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Mechanical Engineering Program

Faculty of Engineering

Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Laboratory Sheet

Course : KM20701 Makmal 1/ Laboratory

Laboratory : KM20103 Kekuatan Bahan/ Strength of Materials
Title of Experiment : Shear Force Measurement (Experiment 4)

Name : Ronaldo Ulisi

Matrix no : BK18110241
Lecturer name : DR.Willey Liew Yun Hsie
: MS.Karen Wong Min Jin
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering , University Malaysia Sabah

The shear force are unlligned forces pushing one part of a body in one direction ,
and another part the body in the opposite direction. When the force are alligned into
each other , they called compression tension (Megson, T. ,2014). The shear force (F)
in a beam at any section, X, is the force transverse to the beam tending cause it to
shear across the section. The force which make the right-hand side tends to slide
downwards relative to the left hand portion is taken as positive whereas the force is
taken as negative when the right-hand portion tends to slide upwards relative to left
(Chaffer, F. T. ,1952). But all the sign convention is not fix, its just to indicate the
direction difference based on our definition. The unit for the shear force is Newton.
While calculating the shear force, the banding moment also involve to determine the
shear force (Megson, T. ,2014). Nowdays, shear force have more appliaction in any
field. So its important to calculate and have knowledge about shear force.
The design of a structural member requires investigation of the forces acting within
the member which are necessary to balance the force acting externally to it. There are
4 types of internal loading that can be resisted by a structural member First is axial
force which acts along the member’s longitudinal axis and passes through the centroid
of geometric center of the cross-sectional member.Second is Shear force,an external
force applied perpendicular to the axis of a member causes an internal stress
distribution acting tangent to the member’s cross section. The resultant stress
distribution is called the shear force(Megson, T. ,2014). Third,Bending moment , when
an external moment is applied perpendicular to the axis of a member, the internal
distribution of stress is directed perpendicular to the member’s cross-sectional area
and varies linearly from a neutral axis passing the member’s centroid. The resultant
stress distribution is called bending moment (Mcdonagh, I. ,1988). Lastly,Torsional
moment is the resultant stress distribution when an external torque twists a member
about its longitudinal axis.
For the sign convention,on the left-hand face of a beam segment, the positive
internal shear force V acts downwards while on the right-hand face of a beam segment,
the positive internal shear force V acts upwards(Chaffer, F. T. 1952).

There are 3 types of main supports.The first one is a simple support, such as a pin or
hinge, that is acted by a vertical and horizontal reaction.The second one is the roller,
which gives a vertical reaction.The third one is fixed support that gives a vertical
reaction, horizontal reaction and rotational reaction.

Considering the short segment, draw the free body diagram.

∑ 𝐹𝑦 = 0

𝑉 = 𝑅𝐴 − 𝑊1 , where V is the theoretical shear.

This shear is transferred to tension on vertical spring balance, and magnitude of the
measured shear will be shown on the scale reading.

The device (ST012M) is used for the measurement of shear force at a particular
position on the beam. The device consists of two-part beam. One has a ball bearing
travelling on the flat vertical surface of the other part. An overhung adjustable spring
balance measures the shear force and an underhung adjustable spring balance is
provided to resist bending moment. The beam is simply supported on two end
bearings, one with an adjustable height. Three moveable load hangers and a set of
weights are also supplied.

The purpose the experiment is to measure shear force at across section of a beam.
The beam will set up and the weight will be put on the load hangers. So the reading of
the spring can be measure for the calculate the shear force. After that, the theoretical
shear force and the experimental value also can be compare.


1) To measure shear force at a cross section of a beam.

2) To compare the theoretical shear force to the experimental value.
Equipment and Technical Data

 Beam: 35cm for short segment, 75cm for long segment

 Weight hanger: three 100g weight hangers are provided

 Weights: 100g, 200g

 Spring balance: 2kg – overhung

2kg – underhung

End supports: 2 supports


1. Place the beam with both ends on simple supports and the underhung spring in
place to keep the two segments of beam together.

