SolarFire User Guide2 PDF
SolarFire User Guide2 PDF
SolarFire User Guide2 PDF
User Guide
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 15
2 Help and Support 17
2.1 Finding the Information You Need 17
2.2 Getting the most from Off-line Help 17
2.3 Encyclopedia 20
2.4 Support, Updates and Links 21
Technica! Support 21
Get Technical Support by Brail 22
Solar Live 23
Find Program Updates on Web 24
Visit Website 25
Submit Suggestions by Email 25
Other Solar Products 25
Register by Email 26
Astrology Schools 26
3 Getting Started 27
3.1 Installing Solar Fire 27
Computer System Requirements 27
Installation 28
First Run Setup Tasks 29
Further Manual Setup 29
Connecting to the ACS Atlas 29
Setting Your Computers Internal Clock 30
Selecting a Time Format. 30
Selecting a Date Format 31
Setting the Default Race 31
Re-Setting Calculation Options 31
Customizing the Compliments Text 32
3.2 Importing Charts, Files and Settings 32
Where to Import From 33
What to Import 34
Import Options 34
3.3 Finding Your Way Around Solar Fire 35
Starling Solar Fire 35
Using Solar Fire 36
Solar Fire's Main Screen 36
Menu 37
Toolbar 37
Date and Race 37
Current Settings 38
Current Chart Review 38
Calculated Charts 39
Solar Live Latest Link Bar 40
Ranet Bar 40
Background 40
Exiting from Solar Fire 41
Using the Keyboard 41
Dialog Boxes 41
Short-Cut Keys 42
Chart Calculation and Storage 43
A GUIDED TOUR of Solar Fire 45
Casting a Natal Chart 45
Changing Displayed Raints 46
Changing Aspects 46
Changing Aspected Fbints 47
Viewing an Interpretation 47
Saving your charts 48
Opening a chart 48
Casting a Solar Return Chart 49
□splaying or Rlnting a BiWheel 50
□splaying or Printing a Synaslry Grid 50
4 Basic Operations 51
4.1 Exiting from Solar Fire 51
4.2 Casting a New Chart 51
Pre-Setting Calculation Options 51
The New Chart Data &itry D'alog Box 52
Casting an Instant Chart for Here and Now 52
Entering the Chart Name 53
Entering a Date 53
Entering a Time 55
Entering Location Details 56
Entering a Time Zone 58
Entering Longitudes and Latitudes 60
Selecting an Event Type 60
Selecting a House System 61
Selecting a Zodiac 61
Selecting a Coordinate System. 61
Entering a Source Rating 61
Entering a Source Description 62
Entering Chart Comments 62
Entering Life Events 63
Calculating the New Chart 63
4.3 Places: using the ACS Atlas 64
Adding or Deleting Race 67
4.4 Viewing Charts, Grids and Pages 69
Viewing a Single Chart or Grid 70
Viewing MultiWheels and Synastry Grids 70
View ing Pages 72
Using the F^ge Topic hidex 73
Shortcuts for Viewing Multiple Wheels or Charts 75
4.5 Using the View Chart window Features 76
Using View Screen Buttons 78
Adjusting a Chart to a new Time or Date 80
Using Dais and Rainters 81
Direct Access to the Chart Options menus 84
4.6 Manipulating Calculated Charts 86
Editing a Calculated Chart 86
Toggling Zodiac, Lunar Node or Coordinates 87
Deleting Charts from the List of Calculated Charts 88
Retaining Charts 89
Ooning Charts 89
4.7 Saving Charts to a File 91
4.8 Retrieving Charts From a File 92
Choosing Chart Data Columns to Psplay 93
Selecting the Required Chart File 94
Searching All Chart Rles 94
Finding a Chart in the Current Chart File 95
Searching for Character Strings 96
Performing an Advanced Search for Chart Details or Astrological 96
Selecting Charts Manually 97
Opening Charts 97
4.9 Manipulating Charts in Files 98
Bditing Chart Details 98
Copying Charts 99
Deleting Charts 99
Moving Charts 100
Adding or Editing Chart Comments 100
Changing the Chart File Description 100
Printing a Summary of Charts in a Rle 101
Chart Rle Limitations 101
4.10 Using the Rle Manager 101
Selecting a Rle 103
Selecting a Folder 104
Creating a Rle 104
Deleting a File 105
Copying or Renaming a Rle- 105
Editing a File 106
Merging Chart Rles 106
4.11 Generating Chart Reports and Tabulations 108
Descriptions of the Reports 108
Descriptions of the Tabulations 113
Viewing Reports or Tabulations for a Single Chart 117
Synastry Reports 121
Ashtkoot Reports 121
F^ran Report Options 122
4.12 Printing from Solar Fire 122
Printing from a View screen 122
Printing w ithout View ing 123
Using the Print Dialog Box 123
Setting Page Margins 125
Altering Rdnter Settings 125
Using the Batch Rint Queue 126
Adding Items to the FVint Queue 127
Starting the FVint Queue 127
Gearing the Ffint Queue 127
4.13 Changing Chart Options 127
Displayed Paints 128
Current Charts Displayed Fbints 128
Displayed Transiting Fbints 129
Extra Ring Fbints 130
Aspect Set 130
Aspected Fbints 131
Files 131
Wheel Styles and Dial Styles 131
Proportional Houses 132
House Expansion 133
Aspect Lines 133
Aspect Glyphs 133
Aspect Highlighting and Filtering 134
Aspect Highlighting 135
Aspect Rllering 136
Multiwheel Superimposition 137
Color Schemes 139
Color Depth 142
Changing the number of colors your monitor can display 142
Fonts 143
4.14 Working with Life Events 144
Editing Life Events 145
Zodiac/Dal 319
Aspect Lines 321
Ranet Rings and Extra Ring Points 321
Adding a New Circle 322
Deleting a Circle 323
Adding a New Chart 323
Deleting a Chart 323
Setting All Line Colors 323
Biting the Wheel Description 324
9.7 Editing a Page Design File 324
Opening the Editing Screen 324
Selecting Files to Hit 325
The Biting Fhocess 325
Description of Objects 328
Captions 328
Chart Wheels 332
Aspect Grids 335
Ranets 336
Signs 340
Houses 341
Aspects 342
D'gnities & Ancient 346
Balances 351
Graphical 352
Vedic 355
Description of Page & Object properties 357
Selecting and Inserting Page Sizes 360
Biting the Rage Description 362
Saving Files and Bating 362
9.8 Using the Utilities Menu 362
Biting Ivtenu Items 363
Deleting Menu Items 363
Reordering the Menu 364
Saving Changes to the Menu 364
Suggestions for the Utilities Menu 364
9.9 Viewing Astro-Locality Maps 364
9.10 Exporting Data to Text Files 365
Using the B<port Chart Data Dialog 366
Biting ASCII Definitions 367
Specifying Record Format 367
Specifying the Fields in a Record 368
Available Fields 368
Choosing the Appropriate Fields 370
Limitations 372
9.11 Interpretations Com piler 372
Requirements 372
Decompiling and Compiling procedure 373
Decompiling 374
Biting Decompiled Interpretations Text 375
Running the Compiler 376
Input File Layout 378
Comment lines 378
Drective lines 378
Keyword lines 378
Text lines 382
9.12 Format of the Orbital Bements File 382
10 Changing Settings 387
Charts 410
Chart Conversion to SFv6/v7 Format 410
Autochart Save 410
Chart Data Email Options 410
AutoRun 411
Ephemerides 411
Stations 412
Eclipses 412
Biting the Toolbar Buttons 413
Viewing Ranels on the Main Screen 414
10.2 Editing a Chart Points File 414
10.3 Editing an Aspect Set 415
Selecting Advanced Options 417
10.4 Editing a Color File 420
10.5 Changing Rulerships and Weightings 421
Rulerships & Associations 421
Rulerships 421
Weightings 422
Starting the Rulerships & Weightings Editor 422
Adding a Set of Rulerships 423
Deleting a Set of Rulerships 423
Biting Rulerships 424
Biting Weightings 424
Exiting from the Editor 424
10.6 Biting a User Defined Points File 425
10.7 Biting an Extra Dynamic Points File 427
Selecting Mdpoints 428
Selecting Stars, Arabic Rarts, Asteroids & Extra Bodies 429
Selecting Fixed Fbsitions 430
Saving Your Selected Extra Fbints 430
10.8 Biting an Extra Ring Points File 430
10.9 Biting an Asteroid File 433
Using More Asteroids 436
10.10 Biting an Arabic Parts File 439
10.11 Biting a Fixed Stars File 441
Creating a New Hie- 441
Opening an Existing File 442
Saving a Rle 442
Merging a File 442
Importing a Star File from Nova 442
Printing Star Information 443
Biting Star Information 443
Changing the Date 446
Sorting the Rle 446
Viewing Stars in the Ranetarium 446
10.12 Biting a Dignity/Aimuten File 446
Manipulating Files 447
Biting a Single Definition 448
Calculation Types 448
Selecting Fbints 449
Selecting Fbint Modifiers 450
Adding and Removing Fbints 450
Other Items 450
Biting Dgnity Scores 452
Diurnal Applicability 453
Selecting Further Options 453
Triplicities 454
Terms 454
Asteroids 492
Dwarf Planets 493
Ellipses 493
11.4 Bibliography 493
General Astrology 493
Predictive Astrology 493
Locational Astrology 494
Medieval & Oassical Astrology 494
Esoteric Astrology 494
Other Specialized Topics 494
Astronomical Calculations and Computing 495
11.5 Version Changes 495
Changes from Version 8.x to Version 9 495
12 Frequently Asked Questions 499
12.1 Why aren't some of the midpoints showing in the dial? 499
12.2 How do I use characters like " a " in a chart name? 499
12.3 How do I display all three Liliths in a chart? 499
12.4 Should I upgrade my Solar Fire? 501
12.5 Search for Declinations 517
Index 521
Solar Fire uses the latest Swiss Ephemeris and ACS Atlas
files, plus you can exchange chart files between Solar Fire
and our AstroGold program for Apple devices via email.
• Check out A GUIDED TOUR of Solar Fire to familiarize yourself with the basics of the
• Study all the links in the Help and Support topic - plenty of help is available!
Have a look at Changes from Version 8.x to Version 9 for a quick summary of what's
Solar Fire includes natal, progressed, directed, solar, lunar and any planet or asteroid
return, composite, harmonic, lunar phase, rise/set and prenatal charts, with a flexible
selection of aspect sets, chart point sets, and database files for chart and place detail
storage. It also includes flexible and powerful dynamic transit and progression reporting
over any specified time period, plus novel options for sorting and viewing output
graphically for maximized readability.
It is possible to view interpretations of any natal chart or of any dynamic report event
interactively on the screen, by simply clicking on items in the chart or report. Synastry
interpretations are also included for any pair of charts. Both interpretations of individual
charts plus general definitions of a large variety of astrological categories are included.
It is possible to edit or append your own text to that supplied with the program.
Chart viewing includes an aspectarian inside the Chart Wheel (or as a separate
tabulation, if preferred), plus Dual Wheels, BiWheels, TriWheels, QuadriWheels or even
QuinquiWheels for displaying combinations of two or more charts, and synastry grids.
Chart points can be viewed in color, as can the zodiac sign glyphs.
Reports include sorted listings of standard chart analysis details, lunar phasing,
modalities and elements, plus additional listings of aspects, rulerships and
dispositorships, both traditional and esoteric, and midpoints listings, midpoint trees and
axes, fixed star and Arabic Parts positions and aspects.
There are 50 standard chart points to choose from, including planets, moons, chart
angles, trans-neptunians, asteroids and other minor bodies. There are also additional
sets of asteroids, fixed stars, Arabic parts, and midpoints, for example.
Solar Fire has aspect sets selectable from the 1st to the 12th harmonic, with glyphs and
colors for each, plus the ability to accept user defined aspects of any type.
Solar Fire has an extensive network of help and support for users at all levels of
astrological and computer ability. On-line help is detailed and accessible, the website
has FAQ and numerous tips and tutorials, and you can contact dedicated support
personnel if needed.
If you are new to the Solar Fire program, then you should first read the sections Installing
Solar Fire and Finding Your Way Around Solar Fire. This presents some basic information
about the manner in which the program operates.
If you are familiar with the basic concepts and method of operation, but you wish to find
out how to achieve a specific task, then refer to the relevant chapters in the body of the
User Guide as the need arises (see below}.
If you are upgrading your version of Solar Fire from earlier versions, then you may wish to
refer to the section that contains a summary of differences between this version and
older versions, and Importing Charts, Files and Settings.
• Press the F1 key on the keyboard. This opens an on-line Help topic related to your
current location in Solar Fire
The off-line Help supplied with Solar Fire contains very extensive and detailed
information about all aspects of using Solar Fire. While the context sensitive help
invoked by using the F1 key will probably provide immediate help for the task at hand, it
will rarely be the last word relevant to the task you are performing. To gain a full
appreciation and understanding of the operations you wish to perform in Solar Fire, and
the most effective and efficient ways of carrying them out, progressively read through
the "Contents" of the off-line User Guide, or use it's "Index" to scan for a variety of of
information based on your need.
• Pressing the F1 key from anywhere in Solar Fire, as above, opens the User Guide,
• Select Solar Fire User Guide from the Help menu
Solar Fire has comprehensive off-line Help, which can be invoked from anywhere within
the program. You do not have to be connected to the Intenet to access off-line Help.
• Press the F1 key. This will call up a Windows help window containing information
about whichever window or control currently has the focus. This is known as context
sensitive help.
The Help window has four tabbed panels (called "tabs") on the left hand side. These
tabs are "Contents", "Index", "Search" and "Favorites". When the Help window opens
usually the tab you were last using will be displayed. If you don't see the tabbed panels
this means they have been hidden. To display them click the Show button on the top left
of the Help window. In the same vein if you wish to hide the tabbed panels to make more
room in the window for the Help text itself, click on the Hide button at the top left of the
window. (See below for more information about the tabbed Panel.)
In the Contents tab, help information is arranged into a few different categories. The first
categories introduce you to Solar Fire and get you started. The next categories cover the
everyday use of Solar Fire. The remaining categories cover advanced, technical and
reference information.
Each category contains help chapters, like a book, with some chapters having sub-
To open up a category or chapter, click on "+" sign to the left of the category/chapter, to
close a category/chapter click on the "-" sign to the left of it. The categories, and the
chapters within them, are arranged so that if those new to Solar Fire start reading from
the first chapter in the first category, to the very end of the User Guide, they will
progressively gain a full understanding of how Solar Fire works. The topics are grouped
according to the tasks you'll need to perform first to get going, as well as the
progressive level of skill required to complete the various operations possible in Solar
To aid in reading through the on-line User Guide from beginning to end you can use the
"Next Page", "Previous Page" and "Chapter Overview" red and green arrow buttons to
the right of the topic Header (just above the topic text itself).
However you can also simply jump to any point in the Contents tab at any time to
navigate through topics and their text as you wish.
Use the Index tab to enter words in the "keyword" box that describe what you want help
If the word you are typing exists as an entry in the index it will be jumped to and
highlighted as you type. Often an index entry has related sub-entries underneath it which
makes the index a powerful tool when looking for help on a specific topic. Once you can
see an index entry or sub-entry that you want to look up in the body of the Help text,
either double-click on it with the left mouse button, or click on the Display button at the
The index is the best option to use for quick answers, as it can immediately present to
you an ordered list of all the relevant topics in Help containing the information you are
TIP: if you have entered a word in the "keyword" box but not found what you're looking
for in the Index, check there isn't a similar index entry just above or below the one you
are looking for.
Here are some potentially useful index keywords to try: Aspects, Calculations, Chart,
Directions, Interpretations, Progressions, Points, Reports, Returns, Search, Settings, Solar
Fire, Transits.
If you are reading something in this User Guide and want to know more about it, try
entering a word for it in the "keyword" box - it may lead to more information.
Use the Search tab to search for all occurrences of one or more words in the Help text.
Enter the word{s) you are looking for, then press the Enter key on the keyboard, or click
on the List Topics button. Then double-click on a "Title" or select it by clicking on it once
and then click on the Display button.
Generally you would use the Search tab if you have tried the Index but still couldn't find
what you were looking for. Using Search will enable you to find any piece of information
in Help if it exists, but the results are not organized at all and it is thus more time
consuming processing the results. But you can use it to ferret out any last little detail
about something, if it exists somewhere in the User Guide.
TIP: If you enter several words in the "Type the word(s) to search for" textbox (e.g.
progressed planet) and press the Enter key or click on the List Topics button, all topics
with any of those words (whether they occur together or not, and/or in the order you've
typed them in or not), in their text will be presented - which can result in a large number
of topics which potentially have the information you're looking for.
If however you enclose the words in quote marks (e.g. "progressed planet") then only
text that has that same combination of words occurring together in that order will be
found, usually resulting in far less topics with much more likelihood of containing the
information you're after.
Once you have found and displayed the topic you are interested in you can save that
topic as a favorite for quick access from that point onwards - use the Favorites tab for
this. With the topic text displayed in the right hand viewing pane, click on the Favorites
tab, then on the left, down the bottom below the "Current topic" box, click on the Add
button. At a later time you can then display any topic in the Favorites tab by either
double-clicking on it or by selecting it then clicking on the Display button.
TIP: Often in the Help text you will come across a link (like this) to another topic in the
Help contents. If you click on this link it will jump you directly to that section. To return
to where you were before clicking on the link use the Back & Forward arrows.
You can always tell where you are in Help, relative to the category/chapter hierarchy in
the "Contents" tab, by looking at the "breadcrumb" trail above the topic Header {in small
text at the very top of the Help text). The breadcrumb trail starts with the word
Navigation: followed by Category > Chapterl > Chapter2 > ... etc where "Chapter" is the
name of a chapter or sub-chapter in a Category.
The topic currently displayed on the screen, is either in the last chapter listed in this
"breadcrumb trail", or a standalone topic in the Category listed in the trail. It is called a
breadcrumb trail because each chapter is a "crumb" or link in the route you have made
into the information in that Category. You can also click on any one of the breadcrumbs
(e.g. Chapter2) and you will then jump directly to that chapter itself. As you access
different parts of the Help contents this breadcrumb navigation trail keeps changing to
reflect where you are in the body of the Help text. You'll notice too that as you move
around different topics, the entry in the Contents tab for the current topic you are
reading is also highlighted.
TIP: Sometimes when you have selected an index entry the context of the displayed topic
may not be immediately clear. This is where the breadcrumb trail comes in handy -
simply look at the chapters in the trail and you will be able to see not only which chapter
you are in (the last chapter in the trail), but also where that chapter fits in the Category
hierarchy. If the context still isn't clear click back in the trail (previous chapter),
repeatedly if necessary, until you arrive at the Category itself.
Once you have determined the context of the topic you were originally viewing you can
return to it by clicking the <= Back arrow until the topic is re-displayed. (If you click the
<= Back arrow too many times - overshoot your topic - you can correct this by clicking on
the Forward => arrow as many times as necessary.)
1. Hover the mouse over the right hand vertical border (side) of the Panel until the
cursor turns into a left-right pointing arrow.
2. Click the left mouse button down, and holding it down, drag the mouse either to
the left or right until the Panel is the width that you want it.
3. Release the mouse button.
2.3 Encyclopedia
This encyclopedia contains definitions and articles from Nicholas deVore's original
'Encyclopedia of Astrolog/ with edits and updates by Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd,
2008. Nicholas deVore, 1882-1960, was President of the New York based Astrological
Research Society.
Solar Fire is a very intuitive program to use, even for beginners. However it also a very
full featured program, rich in functionality. Therefore most users at some point will need
to gain a deeper understanding and greater knowledge of how it works. The best way to
do this is by using the on-line Help.
Note: In order to run any of the internet related functions of Solar Fire, you need either to
be already connected to the internet when you run them, or to have the possibility of
connecting when prompted to do so.
If you are having a problem running your software, please don't hesitate to contact our
technical support team.
If the problem you are having is procedural, then please do consult the documentation
first. If you still cannot resolve the problem yourself, then let us know.
The best method of contact is by email, using Technical Support item from Solar Fire's
Help menu. This automatically generates an email for you containing information about
your operating system and program version. All you have to do is add a clear description
of your problem, and then send the email when you are ready.
However, we realize that not everyone will have access to email. In this case you can
contact us by mail, fax or telephone.
Here's a checklist to help you help us when you run into a problem.
• Know what program you're using. This program is Solar Fire version 9.
• Know what equipment you're using. Use this space to keep your hardware brand
information handy.
Computer: e.g. Pentium IV 433Mhz / Core 2 Duo T9400 2.53 GHz / Core i5 2410-M
2.3 GHz
Windows Version: e.g. Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 20000, Windows XP,
Windows Vista, Windows 7, SoftWindows on Macintosh
RAM: e.g. 512MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 6GB
Printer: e.g. HP Laserjet 1200, Epson Stylus Pro, Canon MP640
> As soon as you receive an error message, write it down. This can tell us exactly what
> Also what job were you working on? Were you entering data for a natal chart, or
printing out a chart wheel or experimenting with some other option? Were you
importing Nova-type chart files? Have you used that part of the program before?
With all this information at hand, email, fax or call us on our technical support line.
Technical support is available on most working days. If not, you will be able to leave a
message on our answering machine, and we will get back to you as soon as we can see
(Get Technical Support by Email for more information).
It is possible to get technical support by letter, phone, fax or email. However, the most
efficient means of contact for us is by email, and if you use this built-in option, it
increases the likelihood of a rapid resolution because of the detailed information that it
automatically provides us about your program setup.
Note: Many computers have a MAPI compliant email program, see About MAPI for
further information.
1. Select the Get Technical Support by Email menu item from the Help menu
2. Next you will be prompted to enter your contact registration details.
3. Once you have entered or updated your details, click on the Proceed button to
have your default email program opened automatically with a new email
containing your registration details, program setup information, some computer
configuration information, and addressed to us. You can then preview the email,
insert a description of your problem or query, and send it at your leisure.
Note: Alternatively you can create a new email manually and add your own content into
the body of the email.
To capture a snapshot of a screen in Solar Fire press the Print Screen key on the
keyboard (for the entire screen), or press the Alt key on the keyboard, and while holding
it down press the Print Screen key, then released both keys (for just the active part of the
screen e.g. a small window or dialog box that has the focus). This copies the screen to
the clipboard (i.e. into memory).
Then in the body of the email place the cursor where you want what you copied to be,
and press the Control key and while holding it down press the "V" key on the keyboard,
then release both keys. This will paste the screen snapshot into your email body as a
picture (graphic). If you then click on the picture it will be "selected" and display very
little square boxes (sizing handles) on its corners. Hovering the mouse over a sizing
handle until tyhe cursor changes shape then holding the mouse button down while you
drag the handle diagonally inwards or outwards (depending on whether you want make
the graphic smaller or larger) will re-size the graphic. Once it is the size you want
release the mouse button.
Solar Live is a utility via which we provide (and regularly update) various internet links
that may be of use and interest to Solar Fire users and to astrologers in general.
• Select the Solar Live menu item from the Help menu
• Click on the Solar Live status bar on the Main Screen of Solar Fire
This will attempt a connection to the internet to determine whether any updates are
available for the list of links, and if so download them. The Solar Live dialog is then
Solar Live pv I ,
= Options... j Liuit ;|
© OUT NOW Profession and Money CD lecture by Bernadette Brady
© JigSaw Tutorial Version Now Available J
© Solar Fire Chart Data Update - Please Contribute
m Newsletter - Online Link J
© Download Your Astracadabra for Pocket PCs
m ON-LINE Solar Writer Illustrated Reports Available for Friends and Family
iJ Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth
m Bindi Irwin - A Self-possessed Young Girl
® T raining Workshops in Australia
Click on a topic to view it in your web browser
The list of links is organized into topic headers (with square bullets), and live links
under each topic header (with round bullets).
Individual topics that have previously been visited by you are displayed with a BLUE
round bullet, whereas those that have not yet been visited are displayed with a
YELLOW round bullet.
• Topic headers under which you have previously visited all the available links are
displayed with a BLUE square bullet.
• Topic headers under which there is at (east one previously unvisited topic are
displayed with a LI OW square bullet.
» To Expand all topics to make all the links under them visible
% Cancel ✓ OK
• Auto check for updates on the internet - when checked, Solar Fire will automatically
check for updates after each specified interval of days. On the day that it is checked,
auto checking occurs about one minute after Solar Fire starts running. Note: The
update check will be skipped if there is no internet connection available at the time
of checking. It is recommended that you switch this option off if you don't normally
have an internet connection when you run Solar Fire.
• Auto show new updates when found - when checked, if an update is found, then the
user is immediately notified and prompted whether to display the updated list of
Solar Live links.
• Select the Check for Updates on the Web menu item from the Help menu
If your computer is not already connected to the internet, then you will be prompted to
connect, or connection will start automatically, depending on the internet connection
options in your operating system.
If so then your default web browser will open and display a web page containing links to
download and install the latest software updates.
Note: Using this option does not send any information about you over the internet apart
from your current program version information, and that information is not retained.
You can navigate to the Solar Fire publishers website to find out about our latest news,
products, patch updates and other items of interest.
If your computer is not already connected to the internet, then you will be prompted
to connect, or connection will start automatically, depending on the internet
connection options in your operating system.
When a connection is established, your default web browser will open and display the
home page of our website.
Our philosophy of software design is to create software that addresses the needs and
desires of the users. Consequently we welcome any feedback and suggestions that you
might feel inspired to send us.
1. Select the Submit Suggestions by Email menu item from the Help menu
Firstly, you will be prompted to enter your contact registration details.
2. Once you have entered or updated your details, click on the Proceed button to
open your default email program with a new email containing your registration
You can then preview the email, insert your feedback or suggestion, and send it at
your leisure.
• Select the Other Solar Products menu item from the Help menu
If your computer is not already connected to the internet, then you will be prompted
to connect, or connection will start automatically, depending on the internet
connection options in your operating system.
When a connection is established, your default web browser will open and display the
Registration is desirable, but not obligatory, in order to keep us informed of your current
contact details.
» To register by email
• Select the Register by Email menu item from the Help menu
This will display the "Confirm Current Details" dialog box.
Cancel Proceed
Once you have entered or updated your details, click on the Proceed button to open your
default email program with a new email containing your registration details, and
addressed to us. You can then preview the email and send it at your leisure.
Solar Fire now assists a user by providing a direct link to a web page on the website of
Esoteric Technologies where a list of schools, the principal(s) and a classification of
what type of astrology the school focuses on is displayed.
Getting Started
Getting started in Solar Fire is a simple process. Once you've installed Solar Fire there
are just a few simple set-up tasks to complete and then you're ready to start casting
charts. If you have upgraded your version of Solar Fire you also have the option of
importing all your previous charts, files and settings, so that you can carry on the same
way you were able to in your previous version of Solar Fire.
Installing Solar Fire is simple to do and takes about 15 minutes. The following topics
guide you through the process.
Before installing the program, ensure that you have all the hardware and software you
need to run Solar Fire:
• A hard disk drive with at least 250Mb of free disk space (or about 100Mb for a
compact installation with minimal features installed)
Windows 8 computers
Solar Fire v9 works on PCs running Windows 8 Pro, but not Windows 8 RT.
• Solar Fire v9 will work on a tablet running Windows 8 IF the tablet uses an INTEL
• All tablets using an ARM or other processor (cannot run the older generic non-
Windows 8 applications, and thus) cannot run Solar Fire v9
NOTE: Users on Windows 8 RT devices can only install the newer dedicated Windows 8
"Windows Store" apps.
(Windows Store apps use the "Windows Runtime" (RT for short), a new cross-platform
application architecture that supports both Windows 8 Pro and Windows RT and their
respective processors).
3.1.2 Installation
2. After a short delay, the "Esoteric Program Installation Supervisor" will be displayed.
If an "AutoPlay" dialog box is displayed with "Run INSTALL.EXE" highlighted,
click on this to display the "Esoteric Program Installation Supen/isor".
If a "User Account Control" dialog box is displayed, asking if you want
"INSTALLEXE" to make changes to your computer, click on Yes.
(If nothing happens when you insert the CD, to start the installation: open
"Windows Explorer", then in the left pane click on the icon for the CD/DVD
Drive where you have inserted the installation CD, locate "INSTALL.EXE" in the
right hand pane, and double-click on it with the left mouse button. To open
Windows Explorer see Windows Explorer).
3. Click on "Solar Fire v9" then click on the Install button. The installation program
will display licensing information and guide you through the subsequent steps.
4. You may choose the location for your installation. Unless you are familiar with
folders (also known as "directories"), and have a reason for altering the suggested
location, then it is recommended that you proceed without altering the suggested
(In any case, if you are using a 64-bit version of Windows do not change the
installation location to "C:\Program Files\SolarFire9", as the even though the
installation will go ahead Solar Fire will not work, and you will have to uninstall it
then reinstall it again.)
• Typical - This installs the entire program with all options included. This is the
recommended option for most users.
• Compact - This installs the program with a reduced ephemeris range and no
additional asteroid ephemerides. This option is recommended for those users
who wish to conserve space on their computers, and have no interest in charts
prior to 1200BC or after 3000AD, or in the additional asteroids.
• Custom-This allows you to choose exactly which items to install. This option is
only recommended for expert users who are re-installing parts of the program.
6. You will be shown any important last minute information before the installation
goes ahead.
7. You will next be prompted to enter your name, serial number and password as
supplied to you by your vendor. Note that you must enter these three items exactly
8. The installation will proceed, follow any screen prompts as they arise.
The first time that Solar Fire runs after it has been installed, you will be prompted to
allow some initial setup tasks to be performed.
• Importing Charts, Files and Settings from an earlier version of Solar Fire - this
option is available only if you still have an earlier version of Solar Fire on your
computer. If you prefer not to do this now, you can do it at any later time by
selecting Import Charts and Settings from the Utilities menu.
• Obtaining the "Solar Live" list of links via the Internet - this will ensure that you
have the latest available information. If you prefer not to do this now, you can do
so at any later time by choosing Solar Live from the Help menu.
There are a few further tasks that need to be performed to complete setting up SolarFire.
Some of these involve adjustments to a few Windows settings, others to settings in Solar
Solar Fire does not work with the ACS PC Atlas version 1.x for DOS. If you try to use an
ACS Atlas while running Solar Fire and get the error message "Invalid TIMZON.BIN file",
it means that you have the ACS PC Atlas version 1. In this case, contact your dealer to
have it upgraded to a current version.
If you have a standalone ACS Atlas already on your hard disk, then Solar Fire will connect
with it automatically. However, you can specify between the built-in or standalone
atlases in Solar Fire by clicking on the "Places" tab of the "Preferences" dialog. See
Places for more details.
Most modem computers with internet connections will not need adjusting, as they
automatically check and synchronize their clocks via the internet However, some older
computers may not keep accurate time, or you may want to change from Standard to
Daylight or Summer time or vice-versa, if Windows has not done this for you
• Click on the Date or Time box of the status bar across the top of the Main Screen of
Solar Fire.
This will open up the Control Panel dialog that allows you to reset the date and time
as required.
• Click the Start button, then Control Panel, select the Regional Settings or Region
and Language icon. In the "Time" tab or area of the screen, you can select various
time format options, including whether a 12hr or 24hr clock is used, and how AM/
PM is displayed.
• Click the Start button, then Control Panel, select the Regional Settings or Region
and Language icon. In the "Date" tab or area of the screen, you can select various
date format options, including the order in which the day and month appear.
1. Click on the Place box of the "Date and Place" status bar on the Main Screen.
2. If your current location is one that is already listed in the list of Favorite Places,
then select it with the mouse.
3. Otherwise click on the Add button to open the Atlas and either find your location
or enter it a new location. See Using the ACS Atlas for full instructions on choosing
a place from the Atlas.
4. Once your location appears on the list of favorite places, then select it with the
mouse and select the Set as Default button.
5. You can then click on the Save button to return to the Main Screen.
The location shown in the status bar at the top of the Main Screen will now show the
newly saved location, and the Ascendant and Midheaven will be correct for this location.
You will need to update the default place details in the same way whenever you move
with your computer to a new place.
However, there are some less frequently used options that can be set In the
"Preferences" dialog of Solar Fire, and you may like to set them before you start
calculating charts.
• Zodiac
• Angle Progressions
• Vulcan Calculation
• Part of Fortune
1. Select the Edit Settings... item from the Preferences menu on the Main Screen.
3. This will display six lines of text that you can freely edit
4. When you click on the Save button, any charts subsequently printed will display
the newly edited compliments text, and this text will also be permanently retained
by Solar Fire for future sessions.
If you are new to Solar Fire then you will not have a need to import items from another
Solar Fire installation, and you can skip this topic. However if you have owned an earlier
version of Solar Fire, and it is still installed on your computer, or if you have a copy of
Solar Fire on another disk which is accessible to your computer (via a network or other
link), then you may wish to import copies of charts files, other files and Solar Fire
settings and Preferences from those other copies of Solar Fire. In many cases this is
• Upon first installation, to allow you to automatically set up Solar Fire in the same
way as your previous version of Solar Fire.
• At any later time, to import chart files from Solar Fire on another computer.
Note: Due to the flexibility of Solar Fire in allowing a variety of user-created files and
settings and the fact that there are many differences in design of different versions of
Solar Fire, this import process may not always be 100% successful in setting up Solar Fire
exactly as you would like. You may find after importing settings that you still need to
make several adjustments to settings manually.
What to import
0 Chart Files (Recommended for all users)
0 Default Place Details (Recommended for all users)
0 Compliments Text (Recommended for all users)
□ PagesAVheels/Points/Aspects/Tasks & related files (For advanced users only)
□ Interprefafion Files (For advanced users only)
When the "Import Charts and Settings" dialog opens, it searches for earlier versions of
Solar Fire on your computer, and if any are found, adds them to the list titled Where to
import from, including their folder paths.
The final entry in the list is Other Location..., which will be a blank entry initially, or
otherwise points to the last location your specified here.
This will display a file open dialog, allowing you to navigate to the desired location
(which may also be on another disk or another computer on a network). You must
locate and select the file solfire.exe in the Solar Fire folder that you require. Once you
have done so, the newly selected folder path of the selected location will be
displayed in the list.
In the "Import Charts and Settings" dialog you can choose what items to import by
clicking in their checkboxes individually, or by using the All On or All Off buttons.
• Chart Files - All Solar Fire type chart files and chart comments files (with file
extensions *.SFcht, *.chtand *.chm).
• Interpretation Files - All Solar Fire interpretation files {with file extensions *.int).
Note: If you also select Other Saved Settings, then the default interpretation file
settings will also be set for you.
• Default Place Details-The location and timezone that is set within the other copy
of Solar Fire.
• Compliments Text - The compliments text that is set within the other copy of Solar
Note: If you are using Other location, then any files types can be imported, but place,
compliments and other settings cannot, and will be omitted from the list.
In the "Import Charts and Settings" dialog you can set one of the various import options
• Rename and keep existing files - Use this option to ensure that all existing files
are kept and remain available in addition to any newly imported files. Any existing
files in your current copy of Solar Fire that have the same name as files you are
importing are simply renamed first, by appending a number to the end of the
• Only import Files with different names - Use this option to keep all existing files,
and import only those files that have different names from existing files.
• Overwrite existing files - Use this option to adopt all imported files, keeping only
those existing files that have a different name from any of those being imported.
• Prompt me for each (skip/overwrite) - Use this option to decide on a file by file
basis whether to import any existing file which has the same name as an existing
When importing chart files there is also an additional option (to the one selected above)
to import charts from a file that has the same name as an existing chart file. To do this
• Click on the Merge Chart files with the same name checkbox at the bottom of the
dialog box so that it has a tick in it (clicking on it toggles it on and off). Then if a
chart file being imported has the same name as an existing chart file the charts
from the import file will be copied to the existing chart file (added to the charts
already in the existing file).
Note: that you can use different import options with different import items. To do so, just
choose one item on the What to Import list to import at a time, and set the require
import option separately for each one before importing.
We have designed the Solar Fire program to be flexible and easy to use. There are often
several different ways of achieving the same objective, and it is up to each individual
user to decide the manner in which they prefer to proceed.
Most operations, such as casting a new chart, will be very easy to learn for those who
are experienced astrologers, and the intuitive manner of operation of the program should
enable inexperienced astrologers to proceed almost as quickly.
To facilitate data entry and selection, most have default values, so that it is not
necessary to enter new data every time a dialog is used. Generally, whenever a dialog
box is called up, it will initially contain all the values that were entered into that box the
last time it was used. For example, when a new chart is cast, the chart's name, date,
time, location, house type etc. are all retained. The next time that a new chart is cast, it
will only be necessary to update the items that need to be changed. This makes it very
quick and easy to generate the same chart with a different house system, or with a
slightly different birth time, for example.
• Double-click the Solar Fire shortcut icon on your desktop with the left mouse
button, or click on it once and press the Enter key on the keypad
• From the Start button click on All Programs, then Esoteric Technologies, then
Solar Fire v9, then Solar Fire v9
• In the Program Files folder or the Program Files (x86) folder, find and open the
SolarFire9 folder, and then double-click the icon for the file Solfire.exe. (This option
requires knowledge of Windows folder structures).
If you are using Windows Vista or a later Windows version, and a "User Account Control"
dialog box is displayed, asking if you want "Solfire.exe" to make changes to your
computer, click on Yes.
When you start Solar Fire, the Main Screen appears, ready for you to create charts. To
use the program, you will need to be able to select menu items and command buttons,
enter information into dialog boxes, and use scroll bars and list boxes. If you are
unfamiliar with using menus, dialog boxes, list boxes and scroll bars, then it is desirable
that you read your Windows documentation & Help to familiarize yourself with these
• The Main Screen is the main Solar Fire window that is first displayed when Solar Fire
is opened
• To select an item in a list, a command button, or a menu or menu option - means to
click on it with the left mouse button.
• To "click" on something, unless explicitly stated otherwise, always means to use
the left mouse button to click on an icon, item in a list, a button, menu option etc.
• Menu
• Toolbar
• Date and Place
• Planet Bar
• Background
Each of these is described in more detail in the following sections. Note that you can
switch off some of these components by using options under the "Preferences" menu. Menu
The Menu on the Main Screen provides access to all the available functions and actions
that Solar Fire can perform. Some menu items can be activated by shortcuts - either
particular key combinations, or via Toolbar buttons, or the "Current Settings" panel.
One form of shortcut are "short-cut keys", which are usually the function keys on the
keyboard (e.g. F2, F3 ... etc) or a combination of keys held down together (e.g. the "Ctrl"
key and the "P" key, or the "Shift" key and the function key "Fl" ...). You press and hold
down the first key, and while continuing to hold it down you then press the second key in
the pair, then release both keys.
When you click on a menu (e.g. the Chart menu at the top left of the Main Screen) you
can see all the short-cut keys (for the menu items that have short-cut keys) to the right
of the menu item. When the short-cut key is actually a two key combination it is written
in this format: keyl + key2 e.g. Ctrl+F2. Mostly the descriptions of the keys match the
actual text on the keyboard keys themselves, but not always. For instance, on the Chart
menu the "Delete..." menu item has a short-cut key of "Del". On some keyboards the
actual delete key may have "Delete" written on it, although often it will Just have "Del"
written on it. Toolbar
The Toolbar on the Main Screen contains a range of graphical buttons that provide
shortcuts to various items within Solar Fire. It may be customized by changing the
selection or ordering of the buttons it contains, and can also be switched off altogether
if you prefer. See Editing the Toolbar Buttons for instructions on customizing the Toolbar.
• Click on the Date box in this bar. This will display the Control Panel utility that
allows you to adjust the date on your computer system.
• Click on the Place box in this bar. This will display the "Preferences" dialog for
editing and selecting your current location from an atlas. See Current Default Place
for more details. Changing the place will usually result in the correct timezone
being displayed as well.
• Click on the Timezone box in this bar. This will display a "Time Zone Selection"
dialog from which you can select the correct timezone.
Note: The Ascendant and Midheaven positions are calculated according to the date,
time and place details as displayed in the other panels in this bar. However, other
options that affect these positions are...
• The Default Zodiac type - See Default Zodiac for further information.
As well as allowing you to see what options are in effect, this panel provides a shortcut
to altering these options, simply by clicking on the option you wish to change. For
example, clicking on the Displayed Points area will cause the "File Manager" to appear
with a list of displayed point selections, allowing you to select an alternative file or
perform various other functions.
Note: The "current" chart in the list of "Calculated Charts" can be determined by it's
appearance in the list. If only one chart is highlighted that is the current chart. If many
charts are highlighted the current chart will be one of these and it will be surrounded by
a dotted rectangle. The current chart is the last chart to be selected, i.e. to be clicked on,
or dragged over, by the mouse or up/down arrow keys.
• Use a right hand mouse click while the mouse is over the "Chart Preview" panel.
• Chart Details & Comments - Display chart captions and chart comments (if any)
• Preview Wheel Style - Allowing you to select an alternative wheel style to display
The following information is also displayed just below the preview window...
• "Save Status"-This is a caption that indicates whether or not this chart is already
saved in a chart file. The text can be "Not Saved", "Saved", "Retained" or "Cannot
be Saved". If the current chart was opened from a file, or was saved to a file, then
hovering the mouse over this item causes a pop-up hint to appear showing the
filename and record number of the chart, and clicking on this item will cause the
Chart Open dialog to appear, displaying this file and highlighting this chart entry in
• "Comments" - This is text that indicates whether or not any comments have been
added to this chart, and if so how many characters of text. Clicking on this item will
open up the comments editing dialog in which you can see the comments and edit
them if you wish.
• "Events" - This is text that indicates whether or not any life events have been
added to this chart, and if so how many events. Clicking on this item will open up
the events editing dialog in which you can see the events and add, delete or edit
them if you wish.
You can add to this list by casting new charts, opening saved charts, generating
subsidiary charts using various options in the "Chart" menu, or copying a chart that is
already in the "Calculated Charts" list.
You can select any number of charts in this list by holding down Ctrl or Shift keys while
clicking the left mouse button. (The "Current Chart Preview" panel will always display
the details of the most recently selected chart - the "current" chart.) To select charts all
adjacent to each other (next to each other) in the list click on the first chart, then hold
the Shift key down and click on the last chart you want, then release the Shift key. To
select charts not adjacent in the list click on the first chart, then hold the Ctrl key down
and click on each chart you want in the selection, then release the Ctrl key. Use the Ctrl
in the same manner to unselect any chart from a selection.
Some functions in Solar Fire will allow all your selected charts to be processed, whilst
others can work only with the single current chart. For example, when you choose View /
Current Chart or Chart/Save to File, all the selected charts will be processed. However,
when you choose Interps / View, only the current chart is used.
You can also delete charts from this list if you wish. To delete many at the same time
first select all the charts, as described above.
You can get further information about each planet or item by moving the mouse over its
box. This will cause a "hint" type message to appear, giving the following information.
• The Moon and the Sun - Sign, date and time of last sign ingress, and of next sign
• Other Planets - Date and time and position of last and next planetary station.
• Lunar Phases - Date and time of the last and next new or full moon.
• Eclipses - Date, time and eclipse type of the last and next eclipses. Background
The background of the Main Screen may be customized to show either a uniform color or
a user-selected graphic.
• Click the right-hand mouse button anywhere over the background area of the Main
• Background Graphic... - This will display a file selection dialog allowing you to
browse for a graphic file that you wish to display. This must be a file of type *.bmp,
^.rle, *.gif, *.jpg; ^.jpeg, ♦.wmt ♦.emf, *.ico. Once selected the graphic will be
either tiled or stretched according to the option selected below.
• Background Color... - This will display a color selection dialog allowing you to
select any desired color. Note that you must clear any existing graphic file before
this change will take effect.
• Clear Graphic - This will clear any graphic file that has been previously selected, in
which case the current background color will be applied.
• Tile - If a graphic file is being displayed, this will tile the graphic to fill the entire
background area.
• Stretch - If a graphic file is being displayed, this will stretch the graphic to fill the
entire background area.
Before exiting from Solar Fire you may wish to save any charts you've cast that haven't
been saved yet (see Saving your charts).
• Click on the Chart menu in the Main Screen, then click on the Exit option.
If you haven't saved all new or edited charts before exiting you will also be prompted
if you wish to do so (see Saving Charts to a File for more information).
Although Windows is most easily used with a mouse, use of the keyboard is compulsory
for certain data entry items, and it is possible to perform almost all operations from the
keyboard instead of the mouse if this is desired.
Additionally, there are various "short-cut" keys that enable some tasks to be invoked
more quickly from the keyboard then by using a mouse.
When the text in a dialog box is selected (highlighted), then typing any text will cause
the existing text to be deleted. To avoid this, use the END or cursor keys to switch off the
selection of text before typing any characters.
When you are viewing interpretations in the "Interpretations Window", the following
short-cut keys apply
Note: "CTRL" is an abbreviation for "Control". "DEL" is an abbreviation for "Delete". "INS"
is an abbreviation for "Insert".
TIP: You can quickly exit the "View Chart" window and many dialog boxes (such as the
"New Chart Data Entry", "Chart Database", "Dynamic Reports Selection" etc.) by pressing
the ESC short-cut key on the keyboard.
With dialog boxes check first that you have finished with that dialog; pressing "ESC" with
some dialog boxes is equivalent to cancelling the dialog.
See How short-cut keys work for information on using short-cut keys.
When the Solar Fire program saves and reads charts to and from chart databases, only
the chart details are stored e.g. name, date, time, location, etc. Planetary positions and
house cusp positions are not stored in a chart database file.
However, once a new chart is cast in the program or opened from a chart database, all
planetary positions and house cusps are calculated and stored until the user exits from
the program. These are known as "Calculated Charts", and the Main Screen displays a
list of all such charts in a list box.
It is only possible to display a chart, aspect grid, report, or to generate any subsidiary
charts, after that chart has been calculated and is listed in the "Calculated Charts" list
box on the Main Screen.
Calculated charts can be of any type - natal, progressed, return, composite, harmonic,
The following table summarizes which chart types may be used in each type of
operation. The O symbol denotes that it is possible to perform the operation in the
left hand column on the chart type at the top of that column.
Open To retrieve chart details from a chart file and calculate the chart
Save To store the details of a chart to a chart database file
Edit To copy and edit an existing calculated chart
Delete To delete a chart from the list of "Calculated Charts"
Retain To retain calculated charts for use in future sessions
Progress Tocalculatea progressed or directed chart from a basechart
Return Tocalculatea planet or asteroid return chart from a basechart
Combi ne Tocalculatea combined chart from two or more base charts
Harmonic To calculate an harmonic or arc transform chart from a base chart
Antiscia To calculate an antiscia or contra-antiscia chart from a basechart
Locality To calculatea relocated or locality chart froma basechart
View To view a calculated charter aspect grid on the screen or to print it
Report To generate a report from a basechart
Dynamic To generate a transits/progressions report or graphic ephemeris from a base chart
Charts which are equivalent to Natal are - Return, Ingress, Transit, Davison, Lunar Phase,
Lunar Phase Return, Rise/Set, Prenatal, Relocated
Once you've carried out a few simple tasks in Solar Fire, you'll probably be able to run
the program without much reference to the manual, unless you wish to learn about some
of the advanced operations possible. This section takes you through the basic tasks and
gives you an idea of some of the things that Solar Fire can do.
If you have never used any version of Solar Fire before, then the easiest way to learn the
program is to go through this chapter and try out each operation that is described. If you
are eager to plunge in on your own, we recommend that you start with the tasks below.
If you have already used earlier versions of Solar Fire, then you can skip most of this
section, simply noting the parts that are new.
If you haven't already started Solar Fire refer to Starting Solar Fire to do so.
1. Click on the Chart menu on the Main Screen, then click on the New option.
2. Enter all the natal details, including name, date, time, place and timezone. (It is
possible to use the Place or Zone buttons to choose an existing location or
3. Select a house system, coordinate system and zodiac type from the available
choices on the screen. (Normally, western astrologers use Placidus, Koch or
Porphyry houses, geocentric coordinates and the tropical zodiac.)
