Danielpowellcv Vi-19

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Updated VI-2019

Daniel L. Powell
Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Biology, Texas A&M University

College Station, TX 77843
Tel: (614)-849-2921 Email: dpowell@bio.tamu.edu


Present Ph.D. (expected conferral date: Aug. 10, 2019), Texas A&M University, College
Station, Texas.
2012 B.S. Biology, summa cum laude, Summer 2012. Southeastern Louisiana
University, Hammond, Louisiana.

Research Experience

Present Dissertation Research: The causes and consequences of hybridization in two

northern swordtail fishes Mentor: Dr. Gil Rosenthal (Texas A&M Dept. of

2012 K-12 Educational Outreach

Mentor: Dr. Robert Moreau, Turtle Cove Environmental Research Station,
(Southeastern Louisiana University) Manchac, Louisiana.

2012 NSF REU Student Researcher (Summer 2012)

Taxonomic review of the Ouachita highlands green-sided darter, Etheostoma
blennioides newmanni. Mentor: Dr. Kyle Piller (Southeastern Louisiana
University) Hammond, Louisiana
2010-2012 Student Researcher
Morphological variation and trophic partitioning among central Mexican lake
silversides. Mentor: Dr. Kyle Piller (Southeastern Louisiana University)
Hammond, Louisiana.

Teaching Experience

BIOL 107, Zoology Laboratory

BIOL 112, Introductory Biology II for biology majors Laboratory.

BIOL 358, Ecology Laboratory.

BIOL 491, Big Bend Natural History, Field Course.

BIOL 440, Marine Biology, Field TA.

Updated VI-2019

Awards and Grants

• Texas A&M Department of Biology Travel Grant, 2017.

• Vern Parish Award, American Livebearer Association. 2017.

• NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Fellowship, 2014.

• Doctoral Graduate Merit Fellowship, Texas A&M University, 2012.

• Outstanding Senior Award, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana

University, 2011-2012.

• President’s List, Southeastern Louisiana University, Fall 2010-Summer 2012.


Fall 2013-Present Secretary – Texas A&M Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Interdisciplinary Student Organization (EEBISO).

2014 Organizing committee – 2014 Texas A&M Ecological Integration


Posters and Presentations

Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G.

Mate -choice dynamics of early generation hybrids. Oral Presentation. TAMU Ecological
Integration Symposium, 2018.

Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G.

Mate -choice in early generation swordtail fish hybrids. Invited speaker. TAMU EEB Fall
Seminar Series, 2017.

Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G.

Mate -choice in early generation swordtail hybrids. Oral Presentation. Evolution Conference,

Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G.

Mate -choice mechanisms and the dynamics of reproductive isolation: a simulation study. Oral
Presentation. Evolution Conference, 2016.

Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G.

Early generation hybridization in two northern swordtails. Oral presentation. 2nd annual Jornada
de la Ciencia y Desarrollo Sustentable, 2015.

Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G.

Updated VI-2019

Fitness effects of early generation hybridization in two northern swordtails. Poster presentation.
SICB annual meeting, 2014.

Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G.

Fitness effects of early generation hybridization in two northern swordtails. Poster presentation.
TAMU annual Biology Student/Post-Doc Research Conference, 2014.

Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G.

Fitness consequences of early generation hybridization in two northern swordtails. Poster
presentation. American Livebearer Association annual convention, 2013.

Powell, D. L., Piller, K. R.

Morphological variation and trophic partitioning among central Mexican lake silversides. Poster
presentation. University of Louisiana System Academic Summit, 2012.

Garcia, M.* & Powell, D.L., Schartl, M., Rosenthal, G.G., Schumer, M.
The collapse of assortative mating uncovers a melanoma hybrid incompatibility. Oral
presentation. Evolution Conference, 2017.

Garcia, M. & Powell, D.L., Schartl, M., Rosenthal, G.G., Schumer, M.*.
Assortative mating and hybrid incompatibility in a hybrid swordtail population. Oral
presentation. Evolution Conference, 2017.

Schumer, M.*, Cui, R., Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G., Andolfatto, P.