2. Place the overhung spring balance in place and adjust both underhung and
overhung spring balances again until the beam is level.

3. Record tare reading from overhung spring balance.

4. Apply weights on weight hanger to positions along the beam and adjust the
beam to be level again.

5. Record overhung spring balance reading, positions and applied weights.

6. The measured shear equals the value read from the overhung spring balance
minus the tare value.

7. Repeat experiment at least three times and use average measured value to
compare with the theoretical value.

Result and Report Requirements

d1 d2 Tare Scale Average

W1(N W2(N W3(N d3 Measured
reading reading measured
) ) ) (mm) shear (g)
(mm) (mm) (g) (g) shear (g)
1 100 500 800 200 275 75

1 100 500 800 200 250 50 58.3

1 100 500 800 200 250 50

2 100 500 800 200 325 125

2 100 500 800 200 315 115 116.7

2 100 500 800 200 310 110

Measured shear (N) Theoretical shear (N) Percentage error(%)

1.448 2 42.76
Example calculation
Fy  0
By  C y  2  2  0
By  C y  4  0        1

M 0
B y (0.7)  2(0.2)  2(0.5)  0
0. 7 B y  1 . 4  0
B y  2 N        2

By  C y  4  0
2  Cy  4  0
Cy  2N

Fy  0
RA y  RA
RA  2  2  0
RA  4 N

V  RA  W1
V  4  2  2N

Percentage error

2  0.1167(9.81)
 100%
 42.76%


Shearing force is the force acting vertically to the x-direction and known as
unlaligned force pushing one part of a body in one specific dirction, and one another
part of the body opposite direction (Mcdonagh, I. ,1988). While compression force is
when the force are aligned into each other. Shear force also can defined as force that
through a body and acting along the body (Megson, T. ,2014). For example, when
wind blows at the side of peaked roof of a house. The side walls experience a force at
their top pushing in the direction of the wind ,and their bottom in the opposite
direction from the ground of the foundation.

Shear force is the vertical force that acting on the section of beam and the section
can be made anywhwere along the length of the beam (Mcdonagh, I. ,1988). Shear
force are a function of the distance from the origin(Mcdonagh, I. ,1988). In a simple
beam, its supported by two support and also loaded by a system of forces all in the
y-direction. Basically, the beam in equlibrium with all the force and it reaction. In oder
to isolated section of the beam to be in equlibrium, a shear force are required at the
cut (Megson, T. ,2014). Other then that, vertical forces can be upward force and vice
verssa because the shear force applied to the left part of the beam by the right side of
the beam to mantain equlibrium(Chaffer, F. T. 1952).

When the beam is cutted into two part, its develop two shear force that opposite
direction. Based on the calculation from the experiment, the shear force from the left
side of the beam is 2N with postive value, indicate upward force. If we choose right
side, its just vice versa. The shear force is positive if it tends to rotate the beam section
clockwise with respect to a point inside the beam section(Chaffer, F. T. 1952). While
negative value is vice versa. But all of this is not fix, its just to indicate the direction
difference based on our definition or assumption(Chaffer, F. T. 1952).