5. Click on the OK button. The program will then calculate all the planetary positions
and house cusps, and add the chart to the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main
6. To display the chart - click on the View menu on the Main Screen, then the Current
Chart option (or to view the chart with an aspect grid, click on the Current Chart
+Grid option instead).
7. To print the chart on your printer, select the Print button from the "View Chart"
window, or select the Print Chart option from the View menu on the Main Screen.
» To change the current set of displayed points and view a chart with the new
1. Click on the Chart Options menu on the Main Screen, then click on the Displayed
Points option.
2. Click on the name of an alternative set of displayed points from the list, and click
on the Select button.
3. Click on the View menu on the Main Screen, then click on the Last Image item
The last image that you created will then appear on the "View Chart" window.
(If the "Last Image" item is greyed out, click on the Current Chart option from
the View menu on the Main Screen).
In order to redraw any of the existing chart images in the "View Chart" window with
the new set of displayed points...
» To change the current aspect set and view a chart with the new aspects
1) Click on the Chart Options menu on the Main Screen, then click on the Aspect Set
3) Click on the name of an alternative aspect set from the list, and click on the Select
4) Click on the View menu on the Main Screen, then click on the Last Image item
from - The last image that you created will then appear on the "View Chart"
(If the "Last Image" item is greyed out, click on the Current Chart option from
the View menu on the Main Screen).
In order to redraw any of the existing chart images in the "View Chart" window with
the new aspect set...
» To change the current set of aspected points and view a chart with the different
displayed aspects
1) Click on the Chart Options menu on the Main Screen, then click on the Aspected
Points option.
2) Click on the name of an alternative set of aspected points from the list, and click
on the Select button.
3) Click on the View menu on the Main Screen, then click on the Last Image item from
The last image that you created will then appear on the "View Chart" window.
(If the "Last Image" item is greyed out, click on the Current Chart option from
the View menu on the Main Screen).
In order to redraw any of the existing chart images in the "View Chart" window with
the different displayed aspects:
1. In the Main Screen select the chart in the "Calculated Charts" list.
2. Select the Full Report item from the Interps menu. This will display a selection
dialog box from which you can choose which categories of interpretations will be
included in the report.
You can select any of the available text categories by ensuring that the check box for
that category contains an "X". Click on any of these to select or unselect them. If you
switch off the "Chart Points" category then it is not possible to include categories
relating to rulerships and aspects between points, so these option become disabled
(greyed out). When you are happy with the selection, click on the View button. Your word
processor will be opened up displaying this report. You are then free to browse the
report or to print it. When you have finished with the report, exit from your word
Note: If you do not exit from your word processor, then the next time that you generate
an interpretations report you may see the old report instead of the newly generated one.
If this happens, then exit from your word-processor, and generate the report again.
2. Select the Synastry Report item from the Interps menu. This will display a
selection dialog box from which you can choose which categories of interpretations
will be included In the report, and also the gender of each of the charts.
The interpretation categories may be selected in the same manner as for natal
interpretations. However, bear in mind that the some categories do not apply to the
synastry report, so that selecting them will make no difference to the final report. In
particular, the following items are not included in the default synastry report.
• Balances
• House Cusps
• Rulerships & Dispositor
• Rays
» To save a chart
1) In the list of "Calculated Charts" click on the chart you want to save..
2) Click on the Chart menu then click on the Save to File option. This opens the File
Management "Save Charts To" dialog box.
3) If you cannot see a file name in the list that you would want to save your chart to,
then create a new chart file...
a) Click the Create button
b) Enter a name for your new chart file
c) Click the OK button
d) Click the Yes button (to create a v6/v7/v8/v9 format chart file)
4) Click on any filename in the list, then scroll through the list by pressing the Up or
Down arrow keys on the keyboard, until the filename you want to use is
a) Click on the File button. This will open the "File Manager".
b) In the list click on the name of the chart file that contains the chart you want
to open.
c) Click on the Select button. This will open the selected chart file and its
charts will now be displayed in the list of charts.
When the chart you want to open is displayed in the list of charts...
1. Either cast a new chart or open the existing chart for which you wish to generate a
solar return chart.
2. Click on the Chart menu on the Main Screen, then click on the Return & Ingress
3. Select the chart that you wish to use by clicking on the chart in the Base Charts list,
and ensure that the selected calculation method in the Chart Type to Generate is
"Solar Return".
5. The location of the selected base chart will automatically be entered, and this will
be sufficient to cast the Solar Return chart. However if you want to calculate the
Solar Return for a different location enter the details of the different place. (It is
possible to use the "Location" option buttons or the Place or Zone buttons to
choose an existing location ortimezone.)
6. Click on the OK button - The program will then calculate all the planetary positions
and house cusps, and add the chart to the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main
7. Select the Current Chart option from the View menu on the Main Screen to display
the chart.
8. To print the chart on your printer, select the Print button from the "View Chart"
window, or select the Print Chart option from the View menu on the Main Screen.
1. Either cast new charts or open the existing charts that you wish to use in the
bi wheel.
2. Click on the View menu on the Main Screen, then click on the BiWheel option.
3. Select the charts that you wish to place on the inner and outer wheels..
a) In the "Selected Charts" box click on Inner Wheel then click on a chart for that
wheel in the Charts list.
b) Outer Wheel in the "Selected Charts" box will now be highlighted. Click on
another chart for that wheel in the Charts list.
4. Click on the View button - the BiWheel will then be drawn on the "View Chart"
5. To print the biwheel on your printer, select the Print button from the "View Chart"
window, or repeat the first 3 steps above and then select Print button from the
"BiWheel Selection" dialog box.
1) Either cast new natal charts (see Casting a Natal Chart) or open the existing charts
that you wish to use in the grid.
2) Click on the View menu on the Main Screen, then click on the Synastry Grid
3) Select the charts that you wish to place across the top and side of the grid.
a) In the "Selected Charts" box click on Across then click on a chart for the top of the
grid in the Charts list.
b) Down in the "Selected Charts" box will now be highlighted. Click on another chart
for the side of the grid in the Charts list.
4) Click on the View button - The grid will then be drawn on the "View Chart" window.
5) To print the grid on your printer, select the Print button from the "View Chart"
window, or repeat the first 3 steps above and then select Print button from the
"Synastry Grid Selection" dialog box.
4 Basic Operations
Solar Fire is generally a very intuitive program to use. It is also flexible and efficient in
the way it allows you to work with many different windows at the same time without
creating clutter on your screen. Additionally most of the common operations can be
carried out either by using the mouse, or the keyboard (see Short-Cut Keys).
The topics in this chapter cover the procedures you need for basic chart casting.
Before exiting from Solar Fire you may wish to save any charts you've cast that haven't
been saved yet (see Saving your charts).
• Click on the Chart menu in the Main Screen, then click on the Exit option.
If you haven't saved all new or edited charts before exiting you will also be prompted
if you wish to do so (see Saving Charts to a File for more information).
This chapter describes how to enter data to cast a new natal or event chart. The same
conventions apply to entering data for subsidiary charts, dynamic reports and all other
places where you would enter dates, times or places.
There are several options in Solar Fire that affect the calculation of the chart. If you wish
to alter them, then you must do so before the chart is cast, as you cannot set them on
the "New Chart Data Entry" screen.
• Lunar Parallax - Whether or not a correction is made to the moon's position due to
location. Most astrologers do not correct the moon for parallax.
• Lunar Node Type - Whether the true node or mean node is calculated. Astrologers
today are fairly evenly divided on this issue.
• Part of Fortune - Which formula is used to calculate the position of the Part of
Fortune in the chart, i.e. whether to use ASC+Moon-Sun for both day and night
births, or to change it to ASC+Sun-Moon for night births.
• MC in Polar Regions - Which formula is used to calculate the position of the MC for
charts cast in locations when the Sun does not rise across the horizon during the
1. Select the Edit Settings item from the "Preferences" menu on the Main Screen.
Suit OK More OK
When this dialog box is displayed it will already contain data. If you have not yet cast or
opened a chart since the program was started, then the data displayed is whatever has
last been saved as default values. (See Saving and Restoring Settings for details of how
to alter default values.} Otherwise it will contain the data from the last chart that was
cast or opened.
To cast a quick chart for the current time and place, you can use the default time and
place values that you have already set. This is handy for casting a quick horary or event
Up to 30 characters of text may be entered to describe the chart. Typically this will be
the name of the person for whom a birth chart is being cast (e.g. "John Smith"), but could
also be a description of an event (e.g. "President's Inauguration"), or a horary question
(e.g. "Where are my keys?"). You must enter at least 1 character in the Chart Name box.
Note: If the name you enter contains the string "transit" anywhere, then the event type
is automatically set to "Event". If the name you enter ends with a "?", then the event
type is automatically set to "Horary". However, you can subsequently alter this
automatic event type selection if you wish.
Note: For chart list indexing and when combined charts are being produced, the last item
on the line is assumed to be a "last name" (except in the case of Event and Horary
charts). Therefore, when entering chart names for a person's natal chart, we recommend
that names always be entered with the first name first, and the last name last.
You can enter the date in almost any format you like, and when you leave the date box,
the date will be converted into Solar Fire's standard format. If you enter an impossible
date such as February 30 or a month number greater than 12, or use a format that the
program does not understand, then you will get an error message and be given a chance
to try again.
There is also a group of three spin buttons to the right of the date entry box. These
buttons allow you increment the individual parts of the date upwards or downwards
without having to retype the entire date. For example, the rightmost spin button allows
you to change the year number up or down by one year at a time.
Following are some examples of valid dates, and the manner in which they are displayed
by the program.
The display format that Solar Fire uses is based on the date order settings within
Windows, which may be set by using the Regional Settings icon on the Windows
Control Panel.
Description of Format
You must enter a day, month and year, separated by any of the following characters:
blank(); slash(/); period{.); colon(:); semi-colon(;) or comma(,). If you use a month name
or abbreviation instead of a month number, then you do not need to use any separators.
You may also enter just a day number, in which case the last entered month and year are
assumed, or just a day and month in which case the last entered year is assumed. You
may also enter just a 4 digit year number, in which the day and month are automatically
set as 1st January.
• A day number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, ..., 31). You may also use any of the following suffixes:
"st", "nd", "rd" or "th".
• A month name, abbreviation or number (e.g. Jan, Feb, Mar, ..., Dec, or 1, 2, 3, ...,
12). These must be English month names, but may be in upper, lower or mixed case.
Abbreviations must contain at least the first three letters of the month name. If you
use a month name or abbreviation, then it does not matter whether you put the day
or the month first. Flowever, if you use a month number, then you must ensure that
you enter the date in whatever order has been set in Windows. See Selecting a Date
Format for instructions on settings the Windows date order.
• A year number (e.g. 57, 1957, 2005, -6). You may also use any of the following
epoch indicators: "AD", "A.D.", "BC", "B.C.", "CE", "C.E.", "BCE", "B.C.E". If you
only enter two digits, then the year is assumed to be within the time window
specified in the Preference settings. To enter dates in the 1st century, you must use
a 00 prefix (e.g. 0059 for year 59).
The epoch is assumed to be AD unless BC or BCE has been entered, or if the year is
negative. If the year is negative, then Solar Fire will automatically convert the year into a
BC year, and remove the minus sign. (Note that there is a difference of 1 year between
BC years and negative (astronomical) years e.g. the year -6 is converted into 7 BC. This
is due to the absence of a year 0 in the BC format.)
Unless you specify otherwise (by entering an OS or NS suffix). Solar Fire assumes that
the dates that you enter...
• on or before 14th October 1582 are in the old style (Julian) calendar.
• on or after 15th October 1582 are in the new style (Gregorian) calendar.
The Gregorian calendar was not adopted everywhere at the same time. Sometimes dates
after 15th October 1582 are given in terms of the old style calendar (often followed by
the initials O.S.). Also, some sources convert pre 1582 dates to new style dates (often
followed by the initials N.S.).
If you wish to enter a date on or after the 15th October 1582 which is expressed as an
old style date, then add the suffix "OS" or "O.S." to the entered date (e.g. 17 Dec 1723
If you wish to enter a date before the 15th October 1582 which is expressed as a new
style date, then add the suffix "NS" or "N.S." to the entered date (e.g. 7 Jan 1503 NS).
The way in which these dates are displayed in Solar Fire depends on user-modifiable
preferences. You can determine whether or not Solar Fire will automatically convert any
entered dates into the default calendar for that date, or alternatively whether any dates
that you enter with an OS or NS suffix will always be displayed exactly as they were
entered. Additionally, you can specify a range of years between which the OS or NS
indicator is displayed with all dates. See Changing Preferences for more details.
The following table shows the adjustment that Solar Fire makes in order to convert from
old style to new style dates
The time that you enter should be ordinary clock time of the locality, or "Universal
Time". If you enter a Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time, be sure to change the
initials in the Zone box to "UT" or "GMT". If necessary you can also enter a Local Mean
Time or a Local Apparent Time which were the prevalent time standards prior to the late
19th century. If you enter time as Local Mean Time or Local Apparent Time then you
should enter "LMT" or "LAT" in the Zone box.
There is no need to convert a time to Ephemeris Time (ET), as Solar Fire does this
internally whenever it is necessary.
You may enter a time in any of the most commonly used formats. Any characters within
the time may be in upper, lower or mixed case. Entered times are always immediately
transformed into a standard display format if they are recognized. If they are not
recognized as valid times then an error dialog box appears, after which a further attempt
may be made.
The display format that Solar Fire uses is based on the time format settings within
Windows, which may be set by using the Regional Settings icon on the Windows
Control Panel. See Selecting a Time Format for further details.
Following are some examples of valid times, and the manner in which they are displayed
by the program:
Description of Format
• You must enter at least an hour; minutes and seconds are optional. You can separate
hours, minutes and seconds with a blank{), slash(/), period(.), colon(:),semi-colon{;) or
• You can enter time in the 24 hour format (with an hour from 0 to 23), or you can use an
AM/PM format by typing either AM or PM after the time. If the hour number is less
than 12, then there is no need to type AM.
• You can also enter any of the following words: "Noon", "Midday" or "Midnight".
Location details are: the place name, the country or state, the timezone, the latitude and
the longitude. It is possible to enter each of these items manually onto the "New Chart
Data Entry" screen, but there are also shortcuts to finding and entering the location
details that you need.
You would normally already have set the default location to be where you live (see
Setting the Default Place). To retrieve all the details and insert them automatically into
the required text boxes, simply select the Restore button.
TIP: To recall a place that you have used recently, or is on your list of favorite places,
click on the down arrow on the Place drop-down box and select the required place from
the list
2. Enter the name of the required place into the Place box. You can enter up to 20
characters to describe the location name. Typically this would be city name or city
name and state (e.g. "London" or "New York NY").
3. Enter the country or state into the Country/State box. You can enter up to 20
characters to describe the country or state (e.g. Canada, USA, Australia, NY, MA,
4. As soon as you move the cursor out of the Country/State box (or press the Enter
key whilst the cursor is still in the Country/State box), an atlas lookup will be
performed invisibly to you, and if the place is found, then the remaining zone
latitude and longitude boxes will be updated with the details stored in the atlas for
this place.
5. If the place is not found in the atlas, then you will see a dialog box informing you
of this, and you will be taken into the place dialogs in order to try to find the
required place.
SHORTCUT: If when entering a new chart, you enter a place in the "Place" textbox and
see that the country for that place is already entered in Country/State textbox, and
therefore you next click on the "OK" button, a warning may be displayed. This is to
ensure that the timezone, latitude and longitude are updated for the place you have
just entered, and the warning will tell you that a Country must also be entered. If you
know the country is correct then you can just click in the "Country/State" textbox and
then click on the "OK" button again - this will force a fresh lookup of the place details
in the Atlas, there is no need in this case to actually re-enter the country again.
This will display a dialog box that allows the selection or entry of a place from the ACS
Atlas. This is described in detail in Using the ACS Atlas. Using this button will cause data
to be automatically entered into all the boxes relating to location, including time zone,
longitude and latitude. The time zone will be adjusted automatically for any daylight
saving etc.
If you have already obtained all the location details from the atlas, then you can skip the
following sections that describe how to enter timezones, latitudes and longitudes.
Time zones may be selected either by using the Zone button to display the "Time Zone
Selection" screen, or by entering a time zone mnemonic or a time directly into the Zone
You can enter standard time zones, local Mean Time or Local Apparent Time.
• Standard Time Zones - These are standards that were adopted by various
authorities in order to ensure that all people living in the same region used the
same time standard.
• Local Mean Time (LMT) - This is the standard time of the longitude of a location.
This was used in most places prior to the adoption of standard time zones. Using
this standard, the mean position of the Sun is on the meridian at noon, but note
that the true Sun varies from this position by up to about 15 minutes either way.
• Local Apparent Time (LAT) - This is the time according to the true position of the
Sun in its diurnal arc, which is equivalent to sundial time. By this standard, noon
occurs on each day when the Sun is exactly on the meridian. This is the standard
that was generally used prior to LMT.
• Enter one of the standard 3 or 4 letter time zone abbreviations {e.g. "EST", "AEST",
"BST", "CWT", etc.).
For the program to recognize the abbreviation, it must be in Solar Fire's internal time
zone database. If the abbreviation is not recognized, you will see an error dialog box, and
you can try again. If it is recognized, then the corresponding zone time will be
automatically appended after the abbreviation in the Zone box.
• Enter the number of hours (and optionally minutes and seconds) from Universal
Time or Greenwich Mean Time e.g. +8 or 8 for Pacific Standard Time, or -10:30 for
Australian Central Daylight Time. For zones west of Greenwich, use a plus (+) sign
or no sign. For zones east of Greenwich, use a minus (-) sign. You must use a
colon(:) to separate hours minutes and seconds.
The correct zone time for the current longitude will be appended after the abbreviation in
the Zone box, and if you subsequently alter the longitude, this zone time will be
amended automatically.
The correct zone time for the current date and location will be appended after the
abbreviation in the Zone box, and if you subsequently alter the longitude or date, this
zone time will be amended automatically.
This will display the "Time Zone Selection" dialog box from which a time zone may be
You can alter the order in which entries are shown by selecting the Sort Order as
• Full Name - the records will be sorted into ascending alphabetical order of their full
descriptive name.
• Zone Time - the records will be sorted into numerical order by their hours from
GMT. (Note that the ordering is from 0 to 12 positive numbers followed by 0 to 12
negative numbers).
• Mnemonic - the records will be sorted into ascending alphabetical order of their
mnemonic abbreviation.
» To retrieve time zone details to the screen from which the Zone button was
1. Select the desired time zone entry from the list box
Longitudes and latitudes must be entered either in degrees and minutes with a letter
indicator of which hemisphere they are in, or as a decimal degree number with its sign
indicating which hemisphere {-ve for East or South).
Longitudes and latitude must have at least a degree number (i.e. 0 to 180 for longitude,
0 to 90 for latitude) and a hemisphere code (i.e. E or W for longitude, N or S for latitude).
They may also have a minutes number (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 59) and a seconds number.
Separators between the numbers may be any of the following: blank( ); slash(/);
period(.); colon(:); semi-colon(;) or comma(,).
Enter ordinary geographic latitudes, even if you want to use the geocentric latitude.
(Atlases always give geographic latitudes). If you wish to use geocentric latitudes in
chart calculations then you should switch the Geocentric Lats option on. See Optional
Correction Factors for instructions on how to do this.
By default, any new chart is labeled as an "Unspecified" chart, which is a catchall name
to cover any kind of astrological chart. However, you are also able to select some
alternative labels that describe more exactly what type of event the chart describes.
Some of these labels are used in other parts of Solar Fire to help display chart
information in its most appropriate format.
If the event type that you wish to select is not already highlighted in the Event Type list
box, then simply find the required event type from the drop-down list and highlight it.
• Unspecified - This is used for charts which were created in older versions of Solar
Fire, or alterative astrology programs when imported into Solar Fire.
• Male - use this label for the birth chart of a male. This label is used in synastry
reports to apply the correct gender language to the interpretations.
• Female - use this label for the birth chart of a female. This label is used in synastry
reports to apply the correct gender language to the interpretations.
• Event - use this label for any non-natal chart, such as a transit chart or mundane
• Horary - use this label for any chart which is cast for the purpose of asking an
horary question. In this case, the Chart Name can contain the text of the question.
If the house system that you wish to use is not already highlighted in the House System
drop-down list box, then simply find the required house system from the list and
highlight it.
You can reset the default house system that Is selected whenever you start Solar Fire by
altering a preferences setting. See Houses for Instructions on selecting the default house
system, and a description of what they mean.
You can select any of the available zodiac types by highlighting the desired option on the
drop-down list of Zodiac types.
Most Western astrologers normally use the Tropical zodiac, whereas Sidereal astrologers
normally use one of the other (sidereal) zodiacs. Most Western astrologers who practice
sidereal astrology use the Fagan-Allen zodiac.
The initial default value of the zodiac selection is set according to your choice of zodiac
in the Preferences menu. See Zodiac for instructions on changing the default zodiac.
You can select either geocentric or heliocentric coordinates from the drop-down
Coordinate System list.
Most astrologers use the geocentric coordinate system. If you select the heliocentric
coordinate system, then the chart will be calculated with heliocentric planetary positions
on geocentric houses.
If you do not want to display geocentric houses on a heliocentric chart, then you could
select "0 Deg Aries" as your house system, as this is a "neutral" house system which is
independent of the chart's location on earth.
The source rating is an optional code that indicates how accurate or reliable the charts
date and time are. This is very useful when charts are exchanged with other astrologers,
because it can help avoid misunderstandings about how accurately a chart's time is
known. For example, a chart's time may be given as "10:43 am", implying that it was
timed to the nearest minute, but if the source rating is given as "D - Conflicting/
Unverified", then an astrologer would be very cautious about drawing firm conclusions
from the chart.
The predefined rating codes are known as "Rodden Rating" codes as devised and
promoted by Lois Rodden. These codes are:
• AA - From birth record, e.g. directly from a birth certificate or hospital record, or
quoted from such a record
• X - Time unknown e.g. only the date is known or has been rectified without an
approximate starting time
in addition to entering a source rating code, you can optionally also enter a brief source
description to elucidate the rating code. The purpose of this field is to provide more
information about the chart rating than can be conveyed by the two-character source
rating code.
It is possible to enter up to about 30,000 characters {many pages) of free text which is
stored and saved along with the chart details. This can be used to store, for example,
biographical information, a description of the chart event, records of what astrological
analysis has been done on the chart, notes on the chart's rectification etc.
This will open up the comments editing window, which allows you to browse, enter or
edit any comments text. Any text that you enter will remain associated with the chart
when you use it in Solar Fire, so that when you save the chart to a file, the comments
Note that you can also easily edit any comments that you enter here after you have
calculated the chart, and also after you have saved the chart, if you wish to, from other
places in the program.
However, if you do not save this chart to a file or retain it before exiting from Solar Fire,
then any comments that you enter here will be discarded along with the chart that you
create here.
It is possible to enter an indefinite number of life events relating to a chart, which are
stored and saved along with the chart details (see Working with Life Events for more
information). These events can be accessed in other parts of Solar Fire, making it easy to
cast subsidiary charts (such as progressions or directions) for such life events, or view
the chart animation screen for these life events, without having to re-enter the event
details again.
Each life event can also have an unlimited amount of free text stored with it. This can be
used, for example, to store a description or detailed account of the event and
circumstances surrounding it.
This will open up the Life Events editing window, which allows you to browse, enter or
edit any life events. Any events that you enter will remain associated with the chart
when you use it in Solar Fire, so that when you save it to a file, the life events that
you enter here will also be saved with it. See 50 for an explanation of how to use the
Life Events editing window.
Note that you can also easily edit any life events that you enter here after you have
calculated the chart, and also after you have saved the chart, if you wish to, from other
places in the program.
However, if you do not save this chart to a file or retain it before exiting from Solar Fire,
then any life events that you enter here will be discarded along with the chart that you
create here.
When all the required data items have been entered and preferred options chosen,
select either the OK or the OK More button.
• OK - The chart is then calculated and added to the list of "Calculated Charts" on
the Main Screen, and the New Chart Data Entry screen closes.
• OK More - The chart is then calculated and added to the list of "Calculated Charts"
on the Main Screen, and the New Chart Data Entry screen remains open ready for
It is possible to view, print, report on, or cast subsidiary charts from any such chart on
the list of "Calculated Charts" by selecting the appropriate options from the menu.
This chapter describes how to select a place for use in chart casting, and how to manage
the place database and atlas data.
If you have a standalone ACS Atlas installed on your computer, then you can choose
whether you wish to use this Atlas in preference to Solar Fire's built-in ACS Atlas. See
Atlas to Use for instructions on how to select which Atlas you wish to use.
Lookup] [
Cancel Select
When the ACS PC Atlas dialog appears, the place, date and time boxes will contain the
information that was held on the "New Chart Data Entry" dialog . You have the option of
changing any of these if you wish to, and then clicking on any of the four main command
buttons, which are described below. When you have found the place that you require,
then clicking on the OK button will return you to the previous screen, and the displayed
place details will be copied automatically onto that screen.
Atlas Lookup
You may enter the place to look up using any of the following formats...
• PlaceName
• PlaceName, CountryOrStateName
When you click on the Lookup button, one of the following will occur...
• A Place name with a country name or US State name - (e.g. "Athens, Greece") If
this place name exists as a unique name in the given country or state, then the
lookup is performed immediately, and the results shown in this dialog. If there is
more than one such place with this name, then you will be presented with a list of
these places, from which you can select one. If the place name does not exist, then
you will be presented with a list of places in that country or state whose names are
closest, alphabetically, to the one you entered.
• A Place name with country name as "US" or "USA" - (e.g. "Athens, USA") If this
place name exists in a US state within the atlas, then you will be presented with a
list of all places found with that state name and the local administrative division in
which they fall. If the place name does not exist within the atlas, then you will be
presented with a list of US state names from which to choose, after which you will
be presented with a list of places in the chosen state whose names are closest,
alphabetically, to the one you entered.
• A Place name (without country or state name) - (e.g. "Athens") If this place
name exists in the atlas, then you will be presented with a list of all places found
with their country or US state name and the local administrative division in which
they fall. If the place name does not exist within the atlas, then you will be
presented with a list of country or state names from which to choose, after which
you will be presented with a list of places in the chosen country or state whose
names are closest, alphabetically, to the one you entered.
Similar Names
If you click on the Similar Names button, or if the place you are looking for was not
found, then you will be presented with the City dialog box.
Radius Search
• If you click on the Radius Search Button, then the selection box appears.
Radius Search
Search around:-
Latitude: Uf
Longitude: laB-ESS'
Distance: 5 Minutes
The initial settings of the longitude and latitude will be the same as the most recent
entry that was found in the atlas. You have the option of altering these if you wish, and
of specifying the radius of the search in minutes of arc by editing the Distance box. By
default it is set to 1 minute of arc.
If no entries are found within the given radius, then you will be returned to the ACS
Atlas screen without any result.
Zone Changes
» To see a list of dates and times at which the time zone changes occur
2. Selecting the OK button will simply return you to the ACS Atlas screen.
The ACS Atlas comes with an extensive range of locations from around the world.
However, from time to time you may like to add your own places to the atlas, thus
allowing them to be looked up with the correct timezone changes automatically applied.
MagilL Australia
Norwood, Australia
This dialog lists any personal locations that you have already added previously, but will
be blank the first time you use it.
Cancel Add
This displays a dialog into which you can enter the required new place details.
• Country - Enter the Country or US State name in which this place is located.
Normally this will be a country or US State name which already exists in the ACS
Atlas, but it is possible to enter a new country name if you wish.
• Latitude - Enter the latitude of the place. See Entering Longitudes and Latitudes
• Zone - If the timezone option is set to "Fixed timezone", then you can enter a
timezone yourself. See Entering a Time Zone
• Specified Place, Country - If the timezone option allows it, you can enter a location
which exists as a valid location within the ACS Atlas. See Using the ACS Atlas
• Timezone & DST Changes - This has three possible settings, as follows...
• Same as nearest location in atlas - If you select this option then the timezone
and DST changes for your newly added place will automatically be the same as
that for the nearest place in the atlas. This is normally the best option, unless
your new location is near a border, for example, in which case the nearest place
may not be in the same timezone region, and you may then want to specify a
place which you know is in the correct region, instead.
• Same as this specified place, country - Allows you to specify an existing place in
the ACS Atlas from which the timezone settings will be copied.
• Fixed timezone - If you don't want your place to have automatic daylight savings
adjustments applied, you can either enter a fixed timezone, or use the Zone
button to select one from the list.
• Highlight the place you wish to delete, and then use the Delete button.
Note - you can only delete places that you have previously added as personal places
yourself. It is not possible to delete any of the locations that form part of the ACS Atlas
as supplied.
This chapter describes how to view charts, aspect grids or other page displays for charts
that appears on the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main Screen.
Before viewing a chart or its grid, it is necessary to have either cast or opened the charts
that you wish to use. If you have not yet done so, see Casting a Natal Chart for
instructions on casting a new chart, or Retrieving Charts From a File for instructions on
opening an existing chart.
Any type of chart that Solar Fire calculates can be viewed in wheel form or in an aspect
grid as follows.
2. Choose Current Chart from the View menu, or double-click the left mouse button
on a chart on the list of "Calculated Charts", or press the Ctrl+C short-cut key.
» To view a chart and aspect grid on the same page, from the Main Screen
» To view a chart or grid whose image was the last one to be displayed
There are a variety of wheel and grid displays that show more than one chart e.g.
biwheels, synastry grids, dual wheels etc.
Select the required option from the View menu. These options are...
Selecting any of these options will display the "Chart Selection" screen, which allows two
or more charts to be selected for viewing, printing or reporting.
CJ TriWheel
Chart Details Charts
Barbra Streisand Natal 4 Tammy Faye Bakkei
>"atal Chart Natal 5 Aretha Franklin
Natal 6 Erica Jong
24 Apr 1942, Friday Natal 7 Neil Kinnock
3:04 am +4:00 Natal 8 Kitty Kelley
Brooklvn. New York Natal 9 Barbra Streisand
4(»DN3S'073D\V56r Natal 10 T ammy Wynette 3
Gevceniric, Tropical Natal 11 Paul McCartney
Flacidus, TrusNode Natal 12 Brian Wilson
Rating A Natal 13 Harrison Ford
Natal 14 Myra Hindley T
Selected Charts
I Inner Wheel Barbra Streisand - Nalal
Middle Wheel
Outer Wheel Clear
» To select the positions of charts on the multiwheels (or on the synastry grid)
1. Select a wheel (or grid) position on the Selected Charts list box
2. Select a chart for this position from the Charts list box
Repeat above steps for each chart position
When a chart is selected, its name and type is written into the "Selected Charts" list
box. If there are further selections to be made, then the highlight bar will move to the
next wheel (or grid) position on the "Selected Charts" list, ready for the next chart to be
selected from the Charts list box. It is possible to change the selection of any chart by
repeating the above procedure as often as required. Whilst all the chart selections
have not yet been made, the View, Report and Print buttons are disabled, and cannot
be used.
1. Select the Clear button. This will return the state of the screen to how it appeared
before any selections were made.
When all required charts have been selected, then the following options are available...
» To view the chart, grid or page
This displays the "Print Chart" dialog box, allowing the user to cancel printing, add the
print Job to the batch print queue, to alter printer settings, or to print immediately. See
Casting a Natal Chart for more details on these options.
For dual wheels, biwheels, synastry grids and page displays which contain 2 charts
only, a further option is available.
This will display the "Report View" screen, which allows a variety of synastry reports
for the selected charts to be browsed, edited or printed. See Svnastrv Reports for
further details about synastry reports. The same set of synastry reports is generated
regardless of whether the user has selected the biwheel, synastry grid or other user
defined page option.
Reports are not available fortriwheels or quadriwheels or other pages that contain more
than two charts. (It is possible, however, to generate reports on the individual charts in a
multiwheel by selecting the appropriate options from the Main Screen menu.)
See Also:
Multiwheel Superimposition
Shortcuts for Viewing Multiple Wheels or Charts
"Pages" in Solar Fire are viewable pages that can show one or more charts and other
astrological data in ways that are not possible from any of the other display options in
Solar Fire. Pages all start off as a blank page that information has been added to. This
can be a small or large amount of information, and it can be arranged in a free-form way
to be however is wanted. Being so customizable pages are therefore very flexible. For
example, a page may display a single wheel in a non-standard scaling and positioning,
or may display multiple wheels, grids or tabulations on a single page.
Solar Fire also comes pre-supplied with a variety of pages already made up for you, and
you can use these pages immediately. You can also change the appearance of these
pages, or if you prefer you can create your own pages - either by editing a copy of one of
the pre-supplied pages, or creating pages of your own from scratch.
See the advanced topic Editine a Page Design File to see how to create and edit pages,
and what information can be used to create a page.
• Select the Page Topic Index option from the View menu.
This will display the Page Selection by Topic dialog box, listing all available page
layout files categorized by topic. If you select a page layout file that displays the
same number of charts as are already selected in the list of "Calculated Charts", then
it will display that page immediately, using the currently selected charts. Otherwise
the "Chart Selection" screen will be displayed, which allows the charts to be selected
prior to viewing the page.
• Select the Pages button (or make a right hand mouse button click over the list of
images at the top right of the screen).
This will display the "Page Selection by Topic" dialog box, listing all page layout files
that use the same number of charts as the currently displayed page type. When you
have chosen a page, you have the option of selecting the View button to preview the
new page without creating a new image, or selecting the OK button to create a new
image and close the "Page Selection" dialog.
• Select the name of the required page from the list in the View menu underneath
the User Defined Page option.
This list is empty the first time you run Solar Fire, but is updated each time you view a
user-defined page, and is retained from one session on Solar Fire to the next.
You may change the appearance of any existing pages, and new pages may be created
from scratch. See Editing a Page Design File for more information.
The "Page Topic Index" is a dialog that contains a list of displayable wheels and pages,
categorized into various topics, in a collapsible/expandable list. You have the ability to
select pages from this list to view or preview, and to re-organize the arrangement and
names of topic categories as you wish.
E) • Asteroids
0 Basic
El Chart Art
0 Classical
1 I- Ancient Predictive [predict, pag]
| - Arabic Lunar Mansions [mansions.pag]
Arabic Parts List [parls.pag]
Chart with Sect Details [sect.pag]
Greek - Persian Planetary Periods [firdar.pag]
Medieval Techniques [almuten.pag]
Medieval Techniques [ancient.pag]
Parts listing [parts2.pag]
Planetary Period (Node Variation) [firdat2.pag]
Predictive and Hylegs [hyleg.pag]
Traditional Square Chart [Style 1) [tradl.pag]
Traditional Square Chart (Style 2) [trad2.pag]
El - Cosmobiology
El- Esoteric
El General
0 Grids
0 • Horary
ra- H ■ 111 m i
T ransparent
Cancel Edit... □K
• Edit... - opens the highlighted page for editing in the Page Designer.
• Apply - selects the highlighted page but leaves the dialog open. This is useful in
order to preview multiple pages before selecting a final one.
• Click on any topic category name and use the right hand mouse button to display a
pop-up menu, and select the Add Topic item.
This will display a dialog allowing you to enter the new category name
• Click on the topic category name and use the right hand mouse button to display a
pop-up menu, and select the Rename Topic item.
This will put a focus box around the topic category name and allow you to edit it.
• Simply drag the page description onto another topic category name.
If the topic category you wish to move to is off the top or bottom of the page, then
drag the page off the top or bottom of the list. This will cause the list of pages to
collapse, and scroll up or down respectively, thus making the required target topic
category visible.
• Hold the Shift Key on the keyboard down while you drag the page description onto
another topic category name.
Note: Sometimes you may wonder where new pages created in the Page Designer, or
simply added externally to Solar Fire by placing Page files (.pag) in the Pages
subfolder of the Solar Fire User Files folder, have gone to, and have trouble finding
them in the Page Selection by Topic list box. Each time the Page Selection by Topic
list box is accessed it checks for all new pages added to the Pages subfolder since it
was last used. Any pages found that are of the "Chart Art" type are automatically
moved to the Chart Art category, and other new pages are moved to the Added
Recently category.
» To refresh the list of pages after creating a new page or editing a page title
It is possible to expedite the process of viewing wheels, grids and pages by selecting
multiple charts from the list of Calculated Charts before selecting the required viewing
1. Select all of the required charts from the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main
2. Select the Current Chart menu option from the View menu, or press the Ctrl+C
short-cut key.
An image will be created for each of the selected charts without any further action
on your part.
1. Select all of the required charts from the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main
2. Select the BiWheel menu option from the View menu, or press the Ctrl+F2 short-
cut key.
An image of the biwheel will be displayed immediately. The first chart on the list
of "Calculated Charts" will be on the inner wheel. If you want to reverse the order
1. Select all of the required charts from the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main
2. Select the BiWheel menu option from the View menu, or press the Ctrl+F2 short-
cut key.
An image will be created for each pair of selected charts. The first chart of each
pair will be on the inner wheel. If you want to reverse the order of charts, then you
can select the Swap button.
The same principle applies for any selectable page as well. For example, if you
have an eight-wheel page, then you can select the eight charts from the list of
"Calculated Charts" in order to avoid having to select them later in the Multiwheel
selection screen.
The main limitation of this shortcut technique is that the charts are always taken
in the order in which they appear in the list of "Calculated Charts".
o o
1S33 Swap
rW1 Save...
d" d"
iass V. I
A uy Print
i• 1:: 1'' IS13 •:
•• Pages..
i ••'•i JA 17 i " Charts
£1 wheel Style.
As 1 ■• As IJuit
Mc JAM- 1A-A no «07MC
If you are viewing a chart or page for the first time, then its image will be drawn
according to the currently selected chart options, and the chart's reference number will
be added to the list box on the top right hand side of the screen.
If you are viewing a chart or grid whose image has already been created previously, then
its existing image will simply be redisplayed.
The "View Chart" window is sizeable down to minimum dimensions of 640x480 pixels.
You resize it by "restoring" it, which is done by clicking on the middle icon (button) in the
top right corner of the window (the "Restore" button), and then dragging it's edges to the
new size.
This "Restore" button toggles a window between two states: being maximized (taking up
the full screen) and being restored to the last size the user set the window to. The
middle button icon will be in the shape of the a square when the window is in the
restored state (the square conveys the idea of the full screen) and indicates that by
clicking it you can expand the window up to a full screen size. The middle button icon
will be in the shape of two smaller overlapping squares when the window is in the
maximized, full screen state, (these overlapping squares convey the idea of many
windows overlapping each other) and indicates that by clicking on it the window will be
shrunk to a size less than the full screen (e.g. to become one of many windows on the
screen). So if the window is taking up the full screen you can shrink It by clicking on the
middle button in the top right hand corner of the window. And if you click on the middle
button again it will expand in size back up to filling the whole screen.
When the window is shrunk (restored) you can then alter it's size by hovering the mouse
over any edge of the window until the mouse-pointer shape is a double pointed arrow,
then clicking the left mouse button and holding it down, drag the mouse in the direction
you want that edge of the window to be resized to, and release the mouse button when
the desired size is reached. By doing this on the edges you want resized you can get the
window to be the size on the screen that you want it. Dragging the bottom right corner of
the window as above, diagonally, will move both the edges concerned at the same time.
Thus you can quickly resize the window in only one movement of the mouse.
TIP: In the restored state you can move the whole window itself, by holding the mouse
over the title bar of the View Chart window, clicking the left mouse button and holding it
down, then drag the whole window to where you want it on the screen, then release the
mouse button.
You can also "minimize" the window, which temporarily removes it from the screen, and
places an icon for it in the Windows TaskBar. When you want to see the window again
you just click on the icon in the TaskBar and it is displayed on the screen again. In some
versions of Windows the icon for the window may be stored on the TaskBar as part of
the Solar Fire program group of icons, in which case you will be able to access It by
clicking first on the Solar Fire icon itself in the TaskBar, then on the "View Chart" window
To minimize the "View Chart" window click on the left icon (button) in the top right
corner of the window (the "Minimize" button). It is the shape of a horizontal line.
• Place the mouse over any part of the displayed chart or page image and click on the
right-hand mouse button.
This will display a pop-up menu containing the same items as the Main Screen's
Chart Options {such as displayed points, aspect set, color schemes etc.) from which
you may select any items to change with the left-hand mouse button, as usual. See
Changing Chart Options for instructions on altering chart options. After you have
changed any display options, select the ReDraw button in order to regenerate and
update the image using the current set of chart options.
If you invoke this menu while the mouse is hovering over an object on the page (such
as a wheel, grid of tabulation), then the pop-up menu also has an option allowing you
to edit properties of that object. See Editing Properties of Objects on the Page for
further information.
• Select (click on) the desired chart or page item in the list box on the right hand side
of the window. The image of the selected chart, grid or page will be displayed in
place of the last image.
It is possible, during computation of a chart or grid image, that the computer may run
out of video memory. In this case an error dialog box will appear, notifying the user of
the problem. If this happens, you can take several different corrective steps. The first
time that this happens, it might still be possible to generate the image despite the
error. To try to generate the image despite the problem, select the ReDraw button. If
the error recurs, then use the following procedure. Firstly, print all the chart images
that you wish to keep (or add them to the batch print queue), and then from the Main
Screen select the Clear Images option from the View menu. This will delete all the
chart, grid and page images that have been created so far, and free up all associated
memory. You can then proceed normally again.
Whilst viewing a chart, there are a number of buttons and controls that may be used
for various purposes. Some of these, such as the Rectify button or the Save button
may be used when a single chart is being viewed, and others, such as the Swap
button, when multiple charts are being viewed.
There are three page viewing mode buttons underneath the "Quit" button. These are:-
• Normal view - this displays the page as optimized for normal viewing on the screen
• Printer Preview (Full) - this displays the full page as it would be printed
• Printer Preview (Zoomed) - this displays the page as it would be printed, but
zoomed enough to allow its full width or height to fit in to the available space, and
allowing the rest of the page to be viewed by scrolling
Note: Page designs may contain multiple page sizes. If the page design you are using
contains different information in its page sizes for screen as opposed to its printer page
sizes, then you will see this difference reflected when you change viewing modes. See
Editing a Page Design File for information on using the Page Designer.
Note: If the page design you are displaying contains only printer sized pages, then the
Normal view button will be hidden.
• ReDraw - This option causes the displayed page to be redrawn according to the
current settings and display options,
• Swap - This option is only available for page displays involving two or more charts.
It causes the displayed charts to be swapped or cycled. For example, if you are
displaying a biwheel, then the inner and outer charts are swapped. If you are
viewing a quadriwheel, then each time you use this option, the innermost chart
moves to the outermost position, and the others charts are moved inwards
• Rectify - This allows you to easily and interactively edit the date, time, Ascendant,
Midheaven, latitude or longitude of the chart (or of the first or innermost chart on
the page if there are multiple charts). It is described fully in Adjusting a Chart to a
new Time or Date.
• Save - This allows the displayed chart to be saved to a file. It is fully described in
Saving Charts to a File.
• Reports - This invokes the Reports screen, which is fully described in Generating
Chart Reports.
• Transits - This invokes the Dynamic Report Selection screen, which is fully
described in Using Dynamic Reports and Time Maps.
• Copy/Send - This invokes a "Copy Image To" dialog that allows you to select
whether to send the currently displayed image to the clipboard, to a file, or to an
email attachment, with various selectable options. See Copying. Publishing and
Sending Graphics.
• Print - This allows the displayed image to be sent to your printer, or to the print
queue for printing later. You can also alter printer settings before printing, if
• Pages - This displays the "Page Selection by Topic" dialog, allowing you to select
other page types to preview or display.
• Charts-This displays the chart selection dialog, allowing you to select alternative
charts to be displayed with the currently displayed page type. Note: You can also
edit the charts events or comments from this dialog, by using a right hand mouse
click to bring up a pop-up menu when hovering over any chart in the list.
• Wheel Style - If the currently displayed page has only one wheel type displayed,
then this will display the "File Manager" with a list of wheel style files that you can
select for this wheel type. If there is more than one wheel type displayed on the
current page (e.g. a uniwheel and a biwheel), then this will display the Chart
Options menu, from which you can choose one of the wheel style types.
TIP: to quickly exit from the "View Chart" window press the ESC short-cut key.
This section describes how to use a rectification-assisting too! to adjust the date, time or
angles of a natal or event chart. (If the chart that you are displaying is not a natal or
event type chart, then the Rectify button will be disabled.)
» To adjust a chart
1. Display the chart that you wish to rectify in the "View Chart" window. (If you are
viewing a multiwheel, then make sure that the chart you wish to rectify is the first
charts listed, which is usually the innermost chart.)
• Click on the spin button next to the Date box to change the date by 1 day at a time,
or type a new date directly into the box.
• Click on the spin button next to the MC or ASC box to change the angle by whatever
interval is selected in the Angle Step Interval box, or type a new time directly into
the box. (You can make the Angle Step Interval box visible by clicking on the More
1. Click on the More button to make the Lat and Long boxes visible.
2. Click on the spin button next to the Lat or Long box to change the angle by
whatever interval is selected in the Angle Step Interval box, or type a new
latitude or longitude into the box.
Whenever you adjust any of the values, then the data displayed in each of the other
boxes is updated automatically to ensure inter-consistency between them. For example,
adjusting the MC by 1 degree will cause the time to shift by 15 seconds.
Note that if spin buttons are used to pass the time forward through midnight, then the
date is automatically incremented by one day. If the time passes backwards through
midnight, then the date is automatically decremented by one day.
Angles can be entered in degrees, minutes and seconds (e.g. "133 24 20") or in zodiacal
annotation (e.g. "13 Cn 24 20"). For more information on entering angles see Entering
Time can be entered in hours, minutes and seconds and include an am/pm indicator (e.g.
"7:30" or "2:23pmM). See Entering a Time for more details.
• Click on the OK button. This will create a new calculated chart, and replace the
chart image with an image using the new chart, and The "Rectify Assist" dialog box
will disappear.
You may repeat these procedures as many times as you wish with the same chart image.
When you display the first adjusted image, a new chart is created. When subsequent
adjustments are made, this new chart is edited, and no further new charts are created.
Note that the new chart calculated this way will be unsaved (unless you have switched
on the Autosave option), so you may wish to save it before proceeding by clicking on the
Save button.
In the "View Chart" window it is usually possible to alternate between displaying a chart
wheel and a dial display of the same chart or charts by simply selecting the desired
option with the mouse from the Wheel/Dial drop-down list (just above the "ReDraw"
button). The style of wheel or dial that is displayed depends on whatever is selected as
the default style under the Wheel Styles and Dial Styles of the Chart Options menu.
This option has no effect if the displayed page is one that uses a specifically named
wheel or dial style (see Editing a Page Design File for information regarding this).
However, if you are using any of Solar Fire's pre-defined displays from the View menu,
such as the Biwheel or Wheel+Grid options, or if you are using an ordinary page layout
which uses default display styles, then this option will work as expected.
Whenever a dial is displayed, a pointer is displayed in the middle of the innermost chart
in the dial. Initially this pointer will be pointing to the zero point on the dial scale. You
can move the pointer in a variety of ways, set an orb for the display of midpoints, and
select which chart the pointer is associated with. Before any of these things can be
done, you must first switch on the pointer options box.
• Click anywhere inside the innermost chart of the dial that you want to use.
If the page you are viewing has more than one dial on it, then the pointer options box
will only appear inside one dial at a time. Clicking on another dial will switch it off in
the previous dial, and switch it on in the newly selected dial.
Change Orb...
V 9 Barbra Streisand
11 Paul McCartney
1. Click on the Options button in the pointer options box to see the drop-down menu
• Step by Minute - Step by one minute of a degree on the dial scale at a time
1. Click on the Options button in the pointer options box to see the drop-down menu.
* 19
24° T
When the pointer reaches a position where it is at the midpoint of two planets in the
dial, then a solid red line is drawn between those two planets. If those two planets also
happen to form an aspect in the chart, then a dashed line is drawn from each planet to
the center of the dial. The dashed line takes on the same color as the color of the aspect
is formed, according to the current selected aspect colors.