High-resolution mapping reveals hundreds of genetic incompatibilities in hybridizing fish
species. Oral presentation. Biology of Genomes, 2014.

Schumer, M., Cui, R.*; Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G., Andolfatto, P.

The genetic architecture of reproductive isolation between naturally hybridizing species. Oral
presentation. SICB annual meeting 2014.

Schumer M.*, Cui, R., Powell, D.L., Rosenthal, G.G., Andolfatto, P.

Genome-wide analysis of replicate hybrid zones between the swordtail fish Xiphophorus
birchmanni and X. malinche. Oral presentation. Evolution conference, 2013.

Squire, M.K.*, Rapp, J., Powell, D.L., and Rosenthal, G.G.

Mixed up kind of love: multiple mating in a hybrid zone. Poster presentation. ABS annual
Conference, 2014 and TAMU annual Biology Student/Post-Doc Research Conference, 2014.


M. Schumer, C. Xu, D.L. Powell, C. Holland, P. Andolfatto, G. G. Rosenthal, M. Przeworski,

2018. Natural selection interacts with local recombination rates to shape the evolution of hybrid
genomes. Science.
Updated VI-2019

Pires, T.H., Borghezan, E.A., Machado, V. N., Powell, D.L., Röpke, C.P., Oliveira, C., Zuanon,
J., Farias, I.P. 2018. Testing Wallace's intuition: water type, reproductive isolation, and divergence
in an Amazonian fish. J. Evol. Biol.

M. Schumer, D.L. Powell, P. Delclós, M. Squire, R. Cui, P. Andolfatto, G.G. Rosenthal, 2017.
Assortative mating explains persistent reproductive isolation in hybrids. PNAS.

D.L. Powell and G.G. Rosenthal, 2016. What artifice can and cannot tell us about animal
behavior. Curr. Zool. 62:5.

M. Schumer, R. Cui, D.L. Powell, G.G. Rosenthal, and P. Andolfatto, 2016. Ancient
hybridization and genomic stabilization in a swordtail fish. Mol. Ecol. 25: 2661–2679.

N. Mercado-Silva, J. Lyons, R. Moncayo-Estrada, P. Gesundheit, T. J. Krabbenhoft, D.L.

Powell and K. R. Piller, 2015. Stable isotope evidence for trophic overlap of sympatric
Mexican Lake Chapala silversides (Teleostei: Atherinopsidae: Chirostoma spp.) Neotropical
Ichthyology 13:389-400.

M. Schumer, R. Cui, D.L. Powell, R. Dresner, G.G. Rosenthal and P. Andolfatto, 2014. High-
resolution mapping reveals hundreds of genetic incompatibilities in hybridizing fish
species. eLife 2014:10.7554/eLife.02535.


- 6th Annual Jornada de la Ciencia y Desarrollo Sustentable, CICHAZ, Calnali, MX. 2019.

- 5th Annual Jornada de la Ciencia y Desarrollo Sustentable, CICHAZ, Calnali, MX. 2018.

- Darwin Day, TAMU EEB K-12 outreach event, 2017-2018.

- 4th Annual Jornada de la Ciencia y Desarrollo Sustentable, CICHAZ, Calnali, MX. 2017.

- Destruction and creation via hybridization: swordtails and beyond. Oral presentation to
Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts Aquarium Society. 2016.

- Girl Scouts of America, STEMfest, Texas A&M Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Interdisciplinary Student Organization (EEBISO) booth, 2016.

- 3rd Annual Jornada de la Ciencia y Desarrollo Sustentable, CICHAZ, Calnali, MX. 2016.

- 2nd Annual Jornada de la Ciencia y Desarrollo Sustentable, CICHAZ, Calnali, MX. 2015.

- 1st Annual Jornada de la Ciencia y Desarrollo Sustentable, CICHAZ, Calnali, MX. 2014.

- Mate-choice and the fitness consequences of hybridization in two northern swordtails

(What the Rosenthal lab is up to). Oral presentation to the Brazos Valley Aquarium
Society. 2013.
Updated VI-2019

Professional Organizations

Society for the Study of Evolution, 2012-present.

American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 2013-present.
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2013-present.
Animal Behaviour Society, 2013-present.

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