Tinikling Steps
Tinikling Steps
Tinikling Steps
is repeated as many times as necessary in
This dance is a favorite in the Visayan Island, regular rhythm.
especially in the province of Leyte. The
"Tilkling" is a bird with long legs and a long B.R. II. Strike bamboos once as above, open
neck. The 'Tikling" birds as they walk between bamboos a foot apart and strike them three
grass stems or run over tree branches. This times against the boards with R, L, R, hands of
spectacular dance is usually accompanied by a bamboo player number 1 and with L,R, L hands
song. of number 2.
MUSIC is divided into two parts: A and B. Music A (B.R.I.)
(a) Take seven "tinikling" steps R and L
COUNT one, two, three to a measure. alternately. Hand position as described above.
The first hop on count one of measure one may
FORMATION. Dancers stand at the left side of be omitted........................7 M
the bamboo poles, girls in front, facing the (b) Step R foot outside pole No. 2 (ct.1) hop
audience. twice on the L foot between turning right about
(cts.2,3). Girl holds skirt, boy's hands on
BAMBOO RHYTMS. (abbreviation is B.R.) waist.........................1 M
B.R. I. Strike bamboo poles together once by (c) Take seven "tinikling" steps L and R
sliding them against the board or lifting them an alternately. Hands as above......................7 M
inch or so open the bamboos about a foot apart
(d) Girl hops on L foot outside pole No.2 (ct.1) (b) Hop forward on R foot outside across pole
hops on R twice between the poles, going No. 1 (ct. 1), hop on L (ct. 2), and R foot
backward near bamboo player No.1 (cts. 2,3). between the poles (ct. 3).1 M
Hands as above in 8 M. (c) Repeat (a) and (b) five times
alternately.............5 M
Boy hops on L foot outside pole No. 1 (ct. 1), (d) Hop on R twice, outside ole No. 1, turning
turns right by hopping twice on the R foot right about. Release the hold of inside hands
between the poles going near bamboo player (ct. 1, 2). Hop on L close R foot in place (ct.
No. 2 (cts. 2, 3). Hands as in 8 M..............1 M 3)...............................1 M
They finish facing each other. (e) Join inside hands. Repeat (a, b, and
c)...............7 M
II.CLOCKWISE AND COUNTERCLOCKWISE (f) Hop on R foot outside pole No. 2. Release
Music A (B. R. I). the hold of inside hands (ct. 1), pause (ct. 2,
(a) Girl stands at the left side of pole No. 2 and 3).......................1 M
boy at the left side of pole No. 1. Starting with
the L foot, take four steps forward outside the V.FEET APART
poles (cts. 1, 2, 3, 4); turn right about and hop Music A (B. R. I).
on L (ct. 5) and R foot (ct. 6) between the (a) Girl turns right and boy left (facing each
poles. Girl olds skirt, boy's hands on waist...2 M other), jump with both feet apart outside the
(b) Repeat (a) three times more, going poles (No. 1 and No. 2), join both hands and
clockwise. O the eight measure hop on L twice swing them sideways (ct. 1), jump twice with
between the poles (cts. 5, 6)......................6 M feet together between the poles, swing hands
(c) Repeat all (a, b), starting with the R foot on down in front between them (cts. 2, 3)........1 M
the other side of the poles (boy at the right side (b) Repeat (a) twice more.........................2 M
of the pole No. 2, and girl of pole No. 1). (c) Jump with feet apart outside the poles (ct.
Reverse direction...........7 M 1), release hands and jump twice between the
Note: This time the figure is started by hopping poles turning right about (cts. 2, 3). Partners
on the R (ct. 1) and L foot (ct. 2) between the are in back-to-back position.......................1 M
poles. (d) Repeat (a), (b) and (c) except hands
(d) Girl takes three steps forward about two movements. Girl holding skirt, boy's hands on
feet away from pole No. 2.......................1 M waist...........................4 M
(e) Repeat all (a, b, c and d) except on the
Boy takes three steps forward about two feet sixteenth measure, the girl does not turn. The
away from pole No. 1. Finish facing each boy turns right about facing the
other.....1 M audience..............................................8 M
Music B (B. R. II) - 8 M
(a) Starting with the R foot, take four waltz
steps forward. Arms in lateral position moving
sideward R and L alternately or inside hands
joined....................................................4 M
(b) Repeat (a) moving backward................4 M
(B. R. I) - 8 M.
Girl dances in front of her partner.
(c) Hop on the outside the poles (girl outside
pole No. 2, boy pole No. 1) (ct. 1), hop on the
inside foot twice between the poles (cts. 2, 3).
Girl holds her skirt, boy's hands on waist..1 M
(d) Repeat (c) five times more moving forward
little by little..5 M
(e) Boy jumps over to the left side of the girl
and they join R hands.
Girl makes a three-step turn left in place
passing under the arch of arms (1 M), and both
bow to the audience (1 M)...........2 M