In addition to the lines which appear, a midpoint tree is displayed underneath the
options box indicating which planets are forming the midpoint to the pointer position,
and if an aspect is formed in the chart, then the aspect symbol is also displayed.
In the example shown, the pointer is pointing to Chiron which is at 41o08' in the dial, and
this is the midpoint in the dial of the Saturn and Juno, of Pluto & Pallas and the
Ascendant/Descendant axis, and also of Jupiter and the Midheaven, and Jupiter and
Mars. Additionally in the chart, Pluto and the Ascendant are in trine (120°) aspect, Pallas
and the Ascendant are in sextile (60°) aspect, Pluto and the Descendant are in sextile
(60°) aspect, and Pallas and the Descendant are in trine (120°) aspect.
As the above example is using a 90° dial, where the Pointer is pointing to (Chiron in
above example) is not necessarily the actual midpoint of the planets shown in the tree
and by the lines. However when the Dial Pointer position is not the actual midpoint of
the planets in the tree, it will be in some hard aspect to the midpoints of the planets in
the tree. If you wanted to see soft aspects you could use a 120° dial. A 30° dial will show
a variety of both hard and soft aspects.
Initially the orb for midpoints and aspects is set to lo00'. However, you can change this
orb. The orb Is measured in terms of a 360 degree circle, regardless of the modulus of
the dial, so for example a 1 degree orb corresponds to 1/4 degree on the dial scale of a
90 degree dial, and to 1/8 degree on the dial scale of a 45 degree dial.
1. Click on the Options button in the pointer options box to see the drop-down menu.
3. This will display a dialog box which allows you to enter the orb that you require, in
decimal degrees or degrees and minutes, separated by a space.
When you are in the "View Chart" window, if you right-click the mouse (click the right
mouse button) anywhere in the page layout area, you will see a menu pop up.
This menu is a replica of the "Chart Options" menu located on the Main Screen of Solar
Fire. Clicking on any menu item here enables to quickly access any of the "Chart
Options" and to make changes. In many cases, if you do make changes then when you
return to the "View Chart" screen, you will most likely need to click on the ReDraw
button, to update the current page layout with any setting changes you make.
On many page layouts, you will see a half aspect grid showing the planetary aspects.
If you right-click over a half aspect grid object, to display the Chart Options menus,
there is an additional (last) menu item, called Grid Settings.
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If you click on the Show angles in aspect grid checkbox, the half aspect grid changes so
that while it still displays the aspects that are active, it now also displays all angles
between planets. There is a further option to display the angle in Degree/Minute/
Second format or in Decimal degree format. There is also an option to display the angle
up to 180 degrees, the usual practice in astrology, or as an angle up to 360 degrees.
When 360 degrees is selected, the grid displays the angle the faster planet is away from
the slower planet after the last conjunction, increasing the angle from 0 to 360.
Because this half aspect grid takes up space on screen, on some page layouts, it is likely
to overlap other page objects. A new page has been designed that only displays the half
aspect grid near the middle of the page so that it can expand easily when the angles are
added. You can find this new half aspect grid page layout, named Half Aspect Grid -
Single Chart [halfaspectgrid.pag], at View / Page Topic Index / Added Recently.
One useful application of this half aspect grid and the grid settings is when you use the
Dynamic / Real Time Clock menu items. Once this screen displays, it begins "ticking
over". By clicking on the Page button, you can double-click on the Half Aspect Grid -
Single Chart [halfaspectgrid.pag] sitting under the Added Recently topic. By right-
clicking over the aspect grid and selecting the Grid Settings item, described above, you
can now see the angles changing, especially the ones associated with the ASC and MC.
If you right-click on any graphic object in the "View Chart" window in addition to the
"Chart Options" menu (and "Grid Properties" for aspect grids), you will also see
"Properties of..." as the first item of the menu. The properties depend on what page
object your mouse cursor was sitting over when you right-clicked to display the menu.
The Properties item allows you to modify some of the properties of the page object "in-
place" without using the Page Editor. These changes permanently alter the original
settings in the Page design so an understanding of how pages are designed is desirable
in using this feature. See the advanced topics Editing a Page Design File and Changing
Page Object Properties from View Charts for more information.
As soon as you create a new chart or retrieve a chart from a chart file, it is "calculated"
and the name of the chart is added to the "Calculated Charts" list on the Main Screen. A
calculated chart is open and ready to view, see reports on, cast subsidiary charts from,
and print. Calculated charts may or may not have been saved to a file.
This section describes certain file-type manipulations that you can do with "Calculated
Charts", even though they may not yet have been saved to a file.
If a calculated chart has not already been saved, it can be saved after being edited or
retained. Once an unsaved chart is removed from the list of "Calculated Charts", it
cannot be saved or retrieved.
This section describes how to copy and edit, or edit and replace, a natal or event chart
that appears on the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main Screen. It is not possible to
edit any type of chart other than a natal or event chart or its equivalent. If you wish to
alter any other type of chart you will have to use one of the subsidiary chart options such
as Progressed, Return, Harmonic, etc.
It is also possible to copy and edit, or to edit and replace a chart that is already stored in
a chart file. For instructions on how to do this, see Retrieving Charts From a File.
1. From the Main Screen, select the required chart in the list of "Calculated Charts".
2. Select the Edit / Copy and Edit item from the Chart menu. (If the selected chart is
not editable, then this option is disabled).
3. The "New Chart Data Entry" dialog box will appear, displaying the details of the
selected chart.
5. Select the OK button. An edited copy of the original chart will be created and
added to the list of "Calculated Charts". The original chart will remain in the list.
1. From the Main Screen, select the required chart in the list of "Calculated Charts".
2. Select the Edit / Edit Chart item from the Chart menu. (If the selected chart is not
editable, then this option is disabled), or press the Ctrl+E short-cut key.
3. The "Edit Chart Data" dialog box will appear, displaying the details of the selected
5. Select the OK button. An edited copy of the original chart will replace the original
Note: Doing this does not edit the chart in the "Chart Database", it simply replaces
the chart in the "Calculated Charts" list {which you had originally opened from the
"Chart Database") with this newly-created edited copy of it. Furthermore this copy is
not saved either, it simply exists as a new chart in "Calculated Charts". If you want to
also have access to the original chart you had opened in "Calculated Charts" you will
have to retrieve it from again from the "Chart Database".
TIP: To edit a previously saved chart you have opened in "Calculated Charts", and at
the same time have those changes saved in the chart file that the chart was opened
from, follow these steps...
1. From the Main Screen, open the "Chart Database" dialog from the Chart menu.
Open option, or by pressing the F3 short-cut key.
2. Find the chart in the database (see Opening a chart) and select it.
3. In the "Chart Database" dialog click on the Edit button. The "Edit Chart Data"
dialog opens.
4. Make sure the checkbox Replace Chart in File is ticked by clicking on it until it is.
5. You can then make changes to the chart fields, and when you are finished click on
the OK button.
6. Click the Cancel button, or press the ESC short-cut key {on the keyboard) to exit
the "Chart Database".
If you wish to change the zodiac or lunar node type of a chart that appears on the list of
"Calculated Charts" on the Main Screen, then you can do so via a shortcut, without
having to edit the chart details.
• From the Main Screen, select the required chart(s) in the list of Calculated Charts.
Then either...
• From the Chart menu select the Edit, Toggle Chart Zodiac
• Right-click on the highlighted chart(s) on the Calculated Charts list and select
Edit, Toggle Chart Zodiac
• On the keyboard, press two keys together, Ctrl+Z.
The change is instantly applied to the selected chart/s. See Default Zodiac and Default
House System for information on changing your preferred zodiac and house system for
vedic (sidereal) charts.
• From the Main Screen, select the required chart(s) in the list of Calculated Charts.
Then either...
• From the Chart menu select the Edit, Toggle Lunar Node
• Right-click on the highlighted chart(s) on the Calculated Charts list and select
Edit, Toggle Lunar Node
• On the keyboard, press two keys together, Ctrl+L.
The change is instantly applied to the selected chart(s). Flowever, any new charts you
cast or open will still use the default lunar node type. To change the default lunar node
type, see the Calculations section in Editing Settings.
• From the Main Screen, click on the required chart{s) in the list of Calculated Charts
to highlight it/them.
Then either...
The change is instantly applied to the selected chart(s). However, any new charts you
cast or open will still use the default coordinates.
This section describes how to remove one or more charts from the list of "Calculated
Charts". You might wish to do this if you already have a large number of charts
calculated, and wish to reduce the list of charts to a more manageable size. Any type of
chart may be deleted.
1. From the Main Screen, select the required chart(s) in the list of Calculated Charts
3. A dialog box will appear, asking you to confirm whether or not you wish to delete
the selected charts. If you select the OK button, then the charts will be removed.
This section describes how to retain or remove a selection of calculated charts to appear
automatically in the list of "Calculated Charts" in subsequent Solar Fire sessions.
Retained charts are different from saved charts in that any types of calculated charts
may be retained, whereas group composite charts may not be saved to file. Also,
retained charts are stored with all the planetary positions pre-calcu!ated, whereas charts
saved to file must have their planetary positions re-calculated each time that the chart is
opened. Retained charts use much more disk storage than saved charts - about 3000
bytes for each chart, whereas saved charts use only about 300 bytes. Typically it is
useful to retain only a small number of charts that you like to work with frequently.
Retaining a large number of charts uses a lot of space and clutters up the list of
"Calculated Charts". For example, if you frequently work with your own and your
partner's charts, then you might like to retain both of your natal charts plus your
composite chart, and perhaps also your current solar return charts.
1. From the Main Screen, select the required charts from the list of "Calculated
1. From the Main Screen, select the Clear Retained option from the Chart menu
This will display a dialog box asking you to confirm whether or not you wish to clear
the selection of currently retained charts. If you select the OK button, then no charts
will be retained for subsequent sessions.
Note that these options have no effect on the list of "Calculated Charts" during the
current session. They only take effect when Solar Fire is next started up.
Cloning charts is a process where you can keep in view a copy of one or more chart
wheels you are interested in. Sometimes you might be in one of the many screen reports
in Solar Fire and wish to see instantly see the chart wheel rather than closing the reports
you are studying. By using the "Clone" feature after you open or enter a chart, you can
now keep any number of copies of the chart wheel on screen for an instant reference.
This feature is particularly useful if you have more than one monitor on your computer
or have a monitor that is large and has a lot of screen "real estate" to display things.
Solar Fire also remembers the position and size of previous clone windows and
automatically creates new clone windows in those positions with those sizes.
Then either...
B. Right-click on a chart on the Calculated Charts list and select Clone
Once the chart wheel appears in a separate smaller window, you can move this window
to other parts of the screen or resize it by using the mouse.
• Click on the X button at the top right of the cloned chart window.
Note: at the bottom left corner of the cloned window, you will see the option "Always on
top". By default, this option is ticked so that it is always in view even if other windows
are opened - it always remains on top of other windows. If you click this option, to take
away the tick mark, this window will be placed behind any other larger windows that you
This chapter describes how to save a calculated chart to a chart database file, so that it
may be opened again in subsequent sessions with the Solar Fire program.
You can save charts of all types created in Solar Fire apart from multiple composite
charts. Although these types of charts cannot be saved to a chart database file, you may
still retain them for use in subsequent sessions of Solar Fire. See Retaining Charts for
details on how to retain charts.
The Chart Details display box on the Main Screen indicates, in the notification area in
the bottom left corner, whether or not the chart can be saved, and if it can be saved -
whether it has already been saved or is retained. Hovering the mouse over the
notification area shows extra information about the chart's saved status, e.g. the chart
file it is saved in.
It is possible to save as many copies of a chart as you wish, either to the same chart file
or to a different one. (See Using the File Manager for information about how to create
new chart files.)
Note that if the Auto Chart Save option is switched on, then all new or edited charts will
be saved automatically to the currently selected chart file as soon as they are cast. See
Auto Chart Save for more information about this option.
1. Select the required chart or charts from the list of "Calculated Charts"
2. Select the Save to File item from the Chart menu, or press the F12 short-cut key
3. If you are saving a single selected chart, and that chart is already saved, then a
dialog box will appear asking you to confirm whether you wish to save another
copy of the chart. If you are have selected more than one chart to save, then you
will not be asked to confirm whether to re-save any saved charts.
4. The "File Manager" will appear, listing all of the available chart database files.
Select the required chart file from this list, or click on the Create button to create a
new empty chart file, and then click on the OK button.
This will display the "File Manager", from which you can select another chart
file or create a new one.
This chapter describes how to find and select charts from your Solar Fire chart files, so
that you can view, work with, edit and print them.
Whenever you retrieve a chart from a file, you do so from the "Chart Database" dialog
box. This dialog box is also a gateway to editing and manipulating chart files.
• Select Open from the Chart menu, or press the F3 short-cut key.
Cj Chart Database
Whenever this screen is displayed, the list box on the left of the screen contains a list of
all the chart names that are stored in the currently selected chart database file. The
name of the currently selected chart database file is displayed in the box to the right of
the File button, and its descriptive title {if it has one) is displayed below this. The
number of charts stored in this file is shown in the Charts box. If there are no charts in
this file then the number of records will be zero, and no chart names will appear in the
list box. The number of charts that have been selected for copying, deleting or opening is
shown in the box titled Selected.
1. Use the mouse to drag the column border between any two column headers, or
2. Double-click on a column border to make the column automatically re-size to fit the
largest item of data that is displayed in that column.
1. Use a right hand mouse click when the cursor is over the column headers.
Cancel OK
You can select or unselect any of the available columns by either clicking in the
checkbox to the left of the column name, or by using the Show or Hide buttons.
You can change the order of a column by highlighting it and then using the Move Up or
Move Down buttons to re-order it relative to the other columns.
Note: The Name column must always be the first, and it is not possible to change its
Note: If the selected column's widths are cumulatively wider than the displayed width of
the list, a horizontal scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the list, allowing you to scroll
to see the extra columns. Alternatively you can increase the displayed width of the list
by resizing the width of the entire dialog.
In the "Chart Database" if the chart that you want is not in the current chart file, then
you can select another file to look in.
• Click on the down arrow button to the right of the File button.
This will display a pop-up menu with a list of the ten most recently used chart files,
sorted in order of access with the most recent at the top. Select an entry from this list
to re-open that chart file.
Note: If any chart files in this list are in different folders to the folder of your current
chart file, then their folder paths will be displayed on the menu. Any chart files on the
list that are in the same folder as your current chart file will not have any folder path
The chart file that you have selected becomes the "current" (default) chart file.
Whenever you open the "Chart Database" this is the file that will be pre-opened and
it's charts will be displayed in the list of charts.
Solar Fire can also search through all your chart files at once for any chart or charts with
the same string of characters in the chart name.
2. In the displayed dialog box, type in the series of characters that you wish to find
(e.g. type in "kennedy" to find all charts with Kennedy in their name), and select
the OK button. Alternatively, to re-access a recently used search string, click on
the down arrows of the drop down box and select an item from the presented list.
3. All of the valid chart files in Solar Fire's current chart folder (i.e. the folder or folder
in which the currently selected chart file resides) will be searched, and the results
are displayed in the "Chart Search Results" dialog.
4. You can double-click any chart in the list to open it (i.e. to add it to the list of
"Calculated Charts" on the Main Screen). There are various other options available
here - see Working with the Results of a Chart Search for a full explanation of all
the options available to you in the "Chart Search Results" dialog.
Note: If you wish to search all chart files in a different folder, then you can do so by first
selecting a chart file that resides in that folder. Alternatively, you can control precisely
which chart files are searched by using the "Chart Search" facility from Solar Fire's Main
Screen, instead. (See Chart Search).
In the "Chart Database" the "Stored Charts" list box (underneath the "File" button)
displays a list of all the chart names that are in the current chart file. You can use any of
the following ways to help find the required chart or charts.
• Scroll the list by using the scroll bar on the right hand side of the list box.
• Jump to the beginning entry for any letter of the alphabet by selecting any chart on
the list and then pressing the key for the letter you want. Hit the same key to move
through each successive entry beginning with the same letter.
• Use the Find button to find charts with any character string in their name or in their
chart comments, or to find charts with certain planetary placements or aspects.
• Sort the list in various ways to make finding charts easier, by clicking on the Name,
Date or other column headers and using the Reverse Chart Names and Descending
Sort Order check boxes.
• "Name" will list charts in either alphabetical order of their listed names, or in the
order in which the charts are stored in the file. Subsequent selection of this option
will toggle between these sort modes.
• "Other column headers" will list charts in the order of the value of that columns. For
example, the Zodiac column sorts the charts into alphabetical order of the zodiac
type name.
• Reverse Chart Names" will display the listed chart names starting with the last
distinct character string (i.e. preceded by at least one blank) in each chart name as
it was entered, e.g. an entered name of "Bill Clinton" is displayed as "Clinton, Bill".
If this option is not checked, then the chart names are shown exactly as they were
entered. (Note that the titles of charts that are marked as Horary or Event charts are
not affected by this option - they are always displayed exactly as they were
• "Descending Sort Order" will list the charts starting from the highest value to the
lowest value i.e. from Z to A, from last date to earliest date, from last chart entered
to first chart entered. If this option is not checked, then the charts will be listed in
ascending order of the current sort option, instead.
• Next Chart Name with - to select the next chart on the list (after the currently
highlighted chart) which contains a specified character string in its name
• All Chart Names with - to select all the charts on the list which contain a
specified character string in their name
• Next Chart Comment with - to select the next chart on the list (after the
currently highlighted chart) which contains a specified character string in its
• All Chart Comments with - to select all the charts on the list which contain a
specified character string in their comments
3. In the displayed dialog box, type in the series of characters that you wish to find
(e.g. type in "kennedy" to find all charts with Kennedy in their name, or "athlete"
to find all charts with the word athlete in their comments), and select the OK
4. If any chart or charts are found with the specified string, then they will be selected
(highlighted) on the list. It is then possible to open, copy or delete all of these
charts using the appropriate buttons.
In the "Chart Database" a chart is selected by clicking the mouse onto its name in the
Stored Charts list box (underneath the "File" button). A selected chart is shown in the
list box with a reverse video, highlighted entry. It is possible to select any number of
charts to open, copy, delete or print a summary, by one of two methods...
Note: The chart "Edit" button is only enabled if a single chart has been selected, because
it is not possible to edit multiple charts simultaneously.
Any number of selected charts from the current chart file may be opened and added to
the list of "Calculated Charts" in the Main Screen. If opening a single chart, you can also
automatically view it in a wheel as well.
• Select the required chart and then click on the Open button, or double-click on the
required chart.
• Select all the required charts and then click on the Open button.
• Select the required chart and then click on the Open+View button.
This is simply equivalent to opening the chart, and then choosing Current Chart from
the View menu.
This section gives you the tools to keep your chart files up-to-date and organized. It
shows how to correct a chart that has been incorrectly cast; how to add comments to a
stored chart, such as notes on the source of the data, biographical notes or other client
notes; how to copy, delete and move charts from one file to another; how to add a
descriptive title to a chart file, making it easier to tell what the file contains; how to print
a summary of charts contained in a file.
The instructions in this section assume a basic knowledge of how to find, select and
open charts. See Retrieving Charts From a File for further information.
Instead of opening a chart exactly as it is stored in the chart file, you may wish to
change some of the chart's details, for example to correct an incorrect birth time, or to
specify a different location, house system, zodiac or event type for the chart.
» To edit a chart
• Do not select the Replace Chart in File option (ensure that it is unchecked).
The original chart will remain the same in the chart file, and a new chart will be
opened with the newly edited details. To keep a permanent copy of this new chart
you will need to save it to a file yourself. See Saving Charts to a File for further
instructions on saving files.
2. Select the OK button.
Select one or more charts by highlighting them, and then use the shortcut keys shown
below to set the selected chart/s event type.
• Ctrl+Fl - Unspecified
• Ctrl+F2 - Male
• Ctrl+F3 - Female
• Ctrl+F4 - Event
• Ctrl+F5 - Horary
You can copy any number of charts from the current chart file into any other chart file,
either existing or new.
2. Click on the Copy button. This will display the "File Manager" with a list of target
chart files.
3. Either select one of the files on the list, or select the Create button to create a
new empty chart file to copy the charts into.
4. A "Copy Charts" dialog box will be displayed, asking you if you want confirmation
for each individual chart before copying it.
• Yes - One by one, for each selected chart in sequence, a dialog box will be
displayed asking whether or not that individual chart should be copied.
• No - All of the selected charts are copied immediately
• Cancel - Cancel - no charts are copied
Note: When charts are copied to another chart file, any chart comments that are
associated with the charts are copied as well.
2. Click on the Delete button, and choose the Selected Charts item from the drop-
down menu
3. A "Delete Charts" dialog box will be displayed, asking you if you want confirmation
for each individual chart before deleting it.
• Yes - One by one, for each selected chart in sequence, a dialog box will be
displayed asking whether or not that individual chart should be deleted.
• No - All of the selected charts are deleted immediately
• Cancel - Cancel, none of the charts are deleted
The process is the same as above, except instead of choosing the Selected Charts item,
choose the Duplicate Charts item from the drop-down menu.
Note: Charts are considered to be duplicates if they have the same basic chart details
(Name, date, time, location, house system, zodiac etc.). However, special conditions
apply if the comments associated with each of the duplicate charts are different: If
comments are present on only one of the charts, then those comments are retained.
However, if comments are present on both charts, but are different, then only the
comments from the chart that is stored later in the file will be kept.
» To move charts from the current chart file to another chart file
• First copy the charts to the new file, and then delete them.
You can add permanently saved comments to any chart. These comments are displayed
in the Chart Comments box whenever the chart is highlighted in the list of Stored
2. Click inside the Charts Comments box, or select the Comments... button
This will display the comments editing dialog where you can type in whatever text you
Any changes that you make are permanently saved when you select the Save button. You
can enter up to about 30,000 characters of text (which is equivalent to about 10 pages of
typewritten text).
To aid in identifying and selecting chart files, any Solar Fire chart file can have a
description of up to 80 characters. When a new chart file is created it is given a default
description - "New Chart File". You can overwrite this with your own description.
This description is displayed in the "File Manager", as well as on the "Chart Database"
screen. However, note that you cannot enter a description for Solar Fire chart files which
are v2 (Standard Edition) format or earlier.
• Click inside the chart description box above the list of chart names, and type in
whatever you want. Any changes that you make are permanently saved as soon as
the cursor leaves the description box.
You can print out a summary listing of any or ail charts contained within a single chart
file. The summary may be printed at three different levels of detail:
• Brief Listing - Each chart occupies a single line of output, and contains only the
essential details that would be required to recast the chart: Name, date, time,
timezone, latitude and longitude.
• Full Listing - Each chart occupies two lines of output, and contains the same
information as the brief listing plus the coordinate system (geocentric/heliocentric),
zodiac type, house system, place name and country/state.
• Full with Comments - The details of each chart occupy two lines of output, containing
the same information as the full listing, and any chart comments that are associated
with the chart occupy additional text lines below the chart details.
1. Select the Print Details button and from the drop-down menu select the All Charts
2. Select the Print Details button and from the drop-down menu select one of the
listing options Brief Listing, Full Listing or Full with Comments.
3. The "Print" dialog box will appear, from which you can alter printer settings, add
this job to the print queue, or print it immediately. See Printing from Solar Fire for
further information on printing.
» To print a summary of only the selected charts in the current chart file
1. Select the Print Details button and from the drop-down menu select the Selected
Charts Only option.
The number of charts which can be stored in a single chart file is about 54,000.
This chapter describes how to use the "File Manager". The "File Manager" is a common
access point to various file management functions for all the file types which exist
within the program. It is possible to create new files, delete existing files, copy files,
rename files or select files to be the current file, from within the "File Manager". For
certain file types it is also possible to edit the file.
The "File Manager" is accessed from a variety of different menu options and screens
within the program.
Choosing any of the following types of options from the Main Screen menu, or from other
locations in Solar Fire, will invoke the "File Manager".
• Chart File
• Displayed Points
• Aspect Set
• Aspected Points
• Asteroid File
• Wheel Styles
• Dial Styles
• Point Colors
• Aspect Colors
• Sign Colors
• Interpretations File
In the dynamic report selection and graphic ephemeris selection screens, clicking on any
of the following boxes will also invoke the file manger.
• Transiting Points
• Progressing Points
• Radix Points
• Transiting Aspects
• Progressing Aspects
The "File Manager" will also be invoked if the "File" button is selected from any screen.
When the "File Manager" screen appears its title line will display the name of the file
type that has been chosen, and the list box will contain an entry for each file name of
this file type. The file name that is highlighted is always initially the "current" file (i.e.
the last selected file). If there are no files of this type then the list box will be empty,
and it will only be possible to create files.
Fife Management
Displayed Points
Ausers'sgraham^documentsVsolar fire user files\poirifs
(No descnpfion found)
INNERS.PTS Delete...
Mercury, pfs
Moon.pfs Copy...
Neptune, pis
Pluto, pis Folder
Saturn, pts
Sun.pts Select
In the "File Manager" selecting a file then clicking the OK button causes the contents of
that file to be read into the program to be used wherever appropriate for that type of
For example selecting a file of the "Displayed Points" type, called (say) "plan&ast.pts",
updates the list of points that will be displayed on any subsequently drawn chart with
the points in this file. This file now also becomes the "current" file wherever this type of
file ("Displayed Points" type in this example) is used in the program.
If the "Current Settings" panel on the Main Screen displays the current setting for this
type of file, then as soon as it's selected if s name is updated in the "Current Settings"
panel showing it is currently being used (e.g. for "Displayed Points").
» To select a file
• Select a file from the list of file names and click on the Select button, or double-
click on a file on the list of file names.
If you are selecting a chart file, then you also have the option of choosing a folder to
look in first. After file selection, the "File Manager" screen is hidden.
Note: If you need more space to see long file or folder names, then re-size the dialog box
by hovering the mouse over a border until the cursor is a left-right arrow, then click the
left mouse button and holding it down, drag the border to the desired position, then
release the mouse button.
When selecting Chart files in the "File Manager", it is possible to access folders other
than Solar Fire's User Files folder. This can be useful if you wish to read from or save
charts to a CD/DVD, networked computer, or any other location on your own computer,
for example.
• If the folder selection box is not already visible, then click on the Folder button to
make it visible.
You can select an alternative drive by finding it on the drop-down list box of drives,
and any folder on that drive by navigating through the folders on that drive.
• Click on the down arrow button to the right of the Folder button.
This will display a pop-up menu allowing you to select from any of the ten most
recently used folder names.
This will display the "Create File" dialog box, which allows the entry of the file name to
create. Note that the file name must be a valid file name, without a file extension (the
"File Manager" automatically adds the appropriate file extension for this file type). A
valid file name can consist of up to 80 characters. If the name is not valid then an error
dialog box will be displayed.
When the file has been created its name is added to the list of file names on the "File
Manager" screen, and it may be edited if it is of an edible file type.
The initial contents of a newly created file depend on the file type:
• For a "Charts" file, the file will be empty after it is created, and it will be possible to
add entries by saving charts.
• For "Displayed Points", "Displayed Transiting Points", "Aspected Points", "Radix
Points", "Transiting Points" and "Progressing Points" files, the file will contain a
selection of points containing all the planets, Chiron, the North Node, the
Ascendant and the Midheaven.
• For "Point Colors", "Aspect Colors" and "Sign Colors" files, the file will contain
colors all set to black.
• For "Aspect Set" files, the file will contain a list of standard 12th harmonic aspects.
• It is not possible to create an "Interpretations" file. If you wish to do so, you must
use the "Interpretation Compiler", which is a separate utility program. (See
Interpretations Compiler In Advanced Operations).
If you wish to create a new file that is to be only slightly different from an existing file, it
may be easier to copy the existing file and naming the copy with new file name instead
of creating the file from scratch. This will result in less editing being required.
» To delete a file
Copying a file results in a new file being created with a copy of the contents of the
selected file, whereas renaming a file results in the name of an existing file being
It is possible to use these options to copy or rename files to or from floppy disks or other
folders on the computer's hard disk.
» To rename a file
Note: If any files other than chart files are copied or renamed to other folders or floppy
disks then the "File Manager" will not be able to display them in its list of selectable
files. The "File Manager" only displays the names of files that are in the Solar Fire's
default Solar Fire User Files folder.
You can edit the contents of any file for which the Edit button in the "File Management"
dialog box is enabled. It is not possible to edit "Chart" files from the "File Manager".
Charts files can only be manipulated in the "Chart Database" screen.
The manner in which each of the various file types can be edited is described in other
You can merge chart files together into a single chart file. This is especially useful if
you've been working on different computers; you may find that you've added some
charts to Solar Fire on one machine and added others to Solar Fire on another machine,
and want to get them into a single file you can use on either or both machines. You can
merge as many chart files as you like into a single file.
NOTE: This merging of chart files into one file also is available as an automatic option
when importing charts and settings (see Importing Charts, Files and Settings).
The list on the left shows all the chart files in the current folder. To see other chart
files in other folders change the folder (see Selecting a Folder). The file that will
receive all the charts from other files (the destination chart file) is shown in blue in
the bottom right of the dialog box.
The list on the right shows all the files whose charts will be merged together (in the
destination chart file, along with whatever charts are already in the destination
file). This is the "merge list" of files and are they are in bold.
6. For each chart you want to add to the merge list (on the right) click on the file in
the left list and then click on the Add button. The file will be added to the merge
list on the right. Alternatively you can double-click on the file and it will be
automatically added to the merge list. Or you can select many files by one of two
methods (see below) and then click the Add button.
a) to select files at random (non adjacent) places in the list:
hold down the Ctrl key whilst clicking with the left mouse button on subsequent
files in the list. Any selected file may also be de-selected by clicking on it again
whilst holding down the Ctrl key.
b) to select files in a contiguous block in the list:
click on the first file in the block, hold down the Shift key, click on the last file in
the block, then release the Shift key.
7. The process is the same for removing files from the merge list. Select the file(s)
first then click on the Remove button (double-clicking doesn't apply for this part of
the process).
8. Once you have the destination file selected (shown underneath the right hand
"merge list"), and the files whose charts are to be merged displayed in the merge
list above, you can click on the Merge button and copies of the the charts will be
created in the destination chart file. A message will let you know the number of
charts that were merged in this way. Click on the OK button and the "Merge"
dialog will close.
This chapter describes how to view and print any of Solar Fire's report or tabulation types
relating to a single chart or synastry report types relating to two charts. It is not possible
to generate a report relating to more than two charts at a time.
If you wish to generate dynamic transits and progressions reports, rather than a chart
report, then refer to Using Dynamic Reports and Time Maps.
Before generating a report, it is necessary to have either cast or opened the chart or
charts that you wish to report on. If you have not yet done so, see Casting a Natal Chart
for instructions on casting a new chart, or page Retrieving Charts From a File for
instructions on opening an existing chart.
Also it is necessary to have selected the required set of displayed chart points and
aspects to be used in generating the report. See Displayed Points for instructions on
selecting the set of displayed points and Aspect Set regarding the aspect set.
These are the different types of reports you can choose from in Solar Fire. To view any of
these reports see Viewing Reports or Tabulations for a Single Chart.
Chart Analysis
• Chart details; name, birth date, birth time, latitude, longitude, etc.
• Astronomical information: DeltaT, Ephemeris Time, Julian Day, Sidereal Time at
Greenwich, Local Sidereal Time, Obliquity of the ecliptic, Adjusted Calculation Date
for midnight and midday ephemerides.
• Chart angles; the longitudes of the Ascendant and Midheaven computed to the
second of arc.
• House cusps: the longitudes of the intermediate house cusps and angles computed
to the second of arc.
• Chart points: longitudes, daily travel, latitudes, declinations, azimuths and altitudes
of all planets and points selected.
• Stationary Points; for any points deemed stationary, shows the distance from exact
station in time and longitude
• Lunar phase: the Sun/Moon angle and its phase out of 8 and 28 phases.
• Sign Elements and Modalities analysis: weighted points showing the concentration
of planets and points in Fire, Earth, Air and Water; Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable.
• House Modalities analysis: weighted points showing the concentration of planets
and points in Angular Succedent, Cadent.
Note: In the Chart point listing, the daily travel values are normally given in degrees and
minutes per day. However, if the rate of travel is less than 1 degree per day, then it is
given in minutes and seconds of arc per day instead.
Note: In the Chart points listing, the following flags may be shown immediately after the
Rulerships Report
This report is available using any available level of rulerships. (It is possible to add your
own rulerships to Solar Fire. Refer to page Changing Rulerships and Weightings for
instructions on how to do this.) It shows the following;
Horary Report
Aspects List
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
• Aspects list: listing of aspects in order from the Moon to the Lunar South Node,
showing orb and whether applying or separating.
• When this report is produced as a synastry report, aspects shown are between the
two charts instead of between planets within the single chart.
Sorted Aspects
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
Aspects Analysis
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb {Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
• Major aspect patterns found: Click on the Patterns... button to preview all the
available aspect patterns and to switch any patterns on or off.
• Aspect distribution grid: the number of aspects found among the inner planets,
outer planets, and angles.
• Aspect frequency analysis: aspect type, actual aspect hits, likely aspect hits, and
the percentage of difference from expected frequency of aspect hits.
When this report is produced as a synastry report, aspect patterns do not appear on the
report, and the aspect distribution relates to aspects between the two charts.
Note: The "Orb Tightness" of each pattern indicates how close the aspects involved in
the pattern are to being exact. A value of 100% would indicate that all the aspects in the
pattern are exact, whereas a value of 0% would indicate that all the aspects are at the
outer limit of their allowable orbs. In more technical terms, it uses an RMS (root mean
square) value of the normalized orbs (where normalized means the ratio of actual orb to
maximum allowable orb).
When this report is produced as a synastry report, the points from both charts are listed
together, and are flagged to show which chart they belong to.
Sensitive Points
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
• List of sensitive points: zodiacal position, aspect made, chart point aspecting this
This report is especially useful for quickly finding what is being triggered in a chart by
a transiting planet, for example. It is also useful simply as a list of what points in the
zodiac are sensitive in chart.
MidPoint Listing
When this chart is produced as a synastry report, the midpoints from the first chart are
mixed with the primary positions (i.e. the positions of the chart points themselves) of the
second chart, and these are flagged to show which chart they belong to. In this manner it
is possible to see the positions of the transiting planets relative to a chart's midpoints,
for example.
MidPoint Axes
This shows that Uranus is within 2 minutes of arc of the midpoint of the Vernal Point
(0 Aries) and Saturn; within 5 minutes of arc of the Ascendant; and within 9 minutes
of arc of the midpoint Mars and Jupiter, within the modulus specified. Also note that
the "d" indicates that the midpoint is a conjunction or opposition, regardless of the
modulus chosen.
MidPoint Trees
Vp/Sat 0 02d
*ASC* 0 05
Mar/Jup 0 09
Midpoint Modes
• Cardinal Points: Zodiacal position of chart points and midpoints which are in
cardinal signs, plus modulus angle of points which are in semisquare or
sesquisquare to chart points and midpoints.
• Fixed Points: As for cardinal points
• Mutable Points: As for cardinal points
This report is especially useful for quickly finding any 8th harmonic aspects to
midpoints in a chart.
For example, in the cardinal section of the report, if two of the entries are;-
Arabic Parts
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb {Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
• List of Parts: Name and zodiacal position
• List of Aspects: Aspects to chart points, orbs
Star Aspects
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb {Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
• Chart Points: Zodiacal position and declination
• List of aspects: Aspects to fixed stars in current fixed star file, orb and star
Star Parans
• Parans Used: List of which parans are included (rise, set, upper culmination, lower
• Paran Orb: maximum paran orb
• Chart Points: Zodiacal position and declination
• List of parans: Parans to fixed stars in current fixed star file, star keywords
Planetary Nodes
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb {Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
• Chart Points: North node position and daily travel. South node position and daily
• List of aspects: Aspects to other chart points, in order of increasing orb
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
• List of Asteroids in current asteroid file: Longitude, daily travel, latitude, R.A. and
Declination, list of aspects from asteroid to other chart points, orbs
Other Bodies
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb {Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
• List of Bodies: Name, longitude, daily travel, latitude, R.A. and Declination
• List of Aspects: Aspects to chart points, orbs
The bodies which appear in this report are those whose orbital elements are defined
in a file called "extras.dat", which resides in Solar Fire's \Solar Fire User Flles\Points
& Colors folder. If you have adequate knowledge of orbital elements, it is possible to
add or remove bodies from this file, and these changes will be reflected in this report.
See Format of the Orbital Elements File for an explanation of the format of this file.
• Total Hits, Midpoints in weighted order, Hits in weighted order, Planets in weighted
order, sign weights, house weights, harmonic weights.
Unlike the original MWA that includes all of Munkase/s PSPs (personal sensitive
points), this version of the report uses only the currently selected chart points.
The weightings are specified in the file MWA.INI in Solar Fire's Settings folder, and
adventurous users can edit this file if they wish to alter the weightings.
Difference Listing
The difference between a pair shown in the report as "A/B" is computed as (Position
B - Position A), i.e. it indicates the zodiacal distance from point A forward through the
zodiac to point B.
• Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and
separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
• List of points in current extra ring points file: Longitude, daily travel, latitude, R.A.
and Declination, list of aspects from asteroid to other chart points, orbs
The tabulations are a series of pre-defined collections of page objects organized into
useful groupings. (If you aren't familiar with Solar Fire's "Pages" see Viewing Pages for
an introduction.)
These are the same page objects that are used in Solar Fire's pages, and if users wish to
create their own collections of page objects and customize them differently from the way
they are presented here, then this can be done by designing your own pages using the
Page Designer (see Editing a Page Design File for more information).
However, the tabulations presented here allow users to quickly view some pages of
information without having to create new pages first to see this kind of information.
Each tabulation displays a header for the currently selected chart, showing the name,
birth date, birth time, latitude, longitude, etc. These are the different types of
tabulations you can choose from:
For each displayed point, shows the longitude, speed indicator, the zodiacal positions of
the last and next station, and the time since the last station and until the next station.
The speed indicator is determined according to the typical speed of each point, and can
be Fast, Slow, Stationary or Retrograde.
Rise/Set Times
For each displayed point, shows the longitude, and the paran values for the rise,
culmination, set and anti-culmination of that point.
The paran values may be displayed as local times, or LST angles or times, according to
the user-setting in the Preferences dialog.
Gauq. Sectors
For each displayed point, shows the longitude, distance in A.U. {usually geocentric, but
heliocentric if the chart is heliocentric), the Gauquelin sector {1 to 36) and a flag to show
if it is in one of the Gauquelin plus sectors.
Note that (for a planet on the ecliptic) the sectors start at the horizon, and sectors 1 to 9
run from the Ascendant to the Midheaven, 10 to 18 run from the Midheaven to the
Descendant, 19 to 27 run from the Descendant to the IC, and 28 to 36 from the IC to the
Modulus Sort
For each displayed point shows the longitude, and the modulus of the longitude
according to the current modulus value which may be set by the user on this screen.
Chart Balances
This shows graphical representations of the balance of modes, elements, rays quadrants
and hemispheres. Note the asterisked {*) objects denote that they are showing weighted
values i.e. adjusting the scores for each category using the user-editable weightings for
each point.
House Cusps
For each house cusp, show the longitude and its degree almuten (calculated according to
the options in the houses.aim almuten definition file).
Shows the four last lunar phases and the next phase due (using the standard 4 lunar
Also shows the last two and next three eclipses due (both solar and lunar).
The times are for either maximum eclipse or for the exact corresponding lunar phase,
depending on the eclipse settings in Preferences.
Essential Dignities
For each chart point: Ruler, Exalted, Triplicity, Term, Face, Detriment, Fall, Score,
Peregrine (calculated according to the options in the essdig.alm dignity definition file)
Further Dignities
Shows a collection of page objects with various types of dignities, including planetary
sect, planetary hour and day, chart Hyleg mutual receptions, horary consideration and
lunar aspects.
AstroDyne Plan&Asp
For each chart point, shows its astrodyne score, giving the overall power score, the %
contribution towards the total power score, and a Harmony/Disharmony score.
Also, the strongest, best and worst nine aspects are listed, along with their scores.
AstroDyne Houses
For each house and house type, shows its astrodyne score, giving the overall power
score, the % contribution towards the total power score, and a Harmony/Disharmony
AstroDyne Signs
For each sign and sign type, shows its astrodyne score, giving the overall power score,
the % contribution towards the total power score, and a Harmony/Disharmony score.
For each displayed point shows the declination, the longitude, and longitude equivalent
of its declination.
There is also a graphical declination strip.
Aspects - Closest
This list all the aspects currently selected, and then lists the aspects within the current
chart in order of closeness of orb. Aspects will not appear in this list unless their orb is
within i) the maximum orb specified for this object, and ii) the maximum orb allowed for
that aspect in the aspect set which is being used. The total number of aspects shown is
limited to 24.
Midpoint Trees
This displays midpoint trees for each displayed point in the chart, using the currently
specified modulus and orb, both of which may be edited by the user on this screen.
Planetary Hours
This shows the planets of each planetary hour on the chart's date, starting at dawn and
ending with dawn of the following day.
Almuten Scores
This object displays planetary scores for various dignity or almuten calculations. The
scores are calculated according to the default dignity and almutens scores stored in the
file general.alm, which resides in Solar Fire's program folder.
Vedic Dasas
This displays a list of Dasas (major planetary periods) and Bhuktis (sub planetary
periods) using the current default sidereal zodiac for the selected chart.
This shows the Nakshatras (Vedic lunar divisions) for the current chart according to the
default sidereal zodiac. The names and types of the mansions are given, as well as a few
keywords describing the attributes of the mansion.
Arabic Mansions
This lists, for each displayed point, the number of the Arabic mansion it occupies (1 to
28), the name of the mansion as given in the Picatrix, the Arabic name, and the English
Chinese Mansions
This shows the Chinese Lunar Mansion occupied by each chart point. These mansions
are divisions in right ascension, the boundaries of which are defined by the positions of
certain fixed stars. The Chinese and English names of the mansion are given, as well as
a few keywords describing the attributes of the mansion.
Direction of Divisions
This lists the starting dates of planetary term periods and the ages of the individual at
each of these dates, according to the primary mundane direction of the Ascendant of the
current chart. This direction always uses the "Placidus" primary method, but does give
different results for different Primary Direction Rate Keys.
One of the more important time-lord systems that have been recovered in recent times is
known as Zodiacal Releasing. Zodiacal Releasing is used in order to divide a person's
life into broad spans of time or chapters, with each chapter activating a specific sign of
the zodiac and a specific planet. Once these periods are determined, the technique can
be used to identify periods of heightened activity or importance relative to certain topics,
such as one's career or relationships. The technique also provides information about
which periods of the native's life will tend to be either more easy or difficult relative to
those topics.
When used in coordination with other timing techniques, Zodiacal Releasing provides
astrologers with a powerful system for determining information about the course of a
native's life.
This first object displays the same information as the Planetary Hour/Day object, but
also indicates the current planetary rulers of a 36 year cycle. Each 36 year period is ruled
by one of the 7 planets from Mars to Neptune, and each year within that 36 year period
is sub-ruled by a planet. The periods of rulership start on the tropical Aries ingress each
year. This 36 year cycle is described in American Astrology Magazine - Year 1940, in an
article by David Anrias (although it is referred to in that article as a 35 year cycle), and is
also alluded to in the title of the book "The Initiate in the Dark Cycle" by Cyril Scott -
Publ. Samuel Weiser Inc. This "Dark Cycle" is the 36 year period from 1909 to 1945
which was ruled by Mars.
The second object shows the polarity, element (of the five Chinese Elements) and the
animal of the current Chinese lunar year.
Four temperaments weighted according to Lilly - Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic,
Points used: Sun, Moon, Ascendant; Aspects to: Sun, Moon
Aspects Used: Conjunction, Square, Trine, Opposition and Sextile
Data and References for the Temperaments have been kindly provided by Lee Lehmann
• From the Main Screen, select a chart from the list of "Calculated Charts", and then
choose Current Chart from the Reports menu.
• From the "View Chart" window, select an image of the required single chart, aspect
grid or user-defined page from the list box, and select the Reports button.
This will display the "Chart Report" screen, which allows reports to be selected,
browsed, edited and printed.
The list box on the top right of the window contains a list of all the report types that may
be displayed.
1. Select the required report name from the list box on the top right of the window.
If you select a chart point sort report, or any midpoint type of report, then you can
select a modulus angle for the report.
• Click on the Modulus drop-down list box and select a pre-defined value
It is possible to select a modulus for any harmonic from the 1st to the 12th
• Enter an angle into the Modulus box
It is possible to type in any angle from 1 minute of arc to 360 degrees in degrees,
» To enter an orb
3. Type the required orb into the Orb box - Any orb may be entered from 0 to 10
degrees, in degrees, minutes and seconds {e.g. "0 10" for 10 seconds of arc).
You can browse through the report by clicking on the scroll bars to the right and
bottom of the report display box. You can alter the appearance of the report by
switching on or off any of the following options:
• Use Glyphs - This will substitute astrological glyphs into the report wherever
appropriate, replacing abbreviations for planets, asteroids, zodiac signs and
• Use Colors - This allows you to switch on or off the selected colors of each
planet, asteroid, zodiac sign and aspects wherever they appear in the report.
When this option is switched off, all items appear in black. It is possible to alter
which colors are used for each item by selecting Point Colors, Sign Colors and
Aspect Colors from the Chart Options menu of the Main Screen. See Editing a
Color File for instructions on how to do this.
• Bold Text - This allows you to switch between regular (light) text and bold text.
• Full Headers - This allows you to switch on or off the full chart details and full
listing of aspects used (in reports which use aspects). This option is useful if you
do not need to see the full details, or if you wish to use less paper when printing
a report.
This will display a list of calculated charts, from which you may select any one.
Note: By switching on the "Auto-apply" option, you may also scroll through charts and
see the report automatically updated for each chart you select, without having to close
the chart selection dialog.
Note: You can also use this dialog to view or edit the events or comments for any chart
by using a right hand mouse click over that chart's entry, which brings up a pop-up menu.
word-processor, you may have to edit the document to ensure that the columns align
1. Select a natal chart in the Main Screen, then go to the Reports menu, and click on
Current chart.
2. On the right hand side click on the Tabulations tab.
3. Optionally enter a date in the "Target Date" box. This date must occur after the
chart date.
4. Decide on the starting basis for the releasings by selecting a value in the Zodiacal
Start combo box. By default it is the sign the "Part of Spirit" is in, but you can
select the "Part of Fortune" instead, or otherwise a specific sign to start with.
Whatever you select here will be used from that point onwards until you change it
5. Click on Zodiacal Releasings in the list.
6. If you subsequently change the date, afterwards click on the Enter button to
refresh the list.
NOTE: If a Target Date is entered, this aligns the releasing periods with the date
given, providing a full description of the influences stemming from that date. However,
its possible to see information focused on a period another way that is very flexible:
• From the Main Screen, choose Synastry from the Reports menu - you must then
select charts as described in Viewing MultiWheels and Synastry Grids, and then
select the Reports button.
• From the "View Chart" window, select the image of the required biwheel or synastry
grid from the list box, and then select the Reports button.
This will display the "Reports" screen, which allows reports to be selected, browsed,
edited and printed. Refer to Viewing Reports or Tabulations for a Single Chart for
instructions on how to use this screen.
The Ashtkoot Compatibility System is a system that has its roots in India and is primarily
used in Vedic astrology. "Ashtkoot" simply means "8 factor". The scoring within this
system is based on the position of the sidereal Moon (Lahiri) of the two people and the 8
factors are scored on the integration of these two Moon positions. The maximum score
is 36. The implementation of this system in Solar Fire allows a user to select two charts
from either the chart files or ones that have been entered and if a zodiac used in those
charts is one other than the Lahiri zodiac then Solar Fire automatically converts the Moon
position to the Lahiri (sidereal) position internally and the scores calculated.