The shear force is important to be measured because from it we can know the shear
strength of the materials(Megson, T. ,2014). So the apply shear stress or load can be
estimate to make sure the materials or beam can withstand and prevent from failure
occur. Thus, by knowing the shear force,the type of material can be choose according
to it suitability. Other then that, calculated shear force is important to decide where
section should be apply more load to make sure the beam still in equlibrium and stable
condition(Megson, T. ,2014).Shear force are also important when characterizing the
structural integrity of a bond between two surfaces. This bond could be a weld, an
adhesive bond or a friction join (Kim. ,2015)t. So basically, the failure occur dependent
on it shear stength. By doing the shear test we can determine the shear force and can
reduce the failure
One of the application of shear force is choosing component for designing the
dimensions and materials to be used for the manufacture or construction. Example,
the construction of bridge is depends on the load that will through the bridge
(González, A., Cantero, D., & Obrien, E. ,2011). So the materials that need to use can
be decide based on the shear force calculated. The larger the shear force, the higher
quality materials needed, like metal is more suitable compare to wood(González, A.,
Cantero, D., & Obrien, E. ,2011). Other than that,shear force also have applied in
designing and making the ship. For the ship float the weight force must be balanced
with the buoyancy force (Lester, A. R. ,1985). Wherever one of these force exceeds
the other, shearing stresses likely to occur. The shear force at the point or station is
the vertical force at that point. The shear force at a station may also defined as being
the total load on either the left hands side or right hand side of the station (Lester, A.
R. ,1985). Its important to calculate or to know the shear force to make sure the ship
is balance (Lester, A. R. ,1985). We can decide where we need to put more load to
make the ship stable and not break. The design of the ship also can determine if the
shear force and buoyancy force is calculated. Other application of shear force in terms
of engineering is joint analysis for joining two surface. Example is the bolted joint.
Bolted joint is the common joining method (Kim. ,2015). By knowing the shear force,
we can decide the tread dimension, joint stiffness, bolt load and the bolt stresses.
Moreover, the joining method can be choose based on the suitablity, either
riveting,welding,press fits,pins,keys or adhesives.

While doing this experiment, for sure there is still the possibility of error. The
percentage error in the experiment is 42.76%.There many factor that cause error and
mistake in this experiment. For example is paralax error, where the possibility of
human error in reading of the measurment from the hung. Other then that, the
condition of the equipment is not allow us to take the accurate reading. Example is the
spring reading is not give the same value or not return to its original position.
Systematic error also occur, such as the set up of the beam is very difficult to do.

As the ways to reduce the percentage error, make sure eyes must be perpendiular
to the scale during taking the data. Next ,to increase the accurace, repeat the
experiment at least three time and take the average to get the best reading. The beam
also need to be in a flat condition, to get accurate value.


Based on the experiment , it shows that the average measured shear force obtained
for 1N is 0.5719N, which is half from the 2N, which is 1.448N. Based on the calculation,
the measured shear for 2N is 1.448N, while for the theoretical is 2N. The measured
shear is not equal with the theoretical shear force because some error occur. The
percentage error for this experiment is 42.76%. In calculating the shear force, the sign
convention is very important. But the negative and positive value is not fix, its just to
indicate the direction difference based on our definition and assumption. In real life,
shear force is important in manufacturing and construction industry. Because from
knowing the shear force, we can know the shear strength of the materials and the
breaking point of elements. Shear force also important in designing. We can design a
strong bridge and stable ship when knowing the shear force. Other than that, shear
force is important for our safety. For example, the materials used in joining must be
high quality and strong, to make sure the bond is strong. Same goes to the bridge,ship
and other.

1. Bending Moment, Shear Force and Normal Force Diagrams. (n.d.). Engineering
Mechanics, 461–543. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5483-9_12

2. Chaffer, F. T. (1952). Sign Convention for Bending Moment and Shearing

Force. The Mathematical Gazette, 36(316), 89. doi: 10.2307/3610325

3. Mcdonagh, I. (1988). Shear force and bending moment. Mechanical Science

for Technicians, 77–90. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-7131-3445-2.50007-2

4. Megson, T. (2014). Normal Force, Shear Force, Bending Moment and

Torsion. Structural and Stress Analysis, 38–78. doi:

5. González, A., Cantero, D., & Obrien, E. (2011). Dynamic increment for shear
force due to heavy vehicles crossing a highway bridge. Computers &
Structures, 89(23-24), 2261–2272. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2011.08.009

6. Lester, A. R. (1985). Bending moment, shear force and torsion. Merchant Ship
Stability, 275–299. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-408-01448-9.50017-4

7. Kim. (2015). Force-Deformation Relationship of Bearing-Type Bolted

Connections Governed by Bolt Shear Rupture. Journal of Korean Society of
Steel Construction, 27(1), 001. doi: 10.7781/kjoss.2015.27.1.001

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