Nash CV Modern

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Committee on Evolutionary Biology

University of Chicago
1025 E. 57th Street Culver 401
Chicago, IL, 60637 USA
H +1-225-733-3105
Chloe Nash Í

2016–Present University of Chicago, IL, Ph.D., Committee on Evolutionary Biology.
Advisor: Mark Westneat
2012–2016 Wesleyan University, CT, B.A., Biology (Honors) and Environmental Studies.
Advisor: Barry Chernoff
Spring 2015 James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia, Marine Biology.
Institute for Study Abroad: Butler University

[1] Nash, Chloe M., Michelle L. Kraczkowski, and Barry Chernoff. “Insight into the population structure of
hardhead silverside, Atherinomorus stipes (Teleostei: Atherinidae), in Belize and the Florida Keys using
nd2”. In: Ecology and Evolution (2017). issn: 2045-7758. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3457.
[2] Nash, Chloe M. “Digest: Shifting biomes: Insight into patterns of plant radiation and dispersal”. In:
Evolution 71.8 (2017), pp. 2130–2131. issn: 1558-5646. doi: 10.1111/evo.13300.
[3] H. Barrios-Garrido, K. De Turris-Morales, C. M. Nash, G. Delgado-Ortega, and N. Espinoza-Rodríguez.
“Acoustic parameters of Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) whistles in the southern Gulf of Venezuela”.
In: Aquatic Mammals 42.2 (2016). issn: 01675427. doi: 10.1578/AM.42.2.2016.127.
[4] Nash, Chloe M. “Island Population Structure of Hardhead Silversides, Atherinomorus stipes, in Belize
and the Florida Keys”. Senior Honors Thesis. Wesleyan University, 2016, pp. 1–56.

Conference Presentations and Posters

[1] Chloe M. Nash* and Mark Westneat. “Biogeographic patterns of the damselfishes and clownfishes
(Pomacentridae) using occurrence and trait based regionalization methods”. Oral Presentation. Evolution,
June 21-25, 2019. Providence, RI.
[2] Chloe M. Nash* , Charlene L. George Andrew B. McCord, and Mark Westneat. “Functional Biogeography:
Patterns of SpatioTemporal Evolution of Biomechanical Traits in the Triggerfishes (Balistidae)”. Oral
Presentation. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3-8, 2019. Tampa, FL.
[3] Kirsten Peramba* , Chloe Nash, Dahila Walters, Lilly Hackworth, Matthew Schumm, Oscar Pineda, and
Eric Edsinger. “Squid Monday: Characterizing population structure in Doryteuthis pealeii”. Poster. Society
of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3-8, 2019. Tampa, FL.
[4] Chloe M. Nash* . “FishLife: Biogeography”. Tutorial. FishLife Collaborators Meeting, October 5-7, 2018.
Chicago, IL.
[5] Chloe M. Nash* , Charlene L. McCord, and Mark Westneat. “Biogeography of the Pomacentridae with
Insight into the Coral Triangle”. Poster. 2018 Society of Systematic Biologists Standalone Meeting, June 1-4,
2018. Columbus, OH.
[6] Chloe M. Nash* , Charlene L. McCord, and Mark Westneat. “Biogeography of the Pomacentridae with
Insight into the Coral Triangle”. Oral Presentation. Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, October 2-6, 2017. Tahiti,
French Polynesia.
[7] Kayla Anatone* , Barry Chernoff, Michelle Kraczkowski, Abrial Meyer, and Chloe Nash. “Barriers to
Gene Flow for Two Species of Dace Rhinichthys in Three Connecticut Streams”. Oral Presentation. Joint
Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, July 12-16, 2017. Austin, TX.
[8] Chloe M. Nash* , Michelle L. Kraczkowski, and Barry Chernoff. “Genetic Structure of Atherinomorus stipes,
Hardhead Silverside, in Belize and Florida based on nd2”. Oral Presentation. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists
and Herpetologists, July 6-10, 2016. New Orleans, LA.
[9] Kayla Anatone* , Barry Chernoff, Michelle Kraczkowski, Abrial Meyer, Nicole Roman-Johnston, Chloe
Nash, Julio Angel, Alexandra Fireman, and Cindy Flores. “The Genetic Structure of Longnose Dace,
Rhinichthys cataractae, from Two Waterfalls in Connecticut”. Poster. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and
Herpetologists, July 6-10, 2016. New Orleans, LA.
[10] Chloe M. Nash* , Michelle Kraczkowski, and Barry Chernoff. “Island Population Structure of Hardhead
Silversides, Atherinomorus stipes, in Belize”. Poster. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, July
15-19, 2015. Reno, NV.
[11] Nicole Roman-Johnston, Kayla Anatone* , Julio Angel, Alexandra Fireman, Abrial Meyer, Chloe Nash,
Michelle Kraczkowski, and Barry Chernoff. “Over the Falls: the Effect of Waterfalls on the Genetic
Structure of the Eastern Blacknose Dace, Rhinichthys atratulus, in Connecticut”. Poster. Joint Meeting of
Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, July 15-19, 2015. Reno, NV.
[12] Barry Chernoff* , Michelle Kraczkowski, Julio Angel, Abrial Meyer, Chloe Nash, Nicole Roman-Johnston,
and Sophie Breitbart. “Over the falls: Population Differentiation of Blacknose and Longnose Dace,
Rhinichthys atratulus and R. cataractae, in Connecticut”. Oral Presentation. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists
and Herpetologists, July 30-Aug 3, 2014. Chattanooga, TN.
* Presenter