1. From the Main Screen, select two charts on the "Calculated Charts" list
2. Click on the Reports menu then click on the Ashtkoot Compatibility item
3. Set the gender of the two charts if they have not already been previously selected
for those charts
The Compatibility score will display in the Summary report next to the Total. The
individual scores making up the Total score can also be seen together with a short
description of the 8 factors. If you are already familiar with the Ashtkoot Compatibility
system then you can also click on the "Ashtkoot Detailed" option on the right of the
screen to see the individual factors for each chart. Some of the words will be familiar
and some will not be familiar.
Neville Lang studied about 100 couples over a 10 year period (still a small sample size)
using the Ashtkoot Compatibility system. He came up with some tentative boundaries of
the Total score. If you think about using traffic lights as a quick indicator then the Red
light will represent scores of 40% of the maximum 36 (a score of 14.4) and lower, the
Orange light will represent the range from 40% (14.5) to 59% (24.7), and the Green light
will represent scores of 24.8 and higher. Basically, the Red light indicates a warning for
the long term viability of the relationship, the Orange light means that is it "middling"
and requires more analysis of the two individual charts while the Green light indicates a
high degree of compatibility for the relationship to run for the long term.
The fixed star paran report lists stars that are in paran to points in the chart. Parans may
be of four types - rising, setting, culminating or anti-culminating. It is possible to select
which parans to include or exclude from the report. For example, if only rising and
settings parans are selected, then the report will list any stars which are rising or
settings as the chart points rise or set, but not as the stars or chart points culminate or
• From the Main Screen, click on the Reports menu then on any of the Parans to Use
Parans that are selected will have a check mark on their left of their entry in the
menu. Clicking on an unselected paran will switch it on, and clicking on a selected
paran will switch it off. Note that the fixed star paran report lists which parans are
currently in use when the report is generated.
This section describes how to send a chart page, report or time map to the printer which
is attached to your computer system, how to add a print job to the batch print queue, to
be printed at a later time instead of immediately, and how to alter printer settings such
as the number of copies of each page to be printed, the page orientation and the print
If you wish to set page margins, then you must do this before printing. See Setting Page
Margins for information on how to do this.
Before printing a chart, grid or report relating to a chart or grid, it is necessary to have
either cast, opened or generated the charts which you wish to print, or to have generated
the report which you wish to print.
You can print from any screen with a Print button, or with a Print menu option.
You can print any wheel, grid, user-defined page, dynamic report. Time Map, ephemeris
page or Planetarium view by clicking on the Print button on the screen. In most cases a
print dialog box will appear, which you can use as described in following sections.
» To print any chart or grid or page layout for which an image has already been
1. From the "View Chart" screen, select the required image from the list of images
» To print any report, from the "Chart Reports & Tabulations" screen
If you just want printouts, you can print single and multiple wheels and grids without
first viewing them on the screen. These printouts will use whatever displayed points,
aspects set, wheel style, display options, colors, fonts and other options that are
currently selected in the Chart Options and Preferences menus.
» To print one or more charts or aspect grids from the Main Screen
2. Select the Print Chart or Print Grid options from the Chart menu.
1. Follow the instructions in Viewing MultiWheels and Synastry Grids to select the
required charts.
Most print options in Solar Fire will display the "Print" dialog box, which allows the user
to add the print job to the batch print queue, to alter printer settings, or to print
If you wish to exit from this dialog box without taking any action, then the Cancel button
may be used.
• Color/Greyscale - if you have a color printer (on which the color printing ability is
enabled), then the output will be printed using the colors selected in your current
color scheme for printers. If your printer is not a color printer (or is a color printer,
but on which the color printing ability is disabled), then it will appear in greyscale
equivalents to the colors selected in your current color scheme for printers.
• Black Only - this converts all color output to black. This produces the clearest
output on most monochrome printers.
3. Select the Print button - This will start the print job, and messages will appear on
the screen to indicate the status of printing. Generally the printer will not actually
start printing until the "Print" dialog box disappears. It is not possible to cancel
printing once it has started, although it is possible to delete an item from the
Windows print queue if it has not already been sent to the printer in its entirety.
See your Windows manual for information on the Windows print queue.
If the printer is switched off, not connected to the computer, or has other problems, then
Windows will issue a message asking whether you wish to cancel or retry. You may then
attempt to remedy the problem and select the Retry button, or select the Cancel button
if you wish to continue working without fixing the problem now. If the Cancel button is
selected then the output will not be sent to the printer, but it will remain on the
Windows print queue (not to be confused with the Solar Fire batch print queue). Please
refer to your Windows manual for instructions on using the Windows Printer object to
deal with the Windows print queue.
This will display a dialog box asking you to confirm whether or not you wish to add
this print job to the Solar Fire print batch queue. If you select the OK button, then it
will be added to the queue, and it will not be printed at this time. It is possible, at any
later time, to start printing all the jobs which are on the batch print queue by
selecting the Start Print Queue option from the View menu of the Main Screen.
Note: If you have specified more than one copy, then the print queue will have the
specified number of copies added to it instead of just one.
Note: The number of copies you set in the printer settings is ignored by Solar Fire. To
print multiple copies, you must set the number of copies required in this dialog instead.
Note: The number of copies you select in this dialog is always automatically reset to one
when it is next opened. This is done deliberately to prevent you accidentally printing
multiple copies when you have simply forgotten to reset it from last time you printed.
It is possible to set page margins which apply to all types of Solar Fire's printed output,
including charts, reports and time maps.
» To set page margins
• From the Main Screen, select the Charts menu then the Page Margins option
This will display a "Page Margins" dialog box in which it is possible to view the
current page margins or to set new ones.
There are four margins (left, right, top and bottom), each of which may be different, if
desired. These margins are expressed in terms of a ratio of page dimensions (based on
the printable page area, not the full page size), so a setting of 0.1 indicates a margin of
l/10th of the printable page size, for example.
Each margin must be between 0 and 0.4 inclusive. A page margin of 0 indicates that
printed output will extend right to the edge of the printable area of the page.
For example, if you wish to set a 10% left hand binding margin, but to otherwise use the
full printable area, then enter
When you select the OK button you will be asked to confirm your settings before they
are saved. Note that the page margin settings are saved for subsequent sessions only if
you choose to Save Settings or if Save Settings on Exit is on.
• From Solar Fire's "Print Dialog" box, select the Setup button
This will display a "Print Setup" dialog box that allows the selection of an alternative
printer, and the number of copies of each page to print and whether to collate the
pages in order.
Print Setup
r Printer
Name: HP LaserJet 12DD Series PCL 5 •i Properties
Status: Ready
Type: HP LaserJet 1200 Series PCL5
mere: DOT4_001
Paper Orientation
Size: A4 I Portrait
Network. OK Cancel
If you wish to exit from this dialog box without altering any settings, then the Cancel
button may be used. If you wish any changes that you make to take effect, then the OK
button should be used.
There is also a Properties button which allows page orientation and size and other
options to be selected.
Use this option if you wish to alter the page orientation from portrait (normal
orientation) to landscape (page sideways) or vice-versa. However, note that if you use
landscape format to print charts, then any reports subsequently printed will also be in
this orientation unless you switch this option back first.
Please refer to your Windows manual for further information on how to specify printer
Any alterations made with this option result in changes to the printer setup being stored
in Windows, and these changes will therefore affect any other Windows applications
that use the printer.
The batch print queue is a means of storing instructions for the printing of a series or
charts and/or reports and then allowing them to be printed all together at a later time.
The purpose of the option is to allow the user to generate a large number of charts and
reports in a short space of time, without having to wait for each one to print before
generating the next one. Then at a convenient time, the user may take a break whilst the
whole batch of charts and reports in printed out without requiring any further user
interaction. The print queue keeps a record of all the chart display options that were in
effect at the time when each item was added to the queue, and when the queue is sent
to the printer it uses the appropriate options for each chart individually as it is printed.
After the batch queue has finished printing, the chart display options are automatically
restored to the settings that were in effect immediately before the queue was sent.
• From the Chart menu select Print Queue then the Start Print Queue option
This will display a dialog box asking for confirmation of whether to start printing
items on the batch print queue. Select the Cancel button to quit without starting the
queue, or the OK button to start printing.
• From the Chart menu select Print Queue then the Clear Print Queue option
This will display a dialog box asking for confirmation of whether to clear all the items
from the batch print queue. Select the Cancel button to quit without clearing the
queue, or the OK button to clear it.
It is possible to alter any of the following items that relate to the manner in which charts
and reports are calculated and displayed.
Displayed points are the planets, asteroids and other points which appear on a displayed
chart or synastry grid or in any report.
A set of displayed points is a named file containing a list of which points are switched on
and which are switched off.
The name of the currently selected set of displayed points is shown in the "Current
Settings" panel on the Main Screen of the program.
When the program is first installed, there are a variety of named displayed point sets
which may be selected. It is possible to alter which points are displayed by selecting an
alternative set of displayed points, or by editing an existing one or creating a new one.
1. Choose the Displayed Points option from the Chart Options menu
2. Then follow the instruction relating to displayed points in Using the File Manager.
» To alter the displayed point set, from the View Chart window
1. With the mouse right-click on the screen, and a pop-up menu appears
3. Then follow the instruction relating to displayed points in Using the File Manager.
It is possible to select a set of displayed points which will be used only with the currently
selected chart. This is useful, for example, when you wish to display a chart of the
current transits in a biwheel with a natal chart. In this case, you might prefer the transits
chart to display only the outer planets, because the inner planets and chart angles move
so quickly as to be of much lesser importance.
» To alter the current chart's displayed point set - from the Main Screen
1. Select the chart that you wish to use from the list of "Calculated Charts"
2. Choose the Current Chart's Displayed Points option from the Chart Options menu
3. Then follow the instruction relating to displayed points in Using the File Manager.
Whenever this chart is subsequently displayed, it will always contain the newly
selected displayed points instead of the current set of displayed points which are
used in all other cases.
If you wish to reset the displayed points for this chart to be the current set of displayed
points again, then you must re-use this option to select whichever set of displayed
points is the current set.
» To alter the current chart's displayed point set - from the View Chart window
1. With the mouse right-click on the screen, and a pop-up menu appears
2. Choose the Current Chart's Displayed Points option from the menu
3. Then follow the instruction relating to displayed points in Using the File Manager.
Note: This doesn't necessarily change the displayed points of the chart currently
displayed in the "View Chart" window. It will do if that chart is also the chart in the
"Calculated Charts" list that was last selected, and is therefore the "current" chart (see
current chart for more info). Otherwise it will change the points to be displayed for
whatever chart happens to be the current chart, which may not have even been viewed
in the "View Chart" window at that point.
A set of displayed transiting points Is a named file containing a list of which points are
switched on and which are switched off.
Displayed transiting points are the planets, asteroids and other points which can appear
on a displayed multi-wheel chart when both of the following are true...
The criteria by which Solar Fire deems a chart to be a "transits" chart are either one
of the following...
• Any natal type chart that has an event type of "Event"
• Any natal type chart that has an event type of "Unspecified", and that contains
either "transit" or "event" anywhere in its name
Unless either of these conditions is met, Solar Fire assumes that the chart is not a
"transits" chart, and therefore uses only the default Displayed Points set.
However, when either of these conditions is met, then the points which are actually
displayed are all those points which are switched on in BOTH the default Displayed
Points AND in the Displayed Transiting Points. Therefore, you should use this selection
to switch OFF only those points that you DO NOT wish to see in a transits chart (e.g.
chart angles, and perhaps other fast moving points such as the moon), and you should
leave ALL other points switched ON, even if you do not normally display them in a chart.
Doing this will allow you to later choose a set of ordinary Displayed Points containing
some additional points, and have those additional points automatically also appear in
transits charts, without having to also reselect a set of Displayed Transiting Points.
When the program is first installed, there are a variety of named displayed point sets
which may be selected. It is possible to alter which points are displayed by selecting an
alternative set of displayed points, or by editing an existing one or creating a new one.
» To alter the displayed transiting point set, from the Main Screen
1. Choose the Displayed Transiting Points option from the Chart Options menu
2. Then follow the instruction relating to displayed points in Using the File Manager.
Extra Ring Points is a selection of points or bodies of various types that can be displayed
in a special chart wheel which includes an extra ring in addition to the normal ring which
displays the standard chart points.
The types of extra points that can be selected are standard chart points, midpoints, fixed
zodiacal positions, fixed stars and astronomical objects, Arabic parts, asteroids, bodies
calculated from orbital elements, prior lunar phases, eclipse points and planetary nodes.
When the program is first installed, there are a variety of named extra ring point sets
which may be selected. It is possible to alter these selections by editing an existing set
or creating a new one.
» To alter the extra ring points set, from the Main Screen
1. Choose the Extra Ring Points option from the Chart Options menu
2. Then follow the instruction relating to extra ring points in Editing an Extra Ring
Points File.
Aspect sets are named files containing a list of which aspects are switched on and off
and what orbs each aspect has. The aspect set controls which aspects are displayed on
charts or synastry grids and in any reports. It is also used when any dynamic transits or
progressions report is created.
The name of the currently selected aspect set is shown in the information box on the
Main Screen of the program.
When the program is first installed, there are a variety of named aspect sets which may
be selected. It is possible to alter which aspects are displayed and their orbs by
selecting an alternative aspect set, or by editing an existing one or creating a new one.
1. Choose the Aspect Set option from the Chart Options menu
2. Then follow the instruction relating to aspect sets in Using the File Manager.
Aspected points are the planets, asteroids and other points to which aspects are drawn
on a displayed chart.
A set of aspected points is a named file containing a list of which points are switched on
and which are switched off.
It is possible for an aspected point set to be different from a displayed point set. In this
case the displayed chart will not have aspects drawn between every chart point. This is
useful in order to switch off aspects to the Ascendant and Midheaven, for example,
when they are still required to be displayed in the chart.
The name of the currently selected set of aspected points is shown in the information
box on the Main Screen of the program.
When the program is first installed, there are a variety of named aspected point sets
which may be selected. It is possible to alter which points are aspected by selecting an
alternative set of aspected points, or by editing an existing one or creating a new one.
1. Choose the Aspected Points option from the Chart Options menu
2. Then follow the instructions relating to aspected points in Using the File Manager.
4.13.7 Files
This menu option allows you to select any of four different types of files to use as the
default, or to edit or browse their contents. These file types are as follows...
• Fixed Stars - files containing selections of fixed stars or other astronomical objects
• Arabic Parts - files containing lists of Arabic part definitions
• Asteroids - files containing lists of asteroids
• Extra Bodies - files containing orbital elements for various bodies
See Using the File Manager for more details on how to select, edit and use these file
It is possible to select from a range of available chart and dial styles to be used
whenever Soiar Fire displays or prints charts. Solar Fire comes supplied with several
different pre-defined chart styles, and it is also possible to create your own designs with
the separate Wheel Designer program. The most common types of wheel styles that you
might like to use are the Anglo/American style, European Style and French style.
You can select any available pre-defined style for use with single chart displays, bi-chart
displays, tri-chart displays, quadri-chart displays, small wheel displays (which includes
dual wheels on a page and wheel and grid on the same page), and preview wheel
displays, such as on Solar Fire's Main Screen.
» To select a particular style of display for all subsequent wheel or dial display
and printing
1. Click on the Wheel Styles or Dial Styles button, or choose the required chart
combination option from the Wheel Styles or Dial Styles option of the Chart
Options menu
2. Then follow the instruction relating to wheel and dial styles in Using the File
Once a particular style is selected, all subsequent displays of that chart combination
type will use that selected style. For example, if you select a "French" style for biwheel
chart combinations, then all subsequent biwheel displays will use the "French" style.
Most house systems, apart from equal house systems, have houses that vary in size. In
some cases, especially at high latitudes, there can be a considerable "distortion" so that
a couple of houses are very narrow, whilst others are very wide. It is possible to display
Solar Fire charts either with equal-sized (non-proportional) houses, or with proportional
houses. However, when displaying a chart using a wheel style which contains a zodiac
ring (such as a French or European style), then the proportional houses option is
automatically overridden, as in this case the house cusps must always maintain their
positions in relation to the zodiac ring. When a chart is displayed with non-proportional
(equal sized) houses, the planets will not be drawn in their correct geometrical positions.
Instead they will be moved, wherever possible, to fall within the correct house cusps.
Also, in this case, the tick marks on the inside rim of any single wheel display will also
be moved to correspond to the displayed position of the planet.
» To alter the current Proportional Houses setting, from the Main Screen
• Choose the Proportional Houses option from the Display Options submenu of
Chart Options menu.
This will switch on the option if it is currently off, or switch it off if it is currently on.
When this option is switched on, a tick appears to the left of this item on the menu.
Once this setting is altered, any chart subsequently displayed on the screen or printed
will be affected.
> To update the display of any previously viewed chart in the "Chart View" screen, click
on the the Re Draw button.
A chart may sometimes have many planets or other chart points in a single house. In this
case, when you view the chart you may find that some of these points spill over into
adjacent houses. If this happens, you can switch this option on to prevent this from
happening. When switched on, this option will cause any over-full houses to be
expanded to accommodate all the required points, so that it is clear in which house they
» To change the current house expansion setting, from the Main Screen
• Choose the House Expansion option from the Display Options submenu of the
Chart Options menu
This will switch on the option if it is currently off, or switch it off if it is currently on.
When the house expansion option is switched on, a tick appears to the left of this
item on the menu.
Once this setting is altered, any chart subsequently displayed on the screen or printed
will be affected.
> To update the display of any previously viewed chart in the "Chart View" screen, click
on the the Re Draw button.
Any single-wheel chart which you view on the screen or print may optionally display
aspect lines inside the central ring of the chart.
• Choose the Aspect Lines option from the Display Options sub menu of the Chart
Options menu
This will switch on the option if it is currently off, or switch it off if it is currently on.
Once this setting is altered, any single-wheel chart subsequently displayed on the
screen or printed will be affected.
> To update the display of any previously viewed chart in the "Chart View" screen, click
on the ReDraw button.
Any single-wheel chart which you view on the screen or print may optionally display
aspect lines inside the central ring of the chart. When they are displayed (i.e. when the
Aspect Lines option is on), it is also possible to choose whether or not to show the
aspect glyphs in the middle of each aspect line.
• Choose the Aspect Glyphs option from the Display Options sub menu of the Chart
Options menu. This will switch on the option if it is currently off, or switch it off if it
is currently on.
Once this setting is altered, any single-wheel chart subsequently displayed on the
screen or printed will be affected.
> To update the display of any previously viewed chart in the "Chart View" screen, click
on the ReDraw button.
This option allows you to highlight aspects according to their tightness of orb, use
different line styles for applying and separating aspects, and to display conjunction
lines. The filtering features allow you to flexibly switch on or off aspect lines according
to a range of useful criteria, such as limiting the orb, displaying only aspects belonging
to a particular harmonic, or only those aspects emanating from a selected chart point.
This can be performed quickly and interactively whilst displaying a chart (without having
to change the currently selected aspect set), and is therefore a powerful tool in assisting
the analysis of aspects.
• Choose Aspect Highlighting and Filtering... from the Chart Options menu.
If you wish to apply highlighting or filtering to a chart interactively, then you should first
display the required chart in the View Chart or Animation window, and use a right hand
mouse click over the chart to bring up the Chart Options menu.
The Apply button is enabled when you are already viewing a chart on the Main Screen, in
the View Chart, Animation or any Chart Preview window. It may be used to apply any
changes you make without closing this dialog.
The Transparent option (only available in Windows 2000, XP or later) allows the dialog to
be made semi-transparent. This is useful in helping you to see otherwise hidden parts of
pages when you are using the Apply button to preview any changes without closing this
C No highlighting
By relative tightness of orb (linear) Sep=DDtted
By relative tightness of orb (sqr)
• By relative tightness of orb (sqr'sqr) )v conjunction
C Partile aspects only (same degree) aspect lines
By absolute tightness of orb: Line Width
Orb < rOO' LineWidth = 6 Del 7^
Orb < 2*00' LineWidth = 4 Max Orb
Orb < 3W LineWidth = 2
• No highlighting - the aspect lines are not highlighted. All aspect line
thicknesses are set to their standard default line width.
• By relative tightness of orb - the aspect line thickness are scaled according to
how tight they are {by taking the ratio of the actual orb to the maximum possible
orb i.e. by relative orb ratio). The tightest orbs have the thickest lines, and the
widest orbs have the thinnest lines. The maximum line width multiplier can be set
to control the factor by which the line width Is increased for the tightest orbs.
The /.meor option thickens the lines in direct proportion to the relative orb ratio
e.g. an aspect whose orb is half of its maximum allowed orb has its thickness
multiplied by half the maximum line width multiplier. The Sqr option thickens the
line in proportion to the square of the relative orb, so an aspect whose orb is half
of its maximum allowed orb has its thickness multiplied by one quarter of the
maximum line width multiplier. The Sqr*Sqr option thickens the line in proportion
to the fourth power of the relative orb, so an aspect whose orb is half of its
maximum allowed orb has its thickness multiplied by one eight of the maximum
line width multiplier.
• Partile aspect only {same degree) - only those aspects that are partile (i.e.
those which are in the same whole degree of their sign at each end of the aspect)
are highlighted by the line width multiplier. All other aspects are set to their
standard default line width.
• By absolute tightness of orb - the aspect line thicknesses are scaled according
to their actual orbs in degrees. When this option is selected, the list box below
contains a list of orb limits and the corresponding line width multipliers to apply.
This list may be edited by the user. Use the Add button to add a new line, the Del
button to remove a line, and use the Max Orb box to set the orb in degrees and
• App=Solid; Sep=Dotted - When this box is checked, all applying aspects are
shown as solid lines, and all separating aspects are shown as dotted lines. This
can be used in addition to the line thickness options.
• Display Conjunction Aspect Lines - When this box if checked, an aspect line is
drawn between points which are conjunct. Note: If the points are very closely
conjunct, then these conjunction lines will not be easily visible.
No filtering
By applying/separating All Aspects 3
C By ^ of maximum orb 50 jj
By absolute maximum orb
f* By aspect harmonic 5th Harmonic
By individual aspect Opposition
By aspect pattern T-Square
By chart point jlhe Sun
w Switch filtering off alter close Auto apply changes
• No filtering - the aspect lines are not filtered. The aspects displayed are those
that are enabled and within orb according to the currently selected aspect set.
• By % of maximum orb - only those aspects whose orbs are less than the
prescribed percentage of their maximum possible orb are displayed. The
prescribed percentage may be adjusted by the user either by typing a new
number into the adjoining box, or by using its spin buttons.
• By absolute maximum orb - only those aspects whose orbs are less than the
prescribed orb are displayed. The prescribed orb may be adjusted by the user by
typing a new maximum orb angle into the adjoining box.
• By aspect harmonic - only those aspects that belong to the selected harmonic
family are displayed. When this option is selected, the orbs from the current
aspect set are used, but the enabled or disabled aspect settings are ignored.
• By individual aspect - only the selected aspect type is displayed. When this
option is selected, the orbs from the current aspect set are used, but the enabled
or disabled aspect settings are ignored.
• By aspect pattern - only those aspects that form the selected aspect pattern
type are displayed. If a chart does not contain the selected aspect pattern, then
no aspects are displayed in that chart. If a chart contains multiple instances of
the selected aspect pattern, then all instances are shown. When this option is
selected, the orbs from the current aspect set are used, but the enabled or
disabled aspect settings are ignored.
• By chart point - only those aspects that emanate from the selected chart point
are displayed. When this option is selected, only those aspects that are enabled
in the current default aspect set are displayed.
• Switch filtering off after close - ensure this box is checked unless you want the
filtering options you set to be maintained permanently. As most filtering is done
on a temporary basis, this options helps you avoid forgetting to set the filtering
off when you finish, which might result in unexpected or missing aspect lines
when you subsequently view charts.
• Auto apply changes - setting this option on saves you from having to click on
the Apply button after every change you make. This is especially helpful if you
wish to scroll through many filtering options (such as through the whole list of
aspect patterns, to see if any are present in the chart being examined).
This is a special option that determines the manner in which charts are aligned with one
another (i.e. superimposed). The usual manner of superimposition is "zodiacal", meaning
that when charts are displayed in a biwheel, for example, 0 Aries in one chart is aligned
with 0 Aries in the other chart. This method is the one used in almost all astrological
books and publications.
However, it is also possible to align charts by other methods, for example according to
their house cusps, or according to the position of points within the charts.
• Zodiacal (Normal) - This is the default option when the program is first installed,
and should always be selected unless you specifically wish to use non-standard
superimposition methods.
• By Sign of Selected Point - This will align 0 degrees of the sign of the selected
superimposition point in the superimposed chart with 0 degrees of the sign of the
selected base point in the base chart. In this case the superimposition adjustment
will always be an exact factor of 30 degrees.
• By Exact Position of Selected Point - This will align the exact zodiacal position of
the selected superimposition point with the exact position of the selected base
point in the base chart. In this case the superimposition adjustment can be any
The last two options require a specific chart point to be selected. For example, if the
"Exact Position of Selected Point" option is selected, then the selected superimposition
point and base point might both be set to Ascendant. In this case, when a biwheel is
displayed, the outer chart will have its ascendant aligned exactly to the ascendant of the
inner chart, so that the houses of each chart coincide with one another.
This option never affects a single chart on its own - it only affects multiwheels, reports
or page objects that show chart inter-relationships. Specifically, the items affected are:
• Biwheels - The outer chart is adjusted. The inner chart remains fixed.
• Triwheels - The two outer charts are adjusted. The inner chart remains fixed.
• Quadriwheels - The three outer charts are adjusted. The inner chart remains fixed.
• Quinquiwheels - The four outer charts are adjusted. The inner chart remains fixed.
• Synastry aspects - Chart B is adjusted. Chart A remains fixed.
Use Radix Point in Subsidiary Charts - This option only affects subsidiary charts (such
as progressed charts) that are superimposed onto other base charts. In this case it is
possible to superimpose the charts by aligning the subsidiary (progressed) point with the
base chart, or alternatively by aligning the radix position of the selected point of the
progressed chart. For example, if we view John's progressed chart in a biwheel around
Susan's natal chart, and we have selected to superimpose by exact position of
ascendants, then, when this option is switched off, John's progressed ascendant will be
aligned to Susan's natal ascendant. However, when this option is switched on, John's
natal (radix) ascendant will be aligned to Susan's natal ascendant, instead.
Display Superimposed Positions - This option determines whether the planets and
zodiac of the superimposed chart retained their original zodiacal positions in the wheel
or reports, as opposed to the entire chart being shifted in the zodiac to appear as if it
was aligned with the zodiac of the base chart. For example, if we view John's natal chart
in a biwheel around Susan's natal chart, and we have selected to superimpose by exact
position of ascendants, then, when this option is switched off, John's ascendant will be
notated with its original (un-superimposed) zodiacal position, and the zodiac of the outer
chart will be shown as offset from that of the inner chart. However, when this option is
switched on, John's ascendant will be notated with its superimposed position (i.e.
identical to Susan's ascendant position), and the zodiac of the outer chart will appear to
align exactly with the zodiac on the inner chart. The purpose of this option is to allow
inter-chart aspects to be seen much more readily than would otherwise be the case.
Note: Using these options can cause much confusion if you are not familiar with the
concept of superimposition. After use, please remember to switch this option back to
A "color scheme" is a set of color selections for aspects, chart points, sign glyphs, sign
fills as well as a background color or graphic which is displayed on the chart viewing
You can select existing color schemes or create and save your own schemes. The name
of the currently selected color scheme for both screen and printer is shown in the
information box on the Main Screen of the program.
Background Graphic
>' Tile Stretch Clear
Cancel OK
The elements in the Screen and Printer Colors frame are as follows.
• Screen Colors / Printer Colors - You can assign different color selections to be
used for the screen and the printer. This is useful, for example, if you wish to print
In monochrome even though you have a color printer, or if you want the colors on
the printer to be darker than the colors on the screen to make them more legible on
a white page. This is especially useful if you have selected a dark background color
for the screen, but still wish to print onto white paper. In this case you can choose
light colors to contrast well with the screen background, and dark colors to contrast
well with the printed white page. Note that any colors you select apply only to
either the Screen or the Printer, depending on which option Is selected. Thus, when
you change screen colors, the colors that appear on the printer will remain
unchanged unless you also change the printer colors.
• Scheme Name - When this program is first installed, there are a number of
predefined color schemes that can be selected from this drop-down list box.
Selecting a named scheme from this list will result in the subsequent items on this
dialog being updated to reflect all the color selections stored in that selection. If
you have made changes to any color selections, then you can save the new color
scheme by clicking on the Save As... button and specifying a name for the scheme.
If you specify an existing scheme name, then that scheme will simply be replaced
with your new scheme. You can also delete any named scheme by first selecting it
from the list, and then clicking on the Delete button. Note that the list of scheme
names is different for screen and printers.
• Aspect Colors - Aspect colors are the colors in which aspect symbols and aspect
lines will appear in any displayed chart or grid. A set of aspect colors is a named
file containing a list of which color is assigned to each aspect. When the program
is first installed, there are a variety of named aspect colors sets which may be
selected. It is possible to alter the colors in which aspects are displayed by
selecting an alternative set of aspect colors, or by editing an existing one or
creating a new one. To alter the aspect colors set, click on the box containing the
name of the current aspect colors, and then follow the instruction relating to aspect
colors in Using the File Manager.
• Point Colors - Point colors are the colors in which planets, asteroids and other
points will appear in any displayed chart or grid. A set of point colors is a named
file containing a list of which color is assigned to each point. When the program is
first installed, there are a variety of named point colors sets which may be
selected. It is possible to alter the colors in which points are displayed by selecting
an alternative set of point colors, or by editing an existing one or creating a new
one. To alter the point colors selection, click on the box containing the name of the
current point colors, and then follow the instruction relating to point colors in Using
the File Manager.
• Sign Text Colors - Sign text colors are the colors in which zodiac sign glyphs will
appear in any displayed chart. A set of sign colors is a named file containing a list
of which color is assigned to each sign. When the program is first installed, there
are a variety of named sign colors sets which may be selected. It is possible to
alter the colors in which signs are displayed by selecting an alternative set of sign
colors, or by editing an existing one or creating a new one. To alter the sign colors
set, click on the box containing the name of the current sign text colors, and then
follow the instruction relating to sign colors in Using the File Manager. Usually you
will want to choose colors which contrast well with the background color or graphic
e.g. if the background is white, then dark sign colors will be most legible.
• Sign Fill Colors - Sign fill colors are the colors in which zodiac signs in chart zodiac
rings will appear in any displayed chart. A set of sign colors is a named file
containing a list of which color is assigned to each sign. When the program is first
installed, there are a variety of named sign colors sets which may be selected. It is
possible to alter the colors in which signs are displayed by selecting an alternative
set of sign colors, or by editing an existing one or creating a new one. To alter the
sign colors set, click on the box containing the name of the current sign text colors,
and then follow the instruction relating to sign colors in Using the File Manager.
Usually you will want to choose colors which blend well with the background color
or graphic e.g. if the background is white, then light sign text colors will be most
• Background Color - The background color of the "View Chart" window may be set
with this option. You can select any color, but usually it is best to choose either a
fairly light color or a fairly dark color. If you choose a moderately light or dark color,
then you may have difficulty viewing aspects, points and wheels on the page. This
option determines whether charts and page objects are drawn with dark (black)
outlines or light (white) outlines. When you choose a light color, charts are drawn
with dark lines, and when you choose a dark color, charts are drawn with light
lines, in order to maximize the visibility of the displayed items. Note that if you
choose a dark background graphic, then it will be necessary also to choose a dark
background color to ensure that the chart is drawn with light lines.
• Background Graphic-You can select any graphic of type *.jpg, "".wmf, "".gif, from
any location, to display as the background to the "View Chart" window. Ideally you
should choose a graphic which does not have large contrasts in color, to avoid the
possibility of making the charts or page objects difficult to see. If you choose a dark
graphic then you will also need to select a dark (e.g. black) background color to
ensure that the page objects are drawn with light colored lines. Similarly, if you
choose a light graphic then you will also need to select a light (e.g. white)
background color to ensure that the page objects are drawn with dark colored lines.
You have the option to stretch the graphic to fit the size of the display, or to tile it,
in which case the graphic is repeated as many times as needed to fit the full
display area. You can clear any graphic selection by clicking on the Clear button.
• The Color Schemes for Chart Art frame allows you to choose special color settings
for any pages which have been designed with full-page background graphics - as is
the case for the "Chart Art" pages in Solar Fire. It is necessary to have a special
color setting for these because Solar Fire would normally display line and text colors
according to the current color scheme selected above, but these settings may clash
with the colors of the background graphic of the page. For example if your current
color scheme is for a light background color then lines are displayed in black, but if
the Chart Art page has a dark colored background graphic, then black lines would
not be very visible on top of that. Therefore most page objects have a "Force Color"
property which may be set in order to ensure that one of the following schemes is
applied to that object instead of the default color scheme selected above.
• Light Backgrounds - You can choose any color scheme that has been designed to
work with light backgrounds.
• Dark Backgrounds - You can choose any color scheme that has been designed to
work with dark backgrounds.
Note: If you use a background graphic, then you may notice that some chart wheels are
displayed transparently, so that the graphic shows through them, and some are opaque,
so that the background graphic is not visible inside them. This behaviour depends on
whether the rings within the wheel have been designed to be transparent or to have a fill
color. You can alter any wheel design to make it transparent or opaque by setting the its
ring fill color option in the wheel designer. See Editing a Wheel Design File for further
If you have a 256 color display, then Solar Fire allows you to choose from three different
palettes (color ranges) in order to help you most closely match the colors that you have
chosen. The color palettes which are available for displays with 256 colors are as
• Bright Colors - A selection of colors which are at the brighter end of the scale
• Pastel Color - A selection of colors which are softer in tone
• Rainbow Colors - A selection of colors which covers a wide range of tones
If you are viewing a chart, you will need to click on the ReDraw button to see the effect
of the new palette.
Note: Changing the color palette does not change your original color selection, it only
affects how your color selection is currently displayed. For example, if you choose the
color orange for a planet, then displaying it with the Pastel Colors palette shows it as a
brawny color, because that is the closest match to orange in that palette. However, if
you then switch to the Bright Colors palette and redraw the chart, it is displayed as
orange, because an orange color is included in that palette.
Warning: It is not recommended that you try the following unless you are proficient in
the use of Windows, and able to deal with potential problems caused by changing the
display driver. For further assistance, you should contact your computer dealer, or a
qualified Windows instructor.
3. Click on the Settings tab (in Windows 7 click on Change Display Settings, then on
Advanced Settings, then on the Monitor tab)
4. Select a color setting from the Color Palette or Colors drop-down box
Note: If you do not exit from Solar Fire before changing color depth, then some colors
may be displayed incorrectly. If so, you should exit from Solar Fire and then start it up
again. This will clear the problem.
4.13.16 Fonts
It is possible to choose which text font style you wish to use on chart captions displayed
on the screen, as well as another text font style for any charts and reports which are
printed on your printer. You can also select a base font size for printed reports and
When the Solar Fire program is first installed orn you computer, it sets your screen font
as "ET Sans Serif 3" and your printer font as "ET Symbol 3". However, you are free to
select alternative fonts if you so wish. If you select any other fonts, then Solar Fire will
use your selected font for displaying any normal text, but will continue to use the
astrological fonts when displaying any astrological symbols.
These two fonts contain all the astrological symbols that are needed by the program,
without which you will not be able to display charts and reports with astrological
symbols. Therefore you must not delete them from your computer. If, for any reason,
these fonts are removed, then Solar Fire will display spurious symbols instead of the
correct astrological symbols.
One reason you may wish to change the fonts Solar Fire uses would be to access
alternative characters specific to a certain language. These characters are saved with
the charts they are used with, and reappear whenever the chart is opened again
TIP: to access characters like "a" used in European languages change the screen font to
MS Sans Serif and the printer font to Aria I.
When this screen is first displayed, the current font selections will be highlighted in each
of the list boxes.
» To alter the base font size used for printing reports, time maps and graphic
Solar Fire allows you save an unlimited number of life event records for any natal type
chart. These life events are saved with the natal chart (provided that the chart file to
which they are being saved is a SFv6/v7 format chart file), and the events remain
permanently linked with it.
The advantage of storing life events along with a natal chart is that it makes it very quick
and easy to cast subsidiary charts (such as transits, progressions and others) for these
events without ever having to re-enter any of the event data, as well as being able to
select these events from a pop-up list when working with the natal chart in the
animation module, again without having to re-enter any of the event data.
It is possible to import life events from the individual natal charts in a chart file, and also
to export life events into natal charts in a chart file. Thus, if you already have a chart file
that contains an ordinary natal chart for each life event of someone's life, you can
automatically copy those into life events records.
Note - you cannot save life events to any older format Solar Fire charts (such as SFvl/v2,
SFv3/v4 or SFv5). If you try saving a chart that includes life events into one of these chart
files, then you will be given a warning message telling you that the life events will not
be saved if you save the chart into that chart file. If you do not already have a new
format (SFv6/v7) chart file, then you must first create a new chart file (by using the
Create button in the "File Manager"), and choose the option to create it with the new
chart file format when prompted.
It is possible to open the life events dialog from various places in Solar Fire, including
the Main Screen, the New Chart Data Entry screen, various Subsidiary Chart Data Entry
screens, the Animation screen etc.
» To Open the Life Events dialog box from the Main Screen
2. Click on the Events caption at the bottom of the Current Chart box
» To Open the Life Events dialog box from the New Chart Data Entry Screen or
from any subsidiary chart data entry screen
• Click on the Events button
» To delete an event
» To edit an event
• Use the fields and buttons in the "Event Details" frame to edit the various event
details as required.
Note that the various fields and buttons in this frame work identically to those of
similar appearance in the New Chart Date Entry dialog. See The ''New Chart Data
Entry" Dialog Box for a full explanation of how to use these items.
1. Click on the Import button. If necessary, navigate to the folder in which the
required chart file resides.
This will import all the charts from the selected chart file, add them to any events that
are already present, and then sort them all into date order.
Note: You cannot overwrite any existing events. If you wish to discard any existing
events, then you must delete them first.
Note: If you do not wish to use all the charts in the selected chart file as life events,
then you will have to delete any events not required after importing them all.
2. Either select an existing chart file, or enter a name for a new chart file.
This will export all the life events records and save them as natal charts in the
selected chart file.
Note: If there are any existing charts already in the selected chart file, then the life
event records will be appended to those existing charts.
Note: All life events in the list are exported. If you do not wish to use all the life
events as charts, then after exporting, you will need to open the chart file and delete
the unwanted charts.
This chapter describes how to select, enter data for and cast Solar Fire's subsidiary chart
types. These types include
• Transit charts
• Progressed charts - secondary, tertiary, minor, user-defined rate
• Directed charts - solar arc, ascendant arc, vertex arc, user-defined arc, van Dam
• Return charts - any planet or asteroid, any harmonic, plus Wynn-Key and progressed
solar returns
• Ingress charts - any planet or asteroid
• Harmonic charts - any harmonic or age harmonic
• Arc Transform charts - any pair of chart points
• Antiscia (Solstice) or Contra-Antiscia charts
• Zodiacal Analogue charts
• Relationship charts - with 2 charts
• Composite charts - up to 15 charts
• Coalescent charts - with 2 charts
• Prenatal charts -19 types
• Rising/Setting charts - rising, setting, culminating or anti-culminating of any planet
or asteroid
• Lunar phase and eclipse charts - any of the main transiting phases or progressed
phases plus lunar phase return charts
Note: A Natal chart is a chart cast at the time of the birth of usually a person or a
country. An Event chart is a chart cast at the time that an event occurred {e.g. a marriage
between two people). A Radix chart is a chart that is being used as a "base" chart.
"Radix" means base, the core. Natal charts are generally referred to as radix charts, as a
natal chart is usually the beginning or "base" of all astrological calculations regarding a
person and their life - after all it signifies the beginning of the person's autonomous life.
However a natal chart is not always the "base" of astrological work. For instance you
may be working with an event (e.g. a marriage) and calculating transits to that event or a
solar return of that event, i.e calculating transits to the marriage chart, or the marriage
return chart. In this example Solar Fire would regard the marriage chart or return chart,
which is an event/return chart, as the radix chart. If you were calculating transits for a
person, however, their natal chart would be the radix chart.
Nearly all subsidiary chart types require a base chart, which is usually a natal chart. If
you have not already cast the natal chart see Casting a Natal Chart for instructions on
creating a new chart, or Retrieving Charts From a File for instructions on opening an
existing chart.
You can cast most subsidiary chart types for any natal chart. This is done in the relevant
subsidiary chart data entry dialog (e.g. the "Returns & Ingresses" dialog, or the "Transits,
Progressions & Directions" dialog, available form the "Chart" menu). Each of these
dialogs has a "Base Chart" listbox, containing all the charts opened in the "Calculated
Charts" list.
Whether or not you can use types of charts other than a natal chart as a base chart
depends on the type of subsidiary chart (return, progression etc.) you are casting. If the
base chart that you select is inappropriate, then the data in the Base Chart Details box
will become grayed out, and the OK button will become greyed out and disabled. In this
case you cannot proceed until you choose another base chart which is of an appropriate
If the base chart you are using has any stored life events associated with it, then you
have the option of selecting one and having it's details used to automatically fill in the
event details instead of entering them all manually.
If you would like to re-use any new event details that you are about to enter, then you
can create a new life event to be stored with the base chart instead of making a one-off
data entry here.
1. Click on the Events button, which opens the Event Selection dialog.
2. Click on the Edit button, which opens the Life Events dialog, ready for you to add a
new life event.
Once you have created the new Life Event, you can select it by highlighting it in the
Event Selection dialog and clicking the OK button.
1. Click on the down arrow at the right of the Event Description box, and select one
of the events from that drop-down list, OR
2. Click on the Events button, and select one of the events from the Event Selection
dialog box.
Whether or not you are using stored Life Event details here, you have the option of
entering an event description. This description becomes the main title of the subsidiary
chart to be calculated, with the base chart name as a secondary title.
If you omit an event description, then the subsidiary chart title is simply the same as that
of the base chart.
If you have not selected a stored Life Event, then you must enter the event details in this
dialog manually.
The Date, Time, Place, Country, Zone, Latitude and Longitude fields in the subsidiary
charts data entry screens follow the same data-entry conventions as those in the New
Chart Data Entry screen, and you can use the Solar Fire place database and ACS Atlases
in the same way. Most forms of data entry will work, and Solar Fire will give you a
message if the data that you enter is not acceptable. See Casting a New Chart for further
You can create a progressed or directed chart from any natal type chart. You can
progress geocentric, heliocentric, Tropical and Sidereal charts. The resulting coordinate
system and zodiac type of the progressed chart are always of the same as those of the
natal type chart that you are progressing.
Whilst it is also possible to cast a transits chart as if it was an ordinary natal chart
independent of any other chart by using the Chart / New menu item, casting it is as a
subsidiary chart Instead has the following advantages.
• Solar Arc - the longitudinal distance moved by the secondary progressed sun
• Ascendant Arc - the longitudinal distance moved by the secondary progressed
• Vertex Arc - the longitudinal distance moved by the secondary progressed vertex
• User Rate - a rate that can be set in the Preferences dialog
• User Arc - a fixed angle that can be set each time this option is used
• Profection Annual - an annual rate of 30 degrees, corresponding to a direction of
one sign (or house) per year.
Progressed charts are calculated according to certain options that are set in the
Preferences dialog.
• From the Preferences menu of the Main Screen, select Edit Settings, and click on
the Progs/Dirnstab.
• Progression Day Type - to determine the type of daily cycle on which the
progression rate is based. See Progression Day Type.
• User Progression Rate - to determine what progression rate is used when the
User-Defined progression rate option is chosen. See Rate for User Defined Progs.
• User Direction Rate - to determine what annual direction rate is used when the
User-Defined direction arc option is chosen. See Rate for User Defined Directions.
1. Ensure that the required natal type chart that you want to progress or direct is
already calculated.
B. Select a chart type from the Chart Type to Generate list box.
5. Enter the Date to which you wish to progress or direct the base chart.
6. (Optional) Enter the Time to which you wish to progress or direct the base chart.
The time is not important for secondary progressed chart (and most directed
charts), unless the Mean Quotidian rate is being used for angle progressions.
7. Select the Location type. Normally the location of a progressed or directed chart
would be the same as the natal chart location. However, if the natal chart is that
of a person who moved during the first few months of their life, it may be
appropriate to relocate the secondary progressed chart. If the Natal option is
selected then all the boxes relating to location, Including time zone, longitude and
latitude will contain the location details from the selected base chart. Note that
although it may be technically correct to alter the time zone if the current time
zone is different from the natal one, in practice this is not necessary, as the
difference in the resultant progressed chart would be negligible. If the Relocated
option Is selected then all the boxes relating to location, including time zone,
longitude and latitude will contain the current default values. (See Saving and
Restoring Settings for details on default values.) Any of these values may be
altered in the same manner as when creating a new chart. See Casting a New
Chart for instructions on how to alter location values.
9. Select either the Apply or OK button. The subsidiary chart will be calculated and
added to the list of "Calculated Charts" in the list box on the Main Screen of the
program. Use the OK button to close this dialog after the calculation. Use the
Apply button to leave this dialog open to calculate further charts. After this dialog
closes, you can view, print, report on, and otherwise manipulate the newly
calculated charts.
TIP: You can use a synastry grid to display a snapshot of the current transits to a natal
chart. This lets you see the current transits to a natal chart in a compact form and very
quickly. This is not limited to transits - you can also use this method to see a snapshot
for progressions/directions/return charts etc to a natal chart, or transits to a progressed
chart if you wanted.
1. Either cast a new natal chart, or open an existing natal chart, that you wish to see
current transits for.
2. Cast a current transits (or progressed, directed, return) chart. This can be done in
this module.
Optionally for transits you can simply cast a new chart for the current time and location...
a) From the Main Screen click on the Chart menu then select New (or press theF2 key).
b) Click on the Now button.
c) Enter the Place and Country. If you are currently located at the place set as the Default Place
(see Setting the Default Place) this will usually automatically be entered into the "Place" and
"Country" fields - if it isn't, and you are at the default location, then press the Restore button
which will enter the default place information for you.
d) Click the OK button.
3. Select the Synastry Grid option from the View menu on the Main Screen (or press
Ctrl+F5 - see Short-Cut Keys for more information)
TIP; If you first select both charts in the "Calculated Charts" list, you can then
simply press Ctrl+F5 which will load the charts into a synastry grid directly, and
steps 4 & 5 will not be necessary.
4. Select the natal chart as the Across chart, and the Transits/Progressed/Directed/
Return chart as the Down chart.
5. Click on the View button. The grid will be displayed.
TIP: If you used the short-cut key to load the grid, theTransiting points may be across the top of
the grid and the Natal chart points down the side of the grid. To reverse this situation and get
the Natal chart to be across the top click on the Swap button. Generally this is advantageous
as Solar Fire will apply aspect orbs setfor transits in the aspect file In useifyoudothis.
You can now see the aspects made by the transiting (or progressed, directed, return)
planets and points to the natal chart planets and points. Double-clicking with the left
mouse button on any aspect will pop up the "Interpretations Window" with an
interpretation for that transit, progression or direction (if one exists).
If you are doing this for transits while residing at your default location this is a super-
fast method of creating a snapshot of current transits to a natal chart, as by using
shortcut keys and Solar Fire's default data entries it can be usually accomplished in just
a few seconds. And you can also do a snapshot of transits to a progressed chart using
this method too if you wished to.
Note: Transiting and progressing aspects to a natal chart usually have an orb of 1
degree. If the aspects in your snapshot have a bigger orb this is because, in the aspect
file being used, the orb set for "Tran" (transits) or "Prog" (progressions) for these
aspects is set to be larger than 1 degree. You can alter this by re-setting these orbs in
the aspect file.
Alternatively you can select (or create if necessary) an aspect file that has orbs of 1
degree set for all aspects for all types of orb - natal, progressing and transiting, and
always select that aspect file when viewing a snapshot.
See Editing an Aspect Set for information on setting orbs in aspect files.
You can cast solar, lunar, planetary or asteroid returns, ingresses into any zodiac sign, or
transits to any planet in a base chart or to any user-defined zodiac point. You can also
produce multiple returns from one starting date, including demi, quarti and other partial
or harmonic returns. You can also calculate two types of progressed solar returns.
