A Mini Project Report On: Industrial and Home Security System Using IOT
A Mini Project Report On: Industrial and Home Security System Using IOT
A Mini Project Report On: Industrial and Home Security System Using IOT
(Approved by AICTE, NEW DELHI & Affiliated to JNTUH- DESHMUKHI(V),
This is to Certify that Project work titled as “INDUSTRIES AND HOME SECURITY
SYSTEM USING IOT ” has carried out and submitted by N.BHARATH KUMAR
(16BH1A04A9) have done their mini project for partial fulfilment of award of degree in
Bachelor of Technology in the department of ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION
ENGINEERING from ST. MARY’S ENGINEERING COLLEGE during the academic year
The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of this project would be in
complete without the mention of the people who made it possible. We consider it as a privilege
to express my gratitude and respect to all those who guided me in the completion of the project
We are thankful to our internal guide and co-ordinator Mr MD.NAJEEMULA BAIG,
Assistant professor in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, St
Mary’s Engineering College for have been of a source encouragement and for insisting vigor
to do this project work.
We are obliged to Mr. M. APPARAO Head of Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, St. Mary’s Engineering College for his guidance and
suggestions throughout project work.
We take the opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to Sri, T.G.ARUL KUMAR
Principal of St. Mary’s Engineering college for allowing me to do this project and for this
affectionate encouragement in presenting this project work
We would like to express my thanks to all staff members who have helped me directly and
indirectly in accomplishing this project. We also extended my sincere thanks to my parents and
friends for their moral support throughout the project work. Above all we thank god almighty for
his manifold mercies in carrying out this project work successfully.
This is to certify that the work report in these is titled ”INDUSTRIES AND HOME
SECURITY SYSTEM USING IOT”, Submitted to the Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, St Mary’s Engineering College in fulfilment of degree for the
award of Bachelor of Technology, is a bonafide work done by me .No part of the thesis is copied
from books, journals or internet and wherever the portion is taken, the same has been duly
referred in the text. The reported results are based on the project work entirely done by me and
copied from any other sources. Also I declare that the matter embedded in this thesis has not
been submitted by me in full or partially thereof for the award of any degree of any other
institution or university previously.