Awards and Grants

2019 Edward C. Raney Award, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, $1000
2019 France And Chicago Collaborating in The Sciences Grant, France Chicago Center, $21900,
with A. George and M. Westneat
2019 Hinds Fund Award, University of Chicago, $2500
2018 Graduate Student Research Award, Society of Systematic Biology, $2000
2018 Steiner Award, University of Chicago, $1500
2018 Lerner-Gray Memorial Fund, American Museum of Natural History, $2485
2018 CEB Summer Travel Award, University of Chicago, $2000
2018 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention
2017 Graduate Council Student Travel Grant, University of Chicago, $600
2017 IPFC Student Housing Grant, equivalent to $250
2015 College of the Environment Internship, Wesleyan University, $4000
2015 Valiant Volunteer: 1st Place, IFSA-Butler Australia, $100
2014 College of the Environment Internship, Wesleyan University, $5000
2013 Presidential Fellow of the College of the Environment, Wesleyan University, $5000

Research Experience
2016–Present Graduate Student, University of Chicago, Committee on Evolutionary Biology.
Research Focus: Evolution and biogeography of coral reef fishes
2012–2016 Undergraduate Researcher, Wesleyan University, Biology.
Research Focus: Phylogeography of marine (Atherinomorus stipes) and freshwater (Rhinichthys atratalus
and R. cataractae) fishes
Spring 2015 Research Volunteer, James Cook University, College of Science and Engineering.
Research Focus: Flatback marine turtle, Natator depressus, satellite tagging project

June. 2019 Midwest Phylogenetics Workshop, CCT,Itasca Field Station, MN
Feb. 2019 Course Design for STEM Professors or Outreach Professionals, CCT,Chicago, IL
Oct. 2018 FishLife Collaborators Meeting, FishLife,Chicago, IL
Sept. 2018 Teaching@Chicago, UChicago Center for Teaching,Chicago, IL
May 2018 Predictive Phylogeography, Society of Systematic Biologists, Colombus, OH
May 2017 State of the Tree of Life, FuturePhy, Field Museum, Chicago, IL
Oct. 2016 Fishes Working Group, FuturePhy, Field Museum, Chicago, IL
July 2016 Introduction to R, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, LA

Fall 2019 TA, Marine Biodiversity and Genomics (BIOS27723), Marine Biological Laboratory
Winter 2019 TA, Animal Behavior (BIOS23249), University of Chicago
Fall 2018 TA, Marine Biodiversity and Genomics (BIOS27723), Marine Biological Laboratory
Fall 2015 Organizer/Instructor, Marine Biology Student Forum (ENVS419.04), Wesleyan University
Fall 2013 Biology Tutor, Principles of Biology I (BIOS181), Wesleyan University
Summer 2013 Marine Education Intern, Shark Biology and Conservation, Mossel Bay, South Africa
2010–2012 High School Tutor, Biology, Geometry, and Algebra, Baton Rouge, LA
* TA = Teaching Assistant

Outreach and Volunteer Work

March 2019 Workshop Leader, Expanding Your Horizons
Jan. 2018- Dozin’ with the Dinos, Field Museum of Natural History
2017-2018 Facilities Committee Co-Chair, Expanding Your Horizons
2017 Tween Day Organizer, Field Museum of Natural History
May 2017- Member’s Night, Field Museum of Natural History
2016-2017 TG Student Seminar Series Organizer, University of Chicago
June 2017 Horizon Science Academy Belmont: Biodiversity Project Judge, Field Museum of Natural History
March 2017 Buddy, Expanding Your Horizons
Feb. 2017 Northeastern Illinois University Student Tour and Panel, Field Museum of Natural History
Fall 2015 Wesleyan Science Outreach, Wesleyan University
Society Membership
2015–Present American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
2016–Present Society of Systematic Biologists
2016–Present Field Museum Women in Science
2017–Present Society for the Study of Evolution
2017–Present Association for Women in Science
2018–Present Animal Behavior Society
2018–Present Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology

Dr. Mark Westneat
Professor in Organismal Biology and Anatomy & Committee on Evolutionary Biology
University of Chicago
T 773-702-2412

Dr. Caleb McMahan

Collection Manager of Fishes
Field Museum of Natural History
T 312-665-7994

Dr. Michael Coates

Professor in Organismal Biology and Anatomy & Committee on Evolutionary Biology
University of Chicago
T 773-834-8417

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