You can cast returns for geocentric, heliocentric, Tropical and Sidereal charts. The
resulting coordinate system and zodiac type of the progressed chart are always of the
same as those of the natal type chart that you are progressing.
1. Ensure that the natal type chart that you want the return for is already calculated.
3. Select the required chart type from the Chart Type to Generate list box.
5. Enter the Date from which you wish to search, or for Wynn-Key or Progressed Solar
Returns enter the exact date for which you wish to calculate the return chart.
6. The Time is not needed for ordinary solar or lunar returns, as the program will find
the exact time of the return. However you should enter a time for Wynn-Key or
Progressed Solar Returns, as this is used as the time for which the return is
7. Select the Location type. Often the return chart is relocated to wherever the
person is living at the time of the return. If the Natal option is selected then all the
boxes relating to location, including time zone, longitude and latitude will contain
the location details from the selected base chart. Note that although it may be
technically correct to alter the time zone if the current time zone is different from
the natal one, in practice this is not necessary, as the difference in the resultant
progressed chart would be negligible. If the Relocated option is selected then all
the boxes relating to location, including time zone, longitude and latitude will
contain the current default values. {See Saving and Restoring Settings for details on
default values.) Any of these values may be altered in the same manner as when
creating a new chart. See Casting a New Chart for instructions on how to alter
location values.
8. Select a Which Return option. If the "Current" option is selected, then Solar Fire
will search backwards from the entered date to find the return that occurred most
recently. If the "Next" option is selected, then Solar Fire will search forwards from
the entered date to find the return that will occur next. If the "Nearest" option is
selected, the Solar Fire will find either the current or the next return, depending on
which is closer to the entered date.
lO.Select either the Apply or OK button. The subsidiary chart will be calculated and
added to the list of "Calculated Charts" in the list box on the Main Screen of the
program. Use the "OK" button to close this dialog after the calculation. Use the
"Apply" button to leave this dialog open to calculate further charts. After this
dialog closes, you can view, print, report on, and otherwise manipulate the newly
calculated charts.
1. Follow the steps 1 to 7 above, under "To cast a single solar or lunar return".
2. In the Chart Type to Generate box, select Advanced & Ingress, and then click on
the Options button. This will display the "Advanced Return Selections" dialog box.
3. From the list of chart points on the left of the screen, select the body for which you
wish to find a return.
4. Select the options in the Which Return/s and Special Options as in steps 8 and 9
5. Next to Number of Returns, type in the number of successive returns that you
want, or click on the spin button to increase or decrease the number of returns.
6. Select the OK button. Solar Fire will calculate the first return just as it would for a
single return chart, and then each successive return after that up to the number
that you specified. When you return to the Main Screen, you will find that all these
returns have been added to the "Calculated Charts" listbox.
1. Follow the steps 1 to 5 above, under "To cast multiple solar, lunar or other
2. In the "Return.. Jo" area, select Natal Position, and next to Harmonic, type in a
number or use the spin button to change the number. You would enter 2 for demi
returns, 4 for a quarti returns, etc.
• Proceed as you would for casting multiple returns, choosing a planet or asteroid
instead of the Sun or Moon, and then select the OK button.
If you are casting geocentric planet/asteroid returns, then it is possible that there
may be three or even five possible dates for that return. If so, then a "Return
Selection" dialog box will appear containing a list of all the dates, showing whether
each return is direct or retrograde.
Return Selection
If only one return date is found, then the chart for that date is calculated automatically,
and the temporary dialog box will disappear. If more than one return is found then you
may choose one or more of the return charts to be calculated. Use the Ctrl key whilst
clicking on each required chart in order to make multiple selections. (Note that if you
have specified a number of returns greater than 1, then selecting the Cancel button will
prevent any further returns from being calculated.)
Note: Even with the most accurate astronomical calculations, the slower a planet is
moving, the harder it is to pinpoint the exact time of its return. For outer planets in
general, and for inner planets when they are near a station point, it is best to treat the
chart angles and house positions as approximate. In the chart details of the return chart,
an estimated accuracy of the return time is given, so that you can judge how accurate
the chart angles and house cusps really are, in each case.
» To cast a chart for a sign ingress or for a transit to any planet or user-defined
1. Follow the steps 1 to 5 under "To cast multiple solar, lunar or other returns".
2. In the "Return...To" area, select Position or Ingress, and in the drop-down box
below this, either select one of the existing longitudes for sign ingresses, or type in
your own value. If you are finding a return to a planet's position, then you can
automatically insert that planet's position into this box by double-clicking on that
planet in the listbox on the left of the screen. (However, don't forget to
subsequently reselect the required return planet by highlighting it with a single
• Harmonic - The longitude of each point in the chart is multiplied by the specified
harmonic value.
• Harmonic Age - The longitude of each point in the chart is multiplied by the exact
age (in decimal years) of the base chart's subject at the time of the event. (The
harmonic value is zero at time of birth.)
• Harmonic Age+1 - The longitude of each point in the chart is multiplied by the
exact age of the base chart's subject at the time of the event plus one year. (The
harmonic value is one at time of birth.)
• Long Equiv Decl - The declination of each point is converted into longitude
equivalent (keeping it in the same quadrant of the circle as its original longitude).
• Long Equiv Decl (Ant) - The declination of each point is converted into longitude
equivalent and then reflected in the 0 Cancer/0 Capricorn axis.
• Z-Analogue Loc Horz - Zodiacal analogue of local horizon coordinate. The local
horizon coordinate of each point is expressed as a longitude. Due west corresponds
to 0 Aries, and due north corresponds to 0 Capricorn. This produces a chart which
corresponds to planetary compass directions for the chart's location, and is similar
• Z-Analogue Prime Vert - Zodiacal analogue of prime vertical. The prime vertical of
each point is expressed as a longitude. This chart is also known as a Campanus
• Z-Analogue Diurn Arc - Zodiacal analogue of diurnal arc. The diurnal arc of each
point is expressed as a longitude. Points which do not cross the horizon during their
diurnal rotation are omitted and are not displayed. 0 Aries corresponds to rising
across the horizon, 0 Capricorn to culminating, 0 Libra to setting across the horizon,
and 0 Cancer to anti-culminating. This chart is also known as a Placidus
1. Ensure that the natal type chart that you want to use is already calculated.
3. Select the required chart type from the Chart Type to Generate list box.
5. [Harmonic Only] Type a numerical value into the Harmonic box, or use the spin
button to set an integer value. The harmonic value may be any positive number,
either integer or real (i.e. it may contain decimal places).
6. [Arc Transform Only] Select a planetary pair from the Arc Transform Pairs list.
1. Ensure that the natal type chart that you want to use is already calculated.
3. Select the required chart type from the Chart Type to Generate list box.
5. Either select a stored life event or enter the event details into the appropriate edit
6. Select either the Apply or OK button. The subsidiary chart will be calculated and
added to the list of "Calculated Charts" in the list box on the Main Screen of the
program. Use the "OK" button to close this dialog after the calculation. Use the
"Apply" button to leave this dialog open to calculate further charts. After this
dialog closes, you can view, print, report on, and otherwise manipulate the newly
"Calculated Charts".
Combined Charts
Base Chart Details Base Chart
Paul McCartney Natal 5 Aretha Fianklin >
Natal 6 Erica Jong
Natal Chart Natal 7 Neil Kinnock
IS Jun 1942,Thursday Natal 8 Kitty Kelley —
2:00 pm -2:00 Natal 9 Baibra Streisand
Liverpool. EriEktid, I Natal 10 T am my Wynette
530N2J' 002^55' Natal 11 Paul McCartney
Geocenirkr, Tropical Natal 12 Brian Wilson
Pkxidus. True Nods Natal 13 Harrison Ford
Natal 14 Myta Hindley
Ratine: A
Use Ctrl + Mouse for multiple selections
Location Details: Combined Chart Title
Event Description (Optional) Title 1 jBarbia Streisand - Natal
0 Events... Title 2 ||Paul McCartney - Natal
Date 122 Nov 2007 r Location
Time |1:52 pm O Natal
® Relocated
^Ejace^^J Athens 1 Chart Type to Generate
Country |Greece I Composite - Midpoints guit
Composite - Div Asc
Composite Group - Div Asc
Zone j |EET -2:00 Relationship - Davison
Latitude J 37*^8" Apply
Longitude OK
1. Ensure that the natal type charts that you wish to combine are already calculated.
TIP: If you are just combining two charts, first select both charts you want to
combine, then you can skip step 4 {nominating the charts to use)
3. Select the required chart type from the Chart Type to Generate list box.
4. Select two or more charts from the Base Chart list box. Holding down the Ctrl key
allows multiple charts to be selected at once. You should only select two charts,
unless you have selected the "Composite Group" chart type, in which case you may
select up to 15 charts.
5. (Optional) Edit the Titlel and TitleZ boxes. As charts are selected, these title
boxes are automatically updated. When either one or two charts are selected, the
title list boxes contain the chart name of each chart suffixed with its chart type.
When more than two charts are selected then the Titlel box contains the last
names of each selected chart, separated by slashes (/), and the Title2 box contains
the chart type of the first selected chart on the list of base charts. These titles will
appear whenever the chart is displayed or printed. These may be edited if you
• If the Natal option is selected then all the boxes relating to location, including
time zone, longitude and latitude will contain the location details from the
selected base chart, although only the latitude is used in the chart calculation.
• If you select the Relocated option, then all the boxes relating to location will
contain the current default values, and you can enter new location data if you
wish to. {See Saving and Restoring Settings for details on default values. See
Casting a New Chart for instructions on how to alter location values).
7. If the Relocated option is selected then all the boxes relating to location, including
time zone, longitude and latitude will contain the current default values. Any of
these values may be altered in the same manner as when creating a new chart..
8. Select either the Apply or OK button. The subsidiary chart will be calculated and
added to the list of "Calculated Charts" in the list box on the Main Screen of the
program. Use the OK button to close this dialog after the calculation. Use the Apply
button to leave this dialog open to calculate further charts. After this dialog closes,
you can view, print, report on, and otherwise manipulate the newly calculated
Note - You cannot calculate a composite chart based on other composite charts. The
mathematical basis on which composite charts are calculated does not work if
composite charts are combined. The only way of combining more than two natal charts is
to use the "Group Composite" method.
This section describes how to create a prenatal chart for an individual whose natal chart
has already been cast. The most commonly used type of prenatal chart is the conception
chart, for which two different methods of calculation are available. However, there are
many other types of prenatal chart type available, plus the ability to derive a natal chart
from the date of conception or quickening, if they are known. See Prenatal Charts for a
full discussion of the different types of prenatal charts that can be calculated.
1. Ensure that the base chart that you wish to use is already calculated.
3. Select the required chart type from the Chart Type to Generate list box.
5. Select the Location type. Normally, a prenatal chart should be located where the
individual was at the time of the prenatal chart. For example, a conception chart
should be located to where the conception took place. However, for some of the
other prenatal chart types you cannot know a definite location. In these cases it is
recommended that the natal location is used.
• If you select the Natal option, then all the boxes relating to location will contain
the location details from the base chart.
• If you select the Relocated option, then all the boxes relating to location will
contain the current default values, and you can enter new location data if you
wish to.
6. If the prenatal chart type is one for which the calculation is based on a number of
lunar cycles, then you can specify the number of cycles in the Lunar Cycles box.
The number of lunar cycles is automatically preset to a suggested value e.g. for the
conception charts it is set to 10 lunar cycles (about 273 days) which is the normal
term of pregnancy. If you know that the pregnancy was especially short or long
term, then this number may be changed.
7. If you have selected a "Bailey Conception" or "Bailey Birth (C)" charts, you should
indicate the sex of the individual using the Sex of Subject option buttons. If the
sex is not known, then the best alternative is to use the Jayne Uranus (C) or Jayne
Birth (C) chart types instead, as these are equivalent to the Bailey Conception and
Birth charts but ignore the sex of the subject.
A dialog box may appear listing details of the possible prenatal charts. You can select
one or more entries from the list and then select the OK button in order to calculate
the selected charts. These calculated charts will be added to the list of "Calculated
Charts" on the Main Screen.
This section describes how to create a chart for the moment of rising, setting,
culmination or anti-culmination of any planet or asteroid on any given day. For rising and
setting charts it is possible to choose whether to calculate the chart for the time at
which the planet or asteroid would appear to cross the horizon visually, or alternatively
to calculate the chart for the time at which its center crosses the true astronomical
You can create these types of charts without a base chart. However, if you wish to base
them on the date of an existing chart, you should have already cast or opened the chart
that you wish to use.
2. Select the chart type you want from the Chart Type to Generate list box.
Rasing Ei Setting
Base Chart Details Base Chart
Barbra Streisand Natal 5 Aretha Franklin >
Xatal Chart Natal 6 Erica Jong
Natal 7 Neil Kinnock
i4 Apr 1942, Friday Natal 3 Kilty Kelley —
5:04 am +4:00 Natal 9 Barbra Streisand
RrDoklyn, New York Natal 10 T ammy Wynette
40DN3Sr 073^00- Natal 11 Paul McCartney
Geocemrhc, Tropical Natal 12 Brian Wilson
Pkxiidus. Trm Node Natal 13 Harrison Ford
Natal 14 Myra Hindley T"
Rating: A
»> To base the rising/setting chart on the date and location of an existing chart:
4. Fill in the required Date, or click on the Now button for today's date.
5. Select the Relocated option button and fill in the required location details.
If you are doing a rising or setting chart (as opposed to a culmination or anti-
culmination chart), select one of the following Rise/Set Type options
• "True Altitude" - the rising or setting time is that for which the center of the body
crosses the astronomical horizon. This ignores atmospheric refraction, the size of
the body and parallax effects.
• "Visual" - the rising or setting time is that for which the leading edge of the body
rises or the trailing edge would set visually on an idealized flat horizon. This
takes account of atmospheric refraction and the size of the body. In the case of
the moon, the lunar parallax is also taken into account.
A dialog box will appear listing the times of rise, set, culmination and anti-
culmination were found. Select one or more entries on the list and then select the OK
or Apply button in order to generate the charts. These charts will be added to the list
of "Calculated Charts" on the Main Screen.
• Progressed Lunar Phases - Any of 8 main progressed lunar phases (new moon,
crescent, first quarter, gibbous, full moon, disseminating, third quarter, balsamic),
starting 2 phases prior to the search date.
• Transiting Lunar Phases - Any of the 4 main transiting lunar phases (new moon, first
quarter, full moon, last quarter), starting 4 phases prior to the search date.
• Phase Returns - Any lunar phase return (a chart in which the phase angle between
the sun and the moon returns to its natal phase angle), starting one lunar month
prior to the search date.
• Phase Family - Any lunar phase belonging to a "moon phase family", connected to
the other members in the family either past or present. The Lunar Gestation Cycle
divides the "Moon phase family" by 9 month intervals beginning the series at any
New Moon and locates the next or nearest "family related" Moon phase being a
First Quarter, Full Moon and finally Last Quarter Moon, all occurring at similar
positions in the zodiac. (For a detailed explanation, please see the book "Lunar
Shadows, The Lost Key to the Timing of Eclipses" by Dietrich Pessin, who originated
this concept.)
• Eclipses (List) - Any total or partial solar or lunar eclipse, selectable from a list,
starting one year prior to the search date. Note: The calculated eclipse times may
be either times of maximum eclipse or times of exact lunar phase depending on the
eclipse settings in Preferences.
• Eclipse (Solar or Lunar) - The most recent or next eclipse of any type.
• Eclipse (Solar only) - The most recent or next solar eclipse.
• Eclipse (Lunar only) - The most recent or next lunar eclipse.
• New Moon - The most recent or next new moon.
• Full Moon - The most recent or next full moon.
• New or Full Moon (Syzygy) - The most recent or next syzygy moon.
You can create a transiting lunar phase chart without a base chart. However, before
creating any other type of lunar phase or eclipse chart, it is necessary to have either
cast or opened the base chart that you wish to use.
2. Select the chart type you want from the Chart Type to Generate.
3. If you want to base the lunar phase chart on an existing chart, then select a chart
from the "Base Chart" list box. This is optional for transiting lunar phase or family
charts, but obligatory for progressed phases.
4. Optionally enter or select event details (including Date and Time around which to
search for the charts}. As the program will find the exact time of the lunar phases
around the entered date, there is often no need to enter or alter the time.
5. If you have selected "Progressed Lunar Phases" or "Lunar Phase Returns", then
you will probably want to select a current date. You can do this by either manually
entering a new date, or by selecting the Now button. For all other chart types to
generate, selecting a base chart will automatically set the date and time from the
base chart. This makes it quick and easy to find the prenatal lunar phases and
• If you select the Natal option, then all the boxes relating to location will contain
• If you select the Relocated option, then all the boxes relating to location will
contain the current default values, and you can enter new location data if you
wish to.
7. If you have selected a chart type to generate that produces a list of possible events
to choose from, then you can set the number to find in the Phases to Find or
Eclipses to Find box.
8. If you have selected a chart type to generate which results in a single chart, then
you can choose whether to find the chart prior to (Current), nearest to (Nearest), or
after (Next) the search date in the Which One box. If your search date is the date
of your base natal chart, then the Current option will find a pre-natal chart, and
Next will find a post-natal chart.
10.For those chart types to generate which produce selection lists, a dialog box will
appear listing the lunar phases that were found and their dates and times. You can
select one or more entries on the list and then select the OK button in order to
generate the charts for the chosen lunar phases. Any charts calculated from this
procedure are automatically added to the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main
This section describes how to relocate a chart or to cast a chart for a locality.
• Relocated - calculated for the exact same time as the base chart, but for a different
latitude and longitude.
• Geodetic - using either right ascension or longitude, and optionally allowing a user-
defined geographic longitude base point. This technique involves adjusting the MC
of the base chart according to a projection of the zodiac onto the earth's surface.
• Johndro - using either right ascension or longitude. This technique is similar to the
geodetic technique, but incorporates a zodiacal precession adjustment in fixing the
base point longitude.
• You can create a locality chart based on any geocentric natal type chart. The house
system and zodiac type of the resulting chart are always the same as that of the
base chart that you have selected.
» To relocate a chart
2. Select the "Relocated" chart type from the Chart Type to Generate.
3. Enter the details of the location to which you wish to relocate the chart.
The relocated chart will be added to the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main
2. Select the required chart type from the Chart Type to Generate.
3. Enter the details of the location for which you wish the chart to be calculated.
If you have selected a User Geodetic chart type, then you will be prompted to enter
the terrestrial longitude at which you wish the zodiac to start. In standard Geodetic
charts, this longitude is 000W00 {i.e. the Greenwich meridian). The Geodetic or
Johndro chart will be added to the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main Screen.
A Vedic Natal chart is identical to any other natal chart in Solar Fire except that it must
use a sidereal zodiac rather then the tropical zodiac as conventionally used in Western
astrology. {The most commonly used sidereal zodiac is "Lahiri", which is the officially
nominated zodiac in India.)
It is possible to calculate any Vedic divisional chart using a tropical chart as the base
chart. However, conventionally, they are only calculated using base charts that have a
sidereal zodiac. Therefore, if you try to calculate a Vedic divisional chart using a base
chart that does not have a sidereal zodiac, then Solar Fire will prompt you with a warning
message. (This warning may be switched off if you wish).
If you wish to work with Vedic charts in the conventional way, then it is recommended
that you ensure that you have all your required base charts already calculated in a
sidereal zodiac. You can do this in a variety of ways, as follows...
• Create a new natal chart using Chart / New, and ensure the selected zodiac is a
sidereal one.
• Use Chart / Edit / Edit Chart or Copy and Edit Chart and change the selected zodiac
to a sidereal one.
• Use Chart / Edit / Toggle Chart Zodiac to change the zodiac (and optionally also
house system) of an existing base chart. See Default Zodiac and Default House
System for information on changing your preferred zodiac and house system for
vedic (sidereal) charts.
• Use Chart / Vedic (i.e. this dialog) and choose the "Vedic Natal" method to create a
new base chart using the default sidereal zodiac.
2. Select the required chart type from the Chart Type to Generate.
The chart will be added to the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main Screen.
Most files in Solar Fire can be easily re-installed or fairly readily reconstructed if should
you experience serious problems with your computer's hard disk or operating system.
However, chart files cannot be reconstructed unless you keep some sort of copy of all
the charts that you cast or import. Therefore, it is wise to make backups of your chart
data on a regular basis.
» To backup your data to any other location on your computer or network (e.g. a
USB Flash Drive)
a) For Chart Files only: Select the Backup Chart Files... item from the Utilities menu.
b) For All User Files: Select the Backup All User Files... item from the Utilities menu.
You will be prompted to select a drive or location to save the backup files to.
If you want to create a backup copy that you can keep separately from your computer,
then you should choose an external drive, but you can also save copies to another folder,
or another folder on another disk on your computer, or to another computer linked to
yours on a network.
• Select the Open User Files Folder item from the Utilities menu.
• Copy the chart files from their backup location into the Charts sub folder under the
Solar Fire User Files folder.
• Copy the files from their backup location into the Solar Fire User Files folder.
See also:
Recovery from failure for information regarding re-installation.
Angles are required to be entered in several different places in the program, e.g. when
editing aspect orbs, editing report modulus and orb, specifying a chart angle when
rectifying a chart, entering a user-specified ayanamsa and when specifying a return
angle in the Advanced Return Options screen.
The angle must have at least a degree number. It may also have a minutes number and a
seconds number. The minutes and seconds number must be between 0 and 59 only.
Some examples of valid angle entries are as follows.
23 59
23 59 59
Zodiacal Angles
The angle must have at least a zodiacal abbreviation or a degree number. It may also
have a minutes number and a seconds number. The minutes and seconds number must
be between 0 and 59 only. If you enter a zodiacal abbreviation of 2 letters, then it must
be one of the following - Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Sg, Cp, Aq, Pi. If you enter more
than 2 characters of a sign name, then it must be an exact part of the full name of the
zodiac sign e.g. "Sag" for Sagittarius. Some examples of valid zodiacal angle entries are
as follows.
23 Aries
23 A r
23Ar59 59
23Aries 59
133 23
12 Cn 23 59
In previous topics generally all information generated by Solar Fire has been for a fixed
moment in time (a specific date), regardless of whether it was a natal, progressed or
return chart etc. The exceptions are Lunar Phase or Eclipse charts, the result being a
series of charts covering several dates.
The topics in this chapter are more concerned with generating information that covers a
span of time (such as transits or progressions to a chart), from one date to another later
or earlier date usually as a continuous stream of events, and thus the information deals
with the dynamic flow of time itself.
• Moving components in charts and grids - in the "Real Time Clock and Animation"
This chapter describes how to generate, view and print a calendar containing transits,
progressions and/or directions for any radix chart. Calendar data may also be exported
to other calendaring programs, such as MS Outlook and others.
Before generating a calendar, it is necessary to have either cast or opened the chart(s)
for which you wish to generate the calendar. If you have not yet done so, see Casting_a
Natal Chart for instructions on creating a new chart, or page Retrieving Charts From a
File for instructions on opening an existing chart.
This will open the "Calendar" screen, and display calendar entries for the current
chart and date.
• Choose the Day, Week or Month items from the View menu
• Click in the Day, Week or Month button on the top, left Toolbar.
• Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the date entry, and use the standard
calendar control to select a new date
• Click on the (minus sign) button - this moves the current calendar date back by
one day, week or month, depending on the current calendar duration
• Click on the "+" (plus sign) button - this moves the current calendar date forward by
one day, week or month, depending on the current calendar duration
• Select the required chart from the drop-down listbox just above the calendar
viewing frame.
♦ For the first item on a line - Event Type, Pointl, Aspect, Point2, Time (optional)
If there is enough space, then there may be additional entries on the same line
which relate to the same Event Type and Pointl.
♦ For additional entries on the same line -, Aspect, Point2, Time (optional)
Event Types which appear here are the same event types as those which appear in
the dynamic reports, and are described fully in the description of report layouts.
If the option "Show Exact Times of Hits" is selected in Calendar Preferences the events
are ordered by the time of the day, with the most recent events at the top of the list and
the least recent event at the bottom of the list.
If the option "Show Exact Times of Hits" is not selected in Calendar Preferences the
events are grouped firstly by the type of event, and then within that by planet and/or
• Select the View Interpretations Report item from the View menu.
Your word-processor will be opened up displaying this report.
Note: To keep a permanent copy of the report; you must save it under a different name,
because Solar Fire always uses the same report name.
• The actual days of the New Moon and Full Moon are considered poor days for any
gardening activity, and more appropriate for ceremony.
• The Third Quarter phase of the moon (from third quarter to full) is considered poor
for planting, but good for garden maintenance such as weeding or harvesting.
• The other phases of the moon are good for planting and transplanting, and the type
of planting that's most suitable is based on the sign the moon is in. Water signs
are good for leafy vegetables, Earth signs for root crops. Air signs for flowers, and
Fire signs for vegetables or fruits with internal seeds. (This is in line with Rudolf
Steiner's approach to Biodynamic agriculture.)
The advice is provided based on the position of the moon at noon; please observe the
actual time of ingress of the moon from one sign to the next for more specific planting
1. Select Edit Settings... from the Preferences menu item of the Calendar screen.
Calendar Preferences
Dynamic Events to Include Point Selection
Ix Transits to Radix T ransits: Norm-red
Jx Transits to Transits Progs: | Mth-flo
Ix Progs to Radix
Radk | NORM-RED no PF
Jx Progs to Progs
f Directions to Radix Aspect Selection
fx House Ingresses T ransits: EA
fx" Sign Ingresses Progs. [ EA
r~ Parallels ofDecl.
fx Stationary Points Calculation Options
Jx" Show Exact Times of Hits Prec. Corr.
fx Show Gardening Times
Interps. Report Options
Exported Events Jx" Print Moon Ingresses
fx Include interpretations Jx Print VoC Events
Cancel □K
Many of the options available here are the same as those in the Dynamic Reports
Note: The options that you select and set here are always remembered for future
sessions. To revert to any previous settings, you must reselect those settings
yourself, using this dialog.
2. Set the "Dynamic Events To Include". Check the options which you wish to include.
These options are:
• Show Exact Times of Hits - whether or not to show the time (to the nearest
minute) of each event, rather than just the day on which it occurs.
• Use default timezone - to use your current default location and timezone settings
for the calendar events.
• Use radix chart's location and timezone - to use the current chart's location and
settings for the calendar events.
• Specify my own location/timezone - allows you to enter the required place details
and other settings in the Location frame below.
You can select location details in a similar manner to choosing a location for a new
natal chart.
The location is relevant only 1) for the selection of which timezone to use, and the
switching dates between daylight savings and normal time for that location, and 2)
for the calculation of transiting angles. However, it is not recommended to include
chart angles as transiting points.
Normally the Auto DST option would be switched on. If the Auto DST option is
unchecked, then the results will show times for the specified timezone only, whether
or not this is the standard timezone for the given location. This is useful if you would
like to see all the results in Universal Time, for example, rather than in the normal
timezone for the selected location.
• Transits - Transiting points. You may, for example want to include just transits
from the inner planets only. On the other hand, for a more detailed calendar, you
may want to include transits by the Moon.
• Progs - Progressing and directed points. You can specify a different set of points
from the transiting points.
• Radix - Points in the radix chart that you want to include in the report. You could
exclude the MC and Ascendant if the birth time was uncertain; add asteroids, use
inner planets only, etc.
Note: Given the large number of transiting angle events that occur every day, it would
only be possible to display only a very a small proportion of such events in the
calendar dialog, so it is strongly recommended that you do not include chart angles as
transiting points
Note: To display more events per calendar day, you can also switch off the Show Exact
Times of Hits option, as this usually allows more individual events to be listed per line of
event data.
• Choose Copy/Send Image from the Export menu of the Calendar dialog
This invokes the Copy Image To dialog that allows you to select whether to send the
currently displayed image to the clipboard, to a file, or to an email attachment, with
This will display the MS Outlook Export Options dialog, giving you the ability to add or
remove calendar entries in MS Outlook.
This feature allows you to label all Solar Fire's generated entries so that you can then
easily remove them all later, without interfering with any other existing Outlook
calendar entries. It is recommended that you use "Solar Fire" as the whole label
name, or at least as the start of a longer label name, to reduce the risk of accidentally
deleting entries which were not generated by Solar Fire.
Note: You can, if you wish, export more than one person's calendar events to Outlook.
In that case, it is recommended that you append the chart name to the label before
exporting, so that you can tell the entries apart in MS Outlook e.g. "Solar Fire - Sarah"
and "Solar Fire - John". Doing this also allows you to remove just one person's entries
(by using ""Solar Fire - John" in the delete dialog), or all entries at once (by using
"Solar Fire" in the delete dialog.)
1. Optionally edit the category label in the Existing Outlook Calendar Entries frame.
You will get a notification message telling you how many entries were deleted.
Note: This removes all entries that start with the given text, so entering "Solar Fire"
will delete all entries for "Solar Fire - John" and "Solar Fire - Susan", for example.
• From the Export menu of the "Calendar" dialog select Send Calendar Events, To
[Calendar file.
• From the Export menu of the "Calendar" dialog select Send Calendar Events, To
vCalendar file.
You will be prompted to enter a filename and location to save the file to.
Once you have exported the data, you will need to import it into whatever application
you wish to use it with, instructions for which you must obviously obtain from that
application's own documentation.
iCalendar is a standard for calendar data exchange, sometimes also referred to as "iCal".
vCalendar was the precursor of the iCalendar exchange format. It is implemented and
supported by many different calendaring applications, including Apple's iCal application,
Facebook, Google Calendar, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Entourage, Microsoft Exchange,
Mozilla Calendar, Windows Calendar, Microsoft Works Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, and
many others.
This chapter describes how to generate, view and print a report of transits, progressions
or directions to any chart (hereafter referred to as the "radix" chart - a radix chart often
refers to natal chart but it can also refer to an event chart). It also describes how to view
the output in the form of a "Time Map".
Before generating a dynamic report, it is necessary to have either cast or opened the
chart for which you wish to generate the report. If you have not yet done so, see Casting
a Natal Chart for instructions on creating a new chart, or page Retrieving Charts From a
File for instructions on opening an existing chart.
Report Header
The full header of the dynamic report usually takes up about half a page, and includes
details of all the selections you made to generate the report. It is possible to prevent this
information from being printed in order to save this space. If this option is switched off,
then only the base chart name and the name of the saved selection are printed.
Report Accuracy
It is possible for Solar Fire to calculate its dynamic reports using two different methods
In this case all dynamic report calculations are performed using an iterative method
that ensures that the time given for each events is accurate to within one second of
time. However, the "cost" of this accuracy is that it is considerably slower than less
accurate methods.
In this case some dynamic report calculations (i.e. aspect hits) are performed using a
quadratic curve-fitting method, which approximates the correct result, and is
generally not quite as accurate as the iterative method, but has the advantage of
being much quicker. The loss of accuracy is usually very small - typically giving results
within several seconds of the maximally accurate result, although in some isolated
cases it could be out by up to ten seconds or more.
Typical users of Solar Fire will probably prefer to have the Maximum Accuracy option
switched off, because it makes dynamic report and calendar generation much quicker,
and still retains a level of accuracy which is more than adequate for most astrological
purposes. However, those users who do need results which are always accurate to
the nearest second of time should switch Maximum Accuracy on.
Note: All sign ingresses and planetary stations in dynamic reports and calendars are
always calculated to maximum accuracy, regardless of whether the Maximum
Accuracy setting is on or off.
• Choose Maximum Accuracy from the Dynamic menu - This will switch it on if it
was off, or off if it was on.
Note: This option also affects the calendar module, because it uses dynamic reports
which run in the background to generate its calendar events.
Solar Fire 9 contains revised and expanded tools for calculating Primary Directions. Primary
Directions are based on the Primary Motion of the points of the chart during the hours
immediately after birth. The question that we ask when looking at Primary Directions is: how
long does it take one point, such as Mars, to reach the same position in the sky that another
point, such as the Moon, had at the moment of birth? By computing precisely the number of
degrees that Mars must travel, and mapping this to the years of the native's life, we can
compute a rough time when Mars' influence comes to bear on the Moon.
Over the centuries, astrologers have used different methods to determine exact definitions
for concepts like "the same position in the sky", and even what "the position of a point"
means. This topic describes how these different techniques are presented in Solar Fire, and
how the results are calculated. Primary Direction tools are accessed from the "Dynamic"
menu on the Main Screen under "Transits & Progressions".
• The "Promissor" is the active point or planet, the one bringing its influence to bear
at a particular time.
• The "Significator" is the point or planet receiving the influence. (So above, Mars is
the Promissor, and the Moon the Significator.)
• "Primary Motion" is the motion of points across the sky during a day.
Directions are engaged in two types of reports - "Directions to Radix" and "Transits to
Directions". Primary directions are engaged when you then choose "Primary Mundane",
"Primary Zodiacal", or "Primary van Dam" from the "Directions" menu. "Primary van Dam"
directions are based on the work of present-day astrologer Wim van Dam, and are largely
unchanged from Solar Fire 8. This topic is primarily about the other two types, "Primary
Mundane" and "Primary Zodiacal".
We would not have been able to present this feature without several excellent texts on
the subject of primary directions that have been written recently. Bob Makransky's "Primary
Directions: A Primer of Calculation" served as our initial guide, and remains an indispensible
reference regarding the mathematics involved. Martin Gansten's "Primary Directions:
Astrology's Old Master Technique" is an excellent introduction to both the methods and the
uses of primary directions, with a particular emphasis on the history of their use and how that
contrasts with recent innovations. Rumen Kolev's "Primary Directions I, II, and III" served as
the final guide, with many useful examples and a fine description of the various Rate Keys.
(When these sources were in dispute, we deferred to Gansten.)
Mundane or Zodiacal?
All Primary Directions involve computations based on Mundane Position, but there are
two established techniques for which Mundane Positions we work with.
Consider our example of directing Mars to the Moon. Suppose Mars is at 5 Taurus (so a
longitude of 35 degrees), but 1 degree above the ecliptic (Latitude +1 degree). Then suppose
the Moon is at 5 Aries (longitude 5 degrees), but latitude -3 degrees. If we were computing
Primary Mundane directions, we would work with these points exactly: (35 long, 1 lat)
directed to (5 long, -3 lat). If we use Primary Zodiacal directions, we would discard the
latitudes and work with the points on the ecliptic, so we would be directing (35 long, 0 lat) to
(5 long, 0 lat). These two approaches can produce very different results.
Regarding aspects, the tradition when computing Primary Zodiacal directions is to add (or
subtract) the aspect angle from the first point's longitude. So if we wanted to know when
Directed Mars would be Square the moon, we would add or subtract 90 degrees from Mars'
longitude, and then direct that point (again with zero latitude) to the Moon's longitude.
Aspects in Primary Mundane directions are computed based on the Mundane Positions, and
we also base the angle on the planet being directed fo, rather than the one being directed.
So we would turn the actual position of the Moon (with latitude) into a Mundane Position,
add or subtract 90 degrees for a square, and then direct Mars to that position.
Regiomontanus' Mundane Position is based on the planet's "House Circle", the circle
connecting the north and south points on the horizon with the planet in question. The angles
of these house circles are measured starting at 0 for the 0 Aries point, and are similar to both
longitude and Right Ascension, but differ slightly from either.
Placidus, and Ptolemy before him, based Mundane Position on proportions of semi-arcs. For
each point, we place it in one of the major quadrants defined by the Eastern Horizon, Upper
Meridian, Western Horizon, and Lower Meridian. We then determine the proportion that it
has traveled through its quadrant. If Mercury is 2/3 of the way from Eastern Horizon to Upper
Meridian at the moment of birth, and Mars is 1/3 of the way through the same quadrant, then
we find the arc that would take Mars to its 2/3 position, and say that that is the arc that directs
Mars to Mercury.
In Solar Fire, following Makransky's lead, we express Placidus Mundane Positions as degrees
based on these proportions; the first quadrant, from Eastern Horizon to Lower Meridian, is
given the range 0-90 degrees; the second, 90-180, and so on. (So 2/3 from Eastern Horizon to
Upper Meridian corresponds to a Placidus Mundane Position of 300degrees.)
All rate keys are approximately 1 degree per year; that is, an arc of direction of 20corresponds
to about 20 years of life. Some rates are slightly less than a degree per year, and others could
be more or less than a degree based on the sun's motion immediately after birth. If you
aren't sure which key to use, the default of Ptolemy's key, exactly 1 degree per year, is an
excellent place to start.
For a list of rate key options, see Rate for Primary Directions.
PI in the chart represents the "Promissor", the point bringing influence. P2 is the
"Significator". The houses indicated reflect the house position of the directed point,
Pm-Na is the symbol for a Primary Mundane direction to Radix. Pz-Na would be the
symbol for Primary Zodiacal, and Pv-Na for Primary van Dam.
In Primary Mundane directions, Posl represents the Mundane Position of PI, while Pos2
represents the radix longitude of P2. (Note in the above results, which use the Placidus
method - the directed Moon is conjunct the Midheaven, so of course it has a Placidus
In Primary Zodiacal directions, Posl indicates the sign and degree that PI has been
directed to.
Converse Directions
The classic "Converse" option affects the Directions to Radix report simply by switching
which planet is being directed to which. So for instance if the Sun were 1/3 of the way up
the morning sky, and Mars at 2/3, we would expect to see Sun directed to Mars to occur
somewhere around 30 years into a person's life; but traditional interpretations would be
much more interested to know when directed Mars reaches the Sun. Since this would
take around 330 years in direct motion, we work in converse. The converse direction of
Mars to the Sun uses the same mathematics, and produces the same result, as the
regular direction of Sun to Mars.
In a converse direction of Mars to the Sun, Mars is still the Promissor and the Sun the
Significator, but in computations, we actually move the Sun by its primary motion, and
Mars remains fixed in its natal position. In the Dynamic Report, Pos2 will reflect the
directed position of the Sun, and Posl will correspond to the radix chart positions.
Modern Converse
You also have an option of using a more modern definition of "Converse" from the 19th
Century; instead of switching which point is being directed to which, we direct the point
backwards. So in this case, we still direct Mars to the Sun, keeping the Sun fixed, and we
come up with a negative arc. Then we swap the sign. If directing Mars to the Sun would take -
27 degrees of arc, we say that its converse direction is 27 degrees, and so the Mars/Sun event
happens at somewhere around 27 years of age (depending on the rate key.)
As another example, suppose we wanted the converse direction of Mars to Saturn, for a
chart in which Saturn is a little behind Mars in primary motion (Saturn rises within a few
hours after Mars does). Using the Classical Converse (Ptolemy, Placidus etc), we would
simply direct Saturn to Mars, and use this figure. Using the Modern Converse, we direct
Mars to Saturn, obtaining a negative arc value, and then just swap the sign. If directing
Mars to Saturn would take -5.17 degrees of arc, we say that its converse direction is 5.17
degrees, and so the Mars/Saturn event happens at somewhere around 5 years of age
(depending on the rate key).
The modern and classical converse techniques produce different results; they're
generally similar, but they can easily differ by a couple years. Solar Fire defaults to the
Classical Converse, but users can switch to using the Modern Converse in Rate for Primary
Transits to Directions
Given that Primary Directions happen in Mundane degrees, and Transits happen in Zodiacal
degrees, how do we define Transits to Directions? We can direct the points of the radix to
particular Zodiacal degrees; this degree is termed the "Directional Place" of the point at a
given time. So we compare the transiting planets to the ongoing (very slow, retrograde)
As an example, using Primary Mundane, Placidus method, and Ptolemy's rate key, Prince
Andrew's natal Venus can be directed to the 7 Pisces 51' point on Feb 4, 2013; at the
same time, transiting Chiron reaches this longitude. So this is the day of Chiron
transiting directed Venus.
This will display the "Dynamic Report Selection" dialog box that allows the selection
of a radix chart and options to be used in generating the report.
Optionally select a different chart from the Alternate Radix Positions Chart drop-
down listbox. Usually this should be the same chart, but if you choose a different
chart, then the generated dynamic report will show dynamic events of the Dynamic
Radix Chart in relation to the chart points of the alternate chart. For example, if you
choose "Sarah Jones" as your dynamic radix chart, and "David Smith" as your
alternate radix chart, then when you generate a progressions report, it will show
Sarah's progressed planets making aspects to David's natal planets.
Doing so will cause all the options on this screen to be updated according to what
was last saved in this Saved Selection. Having done this, you may still alter any of the
options on the screen without causing any changes to the Saved Selection. For
example, if your Saved Selection has a report period of 1 year, you might wish to alter
this to 2 years for this particular report, or you may wish to add Eclipses to the report.
These new options will remain in effect until you either choose another item from the
drop down list of Saved Selections, or alter any of the other options yourself. {If you
select the same Saved Selection again, then the options will be reset to what they
were when you last selected it.}
4. Either use the Date Options button to choose an automated date setting (see
below for a full description), or else enter the Start Date for the report manually.
There are some shortcuts to setting the date quickly and easily as follows: Select the
Now button to get today's date; double-click on the Days option button to set the
date back by one day; double-click on the Months option button to set the date back
to the first day of the month {or to the previous month if the day is already the 1st of
the month); double-click on the Years option button to set the date back to the first
day of the year (or to the previous year if the day is already the 1st of January).
5. Set the length of the reports by selecting any one of the Days, Months or Years
option buttons, and enter the number of days, months or years in the Period box.
This must be a positive integer. The period for which the report will run will be this
number of years, days or months, depending on which of these periods has been
selected with the option buttons.
Bear in mind that the natal location is the over-riding imprint on the psyche of an
individual. But if a dynamic report is being generated for an individual, then it can
optionally be relocated to wherever they are living during the period of the report,
perhaps if you were interested in external events. However, if the chart's subject is
someone who is living in the same location as they were born during the time of the
report, then the natal option is best. And if only progressions are being generated for
an individual, then the natal location is best unless you are particularly concerned
with external events.
That said, if the radix chart is that of a person who permanently moved during the
first few months of their life, it may be appropriate to relocate it. If the Natal option is
selected then all the boxes relating to location, including time zone, longitude and
latitude will contain the location details from the selected base chart. Note that
although it is technically correct to alter the time zone if the current time zone is
different from the natal one, in practice this is only necessary if you are examining
lunar or chart angle transits, as the difference in the resultant times is otherwise not
significant. If the Relocated option is selected then all the boxes relating to location.
including time zone, longitude and latitude will contain the current default values.
(See Saving and Restoring Settings for details on default values.) Any of these values
may be altered in the same manner as when creating a new chart. See Casting_a
Natal Chart for instructions on how to alter location values.
7. The Auto DST option allows you to choose whether or not the results of the report
will be shown in the given timezone only, or whether the timezone should be
adjusted automatically to take account of daylight savings periods for the given
8. In the "Event Selection" area, click on the options which you wish to include.
Note that at least one of the above options MUST be selected in order to produce a
report. Also note that, unless the radix chart is a natal or event type chart, then it
will only be possible to select the Transits to Radix or Transits to Transits options.
In this case, the other options will be disabled (grayed out).
• House Ingress - If selected, then the report will contain an entry for each chart
point that crosses a house cusp in the radix chart, either direct or retrograde.
• Sign Ingress - If selected, then the report will contain an entry for each chart
point that crosses a zodiac sign cusp in the radix chart, either direct or
• Parallels of Declination or Latitude - If selected, then the report will contain
entries for parallels and contra-pa rail els of declination or latitude, as well as for
aspects of longitude. The selection of either declination or latitude may be made
by clicking on the up-down arrow button to the right of this option. This button
toggles the setting between declination and latitude.
• Stationary Points - If selected, then the report will contain entries showing the
dates when planets or asteroids are geocentrically stationary. (This has no effect
if the radix chart is heliocentric.)
• Solar & Lunar Eclipses - If selected, then the report will contain entries showing
the dates and zodiacal positions of either maximum eclipses or of exact
associated lunar phases, depending on the eclipse settings in Preferences.
• Void of Course Moon - If Selected, then the report will contain entries showing
the date and time of the last aspect made by the Moon as it enters its void of
course state, as well as the sign ingresses, which indicate where the Moon ends
it void of course state. (Void of Course is calculated according to the user-
selected options).
• Entering/Leaving - If selected, then the report will contain an entry for each chart
point as it enters transiting orb and leaves transiting orb, as well as when the
transit, progression or solar arc direction is exact. Also, any aspects which are
already in orb at the beginning of the report period will be listed. If this option is
not selected, then the report contains entries only for exact hits. The angle of the
transiting orb used for the report is taken from the current aspect set file. This
orb may be altered by editing the aspect set file. See Aspect Set for instructions
on how to edit the aspect set file.
Note: If you need to ensure that slow moving transits are always shown in a short
time-period report, whether or not they actually make any exact hits during that
time period, then make sure the Entering/Leaving option is selected.
Note: Only one of the parallels options can be selected at one time. It is not
possible to produce a report containing both parallels of declination and of latitude.
9. If you have selected any events involving Progressions or Directions, then in the
Dynamic Type box, select which type of progressions or directions you wish to use
by selecting one of the available types from the drop-down list boxes.
The Progression types are...
• Secondary - This is the most commonly used type of progression, based on a day
for a year i.e. one day per solar cycle.
• Tertiary - This method of progression is based on the mean rate of a day for a
lunar month.
• Minor - This method of progression is based on a mean lunar cycle for a year.
• User Prog Rate - This method allows you to define whatever rate of progression
you choose. The rate used here must have been previously set in the User
Progression Rate option of the Preferences dialog.
Age Harmonics are based on the idea that as a child our development through the
years of growing can be measured and defined via harmonic correlations to each
year. Harmonics themselves are based on the division of the 360"circle.
Dividing it by 1 (360 / 1 = 360" which is the same as 0') creates the conjunction
Dividing it by 2 (350 / 2 = 180') creates the opposition aspect
Dividing it by 3 (350 / 3 = 120") creates the trine aspect
Dividing it by 4 (360 / 4 = 90") creates the square aspect
Age harmonics involves creating harmonic charts for each of these years of a
child's life. Each year represents the corresponding harmonic aspect, so for
instance in the third year (between the ages of 2 and 3), we would be interested in
the 2nd harmonic chart (which represents oppositions), in the fourth year
(between the ages of 3 and 4), we would be interested in the 3nd harmonic chart
(which represents trines).
Selecting one of the Age Harmonic options will add the chart point positions for
the corresponding age of the native.
• Age Harmonic -
• Age+1 Harmonic
• Solar Arc - This is the most commonly used method. Chart point longitudes are
directed by the secondary progressed arc in longitude, and chart point
declinations are directed by the secondary progressed arc in declination.
• Ascendant Arc - Chart points are directed by the ascendant arc (which is itself
derived from the secondary progressed solar arc.)
• Vertex Arc - Chart points are directed by the vertex arc (which is itself derived
from the secondary progressed solar arc.)
• User Arc - Chart points are directed by a user-defined annual arc rate. The rate
used here must be set in the User Direction Rate option of the Preferences menu.
• Primary Mundane - This method directs chart points according to "Primary Motion",
the motion of the points through the chart during the hours after birth as the Earth
rotates. Primary Mundane is different from the other options in that aspects formed
using this method are mundane aspects rather than aspects of zodiacal longitude. The
type of Mundane Position used depends on the "Primary Method" below. The rate of
direction can be selected from the Primary Direction Rate option of the Preferences
menu. See Rate for Primary Directions.
• Primary Zodiacal - This method directs chart points according to "Primary Motion", the
motion of the points through the chart during the hours after birth as the Earth
rotates. Primary Zodiacal directions, also known as "without latitude", work by
directing the zodiacal longitudes of the chart points to each other, rather than the
actual positions of the planets. Aspects are also based on zodiacal longitude. The
directions between these longitudes are based mundane positions of the longitude
points themselves, however, and as such depend on the choice of "Primary Method"
below. The rate of direction can be selected from the Primary Direction Rate option of
the Preferences menu. See Rate for Primary Directions.
