?
How can I protect myself against an

 The only 100% sure way is to abstain

 Use a latex condom every time you have


 Condoms does not protect you against

STI’s such as herpes or genital warts
STI Cause and Symptoms Treatment

Chlamydia Bacteria Watery milky discharge from the penis Antibiotics

-Unusual discharge from the vagina

Genital warts Virus Warts may be itchy No cure

Bumps or growths on the genitals; testicles, penis, anus
or labia.
Can also appear on the vaginal walls and cervix

Gonorrhoea Bacteria Rectal discharge Antibiotics

-Often no symptoms

Herpes Virus Sores on the mouth and genital area No cure

Flu-like symptoms
Burning when you urinate
Tender, swollen glands in the groin
Itching of the skin around the genitals
Painful, watery blisters in or around the genitals, or
wherever there is skin-to-skin contact (hips, nipples,

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