1 Rest Day Rest Day Easy Run30 Fartlek Run40: Daily Goal Daily Goal Daily Goal Workout

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1 Rest Day Easy Run30m - 40m Rest Day Fartlek Run40m -


Daily Goal Daily Goal Daily Goal Workout

The first day of each Each week, this day Take today off or Include 8-10 x 1
weekly training will serve to build your cross train for 30-60 minute at 5K-10K
segment offers endurance for the minutes effort, 1 minute
recovery from the race. recovery jog between
previous day and each repetition;
week's training. Take include a warm-up
this day completely and cool-down

Daily Goal
Fartlek means Speed
Play. Begin this run
with 10-20 minutes of
easy running then
alternate between a
faster pace (5K-10K)
and Easy Run Pace.
End the workout with
10-20 minutes of easy
running to cool down.

2 Rest Day Easy Run40m - 1h Rest Day Fartlek Run40m - 1h

Daily Goal Daily Goal Daily Goal Workout

Recovery day. No These runs are Take today off or Include 5-6 x 2
exercise. building a well of cross train for 30-60 minutes at 5K-10K
strength from which minutes effort, 1 minute
you can draw during recovery jog between
the race. each repetition;
include a warm-up
and cool-down
Daily Goal
Another pace change
workout to build
mental toughness.
3 Rest Day Easy Run45m - 1h Rest Day Tempo Run40m - 1h

4 Rest Day Easy Run30m - 45m Rest Day Fartlek Run40m - 1h

5 Rest Day Easy Run1h 10m - Rest Day Fartlek Run40m - 1h

1h 20m

6 Rest Day Easy Run1h 20m - Rest Day Tempo Run50m -

1h 40m 1h 10m

7 Rest Day Easy Run40m - 1h Rest Day Fartlek Run40m - 1h

8 Rest Day Easy Run30m - 40m Rest Day Fartlek Run50m -

1h 10m
Rest Day Rest Day Long Run45m - 1h

Daily Goal Daily Goal Daily Goal

Today is a rest day. Take today off or Fast racing comes
Take the day cross train for 30-60 from these endurance
completely off. minutes runs. Once you have
greater endurance,
you can do faster
speed training. Seems
counter intuitive at
times, but this is the
way the body works.
We'll build this run
over the next few

Rest Day Rest Day Long Run50m -

1h 15m

Daily Goal Daily Goal Daily Goal

Today is a rest day. Take today off or The goal today is just
Take the day cross train for 30-60 to get in the time at
completely off. minutes your Long Run Pace.
Rest Day Rest Day Progression Run1h -
1h 10m

Rest Day Rest Day Long Run1h 10m -

1h 30m

Rest Day Rest Day Progression Run1h -

1h 10m

Rest Day Rest Day Long Run1h 10m -

1h 30m

Rest Day Rest Day Progression Run1h -

1h 10m

Rest Day Rest Day RACE DAY!

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