• Primary Van Dam - See Wim Van Dam's website for more information about how
to use this option (link is valid at time of publication)
• Profections (Annual) - This directs the chart by 30 degrees per year.
Conventionally, you would use this direction method to find when the directed
For some Direction types you can select the Primary Method...
Note: All Primary Directions work by moving one point (or an aspect to it} to its
conjunction with another. But there are different ways to determine when two points
meet. The choice of this method for determining directional conjunctions affects our
Primary Mundane and Primary Zodiacal directions. (Note that there are strong
mathematical relationships between these methods and the House Systems with the
same names, but there is no reason you have to use the same Primary Method as
House System.)
• Placidus
The more ancient technique, used by Ptolemy and more recently promoted by
Placidus, is based on proportions of semi-arcs. For each point, we place it in
one of the major quadrants defined by the Eastern Horizon, Upper Meridian,
Western Horizon, and Lower Meridian. We then determine the proportion that
it has traveled through its quadrant. If Mercury is 2/3 of the way from Eastern
Horizon to Upper Meridian at the moment of birth, and Mars is 1/3 of the way
through the same quadrant, then we find the arc that would take Mars to its
2/3 position, and say that that is the arc that directs Mars to Mercury. These
mundane positions are reported as degrees, but are based on these
proportions; the first quadrant, from Eastern Horizon to Lower Meridian, is
given the range 0-90 degrees; the second, 90-180, and so on. (So 2/3 from
Eastern Horizon to Upper Meridian corresponds to 300 degrees.)
• Regiomontanus
Regiomontanus introduced a different type of mundane position based on
Circles of Position, great circles going through the point in question and the
North and South points on the horizon. The intersection of this circle with the
Celestial Equator gives the Mundane Position; usually it's within a few degrees
of the point's Right Ascension. This is the mundane position reported in the
Dynamic Report.
If the Prec. Corr. option is checked, then the calculations will be done according to
the position of the planets in the Sidereal zodiac, rather than the Tropical zodiac.
However, the resulting report will still be calculated in the Tropical Zodiac. Note that
if the radix chart which you are using already uses a Sidereal zodiac, then this option
will have no effect, and the resulting report will be in the Sidereal zodiac. If the
Converse option is checked, then the calculation of the transits and progressions will
be done by searching backwards from the converse entered time in relation to the
time of the dynamic radix chart. An additional arc multiplier button (Mult) is visible
whenever Solar Arc, Ascendant Arc or Vertex Arc directions have been selected for
inclusion in the report. Clicking on this button produce a drop-down menu with the
possible arc multipliers - xl (Normal), x2 (Double Arc), x0.5 (Half Arc), x-1 (Negative
• Transits - Transiting points. You may, for example want to include just transits
from the outer planets only. On the other hand, for a very short-term report, you
may want to include transits by the Moon.
• Extras - Extra transiting points. This can include any combination of midpoints
between planets or other chart points, as well as fixed stars, asteroids and extra
• Progs - Progressing and Directed points. You can specify a different set of points
from the transiting points.
• Extras - Extra Progressing and Directed points. This can include the same types
of points as for Extras - transiting points (above).
• Radix - Points in the radix chart that you want to include in the report. You could
exclude the MC and Ascendant if the birth time was uncertain; add asteroids,
use inner planets only, etc.
• Extras - Extra radix points. This can include any combination of midpoints
between planets or other chart points, and fixed stars, arabic parts, asteroids,
extra bodies, fixed zodiacal positions and house cusps.
The names of the currently selected sets are displayed, and it is possible to select
different sets, browse or edit them etc. by clicking on the name of the desired set.
Doing so will cause the "File Manager" screen to be displayed See Using the File
Manager for instructions on using the "File Manager" to alter any settings.
• Progs - Aspects formed from progressed or directed points to radix points. This
can be a different set of aspects from the transiting aspects.
If you do so, then the new report that you generate will be merged with the
previously generated dynamic report, and all events for both reports will be displayed
together. This option is useful for generating reports that require combinations of
settings that are not possible in a single report. For example, you could produce a
report using Solar Arc directions, and then merge this with another report using
Ascendant Arc directions. The final result is a report containing both types of
14. Finally...
The "Dynamic Events Report" screen is displayed, and the report is generated as
you watch,
Instead of viewing the report immediately, you have the option of adding the
report to the print queue, to be printed later.
It is possible, at any later time, to start printing all the jobs that are on the
batch print queue by selecting the Start Print Queue option from the View menu
of the Main Screen. Note that any dynamic report that is calculated on the
batch queue will be sorted into date order. If you wish to see the report in any
of the other available sort orders, you must generate the report using the View
i Cancel! OK
• Fixed date as entered - using this option has the same effect as manually entering
a start date. The date you enter remains fixed for all subsequent reports unless you
manually update it again.
• Relative to the current date - this allows you to set a report period that moves
forward in time as the current date changes. This is useful for creating a limited
period report that always remains up-to-date.
• Relative to the radix chart date - this allows you to set a report period which is
fixed relative to the birth date. This is useful for creating a report that always starts
at or near the radix chart's birth date, i.e. a lifetime report.
• Go to - allows you to adjust from the reference (current or radix) date back to the
beginning of the day, month, quarter, half year or year.
• Adjust date by - allows you to adjust from the reference date by any integer
multiple of days, months or years. This may be a positive or negative multiple, for
an adjustment forward or backward in time respectively.
If the settings are Relative to Current Date, Go To Start of Month, Adjust by -1 months,
then any current date in December 2005 results in an automate report start date of 1st
November 2005 i.e. the first day of the month preceding the current month.
If the settings are Relative to Radix Chart Date, Go To Start of Month, Adjust by +1
months, then a radix chart date of 28th December 1957 results in an automated report
start date of 1st January 1958 i.e. the first day of the month following the birth date.
• Highlight the desired selection in the Saved Selections list and use the Del key.
During report generation, you can stop further report calculation by selecting the Cancel
button. When the report is finished, it is possible to exit from this screen by selecting
the Quit button.
The status of report generation is shown in the three boxes at the top right hand side of
the screen. The top box shows the type of calculations being performed, the second box
shows the date for which calculations are currently being performed, and the lower box
shows an approximate percentage completed so far, both by percentage number, and
with a graphical "flood-fill" bar, for the current calculation type.
There is a limit of 10,000 dynamic events in any one report. If this limit is reached then
you will see a dialog box indicating the problem, and the report will be truncated at that
When the report calculation is complete, the report is sorted into whichever sort order
was last chosen. It is possible to sort the report into a variety of different orders as
1. Select the required sort order option from the drop-down list. Possible orders are...
• Date - Entries in the report will be sorted according to date and time, in
ascending order of time.
• E/X/L Event - Entries in the report will be sorted into groups of in orb at the
beginning of report (B), entering orb (E), exact (X) and leaving orb (L) events for
the same transit or progression, and then the groups are sorted into date order of
the first item in the group. If the Entering/Leaving option was not selected for this
report, then this order is the same as Date order.
• Point 1 - Entries in the report will be sorted into groups of entries for each point
in the first column of the report. These are the dynamic chart points. The entries
are sorted by date within each dynamic point group.
• Point 2 - Entries in the report will be sorted into groups of entries for each point
in the third column of the report. These are normally the radix points, but may
also be dynamic points if the event is a transit to transit, transit to progression,
transit to solar arc or progression to progression. The entries are sorted by date
within each point group.
• Weighting - Entries in the report will be sorted into an order calculated according
to weightings ascribed to each transiting point, aspect and radix point. The
weightings relate to the speed of movement of each chart point, so that transits
involving (slow moving) Pluto are at the top of the report, and within the transits
of each planet, transits involving the (fast moving) ascendant are at the top. In
many instances this order will approximate to the level of significance of the
transit However, due to the subjective nature of determining the importance of
particular transits, this report should only be used as a potential aid - not as a
definitive statement of the relative importance of each transit!
• Event Type - Entries in the report will be sorted Into groups of the same event
types, for example all the transits to radix (Tr-Na) will appear first, the transits to
transits (Tr-Tr) next etc. The entries are sorted by date within each group.
• Aspect - Entries in the report will be sorted into groups of aspect. For example, all
conjunctions appear at the top, oppositions next etc. The order in which of the
aspects appear is determined by Solar Fire's internal aspect ordering, which is the
same order in which aspects appear in the aspect editor, for example.
You can alter the appearance of the report by switching on or off the Use Glyphs, Use
Colors, and Bold Text option. These work in the same way as for the Chart Reports, as
described in Generating Chart Reports.
If you wish to keep the report to view again later, then you can click on the screen's
minimize button (at the top right of the screen). This will turn the screen into an icon at
the bottom of your Windows desktop area, and you may view it again at any time by
double-clicking on its icon. Note, however, that if you generate another dynamic report,
then it will overwrite your existing report. If you wish to save it then you must print it or
copy it to the clipboard before producing another dynamic report.
Pointl Asp Point2 Hit Type Date Time Zone Position 1 Position 2
Ura (10) Sqr Ven (7) (X) (Tr-Na) Jun 12 1993 I 11:07:23pm BST +1:00 19Cp23R 1911230
In this sample report line, transiting Uranus (retrograde) at l^S' of Capricorn in the
10th house is making an exact square to natal Venus (direct) at 1902B' of Libra in the 7th
house on 12th June 1993.
The possible items in each line are defined in the following table.
Pointl The dynamic point and the house it is occupying on the radix chart
Aspect The aspect formed between Pointl and Point2
Point2 The radix point (or second dynamic point) and its house in the radix chart
EXL (X) for exact hit, (E) for entering orb, (L) for leaving orb, (B) for already in orb at
beginning at report, (S) for sign ingress, (H) for house ingress.
Type Acombination of abbreviations from the list below, indicating the type of dynamic
event and radix chart for Pointl and Point2.
Date The date of the event
Time The time of the event on the given day
Zone The ti mezone abbreviation for the given ti me of the event
Age Ageof native in decimal years at time of event
Posit ionl Zodiacal position of Point 1 - R indicates retrograde, D direct If the aspect is a
parallel or contra-parallel, then this shows the declination or latitude. If this relates
to a primary mundane direction, then this shows the mundane position of Pointl. (0° =
Eastern horizon, 90° = Upper culmination).
PositionZ Zodiacal position of Point 2 - R indicates retrograde, D direct. If the aspect is a
parallel or contra-parallel, then this shows the declination or latitude.
Chart 1 Indicates the chart number and name of the dynamic radix chart. This column only
appears (fan alternate radix positions chart has been selected, or if the report is
merged with other reports which use a different dynamic radix chart.
Chart 2 Indicates the chart number and name of the alternate radix positions chart. This
column only appears if an alternate radix positions chart has been selected.
• Tr-Transits
• Sp-Secondary Progressed
• Tp-Tertiary Progressed
• Mp - Minor Progressed
• Up - User Rate Progressed
• Pf - Profected
• Pn - Progressed Radix
• Di - Directed Radix
• Re - Return Radix
• Co - Composite Radix
• Ha - Harmonic Radix
• AH - Age Harmonic
• A1 - Age+1 Harmonic
• Any chart point (planet, asteroid, Transneptunian, angle) - Shown by either ifs
glyph or by it's abbreviation (eg i or "Ura")
• A midpoint between any two points - Shown by either their glyph or by their
abbreviations (e.g. Z/H or "Ura/Mon")
• A fixed star - Shown by either s* where * is a number of by its first six letters (e.g.
"sl2" or "Mirach")
• An Arabic Part - Shown by either p* where * is a number, or by its first six letters
(e.g. "p7" or "Brothe")
• An asteroid - Shown by either a* where * is a number or by its first six letters (e.g.
"33" or "Apollo")
Note: If you have a listing with a large number of fixed stars, Arabic Parts, asteroids or
fixed positions, then you may wish to switch between the alternate display styles to help
you identify which item is which on the list.
» To switch between the alternate display styles for Pointl and Point 2
• Select the line by clicking on it. The line is shown to be selected by a dashed
rectangle enclosing it. Then simply use the Del key.
The line will be deleted, and the other report lines adjusted as necessary to fill the
gap. Note that deleted lines cannot be undeleted. You will need to regenerate the
entire report in order to get any deleted lines back.
• Drag the column border on the report header bar with the mouse
Cancel QK
You can select any combination of columns to display by checking or unchecking them in
the checkboxes to the left of the items in the list, and change the order of the columns
by highlighting a column and then using the Move Up or Move Down buttons
repeatedly until the desired new position is reached.
Note: If not all columns are visible in the report after adding or resizing them, you can
increase the visible area by resizing the entire report window.
• Select a report line by clicking on it and then select the Item Info button, or double-
click on a line in the report
The Item Info dialog box will be displayed.
The top box in this screen will show in words, what dynamic event this line contains,
followed by an interpretation of that event, if interpretation text exists for that type of
The bottom box will list any similar events that are found in the report, e.g. if the
selected line is transiting Saturn square natal Moon, then any other exact, entering or
leaving hits of this transit will also be listed. Also, if the selected event is a transit to a
radix chart, then the total number of exact hits that will occur during this transit is listed,
plus the number of hits that occurred before the report period, and/or the number that
will occur after the report period.
If the event is an eclipse or a stationary point of a planet (i.e. going direct or retrograde),
then a list of aspects of points in the radix chart to the eclipse or stationery position is
shown. The aspects used in this list are those in Solar Fire's currently selected aspect
When you have finished looking at the information in this dialog box, clicking on the OK
button will cause it to disappear.
The time scale for the time map corresponds to the period of the dynamic report upon
which it is based. The list of dynamic events is the same as those in the dynamic report,
expect that all the Entering, Exact and Leaving events of a particular transit or
progression are grouped together into single entries. Also, to optimize space, the events
are listed using astrological glyphs, using subscripts to indicate what kind of dynamic
event they relate to. These subscripts are
t - transiting
p - progressing
d - directed
n - natal
r - radix
It is possible to alter the display to show either transiting hit numbers or dates/times on
which certain events occurred, on the map. The Hit Nos option shows which hit in a
series of direct/retrograde transits to a point is occurring. For example, if the transit has
three hits (1st hit direct, 2nd hit retrograde, and 3rd hit direct), then these events will be
labeled 1:3, 2:3, and 3:3 respectively. If the transit has only one hit, then it will be
labeled 1:1. This enables you to see at a glance whether there are associated hits which
occur before or after the duration of the time map. Note, however, that progressions and
directions and special dynamic events do not have hit numbers shown, as these will
generally always be single events. The Date option shows the day and month of each
major event on the map. For example an event which occurs on the 23rd March will be
labeled either 23/3 or 3/23 depending on the date order in your Windows setup.
However, if the duration of the time map is less than 7 days, then this option shows the
time in 24 hour format, instead of the date. For example an event which occurs at
3:46pm is labeled 15:46. It is possible to scroll through this list by using the scroll bars
on the right of the screen. It is also possible to reorder and delete lines in the map.
You will be asked to confirm whether or not you wish to delete them. Note that
clicking on any line selects it on the first click, and un-selects it on a subsequent click.
2. Position the mouse over the line you wish to move and hold down the left hand
1. Optionally use the Printer button to alter printer settings such as paper orientation
This will print the entire list, in the displayed order, using as many pages as are
required. Each page will have a time scale printed at the top.
The Item Info dialog box will be displayed, showing interpretations and event
information. This may be used in the same manner as in the dynamic report screen.
This chapter describes how to generate, view and print a graphic ephemeris of
longitudes of transits, progressions or directions, and of declinations or latitudes of
transits and progressions, for any chart.
Before generating a graphic ephemeris, you should cast, open or generate the subsidiary
chart that you wish to base the ephemeris on, so that it is showing in the "Calculated
Charts" list box on the Main Screen.
• Choose the Graphic Ephemeris menu item from the Dynamic menu.
This will display the "Graphic Ephemeris Selection" screen that allows the selection
of a base chart and various other options.
1. Click on the required base chart in the list of Dynamic Radix Charts.
You may also optionally select a different chart from the Alternate Radix Positions
Chart drop-down listbox. Usually this should be the same chart, but if you choose a
different chart, then the generated ephemeris will show dynamic events of the
Dynamic Radix Chart in relation to the radix chart points of the alternate chart. For
example, if you choose "Sarah Jones" as your dynamic radix chart, and "David
Smith" as your alternate radix chart, then when you generate an ephemeris, it will
show Sarah's progressed planets making aspects to David's natal planets.
2. Choose an item from the Saved Selections drop-down list on the left hand side of
the screen.
This will immediately update all the selections on the screen with whatever was
stored under that saved selection description.
If the "Now" button is selected, then the "Date" will be updated to correspond to
the computers internal clock. This button is useful if you wish to produce an
ephemeris covering a period from today onwards.
4. Enter a Date
Enter a date in any acceptable format. Most commonly used formats are
acceptable. If the format is not acceptable then an error dialog box will be
displayed. Acceptable formats are described in detail in Entering a Date.
Alternatively, to facilitate the setting of the date, there is a special feature to help
you quickly set the date back by a day, to the beginning of a month, or to the
beginning of a year. To set the date back by one day, double-click on the Days
option button. To set the date back to the first day of the month (or to the previous
month if the the day is already the 1st of January), double-click on the Years option
Once you have the desired start date then you can set the duration of the
6. Enter the number of days, months or years in the Period box. This must be a
positive integer. The period that the ephemeris will cover will be this number of
years, days or months, depending on which of these periods has been selected
with the option buttons.
» To select the location for which you wish the ephemeris to apply
If only progressions are being generated for an individual, then the location should
normally be the same as the natal chart location. However, if the base chart is that
of a person who moved during the first few months of their life, it may be
appropriate to relocate it.
• If you select the Natal option, then all the boxes relating to location will contain
the location details from the base chart.
Note that although it is technically correct to alter the time zone if the current
time zone is different from the natal one, in practice this is only necessary if
you are examining lunar or chart angle transits, as the difference in the
resultant times is otherwise not significant.
• if you select the Relocated option, then all the boxes relating to location will
contain the current default values, and you can enter new location data if you
wish to. (See Saving and Restoring Settings for details on default values.) Any of
these values may be altered in the same manner as when creating a new chart.
See Casting a Natal Chart for instructions on how to alter location values.
8. Select one of the following options from the Ephemeris Selection list:...
If you select Directions, then the "Directions" drop-down llstbox in the "Dynamic
Type" area will become enabled, and you can select any of the available direction
types from that list. The directions may be solar arc, ascendant arc, vertex arc,
user arc l0/yr or annual profections.
Also note that, unless the base chart is a natal or event type chart, then It will only
be possible to select the Transits option. In this case, the other options will be
disabled {greyed out).
9. If you wish to view Prec. Corr. or Converse planetary position, then you can
optionally also click on their check boxes in the "Dynamic Type" box, and you can
also choose an arc multiplier using the Mult button if your are using Solar Arc,
Ascendant Arc or Vertex Arc directions.
10. Select Longitude, Declination or Latitude from the drop-down list box below the
dynamic type selection. (Only longitude is available if you have chosen to use
If you select longitude, then you have the option of selecting an ephemeris modulus
angle. If you select declination or latitude, then you can select an angle extent.
11. Select a pre-defined modulus angle from the Modulus Angle drop-down list
Alternatively, you can type any desired angle from 10 minutes of arc to 360 degrees
directly into the Modulus Angle box. You can type in degrees and minutes and
seconds, separating each with a space {e.g. 22 30 for 22o30'), and you can also use
decimal format (e.g. 22.5 for 22o30,).
The graph will display the zero line at the top, and extends downwards by the
amount of the specified modulus angle.
12. Click on the Radix Positions check box in order to have the radix chart's planetary
positions displayed on the ephemeris.
13. Click on the Radix Aspects check box in order to have an aspect glyph displayed
wherever a dynamic planetary position crosses a radix position.
14. Click on the Sign Labels check box in order to have zodiac sign labels for each
planetary line {both radix and dynamic), and sign change bullets on each planetary
line wherever the planet crosses into a new sign.
15. Click on the Lunations check box to have New and Full moon position markers on
the graph. These appear as small circles containing an N for a new moon (without
eclipse), F for a full moon (without eclipse), Kfor a solar eclipse on the new moon,
and ' for a lunar eclipse on the full moon. Note; This option setting is included as
part of the Saved Selection, so if you wish its setting to be remembered as part of
the current selection, you must use the Save Selection button after changing it.
16. Click on the Deg Gridlines check box in order to have dashed lines drawn across
the ephemeris at each degree division. Having this option switched on helps locate
positions within the ephemeris more easily, but may be distracting when viewing
the ephemeris on a small screen.
17. Click on the Date Gridlines check box in order to have dashed lines drawn down
the ephemeris at each date division.
18. Click on the Back Shading check box to have the entire ephemeris data area
shaded with a light grey. This option affects the aesthetic appearance of the
ephemeris only.
19. Click on the Import Financial Data button. This will allow you to import data from
a file external to Solar Fire that will then always be displayed on the ephemeris for
the current session of Solar Fire. If you don't want the data to continue to be
displayed you need to quit Solar Fire and then restart it. See Tools for Financial
Astrology for more information.
20. Click on the required point type (Transits, Progs or Radix) inside the Points
Selection box.
This will display the "File Manager" which lists all the available point files. To
select a file, highlight it and click the Select button. To see what is in a file and
optionally make changes, click the Edit button. For more details on selecting and
editing point files, see Editing a Chart Points File.
Note: Only those point types which are applicable to the current selections will be
You will be asked to enter a description under which to save this selection. Type in
a brief description, and then click on the OK button. The description will appear in
the Saved Selections list on the left of the screen, ready to reselect in future.
• Highlight the desired selection in the Saved Selections list, and press the Del key.
Once all the options have been set in the "Graphic Ephemeris Selection" screen, it is
possible to view the ephemeris, to print it now or later, and to copy it to the clipboard for
pasting into other programs.
This will display a dialog box asking you to confirm whether or not you wish to add
this job to the Solar Fire print batch queue. If you select the OK button, then it will
be added to the queue, and it will not be calculated or printed at this time. It is
possible, at any later time, to start printing all the jobs which are on the batch print
queue by selecting the Start Print Queue option from the View menu of the Main
These will recalculate and display the graphic ephemeris for the time periods
adjoining the time period of the current graph.
The usual print dialog box will appear enabling you to select Setup or Print.
However, the "Queue" button will be disabled. In order to queue the ephemeris, you
must return to the "Graphic Ephemeris Selection" screen.
5. Position the mouse anywhere over the Graphic Ephemeris and click once on the
right-hand mouse button.
This will display the "Copy" dialog with the options to copy the graph to various
locations in various formats. See Copying, Publishing and Sending Graphics for a
full description of these options.
This chapter describes how to use Solar Fire's real time astrological clock, and how to
animate charts and page displays by running or stepping them forward and backward
through time. This module also allows the one-step construction of biwheels, triwheels
and quadriwheels showing transits, progressions and directions around natal chart.
• Display a real time astrological clock for any other location and timezone
• Display a biwheel with a natal chart (or radix chart) on the inner ring, and current
transits on the outer ring, ready to step forward or backward in time
• Display a triwheel with a natal chart (or radix chart), current secondary
progressions and transits, ready to step forward or backward in time
• Display a quadriwheel with a natal chart (or radix chart), current secondary
progressions, solar arc directions and transits, ready to step forward or backward in
• Display other combinations of fixed and dynamic charts in uni, bi, tri and
quadri wheels
• Display any astrological page ready to step forward and backward in time
Note that the wheel styles and other color options used in this module are always the
same as those that are in effect on the View Chart screen, and can be altered by using a
right hand mouse click somewhere over the display to bring up the Chart Options menu.
• Select the Real Time Clock item from the Dynamic menu
This will display a chart for the current default location, updated at regular intervals.
» To display a real time astrological clock for any other location and timezone
1. Cast a new natal chart for the required location for any date and time
4. Click on the Clock option button at the top right of the screen
This will display a chart for the required location, showing the correct current local
time for the timezone of the chart, updated at regular intervals. For example, if your
1. Select the Real Time Clock item from the Dynamic menu (this will display a chart
for the current default location)
2. Click on the Location button on the right hand side of the window. In the resulting
Change Location dialog box you can set a new place and timezone and apply that
to the clock.
When you select the Dynamic menu, Real Time Clock, the first window displayed will be
the real time chart for the current location. However, if you move that window to another
place on the monitor then select another chart that has been opened on the "Calculated
Charts" list and then select Dynamic / Real Time Clock again, a new real time clock
window will open that "inherits" some settings from the highlighted chart. Some of the
settings that are passed into the new real time clock window are: Place, Country,
Timezone, House System, Zodiac and Coordinates. As an example, you can create two
charts, one for a place with geocentric coordinates and one for the same place but using
heliocentric coordinates. When you create two real time clock windows from these two
charts, you will now have two windows "ticking over" but using two different coordinate
systems. Likewise, you can display two real time clocks using different house systems.
You are not limited to just two clocks, you can open as many real time clocks as you like.
Thus you can create a real time clock windows for different locations, like Sydney,
London and New York, all displaying the local time at those locations with all windows
"ticking over" together. Depending on the chart that is highlighted on the "Calculated
Charts" list, you can create real time clocks for both geocentric and heliocentric
coordinates or use tropical and sidereal zodiacs or different house systems, for
comparison purposes
Note: this multiple window feature only applies to the Real Time Clock feature and not
to the Animate features.
This will initially display the chart exactly as it has been cast. If you use the time
controls to alter or step the time, then the chart's date and time are used as the
starting point, and then adjusted according to the options you choose.
This will initially display the chart exactly as it has been cast. If you use the time
controls to alter or step the time, then the chart's date and time are used as the
starting point, and then adjusted according to the options you choose.
» To display a biwheel with a natal chart (or radix chart) on the inner ring, and
current transits on the outer ring, ready to step forward or backward in time
This will display the natal chart as a fixed chart on the inner ring, and the current
transits on the outer ring. If you use the time controls to alter or step the time, then
the current date and time are used as the starting point, and the transits chart is
then adjusted according to the options you choose.
» To display a triwheel with a natal chart (or radix chart), current secondary
progressions and transits, ready to step forward or backward in time
This will display the natal chart as a fixed chart on the inner ring, and the current
secondary progressions on the middle ring, and transits on the outer ring. If you use
the time controls to alter or step the time, then the current date and time are used
as the starting point, and the progressions and transits charts are then adjusted
according to the options you choose.
» To display a quadriwheel with a natal chart (or radix chart), current secondary
progressions, solar arc directions and transits, ready to step forward or backward in
This will display the natal chart as a fixed chart on the inner ring, and the current
secondary progressions on the middle inner ring, solar arc directions on the middle
outer ring and transits on the outermost ring. If you use the time controls to alter or
step the time, then the current date and time are used as the starting point, and the
progressions, directions and transits charts are then adjusted according to the
options you choose.
» To display other combinations of fixed and dynamic charts in uni, bi, tri and
If you are already displaying a dynamic wheel with the required number of charts, then
click on the Charts button to display a dialog which allows you to select alternative
Alternatively; you can select the Animate Page item from the Dynamic menu. You will
be prompted to select the required page type from the list of available pages, and then
the required chart types. (See below)
» To display any astrological page ready to step forward and backward in time
• If you are already displaying a dynamic wheel or page with the required number of
charts, then click on the Page button to display a dialog that allows you to select
alternative pages.
Note that you will only be able to select another page which requires the same number of
charts as the wheel or page you are currently viewing.
• Alternatively, you can select the Animate Page item from the Dynamic menu. You
will be prompted to select the required page type from the list of available pages,
and then the required chart types. (See below)
1. Click on the Location button on the right hand side of the window.
2. In the resulting "Change Location" dialog box you can set a new place and
timezone and apply that to any of the charts simultaneously.
As an example, if you open a natal chart from a chart file, have it highlighted in the
"Calculated Charts" list then click on Dynamic > Animate QuadriWheel, Solar Fire
automatically calculates and displays the Natal, the Secondary Progression, the Solar Arc
and the current Transit chart, all with the same natal location and timezone. In this
situation you may wish to retain the natal location for the Natal and Secondary
Progressed chart but use a different location for the Solar Arc and Transit chart,
particularly if the person is now living at a different location than their place of birth.
When setting up an animated page the dynamic chart selection dialog is similar to the
multiwheel selection dialog, except for the additional option of selecting a dynamic
method to apply to some or all of the charts in the wheel or on the page.
• Transits - This will display a chart of transiting positions, varying with the
animation date and time. When this option is selected, there is no need to select a
base chart.
• Fixed Base Chart - This will display the selected base chart as fixed, so that it does
not vary with the animation date and time. This option should be selected, for
example, with a natal chart that you wish to place in the center of a multiwheel,
with transits or progressions around it.
• User Progressions - As above. The user progression rate is one of the settings that
may be specified in the Preferences dialog of Solar Fire.
• Solar Arc Directions-This will display a chart of the directed positions calculated
from the selected base chart.
• User Rate Directions-As above. The user direction rate is one of the settings that
may be specified in the Preferences dialog of Solar Fire.
• Age and Age+1 Harmonic - These will display a chart of the age and age+1
harmonic positions calculated from the selected base chart.
• van Dam Primaries - This will display a chart of the van Dam directed positions
calculated from the selected base chart.
When you select a progression or direction method, you may also choose whether to
apply converse or precession correction options, by checking the appropriate boxes as
required. If Solar Arc, Ascendant Arc or Vertex Arc methods are chosen, then you can also
use the Mult button to select an arc multiplier if you wish. These options have the same
effect as the same named options when casting subsidiary charts under the Chart menu.
See Casting Subsidiary Charts for further information on these options.
The Selected Chart list at the bottom of the dialog contains a list of which chart types
have already been selected. If you have selected a uniwheel or page which requires only
one chart, then this list will only have a single item in it. If there are multiple items in the
list, then you must click on the one you wish to select or edit before changing your
selection of base chart and/or dynamic chart method.
1. In the Selected Charts list, click on the item that you wish to change to transits.
It is not necessary to select a base chart in this case, because transits depend only on
the animation date and time, and are calculated independently of any base chart.
1. In the Selected Charts list, click on the item that you wish to change to a fixed base
3. In the Dynamic Methods list, click on the Fixed Base Chart item.
Any chart that you select this way will remain fixed, even though you may be running
an animation. This option is only to be used when you have other dynamic charts in
the same wheel page, such as transits or progressions to the base chart, and you
want the base chart to remain fixed as a radix chart whilst the other dynamic charts
are animated as the date and time change.
Note: If you use the fixed base chart option when you are only viewing a single chart
on a wheel or page, then the animation features will have no effect.
1. In the Selected Charts list, click on the item that you wish to change to an
animated chart.
3. In the Dynamic Methods list, click on the required dynamic method (such as
Secondary Progressions, Solar Arc Directions etc,), and optionally also select the
Prec. Corn and Converse options.
Any chart calculated by this method will be derived as a subsidiary chart of the
selected base chart, and updated according to the animation date and time.
It is possible to export any animated charts into Solar Fire's list of "Calculated Charts"
from where they may be saved to a chart file or used anywhere else in Solar Fire.
These functions are useful when you have used the animation module to find particular
charts of interest, and then wish to be able to save them or use them in other parts of
Solar Fire.
» To export the current animated chart/s and display them as a fixed Chart View
• Click on the Export button, and select To Fixed Page... from the pop-up menu.
When the real time clock is running, you cannot perform any of the animation functions.
Before using the animation features, you must ensure that the Animation option is
chosen at the top right of the screen.
If this is a multiwheel animation, and includes a fixed natal chart that has stored life
events, then it is possible to select any life event from a list to set the animation time
and date automatically.
• Click on the Events button, and select one of the events from the Event Selection
dialog box.
The "Auto Apply" checkbox is ticked by default, which means as you click on any life
event to select it, the date of the event will automatically be reflected in the wheels
outside the inner wheel. To prevent this from happening untick the Auto Apply
checkbox by clicking in it.
Note: You can also add new life events from this dialog if you wish.
• Enter new values directly into the date and time boxes.
(See Entering a Date and Entering a Time for details on acceptable formats for dates
and times). Depending on whether you want Daylight Savings to be accounted for
when stepping through time then make sure the Auto DLS checkbox is ticked/unticked
(repeatedly clicking in the checkbox toggles it between ticked and unticked).
1. In the Step By drop-down box, select one of the pre-defined time intervals.
2. Optionally enter a numeric multiple into the box immediately to the left.
For example, to specify a 5 minute interval, select the "Minutes" item from the list,
and then enter the value 5.
1. The left and right arrows will start the animation running backward or forward in
time respectively, with the display being recalculated at the specified intervals.
• The left and right arrows with the adjacent vertical bars will step the animation
backward or forward in time respectively, one step for each mouse click.
• Alternatively, after ensuring that the displayed wheel or page has the focus (by
clicking on it), you can use the left or right arrow keys to step back or forward with
one step per keypress.
• Use the mouse to slide the Animation Speed control left or right.
When at its leftmost position, this will attempt to update the display as often as the
power of your computer will allow. When moved further right, the display is only
updated after a fixed interval of time has elapsed. If your computer is not a very
recent, powerful model, you may wish to leave this control at or near its fastest
setting. If your computer is especially powerful, you may prefer to choose a slower
setting so that the animation does not run overly fast.
1. Click on the Clock option button - this will reset the date and time to match your
computer's system clock, and the timezone of the first displayed chart. Note that
this means that the displayed time and date will be correct for the location of the
chart according to its timezone, and may therefore be different from your current
local time, but the planetary zodiacal positions will still be the correct ones for the
current instant.
2. If you wish to animate again from this date and time, then click on the Animation
option button.
This chapter describes how to use Solar Fire's eclipse database to list eclipses and
eclipse data, cast eclipse charts, and search for eclipses that make aspects to any
specified position or any points in a specific chart.
» To find an Eclipse
1. Select the Eclipse item from the Dynamic menu, which opens the "Eclipse" module.
You will then see the "Find Eclipses" dialog from which you can make various
G Find tclipses
Search Date Range
Lunar Total Eclipse
From 1 Jan 1997 To 31 Dec 2017 21 Feb 2008 3:28 am (UT)
Position: 01 "ViSO'
Saros No (van den Bergh): 133
Eclipse Types Gamma: 0.399
y All Solar Eclipses All Lunar Eclipses All Sgros Numbers Umbtal Magnitude: 1.111
Penumbral Magnitude: 2,171
n\ Appulse Saros |100 SemiDuration T otal (mins): 25
l~1 Annular □ Partial SemiDuration Partial (mins): 103
□ T o(al A Oib 1*40-
□ Hybrid Ht
A O Gib 1*42*
rf Oib 2*58"
Eclipse Aspects □ Oib 3W
□ Gib 3*38'
r~ Find only eclipses with aspects to fixed position: | OO'ArOO'OO"
29 Mar 200G Solar Total
w Find only eclipses with aspects to radix chart: 22 Sep 2006 Solar Annular
| Natal 9 Barbra Streisand 3 Mar 2007 Lunar T otal
19 Mar 2007 Solar Partial
28 Aug 2007 Lunar T otal
Aspects [ standard Chart Points PLAN&CH 11 Sep 2007 Solar Partial
7 Feb 2008 Solar Annular
Feb 2008 Lunar T otal
I Aug 2008 Solar Total
28 Jan 2009 Solar Annular a
22 Jul 2009 Solar Total
Quit Start Search 15 Jan 2010 Solar Annular
II Jul 2010 Solar Total
21 Dec 2010 Lunar T otal
4 Jan 2011 Solar Partial
• Dates - You must always specify a date range in the From and To fields. These
accept dates in the same way as all other date entry fields in Solar Fire. See
Entering a Date for details on entering dates.
• Eclipse Types - You can select any combination of eclipse types and/or Saros
Numbers by using the check boxes for each option, and optionally entering a
specific (van den Bergh) Saros Number. See a description of eclipse types below.
• Eclipse Aspects - If you wish to find only those eclipses that make an aspect to a
fixed position, then check the first box, and enter the required zodiacal position. If
you wish to find all eclipses that make an aspect to a planet or point in a chart,
then check the second box and select a chart from the drop-down list of
calculated charts. You can select which set of aspects are used by clicking on the
Aspects box, and which set of chart points are used by clicking on the Chart
Points box.
• Partial - There is no region of complete obscuration of the Sun. This occurs when
the axis of the Moon's shadow passes outside of the disk of the Earth, Maximum
partial eclipse therefore occurs in polar regions.
• Annular - This occurs when the size of the Moon's disk is less than the size of
the Sun's disk, so that when the Moon is directly in front of the Sun, a ring of
sunlight (annulus) is still visible around the Moon.
• Total - This occurs when the Moon's disk is larger than the Sun's disk, and
completely obscures the Sun for a period of time.
• Hybrid - Hybrid eclipses are also known as annular/total eclipses. They occur
when the vertex of the Moon's umbra I shadow pierces Earth's surface along the
central path of an annular eclipse. The eclipse's character then changes to total
along the section of the path where the umbra I vertex extends beneath Earth's
surface. The central paths of hybrid eclipses usually (but not always) begin and
end as annular eclipses, but become total along some middle portion of the path.
• Appulse - This occurs when the Moon passes across the penumbra of the Earth's
shadow, and this darkens part of the Moon's surface, but obscures none of it
• Partial - This occurs when the Moon passes partly across the umbra of the
Earth's shadow. Part of the Moon's surface becomes completely obscured.
• Total - This occurs when the Moon passes completely into the shadow of the
Earth, and the whole disk of the Moon becomes completely obscured.
2. When you have made all your selections, click on the Start Search button.
Solar Fire will list all of the eclipses that match your selection in the list box on the
bottom right of the dialog.
When you highlight any eclipse on this list, the full details of that eclipse will
appear in the box at the top, right of the dialog, and any aspects that are made
between the eclipse point and the (optionally) selected chart will be displayed
below that. The items displayed are as follows...
• Eclipse Type - Solar / Lunar and whether Partial / Annular / Total / Hybrid /
• Date and Time - The date and time (Universal Time, timezone +0:00) of
maximum eclipse, given to the nearest whole minute or else the date and time to
the nearest second of exact lunar phase, depending on the eclipse setting under
• Position - The zodiacal position of the Sun (in Solar Eclipses) or Moon (in Lunar
• Soros Number-The number of the Saras cycle to which this eclipse belongs. The
Saras is a period of approximately 18 years and 11 days, after which eclipses are
repeated with only slightly altered characteristics. The standard astronomical
numbering system is that first described by Prof G. van den Bergh in "Periodicity
and Variation of Solar (And Lunar) Eclipses" publ. Haarlem, Netherlands, 1955. An
alternative numbering system was described by Robert Carl Jansky in
"Interpreting the Eclipses" publ. Astro Computing Services 1979, and extended by
Bernadette Brady in "The Eagle and the Lark" publ. Samuel Weiser Inc, 1992.
• Gamma - In a lunar eclipse, this is the distance of the Moon from the axis of the
Earth's shadow, at the time of greatest eclipse. In a solar eclipse, this is distance
of the shadow cone axis from the center of Earth at the instant of greatest
eclipse. Units are of equatorial radii.
• Umbrol Magnitude - The fraction of the Moon's diameter obscured by the umbra.
• Duration Total - The duration of total or annular eclipse phase at the point of
greatest eclipse.
1. Highlight the required eclipse (or multiple eclipses) in the list box.
This will calculate a chart for the time of maximum global eclipse (or multiple eclipse
charts if you have highlighted multiple eclipses).
If you were finding eclipses only with aspects to a specified radix chart, then the
location and timezone of the eclipse chart will be adopted from the specified radix
chart. Otherwise, the current default location and timezone are adopted.
If you wish to see the same eclipse chart for another location, then use the Chart /
Locality menu items to relocate the eclipse chart to the required location.
Using Interpretations
Solar Fire has the ability to provide Interpretative text for a large variety of astrological
topics. The possible categories of interpretations are...
• Natal
• Progressed
• Return
• Combined
• Prenatal
• Progressions to Natal
• Directions to Natal
• Transits to Natal (Calendar)
• Firdaria
• Midpoints
• Sabian symbols
When you first install Solar Fire, there are interpretation files supplied for natal charts,
transits to natal charts, progressions to natal charts (which also includes progressed
charts), synastry, firdaria, midpoints, and sabian symbols. However, if you have created
additional interpretation files with the "Interpretations Editor", or purchased and
installed any additional interpretation files, then it is possible to also select one of these
other files.
When Solar Fire is first installed, all the categories use the same interpretations file
( apart from Synastry (, Transits to Natal (,
Progressions to Natal (, Firdaria ( and Midpoints (
In order to change which set of interpretations (interpretation file) Solar Fire will use for
each of the possible interpretation categories, you must change the appropriate settings
via the Interpretations Files option of the Interps menu. See Changing the
Interpretations File for instructions on how to do this.
You can use any set of interpretations with any type of chart if you wish to, for example
using the natal interpretations (file) for a progressed chart, return chart or composite
chart. However, if you do so, then you will need to bear in mind that some of the
interpretations may not apply in the same way as they would to a natal chart. It is also
possible, in the future, that you will be able to purchase alternative sets of
interpretations (i.e. files) which are written in different styles, or which apply to different
chart types. You can also edit the existing text in a file, see Editing interpretations for
how to do this.
The interpretations text files which are supplied with Solar Fire are all installed into a
single folder, which is the "Interpretations" subfolder of the Solar Fire User Files folder.
For the technically minded you can change this (see Interpretation Files).
The "Interps" menu on the Main Screen is a central access point for both managing and
viewing interpretations although, importantly, some of the same functionality can also
be accessed via the "Interpretations Window" (see Viewing Interpretations).
• View
Opens the "Interpretations Window" (see Opening the Interpretations Window).
• Full Report
Used for generating a full interpretations text report (see Viewing a Full
Interpretations Report).
• Synastry Report
Allows you to select two charts from the "Calculated Charts" list to see synastry
interpretations for, and then generates an interpretations text report for those two
charts. If there are already two valid charts selected in the "Calculated Charts" list
then those charts will be used automatically.
• Firdaria Report
Used to generate various Firdaria interpretation reports. Firdaria relates to different
periods in life ruled by the planets and Moon's Nodes.
There are two forms of this method, one using planetary periods as they were used
by Al Biruni and Schoener, and the other is a variant of this which places the nodes
in a different order for night-time charts (Nodal Variation). Both forms give identical
results for daytime charts.
You can specify whether or not to use Nodal Variation in the generating of the
report. Simply click on "Nodal Variation" or "Normal" at the bottom of the pop-out
Firdaria menu. Solar Fire will remember your selection for all subsequent reports.
• Midpoints Report
Used to generate Midpoint interpretation reports; either for a specific chart in the
list of "Calculated Charts" or interpretations for a variety of midpoints generally.
2) To see interpretations for the current chart in the "Calculated Charts" list select
Planets to Midpoints Report. In the dialog box that appears select the modulus
and orb. Click on the OK button, and the report will be displayed in the default
word processor reports.
• Interpretation Files
This allows you to change the interpretation files associated with the interpretation
categories (see Changing the Interpretation File).
a) From the "Interpretations Window", select the Open item from the File Menu,
b) From the Main Screen, select the required file type from the Interpretations Files
menu item in the Interps menu.
You will then see the "File Manager" Dialog Box, from which you can choose any other
available interpretation file. If you click on the Select button, then the chosen
interpretation file will become the default for interpretations of the chosen category (if
selected from the "Interps" menu), or for the category that is currently being viewed (if
chosen from the "Interpretations Window").
You can view any of the interpretation text by opening the "Interpretations Window".
This can be done from the Main Screen of Solar Fire, or from the "View Chart" or
"Animation" screens.
When you open the "Interpretations Window", Solar Fire automatically detects which
category of interpretations is required in the current circumstances, and opens the
interpretations file that has been assigned to that category. For example, if you are
viewing a Progressed chart when you open the "Interpretations Window", then Solar Fire
will open the interpretations file that has been selected to apply to Progressed charts.
(At installation this file was "", containing interpretation text written for
progressed charts.)
• General Mode - In this mode, you can browse through every possible combination
of interpretation and definition text.
• Current Chart Mode - In this mode, you are limited to browsing through
interpretation relating solely to the current chart. (The current chart is whichever
chart was last selected from Solar Fire's Main Screen, or the chart which you were
displaying in the "View Chart" window immediately before opening the
"Interpretations Window".
text relating to the current (last selected) chart. If there are no charts calculated yet,
then the "Interpretations Window" will open in General Mode and initially contain
general definitions text.
You can open the "Interpretations Window" from the "View Chart" window provided
that you are displaying at least one single wheel or multiwheel chart. However, it is
not possible to open the "Interpretations Window" from this screen if you are only
displaying a grid.
You must be displaying at least one chart in a single or multi-wheel - you cannot open
the "Interpretations Window" if you are displaying only a grid or other tabulations. The
"Interpretations Window" will appear when you click on parts of the wheel as follows:
1. Double-click on any displayed chart point (i.e. planet, asteroid or angle glyph).
This displays an interpretation of that chart point in its house and sign e.g. Jupiter
in the 11th House in Cancer. If this is a multi-wheel, then the house placement is
based on the houses of the anchor chart, which is usually the innermost chart.
2. Double-click on the degrees, sign glyph or minutes of any chart point. This
displays information about the degree occupied by that chart point e.g. 17th
degree of Pisces.
4. Double click on the degrees or minutes of any house cusp. This displays
information about the chart degree of that house cusp e.g. 3rd degree of Aries.
6. Double-click inside the aspect ring, or outside the chart. This displays explanatory
text about the set of interpretations, such as who wrote it and to what type of
charts it applies.
7. Click once on any chart point followed by a single click on any other chart point
within 3 seconds. This displays an interpretation of the aspect between those two
points, if there is an aspect made between them e.g. Jupiter Trine The Sun. If the
chart points that you click on are in different wheels, then Solar Fire will
automatically select the Synastry, Transits to Natal, Progressions to Natal or
Directions to Natal set of interpretations, depending on what chart types are
8. Click once on any chart point followed by a single click on either the sign glyph on
the 1st house cusp, or the sign glyph on the 10th house cusp. This displays an
interpretation of the aspect between the first point and the Ascendant or
Midheaven respectively, if there is an aspect made between them e.g. Venus
Conjunct Ascendant.
The following diagram shows an example of the "sensitive" areas of a chart, which are
numbered according to the list above.
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You can exit from the interpretation window in two different ways. One way will close
and unload the interpretations file, which means that next time you open up the
"Interpretations Window" a few extra seconds will be taken to load the file again. The
other way simply minimizes the "Interpretations Window" without unloading the
interpretations, so that it can be accessed again almost instantaneously.
You yearn to merge and be at-one with your
partner. In fact you want to be at-one with the
universe. You also enjoy sharing inspirational
activities with your partner, ranging from listening
to beautiful music to visiting an art gallery.
Once the "Interpretations Window" is open, it is possible to browse through all the
categories of interpretations for a chart as well as all the general definitions, without
leaving the window again.
In order to browse through all the available definitions or interpretations relating to the
currently selected mode and information type, select any item from any of the drop-down
list boxes.
You can also browse through the definitions or interpretations simply by using the cursor
keys {UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT). The UP and DOWN keys will move you up and down
the items in the currently highlighted drop-down list box. The LEFT and RIGHT keys will
move you between the drop-down list boxes e.g. if there are two drop down-list boxes
using the left key will shift the highlight to the left box, and using the right key will shift
the highlight to the right box.
Note that some information types do not have any drop-down list boxes, as there is only
one type of information available for them. For example, if you are in Current Chart
Mode, then the Element information type shows a single set of information about the
balance of elements in the current chart. However, if you are in General Mode, then
there will be drop-down list boxes allowing you to browse the different elements {fire,
earth, air, water) and emphasis types (definition, weak, strong).
A tick appears to the left of whichever menu option is selected. Also, when you are in
General Mode, the title of the interpretations windows is "General Interpretations",
whereas when you are in Current Chart Mode, the title consists of the chart's name and
its type e.g. "Marilyn Monroe - Natal".
It is not possible to select Current Chart Mode if you have not yet cast or opened any
charts. Otherwise you can freely switch between modes as you wish.
In most cases the information type that you are browsing will be retained when you
change mode e.g. if you are looking at information about the degree of Mercury in a
chart (in Current Chart Mode), then when you switch to General Mode you will still see
the same text about that degree, but you will be able to browse through the text relating
to all the adjoining degrees.
There is a large variety of information types available. These can be accessed from the
Info menu.
• Select the desired option from the Info menu. A tick appears to the left of whichever
menu option is selected.
Most information types show different text depending on whether the mode is set to
"General Mode" or to "Current Chart Mode". The information types, and a description of
the text which they show in each mode are-
• General Mode - Information about any decanate (10 degree subdivision) of the
zodiac and its ruler
• Current Chart Mode - Information about the decanate of any chart point, and its
• General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong definition of any sign
• Current Chart Mode - Balance of the signs using a scoring system
• General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong definition of any element
• Current Chart Mode - Balance of the elements using a scoring system
• General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong definition of any mode
• Current Chart Mode - Balance of the modes using a scoring system
• General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong definition of any house
• Current Chart Mode - Balance of the houses using a scoring system
• General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong definition of any quadrant
• Current Chart Mode - Balance of the quadrants using a scoring system
• General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong definition of any
• Current Chart Mode - Balance of the hemispheres using a scoring system
• General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong definition of any ray
• Current Chart Mode - Balance of the rays using a scoring system
Lunar Phase
Sign on House
Chart Point
Point in House/Sign
• General Mode - Interpretation of any chart point in any sign and any house
• Current Chart Mode - Same as above two information categories combined
Dispositor's House/Sign
Point's Aspects
• General Mode - Any chart point in any aspect to any other chart point
• Current Chart Mode - Interpretations of all of the aspects formed to any chart point
in the current chart
Point's Rays
» To change rulerships
It is possible to browse or edit these rulerships, and add or delete rulership sets with
a separate utility, which is described in detail in Changing Rulerships and Weightings.
Speaking options are available only on those computers on which the Microsoft Speech
engine has been installed. This is installed by default on Windows XP or later, but not on
any earlier versions of Windows).
This will speak the displayed text using the built-in speech synthesizer. Closing this
window stops the speech.
• Select the AutoSpeak item from the Options menu. This may be switched off simply
by re-selecting it.
• Select the Always On Top item from the Options menu. This may be switched off
simply by re-selecting it.
• Select the Transparent item from the Options menu. This may be switched off
simply by re-selecting it.
(This option is available only for Windows 2000, XP, Vista or later.)
• Click on the maximize button at the top right of the window. You can restore the
window to its original size simply by clicking on the restore button at the top right
of the window.
• Select the Font item from the Options menu. This will display a standard font
selection window, from which you can select any available screen font, plus its
style, size and color.
You can send a selection of the available interpretations for the current chart to an
external file to be used in a separate text editor, printing utility or word-processor. The
resulting text file will have an ANSI format without any carriage return/line feeds within
the body of each paragraph. This makes it easy to use if it is imported into a word-
processor as it will not be necessary to remove "hard" carriage returns from each
paragraph of text.
• Select the Export Text item from the File menu of the "Interpretations Window".
This will display a selection dialog box from which you can choose which categories
of interpretations will be exported.
You can select any of the available text categories by ensuring that the check box for
that category contains an "X". Click on any of these to select or unselect them. If you
switch off the "Chart Points" category then it is not possible to include categories
relating to rulerships and aspects between points, so these option become disabled
(grayed out). When you are happy with the selection, click on the Export button.
You will then be able to select a folder and filename to which the interpretations text
will be sent from a standard Windows "Save File" dialog screen. Initially the filename is
set to INTERPS.TXT, but you may change this if you wish, to any valid DOS filename. You
might also prefer to select the folder in which your word processor resides in order to
make it easier to find the exported file from you word processor.
Once you click on the Export button, the interpretations will be sent to the file that you
specified, a series of beeps will be sounded to let you know that it has finished, and you
will be returned to the "Interpretations Window".
Note that you cannot export text if you are in General Mode. This export utility can only
be used with the interpretations relating to the current chart.
Solar Fire's interpretations are designed for personal and professional use rather than for
mass-production of printouts for sale.
For beginners they provide a fun-to-use learning tool, and a way to print out chart
readings for themselves, friends and family.
For professionals they can be the basis for personalized written interpretations. The text
database itself can be revised and expanded to reflect one's own astrological ideas, and
the interpretations for any chart can be sent to a word processor and modified for a
particular individual.
Today's word processors offer many sorts of font and formatting possibilities. Combining
creatively formatted text with the special chart wheels and page designs that you can
create in Solar Fire, you can produce distinctive and attractive printouts for gifts and
special occasions.
You can select which word processor you wish to use when viewing and printing
interpretation reports. If you do not select one yourself, then Solar Fire will use the
default word processor on your computer system. See Interps for more details on
selecting a word processor.
This will display a selection dialog box from which you can choose which categories
of interpretations will be included in the report.
You can select any of the available text categories by ensuring that the check box for
that category contains an "X". Click on any of these to select or unselect them. If you
switch off the "Chart Points" category then it is not possible to include categories
relating to rulers hips and aspects between points, so these option become disabled
(greyed out). When you are happy with the selection, click on the View button. Your word
processor will be opened up displaying this report. You are then free to browse the
report, to print it, or to save it under another name if you wish. Note that, to keep a
permanent copy of the report, you must save it under a different name, because Solar
Fire always uses the same report name. When you have finished with the report, exit
from your word processor.
Note: If you do not exit from your word processor, then the next time that you generate
an interpretations report you may see the old report instead of the newly generated one.
If this happens, then exit from your word-processor, and generate the report again.
• Select the Synastry Report item from the Interps menu, or View Full Report option
from the File menu of the "Interpretations Window" when you are already viewing
synastry interpretations.
This will display a selection dialog box from which you can choose which categories
of interpretations will be included in the report, and also the gender of each of the
The interpretation categories may be selected in the same manner as for natal
interpretations. However, bear in mind that the some categories do not apply to the
synastry report, so that selecting them will make no difference to the final report. In
particular, the following items are not included in the default synastry report.
• Balances
• House Cusps
• Rulerships & Dispositor
• Rays
This section describes how to edit any of the interpretations text that is supplied with
Solar Fire. An interpretations editing program is supplied with Solar Fire, and this may be
accessed either on its own, or directly from within Solar Fire.
• From the "Interpretations Window" - Select the Edit Interpretations item from the
File menu. This will start the editor with the current interpretations file.
• From the Main Screen - Select one of the interpretation types from the
Interpretation Files item under the Interps menu, and when the "File Manager"
appears, select a file and then click on the Edit button. This will start the editor with
the selected interpretations file.
• From the Solar Fire Group Folder - Click the Start button, then All Programs, then
Esoteric Technologies, then Solar Fire 9, and finally click on Interpretations Editor.
This will start the editor without opening an interpretations file, and you will need
to select one from the file open dialog that appears upon startup.
When you enter the "Interpretations Editor", you will see text from whatever
interpretations file has been opened. If you wish to edit text within this file, you may
start to do so immediately. However, in many cases you may prefer to keep the original
interpretations unchanged, and to work on a copy of the original file. In this case you
must save a copy of the current file under a new name before proceeding.
2. This will display a standard "File Save" dialog, in which you can select a new name
for the interpretations file, and optionally a different folder. It is recommended
that you keep your new interpretation files in Solar Fire's \INTERPS folder, because
that is the only folder that Solar Fire can access interpretations from (there is an
exception to this - see Files and Paths). Also, the new file name must be an
acceptable file name and end with a ".int" extension.
3. Click on the OK button. You will then be returned to the interpretations editor and
the newly saved copy will be open instead of the original file.
2. This will display a standard "File Open" dialog in which can select a new file to
3. Click on the OK button. You will then be returned to the interpretations editor and
the newly selected file will be open for editing.
2. This will close the current file, and you will not be able to carry out any editing
functions until you open another file.
Following is a list of interpretation text types showing what combinations are available
for each, and how they may be used...
• Title - A descriptive title for this set of interpretations. This title appears in the "File
Manager" to assist in selecting the required set of interpretations, and as a title to
interpretations reports.
• Copyright - A copyright notice. This appears in reports, but can be left blank if you
do not wish copyright to apply to your text.
• Degree - Information about each degree of the zodiac. This can include Sabian
symbols, medical degree interpretations, medieval degree meanings etc.
• Decanate - Information about each decanate (10 degree subdivision) of the zodiac.
• Quadrant - General definition plus weak and strong definition of each quadrant.
• Element - General definition plus weak and strong definition of each element.
• Mode - General definition plus weak and strong definition of each mode.
• Ray - General definition plus weak and strong definition of each ray.
• Sign - General definition plus weak and strong definition of each sign.
• House - General definition plus weak and strong definition of each house.
• Point in Aspect to Point - Interpretation of each point in each aspect to each other
point. The aspects that may be used here must be selected before you begin
editing. See Changing Aspects Used.
If you are creating a new set of interpretations, you will probably want to edit the title
and introduction text first. Otherwise you may wish to jump into any category of text
that you wish to work on currently.
1. Select the required type from the Interpretation Type drop-down list box.
2. Select the required combinations from the adjacent drop-down list boxes.
Any existing text for that category will be displayed immediately in the main editing
window, and you may type over it, add to it, or otherwise edit it as you wish. Any
changes that you make are automatically saved as soon as the focus leaves the
editing window, or when you click on any other control on the screen or access the
menu. You do not need to take any special action to save changes that you make.
On some occasions you may find that you have made an error, and wish to undo any
changes that you have made to the text. You are able to undo any changes made
since you edited the last category of text, but not any changes made prior to that.
» To undo text changes made since the current topic was displayed
• Select the Undo Text Editing option from the Edit menu.
If you change your mind again, selecting the same option again will restore your
edited changes.
When viewing interpretations of a chart, you will notice that there are a number of
interpretation types which relate to the overall distribution of planets around the chart.
These type are as follows...
In each case, an algorithm is used to determine which divisions are "weak" (i.e.
occupied by fewer than average planets) and which are "strong" (i.e. occupied by more
than average planets) in the chart being interpreted. You have some control over how
this calculation is performed, so that you can fine-tune the circumstances in which
divisions are considered to be weak or strong. The calculation to determine which
divisions are weak or strong is as follows.
weighting score.
2) The average score is found by summing the scores for each division, and dividing
by the number of divisions (i.e. by 3 for modes, 4 for quadrants, hemispheres etc.).
3) If the score for any division is less than the average multiplied by a "weakratio",
then it is considered to be "weak".
4) If the score for any division is greater than or equal the average multiplied by a
"strongratio", then it is considered to be "strong".
The items which you can adjust in the interpretations editor are...
• The weighting values for each point, if you choose to use them, are the same
weighting values that are used in other parts of Solar Fire. See Editing Weightings
for further information on editing the weightings.
You can prevent weak interpretations from appearing at all by specifying a "weakratio"
of 0 (zero). If you do so, then you need not enter any text relating to weak divisions of
that type. Similarly, by entering a large number (like 99.9), for "strongratio" you can
prevent strong interpretations from appearing, and you do not need to enter any text for
strong division of that type. For example, it might be desirable to set a "weakratio" of
zero for Balance of Signs, because it is likely that a number of signs will be completely
unoccupied in any chart, and it may not be very meaningful to give any interpretation to
those signs being unoccupied.
3. Optionally click on the Use Weighted Scoring check box to toggle it on or off.
Before you enter any interpretations text relating to chart points in aspect to one
another, it is important to ensure that you have selected which aspects you wish to write
interpretations for. This is necessary for two main reasons:
If you alter the list of aspects that you wish to use after having written some
interpretations text for existing aspects, then it is possible that some or all of this text
will be permanently lost or mislocated in the file.
The size of the interpretations file varies in proportion to the number of different aspects
that you wish to include. To use space efficiently, you should plan ahead to decide which
aspects you intend to use, and exclude those that you will not use, and would take up
unnecessary space.
You can select any combination of Solar Fire's standard 26 aspects to use in an
interpretations file. However, in most circumstances, you will probably want to write text
for a small subset of the available aspects. For example. Solar Fire's "standard"
interpretations set contains text for conjunction, opposition, trine, square, sextile,
quincunx, and the "transits" interpretation set also contains text for semisquare and
Solar Fire's interpretations files use a concept of mapped aspect names. You can define
a list of mapped aspect names for which you will write interpretations, and specify which
of Solar Fire's standard aspects map onto each of those mapped names. In most cases
you will simply want to map each standard aspect to the same mapped name, so that
the each interpretation that you are writing applies only to that one aspect.
However, if for example you map each of the conjunction, trine and sextile aspects onto
the mapped name "soft" (say), and you then wrote one interpretation for the mapped
name "soft" (intending it to apply to all soft aspects), then whenever any of those three
aspects occur, because they are all mapped to "soft" they will all use that interpretation
you wrote for the mapped name "soft".
Similarly you could map the opposition, square, semisquare and sesquisquare onto the
mapped name "hard", write an interpretation that would apply to any hard aspect
regardless of what it was, for the mapped name "hard", and then the the opposition,
square, semisquare and sesquisquare aspects would all use that interpretation. In this
way you have created high level interpretations for all soft and hard aspects but only had
to write two actual pieces of interpretation text.
On the left of the screen you will see a list of Solar Fire's 26 standard aspects, called
"Available Aspects", some of which will be marked as "Used". On the right of the
screen you will see a list of "Mapped Aspect Names".
• Click on each entry in the "Available Aspects" list - when you do so, the mapped
entry in the "Mapped Aspect Name" will be highlighted automatically.
1. Optionally select the required aspect name from the list of "Available Aspects".
2. Click on the Add button - This will add the name of the currently highlighted
"Available Aspect" to the list of "Mapped Aspect Names".
3. Optionally edit the new mapped name by typing into the edit box above the Add
1. Select the required mapped aspect name in the list of "Mapped Aspect names"
2. Click on the Delete button - This will remove the entry from the list, and will alter
the current entry in the "Available Aspects" list to show it as unmapped.
Note: After deleting mapped aspect names, you will need to check and reselect all the
other mapping relationships to ensure that they are still correct.
2. Select the required mapped name from the list of "Mapped Aspect Names".
Note: Selecting the "Not Used" item from the top of the list will unmap that aspect, so
that it can no longer be used.
2. Select the OK button. If you have made any major changes which are likely to
result in interpretations text being lost, then you will be prompted to confirm your
changes before you are returned tot he main editing screen.
Dynamic Aspects
When you are creating a set of interpretations applying to a single natal chart, or to
synastry between two charts, then you normally want the interpretations for pointl in
aspect to point2 to be the same as for point2 in aspect to pointl, e.g. Pluto square Moon
and Moon square Pluto would have the same interpretation.
You can set the interpretation file to work in either way, with the Dynamic Aspects on or
off. When the Dynamic Aspects option is off, Pluto Square Moon and Moon Square Pluto
will both display the same text in the editor, so editing one of them will also affect the
other. When the Dynamic Aspect option is on, they will display separate paragraphs of
text, and editing one will have no effect on the other.
• Select Dynamic Aspects from the Edit menu. This will switch he option on if it was
off, or off if it was on.
Note: When the Dynamic Aspects option is on, there are more than twice as many
items to write interpretations text for.
During the process of editing text, you may from time to time want to see a summary of
which categories in the file have already had text inserted, and those categories that
still have no text yet.
You may have to wait for a moment or two whilst the entire interpretations file is
searched to determine which items contain interpretations text, and then a summary
will be displayed in the editing window.
When you edit existing interpretations text, if you make the new text longer than the
original text, then the new text will be added to the end of the file, thus making it larger.
The space occupied by the original text is no longer needed, but still occupies some
space in the file. The space that is wasted due to this process is negligibly small if you
only edit a small number of interpretations, but if you make a large number of
alterations, then you may wish to recover the wasted space. This is possible by
compacting the file.
You will be asked to confirm whether you wish to proceed, and if you click OK then
the entire interpretations file will be rewritten to the disk using the minimum space
possible. When the process is finished, you will see a message indicating how much
space was saved.
This chapter covers features that Involve communicating with other people, or sending
them information generated by Solar Fire.
The "Appointments Manager" allows you to store details of clients, and appointments
you make with them for astrological sessions, and record the duration and content of
your sessions. You can also send your clients appointment reminder emails, group
emails and customizable receipts.
The "Appointments Manager" will open with the "Client Details" form opened beside
The "Appointments Manager" is a system for managing your interactions with clients.
Therefore the first step in using the "Appointments Manager" is to enter your clients and
their details.
The following fields are available for storing client details:
• Title
• First name
• Last name
• Address 1
• Address 2
• City
• State/Province
• ZIP/Postal Code
• Country
• Phone (Home)
• Phone (Work)
• Cell/Mobile
• Fax
• Email
• Website
• Skype
• Birth date
• Birth time
• Birth place
• Notes
1. Click on the Clients tab (just under the title bar) at the top of the "Appointments
3. After you have entered the client's details click the Add button on the
"Appointments Manager". A dialog box will confirm if you want to add the details
in the "Client Details" form as a new client. Click the Yes button to add the new
client. The new client will be added to the list of clients in the "Appointments
Manager" and will be selected by a grey highlight bar.
2. Select the client whose details you would like to view by clicking on that client in
the list of clients. This will cause their details to be displayed in the "Client
Details" form where you can view them.
2. Select the client whose details you would like to modify by clicking on that client in
the list of clients. This will cause their details to be displayed in the "Client
Details" form.
4. When you are finished modifying the client's details click on the Save Changes
button on the "Appointments Manager". A dialog box will confirm if you want to
replace the client's original details with the changes you have just made, Click the
Yes button to overwrite the client's existing details with the new changes you have
made, or the No button to cancel.
If you click "No" to not save the changes your changes will not be lost, they will still
be in the "Client Details" form. If you subsequently decide that you would like to save
your changes (possibly making additional further changes before doing so), then you
can by clicking on the Save button again, and this time in the confirmation dialog box
clicking Yes to saving the changes.
IMPORTANT: Once you select (click on) any other client in the "Appointments
Manager", or click on any of the other tabs, any changes you have made to a client's
details that you haven't explicitly saved (by clicking on the Save button and saying
"Yes" in the resulting confirmation dialog) will be lost forever.
» To Delete a client
2. In the list of clients in the "Appointments Manager" select {click on) the client you
want to delete.
3. Click on the Delete button in the "Appointments Manager". A dialog box will
confirm you want to delete this client, and all their historical and current
appointment details. If you want to do so click on the Yes button. To cancel the
deletion click on the No button.
Once you have entered one or more clients into the "Appointments Manager" you can
then create session appointments for them.
1. Click on the Clients tab, then select the client in the list of clients.
TIP: To quickly navigate to the current date click on Today's date showing in bold at
the bottom of the calendar.
4. Select the day of the appointment by clicking on it - it will then have a solid grey
circle around it.
5. Enter the time in the "Appointment Time" field to the left of the calendar (see
Entering a Time for more information).
6. Enter any notes you may have about the appointment in the "Appointment Notes"
field underneath the list of appointments.
8. A dialog box will confirm you want to enter the appointment. If you say Yes the
appointment will be added to the list of appointments.
• Click on the Clients tab, then select the client in the list of clients. Their
appointment history will be displayed in the list below.
2. In the calendar select the date you want to see all appointments for. All of the
appointments for that date will be displayed in the "Appointments for Day" list
TIP: To quickly navigate to the current date click on Today's date showing in bold at
the bottom of the calendar.
2. Select the date the appointment occurs on. (If you don't know off hand which date
the appointment is for then view all appointments for the client (as above) and
note the date of the particular appointment you want to modify.)
4. You can change the "Appointment Time" and modify the "Appointment Notes".
Note: You cannot change the date of the appointment. To change the date you must
delete the appointment and create a new appointment for the client on the date you
5. When you have made the changes you want click on the Save Changes button to
the left of the "Appointments" list. A dialog box will confirm you want to modify the
appointment. If you say Yes your changes will be saved.
» Deleting an appointment
2. Select the date the appointment occurs on. (If you don't know off hand which date
the appointment is for then view all appointments for the client (as above) and
note the date of the particular appointment you want to delete.)
4. Click on the Delete button to the left of the appointments list. A dialog box will
confirm you want to delete the appointment. If you say Yes the appointment will be
2. Select the date the appointment occurs on. (If you don't know off hand which date
the appointment is for then view all appointments for the client (see Adding,
Viewing and Modifying Appointments) and note the date of the particular
appointment you want to send a reminder for.)
5. A new email will be loaded and displayed ready for you to send.
If, for the client you are reminding, you had entered an email address in their "Client
Details" then that email address will be pre entered for the email. Otherwise you will
need to enter an email address for the email manually. You will also need to enter
your name on the email signature. Apart from that nothing else needs to be done
before sending the email, although of course you can make any changes to it that you
want before sending it in the normal manner.
In the "Appointments Manager" you can record the total duration (time) of the
appointment session, or just record the duration of parts of the session. If you have a
microphone installed inside, or attached to, your computer you can also record the dialog
you have with your client. If your client cannot be present you can still make an
appointment for them, and record a chart reading for them without them needing to be
Then optionally, in a separate operation outside Solar Fire, you can copy the WAV file
produced from your recording onto a CD or DVD to give to your client which would then
be playable in most other Windows computers, or alternatively email it to them or
upload it onto your FTP site, if you have one, and they can download it from there.
a) If you have a software application on your computer that can convert audio files
from one format to another, before giving the file to your client you may like to
convert it into a MP3 file, which will then be playable on any MP3 player.
b) Recent versions of Windows come with Windows Media Player, and you can use
that application to burn the WAV file to an audio CD which would then be playable
in most CD players or other Windows computers.
iTunes (downloadable from the internet) may be another application you could also use
for this purpose.
2. Select the date the appointment occurs on. (If you don't know off hand which date
the appointment is for then view all appointments for the client (see Adding,
Viewing and Modifying Appointments) and note the date of the particular
appointment you want to record the duration of.)
5. Click on the Start or Start/Continue button. This will start the session timer.
Note: If the timer isn't showing 0 time elapsed, click on the Reset button first.
6. If you want to pause the session timer at any time (i.e. not include a period of time
in your recorded session duration) click on the Pause button. This will pause the
timer at that point in time.
> To resume the recording of the timer where it left off, click on the Start/
Continue button.
7. To save the amount of elapsed time (duration) currently recorded for the selected
appointment click on the Save Duration button. A dialog box will confirm you want
to save this duration for that appointment.
Note: You can save the currently recorded duration (shown in the "Elapsed Time"
field) at any time. However if you don't "Pause" the session timer before doing so it
will continue to keep ticking (recording time) even while you are doing this. You
may therefore wish to "Pause" the timer before saving the duration.
Additionally, you can move away from the "Session" tab onto other tabs and, unless
paused, the timer will continue to keep ticking. This may be useful if you want to
alter the client's details, check on or create new appointments etc as part of the
recorded duration of the session. However if you don't want this to occur,
remember to "Pause" the timer before moving away from the "Session" tab.
IMPORTANT: If you do move away from the "Session" tab before saving the
"Duration", check the appointment you are recording the duration for is still
selected in the "Appointments" tab before saving the duration in the "Session" tab,
otherwise you may inadvertently save the duration to a different appointment than
the one it was meant to be for.
8. To start a completely new "Duration" recording, if the Pause button is visible then
click on it first. Then click on the Reset button. Then when you are ready to start
recording the new duration click on the Start/Continue button.
If the "Pause" button is not clicked first before clicking on the "Reset" button, the
session timer will be reset to 0, and then immediately start ticking again (recording
elapsed time). You may want this to happen, but you may not - in which case make
sure you click on the Pause button before resetting the timer - that way the timer will
not start recording again until you explicitly start it.
2. Select the date the appointment occurs on. (If you don't know off hand which date
the appointment is for then view all appointments for the client (see Adding,
Viewing and Modifying Appointments) and note the date of the particular
appointment you want to record the voice content for.)
5. In the "Record Session" area, select the folder where the audio file will be saved in
the "Save Location" field by clicking on the Browse button at the end of the field,
and navigating to the folder. Once you have selected the folder click on the OK
6. A default audio filename will be entered into the "Enter a filename" field. If you
want a different filename you can overwrite this with the different filename.
Record Session
Audio file format; .WAV ► I irfr ■Stop Duron
Play button^ ' Record button
Save Location;
C:\Users\HoopA\DocumenU\Solar Fire User FilesV
Enter a Filename:
Audio 2G 04 2011_T est_T est.wav
Save recordl
9. To add the voice recording to the audio file click on the Save Record button. This
will add to the audio file all sound recorded since the last time the Record button
was clicked - it will not replace any recorded sound previously saved to the file.
10. To play the recording click on the Play button. This will play the recording from the
beginning. Note that you must save your recordings before you can play them.
• As with the "Session Duration Timer" (described above), you can record all the
content (i.e. voices) of a session, or only parts of the session.
• To record the whole session to the audio file in one unbroken stream of
conversation, you simply start by clicking on the "Record" button and let it run until
the session is finished and then click on the "Stop" button. Then save the recording.
• However if you have interruptions in your session, or want to talk about something
"off the record", you would click on the Stop button to temporarily pause the
recording for the period you are interrupted or want to talk off the record, then
when you want to resume recording you can click again on the Record button and
the recording will start again. You can do this record/stop/record/stop etc. process
as many times as you like in a session - all the incremental bursts of recording are
accumulating in the computer's memory. When you are finally finished recording for
the session click on the Save Record button to save all the various incremental
recordings you have made to the audio file. Once you have done this you can play
back the recording.
It is highly recommended that you thoroughly experiment with this feature first
before you intend to use it for any particular purpose. That way you can gain a
familiarity with how it works, what it does and doesn't do.
In the "Appointments Manager" you can generate receipts to print out and give to your
• Currency Symbol
• Currency name
• Hourly rate
• Tax % to be added to the hourly charge amount
• The name of the tax
» Generating a receipt
A receipt will be generated and displayed in your default text editor using information
in "Compliments and Receipt Preferences" (above). You can then modify the
information in the receipt, if necessary, before printing it for your client.
In the "Appointments Manager" you can address an email to one or more clients.
4. A new email will be loaded and displayed ready for you to enter your message to
the selected clients.
5. Enter your own email address in the To: address field of the email (you will be sent
a copy of the email).
IMPORTANT: The email addresses of all the clients you are sending the email to
will be pre entered into the Bcc: address field of the email {this means each
client's email address will not be visible to anyone receiving the email).
However if you have not entered an email address for any of these clients in their
"Client Details" then no email address will be pre entered for these clients - in this
case you will need to enter the client's address manually into one of the email's
address fields if you want them to receive the email.
6. Once you've sent your email click on the Toggle Select button beneath the
Appointment History.
This will remove the checkboxes next to the clients and the "Select All" checkbox
at the top of the list of clients.
For teaching purposes a teacher can save their current Solar Fire settings to a single ZIP
file (a file with a ".zip" extension).
The ZIP file can either be sent directly to a student, who already has Solar Fire v9, or the
ZIP file can be sent to Esoteric Technologies where it can be placed on a new Teacher
webpage located at the website on the "Resources" side menu.
Students from anywhere in the world that are taught by that teacher can then simply
download the ZIP file and have their Solar Fire v9 automatically updated with the
teachers settings. This means students can quickly and easily create an environment in
Solar Fire that is virtually identical to that of their teacher. At any point in time, a student
can easily switch from the teacher's settings back to their regular settings and then back
to the teacher's settings.
An example page of the list of teachers and their ZIP files is on the
All of the actions for the Teacher/Student feature are accessed from the Utilities menu,
except for enabling teachers.
Teachers wanting to share their Solar Fire settings with students first need to enable
themselves as a teacher in Solar Fire.
Now the Teacher-Create Settings menu item will be enabled on the Utilities menu.
Once a teacher has been enabled in Solar Fire, all the teacher's settings can be captured
and stored in a ZIP file.
1. In the Utilities menu click on Teacher - Create Settings. A dialog box will appear
asking if you wish to continue, click Yes to continue.
2. A dialog box will ask for a name for the file. Enter a name or choose a previously
used name from the drop down list. Click on the OK button.
3. Another dialog box will appear where you can select any chart files you would like
included in the ZIP file by clicking in the checkbox next to each chart file. (To
unselect a chart file just click in the checkbox again so that it is blank).
4. When you have finished selecting chart files click on the OK button. Solar Fire will
then save the settings in a ZIP file.
Finally a message will appear telling you where the ZIP file has been stored.
In an email you can add the ZIP file as an attachment from the folder it was stored in,
and send it to your students to use, or you can email the file to Esoteric Technologies
who will put it on their website for downloading by students.
On the Utilities menu the "Load Teacher Settings" menu item is only enabled if one or
more teacher's ZIP files are found in the "Solar Fire User Files" folder (by default this is
in the user's Documents or MyDocuments folder).
Therefore, when a student downloads a teacher's ZIP file from Esoteric Technologies
website or receives the ZIP file as an email attachment, they need to save It to the "Solar
Fire User Files" folder on their computer.
Once a student has received a Solar Fire settings ZIP file from a teacher, or downloaded
one from Esoteric Technologies website, the settings within the ZIP file need to be
loaded into Solar Fire.
1. In the Utilities menu click on Load Teacher Settings. A dialog box will open
showing you the available teacher settings, which are in ZIP files (files with a .zip
2. Select one of these files by clicking on it, and click on the Open button.
3. A message will appear saying the current teacher settings have been removed -
click the OK button on this message.
The teachers settings contained in the ZIP file will load and a message will briefly
display while this is happening.
If you have previously loaded Teacher settings into Solar Fire, you must remove them if
you want to return Solar Fire to Ifs regular settings.
2. A message will appear saying the current teacher settings have been removed -
click the OK button on this message.
This chapter explains how to send chart files and chart data by email, either from Solar
Fire's Main Screen, or from the "Chart Open" dialog.
You can send data directly from within Solar Fire provided that you have a MAPI
compliant email program.
If you do not have a MAPI compliant email program, then Solar Fire will generate files
that you can attach to your emails manually, instead.
MAPI is a mail automation protocol that allows third party programs to automate the
generation of email. All Microsoft email programs {e.g. Outlook and Outlook Express)
and Eudora are MAPI compliant, for example.
To get the full benefit of MAPI compliance you may need to ensure that the MAPI options
are activated in some email programs, for example in Eudora Pro v3, you may need to go
into the Tools / Options menu item, find the MAPI category, and ensure that "Use Eudora
MAPI served' is switched to either "When Eudora is Running" or "Always". If you are
unsure about any of these options, you should consult the documentation of your email
program {e.g. search for "MAPI"), or contact the manufacturer of your email program.
A different mail automation protocol is the Mailto protocol. If you use webmail (e.g.
Gmail) this protocol will probably suit you better.
2. Select the Send Charts by Email... item from the Chart menu.
3. Select any required chart email options (as described in the following section)
1. Optionally, select the required chart/s from the list of charts in the current chart
2. Optionally, click on the Send/Add button to choose between the Selected Chart
Only or All Charts items.
3. Click on the Send/Add button and select the Send Charts by Email item.
4. Select any required chart email options (as described in the following section)
These methods will create any optionally required temporary chart files containing the
selected charts (and optionally also a chart comments file containing any comments
associated with these charts), and start up your email program with these files already
attached to an outgoing email, and optionally also with chart details already listed
within the body of the email.
You will need to address the email, and optionally edit it or append text to the body of
the message as required before sending it.
You have various options available to you regarding the format in which the chart data
will be sent. For example, you can send it as an attached chart file, or alternatively with
the chart details appearing as written text within the body of your message. If it is sent
as an attached file, then you can choose whether this will be a Solar Fire chart file
(readable only by others who own Solar Fire), or whether it will be a text file containing
written chart details.
Whenever you invoke any chart email command in Solar Fire, you will be presented with
the Email Charts dialog, which allows you to select from the various options.
B- Email Charts
Chart Email Options Notes
|7 Attach chart file to email Solar Fire vG/v7 chart
Chart File Format files can only be read
(• ISolar Fire vS/?! by others who already
own Solar Fire Gold
C SoiarFirev5 BetaG.
Text File
v Include chart comments
Include life events
Cancel OK I!
If you uncheck the Show me... option at the bottom of the dialog, then your current
settings will be remembered and applied to all future chart emailing, without you being
re-prompted with this dialog. However, you can re-enable this, or edit any of the settings
in this dialog at any time by choosing Preferences / Edit Settings / Charts / Chart Data
Email Options from the Main Screen.
You must also choose this option if you wish to make the charts available to the
recipients to open within their own copies of Solar Fire.
• Chart File Format - If all recipients own Solar Fire Deluxe or later, then choose
Solar Fire v6/v7 format. If all recipients own Solar Fire v5, but not all own Deluxe or
later, then choose Solar Fire v5 format. If any recipients might not own Solar Fire,
then you have a choice of either using the Text File format instead of a Solar Fire
chart file, or alternatively of attaching a Solar Fire chart file anyway (for the benefit
of all those recipients who do own a copy), but additionally including chart details
as text in the body of the email for those recipients who do not own Solar Fire.
• Include Chart Comments - This is only relevant if any of the charts you are
emailing contains any comments text. If so, you can choose to include or omit it
with this option.
• Include Life Events - This is only relevant if any of the charts you are emailing
contains any stored life events. If so, you can choose to include or omit them with
this option. Note that this option is not available if you have chosen the Solar Fire
v4/v5 chart file format, because this format cannot store life events.
This option may be chosen in addition to the chart file option if you wish - thus providing
the chart information to your recipients both as an attached file and within your email.
• Include Chart Comments - This is only relevant if any of the charts you are
emailing contains any comments text. If so, you can choose to include or omit them
with this option.
• Include Life Events - This is only relevant if any of the charts you are emailing
contains any stored life events. If so, you can choose to include or omit them with
this option.
Following is an example of chart details as text, as it would appear both in the body of
the email, or as an attached text file. This example includes comments text, but no life
Decker (later Slaney) was an outstanding athlete and winner in major competitions
during the Eighties. At the Olympics, this world-class runner never fulfilled her potential.
During the 1984 Olympics she was accidentally tripped up by Zola Budd, ruining both
athletes' chances for medals.
As well as being able to email charts to others you can also email any page or graphic
ephemeris displayed in Solar Fire. For information on how to do this see the relevant
information in Copying, Publishing and Sending Graphics.
8 Miscellaneous Operations
The topics In this chapter vary from setting up simple birthday reminders to using the
Astrologer's Assistant, which is a powerful time-saving feature.
The birthday reminders feature enables you to save a birthday reminder for any person
for whom you have already cast a chart. Solar Fire can optionally check for any birthdays
which are forthcoming (or overdue) each time it is first run on any given day.
You can add a birthday reminder for any chart which is already in your list of "Calculated
Charts", or from any chart which is stored in a chart file. The reminder is created using
the day and month of the chart's birth date.
» To add a birthday reminder for one or more chart in the calculated chart list
1. From the Main Screen, select one or more charts from the list of "Calculated
• Select the Add to Birthday Reminders item from the Chart menu
• Use a right hand mouse click over one of the selected charts, and select the Add
to Birthday Reminders item from the pop-up menu
1. Select the required chart/s from the list of charts in the current chart file
3. Select the Add to Birthday Reminders item from the drop-down menu
Once you have added reminders, you can view them at any time. See Viewing Birthday
• Show all - use this to see a list of all stored reminders, regardless of whether they
are current or not
• Show current reminders only - use this to display only those reminders for
birthdays which occur within the given range of days, and which have not already
been dismissed for the current year's birthday
Dismissing a reminder does not remove the reminder altogether, but simply prevents
any further reminders for it from appearing as a "current reminder" until next year.
Dismissed reminders remain visible when the Show All option is being used with the
postfix "[Dismissed]", but will no longer appear when the Show current reminders
only is being used (until next year).
This permanently removes the reminder from all reminder lists. You cannot retrieve a
removed reminder. Instead you must re-add it from a chart.
This will display the Chart Open dialog, with the source chart's file open, and the
chart itself highlighted. From there you can open it, view, add comments etc.
When this option is switched on, Solar Fire checks the list of birthday reminders
within a few seconds of starting up, on the first occasion it runs on each calendar day.
If there are any reminders which fall within the specified range of days leading up to
or following a birthday, then this dialog pops up, listing the current reminders.
If you quit without dismissing or removing any reminders, then the same reminders
will be shown to you again on the following day (as long as they still fall within the
specified range of days.)
There are two places in Solar Fire where Sabian symbols are used. One is in
interpretation reports and the other is in the Sabian Oracle.
When viewing a chart in the "View Chart" window, if you double-click on a planet's
degree (in wheel designs that have degree positions turned on) the Sabian symbol
interpretation for the degree of that planet is displayed in the "Interpretations Window".
Firstly astrologer Lynda Hill uses the Sabian Symbols as a tool to help us discover what's
going on and why, and to lead us to greater self-awareness. Her interpretations can be
used for the degrees of a chart via her interpretation file "". Also the Sabian
Oracle can be used to gain insights into the future, analyze the present, understand
yourself and others and generally keep in tune with the rhythms of life. For more
information visit:
Secondly Charubel is the professional name for Welsh occultist, clairvoyant and healer
John Thomas, who first published interpretations for the degrees in a chart in the 1890s,
and these can be accessed via his interpretation file "".
The Astrologer's Assistant is a powerful task automation feature that allows you to
record a list of tasks and then save them for replay at any time. This functionality is also
sometimes known elsewhere by names such as Macros or AutoJobs.
Once it is set into record mode, it keeps a record of the tasks that you carry out (this
window stays on top whilst you work). When you click the Stop button, you can review
and edit certain elements of the task list, and save this list to file for future reuse.
When you click the Play button, it will run through the list of tasks using whatever charts
you have currently selected in your "Calculated Charts" list. Some tasks do not require a
base chart to run, and others require one or more base charts to be selected. If you have
not already selected the required number of charts, then you will be prompted to select
them before the task list runs.
For example, you could record a task to print a chart, calculate a progressed chart and
transits chart for the current date, display them together in a triwheel and print them,
run a dynamic report with one years transits and progressions and then print that out.
This set of tasks can then be replayed for any other starting chart at the click of a button.
This will display the Astrologer's Assistant dialog, which is a small dialog with a
range of buttons. This dialog remains on top of any other windows until it is closed.
Open task list from file - This displays a file open dialog, allowing you to select
any pre-existing task lists. When you open a task list, its title (and the number of
tasks it contains) appears in the box at the bottom of this dialog.
Save task list to file - This displays a file save dialog, allowing you to save a task
list that you have just recorded or edited. Once saved, it can be re-opened and re-
used at any time.
Start recording tasks - This will put the Astrologer's Assistant into recording mode.
Any tasks that you subsequently perform (which are on the list above) will be added
to the list.
• Pause recording - This stops the recording, but leaves the list of tasks ready for
additions as soon as the Start button is activated again.
• Stop recording - This stops recording and closes the task list. It is not possible to
add any extra tasks to the list after this is done.
• Run tasks - This will execute whatever task list is already open, using whatever
chart or charts are currently selected in the list of "Calculated Charts". If the task
list requires more than one base charts to be selected, and you have not already
highlighted enough charts, then you will be prompted to select the additional
• Edit task list - This displays the editing dialog. Editing of the task list is limited to
deleting tasks, and selecting date options to apply (such as using a date based
on an offset from the current date for a transits report start date, or using the
current date for a new transits chart etc).
• Ellipsis (...) - This will show a popup menu listing up to a maximum of about 30
pre-defined task lists. Selecting an item from this list will open it for running or
editing in the same manner as if it was opened from the file open dialog. This is a
quicker way of selecting task files than using the file open dialog.
• After opening a task list, or stopping recording of a task list, click on the Edit task
list button on the "Astrologer's Assistant" dialog.
This will display the Task List dialog, showing the title and description of the current
task list, as well as a list of the individual tasks.
The title and description may be freely edited, but the editing of the individual tasks
in the list is limited to deleting tasks, and selecting save options or date options to
apply (such as using a date based on an offset from the current date for a transits
report start date, or using the current date for a new transits chart etc).
• Use specified date and time - When this option is selected, the date and time fields
are enabled, and may be edited by the user. In this case the specified date and time
is always used, regardless of the current date and time at which the task is run.
This option is useful in order to cast a fixed natal chart, or to run dynamic reports
from a fixed date.
• Use current date and time as base - When this option is selected, the date field is
disabled, and only the time may be edited. If neither of the following two sub-
options is enabled, then the task will always adopt the date and time which are
current when the task list is run.
• Use chart date and time as base - When this option is selected, the date field is
disabled, and only the time may be edited. If neither of the following two sub-
options is enabled, then the task will always adopt the date and time of the chart
whose number is selected in the adjacent box. The chart numbers which may be
selected are those referred to on the task list above as "Source" charts {i.e. charts
which must be selected prior to running the task list) or "Result" charts (i.e. new
charts which are calculated whilst the task list is running prior to the current task).
This option is useful, for example, if you wish to create a set of tasks based on a
client's birthday. You can cast a solar return, and then use that chart's date as the
base for subsequent tasks, such as casting a progressed chart or running a dynamic
• Goto - When selected, this allows the user to select a specific date/time to move
to, starting from the current date and time when the task list is run, or from the date
and time of the specified base chart. The "Adjust date by" option may also be used
as a further date modifier if required.
• Start of Quarter - 0:00am on 1st day of the current quarter (i.e. 1st Jan, Apr, Jul or
• Start of Half Year - 0:00am on 1st day of the current half (i.e. 1st Jan, or Jul)
• Start of Year - 0:00am on 1st day of current year (i.e. 1st Jan)
• Adjust date by - When selected, adjusts the specified date (or "Go to" date, if
selected), by the specified multiple of days, months or years. The multiple may be
any integer, either positive or negative. A positive integer moves the date forward
in time, whereas a negative integer moves it back in time.
For example, if the selection is to use the current date and time as base, to go to the
beginning of the month, and then adjust the date by -1 months, then the task will always
The report duration options are only available for a recorded task that involves a
dynamic report. You may select a period and time unit in the same manner as may be
done when an individual dynamic report is being run. If your report contains multiple
dynamic reports that are being merged, then you will usually want to ensure that all the
report tasks have the same duration and start date.
The save options are only available for a recorded task which involved saving a chart to
The following examples may be useful to create for your own use.
1. Click on the Astrologer's Assistant button to open the floating dialog box
3. Select any natal type base chart (it doesn't matter which) from the list of
"Calculated Charts" and then from the Chart menu select Progressed and progress
it to the current date.
4. Select a different natal chart and then from the Chart menu select Progressed and
progress it to the current date.
5. then from the Chart menu select Combined and select both of the newly
calculated progressed charts as the base charts, and select the required
composite method.
6. Once calculated, select from the View menu select Current Chart.
8. Click on the Edit Task List button to see the dialog below.
10.Click on the two "Calculate: Sec.Prog." tasks one by one, and select the "Use
current date and time as base" option for each one. (These ensure that the charts
are always progressed to the current date, instead of the date on which you
created this task list.)
12.Click on the Save button and supply a file name to save this set of tasks under.
1. Click on the Astrologer's Assistant button to open the floating dialog box
3. Select any natal type base chart (it doesn't matter which) from the list of
"Calculated Charts" and then from the Chart menu select Progressed and
progress it to the current date.
4. Cast a new natal and click on the Now button to set it to transits for the current
5. Highlight the transits chart, and click on the menu Chart Options, then Current
Chart's Points, then select the outers.pts file. (This ensures that only the outer
planets are displayed in the transits chart.)
6. Click on the View menu, then TriWheel, and select the natal, progressed and
transits chart in required order, and view the wheel.
10.Click on the Calculate: Sec.Prog. and Cast Chart: Transits tasks one by one, and
select the Use current date and time as base option for each one. (These ensure
that the charts are always calculated to the current date, instead of the date on
which you created this task list.)
12.Click on the Save button and supply a file name to save this set of tasks under.
In the Astrologer's Assistant to record this task list you would do as follows...
1. Click on the Astrologer's Assistant button to open the floating dialog box
3. Select any natal type base chart (it doesn't matter which) from the list of
"Calculated Charts", and then from the Dynamic menu select the Transits and
Progressions menu item.
4. Select the first required events, directions type and converse options (Solar Arc
Directions) and ensure that the Merge option is not checked.
5. Click on View to run the report, and when it has finished, click on New Report
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each of the remaining report types (Ascendant Arc
Directions; Vertex Arc Directions; Solar Arc Directions with Converse checked;
Ascendant Arc Directions with Converse checked; Vertex Arc Directions with
Converse cheked) but this time ensuring that the Merge option is checked.
8. Click on the Edit Task List button to see the dialog below.
10.CIick on the tasks one by one, and check that the date and time options are as
below. (These ensure that the reports always start at the beginning of the current
month, instead of the date on which you created this task list.)
12.Click on the Save button and supply a file name to save this set of tasks under.
Now, when you select any natal type base chart from your list of "Calculated Charts",
you can click on the Play button on the Astrologer's assistant, and the dynamic reports
will be run and merged for you as you watch.
This chapter describes how to use Solar Fire's Ephemeris Generator Utility to view or
print an ephemeris for selected planets and asteroids over a selected time period.
Ephemeris positions generated in this utility have the same accuracy as they do in any
other Solar Fire chart.
Solar Fire then displays a screen allowing you to select what kind of ephemeris you
In the "Ephemeris Generator" the selections that you may make are as follows...
• Period of Ephemeris - Enter the date and time from which you wish the ephemeris
to start and the date and time at which you wish the ephemeris to finish. Dates and
times may be entered in the same way as they entered for Solar Fire charts. The
starting date and time are used for the first ephemeris entry, and entries are then
calculated at the specified frequency until the end date and time are reached. (You
may stop the ephemeris generator at any point during calculations if you wish).
• Ephemeris Time Zone - Published ephemerides are usually calculated for the GMT
timezone (+0:00). However, you may enter any timezone that you wish, either
manually by typing in a zone abbreviation and/or time, or by using the Zone button
and selecting a zone from the list.
• Zodiac - Select the zodiac in which you wish the ephemeris to be generated from
the drop-down list of zodiacs. The available zodiacs are the same as those that can
be used in other Solar Fire charts. The topical zodiac is that most commonly used in
western astrology.
• Coordinates - Select the desired coordinate system from the option buttons.
Published ephemerides are usually in geocentric coordinates.
• Lunar Node - If you are including the moon's node as a selected point to list, then
select the desired lunar node type from the option buttons. This option is ignored if
the moon's node is not selected as a point to list.
• Items to List - You may select one or more items to list by clicking on their check
boxes. The generated ephemeris will have one column for each item to list for each
selected point to list.
• Points To List - You may either select any set of Transiting Points and/or Extra
Points (as in the dynamic report). Click on the name of the file to see the "File
Manager" with a list of selectable files. You can also create new selections by using
the Create button in the "File Manager". Note that some of the points you can
select will give different results depending on the location. For example, chart
angles like the Ascendant and Midheaven, and the parallax corrected Moon will
vary according to location. The location adopted for these calculations is always
that of the currently selected chart in the list of "Calculated Charts". Hence, if you
wish to list chart angles for another location, you must first cast a chart for that
location, and then select it as the current chart, before entering the ephemeris
• Precision - You can select whether to display the calculated positions to the
nearest minute of arc or second of arc. Bear in mind that most of Solar Fire's
planets are accurate to seconds of arc, but some asteroids are only accurate to
about a minute of arc. Therefore, displaying the asteroid positions to the nearest
second of arc is not useful.
• Notation - The generator can display its output in normal Zodiacal notation, or in
Decimal Degrees. The Decimal Degrees option is useful if you want to export the
data generated into a spreadsheet or database program, and have it recognized as
a numerical value rather than as a text string.
You will then see the View Ephemeris screen which displays the ephemeris in a grid
as it is generated. The percentage of the ephemeris completed is updated
continuously in a display at the top right of the screen. This disappears when the
generator has finished.
You can browse through the ephemeris by clicking on the horizontal or vertical scroll
• Click on the Print button. This will open the print dialog allowing you to choose
printer setup options and send the ephemeris to the printer. Note that if your
ephemeris will take more than one page to print, then you will be given an estimate
of how many pages are required, and given the option of canceling without printing.
This is to avoid paper wastage should you accidentally choose to print an
ephemeris which is longer than you intended.
Note: If the formatting of the printed output is not ideal for you purposes, then it is
recommended that you export the ephemeris listing instead, and use the options in
your spreadsheet program to create your required formatting and layout.
1. Click on the Export button. This will display a standard File Save dialog.
2. Select a Save as Type option
3. Select a file name and location to send the output to.
4. Click on the OK button.
• Excel Spreadsheet - This will generate a file with a ".xls" file extension, and after
generation, if MS Excel is installed on your computer, then it will be automatically
sent to Excel, and Excel opened if necessary in order to display it.
• ASCII Text - This will generate a file with a ".asc" extension, and will be a comma-
quote delimited file.
• All Files - In this case you can choose any file name and extension you like. It will
also generate a comma-quote delimited file.
Note: When exporting the output, any astrological glyphs are automatically converted
to text abbreviations, ensuring that the listing will be comprehensible without the
need for special astrological fonts.
Astrology has been used for many purposes over the centuries, but one use of astrology
that is not so commonly known about is assistance with financial forecasts and
decisions. The astrological tools employed are taken from the same common toolset
used with natal and electional astrology, but the interpretation of the astrological data is
applied to financial realities and concerns. And as is the case with all of astrology, this
use of astrology is based on empirical evidence gathered over a long period of time -
astrological events corresponding to events in financial markets.
Financial astrology has been used, amongst other things, to predict major events in
financial markets, to choose stocks, to time trades in financial instruments, and to
analyze industry performance and movements in a stock market.
Just as people have a day and time at which they were born, creating their birthday, so
do business ventures, especially companies and corporations. There are several times
that are significant, two of which are - the date & time of incorporation (formation) of
the business into a legal entity i.e. the Company Chart (the company's "natal chart"), and
also the date and time of any initial public offering (IPO) - the compan/s First (public)
Trade Chart.
First Trade Charts are cast for the particular stock exchange - eg ASX Sydney, NYSE New
York etc- of the IPO. The time is usually the time the stock exchange opened - e.g. the
ASX opens at 10.00am each day.
The Company chart will reveal the company's business individuality and makeup, and the
First Trade chart shows the affect of merging public ownership with that business
individuality. The Company chart is the fundamental indicator of the business - it's
overall characteristics, it's strengths and weaknesses, it's interests and its type of
modus operand!. The First Trade chart chart may have varying significance, but it will
certainly reflect how the company's stock traded on that day, and to some extent may
portray the stock's trading nature and characteristics from that point onwards.
NOTE: In Australia many company listing dates can be obtained from the Australian
Stock Market Data Series, and a source of US company birth data is Bill Meridian's stocks
database and "Planetary Stock Trading" book.
Intraday traders are those people who buy and sell shares in the same day. For these
people various astrological indicators can help them with their on-the-spot analysis and
The following tools within Solar Fire may be helpful when dealing with financial matters,
• Transits to First Trade Charts - either via a dynamic report or the graphic ephemeris
See Generating a Dynamic Report and Using the Graphic Ephemeris.
• The Calendar is useful for planetary daily aspects and exact time of culmination
{Intraday Traders). All the planets are significant but the faster moving ones have
more impact on a daily basis, especially the MOON.
See Using Calendars.
• Using the Real Time Clock to watch planets rise, culminate and set as you trade
{Intraday Traders).
See Real Time Clock and Animation.
• The Moon and Lunar Phases are very important in financial astrology. Overall,
studies and statistics show that the waxing phase of the cycle is more bullish
compared to the bearish waning phase - however each stock has an inherent natal
lunar cycle. The Lunar Phases page object may be useful to use on a chart page.
Lunar Phases
New 22 Sep 1854 7:39 am 2S* ITf 58
1 si Q 29 Sep 1854 12:13 pm 0G4 ^ 02
Full 6 Oct 1854 7:12 am 12° T 43
3rdQ 14 Oct 1854 1:18 am 20' 2 24
New 21 Oct 1854 9:00 pm 28*== 10
See Editing a Pase Desien File for help putting this object on any page you would
like it on.
You can view similar lunar phase data on a chart Report Tabulation. See Viewing
Reports or Tabulations for a Single Chart - select the Tabulations tab, then the
"Phases/Eclipses" tabulation.
Also see Casting a Lunar Phase or Eclipse Chart for casting all kinds of lunar phase/
return charts etc for a company.
• Changing from Geocentric to Heliocentric charts and graphs. Both kind of charts
are used by traders - when plotted graphically, one is smooth and one isn't. This is
determined when casting a chart; select "Heliocentric" or "Geocentric" as the
coordinate system on the New Chart Data Entry screen.
You can also generate you own geocentric or heliocentric ephemeris with the
Ephemeris Generator, and then export the ephemeris as a MS Excel format file. Any
spreadsheet program that can read Excel files will be able to open this file, which
you can use for further research and analysis of planetary conditions and
movements as they relate to trading.
See Generating an Ephemeris Listing for help with doing that.
• WD Gann was a finance trader who developed the technical financial analysis tools
known as Gann angles, Square of 9, Hexagon, Circle of 360. One of his techniques
utilized Planetary Returns.
See Casting a Return. Ingress or Transit Chart for help casting a Planetary Return
• Via their impact. Eclipses (which astronomically are related to the Moon and Sun's
declination) and the various Saros cycles they occur in, can reflect market swings.
See Searching for Eclipses and Casting a Lunar Phase or Eclipse Chart to see
eclipse data. Additionally you can switch on eclipses for any Dynamic Report,
include eclipse points in a Extra Ring Points file for use around a Natal or Event
Chart, or in a User Defined Points file for use alongside the normal Displayed Points
in a chart. You can also view eclipse data in a chart's Report Tabulations in the
"Phases/Eclipses" tabulation.
• Synastry grids for the trader's natal chart and the Company chart of the company
whose stock they are trading in (or between the trader's chart and the company's
First Trade chart) can be used to see how compatible or incompatible the two charts
may be.
See Displaying or Printing a Synastry Grid.
• Graphic Ephemeris for displaying financial data. If for instance you are able to
download financial data for the year from a stock market you may be able to display
that data on a Graphic Ephemeris showing your transits for (say) a year, comparing
the financial movements with your transits.
4. If Solar Fire can understand the data in the file you have selected you will see a
screen like this:
Cl Finanaal Data -J DJ XJ
Select the Data to Display
(in case Solar Fire has selected the wrong column - usually it detects the first
one with dates).
• Choose a range of rows to use - these numbers default to all the rows in the
file, but you can enter your preferred starting and ending row if you wish.
• Base the minimum and maximum of the graphing on all columns, or on a
particular data column.
• Display a Vertical Scale - this is checked by default, and means that there
will be numbers representing key segments in the total scale of the financial
data numbers (from the lowest to the highest), displayed next to the
astrological angles on the vertical axis in the Graphic Ephemeris
5. Clicking the Import button sets this data to be used whenever the ephemeris is
displayed. You are then returned to the "Graphic Ephemeris Selection" screen, and
can click View to see the ephemeris. The display looks like this:
^Graphic tphgmeris^j^
John Kony ■ Mala Chaih J GorcarViicW^lIrr*! pljnt,
£ ro«l
£ppy Ouiti
Dec II 1943. 0.03 am. MWF .6:00 Jan 12013(0 Dae 31 an4 "" "
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731 Hi ■- »• a
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- to
11 HI
Financial data in the Graphic Ephemeris
The financial data's scale is shown on the left - from 33 at the 40-degree line up to 126
at the 0-degree line.
NOTE: Using this facility you can potentially plot non-financial data in an
ephemeris like this. The key thing is to have date based data in the file -
the numerical data itself can relate to any topic that interests you. By
experimenting with different sets of data in the file you import you may
be able to successfully apply this graphing functionality to another field
of interest.
Any calculated chart in Solar Fire may be viewed in a planetarium style display showing
planets and asteroids against the fixed stars and constellations, from a variety of
perspectives. It is possible to get textual and technical information on the fixed stars in
so far as it has been entered with Solar Fire's Fixed Star Editor.
1. Select the required chart from the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main Screen
It is also possible to start up the planetarium directly, without running Solar Fire, by
double-clicking on its icon in the Solar Fire Group window. However, in this case no
planets or asteroids are displayed, and the star file that is used is whatever was last
saved as the default Fixed Star file in Solar Fire. See Selecting a File for instructions on
selecting another star file.
Whilst you are in the planetarium screen, it is possible to explore the celestial sphere in
various ways which are explained below.
• Equatorial - Coordinate lines on the sphere are lines of right ascension and
• Ecliptical - Coordinate lines on the sphere are lines of longitude and latitude.
• Local - Coordinate lines on the sphere are lines of azimuth and altitude. When
viewing a chart, the local horizon is that for the location of the chart at the time of
the chart. If no chart is being displayed, then the local horizon is that of the default
location of Solar Fire, as displayed on Solar Fire's Main Screen, and the time is
current time according to your computer's system clock.
When you select the required system from the drop-down list box, the display will be
updated automatically to reflect the new coordinate system.
• Equator-The line of the equator or ecliptic is shown horizontally across the screen,
with the north pole upwards and the south pole downwards.
• North Pole - The view is towards the north pole, with the pole in the center of the
• South Pole - The view is towards the south pole, with the pole in the center of the
• Horizontal - the line of the horizon is shown horizontally across the screen.
• Above Horizon - The view is upwards, with the horizon around the edge of the
• Below Horizon - The view is downwards, with the horizon around the edge of the
When you select the required view direction from the drop-down list box, the display will
be updated automatically to reflect the new coordinate system.
The view heading may be moved through a full 360 degrees by using the horizontal scroll
bar at the bottom of the frame. Its precise value is written at the top right of the frame.
When using an equator or horizontal view, the heading is the angle towards which you
are looking. When using a polar or above/below horizon view, then the heading is the
angle at the top of the display.
• Select a star from the Star List - If it is not visible on the currently displayed
hemisphere, then you will hear a beep. If the selected star is visible on the current
display, then it will be highlighted.
• Click somewhere on the displayed sphere - The nearest star to where you clicked
will then be highlighted in the list of stars. This is especially useful if you wish to
find the nearest star to a planet in the chart - to do this, all you need do is click on
the planet symbol.
When the star is highlighted, it becomes brighter than the other stars, and expanding
and contracting rings will be shown around it for a few seconds to help you locate it.
Also, the constellation in which that star resides will appear in the Constellation list
If the selected constellation is not visible in the displayed hemisphere, then you will
hear a beep. If it is visible, then the stars in that constellation will be highlighted in
red, to differentiate them from the other stars.
• Select the required star from the Star List and then Select the Info button
• Double-click somewhere on the displayed sphere - This will show information on
the nearest star to where you clicked.
The information shown on the star is everything that may be entered into the Fixed Star
editor, including name, nomenclature, NGC number, magnitude, spectral class and any
text available for that star. Also, the longitude, latitude, right ascension, declination,
azimuth, altitude and rising and settings times are shown. These times are on the 24hr
clock, and are listed as "Always Above" or "Always Below" if the selected star does not
cross the horizon during this day.
Note: The rise and set times shown in the planetarium are "apparent" times i.e. they
take account of the average refraction of the atmosphere. These may differ by several
minutes from "true astronomical" rise or set times. The apparent rise and set are
calculated to occur when the star is astronomically 34 minutes of arc below the horizon
(i.e. about half of a degree).
The planetarium can be stepped around continuously by clicking on either the play
forward or play backward buttons. You can click on the stop button to halt this at any
A/ofe:This option simply rotates the planetarium continuously, and does not change the
date or time for the displayed data.
This will print on the default printer using the currently selected page orientation and
resolution. If you wish to change these settings, then you must do so before printing.
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in
3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
1. Select the required chart from the list of "Calculated Charts" on the Main Screen.
If Stellarium is already installed on your computer, then this will start it up, with location
and time set according to the current chart in Solar Fire.
If Stellarium is not already installed on your computer, then you will be presented with a
link to the Stellarium site, from where you may download and install it.
If, for any reason, Stellarium is already installed on your computer, but Solar Fire cannot
find it, then you will be prompted to navigate to the folder into which the Stellarium
program was installed. Once you have done this, Solar Fire will remember its location in
Note: Due to limitations of Stellarium, when a Solar Fire chart is displayed, Stellarium
shows the chart time according to your local timezone - not according to the timezone of
the chart. Flowever, it is still the correct instant in time, so the celestial phenomena are
still all correct for that chart.
Note: Stellarium is a third party product, and Esoteric Technologies has no control over it,
or how it may change in future. This link is offered "as-is", and we cannot take any credit
for its features, or any responsibility for its flaws. Flowever, we will do our best to
maintain compatibility with it in future.
Advanced Operations
The operations described in this chapter generally involve more computer skill than
those covered elsewhere in the User Guide. In some cases you need a basic
understanding of how your Windows file system works, file types, and how to handle
basic file management tasks. In other cases you need to understand specific internal file
structures and simple programming operations. In yet other cases you need to have a
basic understanding of modern computer concepts for best results. And for some options
you may need to have astrological skills that are more than beginner level.
However these are the areas of Solar Fire to explore if you have become reasonably
proficient with the basic operations, and now want to flex your muscles or spread your
wings. Here we cover the power features in Solar Fire.
Don't think however, that these features are necessarily difficult to use. In many ways
they are no more difficult to use than any other part of Solar Fire, just a bit more
understanding is needed. There is certainly nothing here that can't be achieved if you
take the time to carefully view the options on the screen, and then refer to the User
Guide to learn what's involved, clarify your understanding, and then follow the
instructions. With a little bit of experimenting and application, it shouldn't be too long
before you're able to tap into the full richness these features provide.
You can copy any of Solar Fire's chart displays and graphic ephemerides to the Windows
clipboard (to be pasted into another program), to a file anywhere on your computer or
network, or to a file that is automatically attached to an email ready to be addressed and
sent. Various graphic file formats may be used, as well as some other options governing
the appearance of the output.
1. Select the Copy menu item after using the right hand mouse button over the
ephemeris area.
This will display the "Copy Image To" dialog, allowing various selections to be
Special Options
17 Include Captions I- Monochrome
Fso'-r! Quality(1-100)
Cancel OK
• Clipboard - This will send the graphic to the Windows clipboard, from where it
can be pasted into any other program that recognizes the graphic type. For
example, you can paste it into a word processor or desktop publishing program.
• File - This will send the graphic to a file of your choice. You will be prompted to
specify a file name and location.
In the "Output File Type" area the following options for setting the graphic type are
• Bitmap - This will create a bitmap file, which is a fixed resolution graphics file
used in many Windows applications. This type of graphic may be placed and
scaled in some other application, but as it has a fixed resolution, doing so may
cause some loss of image quality. Typically this type of file is rather large (often
over 1Mbyte), and is therefore not usually suitable for sending over the internet,
unless it is first zipped or compressed in some way.
• Metafile - This will create a Windows Metafile, which is a scalable graphics file
used in many Windows applications. It is possible to place and scale the graphic
to your requirements without loss of image quality, using the commands of the
application that you are using. Hence this format is good for high quality desktop
publishing. This type of file is usually very small in size, but it has the
disadvantage that if you send it over the internet, the recipient must have the
required Solar Fire fonts installed on their machine, or else they will see incorrect
symbols in place of any astrological glyphs. (See PDF as a possible better
• JPEG - This will create a JPEG file, which is a somewhat like a compressed
bitmap file. This type of graphic may be placed and scaled in some other
application, but as it has a fixed resolution, doing so may cause some loss of
image quality. Generally the JPEG format is preferred when your images contain
photographic or artistic elements. (Otherwise the GIF format is usually much
• GIF - This will create a GIF file, which is a compressed bitmap file (without loss
of clarity) allowing a maximum of 256 colors. Typically this type of file is very
small, and is especially well suited to sending over the internet and via email.
The main exception is if the image you are sending contains a very large range of
colors (such as you would find in a photographic image). In such cases, there
would be a significant loss of color depth, and the JPEG format may be
• PDF-This will create a PDF file containing the graphic on a single page, the size
of which is dictated by your default printer page size settings. This format is fully
scalable, so Is well suited for desktop publishing type requirements. This option
automatically includes embedded astrological font glyphs inside the PDF file, to
ensure full portability to other computers over the internet, for example.
3. When you have set the options you want click on the OK button, or the Cancel
button to abort the copy.
Solar Fire comes with many pre-designed wheel styles and pages, and as well you can
also create your own. Below are some of the specialized pre-designed wheels and pages
that are supplied with Solar Fire.
Solar Fire comes with a wheel, the decanate ruler wheel, that you can use to
display the decanate and face rulers.
1. When you have a Uniwheel chart displayed on the "View Chart" window...
a) Click on the Wheel Style button
b) Select the "DecRuler.whl" wheel style from the list. This wheel uses the
Modem rulerships and so will display the Decanate rulers for the chart.
c) Click on the Select button. This will take you back to the "View Chart"
2. If you now wish to display the Face rulers (still from the "View Chart" window)...
a) Click on the Reports button
b) Click on the Rulerships report.
c) In the "Rulerships" dropdown box, select Traditional rulerships
d) Click on the Quit button.
> To return to the "Decanate" rulers, repeat step (2) and simply reselect the Modern
rulers, then repeat step (3).
There are two types of Term rulers: Ptolemy and Egyptian. To select the appropriate
wheel style to display these rulers ...
• Nakshatra wheel
For Vedic astrology users, you can select a wheel style that displays the Nakshatras
around the wheel. This wheel style is usually used when a Vedic zodiac has been
selected, like Lahiri.
3. Click on the Select button. This will take you back to the "View Chart" window.
Solar Fire comes with a BiWheel that displays separate houses in both the inner
and outer wheel. This wheel style might be useful for those times when you want to
see the current transiting houses (and planets) on the outer wheel of a natal chart.
To see this wheel style on the "View Chart" screen
3. Click on the Select button. This will take you back to the "View Chart" window.
• Composite sun house Chart Art page {for all composite sun houses)
Twelve Chart Art pages are available for displaying the house location of the
composite Sun. For example, if a couple's composite Sun is located in the 4th house
A page layout is available that may assist users animating a natal chart, secondary
progression chart and transit chart all at the same time.
» To animate the progressed chart, and the progressions and transits to the
natal chart, all on the same page
1. From the Main Screen create or open a chart and have it highlighted on the
"Calculated Charts" list.
2. Calculate the current transits chart for the location you want and it will be added
to the "Calculated Charts" list.
3. On the Dynamic menu click on Animate Page.
4. Expand the "Multiple Charts" category by clicking on the plus sign to the left of
5. Double-click on the Transits and Progressed Page [tranprog.pag]. This action
will open a window allowing you to assign the charts.
6. Assign the Natal chart as Chart 1 (Natal base chart, Fixed Base Chart)
7. Assign the Transit chart as Chart 2 (Event base chart, Transits)
8. Assign the Progressed chart as Chart 3 (Natal base chart, Secondary
9. Click on the OK button
10. As you step the charts through time, you will see the relevant movements of
planets and aspects in three of the four wheels (not the natal chart).
For assistance assigning charts in the (Animate) Transits and Progressed Page
dialog see Selecting Alternative Chart Types
A major dasa cycle runs for 120 years and it is further sub-divided into sub-dasas
also known as bhuktis. If you open a natal chart and use a Vedic zodiac, like Lahiri,
you can display the dasa periods for that natal chart. There are three pages you can
use to display Dasas for a chart.
1. Highlight two charts on the "Calculated Charts" list, e.g. one a natal chart and
the other a transits chart
2. Click on the View menu
3. Click on BiWheel
4. In the "View Chart" window click on the Pages button
5. Expand the "Vedic" category by clicking on the plus sign to the left of it
6. Click on BiWheel with Dasas [bl_dasas.pag]
7. Click the OK button
[C] (for a BiWheel e.g. for a natal chart and transits - dasas > 120 yrs)
For example, if you are a mundane astrologer wanting to use an older country's
chart, like the USA chart, with the current transits displayed around the outside
then you can.
1. Highlight two charts on the "Calculated Charts" list, e.g. one the USA chart and
the other a Transits chart
2. Click on the View menu
3. Click on BiWheel
4. In the "View Chart" window click on the Pages button
5. Expand the "Vedic" category by clicking on the plus sign to the left of it
6. Click on BiWheel with Dasas (> 120 years) [bi_dasas2.pag]
7. Click the OK button
Three triwheels with names all starting with "TriAspects..." show the aspects
between two of the charts in the triwheel. Each triwheel shows the aspects for a
different combination of two charts (i.e chart 1 to chart 2, chart 2 to chart 3, chart 1
to chart 3). It is recommended to use an Aspects file that uses tight orbs, and an
Aspected Points file that only includes a small number of essential points,
otherwise the number of aspect lines on the screen can often be an impenetrable
mass that is difficult to read clearly.
Some objects on the displayed page (such as wheels, grids and tabulations) have
properties that may be edited in place, without the need to first open the page design in
the page designer.
Place the mouse over an object on the displayed chart or page image and click on the
right-hand mouse button. If the object has any editable properties, then the first item on
the menu will be "Properties of <ObjectType>...", and selecting it will display a small
pop-up dialog which allows you to edit these properties.
Cj Object Properties
Property Value
||I Points File I Default (PLAN&AST) t
Aspect File Default (standard)
Rulership Level 1 - Modern
E xtra R ing File D efault (JAYN E HYP)
| Wheel File
Select Points File
.>) ''
Cancel Save
— m _ —
When this dialog appears, it contains a list of properties that may be edited in the
selected page object, and the values to which they are currently set.
Properties that have no predefined value are shown as "Default", followed by the name
of the current Solar Fire default value that applies in the absence of a specifically
selected value. For example, the Points File value is "Default (PLAN&CFI)", which means
that this object has no Points File value, and therefore Solar Fire's current default points
file will be applied when this object is displayed, and that the current default points file
happens to be "PLAN&CFI.PTS".
• Aspect File - for any object that requires an aspect file selection.
• Modulus - for any object that uses a modulus value (such as a sort strip).
• Maximum Orb - for any object that uses a maximum orb (such as an aspects list).
• Parts File - for objects that require an Arabic Parts file selection.
• Extra Ring Points File - for objects that require an extra ring points file selection.
» To edit a property
If the current value of this property is not a "Default" value, then the edit box below
the list will be set to that value, ready for you to edit.
If the current value of this property is a "Default" value, then the edit box below the
list will remain empty, ready for you to enter a value if you wish.
• For properties which are file names - click on the > button to open a file selection
• For properties which have a pre-set list of possible values - click on the down-arrow
to scroll through the list of values and select one.
• For other properties - type the new value directly into the edit box.
After you have edited each property, its new value will be displayed in the list.
• Move the cursor into the edit box, delete any text in it, and then press the Enter
Note: Only the currently displayed page size is affected by any changes you make
in this way. Page designs may contain multiple page sizes. If you wish to alter
properties of objects in any other page sizes {such as the page size which is used
when printing the page), then you must open the page file in the Page Designer and
edit the objects in each page size individually, as required.
This chapter describes how you can use Solar Fire's Chart Conversion Utility to import
and/or export natal type charts to or from chart files created by Solar Fire or various
other astrological software, as well as sending chart details to text files.
Note that you can also export planetary type data such as longitudes and latitudes -
please refer to Exporting Data to Text Files for further details.
This utility searches for and processes only the natal chart records in your chart files. It
does not import or export derived-type charts such as progressed charts, solar and lunar
returns, and composite charts, for example.
Note: The ASCII text data that can be imported or exported using this utility can consist
only of chart details such as name, date, place, timezone etc, and cannot include
planetary or house data such as planetary and house cusp longitudes, declinations etc. If
you wish to export planetary type data from Solar Fire, then you must use the Export
Charts as Text... item from the Chart menu, instead. See Exporting Data to Text Files for
further details.
Note: Solar Fire is able to open, read and save charts in Nova type chart files directly,
without the need to import or export chart files. Hence, if you are using Nova type chart
files, then you do not need to import or export using this utility them unless you want to
do so.
The difference between this utility and the "Import Charts & Settings" option on the
"Utilities" menu is that this utility can import or export charts from/to a whole range of
chart files (only) of different program origin and/or Solar Fire versions stored somewhere
on your computer, an external disk or network, whereas the "Import Charts & Settings"
option can import a whole range of user and settings files, including chart files, {but only
if they are part of a previous version of Solar Fire installed somewhere on your computer,
an external disk or network).
The "Chart Conversion Utility" can import notol type charts from any of the following
types of chart files...
• Solar chart files - This feature is useful for importing charts created in current or
earlier versions of Solar Fire (vl/2/3/4/5/6,7), Solar Maps, Solar Spark or Solar
• JigSaw project files -JigSaw vl or v2 project files have the extension .DAT.
• Nova chart files - Nova and Nova-series software has charts in files with the
• QuickCharts chart files - QuickCharts saves charts in files with the extension .QCK.
• ASCII files - These can be text files that contain chart data in fixed length or comma
quote delimited format, with a file extension of .ASC, .TXT or .DAT.
• Other file formats - Any additional file formats which are added after publication of
this manual
Note: This utility cannot import Win*Star charts directly. However, if you convert your
Win*Star charts into QuickCharts format first (or alternatively into an ASCII text file),
then these charts may be imported with this utility.
The "Chart Conversion Utility" can export natal type charts to any of the following types
of chart files...
• ASCII files - These can be flexibly defined to contain selected chart details in fixed
length or comma quote delimited format.
• From the Start button select All Programs / Esoteric Technologies / Solar Fire v9 /
Chart lmport_Export.
After the utility loads. Solar Fire displays a chart conversion dialog containing three
tabbed dialogs.
• Import From - To select the file from which data will be read
• Save To - To select the file to which data will be exported or written
• Options - To select various conversion options
1. Select the required File Type from the Chart Type to Import From drop-down list
box. This selection determines which file types will be visible in the file list below.
2. Select the required Drive from the drop-down list of drive names.
3. Select the required Folder by navigating through the folders. Each time you change
the folder, the list of files available to import from will be updated, to reflect the
newly selected location. When you have selected the required folder, all the files
of the selected chart type that are in that folder will be listed in the file list.
4. Select the required file from the file list. When you do so, the "Import From" box at
the bottom of the dialog will be updated to give the full path and file name of your
selected file. Save To
In the "Chart Conversion Utility" you have the option of saving (exporting) charts either
into a new file, or to be appended to an existing file.
1. Select the required File Type from the Chart Type to Save Into drop-down list box.
This selection determines which file types will be visible in the file list below.
2. Select the required Drive from the drop-down list of drive names.
3. Select the required Folder by navigating through the folders. Each time you change
the folder, the list of existing files of the selected type will be updated, to reflect
the newly selected location. When you have selected the required folder, all the
files of the selected chart type that are already in that folder will be listed in the
file list. If you are importing chart for use in Solar Fire, then you should select
\Solar Fire User Files\Charts folder (or whichever other folder you are using to
store its chart files).
4. If you wish to save your charts into a file that already exists, then select the
required file from the file list.
5. If you wish to save your charts into a new file, then enter a new file name into the
File Name to Save Into box. When you do so, the "Save To" box at the bottom of
the dialog will be updated to give the full path and file name of your selected file.
If you omit the file extension, then the correct extension type will be appended to
the file name automatically when the file is created. Options
You can set various options that control the importing and exporting process. New Solar Fire Chart Files
This "Chart Conversion" option is used only when you are saving charts into a new Solar
type chart file. It determines the internal format of any Solar type chart file which is
created by this utility.
• Create vl/2 format chart files - Newly created chart files will be compatible with
Solar Fire vl and v2 only.
• Create v3/4 format chart files - Newly created chart files will be compatible with
Solar Fire v3 and higher, but when used with Solar Fire v5 and higher cannot be used to
store non-natal type charts, chart ratings or source comments. Choose this option if
you wish to create chart files that can be used by owners of Solar Fire v3 and v4.
• Create v5 format chart files - Newly created chart files will be compatible with Solar
Fire v5 and higher but when used with Solar Fire v6 higher cannot be used to store Life
Events. Choose this option if you wish to create chart files that can be used by owners
of Solar Fire v5.
• Create v6 or higher format chart files - Newly created chart files will be fully
compatible with Solar Fire v6 or higher versions, but cannot be used with any older
version of Solar Fire. Choose this option if you want to be able to save Life Events with
your charts. Default House System
This "Chart Conversion" option is used only when you are saving charts into a Solar type
chart file.
The default house system that is selected in this drop-down list is applied whenever the
chart data that is being imported does not have a house system stored with it, or has a
house system that is not recognized in Solar Fire.
If the Force all converted charts to use this house system option is checked, then all
imported charts are given the default house system, regardless of what house system
may be stored in the imported chart. Default Zodiac
This "Chart Conversion" option is used only when you are saving charts into a Solar type
chart file.
The default zodiac that is selected in this drop-down list is applied whenever the chart
data that is being imported does not have a zodiac stored with it, or has a zodiac that is
not recognized in Solar Fire.
If the Force all converted charts to use this zodiac is checked, then all imported charts
are given the default zodiac, regardless of what zodiac may be stored in the imported
chart. Default Coordinates
This "Chart Conversion" option is used only when you are saving charts into a Solar type
chart file.
The default coordinate system that is selected in this drop-down list is applied whenever
the chart data that is being imported does not have a coordinate system stored with it,
or has a coordinate system that is not recognized in Solar Fire.
If the Force all converted charts to use these coordinates option is checked, then all
imported charts are given the default coordinate system, regardless of what coordinate
system may be stored in the imported chart.
You can either select a pre-defined ASCII format from the drop-down list, or click on the
Edit ASCII Formats... button to create new ASCII format definitions, or edit or browse
existing ASCII format definitions.
See Editing ASCII Definitions for instructions on editing ASCII format definitions.
Once you have selected all the required options, you can start the conversion by clicking
on the Convert button. If the "Save To" file already exists, then you will be prompted
whether or not you wish to append new charts after any existing charts in that file.
When the process has finished, you will be notified how many charts were successfully
Note: If you import a Solar Fire chart file, then any comments associated with the charts
in that file will also be imported.
These two modules both allow you to search using a variety of simple or advanced
criteria, such as for a planet being in specified house or sign, a particular aspect being
formed between two planets, a specified aspect pattern existing, the moon being void of
course, and many others.
As well as searches using a single condition, you can combine criteria to perform
complex searches involving many different factors. For example, you could search for the
Moon in either Taurus or Gemini, and the Sun in the 7th house square Uranus.
The Electional Search module allows you perform searches through time, and presents
a list of matching periods of time during which the criteria are satisfied. It also lists
times when exact aspects are formed or other exact criteria reached, where relevant.
You can search for purely mundane conditions on their own (involving transiting
positions), or you can search for transiting positions in relation to a given radix chart.
The Chart Search module allows you to search through your stored charts, and presents
a list of stored charts that satisfy the criteria. In addition to astrological criteria, this
module also allows you to use chart data criteria in a search (such as chart name, date,
time, house system etc). You can search based purely on the information in the stored
charts, or you can search for stored chart positions in relation to a given radix chart.
• From the Chart Database dialog, click on the Find... button and select the Chart
Search menu item.
This will display the Chart Search dialog, which initially displays the last selection
criteria that you used.
Point or Cusp
Dignity Type
Add... Remove Clear j In Rulership '|
Rulership Level
Chart for Radix Positions
T raditional J
[Natal 1 Graham Dawson ■3
List ol Search Conditions
FIND ^ in T
AND t. Any Flard Aspect i. r Show Advanced Options
In Ruleiship fTraditionall
Add FIND (/* In Rulership (Traditional)
You have three different options to determine which chart file{s) are searched...
• Current chart file - this option shows the name of the currently selected chart file.
If selected, only this file will be searched.
• All Chart Files in \Solar Fire User Files\Charts folder - If selected, then all charts
files in the Charts folder of Solar Fire will be searched.
• Selected Chart Files - If selected, then only those chart files listed immediately
below will be searched. Note that you may select any chart files from any folders.
2. If necessary, navigate to the folder in which the required chart file/s reside.
3. Highlight one (or more) chart files that you wish to add to the search.
Note: You can include multiple chart files at once by using the Mouse + Shift or Ctrl
1. Highlight the file that you wish to remove from the search.
• Select any calculated chart from the Chart For Radix Positions drop-down list.
If you wish to use a chart which is not in this list, then you must first cast or open that
chart, after which it will be available in this list for selection.
Note: Many searches do not involve radix positions, in which case the chart selected
here is not relevant. However, if you do use a search condition that involves a
condition including a radix chart position, then this is the chart that will be used.
• Location - the latitude and longitude to use when criteria involve chart angles
and/or houses
• Timezone - the default timezone to use for the specified time period to search
and for the output results
• House System - the house system to use when criteria involve house cusps or
4. Click on the button in the Location and Settings for Search frame.
Place. _ Adelaide
Country (Australia
_gone... UT +0:00 r Auto DST
Latitude ) 34*3 55"
Longitude |1384E35'
House System Placidus
Zodiac T ropical
Cancel iOK]
• Use default location and settings - Choosing this option ensures that your
current default location and settings are used for the search.
• Specify my own location and settings - Choosing this option allows you to enter
the required place details and other settings in the Location and Settings frames
» To ensure that the results of the search include automatic timezone change for
daylight savings periods
7. Select any calculated chart from the Chart For Radix Positions drop-down list.
If you wish to use a chart which is not in this list, then you must first cast or open
that chart, after which it will be available in this list for selection.
Note: Many searches do not involve radix positions, in which case the chart
selected here is not relevant. However, if you do use a search condition that
involves a condition including a radix position, then this is the chart that will be
When the Search dialog box is first displayed, the "List of Search Conditions" area
contains whatever search criteria were last used here. You can re-use these criteria, edit
them or clear them to start afresh.
To make this search tool as simple to use as possible, there is an option whether to
display advanced options or not. The advanced options allow you see and use point and
aspect modifiers (explained in more detail later), which give much greater power over
the types of conditions that may be specified. It is expected that only advanced
astrologers will want to use these, and unless you need this extra power, you may prefer
to leave the advanced options switched off.
The "Search Condition Selection" box contains a series of tabs, each of which allows
you to specify a different type of condition.
The types of search conditions available from each tab are described individually in the
sections below. In Sign
When composing chart search conditions, "In Sign" allows you to select...
• A Planet, Point or Cusp - any of Solar Fire's standard chart points, or any of the 12
house cusps
• A Modifier - a modifier to apply to the selected point or cusp, such as the ruler of
that point, the degree almuten of that point, the antiscia of that point, the contra-
antiscia of that point.
• A Sign or Sign Type - any of the 12 signs, any sign element, any sign mode or either
sign polarity.
Examples: Mars in Cancer; The Traditional Ruler of the 5th House Cusp in a Fixed Sign;
the Antiscia of the Ascendant in Taurus. In House
When composing chart search conditions, "In House" allows you to select...
• A Planet, Point or Cusp - any of Solar Fire's standard chart points, or any of the 12
house cusps
• A Modifier - a modifier to apply to the selected point or cusp, such as the ruler of
that point, the degree almuten of that point, the antiscia of that point, the contra-
antiscia of that point.
• A House or House Type - any of the 12 houses, any house mode or above horizon
Also, for Chart Searches only, whether the house placement relates to the houses of...
• The same chart - i.e. the houses of the chart you are searching (the selected radix
chart is not used)
• The radix chart - i.e. the houses of the selected radix chart for this search
or... for Electional Searches only, whether the house placement relates to houses
• The transiting chart - i.e. the houses varying with time (the selected radix chart is
not used)
• The radix chart - i.e. the houses of the selected radix chart for this search
Examples: Mars in 4th House; The Traditional Ruler of the 5th House Cusp Above Horizon;
the Antiscia of the Ascendant in a Cardinal House. In Aspect
When composing chart search conditions, "In Aspect" allows you to select...
• A First Planet, Point or Cusp - any of Solar Fire's standard chart points, or any of the
12 house cusps
• A First Point Modifier - a modifier to apply to the selected point or cusp, such as
the ruler of that point, the degree almuten of that point, the antiscia of that point,
the contra-antiscia of that point.
Also, for Chart Searches only, whether the second point's placement relates to...
• The same chart - i.e. the aspect occurs between the two points in the charts being
searched (the selected radix chart is not used)
• The radix chart - i.e. the aspect occurs from the first point in the charts being
searched to the second point in the selected radix chart
or ... for Electional Searches only, whether the second point's placement relates
• The transiting chart - i.e. the aspect occurs between the two transiting points (the
selected radix chart is not used)
• The radix chart - i.e. the aspect occurs from the transiting first point to the second
• Any Aspect - Any one of the aspects which is switched on in the currently selected
aspect set, using the orbs defined within that aspect set.
• Any Soft Aspect - Any one of Conjunction, Trine, Sextile, using the orbs defined for
those aspects within the currently selected aspect set, regardless of whether or not
they are individually switched on in the aspect set.
• Any Hard Aspect - Any one of Opposition, Square, SemiSquare, SesquiSquare, using
the orbs defined for those aspects within the currently selected aspect set,
regardless of whether or not they are individually switched on in the aspect set.
Examples: Mars conjunct Saturn; The Traditional Ruler of the 5th House Cusp in any
applying aspect to the Ascendant; The antiscia of the Ascendant in applying soft aspect
to the almuten of the 9th House Cusp.
Note: The aspect orbs that will be used in the search are those natal orbs specified in
the currently selected aspect set, as specified in the "Aspect Set" box at the bottom of
this dialog. If you wish to change the orbs, then you can either edit this aspect set, or
select a different aspect set. In Phase
When composing chart search conditions, "In Phase" allows you to select...
• A First Planet, Point or Cusp - any of Solar Fire's standard chart points, or any of the
12 house cusps
• A First Point Modifier - a modifier to apply to the selected point or cusp, such as
the ruler of that point, the degree almuten of that point, the antiscia of that point,
the contra-antiscia of that point.
• A Phase - any individual phase division of 2, 4 or 8 in zodiacal longitude.
Also, for Chart Searches only, whether the second point's placement relates to...
• The same chart - i.e. the phase occurs between the two points in the charts being
searched (the selected radix chart is not used)
• The radix chart - i.e. the phase occurs between the first point in the charts being
searched and the second point in the selected radix chart
or... for Electional Searches only, whether the second point's placement relates to...
• The transiting chart - i.e. the phase occurs between the two transiting points (the
selected radix chart is not used)
• The radix chart - i.e. the phase occurs between the transiting first point and the
second point in the selected radix chart
Examples: Moon in Phase 1 of 2 with Sun; The Traditional Ruler of the 5th House Cusp in
Phase 3 of 4 with the Ascendant.
Note: The phase is determined by the angle of the first point in relation to the second
point i.e. by how far the first point LEADS the second point in the zodiac. Therefore Moon
in Phase 1 of 2 with the Sun means that the Moon leads the sun by between 0 and 180
Note: With the Moon as the first point; and Sun as the second point, these phases are
typically given the following names... At Position
When composing chart search conditions, "At Position" allows you to select...
• A Planet, Point or Cusp - any of Solar Fire's standard chart points, or any of the 12
house cusps
• A Point Modifier - a modifier to apply to the selected point or cusp, such as the
ruler of that point, the degree almuten of that point, the antiscia of that point, the
contra-antiscia of that point.
Examples: Mars conjunct 23TaOO'; The Traditional Ruler of the 5th House Cusp in any
applying aspect to 17Cp30'; The antiscia of the Ascendant in applying soft aspect to
Note: The aspect orbs that will be used in the search are those specified in the currently
selected aspect set, as specified in the "Aspect Set" box at the bottom of this dialog. If
you wish to change the orbs, then you can either edit this aspect set, or select a
different aspect set. In Dignity
When composing chart search conditions, "In Dignity" allows you to select...
• A Planet, Point or Cusp - any of Solar Fire's standard chart points, or any of the 12
house cusps
• A Point Modifier - a modifier to apply to the selected point or cusp, such as the
ruler of that point, the degree almuten of that point, the antiscia of that point, the
contra-antiscia of that point.
• A Rulership Level - any one of the available rulership level types, such as Modern,
Traditional, Esoteric. This is relevant only for those dignity types that vary
according to rulership level i.e. rulership, exaltation, detriment, fall, and accidental
dignity by house. For other dignity types it is ignored.
Examples: Moon in its Modern Rulership; Venus is cazimi; Modern Ruler of the Sun is
Note: The orbs used are: cazimi 0o17'; combust 8a30'; under Sun's beams 17o00'. Is Planet
When composing chart search conditions, "Is Planet" allows you to select...
• A Planet, Point or Cusp - any of Solar Fire's standard chart points, or any of the 12
house cusps
• A Point Modifier - a modifier to apply to the selected point or cusp, such as the
ruler of that point, the degree almuten of that point, the antiscia of that point, the
contra-antiscia of that point.
• Any Planet - out to Pluto only
Examples: Modern Ruler of the Moon is Mercury; Almuten is the 10th House Cusp is
Saturn. Consideration
When composing chart search conditions, "Consideration" allows you to select any one
of the following considerations...
• Moon is Void of Course - this occurs after the Moon makes it last aspect in any
sign until its ingress into the next sign, using Conjunctions, Oppositions, Trines,
Squares and Sextiles, with aspects to the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, and optionally also to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, depending on which user-
defined void of course definition has been selected.
• Moon is VOC (Lilly method) - this is the same as above except that only planets
out to Saturn are used (i.e. ignoring Lunar aspects to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto),
and the signs Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces are deemed never to have void
of course occurring in them.
• Moon is Waxing - this occurs when the Moon leads the Sun by between 0 and 180
• Moon is Fast - this occurs whenever the Moon is traveling at faster than its
average rate of travel (i.e. faster than 13o10'35" per day).
• Moon is in via Combusta - this occurs when the moon is between 15° Libra and 15°
• ASC is near sign boundary - this occurs when the Ascendant is within 3° of any sign
boundary (i.e. less than 3° or greater than 27° of any sign).
• Sun is Above Horizon - this occurs when the Sun's is above the Ascendant/
Descendant axis.
This displays the Aspect Pattern dialog allowing you to browse through the available
patterns, and see a preview of the pattern showing its shape and individual aspect
Note: The chart points that will be used in the search are those specified in the currently
specified pattern points set. If you wish to change the selection of points to use, then
you can either edit this point set, or select a different point set by clicking on the >
button to the right of the Pattern Points box. In particular, it is important to decide
whether you want chart angles (such as the Ascendant and Midheaven) to be included in
your search. If you are doing an Electional Search, and you include any chart angles, then
the search will take much longer (and produce many more hits) because the chart angles
move so quickly, if you are doing a Chart Search, this factor is not relevant, but you may
still want to decide whether or not you are interested in pattern involving the chart
angles, or whether you prefer to limit the search only to planets, for example.
Note: The aspect orbs that will be used in the search are those specified in the currently
selected aspect set, as specified in the "Aspect Set" box at the bottom of this dialog. If
you wish to change the orbs, then you can either edit this aspect set, or select a
different aspect set by clicking on the > button to the right of the Aspect Set box. Coordinates
When composing chart search conditions, "Coordinates" allows you select...
• A Planet, Point or Cusp - any of Solar Fire's standard chart points, or any of the 12
house cusps
• A Point Modifier - a modifier to apply to the selected point or cusp, such as the
ruler of that point, the degree almuten of that point, the antiscia of that point, the
contra-antiscia of that point.
• A Comparison Type - Less than (<), Less than or equal to (<=), Equal to (=), Greater
than or equal to {>=), Greater than (>)
Examples: Sun Longitude is >= 15oTa00'; Moon Speed in Longitude is >= 13010'35";
Midheaven Altitude > 75o00'
Note: If you wish to test for a range of values, then you must create two conditions
combined with a Boolean operator. For example, to test for the Sun being in the 3rd
decanate of Libra, you would need to use two conditions combined with an AND operator
i.e. Sun Longitude >= 20oLi00' AND Sun Longitude < 0oSc00'.
When composing chart search conditions, "Chart Details" allows you to select...
• A Comparison Type - For chart details types which are numerical, date, time,
latitude or longitude types, the available comparison types are Less than (<), Less
than or equal to (<=), Equal to (=), Greater than or equal to (>=), Greater than {>).
For string type chart details, the available comparison types are "contains" (the
item being searched contains the comparison value anywhere), "starts with" (the
item being searched contains the comparison value starting at the beginning only),
"contains word" (the item being searched contained the comparison value as a
whole word i.e. separated by at least one space from any other characters in the
searched value).
• A Comparison Value - the types of comparison value required depends on the chart
details type. String type chart details require a character string comparison value.
Date type requires a date comparison value. Time type requires a time comparison
value. Latitude requires a geographic latitude comparison value and Longitude
requires a geographic longitude comparison value.
• Chart Type - the name of this chart type e.g. Natal, Progressed, Prenatal (string
type value).
• Zone - the chart's timezone offset in decimal hours (numerical type value)
• Coords - the chart's coordinate system i.e. Geocentric of Heliocentric (string type
• Zodiac - the chart's zodiac type e.g. Tropical, Lahiri, Fagan-Allen (string type value)
• Houses-the chart's house system name e.g. Placidus, Koch, Equal Houses (string
type value)
• Rating - the chart's source rating e.g. AA, A, B, C, DD, X, XX (string type value)
• File - the name of the file in which this chart is stored (string type value)
• Folder - the name of the folder, including the full pathname, in which this chart's
file resides (string type value)
• Rec - the record number where this chart is stored in its file (numerical type value)
• Days to Birthday - days remaining until next birthday from current date, from 0 to
365 (numerical type value)
• Comments - comments text stored with this chart (string type value)
• Day of Week - the name of the day of the week for the chart date (i.e. "Monday",
"Tuesday", etc.)
Examples: Name contains "Bush"; Latitude is > CHMOO'; Days to Birthday is < 30; Rating
matches "AA"; Day of Week contains "Sunday"
Note: If you wish to test for a range of values, then you must create two conditions
combined with a Boolean operator. For example, to test for times between 9am and 5pm,
you would need to use two conditions combined with an AND operator i.e. Time >= 9am
AND Time < 5pm.
Some chart shapes also have a key planet (e.g. "lead" or "handle" planet), in which
case you can also select
• A planet as the key planet relating to this shape, or "Any Planet" if you don't mind
which planet is the key one
Examples: Chart contains "Bowl" with Mercury as "Lead Planet" ; Chart contains
"Locomotive" with Any Planet as "Lead Planet"; Chart contains "Bucket" with Sun as
"Handle Planet".
Note: "Chart Shape" searches always include only a standard planet set (Sun, Mon, Mer,
Ven, Mar, Jup, Sat, Ura, Nep, Plu). You cannot change this behavior, as the chart shape
definitions rely on using this fixed set, and would not produce meaningful results with
any less or more points included. Midpoint
When composing chart search conditions, "Midpoint" allows you to select...
• "Orb" - any degree value available on the drop-down list, or any other value typed
in by the user
Also, for Chart Searches only, whether the second midpoint's placement relates to...
• The same chart - i.e. the contact occurs between the two midpoints in the charts
being searched (the selected radix chart is not used)
• The radix chart - i.e. the contact occurs from the first midpoint in the charts being
or... for Electional Searches only, whether the second midpoint's placement relates
• The transiting chart - i.e. the contact occurs between the two transiting midpoints
{the selected radix chart is not used)
• The radix chart - i.e. the contact occurs from the transiting first midpoint to the
second midpoint in the selected radix chart
A/ote; To specify a normal chart point instead of a midpoint, simply ensure that both the
A and B points are the same point.
In the "Search" dialog box, after composing a search condition (as described in the
previous section) you must add it to the "List of Search Conditions" before the search can
be started.
If you have only a single condition to search for, and the list of search conditions is
empty, then the condition will be automatically added to the list when you click on the
search button.
Otherwise, if you create a search condition, and click on the search button before adding
it to the list, then you will get a warning message reminding you that you have not added
it yet, and allowing you to cancel the search in order to do so, if you wish.
You have the ability to either add your new condition to the end of the list, or to replace
any existing condition on the list with your new condition.
1. Compose your new condition using the Search Condition Selection options.
2. Click on the Add button.